Equipment for cooking dumplings in a cafe. Express dumplings. Menu excerpt

Pest control 22.01.2022
Pest control

Pelmyash is a business project of the Vendmash company. Within the framework of the project, a franchise is provided for the sale of ready-made dumplings. According to the developers, the idea should be successful as one of the first variants of Russian fast food. Everyone loves dumplings, but not everyone wants to and can wait 15 minutes for their favorite dish to be cooked. Pelmeni from "Pelmyash" are boiled for 2 minutes. By locating a point of sale of ready-made dumplings in a place with good traffic, an entrepreneur can hope that his business will pay off within six months.

The main feature of this franchise is that the company provides both equipment and raw materials for making ready-made meals in "camping" conditions, that is, in any convenient place: at a gas station, in the market, in a mobile trailer. At the same time, all SanPiNs are observed, since there is no production process as such. The manufacturing company supplies its partners with ready-made semi-finished products: dumplings cooked and frozen using the shock freezing method, which are heated in special cooking machines for two minutes.

history of the company

Vendmash is a young, promising company founded in 2011. Company production facilities located in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. The first successful project of Vendmash was the manufacture of equipment for pizza in a cone - a new product for Russia, but a very fashionable product. After a successful start, a continuation followed - the creation of a machine for the production and sale of hot popcorn.

There were also developed "soup factories", a sushi making machine, an automatic cocktail bar. Then the employees of Vendmash thought about the fact that it would be nice to create an automatic machine for cooking their favorite Russian dish - dumplings. The Pelmyash program was launched in 2013.

The company employs specialists who have gained experience at the military-industrial enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region. They know a lot about reliable technology, produce high-quality equipment and provide a lifetime warranty on their products. New developments are being created in cooperation with scientists from the South Ural State University.

Equipment from Vendmash is in demand not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia. The European representative of the company, Tornado Europe, operates in the capital of Latvia. Vendmash actively promotes its products by offering fully secured franchises, from promotional products to semi-finished products. Pelmeni are made by hand at a production facility located in the Bashkir village of Askarovo.

Conditions for obtaining a franchise

In order to get a Pelmyash franchise, you need very little: a room or a trailer in a passing place. The best places for a fast food point are railway stations and bus stations, shopping centers, markets. It is possible to place a commercial trailer right on the side of the highway.

In order to equip an express dumpling room, only 2 sq. m. area, the ability to connect to the mains and one seller. Franchise outlets must be located in a city with a population of over 50,000 people.

Depending on the type of outlet, Pelmyash offers several options for equipment:

  1. Microwave oven - for a regular outlet with a seller. Dumplings can be reheated directly in an airtight container.
  2. Deep fryer for two baths - also for a regular outlet. You can fill one bath with water, and fill the second with oil and offer not only boiled in boiling water, but also deep-fried dumplings. The dumplings will be completely ready to eat in two minutes when boiled and in 30 seconds when fried.
  3. Self-service dumpling machine. An automated complex that can be installed at a gas station, in a canteen, in an office, in a park - anywhere. With the help of this machine, the buyer can independently prepare a portion of dumplings for himself within 2 minutes.

The Pelmyash project is not only equipment, but also ready-made semi-finished products. In assortment:

  1. Pelmeni "Ural".
  2. Dumplings "Kiev".
  3. Pelmeni "Sabantuy".
  4. Manti.
  5. Vareniki with potatoes and cracklings.
  6. Vareniki with fresh cabbage.

Benefits of cooperation

In the course of cooperation, the franchisee receives a complete set of equipment with delivery to the warehouse. As part of the Pelmyash project, a marketing strategy is in place, according to which points of sale are set at the rate of one point per 20,000 potential customers(population of the microdistrict, district). Thus, each franchisee receives exclusive rights to the region from Pelmyash.

"Vandmash" provides consulting support to its franchisees in real and virtual mode. At the beginning of cooperation, a staff training coach visits the franchisee.

Conducted briefings on accounting and management accounting, sales organization. If necessary, online consultations are held.

The high reliability of the equipment is confirmed by a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. There are several franchise options: for start-up entrepreneurs and for those who want to develop and diversify their business. Food products from the manufacturer are high-quality semi-finished products, hand-made and packed in portioned bags.


