What kind of plant is celandine. Celandine: medicinal properties, contraindications, photo. Infusion for oral administration

Drywall 09.03.2021

It's no secret that celandine is used in traditional medicine. Based on it, many remedies are prepared that can help with a wide variety of diseases. But how do you like the fact that celandine can be effectively used in cosmetology? Did not know? Then in our article you will find a lot useful information, and at the same time you will see celandine in various photos.

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What does celandine look like

Celandine can be safely called a real old-timer of our planet. People began to use it for their own purposes many centuries ago, and the healers of Ancient Rome and Greece managed to treat jaundice and skin diseases with it.

Identifying grass is easy enough. Seeds germinate in early spring. The bushes develop rapidly, and flowering begins by mid-May. The leaves are rich green color, located on long, slightly pubescent stems. The flowers are collected in small brushes with yellow petals. These signs are quite enough to identify the celandine plant among other herbs, but if you are in doubt, then there is one more, unmistakable - orange-red juice appears on the broken stem. It looks intimidating, but it is in it that there is a huge amount of substances that endowed it with healing properties.

Where does it grow

You don't need to be an advanced herbalist to procure medicinal raw materials, because celandine grass grows everywhere, and this is its advantage over other herbs. However, for cosmetic and medical procedures, you should not use the grass that grows along the fences, in the garden and in general in the city. Absorbing various bad emissions, including automobile ones, such raw materials are more likely to do you more harm than good.

The use of celandine

To date, there are quite a lot of different drugs, which include celandine great. These are creams, tonics, lotions, and medicines: oil, extract, dried leaves and root. The products listed are positive reviews and are widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Below you can see a photo medicines based on celandine.

Treatment of diseases

Preparations, in which there is a large celandine, have a variety of therapeutic effects, which became possible due to the presence of alkaloids in their composition. Each of them has a different effect on the body. For example, sanguinarine enhances salivation and improves intestinal motility, helirythrin has an analgesic effect, protopine has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Medicines with celandine are characterized by diuretic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, choleretic, wound healing and antibacterial action. Clinical studies conducted in recent years have shown that the use of preparations containing celandine herb helps to early stages cancerous growths, restraining their growth. They also have a depressing effect on the tuberculosis bacillus.
Herbal infusion of celandine can cure diseases of the gallbladder and liver. It will also help with stomach ulcers. It is used in small doses as depressant and to stabilize blood pressure in hypertension. A decoction of celandine is used to disinfect wounds and prepare compresses that are effective for polyarthritis, prostatitis, cervical erosion and rheumatism.

Cosmetic procedures

Fresh celandine grass and its juice are actively used in many cosmetic procedures. The active substances perfectly cope with most skin diseases, and the juice in its pure form helps to get rid of warts, condylomas, corns and papillomas. Lotions and compresses are made for fungal diseases, scabies, lichen and in the early stages of psoriasis.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that in most cases, after applying celandine, the skin looks better, the reaction to active substances can be reversed. This is especially true for people prone to allergies. What suits someone successfully can cause irreparable harm to you. Therefore, before using any recipes, especially traditional medicine, we strongly recommend that you be examined by a doctor. First of all, this applies to medical procedures and products, and cosmetic ones prepared on your own can be tried on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the hand, tracking the reaction during the day.

Video "Contraindications when using celandine"

In this video, you will learn in which cases it is better to refuse to use celandine.

Celandine (Chelidonium) is a weed plant, belongs to the poppy family, is a perennial. Exists in only one form. Central and North Asia, Europe are considered the birthplace of celandine. AT North America he was also taken. Ants in most cases carry the seeds of celandine, so it grows everywhere, near houses, in gardens and parks, in thickets, in the forest. In the photo you can see what the celandine grass is. Celandine usually grows up to 100 centimeters in length, in rare cases up to 120 centimeters. The plant has sparse hairs and a ribbed, hollow stem on which there are branches. On the underside, the leaves of the celandine are blue, and on the upper side, green.

Celandine in the garden

This plant has soft leaves. Below on the roots they are larger pinnate, and at the top of the plant there are leaves similar to a lyre. The environment in which celandine grass grows affects the shape of the leaves. For example, in Siberia, a variety with oblong leaves grows, and in the central region the leaves are more pointed. The celandine flower consists of several stamens and one pistil, it has four oval petals, bright yellow in color. Greenish leaves are a bowl for a flower. From May to September, celandine grass blooms. Of the eight flowers, the flowers of the plant are collected in a small umbrella. By the appearance of the plant, you can determine when it bears fruit. At this point, its leaves become dull and rough. New bright-colored leaves appear on celandine immediately after the plant sheds seeds. The grass can bear fruit several times during the summer.

Homeland: Asia North and Central, Europe.

Growth: Grows very fast.

Light: prefers shady places.

Flowering: from May to September.

Reproduction: seeds and segments of rhizomes.

Reproduction of celandine

With the diameter of a human finger, you can compare the size of the short taproots of a plant. There are many recommendations for treatment with celandine root, but given that this is its most poisonous part, it is better to refuse such treatment. Up to 40 percent of toxic substances are located in the root. It is not advisable to take parts of this plant separately for treatment. It is safer to take the roots of the plant with other parts of the herb.

This plant secretes thick orange juice, it is darker than the flowers, this is what distinguishes the celandine plant from others, it is shown in the photo. Celandine juice has an unpleasant smell and taste, it is contained in large quantities in the root. Celandine juice is used to dye fabrics, but it disappears when the grass is dried, since it contains an unstable coloring pigment. During flowering, it is recommended to collect celandine, and use its juice while the plant is alive.

Consider the area of ​​​​growth of this plant. Mostly in Russia. It does not grow only in the Far North, in all other regions, such as Siberia, the European part of Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Belarus, Ukraine, this plant grows. It can be found in any forests, among bushes, near roads, rivers, on rocks and in other places. At high altitude it grows in the mountains in the forest area, and along the rivers it can be seen in the steppes. This plant also grows in gardens and orchards. His favorite area, in which there is a lot of moisture and lowlands. Celandine does not form dense thickets, but grows only in the form of small bushes.

