Military forecast: what awaits Donbass in the new year. Clairvoyant predictions about the Donbass - when the war will end Vanga's prediction about the Donbass for a year

Calculator 11.11.2021

In 2012, in the small village of Alekseev-Druzhkovka, Donetsk region, the holy father Alexy died. He was not only a good man and a clergyman, but he also knew how to do what others cannot - to see the future. Before his death, Father Alexy said:

“In two years, a war will begin in Ukraine, our village will not be affected by the war, we will have to go through hunger and cold, and after that we will live very well.”

When the war in Donbass would end, no one asked the priest then, because the very idea of ​​a war in Ukraine seemed absurd and implausible.

But today for Ukraine, and for many other countries, this issue is one of the most pressing. In 2014, hostilities moved from Sloviansk and Kramatorsk to Donetsk and Luhansk, leaving several small towns, including Alekseev-Druzhkovka, unaffected. Obviously, Father Alexy was really able to foresee the course of future events. But, unfortunately, the date of the end of the war remained unknown.

If we turn to the predictions of other clairvoyants, we can find that the predictions of some of them coincide, while others, on the contrary, are radically different. For example, some psychics predict the end of the war in 2019, and some of them - at the end of 2017. There are also clairvoyants who see a global apocalypse in the near future.

In order to at least slightly open the veil of the unknown, you can try to analyze the prophecies of several clairvoyants at once. Thus, based on the existing coincidences, we will find out the most accurate date for the end of the armed conflict. So, when the war in Donetsk will end - the predictions of clairvoyants.

Levin Mikhail is a famous astrologer who founded the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

  • Mikhail foresees that hostilities in Donbass will continue for at least another 60 years. During this time, Ukraine will survive many coups d'etat, stop growing sunflowers and other crops.
  • Ukrainian fields, according to Levin, will be completely empty.
  • European countries will be engaged in the production of vegetable oil and dairy products, and Ukraine will have to buy these products three times more expensive than before.

Sergey Shevtsov

Forecaster Serhiy Shevtsov believes that the war in Ukraine will end in 2019.

  • Sergey also noted that there will be no economic stability in the country due to constant coups d'état and a change in political direction.
  • Ukrainian rulers will alternately orient their policy either towards Western countries or towards Russia.

Alena Zelibora

According to the predictions of psychic Alena Zelibora:

  • At the end of 2017, a coup d'etat awaits Ukraine, caused by prohibitive prices for utilities and food.
  • Alena foresees an attempt to overthrow Petro Poroshenko, which in the end will be unsuccessful.
  • In 2018, there will be a new government in the country, which will give the people a promise to improve relations with the neighboring country - Russia. The war will stop temporarily.
  • Despite the fact that the new government will be able to gain popularity among the residents of the DPR and LPR, the young republics will still refuse to return to Ukraine. Nevertheless, Ukraine will be able to establish trade relations with these republics. However, they will not last long - soon there will be a new coup, during which power will again be in the hands of leaders seeking to set foot in the European Union. These events will lead to the resumption of hostilities in the territory of Donbass.
  • According to Alena Zelibora, the war in Ukraine will last for several decades.


A well-known fortune teller who lived in Bulgaria made a lot of predictions about events taking place in different countries. Most of them turned out to be very accurate. For example, a blind seer predicted the catastrophe that occurred in the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl, and was also able to foresee the death of the Kursk submarine. A feature of Vanga's predictions is that the meaning of the words she said becomes clear only after the event she predicted has already happened.

  • As for the conflict in the Donbass, back in the 90s, the seer mentioned that Ukraine would face darkness, gunpowder, a cry, and, oddly enough, a rabbit. Then the meaning of this prediction seemed very unclear. Today, even a child understands what kind of "rabbit", "gunpowder" and "cry" was discussed. Although, perhaps, the seer associated the “cry” with the cry proclaimed on the Maidan, and the word “gunpowder” can be taken literally: gunpowder is a weapon, shooting, war.
  • Vanga said that a certain dwarf with a black face would be responsible for starting the war in Ukraine. Who this mysterious character, people began to guess only in 2014.
  • The seer believed that Ukraine would lose several of its regions, including Crimea. From 2018, a rapid development of events should be expected, and the war will last until 2019.

