Analysis of housing conditions. Analysis of the living conditions of the population. High School of Economics

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housing statistics.

A dwelling included in the system of public services for the population forms the habitat of a person and is an important component of the quality of his life. Statistics on housing conditions and public services studies the availability, composition and condition of the housing stock, its improvement, the production activities of enterprises and services that provide the population with water, heat, gas, sewerage services, hotels and other types of improvement of settlements. Data sources are forms of state statistical observation, departmental statistical reporting, censuses and micro-censuses and special population surveys.

Housing conditions are characterized by indicators: housing stock, housing stock movement, overhaul and reconstruction of the housing stock, improvement of the housing stock, provision of housing for the population. Housing fund - the totality of all residential premises, regardless of the form of ownership, including residential buildings and specialized houses (dormitories, orphanages, boarding schools, etc.), apartments, office premises, other residential premises suitable for living. The total area of ​​residential buildings is the sum of the living area and the area of ​​utility rooms of apartments. Living area - the area of ​​​​living rooms in residential buildings and premises.

The equipment of the housing stock includes water supply, sewerage, central heating, baths (showers), network and liquefied gas, if there is an installed floor gas stove, hot water supply. Provision of the population with housing - the amount of total and living space per inhabitant.

Public service statistics studies the activities of public utilities and services for the provision of utilities water supply,

sewerage, heat supply and hotels. Forms are the data source

state statistical observation. The system of public services for the population is characterized by the following main statistical indicators.

The length of the street water supply network, which is understood as a network of pipelines laid along streets, driveways and embankments. The production capacity of the water supply system is determined by the maximum amount of water that can be supplied to the network per day. Provision of the population with centralized water supply - the average daily supply of water per inhabitant.

The length of the street sewer network, which refers to pipelines laid along streets, driveways and embankments. The throughput of treatment facilities is characterized by the amount of waste liquid that they can pass per day. Percentage of pass Wastewater through treatment is determined by the ratio of the amount of treated wastewater to the passage of all wastewater.

The length of heat networks is determined by the length of the channel route with two pipelines laid in it. The thermal power of heating boiler installations is determined by the sum of the rated capacities of all boilers installed in them.

The total area of ​​hotels is the area of ​​all their rooms and utility rooms. One-time capacity of hotels - the number of fixed beds in all rooms.

One of the most important indicators characterizing the standard of living of the population is still the provision of housing. In Russia, the housing problem is very acute. In the queue for receiving housing and improving housing conditions at the beginning of 2001. accounted for 11% of the total number of families. The main source of housing for the population is new housing construction. For 2000 30.3 mln. meters. Compared to 1999, housing commissioning decreased by 5.3% (by 1.7% million square meters).

In recent years, there has been further decentralization of housing finance. In the context of limited budgetary financial resources, the main sources of financing for housing construction remain the funds of the population, the own funds of enterprises and organizations.

The financial situation of most enterprises and organizations is difficult; funds for housing construction are limited, so the population is increasingly looking for ways to improve their living conditions. Commissioning of individual residential buildings is carried out in all cities and regions of the country. But the constraint on the development of individual housing construction continues to be the lack Money at the population.

Population health statistics

Includes health statistics, population morbidity statistics, disability statistics, occupational injury statistics. Operating in Russian Federation state system statistical observation in the field of public health provides for the passage of statistical data and information through the regional bodies of the health system, social protection, services of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and state statistics. Sources of information are forms of federal state statistical observation, primary medical and other accounting documentation, one-time registrations, sample surveys. The resulting statistical data serve as the initial base in practical work bodies state power and management. The information is used to form a unified state policy in the field of healthcare and social protection of the population.

Characteristics of the level of health development (1998-2000)

An analysis of statistical materials shows that (1998 - 2000) in Russia a significant number of health care institutions simply closed

"right" > Table 1

Medical and preventive institutions

Number of hospitals, thous.

Number of hospital beds, thousand

Of the total number of hospital beds, beds for sick children, thousand

Number of beds for pregnant women and women in childbirth

Number of beds for gynecological patients thousand people

Number of medical outpatient clinics, thous.

The number of antenatal clinics, children's polyclinics and outpatient clinics thous.

Number of paramedical stations

In three years, the number of hospitals decreased by 0.4 (or 3.6%), the number of medical outpatient clinics increased by 0.9%, the number of antenatal clinics, children's polyclinics and outpatient clinics increased by 2.6%, and the number of medical assistants -obstetric stations decreased by 0.4%.

Despite the above data, the volume of construction of medical institutions is increasing. For example, if in 1998 7321 hospital facilities (beds) were put into operation, then in 2000 - by 2213 beds, or 30.2% more. Currently, the number of hospitals is increasing, but they are mostly private institutions, where medical care is very expensive.

The situation is almost the same with outpatient clinics. Compared to 1998, in 1999, 21268 visits per shift were put into operation, then in 2000 - by 3506, or 16.5% more. And if we compare 2000 with 1999, then a significant decrease in the number of outpatient clinics is noticed, that is, in 1999 there were 27,997 visits per shift, which is 11.5% more than in 2000. The data, of course, are old, but All the same, they allow us to trace the trends in the development of health care over the past 5 years.

It is also important to play sports. Statistics physical education and sports studies the quantitative characteristics of the development of a network of sports facilities, their placement, personnel, the number of people involved in physical culture and sports (by sport). Data sources are annual forms of the federal state statistical observation, primary accounting documentation. Statistical information is used to form a unified state policy in the field of tourism and recreation, physical culture and sports.


In recent years, indicators of the standard of living in Russia have actually increased, as evidenced by the growth in monetary incomes of the population, including wages and pensions. Entrepreneurs in a number of sectors were able to improve the situation with wages, including the growth of nominal wages.

At the same time, despite the positive dynamics of macroeconomic indicators, there is a significant differentiation of the population in terms of income, low wages in a number of sectors of the economy, and a high level of poverty. In 2000-2002, the volume of nominal cash income per capita increased by 35%. At the same time, real disposable cash income increased by 9%, and the value of cash expenditures also increased (33%). The excess of income over expenses reached almost 3%. The share of expenditures aimed at purchasing foreign currency, purchasing securities and forming savings and bank deposits has significantly decreased. Conversely, spending on food and the purchase of basic necessities has increased.

In 2003, the rise in the living standards of the population will continue. Nominal monetary incomes of the population, according to economists' forecasts, will grow by 26%. Real disposable cash income will increase by 7%. As before, the main expenses will be directed to the purchase of food and basic necessities.

Raising the standard of living of the population is the main goal of any progressive society. The state is obliged to create favorable conditions for a long, safe, healthy and prosperous life for people, ensuring economic growth and social stability in society.


1. Social status and standard of living of the population in Russia: Statistical collection. / Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2001.

2. Statistics study guide Golovanov I.G. From P. 1998


are far from exhaustive and do not define the whole complex of ensuring targeted development mobility and effective

sensible approach to solving this problem. This is just a witness to the restructuring of urban real estate in the face of many

indicates the need for further research on uncertainty, which will be the scientific basis for the formation

in the direction of developing methodological foundations for the development of the national economic system of the country.


1. Course of economic theory: General foundations of economic theory. Microeconomics. Macroeconomics. Fundamentals of the National Economy: Textbook. - M.: Publishing house "Business and Service", 2001. - 832 p.

2. Ananyin O.I. What's going on with economics? // Origins. From the experience of studying the economy as a structure and process. - M.: IDGU - HSE, 2006. - S. 260-261.

