Rules of conduct in the camp. Summer school camp with a day stay. Creation of conditions for organized recreation of students in the summer; strengthening the physical, mental. Safety in children's health camps presentation

Painting 06.12.2020

- type of training, explanation of the task
(inform, teach, instruct);
in labor protection is accompanied by a subsequent check
learned and registered in a special journal.
The briefing with the employee is carried out by the person responsible for
safety and labor protection in DOL.
Instructions with children on vacation can be carried out by persons
responsible for specific activities, teachers
detachment, camp workers.
Rules, instructions are placed in a prominent
place (stands).
Instructions must be "relevant" where they are

The introductory briefing is conducted with all newly admitted employees and includes the following information:

General information about the organization (DOL) - structure, territory, team,
Employee's rights and obligations - job description;
Labor contract;
Working hours and rest time;
Labor discipline;
Incentives for work;
Labor protection (electrical safety, fire safety, sanitation and
Protection of life and health of children;
The order of action in emergency and emergency situations, communication;


Maintenance standards
Catering and
drinking regimen
Documents for the child
Medical support
Control on the way
Notes for parents


Technical requirements
Accompanying documents
Requirements for accompanying persons
Route program
Age restrictions
Water and food supply
Safety en route (boarding,
seat belts,
movement at night)


Stationary, mobile
Communication, transport access, first aid kit, paramedic
Territory (500 m from the settlement,
environmentally friendly, dry, near
water supply ...)
Drinking regime (2 liters per day per person),
compliance with sanitary requirements ...
Camp territory zoning
Requirements for tents (material, sleeping places,
gender segregation ...)
Place for outdoor games, sports
Swimming place
Toilet space (25 meters from the living area, 50 meters from
bathing places, below all zones ...)
Daily routine, sports activities ...


Supervises the swimming of floating hands
Briefing for children on the shore
Permissible temperature of air and water
The depth of the reservoir
List of those who cannot swim
Meeting requirements (10 people)
Monitoring children in the water and on the shore
Swimming time is controlled by the floating arm
Sun, air baths,


Rules of conduct on the territory of the camp
Rules of conduct at events
Rules of conduct in the dining room
Rules of conduct during the ascent
Rules of Conduct During Quiet Hours
Rules of conduct during lights out
Rules of conduct on the water
Rules for visiting a child by parents

Cohesion of the children's team, the development of initiative, children's creativity, the creation of conditions for the disclosure of the creative abilities of children, the identification of talents. Expansion of the horizons of children, satisfaction of their curiosity in learning about the world around them, activation of independent cognitive activity. Fostering respect for your family, for the history and culture of your village. Creation of conditions for the physical development of the child, the formation of a negative attitude towards bad habits.

Camp "ShIK" School Museum of History and Local Lore Representative of the police district Kezhaev A.E. MDOU Canadian Kindergarten School playground Rural administration School library and rural model library FAP s. Canada (polyclinic) Fire Department Canadian Children's Art School Rural House of Culture

Organization good rest children; preservation and strengthening of the physical and psychological health of children and adolescents; broadening the horizons of children, developing their organizational and creative abilities; personal growth of program participants; improving the social and psychological climate at school; strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages; ensuring the safety of life and health of children and adolescents during the implementation of the program; no cases of child road - transport injuries.

Gathering children, charging 9.00 - 9.15 Morning ruler 9.15 - 10.00 Breakfast - 12.00 Work according to the plan of detachments, socially useful work, work of circles and sections - 13.00 Wellness procedures - 14.00 Lunch - 14.30 Free time 14.30 Leaving home

Day 1 “Let's get to know each other! " Ruler; Acquaintance with the rules of the camp; Safety briefing; Outdoor game "And we have a vacation!" Day 2 "Talent Day" Safety briefing; Drawing Competition: "My Favorite Book Hero"; Game "Field of Miracles"; Day 3 "Day of the Young Master" Safety briefing; Game "City of Masters"; Minute of health "Sun and air baths"; 4th day "Day of the Motherland" Safety briefing; Game "I want to know everything"; Contest of drawings on asphalt. Day 5 “To be healthy and strong you have to love sports” Safety instructions; Conversation "Safety rules at the stadium" Game - competition "Travel to the country of good health - Sportlandia"; Checkers tournament; Fun starts. Day 6 "Reader's Day" Safety briefing; Conversation about the rules of conduct in the library; Excursion to the library.

Day 7 "Dance Day" Safety briefing; Conversation about the rules of conduct in public places; Excursion to the rural house of culture. 8 Day of the "Treasure Hunter" Safety briefing; Game: "Treasure hunt"; Day 9 "Day of the pedestrian" Safety briefing; Drawing competition "My friend is a traffic light"; Day 10 "Day of humor" Safety briefing; The game " Good mood"Day 11" Music "Safety briefing; The game "With a song through life"; Day 12 "Day of smiles" Safety briefing; Quiz;

Day 13 "Day of Health and Sports" Safety briefing; Pioneerball competitions; Team competition: "One for all and all for one"; Day 14 "Friendship Day" Safety briefing; Game: "There is strength in friendship!" Day 15 "A Day Without Bad Habits" Conversation about a healthy lifestyle; Promotion "Start with yourself"; Day 16 “We are one team” Safety briefing; Team building games. Day 17 "Day of boys and girls" Safety briefing; Miss and Mister Summer. Day 18 "Day of the closing of the shift" "Friends are parting!" - concert program;

Creative camp. Activities in this direction are conducive to self-realization, self-improvement and socialization of the child in life. All activities are practical. These are educational outdoor games; collective creative affairs, contests, quizzes, sports competitions.