Pavel Globa

The famous astrologer Globa many years ago predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, mentioned Putin as the future Russian president, and was also able to see the collapse of the Estonia ferry. It is worth noting that some of Globa's predictions turned out to be not entirely correct, and some did not come true at all.

However, Paul himself emphasizes that errors in astrological forecasts are normal and quite natural.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, back in 2013, the astrologer predicted the breakup of Ukraine into several parts. One of them will come out of the subordination of Kiev, but it will not succeed in joining Russia, while the other will become part of the Russian Federation.
  • The young Donbass republics face a very difficult future, which is reminiscent of the scenario that happened in their time in Transnistria.
  • Globa also noted that 2014 will be the beginning of the third world war.
  • The new Ukrainian leader, who will have the strong support of the people, will be able to resolve the conflict situation in the Donbass. After he comes to power, the situation in the country will normalize, and Ukraine will be able to reach the same level as Poland and other rapidly developing states.
  • Thanks to the very tough nature of the new leader in Ukraine, it will be possible to eradicate corruption, which will positively affect the further development of events.
  • However, such a leader will not appear in the country soon, so in the near future Ukraine will face instability and a difficult political and economic situation.

By the way, Glob's economic prosperity portends not only Ukraine, but also Russia. However, this will happen no earlier than after 2023.

Predictions of Ulyana Koshevoy

Ulyana Koshevaya lived on the territory of the Lugansk region, and with the advent of the war, she left for the Poltava region. In 2015, the woman turned 104 years old. But, despite such an advanced age, Ulyana is respected and popular among her neighbors. The fact is that she has the gift of foresight and knows how to heal diseases. Despite being almost completely blind, Grandma can see things that other ordinary people cannot see.

Prophetic visions come to Ulyana in her dreams. Most often, prophetic dreams occur at the beginning of each year - they show what it will be like.

A year before the start of the war, my grandmother began to dream of soldiers, bloodshed and battles. Already living in the Poltava region, fields sown with rye and a peaceful, calm sky began to appear in her dreams.

When asked when the war in Donbass will end, Ulyana replies that very soon - at the end of 2017-beginning of 2018.

Alexander Zarev

The famous astrologer Alexander Zarev suggests that the war in Donbass may end in 2018.

Interestingly, Zarev's predictions for 2018 for both Ukraine and Russia are very similar.

  • So, in both states next year, power may change.
  • It is these events that will lead to the fact that the countries will begin to conduct peace negotiations among themselves, which will end in reconciliation.
  • The astrologer sees economic growth in both Russia and Ukraine, which will be preceded by many government reforms aimed at improving life.
  • Zarev predicts economic growth for most other countries as well.

Sergey Shevtsov

According to the psychic and parapsychologist, Sergei Shevtsov-Lang, the cause of the war in the Donbas was Uranus, which is in Aries, and Mars patronizes Uranus. Such an arrangement of the planets always leads to devastation, conflict, hunger and misfortune.

  • Ukraine will be under the fire element until 2019, after which the situation will gradually return to normal.
  • When the war ends, there will be a significant increase in the standard of living of the population in Ukraine.
  • The new young republics will again become part of Ukraine, although the model of their new government will now resemble the former Crimean autonomy.
  • As for Crimea, the peninsula will never become Ukrainian.

Serezha Vertinsky

Serezha Vertinsky is currently 10 years old. The boy lives in Crimea and suffers from autism. Serezha's mother, and all the people around him, claim that he is an unusual child. Sometimes the boy predicts upcoming events, which subsequently come true. At first, the parents did not pay attention to the words of the baby, but gradually they began to understand that their son had the gift of clairvoyance.

A year before the events in Crimea and its annexation to the Russian Federation, the boy said: "We will soon become Russia." Later, the kid began to talk about the bloody events that should happen in Kiev, on the Maidan. And recently Serezha spoke again - the boy foresees the imminent end of the war - in the summer of 2018.

The Odessa elder Jonah many times accurately predicted future events that should take place in Ukraine.

Iona Gnatenko accurately indicated the date of the beginning of the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine, and before his death, he spoke about the future that awaits the country - the end of the military confrontation will take place at the end of 2018.