3. Nekipelov A.D. Popular economic encyclopedia. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2001. - 367 p.

4. Dyachenko M.V. Stabilization financial policy of the state: conceptual representations // Finance and credit. - 2012. - No. 8 (488). - S. 59-67.

5. Shokin I.N. Structural policy in the long term: tasks and priorities // Problems of Forecasting. - 2007. - No. 5. - S. 3-15.

6. Yaskova N.Yu. On the issue of real estate restructuring (the well-forgotten old) // Real estate: economics, management. - 2015. - No. 2. - S. 18-25.

7. Sarchenko V.I. Methodology for the development and implementation of innovative solutions for integrated residential development of the city's master plan area with hidden investment potential: tutorial// Krasnoyarsk: ISI SFU, 2014. - 235 p.

8. Korolevskiy K.Yu. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of innovations in construction // Construction Economics. - 2012. - No. 5. - S. 58-61.

9. Peshkov V.V. Economic interests in investment and construction activities // Izvestiya IGEA. - 2007. - No. 3 (53). - S. 74-77.

living conditions of the population as a result of the management and development of residential real estate in the Russian Federation

I.A. Saenko,

Associate Professor, Department of Building Design and Real Estate Expertise, Siberian federal university(Krasnoyarsk), Candidate of Economic Sciences [email protected]

The article analyzes the size, technical condition and livability of the housing stock, and also evaluates the indicators characterizing the living conditions of the population of the Russian Federation, which make it possible to determine the effectiveness of the housing policy pursued by the state.

Keywords: housing policy, population, housing conditions, housing stock, analysis

UDC 332.81 BBK 65.051

In the economic literature and in the practice of housing, the use of the term housing conditions is often resorted to, but there is no generally accepted definition of this concept. Most often, housing conditions are defined as a set of indicators characterizing: location, amount of living space per person, degree of housing improvement. According to the author, housing conditions should be considered more broadly, as a set of characteristics that reflect the ability of individuals and society as a whole to satisfy the need for housing. Housing conditions have a significant impact on the quality of life of the population, are an indicator of the standard of living of citizens and the basis for the formation of state housing policy.

Housing policy should be understood as the policy pursued by state authorities and local self-government aimed at providing those in need with housing, improving its consumer properties and developing measures aimed at the possibility of acquiring housing, which is currently being put into practice through the implementation of the priority national project "Affordable and Comfortable housing for citizens of Russia”.

Directly meet the housing needs of citizens called "living space", which is legally enshrined in the Russian Federation. Thus, in accordance with Article 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, residential premises are recognized as “isolated premises that are real estate and are suitable for permanent residence of citizens (meet the established sanitary and technical rules and regulations, other requirements of the law)”.

In this case, a dwelling house, apartment, room is recognized as a dwelling.

The totality of all residential premises in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation constitutes a housing stock, each unit of which, if not destroyed or physically damaged, can produce a continuous stream of consumer services, while the quality of the provision of services depends primarily on the characteristics of the residential premises themselves, which determine the overall condition of the entire housing stock dynamically changing in time.

The main results of the effectiveness of the ongoing housing policy can, in the author's opinion, be assessed through the system of the following groups of indicators:

Housing provision;

Technical condition of the housing stock;

The level of improvement of residential premises;

Availability of housing;

Satisfaction of citizens with living conditions.

The choice of indicators is determined mainly by the base

data of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (FSGS). For an objective assessment of the living conditions of the population of Russia, the analysis of indicators is supplemented from the standpoint of international comparisons.

One of the most important indicators characterizing the housing provision of the population is the total area of ​​residential premises per inhabitant on average (Fig. 1). The level of the indicator for the analyzed period increased by 2.9 square meters. m or by 13.5% and is at the end of 2014 23.7 square meters. m.

200? 2006 200? 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1. The total area of ​​residential premises per inhabitant in the Russian Federation, sq. m

According to S.V. Nikolaev, General Director of TsNIIEP housing, the norm of housing provision, which practically satisfies domestic needs, is 28-30 sq. m of floor area per person. The International Standard for Living Conditions, developed by the UN and UNESCO, provides that each resident should have at least 30 square meters. m. of total area of ​​housing that each household needs to have a separate traditional type of housing.

In the Russian Federation, most of the population lives in apartments and individual houses. Figure 2 shows data characterizing the total availability of apartments and their number by room composition in the Russian Federation for the period under study.

Based on the data in Figure 2, the following conclusions can be drawn:

In 2005, the Russian Federation had

57.4 million apartments, and in 2014 60.8 million apartments, that is, in terms of quantity, the growth was 3.4 million apartments, and in relative terms increased by 5.9%;

In the composition of the housing stock, two-room apartments are in the lead, in 2005 their number was 23.2 million (40.4%), and in 2014 23.9 million (39.3%), that is, the share decreased by 1.1%, but at the same time, there is an increase in absolute terms by 0.7 million apartments, and in relative terms, the increase was 3.02%;

Three-room apartments occupy the second place in the structure of the housing stock, in 2005 there were 16.8 million (29.3%), and in 2014 17.5 million (28.8%), that is, the share decreased by 0.4 %, however, in absolute terms, the increase was 0.7 million apartments or 4.2%;

In third place are one-room apartments, the number of which in 2005 was 13.3 million (23.2%), and in 2014

14.5 million (23.9%), that is, the share increased by 0.7%,

at the same time, the increase in apartments is significant and amounted to 1.2 million or 9%;

The most significant increase in relative terms is observed for four or more room apartments - 19.5%, but in absolute terms their number increased by 0.7 million from 4.1 million (7.1%) in 2005 to 4.9 million (8.1%), that is, the share increased by 1%;

In the structure of the housing stock significant changes did not happen, two-room and three-room apartments prevail, however, it is worth noting a decrease in their share, and, conversely, an increase in the share of one-room, four-room and more apartments.

It follows from the above that there is an increase in the level of provision of the population of Russia with housing, but it does not meet the standard of provision and social standards of the UN, and also lags significantly behind the level developed countries, which averages 35-45 square meters. m per person. The biggest lag is from Norway, where there are about 74 square meters per capita. m and the USA - 65 sq. m of total housing area.

It should be noted that most of the Russian population lives in one- and two-room apartments, and in international practice, in order to assess the living conditions of the population, in addition to the average housing area per person, the indicator “number of residents, on average per room of a dwelling. According to the available statistical data of the FSGS, it is difficult to assess this indicator, so we will use the research data of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which measures the achievements of the countries of the world in terms of the well-being of their population. Thus, in the Russian Federation, according to the OECD, for 2015 this figure is 0.9 rooms per person. For comparison, in Canada - 2.5 rooms, in Norway and the Netherlands - 2.0 rooms, and, on average, for 36 countries that participate in the study, the indicator level is 1.8 rooms per person.

Next, to assess the housing conditions of the population, it is necessary to consider indicators characterizing technical condition housing stock in the Russian Federation. The technical condition of the housing stock is characterized by indicators: the number and proportion of dilapidated and dilapidated housing in it, as well as the commissioning of new housing. Dilapidated housing is recognized as housing that ceases to meet the basic requirements of operation, and emergency housing - if, in addition, it poses a danger to residents.

Figure 3 presents data that characterizes the technical condition and renovation of the housing stock in the Russian Federation in dynamics.

