Tarot 5 pentacles inverted. Direct and inverted meaning of the five of pentacles. The main meaning of the card

Carpet 29.11.2020

In the Tarot, the five denarii is associated with two poles of well-being - wealth and poverty. Its other name is "Five Coins", therefore, on the image of the card, you can see these five circles representing money. Sometimes it also depicts beggars, frozen people, looking for warmth among the snow in a piercing wind. Right next to them is the window of the house of wealthy people who are unaware of their existence. In astrology, the chart corresponds to Saturn in the second house (indicator of decline), the fifth and eleventh houses, Mercury in Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.

The main meaning of the card

Like any five, this card personifies the beginning of change, thanks to which life will change, but this process will not be easy. This is also the Tarot card "5 coins". Its meaning can be interpreted as an orientation towards the spiritual principle, sometimes opposing the material one. A person can lose something necessary, but get experience in return. The card protects those who live by the soul and are little dependent on earthly goods.

Five denarii predicts difficult, crisis times, can mean a literal loss of finances, business failure, inability to achieve goals, but at the same time rarely indicates serious dangers. It can also be interpreted as loss of ground underfoot, uncertainty about the future.

This is a sign that a person is leaving the calmness of stability that is familiar to him and enters into unknown lands - an enterprise that can bring more into his life than he ever had, but he is still uneasy.

5 coins is a card of a difficult period when there will be no new receipts of resources from the outside, and you should rely only on what you have now. You need to "tighten your belt" and try to hold out until the times when your affairs in this area improve. And let your every day be full of attempts to survive and stretch what little you have left for an unknown period of time, but this will lead to changes for the better.

Traditionally, it is believed that it will take only five weeks to endure, and this is often true. The beginning is rarely easy and cloudless, but habit is the main thing in any business. Over time, a person learns to live in a new way, goes into a more resourceful state, and in the end it turns out that all his sacrifices were worth it.

In love hands

Unlike the layouts for the financial situation, where this card is considered not a very good sign, love is the sphere of a more positive influence of the 5 pentacles of the Tarot. The meaning in her relationship is ambiguous, but often she predicts a love marriage, not backed up by serious material obligations. The phrase "paradise in a hut" is about her.

She panders to relationships, but sometimes in defiance of the rest of the world. This is a connection between two people, not necessarily lovers, but rather kindred souls, whose union is not approved by those around them, and therefore they have to constantly defend the status of their relationship. They may not think about changes for the better, resigned to the condemnation of others.

Sometimes the five denarii means both close separation and a break in relations, where the couple no longer hopes to awaken past feelings. More specific signs will be indicated by other cards in the layout.

Financial situation

Map "5 Pentacles" gives a poor forecast about the financial situation. She points to ruin, loss of finances and sometimes a roof over his head, the need to save every little thing, ask others, live off charity. All this applies not only to money, but also to other resources.

The reason for the financial collapse can be your own carelessness or external factors beyond your control. Hopes for improving the financial situation will not be justified, goals will not be achieved, good opportunities will be missed. But in an inverted position, this card can speak of an unexpected influx of finance..

Career opportunities

And here 5 denarii will not serve in the best way, predicting business failures, the failure of career plans and projects, the loss of a job and the inability to find it.

Another interpretation is also possible: starting a new business from scratch with limited funds. Luck may catch up with you later, but for now you need to be content with little.

Associated with patrons, sponsors, charity as a rejection of material wealth for the development of spirituality.

As a career choice, this card is suitable:

  • hospital and hospice workers;
  • nursing home staff and social workers;
  • those working in centers for the poor and oppressed;
  • less often - working in the church or associated with this area.

Health status

The card indicates serious illness, lack of energy. Major diseases:

  • limb fractures and other injuries;
  • vitamin deficiency, seasonal illness, malnutrition, anorexia;
  • loss of strength, depression;
  • negative impact of bad habits;
  • dangerous diseases such as cancer, AIDS;
  • colds, pneumonia, other diseases from hypothermia.

Inverted position

If you turn over the five of pentacles, its value will become somewhat closer to positive, but it can also turn against the questioner. May indicate an overrun of energy, its waste caused by its large amount and lack of control.

Opportunities ahead of a person may seem out of reach, distant, and difficult to achieve. The card indicates stagnation, lack of change for the better, dissatisfaction with excessive immersion in everyday affairs.

The inverted position turns this card into a door behind which peace and quiet is hidden. She talks about the approach of a calm, measured period, about the imminent settlement of affairs.... A person will find a job, be able to solve financial problems and, most importantly, peace will settle in his soul.

Combination with other cards

The five denarii is not always uniquely negative meaning... Quite often, other cards of the layout have a positive effect on him. In general, it should be perceived as the need for changes, hardships, which will certainly result in something new and better.

