How to choose a massage chair? Catalog of models for sale and technical characteristics. Massage chairs and vending: a ready-made business plan

Marble 22.01.2022

To start this business, you need to decide on the installation location of massage chairs, your future profit will depend on this. Places of installation should be with high traffic of people and at the same time, people who want to use your service should be able to relax.

The massage chair is convenient because you can use it anywhere and anytime. According to its functions, the chair replaces a full-fledged massage, as if it were done by a person. It also kneads, rubs, relaxes the right muscles. Such a device is able to provide a person with maximum relaxation. Thus, thanks to the massage chair, we have comfort, convenience and, most importantly, the result. The convenience of these chairs is that they do not require significant maintenance or consumables, just press a button and turn on the device.

The choice of installation site is the key point.
Your profit will depend on it, and, knowing Russian realities, the safety of your equipment (there are more vandals in public places - people who are not interested in buying people who can ruin the appearance or mechanism of a massage chair for fun), and even your safety during removal and delivery earned funds.

Massage and spa salons, beauty parlors

Hotels, holiday homes, boarding houses

Sports clubs, gyms, fitness centers

Shopping and entertainment complexes

Waiting rooms at all types of transport enterprises, where there are many transit passengers who quickly get tired and wait for their flight for a long time, not knowing what to do with themselves (bus stations, airports)

Swimming pools, baths, saunas

Auto salons and car washes

The most profitable business ideas will be based on the placement of massage chairs in medical, health-improving institutions, such as: hospitals, clinics, resort hotels, crowded places (shopping centers, cinemas). Try to place these devices where the massage service will be a logical addition to an existing service (baths, car washes, car service, beauty salons) or it will be especially useful and necessary for people to restore their strength, for example, after flights, transfers (hotels, train stations, airports). The main convenience is that you do not need attendants, since such chairs are already equipped with bill acceptors.

Thus, the business of placing massage chairs will bring you not only the main, but also additional income. Selling massage chairs and more, you will be a supplier of mattresses and massagers in your region. As practice shows, these devices are in great demand everywhere.

Purchase of chairs, as well as renting a place to place the chair. According to the experience of various entrepreneurs who are engaged in this type of activity, it is known that for the placement of one chair, the approximate amount of rent for a seat is 15% of the monthly revenue. If the revenue from one chair per month is $750, then the rent of one chair will be $112. As for taxation, it is better to open an enterprise according to the general system, then tax fees will be a fixed monthly amount, which will not depend on your income.

A freight forwarder in a car can serve about 60 seats, which are located in about 30 different places per day. At the initial stage of this business, when the number of seats is not more than 10, forwarding can be done by yourself, so this item of expenditure is completely absent. Forwarding should be carried out approximately 1 time in a couple of weeks.

The calculation of profit is very simple, as it relies on two indicators. This is the cost of the service and the number of landings per day.

We take the cost of the service $ 5 for 10 minutes. And the number of landings on average is 5 times. Thus, the revenue from one chair per month = $ 750.

So the main costs are:

Buying chairs - $5,000, decorating them - $50, shipping - $100. These are investment costs.

Renting space for five chairs per month - $ 560. Taxes per month - $50.

Revenue per month from five chairs - $ 3,750.

It follows from this that the payback of this project will come in about 2 months.

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Despite the growing competition among operators, vending massage chairs are still considered one of the promising business areas. There are several reasons for this, the main ones are: the growing popularity of massage services among consumers; lack of market saturation, especially in the regions; low entry ticket to business - 5 vending chairs(that's enough to start) will cost the entrepreneur only 300 thousand rubles.; relatively high profitability and payback of the business (in comparison with other types of activities). How the massage chair works:

The undoubted advantage of the vending business is its mobility. An unsuccessfully installed massage chair in a deliberately unprofitable place - easily changed within a few hours. The dimensions of the chair (~ 120 cm x 90 cm x 100 cm) allow you to transfer it on the roof of a car.

