Like a toothache at home. What can help relieve a toothache at home? Controversial methods of traditional medicine

Mechanized tools 27.07.2020
Mechanized tools

If a tooth hurts and you need to quickly relieve pain at home, then you can use folk recipes, massage or.

A aching tooth not only spoils the sense of self, does not allow to fall asleep, work and eat, but can also flow into an acute form, the pain sensations from this will only intensify. It can be either cheeks, deterioration of the general condition of the body, fever.

Causes of toothache

An unpleasant and painful process in a tooth can be caused for a number of different reasons, and in order to correctly start treatment, a person should correctly identify it.

This could be:

  • thin tooth enamel and small cracks on its surface;
  • caries - at first painful sensations may look inconspicuous, only anxiety is felt when the teeth are very hot or cold, sour or sweet. In advanced cases, the pain will signal itself in the process of taking any food;
  • pulpitis (acute or) - with inflammatory processes in the pulp, pain is formed abruptly, most often at night, while giving it to the ear;
  • periodontitis (acute form or) - inflammatory processes are caused by infection and can even cause;
  • periodontitis is pain that pulsates and becomes stronger when touched. The tooth may wobble;
  • incorrect or poorly filled tooth in the past.

How to quickly relieve pain if a tooth hurts?

Modern medicine has reached unprecedented heights in dental treatment. But what if the pain overcame suddenly?

At home, the first thing to do is to stop eating any food and gently, gently brush all your teeth. You can clean them correctly. Remember that any food particles can be unnecessary irritants.

If there are no medicines nearby, then you can pay attention to effective folk recipes. They will be excellent substitutes for painkillers and will not harm the patient in any way. Folk remedies are very convenient, budgetary and affordable for anyone.

Video: how to quickly relieve a toothache?

Folk recipes

The following folk methods are popular among the people to quickly relieve pain:

  • onion-garlic mixture - in equal doses of 4 cloves of garlic and a third of the onion, prepare porridge, adding salt and stirring well. The mixture is applied to the tooth and covered with cotton wool. Salt causes exudate to drain, and vegetables destroy bacteria due to the action of phytoncides;
  • clove oil - in the gum area, apply gauze that has been dipped in clove oil (3-4 drops). In the absence of oil, ordinary flowers, which should be chewed, will help;
  • pumpkin tails - they must be dried (8-10 pieces), and then pour a glass of boiling water and insist. Next, rinse the mouth;
  • decoctions of St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile or sage - a tablespoon of the herb is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for an hour, then the mouth is rinsed in the area of ​​the diseased tooth;
  • - a piece of glue from bees should be placed near the aching tooth. Such a remedy will quickly relieve inflammation;
  • plantain root - the plant needs to be rinsed and applied raw to a sore tooth, after half an hour the pain should go away;
  • fat - its slice must be placed between the tooth and cheek. If the fat is in salt, then it is first removed;
  • vodka - 50 grams is thoroughly mixed with salt, a sip of the mixture is kept in the zone of the aching tooth;
  • solution on birch buds - 50 grams of buds should be poured with a glass of vodka and allowed to brew for 10 days. When pain occurs, you need to moisten cotton wool in the infusion, applying it to the aching place;
  • infusion of periwinkle - 2 tablespoons of flowers must be poured with boiling water and insisted, then rinse your mouth with tincture;
  • walnut - 2 sheets of walnut are poured with a glass of boiling water. An hour later, when the foliage is infused, you need to rinse the oral cavity, and also moisten the cotton wool and apply it to the tooth;
  • infusion of young elder flowers - pour two tablespoons of flowers with a cup of boiling water, insisting for an hour.


You can quickly relieve pain if a tooth hurts with the help of a special massage. Direct action should be carried out on the side of the diseased tooth, on the upper surface of the ear.

You can also try rubbing a little or just rubbing the auricle, as there are many anatomically located nerve endings on it that will affect the pain in the teeth or jaw.

A good acupressure massage should be done with the pads of the fingers, gently, without sudden movements and great pressure, with gentle movements in a circle. Massage should start clockwise, and then, after a while, counterclockwise.

  • in order to quickly and effectively appease sudden pain in the tooth, you can massage a brush with an ice cube in the area where the thumb and forefinger are located. It is necessary to press with caution, pressing ice on the point that is located between these fingers, for 5 minutes;
  • if there is no ice nearby, you can simply rub this point. In this case, there must be pain, a person must endure. Pregnant women should not provoke this area, this can cause premature birth;
  • can be found on the bottom of the jaw a point that is located on the outside. It is necessary to clench the teeth and, where the nodule will be felt, massage the area for a couple of minutes;
  • an excellent point is located between the lip on top and the nose - right in the middle. It is necessary to press and simultaneously massage this area for a couple of minutes;
  • a good point for anesthetic massage is also located near the outside of the eye, in line with the pupil on the side of the cheekbone.

Video: 3 ways to relieve toothache with acupuncture.

Pain Relief Pills

Preparations for anesthetizing a tooth are available in almost any first-aid kit at home, however, you must remember how to use them correctly, because they are very toxic and can harm a person. All these funds can be conditionally divided into a couple of groups, depending on the mechanism of action.