  • When asked if a third world war awaits us, the elder replied that this war would not happen. And most countries, including Ukraine and Russia, will live in abundance and prosperity.
  • Regarding the future of the United States, the elder said that a great power would have to endure a terrible default, but America would quickly get out of this situation and stabilize its economic situation.
  • As for America's relations with Russia and Ukraine, in the future these states will cooperate as equal partners. However, this will happen only after the rulers change in the Slavic states.
  • The elder also made a prediction about Novorossia: when asked how the current conflict would end, Jonah replied that hard times awaited the young state. Despite the end of the war and the stabilization of the situation in the world, Novorossia will not receive an official status and will not be recognized by the world as a full-fledged state.

Vlad Ross

Astrologer Vlad Ross accurately predicted the resignation of Yatsenyuk, the departure of Yanukovych, the signing of a visa-free regime, as well as many other important events that have occurred in recent years in Ukraine.

  • Ross argues that after 2017 Ukraine will begin to gradually improve the economic situation.
  • By 2023, when the symbol of wealth, Pluto, enters Aquarius, Ukrainians will become as wealthy as Czechs, Poles and residents of other developed countries of Eastern Europe. Ross predicts the same economic stability for the residents of the neighboring state - Russia. The war in Donbass will end in 2019.
  • According to the astrologer, the cause of the armed conflict was the passage of Pluto on the Ascendant of Ukraine. But the complete departure of the planet from the Ukrainian ascendant will occur after 2019.
  • Russia and Ukraine will again become equal partners. And after 2021-2024, the Ukrainian government will start negotiations on joining the European Union. In 2025, good money will be invested in Ukraine, and Ukrainians who left the country will soon return to their homeland.
  • When Pluto enters Aquarius, a very favorable period will begin for Ukraine to boost the economy, improve the living standards of the people, develop business and gain recognition in the international arena.

If the course of events does not go according to the scenario of Mikhail Levin and other predictors who portend a long and protracted conflict, then we can hope for an early end to the war in Ukraine.

Everything that is happening now on the territory of Ukraine worries a considerable number of people, including not only residents of the most independent state. After all, there is not only an economic crisis there, they are also fighting there and there is no end in sight to this military confrontation. Therefore, predictions of what awaits Donbass in 2018 are of interest to many, and if so, then the topic should be considered from all sides.

Will 2018 be a turning point?

Most analysts agree on one thing - the Ukrainian state is undergoing a new stage in its development, this applies to each of its inhabitants. After all, the future of their homeland will depend on their attitude to everything. The stars predicted to the astrologers that the revival of the country should not be expected before the year 21 of this century (Kiev will still be the capital of the country). And the revival should start a year earlier, and astrologers even named the approximate date of this event - December 20, on this day the stars and planets will converge at the required point.
Astrologers attribute the above signs to heavenly predictions that only good news awaits Ukrainian citizens - the economy will begin to recover, however, it will take at least ten years, but the first positive results will be noticed by the inhabitants of the country literally immediately. The only negative among all these predictions is that there will be no positive information until the specified time. And this means that the fate of Donbass for 2018 is hidden in the dark.
So far, the general forecasts are as follows: a new person will come to the leadership, whose actions will give an impetus to the economy and bring the state to a higher level in international politics. Under the last condition, most experts see the country's entry into the EU or the creation of a powerful alliance with some country to strengthen the economic and military power of the state.

About the military conflict, astrologers say that it should end by this time. Its completion will allow investments to start flowing into the Ukrainian economy, which will make the life of ordinary citizens of the country much more comfortable.
The Church, as one of the branches of power, will not remain aloof from the ongoing events. And first of all, the changes will concern its dependence on the Moscow diocese - it (dependence) will no longer exist. Here again, the charisma of the new head of state will play its role, who will take full power into his own hands. As you can see, there is a lot of news, but again, nothing is known what will happen to Donbass in 2018. There is simply no information.

And what do modern forecasters say by the stars?