How much money do you need to open a business on vending massage chairs

A new vending chair will cost 50-60 thousand rubles. But you can't build a business on one chair. Therefore, you should start at least with the installation of 3-5 massage chairs. Investments in this case will amount to 150 - 300 thousand rubles.

The average cost of the service by region is approximately as follows: 5 minutes of massage - 50 rubles, 10 minutes - 100 rubles. In St. Petersburg, some operators set very low prices - 100 rubles. 30 minutes rental. Most likely due to the high competition in the market.

According to market players, hiring workers (operators) is justified only if there is a fleet of 15 or more seats. In total, one operator on a passenger car is able to serve up to 50 vending chairs. The main responsibility of the operator is the collection of money and checking the serviceability of the equipment. The frequency of collection of the box with money is approximately 1 time in two weeks.

The purchase of the first massage chairs must be approached with special care. Vending chair vendors may sing to you about how profitable the business is. You should not believe them literally, most of them have never been involved in vending at all and do not know the peculiarities of the functioning of this market. Their task is to sell the product, but how it will work is no longer their problem. This is not to say that the vending chair business cannot be profitable. How else can.

Choosing the location of vending chairs

But, as you know, in vending everything is decided by a trading place. In the case of massage chairs, this issue is of particular importance. High traffic will not always be a decisive criterion when choosing a place to install a massage chair. The audience of people passing by is also important. If the main stream of people rushes past the chair at a speed of 10 km / h, then your chair is unlikely to interest anyone. For example, this situation may be in the subway or at the bus station.

Another thing is a large shopping and entertainment center, where people like to spend time leisurely, quietly visit boutiques and spend a lot of money. A long walk to the shops often exhausts people and they willingly use the services of a massage chair to relieve tension. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the administration of the shopping center will ask for a considerable amount for rent. And even though you only need 2m2, the administration of the shopping center is well aware of how much your chair can earn and will set a “special price” for you. It can be 1 and 5 and 15 thousand rubles a month. In this case, a place that is obviously profitable may turn out to be unprofitable due to high rent.

Therefore, when choosing a place to install a massage chair, you should be guided not only by traffic, but also by the rental rate. How to agree here. Often, you have to look for ways to get to the management of the shopping center, since very "intractable" employees can sit in the rental department. Other profitable places to install chairs can be fitness clubs, hotels, boarding houses, beauty salons. In such places, people use massage chairs to improve their health and well-being. And although the traffic of such points is not too high, however, the rent here will be much lower than in the shopping center.

Business plan for vending massage chairs

Let's calculate the payback of the business on the installation of vending massage chairs. Capital expenditures: Purchase of massage chairs + delivery + installation - 5 units of 60 thousand rubles each. Total investment = 300 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses:

How much can you earn on vending chairs

Revenue: Let's take the average number of massage services - 5 landings per day for 100 rubles (This is the minimum rate for a large shopping center). Monthly revenue from one chair - 15 thousand rubles. Thus, five massage chairs will bring in a month - 75 thousand rubles. Hence the profit of the business: revenue - costs \u003d 75 thousand - 45 thousand \u003d 30 thousand rubles per month. Business profitability = 66% Payback = 10 months.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Massage Chair Installation Business

  1. Market analysis, study of demand, offers of competitors.
  2. Selecting a busy location for installation.
  3. Registration of business in the tax service.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Drawing up a lease agreement for a place to install a vending machine.
  6. Installation of massage chairs.
  7. Advertising, posting ads, business cards.
  8. Starting a business.

When launching vending massage chairs, advertising plays a very important role. Carrying out promotions increases interest in the devices and contributes to the disappearance of the fear that arises in front of the device.

Which OKVED to indicate during registration

  • 40.3 - rental of electrical goods.
  • 40.9 - rental of other household products and items for personal use.
  • 04 - physical culture and health-improving activities.