  • non-narcotic drugs for mild pain - this includes aspirin or analgin, and also paracetamol. These drugs have long been designed to relieve pain, fever and various inflammations;
  • non-narcotic drugs for severe pain- excellent and safe drugs that perfectly relieve pain, Ibufen and Ibuklin consider. The daily dose should be no more than 4 tablets. Those drugs that contain nimesulide, for example, are incredibly strong, but they have a lot side effects and contraindications. They should be used very carefully, adhering to a certain dosage - no more than two tablets;
  • the narcotic group of drugs contains promedol and morphine - it must be said that even with a strong toothache, it is not recommended to use them, since their effect will disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain, which negatively affects the psyche;
  • antispasmodic drugs, such as papaverine or no-shpy, are agents that quickly and effectively relieve spasms in smooth muscles.

An easy way to quickly relieve pain is with medication, however, when choosing pills, you need to take into account the presence of chronic diseases that can serve as a contraindication to use.
  1. - the maximum dosage is two tablets, however, no more than 6 pieces per day. Do not use for pregnant women, children under 15 years of age and people who suffer from kidney disease.
  2. Nurofen - relieves pain, and also removes any inflammation, it is effective due to the active substance codeine. Contraindications for use are liver disease.
  3. Analgin is a budget medicine, however, it is not very effective, especially for acute toothache. It is not advised to place the tablet of this drug directly on the tooth, because it can easily damage the enamel.
  4. Nise - strong remedy, which is used only for severe pain and only one tablet at a time. It removes pain in just a couple of minutes, and the effect can manifest itself up to eight hours. Contraindicated for expectant mothers.
  5. - a potent medicine, about three tablets can be used in one day, while drinking an impressive amount of pure water. If this rule is not followed, the effect of the treatment may not come or will come much later.
  6. Tempalgin - it is forbidden to use people who suffer from certain blood diseases and disorders of the kidneys and liver. With an average pain in the teeth, it is recommended to take the medicine in a tablet about four times a day. The dosage for the whole day should not exceed 6 tablets.

What not to do when a toothache hurts?

  • to warm up a aching tooth - bags of salt heated on a fire, all sorts of warming compresses will only provoke a sharp and strong blood flow to the disturbing tooth, which will cause unnecessary inflammation and increased pain. Better to use ice in a situation like this;
  • rinsing and herbal infusions in order to quickly relieve tooth pain should be warm, but not hot or cold;
  • you cannot lie all the time - the pain in the supine position always intensifies, since the blood flow to the jaw in a person who is lying increases, therefore, high pressure forms near the tooth, which greatly irritates the nerve fibers;
  • it is forbidden to use unknown drugs.

Video: how to quickly relieve tooth pain at home?

A sharp toothache can be taken by surprise. To get rid of it permanently, you need to see a dentist, but first you can relieve toothache with folk remedies which have a quick pain relieving effect. To choose the right remedy for self-relieving pain syndrome, one should be guided by common sense, knowledge about the causes of pain and the properties of the substances used in therapy.

Why teeth hurt

Toothache cannot occur for no reason, it is a symptom of a disease or an inflammatory process. Teeth can get sick in the background:

  • caries, pulpitis, periodontitis;
  • dental root abscess;
  • gum disease;
  • injuries;
  • neuralgic diseases.

Traditional methods are effective for relieving toothache caused by flux, caries and gum disease. With a syndrome caused by neuralgia or joint diseases, such therapy is powerless. Therefore, when choosing folk methods from toothache, its origin should be taken into account.

Universal folk recipes for toothache

Regardless of the cause of pain sensations, the main task when eliminating them at home is not to provoke inflammation and not to harm a diseased tooth. Therefore, it is permissible to use only gentle natural analgesics. The fastest and most effective folk remedies for toothache are:

Garlic is not the only home remedy for toothache. You can simply grate a clove of a vegetable and apply the resulting gruel to the inflamed gum, the essential oils it contains will help eliminate pain and have an antiseptic effect.
  • Lotion with valerian. A cotton pad is cut into 4 parts, one piece is impregnated with an alcoholic infusion of valerian and placed on a sore tooth. The tampon is replaced with a new one as needed.
  • Compress with salt, onion and garlic. To prepare an anesthetic paste, grate the onion and chives on a fine grater and mix the resulting gruel with salt. All ingredients need to be taken in a teaspoon. The paste is applied to the aching tooth and covered with a cotton swab. The compress eliminates pain in a few minutes. You can use this method of pain relief an unlimited number of times a day.

Mouthwash with herbal decoctions

Warm rinsing decoctions are effective for toothaches of any nature. The simplest folk remedy that helps to quickly eliminate a toothache is rinsing with soda and salt: in a glass of warm boiled water, half a teaspoon of soda and three drops of iodine are diluted. The solution numbes the tooth and disinfects the oral cavity.

To prepare 250 ml of herbal decoction, use 1 tablespoon of dried medicinal plants... Raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and cooked in a water bath for 10 minutes, after which they are filtered. You can use the product after cooling down.

The most effective are decoctions based on:

  • sage;
  • mint;
  • oak bark;
  • echinacea;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • eucalyptus.

The useful analgesic effect of herbal rinses is recognized even by dentists, but when using them, you must adhere to the following precautions:

  • The decoction for rinsing sore gums and aching teeth should be warm, too hot or cold liquid can provoke an increase in inflammation.
  • Medicinal herbs can cause severe allergic reactions in the form of a rash and swelling of the oral cavity, which can spread to the larynx, bronchi and even the lungs. Therefore, for the initial use of each herbal preparation, no more than 50 g of the decoction should be used.

Lotions with essential oils

Essential oils have anesthetic effect on the nerve, causing temporary numbness. The most effective pain relievers are oils:

Method of application: two or three drops of essential oil are applied to a cotton swab, which is applied to a sore tooth for 5-7 minutes.

