Amir name in Islam. The meaning of the name emir, the origin, character and fate of the name emir. origin of the name Emir

Interior Design 11.11.2021
Interior Design

Even in ancient times, people became aware that a name is not just a set of letters and syllables. In fact, it has a rather serious impact on a person, his fate and life. Therefore, almost everyone is very interested in learning about the compatibility of a name with a surname, and what it means in general. In this article, you can learn the history of the name Amir and its meaning.

Name Amir: history

Amir is a Muslim, Hebrew, Pakistani and Arabic name, which determines its meaning. The name Amir is from Arabic: "ruler", "chief", "prince", "emir" or "wife of the emir". But in Pakistan, Amir means "prosperous." Amirchik, Mira are diminutive forms, the second of which can also be an independent name. Today it is a fairly common name in many countries, including Russia. In general, this name is of Arabic origin and is derived from the female name "Amir". The male name is currently much more popular, so meeting a girl with that name is a rarity.

Amir: the meaning of the name, character

As a child, Amir is very mobile and is always ready to help his parents or friends. Usually this child is modest and a little shy. Even if he does not participate in the Olympiads, his knowledge will be at a fairly high level, which confirms his intelligence. Amir also easily gets close to people, so he has many friends and just friends.

Usually this is a rather witty, creative, and also a very purposeful person. A person with this name never forgets anything and is a clear leader in almost all matters, often choosing the profession of a teacher at an institute or a teacher. But this is not all that can be said about its significance. The name Amir brings its owner success in many endeavors. It depends to a greater extent on the seriousness with which Amir takes up business. To solve emerging problems, he is looking for a creative approach.

Amirs are quite charming and bright people. They love to sing and dance and are often good at drawing. They prefer to realize all their fantasies alone, which may manifest their egoism. Criticism is often taken too personally.

It is known that each name has its own meaning. The name Amir means "ruler", which has a strong influence on the attitude to problems. A person with this name never runs away from problems, but tries to solve them on his own. Before making a decision, he will carefully weigh all the pros and cons, and only after that will he tell his final answer. But, despite all this, Amir is a subtle and vulnerable person who hides her kindness and gentleness behind a screen of confidence.

Amir's family will always come first, so even to the detriment of work, he will definitely come to a parent meeting or a gala dinner. He usually plans his activities in advance and also thinks about the ways of its implementation.

Name and destiny

Many believe that if you choose the right name, then life will turn out more successfully. Therefore, such people choose names for their children that fit the date of birth or last name. In general, it is believed that Amir is an energetic, purposeful, authoritative, strong-willed, reasonable, extraordinary and open person, but still we must remember that these qualities do not depend on the name, but on ourselves.

Amir: the meaning of the name and fate

In 2009 in Russia, parents of newborn boys often gave them the name Amir. The meaning of the name attracted them or its sonority is unknown,

but the “commanding princes” and “emirs” (namely, this is how the name is translated from Arabic) have become much more. There are also girls named Amir. The meaning of the girl's name is princess, emir's wife, ruler, commanding. The main feature of people with this name is intolerance of violation of the boundaries of personal space. Amirs value their home, their property, their territory very much. All those who encroach on this run the risk of encountering the most unattractive character traits of the bearers of this name: militancy combined with determination and energy. The meaning of the name Amir does not always bring happiness to the little "commanding prince." Many of the boys are fatherless. This is especially sad, because a child with that name is in dire need of a male example, male upbringing. If there is no father, older brothers and other relatives should take on his role in upbringing.

Amir: the meaning of the name and character

It is believed that the main and most attractive feature of Amir is masculinity. This is a real warrior, protector. However, it is not always easy for Amir to cope with his own character. The boys are literally seething with ideas, but they do not always bring their undertakings to the end. Getting older, Amir continues to generate ideas, but only brings to life those that bring material benefits. Benefit Amir feels unmistakably. But boys are not only successful businessmen and businessmen. If the kid was not explained in time the difference between good and evil, he may well lead a gang, a terrorist grouping. Amirovs make excellent religious figures, scientists, military leaders. They are prone to analysis, able to convince, distinguished by nobility, generosity, justice. True, sometimes these concepts are transformed in the minds of boys not quite the way they are understood in society.

