Social protection of pensioners after 70 years of age. The new law will deprive the pensioners of the Russian Federation of the right to dispose of their apartments. Unpaid leave

Metals and metal products 09.10.2020
Metals and metal products

Until recently, there was a gap in legislation, when pensioners over 70 years old were not provided with benefits when living together with disabled people who have not reached retirement age, or working disabled people, while when living separately, the benefit is provided to both categories of citizens. This gap will only be closed from January 1, 2019. Thus, the general condition for the provision of relief on contributions for overhaul has been implemented: the recipients are single non-working pensioners after 70 years of age. It is worth noting that the fact of cohabitation is legally established: by ownership and registration record, that is, if a working relative who is not registered in this apartment lives in an apartment owned by a pensioner, the right to a benefit is retained.

What are the benefits for pensioners after 70 years

Additional preferences are provided for those who survived the blockade of Leningrad. Question 74. Benefits for pensioners over 70? These include the following:

  • if the house does not need repair, that is, it was recently built;
  • the house is officially recognized as emergency;
  • it was found that repairs to this housing will no longer help, that is, the house is intended to be demolished;
  • if a decision was made to transfer this house as ownership to the municipal institutions of the region.

All questions regarding depositing funds to overhaul are considered by regional bodies, since at the federal level only regulation and the introduction of new provisions in the state policy on this issue are provided.
Each constituent entity of Russia individually calculates the amount that must be paid in a particular house.


The doctor will write out a referral to receive a voucher if the patient has an officially confirmed diagnosis and has repeatedly undergone treatment in medical institutions. The categories of recipients of preferential vouchers are approved by Law No. 178-FZ of 17.07.1999.


The following pensioners have the primary right to free vacation:

  • disabled people of any group, including those from childhood;
  • those who participated in the Second World War and other hostilities (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.);
  • relatives of the deceased invalids of the Second World War;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • Heroes of Russia and the USSR;
  • former military personnel;
  • to labor veterans.

You can rest and improve your health only in those institutions that have entered into an agreement with government agencies. Military pensioners can only go to departmental sanatoriums for free.

What are the benefits for a pensioner from the state after 70 years?

People with disabilities, former military personnel and combatants can also receive compensation in the form of travel costs to the place of treatment. Medicines, vouchers, and travel supplements make up a list of social services.
If a citizen of the privileged category does not want to enjoy the privilege, he has the right to receive compensation in the form of a certain amount of money. What are the benefits of pensioners after 70 years? The state guarantees a pensioner after 70 exemption from property taxes on houses, plots, garages, apartments, rooms and other immovable objects. When applying, you need to have a passport for identification and a pension certificate to prove age.

Are there any pension supplements after 70 years

A lonely pensioner, 72 years old, has a preferential status of a participant in hostilities, an apartment in Moscow, 45 sq. m. In this case, it is preferable to use the status of a participant in hostilities.

The amount of compensation will be: 33 sq. m. x 17 rubles. x 100% = 561 rubles. The amount of the overhaul fee will be: 45 sq. m. x 17 rubles.

- 561 rubles. = RUB 204

Example 2. A married couple over 70 years old, an apartment in Orenburg in common joint ownership of 50 sq. M. m. The amount of compensation will be: 21 sq. m. m. x 7.92 rubles. x 2 people

x 50% = 166.32 rubles. The amount of the overhaul fee will be: 50 sq. m. x 7.92 rubles. - 166.32 rubles.

Benefits for pensioners upon reaching 70 years of age


For a preferential voucher, they apply to the social services. protection. There you must submit an application and the following set of documents:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • insurance certificate;
  • a certificate from a therapist (form 070 / y-o4);
  • a document confirming belonging to the privileged category (certificate of disability, veteran's certificate, etc.).

Social authorities

the defense consider the documents and make a decision within 20 days. But even in case of a positive outcome, it may be necessary to wait a little longer for the voucher, since they are issued on a first come, first served basis. Advice If there is no desire or physical ability to go to a sanatorium, your right can be monetized by receiving compensation along with the basic pension.

To do this, you must apply to the local branch of the FIU.

Benefits for retirees after 70 years

The State Register of drugs has been formed, which are dispensed by pharmacies free of charge under special reporting prescriptions. The ability to take the medicine is prescribed by the attending physician.

Patients who have reached the age of 70, in addition to the existing list, are offered medicines at a discount. A certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia serves as a basis for obtaining vouchers to sanatoriums or resorts.

Such a benefit can be provided completely free of charge or paid in part. People with disabilities, former military personnel and combatants can also receive compensation in the form of travel costs to the place of treatment.

Medicines, vouchers, and travel supplements make up a list of social services. If a citizen of the privileged category does not want to enjoy the privilege, he has the right to receive compensation in the form of a certain amount of money.

Benefits apply to pensioners over 70 years old

  • payment discipline: there are no arrears in payments for housing and communal services and payments for overhaul;
  • region: passed the law on the provision of benefits.

Benefits for paying contributions for overhaul are provided by the state as a measure of social assistance, and therefore, unfortunately, have limited different conditions volume. The subsidy is accrued not for the entire area of ​​real estate owned by an elderly person, but only for 33 square meters. m. living alone or 21 sq. m. to each of those living together. Citizens to whom the law is granted a benefit The law provides for benefits on contributions for overhaul for pensioners after 70 years at 50 percent, and after 80 years at 100 percent of the amount of contributions for real estate with an area of ​​not more than 33 square meters. m. (21 sq.m.). At the same time, a condition is introduced related to the marital status of a citizen:

  • living alone, i.e.

