Avocado oil for oily skin. Avocado oil for the face: properties and application in cosmetology. Avocado oil for the skin around the eyes

Boilers 09.03.2021

One sunny day, as they say in fairy tales, I made a not very pleasant conclusion - the skin on my face looks tired, flabby and thin, peeling appeared in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, and wrinkles - "rays" appeared more sharply around the eyes.

In general, the face does not cause delight and there is no reason to admire it. Agree, an unpleasant discovery, especially if you are not yet 40, but already not 25.

In this article:

I decided that it was time to add something else to my light protective nourishing creams and masks. And I remembered the words of a friend, "turned" on naturalness, about essential oils. This has not yet been in my skin's diet.

But what to choose from the truly huge amount of cosmetics that are now offered in every store? Who will help me choose the right product for me and tell me how to use it correctly in order to maximize the benefits? Where to look for the answer?

As they say, the Internet to help! I will not tell you how many sites I had to visit, read posts and comments, watch videos on YouTube. But more than the rest I liked the cosmetic avocado oil for the face.

Why? It as close as possible in composition to the protective mantle of normal healthy skin, restores cells of all five layers of the epidermis and helps to keep the face youthful. If this general characteristics add a list of incoming nutrients, you get a pretty impressive set of benefits.



Did you know that this oil contains 3 times more polyunsaturated fatty acids than fish oil?

Macro / trace elements

Good for the body as a whole:

  • potassium (positively affects allergies and edema, regulates water balance);
  • magnesium (well helps in the prevention of muscle pain, fights salt deposits);
  • phosphorus (positively affects the nervous and system and is necessary for brain tissues);
  • iron (necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, brain and maintenance of immunity);
  • calcium (good for bones and teeth, fights cholesterol);
  • sodium (necessary for the normal functioning of the whole body);
  • manganese (normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, the emergence and growth of new cells);
  • zinc (increases immunity, vision, memory, normalizes sugar levels);
  • iodine (participates in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, affects the immune and nervous system, reduces fatigue);
  • cobalt (important for the circulatory system and digestive organs);
  • copper (necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism, affects the growth and development of tissues and cells, increases immunity).

As for the fats that are good for human body, here the avocado shares the lead only with the coconut.

Other beneficial substances

Avocados also contain 2.5-3 times more protein than most popular fruits.

Properties and features

Avocado oil for facial skin compares favorably with its "counterparts" with the following qualities:

  • Maintains youthfulness of the skin and stops the aging process.
  • Prevents the development of age spots, including age spots, and untimely aging of the skin during menopause.
  • Penetrating deep into the layers of the epidermis, it moisturizes, softens and protects against dryness and flaking.
  • Strengthens the skin's immunity.
  • Protects against external factors, copes especially well with wind and scorching sun rays.
  • Increases blood circulation, which in turn affects oxygen metabolism. It also helps to restore / maintain firmness, elasticity.
  • Prevents the loss of collagen protein, which is responsible for the body's connective tissues and is so essential for the skin.

Pay attention to contraindications... There are few bans, but you shouldn't ignore them.

People with a diseased liver and gallbladder are strictly prohibited from using.

In other cases, before deciding to buy avocado oil, consult your doctor, perhaps some component will cause an allergic reaction or other intolerance in your body. "Do we need it?" - as they say in Odessa.


Before use, the bottle or jar should be kept in a place protected from the sun, where the air temperature does not rise above 18 ° C.

Store the bottle in the refrigerator after you open it. If after a while you see that a light cotton-like sediment has appeared on the bottom, remove the oil from the refrigerator and leave it in a warmer place.


Application options for face avocado oil.

For face and body

This recipe is good for the skin in general. Treat them to your face, neck and arms.

Wet a napkin with oil and leave on the face or other area of ​​the body for 20-30 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is 4-5 days in the afternoon and evening, then take a break.

The following face mask with avocado oil helps to cope with wrinkles - "rays" or as they are also called "crow's feet".

Two options:

The application is the same as in the first recipe.

Another "cocktail" recipe for face and body. It is good for nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Mix together the cream, honey, salt, add 1 tablespoon of avocado essential oil to the mixture and stir well. Take a bath with this formula.

For massage

This recipe is used not only for body massage, but also for massaging only the face.

In 2 drops of avocado oil, add 3 drops each, cypress, as well as fennel and geranium (who forgot, remember, fennel is dill).

Apply the resulting mixture of oils to your hands and massage your face with gentle rubbing movements. It is better to start with minimal doses and at the same time carefully observe how the skin of the face reacts. A closed warm room is well suited for this procedure. For even better results, massage your face with oil immediately after showering, taking a bath or in the sauna..

What others think

I looked through the reviews about avocado oil for the face, I will give three of the most informative and interesting ones that I liked.

Evgeniya, 21 years old

“My skin is problematic. A little that, immediately strives or a pimple to jump out or various inflammations appear. I read the composition of avocado oil. The list of vitamins and other nutrients is simply off the charts.

