Fortune-telling on Tarot cards “Gypsy layout. Lenormand card layouts Lenormand gypsy layout for an event

Blocks 29.11.2020


The gypsy layout of Lenormand is one of the most popular and informative fortune-telling on the deck of the French fortuneteller. However, a beginner can get confused in the interpretation of the cards, since the entire Small deck of 36 cards is used for the layout. We will try to explain in sufficient detail how fortune-telling is carried out and what these or those positions of the cards mean.

In what situations is the Lenormand Gypsy layout applied?

Usually the Gypsy alignment of Lenormand is carried out on the events of the near future. Most often, a person who turns to the Master has some difficulties or problems, and he wants to understand the situation in more detail, understand the meaning of the events that are taking place, and also open the veil of secrecy over the future. But with all this, Gypsy fortune telling gives a huge layer of information related not only to the topic of the exciting issue, but also to the life of the querent in general.

Technique of the layout

The scheme of the Gypsy layout of Lenormand can scare off beginners, because even in the Tarot one does not often find such voluminous fortune-telling. But you should not be afraid, because now we will analyze the whole process step by step.

Before starting the alignment, it is recommended to conduct a preliminary "sounding of the soil", that is, to get more information about the current state of affairs. This is done as follows: the fortuneteller focuses on the client's problem, shuffles the cards, and then asks the latter to move the deck two times - so we get three piles of cards. We turn all these three piles so that the bottom card is revealed in each of them - these three cards will give us initial information about the client's inner state and subconscious motives that he will be guided by in shaping the events of his future.

After the interpretation, when the fortuneteller received the necessary information, the deck is connected again, shuffled again. During the shuffling, it is advisable to focus on the information that you received from the three cards. And now you need to lay out the entire deck as shown in the picture. The Gypsy layout of Lenormand is carried out on 36 cards - that is how many of them are in the classic Small deck.

Rules for reading the alignment

And now let's get down to the most difficult question - how to correctly interpret this huge amount of information that the cards give us? First you need to find the querent card, that is, the blank: Man or Woman. This is the key position of the layout, relative to which the interpretation is carried out.

Position of the letterhead

First of all, pay attention to the location of the letterhead: where is it located - approximately in the center or is it offset in any direction?

  • In the center - a person lives in the present, but does not forget about the past and the future
  • Displaced upwards - feelings and emotions play a decisive role in the life of the querent, the area of ​​the unconscious
  • Displaced down - the person knows how to control the events taking place with him. If negative cards are located above the form, the querent's head is full of fears, non-existent problems
  • Displaced to the right - the querent needs to pay close attention to his past, because it is there that the key to solving the problem is hidden, and the future depends solely on the actions that he takes now
  • Shifted to the left - an important period of a person's life has ended, and now his thoughts are in the future, and the past has no influence on the current situation

Verticals, horizontals and diagonals

In the interpretation of the Gypsy layout of Lenormand, the vertical, horizontal and diagonal rows of the card that pass through the blank are of great importance.

  • Horizontal line: cards on the back of the blank (left) describe the events of the past, and in front (right) - the future
  • Verticals: cards above the form will show what will happen very soon or is already planned, under the form - events or feelings that the person suppresses, does not want to perceive
  • Diagonals provide additional information about the past and future. On the upper diagonals, we consider the conscious actions of a person and events that are understandable to him (the left diagonal is the past, the right is the future), and along the lower diagonals, internal desires, latent motives, unrecognized by the questioner (the left diagonal is the past, the right is the future)
  • The inner square is the eight cards closest to the form - they describe the most significant events in the life of this person
  • The gypsy cross is a cross made up of vertical and horizontal lines passing through the questioner's card. This cross can be used to build a time chain of events from the past to the future.


In the Gypsy layout of Lenormand, the value of the cards is assessed not only by vertical-horizontal lines, but also by houses. Each card is a house (as in astrology), which is responsible for a certain area of ​​life. The house number corresponds to the card number on the layout diagram. Each card has its own house - it is determined by its number, that is, the house of the Horseman card is the first, the house of the Tower card is the nineteenth, the Mountains are the twenty-first, etc. When a card is in its house, its qualities are enhanced and have more essential... For example, the Horseman who finds himself in the first house will indicate important news, and the Mountain in house 21 will describe a serious obstacle that will arise in the path of the questioner.