Amir: the meaning of the name and love

It cannot be said that Amir is very amorous. He likes women's society, but he makes too harsh and excessive demands on his chosen one. Amir's wife should combine a gentle character, thriftiness, external attractiveness, humility, pride and an economic streak. Amir marries not early, and in vain. Family, wife, children are able to protect the bearer of such a name from unjustified actions, risky enterprises.

In relations with his wife, Amir is direct, harsh, but in his heart he is very gentle. He highly values ​​his family, but is shy to show it openly. However, he is fair, reasonable, caring. Shyness in a relationship gives the young man an additional charm. What else can be said about the man named Amir? The meaning of the name indicates his sexuality, attractiveness. Courage and honesty are combined in him with activity and irascibility, kindness and honesty - with masculinity and perseverance, and militancy - with the ability to penetrate the very essence of a complicated problem.

What does the name Amir mean?: commanding (the name of Amir is of Tatar origin).

Also, analyzing the meaning of the name Amir, historians are inclined to believe that it may have Jewish roots, and could also be formed in a number of Muslim countries in ancient times. The short form is the name of the World.

The name Amir has Arabic roots and is also the feminine form of the male name Amir. The meaning of the name Amir in this case is “princess”, “wife of the emir”, “boss”. Sometimes the name is pronounced as Emir, which is most often found among the peoples of the North Caucasus. In addition, the name Amir is widely used in the Jewish environment, and the Jews interpret it as "tree crown" or "sheaf". It is distributed in South and Central Asia, Africa, the North Caucasus and the Middle East.


Amira's Angel Day: is not celebrated, since the name of Amir is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox holidays.

Amir's zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.

The nature of the name Amir: Amira is a witty, conscious and creative person. It is safe to say that many can envy her determination. She is attentive to trifles and details, and therefore, she always notices when relatives and friends need help - Amira always takes care of them and sometimes does it even to the detriment of herself.

By nature, a girl named Amira is a clear leader, and therefore, she has the gift of persuasion, and those around her really listen to her opinion. Often Amira works as a teacher at a university or a psychologist. He can try himself in business, where he will succeed due to his strengths. Much depends on how Amira is able to delve into any issue. And it is quite possible to approach its solution creatively, which Amira herself does without problems.

At school, the name of Amir is distinguished by enviable mobility. At home, she also does not sit idle and tries to help her parents. Can sometimes show shyness and not demonstrate their talents. Amira has many friends, she loves communication, but if we talk about real friends, then they are sometimes absent, because Amira is a rather distrustful and demanding person. However, one cannot blame her for being uncommunicative, since the name Amir is able to find a common language with any person.

: Amira always sets a goal and achieves it. She prefers to bring her fantasies to life, and therefore, sometimes she tries to achieve the seemingly impossible. He always and in everything gets used to relying solely on his own strength and not asking for help from others. This is partly due to the fact that the name Amir painfully accepts the criticism of society and can begin to worry even from a harmless comment.

Amira always plans her activities and, as a rule, makes the right decisions. However, we can say that Amira does not belong to the category of people who are focused solely on work - she is also able to pay attention to both her loved one and children.

In the name of Amir, there are always many talents that can be developed through hobbies.

The fate of the name Amir in history:

  1. Amira Hass is a well-known leftist Israeli journalist who works for the newspaper Haaretz and specializes in reporting on the situation in the Israeli-controlled West Bank and Gaza Strip. Known as the only journalist among Israeli colleagues who lived in Palestine among the Arabs.
  2. Amira Said Ali Ahmed Bin Ahmed Fazel Ziad El-Ward El-Udeni El-Yemeni (AMIRA) is one of the most famous personalities of Russian hip-hop.

Amira name meaning, character and destiny | What does the name Amir mean?

What does the name Amir mean?: princess, boss (name of Amir of Muslim origin).

Some researchers who study the meaning of the name Amir from the point of view of its origin say that he has not only Muslim, but also Jewish roots. As for the interpretation of the name, it can have such meanings as "wife of the emir", "boss", "princess". In different countries, the name Amir may have different interpretations. So, for example, the name Emir, which is used among the peoples of the North Caucasus, is widespread.

It must also be said that among the Jews the meaning of the name Amir is “crown of a tree”, “sheaf”. In addition, having known in the Middle East, South and Central Asia, North Africa and Israel.

The short meaning of the name Amir: Peace.