Of the living astrologers, the most famous in the world is P. Globa, and the fact that the public of the whole world expects revelations about the Ukrainian situation from him. After all, it was from his mouth that the world first learned that Ukraine was facing several geopolitical conflicts and that Europe did not have long to live within its current borders. Predictions about Ukraine have already come true, and that's all, so the Europeans are anxiously awaiting when the words of the soothsayer on the continent begin to come true.
As for the current situation and what awaits Donbass in 2018 and Ukraine as a whole, the astrologer speaks only in a negative way. According to him, negative things await our eastern neighbors, and stability, as already mentioned, will come by the twenties. It is good that the coming year is expected to be more or less calm.
This, unfortunately, does not mean the end of the war, but at least it pleases that the number of battles will become somewhat less.
Globa expressed a somewhat seditious idea that the stabilization of the situation in the twenties would be a consequence of the fact that Ukraine in its current state would not exist on the map. It will lose its independence and the territory will be divided among several other countries. Of course, the astrologer's words can be considered unlikely, but remember, everything that he predicted about Ukraine has already come true. It remains to wait for the rest of the forecasts.

What do other seers say?

Many turn to the predictions of the famous grinder. But here, perhaps, it is worth saying the following: she does not have separate predictions for Ukraine, but she described the situation in the nearest regions. And some predictions indirectly affect the Ukrainian situation.
So, if Vanga's predictions about the Donbass for 2018 are to be believed, troubled times await everyone living in this territory. And only an “honest” ruler can help the Ukrainian people in this (have you seen many of them?), The trouble is that there are very few such people, especially among those in power.
According to the predictions of the Bulgarian, “brother will fight brother” and the main problem of people will be disunity, that everyone will try to escape alone. But only a general unification of forces can help.

Again, returning to the predictions about the Donbass for 2018 from Globa, namely the part that talks about the collapse of the Ukrainian state. There is Vanga's prediction, it says that what has been uniting for a long time will fall apart, and this will happen near Russia. Experts deciphering Vanga's words believe that her words contain an indication of the collapse of our neighbor and the formation of Novorossia on Donbass land. But as you understand, it is too early to speak about this unambiguously. Astrological forecasts for Donbass for 2018 also come from other predictors. For example, the notorious Vera Lyon agrees with Vanga that troubled times are expected, but then the predictions of the two women differ. According to Vera, there is not much left before the end of the troubled times, and most importantly, those who started the military conflict will be punished for their actions. And Ukraine will remain an integral state.
Parapsychologist Shevtsov-Lang also predicts the end of the military conflict, but at a later date. But again, it confirms the words of the Bulgarian that only the unification of all Ukrainians, including those living in the Donbass, will be able to direct history in a better direction for the country. And the sooner the people of the country understand this, the sooner everything will return to a peaceful norm.

The current geopolitical situation in the world cannot leave anyone indifferent. Those international relations that have been formed in the country, on the continent and the world as a whole directly affect the life of everyone to a certain extent. That is why a person's interest in the future, however, as always, is especially significant. Our attention is also drawn to the events unfolding in Ukraine.

When will there be peace in Ukraine?

The current state of affairs is the ensuing consequences of a number of decisions made and a combination of circumstances. It all began with the crisis of 2014 or even 2013, with the start of mass protests in Kiev. Further change of power and as a result - war. The ruthless conflict in the east of the country has already claimed more than one thousand human lives. And the geopolitical situation around the war heated up to the limit. So, some political scientists and quite prominent politicians believe that if the armed conflict does not stop, then a third world war may begin because of it.

It is this situation that makes many turn to the stars, maps, horoscopes and other things in order to find out: what will happen to Donbass and the world as a whole? The fate of millions of people depends on it.

Predictions about the future of Ukraine vary quite a lot: from pessimistic to quite positive, giving hope for a speedy peace.

For example, Ukrainian astrologer from Odessa, Vlad Ross, sees the future of his country in a rather positive, optimistic way. He claims that:

  1. Donetsk and Lugansk will soon return to the country, this condition will contribute to the establishment of peace in the region and the republic as a whole. According to him, this should happen in 2019.
  2. When there is peace in Ukraine, the country will begin to develop rapidly and build a new, democratic society. The current crisis will end.
  3. There is also a hint of pessimism in his forecasts. Thus, the stars promise Ukraine a change in power as a result of early elections. This is due to the fact that the sphere responsible for prosperity will be influenced by Mars. It is this warlike planet that will lead to a split in the already formed political elite.
  4. As a result of the elections, new, strong people will come to power, who will begin to lead the country out of the recession.
  5. Regarding the Crimea, Ross answers firmly - the peninsula can no longer be returned.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that Ross predicts not the most enviable fate of Russia. According to him, the federation is waiting for the collapse and a long period of instability.