In other cases, we interpret the card according to its classical meaning in the context of the vital area, which is characterized by this house. For example, a Heart that has fallen into the house of the Ring (25) will mean a love affair, since the house of the Ring is responsible for connections, relationships, partnerships. And the Dog that got into the house of the Letter (27) will symbolize the receipt of a message from a close friend.

To make it clearer, let's look at what houses mean and what cards are considered "family" for them.

House number

The meaning of the house

House map

1 Contacts, news, news Rider
2 Chances of success, little luck, small amount of money, "little happiness" Clover
3 Travel, trips, change of scenery, sometimes - parting for a long time Ship
4 Family hearth, home, family House
5 Health, age, something strong, long lasting, sustainable Wood
6 Fears, apprehensions, insecurities, doubts Clouds
7 Workarounds, wisdom, sometimes deceit, complications Snake
8 Completion, end of business, illness, sadness, new beginning Coffin
9 Invitations, gifts, flirting, attention Bouquet
10 Dangers, sudden and unexpected events, separations, quarrels Scythe
11 Negotiations, conversations, discussions Broom
12 Excitement, anxiety, telephone calls, nervousness Owls (Birds)
13 Children, the beginning of something new, naivety Child
14 Deception, cunning Fox
15 Trust, reliability, help Bear
16 Everything magical and unusual, success, hopes Stars
17 Changes, drastic changes Stork
18 Friends, loyal people Dog
19 Isolation, separation, separation, sometimes authorities Tower
20 Public life A park
21 Mountain
22 Choice situations, decision making, opening up new opportunities Fork
23 Fears, negativity, thefts, losses, damages Rats
24 Love and friendship, affection of the heart Heart
25 Official relations, contracts, partnerships, obligations Ring
26 Study, knowledge, secrets Book
27 Receiving information in the form of a letter, e-mail, telegram Letter
28 House closely related to the blank card Man. For a male querent - an important event for him, for a female querent - something connected with a man close to her Man
29 House closely related to the form card Woman. For a female querent - an important event for her, for a male querent - something connected with a woman close to him Female
30 Harmony, spirituality, sometimes sex life Lilies
31 Happiness, vitality The sun
32 Vocation, glory moon
33 The key to solving the problem, advisers, a way out of a difficult situation Key
34 Money, material values Fishes
35 Job, profession, stability Anchor
36 Karma, fate, destiny Cross

In fact, the Gypsy layout of Lenormand is called the Big layout. In essence, this is the same fortune-telling. In this article, we have given only the basic principles of the interpretation of cards, but you can learn more about other nuances by reading

Operating procedure.

Focus and shuffle the cards. Let the questioner with his left hand remove the deck twice. We now have 3 pieces of the deck.
Flip them over so that the bottom card is exposed. These three cards provide us with background information about the situation before the layout is made.
The combination of three cards will show us the deep inner state of the questioner, his subconscious motives, which will guide his actions, shaping the corresponding events.
After you have finished interpreting these 3 cards, connect the deck. Shuffle again, focusing on the information.

We now begin to interpret all the card combinations. The decisive and turning point of interpretation is the questioner's card. The whole interpretation is based on the position of this card. This means that the meaning of each card must be in accordance with its position relative to the questioner's card. Gypsies call this form of interpretation “drawing a cross into the past, present and future”. The meaning will become immediately clear if you know the meaning of each position.

Layout structure.

The future opens in the part located in front of the questioner's card, on the right side of the layout. You will find out past events by examining the cards behind the questioner's card, on the left side of the layout. Everything above the questioner's card means either real events, or those that are expected in the near future or are planned.

Therefore, this vertical upward line is the threshold between the present and the future. All the cards below the questioner represent, figuratively called by the gypsies, “that which we stamp with our feet” - in psychoanalytic terminology “repressed” - we suppress these feelings or events in ourselves or try to forget.

Inner square. Eight cards in close proximity to the questioner's card. Reveals the most significant events in the life of the consultant.

Gypsy cross. A traditional form of gypsy interpretation. The connection is established between all the cards located on the horizontal and vertical line from the card of the questioner. Reveals a consistent time chain from the past to the future.