How to get benefits on contributions for overhaul for pensioners after 70 and 80 years

Persons of retirement age are entitled to free medicines only if additional conditions are met, including:

  1. the presence of a disability of group 1 and 2 non-working groups (disabled persons of group 3 and working citizens with group 2 can only count on a 50% discount on the purchase of medicines);
  2. participation in the Second World War;
  3. passing service in hot spots;
  4. rewarding with the titles of the Hero of Russia or the USSR;
  5. participation in the elimination of radiation disasters;
  6. the presence of diabetes, asthma, multiple sclerosis or other serious diseases (for a complete list - in Resolution No. 890).

The rest of the pensioners are not entitled to help. However, if they receive the minimum pension, then they have the right to buy medicines with a 50% discount.

The list of free-of-charge drugs is approved annually by the RF Ministry of Health. It can be found on the website of the department.
Housing and communal services is compensatory, that is, it is a return of part of the funds paid on the receipt to the payer's account. For the heroes of Russia and the USSR, it is provided in 100% volume, for other privileged categories of pensioners - in the amount of 50%.

If a pensioner lives with his family, then the benefit will be applied only to his share in the total consumption of utilities. To apply for a benefit, you must visit the social authorities.

protection. The following package of documents is submitted there:

  • passport;
  • insurance certificate;
  • a document confirming the right to a benefit;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificates of absence of debts for all utilities;
  • documents of title to housing;
  • bank account details.

The registration procedure will have to be repeated every six months, since the benefit is limited in time.

In this material:

For citizens who have reached the age of 70, pension is the only source of livelihood, and, as you know, it does not differ large size... Therefore, the question of what benefits they can count on from the state is relevant for pensioners.

For older people after seventy years in 2020, the state did not provide for special preferences, except for a discount when paying for major repairs. Special benefits exist only for citizens. 70-year-old pensioners enjoy benefits in accordance with the generally established procedure.

Tax exemption for the purchase of real estate

This exemption is called a "tax deduction". The amount for which the deduction is claimed should not exceed 2 million rubles, when the property was purchased with own funds. If the housing was bought with the money of a mortgage loan, this figure cannot be more than 3 million rubles.

The tax deduction is due to citizens who, at the time of buying a home, had a salary subject to income tax, or worked for 3 years before the specified moment.

Attention! Previously unemployed pensioners cannot count on a benefit!

To receive a tax deduction, a citizen applies to the territorial division of the Tax Service. Employed beneficiaries can do this through an employer.

List of required documents

The Tax Service specialist will require the applicant to:

  • a certificate of a pensioner for citizens who went on a well-deserved rest before 2015 or a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation confirming the status of the recipient of the pension, if it "came" after 2015;
  • title documents for real estate (sale and purchase agreement, equity participation agreement, etc.);
  • documentary evidence of the transfer of money;
  • deed of transfer confirming the actual transfer of property;
  • a certificate of ownership, if the ownership of real estate was registered before July 2016, or an extract from the USRR, if the property was purchased after the specified period;
  • completed declaration in the form "3-NDFL".

The application for the deduction is filed 12 months after the registration of the transfer of title to the applicant's name. You can transfer them in person, by mail, online, using the taxpayer's personal account.

It takes up to 3 months to check and process an appeal with the tax authority. After its completion, the tax deduction amount is refunded within 14 days.

Unpaid leave

The benefit is relevant for working pensioners. The duration of such leave should not exceed 14 days annually. When a working pensioner is a participant in the Second World War, the employer is obliged to provide him 35 days a year without retaining his labor remuneration. Working disabled people have the right to "rest" in this way no more than 60 days a year.

To get a vacation, an employee applies to the employer with a corresponding statement written in a free form. It is illegal to refuse to satisfy his demand.

Travel reimbursement

Citizens who have retired in the regions of the Far North are entitled to compensation for the costs of purchasing travel tickets to the place of rest. The benefit is provided once every 2 years:

  • in the form of "ready-made" travel tickets;
  • in the form of compensation for expenses incurred in acquiring them.

There are often cases when the path to the resting place involves transplants, then both methods of compensation can be combined.

How to get a benefit

To do this, you must contact the local branch of the FIU or the MFC with a statement and documents attached to it:

  • passport;
  • pension certificate, PFR certificate;
  • a voucher, direction, other document confirming the future stay of a pensioner in a specific place of rest (boarding house, sanatorium) - for persons claiming compensation in the form of travel tickets;
  • travel documents - when reimbursed in cash.

In the latter case, the amount of the payment cannot exceed the cost:

  • seats in a reserved seat carriage - when traveling by rail;
  • cabins of the 3rd class - when traveling by water transport;
  • seats in the economy class cabin - when passing by an aircraft.

In the application, it is necessary to indicate exactly the location and name of the holiday home, sanatorium, boarding house where the pensioner is sent. It is considered for 10 working days, after which a positive or negative decision is made. The applicant is notified of this no later than 1 day from the date of its issuance in paper form. The compensation is paid in the same manner as the pension.

The list of objects that are not subject to property tax includes:

  • House;
  • apartment;
  • room;
  • garage (parking space);
  • building for household needs.

To receive a benefit, a pensioner applies to the Federal Tax Service with a corresponding statement in which he indicates a list of real estate objects "exempted" from the tax burden. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • pension certificate and passport;
  • copies of title documents for the property.

Attention! The application is submitted to the tax authority before November 1 of the year, which is the tax period from the beginning of which the tax exemption begins in relation to property objects. After submitting the application, the pensioner cannot change the list of declared properties. This can be done only with the onset of the next tax period, i.e. in a year.