60 -50 -40 30 20 10 0

i one-room

¡two-room and three-room ■ four-room» oole Fig. 2. Number of apartments in the housing stock of the Russian Federation, million

94 6 95,9 -----98>9~


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 -♦- disposal due to dilapidation and accident rate -■-Dilapidated and emergency fund -■- commissioning of new housing

Fig.3. Technical condition and renovation of dilapidated housing stock in the Russian Federation, mln sq. m

The above data indicate a reduction in the share of dilapidated and dilapidated housing in the Russian Federation, mainly due to an increase in the volume of housing commissioning, which increased by 93.1% over the past 10 years and amounted to 84.2 million square meters in 2014. m. At the same time, the housing stock, classified as dilapidated and dilapidated housing, is at the end of 2014 93.3 million square meters. m, which is less than 1.3 million square meters. m than in 2005, but in general, the total area of ​​residential premises located in dilapidated and dilapidated buildings in 2014 is 1.1 times (10.8%) higher than the volume of commissioned housing and its share in the total area of ​​​​all housing fund is 2.7%.

Another important characteristic of the housing conditions of the population is the level of improvement of residential premises. To assess trends in improvement, consider the proportion of total living space equipped with heating, water supply, gas, sewerage, baths, hot water supply, floor electric stoves (Table 1).

Table 1

Improvement of the housing stock of the Russian Federation

Year Share of total area, %, equipped

water supply water disposal (sewerage)

2005 76 71 80 65 70 63 17

2006 76 72 80 66 70 63 18

2007 76 72 81 66 70 64 18

2008 77 73 82 66 69 64 18

2009 77 71 83 66 69 65 19

2010 78 74 83 67 69 65 19

2011 78 74 83 67 69 65 19

2012 79 74 84 67 68 66 20

2013 80 75 84 68 68 66 21

2014 77 73 82 65 65 64 20

housing stock and its technical condition for the same period remains at the same level.

Housing affordability is the next group of indicators that characterize the housing conditions of the population, and means the ability of citizens to acquire housing as a property. Housing affordability indicators in Russia are regularly calculated and published by the Institute of Urban Economics as official data from the Federal State Statistics Service and the Bank of Russia are published:

a) The housing price to income ratio is calculated as the ratio of the average market value of an apartment of 54 sq. m. to the average income of a family of 3 per year. The value of this indicator corresponds to the number of years during which a family can save up for an apartment, assuming that all cash income received will be put aside for the purchase of an apartment.

b) The Housing Affordability Index (HAI) shows the ratio of the income of an average household to the income required to purchase a standard 54 sq. m. m. using mortgage loan issued on standard terms. A value of 100% means that the average family has an income exactly equal to the income needed to purchase a standard apartment with a mortgage. If the housing affordability index is less than 100%, then the average household is unable to purchase a standard apartment.

table 2

Housing affordability in the Russian Federation

Year Housing affordability index Housing affordability index Percentage of families able to purchase housing

2006 4,6 70 18,6

2007 5,3 66 17,7

2008 5,3 66 17,8

2009 4,6 68 19,0

2010 4,3 88 23,6

2011 4,1 100 27,5

2012 4,1 102 26,5

2013 3,6 102 27,6

2014 3,8 107 30,0

Table 3

Distribution of households according to their intentions to improve their living conditions, %

The data in Table 1 testify to the stagnation of the level of improvement of the housing stock in the Russian Federation, since during the study period on a scale of 10 years, the share of the total area of ​​housing equipped with communal amenities remains virtually unchanged. The population of Russia is 77% provided with running water, 73% with a sewerage system, 82% with heating, only 65% ​​can take a shower, and 65% of residential premises are equipped with gas installations, hot water supply is available to 64%, and only 20% of the housing stock is equipped with floor stoves.

Thus, all of the above allows us to state that, noting positive trends in increasing the level of housing provision for citizens of the Russian Federation for the period from 2005 to 2014, the level of improvement

2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

All households 100 100 100 100 100 100


plan to improve their living conditions 3.4 10.1 11.2 11.6 11.1 10.4

are registered for the improvement of living conditions 0.7 1.4 1.9 1.4 1.4 1.2

going to buy another home (or exchange for another home) 1.7 4.3 5.0 5.5 2.2 2.2

going to buy another house 0.1 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.3

expect to inherit housing 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4

are building new house, extension 0.4 2.2 2.1 2.4 4.5 4.4

other 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.7

have poor housing and do not plan to improve their living conditions 11.9 6.4 5.7 4.8 3.8 3.6

For example, a value of 60% means that the household has only 60% of the income needed to purchase an apartment with a mortgage.

c) Proportion of families that have the opportunity to purchase housing that meets housing standards using their own and borrowed funds.

This indicator is calculated by determining the minimum combined average monthly income for a family of three required to purchase a standard home with own and borrowed funds, and then comparing the result with data on the distribution of households by average monthly income.

During the analyzed period, the level of all indicators improved significantly. Thus, the housing affordability ratio decreased from 4.1 to 3.8 years, the affordability index increased from 76% to 107%%, and the proportion of families with the opportunity to purchase housing increased from 18.6% to 30%.

It should be noted that according to the materials of sample surveys of household budgets given in Table 3, a significant part of the population of the Russian Federation is not satisfied with their housing conditions and expressed

intentions to improve them. The proportion of such citizens increased from 3.4% in 2005 to 10.4% in 2014, i.e. it tripled.

The number of people who have poor housing and do not plan to improve their living conditions decreased from 11.9% in 2005 to 3.6% in 2014, while the main reasons are: the lack of the right to register for the improvement of housing conditions and other opportunities (2.9%), due to the fact that they are satisfied with the area of ​​residence in terms of the placement of social infrastructure (0.6%) and satisfied with the proximity to the place of work (0.1%).

In general, according to the data of selective surveys of Rosstat, the population of the Russian Federation in 2014 assesses their living conditions as follows: as excellent - 3.9%, good - 43.8%, satisfactory - 46.1%, poor - 5.4% and very bad - 0.8%.

Thus, in conclusion, it should be noted that the living conditions of the population of the Russian Federation are assessed positively by the majority of the population. At the same time, housing conditions in our country lag far behind the level of developed countries, and therefore it is necessary for the state to continue to manage this process by implementing various targeted programs aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens of the Russian Federation.


1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015). [Electronic resource]. - URL: Accessed: 12/12/2015

2. Federal State Statistics Service. [Electronic resource]. - URL: Accessed: 12/12/2015

3. Nikolaev S.V. Solving the housing problem of the Russian Federation on the basis of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the industrial base of housing construction // Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo. - 2010 - No. 2. - P.2-6.

4. Sagradov A.A. Economic demography. - M.: INFRA-M, 2011.

5. Zimina I.A., Davydov F.F. Models of development of the housing sector abroad // Family and housing law. - 2013. - No. 4. - P.35-37.

6. Better Life Index. Materials of studies of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). [Electronic resource]. - URL: Date accessed: 12/14/15

7. Indicators of housing affordability in Russia. Materials of the Institute of City Economics. [Electronic resource]. - URL: Date of access: 12/14/15.

regional aspects of banking infrastructure management

E.A. Ulyaeva,

Senior Loan Specialist at CJSC Credit Europe Bank (St. Petersburg),

[email protected]

The article is devoted to aspects of effective management of banking infrastructure at the regional level. The key objects of management and elements of the banking infrastructure are identified, the influence on which can cause the maximum possible positive shifts in the banking sector of the region's economy.

Key words: regional aspects, banking infrastructure, banking infrastructure elements, management entities, innovation and educational complex.

UDC 332.1 BKK 65.04

The most important condition for stable economic growth and sustainable development of the region is the creation of an extensive network of balanced banking infrastructure, the subjects of which must ensure the satisfaction of the needs of the state, enterprises and households, as well as the effective development of regions.