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The legend that with the beloved paradise and in the hut has long been walking among the people, however, how much this is so we will try to figure it out by studying the 5 Pentacle lasso in matters of love and relationships.

1. It is well known that at the moment of amorous exaltation and strong feelings, the questions of the material prospects of their couple may not worry the lovers at all, or go far into the background. However, even the wearers of the densest rose-colored glasses can, in their subconsciousness, cherish an equally rosy dream that someday their lovers will be provided with material well-being, at least in part corresponding to the size of their great feelings. Therefore, this pink dream allows you to marry on the basis of feelings, and not on the basis of a clear and thoughtful material calculation. With about such a hidden expectation, a marriage containing the energy of 5 Pentacles can arise, which, at the same time, does not speak of feelings, but that lovers have nothing behind their souls and that 5 Pentacles will be the touchstone that will be test their toughness by their true feeling.

2. Thus, 5 Pentacles in some positions in the alignment of love may indicate that the motive for marriage may be a secret or explicit desire to improve their financial situation. Whether the two partners depicted on 5 Pentacles in Waite's original deck will be able to overcome poverty is not reported by the card itself. Maybe yes, maybe no.

3. At the same time, the card itself may indicate a marriage between people of a lower class or the marriage of companions in misfortune, when one partner tries to help another. However, there is a subtle moment of intangible self-interest here. For example, a lady, due to some personal complexes, can choose a man with a disability or some pronounced shortcomings, subconsciously hoping that she will help him, and he will answer her with love, in the form in which she herself it represents. Of course, if this is not voiced and not stipulated, as is often the case, then this kind of relationship runs the risk of turning into a state of disappointment for 5 cups. In this case, it is she herself who is reliable that I think that the partner will be what I think, is a moment of hidden bargaining and self-interest, which do not have to be satisfied by the partner at all.

4. However, in general, the 5 of Pentacles card is not indicative of a bad relationship. Marriage can be amicable despite the lack of money. And the 5 Pentacles itself can be both a reflection of a certain period of relationship, and the state of marriage throughout its entire existence. There are examples when spouses, having relatively good salaries, safely eat them up and spend on all sorts of nonsense, and over time it turns out that they have a small apartment with a modest atmosphere, there is no serious property and any savings, no education, no the list of countries visited on vacation, and there are accumulating health problems and a growing lack of money, due to their falling value in the labor market and the desire to maintain their usual way of life. Accordingly, we can say that such people, even with good income, remained in 5 Pentacles, since they did not learn to plan their expenses, plan their lives, save money and set aside them for expensive purchases. In this regard, I recall the story of a friend who gave the example of a man who lived with his wife for 5 Pentacles. After he got divorced and married another, his family's wealth increased. Apparently, under the influence of his new wife, he moved to 4 Pentacles, which implies the ability to save money for some significant purchases and reasonably plan the family budget. It also happens. And it's not just a partner. He himself could exist and 4 Pentacles and 5 Pentacles, while depending on whether his partner is the Page of Cups (an infantile woman with pink glasses) or the Queen of Pentacles (an economical and zealous housewife) and will curl what the pattern in his character will be more active.

5. By 5 Pentacles, I recall an anecdote about a fortune-teller who predicted to a man that up to the age of 30 he will experience difficulties with money, and then he will get used to it. So it is with marriage when fortune-telling for the future. Neighboring cards will tell you about other nuances, however, 5 of Pentacles itself will say that both partners in this union are not inclined to strengthen the material well-being of their union.

6. If the card falls out at the beginning of the alignment, then it will not be superfluous to discuss expectations to improve the financial situation through marriage or the desire to be useful (to help a partner in his troubles). Especially you need to pay attention to this if you talk a lot about big and strong love. For young people, this can mean self-doubt about relationships and fear of creating one due to lack of money. Personally, I had a consultative case when a lady declared that she wanted to first improve her financial situation, and then find a worthy man.

7. At the same time, the 5 Pentacles itself is rather neutral than negative. Material difficulties can both help strengthen relationships, and become an insoluble problem for them and destroy them. For example, poverty may not be the main problem, but a consequence of alcohol, gambling addiction, or simply laziness and unwillingness to work. The accompanying cards will tell you how partners cope with material problems.

8. Of course, in a marriage it happens that one lives on 4 Pentacles and collects a pretty penny to a pretty penny, and the other spends money on 5 Pentacles. Well, these are already separate details that can even balance the relationship in marriage.