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Creation of conditions for good rest, health improvement of children, development of their internal potential, assistance in the formation of key competencies of pupils on the basis of their inclusion in various, socially significant and personally attractive activities, meaningful communication and interpersonal relations in a multi-age group, development of children's creative abilities.

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Create conditions for organized recreation of children. Introduce children to creative activities, the development of creative thinking. Contribute to the formation of cultural. behavior, sanitary and hygienic culture. Create favorable conditions for strengthening the health of children. Provide the child with the opportunity for self-realization on individual personal potential. To form in children the skills of communication and tolerance.

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Always shine, shine everywhere! The principle of humanization of relations. The principle of correspondence of the type of cooperation to the psychological age characteristics of students and the type of leading activity. The principle of democracy. The principle of differentiation of education. The principle of creative individuality.

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camp "SOLNYSHKO" City Museum of Local Lore Swimming Pool at the School of the Central Intelligence Service of the KNPP Cinema Hall Playground at the School City Department for Culture and Sports Summer Health School Camps School and City Libraries Community Playgrounds City Children's Clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Music School City newspapers, radio, television RDK

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strengthening the health of children; improving the social and psychological climate in the camp; a decrease in the growth rate of negative social phenomena among children; strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages and nationalities; the formation of skills, skills, the acquisition of life experience of adequate behavior in extreme situations; development of creativity, initiative and activity of the child; instilling self-service skills; increased sense of patriotism; respect for native nature; improvement of the material and technical base of the organization of summer recreation and health improvement of children; creation of favorable conditions for the improvement of children through cooperation with institutions of additional education, the traffic police, the Ministry of Emergencies.

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DAY MODE 8.30 - 8.45 Gathering children 8.45 - 9.00 Charging 9.00 - 9.15 Ruler 9.20 - 10.00 Breakfast 10.00 - 12.00 Outdoor games, walk, city-wide events, detachment events. 12.00 - 13.00 Circle work, wellness procedures 13.00 - 13.30 Lunch 13.30 - 14.30 Club hour, walk 14.30 Leaving home

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Master's law. The Law of Accuracy. The Law of Raised Hands. Everyone is responsible for what happens to him. Believe in yourself and your strength.

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Directions and types of activities Activities Labor activity Operation "Green Patrol" (weeding on the school site). Operation "Merry Stream" (watering at the school site). Landscaping work. Canteen duty (daily).

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Directions and types of activity Activities Sports and recreation activities Exercise (daily). Sports outdoor games. Conversation "Rules of conduct for outdoor games". Conversation "Safety rules at the stadium". "Fun starts with the ball and balls." Sports and game festival "Young Firefighter". Sports - game program "Call of the jungle". Intercamp Spartakiad.

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Directions and types of activity Activities Ecological - valeological activity of UDB Ecological game: “A clean spring in your house”. UDB Quiz: “Our common Home". Cognitive - entertaining program "Cats are cats". ICB Ecological journey: "Traveling with the tortoise Tortila". CSI KNPP excursion to the LVDC environment. UDB Ecological brain - ring: "In the kingdom of flora and fauna". Contest of handicrafts from natural materials "Gifts of the forest". MCB Ecological Brain-Ring: "Who is the most important in Lake Udomlya?" Conversation "First aid for sunstroke."

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Directions and types of activity Activities Aesthetic education Competition for the best design of the detachment corner. House of Crafts. Master Class. Decoration made of natural material: "Wind chime". Miss SUN contest. House of Crafts. Master class "Amulet on a spatula". Conversation "The Country of the Polite". Conversation "Rules of Etiquette".

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Areas and types of activities Activities Patriotic education UDB Electronic game - video travel dedicated to the Independence Day: "I love you, my Motherland." SB Literary - patriotic quiz: "We know about the war from stories ...". Presentation dedicated to the memory of those killed in Velikaya Patriotic War"65 years of Victory". UDB Literary and musical composition: "Glory to you, victor, soldier."

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Directions and types of activities Activities Legal education Conversation "Be careful on the road." Game "Who's the boss on the road." Sports and game festival "Young Firefighter". Conversation "Rules of conduct in case of fire" Competition "Road Marathon". Drawing competition "Country Svetoforiya". Conversation "Rules of conduct on the bus" Game "We are passengers". Conversation "Caution, stabbing objects." Competition for knowledge of the rules road traffic"Caution - ROAD!" Conversation "We are pedestrians!" Conversation "Always be careful and attentive." Practical lesson "If you find yourself in an extreme situation."

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Directions and types of activities Activities Educational and leisure activities Holiday "Happy childhood". Contest of drawings on asphalt "Summer is a small life". Exhibition of drawings "That's such a SUN!" Opening holiday of the camp shift "Summer is a small life". МЦБ Competitive - game program: "Case with Evseika". Contest "Multi-console" - a wonderful country ". UDB and SB Pushkin Day of Russia. The game is a journey: "And the scientist cat told me his tales." House of Crafts master class "Photo frame made of cereals and legumes." МЦБ Competitive - game program: "Frog - the traveler".