Amira's Angel Day: not celebrated, because the name Amir, due to Muslim origin, is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

The nature of the name Amir: It must be said that even in the early years, Amira stands out for her extraordinary mind and creative abilities. She is a strong-willed and purposeful person. Indeed, many can envy this, since Amira, having set goals for herself, will definitely achieve them. Amira always remains devoted to her family and even after she gets married, she will always remember and take care of her parents.

Amira has shown outstanding leadership qualities since childhood. She knows how to convince others that she is right and can listen to the opinions of other people, which becomes especially important if Amira takes a leadership position - in this case she will cope with her duties perfectly. By the way, precisely because Amira likes to lead, explain, organize, she can become a school teacher or a teacher at a university. Amira should remember that her success largely depends on her attitude to business. Amira can also become a museum employee, a researcher, and even find herself in the field of philosophy and religion.

Health and talents named after Amir: As a child, Amira is very mobile and constantly strives to offer her help to her mother or friends. However, at school, she, on the contrary, will be shy, not showing much initiative either in her studies or in organizing school events. Although she is very talented, she tends not to talk about her abilities to everyone in a row. Amira does not have too many friends, but at the same time she can easily make contact and is quite sociable in adulthood.

Amira herself is a bright person. She draws beautifully, dances well, loves to sing. However, Amira is a loner and creates outside the team. He brings his fantasies to life on his own. Criticism of any kind is extremely painful.

Amira has a very useful quality for herself - she does not seek to run away from problems. Being a good psychologist, she is able to analyze the situation and find the right solution. At the same time, in difficult cases, Amira will prefer not to use the help of others, but will do everything on her own.

The fate of the name Amir in history:

  1. Amira Hass is a well-known Israeli journalist who is an adherent of leftist views. For several years she was the only journalist from Israel who lived in Palestine among the Arab population. She specialized in coverage of events in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan River.
  2. Amira Kasar (Kazar) is a French film and theater actress.
  3. Amira Said Ali Ahmed Bin Ahmed Fazel Ziad El-Ward El-Udeni El-Yemeni is one of the famous personalities of Russian hip-hop, performing under the pseudonym Amira

Amir. The meaning of the name, character, features

The name of each person reflects many unique character traits, abilities, predispositions. The beautiful male name Amir is already very rare today, although a few years ago they were also called boys. We learn about where it came from and what it means from the article.

Amir. The meaning of the name, character

Amir in Arabic means "prince", "prince" or "chief". His character is complex and contradictory. He is a very kind and sympathetic person, takes part in public affairs, but quite often separates from society and does not sacrifice his interests for the sake of a collective goal. If a profitable business turns up, then Amir will be among the actively and confidently acting people. The meaning of the name is fraught with a particularly manifested individuality, ambition, justice. Therefore, the owner of this name can be trusted, he is not capable of meanness or lies. Amir likes to be temporarily alone. From childhood, he tries to be like his father or the oldest man (brother, grandfather, uncle), so he needs to be educated not only by his mother, but also by his father.

Amir - the meaning of the name for work and family

Having matured, a guy can become an excellent leader, as he knows how to reason, is open, and inventive. He will also be able to become a philosopher, engage in art, science or religion. Having met the woman he loves, Amir treats her affectionately, but he can say something directly directly. He is demanding not only to himself, but also to his soulmate. However, in relation to his wife, a man named Amir will be generous and faithful. Serious conflicts may arise with his wife, initiated by Amir himself. The meaning of the name is fraught with a tendency to command, therefore, in order to avoid disagreements, Amir should not constantly show his authority in the family. Despite the shortcomings, for children, he will become a wonderful father.

Amir. Meaning of the name

The name Amir (Emir) is female, and it came from the male name Amir. Therefore, it means "princess", "boss". Affectionately a woman bearing this name can be called Mira. The owner of such a name will be very smart, purposeful, a little self-confident and will not go into her pocket for a word. She is attentive to her family and friends. Definitely a leader, because he has the gift of persuasion. The girl is charming, sympathetic, easily makes friends, but there are very few real ones. This reflects the meaning of the name Amir. From childhood, a girl named Amira is very active, mobile, although she can be shy. She early begins to think about the future and make plans. Amira shows interest in singing, dancing, drawing.