9. From the point of view of astrology, there can be different indicators of how much a person is shown to be poor or inclined to waste. It happens, for example, that for a lady the ruler of the horoscope is associated with the aspects of spending, and the ruler of marriage is associated with the aspects of saving and accumulating funds. Such a lady can complain to her friends that her husband is a stingy fellow, however, how much money you don’t give her, she will still spend everything. It also happens the other way around, when the husband, due to his tendency to impulsive spending, completely delegates financial responsibility to his wife, giving her all the power over the family budget.

10. In addition, 5 pentacles in the horoscope in terms of marriage can manifest itself as a defeat for the personal money manager, who is stronger in the status of the marriage ruler, with a weak ruler of the partner's money (8 houses). Simply put, such indicators indicate that marriage damages personal money and does not particularly bring money through a partner.

Note. Of course, the Ryder-White deck is not the only one and not all interpretations Lesser Arcana The tarot given in the various sources devoted to the tarot cards reflect exactly what is depicted on this card in the original Ryder-White deck. Nevertheless, the plot depicted on the cards discussed in such articles, as well as the associated associations, take place in real life and in real relationships. Therefore, the drawing of any investigated card of the Minor Arcana from the Ryder-White deck, we can consider as a completely informative resource that we can use when working with this deck or its clone in matters of interpersonal relations.

Consulting on horoscope and tarot cards

A deck of tarot cards is a versatile collection of magical symbols that allows you to create accurate predictions of the future. The interpretation of ancient signs is a particularly delicate process that lends itself only to a select few. What is the true power of the Tarot deck?

Thanks to simple images, a combination of various symbols, special layouts - an experienced magician interprets significant events of the future. To understand the intricacies of events, get an invaluable hint, learn the dangerous turns of fate - the acquired knowledge is like a real weapon against adversity.

Five of Pentacles (card in the middle) represents the loss of an exclusively material component of life

The Five of Pentacles Tarot personifies the loss of an exclusively material component of life. An unfavorable symbol should not upset the one who turned to the magical attribute of fortune-telling for help. What kind of help does the card, the representative of the earth element, provide?

Major meanings of the card Five of Coins (Pentacles) in Tarot

Ancient symbols in the context of the past, present or future, allow you to see the whole picture of the future, not only probable facts, but also feelings, prerequisites, emotional background of the participants in upcoming events.

Common meanings of the Tarot card Five of Pentacles, thanks to which it will be possible to read the forecast:

  • crisis messenger;
  • excitement in the future, strong feelings;
  • losses in monetary terms;
  • problems in professional life or business;
  • the probable threat of bankruptcy of a personal enterprise;
  • unstable income, unreliable sources of profit;
  • change of place of work.

A predominantly unfavorable card, if one follows the traditional interpretation of the Tarot deck, heralds protracted crises in the work sphere. New beginnings will not bring the desired results, and a series of troubles will completely engulf a person. Often, 5 Pentacles may indicate not so much danger as fear of losing control.

The Five of Pentacles is a sign that it will become quite difficult in the working life.

A person who is accustomed to directing his own life is most afraid of losing leadership. The questioner, who has drawn the fifth card of the suit of Pentacles in the layout, must prepare for the difficult phase of his working life, for defense and struggle. The black streak will not last forever if you follow the advice of the Five, but hard work and patience will bear fruit. It remains to wait quite a bit.

Direct position of the Five of Pentacles in the layout

5 of Pentacles tarot meaning, which is interpreted based on the position of the symbol in the layout, and predicts imminent difficulties. A difficult period, which will require endurance and the ability to adapt to the situation, will bring monetary losses.

In the layout, the Five directly depends on the neighboring cards, especially the major arcana.

Negative symbols cloud the entire forecast, and indicate serious problems not only in work, but also in housing issues.

Loss of work

The Five Pentacles card promises a deterioration in working relations. The investment will be unsuccessful, and the loss of money will be recouped on the family budget. Debt will become a burden and loans will become bondage. The time has come for the accumulation of benefits, because the questioner will face a protracted crisis.

Deterioration of health

Herald of a serious illness that only manifests itself in its later stages. The general breakdown and apathy predicted by the Five will not go away on their own. Health problems require urgent action.


Five of Pentacles in the alignment of an alliance - soon you will have a companion who will lend a helping hand

In the life of a person who has called for the help of a magic deck, a soul mate will appear, able to understand all the hardships that have arisen without unnecessary words. The strange nature of the union will scare others away, but it is precisely such a relationship that will help you survive the crisis. A companion will give a helping hand at the most opportune moment.

Waste of energy

Any relationship requires a cost vital energy... The fifth card of coins portends a useless waste of energy on a person full of doubts and anxieties. What is the difference between support and mindless altruism?

The Five card indicates significant moments in the future, in which new meetings will not always be beneficial. The questioner should learn an important life lesson - interpersonal relationships are based only on reciprocity, on the return of warmth and love from both sides.