Growing celandine at home

This plant helps to scare away various pests in the garden. Therefore, it is very useful when it grows near fruitful shrubs and trees, so that insects do not damage them. If there is no celandine in the garden, then you can grow it yourself at home. Artificially, it can be propagated in two ways: by seeds and segments of rhizomes. Seeds can be used both fresh and two years old. If you sow fresh celandine seeds, then you need to take them in June or July, when only the first seeds appear. They are planted wherever they want.

Cultivation of celandine

The rows of celandine must be strictly observed through a gap of fifty centimeters. Only two years later, planted celandine at home will begin to bloom. It is not necessary to sprinkle celandine when sowing if it is planted before winter. Sprinkle the seeds of the plant with a thin layer of earth if it is planted in spring or at other times of the year. In unlit places with sun and high humidity, you need to plant celandine in the garden. After some time, the plant can form a fairly dense cover, as it reproduces not only with the help of seeds, but also with the renewal of buds. Up to three buds annually appear on the roots of celandine.

After he ascended, special care is not required for him, especially when he has already gained strength. Other plants can clog it only during the germination period, so at this time it is necessary to weed the site, loosen the ground and water it. A plant that has already grown enough does not require special care.

Various acids and a large number of other substances are in the composition of the herb. The plant contains a substance that is similar in its action to morphine, it is called chelidonin, it is a local anesthetic of a very strong effect. A critical condition is observed in animals that have eaten this plant, paralysis occurs after a short time. nervous system. Severe convulsions can start from an overdose.

Another substance contained in celandine, its name is sanguinarine, can have the same effect. After its application, the analgesic effect begins, this is possible only with topical application. In case of an overdose, salivation increases, intestinal activity increases.

Medicinal properties

The herb has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can also have an antispasmodic and choleretic effect. External malignant tumors greatly slow down their growth if celandine is used for treatment. With scabies effective tool may be a fresh plant. Its juice instead of iodine is used in some regions of Siberia. Celandine powder helps to quickly heal an ulcer that torments a person for a long time.

Celandine flowers

Consider the main contraindications and the most common side effects this plant. Pets in the fields do not eat celandine. This plant contains a lot of poison. Like morphine, chelidonin is dangerous, overdose in animals can cause paralysis of the nervous system. If it is used in medicinal purposes, then it must be taken with extreme caution. There may be irritation of the digestive system, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, lowering blood pressure in case of poisoning with celandine. Fainting and delirium can result from a severe overdose of plant poisons. Alkaloids, which are present in the composition of celandine juice, cause these side effects. When poisoning with celandine poisons occurs, you need to wash the stomach abundantly and call an ambulance.

Huge damage to health will cause alkaloids contained in the plant. Women who are breastfeeding, pregnant women and children should not be treated with this herb. Patients who suffer from epilepsy are strictly forbidden to use celandine, as it causes convulsions. Severe inflammation can appear on the skin if at least a small wound gets celandine juice. A side effect may be dysbacteriosis and constipation from taking celandine.

Celandine and its history of use

This plant has more than one name. Swallow Grass (Chelidonium majus) is the scientific name for celandine, it arose from the fact that when the swallows arrive, the grass begins to bloom, and flowering ends when the swallows fly away. A similar name "gove" was given to this herb in Russia. The plant makes a loud sound when the pod opens, for which it received the name "nutcracker". "Podtynnik" in Russia is sometimes referred to as celandine, it was nicknamed so because it grows under the tyn. A huge number of names for this plant is due to its medicinal properties.

The dried plant has a sharp and bitter taste. In this form, it can be seen in the photo. The dried root at the break looks yellowish, and from above it becomes almost black. Within three years medicinal properties herbs can be preserved if properly harvested. It can be applied in different types such as tinctures, decoctions, ointments, oils.

All the healing power is contained in the juice of celandine, so it is considered an effective remedy. When the plant blooms, it must be collected and scrolled through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. Celandine passed through a meat grinder is placed in the refrigerator for three days in a glass jar, after this time it gives juice, it must be filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. One and a half liters of celandine juice can be obtained from a bucket of grass. In order for the juice to ferment less from the container, it is necessary to periodically bleed the air. Fermentation ends after three weeks. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several years.

An ointment made from this herb is an excellent remedy for many ailments. Fats, creams or regular petroleum jelly can be used to make an ointment, they will be used as a base. You can make an ointment from the juice of a plant, or you can directly from a dried plant, it is important that it is very finely chopped. In a coffee grinder, you can grind dry celandine.

In case of a burn in nature, celandine can be used. It copes well with burns of any kind, helps with burns after sunburn in the sun. Several times you need to apply the juice of the plant on the burn and wait until it is absorbed, then apply again and so on several times. Effective treatment will be if a lot of juice gets on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. In addition to all this, celandine has an analgesic effect, so the pain from burns is dulled. With frostbite, celandine juice also has a miraculous effect. It is necessary to apply a soaked bandage in the juice of the plant to the frostbitten area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

With the help of the medicinal properties of celandine, you can fight herpes when it is just starting to appear. Ointment, tincture or juice from celandine should be applied to the skin area where signs of herpes are felt. Do the procedure at least three times. Herbal infusion of celandine can help get rid of various diseases, which is why doctors value this herb so highly and use it quite often in various areas. This plant is widely used in medicine.

Great celandine - Chelidonium majus L. " style="border-style:solid;border-width:6px;border-color:#ffcc66;" width="250" height="334">
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Other names: Wart Grass, Warthog, Witch Grass, Yellow Grass, Yellow Euphorbia, Golden Grass, Cow Grass, Blood Grass, Swallow Grass, Devil's Milk, Cleanweed, Chistuha, Cleansing Grass.

Diseases and effects: skin tuberculosis, gout, rheumatism, difficult to heal wounds, lupus, nasal polyps, scrofula, wart, callus, lichen, eczema, skin cancer, psoriasis, alveolar pyorrhea, stomatitis, trichomonas colpitis, cervical erosion, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis , gastritis, colon polyposis.

