Cucumber mosaic. Diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field, description and methods of their treatment. Causes of diseases on cucumbers

Wooden windows 09.05.2021
Wooden windows

Judging by the photograph of the cucumber leaf, outward signs the disease is very similar to a white mosaic. This is a viral infection that affects many crops growing both in open ground and in greenhouse (or room) conditions.

White cucumber mosaic is the most harmful of all types of mosaics and one of the most resistant to treatment. The virus is difficult to destroy because it has the ability long time persist in the soil, in plant debris and even on tools. In addition, the mosaic also infects the seeds of plants, maintaining its activity for 2-3 years. But even after this time, a certain level of infection still remains.

Treatment methods for cucumber mosaic

First of all, it is urgent to separate diseased plants from the rest in order to prevent the further spread of infection. Remove the affected leaves and treat the cucumbers with Aktelikt or Aktara.

Tools that were used to care for diseased plants must be thoroughly disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Folk remedies, such as spraying, also have a slowing effect on the development of the disease:

  • low-fat milk (10%);
  • milk-iodine solution (10% milk and 0.1% iodine);
  • dandelion tincture;
  • decoction of onion peel;
  • tincture of tobacco;
  • weak garlic infusion.

Causes of the disease

A favorable environment for the manifestation of a mosaic of cucumbers grown in greenhouse (room) conditions is:

  1. Increased room temperature (more than 25 degrees Celsius).
  2. Sharp fluctuations in temperature.

The disease quickly spreads to all plantings and in a short time can destroy them.

Cucumber mosaic is transmitted:

  • through infected seeds;
  • through infected soil or weeds;
  • through inventory, which treated infected plants;
  • with the help of pests, in particular.

Characteristic signs of the disease

Cucumber mosaic most often appears in the "young age" of the plant and affects the deciduous plate of cucumbers. Young leaves are covered with white or yellow spots, which gradually increase in scale and completely color the leaf, leaving only the veins green. However, the virus can and will hide until the time when the cucumbers begin to bear fruit.

Folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of diseases of cucumbers - video

​Related Articles​

Mosaic ringed Sweet cherry

4) the appearance of tubercles (bloating) on ​​the surfaces of the fruit;

​- English mosaic Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) caused by Cucumber green mottle mosaic tobamovirus It affects only 2 more species useful plants: Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) and Melon (Cucumis melo);​

  • Sources of infection of the English cucumber mosaic are the root rot of Olpidium brassicae, in connection with which it is localized in the root of the cucumber. The virus enters the above-ground organs and causes necrosis, which is also transmitted with plant sap and persists for two months.
  • Read the continuation in the article Infectious diseases of pepper in the greenhouse - part two.
  • Solanaceae family plants grew.
  • Instructions for the prevention and treatment of tobacco leaf mosaic virus:

Internal fruit necrosis.

Bacterial diseases of pepper

In the event that it is not possible to change crops in places, be sure to disinfect the soil in the greenhouse, or even better, replace it every season.

  • After healthy plants have been processed, it is necessary to remove all affected bushes.
  • is this:
  • 5) general inhibition of plant development.

Bacterial canker of pepper

- circular mosaic of Cucumber. It affects both Potato (Solanum tuberosum), and Pepper (Piper), and Tobacco, and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and many weeds;

Preventive and protective measures against English cucumber mosaic: We have repeatedly published material on various viral and mycoplasmal diseases of tomatoes. Some of them can also affect other plants. As, in particular, the cucumber mosaic virus (necrotic strain), which is one of the most harmful and widespread phytoviruses. It can infect more than 700 plant species, including tomato, pepper, lettuce, parsley, dill, cabbage, and beans. And crop rotation will not help here. Replacing the soil, especially after growing tomatoes or eggplants.

Collection of own seeds is carried out only from healthy plants. After collection, they must be disinfected in a saturated purple solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.

Carefully collect and remove all plant debris, be sure to destroy them with your own hands.

Each gardener strives to get a good harvest of each of the grown vegetable crops on his plot. Sweet, or as it is also called, bell pepper, is grown mainly in greenhouses: greenhouses or greenhouses. (See Growing Peppers). Despite the many efforts expended, not every gardener gets a decent harvest of this healthy and tasty vegetable.