The fifth coin card serves as a reference point in simple fortune-telling for a quick response. The monetary losses predicted by the ancient symbol will bring chaos to the life of the questioner.

Forewarned - forearmed, advises the Five from the suit of Pentacles.

The person in charge of his own life accepts any problems with a fighting attitude.

Inverted Five of Pentacles

An inverted card of Five indicates the upcoming waste of energy. The daily routine takes away the strength that may be needed for more important things. Mental emptiness, detachment from society, emotional burnout - the dangers awaiting the questioner.

In the near future, sudden difficulties will arise on the path of a strong-willed person. Disappointment in professional life, despair and lingering depression will be fully accepted by a person. The Tarot Five does not recommend getting carried away with a negative attitude.

The warning card appears quite often in the layout. A messenger of strength acquired through hardship need not grieve the questioner. Five from the suit of Pentacles predicts crises that are destined to end favorably, but only on condition that the person makes every effort to resolve the difficulties that have arisen. The five recommends stocking up on strength and optimism, because only the mood of a person depends on his future fate.

The fifth coin symbol predicts dangers that can be prevented in advance. Asking advice from the magic tarot deck is a person who needs help and support. Increased caution, diligent work and a sensitive attitude towards others will allow you to build a reliable foundation and then no problems can destroy the person who has drawn the Five card in the layout.

Tarot layout for the future of relationships

The fifth symbol of coins in the layout for the near future speaks of the questioner's feeling of vulnerability. A person who turns to a magical attribute suffers from loneliness. He feels abandoned, unnecessary to anyone. Internal attitudes prevent you from building full-fledged relationships and finding peace of mind. Man is his own enemy and friend. Obstacles to happy life are created in his head, in his thoughts and feelings.

Five predicts turning points in personal life. Only a thorough cleansing of thoughts, getting rid of obsessions and prejudices will be the first step to freedom. The feeling of hopelessness will leave the questioner as soon as he realizes the inner strength. The fifth symbol of the coins predicts a desperate struggle for happiness, which in no case should be avoided. Looking fears in the eyes, a person realizes their worthlessness and inaction.

Five of Pentacles in a relationship - you and your partner are likely to undergo a crisis

V existing relationships a crisis is likely, which will lead either to the rupture of the love affair, or to the strengthening of the partnership in the couple. Without difficulties, progress is impossible. After long troubles, the former harmony will return to the couple's relationship. Do not give up ahead of time and leave important relationships to chance. You have to fight for your own happiness.

Tarot layout for work

Map indicating the need objective view on the events taking place. The difficulties encountered may be the result of past mistakes. An ancient symbol calls out to logical thinking asking if it's time to take responsibility for all areas own life? This applies to both the good and the bad. Constant accusations against other people, life, circumstances only exacerbate the suggested trauma. An open dialogue with yourself will only be beneficial.

In the layout for work, the Five from the suit of Pentacles carries a purely negative message. Soon, serious problems may arise at work, it is possible that the questioner will face a sudden dismissal. Forced change is fraught with waste and a deterioration in overall well-being. Positive symbols that decorate the alignment for work can soften the forecast of the Five.

5 Coins combined with cards from the Tarot deck

The combination of two or more cards that make up the layout opens up a more complete picture of the events that are about to happen. Interpreting individual characters is a waste of time. Five from the suit of Pentacles is necessarily considered as an accompanying sign in the Tarot deck. Alliances of Strong Cards:

Jester and Five

The tandem promising poverty and bankruptcy darkens the whole alignment. Monetary losses are inevitable, instead of confronting fate, the questioner needs to learn how to handle it.

The High Priestess and the fifth coin card

The loss of signs and skills, predicted by a strong union of magic cards, appears in the layout only in extreme cases. The Tarot deck warns of neglect of personal growth.

Lovers and Five

The combination of cards indicates missing support and help. Have you shouldered a lot of worries?

A deck of tarot cards is a tool with which common man the secrets of the universe are revealed. To listen to them or not, the decision always remains with the one who asks the question of the magic deck. Five from the suit of Pentacles predicts certain changes in a person's life, which will not bring much joy, but will allow them to accumulate life wisdom.

Unconditional belief in the forecast should not run counter to the personal beliefs of the questioner, because Tarot does not force anyone to submit to predicted events.

Loss of material values ​​and getting important life experience in return. So in a few words it is characterized total value five of Pentacles cards. The appearance of five Coins in the alignment says that difficult trials await a person ahead, which he must overcome with honor.