Amira's future: work and family life

Having matured, a girl with that name will not hide from difficult situations, but will carefully weigh everything, think it over and begin to act decisively. She can choose a profession in science, work in a museum. Amira can easily cope with running a business. From the outside, she may seem too practical, but in her heart Amira is sensitive, subtle and kind. She spends a lot of time on work and hobbies, but she will not forget to cook a delicious dinner for her lover, she will pay due attention to children.

What does the name Emir mean?

✹ Summer is a little life ✹

The Muslim name Emir means head, leader.
Planet: Sun.

Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.

Zodiac: Leo.

Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.

Day: Sunday.

Metal: Gold.

Mineral: Chrysolite, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).

Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.

Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.
Name as a phrase:

E (YE = E) Thou

M Think

AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
Explanations can be found here: "The Secret of the Word"
Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name:

E - the ability to see the background of events, the wrong side of people, good command of the language in oral speech and in writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, sneakiness. The desire to show their belonging to a "good society."

M - a caring person, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main priorities in life. Your clothes are always different non-standard and correspond to the "latest trends". However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: "It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead." Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they see off all the same according to the mind, and the flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Emir name compatibility, manifestation in love

Emir, for you, marriage is like a long-term partnership. You are capable of the most exalted love and the most sincere affection, but do not tolerate encroachment on your freedom in any form. And as soon as you feel that marriage ties turn into fetters on your feet, you react violently and unambiguously, introducing an imbalance in family life. If your partner has the good sense not to focus on your marital obligations, coexistence can be long, calm and happy.


You yearn for freedom with all your heart. Any limits and limitations burden your soul, fettering its movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of yourself, you always choose the latter.

Whenever fate gives you the opportunity to somehow diversify your life, you do not hesitate to give up what you already have in favor of the new, still unknown. “Growing with moss” is clearly not for you. You easily go through life, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul longs for.

It should only be remembered that "a hundred friends" will never replace one "cordial friend." Your unwillingness to establish a stable relationship, to “stop” on one attachment for a long time, can later become the reason for the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness, with which it will be difficult for you to come to terms.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom ceases to bring joy.

Amir, Emir is an Arabic male name, the meaning of which in translation sounds like “prince”, “prince”, “chief”. Common in Islam (among Muslims) and the Jews of Israel.

Among the Arabs, "emir" is the designation of the title of the ruler, as well as in general the person who bears the title. From this name, the surnames of Amirov and Emir were formed. Also, the name is often given to boys of Tatar nationality.

English version of spelling: Amir.

The name is not Christian (Orthodox), which means that name days are not celebrated.


Common options: Emir, Amirkhan, Emirkhan, Amirkhamza, Amirsaid.

Diminutives: Mirchik, Mirush.

Paired female name Amira.


Amir's character is not easy and somewhat contradictory. He has a pronounced benevolence, is always ready to help, but often keeps to himself. He has a pronounced individuality, so even willingly participating in public affairs, he is unlikely to sacrifice his interests for the sake of a common goal. He always knows the benefits and stands firmly on his feet. If he sees that this business will become profitable, he will begin to act decisively and energetically. At the same time, it is unlikely that Amir will go to deceit and meanness, since he has a highly developed sense of justice, so the representative of the name can be trusted.

The owner of this Muslim name almost always copies the behavior of his father, and if he did not have it, then the older man in the family (grandfather, uncle or brother). He needs a male upbringing, but it often turns out that only his mother brings him up. A father's upbringing is very important for a child. A lot will depend on the nature of the father and his role in the boy's life, since he looks up to the men of his family. And if he is brought up exclusively by women, then it is simply necessary to explain the difference between good and evil.

He loves animals and will be a good owner for a house cat or dog. He tries to slip away from domestic obligations, but having a good heart and a good upbringing, he cannot refuse his parents, helps them, putting his ambitions aside. Knows the meaning of the word "should".

Amir loves being alone. It is very important for him that the boundaries of his personal space are not violated without a good reason. This is how he makes important decisions in his life, and sometimes just recuperates and takes a break from everyone, which his family members and friends should not be offended by.

Success in studies and sports

At school, he studies “well”, without making any special efforts for this, but he does not need a higher result either. Appreciates self-education, because of which he becomes the instigator of many disputes between him and his comrades, and even adults. He enjoys art and various sports, as he is excellent at it. Amir is able to achieve considerable heights in this.