After analyzing the proposal from Vandmash, the experts came to the conclusion that this project may have several drawbacks. So, the developers guarantee the success of the business when selling from 100 packages (150 g each) of dumplings per day. However, it is doubtful that such a volume of products can be sold in a city with a population of 50,000 people. Namely, this figure (50,000) is the minimum for obtaining a franchise.

sell dumplings “on hand” to customers is still not quite convenient. To eat dumplings, you want to sit down, and the organization of a place for eating is not included in the opening price. The installation of several plastic tables and chairs will require additional space and coordination with regulatory authorities. It will still be necessary to prove to these "authorities" that this is a fast food point, and not a cafe.

Supermarkets are full of semi-finished products of dubious production. Who said that people would want to buy dumplings made somewhere in Bashkiria? The low visibility of the manufacturer may jeopardize the success of the project.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the project, we can conclude that it is possible to invest money in the business of selling dumplings only if we are talking about opening a point in a really “passing” place: not far from the station, highway, university.

A hungry person is unpretentious, so we should expect that the demand for Pelmyash products will be stable. Of course, provided that it will be really tasty products.

In conclusion, we suggest watching the official video of the founder of the company.

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This article reveals the idea of ​​a fast-payback business based on unusual fast food. Dumplings are such an innovative product here. Of course, we are used to seeing khinkali, manti or dumplings only as a second course in a stationary meal prepared in a full-fledged kitchen. However, the article presents an interesting solution - how you can make them a fast food product. This material contains information about the relative costs and potential income of such an enterprise, as well as a list of equipment and a portrait of the business as a whole.

General trends

Often the key to the success of a new business project is a unique and innovative idea. But the concept that uses a new form for a traditional and well-established product is always guaranteed to win. We offer for consideration the idea of ​​opening an express dumpling shop, where a familiar traditional dish is served in a new and convenient take away package, which allows you to enjoy dumplings on the go. The idea of ​​a business is interesting due to the unusual nature of a familiar product, and the full payback period of the project (4 months) allows us to consider this type of business quite carefully.

According to a marketing research conducted by Euromonitor International, the past year 2013 confirmed that the Russian catering industry continues to grow slowly but steadily. It is 12% per year compared to the same period (previous year). Moreover, the fast food segment is growing by an average of 11% per year, which indicates that fast food establishments are developing in proportion to the market. This, in turn, means a constant demand for fast-food products, which, in general, makes the environment promising for business.
Today, the restaurant market in Russia distinguishes three main price sectors:

  • fast food (low price segment, occupying about 49% of the entire catering market),
  • restaurants and cafes of the combined type (mid-price segment);
  • expensive concept establishments.

Experts called the main market trends for the next few years:

  • increase in expansion and, accordingly, the market share of chain retailers;
  • growing fast food audience;
  • growth and popularization of franchising establishments;
  • strengthening of competition in the plane of free territories and qualified personnel.

That is, if we briefly summarize the market environment, we see positive moods for the development of fast food establishments, and those that already have a positive image and name, and exclude the human factor as much as possible, are especially promising.
It is these criteria that fall under the business idea of ​​​​opening an express dumpling shop.

Business idea concept

The idea of ​​a fast-payback business is based on the project of TM "Pelmyash", which is proposed by Chelyabinsk developers and authors of the idea. Its essence is to make the usual refectory dish - dumplings - convenient for eating on the go, i.e. include it in the fast food format and successfully sell ready-made fragrant products on the street or in public places.

The Vendmash plant and the design laboratory of Igor Baibulatov have created unique equipment that allows you to feed everyone with delicious freshly brewed dumplings without a kitchen and cooks, purchase of raw materials and personnel control, without production losses and large areas. To do this, you only need to conclude a franchise agreement with the manufacturer, install a specially equipped outlet and receive income.

The owner of the Pelmyash trademark is Vendmash LLC (Chelyabinsk region, Zlatoust). The company manufactures its products, namely six types of delicious dumplings, manti and khinkali, at the large meat processing enterprise Ice LLC. The composition of the dish includes only natural ingredients, and after cooking, the dumplings themselves are subjected to shock freezing and packaged in portions in a bag of 150 gr.

