Making soft toys as a business. Toy production is a general plan for organizing your business. Toy production Workshop for the production of toys

colorful compositions 22.01.2022
colorful compositions

Surely a creative person will never want to earn money by sitting in one place in the office and doing paperwork, for him it will be a real hell. Such people, as a rule, are looking for an opportunity to earn money without depending on anyone, but for some reason, not everyone is trying to use their basic creative abilities to organize their own business, and this can really be a good idea. Now everything that is produced thanks to manual labor is in demand. Such things are always very original, and most importantly, they are produced in a single copy. For example, handmade toys are increasingly being purchased, and they are bought not only for children, but also for adults, some even collect entire collections.

You should know that there are several main stages on the way to organizing a truly successful business related to the production of soft toys.

First, it is worth thinking about where exactly the work will be carried out. The most optimal option for a start would be, of course, your own apartment, because it is much more comfortable in it than in any rented room, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money on rent.

Secondly, equipment is certainly necessary for work. Of course, you can start sewing toys with a regular thread and needle, but then the quality of work will not be very good, and it will take too much time to produce one toy, so it's best to buy a regular sewing machine and learn how to work on it.

The next thing to think about is the range. Of course, at the initial stage it will be quite difficult to come up with something new, since there may not be enough imagination for this, so you should look at interesting ideas on the Internet and try to bring them to life. But it is worth knowing that an exclusive toy will cost much more.

After the production of the first toy, it is necessary to carefully evaluate it, and it is best to seek the help of friends who can tell you what needs to be improved so that the model really becomes perfect and suitable for.

When experience is gained and a certain assortment of high-quality toys finally appears, you should create your own website, on which photos of all the works will subsequently be posted. Through this site, users must order toys for themselves, so it must be carefully worked out, and it is better to entrust this matter to a professional programmer. And, of course, the site should be advertised so that users know about its existence.

In the modern world, there is probably no such person who would not dream of doing his own business, bringing a stable income. The most important thing is to choose a suitable niche for yourself, study competitors, discard all fears and start working.

If you look at the materials from which toys for children are made, then these are, as a rule, polymers and plastic. Of course, they have high strength and low weight. However, such materials are artificially obtained and can harm the health of the child. That is why mothers today quite often prefer toys made from natural ingredients, such as wood. Currently, the production of children's wooden toys as a business is developing quite actively.

At first glance, it may seem that the release of wooden toys is boring. However, if you approach the issue with imagination, then it is quite possible to come up with unusual and interesting models. Such toys will please even the most capricious little buyers.

We evaluate the investments required to start a business

How much money will it take to start making wooden toys? The production of such products requires an initial capital of approximately 450,000 rubles. Doing business in this area is quite difficult.

Product range

What toys can be made from wood?

Here are just a few of the more common types:

  • cars and other transport: buses, cars, trucks and so on;
  • railway: sets with rails and wooden trains are very popular;
  • educational wooden toys: puzzles and pyramids for the development of fine motor skills, puzzles and constructors for older children.

How to start a business?

What to do if you are interested in wooden toys? Production can be successfully established in your own home. To do this, it is enough to equip a small workshop and register as an individual entrepreneur. After that, you can start the process of making toys that you can then sell. At the initial stage of developing a client base, it is enough to offer your products to acquaintances and friends.

Be sure to include a detailed description of the marketing mechanisms in the business plan for the production of wooden toys. In the future, this will allow you to choose the most effective ones based on a thorough analysis of the main channels.

hand made

Often the manufacturing process takes a lot of time. But at the same time, the finished product can be safely called hand made. Those who want to get something original and unique will be happy to buy such a toy. In addition, serial equipment for the production of wooden toys does not allow manufacturing them according to individual parameters. And manual work allows you to make products of any shape to order. A skilled craftsman will be able to cut both Smeshariki and Transformers.

Setting up production

Suppose you set yourself the goal of setting up the production of a wooden toy. What are the companies in the modern market that carry out such activities? What does it take to start a business?