1) on the leaves - rings similar to those described above (but not stripes); 2) with the passage of time, a hole forms inside each ring due to the fact that the dying leaf tissue falls out in crumbs; 3) latency can stretch for 2 years. ​

Specifics for the roundabout

soft bacterial rot

- speckled mosaic of Potato;

A systematic survey of greenhouse plants is necessary. Be sure to remove single diseased plants, steam the substrate, observe crop rotation and plant cucumbers no earlier than two years later.

  • On the territory of the CIS
  • Mandatory cleaning and burning of all plant residues from the greenhouse.

Compliance with the rules of crop rotation.

  • This disease is caused by the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Favorable conditions for its development are low illumination of plants and constantly high humidity. Infection can occur through seeds, as well as through the soil. Quite quickly, the virus can pass from an infected plant to a healthy one, when transplanting or picking, if the plant has received mechanical damage.

For self-production of seeds, use only healthy fruits.

This disease affects the entire plant: roots, stems and fruits. Bacteria penetrating into the vascular system of plants clog them, thereby depriving individual parts of the plant of nutrition. As a result, wilting begins, both of individual branches and of the whole plant as a whole.

The most common causes of a poor harvest, or its complete absence, are various diseases of peppers in a greenhouse.

Specifics for wrinkled

Mosaic of Cucumber

- alfalfa mosaic of Pepper, excited by Alfalfa mosaic virus. It also infects Bean (Vicia faba), and Peas (Pisum), and Sweet clover (Melilotus), and Potatoes, and Clover (Trifolium), and Celery (Apium), and Beans (Phaseolus), and many weeds; Bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv - cause cucumber disease, corner spot. Bacteria lachrymans Young are highly specialized and infect the above-ground cucumber mass. As a result, cucumbers do not fully develop, the assimilation activity of leaves worsens, and the intensity of fruit formation decreases. The harmfulness of the disease angular spotting is very high. The disease develops on cucumbers both in closed and open ground. On the affected plants, along the edges and center of the cotyledons, small round oily spots of a dark green color are formed, which soon darken and dry out, as a result, the affected seedlings run out. With angular spotting, dark green or brownish spots appear on cucumber leaves, yellow mucus is located on the underside of the leaf, which are located between the veins. The spots become oily when the weather is damp and when dew falls. The fall of the leaves and the slowdown in plant growth is caused by elongated spots that form on the petioles and stems of the plant. When the disease occurs, the fruits are affected by shallow rounded dark green sores, which are clearly visible in wet weather, as a cloudy liquid. The disease, especially in greenhouses with high humidity, causes softening and rotting of fruits. Cucumber mosaic virus

Lightning bacterial wilt

Thorough disinfection of all equipment used when working with seedlings and in the greenhouse

During the cultivation of pepper seedlings, every three weeks it is watered with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Symptoms of TDC can be very diverse, depending on:

Before planting, be sure to disinfect the seeds in a dark purple solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with cold running water and dry.

The symptoms of this disease are:

  • In the process of growing pepper can be affected by various diseases:
  • ​Potato mosaics
  • is this:
  1. - mosaic (jaundice, xanthosis) Strawberries (Fragaria);
  2. Sources of angular spotting of cucumber - the pathogen develops during the growing season and spreads by pieces of affected leaf tissue with the help of wind, insects, raindrops. Bacteria enter the plant through the stomata of plants. For the development of bacteria, the optimum temperature is 25-27 C. The incubation period of the disease lasts 4-5 days. In warm rainy weather and with heavy dew, the disease of cucumber angular spotting is especially enhanced. The causative agent of the disease can favorably overwinter on plant debris or cucumber seeds.
  3. has become widespread in both open and closed ground. High severity of the virus has been registered in the North Caucasus, the Baltic States, Central Asia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, the Lower Volga region, the Far East and the Krasnodar Territory. In a word, almost everywhere where tomatoes and cucumbers are grown. Probably, many have seen plants affected by the virus more than once (see photo), but mistakenly thought that they simply did not have enough food. No matter how…
  4. ​15%​

After planting pepper in a greenhouse, (See Planting seedlings in a greenhouse), foliar feeding of plants with a solution of trace elements is carried out several times.

phase of plant development;