Prediction for Donbass from Pavel Globa

This fairly well-known soothsayer earned considerable popularity during the Soviet era. This is due to the high level of accurate forecasts for the future. Of course, he could not pass by in relation to Ukraine. So, Pavel Globa made a forecast for the future of the country back in 2009. Then he said that Ukraine was waiting for the collapse into three completely independent regions:

  • The Western region, which, over time, will quarrel with all the surrounding countries.
  • The Republic of Crimea, which will be integrated into the Russian Federation (which has already happened).
  • The eastern part, which will also become part of the Russian Federation, but not immediately. This will be preceded by significant obstacles, both politically and legally.

It is worth noting: Pavel Globa's forecasts come true with an accuracy of 85%. This indicator indicates a high degree of reliability of his words. But what will happen to Donbass in 2019?

According to Globa, 2019 will not bring anything good and no positive changes. The conflict will continue at today's level. This will bring grief and suffering to people on both sides of the divide. Peace talks will also fail, as they simply won't work in practice.

When will there be peace in Donbass? The psychic does not give unambiguous statements in this regard. He does not name a specific date for the end of the war. However, in his opinion, peace is still possible. But, this will happen with the change of the ruling regime. According to him, the new leader must convince the citizens of the country of the futility of a policy aimed at confrontation with Donetsk specifically and Russia in particular. Only then will the long-awaited peace come to the country.

Donbass predictions from Vanga

When will there be peace in Ukraine? This question can also be addressed to such an authoritative Bulgarian soothsayer as Vanga, a prediction that lives to this day, even after her death.

Vanga left not many prophecies regarding Ukraine, moreover, analyzing what she said, one must understand that the clairvoyant used quite figurative and metamorphic ways of presenting what she “saw”. That is why researchers have to decipher her words.

Vanga spoke about Ukraine in the context of the entire Eastern European region. Interpreters claim that she predicted great troubles for this region: an endless struggle for power, the impoverishment of peoples, and armed conflicts. However, this is exactly what is happening now.

But, the Bulgarian clairvoyant, despite all the gloom of the forecasts, was optimistic. And she talked about the change of power. The leader in this region will be a certain person, whom she called "Sagittarius", it is he who will be able to unite the previously divided peoples. With his arrival, the spiritual revival of the region will begin. Thus, on the question of what will happen to the Donbass, Vanga's predictions do not carry any specifics. At the same time, there is hope for a new leader who will change the situation.

Predictions about Donbass: Julia Wang

Julia Wang is a famous soothsayer from Latvia. Most of her prophecies relate to the EU, but she also made several high-profile prophecies about the conflict in the Donbass and the future of Ukraine:

  1. According to Julia, Kiev will not be able to return either Crimea or Donetsk.
  2. She also believes that serious shocks await Ukraine, which will lead to the complete collapse of the republic, and its parts will go under the protectorate to other states. Moreover, Wang believes that such a development of events will be beneficial. Since it is after this that prosperity will begin on the territory of the former country.
  3. At the same time, serious geopolitical changes will take place in the EU, which is why the leaders of Europe will not be up to Ukrainian problems.

Predictions for the Donbass: other soothsayers Vera Lyon, Alexey Pokhabov, Olga

Vera Lyon is a clairvoyant, who is often called the "Kazakh Vanga". She makes predictions based on vivid images. So, Vera sees Ukraine in the form of a dry tree, bleeding with an unusual red resin. This vision clearly does not mean anything good. According to Vera Lyon, in 2019 one should not expect a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Moreover, she predicts Ukraine will soon break up into several parts, and relations with Russia, at the same time, will only worsen.

Alexey Pokhabov, the winner of the Battle of Psychics, after a long meditation, made a new prediction about the Donbass. The clairvoyant claims that 2019 may bring a new war to Europe. Calls for peace talks to begin now, otherwise a very large number of people will die. And above all, a new round of armed conflict will lead to disastrous consequences for the European Union. According to him, Ukrainian nationalist-minded people can unleash a war on two fronts - against Donetsk and Europe.

Predictions for the Donbass were also made by a witch who calls herself Olga. In her opinion, the Ukrainian authorities continue to deceive their people, and in fact, the culprits of the war in the east are today's ruling elite. She is sure that in 2019 we will face a new round of confrontation in Donetsk, but it will be sudden, as there will be a riot in Kiev, as a result of which the power will change. As a result, a strong leader will come who will stop the bloodshed and lead Ukraine to prosperity.