Benefits for paying utility bills

A citizen who has reached the age of 70 receives a subsidy that partially compensates for the costs of paying for housing and communal services. It is paid if the pensioner spends 22% of his monthly income to pay for the communal apartment. The donation cannot exceed the actual cost of housing and utilities... Otherwise, the overpaid funds are collected by offset against a future subsidy or voluntarily transferred by the pensioner to the local office.

To obtain a benefit, you must apply to the local administration with the appropriate application. Attached to the application:

  • documents of title for housing (sale and purchase agreement, donation, certificate of the right to inheritance, etc.);
  • receipts for payment of utilities for previous periods;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • passport;
  • an extract from the house book.

Documents can be provided in person, by mail or through the State Services website (provided that there is such an Internet resource in the region of residence of the pensioner). Documents are submitted to:

  • directly to the social protection body at the place of residence.

Important! If the applicant is unable to provide documents of title to housing, an extract from the house book and information about the citizenship of the Russian Federation, the authorized body within the framework of interdepartmental interaction receives the specified information on its own.

After receiving the application, the authorized body checks the completeness and accuracy of the documents by sending requests to the appropriate authorities. The term for consideration of the application is 10 days from the date of its submission. Upon completion, a decision is made to grant a subsidy.

Benefit for payment of overhaul in an apartment building

If a "high-rise building" "needs" a major overhaul, Management Company opens a special account, replenished with monthly contributions from residents. Funds are accumulated on it to the required amount, after which they are spent exclusively for their intended purpose - payment for the services of a construction company.

Pensioners over the age of 70 who do not have arrears on previous contributions are entitled to a 50 percent discount on them.

Local departments of social protection of the population are in charge of granting benefits. It is drawn up on the basis of an application with the corresponding requirement. Attached to the application:

  • copy of passport (all completed pages);
  • extract from the house book;
  • statement of a personal account;
  • title documents for the apartment;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of a pensioner (certificate from the Pension Fund);
  • information on the absence of arrears in contributions.

Benefits for pensioners over 70 years old are entitled only if they are the sole owners of apartments and do not have additional income in the form of wages.

With regard to compensation payments at the regional level, the local authorities change the amount of contributions every year, therefore the actual amounts of compensation also change annually.

How the discount is provided

Beneficiary status does not relieve the tenant from the obligation to pay monthly installments in full. Only after that, the social protection department calculates compensation, accepting the paid receipt from the pensioner as a legal basis.

Funds are credited in the same way as a pension or to a bank card in a separate payment at the choice of the recipient.

Many older citizens do not even imagine what benefits after 70 years are provided to them by law, therefore they do not use them for their own good.

List of benefits after 70 for retirees

After 70 years of age, pensioners of the Russian Federation acquire a number of benefits:

  1. Recreation. For pensioners who went on a well-deserved rest in the Far North and regions equated to it, compensation for the costs associated with the purchase of tickets to the place of rest is provided. Moreover, it can be received by citizens who receive a pension upon reaching retirement age or disability 1 time in a period of 2 years. Benefits can be obtained either at the PFR branch, or during the purchase of a ticket at a special price, with the provision of relevant documents confirming the benefits.
  2. Buying a property. Citizens over 70 years old are provided with tax deduction benefits when buying an apartment, room, house or the cost of building a residential building? This is due to all pensioners. You can get benefits in the form of a tax deduction for interest already paid credit institutions for the use of funds for the construction of residential real estate, it is also provided if the purchase was made in joint ownership with other relatives. This provision of the Law applies to the acquisition of a plot of land allocated for the construction of an individual house. But the acquisition of a garden plot does not fall under this provision of the Tax Legislation. But you can submit a declaration, and for this reason, you can get benefits for the arrangement of a residential building on the lands of a gardening partnership.
  3. Property tax exemption for retirees over 70. Although the tax authorities habitually send them receipts, these payments have been canceled at the state level. The state provides benefits to pensioners after 70 years, including working citizens, and completely exempts them from paying any property tax - an apartment, their own house, a garage or a plot in a garden partnership. In order for the tax authorities to stop sending receipts for payment, visit the inspectorate at the place of your permanent registration, make copies of your civil passport and pensioner's ID. Note! If you became a pensioner, but did not provide an application to the inspectorate for receiving benefits, then you must recalculate and return the overpaid taxes.
  4. Exemption of pensioners over 70 from paying income tax individuals, for more information about the list of types of income, see Art. 217 Tax legislation. This includes the amounts paid to a citizen upon reaching retirement age for his material support, pensions for work and old age, various social benefits assigned by the state to a particular citizen, reimbursement of the cost of resort and sanatorium treatment or medical care, but within the established limit of 4 thousand rubles. rub. some benefits can be established by local authorities based on the economic situation in the region. These may include taxation on transport, land plots - their amounts may differ significantly from those generally accepted in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.



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5. Granting leave without cash security. Every working pensioner over 70 years of age has the right to leave provided by the employer without the stipulated mandatory payment, that is, in addition to the main vacation days, he can be provided with additional ones. For example, citizens of retirement age who receive pensions by age category - up to 14 days a year, but already citizens of the Great Patriotic War category - up to 35 days annually, those who are classified as disabled, but work successfully, they are granted leave without pay until 60 days a year.

6. Pensioners over 70 years of age continue to work successfully, but in modern realities they are slightly behind progress and new technological ideas. Therefore, in many Employment Centers, free courses are organized for them to improve their qualifications or training in a completely different work profile.

