Leo is a scorpion. What are the stars whispering to us? Astrological compatibility of Leo and Scorpio Scorpio and Leo who will win

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Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign is stronger than Aries or Scorpio - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

If you look at the brief horoscope "Aries and Scorpio", you can see their similarities and differences.

The main characteristic of Aries is the desire for superiority: its abode is the first house in the zodiac circle, it is the first among other cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) and the first among the fiery ones (after Leo and Sagittarius). This is a very active, enterprising, energetic and selfish zodiac sign, ruled by Mars, giving it confidence, courage, ambition, restlessness and stubbornness.

For Scorpio, the main keyword will be creativity. He is led to this by Pluto, the ruling planet of the eighth house, in which this fixed zodiac sign resides. The second ruling planet is Mars, which gives will and strength of character. In psychology, motionless (fixed) signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) appear as a permanent and executive type of person.

The element of Aries is Fire - the most subtle material element, symbolizing the world of ideas and thoughts. The existence of Fire in space occurs at an abstract level and is perceived by the same abstract instrument - human thinking. The fiery type of character is reflected in the manifestation of a high degree of activity, in a persistent desire to achieve what is desired.

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In the personality of Aries, youthful naivety remains for life, bringing a lot of disappointment. He is an idealist and a romantic. Without remembering his life experience, even after failures and insults, he remains gullible. Very charming and original, sincere and loyal, which puts him in the spotlight. Likes independence and adventurous adventures. If he is rejected (in love, in business relations), he, without wasting time on reflection, begins to actively fuss, looking for another place for himself. Noble, considers it his duty to come to the aid of those who are in misfortune. Women do not tolerate vulgarity and vulgarity. Aries are demonstrative in expressing their opinions, they hold back emotions with difficulty, and more often they do not hold back at all.

The element of Scorpio - Water - is the life energy and blood of the Earth, giving life to everything that moves in space. The life fuel for Scorpio is love, it is the sexiest of all signs. Emotionality, strong will, the ability to vigorously and aggressively fight for success in life, the supernatural ability to analyze everything in the world, secrecy - these are the main character traits.

Sign Similarities and Differences: Aries and Scorpio

Both signs are emotional and selfish. Young Aries men are often drawn into fights, Aries women have a similar energy expended on sports and achievement at work. Scorpios prefer to fight with themselves, they tend to keep quiet. Aries quickly forget their grievances. Scorpios harbor resentment in their souls and “carry a stone in their bosoms.” He may not finish the work he has begun or entrust its completion to another Aries, and Scorpio is the opposite of him in this: he always prefers to finish what he has begun.


In a love relationship, the signs can be briefly described as follows. For men: short bursts of crazy attraction and long periods of boredom and indifference - this is Aries; and Scorpio - wants to have next to him a woman whom everyone dreams of. For women: Aries chooses a man herself and is able to provide him with genuine pleasure from intimacy, but is pedantic; Scorpio knows no boundaries for passion, erotic, in bed for her there are no conventions.

Scorpio and Aries Compatibility

Relationships are complex. Harmony in sexual terms - both love experiments. The main problem is the love of freedom of Aries and the jealousy of Scorpio. Both are selfish and uncompromising. Therefore, a strong attraction of signs at the initial stage of a relationship can be replaced by disappointment.

What is the strongest zodiac sign? They say that from the elements fire, aries, lion or scorpion?

What is the strongest zodiac sign? They say that from the elements fire, aries, lion or scorpion?

  • Libra is a strong sign .... and if its half is Leo, then this is generally strong.
  • Thank God. that you changed or changed your avatar ..))))
  • Here is the answer from the master of the occult and magic:

    There is a 13th zodiac sign that dominates all the others - Ophiuchus

    There are very few people born under this sign.