In this article

Meaning in a broad sense

Crisis, monetary losses, worries associated with finances - this is how the Five of Coins is traditionally interpreted if it falls out in the alignment. Depending on the issue, the card means difficulties, loss of work, the need to save money, hard times. But you cannot interpret the meaning literally and talk only about financial difficulties. In a global sense, the card communicates a person's fears that burn him from the inside. Fears are most often associated with welfare issues.

Take a look at the classic image of the five of Coins from the Raider-Waite deck. It depicts people dejectedly wandering in the rain and wind past bright stained-glass windows. A pyramid of pentacles rises above their heads, they are depressed, shivering from the cold, in need.

The symbolism of the card says that a person is afraid of change, he is afraid to stay aground.

Remember, poverty is not just literal. Spiritual poverty is much worse than lack of money. The map is a signal that what we most fear usually happens in life. Do not bring trouble with a gloomy mood, try to think positively.

Value in the upright position

When divining on financial questions or in the future, the Five of Pentacles indicates that a difficult period awaits the questioner in the near future. Lingering lack of money, trials and problems.

  • Pentacles warn that now is not the best time lend money, they will not be returned to you.
  • In layouts for work, 5 Pentacles means an early dismissal, the collapse of the company, unprofitable investments in dubious projects.
  • Guessing on health, you should be on your guard if this sign fell out. Illness, surgery - this is what the Tarot card portends.
  • In divination for relationships, the five Denarii means the appearance of a person who will share adversity and become a faithful friend.
  • In the presence of a number of bad cards, on the contrary, it indicates a weak-willed, weak-willed partner, unable to help get out of the crisis.

Inverted value

In the inverted position, 5 Pentacles indicates that you spend a lot of vitality on small things that are not worth attention. Deprived of energy and support, a person is weak and easily breaks down under light jolts of fate, not to mention heavy blows.

The map advises to take a closer look at the surroundings. Are there people in him who are pulling you to the bottom. If the answer is yes, try to tactfully get rid of their company. Remember that we are actions, thoughts and friends.

The appearance of an inverted five of coins in the layout is a sign that a person is on the verge of despair, one step away from decisive and terrible actions.

The Pyramid of Pentacles advises to get together, pull yourself together and act decisively. But remember, you have to answer for everything. Do not take risks if the situation does not require it. Act according to logic, do not give in to momentary impulses.

Meaning of fortune-telling for business and work

When fortune-telling for work, card 5 Denarius says that a person has great difficulties ahead. Dismissal, a long search for a new place, quarrels and conflicts with colleagues and bosses. Neighboring cards will tell you what to expect.

If there are positive symbols next to it, such as Peace from the Major Arcana or the Three of Cups from the Younger, do not worry. Everything that is done is for the best. The job change will be painless, you will quickly receive a new advantageous offer.

In a favorable scenario, the card means a change of residence, up to immigration.

If the card fell on the question about the attitude of his environment to a person, then this is a signal that an oppressive and gloomy atmosphere has developed around. Perhaps in the team, someone spreads gossip, envies and spoils the reputation.

Modern tarot readers interpret the Tarot differently than their colleagues at the beginning of the last century. Each magician brings his own vision of the situation to the symbolism of the cards. Do not forget about this when you are engaged in deciphering secret signs.

Fear of the unknown is a natural human condition, but suffering and difficulties make us stronger - this is another meaning of the Five of Pentacles card.

Value in divination for relationships

If 5 Denarii appeared in the alignment of the relationship, you have a person who feels absolutely unhappy. Basic meanings.

  1. Loneliness.
  2. Loss of communication with the outside world.
  3. Inability to build harmonious relationships.
  4. Misunderstanding on the part of the partner.
  5. Family collapse.

Most often, these feelings do not manifest themselves in any way outwardly. A person becomes a hostage of fears, illusions, distorted ideas about reality. It seems to him that the whole world is against it. In fact, these are only internal problems that an experienced psychologist will help to solve.

With a number of good, positive cards, 5 Denarii means the appearance in the life of a questioning reliable and loyal partner. The losing streak will come to an end.

It is important to tune a person to expect joyful events, to distract from sad thoughts. To instill faith in the future - an experienced tarot reader can do it. Try to focus the questioner's attention on the joyful moments of life.

People and places

If the Five of Pentacles is chosen as a significator, then it suggests that we are facing an indecisive, weak-willed, fearful person. He is afraid that every step he takes is suppressed, devoid of will and will lead to collapse. Such a person does not have a clear goal in life, he is completely subordinate to fears: he is afraid of losing his job, position. Doubts about their own strengths and attractiveness.

When determining the place, the card means tedious, routine, low-paid work, organizations that collect debts, bank departments for collecting loans.