7. Actions of targeted assistance within the framework of the "Help me" program. The state provides material assistance to people who find themselves in difficult financial difficulties, for example, after a natural disaster. All victims, including pensioners over 70 years of age, can apply to self-government bodies to provide them with a specific type of assistance - food, clothes or shoes, sanitary care items, etc. For a group of persons with a category of disabled people, fuel, vehicles or various technical means can be allocated, which can help in health rehabilitation. You need to apply for targeted assistance to the regional authorities with a package of necessary documentation on confirming disability. Each regional unit of social assistance to pensioners and disabled people develops its own legislative acts, based on the possibilities of the region. But it will be very difficult to achieve real help, it will be necessary to provide strong evidence that the citizen has lost all his property and he does not have and is not expected in the near future, the means for his continued existence - this is exactly the situation when a natural disaster occurred in the area of ​​residence.

8. Benefits for utility bills. In 2011, a PP of 10.06 was issued, which provides for compensation for part of the cost of gasification of a residential building. Non-working pensioners, whose property is the only place to live - a house, can receive benefits; they calculate compensation to citizens over 70 years old who receive pension accruals for age and in connection with disability. How much money can be compensated for is decided at the regional level, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the region.

9. Provision of free medicines and vaccination of citizens after 70. The pensioner is invited to register with the geriatric department of the local polyclinic, he will be dealt with by a doctor specializing in diseases common in old and old age. All pensioners who are registered and who do not want to be monitored by a geriatrician have the right to receive a number for free medicines approved by the Government of the country. In addition, invalids of the Second World War have the right to annual free sanatorium treatment or rehabilitation after a protracted illness.

Discount for overhaul

Now let's talk separately about what benefits the state provides for overhaul for retirees after 70 years.

Starting in 2012, all apartment owners were obliged to contribute funds for overhaul, this caused a lot of conflicting opinions, and even citizens' discontent, especially pensioners did not like it, they did not adequately accept new innovations. By this legislation, the Government has relinquished responsibility for overhaul in houses where most of the apartments are owned by citizens.

But The State Duma in 2015, the Law on Reimbursement of Funds for Capital Repairs to Citizens After 70 Years was adopted. The initiative was proposed by the United Russia party, the idea was supported at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers, and D. Medvedev signed a law on benefits for overhaul for pensioners after 70 years.

The meaning of the Law is to deposit funds for overhaul to a separate special account, calculations in each region can vary significantly. For example, in Moscow they offer to pay 15 rubles. / sq. meter, in St. Petersburg the rate is only 2 rubles, and Tyumen reaches 20.

Ultimately, the sums for overhaul for citizens after 70 years become simply unaffordable, and the Government decided to provide benefits to this category of citizens on the following conditions:

  • The privilege is provided to citizens over 70 years old in the amount of 50% of the final amount of payment for overhaul, provided that the employed persons are not registered in the apartment.
  • Non-working pensioners living together can receive the same relief, but the age of one must be over 70 years old.
  • Persons who have reached 80 years of age from paying contributions for overhaul are exempted altogether.

The deputies, by their decision, considered that the necessary amount for the overhaul of the house could be collected only after about 30 years, and this category of citizens might not wait for it.

It is worth retiring, as eyewitnesses say, the years do not just go by, but fly. You won't have time to look back: it's already 70! Many simply do not live up to this milestone, since the average life expectancy in our country is 65-69 years, although according to the WHO (World Health Organization) for 2015 it is indicated slightly higher: women - 76.3, men - 64.7 , the average value for Russia is 70.5 years.

In the WHO list, the first positions are occupied by Switzerland, Singapore, Australia, Spain, Iceland, Italy, Israel, France (82-83 years), and the last - the African countries of Somalia, Nigeria, Chad, Angola (49-50 years).

Consider the benefits to retirees after 70 years, otherwise, what additional bonuses are due to those lucky people who are 70 or more.

Every pensioner is obliged to know what benefits are provided for pensioners after 70 years, and which ones after 80 and to use them. It is quite possible that additional benefits for pensioners after 70 years of age will become a significant stimulus for new ideas for many, which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on health and life expectancy.

What are the benefits of pensioners after 70 years

Here it is worth immediately deciding: there are federal and regional benefits for pensioners over 70 years old.

The basic set of federal benefits for all regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation is identical and includes:

  • on payment of utilities;
  • for the purchase of housing;
  • overhaul benefits;
  • exemption from personal income tax;
  • reduced fare on public transport;
  • additional preferential leave;
  • medical benefits.

How to get benefits for pensioners over 70

Each pensioner claims different benefits. Below we will consider in detail what is required and what you can count on.

Overhaul benefits

There are also benefits for overhaul for pensioners after 70 years. From now on, this board will be half the price. Half of the amount written out in the receipt is returned to the account of such a beneficiary back... All payments must be paid on time for a refund.

Only non-working pensioners living together must be registered in the apartment, the age of one of them must be over 70. Upon reaching 80 years of age, they will be completely exempted from paying overhaul.

To obtain it, apply to the territorial NUO "Fund for Major Overhaul of Apartment Buildings" by submitting a passport, registration card and an extract from a personal account with housing and communal services, a receipt for payment for overhaul (without debt), their scans and write an application for compensation payment indicating the account for transfer funds.

WORTH KNOWING: There is no overhaul fee for emergency housing and demolition houses.

Payment for housing and communal services

Half of the amount paid on the receipt for utility bills is also returned to the pensioner's account (compensation benefit).

This provision is valid when registering in an apartment only for the privileged category of citizens. For compensation payment, it is also necessary to have no debt on utility bills..

Example: an elderly couple lives in the same apartment: the spouse is 70, the spouse is 75. Compensation is due to both.