    But they are very significant in the fate of the world

  • Actually Leo and Aries are fire. There is also a shooter in there. The strongest I think is the lion.
  • The main thing is not what sign a person was born under, but what his birth chart is. You can be Aries by the Sun and still have a completely weak card; but you can be ... mmm .. . Pisces, for example, and have SUCH a horoscope that Napoleon is resting ... so one sun is not enough.
  • The strongest sign of the zodiac is Sagittarius. Aries, although the sign of fire eventually becomes henpecked, is too romantic! Leo - I don’t argue, she is also a natural strong, free, pronounced leader, but ... if not at a height, then he droops, and the fire disappears in him .And Sagittarius is a very strong person in any situation! He is a clear leader in everything everywhere and always, even in family life. He cannot be suppressed. His leadership qualities prevail over all signs of the zodiac! Even if it seems to you that you have an advantage over Sagittarius, please you can throw these illusions out of your head right away.
  • Zodiac signs are equal! To consider that someone is stronger means not to take into account all the features.
  • the strongest representative of the fire element is Aries, and the water is Sagittarius) it is these signs that are considered the most powerful signs of the zodiac) Aries is considered the most charming sign of the zodiac, and the scorpion is the sexiest, their eyes have hypnotic abilities!) Lions are also nothing, even cool!) But you can’t call them the strongest, rather archers (also a fire element) are stronger than traps) Aries, undoubtedly leaders, the first sign of the zodiac, the first domain!) Scorpios, lions and archers also belong to leaders!) but despite their leadership qualities, Aries - wild egocentrists and occasionally fly in the clouds ... lions are excellent bosses, but insanely vain and, at times, extremely sentimental, scorpions are divided into 3 types, one of which, although rare, is found, this is a weak type ... otherwise scorpions are extremely they are strong, have great self-respect, achieve a lot in life, these people are worthy of respect! Sagittarians are childishly open and spontaneous, attract people, are often the soul in the company, gather a bunch of themselves around people!) I am fond of horoscopes, I try to study people by the signs of the zodiac and came to the conclusion that very strong Taurus people) yes, they are slow ... but how calm, balanced they are, yes, they slowly go towards their goal and ALWAYS do not achieve! !these are not just dreamers of pink castles, like rams, not narcissistic narcissists-charms-traps, not dangerous scorpions, not cute archers, but these are really STRONG people who you can rely on, I know a lot of calves, they are all insanely similar, but they are so stubborn, patient, pleasant, diplomatic)))) they can withstand anything! TAURUS!)))))
  • The first Capricorn of the year, which means he is the main
  • I don’t know who is the strongest, but the most stubborn are scorpions ....
  • What do you understand by power? Scorpio, for example, can overwhelm any of the other signs with their will. But at the same time, Scorpios are energy vampires, therefore they are not self-sufficient ... Strength can be different. Each sign of the zodiac is strong in its own way.
  • the strongest, quiet but quick-tempered, beautiful, kind - zodiac sign Cancer
  • OVni.
  • Scorpio belongs to the Water Signs. And t. Leo and after Leo Sagittarius.
  • Capricorn and Scorpio are the two most powerful signs of the Horoscope!
  • in general, the most powerful are: scorpions, capricorns, rams

    Scorpio is the strongest sign of the zodiac

    Quite often, people who are interested in astrology ask the question: “What is the strongest sign of the zodiac?” There are a great many different opinions on this matter. Of course, each of the twelve signs has unique distinctive features that are unique to him. Nevertheless, the influence of each is determined by several criteria at once, which are not limited only to the physical or emotional component. Together, all these characteristics helped to identify the most powerful sign of the zodiac.

    Many astrologers say with confidence that Scorpio is the most influential sign of the zodiac in terms of energy. Among his qualities are strength of mind, powerful energy and a strong character. Some researchers claim that most famous and powerful people were born under this constellation. Scorpios are under the auspices of the planet Pluto, which causes their incredible unbridled energy. As a rule, such people despise any manifestation of weakness, no matter from whom it comes: from themselves or from those around them.

    Their impressive determination and ambition make it possible to assert that the most powerful sign of the zodiac is Scorpio. Whatever business they are engaged in, they devote themselves completely to it. They do not spare themselves or others. Most representatives of this sign are ardent workaholics who hold high positions and honorary positions. People born in the period October-November are able to endure any inconvenience in order to achieve their goals. Even if they do not have enough strength, noble responsibility and a sense of duty only lead them forward, not allowing them to stop halfway.

    Strengths of Scorpio

    Scorpios are natural leaders, capable of directing and leading people. They have excellent endurance even in the most extreme and emergency situations. They will never lose their heads from the problems that have piled up and will not fall into despair or hysteria. Such firmness is manifested not only in work, but also in personal life. By far, this is the most powerful sign of the zodiac, since the rest are attracted to it, like a magnet. You can either passionately love them or hate them desperately, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to Scorpios.

    Among other things, these people are excellent lovers, because they give themselves to any business with a storm of passion and feelings. Also, Scorpios are excellent and devoted friends who under no circumstances will deceive or betray, they always remember good deeds. However, these are also the most dangerous enemies, since they can harbor resentment and anger for quite a long time, while hatching a cunning plan for revenge. Since Scorpio is the strongest sign of the zodiac, it is worth treating him accordingly. You don't have to be too hostile towards them, because it can turn against you.

    Of course, Scorpios are not sinless and have their own weaknesses and negative characteristics. Nevertheless, practice shows that often when asked which zodiac sign is the strongest, people answer without a shadow of a doubt: “Scorpio!”

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    Aries is not inclined to harbor anger in his soul for a long time and hatch misanthropic plans for revenge. If you offended him, then the reaction may follow immediately. Aries will immediately violently express their indignation, and then they can simply forget the insult and continue to communicate with you as before. Revenge is not his forte. This sign is incapable of being angry for a long time, of course, unless something out of the ordinary happens. Of course, you should not discount Aries and think that you can hurt him with impunity again and again. As they say, do not wake up a very dangerous sleeping animal, otherwise Aries will do anything to remove the offender from his life forever, and, believe me, he will achieve this at any cost.