Plant collection and preparation time: May June.

Botanical description of celandine

Great celandine is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Poppy (Papaveraceae) containing orange milky juice in all parts.

Root taproot, branched, with a short multi-headed rhizome. Inside the root of the celandine is yellow, outside - red-brown.

Stem erect, hollow, ribbed, branched, covered with sparse hairs or almost naked, 25-100 cm high.

Leaves green, glaucous below, pinnatipartite with almost opposite, set aside pairs of leaflets. The leaves are dissected into crenate-lobed lobes. The leaves are 7-20 long and 2.5-9 cm wide. The upper ones are sessile, the lower ones have long petioles. Leaf segments are ovate or rounded, at the base with an additional lobe in the form of an eyelet, unevenly round-toothed, entire or incised on the underside.

flowers bright yellow on long stalks, collected at the ends of the stem with umbrellas, about 15-20 mm in diameter. The calyx consists of two sepals, which fall off when the flower opens. The petals are rounded, the corolla is correct. Pistil with a short thin style and a small two-lobed stigma.

The fruit is a pod-shaped single-celled bivalve capsule 3-6 cm long, 2-3 mm wide. Seeds are ovoid, dark brown, shiny, with a pale comb-like appendage, located in a box in two rows.

It blooms from May to August, the fruits ripen in July - September, depending on the growing zone. Propagated by seeds. Greater celandine herb is used as a medicinal raw material. Celandine juice is usually bitter, burning, has a very unpleasant odor.

Habitats and distribution of the great celandine

Greater celandine is widely distributed throughout the European part of the countries. former USSR, except for the regions of the Far North, in the Caucasus, in Siberia, on Far East, less common in Central Asia.

In the south of Ukraine, it occurs in rare thickets or in small groups and is concentrated mainly along the banks of the Dnieper in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, as well as in the southern part of the Donetsk region. In Crimea, it is often found in the southern and southwestern foothills and mountainous areas. A small amount of celandine grows in the foothill-steppe zone.

Great celandine grows on soils that contain a lot of humus, in shady places. Inhabits broad-leaved, coniferous-small-leaved, fir-spruce and larch-birch forests; in the steppe regions it is found mainly in river valleys. In the mountains it rises to the upper border of the forest. Grows on scree, shady rocky slopes and rocks, on pebbles in river valleys and along stream banks, in bushes, along roads in sparse forests, often inhabits clearings and burnt areas, settles near housing, in gardens, kitchen gardens, wastelands, pastures and like a weed. It usually grows in small clumps; it rarely forms thickets over large areas.

Preparation of large celandine and the quality of raw materials

Medicinal raw material is a dried herb, consisting of a mixture of leafy stems up to 50 cm long with branches and fruits of varying degrees of development, pieces of stems, leaves. However, it is known that in folk medicine, juice is also used for medicinal purposes, and sometimes the whole plant along with the root.

Celandine grass is harvested during flowering (usually May - June) in dry weather, cutting plants with knives or sickles, and in dense standing - mowing with scythes without coarse ground parts with hand scythes.

The plant is poisonous, therefore, during the collection of raw materials, you should not touch your face, eyes with your hands; Hands must be washed thoroughly after work.

To preserve thickets, re-harvesting on the same thicket should be carried out no earlier than a year later.

Dry the grass in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C for 8 hours, in attics or under sheds with good ventilation, laying it out in a thin layer on bedding or paper and periodically turning it over. With slow drying and in those cases when the grass is spread out in a thick layer, it turns brown and rots. The raw material is considered dry if the stems break when bent, and do not bend.

Raw materials are packed in bales of fabric with a net weight of up to 40 kg and in bags up to 10-15 kg. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas. Shelf life up to 3 years.

Workers packing celandine raw materials should wear wet gauze masks on their faces, since the dust from it causes severe irritation of the nasal mucosa.

The chemical composition of celandine

All parts of the plant contain alkaloids (up to 2% in grass, up to 40% in roots). Alkaloids belong to different types isoquinoline derivatives: berberine, protopine, chelidonine, homochelidonine, coptisine, stylopine, chelerythrin, sanguinarine, sparteine, 1-stylopine, 1-a-stylopine, 1-B-stylopine, α-allocryptonin, β-allocryptopine, etc. In grass, in addition to alkaloids, it contains saponins, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, vitamin A and organic acids - malic, citric, succinic, chelidonic. The seeds contain 40-60% fatty oil, coumarins. The milky juice is rich in resinous substances containing up to 40% fatty oil.

Pharmacological properties of celandine

Celandine grass has a multilateral pharmacological activity. However, the main properties of celandine are antispasmodic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory (bactericidal). Celandine alkaloids have the highest pharmacological activity. For example, chelidonin gives a pronounced analgesic and sedative effect, similar in action to the main poppy alkaloids - papaverine and morphine. In addition, this alkaloid has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle organs, has hypotensive and bradycardic properties.

Another alkaloid of celandine - homochelidonin, on the contrary, gives an excitatory-convulsive effect and exhibits local anesthetic activity. The alkaloid protopine, contained in the plant in a fairly large amount, reduces the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system and, unlike chelidonine, increases the tone of smooth muscles. Chelerythrin is characterized by a pronounced local irritant effect.

Of all the compounds contained in the plant, sanguirythrin (the sum of the alkaloids sanguinarine and chelerythrine) has been most thoroughly studied. On the various types in laboratory animals, a clear anticholinesterase effect of the drug was established. In addition, experiments have shown that sanguirythrin potentiates the effect of acetylcholine and improves neuromuscular conduction. When studying the general pharmacological properties of sanguirythrine, the effects characteristic of the entire group of anticholinesterase substances were confirmed, and it was also found that the alkaloid has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. It acts bactericidal on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, yeast-like fungi and Trichomonas.

It has been experimentally established that celandine herb preparations retard the growth of cancerous tumors and the development of metastases; revealed fungistatic and bacteriostatic effect on tuberculosis microbacteria.