In the Russian scientific literature, for the first time, the term "banking infrastructure" is considered in the publication "Russian Banking Encyclopedia", published in 1995. Later, this term began to be used in the educational literature. A special article "Banking infrastructure" is contained in the "Financial and Credit Encyclopedic Dictionary" published in 2002. In these works, the banking infrastructure is defined, in fact, in the same way - as a

a set of organizations, enterprises and services that ensure the vital activity of banks. Obviously, in these interpretations, the etymological interpretation of the infrastructure prevails and therefore is considered incomplete. So thinks, for example, Kotov A.V., according to which the definition of banking infrastructure only as a set of organizations that ensure the life of banks does not give an interpretation of the concept of "life of banks" and does not reveal specific aspects of the manifestation of the role of banking infrastructure in its provision. He proposes to understand the banking infrastructure as a set of institutions that form the necessary conditions for the implementation of banking activities, contributing to the creation and delivery of banking services to their consumers.

The article talks about the housing problem, the general picture of prices for primary and secondary housing in Bashkortostan, price indices from 2014-2016.

  • Current State and Prospects of Mortgage Lending Market Management in Russia
  • Research of the warehouse real estate market in the Moscow region and the use of warehouse automation systems
  • Inflation in Russia, its features and causes

Housing is the main condition for a good life, for any person. It provides the population with a decent standard of living, creates a favorable living environment and is one of the main conditions for maintaining the quality of human life.

Housing problem todaycis considered one of the most significant and relevant not only for Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan, but also for other countries, and the quality of housing has such a strong impact on human development that it is reflected in state documents on social development.

For example, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the "young family" program for 2015-2020 was introduced. the subprogram "Providing housing for young families" of the federal target program "Housing" for 2015-2020 in the Republic of Bashkortostan was approved, which supports young families with affordable housing by providing apartments at low prices or a land plot.

Real estate housing market is divided into primary and secondary housing market. Basically, in the primary housing market, apartments are sold in new houses, recently built, and even those that exist only in the project or are just starting to be built. The population buys an apartment in advance, when it has not even been built yet, most often they have to wait two or three years before receiving an apartment. And the secondary market is already existing for several years houses, apartments in which people have already lived. It is also worth noting that the secondary market is always more expensive than the primary one. Since the secondary housing market is already ready for settlement, and the primary one will be ready only in a few years. Therefore, it is very profitable to buy a house even before its construction.

The overall picture of prices for primary and secondary housing in the region, according to official data, shows a stable downward trend in prices compared to the beginning of the year. According to official data, 1 square meter of housing in the primary market in Bashkiria at the end of September cost 51.1 thousand rubles. And in the secondary market - 54.9 thousand. The price situation resembles the first half of 2014.

It should also be noted that Bashkortostan has an average market price square meter of total housing area in urban districts and districts for the third quarter of 2015. So, for example, the average market value square meter of the total area in Ufa is accepted at 33,771 rubles, in Agidel - 28,000, Kumertau - 31,200, in ZATO Mezhgorye - 23,600, in Neftekamsk - 33,500. The same square meter costs in Oktyabrsky and Sterlitamak. In Salavat, a "square" is estimated at 32,000, in Sibay - at 31,000. In Baimak - 29,300, Belebey - 29,500, Beloretsk - 32,500, Birsk - 33,000, Blagoveshchensk - 32,000. A square meter in Davlekanovo is a little cheaper - 29,000, Dyurtulyakh and Meleuz - 31,000, in Ishimbay - 31,500, Tuymazy - 33,100, Uchaly - 32,100, Yanaul - 30,000.

In the city of Ufa, the average price for new buildings in April 2016 was 56.4 thousand rubles m 2, which is 5.3% less than at the beginning of 2016
Declining demand and competition entail various promotional offers from developers.

According to forecasts for 2016, prices will not change much, as developers have no prerequisites for further price reductions

Average price per sq.m. of all new buildings, taking into account well-known projects in the suburbs - 56.4 thousand rubles, a decrease since the beginning of 2015 - by 5.3%

The average price of a new building in the city is 3,093,800 rubles, which indicates a decrease in the share of small-sized apartments, and, accordingly, the total price of apartments. The average sample area is 53.8 sq.m.

Average price per sq.m. objects in the suburbs - 37.5 thousand rubles per sq.m., average price 1904.7 thousand rubles, area 50 sq.m., more than 250 options

In Bashkiria, compared with the hype of 2014, at the beginning of 2015 there is a sharp decline in demand for both resale and new buildings. In the case of resale properties, this is due to a price increase of 1.3%. As for the primary, the key rate increased by the Central Bank played its role. The general reason for stagnation is the growth of inflation and, as a result, the decline in consumer demand.

Summing up, I would like to consider Table 1 of the dynamics of housing prices in our Republic of Bashkortostan.


Average prices (thousand rubles)

Price indices, in %

To the previous quarter

By the fourth quarter of the previous year

primary market

I quarter

2nd quarter

Secondary market

I quarter

2nd quarter

primary market

I quarter

2nd quarter

Secondary market

I quarter

2nd quarter

primary market

I quarter

Secondary market

I quarter

Thus, drawing a conclusion, we see that the average prices of 2014-2016 for the primary housing market in the first quarter increased by 1.1 thousand rubles compared to the previous quarter. But on the secondary market, average prices have dropped by as much as 2.2 thousand rubles. Price indices from 2014 to 2016 for the 1st quarter remained unchanged. Housing problems are always with the entire population, at any time of the year will be in demand. A good state will always strive to provide every inhabitant of its country with housing. Housing is one of the main conditions for maintaining the quality of human life.


  1. Ableeva, A.M. Factor assessment of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets Agriculture/ A.M. Ableeva // Regional Economics: Theory and Practice. - 2012. - No. 19. pp. 26 - 34.
  2. Ableeva, A.M. Some features of the reproduction of fixed assets of agriculture / A.M. Ableeva // Regional Economics: Theory and Practice. - 2015. - No. 9 (384). - S. 54 - 64.
  3. Ableeva, A.M. Influence of investment policy on the formation of the structure of fixed capital / A.M. Ableeva // Scientific notes of the Russian State Social University. - 2009. - No. 7-2. pp. 102-108.
  4. Ableeva, A.M. Mechanisms and features of the reproduction of fixed capital in agriculture / A.M. Ableeva // Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University. - 2011. - No. 2. S. 61 - 67.
  5. Ableeva, A.M. Multidimensional grouping of regions according to the level of the potential for the reproduction of the fixed capital of agriculture / A.M. Ableeva // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2013. - No. 9 (312). pp. 32 - 41.
  6. Ableeva, A.M. TREND STUDIES OF MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS IN COMPARABLE PRICES / A.M. Ableeva // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2014. - No. S6. - S. 57-58.
  7. Ableeva, A.M. Social statistics: textbook / A.M. Ableeva. - Ufa, 2010. - 182 p.
  8. Ableeva, A.M. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of indicators of the reproduction of fixed assets of agriculture / A.M. Ableeva // Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University. - 2014. - No. 1 (29). pp. 100 - 103.
  9. Ableeva, A.M. Fixed capital and reproduction trends: monograph / A.M. Ableeva. - Ufa, 2011. - 239 p.

The need for housing is one of the primary human needs. dwelling- these are buildings, panel houses, floating houses, other buildings (premises) used for housing, as well as historical monuments, identified mainly as residential buildings with residential and non-residential premises included in them, residential premises, regardless of the form of ownership, included in the housing fund and used for permanent or temporary residence, as well as other premises or buildings not included in the housing stock, but used for temporary residence. The housing stock is a generalization of all residential premises that are located on the territory of the Russian Federation (Article 1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The main function of the dwelling- to provide a person with a favorable living environment, that is, comfortable housing is necessary both for recreation, and for work, and for creating a full-fledged family. The human habitat, which determines the quality of life of a member of society, forms a dwelling, introduced into the organization of communal and consumer services for the population.