Essential oils are very concentrated, so it is forbidden to drip more than four drops and exceed the holding time of the compress: there is a high risk of burning the mucous membrane and the occurrence of a sharp headache. You can repeat the procedure no more often than every 2 hours.

People's help with dental root abscess

It is possible to determine that the pain syndrome is caused by an abscess of the dental root by the presence of edema on the part of the diseased tooth. A bump (flux) is usually felt in the root zone. The pain is constant, pulsating and bursting, body temperature may rise.

Folk remedies for toothache caused by flux are aimed not only at pain relief, but also at slowing down the inflammatory process. However, with a developing root abscess, only a doctor with the help of special equipment can determine the extent and stage of the inflammatory process and prescribe adequate treatment.


A compress against flux helps to relieve pain and reduce swelling. For its preparation, a teaspoon of sugar is mixed with a teaspoon of extra salt and half a teaspoon of ground black pepper. Then three percent table vinegar is added to the mixture in the amount of one teaspoon - you should get a thick gruel.

When all the ingredients have been added, the mixture is heated in the microwave or over a fire until it thickens. After the mass has cooled, it is applied to the sore spot.

Gargle with sage decoction

To prepare a rinse solution, combine half a liter of boiling water with 2 tablespoons of dried sage and infuse the mixture under a lid until it cools completely. After the liquid has cooled, the broth should be filtered and divided into 2 servings. You need to use it twice a day. After the first rinse, the intensity of pain will decrease, after the second - a slight decrease in edema will occur.

Blue clay

Blue clay helps fight swelling more than it serves as a pain reliever. When used for the first time, pain may worsen and persist for the first 5-10 minutes after application.

A small piece of clay wrapped in sterile gauze is used. Clay is applied not to the tooth itself, which hurts, but to the gum. Reduction of edema is visible after the first application. And the painful sensations go away gradually: as the inflammatory process decreases.

Onion juice

A cotton swab dipped in raw onion juice is applied to the sore tooth. There are two ways to squeeze the juice from the onion: using a juicer or chopping the onion with a blender and squeezing the juice with gauze. You need to keep the onion lotion on the tooth until the pain stops completely.

Elimination of toothache with caries

Caries is the most common dental disease. It begins with a barely distinguishable dark speck on the enamel, the affected area subsequently grows, and gradually destroys the entire tooth. It is possible to quickly relieve a toothache caused by caries with folk remedies, but the disease itself is treated only by filling in a dental office.

To understand that a toothache is caused precisely by caries, you can examine the sore spot with a mirror. If there are dark or light spots on the enamel, the chance of caries is very high. The pain is characterized by a short duration of attacks, clear localization, and sensitivity to temperature changes. Painful sensations can occur when eating sweet, salty, or sour foods.

The best ways to relieve tooth decay are:

  • Camphor alcohol. It should be applied generously to a small piece of cotton swab, which is applied to the aching tooth for an hour and a half. The gum near the affected area is slightly lubricated with camphor alcohol, you cannot leave a tampon soaked in it on the gum, as the substance can cause burns.
  • Novocaine rinse. Two hundred milliliters of 10 percent novocaine are mixed with whipped fresh egg white and a teaspoon of extra salt. Rinse the mouth for 5-7 minutes. The remedy is especially effective if the tooth hurts under the filling.
  • Unrefined vegetable oil. To quickly relieve pain, a tablespoon of room temperature vegetable oil is rolled in the mouth for ten minutes.

Help with pulpitis

Without proper treatment, tooth decay can develop into pulpitis. The pain syndrome with it is more pronounced, arises for no reason, the intensity of the pain is very high. The attacks last for a long time, they are especially pronounced at night.

It is possible to somewhat reduce inflammation and quickly relieve toothache with pulpitis with the same folk remedies as with an abscess of a dental root.

Effective recipes for pulpitis

  • In half a tablespoon of baking soda, add a few drops of lemon juice and twenty drops of hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is put into the hollow of a diseased tooth and is used to numb the gums. The intensity of the pain syndrome decreases markedly after fifteen minutes.
  • Put half of the No-shpa tablet into the cavity of the tooth. If the inflammatory process begins under the filling, the tablet is applied to the back of the tooth. No-shpa relieves pain gradually: as it dissolves.

Controversial methods of traditional medicine

The most famous folk remedies that relieve toothache at home are all kinds of lotions and applications. This is bacon, and beets, and propolis, and vodka, and even pieces of ice. As a reflexology, it is proposed to apply a magnet to the cheek, a heating pad to the back of the head, garlic to the hand opposite to the aching tooth. There are even tips that pinching a certain point on the carotid artery will help get rid of a toothache.

The effectiveness of these funds is questionable, and the safety of use does not hold water. At best, these funds will not work, and at worst, they will cause the opposite effect and add health problems.

People with vascular diseases applying a heating pad to the back of the head can provoke a worsening of the condition, up to a stroke. Ice can cause an attack of pain with damaged enamel, and with a flux it can provoke a sharp round of inflammation. Beets, bacon, and a magnet will work like a placebo at best.

By applying folk remedies from pain in a tooth at home, it is important to remember that they are not a medicine and cannot eliminate the disease that provoked the attack. They can relieve pain, remove or reduce the intensity of edema and suspend the inflammatory process somewhat, so it is advisable to use them exclusively as temporary anesthesia before visiting dentistry. It is impossible to equate folk recipes for toothache with full-fledged treatment that guarantees a prolonged effect.

Reading 33 min. Posted on 12/30/2019

Causes and types of dental pain

Toothache arises in the pulp - the inner part of the tooth, which contains a large number of nerve endings and reacts sharply to any pathological process. The most common dental diseases are caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis, periodontitis. All of them have several types and forms of course (chronic, acute, recurrent), on which the nature of the pain depends.