The use of large celandine in medicine

Earlier in practical medicine, celandine was widely used for skin tuberculosis, gout and rheumatism. Externally, it has been used to treat warts and calluses, lichen, eczema, skin cancer, mainly in the form of fresh juice or an ointment prepared from the herb of the plant, by lubricating the affected areas three times daily. In a decoction of celandine grass, children were bathed with various skin diseases.

In the form of an infusion or the main component in celandine preparations, it is currently used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, for gout and some skin diseases. Great celandine infusion is recommended for the treatment of hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, gastritis. There is information about the use of a decoction of celandine in the form of hot baths for psoriasis. With the same disease, good results were noted in patients with external use of 50% celandine extract mixed with pork fat, in combination with simultaneous ingestion of 20% alcohol tincture of celandine.

Of interest is clinical experience on the use of celandine for the treatment of itchy dermatoses. In stationary conditions, aqueous extracts of fresh or dried plants were used, more often in the form of an infusion or decoction at the rate of 0.25 to 10 g of herb per 100 ml of water. Lotions, compresses and baths were used. The treatment was carried out in patients with some itchy dermatoses in the stage of acute inflammation and weeping. On the 2-3rd day of treatment, the sensation of itching decreased in patients or it disappeared, epithelialization of eroded surfaces was noted, skin infiltration in the lesions decreased. In the future, treatment with baths from the infusion of celandine was combined with the use of ointments with regenerating and keratolytic properties.

Based on clinical observations, it was found that the infusion and decoction of celandine herbs in some itching dermatoses have antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and epithelial properties in the stage of acute inflammation, vesiculation and weeping.

Sanguiritrin in the form of liniment and solution is effective in alveolar pyorrhea, chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers and other diseases caused by antibiotic-resistant microflora. Sangviritrin gives positive results in herpetic ulcerative stomatitis, trichomonas colpitis and cervical erosion. In addition, sanguiritrin is successfully used in various forms of myopathies, in sensitive and movement disorders associated with diseases and traumatic injuries of the nervous system (poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy).

Some doctors have successfully used celandine treatment for colon polyposis. To do this, fresh grass is ground in a porcelain mortar at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of the patient's weight. The resulting slurry is poured with boiled water (temperature 70-80 ° C) in a ratio of 1: 10. The cooled mixture is injected with a syringe, but before that, a cleansing enema is made 2 hours before. The introduced mixture should be kept in the colon for 1-2 hours. The procedure is carried out every other day. Total course of treatment - 10-20 enemas.

In folk medicine, for the prevention of cancer, the following recipes are used:

  1. Half a tablespoon of chopped celandine grass is placed in an enamel bowl and poured with a glass of boiled water at room temperature. Then insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for at least 45 minutes, filter through gauze. Apply infusion 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 3 days every month.
  2. Take 1 tablespoon of a collection prepared from equal parts of calendula flowers and chopped celandine herbs. The technology for preparing the infusion is the same as the first one. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 3 days monthly.
  3. Two teaspoons of chopped celandine herb insist on boiled cold water(glass) room temperature 8 hours. Filter. The entire infusion is drunk per day, taken for 3 days monthly.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of large celandine

It should be remembered: the internal use of celandine preparations is permissible only on the prescription of a doctor and under his control!

Celandine in galenic forms for external use is contraindicated in persons suffering from epilepsy, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, as well as in a number of neurological syndromes.

With the internal use of herbal preparations of celandine in large quantities or an overdose of fees, including celandine as the main component, patients may develop poisoning with nausea, vomiting, paralysis of the respiratory center.

Celandine is known not only as a remedy, but also because its water infusion can fight diseases and pests of the orchard. Therefore, it is useful to have such a plant on hand. Celandine can be successfully grown in the garden. The soil must be prepared as for all medicinal crops. It is better to allocate a plot for sowing in a more humid and slightly protected from sun rays place. Seeds collected in autumn are sown superficially before winter or early spring. The row spacing is 40-50 cm. The sown seeds are lightly sprinkled with earth.

With the advent of seedlings, celandine requires careful weeding, watering and loosening the soil. Subsequently, it grows well, blooms and bears fruit. Harvest the grass during the flowering period, taking precautions. The mowed grass is quickly dried, laying out a thin layer, constantly stirring. Packages or bags with dry raw materials should be signed and stored with care.

The celandine plant belongs to the poppy family and the genus Dicotyledonous. It is a tall perennial herbaceous shrub with a hollow stem and lyre-shaped dark green leaves. Blooming celandine yellow flowers, and then in their place small pods ripen, which crack in two and throw out the seeds. The plant bears fruit 2-3 times during the summer, so it multiplies effectively and is found almost everywhere.

Science knows two types of celandine:

    Chelidonium asiaticum - Asian (30-50 cm tall);

    Chelidonium majus - large (50-120 cm tall).

Both types of plants are poisonous, but they have a number of useful properties, so they have long been actively used in both Eastern and European folk medicine. The Russian-language name of this herb speaks for itself - it "cleanses the body" from warts, acne and non-healing wounds. And the Latin name beautiful story origin: in the time of Avicenna it was believed that swallows treat festering and blinded eyes of their chicks with bitter celandine juice. Hence the term Chelidonium (literally "swallow"). AT ancient Russia the celandine had numerous characteristic nicknames: yellow milkweed, podtynnik, warthog, chistuha, dog soap.

The chemical composition of celandine

The leaves, stems, rhizomes and bitter milk of celandine contain:

    Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and carotene (vitamin A);

    Organic acids (malic, citric, succinic);

    Essential oils, bitters, resins and saponins;

    Natural antibiotics (phytoncides);

    Poisonous alkaloids (chelidonin, sanguinarine, protopine, alocryptopine, coptisine).

Chelidonin and its derivatives deserve special attention: oxychelidonine, homochelidanine and methoxychelidonine. This alkaloid is a direct relative of morphine, which is not surprising, because celandine is a relative of the poppy. Chelidonin in small doses has an analgesic effect, and in large doses it causes convulsions and paralysis of the nervous system. Most content alkaloids in the rhizomes of celandine (up to 0.5%), however, the leaves of the plant are also poisonous, so cattle on pastures bypass it.