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Educational and leisure activities of the RDK Children's game club "Neskuchayka" - children's dance and entertainment program. SB Literary quiz dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. Volkov: "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Drawing competition "Flower-seven-flower". UDB Literary brain-ring: "Riddles of the wise owl". Entertainment program: "About fairy tales for fun and in earnest." MCB Competitive - game program: "Catch, fish, big and small." House of handicrafts master class "Amulet doll made of threads." Entertainment program "An evening of fun games and contests." Closing holiday of the camp shift "Goodbye, SUN!"

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Day 1 DDT Holiday "Happy Childhood" Conversation "Be careful on the road." Game "Who is the boss on the road" Competition of drawings on the asphalt "Summer is a small life" Day 2 UDB Environmental game: "A clean spring in your house" Self-government. The choice of an asset, the design of the detachment corners: the name of the detachment, the chant, the motto, the emblem. Conversation "Rules of conduct in the dining room." Organization of the shift Day 3 UDB Quiz: "Our common home" Group I Exhibition of drawings "This is a SUN!" Sports competition: "Funny starts with the ball and balls" Conversation "Safety rules at the stadium" Day 4 UDB Quiz: "Our common home" Group II Opening holiday of the camp shift "Summer is a small life" Day 5 ICB Competitive game program: " The case of Yevseyka "The Central Information Center of the KNPP excursion to the LVDC environment Conversation" Rules of conduct in the library "Contest" Multi-remote "- a wonderful country" Day 6 UDB and SB Pushkin Day of Russia. Game - journey: "And the scientist cat told me his tales" House of crafts master class "Frame for a photo of cereals and legumes" Informative - entertainment program "Cats are cats" Conversation "Be careful with pets"

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Day 7 RDK Children's game club "Neskuchayka" - children's dance and entertainment program of the ICB Competitive and game program: "Frog - traveler" Sports - game holiday "Young firefighter" Conversation "Rules of conduct in case of fire" Day 8 UDB Electronic game - video travel dedicated to Independence Day: "I love you, my homeland" ICB Ecological journey: "Traveling with the tortoise Tortilla" Conversation "Be attentive on the river" Competition "Road marathon" 9th day of the SB Literary quiz dedicated to the 120th anniversary of A. Volkov's birth: " The Wizard of the Emerald City "Drawing contest" Seven-flower flower "Conversation" Be careful, avoid injuries ". Medical assistance for bruises Day 10 UDB Literary brain-ring: "Riddles of a wise owl" House of crafts master class Decoration from natural material "Wind chime" Entertainment program: "About fairy tales for fun and seriously" Conversation "Rules of conduct on the bus" Game "We passengers "11 day ICB Competition - game program:" Catch fish, big and small "Contest" Miss SUN "Conversation" Rules of etiquette "Day 12 UDB Ecological brain - ring:" In the kingdom of flora and fauna "Group I House of crafts master class "Doll-amulet made of threads" Competition and game program "Call of the jungle" Conversation "First aid in case of sunstroke"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Secondary school № 1 named after P.M. Stratiychuk "

Materials (edit)

competition for the best organization of fire prevention work with children among summer health institutions "Safe Summer"

in the summer health camp with a day stay for children "Scarlet sail"

Prepared and completed:

Venediktova N.N. Vikhorevoy G.V.

Ryzhik T.V.

teachers of the school camp "Scarlet Sail"

5. Reviews of children about fire safety activities in the camp.

6.Appendixes (flyers, memos, CD-ROM)

1. Description of the activities of the summer recreation camp "Scarlet sail" for teaching children the rules of fire safety.

The problem of human life safety in modern conditions- one of the most relevant. To prepare a person for emergencies, for the ability to find a way out of situations that are dangerous to life and health, possibly based on the formation of a system of knowledge about the basics of the safety of human life and society, training in practical skills for protecting life and health, based on the formation of his experience of safe life activity.

In our camp, children mainly from 6.5 to 12 years old rest and recover. This age is the most optimal for instilling primary skills in relation to fire safety. Purpose: the formation of the foundations of the safety of their own life in school-age children.

Formation of ideas about dangerous person situations and ways of behaving in them;

Introduction to the rules safe behavior;

Transfer of knowledge about safety rules to children.

All work is aimed at instilling skills and abilities for the safe use of electrical appliances, gas equipment, careful handling of matches, is aimed at ensuring that children know the basic rules of fire safety and know how to apply them in case of an emergency.

The following preventive measures are carried out in our camp:

    Safety briefings.

    Conversation "Rules of conduct in emergency situations in case of fire"

    The game "We are firefighters"

    Drawing competition "All children need to know: it is dangerous to play with fire!"

    Didactic game "There is no smoke without fire!"

    Competition of children's wall newspapers for the detachments "His Majesty - Fire!"

    Game thematic contests for PB.

    Excursion to the fire department

    Handing over fire safety flyers for the holidays.