The types of pain are as follows:

  • sharp;
  • aching;
  • spontaneous;
  • causal;
  • paroxysmal;
  • pulsating;
  • shooting;
  • irradiating;
  • localized.

Dental diseases and pain are caused by the following reasons:

  • Traumatic injuries (bruise, fracture).
  • Insufficient oral care.
  • Plaque deposition and stone formation.
  • Microbial invasion of the tooth cavity.
  • The spread of infection from closely spaced areas of the maxillofacial region.
  • Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.
  • Periodontitis, gingivitis.
  • Enamel hyperesthesia (sensitivity).

How to quickly get rid of a toothache at home

Besides protecting against vampires, garlic is a real medicinal miracle, being an effective antiseptic with powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. What gives it this strength is called allicin, which is released when garlic is crushed.

It will also help fight the infection from the inside, since you probably have swelling or inflammation in the sore spot. Also try to add as much garlic as possible to your diet. You can even eat it yourself by crushing it and allowing the allicin to activate.

2. Clove oil

Clove has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anesthetic properties to help relieve toothache and fight infection. It is the main oil used to get rid of dental problems if there is no way to go to the dentist right now.

It is so useful in the fight against dental problems due to one component that is part of it. It's about eugenol, a natural anesthetic. It fights all kinds of toothache. Clove oil can also be found in many dental products. Take half a liter of water, add a few drops of clove oil and rinse your mouth with the solution, you can also apply clove oil on a cotton pad and very gently treat the aching tooth and the area around it. The pain will go away very quickly.

Every home has products for pain relief for tooth damage. At first glance, simple and very familiar things become saviors in case of dental trouble.

Literally one ice cube wrapped in cellophane and applied to the cheek from the side of the aching tooth can relieve pain for a long period of time. With the help of cold, blood flows from the sore spot. But this method requires special care, firstly, you cannot apply ice directly to the tooth - in this case, it is possible to cause additional harm, up to inflammation of the dental nerve.

  • The beekeeping product is propolis.

If you experience pain in your teeth, it is advised to keep a piece of propolis in your mouth from the side of the aching tooth for half an hour. Those who are tolerant of the specific taste of propolis are advised to chew it or knead it with your fingers to the shape of a thin plate and cover the aching tooth with it.

All three substances can be used together and separately. One teaspoon of the substance is used per glass of water.

They also make the following rinse solution - in a glass of warm boiled water, take a tablespoon of sea salt and a few drops of iodine. Rinse your mouth every half hour.

Or mix in equal proportions salt and soda, dissolving the resulting powder in a glass of water. For the best effect, it is advised to use sea salt.

Iodine is used as a lotion - a cotton swab is moistened in it and pressed against a sore tooth, here you need to be extremely careful, because if you press a cotton swab with iodine to the gum, you can burn the soft tissues of the mouth.

Use cold or frozen fresh lard, but not salted. A thin plate is placed on the damaged tooth. This folk remedy will help relieve pain in 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Hydrogen peroxide solution.

A very affordable and simple recipe for relieving tooth pain is to stir a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. You can use this method often, being careful not to swallow it.

In folk medicine, there are amazing recipes, one of them is the effect on certain points on the body, thereby reducing pain. One effective practice is to create pain reliever with garlic. Take a head of garlic, peel and wash it. Cut in half and apply a slice to the wrist.

One effective practice is to create pain reliever with garlic.

Today there is a wide range of recipes that can quickly relieve toothache at home. For this purpose, such medicinal plants like angelica, calendula, plantain, sage, lemon balm, mint and chamomile. They are used in combination, creating infusions for rinsing, or separately. Of these herbs, sage and mint are the most effective in pain relief. They make strong decoctions for rinsing.

You can use medicinal plants directly affecting a diseased tooth. So fresh leaves of plantain and angelica are chewed in the mouth from the side of a sore tooth, or you can apply the leaves directly to the sore spot.

Chamomile rinse infusion is useful not only for relieving pain, but also as an anti-inflammatory agent. Prepare it in a water bath for 20 minutes - 25 - 30 grams of dry plant, for one glass of water.

Rinses based on medicinal herbs can be carried out an unlimited number of times, by their nature they have no side effects.

There are many essential oils - fir, sea buckthorn, cedar and others. To use it as a pain reliever, each person must choose for himself which oil he "tastes". Essential oils are used as lotions on the disturbing tooth. Care should be taken to avoid getting the oil on the soft tissues of the mouth, it can cause burns or irritation.

Use raw beet juice or just a cut. A cotton swab is moistened in beetroot juice and applied to the diseased tooth, the slice is simply placed between the cheek and the affected tooth.

The use of this product as a relief from pain is contraindicated in pregnant women and children, as well as drivers. They take a cotton swab, moisten it in vodka and press it to a sore spot. As a last resort, if there is no vodka, then you can use diluted alcohol.

Analgin relieves mild toothache:

  • Place the pill on the problem tooth or take it internally.

The daily dose is no more than 4 tablets, start with half. If the tooth does not stop hurting, take the other half in half an hour.

Contraindications: violations of the liver, kidneys, vascular disease, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

It is forbidden to combine with alcohol intake.

Nurofen relieves toothache. The maximum daily dose is up to six tablets.

Contraindications: exacerbation of peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, heart failure, color vision disorders, serious liver and kidney disorders, hearing loss.

Ketanov relieves severe toothache. Pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent. May cause an allergic reaction.