I bought began to apply to the skin of the face without dilution, in pure form, the instructions for the oil say that it is possible. It turned out that this method is not suitable for my skin.... A distinct feeling of heaviness did not stop even after several procedures.

After reading in the same instructions that oil can be added to creams, I did just that. Added a few drops to my favorite cream recipe, which I make myself. And you know, immediately a different feeling! Yes, it takes longer to be absorbed, but the face becomes soft and pleasant to the touch! And most importantly, I have not noticed inflammation for a long time, which is especially pleasing! "

Olga 37 years old

“Of the advantages, I liked the composition: vitamins, trace elements, squalene, chlorophyll, plus - a pleasant smell, it is well absorbed, I do not feel any discomfort on the skin. A pipette cap in a bottle, very convenient. After a week of use, good results are noticeable. The skin is hydrated, clean, looks healthy, less visible wrinkles around the eyes and lips».

Maria 34 years old

“About avocado essential oil. The oil moisturizes well dry skin, which I have been endowed with from birth. No other oil suits me so well, although I have tried almost all of them already.

I know that over time, the skin gets used to cosmetics, and it is recommended to change them periodically. That's how I came up with avocado oil. In addition to applying just oil instead of cream, I also add it to creams and masks.

In its pure form, there is a slight heaviness, but the effect of it is greater than that of expensive and luxury creams. I do not advise you to use it often, the pores are clogged, and an oily shine appears on the face... Best used with an evening face massage, the moisturizing effect is even better. Oil also works well for removing makeup. I do not recommend using only girls with oily skin. "

The opinion of cosmetologists

Experts and cosmetologists give reviews about avocado oil as a wonderful face protection during cold and hot seasons. Moreover, it is possible and necessary to use not only pure natural, but also other cosmetics, which include avocado oil.

In the winter season, any cosmetologist will say that in the morning before work, the applied moisturizer is a mistake. It is best to use it at home in the evening when water base does not crystallize in the cold. And before going outside, it's best to use an oil-based moisturizer.

In summer, when the sun is hot and you want to go to the beach, do not forget about protection. Give preference to creams and milks that contain avocado or coconut oil... They perfectly moisturize dry, flaky skin and protect from burns.

If you have such an oil in your arsenal, please write if you use it for your face, share recipes and results.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all of us clean, light, healthy skin and endless smiles.

Useful video

Another opinion.

In contact with

Since ancient times, avocado oil has been used to prepare various dishes and as a healing agent. And today this product is very popular in folk medicine and cosmetology. The oil is especially prized for its anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating properties. Its active ingredients help to restore the skin at the cellular level, stop aging processes, eliminate wrinkles, strengthen and tighten the body. Great content in it, phytohormones help women to tolerate menopause more easily. Tropical pear oil will relieve many inflammatory processes, improve the overall condition of the skin, and also prolong the beauty for many years.

Composition and properties of avocado oil

Avocado is an evergreen tropical plant. His homeland is considered to be Central and South America. Avocados are now grown in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Israel, Australia and other countries where tropical and subtropical climates prevail. The fruit is a pear-shaped avocado, with a juicy buttery pulp and a large stone inside. For its green, bumpy peel, this exotic fruit is often called an alligator or crocodile pear.

Because of the bumpy, dense green peel, the avocado is called the "alligator pear"

Ancient manuscripts indicate that the fruits and oil obtained from the pulp and ground bone were used by the ancient Aztecs in medicinal purposes... It has been used to cure various skin diseases such as scabies, dandruff and dermatitis. Also, the oil was famous as a powerful aphrodisiac and a means that can increase "male strength". The inhabitants of the Mexican tribes called it "the oil of youth", the ancient beauties used the miraculous powers of the avocado to preserve their beauty.

The most valuable oil is obtained from dry seeds and pulp of a tropical pear by cold extraction. It is thanks to this method that the beneficial substances are preserved in full. Unrefined virgin oil of a rich dark green color with a pronounced odor, refined oil is light yellow. During refining, a significant part of nutrients is simply lost, therefore, it is preferable to use unrefined oil for cosmetic and medical purposes.

The valuable oil is cold pressed from avocados

The wonderful properties of avocado oil are due to the many beneficial ingredients it contains.

Oil composition:

  • vitamin E of youth;
  • vitamins of group A, B, C, D;
  • linoleic acid or vitamin F;
  • squalene - a component that is an integral part of sebum, it is directly involved in the production of hormones and has strong disinfecting and anti-fungal properties;
  • chlorophyll - has wound healing properties, removes toxins and has a positive effect on many human life support systems;
  • fatty acids - oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic, palmitoleic, linoleic;
  • lecithin;
  • natural protein;
  • phytohormones;
  • trace elements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, copper, iron.

Benefits of avocado oil for skin

In its composition, avocado oil is very close to human subcutaneous fat, so it easily penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis, interacts with skin cells, literally filling them with health and youth.