Here are just a few points to pay special attention to:

  1. Production room. Ideally, it should be divided into several workshops or rooms in which various operations are carried out: assembly, painting, processing, and so on.
  2. Equipment and machines for the manufacture of wooden toys. The minimum set includes: drilling, milling, facing and you will also need chisels, hacksaws and planers.
  3. Materials and equipment for painting. In production, in no case should you save on the quality of paints and varnishes, since the manufactured products are intended for children.
  4. Consider in advance how you will package the finished products. For this purpose, both a cardboard box and plastic are suitable. Cardboard packaging meets all environmental requirements.

We select personnel

What else do you need to make wooden toys? Production is not only materials and equipment, but also skilled workers. The manufacturing process itself must necessarily be divided into several technological operations. It is advisable not to organize the work in such a way that one person is both an artist and a sawing master at the same time.

In order to produce high-quality and diverse products, it is recommended to buy programs for computer simulation. With their help, you can develop original and unusual models of toys. The manufacturing technology itself is not particularly difficult. The manufacturing process consists of cutting out parts of a certain shape, painting them and assembling them. Despite the fact that this process is quite simple, it is still better to involve specialists for the work. At first, one master will be enough for each workshop. Subsequently, with the expansion of the business, it will be possible to attract additional people.


In Russia, the business of manufacturing wooden toys is a fairly popular destination. Currently, there are several companies that are engaged in the production of such toys.

Here are just a few of them:

  • "The world of wooden toys".
  • "Tomic".
  • "Krasnokamskaya toy".
  • "Vintik and Shpuntik".
  • "Pinocchio".

What else do you need to know for those who decide to produce wooden toys? Production should be started only after a detailed study of the product range from competing companies. Your organization may specialize in one thing. In addition, you can produce toys for children of a certain age category.

How to set up sales

Various methods can be used to sell finished products. First, you should try to sell products in bulk in toy stores. However, this method is not always effective, especially when you consider that the windows of modern stores are lined with colorful plush and plastic toys. There is another way: you can open your own small shop based on production. The third and easiest option in the realities of modern life is selling through an online store. It is enough just to develop a website and think over its content. It may contain information about toys, as well as photos of finished products. If you plan to use this method, then be sure to lay in an additional approximately 50 thousand rubles in the starting capital.


What is needed to launch the production of wooden toys and become such a major player in the market as the Krasnokamskaya Toy company? Any business requires investment. And in this area you will find a lot of additional costs.

Here are just a few of them:

  • buying or renting premises;
  • wages to employees;
  • purchase of special software products;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of consumables.

All of these points need to be considered if you want to produce wooden toys. It will not be possible to establish production without high-quality equipment. Otherwise, you risk getting a low-quality product at the output. A well-designed business plan will help you avoid unnecessary costs and optimize the budget of the enterprise.

Soft toys have always been and will be in demand, as they are a universal gift for both children and women.

And if you give soft toys with your own hands, they will certainly become a memorable gift. The demand for toys is all year round, so by organizing a women's business to create soft toys, you can always count on making a profit.

Women's business: how much can you earn?

Usually do-it-yourself soft toys are not cheap. The price is increased by an average of 100-300% of the cost of production. It takes into account the time of the master, consumables, electricity.
Popular as simple toys in the form of letters, hearts, pillows, and complex ones that require special skill, for example, Teddy Bears, in which all parts of the body rotate. Of course, the more complex the toy, the more expensive it is, but you can also make good money on simple products. On average, a women's business from home tailoring will be 15,000-30,000 rubles.

What is needed for production?

You can do the production of toys yourself at home, for this you will need:
1. Mastery.
Even if you are not a professional, there is a lot of material on the Internet with training master classes, even ready-made patterns. After understanding the basics of pattern building and sewing technology, it is worth trying to model your own toy design.
2. Equipment.
A sewing machine that can sew thick thick fabrics. It is best if it is a professional machine.
The second necessary thing is an overlocker.
Equipment is the most expensive item of expenditure.
3. You will also need consumables, such as needles, scissors, fur, filler, pieces of leather, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the selected material. Usually toys are chosen to be pleasant to the touch. Therefore, when choosing fur, pay attention not only to the color, but also to the texture of the fiber. After all, it is much more pleasant to touch soft silky fur than dense, hard, prickly fiber.