What documents are needed for registration

The use of vending massage chairs is not regulated by the legislator. Devices should be classified as household services. To legalize a business, it is worth registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC by submitting a package of documents to the tax service:

  • Photocopy of passport, birth certificate;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Application in the prescribed form.

Do I need permission to open

Vending massage chairs belong to the devices of the physical culture and health direction and are not subject to certification or licensing. Therefore, the installation of vending massage chairs does not require special permits, certification or licensing.

Massage device installation technology

  1. Legalize the lease of space in the premises.
  2. Connect massage chairs to the mains.
  3. Start a business.

To increase the profitability of a business, it is advisable to install as many systems for payment as possible: a coin, a coin acceptor, a plastic card calculator. Also, at the first stages of activity, you can do without employees and carry out collection and maintenance of the device yourself. Vending massage chairs are an integral complex and perform a closed service cycle.

Each of us needs a good rest from work and everyday bustle. This is the only way to recharge with a good mood without harm to health. And therapeutic massage will come in handy. But it is not always possible to resort to the services of a massage therapist. But the massage chair is a convenient option. Why not use a massage chair for business? In this article, we will try to understand some questions: is it possible to engage in this kind of activity, what first steps need to be taken, and most importantly, will the business bring good profit?

Benefits of massage chairs

A massage chair can replace a full massage. In order for a person to relax as much as possible, the device is equipped with individual settings. Some models can automatically scan existing problem areas and determine a person's height. Maintenance and operation of massage chairs does not imply the presence of any specific knowledge and skills.

You can take the idea of ​​​​the implementation of chairs. However, it is worth remembering that in this case it will be necessary to overestimate their cost a little. And it is always easier for the buyer to contact the manufacturer directly than to deal with intermediaries. Thus, providing massage chairs for a pleasant pastime becomes the best option. By the way, the business of massage chairs with a bill acceptor makes things much easier.

Taking the first steps

The very concept of vending implies the promotion of any goods and services using vending machines. Each of us has come across them: payment terminals, vending machines for sandwiches, tea, coffee, and so on. The main important factor for vending is the place of installation. And the business idea of ​​using massage chairs is no exception. That is, the greater the flow of people, the greater the profit.

For an activity to work well, a carefully thought-out approach is needed. In other words, you need to draw up a competent business plan, which should contain many details in order to avoid unforeseen situations. Important points to consider when writing a business plan:

  • location of massage chairs;
  • buying chairs;
  • service;
  • business registration;
  • expenses and income.

It is worth noting that such a business in the field of health abroad is already quite developed. And many people who have been abroad and are familiar with such a service may be pleasantly surprised that it can now be provided at home.

Location of massage chairs

As a rule, massage chairs are installed in such public places:

  • large shopping or entertainment centers;
  • boarding houses;
  • holiday homes;
  • sports clubs;
  • stations;
  • airports;
  • pools;
  • sanatoriums;
  • cinemas and other places.

Armchairs, if they are in a well-traversed place, do not need advertising campaigns, since they are good advertising in themselves. One has only to adhere to some rules and then the business, as they say, will go uphill. Chairs should be placed not one by one, but in pairs. Usually most people walk in pairs. Especially in shopping malls and entertainment places. In this case, it is easier for them to be tempted to a pleasant vacation.

There should be a stand next to the chairs that will provide potential customers with complete information regarding the chairs and their functions. Since the vending business in our country is still young, this will increase the number of applicants by 15-20%.

It is impossible to immediately know whether the right place was chosen, since such a question is decided only on personal experience.

Buying massage chairs

The bulk of the costs are for the purchase of a massage chair. Then the funds go to the rent of the place, taxes and other likely expenses. The more seats you plan to supply, the more start-up capital will be required. On average, prices for massage chairs range from 60 to 150 thousand rubles. In some cases, when buying several devices, you can count on a discount.

Such a different price range is due to the features of the brand, equipment, design and some other individual features of each chair.