From avocado fruits an oil is obtained that has strong regenerating, antioxidant and anti-aging properties.

Benefits of Avocado Oil for Skin:

  • rejuvenates - the presence of a natural vitamin of youth in its composition helps to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • saturates the skin with useful substances;
  • helps with excessive dryness of the skin;
  • penetrating deep into the epidermis, helps to eliminate harmful toxins;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • helps to get rid of cellulite;
  • natural phytohormones help the skin long time maintain a healthy appearance, prevent the appearance of age-related pigmentation on the skin;
  • the squalene component contained in the oil has a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect;
  • has a powerful regenerating and regenerating effect;
  • high chlorophyll content activates cellular metabolism and saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • fights against dermatological skin lesions (acne, dermatitis, dandruff);
  • strengthens nails, relieves irritation, heals cracks and cuts in the skin.

Video: the benefits of avocado oil

Application of the product in cosmetology

Tropical pear oil is an excellent base for home beauty products. Combining it with various useful products, you can cook inexpensive, but very effective means for the skin.

On the basis of avocado oil at home, you can prepare various anti-aging compositions.

High-quality avocado oil is an environmentally friendly natural product, donated by nature itself. It suits almost any skin, works great both as a single product and as part of various masks and scrubs.

Video: the unique properties of avocado oil in cosmetology

Applying alligator pear oil for the face

Tropical pear oil is a real source of oxygen and moisture. It will help sagging and aging skin regain firmness and smooth wrinkles.

By combining avocado oil with other natural ingredients, you can enhance its effect and achieve an amazing effect to prolong skin youth

To achieve a more pronounced lifting effect, it is best to apply various caring formulations or enrich your favorite cream with avocado oil just before use.

Avocado oil is good for inflammatory skin conditions, irritation or damage. It is recommended to apply pure oil in a dotted manner directly to problem areas.

Regenerating composition

The composition of the anti-aging mask:

  • 15 ml avocado oil;
  • 2 drops of essential oil of orange, chamomile, rose and santalum.

Mix all ingredients, apply for 30 minutes. The procedure should be done 2-3 times a week.

Nourishing mask

If your skin looks gray and tired, you can prepare a mask that will significantly improve your complexion. This product will saturate the skin with vitamins, soften, whiten the face and return it to a healthy look.

Lemon has whitening properties


  • 1 teaspoon avocado oil
  • 1 tablespoon of fatty homemade sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Stir all the ingredients and apply on the skin for 20-30 minutes.

Mask for wrinkles around the eyes

To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, avocado oil mixed with olive or grape seed oil is great.

Mask components:

  • 10 ml avocado and grape seed oil (can be replaced with olive oil);
  • 2-3 drops of rosemary or geranium essential oils.

Apply the resulting mixture to clean skin of the eyelids for half an hour. In just a month of such procedures, wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will become fresher and more radiant.

Homemade lip balm

Balm composition:

  • 1 teaspoon avocado oil
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil.

Apply to lips 2 times a day. After a while, there will be no trace of dryness and peeling, the sponges will look young and fresh.

Avocado oil for body

By any means, the fair sex strives to preserve the beauty of their skin. And in this endeavor, avocado oil will be a wonderful helper. Thanks to its regenerating and regenerating properties, the oil is perfect for all kinds of health and beauty treatments for the whole body.

Avocado oil is used for massage sessions, taking firming baths, softening rough skin areas (heels, knees and elbows) and eliminating irritation after epilation. Penetrating into the deep layers of the skin and saturating it with important components, it will tighten and strengthen skin, relieve redness, heal small cracks and cuts.

Bath composition

To tighten the whole body, take a firming bath with avocado oil 1-2 times a week.

Wellness composition for baths:

  • 1 tablespoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 glass of natural milk or cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt.

Preparation of a medicinal bath mixture:

  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a non-metallic container.
  2. Prepare a warm bath.
  3. Add the prepared medicinal mixture to the water, stir thoroughly.

Massage mixture

To get rid of cellulite and eliminate stretch marks, it is recommended to carry out massage procedures. Usually, massage oil is used undiluted or enriched with esters.

Massage with avocado oil and essential oils is very useful for strengthening the whole body and getting rid of cellulite.

Massage mixture:

  • 30 ml avocado oil;
  • 2 drops each of rosemary, juniper, lavender and geranium oil.

This oil massage will not only help in the fight against the "orange peel", but in general will strengthen and tighten the skin.

Applying oil for hands and nails

Well-groomed hands and nails are one of the first signs of female beauty. Avocado oil is a great help to keep them in top condition. If the skin is cracked and rough, you need to lubricate your hands with oil several times a day, and they will again become soft and velvety, pigmentation, microcracks and cuts will disappear.

Regular use of avocado oil will restore softness and velvety to the skin of the hands, heal cuts and cracks, restore and strengthen nails.