Psychological condition

Despondency, fear, weakness - this is how you can characterize the mood of a person who gets five Coins. Chronic lack of money drives into prolonged depression, which can only be cured by a specialist. The card suggests that the questioner has not smiled for a long time, there are few reasons for joy in his life, he is completely immersed in problems.

Alternatively, the Five of Pentacles indicates mental poverty. Before you is a man who thinks only about the material component of existence. Money replaced his friends and relatives, but it does not bring comfort and happiness.

Classic combination with the Major Arcana

Major Arcana Tarot can completely change and neutralize the negative value of any Minor Arcana card. Consider the traditional combinations of the Five of Pentacles and 22 symbols.

Five of Pentacles and Major Arcana.

  • The Jester and the Five of Pentacles speak of financial failure. If the questioner is going to conduct real estate transactions, it is best to refrain from them in the near future.
  • The magician warns that the situation is out of control and you are unable to influence the course of events.
  • The priestess and the five indicate an emotional breakdown, an unstable psyche.
  • The Empress foreshadows setbacks, failure, problems with partners and colleagues.
  • The emperor signals the imminent loss of a job, family conflicts and quarrels over money issues.
  • The hierophant and the five betray an insecure, notorious person.
  • Lovers warn of a possible quarrel, conflicts with loved ones. Option: You will have to make a difficult choice between money and heart affection.
  • The chariot foreshadows a serious competition in which the one who will control the situation will win.
  • Strength and five speak of chronic fatigue, apathy, depression, lack of will.
  • The hermit next to the Five of Pentacles is a signal that the questioner should beware of isolation. The loss of authority is inevitable.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is a sign that everything can change. It is only one step from wealth to bankruptcy.
  • Justice and the 5 Pentacles promise big problems: financial well-being is at stake.
  • The Hanged Man says that the man has folded his hands and does not want to fight for a place in the sun. Option: look at the situation from a different angle, perhaps the problems are not so terrible.
  • Death next to the five Denarii is a reason to think about health.
  • Moderation indicates a reluctance to fight. A person floats with the flow of life, nothing pleases him.
  • Devil plus 5 Coins - in front of you is a player, a mot, a gradually degrading soul.
  • The tower indicates an imminent change: moving to a new place of residence, health problems, conflicts and discord at work.
  • The moon says that the questioner is in the captivity of illusions, he is isolated, loneliness oppresses, life has no meaning.
  • The sun next to the five Coins is good sign... The situation is gradually improving, you are on the verge of a change for the better.
  • The court gives hope for getting rid of problems in all spheres of life.
  • The world is a positive card that completely neutralizes the negative of the Five of Pentacles. Everything will work out.

Of the cards of the Major Arcana, only three (Sun, Judgment and World) have a positive effect on the five Pentacles. In all other cases, the alignment cannot be considered favorable.

The video is devoted to how the appearance of the five of Pentacles in the layout and its influence on the fate of a person is interpreted:

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

When interpreting the alignment, pay attention to the influence of the Minor Arcana. In the absence of high cards, it can be decisive.

  • Ace and Five of Pentacles inspire optimism and faith in the future in the fortuneteller. Don't miss the chance to make amends.
  • The deuce warns of missed opportunities.
  • The three of wands say the situation will improve. Not immediately, but changes are not far off.
  • Four are plans that will never come true. Option: lost profits.
  • The five portends tough competition in the field of love and work.
  • The Six of Wands, which dropped out next to the five of Coins, is a sign that a person is making the wrong decisions. Hence - all his troubles.
  • Seven indicates the infantilism and inconsistency of the questioner.
  • The eight portends a streak of business failures.
  • Nine is a sign of crisis, moral devastation, emotional burnout.
  • Ten predicts a bad mood, poor health, constant stress.
  • Page of Wands and 5 Coins - harbingers of bad events and sad news.
  • The knight warns of impending difficulties.
  • Queen - defeat due to lack of self-confidence.
  • The king - the questioner is depressed, but the problems are actually fictitious.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Let's consider the meaning of the card in combination with the Cups.

  • Ace of Cups - the questioner is given a great chance, do not miss it.
  • Deuce - you have loyal friends who will support you in difficult times, remember this.
  • The three indicates the completion of the work begun.
  • Four - symbolizes irritation, annoyance, anger. A person is not satisfied with the results of work and its payment.
  • The Five of Cups and the Five of Pentacles speak of financial difficulties, large losses.
  • Six advises to drive away negative thoughts.
  • The seven suggests that the questioner is far from earthly concerns. Hovering in the clouds and not interested in the true state of affairs.
  • The eight portends a quarrel in the family, disagreements and conflicts.
  • Nine is a depressed state. Physical and mental pain.
  • A ten is a sign that the questioner has bad habits that affect his life.
  • The page guarantees the support of loved ones in difficult times.
  • The knight says that a person has good allies, one cannot refuse an outstretched helping hand.
  • Queen - the fortuneteller has someone to turn to for advice.
  • The King of Cups indicates the support and protection of powerful people.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Swords most often enhance the tense aspect of the Five of Pentacles.