Contraindications: age up to 16 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hepatic or renal failure.

Tempalgin, Nise, Baralgin soothe, relieve toothache.

Gargling with herbal infusions soothes, relieves toothache without pills and medicines.

  • Brew 1c l. a glass of boiling water, insist, strain.

Rinse with warm infusion to relieve toothache.

Oregano oil:

  • Pour 250ml of vegetable oil with 30g of finely chopped herbs, leave for eight hours, drain.

Moisten a cotton swab with a product, place on the problem area for 15 minutes.

Contraindication: pregnancy, as the plant stimulates uterine contractions.

  • Brew 1c l. a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, insist, strain.

While rinsing for a long time, hold back a warm broth to relieve sore teeth.

Recipe 2. For flux, dental pain, gum disease, throat, prepare a mixture:

  1. Brew 5g of sage with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Brew 5 g of oak bark with a glass of boiling water.

Insist, strain. Rinse the mouth with the mixture.

Recipe 3. Infusion of sage relieves toothache:

  • Brew with a glass of boiling water 1c. L. chamomile flowers, 1c. l. sage, leave for 20 minutes, drain.

Rinse warm, hold the infusion for pain relief.


  • Brew 1c l. leaves with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 4 minutes, insist, strain.

Rinse with warm infusion, hold in the mouth for a long time for an analgesic effect.

  • Dilute the juice with water (1:50), rinse the mouth.


  • Add 1/2 tsp in a glass of water. alcohol tincture of propolis.

The tool soothes, relieves pain.


  1. Grind the roots of celandine
  2. Brew with a glass of boiling water 1c.l., leave for 10 minutes, drain.
  1. Brew with a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. celandine herbs and 1 tsp. Kalanchoe leaf.
  2. Insist in a sealed container for 30 minutes, drain.


  1. Apply a peeled root, stem or leaf to the sore spot in the mouth.
  2. Place the thoroughly washed root of the plant in the ear canal from the side where it hurts.

After a while, the remedy will soothe the pain of the teeth.

Beetroot relieves toothache:

  • Place a piece of raw root vegetable on the sore spot.
  • Boil 2c. L of chopped turnips with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, strain.

Rinse warm.

Young sorrel relieves toothache:

  • Keep a mashed leaf in your mouth.

Essential oils that are part of the folk remedy relieve toothache, relieve inflammation, and destroy microorganisms.


  • Chew and apply a sheet to the problem area for a soothing effect.

A decoction of a spruce or pine twig relieves a toothache without pills:

  • Boil in 1.5-2 liters of water for five minutes or longer, leave to cool.

Rinse warm until toothache is relieved.

Disease symptoms and classic toothache treatment

This unpleasant phenomenon can occur unexpectedly and regardless of where the person is in this moment... Therefore, it is important to know about emergency pain relief methods.

  1. Brush your teeth to remove bacteria and food particles from your gums.
  2. Take pain relievers. You can take analgin, aspirin, nurofen, or ibuprofen. They act quickly and effectively, and also have antipyretic properties.
  3. To prevent the spread of infection and to disinfect damaged gums, rinse your mouth with a baking soda solution. He prepares simply. Mix 1 tsp. and 200 ml of warm drinking water. This should be done several times a day, especially if you suspect that you have a flux.
  4. Use the old grandmother's method - cool the sore spot. In this case, medical freezing will help relieve toothache more effectively and provide a long-lasting result. But ordinary ice is also suitable for pain relief at home.

The discussion of the eternal topic "how to relieve tooth pain at home" is prompted by two facts: an exorbitant, sometimes horrifying, dislike for dentists and the intolerable nature of toothache. And in such cases, the main thing is not to overdo it: neither with painkillers, nor with home remedies.

After all, the main cause of toothache is pulpitis (inflammation of the neurovascular plexus with deep caries). In such a situation, the pain reliever should have a quick, strong enough effect and not have serious negative consequences.

Toothache drugs - pros and cons

What pills to choose and how to drink correctly for tooth pain

The easiest way is to take a pain reliever pill. Consider the most effective drugs eliminating toothache:

  • Novocaine, Lidocaine

These drugs, used for local anesthesia, can be used when toothache occurs. The liquid from the opened ampoule is poured onto a cotton swab and applied to the diseased tooth. At the same time, Lidocaine has a more pronounced analgesic effect. When using these funds, you should take into account possible intolerance: do not get carried away if you have not previously tested sensitivity to each of the drugs.

The pain relieving effect does not last very long, and repeated use can affect the heart (especially in the elderly and in the heart).

  • Analgin, Tempalgin

Analgin, widely used since Soviet times, has its pros and cons. The medicine is cheap, but he most often fails to cope with severe pain. In addition, the mass of side effects made many countries of the world abandon it. Therefore, the use of analgin for tooth pain at home is advisable only in the absence of other drugs. Moreover, the preparation applied to the tooth actively destroys the enamel.

It is best to replace the drug with Tempalgin: it contains the same metamizole, but the analgesic effect is longer. Combined drugs Maxigan, Baralgin, Trigan, Spazgan have a more pronounced antispasmodic effect (used for abdominal colic, cramps Bladder etc.). Their use for toothache is doubtful, however, in the absence of other means, you can take these pills.

  • Aspirin

Americans' favorite Aspirin tablets will help relieve toothache. However, this drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and therefore has a strong irritant effect on the stomach.

Aspirin should be taken only after meals, effervescent tablets are faster. It is not worth getting carried away with this remedy - swallowing one pill after another: the negative consequences of its use in the form of stomach pains are almost guaranteed.