In a market economy, housing is a durable commodity. This product provokes a large additional demand (for carpets, furniture, household appliances, dishes, etc.) and activates the formation of many sectors of the economy. Since housing is an expensive commodity, it is one of the main factors in stimulating the population's savings and the formation of investment resources.

Statistics must provide complete and objective information about the housing stock and living conditions of the population, which is necessary, in particular, for the implementation of housing policy, i.e., the development by the state of a set of measures aimed at meeting the needs for housing. The latter can be achieved by solving the following problems with statistics:

1) providing information on the provision of the population with housing, communal and consumer services; assessment of the comfort of the dwelling and its condition (degree of deterioration);

2) identification of materials on the differentiation of housing conditions of different social and demographic groups of the population, on the difference in housing conditions in different regions of the country, in cities (small, medium and large) and in rural areas; creating a basis for international housing comparisons;

3) analysis of the state and movement of the housing stock, its overhaul;

4) providing information on the development of the housing market, on the behavior of sellers and buyers on it, necessary, on the one hand, for the development of financial institutions serving the real estate market, on the other hand, for the development of social guarantees and benefits in the housing sector;

5) reflection of the relationship between the incomes of the population, housing conditions and the structure of consumption;

6) determining the development of social infrastructure and assessing the effectiveness of its functioning

The importance of solving these problems is complicated by the acuteness of the housing problem in our country, since the affordability of housing directly affects the state of the country's demographic indicators.

According to the listed tasks, the statistical indicators of the housing conditions of the population and the level of its service can be divided into several groups:

1) availability, condition and movement of the housing stock;

2) housing conditions of the population;

3) maintenance and financing of housing stock;

4) development of social infrastructure and its functioning;

5) assessment by the population of housing conditions and the quality of public services;

Characteristics of housing conditions

The characteristic of housing conditions consists of the following indicators: housing stock and its changes, improvement of housing stock, major repairs, modernization and reconstruction, provision of housing for the population. Let's analyze the elements of the groups of indicators that are listed above.

Housing stock:

1) the total area of ​​the housing stock, m 2;

2) living area, m 2;

3) the share of living space in the total,%;

4) the total number of apartments - total (units), including individual, communal;

5) distribution of apartments by number of rooms, %;

6) distribution of apartments by average size, %;

7) distribution of the housing stock by ownership (municipal fund, departmental, public, private),%;

8) distribution of the housing stock by time of construction, %;

9) distribution of the housing stock according to the degree of wear, %.

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, living space is the area of ​​​​living rooms in residential buildings and premises, i.e. isolated premises that are real estate and are suitable for permanent residence of citizens, meet the established sanitary and technical rules and regulations, other requirements of the law. The total (useful) area of ​​a dwelling is defined as the sum of the area of ​​all parts of such a premise and utility rooms located inside the apartments: kitchens, front corridors, internal corridors, bathrooms or showers, bathrooms, dressing rooms, pantries, built-in wardrobes, as well as attics, mezzanines, covered loggias, verandas, heated and suitable for living. Ancillary premises in hostels, in addition to those considered, are premises for medical care and cultural and community purposes.

When evaluating the comfortability of the housing stock, the ratio of residential and total areas is also important: a high proportion of living space indicates a low comfort of a dwelling, a low one can indicate both poor planning, insufficient living space, and high comfort of the housing stock.

The housing stock is accounted for by types of residential premises:

1) residential building, part of a residential building;

2) an apartment, part of an apartment;

3) room.

House- this is an individually defined building, which consists of rooms, as well as auxiliary premises, designed to meet people's domestic and other needs related to their living in this building (clause 2, article 16 of the LC RF).

Flat is a structurally separate room in an apartment building, which provides the possibility of direct access to the common areas in this building and consists of one or more rooms, as well as auxiliary rooms, designed to meet people's domestic and other needs associated with their living in such a separate room (clause 3, article 16 of the LCD of the Russian Federation).

A room is a part of a residential building or apartment, which is intended to be used as a place of direct residence by people in a residential building or apartment (clause 4, article 16 of the LC RF).

The housing stock is accounted for by type of property (Article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation):

1) private housing stock a fund owned by citizens and legal entities (created as private owners), including housing construction cooperatives (HBCs);

2) state housing fund - a fund that is owned by the Russian Federation and owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) municipal housing stock a fund that is owned by a district, city, as well as a departmental fund that is under the full economic jurisdiction of municipal enterprises or the operational management of municipal institutions;

4) public housing stock a fund owned by public associations;

5) housing stock in collective property a fund that is in a joint or fractional ownership various subjects, private, state, municipal property, property of public associations.

The housing stock can also be classified according to the types of settlement: housing stock in corridor-type houses, housing stock with apartment-by-apartment resettlement, housing stock in barracks, housing stock in bed-type dormitories, housing stock in basements and semi-basements.

According to the purposes of use, the housing stock is divided into (clause 3, article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation):

1) housing fund for social use - a set of residential premises of state and municipal housing funds provided to citizens under social rental agreements;

2) specialized housing stock - a set of residential premises intended for living certain categories citizens in the provided residential premises of the state and municipal housing funds;

3) individual housing stock - a set of residential premises of a private housing stock used by citizens - owners of such premises for their residence, residence of members of their family and (or) residence of other citizens on the terms free use, as well as legal entities- the owners of such premises for the residence of citizens on the specified conditions of use;

4) housing stock for commercial use - a set of residential premises used by the owners of these premises for the residence of citizens on the terms of paid use, provided to citizens under other agreements, provided by the owners of these premises to persons for possession and (or) use.

The housing stock is necessarily subject to state accounting in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation (clause 4, article 19 of the LC RF).

State accounting of the housing stock, along with other forms of its accounting, should provide for technical accounting of the housing stock, including its technical inventory and technical certification (clause 5, article 19 of the LC RF).

Housing stock movement:

1) loss of housing stock, total m 2, including for reasons of retirement:

a) by dilapidation and accident rate;

b) from natural disasters;

c) in connection with the conversion of residential premises into non-residential ones;

d) in connection with the reconstruction and land acquisition for new construction;

2) housing construction:

a) commissioning of housing (total area, living area, m 2);

b) the number of apartments built - total, units, including the number of rooms: one, two, three, etc.;

c) the average size of the built apartments, m 2;

d) commissioning of housing by sources of financing, m 2 ;

e) structure of new housing construction by number of storeys, %;

f) commissioning of residential buildings by type of ownership;

g) commissioning of residential buildings in urban and rural areas;

h) commissioning of nursing homes for the elderly, the disabled and children with disabilities

The housing stock is distributed according to the degree of wear, i.e., the total area of ​​residential premises with wear of more than 70% - stone and more than 65% - wooden, etc. is allocated; the total area of ​​emergency buildings. This indicator is very similar to the indicator "disposal due to dilapidation and accident rate".

Housing construction is a key source of replenishment of the housing stock. It is implemented by state and non-state enterprises and organizations, individual developers with the help of budget funds, mortgages, personal funds of citizens and other sources of financing. From year to year, the proportion of housing construction is increasing at the expense of the population and with the help of loans.

Capital repairs and reconstruction of the housing stock:

1) overhaul, m 2 of the total area;

2) reconstruction of the housing stock, m 2 ;

3) sources of financing for capital repairs.

Improvement of the housing stock:

1) living area, which is equipped with: water supply, sewerage, central heating, hot water supply, gas, floor electric stoves, bathrooms, showers, % of the total area of ​​the housing stock;

2) % of residential buildings with a garbage chute;

3) % of apartments with telephones.

