Lemon melissa breeding. How to grow lemon balm in the country and at home. What is the use of lemon balm. How to grow lemon balm in a summer cottage

Bathroom 28.02.2021

It got its name in honor of the ancient Greek nymph Melissa, the ancestor of beekeeping. Melissa is a godsend for gourmets who dream of combining a citrus aroma with a pleasant mint flavor and some honey notes that faintly play through two such strong aromas.

Therefore, it is lemon balm that is suitable for many dishes where you want to feel the citrus flavor, but without the acidity inherent in many. Melissa is often referred to as "lemon mint" (not to be confused with the variety) and is excellent for soothing and useful plant in the "heart" areas and is widely used in food. It can emphasize and make elegant many dishes, for example, soup made from tasteless spinach will acquire a spicy, bright taste with lemon balm.

This plant belongs to the labiate family.

Medicinal, or lemon balm grows in the form of branched bushes from 45 to 125 cm tall. Flowers can be white, pink and yellow. Essential oils are mostly found in the tops of the shoots and in the leaves. This plant is a good honey plant, in this regard, beekeepers and many gardeners call lemon balm "bee mint". She belongs to, therefore, she will delight for more than one year.

For lemon balm, you should choose a sunny or slightly shaded place with fertile, well-drained loose soil (sandy loam, for example). The reaction of the soil can be neutral or slightly acidic.

For perennials, I usually prepare the ground in the fall. I dig it well, free it from weeds, add organic and mineral. I have no problem with water outflow on the site, but if your soil is acidic, consider drainage. It can be small rubble or broken brick. The main thing is that there is no root decay. I have slightly acidic soil in a place where herbs grow, this is evidenced by the presence. I add woody to the soil. My soil is loose and light enough. But if you have clay or lowland soil on your site, then dilute the soil with river sand and make high beds when planting lemon balm.

In the spring, when the soil warms up, you need to loosen the prepared area, and also remove it. I marked out small ridges, between rows about 45 cm, planted in 2 rows. I took about 40 cm between the plants, I was not mistaken, since the bushes had grown very much. If I planted this plant again today, I would take the distance between the rows and between the plants more, about 60 cm each, for a more aesthetic look.

Melissa reproduces by dividing the bush and seeds. My delenki take root immediately and give good flowering. It is worth dividing the bushes when the shoots begin to grow, this is somewhere in the beginning of May, or you can divide the plant at the end of August. Seeds sprout weaker. They are small and demanding on light for germination. Embed them in the soil no deeper than 1 cm.

You can sow lemon balm immediately into the ground at the end of May, or you can plant seedlings somewhere in late March - early April. In May, ready-made seedlings with 4 normal leaves are planted in the ground (the seedlings are about 40 days old). Many amateurs dig out part of the lemon balm bush for the winter and grow it at home on the windowsill. You can also grow a potted plant from seeds, but lemon balm loves freedom, so it does not grow well in a pot.

Melissa care

Melissa does not require any specific care.
  • I watered it several times: the first time when I planted it, and several more times when there was a severe drought.
  • Melissa welcomes the soil and gets rid of weeds, and saves from the latter as well. You will still have to break through, but not in such an amount. Mulch also prevents moisture from evaporating quickly.
  • In non-chernozem areas, so that the plant does not freeze in winter, it is needed.

Collection and preparation of lemon balm

It is worth collecting lemon balm foliage before flowering, although many gourmets harvest it during the flowering period. It is best to start picking in June, the young leaves have a delicate aroma and taste.

When the lemon balm has blossomed, its aroma and taste intensify and become more harsh. Lemon balm leaves have essential oils, so they should be in the shade, but not more than + 35 ° C. After drying, carefully fold the raw materials into sealed containers. Melissa does not go into freezing, because it loses its beneficial properties.

Lemon balm varieties

In total, there are 5 types of lemon balm in the world, but only lemon balm... Lemon balm has an unusual variety -. Its original leaves not only contain many phytoncides that purify the air, but also look great in flower beds.

I like Melissa in planting due to the fact that her bushes are dense, they live in my penumbra, while the bushes themselves are even and beautifully shaped. True, I am indifferent to the smell.