  • Ibuprofen

The drug, also belonging to the NSAID group, has many more expensive analogues - Nurofen, Mig-400, Faspik, Bolinet. The analgesic effect occurs 15 minutes after taking a dose of 400 mg, however, with severe pain, you can take up to 4 tablets of Ibuprofen (800 mg) at once. You can take no more than 2400 mg per day!

Ibuprofen, of course, will help you survive to the dentist, but its regular use is fraught with negative consequences. In addition, this drug for people over 40 is recommended only in a single dosage and is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

  • Diclofenac

Everyone knows about the use of Diclofenac for radiculitis and joint pain. However, this remedy can also relieve toothache. Only in this case is it better to use combination drugs, which also include paracetamol, which enhances the effect of the main substance, - Dolaren, Panoxen. Weight side effects, like all NSAIDs, somewhat limits the duration of use and clarifies the range of contraindications (stomach ulcer, internal bleeding, severe hypertension, etc.).

  • Ketorolac

One of the NSAIDs, which has the most pronounced analgesic effect. More expensive drugs based on Ketorolac: Ketanov, Ketorol, Toradol, For a day, let's take 3 tablets. For a quick onset of the effect, the tablet must be taken with plenty of water.

  • Nimesulide

A potent NSAID drug, the analgesic effect lasts up to 8 hours. The usual dose is 100 mg twice a day, the maximum is 400 mg. Trade names - Nimesulide (the cheapest), Nimesil, Sigan, Nise, Coxtral.

  • Dexalgin

Highly effective pain reliever. Contraindications and the list of negative effects are due to Dexalgin's belonging to the NSAID group. You can take 1/2 tab. every 4 hours or whole every 8 hours.

Maximum per day, you can use no more than 3 tab. (With 75 mg). Use with caution smoking people, diabetics, people over 65 years old, patients with heart ischemia. Contraindicated under 18 years of age.

  • Naproxen

To relieve toothache, preparations containing naproxen sodium salt are more suitable: the analgesic effect occurs faster. It is used in 1-1.5 tabs. at a dose of 500 mg twice a day, the maximum dosage per day is 3 tab.

However, even to relieve intense tooth pain, 1 tab is usually sufficient. in a day. Allowed for children from 1 year old in accordance with age dosages. Other trade names are Aksen Fort, Nalgezin.

What if there are no drugs at hand?

There are times when there are no pharmacies or elementary tablets such as Analgin and Aspirin at hand. In such cases, you can only rely on improvised home remedies. How to relieve tooth pain without pills at home? This can help you:

  1. Ice applied through the fabric to the cheek on the affected side will ease the pain somewhat. The ice should be kept for only a few minutes.
  2. Gargle - Put water in your mouth and hold on the sore side. The water should not be too cold, the best option is room temperature. When the water heats up in your mouth, spit it out and fill up again. This measure will give only some relief, while helping to wash out food debris from the carious cavity that can provoke pain. The best effect will be achieved if half a teaspoon is dissolved in a glass of water. salt. Gargling with chamomile, strong infusion of sage, eucalyptus, mint will ease the situation if the pain in the tooth is not so intense and is associated with inflammation of the gums or increased sensitivity of the enamel.
  3. Gargling with alcohol will give you mild local anesthesia. You can not apply alcohol on a cotton swab to a sore tooth and swallow every portion of alcohol when rinsing. Alcohol is used only strong and not sweet - vodka, cognac.
  4. Cloves are the most acceptable home remedy. In the best case, use clove oil: rub into a sore spot or dissolve 5-6 drops in a glass of water and rinse. Can be ground into powder 2 pcs. cloves, mix with any vegetable oil and apply to the tooth.
  5. Plantain can help relieve a toothache when hiking. The leaf should be thoroughly chewed and the gruel should be moved to the aching tooth. The washed and crushed plantain root can relieve toothache within 30 minutes.
  6. Propolis - rinse your mouth with propolis tincture diluted with water. A piece of propolis applied to a tooth will only cause a burn.
  7. Impact on special points. Massaging on the hand from the side of the lesion of the interdigital space between the thumb and forefinger will help to relieve and even eliminate pain. You can also place an ice cube in this area. Other points, the pressure on which will help get rid of the pain in the tooth, are the nasolabial fold (press with the nail until pain appears if the front teeth hurt), the junction of the cheekbone and lower jaw on the affected side, the skin at the edge of the nail plate on the index finger (pressing with the nail to pain).
Important! Only minor toothaches can be relieved with home remedies. With inflammation of the pulp (the nerve in the tooth hurts), these funds are ineffective.

What not to do when a toothache hurts?

When dealing with a toothache, the main thing is not to overdo it. Some measures can only aggravate the pain syndrome or cause irreparable harm to the body.

  • Uncontrolled use of painkillers, especially the use of various drugs from the NSAID group, significantly increases the risk of side effects: from pain in the stomach to a rise in pressure and bleeding. When using painkillers, be sure to follow the instructions: age doses, contraindications, etc.
  • Applying garlic, onions, or apple cider vinegar tampons will only burn the mucous membrane. Such aggressive methods can only make the pain worse, so be careful when choosing folk remedies for toothache.
  • Hot water will expand the capillaries and only increase the pain. Also, you can not use heating pads, wrap a scarf around your cheek.
  • You can't clench your jaws. Excessive pressure increases pain. Breathing in air can also make the pain worse, especially in winter.
  • Taking antibiotics should be prescribed by your doctor. Only the doctor will determine the need for antibiotic therapy, select the drug, select the appropriate dose and duration of the course.