Peace in Ukraine, when will it be? It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, even after analyzing all the predictions and prophecies. Only one thing is clear: the end of the war will be only after peace negotiations and the implementation of all the agreements reached.

The future of Ukraine depends solely on the people who live here, and only common sense can help the state survive and get out of the recession.

2018-01-01 14:45:00

Experts predict that in 2018 the positional confrontation between the parties to the conflict will continue in the Donbas. But escalation is not ruled out.

“The basic scenario is neither war nor peace, as it is today,” suggests one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future, Yuriy Romanenko. The site writes about this with reference to the Air Force. Ukraine ".

At the same time, Romanenko notes that the possibility of a peace agreement in 2018 is still higher than in the past. This, in particular, is evidenced by the start of negotiations between the “curators” of the conflict settlement in Donbas from the United States, Kurt Volker, and from Russia, Vladislav Surkov. “There will be serious attempts to reach a consensus, according to which Ukraine will try to return the territories of Donbass, taking into account Russia’s interest there,” Romanenko notes. “But the Ukrainian parliament is quite skeptical about Minsk and the prospects for an early return of Donbass.”

In his opinion, Russia will not resort to any large-scale actions in the Donbass. In particular, because of the danger of new sanctions and the disruption of the World Cup (to be held in the Russian Federation in the summer), which can be taken away. “Plus, on the eve of the presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine in 2019, this sharply strengthens the Ukrainian hawks,” adds Romanenko.

But military expert and publicist Mikhail Zhirokhov does not exclude the escalation associated with the presidential elections in Russia in March 2018.

“Either during the election campaign, in the context of a “small victorious war”, or after the elections, when some decision on Donbass will be made in the Kremlin. For example, the transformation of these territories into self-sufficient ones,” says the military expert.

The most dangerous areas, he said, are Avdiivka and Mariupol. “Avdiivka is a coke plant (Avdiivka Coke Plant, which is the largest coke producer in Europe – approx.), and Mariupol is a port,” Zhirokhov explains.

Political scientist, head of the Penta Center for Applied Political Research Volodymyr Fesenko admitted in an interview with that he does not expect any cardinal changes in 2018 regarding the resolution of the conflict in Donbass.

“There are already signs of a new cooling of relations between the West and Russia (new US sanctions against Russia, exclusion of the Russian Federation from participation in the 2018 Winter Olympics). And that's all - for the presidential elections in Russia, which should be held in March next year, - notes Fesenko. - Under these conditions, it is unlikely to reach a constructive compromise on resolving the conflict in Donbass, including on the UN peacekeeping mission in the region. On the contrary, there are fears that Vladimir Putin, who is preparing to legalize the fourth term of his presidency, may once again play great power muscles.

But there is, according to the expert, there is a deterrent.

“The 2018 FIFA World Cup is to be held in Russia in June-July. Any serious aggravation of hostilities in the Donbass, or other aggressive actions of the Kremlin can lead to the disruption of the 2018 World Cup in the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich believes. - I doubt that Putin will take such a risk, given his predilection for global sporting events in Russia. Therefore, until the summer of 2018, the situation in the Donbas will most likely remain in its current form. But in the fall of next year, there may be a reason to aggravate the military-political situation in this region. In November, the puppet pseudo-republics (the so-called "DPR" and "LPR") are preparing to hold regular elections for their leadership, which will be perceived in Ukraine (and not only) as a flagrant violation of the Minsk agreements, and will negatively affect the course of the negotiation process" .

In an interview with Apostrophe, the coordinator of the Information Resistance group, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security and Defense, people's deputy Dmitry Tymchuk noted: “For Putin, it is now important to maintain the status quo. The Americans, through [U.S. State Department Special Representative for Ukraine] Kurt Volker, are starting to make hard-hitting proposals, trying to change the situation in a format that the Kremlin does not like. But Putin will pull this status quo until the elections. And after the elections, other conversations will begin. Everyone is well aware that the Russian economy is not in the best condition. And the fact that some social guarantees are being preserved now will last only until the elections. The same Crimea is quite costly for Putin, the war in Donbas is not worth a penny, sanctions are taking their toll, international isolation - all these factors together make it possible to understand that not the best times will come for Russians after the elections. They will be directly told that they need to tighten their belts quite seriously, and in Russia, not all citizens will like this.”