For the purchase of housing

Some 70-year-olds continue to lead not only an active lifestyle, but also a feasible work activity. If such an employee is employed on a completely official basis, then after buying a home (an apartment or share in it, a house, land plot under individual housing construction), he is entitled to a refund of income tax previously paid to the state treasury in the amount of 13% of the value of the acquired real estate.

ATTENTION: The tax base for the property deduction is the same - no more than 2 million rubles, that is, the amount of the deduction in this case is no more than 260 thousand rubles (13%).

Example: new housing was purchased for 2.5 million rubles. The maximum amount for tax deduction in this case is 2 million rubles, that is, no more than 260 thousand rubles. If the cost of the acquired housing is less than 2 million rubles (for example, 1.5 million), then the tax base will be the actual cost of the housing, and the deduction amount will be 13% from 1.5 million - 195,000.

It can be extended for the entire working period after buying a home, or the three previous years preceding the purchase are taken into account. Only the employee whose employer made monthly income tax deductions from his official (white) salary can claim such a deduction.

The tax base also includes all expenses aimed at home improvement (purchase of building materials, services of hired workers). It is necessary to attach all available receipts and contracts for the performance of one-time work by this or that employee.

This can also include all credit loans and interest payments on them, aimed at the construction and improvement of housing. Taking into account such additions, the tax base can grow up to 3 million rubles, no more. Accordingly, the tax deduction in this case will already amount to 390 thousand rubles (13% of 3 million rubles).

Example: pensioner Nikolai Petrovich is 75 years old. He quit his job, where he officially worked, in August 2017, and acquired an apartment in August 2018. Immediately he declared the apartment to the IFTS (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service).

He is entitled to a tax deduction for two labor years, from August 2015 to August 2017, in an amount corresponding to deductions to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (13%) for the entire period under review. As you can see, the size of the official salary also matters here.

It can be beneficial for an employer to reduce its size (pay less taxes), he is interested in paying money in an envelope.

On the contrary, it is much more profitable for an employee who wants to buy a house to work according to the white scheme, the official one. The higher the salary, the more income tax deductions that are refundable when buying or improving a home.

The authorized representative is the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, there it is worth contacting a non-working pensioner, and a working person - to the employer. Submission of a sales contract, housing registration statement, pension certificate and passport.

Additional preferential leave

These benefits are due to all working retirees and those over 70. Such an employee can quit without two weeks' work, as is usually the case. Has the opportunity to take an additional unpaid leave of 14 days at any time of the year.

If a 70-year-old employee has disabled status, the additional leave without pay can be extended up to 60 days. All data is already available in the employee's HR department.

Tax exemption

Benefits for pensioners over 70 also apply to tax preferences. This category of citizens is eligible for a relief on payment of land and transport taxes, zero personal income tax. For example, in the Altai Territory, with a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp, pensioners over 70 are exempt from transport tax.

Value added tax is not levied on any additional social payments and surcharges (this also includes compensation for spa treatment) within the established limit of 4 thousand rubles. per month.

Reduced fare on public transport

Many are interested in what benefits pensioners have after 70 years of age in terms of travel in public transport. This preference is at the regional level and depends on the legislative acts adopted at the local level.

May apply to discounts on commuter trains on weekends, holidays or during the summer season... Check with your local municipality.

Medical Benefits

What medical benefits a 70-year-old pensioner is entitled to, perhaps everyone who has reached this milestone knows, since many at this age need medical care.

For them, a prophylactic medical examination with a full examination is provided once every 3 years, for the disabled - annually... Free flu vaccinations are provided in the polyclinic at the place of residence, registration in the gerontology center.

Sanatorium treatment (if there was no refusal from the NSO) - once every 2 years with payment or compensation for travel to the place of treatment and back.

This applies to pensioners over 70:

  • in the status of a disabled person or a labor veteran;
  • living in the Far North or equivalent areas;
  • former combatants (Chechnya, Afghanistan) and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • former military personnel or Heroes of the USSR and Russia;
  • relatives of former invalids of the Second World War.

The choice of a medical institution is made on the basis of an existing agreement concluded with a state institution. Military pensioners are served by departmental sanatoriums. The order and frequency should be clarified with the DSS at the place of residence.

The next advantage is free medicines, if there was no refusal from the NSO - a set of social services... The list of vital drugs consists of 360 items and is available for free issuance in the presence of serious illnesses (asthma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and diseases according to PP No. 890).

The privilege also applies to the above list of beneficiaries for sanatorium treatment. With the minimum pension, the purchase of medicines is possible with a 50% discount.

Each beneficiary has the right to refuse the NSO, then the right to the benefit will be monetized by a monthly supplement to the pension - EDV.

Additional benefits for pensioners over 70 (regional)

Targeted assistance- provided in complex life situations(death of loved ones, flood, fire, natural disaster). Help is not always presented in monetary terms, it can be food, clothing, sanitary and hygienic supplies.

If a 70-year-old pensioner has been granted disabled status, he can expect to be paid for fuel, vehicle or buying the necessary devices to improve the quality of life. To obtain them, you must apply to the territorial body of social protection of the population with an application, attach supporting documents - help will inevitably come.

Benefits for payment of land and transport taxes - on all these issues there are some territorial discrepancies, so it is better to clarify the information on the spot, contacting the regional municipality.

In the Altai Territory, with a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp, pensioners over 70 are exempt from transport tax.

In the Leningrad region, an 80% discount on transport tax is provided, and taxpayers who own up to 25 acres of land are completely exempted from the land tax.