Often, massage chairs are equipped with a special device for accepting banknotes, and in some cases there is a card reader (a module for reading magnetic cards). The presence of such a module greatly increases the price of the device, besides, it may not always come in handy. Its presence is justified if there are regular customers who can be given discount cards.

But the presence of a counter of money and time of the massage procedure is simply necessary. In this case, you will also have to pay a little more, however, such a step is justified. In addition to the main massage, the chair can also massage the legs. Of course, the benefits of this are significant, but it is unlikely that they will use it often.

Significant assistance in choosing chairs can be provided by the reviews of those customers who have tried the miraculous massage on themselves.

Chair service

There is nothing complicated in the maintenance of massage chairs. Almost all that is required is access to the electrical network. At the same time, electricity is consumed in a minimum amount.

In order for the chairs to always have an attractive look, it is worth wiping them from time to time with a damp cloth. Usually, if the business has more than 20 massage units, or even has a whole network of chairs, then you can think about attracting additional labor. Employees will monitor the condition of the chairs, if necessary, notify which chair needs to be repaired.

One employee, with his own car, can serve from 50 to 80 massage chairs located at several points (2-4). If there are not so many chairs - up to 10 pieces, then you can do the maintenance yourself.

Business registration

It is worth noting that the use of a massage chair as a business is not provided for in the legislation of the Russian Federation. In this regard, such devices can act as the provision of household services. Therefore, there are two options for choosing taxation:

  1. UTII;
  2. simplified system.

It is important to take into account the fact that it is worth choosing the option that considers this business not as a retail outlet.

Expenses and income

To conduct a high-quality advertising campaign, approximately 4,500 rubles will be required. For the delivery and installation of one massage chair, you will have to pay 1,500 rubles. Taxation will charge 6.67% of income. The rent for the placement of chairs will be 3,000 rubles per month.

Profit by and large will depend on the number of landings per day and the cost of massage. The price of one landing will be 100 rubles for 10 minutes of the session. With a minimum number of landings - 5 per day, the minimum monthly profit will be 15 thousand rubles. With more landings, respectively, there will be a greater profit.

Considering all the upcoming expenses, the payback period of the massage business can be from six months to a year. Everything mainly relies on what kind of chair was chosen and what configuration.

Summing up

Now we can draw some conclusions. Thus, it is not bad to have a starting capital in the amount of 250-300 thousand rubles. Then you can choose massage chairs with improved equipment and potential customers will be satisfied with the presence of a variety of functions. In this case, the business itself will be able to pay off as soon as possible.

Despite the growing competition among operators, vending massage chairs are still considered one of the promising business areas. There are several reasons for this, the main ones are: the growing popularity of massage services among consumers; lack of market saturation, especially in the regions; low entrance ticket to the business - 5 vending chairs (that's enough to start) will cost the entrepreneur only 300 thousand rubles; relatively high profitability and payback of the business (in comparison with other types of activities).

How the massage chair works:

The undoubted advantage of the vending business is its mobility. An unsuccessfully installed massage chair in a deliberately unprofitable place is easily changed within a few hours. The dimensions of the chair (~ 120 cm x 90 cm x 100 cm) allow you to transfer it on the roof of a car.

How much money do you need to open a vending chair business

A new vending chair will cost 50-60 thousand rubles. But you can't build a business on one chair. Therefore, you should start at least with the installation of 3-5 massage chairs. Investments in this case will amount to 150 - 300 thousand rubles.

The average cost of the service by region is approximately as follows: 5 minutes of massage - 50 rubles, 10 minutes - 100 rubles. In St. Petersburg, some operators set very low prices - 100 rubles. 30 minutes rental. Most likely due to the high competition in the market.

According to market players, hiring workers (operators) is justified only if there is a fleet of 15 or more seats. In total, one operator on a passenger car is able to serve up to 50 vending chairs. The main responsibility of the operator is the collection of money and checking the serviceability of the equipment. The frequency of collection of the box with money is approximately 1 time in two weeks.