In such a frozen and packaged form, they go to the point of sale, where, before serving to the client, they are brought to readiness in a special cooking apparatus (it was also developed by Vendmash LLC.)

Video of the process of making dumplings


  • the manufacture and production of products, equipment, packaging, packaging, the manufacturer takes over;
  • the entrepreneur has the right to trade goods on the terms of his own margin;
  • mandatory in such cases royalty (permanent monetary contribution for the use of the trademark under the terms of franchising) does not provide for the contract;
  • logistics and delivery of the product to the warehouse of the entrepreneur is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

The profit from this business is purely marginal.

What to sell?

The product for sale is a branded hot dish from the assortment of TM Pelmyash, which immediately after preparation is placed in a branded package - a bowl made of a polymer material that retains heat and protects hands from hot contents.

In the proposed product line:

  • Pelmeni "Ural" (filling: beef, pork, onion);
  • Pelmeni "Lamb" (filling: lamb, onion, garlic, dill and parsley);
  • Dumplings "Fishki" (filling: trout, pink salmon, onion);
  • Pelmeni "Sabantuy" (beef, onion);
  • Khinkali (filling: beef, pork or bacon, onion, egg, paprika and bell pepper);
  • Manty (filling: beef, pork or bacon, onion, egg).

Portion packaging of cooked and frozen dumplings, 150 g each, is placed in polypropylene bags and a corrugated box. Storage conditions allow keeping the product at a temperature not higher than -18˚С for 120 days. Each serving comes with a branded thermo glass and a fork.
In addition to the main course, the assortment provided by the manufacturer includes three types of sauces.

To whom to sell?

Buyers of express dumplings are, first of all, people who love the novelty and those who will definitely try a familiar product in a new version. As a rule, these customers have already tried all the innovative street-food offers and stop at the traditional fast food options. Potential buyers include:

  • pupils (pupils and students);
  • office staff and field specialists (forwarders, drivers, installers, technicians);
  • a large consumer segment can be made up of taxi drivers and truckers, if the sales point is installed in the area of ​​motorway parking lots.

Where to sell?

  • shopping and entertainment complexes;
  • railway and bus stations;
  • cinemas and sports facilities;
  • universities;
  • central streets of cities;
  • office centers and checkpoints of industrial enterprises;
  • markets and highway intersections.

Positive and negative aspects of a business project


Pelmyash trademark developed and brought to the market, low advertising costs

the need to strictly and strictly follow the standards of the project, which makes it impossible to make your own improvements

no royalty and ready business concept

restriction on related products

provision of finished products created using a single technology

narrow range

the opportunity to work as part of a whole network of dumplings

free training for management and staff of the entrepreneur

availability of company standards and guarantees of product quality and equipment performance

As you can see, there are more pluses and they are more significant.

Key points and features of the business

  • innovative and fresh presentation idea;
  • a product that is understandable and familiar to literally everyone;
  • fast return on investment;
  • availability;
  • small risks;
  • the prospect of more profitable cooperation with the supplier when the contractual conditions are met.

In addition, the business makes it possible to install a refrigerator or with drinks next to the outlet, which will bring additional income.

Main start-up stages

Complete point for organizing trade in the premises, equipped with a convenient counter, a brand wall, a freezer and a system for supplying and utilizing water.

Designed to bring the dish to readiness and serve it to the buyer.

Special clothing for the seller - "Forma Pelmyash"

Provides brand recognition and a neat appearance of employees

1800 * 2 = 3600 rubles

Total: 169,600 rubles

How much money do you need to start a business?*

  • The main capital investment is equipment provided by the developer with lifetime warranty and maintenance: 169,600 rubles
  • Additional equipment (cash register, geyser and/or coffee machine): 28,000 rubles;
  • Primary commodity purchase: 80,000 rubles;
  • Other expenses: 15,000 rubles.

Total: 293,000 rubles, where 57.8% is investment in equipment and 27.3% is investment in inventory for 1-1.5 months.

How much can you earn from this business?

On average, the purchase price of a portion of dumplings in a package is 37.9 rubles. According to the manufacturer, people are willing to pay for a tasty and high-quality product:

Product selection options

At the same time, about 57% of consumers, according to a survey conducted by developers, when buying dumplings, consumers usually choose the same brand.