Diagonals. Additional information for exploring the past and the future. The upper diagonals represent conscious actions, planned events, understandable to the questioner. The lower diagonals make it possible to study hidden motives, inner desires, everything secret and incomprehensible.


The questioner's map does not always appear in the center. This should also be taken into account when interpreting:
The questioner's card is shifted to the left. The consultant has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter.
The questioner's card is shifted to the right. At the present moment, the person who has come for advice needs to deal with the past. This is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.
The questioner's card is shifted up. Feelings play an important role in the life of the counselor. It is likely that at the moment he is at the mercy of the unconscious (the unconscious, according to Freud, is unrealized drives, which, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.).
The questioner's card is shifted down. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate an excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.

Each card can play a "role" in card combinations in the BR.

But if the card falls into her own house, the qualities of the card are emphasized and enhanced (this is compared with astrology if the planet is in its sign, for example, the moon in cancer or Mars in Aries; or like the senior Arcana in Tarot).

The cards for the place number 10 - Scythe are sure to look. But, the Spit is not only a danger, it is also something that comes very unexpectedly.
At the discretion, you can consider - and other "houses" - Pisces, the Cross, and so on.

Houses in BR:

House 1 Horseman: good messages, contacts.
House 2 Clover: little happiness, little money, also chances (hopes).
House 3 Ship: trip, long-distance craving, longing, removal.
House 4 House: stability, home, family.
House 5 Wood: duration, strength, age, health aspects.
House 6 Clouds: fears, insecurity, insecurity.
House 7 Snake: smart woman, complications, detours.
House 8 Coffin: ending, new beginning, sadness, illness.
House 9 Bouquet: invitation, charming girl, non-professional creativity, hobby.
House 10 Spit: danger, separation, parting, harvest, suddenly and unexpectedly.
House 11 Broom: conversations, negotiations, discussions,
House 12 Owls: excitement, nervousness, phone contacts
House 13 Child: child, naivety, new beginning
House 14 Fox: falsity, lies, mystery, but also cunning.
House of 15 Bears: trust and help, in most cases a man, jealousy
House of 16 Stars: clarity, success, also a house of magic, the unusual.
House 17 Storks: change, change.
House 18 Dog: friendship, loyalty.
House 19 Tower: separation, separation, solitude and isolation, authorities.
House 20 Park: public, society, meeting.
House 21 Mountain: blockades, obstacles, loads, accusations. ...
House 22 Fork: solutions, new opportunities.
House 23 Rats: losses, damages, theft, negativity and fears.
House 24 Heart: love, friendship.
House 25 Ring: relationship, connection, partnership, contract, connection, commitment.
House 26 Book: secrets, knowledge, school, teaching, etc.
House 27 Letter: messages, information, contact card - email, fax, telegram, fax, etc.
House 28 Male:
House 29 Lady:
House 30 Lilies: sexuality, harmony.
House 31 Sun: energy, great happiness.
House 32 Moon: feelings, fame and recognition.
House 33 Key: Reliability Advisor Card: How Do I Find the Key?
House 34 Pisces: finance, money.
House 35 Anchor: profession, work.
House 36 Cross: fate, fate, faith and hope - also the future.

© Kotelnikova A.A., Kotelnikov A.G.
"The cherished deck of Maria Lenormand"

The cards in the Lenormand 36-card gypsy layout mean the following:

The fate of what worries you in the first place, as well as your immediate plans for the near future, is predicted, provided that these plans are of a practical, clearly defined nature:

Map: Stork

This card is a symbol of happiness. The image of a bird is closely associated with such eternal values ​​as the family hearth, homeland

Neighboring cards say:


Here we mean the prospects of fulfilling not only your momentary desires, but also broader aspirations:

Map: Owls

This card warns of possible difficulties, but at the same time advises not to give up.

This refers to consequences rather than prospects. Recognition is the determining factor and measure of success:

Map: Tower

The card means longevity and happiness, symbolizes reflection. Therefore, you need to analyze the events of your life, find mistakes and correct them.

Neighboring cards say:

Mild malaise, slight deterioration in health

It is about any hope; the more real it is, the better:

Map: Letter

The name of the card speaks for itself: the message will come to you

Potential failure due to procrastination or trust in the wrong people.