This also includes benefits for gasification of housing (the size is set at the regional level)... These benefits are also relevant for 70-year-old unemployed pensioners, if the gasified facility is their only home.

All documents confirming the right to benefits are submitted to the OSZN.

Free training at the employment service- any pensioner who has reached the age of 70 has the right to undergo training at the territorial employment service.

It is possible to improve qualifications in your specialty, you can master a new profession, undergo training in an area of ​​interest (computer literacy, landscape design, floriculture, macrame and much more). Education is free... It is enough to contact the employment service of the SZN with a passport and a pension certificate.

Compensation payment of EDV (one-time cash payment)- to obtain it is important not only the age threshold, but also the confirmation of the status of a disabled person or a veteran. Accrued for those exposed to radiation exposure at the Chernobyl NPP; subjects who have state awards or other beneficiaries on the basis of regulatory legal acts. For all these categories, the EDI is relevant only if the NSO (a set of social services) is abandoned.

Plenipotentiary representative is a territorial body of the PFR.

IMPORTANT: It is not possible to simultaneously receive a monthly income and an NSO. You will have to make a choice: either the EDV, or the NSO. To refuse a social package or accept it, you need to write an application before October 1 of the current year, while the new conditions will come into force only from the beginning of next year.

The absence of property tax, as for all retirees, remains. There are no property taxes for retirees.

If the tax office mistakenly sent receipts for the payment of property tax, and you, as a law-abiding citizen, immediately paid it and so on for several years, then you have the right to apply to the tax office for recalculation. Do not despair, the IFTS will certainly return all the funds paid.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Zero property tax applies to a part of housing, a share in the common ownership of housing.

Often, there is no need to additionally run around government agencies and submit supporting documents. PFR, IFTS, OSZN work according to a well-coordinated centralized scheme of access to a single computer database.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter how difficult the situation may happen to you, do not despair. There is always someone who will lend a helping hand. Everyone will get what they deserve.

Follow the changes in regional legislation, you will always learn about federal innovations: notifications will be held repeatedly in all media. I would like to warn against "word of mouth", you should only trust trusted sources.

If you want to know what benefits pensioners have after 70 years of age - check out the given resource. The information has been verified for compliance with regulations. The credibility is guaranteed.

Persons of retirement age are considered one of the most vulnerable categories of the population, therefore the state provides them with various privileges to improve their lives. Most pensioners have small pensions, so benefits allow you to reduce spending on various needs.

Citizens who have crossed the 70-year-old threshold are entitled to special privileges. Of course, pension and other payments for the elderly do not increase, but they can receive compensation for utility bills and communal repairs in the apartment, free medical care and discounts on drugs.

  • If old man is in a difficult financial situation, the state provides him with food, clothing, hygiene products and basic necessities. People with disabilities are also entitled to fuel, a vehicle for transportation, medical equipment and rehabilitation equipment. To get the necessary things, a citizen must provide a certificate of disability and other necessary documents
  • Compensation for utility bills

On June 10, 2011, a resolution came into force, according to which non-working pensioners wishing to gasify their homes can claim partial compensation of costs from the state.

Are there any pension supplements after 70 years

Social supplement to pension up to living wage in the capital. If an unemployed resident of the capital submits information to the local social security authorities that the amount of the received pension is below the subsistence minimum (PM) in Moscow, then he is entitled to monetary monthly compensation payments up to the minimum amount established by federal legislation.

In Moscow in 2018, the size of the PM was 11,560 rubles, in the Moscow region - 9160 rubles. When paying Money the targeted assistance received by the pensioner and all types of subsidies are taken into account.

Payment for utilities is an exorbitant burden on the shoulders of an elderly person. The federal authorities provide benefits to pensioners in 2018 for housing and communal services payments.

Tax incentives

It is worth mentioning that people over seventy years old are entitled to special measures of social support, but, often, pensioners do not even know about their existence. Ignorance of this information leads to the fact that pensioners can enjoy all the benefits and privileges that are due to them for their labor efforts.

Benefits for pensioners over 70 include tax privileges. In particular, this category of pensioners is entitled to the following tax benefits:

  • Exemption from payment of transport tax. According to the law, pensioners, as well as other beneficiaries, are exempt from paying tax on a vehicle they own, but only citizens whose vehicles have a capacity of no more than 100 horsepower can exercise this right.
  • Land tax discount. Of course, it will not work to completely exempt a person from paying the tax fee on his land plot. However, the state authorities provide the opportunity to receive a discount of 10 thousand rubles for the amount specified in the tax notification, which can significantly save the payer's budget.
  • Property tax exemption. This right can only be exercised in relation to one real estate owned by a pensioner over 70 years old.
  • A person has the right to independently choose real estate in respect of which such a benefit will be applied;
  • Income tax exemption

The provision of any tax benefits is possible only after a personal appeal of a citizen to the department of the Tax Inspectorate of his city. These privileges are not automatically granted.

Utility subsidies

The privileges that are granted to pensioners after 70 years include obtaining a substantial discount on utility bills in the housing and utilities sector. In relation to this category of citizens, the size of the compensation payment ranges from 30 to 40 percent, depending on the region.

People can use such privileges only after submitting an appropriate application to the social security authority. In this case, from the amount specified in the receipt, the pensioner will be paid monthly subsidies in the percentage established by law.

Discounts on contributions for major repairs

In 2012, all apartment owners in apartment buildings were obliged to pay capital repair fees. Of course, such a need did not make the majority of Russians happy, in particular, it negatively affected pensioners.

Due to the fact that citizens over 70 years old need additional measures of state support, in 2015 another federal law was adopted at the federal level, according to which such a category of beneficiaries can count on receiving benefits when paying for major repairs of an apartment building.