2. Plan-grid of fire safety events with children for the camp shift.



Placement by squad

Safety briefing

Conversation "Rules of conduct for VES in case of fire"

Practical training in fire safety - working out an evacuation plan

Show presentations on prevention of PB

The game "We are firefighters"

Interest classes. Drawing competition « All children need to know: it's dangerous to play with fire! "

Watching a film on fire safety

The game "Readiness 01!"

Competition of children's walls of newspapers by detachments

"His Majesty is fire!"

Game thematic contests for PB

Excursion to the fire department

Handing out fire safety flyers for the holidays

3. Photo report on the implementation of fire safety measures with brief information about them.

Practical training in fire safety - working out an evacuation plan

Conversation with an employee

Game "Readiness 01"

Relay race

« M s young firefighters "

Wall newspapers

"His majesty the fire

Visit to the fire department

4. Scenarios of fire safety events with children.

Game thematic contests

1. "We are young firefighters"
In front of the teams (any number of people) there are chairs with the same set of things (bell, fire uniform, candle). 1st runs to a chair and sounds the alarm (rings the bell); 2nd runs to a chair, puts on and takes off a fireman's uniform; 3rd runs up to a chair and extinguishes the "burning" candle, etc.

2. "Firefighters go to the rescue"
Pins stand in a row in front of the teams (any number of people). Each team is given a small fire engine on a string. Children alternately run around the pins with a snake, carrying a typewriter by the string, trying not to knock down a single pin.

3. "Rescuers"
To save people from the fire, firefighters have to overcome various obstacles. A basket with skittles is installed at a distance in front of the teams. Each participant, in order to "save" one pin, must run on the bench, do a somersault on the mat, and take the pin. Jumping on one leg with pins in hand, he must return to his team.

4. “Firefighters extinguish the fire »
A balloon (preferably red, imitating fire) is tied to each participant's leg. Children, without touching each other with their hands (removed behind their backs), must "put out the fire" (burst the balls) at the other team.

5. "Dexterity is not a hindrance"
A joke game. One person is taken from each team. They squat down. On the back of the participants, pictures are attached with the image of the primary fire extinguishing equipment. Everyone needs to find out what object is pinned on the back of the enemy. You can't get up from your heels. Hands during the game should be kept behind your back. Time for a game is 2 minutes. At the end of the game, the participants must explain how the fire extinguishing agent they guessed is used.

6. "Danger"
Teams must put out the following expression from matches at speed: "There is fire in matches, don't touch the matches!"

Thematic proverbs and sayings.

1. From a spark, a fire is born.
2. A spark is small, a great flame will give birth.
3. While the spark is in the ashes, then the ink.
4. Do not joke with fire - you will burn yourself.
5. Fire and water will crush everything.
6. In fire and iron melts.
7. Fire is not water; if it grabs, you will not float.
8. Don't joke with fire, you can burn.
9. Do not play the cat with fire - you will burn your paw.
10. Spark of mascara before the fire, ward off trouble before it hits.


Questions and answers of the thematic quiz

1. Why are fires dangerous?
In a fire, things, an apartment and even a whole house can burn out. But the main thing is that people can die in a fire.

2. What else is a fire dangerous, besides fire?
Smoke is more terrible than fire. It's easy to get lost in a smoky room and not find a way out. It's difficult to breathe.

3. Why in the old days could a fire destroy an entire city?
Previously, all houses were built of wood, they were built close to each other.

4. How can a starting fire be extinguished?
Fire can be extinguished with a fire extinguisher, water, sand, blanket.

5. Why is it dangerous to play with matches and lighters in the house?
Playing with matches and lighters is a fire hazard.

6. What causes fires?
Fires occur if fire safety rules are not followed: TV, iron, gas stove etc.; if you play with matches, play naughty with fire.

7. What should you report when calling firefighters?
You must provide your exact address, last name, first name and what is lit.

8. What will you do if you see the lower floors of the house on fire?
Soak your clothes and everything around you, wait for help. You cannot try to run out of the house if you live on the upper floors. After passing two or three floors, you can get poisoned by combustion products.

9. Why can't you use the elevator during a fire?
An elevator during a fire is a real chimney in which it is easy to suffocate. In addition, in the event of a fire, it can shut down.

10. Can an artificial tree catch fire?
The artificial tree can catch fire. True, an artificial tree does not light up as quickly as a real one, but burning plastic releases toxic substances.
11.You are on New Year presented with wonderful fireworks and sparklers. Where will you light them?
Fireworks, candles, sparklers can only be lit with adults and away from the tree, and even better outside the house.

12. What is included in the primary extinguishing media?
Fire fighting equipment is complex now
But it helps us
Not only her.
Simple shovel,
Gaff and ax
We inherited
Since grandfather's times.
Bagrom I will reach the burning boards,
I'll bury the flame in the sand.

13. How should one get out of the smoky room?
Take yourself into your hands -
Don't be scared, don't shout
And crawl on all fours
Towards the door.
If you found the door
Do not trust your hands at first:
Maybe this is the closet door -
Check it out well!
If you go out into the hallway
Or crawl out into the yard -
Call adults for help
And make me put out the fire.

14. How to extinguish burning clothes on a person?
You need to wrap the person in a thick cloth (blanket), roll it on the floor, knocking down the fire.