Provision of housing for the population:

1) average living space per resident, m 2 / person;

2) the total area on average per inhabitant, m 2 / person;

3) the number of the population living:

a) in a separate apartment;

b) in a communal apartment;

c) in a separate house or part of it:

d) in a hostel;

4) the same, in % of all residents;

5) the average area of ​​a separate apartment, m 2 / apartment;

6) average number of inhabitants per room, person/room;

7) the number of households registered for municipal housing (absolute and as a percentage of the total number of households);

8) the number of families of refugees and internally displaced persons who need housing.

In our country, according to the indicator "average living space per inhabitant", a value is introduced that determines the value of the hygienic standard. When performing international comparisons of housing conditions, the indicator “average total area per inhabitant” is mainly used (see Table 9).

When it turns out that there is a security of 20-25 m 2 of living space per person, then each adult family member has a separate living area at his disposal, it becomes possible to have a room for communication, sharing food, etc.

Consider the calculation of the provision and affordability of housing.

I. The level of provision of the population with housing

Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010

When determining the value of the target indicator, information on the availability of housing for the population is used. The source of data is the state statistics agency (according to the data of form No. 1-housing fund, which was approved by the Decree of the Federal State Statistics Service of July 13, 2004 No. 26).

Algorithm for calculating the values ​​of the target indicator for the subject of the Russian Federation and on average for the Russian Federation

The results of the target indicator are annually calculated by the state statistics agency for the Russian Federation and for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Methodological Provisions on Statistics. Information on the provision of housing for the population is published in statistical collections (for example, in the collections "Russian Statistical Yearbook" and "Regions of Russia").

Suppose, if at the date of finding the value of the target indicator there is no information printed in statistical collections on the provision of housing for the population, then the target indicator for the subject of the Russian Federation or on average for the Russian Federation is determined by the formula:

where coolant– the level of provision of the population with housing in the subject of the Russian Federation (in the Russian Federation);

AREA - the total area of ​​the housing stock in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (in the Russian Federation) at the end of the year;

US. - the total population in the subject of the Russian Federation (in the Russian Federation) at the end of the year.

By the end of 2007, the level of provision of the population with housing on average in the Russian Federation should be 20.9 m 2 per person, by the end of 2010 - 21.7 m 2 per person.

II. Housing affordability ratio

Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010.

1) the average market value of 1 m 2 of housing (in rubles on average per year). It is found as the arithmetic mean of average prices in the primary and secondary housing markets, established by the state statistics agency. The data source is the state statistics agency;

2) average per capita cash income (in rubles per month per person on average per year). The data source is the state statistics agency.

Algorithm for calculating the value of the target indicator for the subject of the Russian Federation

The value of the target indicator is defined as the ratio of the average market value of a typical apartment with a total area of ​​54 m 2 to the average annual total cash income of a family of 3 in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Algorithm for calculating the value of the target indicator on average for the Russian Federation

The value of the target indicator is defined as the ratio of the average market value in the Russian Federation of a standard apartment with a total area of ​​54 m 2 to the average per capita annual total cash income of a family of 3 people.

Target indicator values

By the end of 2007, the housing affordability ratio on average in the Russian Federation should be equal to 3.2, by the end of 2010 - 3

III. Proportion of families that are able to purchase housing that meets housing standards using their own and borrowed funds

(Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010)

When determining the value of the target indicator, the following data are used:

1) the average market value of 1 m 2 of housing (in rubles on average per year). It is defined as the arithmetic mean of average prices in the primary and secondary housing markets. The source of information is the state statistics body;

2) the share of borrowed funds in the cost of purchased housing (in %). It is calculated on the basis of average lending conditions for banks and other organizations in the market of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation that provide mortgage loans for the purchase of housing. The source of information is the administration of the subject of the Russian Federation. In situations where open Joint-Stock Company The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending refinances a large share of mortgage loans and loans issued in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

3) interest rate on a loan for the purchase of housing (in % per year). It is calculated on the basis of the average rates in the market of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for mortgage housing loans and loans in rubles. The source of information is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (form 0409302, which was approved by the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2004 No. 1481-U). In situations where the Agency refinances a significant share of mortgage loans and loans issued in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the Agency's program interest rates may be used as average interest rates;

4) the term of the loan for the purchase of housing (in years). It is calculated on the basis of the average terms of lending for housing mortgage loans and loans in rubles in the market of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The source of information is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (form 0409302, approved by the directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2004 No. 1481-U). In situations where the Agency refinances a significant share of mortgage loans and loans issued in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the terms of lending under the Agency's program can be used as average lending terms;

5) part of the payment on a mortgage loan in the income of the borrower with co-borrowers (in %). It is calculated on the basis of average conditions in the market of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in terms of payment in income. The source of information is the administration of the subject of the Russian Federation. In situations where the Agency refinances a significant share of mortgage loans and loans issued in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a part of the payment in income under the Agency's program can be used as the average part of the payment in income;

6) division of households according to the level of average monthly income. The source of information is the state statistics agency. In a situation of absence, it is allowed to use other sources of information on the distribution of the population by the level of average per capita monthly income with an appropriate reference to the source of information;

7) the number of families in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The source of information is the state statistics agency

Algorithm for determining the value of the target indicator for the subject of the Russian Federation

The minimum total family income required to purchase housing that meets the standards of housing provision (54 m 2 for a family of 3), using own and borrowed funds, is calculated by the formula:

where TI– the minimum total family income (in rubles per month);

LTV- the share of borrowed funds in the cost of purchased housing (in%);

R - the average market value of 1 m 2 of housing (in rubles on average per year);

i– interest rate on the loan (in % per year);

t- loan term (in years);

PI– share of payment on a mortgage housing loan in family income (in %)

Share of households with total income above the minimum ( TI) is based on information on the distribution of households by the level of average monthly income. In the absence of information on the distribution of households by the level of average monthly income, it is allowed to use information on the distribution of the population by the level of average per capita monthly income with a corresponding footnote. IN this case minimum total family income TI) is divided by the average family size (3 people) and the resulting minimum income of 1 person is compared with data on the distribution of the population by the level of average per capita monthly income to determine the proportion of the population with incomes above the minimum.

Algorithm for determining the value of the target indicator on average in the Russian Federation

The value of the target indicator on average for the Russian Federation is determined by the formula:

where DS total - the share of families that have the opportunity to purchase housing that meets the standards for providing living quarters, using their own and borrowed funds, on average in the Russian Federation;

DS i - the proportion of families in one subject of the Russian Federation that have the opportunity to purchase housing that meets the standards for providing living quarters, using their own and borrowed funds;

KC i - the number of families in one subject of the Russian Federation.

Target indicator value

By the end of 2007, on average in the Russian Federation, the share of families that have the opportunity to purchase housing that meets the standards of housing, using their own and borrowed funds, was equal to 17%, by the end of 2010 should be 30%

Housing Maintenance and Finance Indicators

In order to carry out housing and communal reforms and ensure a decent standard of living for the population, indicators of maintenance and financing of the housing stock are of particular importance. The indicators of this group include:

1) the share of expenditures on the maintenance of the housing stock and utilities in the total amount of expenditures of the budget of the administrative unit, %:

2) the number of families that receive subsidies to pay for housing and communal services;

3) the same, as a percentage of the total number of families living in the given territory;

4) the share of expenses for the maintenance of the housing stock in the total amount of expenses of the population, %;

5) the share of personal expenses of the population for the maintenance of housing in the total cost of providing housing services,%;

In general, two possible directions of housing policy can be considered: liberal and paternalistic (from lat. paternus- paternal, paternal). At liberal direction of housing policy housing is provided mainly as a durable commodity and the focus is on the housing market, its condition, factors affecting its development, social assistance is relegated to the background. At paternalistic direction Housing is considered not as a commodity, but as the most important social benefit; it is provided at the expense of the state budget and the funds of enterprises and is distributed free of charge among the population. In this case, the rent covers only a small part of the state's expenses for the maintenance of the housing stock. This direction of housing policy found its way into life in the socialist countries, where the rent compensated for only about 1/3 of the cost of maintaining housing, subsidies for housing came from the state budget.