  1. Tip: you can disinfect seeds using preparations based on plant materials. To do this, take 3-4 cloves of crushed or finely chopped garlic for ½ cup of water, mix.
  2. discoloration and hollowness of the stem;
  • bacterial;
  • more vague:
  • 1) spots on adult leaves are poorly visible, because they are gray-brown and small; 2) spots on young leaves are surrounded by a yellow border; 3) spots on fruits are light and depressed; 4) if the ambient temperature exceeds 20 ° C - manifestation all three signs are weakening. Be careful!​
  1. - Mosaic of Cabbage (Brassica). It affects all species from this genus - for example, Rutabaga (Brassica napobrassica), Brussels (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera), Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes), Leafy (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica), Garden white (Brassica oleracea var. oleracea ), Turnip (Brassica rapa), Savoy turnip (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda), - as well as other plants from the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae): Radish (Raphanus sativus convar. radicula), Radish (Raphanus), Horseradish (Armoracia);
  2. Preventive and protective measures against angular spotting of cucumber:

Viral diseases

For the first time, a necrotic strain of cucumber mosaic virus was registered in Bulgaria. The disease causes the greatest harm to cucumbers and tomatoes, causing the appearance of filamentous formations on fruits and leaves. On affected fruits, streak symptoms appear as streaks Brown color and necrotic rings. The top of the plant dies off completely. The first signs of the disease appear even on seedlings in the form of mosaic, zonal chloroticity, curvature and wrinkling of young leaves. As the infection progresses, the leaves shrivel, and their edges turn down, they acquire a mosaic color of alternating shapeless light green and dark green areas. Plant growth slows down, internodes shorten, the number of flowers and leaf area decrease, the stem bases often crack.

A solution of trisodium phosphate (sodium phosphate trisubstituted), for which it is dissolved in 1 liter of water

  • To prevent the occurrence of TMV, pepper bushes are sprayed with an aqueous solution of milk (1:10), with the addition of a few drops of iodine. After spraying, it is best to cover the plant with a film for some time in order to prevent the spread of viruses by contact.
  • varieties;
  • Then the seeds are immersed in the resulting solution. The jar is loosely closed and the seeds are left in it for an hour. After the time has elapsed, the seeds are washed cold water and dry.
  • Necrosis and chlorosis of leaves;
  • viral;

1) the color of the spots on the leaves is yellow or light green; 2) in addition to the spots, there are areas with wrinkles or folds; 3) the leaves curl on the tops of the bushes; 4) necrosis (death) of the bushes develops from top to bottom; 5) if it has reached tubers - rings or spots are formed in their pulp, which are not always easy to see under the skin; 6) sprouts from these tubers, which retain the virus well in themselves until the next growing season, are characterized by an unpleasant threadiness.

  1. specifics for
  2. - Mosaic Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis). The causative agent - Cauliflower mosaic caulivirus - is the most harmful of the three viruses ever recorded on Cabbage. The third of them threatens the least damage, which is also “responsible” for the Turnip mosaic (Brassica rapa subsp. rapifera);
  3. It is necessary to observe crop rotation. For sowing, use only healthy seeds collected from uninfected testes. It is necessary to carry out preventive chemical spraying with copper-containing preparations (kuproksat, Champion), as well as growth regulators that increase the plant's immunity. Use for growing varieties and hybrids resistant to plant disease.​
  4. At low air temperatures, the fruits on diseased plants acquire a variegated, mosaic color, often wrinkle and bend. Dark green areas alternate with yellow. Under adverse environmental conditions (for example, during a sharp cold snap), the flowers dry up, the stem becomes glassy, ​​diseased plants wither.

tobacco mosaic

100-120 g of the drug

In this viral disease that affects pepper, there are 4 main forms of manifestation:

growing conditions;

  • Mandatory removal of weak and diseased seedlings.
  • fungal;
  • Potatoes are generally very susceptible to many viral diseases that drastically reduce both gross yields and the potential to produce high quality seed. But, fortunately, breeders are already managing to increase the so-called field resistance of the "bulb" against several types of pathogens at once - it is possessed, in particular, by the varieties "Snow White", "Pigeon", "Pikulinsky", "Autumn", "Resource", " Skoroplodny, Sokolsky. ​