Useful properties of celandine and its application

With proper skill and care, with the help of celandine, many diseases can be cured.

Due to the complex and rich biologically active composition, celandine has a multilateral effect on the human body:





    Wound healing;


    Bile and diuretic;


Celandine is used to treat diseases:

    ENT organs and respiratory system - runny nose, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, asthma, whooping cough, tuberculosis;

    In animals, it causes a state of depression at the beginning, and after it comes a complete paralysis of the nervous system. An overdose can lead to very severe convulsions, so be sure to follow the dosage strictly.

    Sanguinarine can also have a similar effect. Only he is still able to increase the activity of the intestines and increases the secretion of saliva, and can also have a local anesthetic effect. As shown by numerous studies, the most basic properties of celandine are antispasmodic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory.

    How to prepare juice, tincture and decoction of celandine?

    Celandine tincture

    The medicine can be purchased at ready-made, but since celandine grows almost everywhere, it's not worth spending money. Go grass early in the summer when the plant first blooms and the leaves are still fresh and fleshy. Wash them thoroughly, chop them finely and fill a liter jar to the top with raw materials, then fill it with 70% medical alcohol and leave it in a dark, dry place for 2 weeks. In addition, if you can infuse celandine tincture for 5-6 months, then you will get an even more concentrated and highly effective medicine.

    It is better to treat serious diseases, especially oncological ones, with the help of alcohol tincture, since in ordinary decoctions and water infusions the concentration of alkaloids is an order of magnitude lower. In addition, alcohol tincture can be stored for a long time and economically spent. After waiting six months, you will receive a high-quality and effective medicine with virtually no investment.

    It is necessary to start treatment with celandine tincture only if the expected benefit is greater than the possible risk. Remember that in fact it is a potent plant poison that you need to gradually get used to. For the first 3-4 weeks, the tincture is taken 5-10 drops per day, and then every week the dosage is increased by 10 drops, and so on up to 50. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the type of disease: for example, with cancer and tuberculosis, celandine tincture is taken for at least six months.

    You can prepare tinctures from celandine not only alcohol, but also water-based:

    • Water infusion. To prepare a decoction of celandine based on water, you need 1 tablespoon of dry celandine grass and 1 cup of boiling water. Grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water, then covered and infused for 30-40 minutes. Next, the infusion must be filtered and taken chilled, 2/3 cup 15 minutes before meals. This tincture is used to normalize the functioning of the liver.

    Celandine juice

    In folk medicine, there are 2 ways to prepare juice from celandine:

      First way: from fresh, freshly harvested celandine stems up to 15 cm long, along with flowers, it is quite possible to prepare the juice of this herb for the winter. To prepare juice for the winter from celandine raw materials, the leaves must be passed through a meat grinder, and then carefully squeezed. The resulting juice should be placed in the refrigerator for three days, and then the juice should be filtered through gauze, poured into a clean bowl and covered with a lid that has small holes so that gas does not accumulate in the jar during the juice fermentation process. Three weeks later, the fermentation process of the juice in the jar will end and the finished celandine juice will be able to stand in the refrigerator until the next “harvest” of grass.

      The second way celandine juice can be prepared as follows: you need to carefully cut the grass stems 12–15 cm long along with the flowers, then pass them through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice, as in the first method. Then you should add alcohol or vodka based on 1 liter of juice 500 g of vodka or 250 g of alcohol.

      Celandine juice, as it has already become clear, is very useful: it can cure about 250 skin and other diseases, for example, herpes, burns, acne, acne, lupus, fungus, fistulas, scabies, peeling, warts, polyps and so on.

    Celandine decoction

    To prepare a decoction of celandine, fresh or pre-dried raw materials are required (sold in a pharmacy).

    Pour 1 teaspoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain. The decoction is good for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, as well as diseases Bladder. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

    Celandine treatment

    Celandine is successfully used to combat the initial forms of skin tuberculosis, true adenomatous polyps of the large intestine, cervical erosion, papillomatosis of the intestines and larynx. Also, celandine treatment responds very well to eczema, lichen and acne, in addition, celandine promotes the healing of purulent ulcers and wounds.

    Celandine in homeopathy is very often used for liver diseases that are difficult to diagnose and recognize, while they have the following symptoms: bad feeling in wet weather, while in a warm room it becomes sharply better, the appearance of a sharp feeling of aversion to cold drinks and meat, the emergence of a craving for hot coffee. In rare cases, homeopaths themselves prescribe celandine for diseases such as pneumonia, pleurisy, gout, headaches, accompanied by dizziness and general weakness, stomach and liver cancer.

    Cleanser for skin diseases


    If the lesion is small, it should be lubricated with freshly squeezed celandine milk in the morning and evening for 10-14 days.

    If psoriasis has affected large areas of the skin, baths are taken during the same period: for every 3 liters of boiling water, 25 grams of chopped grass are taken, brewed and waited for the infusion to cool to a comfortable temperature.

    BPH. To stop an acute inflammatory process, you need to dilute 2 teaspoons of celandine juice in half a glass of water every day for a week and drink this solution at any convenient time. Treatment of prostate adenoma with celandine will be more effective if supplemented with herbal enemas with chamomile, sage and 1 tablespoon of celandine juice.

Treatment of celandine diseases of the digestive tract

Celandine is used for the following diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

    Cholecystitis. Alcohol tincture of celandine, prepared independently according to our recipe or bought at a pharmacy, for cholecystitis and gallstone disease, take 10 drops a day for two weeks, while observing a strict diet prescribed by a doctor.

    Cirrhosis of the liver. For 2 parts of dried celandine, take 1 part of yarrow, adonis and horsetail. Twice a day, prepare an infusion from a glass of boiling water and two teaspoons of this mixture, keep it for 15-20 minutes and drink it completely before eating. You can also take a teaspoon of fresh celandine juice three times a day, but side effects are possible, although the effectiveness will be higher.