  • The Ace of Swords warns of difficult relationships, quarrels, conflicts, family and work problems.
  • The deuce says that enemies are actively slandering behind the questioner's back.
  • The three symbolizes lies, betrayal, treason.
  • The four indicates detachment, reclusiveness, a closed lifestyle.
  • Five warns of revenge, meanness, envy.
  • Six is ​​an indicator of real estate problems. Option: relocation, change of residence.
  • Seven warns of possible mistakes due to carelessness.
  • Eight speaks of obstacles on the way to the intended goal.
  • Nine - about fears, doubts, phobias.
  • A dozen betrays suicidal tendencies.
  • Page indicates a person with limited thinking, poor imagination.
  • The knight advises to show perseverance.
  • The Queen predicts unreasonable longing, sadness.
  • The king recommends making a fateful decision. The future well-being of a person depends on it.

Classic combination with cards of your suit

Let's see how 5 Coins works in combination with our own suit.

  • The Ace of Pentacles and the Five say that the improvement is close, it remains to wait a bit.
  • A two is a sign that events are developing rapidly. The questioner is unable to influence them. Trust your intuition.
  • Three is a signal that it's time to think about the future. Your endeavors will be approved.
  • The four predicts deception, deprivation, need and grief.
  • Six of Pentacles promises assistance and assistance from loved ones.
  • Seven advises to be patient.
  • The 8 speaks of the need for important commitment and hard work.
  • The nine that appears in the layout next to 5 Denarii will give you confidence.
  • The ten says that the questioner is hiding from problems, does not want responsibility, does not want to keep his word.
  • Page of Pentacles in combination with five - to achieve the goal you need to show perseverance and diligence.
  • The knight gives out information about the doubts that overcome the person.
  • The Queen predicts material difficulties, the need for savings.
  • King - the questioner is avoided from solving the problem. Shifts the blame onto other people's shoulders.

In large hands, pay attention to all combinations of cards. Try to read the situation right away without resorting to a glossary. Listen to the first impression, which is caused by the big picture, it is the most correct one.

The video is dedicated to the fives from the Minor Arcana. It will be interesting for novice tarot readers.

The value in fortune telling on the state of health

The overall value of the card for fortune telling on health is negative. Often its appearance is a formidable signal. It is a symbol of depression, apathy, depressed state of mind, psychological problems. The Five of Pentacles warns of such ailments as:

  • malignant tumors;
  • immune problems;
  • increased fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • injury.

The Five of Pentacles cannot be called a negative card. Its purpose is to show the person that life path is never easy. There are ups and downs on it. You need to be ready for them, stock up on courage, patience and the support of loyal friends. Put your fears aside and hope for the best, then you will reach with your hand to the top of the Pyramid of Pentacles.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esotericism for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and perspectives are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

For some reason, the stained-glass window on the map is persistently associated with the window of the temple. Yes, stained glass windows are common in the church, but stained glass windows were not uncommon in England. On the contrary, the installation of a stained-glass window was often a forced decision - a large one-piece transparent glass was quite expensive.

At the sight of 5 Pentacles, a song to verses by Robert Burns performed by Alexander Gradsky immediately begins to sound

In the fields, under the snow and rain,
My dear friend,
My poor friend
I would cover you with a cloak
From winter blizzards
From winter blizzards.
And if the flour is destined
To you by fate
To you by fate
I am ready to grieve your to the bottom
To share with you
To share with you.

In addition to the stained-glass window, there is another very speaking detail- the bell at the guy on crutches. Such bells were worn by lepers.

By the way, in favor of the version that at least one leper is depicted on the map, the bandages on the guy's leg say.

Leprosy is the scourge of medieval Europe in the XII-XIV centuries. It is believed that another misfortune helped to cope with it - the plague epidemic, which mercilessly affected the already weakened body of lepers.

Lepers in those days were perceived as still living dead, and it was almost impossible for them to count on help.


  • Need
  • Poverty
  • Material losses
  • Physical and moral poverty
  • Don't see a helping hand
  • To lose everything

Key ideas

  • Pointless waste
  • Temporary financial difficulties (pay only tomorrow)
  • Lack of good health and well-being
  • Benefits can pass by

Basic meaning

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5 of Pentacles

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The meanings of 5 (Five) Pentacles (Coins, Denarii, Disks) of the Tarot - both for a straight line and for an inverted card, Waite gives an equally sad list. Material poverty, material hardship, chaos and lawlessness. A sad, hopeless card.