Strawberry xanthose

- a mosaic of Onion (Allium) and Garlic (Allium sativum). Its causative agent is Onion mosaic virus (aka Allium virus I);

Cucumber wet rot disease affects all plants of the pumpkin family in the open field, during the growing season and its entire length. The disease manifests itself in the form of dark green spots that darken over time. On the underside of the leaves, the spots are oily. The spots are placed around the central vein, merge with each other, resulting in necrosis of 20x30 mm. When cucumbers are affected by wet rot in plants in the phase of 2-6 true leaves, when the weather is hot, the turgor is actively reduced, which is restored by morning. After several times of such a change, the plants dry out, because stem tissues are macerated and exudate is released. The longitudinal section of the stem has darkened vessels and tissues.

Cucumber mosaic virus is represented by small spherical particles 28-30 nm in diameter. Virus inactivation occurs at a temperature of 60-76°C and a maximum dilution of 1:10,000. The virus loses its infectivity also when standing in juice for 6-8 days. It is also inactivated when plant residues are composted for two months. But it remains in the winter in the roots of perennial host plants (thistle, bindweed, wood lice, quinoa, etc.). It belongs to the group of typical natural focal pathogens. In nature, the circulation of the virus is carried out with the help of aphids-carriers. About 70 species of aphids are known, including gourds, common potato and greenhouse, which can transmit the virus from wild to cultivated plants.​

Transient - the plant very quickly loses internal pressure (turgor), after which it dries up, retaining its green color.

  • Virus strain.
  • Compliance with agricultural practices for growing peppers in a greenhouse:
  • The appearance of watery deep brown areas near the stalks.
  • Mycoplasma.
  • With all the abundance of chemicals intended for the care of a variety of beneficial flora (agricultural, garden, ornamental), among them, as already mentioned, there are no antiviral ones. Therefore, the fight comes down to preventive measures:​
  • is this:
  • - Raspberry mosaic (Rubus);
  • The source of wet rot infection is Erwinia caratovora pv.caratovora (Jones) Dye (E. melonis Holland) bacteria. Infected seeds, undecayed plant debris are also sources of infection. Infection with wet rot occurs through damage and stomata. 5-10 days lasts incubation period illness. Darkening vascular system causes pantogen, which spreads very quickly. Then a gray, cloudy exudate appears in the seminal chamber, as a result, the fetus becomes in the form of a watery mass. Also, through the vessels of the affected stem, infection of the fetus can occur. A 40% crop shortage is observed with the active spread of wet rot.
  • The widespread distribution of the virus indicates that it does not depend on environmental factors, although the occurrence of epiphytoties is influenced by the presence of natural foci of infection and carriers. It's interesting that
  • Mandatory chemical or thermal disinfection of seeds before planting. The most effective sequential thermal and chemical disinfection.​

Transient or "green" form of pepper infection with cucumber mosaic virus

  1. The main symptom of mosaic pepper disease is a change in leaf color. As you can see in the photo, the leaves become variegated, mosaic colored. On the leaf plate, areas of yellow, dark and light green alternate.
  2. optimal humidity and temperature for the culture;
  3. A long period of wet and warm weather contributes to the development of this disease. Plants are infected through damage to the stem.
  4. Let's look at what pepper diseases are, how they manifest themselves, and how and how you can help the affected plants.
  5. 1. Plants with symptoms of these diseases should be immediately removed (uprooted) and burned to the ground.

cucumber mosaic

1) at first, yellowness "sits" on the leaf in spots, then covers it entirely; 2) the growth of leaf blades is slowed down, and they tend to bend down along the main veins; 3) the cuttings of the leaves and flower stalks are shortened; 4) the harvest will be poor.

  • - mosaic (vein edging) of Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa);

Preventive and protective measures against wet rot of cucumber:

  • cucumber mosaic virus
  • Thermal disinfection of seeds is carried out in two stages: the first two days at a temperature
  • Brown, in which, during budding, areas of shoots and leaves wither, and subsequently, the affected tissues dry out and become brown in color. With this form, the virus spreads from the roots to the top.

Do not thicken plantings, but plant seedlings in accordance with the planting scheme recommended by scientists;


It is imperative to disinfect the soil, carefully remove plant debris and carry out seed dressing. If all these measures are not carried out, then the price of such inaction will be high - the loss of the entire crop of the next season, or a very small crop of poor quality fruits.