It is also worth taking care of the variety of material.
When in one toy there can be fur of different shades. It is not necessary to become attached only to fur. On the Internet, craftswomen make combined soft toys with their own hands from velveteen, drape, wool, dense cotton, fleece, mohair, plush, combine fabrics with each other.

Prepare beautiful accessories for shaping the muzzle, like eyes, beads.

The filler can be: synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, sawdust, weighting agents in the form of plastic, glass, silicone, cotton granules.
They even stuff toys with cereals, but it is unlikely that such a toy stuffed with natural raw materials can withstand several washes. To create a quality toy with your own hands with a long service life, use better artificial fillers.

If you want to create a unique toy, dress it up in a costume, headdress, it will immediately highlight your work.

Where to sell homemade toys?

For sales of toys in ordinary stores, you will be required to have a quality certificate. And to get it, you need to register a business.
For home production, IP registration is not always relevant, so we will consider options for how you can sell in a different way.
The main place for the sale of home toys are Internet platforms, such as craft fairs, your own online store, and social media stores. networks, free classifieds boards like Avito.

How to start selling more?

To expand women's business and increase income, you should apply the following recommendations:

1. Diversify the range. For example, to release not only some bears, but also to come up with plush friends for him.
2. It is also worth opening the production of products from related areas. For example, slippers, pillows in the form of toys, flower bouquets from soft toys.

Gradually, your online store will gain popularity and you should think about expanding your business. This raises the question of increasing production capacity. First you need to officially register with the tax service, get certificates of product quality.

For production, you can rent a workshop and hire staff, as well as use the services of home-made seamstresses.
3. Increasing sales involves working with wholesalers and retail children's stores.

4. Marketing ploys will also increase sales.
The popular ones include a system of discounts for the volume of purchases, promotions with discounts, competitions among buyers (for example, for the best review), a deferred payment system (only for time-tested buyers), a convenient delivery, return, and exchange system.

5. Try to reduce the cost of purchasing consumable raw materials, both material and filler. To do this, you should go to the manufacturer or wholesalers.


What is the article about?

  • 1 Pros and cons of this business
  • 2 Manufacture of wooden toys
    • 2.1 Business registration
    • 2.2 Finding a room
    • 2.3 Procurement of equipment
    • 2.4 Purchase of raw materials
    • 2.5 Engagement of personnel
  • 3 Production of wooden toys - business plan
  • 4 Manufacturers of wooden toys in Russia
  • 5 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 5.1 Where to sell finished products?
    • 5.2 What are the requirements for wooden toys?

At all times, the manufacture of goods for children (especially toys) was a promising type of entrepreneurial activity. This business has not lost its relevance even today - a huge amount of all kinds of products for kids (both foreign and domestic production) are presented on the shelves of stores.

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Despite the abundance of children's products, consumers prefer to buy high-quality and safe products, because the health of the child depends on it. Wood is an environmentally friendly raw material that does not contain harmful toxins, and therefore products made from it are harmless. This gives the right to assert that the production of wooden toys in Russia is a promising type of business that brings a stable income to the owners. We will analyze its features, competitive advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of this business

If we consider the situation in the domestic toy market, it becomes clear that most of the products are imported from friendly China. This approach is beneficial for businessmen, since the goods are inexpensive, they sell well, and accordingly, the money turns around quickly. But "Made in China" products for children have become low-grade consumer goods. Despite the cheapness of the goods, consumer demand for products from the Middle Kingdom is gradually decreasing, since low-quality materials are used for their manufacture, and besides, they are often unsafe for health. Parents are willing to buy good products for their children, and many are willing to pay significant sums in favor of material safety and workmanship.

The production of wooden toys as a type of entrepreneurial activity has certain advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of this business include:

  • environmental safety of manufactured products;
  • high consumer demand for wooden toys;
  • average level of competition in the niche;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • release of products of any complexity;
  • low investment to open a business.

