A dream about kittens and a cat which means. What is the dream of a cat with kittens for a woman or a man: a dream book. If the cat is pregnant

Kitchen 11.11.2021

Most interpreters of dreams, explaining why cats and kittens dream, give a negative assessment to these images. It is generally accepted that even petting and purring animals are a sign of enemies that will not be slow to appear in the near future. However, in order to interpret what you see accurately, it is not enough to rely on the generally accepted meaning, you need to pay attention to the details and actions performed by furry animals.

In real life, most people love cats. The owners are touched by the sight of a fluffy mother taking care of her offspring. If in the recent past the dreamer witnessed the birth of a pet and takes care of kittens daily, then it is not surprising that this event affected his dreams. A lot also depends on personal relationships.

Basic meaning

The subconscious of a person who does not feel sympathy for the cat family will give out their image as a warning of impending danger that will come from immediate family or friends.

The main interpretation of dream books, why a cat with kittens is dreaming, says that the main character in this case is the dreamer himself, and the cubs, especially if they meow, are petty spiteful critics or gossip that his inner circle dissolves.

It also means that a person is able to cope with troubles, unlike dreams in which adult aggressive cats appear.

If only babies met - the danger comes from the place of work, one cat with implied offspring - unfavorable situation at home or problems with relatives.

The actions and feelings of the sleeper are also important:

  • stroking and hugging animals - having met with evil, it is necessary to respond with kindness, hug the enemy or wish him all the best from the bottom of his heart, this will neutralize the negative;
  • to take birth in a cat - if this is disgusting, then it will be impossible to refute gossip and intrigues of ill-wishers, but in the case of joyful emotions at the sight of newborns, everything will end well;
  • drive away a fluffy family - a person will show determination to remove obstacles on the way to his goal, even if he has to go against the will of relatives;
  • kittens run after each other - the dreamer's plans will be violated by unforeseen circumstances and you will have to work hard to eliminate the consequences of someone else's interference.

For the representatives of the stronger sex, the image may also have a different meaning: a woman who is surrounded by children, and not necessarily relatives, is going to interfere with the intentions of a man, they can be nephews or pupils. To a businessman, fluffy animals portend attacks from competitors.

Symbolism of color

In the world of dreams, one should always pay attention to the colors of the key images and their response in the soul of the sleeper. It is considered a bad sign if a black cat is dreamed of, but when it is the dreamer's favorite animal, with which warm feelings are associated, then the decoding will not be a threat, but a warning about an event that can be prevented. The compilers of dream books calculated the main colors of the cat family , causing similar emotions in the soul of most people:

  • dark shades (from black to deep gray) - the rival intends to destroy personal happiness and take her husband away from the family, and for a man - competition in the heart of the chosen one;
  • golden red - kittens here are favorable opportunities that will appear in the near future, and if you use them correctly, then, clinging to a small offer, you can get on the path to the desired goal;
  • white - a pleasant surprise from loved ones or family members, especially when the cat feeds and licks the cubs, causing tenderness of the sleeping person;
  • multi-colored - a motley coat color is considered a sign of a happy occasion, which must be considered in a series of failures, the result of overcoming difficulties will be an increase in income.

It happens that the girl is one color, and the kittens are another. This means that in her environment there are insidious spiteful critics pretending to be friends. The contrast of black and white is especially dangerous, in such a situation the disappointment of the sleeping woman will be very strong.

Actions and situations

The size of the animal indicates whether a small or large event is to be experienced, and the actions performed by the animal indicate under what circumstances this will occur. For example, the famous psychotherapist Miller believed that kittens hissing and throwing themselves at the dreamer are an extremely unfavorable sign, portending many problems both at work and in the family. He also gave his interpretation of why a woman dreams of a cat with kittens, in the last stages of pregnancy:

  • stroking and caressing animals - childbirth will be easy and safe;
  • to see male cubs - a boy will be born, and small cats portend the appearance of a girl;
  • feed the animals - the situation is under the auspices of higher powers, you can count on help from strangers.

Dirty cats and cubs for both sexes symbolize problems in the family. The sleeper is not satisfied with the current state of affairs, he wants to change the situation, but is powerless to influence it. Perhaps the accumulated claims overshadowed all the good and bright that was in the relationship before. A positive sign is to bathe dirty animals, especially if their original color is white.