As the name implies, this group of diseases is caused by bacteria that infect peppers in various ways. Sweet pepper plants are most commonly affected by:

  • specifics for
  • - Pepper mosaic, which is caused by the Tobacco mosaic virus (tobacco mosaic virus, abbreviated as TMV).
  • For sowing, use only healthy, proven seeds. It is necessary to prevent mechanical damage to plants during care and harvest.​

Internal fruit necrosis

Attracts aphid vectors to affected plants, enhancing the odor emanating from them by producing substances in a diseased plant that attract aphids. But insects, after "tasting" the leaves of such an attractive plant, find that it is unhealthy, move to other plants and thus transmit the virus.

How to deal with viral diseases?

  1. Yellow. This form of the disease is characterized by yellowing and deformation of both stems and shoots. In addition, the plant stops growing and developing, does not set fruits. In addition to the mosaic color, the leaves can become deformed and blacken, and in some cases fall off prematurely. Creation of normal illumination and air circulation in the greenhouse.
  2. bacterial cancer;
  3. 2. Eradicate weeds that give "shelter" to viruses and contribute to their spread - especially perennials (Bindweed, Quinoa, Mokritsu, Sow thistle, etc.). Gooseberry mosaics- Lettuce mosaic (Lactuca). It also infects Peas, and Sonchus (Sonchus), and Chin (Lathyrus), and some other plants; When a cucumber is affected by vascular bacteriosis, the leaves and petioles of the plant wither, transverse and longitudinal sections are covered with clear rusty-red tracheae. Yellow oily streaks are clearly visible at the sites of stem lesions. The leaves are covered with chlorotic spots, which increase to 10 mm. with a light halo around the circumference, and have a red-brown color. A plant affected by vascular bacteriosis develops very poorly and eventually dies. Fruits affected by such a disease look unattractive and have poor taste. Aphids do not linger on diseased plants for a long time and after a while move to healthy ones. Therefore, under field and greenhouse conditions, insect populations on healthy plants are two to three times larger than on diseased ones. Cucumber mosaic virus belongs to the group of non-persistent viruses: such viruses do not linger in the body of the carrier and "travel" with it only to the first plant they encounter. They invent special distribution mechanisms that allow them to quickly infect a large number of plants. For example, people with malaria are known to be more attractive to mosquitoes that carry it.​
  4. , and another day at a temperature

The dwarf form differs in that the plant immediately lags far behind in growth and development from healthy ones, forms small leaves on strongly branching shoots. The internodes are shortened, the ovaries often fall off, and the formed fruits are irregular in shape. Plants affected by the tobacco mosaic virus often stun, and later form ugly and defective fruits, usually small in size with yellowish or brown spots. Foliar feeding of plants with biostimulants and microelement solutions for the formation of immunity. This disease affects both the stems and petioles and leaves of peppers, fruits. Elongated dark-colored spots appear on the stem and petioles, and many small watery spots appear on the leaves, in the center of which are lighter areas, surrounded by spots of a darker color, increasing over time.Soft bacterial rot;

2a. The sap of a diseased plant can be an effective mediator in the spread of viruses if knives, pruners and other tools used in pruning and/or grafting procedures are not disinfected. For disinfection, it is customary to use a 5% solution of potassium permanganate KMnO

is this:

Beet mosaic (Beta) caused by a specific Beet mosaic virus. It is dangerous for fodder, sugar, table beets, as well as for Spinach (Spinacia);

  • Sources of cucumber vascular bacteriosis infection: the disease is caused by the bacterium Er-winia toxika Korobko. Pantogen is found in undecayed residues and seeds. The disease is especially dangerous for cucumbers grown in film greenhouses.
  • The virus does not tolerate high temperatures, so infection can be avoided if the seeds are heated to 52-58 ° C before sowing. True, not all plants can withstand such warming. To grow seedlings, you should use composted or sterilized substrates or soil from a deep soil horizon, as we do. Regular inspections and removal of infected plants with roots (they are buried deep into the ground away from the site) should be carried out, weeds should be destroyed as possible infection reservoirs during the season, and especially in the off-season period. Regularly combat aphids during the growing season with the help of biological products or pesticides such as Actellik, Aktara, etc., you can make plants unattractive to aphids by spraying them with strong-smelling substances, such as aromatic oils. Or unpleasant for pest vectors to colonize, as after spraying with ten percent skim milk.
  • +75+800С