Unlike plastic and polymer products, children's toys made of wood have excellent strength and a long service life. Since natural raw materials are easy to process, products can be given any shape and original design. The significant advantages of the business in the production of wooden toys include the possibility of setting a large margin. This is due to the high class of product quality and environmental safety of raw materials.

Important: to open his own enterprise, a businessman does not need to rent large production areas. At the start, it is enough to have your own garage or outbuilding, where you can place a minimum set of equipment.

Unfortunately, this business is not without its drawbacks. First of all, it is worth highlighting the high prices for wood products in comparison with cheap Chinese plastic toys. This fact significantly reduces the number of potential buyers. It is also worth understanding that toys are not essential products, therefore, if the economic situation in the country worsens, the demand for them will decrease significantly (unlike such activities as, for example, the sale of vegetables and fruits).

Important: toys from China are presented in huge quantities in all regions of the Russian Federation. These products occupy almost 90% of the entire market. Nevertheless, toys made of wood are of high quality, and the demand for them is gradually increasing. With the right organization of the business, this line of activity will eventually allow you to reach a stable profit.

Production of wooden toys

Consider the main stages of starting a business.

Business registration

To begin with, a businessman who wants to open a production of wooden toys should register his activity. It is necessary to contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence and register individual entrepreneurship. To do this, you will need to write an application, submit a passport and TIN. During the registration of the enterprise, the OKVED code should be indicated: 36.50 - "Production of games and toys." As for the choice of taxation system, the USN will be optimal.

To open production, it is necessary to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological station. To register a business as an individual entrepreneur, an entrepreneur needs to pay a state duty of 800 rubles. Since children will use wooden toys, buyers must be sure of their quality and safety, for which they will have to obtain a hygiene certificate from the SES.

The procedure for obtaining permits can take up to several days. This is due to the fact that toys are tested in specialized laboratories for the absence of toxins, in addition, finished products must fully comply with state standards and other requirements. Please note that, depending on the category of toys, you need to determine the age of the children for whom they are intended. This can be done in psychological centers that carry out an independent examination. It is most difficult to obtain quality certificates for toys designed for children under 3 years old, since only safe materials are allowed for their manufacture. In addition, the design of the product must be designed so that the child cannot be injured during handling.

Important: each batch of wooden toys produced by the carpentry workshop is subject to mandatory certification. In addition, the entrepreneur needs to obtain documents confirming the quality of raw materials. The cost of acquiring certificates on average is about 20 thousand rubles.

Room search

How to choose the right production area in order to effectively organize the activities of the enterprise? This issue is one of the most important, and its solution should be given special attention. First of all, you need to find small industrial buildings with a total area of ​​at least 70 m? and a ceiling height of 3 m. This will allow the location of woodworking machines and provide the necessary free space for the work of personnel. It is desirable to divide the room into the following sections:

  • woodworking shop;
  • staff room, sanitary zone;
  • paint shop;
  • parts assembly area;
  • finished products warehouse.

To start production, it is necessary to check the availability of a working power supply, water supply, sewerage, as well as a ventilation system. To receive clients and store documentation, it is possible to organize an office space at the production site, for which about 10 m2 should be allocated to arrange furniture, shelving and office equipment. Monthly expenses for the lease of production space amount to about 30 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

The entrepreneur will need to buy machine tools, a dyeing machine and professional tools. It is undesirable to purchase equipment from China if the supplier is not verified, since in the future you will probably have to pay a lot of money for repairs.

Equipment production is the most costly part of organizing a business in the manufacture of wooden toys. In the shop you need to buy:

  • milling machine (with a set of cutters and CNC) - 170 thousand rubles;
  • painting apparatus - 50 thousand rubles;
  • drilling machine - 60 thousand rubles;
  • carpentry tools - 20 thousand rubles;
  • belt grinding machine - 65 thousand rubles;
  • consumables - 5 thousand rubles;
  • edge banding machine - 45 thousand rubles.

In total, it will take 415 thousand rubles to equip the carpentry shop. When choosing production assets, whether it is a machine for making screws or milling equipment, it is advisable to find European manufacturers. This will ensure high product quality and minimize depreciation costs.