Neighboring cards say:

Paperwork, white papers

Activities related to risk or luck are considered, such as betting on the races, buying a lottery ticket, playing on stock exchange or participation in gambling, where the result practically does not depend on the person himself:

Map: Ship

This card means success in business. The ship is a symbol of movement against the current, destruction of the prevailing stereotypes. The ship is also a sign of moving, traveling

Potential failure due to procrastination or trust in the wrong people.

Neighboring cards say:

Good luck after an unexpected trip

It contains the answer to the question of whether your wildest fantasies will come true, whether you will be able to acquire what you dreamed of, but could not achieve on your own. The fancier your wish, the better:

Map: Fox

Warns of the need to be vigilant and careful, as someone from your environment is trying to deceive you!

Here we are talking about all your sorrows and worries, as well as what needs to be done to ward off them if you get down to business immediately:

Map: Rider

This card means good news that will come from afar.

Good luck sign. You can safely carry out your plans.

The experiences referred to here are for the most part far-fetched, but they can be difficult. The suits will tell you how to behave:

Map: House

This card promises: the efforts made will be crowned with success. Even if the current situation seems unpleasant, there will be an opportunity to correct it. The House also symbolizes the family hearth.

Good luck sign. You can safely carry out your plans.

Neighboring cards say:

Moving possible

Here we are talking about work colleagues, business partners and any person with whom you intend to establish connections that are important to you:

Map: Clouds

This card has a light (right) and dark (left) side. She spreads her adverse influence on one or more cards adjacent to her dark side.

The prospects are good, but you will need help from friends.

They are to be expected. Do not consider this a bad omen, but take it as a warning:

Map: Fork

The Fork card can mean the end of the next stage of life, hence - doubts and sadness. But you still have to go further, therefore the Fork invites you to think about how to live on

Expect obstacles to the implementation of your plans, especially when it comes to professional or financial problems.

Neighboring cards say:

You are on the right track

Failure and sorrow await you. If it's not too late, you should change your mind

The problems we are talking about here are personal, ranging from minor experiences to profound upheavals, and they can extend to the business arena as well:

Map: A fish

This is an auspicious card, a symbol of life, prosperity, spirituality, new ideas, luck and success. As a rule, Pisces testifies that the fulfillment of the desires of the questioner is not far off, and the result will exceed his expectations. Also, Pisces can symbolize the successful completion of a business, a reward, material acquisitions.

Expect obstacles to the implementation of your plans, especially when it comes to professional or financial problems.

This refers to all income related to guaranteed employment, as well as property in the form of cash capital, securities and real estate:

Map: Book

All secrets will be revealed soon

Expect obstacles to the implementation of your plans, especially when it comes to professional or financial problems.

Neighboring cards say:

Someone will entrust you with their secret

Incompetence, profanity

Good luck on the trip

This state of mind is achieved by everyone, although to what extent, how often and at what time it is rather difficult to predict due to many conflicting factors:

Map: Stars

The stars bestow creative inspiration.

Good luck sign. You can safely carry out your plans.

Neighboring cards say:

Literary gift

Misconceptions, False Goals, and Ideals

These feelings belong to the category of the most powerful, they can influence all areas of fortune-telling. Since the nature of your relations with people close to you is revealed here, naturally, the forecast obtained will affect all aspects of your life, reflected in other cells of the table:

Map: Snake

The fallen Serpent is an urgent advice: "If you want peace, prepare for war." The card can also mean treason or deception. loved one, jealousy, duplicity. Perhaps someone is looking for a way to harm

The prospects are good, but you will need help from friends.

Well-being here means professional success and family well-being:

Map: Scythe

Dangerous card! There is a high probability of an accident, injury, accident. These troubles can be completely avoided, but only on condition that you are ready to challenge fate.

Expect obstacles to the implementation of your plans, especially when it comes to professional or financial problems.

In this case, it all depends on your age and marital status. Predictions for adolescents are for the future, possibly distant. Young married couples will learn about their present, and older people will be able to take a retrospective look at their lives:

Map: Bear

Speaks of deception, the cause of which is jealousy and envy

The prospects are good, but you will need help from friends.