Dreams are common in which the main characters are a cat and a snake. The interpretation usually depends on what they do:

  • talking - there is a showdown at the most inopportune moment;
  • fight - you will have to show determination and courage, defending the honor of your reputation;
  • the snake kills kittens - gossip distributors are in danger from the outside, they will be busy protecting their own interests and forget about intrigues.

The interpretation of the gentle hugs of a sleeping woman with a nursing female in a dream, according to psychologists, is a pregnancy that has happened, even if the girl herself is not yet aware of it. Dreams are common in which kittens have just been born. The state of the animals also has semantic shades:

  • active newborns - portends the emergence of new projects that will bring profit;
  • lying motionless - plans will not succeed;
  • to drown them - to be in disgraceful circumstances in front of everyone;
  • dirty - it is urgent to address the shortcomings of one's own personality;
  • fluffy and monochrome - portends a lull in business, and a tricolor color - a beginning streak of luck.

Dead kittens are reversible images that have the opposite meaning. For pregnant women, this symbolizes the birth of a healthy baby, for the sick - recovery, and for merchants - an increase in trade.

Interpretations of famous dream books

A cat is a sacred image in psychology, it refers seekers to that part of the personality that craves freedom and adventure, and the presence of babies ties it to a certain place of residence. This is a reflection of the desire to put down roots and start a family life. Each of the compilers of famous dream books had their own research on this archetype:

  1. Sigmund Freud believed that a woman dreams of a cat with kittens to a desire to get pregnant from a loved one or denotes a deep inner need for tenderness and attention. For a man, this vision hints that it is time to settle down and take responsibility for his wife and offspring, even if such plans are in the long term. Playing with kittens for a mature lady means her interest in partners much younger than herself. Scratching animals - the sleeper latently desires sexual experience with elements of masochism.
  2. Vanga wrote that a lot of meowing kittens running after their mother symbolize squabbles and gossip trailing behind the sleeping one. Aggressive animals are an image of jealousy that bubbles inside, and if the cat scratched, and blood appeared at the site of the cuts, there are quite serious reasons for concern. Traces of the kitten's claws on the hands - emotional dependence on the opinion of a certain person haunts and causes inconvenience in real life.
  3. Miller - in his opinion, if the sleeper was able to control the behavior in a dream, any felines should be immediately driven away. In this way, troubles and problems in the physical reality could be neutralized. Fluffy babies symbolize dubious deeds that will become a trap for dreamers of both sexes.
  4. Loff interpreted such a vision as upcoming waste or loss of money due to excessive gullibility and distraction.
  5. Longo - gray cats mean disappointment in your beloved partner, perhaps secrets from his past will come up that will completely ruin the relationship. The black color of the animals symbolizes the sleeper's own shortcomings, which spoil communication with loved ones.
  6. Nostradamus - in his time, a dead cat with kittens dreamed of by a nobleman meant the upcoming drought and the death of a crop on a regional scale, and live and cheerful animals symbolized peacetime and a calm situation in the country.

The compilers of the esoteric dream book proceed from the fact that any mother with children means a person’s sacred desire to continue their race. Seeing a fluffy family in a dream is a favorable hint from higher powers that this dream will soon come true. If the dreamer already has children, then she should think about whether she shows enough love and tenderness for them in everyday communication.

A dream in which a girl who is pregnant in reality is presented with a basket of cats means that someone she knows is very envious of her and this negative emotion can materialize into a harmful act. It is necessary to monitor the state of health and exclude potentially dangerous people from your environment.

The image of a cat with kittens, even in an unfavorable sense, does not carry a fatal threat. This is most often a sign of the need to change something in life: behavior, social circle, character traits. In this case, a positive result will not be slow to appear.

What is the dream of a cat with kittens? A vivid dream with touching fluffy pets promises something completely unexpected. To correctly interpret a dream, it is important to remember the smallest details well.

The interpretation of dreams does not always lend itself to logic, often bad and nightmarish dreams promise good things, but cute kittens recently born to a cat, on the contrary, portend trouble.