The State Register of the Russian Federation includes 8 varieties of lemon balm adapted to the conditions of the middle lane, recommended for planting in the garden area. They are not inferior to new varieties with an unusual golden color of foliage. The different leaf shape, color, height of the bush, winter hardiness and intensity of aroma and flowering time distinguish some varieties from others.

Melissa "Lemon flavor"

Designed for fresh and dried use. Perennial, growing in one place for about 5 years.

Melissa Lemon Flavor. Photo from the site econet.ru

From the second year of life, about 40 days will pass from germination to the first cut. Leaves are dark green with a bloom, raised. The leaf is ovoid. Smooth leaves, pubescence. The height of the plant is about 60 cm. The green mass of the bush of this variety in the first year of life is about 120 g. The aroma is strong.

Melissa "Dozia"

It has a medium early ripening period, is a perennial plant, growing in one place for about 5 years.

Melissa "Dozia". Photo from the site freemarket.ua

In the second year of life, the growing season will be about 1.5 months. The height of the bush is about 90 cm. The leaves are semi-raised, have a slight pubescence and "wrinkles". Dark green with serrated edges. The flowers are small, white. Strong lemon aroma, but not as harsh as the previous species.

Melissa "Pure Gold"

A variety with golden foliage. The bush is compact, the leaves are golden.

Grade "Pure Gold". Photo from readtiger.com

The flowers are at first white, by the middle of flowering they become slightly purple.

Hello everyone! How are you doing? Shouldn't you calm down a little? And good old tea with lemon balm will help you with this.

This plant is popularly called lemon mint. Thanks to its refreshing and useful properties Melissa is used in medicine and cooking.

I really like this plant and so I planted it in my garden. But it turns out that you can grow it at home on the windowsill, which I also want to try to do this winter.
Therefore, today I will tell you how to grow lemon balm at home.

Melissa not only has a pleasant aroma, but also helps with many health problems. She is able to cope with nervous disorders, relieves negative emotions, and also normalizes the work of the heart.

Even in ancient times, this herb was used as an antibacterial agent.
The essential oils of this plant are known for their phytoncidal properties. In addition, it contains useful acids, tannins and even carotene.

In herbal medicine, this herb is prescribed for:

  1. Insomnia and.
  2. Rheumatism.
  3. Skin rashes.
  4. Nervous exhaustion.
  5. Inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes.

By the way, not only tea is good with lemon balm. It perfectly complements, side dishes and salads. In addition, this spice is successfully used in fish dishes, with mushrooms, eggplants and cucumbers.

Features of growing lemon balm on a windowsill

To grow lemon balm on a windowsill or balcony, a few conditions are required:

  • sunny place;
  • good seeds;
  • watering;
  • fertile substrate.

The plant is best planted in pots in the spring. At this time, the fastest growth is ensured, and the most minimal care is required. At the same time, lemon balm will bring joy with its beautiful foliage for several years.

This perennial can grow without replanting for three to four years.

Many gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to grow lemon balm in the cold season?

Yes, the bush will grow in winter, but only its splendor will be less than in summer and spring.

In cold periods, its leaves become lighter in color.
Place the plant pot on a sunny side, but remember that lemon balm does not like direct sunlight and drafts.


Now let's figure out how to properly grow a plant from seeds. Better provide it with a fertile substrate with neutral acidity, as well as good air permeability.

The soil should be light, as this will ensure good seed germination. To loosen the soil, it is worth using vermiculite or perlite.

Make a composition of garden soil, as well as equal parts of sand and humus. If you don't want to bother, then get a substrate for indoor plants in the store.
Planting seedlings is done like this:

  1. Prepare containers in advance for disembarkation. These can be containers, pots, or boxes. They should be treated with a manganese solution.
  2. Lay a drainage layer on the bottom, and then a soil layer.
  3. Sow small seeds in moist, warm soil, to a depth of 5 cm and at a distance of 6 cm.
  4. After planting, they need to be watered.

The first shoots will appear only after a couple of weeks. In this case, the landing sites need to be moistened every other day. Place the container in a warm and sunny place.

When shoots appear, the boxes can be placed in a sufficiently illuminated place. But at the same time it is important that the rays of the sun do not fall on them. You can skip a pick, but if the plants sprout too densely, you can pull out the weakest of them.
After a couple of months, the bushes will get stronger, and you can plant them in a permanent place of growth.
You can plant seedlings in your garden or cottage. But it is better to do this in the second half of May. And if you plan to plant sprouts on the balcony, then choose a long container or a large pot.