The modern meanings of the 5 Pentacles are practically the same as those proposed by Waite. Material losses, forced spending, fines, buying useless and unnecessary things.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - 5 Pentacles

Meaning in relationships

Open - closed card

The map is designed like a trap: easy to get in and very hard to get out. It is not impossible to find yourself in the club of the poor. But it can be extremely difficult to leave it.

The card does not interfere with communication, but it does not facilitate it either.

Relationship intensity

A value of 5 (Five) of Tarot Pentacles in relationships and love indicates a weak intensity of relations between partners. The bonds are fragile, easily broken. Group partners are easily interchangeable. Nobody is interested in anyone.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Several very unpleasant scenarios are played out in the map.

Physical and mental exhaustion. A person lacks everything: light, warmth, food. He simply does not have the opportunity to form as a full-fledged personality, either physically or psychologically. Infantile, anemic creature.

Second-hand life. Food that someone has already eaten, things that someone has already worn, thoughts that someone has already thought. Nothing of my own, everything is borrowed. Everything is saturated with the smell of poverty and even misery. Those who still retain the remnants of their energy - hatred and envy of the living is at least slightly better, the rest - apathy and indifference.

Five of Pentacles of the Tarot in combination with the Major Arcana

5 Pentacles in combination with the Major Arcana
  • combined with a card: Spend everything on pleasure
  • combined with a card: Terrible poverty
  • combined with a card: Collapse and ruin

Psychological condition

The emotional state is the color of a bum. Dirty gray urban camouflage. Depression, depression, lack of interest in anything that goes beyond the minimum life support. There are frequent scandals and showdowns on far-fetched petty reasons, with which a person seeks to fill the emotional void. But this card indicates an atrophy of feelings, which can reach such limits that one's own survival will no longer be a significant problem.

Another emotional state can be traced in this map: a specific type of envy. Everything that you got - got undeservedly. Now, if I was born in a different country, with different parents, at a different time, then everything would be even better for me than for you.

Combined with the suit of Wands

5 of Pentacles in combination with the suit of Wands
  • combined with: Lack of coordination leads to losses
  • combined with: The longer you wait, the more you lose
  • combined with: defend one's own poverty

Significance in health matters

The value of the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot in health speaks of the diseases of poverty - tuberculosis, rickets, dystrophy. It may be related to a lack of funds for treatment.

The spirit of man is broken. He admitted he was sick, and was not in the mood to fight his illness. A difficult, hopeless situation.

Combined with suit of Cups

5 Pentacles combined with the suit of Cups
  • combined with: Friendly help in difficult times
  • combined with: to lose everything, succumbing to illusions
  • combined with: To be on top - to fall to the bottom

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

Poverty is a stable situation. And the card says - now you are consistently poor. There can be no question of any control and manageability.

When a person is poor, there is no opportunity to develop. All efforts are spent on finding food and warmth. True, the so-called "professional" beggars are a very profitable business, but the map shows a literal situation: hopeless poverty. The state to which you get used to and stop looking for a way out of it, up to the loss of human appearance. A state in which, whatever one may say, there is nothing worthy.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

You can behave with dignity in poverty, but you can easily lose it, using the weaknesses of other people, playing on their good feelings.

The general state of finance and trends of change

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot in the work says that the general financial situation is poor. But how bad it is is learned by comparison. For example, barge haulers are one of the most paid professions among peasants. They are not convicts, they are wage laborers who have been carefully selected. And their rags are just overalls. But “one of the peasants' most paid professions” and “earning a lot” are not the same thing.

By itself, the map does not indicate that the situation will improve. But such a possibility is not excluded (building window). You do not see this, because you are looking for your pretty penny, feeling sorry for yourself and complaining about adversity.

In general, the card can mark just unpleasant, unexpected, stupid spending. But if we take the Hamburg score, then the card is very negative.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The entire card indicates a negative impact on income.

Many books have been written about the positive impact of poverty, but mostly with an educational bias. Be that as it may, this aspect of personality development has nothing to do with the growth of material well-being.

Do not make rash spending

Card of the Day Caution

Stock up more resources than originally planned

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

5 of Pentacles in combination with the suit of Pentacles
  • combined with: Hard work for minimal pay
  • Five of Pentacles Tarot in combination with: Getting pleasure from work, but not profit
  • combined with: Spending on family members, forgetting about yourself

Questions to be asked by drawing out the 5 Pentacles

  • Are you proud of your poverty?
  • What is your benefit to being poor?
  • Are your circumstances really overwhelming?
  • How much of your resources are spent on unnecessary and useless?

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