Neighboring cards say:

Grant aid, philanthropist, sponsor

Inept help that will do more harm than good

No matter how trivial it may be, worries can accumulate and present a greater problem for a person than misfortune:

Map: Lady

If you are a woman, this is you. If a man is a wife, bride, lover, mother or daughter

Potential failure due to procrastination or trust in the wrong people.

All the cards that fall into this cell can be useful if they are given a practical interpretation. However, special attention should be paid to warnings. Experience teaches us to be careful !:

Map: Child

In any case, a child means the birth of something new, so every undertaking will be successful, but in order to bring the matter to the end, you will have to be patient

Potential failure due to procrastination or trust in the wrong people.

Neighboring cards say:

Possible care of a grown child, the beginning of his independent life

Attachment to the child

In the good old days, this interpretation extended only to inheritance, considered synonymous with unexpected happiness. But now that inheritance taxes have skyrocketed, there are other varieties of heavenly happiness:

Map: Rats

Loss sign

The prospects are good, but you will need help from friends.

Here we are dealing with cases of outright deception and fraud, with which everyone happens to meet. The suit will tell you what to expect, and the value of the card will tell you the degree of danger:

Map: Lily

The card means a virtuous and dignified life.

Potential failure due to procrastination or trust in the wrong people.

The situation implied in this case involves an open confrontation: from sports rivalry to a serious conflict that can occur at any stage of life:

Map: Heart

This card means the favor of fate, it can symbolize unexpected help, joy and happiness. In love promises a blissful union

Good luck sign. You can safely carry out your plans.

Neighboring cards say:

Serious grief

The value of gifts and tokens depends largely on the value that people attach to them. However, gifts are something you want, so approach it from a practical point of view. Here's what the cards say:

Map: Rod

The rod warns of possible conflicts in the family

The prospects are good, but you will need help from friends.

Your personal life is deeply affected here; it is advisable to combine these interpretations with those in which your personal qualities are considered. In this case, the cards speak of the ability to rely on those whom you believe:

Map: Ring

This card means the conclusion of any agreement based on trust and mutual sympathy.

The prospects are good, but you will need help from friends.

Neighboring cards say:

Unsuccessful marriage, termination of the agreement

Attachment to the child

Happy marriage

We are talking about the possibility of raising your status, occupying a high position, thanks to which you are able to become a celebrity:

Map: Monsieur

If you are a man, this card symbolizes you. If a woman is a partner, husband, friend or lover, father or son

Good luck sign. You can safely carry out your plans.

A very important point showing how much you can rely on outside help in difficult times. Match it with other predictions:

Map: A park

The card indicates that an important acquaintance or the fulfillment of cherished desires awaits you. But you can't stop there

Potential failure due to procrastination or trust in the wrong people.

Here we are talking about long-term programs, not short-term ones, although the implementation of the latter largely determines the prospects for the future. Which, in turn, involves the coordination of different predictions:

Map: Clover

The card portends a resounding success, as it is a symbol of happiness and good luck. A leaf of clover inspires hope, gives courage and confidence, drives away melancholy and despondency

Expect obstacles to the implementation of your plans, especially when it comes to professional or financial problems.

Everyone involuntarily thinks about the favorable or unfavorable nature of change, whether in the classroom or in his environment:

Map: Dog

This card means a long strong friendship and testifies: you are a person you can always rely on

Good luck sign. You can safely carry out your plans.

Neighboring cards say:

True friendship

Good relationships with relatives

Relationship problems

friendship forever

This concept can fit both rock and some fatal accident, the consequences of which for you, depending on the card, can be different:

Map: Mountain

The card promises: you will quickly achieve what you want, but you can also lose what you have achieved overnight. Therefore, you cannot be overconfident.

The prospects are good, but you will need help from friends.

The older you are, the more important this card becomes, since it implies the rewards that a person usually receives at the end of his career. However, sometimes we are talking about the honors that the fortuneteller has already received:

Map: The sun

The sun is the personification of the higher forces of the universe. Luck and bright prospects lie ahead. Symbolizes fame, wealth, joy, recognition, triumph, fulfillment of desires, well-being and mood

Expect obstacles to the implementation of your plans, especially when it comes to professional or financial problems.