15. The official date of celebration of the day of the fire department.
April 30, 1649 - the date of publication of the "Order of the Deanery of the City", which laid the foundations of a professional fire brigade, is considered the day of fire brigade.

16.Longest fire in Russia?
The longest fire in Astrakhan began on August 1, 1858 and lasted 6 days.

17. A device for placing a fire hose?
The device for placing a fire hose is a fire box.

18. How long is the TV set?
Basically, TVs work reliably for 6-7 years, after which, as a result of the aging of the materials used, dust and pollution of the installation, the insulating property of the materials is disturbed and the fire hazard increases.

19. What is the purpose of an outdoor fire hydrant?
A fire hydrant is designed to take water from the water supply network when extinguishing a fire.

20. What is the name of the profession of people fighting fire?

21. Why do they call firefighters exactly "01"?
"01" is the simplest and shortest number, it is easy to remember. This number is easy to dial even in the dark and by touch.

22. Why is the fire truck red?
So that from afar it can be seen that a fire engine is driving, which needs to give way. Red is the color of fire.

23. How do firefighters dress?
Firefighters put on a canvas suit. It does not burn, does not get wet. A helmet protects the head from blows, mittens on the hands, boots on the legs. To work in fire and smoke, firefighters need a breathing apparatus.

24. Name the works where the fire is mentioned?
S. Marshak "Fire", "Cat's House", "A Story about an Unknown Hero"; K. Chukovsky "Confusion"; L.N. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs"; E. Permyak "From the fire to the boiler."

25. Uncontrolled burning.

26. Active "helper" of the fire.

27. The art of fighting fire.

28. Fireman's headdress.

29. A device for directing jets of water, the modern name of the hose.

30. Primary document about the fire.

31. Tank for storing water in case of fire.
Storage tank.

32. How long does it take to completely burn down a residential wooden house?
On average, 40 minutes.

33. A man whose dwelling was destroyed by fire.
The firefighter.

34. Fire department.

35. Portable fire escape.

36. The same as the hose.

37. High observation tower above the building of the fire brigade.


Thematic riddles

I am hairy, I am hairy,
I am above every hut in winter,
Over a fire, a steamer,
I am not without fire. (SMOKE).

The father is hot and red, he can be dangerous.
You feed it - it lives, you give it something to drink - it dies.
Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water.
With a tongue, not barking, without teeth, but biting. (FIRE).

I am a friend of the guys.
But when they play naughty with me,
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around! (FIRE).

In a bright red shirt
Reliable in work.
My name is OP-5
Every student must know! (FIRE EXTINGUISHER).

I'm with a fire hose.
I am proud of friendship!
Meet you with me -
Maybe I'll come in handy! (TRUNK).

I say to the kid:
"Don't touch the matches."
My matches are not toys
There is fire in those matches. (BOX).

I have a spiral snail
Don't touch me.
The flame will jump off the tile
There will be fire in a flash! (ELECTRIC TILE).

Both shirts and pants

I iron for you kids
But remember, friends,
That you can't play with me! (ELECTRIC IRON).

He is handsome and bright red
But he is burning, hot, dangerous. (FIRE).

Little horse
Instead of a mane - a light. (MATCHES).

If the smoke comes in clubs
Flame beats with tongues
And fire is everywhere, and heat -
This disaster is ... (FIRE).

He gives warmth and light
No need to joke with him, no! (FIRE).

Smoke comes out, like from a stove:
Don't rush, don't shout.
Don't wait for other pictures
Call soon ... ("01").

She is everywhere in the world,
It's so hard for people without her!
He will always cope with fire.
Children what is it? ... (WATER).

Everyone knows - a man without fire
Not a single day lives.
But when the fire is hot
It may just happen ... (FIRE).

If there is a flame
Smoke pours down
"Zero - one" we dial,
And who will we call? … (FIRE).

No arms, no legs
And climbed the mountain. (FIRE).

In a dark little house
Children huddle tightly.
For the game, do not touch them:
In their heads ... (FIRE).

Small in stature
Small match.
Only touch matches
Do not have ... (HABITS).


Thematic counting room

I offer you a counting rhyme
Very funny, so smart.
You answer my questions,
And get balloons for that.

This ball is not in vain.
Before, if there was a fire,
The signal ball soared skyward -
Summoned firefighters to fight the fire.

Where people are careless with fire,
There a ball will rise to the sky,
There will always threaten us
Evil (The leader throws the ball, the one he chose must complete the sentence)…fire.

One two three four -
Who has a fire in the apartment?
Smoke rose suddenly.
Who has not turned off (The leader throws the ball)... iron?

A red glow flickered.
Who with matches (The leader throws the ball)... played?

The table and cupboard burned down at once.
Who dried the laundry over (The leader throws the ball)... with gas?

The flames jumped into the grass
Who burned at the house (The leader throws the ball)... foliage?

Who threw into the fire at the same time
Strangers (The leader throws the ball)... items?

Remember every citizen
This number (The leader throws the ball)... zero one.

I saw smoke - don't yawn
and firefighters (The leader throws the ball)... call.

Easier than putting out a fire
Us it (The leader throws the ball)…warn.

Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school №1 named after P.М. Stratiychuk "

Stavropol Territory Andropovsky District, village of Kursavka

Purpose of the event:

    Strengthen the knowledge of children about fire safety rules, rules of conduct during a fire; with the profession "firefighter",

    Reinforce the knowledge of children about what can lead to careless handling of fire.