Purchase of raw materials

Quality wood is the basis of the toy business, and the scale of production does not matter here. For children's goods, species such as beech, pine and alder are best suited.

Important: beech is considered the best option, but it belongs to expensive varieties. This material is imported mainly from the Krasnodar Territory, which will periodically lead to an increase in the cost of raw materials if production is organized in remote regions of our country.

The technology for making toys from wood provides for the use of paints and varnishes that must be safe for children. Here, most entrepreneurs face some difficulties. First of all, it should be noted that among the domestic products of LKP there are only a few brands that meet the requirements. In addition, in most cases, these are simply oils for tinting various surfaces that are not suitable for decorating children's wooden toys. For this reason, Russian businessmen are forced to buy paint and varnish products abroad, which significantly increases the company's costs.

Personnel attraction

How to choose the right staff for the company? First of all, you need to find carpenters who can professionally process wood, as well as carvers. They make parts, assemble or paint solid toys according to a specific pattern. Specialists must master the technology of working with wood and be able to produce various products.

You can not do without a person who will develop the design of toys. As practice shows, the workload of such a staff at the enterprise is minimal, so it is not always profitable to keep it in the state. As needed, entrepreneurs can seek the help of remote workers. Before entrusting the task to such a specialist, it is recommended to study his portfolio and examples of work. The cost of freelance services ranges from 8-10 thousand rubles. This should also include the remote work of an accountant to minimize costs.

You will also need an employee who will perform the duties of an administrator of a manufacturing company. He must be able to promote his organization on the market, look for suppliers of raw materials and paints and varnishes, find distribution channels for finished products and attract customers. As a rule, such specialists have higher education and work experience in a managerial position.

Calculate the costs associated with staff salaries. They will make up:

  • foremen (3 people) - 75 thousand rubles;
  • manager-administrator - 35 thousand rubles;
  • outsourcing - 10 thousand rubles.

Total - wage costs are in the region of 120 thousand rubles. If a person wants, for example, to make money on needlework, he will not have to maintain a staff and buy expensive equipment. Today, hand-made is in great consumer demand, so such services will always be in price.

Production of wooden toys - business plan

Start-up entrepreneurs who want to make money in the production of toys, making business cards, maintaining a private bakery and other activities, it is necessary to draw up a business plan. This will determine the required amount of initial investment, regular expenses of the enterprise, as well as possible profit.

Let's calculate capital investments:

  • rent - 30 thousand rubles;
  • equipment - 415 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of raw materials - 70 thousand rubles;
  • registration of the enterprise, certificates - 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 30 thousand rubles;
  • additional expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

Thus, to open your own business in the manufacture of toys from wood, you need a starting investment of 570 thousand rubles. Also, the entrepreneur needs to calculate the amount of monthly expenses. They will include:

  • rent of premises - 30 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 25 thousand rubles;
  • salary of employees - 120 thousand rubles;
  • depreciation - 10 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 15 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

Total - the monthly cost of maintaining a small production is 205 thousand rubles. Typically, the cost of a wooden toy ranges from 60-80 rubles (with a market value of the product of 150-200 rubles). The net profit of an enterprise can reach about 100 thousand rubles a month. If you make author's exclusive toys, the income will be significantly higher. To recoup the investment, it will take approximately 7-10 months of operation of the enterprise.

Manufacturers of wooden toys in Russia

There are a lot of large domestic manufacturers of wooden toys. Consider the features of the work of only some of them, which will allow novice entrepreneurs to navigate the competitors' market and understand what products are in demand now:

  1. Rus Toy. The Russian Toy Factory was established in 2000. The main production facilities are located in St. Petersburg. Today the company produces over 500 items of products. The main specialization of RT is the production of models of cars, buses, soft toys and children's play modules. All products of the factory are certified and are in high consumer demand.
  2. Insect. Since 2020, the Bukashka company has launched the production of author's toys made of natural wood in Tver. The factory specializes in the production of construction sets, cars, developing puzzles and puzzles, lacing and other goods from birch, maple and beech. Products are certified and meet the requirements of GOST.
  3. Fantastic. The company "Fantastic" is located in the city of Aprelevka (Moscow region). The company has its own facilities and is one of the largest suppliers of goods for children. The factory catalog contains:
    • constructors made of natural wood;
    • board games, houses, cars, figurines;
    • pyramids, laces, sorters;
    • wooden scooters.