Also, the oil strengthens and restores nails, prevents brittleness and brittleness, promotes them rapid growth... To strengthen, you should regularly apply avocado oil to the nail plate. This procedure is especially useful after extensions to restore the strength and natural shine of your nails.

The composition of the regenerating mask:

  • 1 tablespoon avocado oil
  • 3 drops of rosemary and lavender essential oil.

Rub the prepared mixture into the skin of the hands and nails with massaging movements. It is recommended to do this mask a couple of times a week.


Specific contraindications are available only with the internal intake of oil. There are practically no restrictions for cosmetic use. However, it should be remembered that each person is individual and intolerance to the product or its individual components may occur. To prevent undesirable consequences, before using products containing oil, you need to do a routine test for allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of oil for cosmetic purposes are individual intolerance and the presence of allergic reactions.

Avocado is prized by women in the tropics as a powerful skin care product with medicinal properties... "Alligator pear" (as this fruit is called) is useful for internal and external use. The fruit of the evergreen tree destroys the myth that oils are only suitable for the care of dry skin and hair, because avocados are also used to reduce oil production.

Useful properties of avocado for cosmetology

Avocado is a pear-shaped fruit of a tropical evergreen tree. Oddly enough, botanists consider it a berry. The skin is tough and ranges in color from dark green to black (when ripe). Fatty flesh of a pale green avocado with a yellow tint. There is a large seed in the center.

Important! Despite the fact that the avocado bone contains significantly more potassium and phosphorus than the pulp, it should be eaten with caution. Avocado pits contain tannins, which, when concentrated in high concentrations, cause malfunctions digestive system or an allergic reaction.

The benefits of avocado can be easily explained by looking at its composition. The pulp of the fruit contains:

  1. Vitamins (C, B3, B1, F, E, PP and folic acid). Avocado pulp contains 2-3 times more vitamin F than fish oil. It removes toxins from the body, normalizes blood circulation and regulates body fat metabolism. Avocado oil also contains 5 times more vitamin E than olive oil, which slows down the aging process of cells and maintains vascular health.
  2. Trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium).
  3. Trace elements (iodine, iron, aluminum and zinc).

Since this type of oil is light and does not form a dense film on the surface, it is easy to wash it off, which is why beauties love to use avocado in hair treatments. Vitamin E deeply nourishes the scalp, preventing dryness, irritation and even dandruff. The beneficial elements in the avocado fruit stimulate hair growth, which is why it is recommended to use it when growing hair, eyelashes and eyebrows.

Avocado oil helps in the fight against wrinkles, excess sebum production, acne and inflammation, dry skin and flaking. Regular use of masks made from the pulp of an alligator pear or with the addition of its oil delays the aging of cells (due to vitamins and trace elements in the composition), stimulates regeneration processes, regulates blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin of the face and nourishes them.

Do not forget about the use of avocado in cosmetic body treatments. Thanks to its nutritional properties, it is a major component in stretch marks. Regular use of massage mixtures based on avocado oil throughout the month significantly reduces visible stretch marks on the chest, abdomen and thighs.

In addition to its beneficial effect on the appearance and health of the skin and hair, avocado oil helps to get rid of brittle nails and strengthen the nail plate. For this, the cuticle and nail plate are massaged with liquid oil until it is absorbed. Avocado works due to the presence of vitamin E in the oil; it is often recommended to take it in pill form for brittle nails. A pleasant advantage of this oil is that it does not leave a greasy film and is quickly absorbed.

Ways and areas of use at home. Cosmetic effect

To make home remedies for skin, hair and nails, not only avocado oil is used, but also the pulp of the fruit. The bones are used to make body scrubs, but you need to be extremely careful with them, because the tannins in their composition can cause side effects... In order to choose the right composition, they take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and hair, and also sort out many options for avocado products.

Hair products

Do not think that due to the fat content of avocado, it cannot be used for oily hair. On the contrary, the composition of avocado oil is very close to the natural oil that the scalp produces. That is why it is recommended to use it both to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and to moisturize dry ends.

Before applying one of the options for the composition with avocado, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for using oils on your hair.

  1. It is recommended to apply the oil to dry and "dirty" hair (meaning that you do not wash your hair before applying the mask).
  2. The composition is distributed along the entire length and to the roots. Do not be afraid that the hair will be too oily after that, the avocado oil is quickly absorbed without leaving a film.
  3. It is advisable to cover the smeared hair with a plastic bag or a special bathing cap (you can buy a disposable one at the pharmacy), keep it warm for 1-3 hours.
  4. When the mask is washed off, the hair is not wetted with water, but shampoo is immediately applied to it. To completely wash out the oil, wash your head thoroughly 2-3 times, paying equal attention to the tips and roots.
  5. After rinsing off the shampoo, do not use masks and conditioners with silicones, so as not to weigh the hair down.

Important! Masks with oil in the composition contribute to the rapid washing out of the dye from the hair.