    Taurus is quite easy to piss off, although this sign is not a fan of revenge, but it can pretty much ruin your life. Taurus is used to acting not as straightforward as Aries. The method of his revenge for the insult inflicted may be more sophisticated. Taurus will try to protect the offender from his usual social circle, he will show all his imagination to leave him in complete isolation, using all his authority. Returning its location in the future will be extremely difficult, most likely simply impossible. After some time, he will leave his enemy alone, but it is no longer necessary to rely on the previous good relations.

    God forbid to cross the road to the Twins. This is one of the most vindictive signs of the zodiac. Here all means are good. Against their offender, the Gemini will take all available methods of revenge: from gossip to cunning intrigues. Gemini is always aware of everything that is happening. This is a very curious sign, so he always has a few tricks up his sleeve that will be able to turn the offender's life into a real hell. You should not flatter yourself and think that people do not believe in gossip - sooner or later they will, especially when they are spread by such gifted storytellers as Gemini, who are able to turn and distort any fact in their own way.

    Cancer takes revenge with silence and his departure, with eyes full of tears. He will immediately break off all relations with the offender and will never even turn in his direction again. Cancer will remove all reminders of his enemy, he will die for him. People born under this sign are not inclined to hatch plans for revenge. For them, the main goal is to ensure that the offender begins to blame himself for the conflict that has occurred, and, as you know, pangs of conscience are the most terrible. Brilliant and simple, and Cancer itself does not need to do anything, everything happens by itself.

    Leo's revenge is truly terrible. In anger, he can do a lot. His main goal is to show the whole world how insignificant his offender is. In addition to a verbal skirmish, the enemy is waiting for public exposure and a lot of insults that can touch to the core. Leo will try to connect all his influential acquaintances to revenge, of which he always has quite a lot. This sign uses all means to poison the existence of the person who offended him. Better not to piss off Leo. He will definitely take revenge, and get real pleasure from it.

    It is very difficult to force Virgo to take revenge, but it is better not to. This is the most sophisticated sign in the entire zodiac. Virgo will not publicly show her resentment, she will hide in herself and begin to prepare a cunning plan, luring her victim into the nets placed everywhere. Virgo is able to take revenge like no other, up to physical violence, so it’s very good that people born under this zodiac constellation are very self-sufficient. It is really extremely difficult to force them to take revenge, but if they decide on this, then the offender needs to prepare for very serious problems.

    Libras are born diplomats who are not inclined to hatch plans for revenge for a long time. Most likely, a quick and adequate response will follow the inflicted insult. Libra will not endlessly and systematically destroy the life of his enemy. They are likely to directly express all their claims and make a competent retaliatory move to make it clear to their opponent that in the future they should not be treated like this. Libra is perhaps the most adequate and sensible sign of the Zodiac, they, like no one else, understand that a long revenge can destroy their own life.

    Here he is the king of vengeance. Here, all available and prohibited methods will be used. Scorpio is a very secretive sign, so the offender often has no idea that this creature of their order of arthropods can really hurt. Scorpio remembers grievances for a long time, and like none of the signs understands that revenge is a dish that is served cold. The offender is threatened with a truly terrible punishment, and it is difficult to resist Scorpio - in the long run he will certainly emerge victorious.

    Sagittarians are not prone to revenge. Most likely, they will immediately throw out their indignation, and tell everyone and everyone about the offense inflicted on them. It will be a kind of theatrical performance, which will be attended by a large audience. Sagittarius will not plan revenge, but he will not forget the offense, and on occasion will strike back. True, if such an opportunity does not present itself, then no revenge will follow. Sagittarians are not created to accumulate in their hearts the negative that no one needs.

    It's really hard to make a Capricorn angry. These people stand firmly on their feet and, like no one else, are true to their life traditions and principles. However, it is better not to test their patience. In terms of revenge, Capricorn is capable of much. He is able to hurt his offender very much, and not only verbally. Capricorn will try to do everything possible to harm his opponent. Here he uses all the influence he has and will ask for help from high-ranking acquaintances, so it’s better not to hurt Capricorn, especially when something depends on him.

    Aquarius does not like revenge. This is one of the kindest signs of the zodiac. Revenge is simply incompatible with his easy and good-natured disposition, so it is extremely difficult to anger Aquarius. And why is it necessary if these people respond to insults with jokes and jokes. Purposefully, he will not take revenge, but, unless at the first opportunity ...

    This is really a mystery, because Pisces live in their own world, not noticing other people. How they will act in this or that situation is unknown to anyone, sometimes even to the Pisces themselves. They may be offended and upset, or they may lie low and take revenge in such a way that few will seem to anyone. Vulnerable and sensual Pisces are usually loved by everyone, and there will always be someone who is able to help them. And where is the guarantee that it will not be an angry Virgo, Gemini, Leo or Scorpio, so it is better not to touch the general favorites of Pisces in vain.