A cat with kittens in a dream marks the imminent appearance of numerous problems, and the more babies the pet has, the more troubles will be encountered on the way. Most dream books recommend that after such a vision, take a good look at your inner circle: friends, colleagues and beloved relatives. Among them, an envious person lurks, who throws all his strength in order to harm you as much as possible. If you manage to expose the ill-wisher in time, you will avert trouble.

You should not be afraid of future problems, the less kittens were in a dream, the faster you will deal with troubles. Grown up frisky kids, mischievous and spoiling property, warn of a series of troubles and tragedies that will befall the dreamer and his loved ones.

Why does a woman dream

A dream is interpreted differently, where there was a cat with kittens, if a woman had a dream about it. After a bright dream, it makes sense to listen to the body and go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. If you are already aware of your interesting position, then you do not need to fear bad omens: if you looked after the babies, fed and stroked them, experiencing extreme tenderness, then everything will be fine with the child, and the birth will go well for the woman.

If a young girl dreams of a cat with a kitten, the vision portends a calm and successful fate. In life there will always be patrons who guard and protect from troubles and problems.

Interpretation of sleep for a man

A vivid dream in which a man saw a cat with kittens portends minor troubles at work, as well as the risk of problems in family relationships. Try to restrain yourself and show maximum wisdom in order to avoid deepening conflicts.

Interpretation of sleep by various dream books

Almost all dream books have interpretations of dreams associated with cats and their offspring. In order to correctly interpret the vision, one should remember the circumstances and details well. But regardless of such trifles, a dream will signify troubles and problems.

Freud's dream book

In Freud, fluffy pets personify the opposite sex and cravings for it. If a cat who has given birth caresses you, it means that in real life you do not experience a shortage of fans, and games with offspring symbolize a craving for young ones.

According to Freud, if a cat or its babies scratch you in a dream, it means that you are hiding a craving for masochism, which extends not only to the sexual sphere, but also to everyday behavior. Take a look around: perhaps you deliberately surround yourself with people who constantly cause you moral suffering.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga's position in relation to pets is quite strict: a dream with their participation promises negativity and warns of the presence in your life of a certain quarrelsome person who is extremely dangerous for your fate. If there are many kittens in the vision, expect the collapse of your own reputation and national shame.

Loff's dream book

According to Loff, a pet that has given birth in a dream portends a rather unfortunate loss of money. You are too gullible and extremely inattentive, hence all the troubles that take place take their roots.

If your pet gave birth in a dream, the subconscious mind shows that you are very anxious because of the need to make some important and pivotal choice. If you have already formed a way out of this situation in your head, remember what the kittens were like. If they were fluffy and well-groomed, then the right path was chosen, but if the kids looked sick and skinny in a dream, urgently think over everything again.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Tears and betrayal are foreshadowed by a pet that brought kittens in your dream. Especially dangerous is the vision in which there was a white animal. The dream warns that an insidious enemy is hiding in the immediate environment, which will soon harm you.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The dream warns of impending betrayal, the Polish seer interprets such visions as an omen of ingratitude on the part of acquaintances. In response to your efforts, you will not only not hear a banal “thank you”, your slightest mistakes and habits will be actively discussed behind your back.

Women's dream book

A dreaming pet that unexpectedly brought fluffy babies is a subconscious signal about an incorrectly chosen behavior model. The way you behave in society does not fundamentally correspond to the inner essence. Contradictions will eventually result in depression or outbursts of irritability that destroy an established life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A cat with a brood portends a fatal series of failures, but if in a dream you tried to get rid of offspring by driving away or killing kittens, the situation in reality will completely improve without unpleasant consequences.

The meaning of sleep depending on the situation

The interpretation of night vision directly depends on the circumstances and details, so it will be good if you were able to remember the important little things that were present in your dream.

The cat feeds the kittens

A rather pacifying spectacle is interpreted in a positive way. If in reality you love fluffy pets, the dream will be a vivid reflection of your own kindness and warmth.

Birthing cat with kittens

A vivid dream, where you see a cat giving birth and help her endure a difficult period, portends that events will burst into a measured life that will turn everything upside down. Over time, cope and get rid of the consequences of gossip and slander that are unpleasant for your reputation.