Avocado and egg yolk mask

To moisturize dry hair, it is recommended to use an avocado mask. To make it, the pulp of a medium-sized whole fruit is mashed with a fork or blender. The yolk whipped into foam is added to the resulting mass, a tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil each.

The mass is applied to the hair, starting from the roots, covered with a shower cap or plastic bag, and left for 20-30 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse off the mask with shampoo.

Already from the first use, the appearance of the hair will change significantly, they will acquire a natural shine, and will be less electrified. A course of 10 procedures will help moisturize dry hair with styling products, an iron or a hairdryer, and also accelerate its growth.

Mask for oily hair

Do not worry that the use of avocado will only worsen the appearance of already oily hair, because this oil of this fruit is very light, does not leave a dense film and is quickly absorbed.

The mask contains: medium-sized avocado pulp paste, half a glass of kefir (fat content 1%), and a teaspoon of sea salt and lemon juice. Lemon juice neutralizes the oil secreted by the scalp, so the hair stays fresh longer.

Apply the mask to the hair without touching the hair roots. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and wash off with shampoo. After a course of 10 procedures, the hair will need to be washed less often, it will acquire a healthy and not greasy shine.

Dandruff mask

To get rid of such an unpleasant disease as scalp fungus, they use homemade recipes based on avocado with essential oils. It is recommended to add 10-15 drops to two tablespoons of the caring base oil.

To choose the right essential oil, you should pay attention to their properties:

  1. Rosemary is an antioxidant that cleanses the scalp and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Eucalyptus is an antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory, cleanses and refreshes the scalp.
  3. Tea tree has an antiviral effect, deeply cleanses the scalp, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Nicely cools the skin.
  4. Ylang - Ylang is used for fungal infections of the scalp, so this essential oil is suitable for treating dandruff.
  5. Juniper eliminates excess fat content, helps in the fight against scalp fungus.

To prepare the mask, mix 3-5 drops of the selected essential oils with two tablespoons of avocado oil. Warm up the mass a little, apply on the scalp with massage movements. Cover with a hair cap or bag and leave for 30-40 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

It is not the first generation of women who strive to have long and thick eyelashes, using expensive store and home remedies for this. Now, bushy eyebrows have been added to the beauties' wish list.

For this, it is most often recommended to take vitamin complexes, a wide range of which is presented in pharmacies. However, do not forget that the visible result will appear faster if you influence the body from the inside and outside. Avocado oil contains vitamins E and F, which rightfully deserve the title of "guardians of beauty". They stimulate accelerated cell renewal, accelerate hair growth.

To grow thick and long eyelashes, simply purchase liquid avocado oil from a pharmacy or beauty store and apply it every night. To do this, it is better to use special brushes for combing, you can easily find them in decorative cosmetics stores. In case of emergency, you can wash the brush from the old mascara.

It is best to apply the oil to the eyebrows and eyelashes before going to bed, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. A course of 20 treatments is enough to make the girls from the mascara ad envy your eyelashes, and Cara Delevingne and Emilia Clarke's eyebrows.

Avocado oil for face

When taking care of your hair, do not forget that the skin of the face also needs nourishment and hydration. The use of masks with avocado and its oil in pure form helps to even out skin tone, eliminate acne and reduce irritation.

Avocado for acne

To dry out pimples on the face without causing flaking, it is recommended to use a mixture of avocado base oil and essential oils (rosemary, eucalyptus, pine or tea tree).

Apply the composition to the cleansed skin of the face with a thin layer along the massage lines. After 20-30 minutes, remove the excess that has not been absorbed with a cotton pad. Apply every other day for a month. To maintain the effect, one procedure per week is enough.

Mask for oily skin

To get rid of excess oil production, you don't have to deplete your face with alcohol and salicylic acid every day. It must be gently degreased to avoid flaking. A mask with avocado pulp is ideal for this.

The matting mask contains: half fruit puree, 2 tablespoons of kefir and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients, apply to cleansed skin for 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

After 10-15 procedures, the skin will become less oily, the pores will become less dirty, and the face will shine from the inside.

Avocado for wrinkles around the eyes

In the fight against wrinkles (including around the eyes, on the eyelids), avocado is a powerful helper. For this, not only oil is used, but also the pulp of the fruit. Vitamin E in its composition stimulates collagen production, improves skin elasticity, and slows down the aging process.

To prepare the mask, grind half an avocado with a blender or fork. Add a few drops of rosemary or rose petals essential oil to the puree. Apply the mixture to cleansed face skin, paying special attention to problem areas (nasolabial triangle, outer corners of the eyes, forehead).

To see the result, it is necessary to carry out at least 15 procedures. It is recommended to use the mask 2-3 times a week. The duration of the course is determined individually, based on the condition of the skin and the desired result. Usually 1–1.5 months is enough to achieve a noticeable effect.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy avocado fruits, do not be upset. To restore and maintain the youthfulness of the skin, pure alligator pear oil is enough. It is applied directly to the skin or added to a day cream.