What to do in special cases, because everyone wants to get rid of pain quickly?

  • First, if painful sensations allow, you should brush your teeth or, at the very least, carefully remove food debris from the hole in the tooth with a toothpick. With minor caries, these measures can already eliminate pain.
  • A hot tooth hurts - this is a sign of enamel sensitivity. In this case, use fluoride toothpastes. However, the visit to the dentist should not be postponed: he will not carry out any painful procedures (the procedure for removing tartar is possible), but will prescribe procedures that strengthen the tooth enamel and suppress its sensitivity.
  • A pregnant woman has a toothache - taking pills without a medical prescription, especially up to 12 weeks, is fraught with the most dire consequences: from the threat of miscarriage to fetal anomalies. Let's admit taking Paracetamol, in extreme cases - a one-time use of an anesthetic in a minimal dose.
  • How long does pain last after a wisdom tooth extraction? If the removal of a wisdom tooth was simple, then the painful sensations disappear in a day. In the case of incision of the gums and removal in pieces, the pain from the wisdom tooth lasts 3-5 days, maximum - a week. However, if the pain gradually increases, the temperature rises, the hole is bleeding, an urgent need to consult a dentist.

Why should you go to the doctor? Maybe let it hurt?

Pain relief is only a temporary measure. The appearance of pain indicates a pathological process (caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease, trivial trauma, etc.). Without proper treatment, the disease will only worsen, and the pain often becomes more and more intense. In addition, the formation of a cyst or suppuration of the periodontal tissues is not excluded.

The emergence of complications requires more radical treatment, which is often accompanied by tooth extraction. Do not be afraid of dental offices: modern technologies allow you to heal a damaged tooth in one procedure, while the patient does not feel pain at all.

43 minutes to read. Posted on 26.12.

Why does toothache occur?

We all understand that pain is a kind of signal from the body for help. It is no secret that many people, due to their employment or for other reasons, may neglect their health. As long as nothing bothers them, you can work, not pay attention to minor discomfort, not take any preventive measures. Sadly, the vast majority of people do this. And suddenly there is a toothache. What to do? Why did it happen?

There are painful sensations due to irritation of the nerves, which are characterized by strong sensitivity. It is worth noting that infections are not the only cause of discomfort. Various mechanical damage to the hard tissues of the tooth also sooner or later provoke the onset of the inflammatory process.

Another cause of sleepless nights can be pulpitis. This disease differs in that painful sensations arise on their own (regardless of stimuli) due to inflammation of the pulp. As a rule, the pain intensifies at night and affects the areas close to the tooth. Immediately I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in this case the problem is not solved only by neutralizing unpleasant sensations.

Here it is necessary to urgently eliminate the cause. If a person only worries about how to soothe a toothache at home, then he risks facing periodontitis. Simply put, pulpitis cannot be triggered. Otherwise, microorganisms spread and cause inflammation in all surrounding tissues.

Is the death of a nerve possible?

In most cases, pain syndrome is caused by inflammation of the dental nerve. It occurs as a result of infection, the infection spreads in the pulp for the following reasons:

  1. The advanced stage of carious diseases. When a tooth is inflamed, insufficient oral hygiene, the spread of bacteria, and the destruction of hard tissues contribute to the rapid penetration of microbes into its interior.
  2. Mechanical damage. As a result of breaking off a part of the tooth, the pulp becomes unprotected. For this reason, the infection gets inside.
  3. Poor quality dental services. With insufficient processing of instruments, poor-quality filling, etc., the infection easily spreads in the pulp.
  4. Gum disease.
  5. Lack or excess of vitamins. Because of this, violations of the structure of hard tissues occur.

The pain is often accompanied by other symptoms. It all depends on the reason for its appearance. The temperature may rise or the cheek may swell, etc.

If the nerve opens, the tooth hurts unbearably, and all the remedies do not work, especially desperate people try to kill the nerve endings. It should be remembered that this is very dangerous, and besides, it is not always possible for the patient himself. It is much better to be patient and seek the help of a dentist.

You can remove pain and nerve using recipes traditional medicine or using special formulations. The second option, which has been tested by many people, is preferable.

Folk methods

The following recipes are available:

  1. Powder. Put a pinch into the cavity and wait for several hours. The substance is dangerous to the body, so you need to be careful.
  2. Vinegar. Soak a cotton swab with vinegar and put on the nerve. However, it can not only kill nerve endings, but also damage the enamel.
  3. Arsenic. Any use of arsenic is dangerous to the body. The nerve is killed with a pea of ​​arsenic, which is placed on the tooth (for more details, see the article: Why is arsenic put in the tooth?). This is a very dangerous method, as an overdose can cause severe poisoning and death.
  4. Alcohol. The nerve is killed with ethyl or ammonia. In it, you need to moisten a cotton swab and put on the problem area.
  5. Garlic. It should be rubbed with salt and put into the tooth. The problem is that it literally burns the pulp, provoking the subsequent decomposition of hard tissue.
  6. Zinc. Burn the newspaper with black ink, put the ashes on the tooth for 10 hours.

The first stage is the choice of an effective remedy. In professional dentistry, special compounds are placed in the tooth that kill the nerve. The most popular are the following:

Then you need to drink an anesthetic and wait an hour. Then you need to thoroughly brush your teeth with toothpaste.

Prepare a sewing needle, which should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. With the blunt side, gently clean the hollow of the tooth and rinse your mouth with an antiseptic. Then put a cotton swab soaked in a mixture of alcohol and water into the cleaned cavity. You need to apply the pastes according to the instructions, and then be sure to visit the dentist.