According to Tymchuk, against this background, in Russia by the fall of 2018, such a negative socio-economic situation may arise inside that Putin "will have to decide something."

“Crimea, of course, he will not give up, but with regard to the Donbass, he will have an edge question: either leave with the hope of lifting sanctions, plus relieve himself of the burden of financing this campaign, or continue the war with incomprehensible consequences already inside his country. What he will choose is still unclear. But the Kremlin is well aware that this choice will soon come, - argues the IC coordinator. - That is, after the elections in Russia, we should expect serious changes in the Kremlin's strategy. The only question is how Putin will leave the Donbass, trying to save face, because it is fundamentally important for him.”

Only a few days remain before the start of the World Cup in Russia. The grandiose sports festival has already turned into an element of a big political game: Moscow's opponents accused it of illegally obtaining the right to host the tournament and called for a boycott of the World Cup. Especially strong the British after the poisoning of the Skripals, and ""Arkady Babchenko for some was the reason to exclaim again:" How can you hold the World Cup there ?!" Another topic that is often discussed in the context of the tournament is the war in Donbass. Should we expect the situation in eastern Ukraine to change during or after the end of the World Cup?

One on one with Kiev

Waiting for the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) is a kind of chronic illness that the residents of Donbass have been suffering from for more than three years. Grandmothers in the market, representatives of local authorities, and Russian experts regularly talk about a big war that should flare up any day. During each aggravation on one or another sector of the front, they all repeat in unison: "Well, it has begun." But every time the beginning of the "massacre" for some reason is postponed. More recently, this scenario was repeated near Gorlovka: the offensive of the Ukrainian army bogged down on the outskirts of the city, the front line did not change significantly. On the other hand, the scale of the fighting speaks of the seriousness of the intentions of the military command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

An analytical portal is a site about the desire of some experts to "time" the offensive of the Ukrainian army to two important events for Russia in 2018: the presidential elections in the Russian Federation and the World Cup.

The first assumption turned out to be wrong: the re-election of Vladimir Putin was not marred not only by the daring actions of the Ukrainian army in the Donbass, but also by any serious provocations. Meanwhile, the threat of "unfreezing" of the conflict on the eve of the World Cup remains.

If the Ukrainian side is hatching plans for a radical change in the situation, then it is difficult to find a more appropriate moment for this. Shackled by the holding of the world championship, Moscow will not be able to provide proper support to the Donbass.

In addition, during the World Cup, control over the border between the people's republics (LDNR) and Russia will be significantly strengthened (the rumors about this are spread by the Ukrainian media, but our sources confirm this information).

Donetsk and Luhansk run the risk of being left alone against Ukraine both on the battlefield and in other areas: humanitarian, diplomatic, informational. The balance of power will be clearly not in their favor, so it cannot be ruled out that Kiev will try to take advantage of the enemy's vulnerability and finally get a real, and not imaginary, "overpower". The desire to “move” the front line of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is more than enough, which is confirmed by their regular daring sorties.

For the Motherland, for Poroshenko!

The goals of the military command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may be different. Of course, the maximum task would be to clean up the entire territory that the republics today control - then the second presidential term would be guaranteed to Petr Alekseevich (although Moscow is unlikely to calmly watch this even during the World Cup).

But the option of a “small victorious war” with the aim of “chopping off” some significant settlement of the LDNR is not excluded. The long-suffering Gorlovka fits this role better than the others. Isn't that why the Ukrainian military has recently been “probing” it?

“Over the past four years of President Poroshenko’s cadence, the front has hardly moved, and the ATO has turned into a senseless, exhausting and bloody positional war,” writes Free Press. - In the upcoming election campaign, other contenders will ask for this, right? Therefore, a resounding military success is urgently needed in the Donbass. The capture of individual villages in the so-called gray zone will not get off here. Another thing is a large city. If you raise the “Yellow-Blakyt ensign” above him and climb onto the podium established on the occasion of such an unheard-of victory, then statements about your own claims for a second presidential term will look much more weighty.”