To carry out such a procedure, you only need manual dexterity and no fraud: avocado oil (or a mixture of a daily cream with it) is driven into the cleansed skin of the face with fingertips. It is especially necessary to massage areas with noticeable wrinkles. After the very first such massage, the skin will become more elastic and moisturized, and after 15 procedures, creams with a lifting effect will leave your shelves.

Avocado for lips

The delicate skin of the lips often suffers from chapping, dryness and bad habits. Often because of this, even expensive lipstick looks disgusting on them. In order not to deprive yourself of the pleasure of using your favorite products, you need to add lip care to your list of beauty procedures.

Lips are not particularly picky, because in order for the cosmetics to easily fall on them, it is enough to get rid of dead particles with a scrub once a week and moisturize them regularly. Products with vitamins E and F in the composition well nourish the skin of the lips, it is they that avocado oil contains.

It doesn't take much effort to moisturize chapped, flaky lips - just apply a little avocado oil twice a day instead of lip balm.

Scrub cream

A special scrub helps to eliminate peeling on the lips; you can buy it at a beauty care store or prepare it yourself. To do this, mix one teaspoon of sugar with a teaspoon of butter or pulp puree. With the resulting composition, massage your lips for 2-3 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Lips after applying the scrub are smooth and moisturized - now any lipstick will look like Chanel on them.

The benefits of exotic for body skin care

Even though the skin on your hands or thighs is rougher than on your face, you shouldn't forget to moisturize it. Avocado oil is ideal for this, as its composition deeply moisturizes the skin, promotes elasticity and is quickly absorbed.

Cellulite oil

Choosing a remedy for anti-cellulite massage, it is worth stopping at avocado oil, because its composition is overflowing with useful elements that stimulate the active renewal of skin cells. To combat cellulite, 5-10 drops of essential oils are added to avocados, which have a warming effect, for example, orange, lemon, mint or fir.

Before the massage, take a shower, it is better to cleanse the skin with a scrub, so the anti-cellulite effect will be fully manifested. Apply the mixture to the steamed skin of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen with massaging movements, actively rub in it for 5-10 minutes. After that, the excess oil is removed with a napkin or towel.

As a result, after 15 sessions of massage with an oil mixture, it is hard to believe, because the skin tightens, becomes elastic and healthy, there is no trace of the external manifestations of the "orange peel".

Application for stretch marks

The oil mixture with avocado helps to get rid of not only cellulite, but also stretch marks on the body, for example, on the chest. It is recommended to use it both to prevent the appearance of new ones and to reduce existing striae.

To prepare the composition, you must mix 2 tablespoons of avocado oil with 10-15 drops of any of the essential oils that promote skin renewal (orange, rosemary, fir, mint, lavender or geranium). Apply the resulting mass to stretch marks (or to places subject to their formation), do not rinse.

Use the oil mixture every day after showering for one to one and a half months. After applying oil on stretch marks 2 times a week until the desired result is achieved, one massage a week is enough to maintain it.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The advantage of avocado is the safety of its composition, because the only contraindications to its use are:

  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Acute diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Without harm to health, avocado oil is used for body care even by pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, they are not advised to consume the fruit as it causes indigestion in infants.

Having studied the composition and effect of avocados on the skin, pharmacists have come to the conclusion that this is the softest and most gentle base oil that suits even the most delicate - baby skin.

At the exit, a product with a liquid consistency of a greenish tint is obtained.

A color change from green to brown is acceptable - this can occur when exposed to sun rays... In this case, useful qualities do not change.

Yellow color means that the oil is refined and does not contain originally contained in it nutrients. Only unrefined oil can be used for cosmetic purposes..

One of the main advantages is possibility of long-term storage.


This product is basic, that is, it can be used undiluted, pure or included in oil mixtures, creams, tonics.

There are no contraindications for using avocado oil - you can use it even during pregnancy. Due to its structure and composition, it is suitable for all skin types and is well absorbed. With its help, you can protect your face from ultraviolet radiation, prevent the formation of age spots.

Among the most useful properties the following can be distinguished:

  • anti-aging effect;
  • restoration and mitigation;
  • reduction of inflammation, itching;
  • moisturizing (not only the upper, but also the deep layers of the skin);
  • improved blood circulation.

Since oil is a natural product, it does not contain harmful additives, preservatives or dyes.

One of the indicators of skin health and elasticity is the presence of collagen... With its lack, the skin fades, fades, wrinkles appear. Avocado oil is considered the leader among collagen stimulating agents.


Avocado oil is used not only on its own, but also mixed with other oils or cosmetics.

With regular use it is recommended to apply the product for 30 minutes, after which - blot with a napkin or rinse.

For children, it can be used to treat scratches, wounds, psoriasis, dermatitis or other skin conditions.