    Energy horoscope: strong zodiac signs

    Each person is naturally endowed with energy and energy potential - the ability to accumulate and use energy. This potential can be revealed with the help of an individual horoscope. But there are also universal energy properties inherent in each of the 12 signs of the zodiac. From the point of view of energy, it cannot be said that there are uniquely weak or strong signs of the zodiac, they simply represent different types of energy due to their elements.

    Fire Energy: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

    The fire trine represents the active principle of Yang energy. Fiery energy often forms the temperament of a choleric person - dynamic and impatient, self-confident and quick-tempered. If the representatives of Fire could direct their energy exclusively in a positive direction, then they could be called the most powerful signs of the zodiac. But, alas, fiery energy often pushes to destruction.

    Aries Energy - the most intense and unbridled, identified with acetylene fire, which is difficult to extinguish. She makes herself felt by the high level of endurance of Aries. It helps to move forward, fight and survive in the most severe conditions, overcome difficulties and restrictions, and achieve your goals.

    Leo Energy , as a kind of fiery energy, softer and more restrained. And this is the main energy of the personality, which allows revealing talents and abilities. It can be compared to the fire of a fire, which must be maintained. The energy constancy of Leo is ensured by any vigorous activity, whether it is a hobby or creativity. And vice versa, passivity, lack of ambition and plans plunges Leo into despondency and adversely affects health.

    Sagittarius Energy personifies the processes of distribution and distribution. It is no coincidence that Sagittarius is characterized by the desire to "go beyond", broadening their horizons and a passion for exploring new spaces (travel). Unlike the first two signs of Fire, Sagittarius can manage their energy more consciously, in a certain focus. As an analogy, we can cite the ruler of Sagittarius - the mythical Jupiter, who controls thunder and lightning.

    The most successful energy of Sagittarius is used to attract attention in society, for social work, to promote ideas in teams and groups, that is, the purpose of Sagittarius is in its social function.

    Earth Energy: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    The earth trine represents energy embedded in matter. She belongs to the female type of energies - "Yin", and her main principle is stability. Carriers of the earthly type of energy often have a melancholic temperament. But these are the owners of a sober mind and prudence, which means they are the most powerful signs of the zodiac in practical, earthly terms. Thinking more rationally, they more easily achieve material well-being.

    Taurus Energy - the most calm, allows you to act more deliberately and consistently. But often Taurus becomes too inert or passive, freezes like lava, then unable to move from the "dead center". This state is not the best for solving the tasks. Therefore, Taurus needs to develop willpower in order to overcome these periods. In this, such character traits as perseverance and perseverance help him.

    Virgo - the image of the Earth-nurse, bearing fruit, but subject to moisture. Dry cracked earth is barren and unpromising, while juicy and wet is a source of abundance and prosperity. Virgo tends to notice a lot of things, classify and highlight the most beneficial and useful. This process is like separating the wheat from the chaff. The task of Virgo is not to harden, to find a harmonious balance between reason and feelings, since material forms are too important for her, and not everything is worthy of such close attention and analysis.

    Capricorn corresponds to the process of crystallization of matter, therefore, the earth element is presented here in the form of a mineral or natural crystal - the custodian of the energy of the Earth. If we take into account the strongest signs of the zodiac in terms of health, then Capricorn wins against all the others. There are many centenarians among Capricorns. The older Capricorn is, the more positive and creative his energy becomes.

    Air Energy: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

    The air trine represents the most mobile, changeable and inconstant energy, partly asexual, which is a conductor of thoughts and ideas. It symbolizes information and the mental plane as a whole. The predominance of the air element in the horoscope usually forms the temperament of a sanguine person - the owner of a lively mind and a labile psyche. Air signs are the strongest signs of the zodiac in terms of intelligence and its capabilities.

    Twins endowed with all the benefits that only air energy can give: the ability to assimilate large amounts of information, virtuosity in establishing contacts with people, creative and other talents. Enumerating the virtues of Gemini, one cannot fail to mention their main drawback: the lack of reliability, depth and solidity. Superficiality is inherent in different areas of Gemini life, and the most striking example is the sphere of relationships. Gemini does not tolerate boredom and monotony, monotony and stagnation: this is the whole essence of the manifestation of the energy of Air - a restless wind that constantly changes its direction.

    Libra Energy - more calm and moderate, they are more thorough than Gemini, but less decisive. They tend to hesitate in making decisions. However, the air element in this sign is the most friendly to the rest: no sign has such clear diplomatic abilities, no one strives so hard for harmony everywhere and in everything. Libra can be called the kings of ethics and cultural interaction. But if there were a rating - strong signs of the zodiac in the physical plane, then Libra would take a modest place in it, since they cannot boast of reserves of vital energy, as well as the energy needed to fight for survival.