Frequently asked Questions

Consider the most common questions on the topic.

Where to sell finished products?

The most important stage in the development of an enterprise for the production of wooden toys is competent marketing, because the final profit depends on the number of attracted buyers and the popularity of the brand. Therefore, much attention should be paid to the distribution channels for finished products and an effective advertising campaign should be carried out.

In this niche, the word of mouth effect works very well. If the mini-factory produces products of excellent quality, buyers and competitors themselves will disseminate this information among themselves. The activities of the company will be immediately known, and soon people themselves will begin to contact you for cooperation.

As for advertising tools, advertisements in the city media, distribution of flyers and booklets, and information in public transport work well. It is also necessary to take part in various fairs, exhibitions, charity events, which will quickly gain fame and reach a new level of development.

Author's products are in great demand on websites for the sale of things and accessories. It is quite difficult to offer your goods to online toy stores, since their owners prefer to cooperate with trusted suppliers, but if there are exclusive things, the chances of success increase significantly. You should also establish distribution channels with:

  • wholesale buyers;
  • shops selling children's things and toys;
  • large retail chains.

A wooden toy factory should have its own website and social media groups. Promotion through Internet marketing also brings very good results in increasing the awareness and profit of the company.

Another interesting distribution channel is the sale of wooden toys to foreign buyers. Do not forget that in many developed countries, as well as in Russia, factories for the production of children's products are successfully operating, nevertheless, a unique handmade author's toy will always be in great demand. You can easily find foreigners who want to buy an exclusive on the Internet.

What are the requirements for wooden toys?

As we have already said, quite high requirements are imposed on wooden toys by supervisory authorities, because we are talking about the health of the child and his safety. In order to be certified for a product, each type of product must meet established standards. They are defined:

  • GOST ISO 8124-2-2001;
  • GOST R ISO 8124-3-99;
  • GOST 27178-86.

As for the production of children's toys made of wood, the finished product should not have chips, cracks, burrs and other flaws that can injure the child. The product should be easy to assemble, without causing any difficulties for small children. Let's take a few simple examples. Pyramids are quite popular toys, which are a rod with a base. They should be easy to assemble and be bright so that the baby develops memory. The same goes for small puzzle sets.

It should also be remembered that the presence of small parts in play sets should not be allowed, because children at an early age are inquisitive and often put various objects into their mouths, which can lead to undesirable consequences. It is also necessary to pay careful attention to the chemical means by which the surface treatment of products is carried out. Varnishes and paints should not cause allergies in a child.

Making soft toys with your own hands is an exciting and very profitable business. A soft toy can be bought as a gift for both children and adults. The idea of ​​making goods for children with your own hands deserves attention and a detailed study of all the nuances. Business profitability from 100%. Manufacturers put a 100% margin on wholesale prices. They know that parents are always willing to spend more on their children than on themselves. In order to make products with your own hands, you need to decide what kind of toys will be: author's, collectible, souvenir, wooden, educational or educational, soft or combined. Indeed, in one toy you can accommodate several properties and characteristics. Soft toys can be sold on the Internet by creating your own page or store. You can sell your goods through stores or any other outlets under a contract for sale. Offer your products on social networks. Also, do not forget about your friends, neighbors and co-workers. All of them are your potential clients. Young 19-year-old millionaire Cameron Johnson made a fortune selling stuffed animals on eBay. The algorithm for making soft toys is quite simple: we make a sketch, a pattern, then cutting out all the details from the fabric and final assembly, sewing and stuffing with filler. Some parts can be sewn with a sewing machine and overlaid. The easiest place to start is making figures of soft toys with a minimum number of parts. For example, it can be a heart, a ball, a bun, a smiley, a snake, etc. By the way, the production of toy pillows, chair covers or covers can become a parallel and completely not superfluous production in the manufacture of soft toys with your own hands. What do you have enough imagination for. For young parents, a mat for the development of children can become a very interesting product. It is not at all difficult to make it, but in the store it is expensive. Moreover, the developing rug is made exactly according to the same scheme and using the same tools and materials as soft toys. Cut, cut, sew. And below is a master class on making soft toys, in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Manufacturers need to make more soft toys