What color was the cat

No less important for interpretation is the color of the cat. If you dreamed not of your favorite pet, but of a random animal, pay attention to the color of the coat:

  • a bright cat portends that you will bathe in the waves of tenderness and care of a loved one;
  • a black cat warns that there are treacherous people in the immediate environment;
  • a tricolor cat speaks of upcoming adventures and fun;
  • a red cat warns of the presence of ill-wishers, which will soon become active.

The larger the offspring of the animal, the more pronounced the warning about the impending danger and the presence of vile and insidious ill-wishers.

Cat with dead kittens

The tragic picture seen in a dream, in reality, portends a positive outcome of the dreamer's problems. The sick will return to their former health, the pregnant woman will safely give birth to a healthy child, and the businessman's business will go uphill again.

If you did not stumble upon dead kittens, but personally kill them, then you will have to fight for a positive outcome of problems in reality. The stronger the kids resist, the more effort it will take to return to a successful lane.

Who doesn't love cute cats with all their hearts? Agree, it is impossible to resist these charming fluffy animals, which you are drawn to pet and play with.

It seems that a cat in a dream does not portend anything bad, but this is not entirely true. So why do cats and cats dream, and how does such a dream affect your future? We will cover this topic in this article.

How to interpret such dreams

In most cases, cats in a dream are a bad sign. But it all depends on the specific situation and context, so you should pay maximum attention to the details that you saw in a dream, and starting from them, look for the meaning of the dream.

If we talk about positive meanings, then cats often dream when you have some kind of difficult decision in front of you, and you don’t know what to do. A cat in a dream indicates to you that you need to follow your intuition, and only in this way can you find answers to all your questions, or make the right decision.

Cats in dreams signify something magical, unusual, magical. It is quite likely that after a dream where you saw a cat, something unexpected will happen to you, both in a good and a bad way. Everything also depends on the gender of the animal: a cat or a cat is dreaming, on what color they are, and also if a small kitten is dreaming - all this can contain completely various hidden meanings. And which ones, we will tell below.

If the cat was black

Little kittens in a dream - to minor setbacks and troubles that will cause you a lot of trouble and exhaust you to exhaustion. If these babies are also unkempt in a dream, in dirt and dust, expect deceptions, intrigues and negative rumors about you in the near future. To see black dirty kittens, but approaching water or drinking water, is a positive solution to the circumstances.

A black cat is considered a bad sign only if you are trying to harm him in your dream. To see a black cat that just looks at you is to look into the face of your enemy without fear and excitement. This means that you will be able to resist the pressure on you, and emerge victorious from a quarrel or conflict.

If the black cat is sleeping, this indicates that your enemy is still inactive, but very soon will begin to look for ways to harm you and ruin your reputation. If you see a sleeping cat, the enemy is already heading towards you, and will soon strike the first blow. When a cat tries to attack or bite you, this indicates that many difficulties await you in dealing with unpleasant people with whom you are obliged to work or cooperate.

If you do not make any effort and do not try to resist them, you risk finding yourself in a rather awkward situation. But if a cat attacks you, things are a little different - in this case, you will also encounter enemies and problems, but you can defeat them without much effort. All facts and resources will be on your side, and the enemy will be defeated.

If you dreamed of a red cat

Red cats dream of people who are faced with difficult life situations and who need to make an important decision in a short time. Such people often doubt their decisions, and at the moment, when it is important to make the right choice, they hesitate and cannot stop at one thing.

A person has two options: act immediately, or take no action. It's hard to make a choice when the options are so opposite to each other. If the red cat is playful and affectionate in this dream, you should stick to the first tactic and take the first step as soon as possible, and if the cat attacks you, tries to bite or scratches, it is better to leave everything as it is and wait for the best moment to resolve the situation.

If a man dreamed of a red cat, it means that his woman is either cheating or blatantly lying to him. The same goes for women - a dreaming red cat says that your man is not who he claims to be: he lies to you and leads a double life.

A ginger kitten that has just been born or has just opened its eyes indicates that there is a lot of instability in your life now, which means that you must be careful and avoid any risky situations.