Therefore, in the calculations we can safely assume that the markup on the input cost will be at least 75% . Thus, with an average purchase price of products of 37.9 rubles, with a mark-up of 75%, the average selling price of a portion of dumplings will be about 66.3 rubles.

Marginal income - 28.4 rubles (43%) per unit of goods.

Now let's calculate the amount of expected income and payback period:
If there is a well-chosen place for the location of the point of sale, where the human traffic will be at least 1800 people / hour, the potential daily implementation plan will be 165 units (9-hour day with a flow involvement level of 1%):

Daily sales volume

Monthly volume, pcs

Average price per unit of production, in rubles

Revenue, in rubles

Operating costs RUB/month:

  • salary 2 employees
  • retail space rental
  • utility costs (water, electricity)
  • Consumables
  • taxes
  • advertising

Marginal profit (43%)

76 620 rub/month

Return on capital investment

Payback is full

From the author: this type of activity is also attractive due to the low price segment of the product. This makes it possible to organize the delivery of dumplings to offices, slightly increasing the margin (say, up to 90%).

In general, given the free thematic niche, I think the project is worth careful consideration and detailed calculation. You can increase the profitability of the outlet by selling drinks (the equipment for which was included in the cost of additional equipment) and complex offers: a drink and a portion of dumplings.

It is also permissible to make a price gradation depending on the number of servings: 1 serving - 66.3 rubles, 2 servings - 60 rubles / each, 4 servings - 55 rubles / each, etc. - so you can increase the turnover. Nothing prevents you from entering loyalty cards and using .

* The calculations presented in the section are conditional and provide only a general understanding of the profitability of this type of activity based on the expert opinion of the author of the material. Please note that just as skeptically required, approaches the profitability calculations presented on the website of the equipment supplier. The moneymaker factory strongly recommends that you independently (or involve independent experts) make a feasibility study of the planned activity, based on the specific numbers of your region and the planned size of the business.

Despite the fact that fast food is difficult to call healthy for many, it is a kind of lifeline, as it allows you to provide the body with vital elements in case of a lack of time. In practice, it has been established that fast food can earn good money, which is enough for bread and butter and more.

Today we will talk about the features of the implementation of a business project, which is based on an unusual fast food, but beloved, perhaps, by all Russians. Let's talk about dumplings. We are used to the fact that this dish is served as a second course. We are sure that many of you thought that making dumplings requires a full-fledged kitchen. At the same time, the practice of some entrepreneurs has shown that they are applicable in the field of fast food.

The business idea under consideration is also good because it is accessible to beginners, since small investments are required to start. This does not mean that it is enough to acquire a stall, dishes and a case in the hat. To achieve success, to obtain a stable, solid income, you will have to try. For example, the development of a business, increasing its efficiency will be facilitated by a business plan for dumplings, in which all elements of a future undertaking will have to be predicted. A pre-compiled financial business model will be useful and useful.

So, back to the main nuances of the dumpling business. From the article you will find out what costs await you, potential income, also get acquainted with the material base (equipment), and so on.

A few words about general trends

Often the success of future entrepreneurial activity is determined by the uniqueness of the business project. There is nothing surprising. The fact is that the consumer is always interested in new products, even if the latter cause them doubt and distrust. Experts say that you can take root in the market by using a classic product as something new. In our case, you can do it by serving dumplings in a take away package. What is her secret? It enables dumpling lovers to take their favorite dish with them: to work, rest, even home for relatives.

Earlier we noted that the initial costs are symbolic. Add to this the following fact - they are justified in record time. With a proper approach to business, it is possible to recoup investments in 3-4 months. As you can see, the business idea at least deserves attention. Let's continue!

At one time, Euromonitor International conducted an interesting study, according to the results of which it was found that public catering in our country is developing every year. The annual growth rate is 12%. Not far behind fast food. The value of the studied indicator was 11%. This trend once again testifies to the prospects of a business project based on the sale of dumplings in the fast-food format.

Why will our product be in high demand? Instead of an answer, let's say the following - love for dumplings and the ability to taste them anywhere.

The restaurant market is represented by three main price sectors:

  • fast food. In the structure of public catering points, this segment accounts for almost 50%;
  • restaurants, cafeterias;
  • elite concept institutions.