Fate in love, marriage and family

In relations with his other half, he combines directness with courtesy. He is demanding not only to himself, but also to his beloved. He will become a faithful and generous spouse. And the sooner a man marries, the sooner he will get on the right path. A high level of responsibility will benefit Amir, make him a real man.

He usually has many children, he becomes a wonderful husband and father, if he does not transfer work issues and authoritarian qualities of the boss to the house. When choosing a soulmate, he is as demanding as he is to himself, so he can take a closer look for a long time without taking the first and main steps.

Relations are built on frankness, directness, although he knows how to be gallant and courteous gentlemen. His woman will not need anything, as he is quite generous. He agrees to take the lion's share of responsibility for his family upon himself, protecting and defending its interests before the whole world, but he also needs the support of his wife. If he does not receive it, then serious problems may begin in the family, up to a divorce.

Name Compatibility

Great couple: Antonina, Angelica, Elvira, Eleanor, Karina, Christina, Lydia, Milan, Malika, Sofia.

Bad compatibility: Amina, Nadezhda, Yana.

Characteristics in a career

The characteristic of a calm and balanced person can change dramatically towards activity when Amir finds a business that can interest and captivate him. Then he will perk up, starting to plunge into work, giving most of the time to interesting work. For this, he is often praised and rewarded by his superiors, but his colleagues and employees are not too fond of him. However, the dissatisfaction of the latter is rather caused by the fact that this male name carries the features of secrecy and isolation from the team.

Given his strong personality, even when he takes part in a group or social activity, he strives to be the undisputed leader. Amir is respectful, but often quite harsh, towards other people and their opinions, and tolerance cannot be called his best quality. Endowed with courage, energy and strong will, Amir tends to think that everything he can do himself is also within the power of others, so he often perceives the people around him as lazy and mediocre.

The name is ideal for the head and head of large corporations, where serious issues need to be resolved based on knowledge, experience, prudence and sound cold mind. There may be some authoritarian distortions, for which he will not find great love among his subordinates, for which, however, he does not chase. Thanks to the originality and sobriety of the decisions made, he can get out of even the most difficult situations, therefore, almost any personal business he starts is doomed to success in advance.

Status is very important for Amir, wealth, wealth, other external symbols of wealth are not an empty phrase for him, he is ready to make a lot of efforts to achieve success, therefore he most often chooses administrative, managerial professions in various fields, he can work in the police , army, be a politician.


Amirs from birth have very good health, but this is precisely the main danger for the owners of this name, since in case of illness they usually prefer not to see a doctor, doing this only in exceptional cases.

Which boys are suitable in accordance with the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini.
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury.

Mystery of the name

Amir's secret can be called his vulnerability, because it is this trait that he rarely shows even to the closest people. He rather hides this, as it seems to him, unworthy of a man quality from prying eyes, because others often begin to use it for selfish purposes. If Amir allowed you to recognize himself from this side, then you are his close person. Appreciate it.


  • Stone, mineral, metal - emerald, agate.
  • Color - mixed colors.
  • Plant - basil, walnut.
  • Totem animal - fox, monkey.

Famous people

  • Amir Damar Koku - Sudanese footballer, defender of the Al-Merreikh club and the Sudanese national team.
  • Amir Muizzi - Persian-Tajik poet of the XI-XII centuries.
  • Amir Rashid Mohammed - Iraqi politician, general.
  • Amir Khosrov Dehlavi is an Indian and Persian poet, scholar, and musician.
  • Amir Khadir is a Quebec politician.
  • Amir Khalil is a Persian artist.
  • Amir ad-Din - Arab architect at the court of Kublai.

One of the most popular origins for the name Amir is Arabic. Linguists tend to trust the version that the meaning of the name Amir came from the early popular form in the East, Emir, which was considered royal. In Arab countries, Amir was considered a separate prefix that complemented the highest titles and army ranks. The meaning of the name Amir in translation from the Tatar version is “commanding master”. The name Amir, which means "prosperous" in Pakistani, is often used by Jews.

The name is endowed with some duality. The meaning of the name Amir may differ in Islam and in Hebrew culture. "Proclaimed", which means the name Amir among the Jews, has the most common interpretation in Muslim culture.


The meaning of the name Amir for a boy is to imitate his father in everything. He tries to copy his behavior exactly. If the boy does not have a father, he imitates his brother or another authoritative man whom he often sees. For the formation of the character of little Amir, male education is extremely important, since only a man can cope with it.