    Aquarius - this is air compressed under pressure, which, apparently, provokes his endless desire for freedom of action. The release of the energy of Aquarius is most clearly manifested in the birth of his unique ideas. If we consider the strong signs of the zodiac in the field of science and art, then Aquarius manifest themselves as the most daring and original, prone to experimentation in their field. But the typical disharmony of the energy of Aquarius is manifested in its unpredictability and explosiveness of nature.

    Water Energy: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

    The water trine represents the energy of the female type, but just as water can be in different states, so the water signs of the zodiac have significant differences between themselves, endow with various, sometimes opposite types of characters and temperaments - from choleric to melancholic. It's all about the emotional nature of these signs. These are the strongest signs of the zodiac in terms of their emotional richness, sensuality and imagination.

    Crayfish symbolizes Water in its original form, which can both create, give life, and become uncontrollable and destroy. This is a cool pond with water lilies, shimmering in the moonlight - a symbol of contemplation and romance of Cancer, and a dark pool, with its unexplored depths - a symbol of the subconscious, and a warm fountain of a geyser - a symbol of the release of emotional energy. This list can be continued, ending with a tsunami wave that sweeps away everything in its path. The task of Cancer is to learn to control their emotions.

    Scorpion worthy of becoming a leader in the ranking - the most powerful signs of the zodiac - in many respects. His energy is almost inexhaustible, but only when in difficult circumstances can Scorpio take advantage of its hidden reserves. It is known, for example, that Scorpio is able to recover from the most severe blows of fate, including illnesses and injuries that turn out to be fatal for others. In ordinary life, Scorpio is cool water, which either freezes, then thaws, then heats up to the limit, then turns into ice. The character of Scorpio is based on this - a receptacle of genuine passions, although well hidden.

    Pisces Energy - the most mystical, mysterious and incomprehensible. Therefore, it can be compared with the ocean, but rather with the depths of the sea, because the Water in this sign is the darkest and deepest. Water depths are a symbol of emotional depths, thoughts and feelings, inexpressible in words, but which can be embodied in beautiful images. Water energy is most easily transformed into creative energy, especially in Pisces. It is not for nothing that there are many artists, musicians, etc. among Pisces.

    © Article: “ Energy horoscope: strong signs of the zodiac. Which zodiac sign is the strongest?” belongs to http://astrorok.ru. When copying, an active link to the section “Zodiac Signs. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac” is required.

  • His fortitude, strong character, powerful energy and great will rarely leave anyone indifferent...

    Scorpio is considered the strongest among the signs of the zodiac.

    His fortitude, strong character, powerful energy and great will rarely leave anyone indifferent. No wonder there are so many influential and famous personalities among the representatives of this sign.

    The strength and powerful emotional charge of Scorpios is largely determined by the planet Pluto, under whose auspices they are. It is she who makes the representatives of this zodiac sign so powerful in relation to good and evil. Scorpios despise weakness both in themselves and in those around them.

    Whatever they do, they give themselves to this business with all the passion and determination, not sparing either themselves or others. That is why there are so many workaholics among the representatives of this sign, who very often occupy leadership positions, because Scorpios manage to manage very well. They do not stop halfway, achieving great success.

    They should be the main ones in everything and always, subjugating and impressing others. But the most important thing is their excellent endurance in the most extreme situations. Scorpios never lose their heads from problems and do not fall into hysterics. Their strong character and fortitude are manifested in everything - from personal relationships to careers.

    The internal energy of Scorpios attracts other representatives of the signs. They may or may not love them, but there are very few people who are indifferent to Scorpios. Only Scorpios can look into the eyes for so long and intently, testing a person for strength and deciding for themselves the nature of your future relationship.

    Scorpios are considered great lovers, because they also give themselves completely to this passion of theirs. And also good friends who do not betray their comrades, remember the good and pay in the same coin. And at the same time, they are the most dangerous enemies and rivals who remember all the grievances and insults inflicted. Hostility towards them can lead to ruthless vengeance, and any taunt expressed against them can be drowned in their cynical sarcasm and subtle humor.

    Quite often, people who are interested in astrology ask the question: “What is the strongest sign of the zodiac?” There are a great many different opinions on this matter. Of course, each of the twelve signs has unique distinctive features that are unique to him. Nevertheless, the influence of each is determined by several criteria at once, which are not limited only to the physical or emotional component. Together, all these characteristics helped to identify the most powerful sign of the zodiac.

    Characteristics of Scorpio

    Many astrologers say with confidence that Scorpio is the most influential sign of the zodiac in terms of energy. Among his qualities are strength of mind, powerful energy and a strong character. Some researchers claim that most famous and powerful people were born under this constellation. Scorpios are under the auspices of the planet Pluto, which causes their incredible unbridled energy. As a rule, such people despise any manifestation of weakness, no matter from whom it comes: from themselves or from those around them.