Cucumber mosaic virus, unlike tobacco mosaic virus, is not seed-borne. If you do not wash your tools or hands thoroughly when working with plants, then with your own hands you can transfer the cucumber mosaic virus from diseased plants to healthy ones. In addition, the virus can be transmitted by insects, especially aphids.​

  • The root system of pepper can also be affected by TMV, however, this can only be established through special laboratory studies, there are no external manifestations.
  • Spraying peppers with copper-containing preparations.

On the fruits, at first, small, oily and convex dark dots appear, which subsequently become bigger size. Gradually, these spots turn into sores on the fruits, which are surrounded by greenish tissues.

lightning fast bacterial wilt;

Cucumber mosaic virus

1) bright yellow stripes appear along the main veins of the leaves; 2) the leaves become smaller and wrinkle; 3) you cannot count on rich fruiting. - Celery mosaic. It also affects Carrots (Daucus), and Parsnip (Pastinaca), and Parsley (Petroselinum), and Cumin (Carum), and Dill (Anethum graveolens), and Fennel (Foeniculum) - in short, all vegetable plants from the Umbrella family ( Apiaceae); Preventive and protective measures against vascular bacteriosis of cucumber:


Do not forget to disinfect knives and scissors that were used to trim plants with a five percent solution of potassium permanganate. Another method of protection is the cultivation of varieties resistant to the cucumber mosaic virus. As, for example, cucumber hybrids Pasamonte, Pasadeno, Pasalimo, Ofix, Octopus. Remember - viral diseases of plants are incurable, so the main thing is prevention.​


To prevent the disease of pepper in the greenhouse with the cucumber mosaic virus, first of all, it is necessary to remove the affected plants. Be sure to remove all weeds not only in the greenhouse, but also around it, in order to destroy all breeding sites of the insect - the carrier of this virus - aphids.

Some wild species are resistant to tobacco mosaic damage, as well as such cultivars and hybrids as: The causative agents of this group of pepper diseases are viruses, the peculiarity of which is dependence on host plant cells, without which they cannot function and multiply. As a rule, this disease occurs with a sharp drop in air temperature.

black bacterial spot;

Control measures

specifics for

Viral and bacterial diseases of cucumber. Preventive and protection of cucumber from diseases | - Agriculture, business

Mosaic common cucumber

- Soy mosaic (Glycine max);

Mandatory disinfection of greenhouses.

Almost all pumpkin crops, if improperly maintained, are at risk of common mosaic disease. The virus can infect both plants in the field and in greenhouses. Seedlings immediately show the first symptoms of the disease, they appear in the form of light chlorotic "marble", later dying areas on the leaves. When plants are infected with the common mosaic virus, the number of female flowers decreases, the internodes are shortened, and the fruits become light green in color. Dark green spots similar to warts also appear, which are easy to see against a light background. Puffiness appears on young leaves, the cotyledons of the affected seedlings turn yellow, the growth of the plant slows down, death is possible if the temperature is lowered. Over time, the leaves on the affected plants shrivel.

Chemical treatment consists in immersing the seeds for 1 hour in a 10-15% solution of trisodium phosphate, or in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.

English cucumber mosaic


The main signs of viral diseases of pepper in the greenhouse are:

up to +160С+180С

Viral necrosis of cucumber

3. The many-legged "guests" of the sites are subject to destruction - ticks (herbivorous), bedbugs (various), aphids (the main carriers of viruses). ​

Mosaic Cherry Disease

- Tomato mosaic. Its causative agent is the same TMV (Tobacco mosaic tobamovirus, synonymous with Tomato mosaic virus). Over 300 more plant species may turn out to be its "owners" (and in fact - victims): Eggplant (Solanum melongena), Potato, Beetroot, Spinach, etc.

Prevention with the help of chemical sprays with copper-containing preparations.

Angular spotting of cucumber (bacteriosis)

The Cucumber mosaic virus is the main causative agent of the common cucumber mosaic. The virus is transmitted different types insects (mainly aphids), it is stored in weed tissues. The main reservoirs of infection are field sow thistle, dahlias, gladioli, zinnias, cannes, phloxes. Often, infection with the virus occurs as a result of agrotechnical work, when picking fruits. The virus is not transmitted with cucumber seeds.