    To educate children to respect the work of firefighters; develop a sense of collectivism, responsibility and endurance in schoolchildren.

Event progress:

    Preparatory stage

    Conducting a conversation with children on the topic of fire safety

    Drawing competition

    Selection of musical accompaniment for competitions

    Organizational stage

All prepared necessary equipment for outdoor games and relay races in the gym: 2 buckets, blue and red ribbons (5 pieces each), soft toys (8 pieces), 2 A4 sheets, 2 red markers, skittles, hoops, jump ropes, barriers, fabric blue and white.

    Stage of the event

Host: Hello guys! Today we have gathered with you to once again remember how dangerous fire can be! So we begin our Readiness 01 competition.

    "Readiness 01"

If in your room tears are rolling from your eyes,

As the smoke curls in clubs and the fire chews the carpet -

You need the courage to find the phone to answer.

Try to remember numbers from zero to nine.

Feel free to pick up the phone, and be able to dial 01.

Children are divided into 2 teams. On the other side of the hall there are 2 chairs with leaves and a marker, you need to run to the "phone", write 01 with marker, call the firefighters. Whoever copes with the task faster is the one who won.

    Game "Fire-water"

Children with a red ribbon are fire, those with a blue ribbon are water. The ribbons are attached to the children's belt so that they can be easily pulled out. Children with a blue ribbon must collect all the red ones that represent fire, i.e. Extinguish the fire. We play 1-2 times.

Leading... Fire brings people warmth, joy, but sometimes it can become a dangerous and cruel enemy. Brave and smart, quick and resourceful people - firefighters - stand in the way of the fire. They are fighting fire. There are many obstacles on the way of the firefighter, before he gets to the victim, sometimes not only people but also their loyal animals are on fire. Now we are going to save these animals. Let's be firefighters ourselves!

    Relay "Fire alarm"

The game involves 2 teams of 5 people from each class. Children stand in a line. It is necessary, having overcome obstacles, to save the animal and take it to the hospital.

The winner is the one who comes to the finish line first.

The game can be made more difficult by asking the "firefighters" to move while blindfolded.

    Smoky Corridor Relay

The members of each team line up in front of their tunnel (the tunnel is made of gymnastic barriers), take turns running along it, then come back.

    Game "Two boots - a pair"

Tie the legs (one player's left leg, another's right). Holding hands, jump to the finish line. In a fire, it is very important to be able to work together and work together.

    Fire game

One player is selected from each team. At a prearranged signal (fire siren), players run from the start line to the chairs on which the “firefighter's ammunition” is laid out: for example, a helmet, gloves, belt, etc. "Firefighters" must get ready to leave - put on ammunition. The one who gets dressed faster wins.

The game can be complicated if there are several players from each team - for example, three.

Then each already "dressed" player runs to the start line and passes the baton to his friend.

The winner is the team whose players dress earlier and line up on the start line.

The game can be repeated several times - with the participation of other team members.

    The game "Putting out the fire"

Game rules: children are divided into 2-3 teams, each team is given a "fire extinguisher". Not far away are placed (according to the number of teams) objects that need to be extinguished (a large cube; rubber inflatable toy, etc.) On command, the participants each run to their object, run around it (extinguish), put a "fire extinguisher" nearby and run away to the side. As soon as the "fire extinguisher" touches the ground, the next participant in the game runs. Victory is awarded to the team that extinguishes the fire first.

    Game "What you need in case of fire"

The course of the game. Members of each team line up one after another in one line. At the command of the presenter, they run to the table, on which are laid out objects or images related to the profession of a firefighter (helmet, gas mask, fire extinguisher, etc.) and not related to this profession. The player must quickly select the desired item and return to the team. Then the next child performs the same actions, etc. The winner is the team whose players complete the task faster.


The work of a firefighter is held in high esteem,

You will not find a more dangerous case.

We honor firefighters for valor,

We thank them for their courage!

So as not to upset anyone,

Let us know the rule:

On a dark night, on a bright day

Be careful with fire!

Summarizing. We received an order: "For courage and heroism, resourcefulness in the fight against fire, for knowledge and ability to get out of difficult situations, to express gratitude to all participants in the camp shift." Thanks.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

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Presentation for assistant counselors "Safety rules when working in a children's health camp"

2 slide

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Responsibilities of the counselor Be responsible for the health and safety of children; ALWAYS be within the reach of children; Know where ALL his children are at ANY moment in time; Find a common language with a partner and not conflict with him in front of children; Monitor hygiene, food intake, observe the daily routine; Know all children by name, treats every child with attention; Know the parents and families of children, the special circumstances of the family and the child; Unite children, track interpersonal relationships in the squad; Monitor intimate relationships between children; Resolve all children's conflicts by encouraging verbal solutions; Prevent bullying, suppress any manifestations of aggression by children; Organize children's leisure time, involve them in interesting activities; Know the individual characteristics of children; Create a situation of success for each child from your squad; Monitor your health, physical and psychological; Don't make unrealistic promises, keep your word; Carry positive, and always have a plan B; Know the locations of fire extinguishers; Know the location of the first aid kit; Report suspicious foreign objects to the camp manager.