Bad card, to put it mildly, so you should prepare for the worst in advance:

Map: moon

This card symbolizes recognition, glory, and sometimes a penchant for adventures. Its second meaning is an indication that the time has come to delve into oneself, retire, rest

Good luck sign. You can safely carry out your plans.

Neighboring cards say:

Mental growth

Coming better times, let's hope. Luck - as one of the results of any action - comes into play every time it comes to the future, and life itself, in the final analysis, is nothing more than a successfully dropped out card in the game:

Map: Flowers

Nice card, especially for women. This is a promise of great love, early marriage, good health.

Potential failure due to procrastination or trust in the wrong people.

This refers to the presence of money, wealth and solvency:

Map: Cross

The symbol of the cross to be carried. An ordeal to pass. You must be ready to accept the challenge of fate. The cross can also mean conscious sacrifice, deprivation and suffering in the name of higher goals. This card always portends something bad.

The prospects are good, but you will need help from friends.

The considered negative qualities are, however, of great importance. By neglecting people and opportunities, you can be a loser in the long run:

Map: Key

This is an auspicious card. The key symbolizes the right decision, the way out and the subsequent movement towards new goals.

Expect obstacles to the implementation of your plans, especially when it comes to professional or financial problems.

Here the concept of "reward" is considered in a broad sense of the word: both modest honors and high awards are meant:

Map: Wood

The card speaks of the good health of a person and that his wishes will come true.

Good luck sign. You can safely carry out your plans.

Neighboring cards say:

The goal is near

How far ambition can take you, you already know from other predictions. Here, the cards will show you how strong and unshakable positions you are destined to take:

Map: Anchor

This card is always auspicious. The anchor symbolizes the strength and constancy of relationships, safety, security, trust and well-being. Also, the Anchor is a symbol of faith and hope. It is no coincidence that the upper part of the anchor resembles the ancient symbol of the Ankh - the cross of life.

Potential failure due to procrastination or trust in the wrong people.

"Can an accident or illness be calculated in prediction?" - this question interests anyone. Of course, for an accurate forecast, too much data would be required, nevertheless, maps can provide the most general indications in this regard:

Map: Coffin

This card is a symbol of disease and loss. The card signals: you need to take a break. The near future will bring changes: new ideas will arise, new opportunities for personal growth will open up

Expect obstacles to the implementation of your plans, especially when it comes to professional or financial problems.

Neighboring cards say:

Depression, discouragement, depression

Lenormand's gypsy layout is used when there is a need to find out the most important events in a person's life that will occur in a given period of time. The gypsy layout is done on a small Lenormand deck, on 36 cards, here you can also use ordinary playing cards.

Immediately you need to make some clarity in the name of the alignment. On the Internet, it is more often called the Big Lenormand layout, in Everyday life and in books it is called the Gypsy alignment. By and large, this is the same alignment as the Grand Lenormand alignment, which is described separately. The big layout on our site is described as most fortune-tellers guess on it, with details, with "horse moves", with "mirrors", with the study of the "houses" in which the cards are located, with the disclosure of combinations of cards predicting death, with describing the development of the relationship between the cards "blanks" and the study of other events. The big alignment is revealed by us more fully than the Gypsy one, it allows us to study the situation in more detail. The name Gypsy layout is used very often in practice, although it is the same layout.

The interesting period of time that you will study is set before the start of fortune-telling and shuffling the cards. When interpreting the Gypsy layout, not only the independent values ​​of each card are taken into account, but also the position of the card in relation to the questioner's card and its combination with other cards. We will characterize it according to the book by A.A. Kotelnikova. and Kotelnikova A.G. "The cherished deck of Maria Lenormand". If in fortune-telling you want to delve into the study of this alignment, then we advise you to look at the Big Lenormand alignment.

Layout technique

Before starting the Gypsy layout, you need to concentrate and shuffle the cards. Before the layout is made, it is necessary to let the questioner remove the deck with his left hand twice in order to get three parts of the deck. Flip each resulting part of the deck so that you see the bottom card. These three face-up cards provide background information about the situation. Their combination will show you the subconscious motives that guide his actions and shape the corresponding events. After you have finished interpreting these three cards and have identified the deep inner state of the questioner, put the three parts together into one deck. Shuffle again and lay out the cards according to the scheme, focusing on the information received. You will have an 8x4 + 4 layout, four rows of eight cards, and the fifth row will have four cards. After the cards are laid out, they begin to interpret all the positions and combinations of cards. The questioner's card is a decisive and turning point in the interpretation of the Gypsy layout.