The nerve can die on its own. However, this phenomenon is very rare. Often the death of nerve fibers is accompanied by acute pain that is difficult to bear.

It is not worth hoping for this, and if there is a suspicion that the process of withering away has begun, you should immediately contact your dentist. The consequences can be dangerous.

The nature of pain

Pain sensations and their intensity depend on the degree of involvement in the pathological process component parts tooth (enamel, dentin, pulp, root sheath), surrounding tissues.

Teeth ache - how to calm

The cause of pain is most often carious damage to the teeth. It affects the hard tissues of the tooth, without proper treatment leads to destructive and inflammatory complications. Therefore, one should think not so much about how to quickly remove a toothache at home, but about how soon to make an appointment with the dentist.

The development of caries

  1. Superficial caries destroys the enamel. It can be painless or manifest as an increased sensitivity of the affected tooth to sweet and sour foods, aching pains on hot, cold food (symptoms go away on their own when the irritant is removed).
  2. Medium caries falls below the destroyed enamel, reaches the dentin. As a result, a carious cavity is formed. The intensity of pain sensations, their duration increases. Rinsing the mouth, removing food debris from the damaged tooth help to alleviate the condition.
  3. Deep caries permanently damages the dentin and reaches the border of the pulp. The process is accompanied by aching pain. Rinsing the mouth after eating and removing food debris are some of the most effective options for soothing a toothache at home.

Tooth decay

Launched caries leads to pulpitis - then the pulp of the tooth is already inflamed (it is a bundle of blood vessels and nerves). Pulpitis can be acute (purulent) and chronic.

  1. Acute serous process is accompanied by intense pain of a periodic nature. The pain intensifies from the action of cold and continues after the removal of the irritant, spontaneously arises at night. The attack can last from several to 8-10 minutes.
  2. The appearance of purulent exudate and its accumulation in the pulp chamber is accompanied by very strong pain sensations with irradiation along the branches of the trigeminal nerve (affecting the temporal region, ear, orbit from the pathological process). The duration of the attack is often delayed up to 15 minutes or more. One of the options for soothing a sore tooth at home can be cool water in the mouth.
  3. Chronic pulpitis (fibrous, hypertrophic, gangrenous), as a rule, occurs as a result of a running acute process, it can also occur on its own.
  4. Pain in the fibrous form is localized within one tooth, does not occur immediately after the action of the stimulus, but after a while. Particular sensitivity in this pathology is noted to cold food.
  5. The hypertrophic form is accompanied by bleeding during eating. Pain symptoms are absent.
  6. Gangrenous (ulcerative-necrotic) process is manifested by pain within one tooth, which persists for a long time after elimination of irritating factors, increased sensitivity to hot foods and liquids.


Inflammation of the tissues located between the bone tissue of the alveoli and the root of the tooth, at the initial stages of the process, is accompanied by limited painful sensations of a continuous nature. Moderate sensitivity is noted when pressing on the disturbing tooth.

As the pathology develops, the intensity of the pain increases - it becomes unbearable, pulsating, twitching. The inflammatory infiltrate spreads to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, the nearby lymph glands are involved in the process, the general status is disturbed (an increase in temperature is noted, an increase in leukocytes and ESR is recorded in the analyzes).


The process can take from 2-3 days to several weeks. The main thing here is not to self-medicate, not to look for ways to soothe a toothache at home, but immediately go to the doctor.

  • take a horizontal position in bed (blood flow to the head increases, the pressure in the tooth tissues increases and, accordingly, the pain sensations become more intense);
  • use warming compresses (contribute to the exacerbation and intensification of inflammatory phenomena, as well as their spread to healthy tissues);
  • long-term use of pain relievers;
  • place an aspirin or analgin tablet on a sore tooth (the analgesic effect of such actions is doubtful, and a burn of the enamel and gingival mucosa is guaranteed).

The signal for help may be weak. With a carious lesion at its initial stage, pain can sometimes occur. Moreover, it is not too painful, but you should not relax. It will be better if you see a doctor immediately before the disease has developed into a more serious form.

Severe toothache occurs when the nerve is already damaged. Whatever the cause (infection or injury), the destruction of hard tissue occurs. The exposed pulp reacts very sharply to any stimulus. Such pain is also typical for violation nervous system... Accordingly, the methods of treatment in these two cases will be radically different. Therefore, only during the examination, the dentist can diagnose the problem and prescribe the correct way to eliminate it.

How to soothe pain

It is advisable to visit the dentist as soon as possible. Taking advantage of folk recipes of course, you can calm the pain for a while and even try to kill the dental nerve. However, no one can guarantee that the pain will not come back and complications will not arise. At home, if pain appears, it is recommended to carefully monitor oral hygiene (brush your teeth, interdental spaces), drink analgesics, use any traditional medicine.

If the nerve is exposed, strong pain relievers must be used. The most popular are the following:

At home, you must carefully prescribe to yourself medicines... It is advisable to consult with specialists. Analgesics eliminate only the symptom; with severe pain, qualified treatment is necessary.


Instead of taking serious pain relievers or in conjunction with it, they use less radical methods of solving the problem. Rinsing has long and proven itself as a remedy for toothache. At home, they are very convenient, since they do not require any extra costs, usually all the components are in the kitchen:

Rinses are certainly effective, but you cannot rely solely on them. It is advisable to use them together with pain relievers for a better effect.

other methods

At home, you can anesthetize a tooth using more non-standard methods. No one can vouch for their effectiveness, so you should be careful when using them:

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