    Their impressive determination and ambition allow us to assert that the most powerful sign of the zodiac is Scorpio. Whatever business they are engaged in, they devote themselves completely to it. They do not spare themselves or others. Most representatives of this sign are ardent workaholics who hold high positions and honorary positions. People born in the period October-November are able to endure any inconvenience in order to achieve their goals. Even if they do not have enough strength, noble responsibility and a sense of duty only lead them forward, not allowing them to stop halfway.

    Strengths of Scorpio

    Scorpios are natural leaders, capable of directing and leading people. They have excellent endurance even in the most extreme and emergency situations. They will never lose their heads from the problems that have piled up and will not fall into despair or hysteria. Such firmness is manifested not only in work, but also in personal life. By far, this is the most powerful sign of the zodiac, since the rest are attracted to it, like a magnet. You can either passionately love them or hate them desperately, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to Scorpios.

    Among other things, these people are excellent lovers, because they give themselves to any business with a storm of passion and feelings. Also, Scorpios are excellent and devoted friends who under no circumstances will deceive or betray, they always remember good deeds. However, these are also the most dangerous enemies, since they can harbor resentment and anger for quite a long time, while hatching a cunning plan for revenge. Since Scorpio is the strongest sign of the zodiac, it is worth treating him accordingly. You don't have to be too hostile towards them, because it can turn against you.

    special sign

    Of course, Scorpios are not sinless and have their own weaknesses and negative characteristics. Nevertheless, practice shows that often when asked which zodiac sign is the strongest, people answer without a shadow of a doubt: “Scorpio!”

    Maria Svetlaya

    What happens when the representatives of the two most unusual and powerful signs of the zodiac decide to start a family or just enter into a relationship? One thing is for sure: it won't be boring.

    Both Leo and Scorpio are big individualists and strong personalities.

    Neither of them wants to be led in a pair, and since both strive for leadership, the difficult stage of grinding will either be the beginning of a more mature relationship, or the end of a romance that has not developed into something more.

    There are more chances if both representatives of the water and fire elements converge already in adulthood, when the period of youthful maximalism has passed. Then they may have the wisdom and patience to create a truly strong and happy marriage.

    Compatibility Chart for Leo and Scorpio

    Compatibility Leo Man and Scorpio Woman: Pros and Cons in a Relationship

    Relations between a Leo man and a Scorpio woman rarely go smoothly.. These are two strong personalities with great ambitions who strive for leadership always and everywhere. And if Leo is by nature generous and unforgiving, then Scorpio, on the contrary, writes down any trifle in his black notebook, is rather sarcastic and vengeful.

    If a struggle for a dominant role begins in a relationship, they are doomed. Loud quarrels and scandals of Leo against a long and systematic siege of Scorpio. The water sign is cynical and knows how to prick Leo more painfully, who is insecure at heart. And each such injection offends the king of beasts much more than any other.

    Leo and Scorpio are two strong personalities with big ambitions.

    But if in a couple both partners distribute their roles and feel comfortable in them, a long and happy union is possible here, although not without its pitfalls.

    Are they compatible in love?

    When they meet, the two are immediately attracted to each other. Leo is intrigued by the sexual aura and mystery of Scorpio, and she, in turn, wants to tame this large and charismatic predator. The strong-willed Leo, of course, will not let her do this, but will allow her to stroke herself and scratch her behind the ear.

    For them, it is rather not love, but love. As lovers, they are perfect for each other due to their craving for thrills, especially in bed. But when the passion subsides, and not the best qualities of both begin to appear, the couple will most likely break up. Leo and Scorpio rarely have real mutual interest outside of the bedroom.

    But if true love was born between them, this couple is capable of great success and exploits.

    Leo guy and Scorpio girl in sex

    However, things change over time. Scorpio can begin to choke the freedom-loving Lioness with her jealousy. She does not like this restriction of freedom and the suppression of her personality. So disagreements in a relationship will cause problems in the intimate sphere. However, if both partners learn to be more tolerant of the shortcomings and peculiarities of each of them, then their sex life will become much more harmonious and enjoyable for both.

    Scorpio will stifle the freedom-loving Lioness with her jealousy

    Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

    Is a happy marriage possible if the husband is Leo and the wife is Scorpio. This is not the most favorable combination, in comparison with other signs of the zodiac. But here, too, a happy marriage is likely if there is trust and love between a man and a woman. In this case, if they seek compromises for the sake of maintaining peace in the family, a long and joyful marriage will be their reward.

    • Both can often keep back or lie, which will only push for a break. At first, caught in a lie will cause indignation of the partner, and then alienation. Therefore, sincerity and trust should be the basis of these relationships.
    • A frequent cause of their conflicts may not even be a difference of views, but similar character traits - a sense of ownership and a desire for leadership.
    • Lions cannot imagine their life without being surrounded by fans, and Scorpios will definitely be jealous. Therefore, Leo should take into account that if he does not justify the hopes of a Scorpio woman, during a divorce, she will try to get the maximum possible from him.