All interpretation and interpretation of the alignment is based on the position of the questioner's card. The meaning of each card is interpreted depending on its position. Gypsies call this form of interpretation “drawing a cross into the past, present and future”. The meaning of the phrase will become clear when you get acquainted with the meaning of each position of the cards in the Gypsy layout.

Layout structure

After the cards have been laid out according to the scheme, it is necessary to find the questioner's card, the "blank" card. If you conventionally draw straight lines up and down from the questioner's card, then the whole layout will be divided into two parts: right and left. In the right part of the layout, located in front of the questioner's card, the future opens. On the left side of the layout, located behind the questioner's card, you will learn past events. All cards located on the line above the card of the questioner mean real events or those that are planned or expected in the near future. This vertical upward line is a kind of threshold between the past, present and future. All cards on the line down from the card of the questioner are “this is what we stamp with our feet”, as it is considered by fortune-tellers - gypsies. These cards, on the line below the questioner's card, mean not only events that the questioner avoids or tries to forget, but also “repressed” feelings and attitudes that he suppresses in himself and tries not to remember.

The cards around the questioner's card form an inner square. These are eight cards, which are in close proximity to the "blank" card, to the card of the questioner. The inner square reveals all the most significant and important events in the life of the consulted person that will occur in the near future.

The traditional form of gypsy interpretation is the gypsy cross, or large cross, which reveals the time chain sequentially from the past to the future. This connection is considered between all the cards, which are located on horizontal and vertical lines, mentally given from the card of the questioner up and down, to the right and to the left. These lines in the interpretation of the alignment carry basic information, which is why they need to be studied carefully. The vertical line drawn through the questioner's card is considered as the line of the present, and the horizontal line is studied as the line of the past and the future. Moreover, all cards are interpreted strictly along these lines.

If you mentally draw lines to the right and left of the questioner's card, then all the cards on these lines, which will lie closer to the card "blank", mean recent events. The further the card is from the card of the questioner, the longer the event is. The horizontal line is viewed from the farthest map, and the cards that will lie farthest from the "blank" will show the following: in the position of the past - the prehistory, and in the position of the future - the development of the situation, how it will end and how it will all end. The main card on the line of the future will be the one that lies near the blank in the inner square, it will show what will happen in the near future. The cards following the main one will tell you what will happen next or what will be the consequence of this main event. A favorable card at the end of the line of the future means that the forecast of events will ultimately be favorable and does not depend on which card lies next to the client's card.

Diagonals are used to obtain additional information and to study the past and the future. Diagonals are mentally drawn lines obliquely from the questioner's card. When interpreting the layout, the upper diagonals from the "blank" card represent the planned events, conscious actions, understandable for the questioning phenomenon. The lower diagonals allow you to study inner desires, hidden motives, everything secret and incomprehensible.

The position of the questioner's card

When interpreting the Gypsy layout of Lenormand, it must be borne in mind that the questioner's card is far from always in the center:

If the questioner's card is shifted to the left. This means that the consultant has ended an important period in his life, his thoughts and plans are in the future, the questioner has already completed a certain cycle of his development, and the past does not matter to him;

If the questioner's card is shifted to the right. This means that a person who has come for advice at the present moment needs to deal with his past, which contains the key to solving all real problems. The future is not yet predetermined for him and the events of the future entirely depend on what actions he will take now, in the present;

If the questioner's card is shifted up. This means that in the life of the counselor, his thoughts and feelings play an important role. At the moment, the questioner is possessed by unrealized drives, and he is at the mercy of the unconscious, which, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, is not allowed into his consciousness.

If the questioner's card is shifted down. The questioner is able to control the situation and can realistically assess what is happening. At the same time, if there are negative cards at the top of the "blank" card, this indicates excessive concern with invented problems, non-existent fears.

Let's consider an example

The man consulted a fortune teller. He wanted to know the perspective of the development of the main events of his life for a period of three years, in order to assess his capabilities at the moment and make right choice regarding work.