The purchase of the first massage chairs must be approached with special care. Vending chair vendors may sing to you about how profitable the business is. You should not believe them literally, most of them have never been involved in vending at all and do not know the peculiarities of the functioning of this market. Their task is to sell the product, and how it will work is no longer their problem.

This is not to say that the vending chair business cannot be profitable. How else can.

Choosing the location of vending chairs

But, as you know, in vending everything is decided by a trading place. In the case of massage chairs, this issue is of particular importance.

High traffic will not always be a decisive criterion when choosing a place to install a massage chair. The audience of people passing by is also important. If the main stream of people rushes past the chair at a speed of 10 km / h, then your chair is unlikely to interest anyone. For example, this situation may be in the subway or at the bus station.

Another thing is a large shopping and entertainment center, where people like to spend time leisurely, quietly visit boutiques and spend a lot of money. A long walk to the shops often exhausts people and they willingly use the services of a massage chair to relieve tension.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the administration of the shopping center will ask for a considerable amount for rent. And even if you only need 2m2, the administration of the shopping center is well aware of how much your chair can earn and will set a “special price” for you. It can be 1 and 5 and 15 thousand rubles a month. In this case, a place that is obviously profitable may turn out to be unprofitable due to high rent.

Therefore, when choosing a place to install a massage chair, you should be guided not only by traffic, but also by the rental rate. How to agree here. Often, you have to look for ways to get to the management of the shopping center, since very "intractable" employees can sit in the rental department.

Other profitable places to install chairs can be fitness clubs, hotels, boarding houses, beauty salons. In such places, people use massage chairs to improve their health and well-being. And although the traffic of such points is not too high, however, the rent here will be much lower than in the shopping center.

Massage chair installation business plan

Let's calculate the payback of the business on the installation of vending massage chairs.

Capital expenditures:

Purchase of massage chairs + delivery + installation - 5 units of 60 thousand rubles each. Total investment = 300 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent 5 points in the shopping center for 6 thousand rubles. per seat = 30 thousand rubles
  • Taxation - UTII, approximate tax ~ 7 thousand rubles
  • Depreciation ~ 3 thousand rubles
  • Other expenses (including fuel and lubricants, advertising) ~ 5 thousand rubles
  • Total expenses ~ 45 thousand rubles

How much can you earn on vending chairs


Let's take the average number of massage services - 5 landings per day for 100 rubles (This is the minimum rate for a large shopping center). Monthly revenue from one chair - 15 thousand rubles. Thus, five massage chairs will bring in a month - 75 thousand rubles.

Hence the profit of the business: revenue - costs \u003d 75 thousand - 45 thousand \u003d 30 thousand rubles per month.

Business profitability = 66%

Payback = 10 months.

Calculation of business profitability depending on the number of installed massage chairs:

Vending is the promotion of services and goods through vending machines. Each of us has seen such devices that sell sandwiches, tea, coffee, and also accept various types of payments. In any business related to vending, the main factor that affects revenue is the area where the vending machine is installed. The same situation is with newfangled massage chairs. The more crowded a place you install a relaxing seat, the more profit it will bring to you.

Massage chairs as a business

Entrepreneurs most often promote this type of activity in the following places: holiday homes and boarding houses, large shopping and entertainment centers. Motels and hotels, saunas and baths are also popular.

In such a case, it is very important to draw up a good business plan. Massage chairs almost do not require unwinding. When they are in a passable and visible place, they incomparably advertise themselves. But if you want to increase the number of daily landings, it is recommended to follow the basic rules:

  • Place vending chairs in pairs (this is especially true for shopping malls and boarding houses). People, as a rule, walk together and then it is easier for them to decide on a tempting vacation.
  • An advertising stand should be installed next to the seats, which gives basic information about the chairs, clearly tells what functions they have. Due to the fact that this service is still quite new for our region, such a shield will increase the number of customers by an average of fifteen to twenty percent.