Seedlings should be planted in one row. In this case, the distance between seedlings should not be less than 15 cm.
In addition to seeds, lemon balm can be grown using cuttings, as well as dividing rhizomes and a bush.
You can start dividing the bush at the end of May or at the end of August. The bush is first dug up and then cut into equal parts.

At the same time, at least five shoots must remain on each of them. These parts take root well.
And when propagating by cuttings, it is necessary to cut off the cuttings from the upper part of the young shoots. They are placed in water, and after the roots appear, they should be transferred to loose soil.

How to care for a plant?

It is also important for the plant to provide good care. Watering should be regular. In this case, you need to water not only the soil, but also the leaves.

A spray bottle is better for them. Grown bushes should be watered three times a day.
From May until the first autumn frosts, containers with plants can be located on the balcony or on the loggia. But in this case, it is worth taking care of protecting the culture from strong winds and rains.

Do not forget about high-quality feeding. To do this, you can take organic fertilizers: tea leaves and eggshells.

Or liquid type mineral fertilizers. In this case, potassium salt, ammonium sulfate or superphosphate are suitable. Top dressing should be done after each leaf trimming.

Remember that flowers and lush greenery will not appear in the first year. At the same time, lemon balm does not grow more than 50 cm. Since the main benefit of the plant is in the foliage, the buds should be cut off as soon as they appear.

How to use lemon balm?

Melissa is often used in the same way as mint. And when preparing some infusions, sage is perfectly combined with it.
It is better to harvest in the second year, after the lemon balm gives the first buds.

It is believed that it is at this time that a significant amount of useful components accumulates in the plant. It is worth harvesting from fully formed bushes.

This can be done four times per season. Perform the cut at a height of 10 cm or even higher. Dry raw materials in small bunches. They can be placed in a dry and well-ventilated area.

If this method is not suitable, then you can lay out the individual leaves in one layer on a wire rack, linen or parchment. Dry well on the loggia.

Only this is best done in dry weather and in a small shade.
After drying, dry raw materials must be laid out in jars and tightly covered with a lid. In this form, you can store the stock for a year. No longer worth it, as lemon balm will lose most of its aroma during this time.

When storing, do not mix this plant with other herbs.

With the right approach to cultivation and care, you will have a wonderful garden on your windowsill, which will delight you at any time of the year.
Use only natural products and stay healthy. If you liked the information, then share it with your friends.

Until next time, friends!

Mint is propagated vegetatively. In the first half of autumn, cuttings are cut or a mint bush with roots and a lump of earth is dug up. This lump must be cut with a knife so that 2-3 shoots with roots or buds remain in each lobe. Divided parts or cuttings should be planted in pots with a diameter of about 10 cm.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the container, and then a moistened mixture is poured from part of the garden land or two parts of humus. The roots of the plants should be in the ground, and the aboveground part should be pruned at a height of 5 cm above the surface.

To speed up the regrowth of the leaves, the planted mint is placed as close to the light as possible.

Plants must be watered regularly with settled water at room temperature. It is desirable that it is constantly in the pan, since mint prefers air with a humidity of about 80%. It is also helpful to spray the leaves periodically.

When the mint takes root and the leaves begin to grow, you can carry out one top dressing with a urea solution (for 1 liter of water, 1-2 g of urea). As a rule, the plant is fed at the end of September. In winter, feeding is not carried out, they are resumed in February, when the sun appears.

How to grow lemon balm

For seedlings, lemon balm seeds are needed in early March. To do this, dry seeds should be placed in a groove with a depth of 0.5 cm in a container with a ready-made soil mixture (one part of peat, turf soil and humus) and spilled warm water... Before sprouting, the soil must be sprayed every other day. Seedlings appear in 8-10 days.

Seedlings should be planted between April 25 and May 5. Plant the plants 12 cm apart. Water lemon balm 3 times a week. When the plants reach 20-25 cm in height and buds appear, they should be pinched to prevent flowering. This will increase the lateral branching, and for summer period greens can be cut 2-3 times.

When the plant reaches a height of 40-50 cm, it is cut along with the stem, leaving 10 cm each. Thus, the splendor of the lemon balm bush will be increased several times.