3 slide

Slide Description:

General rules of behavior for children in the camp. 1. It is necessary to observe the camp day regimen, general sanitary and hygienic standards (wash, comb your hair, wash your feet before going to bed, dress for the weather, etc.). 2. Each child is obliged to comply with all the rules established in the camp, including fire safety rules, rules for excursions, bus trips, hikes, etc. 3. The child must be with the detachment. If it is necessary to leave, the permission of your counselor is mandatory. 4. Leaving the territory of the camp is allowed only with the permission of the head of the camp and only accompanied by a counselor. 5. Each child and camp employee must protect the green spaces in the camp, keep it clean. 6. You can not eat unfamiliar berries, fruits. 7. In case of deterioration of health, it is necessary to inform the counselors. 8. It is necessary to follow the rules of conduct in public places - words, actions and behavior do not interfere with others, do not offend them aesthetic sense... 9. It is forbidden to smoke and consume alcoholic drinks, including beer, in the camp. 10. It is necessary to take good care of the personal property and property of the camp. At the beginning of any business - recount of children.

4 slide

Slide Description:

Safety measures in the building. Don't run around the building. Do not lift weights. Be careful with doors. Danger of getting a bump when walking along the corridor Do not push each other, do not step on the stairs You must go down the stairs carefully, looking at your feet. It is forbidden to run up the stairs and slide down the railing, overtake, play on the stairs, push, hang on the fences.

5 slide

Slide Description:

Fire safety rules You need to know the evacuation plan. If signs of fire are found, immediately leave the building and inform any teacher. It is forbidden to make a fire in the premises, on the territory of the camp. It is not allowed to use electrical appliances without the permission of the camp director. Smoking is prohibited in the camp. Place flammable items in storage. It is not allowed to touch sagging, protruding wires. The presence of such wires should be reported to the head of the camp or teachers.

6 slide

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Outdoor safety and sports activities. In the summer, in the sun, hats are a must. There should always be water nearby. From footwear, sneakers, sportswear, socks. When renting bicycles or rollerblades, children must wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. It is advisable to play with balls on a special site. In small towns: children do not stand on horizontal ladders. Carefully, the sand did not get into the eyes and Airways... On trampolines: just jump, do not climb walls, do not get up acrobatic somersaults.

7 slide

Slide Description:

Rules of conduct during public events When holding public events, you should be with the detachment. You can only leave when accompanied by an assistant counselor. Events should be attended with appropriate clothing and footwear. If this is not intended by the script, you cannot appear at events in a swimsuit, with a naked torso. When holding public events in open areas in sunny weather, the presence of a headdress is required. You should follow the rules of etiquette in public places (do not make noise, do not push, do not whistle, do not stamp your feet).

8 slide

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Rules of conduct for bus excursions. 1. Boarding the bus is made at the command of the guide (counselor). 2. While the bus is moving, it is not allowed to stand and walk in the cabin. You cannot lean out of the window, put your hands out the window, show various gestures. 3. When braking suddenly, hold onto the handrails. 4. In case of signs of motion sickness or nausea, you should immediately inform the guide (counselor). 5. You can get up only after the bus has stopped completely at the command of the guide (counselor). 6. Exit from the bus through the front door. After getting off the bus, do not disperse, gather at the indicated place and follow the instructions of the guide (counselor). 7. You cannot independently go out onto the roadway and cross the street. 8. Toilet - in agreement with the counselor and accompanied by an assistant counselor. 9. Purchase of whites, shaverms, etc. such products are STRICTLY prohibited. 10. Movement outside the camp territory is carried out ONLY in formation. 11. Always count children.

9 slide

Slide Description:

Rules of conduct during walking tours (excursions, hikes). 1.Children in the appropriate form of clothing are allowed to walk excursions: closed comfortable shoes, a hat, if necessary, long trousers and shirts (sweaters) with long sleeves. 2. The senior during the excursion (hike) is the guide. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the guide, as well as the accompanying counselors. 3. During a walk, excursion, hike, you should be with the detachment, do not disperse. It is not allowed to deviate from the route (paths, paths), approach electric wires, unfenced edges of ravines, ravines, cliffs. 4. It is necessary to promptly inform the counselor about the deterioration of health or injuries. 5. It should be respectful of local traditions and customs, take care of nature, historical and cultural monuments. 6.At the end of the excursion (walk, hike), gather at the indicated place and after announcing the end of the excursion, follow the instructions of your counselor. 7. Shopping in the store can only be done with the permission of the counselor. 8. When crossing the carriageway, observe the traffic rules, clearly following the instructions of the counselor. They cross in an organized group, at the beginning and at the end of the column, the children must walk with red flags, one of the counselors stands on the road, the other transfers the children.

10 slide

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11 slide

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Procedure for Finding a Missing Child If a child is missing: Don't panic and ask the other children right away if anyone has seen the missing child. Send two staff members to look for obvious hiding places such as a toilet, sleeping room, etc. Notify the camp commander, who will send additional staff to help with the search. Don't worry the rest of the kids. Keep them busy and other staff can help keep the kids entertained.