    Is there friendship if he is a Leo and she is a Scorpio?

    These signs rarely manage to become friends. Most often, these two predators smell each other from afar. That is why they are wary in advance, if not hostile. Although the situation also depends on the characteristics of the characters. In comparison with other signs of the Zodiac, Leo and Scorpio see each other more as a possible rival in the struggle for power than a person with whom one can share the most intimate.

    Another problem may be Leo's sense of superiority.

    Scorpio subtly feels the attitude towards himself. And for arrogance, he can begin to take revenge with pins that are painful and caustic for Leo's pride.

    If both belong to different genders, either cool politeness or a brief and explosive romance is possible here.

    How to win a Leo man?

    Lions are distinguished by strong will, broad outlook, high ambitions and regal manners. These are people who are simply impossible not to notice. They, like the bright sun, simply attract the attention of others. Therefore, many women, even if they are mysterious and full of their own secrets Scorpions, are interested in the question of how to win a Leo man and build a relationship with him?

    Leo men attract the attention of others

    Before that, you should ask yourself one serious question. Are you ready to obey an authoritarian husband, because this is exactly what representatives of this sign are for the most part. They will not agree to play second fiddle in a relationship. just like in other areas of life. If so, then you can move on to hunting.

    First of all, you need to attract the attention of this big cat, and stand out from the crowd of his admirers. And then the hardest part. Keeping a Leo is not easy. This man needs an ideal woman next to him, with whom he is not ashamed to go out into society, whom he can be proud of and trust. On the other hand, he himself is ready to move mountains for the sake of his beloved and achieve success in his career in order to provide her with a comfortable and joyful life.

    In dealing with Leo, you should not be vulgar, this will scare the man away. It is also important not to prick words in sore spots, otherwise a deep resentment can cause a breakup.

    In relations with Lions, you need to convey your feelings to them as often as possible, express love and admiration

    How to get the attention of a Scorpio woman?

    Scorpios are considered one of the most energetic and sexual signs. Women born under it are always unusual, charming and mysterious. Is it possible to fall in love with a Scorpio woman? It is possible, but it will take some effort.

    Scorpios choose self-sufficient and accomplished men in every sense as companions. They have a certain list of traits that they want to see in their chosen one. And they will not agree to a more or less acceptable option. Their companion should be ideal for them.

    To do this, it is not necessary to have the appearance of a film actor or the fortune of a billionaire. It is enough for them that he be charismatic, strong and completely suitable for her. And also, to be ready to accept the Scorpio lady exactly as she is. With all its oddities and flaws.

    Compatibility Horoscope for Leo Woman and Scorpio Man

    Leo and Scorpio are two energetically and spiritually strong signs. Their representatives belong to different elements, which causes a difference in characters. Often this can become an obstacle to a long and happy relationship.

    On the other side, such a partnership could be fruitful. Scorpio is not afraid of responsibility and work, and on such a solid base, the Lioness will be able to reach any heights. Men of this sign without further ado come to the rescue in difficult situations, and often they do not even need to be asked for a favor.

    Scorpios have a sharp tongue, but sometimes their caustic remarks can help you sort out a difficult situation, break down the causes of problems and failures in business.

    Leo and Scorpio are two energetically and spiritually strong signs

    Love relationship

    He is a Scorpio, she is a Leo. Can such a union bring joy to both partners? Maybe, but only if both sides want to. Here we are dealing with Water and Fire in their strongest manifestations. The lioness cannot but be attracted by the mysterious Scorpio, especially since she feels in him no less strength and energy. And it will be interesting for a man to conquer such a bright and unusual woman.

    You just need to understand that these signs refer to the opposing camps. They are equally strong, but too different from each other. The combination of their qualities and traits makes achieving an idyll a very difficult task.

    Romance between Lioness and Scorpio always starts quickly and passionately

    But it can end no less quickly. And it's good if the big cat does not have to lick the wounds inflicted by the scorpion sting. This relationship is like walking over an abyss.

    couple sexual attraction

    Maybe in other areas their compatibility is not so high until it comes to bed. Here the best partners for love pleasures can not be found. Once next to each other, Leo and Scorpio cannot help but feel the animal magnetism, the sexual attraction between them is felt almost from the first minutes of their acquaintance.

    The passionate directness of the Lioness cannot but excite Scorpio, and the woman is simply driven crazy by the mystery and mystery of the water sign. And even quarrels benefit their entertainment in bed.

    However, in the relationship between Fire and Water, unpleasant moments may appear that will affect the sensual sphere. Scorpions are big jealous and possessive, and the Lioness, at the same time, cannot live without the attention and worship of others. She is not able to submit and stop going outside the bedroom. And then, in order to punish the obstinate, they will begin to deny each other sex, which will only aggravate the misunderstanding.