Melissa is not afraid of cold weather, so it can be left on a loggia or balcony until the onset of late autumn cold weather. The rest continues. At the same time, 1-2 plants are placed in each flower pot together with clods of earth from the box. The plant does not need fertilizing. For this purpose, you can use dormant tea and eggshell infusion for watering.

Melissa needs:

  • fertile soil;
  • a lot of light;
  • sufficiently plentiful watering and spraying;
  • systematic pruning;
  • observance temperature regime(18-20 degrees);
  • regular feeding.

A plant can grow in one place three to four years... After that, it requires renewal and transplantation. In order for the bush to be healthy and strong for several years, it is recommended to plant it in the spring.

Growing lemon balm on a windowsill is not a troublesome business. It feels great in a pot, like any houseplant. True, the lemon balm bush will be low, but lush and thick, if it has enough light, moisture and nutrients, that is, competent care for lemon balm is provided.

Melissa on the windowsill. Photo

In the winter season, growing lemon balm on the windowsill is not much different from the usual one. Lack of sunlight will reduce the amount of greenery, change its color, but not affect the quality.

Breeding new lemon balm bushes

Let's figure out how to grow lemon balm from seeds and how to increase the amount of a favorite plant in other ways. This can be done in different ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • layering;
  • stem cuttings;
  • lemon balm from seeds.

Division an adult bush is produced in the spring. To do this, the root system is freed from the ground, cut into several parts with buds and planted in a permanent place.

By using layering the plant is bred before flowering. Strong young shoots are bent to the ground with a staple, sprinkled with soil and await rooting. Two weeks later, a new bush is cut off with a pruner and transplanted into a pot or in open ground to a new location.

Cuttings used at the first stage of breeding lemon balm, in the absence of an adult bush in the garden. The tops of the purchased plants are cut off and placed in a container with water. When roots form on the branches, they are planted in the ground and placed in a dark place. After the appearance of green shoots, the plants are brought out into the light.

Growing lemon balm on a windowsill. Photo

How to grow lemon balm from seed? This process takes time and patience. But the quality of the green mass of lemon balm from seeds will be excellent.

To grow an adult bush, lemon balm seeds treated with potassium permanganate are sown in the ground to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, tightly covered and placed in a warm place.

How to grow lemon balm. Photo

The emerging seedlings are transplanted into well-moistened drained soil.

For this purpose, use a large container for a permanent place of plant life or small cups.

Dive shoots of lemon balm from seeds should be after the formation of two to four leaves. In about one and a half to two months, lemon balm from seeds will delight you with juicy fragrant greens.

Melissa twins. What can be confused with

Melissa is often confused with other plants. These twins include:

  • catnip
  • snakehead moldavian.

Let's try to understand their differences.

Melissa is called "lemon mint" by many. In fact, these plants have nothing in common, except for external similarities. mint and medicinal perennial lemon balm.

The herb called " catnip"Can also be mistaken for lemon balm. The similar smell of these plants is misleading. In order not to confuse lemon balm with "catnip", you should get acquainted with the fundamental differences between them.

  • The scent of lemon balm is delicate, reminiscent of the scent of lemon. The cattleman, on the other hand, smells rather harsh.
  • White lemon balm flowers are located in the axils of the plant, and blue catnip inflorescences are in the upper part of the shoot.
  • Rounded lemon balm leaves are even at the edges, and oblong catnip leaves are serrated.
  • Lemon balm seeds are elongated, and catnip seeds are rounded.

Catnip grows everywhere. This herb is used for cooking and beauty products. She possesses medicinal properties: improves appetite, cures cough, relieves worms.

Moldavian snakehead or "Turkish lemon balm" - an annual plant found in Western Siberia and southern regions of Russia. The essential oils found in snakehead greens are reminiscent of the scent of lemon balm. But its smell is stronger and more pungent. Turkish lemon balm is a favorite of bees and an excellent sedative.

In order not to be mistaken and plant exactly what you need on your site, carefully study the inscription on the package with seeds when buying. For example, lemon balm in translation into Latin language called Melissa officinalis, catnip - Npeta catria, Moldavian snakehead - Dracocphalum moldavica.