12 slide

Slide Description:

Rules for working at the computer During work: it is necessary to carefully handle the wires; it is forbidden to work with a faulty computer; do not clean the computer when it is energized; it is unacceptable to independently repair equipment in the absence of special skills; do not place liquids near the computer, as well as work with wet hands; do not touch other metal structures (for example, batteries) while working with a PC; it is not allowed to eat food in the immediate vicinity of a PC, etc. In emergency situations: in case of any malfunctions, you must immediately disconnect the PC from the network; if a bare wire is found, immediately notify all workers and exclude contact with the wire.

13 slide

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Actions in case of fire If the fire is small, cover the fire with a thick cloth - blanket, rug, then fill with water. Do not remove burning items from the hearth until you have completely extinguished the fire. Try not to breathe smoke. If you have a fire extinguisher, try to extinguish the fire starting from the edges towards the center (localizing the fire). Fire in the building If you feel or see smoke, promptly inform everyone about it; Do not lose your composure, calm down the children; before sending the children out of the room, divide them into pairs and count them; try not to breathe through your mouth, cover your mouth and nose with any cloth (clothing) for yourself and ask the children to do the same; explain to the children which way to go; take the children out in twos, bending over, as oxygen is stored below. Leave the premises, upon exiting the premises onto the street, count the children and make sure that all the children come out; if someone is absent, then inform about the possible whereabouts of the child (children); help, if someone needs it, call " ambulance", if necessary.

14 slide

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Thunderstorm In a thunderstorm, it is dangerous for a person to be struck by lightning. The danger of lightning lies not in the fact that an electric charge strikes not only what it hits, and everyone who is nearby. During a thunderstorm, you must immediately stop moving and seek shelter. Do not run during a thunderstorm. Hiding under the crown of a lonely spreading tree is dangerous. A safe haven is the thick of the forest. Swimming in a thunderstorm is dangerous. Avoid drafts as there is a high probability of ball lightning hit.

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Sunstroke and heatstroke. Sunstroke- the result of prolonged exposure to the sun with a bare head. Most often it happens in calm weather, with high air humidity. Heatstroke - the result of overheating of the body under the influence of an excessive increase in temperature environment and violations of thermoregulation of the body (bath, greenhouse effect). Most often it happens in people weakened by chronic diseases. Remember: - light, light colored clothing reflects Sun rays, - dark clothing absorbs the sun's rays, does not allow air to pass through. Signs of overheating of the body: A person turns pale Dizziness appears Drowsiness is noticeable, apathy The victim may stagger, speech is incoherent Shortness of breath, pulse is frequent, loss of consciousness is possible. First aid: Move the victim to the shade Give a semi-sitting position Free the neck from embarrassing clothes Smell a cotton swab dipped in ammonia (if faint) Drink heavily salted water (if conscious) Put cold on the head Give valerian drops (15-20 drops . for half a glass of water) To improve cardiac activity, the patient can be given strong tea.

16 slide

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Fainting Fainting is a sudden loss of consciousness as a result of a decrease in blood pressure to a level at which there is insufficient blood supply to the brain. First Aid: Free neck and chest from tight clothing (make breathing easier) Spray face cold water Give a sniff of a cotton swab dipped in ammonia.When face reddening and difficulty breathing, give the unconscious half-sitting position. With severe pallor, put the patient on his back, raise his legs by 40-50 cm. When vomiting, you need to turn your head to one side to prevent suffocation When the victim comes to his senses, support his strength with strong tea or coffee.

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In case of nosebleeds Do not throw your head back! Lean forward while holding the body in upright position("reading person" pose), unbutton the collar and belt. Blow your nose. To clear the nasal cavity from mucus and clots of coagulated blood, it is better to do this under running water. If hydrogen peroxide is present, treat the nostril. Press the wing of the nose to the septum for 10 minutes. Put a cold compress on the nose. You can put a cotton or gauze swab into your nose. If after 5-7 minutes the bleeding continues, pinch the nostrils again and call a doctor

18 slide

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If a person is energized Try to assess the situation, determine the location of the current source and the possibility of turning it off. Disconnect electricity. If possible, pull the person away by their clothing by wrapping any dry cloth around your hand (always with one hand). If the person has not lost consciousness, but cannot get away from the wire, shout to him to jump up in place. Pull him sharply by the clothes, throwing him back from the wire. If a high-voltage wire breaks and touches a person with it, walk up with small steps, jump on one or both legs together, so as not to get under step voltage. First aid Free the victim from the action of electric current, using available means (board, stick, dry clothes, non-conductive objects), turn off the voltage with a breaker. If the victim is conscious, without visible severe burns and injuries, lay him on his back, unfasten the clothes that are restricting breathing. Don't let it move. Do not give to drink - this will cause vomiting and breathing problems. In the absence of consciousness, but still breathing, lay the victim on his side on a firm horizontal surface, provide an influx of fresh air. Spray with water, rub and warm the body. If breathing and heartbeat are disturbed, immediately start artificial respiration and chest compressions, do not stop them until spontaneous breathing and pupil constriction appear, or until a doctor arrives.

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If a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, coughing is best. While the victim can, let him cough. First of all, free your mouth from food debris with your finger, wrapped in gauze, a handkerchief, turning your head to one side. Hit the victim in the interscapular region with your palm (not your fist!) To clear the airway.

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