After shuffling the cards, he shifted the deck twice and divided it into three parts. At the bottom of each part, cards # 7 Serpent, # 12 Owls, and # 26 Book were revealed. Based on these cards, one can understand that for the next three years the main theme in his life is intellectual self-improvement, learning new things. Subsequence open cards and their meanings indicate that during these years the questioner will be surrounded by ill-wishers who will spread ridiculous rumors about him, some gossip and squabbles are coming, but the consultant will have enough wisdom to rise above petty grievances and not turn off the chosen path.

Indeed, in the future, the consultant planned to write a dissertation and is currently engaged in scientific work. After discussing this topic with the consultant, the cards were carefully mixed and laid out in the Lenormand Gypsy layout. Only those cards were revealed that relate to the cross and diagonals.

It turned out the following alignment

At the beginning of the interpretation of the layout, it is necessary to study the position taken by the questioner's card in the layout. In this case, the questioner's card # 28 Man (Ace of Hearts) is in the middle of the horizontal line and at the bottom of the vertical one. From this position it follows that for the questioner the events of the past have not yet lost their influence and relevance, and the events of the future have already “ripened” to a certain extent. The consultant is in the very middle of a certain life cycle.

The position on the vertical line, which is all above the questioner's card, above his head, suggests that the intellectual sphere occupies a very large place in his life, is of paramount importance, the consultant “lives with his mind, not his feelings”.

Now let's take a closer look at individual cards and their combinations.

Inner square. In the immediate vicinity of the "blank" card there are cards # 33 Key, # 21 Mountain, # 27 Letter, # 4 House, # 18 Dog, # 20 Garden, # 30 Lily and # 6 Clouds. Map The key in the position of the past means that the consultant has recently found a way to solve their problems, in this example we are talking about the topic of scientific research. The Horus card in the position of the future speaks of future obstacles and difficult overcoming difficulties. Card The letter above the head of the questioner's card means that at the moment he is most concerned with the problems associated with the preparation of documents and business papers. The Dog and Garden cards in the upper diagonals indicate the support of friends. The consultant has previously received help from friends and can henceforth rely on their help and advice.

Map The house below, at the feet of the questioner, is surrounded by the Cloud and Lily cards. This indicates that the counselor is not satisfied with family issues and is trying to suppress anxiety about this. The dark side of the Clouds is turned to the Dom card, which indicates serious problems in the family, in the recent past the situation was close to divorce. Now the counselor is trying to get away from family problems for work. However, the Lily card says that “virtue will triumph” and at the present time the consultant has no cause for concern.

Consider the Gypsy Cross. In the position of the past Gypsy alignment, on the left side of the alignment are the Child, Tower and Key cards, which indicate that the consulted is by nature a gentle and kind person. He enjoys the trust and respect of others. For him, the principles of Decency and Honor are important, no matter how old-fashioned it may sound. Guided by decency, he builds the building of his life on a solid foundation of eternal values. The result of his many years of work will be his real job.

The cards in the line above his head - these are the Letter, the Horseman and the Clover - indicate that he is interested in legal or "paper" cases and in the near future he should receive information about issues of interest to him and the long-awaited news on this matter.

The cards in the position of the future on the right side of the Gypsy layout - Horus, Kniga, Stork and Ship indicate that in the near future the consulted person will have difficult and persistent work in these 3 years, but the expended efforts will not be wasted. The work will not only be completed, but will also receive recognition after a successful defense. The combination of the Stork and the Ship cards hint at the possibility of emigration and relocation.

Diagonals provide additional information in the interpretation of the alignment. In the upper left diagonal, the Dog, Moon and Bear cards indicate that the consultant has powerful friends. In the upper right diagonal of the card Garden, Serpent and Broom, they talk about changes in his life that will cause envy and gossip. However, good cards in the position of the future - Pisces, the Sun - say that the intrigues and gossip of ill-wishers will not excite him very much and everything will be fine with him. "The evil intrigues of our enemies will not spoil our mass."

For a more detailed consideration of the situation, we recommend using the description Big deal Lenormand.

Gypsy layout Lenormand according to the book: Kotelnikova A.A., Kotelnikov A.G. "The cherished deck of Maria Lenormand"

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