Little Amir is an active and energetic child. He shows curiosity, but often disobedience can be traced in his behavior, sometimes even cruelty. At the same time, shyness can be traced in his behavior. He likes to spend time in his own company and create personal space, fencing off people and the world around him.

Amir Khan (boxer)

School is doing well. The kid has a high academic performance, he strives for self-education, the development of erudition, therefore he gains an advantage over his peers. In his studies, he shows diligence and stubbornness. Despite the fact that this boy is a little proud, outwardly he gives the impression of a quite strict-looking and a little impudent boy, who under this mask hides sensitivity and romance, a willingness to always help other people. For a boy, the meaning of the name Amir lies in the love of pets. In general, this child is characterized by his kindness, which he shows in everything and everyone.

This child is distinguished by a kind of statement, therefore, from childhood, it is necessary to form the moral and ethical values ​​\u200b\u200bof the future man. Due to the influence of bad company, he may early become addicted to addictions. The right approach to raising parents will help turn Amir into a good and decent guy who will get along well with others.

For a boy, the name Amir is always the pursuit of excellence. This shows his leadership qualities, he likes to be the best in everything, for this he becomes as diligent as possible.

Business and career

The name Amir, the meaning of the name and the fate of this person allow him to successfully realize himself in the field of science and art. His high erudition, large stock of knowledge, well-developed intuition and excellent natural charisma allow him to become an excellent religious figure who is ready to lead the masses. Also good for this name are areas such as sports or politics. The meaning of the name Amir can be traced in the implementation in the armed forces.
If a guy starts planning the future from a young age, he will be able to turn into an excellent leader who will perfectly understand the obligations entrusted to him. In order to become a good leader, he needs to develop perseverance, perseverance and attentiveness.

The name Amir, which means "leader" or "manager", is endowed with natural enterprise. His brain tirelessly reproduces new ideas that he is able to bring to life. The main thing is to single out one or two worthwhile ideas among the variety of ideas and focus on their implementation. This person perfectly feels the benefits, so he usually always successfully makes financial contributions. He is able to create a completely successful business due to his assertiveness, determination, thoughtfulness of actions and good reputation.

Personal life

By the meaning of the name Amir is a rather impulsive, temperamental person, in which there is simply an excess of passion. If he likes a girl, then he will show her all possible exquisite courtship. His chosen one will not be deprived of compliments and various gifts. While Amir is interested in a girl, he is gentle and gallant with her. But his feelings for her can fade just as quickly as they flared up.

High sexuality, which means the name Amir, makes him a wonderful lover who gives his partner maximum pleasure. When a guy decides to get married, at the same time he remains faithful to his chosen one and will never betray her. It also happens that marriage occurs spontaneously under the influence of events, emotions, feelings of falling in love. But more often than not, even such a marriage develops successfully. He loves his wife and children very much, tries to pamper everyone, buys gifts for them. He will develop a strong family with a woman who is able to create home comfort and maintain an atmosphere of warmth, care, and tranquility.

The meaning of the name Amir, the character and fate of a man comes down to the birth of children. His happiness largely depends on their number. He likes to take care of them, educate and pamper. He will treat his wife not only with love, as a woman, but also with respect, as the mother of his children. Although outwardly Amir does not look like an emotional father, he approaches the upbringing of children thoroughly and demandingly. Creating a family for him is a very important step. He takes full responsibility and guarantees his wife full protection, solves her problems, provides for the family, protects the interests. It is very important that the wife sincerely supports her husband, and also heeds his orders. Therefore, a supple, flexible, quiet and calm woman is suitable for Amir.


According to the meaning of the name Amir in the Arab countries, men who wear it are distinguished by a courageous and strong character. This is true, because the name endows the owner with all the main character traits that are characteristic of a true man.

An adult man named Amir has a very contradictory character. He combines kindness and sensitivity with cruelty, which he knows how to show when he wants to. This person does not build illusions and does not hover in the clouds, he does not sacrifice his interests for the sake of dubious undertakings, he is able to stand firmly on his feet and make any situation beneficial for himself.

With the name Amir, which means "prince" or "chief", the whole essence of the Eastern people is revealed. A man is a vivid embodiment of courage and courage, distinguished by his courage, assertiveness, justice and unquenchable energy. He is not capable of deceit or meanness because of a well-developed sense of justice.