    Hepatitis. Take one part of dried celandine and calamus rhizomes. An infusion is prepared from two teaspoons of this mixture and a glass of boiling water for 60 minutes, then it is divided into 6 parts and taken throughout the day. The course of treatment of hepatitis with celandine is 2-3 weeks.

    A decoction of the following components also helps well:

    • Dried celandine - 3 parts;

    Treatment of kidney diseases with celandine

    Celandine is used for the following kidney diseases:

      Pyelonephritis. In acute pyelonephritis, they take a teaspoon of dried celandine and cornflower flowers, steam with three glasses of boiling water and leave for about an hour. The finished infusion is filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator, and you need to take it a quarter cup before meals for 10-14 days, until the symptoms of pyelonephritis disappear.

      Treatment of the nasopharynx, maxillary cavities, frontal sinuses, gums. Celandine juice, it is necessary to instill with a pipette into each nostril. In the process of instillation, after 1-2 drops of juice, a slight tingling will be felt, after 3-5 minutes after the juice of one or two drops has been absorbed, the tingling in the nostrils will pass, then the instillation must be repeated. Thus, in total, a full pipette of celandine juice should “leave” into each nostril. If at this moment the nose was stuffed up, then immediately breathing through the nose will be facilitated.

      Ear diseases. To prepare an ointment from celandine, crushed leaves are needed. 50 g of celandine, 25 g of lanolin, 25 g of petroleum jelly are mixed. Such an ointment should be lubricated on the outer skin and the ear canal itself 2-3 times a day.

    Celandine can also be used to treat periodontal disease, liver disease, gallbladder, it can be instilled into the eyes, if there is a cataract and trachoma, it can be put on a bad tooth. If there are polyps in the rectum, you need to make an enema of 50–60 g of water with the addition of 5–7 drops of celandine juice.

    Cancer treatment with celandine

    General recommendation for cancer patients - either take freshly squeezed celandine juice, starting with half a teaspoon three times a day, gradually increasing the dosage to 1 tablespoon every 10 days, or treat with alcohol by the method described above. Be sure to take breaks between short courses of 1-2 weeks, so that there is no intoxication of the body and the effect of addiction in your illness.

    There are special recommendations for the following types of cancer:

      breast cancer. 4 tablespoons of chopped celandine rhizome should be poured with one liter of boiling water, wrapped in a jar and wait a few hours. Strain the cooled infusion and take half a glass three times a day before meals. The scheme for treating breast cancer with celandine is as follows: 10 days of taking the medicine, then a 10-day break; 5 days of medication, 5 days off. So you can be treated for six months, and then pause for a whole month.

      Lungs' cancer. Take the stems of fresh celandine, peel the leaves, cut the height of a liter or three-liter jar, tightly tamp them there in an upright position and fill to the top with medical alcohol. Keep a tightly closed jar in a dark, dry place for 3-4 weeks, then strain the infusion and take it half a teaspoon three times a day according to the scheme: 2 weeks treatment, 2 weeks break.

      Stomach cancer. Every day you need to prepare a fresh decoction in a water bath for 15 minutes, from a tablespoon of celandine and 1 glass of water, cool it and drink it in three doses before meals.

      The scheme for the treatment of stomach cancer with celandine is as follows: 10 days reception, 10 days break; 14 days on, 14 days off; 7 days on, 7 days off. A mixture of 1 part of alcohol tincture of celandine, 3 parts of alcohol tincture of peppermint and 6 parts of rosehip syrup also helps well. This medicine is drunk 2 tablespoons three times a day 15 minutes before meals for 2-4 weeks.

    In order to prepare an infusion of celandine for the treatment of cancer, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials of celandine, pour 1 cup of boiling water (in a thermos), let it brew for 1 or 1.5 hours, then strain the remedy and take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. This infusion should be used for cancer internal organs, neoplasms on the skin, polyps of the rectum. An even greater effect will be if you apply celandine juice or infusion topically.

    Celandine ointment. Take 20 g of powder made from celandine grass, 10 g of lanolin, 70 g of petroleum jelly. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and used to treat skin cancer (it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas 2-3 times a day). This ointment also helps very well to cope with corns, warts, papillomas, condylomas, is a good remedy from psoriasis, eczema and skin tuberculosis.

    To prevent the growth of metastasis, an infusion of celandine mixed with calendula and nettle can help well. All herbs must be taken in equal parts, finely chopped and mixed 1 tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water in a thermos. Infusion is recommended to take 0.5 cups on an empty stomach in the morning, and the second half of the glass - in the evening, before dinner.

    Instructions for the use of celandine in traditional medicine:

    Contraindications to celandine treatment

    Celandine is a poisonous plant! It is not for nothing that livestock on pastures never undertake to chew celandine. The celandine contains chelidonin, which can initially cause an oppressed state in animals, after which complete paralysis of the entire nervous system of the animal occurs. This substance is very similar in its action to morphine. It is for this reason that when using this plant, you must be extremely careful or use it in small quantities along with other herbs.

    Celandine can cause severe irritation and inflammation of the entire digestive tract, and can also lower blood pressure. In case of overdose or poisoning with celandine, the following symptoms are observed: severe thirst, heaviness of the head, stomach, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, dizziness is possible, in rare cases there is even loss of consciousness or hallucinations. This happens for the reason that a sufficiently large amount of alkaloids is present in the celandine juice.

    Since celandine is poisonous, it should not be taken by young children and pregnant women, even if there is a reason for it. The underdeveloped protective functions of the child's body will not allow him to quickly cope with intoxication. And, getting into the blood of a future mother, celandine alkaloids can poison the fetus and cause a short-term effect. oxygen starvation.

    When poisoned. If poisoning with celandine did occur, you should immediately stop taking it, rinse your stomach thoroughly, after which you should still consult a doctor.

    With epilepsy. People suffering from epilepsy should not take celandine, as it has the ability to cause convulsions. You should not use celandine and people suffering from severe mental disorders, especially those who have psychosis.