If you dreamed of a white and gray cat

The white cat dreams of danger and troubled working days. It is possible that some kind of test awaits you at work or in family life, or you risk running into someone in a conflict of interest. A sleeping white cat speaks of a hidden threat from a loved one - perhaps he is offended by you for something and will try to take revenge.

If the cat rushes at you and tries to bite, expect serious problems in family life, constant quarrels with your loved one and a showdown on the basis of jealousy. Sleeping white kittens in your dream indicate that it is time to wake up and pull yourself together. You are in a difficult situation, and if you do not act now, you will miss many opportunities or even lose your job. But gray kittens foreshadow illness or malaise at the most inopportune moment for you.

In addition, you may encounter problems when you least expect them, and they will greatly unsettle you. In such a situation, the main thing is not to give up and fight to the last, otherwise you will lose everything you have been working on. A gray cat dreams of deceit and betrayal by your friends or loved one.

If in a dream you are trying to stroke a cat, shelter it, and behave affectionately with it, betrayal will succeed, and someone close will hurt you greatly. And if, on the contrary, you drive the animal away from you, be rude to it, and as a result, the cat runs away - the problem will be solved soon, and you will be able to fend for yourself, noticing the catch in time.

If the cat was dead

To kill a cat in a dream is to successfully deal with serious problems and get out of a difficult situation. If you just see dead kittens, minor troubles are gone and will no longer bother you.

Seeing a dead cat means having a faithful life partner who will never betray or offend you. If you are making efforts to kill this animal, you are now in an extremely unpleasant situation, from which, as you think, you cannot get out.

But if, as a result, you still manage to take the life of a cat in a dream, then this problem will be solved, and you will save yourself from negativity in life for a very long time.

If newborn kittens dreamed

Seeing only born kittens that are trying to move, but constantly sticking their noses into obstacles, indicates that you are very mistaken in something and cannot find the right way to solve one problem.

You cannot objectively assess the situation, and if you continue to put sticks in your own wheels, you will not only lose what you have been working on for a long time (position, loved one or thing dear to you), but you will also be in a depressed state. If you dream about the process of giving birth to kittens, be prepared for difficult tasks and new responsibilities that will take up all your free time, and at the same time bring a lot of trouble and trouble to your personal life.

If you dream that you are trying to give away or sell these little kittens, it means that you are making decisions in a hurry and do not even think about the consequences. If someone buys a kitten from you, you will be left with nothing and will regret what you did for a long time. After such a dream, spend more time making decisions, think about all the pros and cons, and only in this way will you be able to make the right choice and not find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Killing kittens immediately after their birth is a successful solution to all your problems, but in an extremely immoral and wrong way.

If, at the time of birth, the kittens die without having time to breathe, know that your enemies have given up or switched to someone else, and will no longer touch you and interfere with your affairs.

If a young girl in a dream sees a small, just born kitten and takes him in her arms, this means that in the near future she will rethink all her actions and life, and if she does it right, she is destined to change her life for the better in the shortest possible time. Seeing red little newborn kittens is a sign of financial and career success.

White, just born babies, dream of an unexpected turn of events in life, which will bring you a lot of happiness and success, and gray ones - to minor, but very exhausting difficulties in family and everyday life.

Black newborn kittens dream of a wedding proposal, a wedding with a rich man. And if you see how little colored or spotted kittens are born, in the near future you will come up with some very profitable and ingenious ideas for a working project.

How, if not thanks to the dream book, can you find out what you dreamed of - a cow - or - a crocodile -? Someone may not attach importance to their strange and completely incomprehensible dreams, but someone will be smarter and look into the dream interpretation book to find out what's what.

And indeed, even having noticed one object in a dream, you can unravel the secret of your subconscious, which is trying to help you know your future, or even warn you against future mistakes.

The dream book contains tens of thousands of words that can be interpreted, and at the same time, each interpretation depends on the context and situation. If you see a “prison” or “corpses” in a dream, do not be alarmed - perhaps these images signify something good and positive. Which, in fact, is practically impossible to say about cats, which for the most part bring negativity in dreams.

What do you think, is it true what the dream books promise us? How often do you turn to the book of dream interpretation? Did anything happen to you? Share your answers below in the comments!