By the meaning of the name Amir is a wonderful and reliable friend who can be trusted. Friends never doubt him and know that he will not betray. This is a fairly authoritative person who is respected by friends. Despite his demanding nature, he is very generous and good-natured with his friends.

Positive character traits - practicality, activity, high mental abilities. It is distinguished by its unquenchable optimism and creativity. The meaning of the name Amir is inherent in practical qualities and ingenuity, which allows him to navigate well in any new, unknown and difficult situations. The grip of this person is called the tenacity of a pit bull. He always assesses the situation in perspective, shows composure in critical situations.

Of the negative qualities of Amir, conflict and secrecy, pronounced vanity stand out. These qualities sometimes serve as the reason for the lack of friends. Another man likes to constantly argue, prove his point of view, is quick-tempered. He tries not to spread about his plans and intentions, keeps everything inside himself. To achieve the goal, he can even show deceit.

The secret of the name Amir

Agate stone talisman

The origin of the name Amir is combined with astrological and earthly talismans:

  • The patron planet is Mercury;
  • Zodiac constellation - Virgo, Gemini;
  • Lucky shades are mixed colors;
  • Favorable plant - basil, from trees - walnut;
  • Totem animals - monkey and fox;
  • Talisman stone - agate, emerald.


For marriage with a man named Amir, which means "prince", women named Milena, Karina, Malika, Kira, Alesya, Arina, Yulia, Varvara, Irina, Elina are suitable.

Amir has poor compatibility with girls named Olesya, Natalya, Svetlana, Daria, Elizabeth, Margarita, Diana, Elena, Marina, Victoria, Nadezhda, Christina, Evgenia.

Each name is able to tell a lot about its carrier, it contains a characteristic of his personality, his possible fate, the main "pluses" and "minuses".

It is immediately clear that this name is not directly related to Russia, but is associated with the countries of the East. It is there that you can meet a boy with that name. In addition, in Muslim countries, the emir is the title of the ruler of the country, which also leaves an imprint on the person.

The owner of the "royal" name is simply obliged to have the appropriate character. Translated from Arabic, the name Emir means "commanding, chief."

A boy named Emir from childhood is distinguished by strong-willed character traits, such as stubbornness, curiosity, assertiveness. And over the years, they develop into other qualities:

  • Responsibility.
  • Wits.
  • Determination.
  • Persistence.

In this regard, parents should not be surprised that their son will behave like a future royal. Their main task is to explain to the child from the very childhood what is good and what is not very good. Indeed, with age, the energy of the Emir and the leadership qualities inherent in nature can be directed in the wrong direction.

If the parents are able to invest in their son reasonable, kind, eternal, then his fate will turn out in a wonderful way, because he has the makings of a real warrior and protector: courage, justice, responsibility. But this does not mean at all that this guy will be able to become independent early.

The characterization of the name affects the Emir in such a way that, having a lot of different ideas in his head, he does not always bring them to life and finish what he started. But at the same time, he clearly feels where you can earn good money and, accordingly, chooses suitable areas of activity for himself.

Best of all, he manages to realize his capabilities and needs in the economy, administrative, religious and military activities. However, in order for the fate in these areas to develop in the best possible way, Emir simply needs to learn how to concentrate on one specific task, develop perseverance and the ability to bring everything to the end.

This guy always takes care of himself and his appearance and looks according to the latest fashion. It is important for the Emir to be well-groomed, tidy, dressed impeccably and with a needle, so that others pay attention to him and admire him, clothes should emphasize all his dignity.

Emir's character is such that he is capable of the deepest, sincere feelings and can build serious, strong relationships. But the true desire for this arises in him closer to middle age, and before that he is very amorous and is in no hurry to burden himself with marriage.

Having married, Emir puts his family first in life. There is never a stormy showdown between him and his wife. He prefers to solve everything quietly and peacefully, for which the second half is immensely grateful to him. However, this does not mean that his chosen one can relax and go with the flow - and she needs to do a lot so that their fate develops in the best way.

A girl should combine unearthly beauty, modesty, morality and sexuality at the same time. In addition, the wife cannot restrict the freedom of the Emir, otherwise it will provoke him to escape from the family nest. Author: Natalia Chernikova

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