If you believe the words of experts, then in the future the growth of adherents of fast food will not stop. Franchise establishments will become more popular. All this confirms that fast food will remain a viable, competitive food option anyway.

Advice: take care of your positive image, name, so it will be easier for you in the future.


It is based on a fast-payback project, in particular TM "Pelmyash". For it we should be grateful to the Chelyabinsk developers, the authors of the novelty. According to this unique concept, the usual format of dumplings can be consumed as a fast food product, that is, anywhere. Product implementation options: outdoor; on the basis of catering points and other public facilities.

The craftsmen of the Vendmash plant, the design laboratory of I. Baibulatov designed and created equipment. Thanks to them, cooking dumplings does not require a kitchen or a cook. It is not required to purchase raw materials, control personnel. Their equipment eliminates production losses and minimizes selling space. What else is needed for a novice businessman? True, to start, you will need to conclude a franchise agreement with the manufacturer, which will provide all the basic equipment, including outlets.

After organizational moments, an assortment consisting of 6 types of dumplings will become available to you. For their preparation, only natural ingredients are used, which, as you understand, corresponds to the priorities of the modern consumer - a healthy diet.

Pelmeni are frozen before sale, in packages they are delivered to the place of sale. Portion weight - 150 g.

At the point of sale, they go through the last stage of preparation (a cooking machine is used) and are sold.

Client base

It will be represented by different gender and age groups of potential and actual customers. However, express dumplings are of particular interest to people who are interested in new products or traditional products, but in a new format. It is worth focusing on students, office workers, employees and field specialists (we are talking about freight forwarders, drivers, installers, technicians), taxi drivers, truckers. It should be understood that the structure of the client base is primarily determined by the location of the opening of the retail facility.

Business projects - dumplings as fast food

Place of implementation of the idea

Such a business gives a greater effect in settlements where at least 50 thousand people live. Earlier it was said that you can sell at a separate point on the street, including a mobile one, or you can rent an area for an object on the basis of a shopping center and other public institutions.

Fast food dumplings will be in demand at gas stations, railway, bus stations, cinemas and sports, educational institutions, busy streets, markets and other places that are characterized by high traffic and concentration of potential customers.

The main features of the business include:

  • an innovative, fresh idea in terms of the type of product;
  • wide popularity of a delicacy that was, is and will be in demand;
  • fast turnover of money;
  • affordable price;
  • lack of risks;
  • work with suppliers on a contractual basis.

These features can be attributed to the pluses.

Near the outlet, it will be useful to have a machine with drinks.

What you need to start

A step-by-step instruction for the implementation of the idea will be useful. It is also useful to know the capacity of the fast food market. Before opening a retail outlet, you should research the market, in particular, learn about the demand for dumplings, draw up a business plan for dumplings that guarantees an increase in the benefits of opening an express dumpling shop, resolve the issue of registering future activities, rent an area, a warehouse (you can limit yourself to a refrigerator at a cold storage facility), hire qualified employees, acquire special equipment and auxiliary equipment, order the first batch of products, let the public know about yourself with the help of advertising.

Material base


The set of equipment will be presented:

  • a retail outlet that has a convenient counter, brand wall, freezer, a system that provides water supply and disposal. Such pleasure is indispensable when implementing an idea on the basis of another object - 98 thousand rubles;
  • a cooking apparatus that brings dumplings to full readiness - 68 thousand rubles.

Do not do without special clothing. You will have to pay about 3.6 thousand rubles for it.

As a result, about 169.6 thousand rubles will be spent.

The financial side of the business

Costs will be associated with:

  • purchase of equipment - 169.6 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a cash register, geyser, coffee machine - 28 thousand rubles;
  • primary purchase of products - 80 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

An average of 293 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for the implementation of a business project.

From time to time, many citizens use the services of the fast food sector, because, although supposedly a person can live without food for more than one day, only rare anorexic units are ready to check it for themselves, being far from their favorite refrigerator. At the same time, traditional fast food is sandwiches, pizza, all kinds of bakery products and other shawarma, either prepared quickly, by order of the client, or not quickly, but for future use and easily stored without spoiling. Considering dumplings respected by the Russian population as undeservedly deprived of attention, the Vendmash company (Zlatoust) intends to correct the situation and make freshly boiled dumplings a new fast food product. For accelerated two-minute preparation of dumplings, the Ural manufacturer has developed equipment for retail outlets and a whole business concept under the Pelmyash brand.