Sleep is a state in which the human brain works in a special mode. Visible images are largely connected with the surrounding reality, but it has been noticed that they often reflect the future. Attempts to understand the clues about future events that the subconscious mind gives through dreams were made by the ancient Egyptians. What is the dream of a cat with kittens for a woman, girl or man? Why dream of giving birth to a cat? What is the significance of the color of the animal and the born cubs?

A dream about a cat and kittens - for good or for worse?

People of different cultures, times and religions were engaged in the interpretation of dreams. On the basis of the accumulated knowledge, interpreters of dreams were created. The most popular of them are the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Freud, Hasse, Loff, Nostradamus. They give different interpretations of dreams involving cats and kittens, but most agree that dreams about these furry animals do not bode well.

Nevertheless, you don’t need to be upset when you see representatives of the cat family in a dream, because the interpretation of sleep depends on many factors - the behavior, condition, color of the cat and kittens, and the person’s attitude to what he saw. A dream with their participation may not predict the future, but only reflect real thoughts, feelings about an existing pet, or talk about a desire to have one.

Why is a pregnant cat dreaming?

According to Miller's dream book, an animal awaiting offspring portends a break with a current partner and the beginning of a new relationship. If there are a lot of them, a passionate but short romance awaits in the future. A dream about the appearance of a pregnant cat on your bed promises well-being, on a sun-drenched lawn - good news. Vanga's dream book warns that a cat waiting for kittens portends trouble. The French astrologer Nostradamus also considered such a dream a bad omen and indicated that intrigues were woven behind a person's back. Even close people can build intrigues.

There are other interpretations of sleep involving a pregnant cat: falling under the influence of a powerful person, having a family and children. A sick or dead animal is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream warns that existing hopes are not destined to come true, and that someone close to you will soon need help.

To be bitten or scratched by a furry animal waiting for offspring in a dream means an unfortunate, possibly accidental mistake. Because of her, some important person will refuse his patronage.

For people who do not feel much love for these fluffy animals, the appearance of one of them in a dream speaks of an imminent retribution for a mistake made, the appearance of gossip and gossip behind their backs. A person who has been attacked by a pregnant cat should be afraid that someone close and dear to the heart of people will deceive or betray.

The meaning of dreams about cat birth

In most dream books, the birth of kittens also does not bode well and speaks of imminent trials and troubles. I had a chance to take birth myself - some important person will help to cope with the problems. Participation in the process can also indicate accumulated fatigue and the need for rest. To understand the true meaning of a dream about a giving birth cat, you need to take into account the emotions experienced by a person: negative ones portend troubles, positive ones indicate that difficulties will soon be overcome.

According to Miller, the birth of kittens can warn of intrigues trailing behind a person’s back, of troubles or illnesses that threaten the dreamer or members of his family, possibly children. Seeing in a dream a cat giving birth to cubs, in reality you should stop trying to harm someone - in the end it will end badly.

According to Vanga, a dream involving a cat that gave birth to cubs speaks of additional difficulties caused by an already existing problem. You should also be wary of intrigue from colleagues and conflicts in the family. Financial losses are possible, and the more newborns, the greater the losses. According to Loff's dream book, to see a cat in a dream that gave birth to kittens means the appearance of magical abilities in a person. According to Nostradamus, if an animal has lambed, natural disasters should be expected.

What does a dream in which there is a cat with small kittens mean?

According to the dream book of the American psychologist Miller, a dream involving a cat portends failure. If she rushes and scratches, one should expect the appearance of ill-wishers. A meowing animal means that a person pretending to be a friend will commit an unseemly act. Exhausted, dirty portends bad news about the illness of loved ones. Did you manage to get rid of the cat? The development of events will be more optimistic, and this may also indicate the imminent overcoming of difficulties.

According to the Bulgarian seer Vanga, when a cat and kittens dream, a quarrel or breakup should be expected. Scratching animals indicate that the dreamer's feeling of jealousy is unfounded. The Polish clairvoyant Miss Hasse also considers the appearance of representatives of the cat family in a dream an unkind sign. This means that the dreamer is waiting for deceit and ingratitude. To be surrounded by them means the appearance of traitors around. To kick them out of the house - to quarrels with loved ones over money.