Choosing the right sort of lemon balm

Several varieties of this extraordinary herb are known. Each variety of lemon balm has its own individual characteristics, differs in odor shades, leaf shape, bush size, flowering period. The most beloved varieties include several varieties:

  • upright;
  • Tsaritsinskaya;
  • pearl;
  • lime;
  • lemon;
  • freshness.

Melissa with the beautiful name "pure gold" is less common. This variety has an unusual light yellow color of leaves, covered with fine villi, shimmering in the light of sunlight.

Variegated lemon balm gets its name from the dark, golden-streaked color of the leaves. The herb of this variety has a strong smell and unpretentious character. It can be grown both outdoors and at home.

How to use lemon balm

The range of uses for lemon grass or lemon balm is quite wide. This is due to its composition. Lemon balm leaves contain essential oils, organic acids. They are rich in vitamin "C", various microelements: zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium.

This unpretentious herb has found wide application in medicine. It provides relief from a number of serious medical conditions:

  • Saves from irritability and nervousness, restores sleep.
  • Recommended for heart disease and vascular spasms.
  • Treats cancer.
  • Takes off headache improving blood circulation in the brain.
  • Helps to normalize blood pressure.
  • Helps to cope with colds: relieves sore throat, relieves cough.
  • It is prescribed to improve digestion for people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
  • Eliminates increased gas production, constipation, malfunctioning of the pancreas.
  • It removes toxins from the body, having a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.
  • Reduces toothache, disinfects the oral cavity, relieving inflammation.
  • Part of diet food helping to lose weight.

Melissa is an irreplaceable remedy for maintaining health female body... It relieves pain during menstruation, helps to cope with toxicosis during pregnancy, and stimulates milk production during breastfeeding.

Cook remedies from lemon balm is not difficult at all.

Can be done infusion from the green shoots of the plant. To do this, pour the chopped lemon balm leaves (20 grams) with boiling water (1 liter), seal tightly and insist for twenty minutes.

To prepare decoction from this medicinal herb, boil two tablespoons in one liter of water for 15-20 minutes. Then remove from heat and let it brew for half an hour. Such a decoction is advised to drink four times a day, especially for patients with asthma and anemia.

Some people add lemon balm leaves to regular tea, mixing the drink with a little honey. It turns out great prophylactic agent against viruses and colds.

If there are no lemon balm leaves at hand, you can successfully use the ready-made essential oil plants. A few drops in a bathtub or scented lamp will help you calm down and sleep soundly.

Growing lemon balm in your summer cottage or on your windowsill, preparing a dried product, you provide yourself healthy drink, which can be consumed all year round, strengthening health, prolonging youth and preserving beauty.

Melissa found her place in cooking. It is added to drinks and salads. As a seasoning used in the preparation of first courses, stewing fish, meat, mushrooms. Cabbage and cucumbers are fermented with it, various sauces and marinades are made. Due to its delicate aroma and spicy taste, lemon balm is analogous to black or allspice.

Lemon balm essential oil is widely used in cosmetology. It allows you to solve the problem of oily hair, destroys dandruff. It is enough to mix shampoo with a few drops of oil when washing your hair, and your hair will look great again. Thanks to its disinfectant and antibacterial properties, lemon balm oil cleanses the skin of acne and blackheads.

Lemon balm contraindications

Melissa is a useful plant and has almost no contraindications. And yet, some points related to its use are worth paying attention to:

  • Do not abuse the use of infusion, broth, lemon balm tea for men. This can lead to an undesirable decrease in sexual activity.
  • It is not recommended to drink drinks containing this herb before a responsible event, meeting, exam. Excessive calmness and insufficient response can adversely affect the outcome of the event.
  • Treatment with lemon balm should be abandoned in case of individual intolerance or persistent hypotension.

In all other cases, lemon balm will benefit your body, prolonging and improving the quality of life.

Melissa on the windowsill. Video

The delicate lemon scent of this plant captivated even the bees, harvesting transparent fragrant honey from the nectar of light purple lemon balm flowers. Therefore, the names of honey, bee, queen bee are popular among the people. And the name we are accustomed to translated from Greek literally means "honey bee". In addition to the wonderful aroma, lemon balm has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, adds a piquant citrus note when preparing dishes, and is widely used in cosmetology. Perennial branchy bushes of lemon balm 40-120 cm tall with white, yellow or pinkish flowers will delight the eye for more than one year, and the benefits of adding fragrant leaves to food and decoctions will serve as a worthy reward for the efforts spent on growing this unpretentious plant.