They plan to make dumplings a mass fast food here without violating the laws of nature. To speed up cooking, dumplings are delivered to the fast food point pre-cooked, and then frozen. At the request of the client, a portion of frozen semi-finished products is loaded into boiling water of a branded cooking apparatus, where dumplings quickly thaw and come to a state of freshly cooked.

The Vendmash company undertakes the supply of fast-food dumpling outlets with devices for warming up dumplings; trade equipment (stationary or mobile counters, including anti-vandal ones, equipped with everything necessary, for example, freezers, built-in sinks with autonomous water supply and sewerage) and, in fact, boiled semi-finished dumplings. The declared assortment of the Pelmyash brand includes several types of dumplings, manti and khinkali produced in the Chelyabinsk region. Boiled and frozen dumplings are packed in bags of 150 grams and are supplied with a disposable bowl and fork. When buying fast food dumplings at the Pelmyash point, the client can also choose the sauce to their liking.

The Vendmash company has prepared the Pelmyash franchise for organizing an express dumpling shop on several square meters without its own production of dumplings. The price of a retail outlet equipped with a counter and a cooking apparatus is from 180 thousand rubles.

"Pelmyash" is not the only project of the company in the field of public catering. Also, projects "" (sushi in mobile packaging) are being developed here; pizza in a cone and others.

The developer optimistically guarantees the success of the business on instant dumplings and sales from 100 packages of 150 grams of dumplings per day, expecting that the point will pay off in a maximum of six months, but we see several weaknesses. For instance:

  • It is doubtful that there will be a large demand for hot dumplings without space for food - a table, chairs (which is not taken into account in the opening plan) and hot drinks (tea) (also not taken into account, but this is easy to organize). All this will add prices to dumplings fast food.
  • The average expected selling price of 150 rubles. for a portion weighing 300 grams (and, accordingly, 500 rubles per kilogram) - not cheap for a regional fast food.
  • Positioning a little-known meat processing plant as "the most famous and largest meat processing enterprise in the Chelyabinsk region" is a controversial move.

And yet, we have always eaten dumplings, so there will be potential demand for Pelmyash products. Especially in crowded places of hungry citizens, such as train stations, shopping malls, highways.

It remains for us to wish you further success in the implementation of the Russian fast food business idea.

In order to open establishments with domestic fast food in Russia, you do not need to be a famous director and receive billions of dollars in government assistance. It is enough to purchase a unique franchise "Pelmyash" for only a few hundred thousand rubles and open a mini-cafe or serve with the most Russian food - hand-made Ural dumplings.

You can feed your region with quick dumplings with the help of VendMash LLC with a small initial investment. The advantages of this format are familiar dishes, high cooking speed (two to three minutes), no need to organize the direct preparation of products - cooking on the spot is required from semi-finished products that only need to be stored at the right temperature.

What are the conditions for such a franchise and how does Pelmyash work in general? What does it take to open such a fast food outlet with a Russian accent? How much money do you need to buy a franchise?

How did Pelmyash appear?

The express dumplings project as an example of a truly Ural fast food was launched in October 2013 under the name Pelmyash. The founder was the VendMash company, which has existed since 2011.

Igor Baidasarov is the head of VendMash LLC, who decided to develop the production of domestic vending equipment for preparing various dishes. The entrepreneur takes ideas for his business abroad, where he also purchases equipment and machinery, which he simplifies and reduces the cost by three to five times in order to make them available to small businesses in his homeland.

This company, together with the Business Laboratory, has already launched several franchising projects of Russian fast food, in particular Kono Pizza (pizza in a glass / cone), TropiKaif (summer desserts), Soup Factory (first courses), SushiRoller (sushi for street food) and other variations of "fast food" in Russian.

The head office of VendMash is located in the Chelyabinsk region (Zlatoust), and the production workshop for the preparation of Pelmyash products is located in the Bashkir village of Askarovo.