In particular, at the legislative level, the following privileges are provided for such citizens:

  • Discount of 50 percent of the total invoice for major repairs. The provision of such a benefit is possible only in cases where employed citizens are not registered in the apartment.
  • Disabled citizens who live together can count on similar privileges. In this case, a discount on the payment of capital repairs is provided only if there is a person in the family who has already reached 70 years of age.

Important! Pensioners over the age of 80 are completely exempted from paying contributions for the overhaul of an apartment building.

Targeted material support

Social protection services for pensioners also include the possibility of providing targeted financial assistance measures for needy pensioners over 70 years old.

In particular, pensioners over 70 years old may be assigned additional benefits payments and subsidies for improvement. housing conditions if their income is below the subsistence level or if they need to improve their standard of living.

The size of the payment is established on an individual basis, after studying the documents about the person's condition, living conditions, income received.

Traveling by public transport

At the legislative level, it is possible for a citizen over 70 years old to enjoy transport benefits. In particular, pensioners over this age can use this right to travel to the place of rest. Citizens over 70 years old are given the opportunity to travel to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment free of charge, but only once a year.

At the regional level, the ability to use public transport for free or at a discount may be established.

Free treatment and medicines

Benefits for retirees at the age of 70 include the possibility of obtaining privileges in the field of health care. They can get:

  • Free medicines
  • Treatment on preferential terms (often free)
  • Spa treatment vouchers
  • Emergency provision of medical care

Pensioners who have reached the age of 70 can receive such privileges at any public medical institution in their city.

For the purchase of housing

Some 70-year-olds continue to lead not only an active lifestyle, but also a feasible work activity. If such an employee is employed on a completely official basis, then after buying a home (an apartment or a share in it, a house, a land plot for individual housing construction), he is entitled to a refund of income tax previously paid to the state treasury in the amount of 13% of the value of the acquired real estate ...

Important! The tax base for property deduction is the same - no more than 2 million rubles, that is, the amount of the deduction in this case is no more than 260 thousand rubles (13%).

Example: a new home was purchased for 2.5 million rubles. The maximum amount for tax deduction in this case is 2 million rubles, that is, no more than 260 thousand rubles. If the cost of the acquired housing is less than 2 million rubles (for example, 1.5 million), then the tax base will be the actual cost of the housing, and the deduction amount will be 13% from 1.5 million - 195,000.

It can be extended for the entire working period after buying a home, or the three previous years preceding the purchase are taken into account. Only the employee whose employer made monthly income tax deductions from his official (white) salary can claim such a deduction.

The tax base also includes all expenses aimed at home improvement (purchase of building materials, services of hired workers). It is necessary to attach all available receipts and contracts for the performance of one-time work by this or that employee.

This can also include all credit loans and interest payments on them, aimed at the construction and improvement of housing. Taking into account such additions, the tax base can grow up to 3 million rubles, no more. Accordingly, the tax deduction in this case will already amount to 390 thousand rubles (13% of 3 million rubles).

Example: pensioner Nikolai Petrovich is 75 years old. He quit his job, where he officially worked, in August 2017, and acquired an apartment in August 2019. Immediately he declared the apartment to the IFTS (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service).

He is entitled to a tax deduction for two labor years, from August 2015 to August 2017, in an amount corresponding to deductions to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (13%) for the entire period under review. As you can see, the size of the official salary also matters here.

It can be beneficial for an employer to reduce its size (pay less taxes), he is interested in paying money in an envelope.

On the contrary, it is much more profitable for an employee who wants to buy a house to work according to the white scheme, the official one. The higher the salary, the more income tax deductions that are refundable when buying or improving a home.

The authorized representative is the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, there it is worth contacting a non-working pensioner, and a working person - to the employer. Submission of a sales contract, housing registration statement, pension certificate and passport.

Additional preferential leave

These benefits are due to all working retirees and those over 70. Such an employee can quit without two weeks' work, as is usually the case. Has the opportunity to take an additional unpaid leave of 14 days at any time of the year.

If a 70-year-old employee has disabled status, the additional leave without pay can be extended up to 60 days. All data is already available in the employee's HR department.

Regional benefits

If we consider all of the above, we can conclude that the Legislative Bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation make some discounts to pensioners who have reached old age in the following systems:

  • Taxation
  • Transportation
  • Housing and communal services

Contacting your local Tax Service, Social Security, MFC and Pension Fund will help you find out the situation that is related to the current provision on benefits and whether recalculation is appropriate in your region.

Social support for pensioners

We are talking about pension accruals, social benefits. If the state compensates an elderly person for the cost of a voucher to a health institution, travel to him or medical services, then the tax is not withdrawn from these amounts. But provided that the amount of charges does not exceed 4,000 rubles.

Attention! Other tax incentives may be guaranteed in some regions. A list of them and the specifics of their provision can be found in the field services.

Unsecured leave. The right of a working citizen over the age of 70 to receive leave without compulsory payment.

It means that the employer, in addition to the main vacation days, provides the pensioner with additional ones. For example, in the standard case, the employee receives 14 days of rest, and for the BOB category, a 35-day break is provided.

Understanding the situation, trying to rectify the situation, the state is introducing a number of measures aimed at supporting the normal standard of living of elderly people. All options for eligible privileges are divided into two types - provided at the federal level and sponsored by the local budget.