Vending chairs are very primitive in operation. They require only one regular outlet to operate. The power consumption in this case is minimal. This is the main advantage of chairs over vending machines selling hot drinks. In addition, in the latter it is necessary to constantly replenish the stocks of coffee, tea, water, granulated sugar, spoons, cups, as well as cream and other ingredients, which requires considerable regular expenses.

Therefore, a massage chair business can be built by one person, while easily maintaining a network of fifty to eighty seats. You only need to go around sources of income and collect proceeds once every two to three weeks. Do not forget to regularly wipe the chairs with wet wipes or arrange cleaning with the landlord. Clean seats are always pleasing to the eye of visitors.

Now let's see who is attracted to massage chairs for business.

Experienced Players

These are the entrepreneurs who have seriously and for a long time come to the topic of vending. They are called "coffee makers", "terminal makers", "sandwich makers" and so on. This group of businessmen have a lot of experience in finding the right places, organizing logistics and the like, so they easily take on a new profitable business.

Employed people as additional income

For example, the director of a boarding house or hotel can buy several chairs and place them on his territory. In this case, he doubles his salary, frankly, without doing anything.

Caring Husbands and/or Fathers

Recently, it has become popular for wealthy people to buy business for their beloved wives or budding children of student age (SPA, solariums, small themed shops, and hair salons).

For a teenager, massage chairs as a business are a great school. On the one hand, such a thing does not greatly distract from studying at the university. On the other hand, there is a complete set of questions for any business. This includes marketing (how and where to place chairs most effectively), cold calling (helping you find a suitable installation area), and business negotiation skills (you can both put a relaxing seat in the same place for a high rent, and position it free of charge, having managed to convince the owner of the premises that newfangled chairs are stylish, attractive and will work well for a set of services and the image of the institution).

"Mini Investors"

Not everyone will be able to start their own business, initially having three or four thousand dollars and not depriving themselves of the main source of income. The way out is massage chairs as a business. Get them, fuss for a week or two to resolve all organizational issues, then come in from time to time for collection. Everything is working properly and the situation is under control.

Professional investors

You can also find a capital investor who will not refuse to consider investing in a business with the following parameters:

  1. Payback - up to one year (in most cases, chairs reimburse costs even after six months).
  2. The amount of investment in this case is any. The big plus is that it can be increased gradually, regularly tracking the confirmation of business forecasts.
  3. There is practically no competition in the market.
  4. Expensive operational advertising is not required, as the chairs are always focused exclusively on the visitors of the establishment where relaxing seating is installed.
  5. Massage chairs as a business are an indispensable assistant in advertising any other business, since the client, due to being in one place, will be forced to listen or read everything that you offer him.

Revenue calculation

Let's assume that the massage chair installed in a certain place will work thirty days a month (without days off).

To determine the cost of landing, we focus on the average price on the market: one hundred rubles for ten minutes. It should also be noted that in small towns with a low level of salaries, the cost of the service can be reduced to fifty rubles.

Bill acceptors on vending massage chairs accept banknotes of fifty and one hundred rubles.

Thus, the monthly revenue under this condition will be approximately fifteen thousand rubles.

Calculation of the cost part

Costs typically fall on the following:

  1. The cost of placement of massage chairs. For calculations, we take the average price of three thousand rubles for one chair per month. It should also be borne in mind that in large shopping and entertainment centers the cost of accommodation is much higher. It ranges from five to ten thousand. However, this significantly increases the number of landings per month.
  2. Collection and maintenance of vending machines. An operator in a city with a population of one million can easily service more than fifty vending massage chairs in a passenger car, arranged in two to four units at one point. Collection is recommended to be carried out at least once a week.
  3. Taxation.
  4. Repair of vending chairs. After-sales care for massage seats is carried out during routine maintenance. Various warranty periods are provided for chairs by the supplier. The manufacturer also has a warehouse of spare parts. This information is useful if you are going to quickly order something from the manufacturer.
  5. Also, a large share of expenses falls on management, mobile communications, office space rental (not always required), salaries for management personnel.

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