Number of operating points

The company has not yet launched any of its brands on the world market, but it opens its representative offices in Russia (more precisely, it sells franchises to third-party companies). Today, hundreds of points of sale of Pelmyash products operate throughout the country in dozens of regions (Ufa, Perm, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk).

Brand specialization

Under the Pelmyash brand, ready-to-eat, hand-made dumplings frozen by the shock method and other similar dishes of Russian cuisine are distributed.

It remains only to find a market for semi-finished products or ready-made meals, offering them as an alternative to the usual fast food.

Options have been developed for the distribution of Pelmyash products through vending machines, through freezers in retail outlets, street mini-cafes or public catering in shopping centers and office buildings, gas stations and other busy places.

What is the hallmark of the brand

The main, but not the only dish on the Pelmyash menu is dumplings with different fillings. They can be simply boiled or deep fried. Additionally, the assortment includes manti and dumplings.

The Pelmyash brand is represented by the following dishes:

  • dumplings from pork and beef "Ural";
  • chicken dumplings "Kiev";
  • dumplings "Sabantuy" from beef and chicken;
  • manti (beef + pork) and khinkali;
  • dumplings (with cabbage, potatoes and cracklings, cottage cheese);
  • gyoza (dumplings for frying with various fillings - shrimp, pork, squid, vegetables).

Portions of 200 grams (except for manti and khinkali - 150 grams).

Packaging for Pelmyash products is used in the following types:

  • packages with frozen portioned dumplings / dumplings / manti for cooking;
  • frozen package of dumplings in broth for heating in the microwave;
  • tuba for packaging deep-fried dumplings.

Moreover, cooking can be not only in a cafe, but also in self-service format directly at the point of sale or even by the type of trade in semi-finished products and ready-made takeaway dishes for heating at home or in the office.

Tableware for elite restaurants should be beautiful and refined. A description of such dishes can be found at the link.

Franchise Features

There is no royalty, as well as an entrance (lump-sum) fee.

The partner pays for a starter kit to launch the corresponding fast food outlet.

There are no special requirements for the place of sale - 2-3 square meters are enough to accommodate the main mobile and stationary counters. meters indoors or outdoors.

You need to purchase from the franchisor not only equipment and technologies, but also packaging and semi-finished products for cooking.

What does the franchisee get?

There are only three packages:

  1. Exclusive representative in the region and holder of the Pelmyash franchise.
  2. Exclusive regional holder of the Pelmyash franchise.
  3. The partner is the owner of the Pelmyash retail outlet.

To obtain these statuses, you need to open a certain number of outlets, at least one per 50,000 people, so a million-plus city will require at least 20 outlets, and only in this case can you count on the status of an exclusive representative and franchise holder.

When paying for the franchise, the buyer receives from VendMash LLC:

  • equipment under warranty;
  • cooking technologies;
  • free delivery of semi-finished products and equipment;
  • corporate design of retail outlets and points of sale;
  • training and consultations with the departure of the trainer to the region;
  • bonuses and discounts for product sales growth and network development.

Purchase terms

The cost of a franchise depends on the equipment purchased and the expected scale of the business. When buying a Pelmyash franchise, the newly minted owner of a mini-cafe or vending machine receives different sets of equipment:

  • wall freezer branded showcase VM-27 for selling frozen ready meals;
  • self-service machine VM-10 for reheating ready-made frozen portions;
  • outlet for premises, for the street - VM-17-1, VM-17-6;
  • mobile kiosk or both for indoor trade in buildings and outdoors - VM-09-1, VM-09-2.

So, the minimum price of a kit for starting this business is 160 thousand rubles:

  • showcase equipment or cooking apparatus + freezer - 100 thousand rubles;
  • a batch of semi-finished products (from 1 ton) - 35-50 thousand rubles;
  • consumables (sets for packing and serving dishes) - 25-35 thousand rubles.

You can apply for a franchise to VendMash LLC, located in Zlatoust, both in person and remotely via remote communication channels.

Separately, you will have to spend money on organizing the placement of a point for the sale of dumplings, in particular, on renting a place, paying for utilities (connecting refrigerators, microwaves and vending machines to the mains), salaries for employees (if any), as well as other costs - accounting services, taxes .

Additionally, it is worth considering the opening of a full-fledged cafe to receive visitors who want to not only take the semi-finished product with them, but eat it right on the spot.

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