Neat Tactics

However, one can also find serious arguments in favor of the fact that Poroshenko and the company will not dare such adventures. Today, even supporters of the Kiev regime stop scaring Ukrainians with tales that terrorists are about to rush into the attack: it is obvious that Moscow does not need an aggravation of the situation on the eve or during the World Cup. This was recently admitted by the former deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Igor Romanenko.

If full-scale hostilities unleash, Kiev risks completely ruining its already tarnished international reputation, and any advance deep into the territory of the LDNR will mean a gross violation of the Minsk agreements and a spit in the face of their Western guarantors.

As practice shows, the Ukrainian authorities no longer care much about their image, but are they able to act so shamelessly?

The question of Poroshenko's readiness to "go for you" also remains open. For the incumbent president, the offensive of the Ukrainian army is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, this is the only 100% way to raise his rating, on the other, it is a potential end to his career (the guarantor will obviously not be forgiven for another “boiler”). Therefore, the enterprising Pyotr Alekseevich chose a more accurate tactic.

“The fight against internal opposition, the fight against the “fifth column” before our eyes can turn into a witch hunt,” said Ruslan Bortnyk, director of the Ukrainian Institute for Policy Analysis and Management, commenting on the case of Nadiya Savchenko. - If in 2014 the main strategy in the elections was the external front - Donbass and Crimea, then in 2019 there will be an internal war. This has been discussed before, but on March 26, the president said it directly, speaking to the National Guard.” The recent story of Arkady Babchenko, whose "resurrection" the president's team tried to turn into a grandiose victory, confirms the words of the Ukrainian expert.

Another important point should not be overlooked: being under external control, the Ukrainian politicians have the right to decide only operational issues - strategic decisions are not made in Kiev at all.

And the war in the Donbass is undoubtedly too important and global to be left to the nominal owners of the "Square". Therefore, the "go-ahead" for the start of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should come from the Western patrons of Ukraine. Do they want a repeat of the horrors of 2014? Overseas, probably not against it, but Europe, whose geographical center is located on the territory of Ukraine, clearly does not need a big war.

These hackneyed theses take on new meanings after the introduction of tariffs by Washington. Declaring its readiness to fight with the United States, which promises to hurt the European economy, Brussels must by all means oppose destabilization on the "eastern front".

After the World Cup

At the end of the World Cup, the initiative in Donbass will go over to the side of the Kremlin, and “surprises” can also be expected from it. The Network is already actively discussing the possible resignation of Vladislav Surkov, aide to the President of the Russian Federation, a man who is considered the curator of the unrecognized republics and has significant influence on the processes taking place in them. Such changes would certainly affect the actions of the local authorities in the Donbass, it is possible that new faces will appear, and hence new tasks.

Of course, the most global goal would be to unite the DNR and LNR into a single state with its capital in Donetsk. Residents of the unrecognized republics were waiting for this with enthusiasm after the resignation of the ex-head of the Lugansk People's Republic, Igor Plotnitsky, believing that it was the resistance of the "Luhansk people" that was the main obstacle to real integration. But the cart, as they say, is still there.

Another area that may become more active after the World Cup is UN peacekeepers. On the issue of peacekeepers, the Kremlin has already made concessions, agreeing to the deployment of “blue helmets” between the warring parties, but in Kiev such an initiative is still seen as a way to “freeze” the conflict and demand the introduction of an international mission to the entire territory of Donbass.

Both in the issue of peacekeepers and in the issue of the implementation of the Minsk agreements, the ball today is on the side of Ukraine and its patrons, who defiantly refuse to continue the game.

Each new round of violence and failure in the negotiations on the Donbass gives rise to talk in Russia about the need to recognize the independence of the LDNR. Moscow defiantly rejects this option - the recognition of the warring republics, apparently, can only follow in response to the unprecedentedly aggressive actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In a word, there should be no illusions here.


The holding and end of the World Cup can only be seen as a catalyst for changing the situation. For real changes in the Donbass today, we need not reasons, but the political will of the conflicting parties. Unfortunately, neither Kiev and Donetsk, nor their patrons demonstrate a desire to resolve the Donbas issue once and for all. Therefore, the World Cup should not be given great political importance. A more significant event promises to be the presidential elections, the breath of which in Ukraine is already clearly felt and which at least gives hope for a "reset" of relations between Kiev and Donetsk.

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