In developed countries, the liberal direction of housing policy is not expressed in its pure form: usually, in the conditions of market relations, measures are introduced to limit the rent (rent); there is a system of allowances and benefits for paying for housing, preferential loans and subsidies for the purchase of housing, real estate tax incentives; cheap, low-rent public housing is being built, the maintenance of which is dated by local authorities or the state, and concessional loans are allocated for the purchase. Programs aimed at the construction and commissioning of inexpensive housing and benefits for its purchase are quite popular in European countries, such as France or Sweden.

The metamorphosis of the housing and communal services into a break-even sector of the economy is possible only due to the absolute coverage of the costs of the housing and communal services sector by appropriate payments from the population. Within the framework of the housing and communal reform, the program of housing subsidies (compensations) for paying for housing and utilities is of considerable importance.

The maximum allowable expenditure of a family to pay for housing acts as a new social standard for our country. Its adoption means the implementation of a policy of social protection in the housing and communal area of ​​low-income citizens. The introduced system of subsidies is declarative, i.e., for its registration, the applicant is obliged to document all types of income received. The right to receive subsidies must be periodically confirmed during recertification (usually once every six months). In accordance with the ongoing housing and communal reform, the rates of payment for housing and tariffs for utilities are increasing. In the absence of a clear target for the growth of real monetary incomes of the population, the growth in housing and communal services creates difficulties for the middle-income strata of the population, who cannot count on subsidies for paying for housing and communal services.

With the development of market relations, differences in the housing conditions of the population will probably increase, to a greater extent under the influence of rising rents and the impact of the latter on the provision of housing. This process can be quantified by measuring the relationship between the level of housing payment and housing supply, as well as methods of multivariate classification of households. based on the following features:

1) the level of housing provision;

2) the amount of per capita monetary income;

3) socio-professional group of economically active members of the household;

4) number of dependents, or family load factor, etc.

Housing policy must include the organization of assistance for the maintenance and repair of housing to families in need of it.

Statistics play a central role in detecting the differentiation of the living conditions of the population, finding the categories of residents who need support from the budget. But at the same time, maintenance fees for all residents should be increased in stages to a level where costs are fully covered, in parallel with a corresponding increase in direct targeted social transfers to designated groups. In the future, it is likely that the maintenance of the housing stock will be completely removed from the control of the regional authorities, the cessation of direct subsidies for organizations involved in the repair and maintenance of housing, an increase in direct payments to less well-to-do categories and pensioners due to an increase in the cost of maintaining and repairing housing, the creation of a special regional fund reconstruction and maintenance of housing.

Tariffs for utility services must be based on pricing laws under conditions of normal monopolies, which in the Russian Federation are gas, water, energy supply, etc. It is likely that tariffs will also be affected by some structural adjustment by separating individual elements from natural monopolies in order to develop competition, slowing down the growth of tariffs, the corporatization of some utilities with the approval of a clear control over their work. The most significant function of municipal services is the disposal and processing of household waste, cleaning of territories and stairwells, and organization of burials. Thus, in the budgets of German cities, financing of these types of activities is on average 12%. Information on the results of the activities of public utilities is contained in the reports they submit.

It is necessary that there be an organization to provide information on regions and municipalities in order to solve the problems of servicing and financing the housing stock.

Statistics must reflect the development of competition in the field of servicing the housing stock, the creation of true contractual relations in the housing and communal services.

Social infrastructure development statistics

The ever-increasing influence of social infrastructure on various aspects of social life, the increasing importance in the reproduction process makes it a means of intensifying social production. Consequently, the issues of increasing the efficiency of functioning not only of individual sectors of the social sphere, but also of its entirety as a whole are gaining more and more relevance. The level of formation of social infrastructure is measured by the number of educational, cultural, consumer services, trade institutions per thousand inhabitants or per unit area (for example, per 1 m 2). The elements of social infrastructure include: transport network (intracity and between settlements), communication institutions, urban greening (which is of considerable importance for improving the environmental situation), rural infrastructure, etc.

The development of transport is determined by the number of its types in a given territory, the length of the routes of each type. Significant indicators are also such indicators as the number of stops Vehicle any mode of transport, the compatibility of these elements, but they are not registered by state statistics. A significant component of social infrastructure is the provision of conditions for the use of cycling, which is mainly characterized by the existence and length of cycle paths in cities and outside urban areas. In large cities, the impact of such a factor as urban transport is significant; its share is significant in the expenditure part of the city budget.

An increase in the cost of public transport services should be compared with an increase in prices for other types of paid services to the population, for consumer goods, with an increase in wages and monetary incomes of the population. For regional management measures, it is necessary to compare the following indicators: the amount of revenue for services rendered; the number of passengers carried; the number of persons who have feed-in tariffs; the possibility of free transport. Which is one of the real measures to provide targeted social assistance to those in need, mainly pensioners.

Official statistics are rather laconic about the work of passenger urban transport, there is only information on the types of transport, on the passenger-kilometers performed, on the number of passengers transported. Departmental statistics contain more detailed data on the number of routes for each type of transport, on the traffic schedule along the route, and the length of each. Significant information for social statistics is information on disruptions in the system of transport services for the population, on the division of vehicles according to their service life, accidents in transport, comparable characteristics of the filling capacity of transport during rush hour and outside this time. Of great social importance was the development of a network of paved roads. Statistics must reflect not only their length, but also their quality.

The process of privatization in our country has mastered mainly the sphere of consumer services and public catering. Social statistics has a task, which is to give a relative characteristic of the supply of the population paid services enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, including retail stores of various forms of ownership. Retail trade statistics significantly complements the statistics of the population's budgets in terms of the share of the ratio of food and non-food products in the total volume of trade.

If to determine the level of infrastructure formation, indicators of saturation with its components of some territory, mainly cities, are enough, then to find the level of consumption of services provided by institutions and organizations of social infrastructure, such indicators are significant as:

1) the average number of visitors per unit of time (for a year, quarter, month) served by a dry-cleaning establishment, a hairdresser, a bathhouse, a cafe, a restaurant;

2) the total amount of revenue, thousand rubles;

3) average revenue per employee of a given type of institution, rubles;

4) revenue by types of services, thousand rubles.

These indicators are not enough to characterize the availability of services, their quality, and satisfaction of needs. Such information can only be obtained through special surveys. Implementation of federal and regional social programs in the share of assistance to the homeless (refugees, forced migrants, the homeless) leads to the emergence of such elements of social infrastructure as overnight houses. New organizational forms of cultural activity appear, for example folk houses. All this needs to be reflected in the statistics. Statistics need to have information about post offices and their work, about the number of residential premises that have not only telephones, but also fax communications, communication via Email. In addition, information is needed on the number of street pay phones, including long-distance and international ones (per 1,000 inhabitants). The indicators of social statistics should include information on the prevalence of insurance companies, notary offices, branches of Sberbank, branches of commercial banks per 1000 inhabitants, ATMs, that is, all those units on which the comfort of people's lives depends.