Lemon balm, or medicinal, is the only variety that grows in our climate, so you should be careful with imported seeds: despite their high quality, domestic products are still more adapted to our natural conditions. It is best to buy seeds in a specialized store, where they can give you advice on choosing a producer and recommendations for growing and care specifically in your area.

Be sure to carefully study the packaging of the goods, check the expiration date and labeling. Also, don't be afraid to use modern scientific achievements, buy specially treated seeds, for example, coated or inlaid. Buy products from several manufacturers, in case some brand turns out to be of poor quality or unsuitable for your soil and climatic conditions. Thus, you are guaranteed to get a harvest and will be able to empirically choose the best product for you.

Germinating seeds

Even in spring, sowing lemon balm directly into open ground is very risky. Therefore, it is preferable to start planting seeds in a box or pot on a well-lit windowsill, burying them about 0.5 cm, at a sufficiently large distance from each other (about 5 cm). The optimal time for planting is late March - early April, when the sun is already shining brightly enough for thermophilic lemon balm, while not drying out tender sprouts. Before germination, which occurs 10-20 days, it is necessary to moisten the soil with warm water, but not too abundantly, so as not to cause fungus in plants, which often appears in excessively wet soil. For a month, the sprouts should be kept at a temperature not higher than 10 degrees.

Further, if you plan to grow lemon balm at home, at the beginning of May, the plants should be transplanted into a larger and longer flower garden at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other and transferred to the balcony. As soon as large enough leaves appear, you can thin out the lemon balm and use for your needs.

Egg shells and tea leaves are the most useful and inexpensive fertilizer for balcony-growing plants.

Sowing in open ground

Melissa needs a lot of light and warmth, so you should choose open, but protected from cold winds, places away from the water. It is unpretentious to the soil, but it develops better and branches in slightly acidic, structurally light soil. Melissa will survive under less favorable conditions, but a close to ideal ratio of sunlight to moisture will affect the plant's aroma and essential content.

When choosing a place for planting, you should count on a long term, since under good circumstances the bush can grow for more than 10 years.

The site must be prepared at least a month in advance: the soil must be dug up at least 30 cm and thoroughly cleaned of weeds.

The ideal time to move seedlings into the soil is mid to late April, when the threat of frost will disappear. By that time, the seedlings should already be 1.5-2 months old.

Melissa grows and branches widely, it is worth giving it enough free space so that it does not interfere with other plants. In general, 5-6 bushes are enough for the entire plot, the leaves from which will be enough for the entire summer period, and for the creation of blanks.


Watering lemon balm is not necessary very often, mainly when the sun is scorching and drying out. Moisten the soil from the hose with caution, with a small pressure, so as not to injure the thin branches of the plant.

Taking care of this medicinal plant not complicated at all: it is only necessary to periodically loosen the ground and remove weeds. You can trim it twice during the summer, completely removing the shoots - this at the same time does not allow it to grow much, and stimulates the growth of more lush foliage. Once a month, lemon balm should be fed with manure, in the spring it is necessary to apply nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

For the winter, it is advisable to mulch a thermophilic plant with manure, cover it with leaves and sawdust so that the rhizomes do not freeze.


The main diseases that may appear in lemon balm are:

  • rust,
  • decay of the root,
  • white spot.

This happens mainly from excessive watering and lack of sunlight.

Collection and storage

V medicinal purposes and the culinary uses the leaves and tops of the plant containing the greatest amount of essential oils. Lemon balm is harvested at the beginning of flowering, that is, from June to August, taking off two or three harvests over the summer. Leaves and shoots should be cut in the morning, immediately after the dew has melted in dry, sunny weather, after which the plant must be fed.

Lemon balm is usually dried, as it does not tolerate freezing well. This can be done in the shade, for example, under a canopy or in a house where straight lines do not fall. Sun rays... To speed up the process, you can use an oven, but the temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees. It is better to dry lemon balm without using household appliances, so that more nutrients are preserved in it.

Store dried raw materials in a glass container, in a dry and cool place.

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