American psychotherapist David Loff does not consider the appearance of a cat with small kittens an unkind sign. In his opinion, this indicates that the dreamer should rely on his intuition, as well as a hidden desire to comprehend the art of witchcraft. In Freud's interpretation, the appearance of a cat in a dream has a sexual connotation - it indicates increased excitability and sensitivity. Stroking and feeding a kitten is a wish for intimacy with a younger partner.

The appearance of kittens in the blood in a dream indicates the risk of becoming a victim of scammers, the dead - a warning about a dangerous disease. Drown newborns - to the shedding of tears, feed - to victory over enemies, sell - to new projects in the service, bring home - to the imminent arrival of distant relatives. When there are a lot of kittens, this promises a solution to problems.

Who is dreaming?

The interpretation of sleep largely depends on who dreamed of a cat with kittens. For a girl, holding a cat or kitten in her arms means being involved in dubious affairs. To drive away the animal means for her getting rid of rivals on the love front. A cat clinging to a hand indicates envy on the part of a friend, an attacked pregnant animal means that the dreamer has many complexes.

A cat that has bitten a pregnant woman to blood is a sign warning of a possible miscarriage. A dream about lambing for a woman in position can mean a difficult birth. For the representative of the stronger sex, the attack of the animal and the wound left by it speaks of an impending shock from which it will be difficult to recover. A cat clinging to a hand indicates that business partners will want to circle the dreamer around their fingers.

For a woman, a cat who has given birth portends betrayal by a loved one, for a man - an illness of a loved one, a quarrel with a chosen one or a conflict over a lady. Participation in cat birth for a girl can promise early motherhood. A dream in which a cat gives birth warns a married representative of the stronger sex about a threatening conflict between mother and wife, which can worsen the couple's relationship. For a bachelor to see a dream in which a cat gives birth means a new romance that can end in a wedding.

The nuances of interpreting dreams depending on the color of the cat and kittens

According to Miller's dream book, a man who sees a white cat in a dream should expect financial difficulties. The scale of the problem can range from minor (losing a small amount of money, delayed wages) to significant (loss of business). Also, the dreamer should wait for the appearance of a heartbreaker woman in his life. A bright cat seen in a dream warns a woman about her involvement in a dubious event.

The Bulgarian soothsayer associated a meeting with a black cat in a dream with the appearance of a dangerous enemy. According to Hasse's interpretation, this event is also a bad harbinger and promises misfortune. Seeing a redhead is a sign of deceit and hypocrisy on the part of loved ones. According to Loff, a white pregnant cat symbolizes intrigue and lies.

A striped animal is dreaming - this is a hint of the need to make a choice. It may not seem like the best solution at first glance, but it may ultimately bring good luck.

The ginger cat personifies witchcraft powers. A man's dream with her warns of a mystical influence from a former lover, a woman - that she should be wary of her friend.

The gray feline indicates deceit and hypocrisy on the part of colleagues. It was possible to drive her away - the outcome will be favorable. The appearance of a tricolor animal hints at the beginning of a favorable period. A man can meet a spectacular, cheerful representative of the fair sex.

A bad sign, to a fight, a quarrel.

Kittens - for profit.

Caressing a cat is distrust, doubt.

The cat goes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with the enemy, an insincere person.

Caressing cat - unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hear a cat's meow - receive hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing the meow of a cat without seeing it is a deception.

A cat has bitten or scratched you - slander or resentment of its owners against you.

Bitten by someone or scratched by a cat - to a slight malaise, your resentment against this person.

Catch a cat - open gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in personal life, identifying enemies.

Cat fight - to experiences.

Playing with a cat in a dream is infidelity.

Black cat - to evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat - to the disappearance of an unpleasant person.

To see a strangled cat - your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm, pain to a cat - to have an unclean conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl “hunts” for him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - to the appearance of a strong rival.

A cat catches a mouse - to big profits, wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

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If you dream of a sleeping cat, then behind your back they are making plans against you.

The cat washes - put things in order.

The cat is running - you missed something.

The cat scratched you - litigation is possible.

The cat meows - to minor troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from

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