In adulthood the oil can be used as a night regenerating cream. To do this, you need to slightly warm it up and apply with a sponge or cotton pad on cleansed skin of the face and eyelids. It is advisable to let the product soak for at least 20 minutes so that all of it does not end up on the bed linen.

A contraindication for the use of avocado oil is only individual intolerance.

Also, this remedy can be a panacea for sunburn.

Indications for use:

  • dryness, dull appearance of the skin;
  • the first signs of aging;
  • mature skin;
  • eczema, dermatitis and other diseases (in this case, the agent is applied only to the affected area and a small area around);
  • peeling, inflammation;
  • acne, pimples and scars after acne;
  • increased fat content.

In the first days of use, the owners of oily skin may feel that the oil is poorly absorbed. Show patience - it takes a long time (3-4 weeks) to renew skin cells, over time the work of the sebaceous glands will normalize. At the beginning of use, use wipes to remove excess fat.

Face masks

For problem skin

Pour gelatin with water, let it swell. A glass of water will take about 1 tbsp. Preheat in the microwave or water bath. Add 10 ml of oil, apply the mixture to your face. Wait until it dries completely, wash your face.

The mask is applied no more than 2 times a week. the effect: cleansing, dullness, narrowing of pores, elimination of "blackheads".

For dry skin

Mix honey and milk in a 1: 1 ratio, add 10 ml. avocado oil.

Apply the mixture to your face and décolleté for 15 minutes.

Result: moisturized skin, healthy complexion. Recommended to apply weekly.

For oily skin

Mix avocado oil with 2 tsp. kefir, apply for 20 minutes on the face (with combination skin - on the T zone). Rinse off, moisturize the skin with cream.

Result: Healthy complexion, dullness, reduced inflammation. It is applied 2 times a week.

For mature skin

Mix 1: 1 olive oil and avocado oil with milk.

Apply the resulting mixture for 30 minutes, rinse.

Result: moisturized, toned skin. In adulthood, avocado oil can be applied to the face without additional ingredients.

For a nourishing eyelid mask, avocado oil is used alone or in combination with wheatgrass oil (1: 1).

Apply the product to a cotton pad, place it on your eyes for 10 minutes. After removing the discs, the oil can be washed off or left overnight.

Storage methods

Before the first use from the moment of packaging, at least six months must pass. The storage temperature during this period is +18 degrees.

After each use, the unsealed container must be sealed and stored in a refrigerator (temperature not lower than +5 degrees).

Slight thickening or sludge may occur, which can be removed by heating the oil to room temperature. A change in consistency does not affect the beneficial properties.

With regular use, avocado oil will replace dozens of cosmetics.

In combination with other types of oils, it is possible to regulate the level of exposure to the skin and enhance the effect. The natural origin of the product guarantees quality and its high efficiency.

Avocado oil is a versatile cosmetic product that will restore youthfulness to aging skin, relieve inflammation and remove dryness. Persea cosmetics are easy to make and use at home. What components provide the wonderful properties of the oil and how to use this product correctly, we will consider later in the article.

Avocado oil for face: properties

Specialty stores sell two types of oil: unrefined and refined. The first is more useful, it is rich green and a bright nutty smell and taste.

In refined processing part useful acids lost, however, it is cheaper. It is easily recognizable by the golden color of the liquid. In its pure form, there is little benefit from it; in home cosmetology, such a product can be used as a base for masks with an active composition.

Avocado cosmetic oil contains a high concentration of elements necessary for the skin:

    Vitamin E retains moisture in the tissues. The epidermis receives a sufficient amount of water, due to which wrinkles are smoothed.

    Vitamin C increases the resistance of cells to external influences. Including regular use of cosmetics, ultraviolet and low temperatures... With a sufficient amount of vitamin, the effect of toxins that enter the body with food and air does not affect the skin.

    Phytohormones are plant analogues of human hormones. During menopause, foods with phytohormones help alleviate its symptoms and slow down the aging process.

    Vitamin F or linoleic acid is a natural lift for sagging skin. Under its action, the "ears" on the cheeks and chin will tighten, and there will be fewer folds on the eyelids. This acid is a natural antioxidant that keeps skin youthful longer.

    Vitamin A has anti-inflammatory properties, removes rashes and redness, the first ingredient in anti-acne cosmetics.

    Squalene exhibits antimicrobial and fungicidal properties. During metabolism, it reacts with water and releases oxygen. It stimulates blood circulation and skin nourishment. And saturating it with oxygen slows down the aging of cells.

    Glutathione is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, regenerates cell membranes and protects them from damage. Cosmetics with glutathione will remove age spots, smoothen scars and deep wrinkles.

Oil is the best solution for dry, sensitive or loose skin. Funds based on avocado extract belong to the category of age-related cosmetics. It is also a versatile makeup base.

Related article: Why is avocado good for women?

How to use avocado oil for your face?