There are several types of preferences:

  • Tax incentives for retirees
  • Discounts on utility bills
  • Social targeted assistance provided to citizens in need
  • Benefits for the purchase of medicines, trips on intercity, public transport, the provision of treatment, the purchase of travel

At the federal level For an elderly person receiving old-age benefits, regardless of where they live, the state guarantees different types of preferences that can be used if necessary.

Benefits for pensioners over 70 in Moscow

  • Targeted social, material assistance
  • Benefits for payment of transport tax, land contributions
  • Landline Phone Compensation
  • Ability not to pay for garbage collection
  • Free medical care at home if health does not allow you to visit the clinic
  • Receiving dental care under a social program
  • A trip once a year to the place of a sanatorium-resort vacation according to appropriate medical indications

Legal regulation

Pensioners of Moscow, like other subjects of the federation, enjoy advantages based on articles of various regulatory documents.

Such rules make it possible to take advantage of the deduction for working pensioners who are still transferring personal income tax from their salaries, and to return previously paid income tax to those who acquired property in the year of termination of employment. They draw up a privilege by sending the following business papers to the inspection:

  • Property title documents
  • Sales contracts and payment documents confirming the amount of the transaction and the fact of payment
  • Declarations 3-NDFL
  • Income statements

Employed pensioners additionally submit an application to send a notice to the employer, who, after receiving it, will begin to apply the deduction in calculating wages.

Non-working, instead of a statement, leave the details of their current account, to which they will receive compensation directly from the Federal Tax Service.

Targeted assistance is provided in difficult life situations (death of loved ones, flood, fire, natural disaster). Help is not always presented in monetary terms, it can be food, clothing, sanitary and hygienic supplies.

If a 70-year-old retiree has been granted disabled status, he can expect to pay for fuel, a vehicle, or purchase the necessary equipment that will improve the quality of life. To obtain them, you must apply to the territorial body of social protection of the population with an application, attach supporting documents - help will inevitably come.

Benefits for payment of land and transport taxes - there are some territorial discrepancies on all these issues, so it is better to clarify information locally by contacting the regional municipality.

In the Altai Territory, with a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp, pensioners over 70 are exempt from transport tax.

In the Leningrad region, an 80% discount on transport tax is provided, and taxpayers who own up to 25 acres of land are completely exempted from the land tax.

This also includes benefits for gasification of housing (the amount is set at the regional level). These benefits are also relevant for 70-year-old unemployed pensioners, if the gasified facility is their only home.

All documents confirming the right to benefits are submitted to the OSZN.

Free training in the employment service - any pensioner who has reached the age of 70 has the right to undergo training in the territorial employment service.

It is possible to improve qualifications in your specialty, you can master a new profession, undergo training in an area of ​​interest (computer literacy, landscape design, floriculture, macrame and much more). Education is free. It is enough to contact the employment service of the SZN with a passport and a pension certificate.

Compensation payment of EDV (one-time cash payment) - for obtaining it is important not only the age threshold, but also confirmation of the status of a disabled person or a veteran. Accrued for those exposed to radiation exposure at the Chernobyl NPP; subjects who have state awards or other beneficiaries on the basis of regulatory legal acts. For all these categories, the EDI is relevant only if the NSO (a set of social services) is abandoned.

Plenipotentiary representative is a territorial body of the PFR.

Important! It is not possible to simultaneously receive a monthly income and an NSO. You will have to make a choice: either the EDV, or the NSO. To refuse a social package or accept it, you need to write an application before October 1 of the current year, while the new conditions will come into force only from the beginning of next year.

The absence of property tax, as for all retirees, remains. There are no property taxes for retirees.

If the tax office mistakenly sent receipts for the payment of property tax, and you, as a law-abiding citizen, immediately paid it and so on for several years, then you have the right to apply to the tax office for recalculation. Do not despair, the IFTS will certainly return all the funds paid.

Zero property tax applies to a part of the housing, a share in the common ownership of housing.

Often, there is no need to additionally run around government agencies and submit supporting documents. PFR, IFTS, OSZN work according to a well-coordinated centralized scheme of access to a single computer database.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter how difficult the situation may happen to you, do not despair. There is always someone who will lend a helping hand. Everyone will get what they deserve.

Follow the changes in regional legislation, you will always learn about federal innovations: notifications will be held repeatedly in all media. I would like to warn against "word of mouth", you should only trust trusted sources.

If you want to know what benefits pensioners have after 70 years of age - check out the given resource. The information has been verified for compliance with regulations.

Pension after 70 years in 2019

Pensioners who have reached the age of 70 can receive the 13th payment (or the so-called allowance)

The exact amount of the "second" pension is still unknown.

However, it is assumed that the implementation of this law will require about 500 billion rubles.

There is an opinion that the amount of the old-age benefit will be equal to the size of the labor pension of each citizen.

With the existing restrictions in the country's budget and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the 13th payment will not exceed 6,000 rubles

There is no increased pension rate.

Will everyone get

The thirteenth pension is not due to everyone.

Citizens who work officially will not receive a new payment (there are about 14 million of them in the country).

You can get the allowance without additional documents. This is expected to improve the lives of many of the country's citizens.

Latest news

Currently, the Bill is being finalized.

There are disputes over the proposal to persons of retirement age to abandon the 13th payment in favor of increasing monthly benefits.

The amount of the second pension is also established and provisions are developed on the basis of which it is formed. It is planned that the latter will be approximately equal to the single payment of 2019.

The main problem is the allocation of funds from the country's budget, which in 2019 does not allow this project to be launched.

It is also planned to recalculate the military pension.

The pension after 70 years can be increased due to benefits that are issued to citizens who have reached this age.

Some privileges can be obtained both in the form of a certain good and in monetary compensation for its refusal.

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