    With other diseases. Contraindications for the use of celandine include bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, cardiac decompensation of I and II degrees, as well as various neurological diseases. Do not use celandine juice if there is a possibility of it getting on the skin where there is damage, as it will cause a strong inflammatory process.

    Problems with the intestines. When celandine is used orally, constipation or dysbacteriosis may occur. This can happen because celandine juice can cause a violation of the intestinal microflora. To get rid of this, you can use the old good recipe: heat the milk so that it is warm, dissolve a piece in it butter and do an enema. Calculation of proportions - 300 ml of milk per 30 g of butter. When making an enema of milk or oil, it is best to lie with your head slightly below the pelvis. An enema of milk and butter is quite enough to do 1-2 times a day for two or maybe even five weeks, it's easier to say how long it takes to get rid of this problem.

    People with hypotension celandine is contraindicated because it further reduces arterial pressure. But for hypertensive patients, such a remedy is just right. Easily excitable people suffering from insomnia, and, moreover, serious diseases of the central nervous system and psyche, celandine is not recommended, because it can cause anxiety, convulsions and even clouding of consciousness in case of an overdose.

    Cases of individual intolerance to celandine are rare, but if you are allergic to it, you will notice this upon first contact. Using medicinal herbs, you should always listen to your feelings - the body itself will tell you that this plant is not suitable for it. Severe itching, redness and especially swelling upon skin contact with celandine indicates the danger of further use.

    In the end, we return once again to the question of the appropriateness of treatment with celandine. As we have already said, it is advisable to decide on the use of a knowingly poisonous plant only when the benefits of its use will surely outweigh the harm. And this means that it is necessary to be treated with celandine, having good reasons for that, and not just for prevention or experiment. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

    Phytotherapist's consultation Khalisat Suleymanova on the use of hemlock, aconite and celandine

This perennial plant is popularly called a warthog, jaundice, podtynnik, swallow or witch grass. All these names refer to the greater celandine from the poppy family, whose official Latin name is Chelidónium május. Familiar from childhood, a weed with bright yellow inflorescences has long been used as a medicinal plant and helps to cope with a number of ailments.

Botanical description

Celandine reaches a height of 0.3-1.1 m, structural features vary depending on habitat conditions. The stem is hollow, ribbed, covered with sparse villi, branching from above. The leaves are light green, on the inside - a light bluish tint, arranged alternately. In the lower part of the stem - petiolate, in the upper - sessile. They have a pinnate shape, consist of three to five pairs of rounded or oval lobes with a dissected surface. The root is branched, brown-red on the outside, on the cut - orange-yellowish.

The flowers are yellow, consisting of four petals, collected in umbrellas of five to eight pieces. The plant does not have honey glands that secrete nectar, but attracts insects with an abundance of pollen. Flowering occurs from May to June, in some climatic zones it continues until September. Fruits - pods 0.5 cm long - ripen in August-October. Seeds 1-1.5 mm in diameter, black-brown, with a lacquer sheen and a whitish comb-like appendage.

A distinctive characteristic of celandine, from the point of view of botany, is the release of caustic milky juice when the leaves or stems with flowers are broken, which acquires a bright orange hue in the air. The plant is toxic and is not eaten by herbivores.

Where does celandine grow in Russia

The distribution area of ​​​​the plant is in all areas, with the exception of the Arctic regions. It is found everywhere in European and Mediterranean countries, in China and even on the American continent, where it was brought by the colonialists in the 17th century. Prefers temperate zones. It received a strange folk name "podtynnik" for the habit of living under every fence (or, as they said in the villages, - tyn).

The Greeks noticed that the celandine blossoms with the arrival of swallows, and flowering ends when the birds leave the country, hence the name was born - swallow grass. What celandine looks like, children and adults know - because it can be seen everywhere on summer cottages, in gardens, in the city, where it grows like ordinary weeds. The grass is unpretentious and takes root even on poor soils.

In what places is celandine common

Plants prefer shady corners in deciduous and coniferous thickets and river valleys, inhabit the neighborhood of housing, wastelands, roadsides, clearings and fire areas. Ants that use celandine seeds for food carry them over considerable distances, helping to increase the growth. Why the herb got its main name becomes clear if we remember that even in ancient Rome it was used to remove warts, remove corns and treat eczema.

Chemical composition

Greater celandine has been studied in detail by pharmacognosy and is used in the production of a whole range of medicines. Plant-based products are distinguished by their multilateral action due to the substances contained in the raw materials:

  • alkaloids (chelidonine, protopine, sanguinarine, helyrythrine, berberine, homochelidonine, etc.);
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic natural acids (succinic, chelidonic, citric, malic);
  • vitamins of groups A and C;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, bromine);
  • tannins and resins.

Preparation of preparations from celandine

The optimal time for collecting medicinal raw materials is the flowering period. The upper parts of the plant are cut off, without touching the hardened basal areas of the stem. Precautions must be observed: do not touch your face, wash your hands with soap after work. The use of gloves and goggles is recommended. Collection of celandine is carried out only in dry, clear weather. It is necessary to cut off plants that have a juicy green color without signs of wilting and fungus damage. In order to preserve the shoots, a part of the grass must be left for seed maturation, and in the next two years, mowing is done elsewhere.

Depending on the region, raw materials can be harvested from May to August, while flowering continues. In autumn, after the aerial part of the plant dies off, or in early spring, when the first shoots appear, the roots are harvested. They are collected, washed under cold water, cut off excess parts and used to prepare homeopathic preparations.


To prepare celandine as a basis for future medicinal products, immediately after cutting, the grass is sent to special dryers or laid out in a thin layer on paper in well-ventilated areas, protected from direct sunlight. Plants should be turned over regularly to prevent rotting. When the stems break when bent, the raw material is considered dried. When packing, it is recommended to wear masks, as microscopic grass particles irritate the nasal mucosa.


Raw materials are divided into whole and crushed (fragments of flowers, leaves, stems, which freely pass through 7 mm sieve holes). In order to properly prepare celandine and make an effective medicine, it is necessary to strictly observe the collection technology and storage conditions. It is best to pack the grass in linen bags and keep it hanging in a dry, dark place. Healing qualities persist for three years.