Tip: if you want to not only disinfect the seeds, but also increase their germination, then you can immerse them for 10 minutes in a 2% sodium hydroxide solution.

This viral disease manifests itself primarily in the upper part of the plant. Reddish-brown streaks or stripes appear on leaves, stems, and petioles. Parts of the plant affected by this disease become brittle and very brittle. In this case, the deformation of the leaf plates occurs, and the plants themselves slow down the pace of their growth and development.


Wet rot cucumber

reduction in leaf size;

, with high humidity.

As a rule, this disease affects peppers grown in film greenhouses. Its occurrence is facilitated by constantly high humidity, and high temperatures, which are kept in the range

4. Take seeds exclusively from healthy plants and treat as follows before sowing:

Vascular bacteriosis of cucumber

is this:

​If the Tomato is attacked by TMV in the company, for example, with the cucumber mosaic virus and / or with the X-virus of the Potato, then the result may be a streak (about it, see a separate article in our " garden encyclopedia»);​

Avoid mechanical damage to plants.

  1. Preventive and protective measures against ordinary cucumber mosaic:
  2. After the chemical disinfection procedure, the seeds must be washed for 10-15 minutes under running cold water, and then dried.
  3. The streak virus (streak) can be transmitted:
  4. Jiminy;


Mosaic. Description of the disease.

dwarfism of plants;

Lightning bacterial wilt of pepper is characterized by a fairly rapid withering of the entire plant. It is this disease that is one of the reasons why the pepper turns yellow in the greenhouse. Not only the color of the leaves changes, but the lower stem part of the plant is also affected. Bacteria, multiplying, fill all the vessels of the plant, thereby blocking the access of nutrients from the soil.

​from +250С to +350С​

​4a) heat at 55-58°C for 3 days plus 1 more day at 80°C; 4b) alternative thermal "attack" mode: heat 3 days at 70°C, another 3 days at 50°C and, finally, 1 day at 80 ° C; 4c) pickle with potassium permanganate (the same 5% solution as in paragraph 2a); 4d) against the alfalfa mosaic Pepper and TMV seem to help soaking the seeds for 15-30 minutes in 2% - hydrochloric acid solution HCl, in 2% sodium hydroxide solution NaOH or in 10% sodium phosphate (trisodium phosphate) Na

1) yellow stripes are clearly visible along the veins of the leaves; 2) the leaves are deformed, twisted, change color from green to red, then turn brown and fall off long before the normal period; 3) this disease does not affect the berries in any way; 4) it can "hide "on a tree for as long as 9 months, without making itself felt.

- Prunus domestica mosaic disease; - Cherry mosaic disease (Prunus avium); - Apple tree mosaic disease (Malus); - Cherry mosaic ringing; - Potato wrinkled mosaic; - Common cucumber mosaic caused by Cucumis (Cucumber) mosaic virus cucumovirus (CMV). It can successfully attack more than 700 plant species. Among them - Cabbage, Carrot, Pepper, Tomato, Beans; - striped (vein) mosaic of Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) ...

For sowing, use only healthy seeds.

​It is not recommended to grow cucumbers near ornamental plantations, especially if they are susceptible to the virus. Be sure to carry out disinfection of garden equipment and tools. If diseased plants are found, they should be removed immediately. Timely destroy weeds and pests.

Preventive treatment of seedlings, every 10 days with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water).

in case of mechanical damage to infected plants during transplantation or processing;

Gift of the Caspian Sea;

The death of individual organs or parts of a plant;

If you cut the stem of the affected plant, then whitish mucus will flow from the place of the cut.

specifics for

Cucumbers are mentioned four times in the list - but this is not enough: know that they are also susceptible to infection with white mosaic, and there is a separate article for it in the Garden Encyclopedia.

The term "mosaic" is used by plant growers in the designations of diseases that make up a large group of the most unpleasant and dangerous - viral ones. (In the names of diseases from the second group, no less extensive, the term "jaundice" is used.)