Avocado oil is good for your face in any form. It can be used in creams and masks. At the correct dosage, it does not leave a greasy film on the skin and does not cause allergies. Therefore, unlike active esters such as citrus or rosemary oil, it is suitable for use without additives.

Pure avocado oil for face

Natural oil can replace the line of products daily care behind the skin:

    Night cream

    Eyelid toner

    Massage Oil

    Make-up remover

As a night cream, the Perseus extract is used half an hour before bedtime, after which the excess should be blotted with a napkin. The agent is applied to the area around the eyes an hour before bedtime, after which excess oil is also removed.

Avocados can handle even waterproof makeup. The agent is applied to a cotton pad and used as ordinary micellar water. In order to properly remove persistent makeup, the oil must be left for 3-5 minutes, then gently wiped off with a cotton pad. Excess oil should be blotted off with a paper towel. For better cleansing it is useful to wash with a decoction of herbs.

For massage, apply oil to the prepared skin, then gently knead the face for 5-10 minutes along the massage lines. Rinse off excess with water.

Pure oil can be used every day. Cosmetologists recommend using it in courses of 10-15 days to achieve a noticeable effect.

Avocado oil face masks

The time for applying masks depends on active ingredients that are used in cooking. For example, eucalyptus or tea tree oil, if used incorrectly, can cause irritation and even burns.

Anti-aging or anti-inflammatory masks are prepared on the basis of avocado.

To tone the skin and smooth out wrinkles, a mixture of essential oils is prepared on the base of avocado:

for 20 grams, take 2 drops of pink, orange and sandalwood ether. Keep the mask for half an hour, then gently wipe it off with a napkin or rinse it off with herbal decoction.

Avocado is best product against " crow's feet". For the mask you need:

mix 20-25 grams of avocado and olive oil. Add 2 drops each of rosemary and geranium oil. If necessary, replace esters with orange, fennel or mint in the same proportion. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Combine kefir and avocado squeeze in a 3: 1 ratio against age spots. Leave the product for half an hour, then rinse with water or herbal decoction.

There are many recipes for acne based on avocado oil:

    Mask with aloe juice. Add 1 part aloe juice and yeast to 2 parts of oil. Apply to inflamed areas, leave to dry, then rinse with water.

    Take 2 parts each honey and avocado oil, add 1 part cocoa. Heat the honey in a water bath, mix all the ingredients. Apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    Prepare a steam bath. Take 6 parts of base and 4 parts of tea tree oil. Apply a mask to the prepared skin of the face and neck, massage for 5-7 minutes. Then steam the skin for 5-10 minutes. Use a mild cleanser to remove the mixture and wash cold water to close the pores.

Face cream with avocado oil

A cream based on natural ingredients is not inferior to professional cosmetics. Moisturizes and tightens the skin, provides deep hydration and nutrition.

To prepare it, you need to take a quarter cup of the base, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, the same amount of beeswax and a tablespoon of shea butter. Add half a teaspoon of vitamin E. Put the mixture in a water bath in a glass container. Do not bring to a boil, only melt the ingredients a little. When the composition is homogeneous, pour into a clean container. Close the lid when it cools completely so that condensation does not form, and put it in the refrigerator, where it is stored for 2-3 months. Do not freeze.

Lip balm is prepared as follows:

Mix a teaspoon of base and the same amount of jojoba oil and apply to the skin of the lips as needed. Store the finished product in the refrigerator. It will help with cracks, dryness and seizure.

Rules for using avocado oil for the face

Prepare your skin before applying the oil. For daily care, it is enough to wash with a scrub or gel suitable for your skin. Then apply the product to clean, dry skin.

Wash off masks and lotions with water or herbal decoction at room temperature. You do not need to rinse clean oil, just blot the excess with a paper towel so as not to stain your linen or clothes.

Warm up the squeeze from the alligator pear before use. The oil should be warm, but not hot, so that it can be immediately applied to the face without burning sensation. Under no circumstances should unrefined avocado oil be boiled, as it will lose most of its fatty acids and vitamins.

The oil cleans pores better when applied to steamed skin. However, this procedure should be done no more than 2 times a week. Then you need to rinse and wash with cold water to close the pores.

Avocados are non-allergenic, so there is no limit to how much of the substance should be in contact with the skin. The optimal time is up to 40 minutes, so the epithelium will have time to take all the useful substances and will not begin to grow fat.

Avocado oil has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the product. However, the product belongs to essential oils, so it must be used with caution:

    During pregnancy, as an allergic reaction may occur. With toxicosis, a bright odor can cause nausea.

    With diseases respiratory tract: chronic bronchitis, asthma, acute pneumonia. Ether is able to provoke shortness of breath.

    For ulcers, gastritis and hepatitis.

    If you have chronic headaches or migraines.

Before the first use, the cosmetic product is applied to the wrist or the bend of the elbow for 10-15 minutes. There should be no redness or irritation.

Video "Avocado oil for face"

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