The capacity of the soft toys market has a dynamic growth, +25% annually. According to experts, this trend will continue for several more years. The positive growth rates of the toy market are also tied to the positive indicators of the birth rate of children. Today, the soft toys market in the CIS countries alone is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars. According to marketers, soft toys are the most sought after, compared to other types of children's entertainment products. 40% filled with soft toys (this is the largest part) of the total market volume of all kinds of toy products. Experts motivate this fact by the fact that a soft toy has a certain versatility. The core of potential consumers is quite wide. These are parents of children of all age categories, as well as adults (mainly gifts for women). To be precise, 85% of parents of children aged 5-6 buy a new soft toy at least every three months. Profitability of production starts from 100%. Such markups already have wholesale prices! The retail price can often jump by 200% -300% of the cost. Everyone who at least once went to toy stores or supermarkets should not be surprised at such extra charges. An interesting fact: soft toys seem to have little functionality. But innovation has not bypassed them. The Japanese company Takara Tomy has released a plush mouse called Hug and Dream Minnie Mouse, which plays the sound of a sleeping person. This relaxing effect helps to prepare for a sweet sleep not only for children but also for adults. It relieves stress very well, a harmless remedy for insomnia.

Master class on making soft toys

A soft toy can be made at home no worse than factory quality. You do not need to buy a sample in the store in order to disassemble and reproduce copies of it at home. Although an inexperienced fashion designer should probably do the first job in this way. To gain a little experience in patterning parts and stuffing them with filler. This is the main thing to learn in this craft. The best way to start learning a craft is to search the Internet. A huge number of free and paid pattern patterns for soft toys can be found on the Internet. Here is a simple example of a Linux penguin pattern:

As a result, the Linux penguin should look like this.

There are more complex patterns, but it is better to start with a simple one. So, let's try to make our first soft toy - Linux penguin. We print the pattern on cardboard and sign each detail with the corresponding numbers. Next, cut out the patterns. Then pay attention to the nuances when cutting. Lay the fabric in one layer on the table inside out to the top. On top of the fabric with moderate economy, we decompose all the details. Paired parts are laid out symmetrically to avoid mistakes. We set the contours of the details in such a way that there is room for seams. When all the details are cut out of the fabric, they must be sewn with a machine exactly along the contour. They are sewn from the wrong side, and then turned inside out. Before turning, you can trim the seams and make notches. So the edges will turn out perfectly smooth. Naturally, the color of the threads is matched to the color of the fabric. The cover of the toy is ready; now it should be filled with filler. A synthetic winterizer is best. Various types of synthetic winterizer can be purchased at online stores at low prices. Pay as much attention as possible to stuffing the soft toy. For high density, you can use a pencil, and you should start from the most distant parts. A soft toy can have a copper wire frame up to 3mm in diameter. This slightly complicates the process of stuffing the cover of the future model with filler. In such cases, it is important to monitor the position of the frame and prevent it from shifting from the center. To do this, before installing the frame, it is better to wrap it with cotton wool. Avoid sharp edges in the frame, process them with a tool!

Soft toys need the best material to make

The material for soft toys determines the success of their sales. Soft toys need a special material: high-quality, attractive and pleasant to the touch. Take the fabric in your hands and try what emotions it evokes in you when you touch the palm of your hand. Buyers must try all soft toys by touch - this is a very important sales factor in this business. Saving is not appropriate here. Not much fabric is needed to create one model. Manual production will require the following materials:

  • a variety of artificial fur;
  • natural fur;
  • plush;
  • viscose;
  • special mohair;
  • leather.