    Sexual attraction between Leo and Scorpio is felt from the first minutes of meeting


    Married life, where the husband is Scorpio and the wife is Leo, can hardly be called simple and serene. A happy future awaits them only under the condition of "teamwork" and the search for compromises. So, Scorpio should not even try to break and subjugate the freedom-loving Lioness to his will, but she should often be not a formidable beast, but an affectionate cat for her Scorpio. This will do him good, calming suspiciousness and eternal suspicion.

    If the couple can do without scandals and scenes of jealousy, if they look in one direction and respect the characteristics of their partner, such a marriage can become long and full of joy for both.

    How are Leo girl and Scorpio guy friends?

    Not always between these two friendly feelings can arise. If, however, partnership does not go from childhood. The fact is that both signs are born leaders. Their relationship is often like a rivalry - determining who is stronger.

    Leo and Scorpio see each other not as possible close people, but as potential competitors in the struggle for the attention of others, power. Both are unlikely to be able to have intimate conversations and share their secrets, and this is one of the components of friendship.

    Leo is capable of an arrogant attitude towards Scorpio, and the latter knows how to put pressure on the sore calluses of the former.

    So friendship here can develop, rather, in exceptional cases.

    How to win a Scorpio man and build a relationship with him?

    The very first thing any woman should know about a Scorpio man is that he is a natural owner. And this should not be ignored. For such a man, his personal successes and achievements, his reputation in society are extremely important. If something does not go according to his meticulously designed plan, it turns into a tragedy on a universal scale.

    If the plans are an ordinary affair, you should not even start this relationship. Whatever Scorpio undertakes, he will give himself to this selflessly. Whether it's an interesting hobby or a relationship with the opposite sex. And if these relationships are broken, the representative of the water sign will really suffer from this. But if he wants to end the relationship, it will be almost impossible to keep this complex sign near him.

    If you are not ready for the occasional scenes of jealousy and what Scorpio will jealously guard his "property", bypass him, no matter how unusual and mysterious this man was.

    Whatever Scorpio undertakes, he will give himself to this selflessly

    Is it possible to fall in love with a Leo woman?

    It is difficult not to notice the Lioness in any company - a group of fans always gathers around her. Women of this sign combine the most different things. On the one hand, this is a bright and strong-willed personality, with regal manners. On the other hand, deep in the soul lies a lack of confidence in one's strengths and in one's charm. That is why the Lions so need the attention of others, their flattering reviews and attention. They need it almost as much as they need air and food.

    If a Scorpio man wants to conquer Leo, he should moderate his jealousy. This woman needs freedom, a sense of a reliable rear and respect for her personal space. And then in return she will give all her passion, devotion and trust.

    In addition, do not forget that she should receive her norm of love at home. Therefore, do not forget not only by deeds, but also by words to show her how beautiful and loved she is.

    June 27, 2018, 04:57 PM

    People born under the zodiac signs Leo and Scorpio are always very respectful towards each other. Of course, both people: both the one who was born under the fiery sign of Leo, and the one who was lucky enough to be born under the sign of the water element - Scorpio, love to dominate and command. However, for Scorpio, this desire is secret, but for the fiery Leo, everything is very clear. Commanding, winning and being the first are his obvious life positions. It seems to many people around that it is Leo who should lead the Leo-Scorpio pair, but how could it be otherwise. However, all observers are far from astrologers and they do not know about the long-term strategy that Scorpio is systematically developing in order to ultimately produce a sudden, but most importantly, unexpected attack.

    Leo can be very offended, but Scorpio is not a blunder either. He intuitively senses when conflict is brewing and can retreat or comfort when an "outsider" attacks. When the cause of discontent is Scorpio himself, then there can be no question of any retreat.

    If Leo insulted Scorpio, he, in turn, “stings” Leo very painfully. Scorpio is vengeful, and if he is offended, he can react very painfully. In this case, it is better for Leo to step aside and "wait out the storm." This will be the most reasonable decision. Due to his stubbornness, however, Leo rarely follows this wise advice. He will circle indefinitely for a long time at a safe distance from Scorpio, because retreat is not for Leo (he is not a coward).

    But Leo and Scorpio Compatibility excellent when it comes to a child and an adult. Such a connection is very touching, and the relationship is close and good-natured.

    Love Leo and Scorpio

    The love relationship between Scorpio and Leo is built on the principle: either all or nothing. Moreover, Leo shows himself from the most unexpected side - he is very careful and sensitive to the needs of his "second" half. Intimate relationships resemble a real volcanic eruption, everything is present here - passion, love, and wild impulses.

    But the more unhappy couples Leo - Scorpio can be together for a very short time and quickly disperse. The installation of Leo in such an alliance “only I am always right” will not play in favor of a long-term relationship. Scorpio in every possible way, in this case, will show its superiority, and tease and annoy Leo. At work, Leo and Scorpio are endless competitors, they will fight to the last for the palm and will not yield.

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