The provision of the people with things of cultural and everyday use for long-term use is increasing, which forms the basis for the formation of a service area (studio, photo and film workshops, car service, workshops for repairing household appliances, etc.).

In cities, another element of social infrastructure is parks, squares, the presence of which is measured by the total area of ​​green spaces (m 2) and the area of ​​green spaces per thousand inhabitants (m 2 / person).

Also, statistical indicators should reflect the development of the infrastructure of the village. These indicators include:

1) commissioning of water supply networks in rural areas (km);

2) sewer networks(km);

3) gas networks (thousand km);

4) ATS (thousand public numbers);

5) power lines with a voltage of 0.4 kW, 6-20 kW (thousand km);

6) paved roads (thousand km), including local, departmental and private roads.

The main importance is attached to the assessment of the interconnectedness of the formation of social infrastructure. To solve this problem, it is worth assigning a rank to each territorial unit (oblast, city, district) according to the value of each of the indicators of social infrastructure and determine the relationship between the ranking of objects by k characteristics. The rank assigned to each district reflects its place in the formation of this infrastructure component.

The lack of some infrastructure elements can be compensated by the development of others. These examples prove rather the trend of complex development. To quantify this process, you can calculate the Spearman rank correlation coefficients between each pair of ranks, then determine the average of them. The number of such coefficients is equal to the number of combinations from k by 2 - C 2 k |, and the operation becomes rather tedious. It is easier to find the Kendall concordance coefficient, which is the average of the pairwise correlation coefficients between ranks. The concordance coefficient is determined by the formula:

where S- the sum of squared deviations of the sum of ranks for each object from the average sum of ranks:

where rj- rank j-th district;

k- the number of rows of ranks (in our example, this is the number of indicators by which the districts were ranked);

P - the number of ranked objects.

One of the most important areas of housing policy at the stage of construction of new dwellings is to ensure that the structure of the new housing stock corresponds to the demographic composition and needs of the population in need of improved housing conditions, i.e. the construction of the required number of apartments of a certain type and the level of comfort of living conditions, the correspondence of consumer properties of dwellings to the demand of the population, etc. Therefore, along with information on the volume, movement and condition of the country's housing stock as a whole and for individual administrative and territorial units, statistical data on housing conditions are widely used population.

The most integrated indicator of housing conditions is the average provision of a resident of the country with a total (living) area, which is defined as the quotient of dividing the total (living) area of ​​the available housing stock by the average annual resident population. The relative indicator of provision with total (residential) space per inhabitant of the country is traditionally included in the minimum set of social indicators to characterize the standard of living of the population.

At present, the actual security of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation is much less than in most developed countries. Thus, in most industrialized countries, the minimum level of housing provision is 40-50 square meters. m of total area per inhabitant, and the average for the Russian Federation is 18.9 sq. m (1998).

The minimum international standards provide for each member of the household to have a separate room, along with a common room for the joint stay of his members (or two rooms for a large household). The size of the total area per resident must be at least 30 square meters. m.

The special standards used in the Russian Federation to develop programs to provide the population with housing are also significantly lower than the mentioned international standards. Thus, the federal standard for the social norm of housing area per family member of three or more people is 18 sq. m of total area, for a family of two - 42 sq. m, for a lonely person - 33 sq. m of total housing area.

When analyzing the housing conditions of the population, it is important to establish not only the average level of provision, but also the differences in the distribution of the housing stock between individual groups of the population, as well as the number of people living in housing conditions that do not meet the social standards established in the analyzed period.

For this purpose, information is collected annually on number of families registered in territorial executive authorities, in housing construction cooperatives or at the place of work in order to obtain living space or improve housing conditions; on the number of families and persons living in them; on those who received housing or improved their living conditions and were deregistered for this reason in the reporting year (form No. 4-housing fund “Report on the distribution of living space and the number of families who received space in the houses of the state housing stock and the fund of housing construction cooperatives”, form No. 3-housing fund "Report on the provision of housing for persons transferred to the reserve or resignation, and military personnel of the border troops").

In the annual statistical reporting, information on the distribution of living space (form No. 4-housing fund) is differentiated by categories of families that, in accordance with the law, have a priority right to improve their living conditions or receive housing free of charge (disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War, military personnel - veterans of Afghanistan and military personnel retired or retired; families with many children and young families; families of persons who took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, refugees, internally displaced persons).

At all territorial levels, data on the number of families registered and living in communal apartments, dormitories, dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock, as well as those registered for 10 years or more. There is also in the reporting data on the total number of families that have purchased living space, including those on the waiting list.

An important characteristic of the housing conditions of the population is inequality in the distribution of housing between certain groups of the population. Grouping of the population according to the size of the total and living space occupied per one member of the household (family) is carried out, as a rule, according to the data of the general census (micro-census) of the population, sample surveys of household budgets, the program of which includes questions about the housing conditions of the population. At the same time, along with the average size of the total (residential) area per member of a household (family), as grouping characteristics, the number and sex and age composition of household (family) members, the form of ownership and type of dwelling (separate apartment, individual house, communal apartment, dormitory), the number of rooms occupied, the type of work activity of the head of the household, the level of home improvement, sources of current income, etc.

In addition to studying the housing conditions of the population, a census of the housing stock can be included in the population census program: classification of buildings and dwellings by their type, year or period of construction, building material, type of ownership and population density, type and number of households living in dwellings. Such questions were included in the 1989 census program.

To update information on the distribution of the housing stock in the intercensal period, as a rule, data from current housing statistics and sample surveys of households are used. Data on the number and sex and age composition of household members, the form of ownership and the amount of living space they occupy, the number of rooms, the improvement of dwellings, the availability of residential premises intended for seasonal residence, garages, land plots etc. allow, in combination with other important characteristics (such as, for example, the level of per capita income and consumer spending, their structure, type of occupation of household members, etc.), to create big number combination tables and significantly expand the analysis of the living conditions of the population.

Gradual rejection of subsidies from the budget for the maintenance of housing and reimbursement of costs at the expense of the population leads to an increase in the cost of housing and utilities and the inability of certain groups of the population to make appropriate payments due to insufficient income. In order to regulate these processes, the Government of the Russian Federation approved as an instrument of interbudgetary relations when calculating transfers federal standard for the level of payments of citizens, which is determined as a percentage of the cost of housing and communal services provided on average for all types of these services.

In order to regulate the population's expenses for housing and communal services, a federal standard has also been approved for the maximum allowable share of citizens' own expenses for housing and utilities in total family income. This standard is calculated on the basis of the social norm of housing area and standards for the consumption of utilities. The specific parameters of these standards are established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For example, in Moscow, the maximum allowable share of own expenses of citizens with an average per capita income not higher than the established living wage, to pay for housing and normal consumption of utilities should not be more than half of the minimum wage established by the Federal Law.

In addition, the federal standard for the marginal cost of housing and communal services for 1 sq. m of total housing area per month. This standard is set differently for the economic regions of the Russian Federation.

The tasks of information support for the study of the housing problem also include the preparation of data on the actual costs of the population to pay for housing and communal services, the level and dynamics of prices and tariffs for certain types of housing and communal services.

At present, the monitoring of prices and tariffs of representative services and household expenditures on housing and communal services is carried out on the basis of a survey of household budgets.

Survey data show that, as a result of rising prices and tariffs for these services, the share of expenses for their payment in the consumer spending of the population is constantly increasing. In 1997, the cost of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation amounted to about 6% of total consumer spending compared to 0.9% in 1992. At the same time, the share of housing costs increased almost 7 times, central heating - 9 times , electricity - 3.5 times.

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