This is not a complete list of the types of material that can be used. Often when creating toys, you will need to combine materials in detail. Plush coat, fur paws, leather horns. In ordinary fabric stores, there is a very poor selection of such materials. Online stores have a good selection, but you can not try the material by touch. Therefore, it is better to go to manufacturers or distributors (intermediaries) for material. If you cannot buy a small amount of fabrics from manufacturers who can only offer wholesale, you need to look for goods in the city where the factory is located. It is easy to buy from local residents of such cities all types of products manufactured by the plant in an assortment at factory prices. Resale of factory products is the main income of local residents. Here is an approximate list of cities with textile factories:

  • Ukraine:
    • Zhovti Vody (Dnepropetrovsk region);
    • town Yasinya (Transcarpathian region);
  • Russia:
    • Kireevsk (Tula region);
  • Belarus:
    • Zhlobin (Gomel region market right next to the railway station).

It is worth going once and establishing cooperation with small suppliers, and then you can work through postal carriers. Along with the manufacture of children's entertainment products, you will gain invaluable business experience. It is also important to choose a quality filler. The quality, service life and presentation of a soft toy also depend on the stuffing material. The following materials are mainly used for stuffing:

  • first of all, a synthetic winterizer (you can also use synthetic winterizer waste);
  • foam rubber;
  • cotton wool;
  • plastic crumb;
  • cereals.

All fillers differ in quality, properties and service life. Stuffing fillers can also be combined. For example, if you need to make a more stable toy with legs, they should be stuffed with a heavier filler: plastic chips or semolina. In online stores you can buy accessories: spouts, eyes, antennae, tongues. In toy production, additional consumables will be required:

  • sewing threads of different colors;
  • medium density cardboard for patterns;
  • copper wire up to 3mm. in diameter;
  • Super glue.

You can buy additional consumables at any clothing market or at the appropriate stores.

It is better to quickly make a soft toy on high-quality equipment

The main equipment in the home production of soft toys is a good sewing machine. Everything else is an additional tool:

  • a set of needles and a thimble;
  • sharp scissors;
  • iron;
  • pliers
  • awl and hooks;
  • centimeter tape and ruler;
  • pencil;
  • chalk and soap.

At the stage of starting a business, an inexpensive electric sewing machine with support for the overlock function worth $100 is suitable. But later you should think about more functional equipment. The most reliable brand of household sewing machines is considered "Singer". A particularly interesting model of the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 sewing machine, which will greatly facilitate your work due to its wide functionality. The sewing machine supports the widest range of sewing patterns, 12 types of buttonholes and 4 types of font that can be used as a signature. The Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 has a horizontal shuttle. Software control, automatic threader, support for most adjustments in automatic mode - give you the opportunity to work with maximum comfort on equipment that has been proven over the years. You are focused only on creative work and are not distracted by trifles. And the accompanying petty processes do not steal your precious time. Brief technical characteristics of the sewing machine with a horizontal shuttle Singer Quantum Stylist 9960:

A wide range of stitches supported by the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 sewing machine:

Combining toys to expand the range

Making wooden toys with your own hands is a little more difficult and expensive than soft ones. You will need a woodworking lathe and drilling machine. Lots of woodworking tools. Some start-up capital is required. Because, in order to make wooden toys with your own hands, you need to purchase a special easy-processing and harmless tree (for example: alder). If you are going to sell such products in children's institutions, then you will need special permits and certificates. Without sanitary permits, you cannot distribute them there. Now the market is becoming more competitive in this area. In addition, wooden toys need different varnishes, paints, edges, oilcloths, adhesive tapes, brushes, bolts. Ideal if production is a family business. Men can work with wood, and women with fabrics. Some models can be combined, most often in this way: a soft toy with wood elements. The family approach to business can give rise to the production of a wide range of children's entertainment products. Products that do not sell can be recycled into new models. For example, from one large one you can make two small ones. This approach is always better than selling leftovers at cost. In addition, they don’t ask for such leftovers, and not this year, but next year they will definitely be sold, even at a discount, there is where to dump. And there are leftovers in any trade and there are not always ways to cash them out without loss. There are many options for building the structure of this type of business, look for the most optimal ones. Let this article be a creative inspiration for you and a successful start to a super-profitable business. We wish you to achieve the results of Cameron Johnson, who made very good money reselling Beanie Babies stuffed toys over the Internet.

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