Pharmacological properties of celandine

The composition of the herb, saturated with alkaloids, macro- and microelements, provides a therapeutic effect of a wide spectrum of action - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic, antispasmodic and others.

According to studies of celandine in the early stages of oncological diseases, it has a cytostatic and cytotoxic effect: it inhibits the growth malignant tumors, starts the process of necrosis inside cancer cells, prevents the formation of metastases.

For a long time, plant-based products have helped get rid of papillomas, warts, acne, reduce the manifestations of eczema and other skin pathologies, and relieve itching. Substances included in celandine stimulate intestinal peristalsis, increase saliva secretion, and tone up the muscles of the uterus. However, it is important to be careful: if celandine acts as a medicine in small quantities, then an overdose can cause serious damage to health and cause symptoms of poisoning when ingested and burns when applied externally.

The use of celandine in traditional medicine

The alkaloids included in the herb are used in the production of a number of medications. Medicines based on celandine fight the herpes virus, are used to treat an acute inflammatory process that affects the spinal cord and brain - encephalomyelitis. The bacteriostatic effect of products with plant extract exceeds the properties of antibiotics against staphylococcus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Combined preparations using celandine alkaloids are effective against gram-positive and gram-negative species of bacteria and fungi and are prescribed for pathologies such as:

  • herpetic and ulcerative stomatitis;
  • long time non-healing wound lesions of the skin;
  • trichomonas colpitis;
  • polio;
  • alveolar pyorrhea;
  • erosion.

Chelidonine and berberine in the composition of medications reduce blood pressure. The choleretic, anti-inflammatory effect of alkaloids is used in the treatment of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The root extract is included in the composition of the funds prescribed for the formation of stones in gallbladder. Studies by Russian doctors have confirmed the benefits of celandine for intestinal polyps.

Folk methods of treatment

The plant has been used since ancient times to treat skin diseases. Children were bathed in a decoction of celandine with scrofula. Ulcers and eczema were treated with infusion, they tried to lighten freckles and age spots. On the basis of the herb, preparations were prepared for the treatment of skin tuberculosis, psoriasis, and lupus. The rhizomes were boiled and used for dysentery. Crushed leaves were applied to festering wounds to fight infection. A tincture from the plant was used for diseases of the biliary tract, liver, and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In Tibetan medicine, celandine flowers have long been used to reduce fever. The Greek healer Theophrastus prescribed infusions from the plant for jaundice, stomach pain, and constipation. A solution in alcohol or water in Russia treated wounds, burns, ulcers. The broth also served as a disinfectant in the household - clay pots and jugs were poured over them, and cream and milk were stored in them longer without sour. Recipes for the preparation of medicines from herbs have been developed, which are also involved in modern herbal medicine. Actively use extracts of celandine in the manufacture homeopathic remedies. In folk medicine, the stems, leaves, flowers, rhizomes and sap of the plant are used.

Preparation of medicines

Presence in celandine biological substances broad spectrum of action makes it an effective tool for combating diseases of various origins. On its basis, healing decoctions and infusions are prepared, which help to cope with a mass of ailments.


Four parts of vaseline or lanolin are taken for one part of celandine juice. It is also acceptable to use crushed dried leaves. Helps to reduce warts, remove calluses, reduce the manifestations of dermatitis and eczema, relieve itching. The finished ointment is placed in the refrigerator, where it stores beneficial features one and a half to two years.

Fees with celandine for healing baths

Water procedures - effective way relaxation, and in combination with the anti-inflammatory and tonic effect of herbal decoctions will bring maximum benefit. Baths with the addition of a mixture of herbs and large celandine are effective for healing, treating and preventing diseases. It is recommended to use fees with chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort and other herbs.

All plants are collected and dried separately, and then mixed in equal proportions. Store the mixture preferably in linen bags. To prepare a decoction, 200 g of herbal collection are poured with four liters of boiling water. After infusion, the solution is filtered and added to warm water. Taking baths for preventive purposes is advised for 15-20 minutes twice a week. Depending on the combinations and proportions of the herbs included in the collection, the procedures increase immunity, help with exacerbations of cystitis, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis.

Infusions for oral use

They are used for gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer, inflammation of the gallbladder, bronchopulmonary pathologies. Also used as a prophylactic and tonic. To avoid overdose, in the early stages of taking one teaspoon of dry herb per glass of liquid. Gradually increase the concentration of celandine. Take the infusion three times a day before meals, diluted in water. During treatment, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fermented milk products. Taking the drug requires breaks, otherwise there is a risk of addiction, the development of dysbacteriosis and other complications.

Preparation of juice from celandine

The disinfectant and antibacterial properties of the plant make it an indispensable healing agent. On the basis of fresh juice, medicinal solutions are prepared for gargling for colds, instillation into the nose for sinusitis, applying compresses, cauterizing papillomas and warts, treating abrasions and calluses. To prepare canned juice, fresh grass is washed, dried and crushed. The plant mass is squeezed out with gauze, the liquid is placed in a tightly closed vessel and left in a cool place. As the juice ferments, the lid is regularly removed, releasing the resulting gas. When the process stops, the solution is ready.

Blood purifying tea

used as prophylactic with eczema, pyoderma. For cooking, mix in equal proportions celandine, leaves of sea buckthorn, birch, blueberry and white mulberry, tricolor violet, peppermint, pumpkin seeds. Herbs are poured with boiling water, insisted, filtered. Drink after eating a quarter cup for ten days.


The use of large celandine as a remedy should be under medical supervision. Plant-based preparations should not be used under the following conditions:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to twelve years;
  • epilepsy;
  • angina pectoris, chronic ischemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • neurological diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance.

Violation of the dosage and proportions causes symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting, weakness, depression of the respiratory center. Improper external use can cause burns and damage to the skin. In such cases, you should immediately contact a medical institution. Celandine - useful medicinal plant, which helps to overcome a lot of diseases, but its use should not be uncontrolled.

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