The disease English cucumber mosaic spreads to all pumpkin crops, except for pumpkin. Cucumbers located in closed ground are especially susceptible to this disease. English cucumber mosaic causes 25-50% yield loss, it all depends on the degree of development of the disease and the pathogenicity of the virus. Mostly young plants are affected. On the 20-30th day after planting seedlings in a permanent place, the first symptoms of the disease appear. The development of the disease is especially affected by a sharp increase in air temperature up to 30 ° C. The symptoms of the English cucumber mosaic are similar to the symptoms of an ordinary mosaic. Fruits are affected by wrinkled, light stripes. Diseased plants grow slowly, the leaves become covered with white or yellowish spots in the form of stars, after a while the spots merge, the leaves become wrinkled, shortened. Hot weather is most favorable for the development of the English cucumber mosaic.​

Mandatory treatment (spraying) every two weeks of plants planted in a greenhouse, with skim milk diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, with the addition of 1 tsp. spoons of urea per 10 liters of water.

Various insects - mites, aphids, thrips;

ring-shaped spots;

As with all other bacterial lesions, an important condition for the prevention of this disease is the observance of crop rotation rules, the destruction of all plant residues, as well as the disinfection of the greenhouse and the soil in it both in autumn and in spring.

In addition, very dense and excessively dense planting and sprinkling can contribute to the spread of bacterial contamination. be transmitted pathogenic bacterium can through non-disinfected tools, human hands, as well as insects.​

Mosaic Symptoms

Mosaic ringing Pears

As you can see, the picture is very cumbersome. And depressing - because not yet invented effective methods cure plants from viral diseases with chemical preparations. ​

A serious study of such diseases began in 1886 by the Dutch. The first objects selected were bushes of species of the genus Tobacco (Nicotiana), grown for the production of cigars.​

Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus is the causative agent of English cucumber mosaic. The virus is transmitted through plant sap. Seeds affected by the disease are the main sources of the spread of the disease. During plant care activities, the virus infects healthy plants. Plant residues, seeds, soil are sources of infection.

Carrying out regular foliar top dressing of pepper with microelements.

Infected seeds.

​Indalo F1;​ Mosaic leaf color. To prevent damage to pepper in the greenhouse by various bacterial infections a number of preventive measures should be taken. Instructions for prevention are as follows:

This disease affects the leaves, shoots and fruits of pepper.

​4​is this: Mosaic diseases are characterized, as a rule, by five main features:

Tobacco growers in many countries have long been faced with a scourge called "tobacco mosaic disease". It can destroy entire plantations. Salvation is seen only in the timely search for and elimination of specimens covered with bright green, dark green and / or light green. yellow spots. ​

​strong>Preventive and protective measures against English cucumber mosaic:​​Advice: for foliar dressings, you can use both special formulations sold in the store, and make them yourself. This will require 10 liters of water: 2 g of boric acid, 2 g of copper sulfate, 2 g of zinc sulfate and 4 g of manganese sulfate. Brownish-brown areas of dying tissue appear on pepper fruits. The development of this disease is facilitated by insufficient illumination of each plant, high planting density and high humidity in the greenhouse.

​Cardinal F1;​

Consider the most common viral diseases of pepper in the greenhouse: Mandatory observance of crop rotation: On leaves affected by bacterial cancer, areas with irregular shape, painted in dark brown, the center of which has a lighter color. In the future, all the spots merge into one common one, which gradually lengthens and becomes covered with a crust.

, but the latter is unfavorable for water bodies in the environment. ​

1) the foliage is "adorned" with whitish or pale green rings (not necessarily closed - that is, having the form of curved stripes). These lesions are easier to see "through the light"; 2) then they acquire a bronze (or less elegant - brown) color, already clearly visible in reflected light; 3) the latent (latent) period can also last 9 months; 4) you need to know that the insidious virus of this disease is able to "sit down" on Quince, and on 1) first of all - the motley coloring of the affected organs of the aerial part of the plant. Their surfaces are dotted with spots (the sizes and outlines of which are very diverse - sometimes they are not rounded, but elongated or almost rectangular stripes), as if built into the general appearance of a leaf or fruit, like pieces of a mosaic. The color of the spots is often white or contrast green, and the intensity of whiteness or contrast is not constant (the same); Russian scientist D.I. Ivanovsky (1863-1920) graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Imperial St. to work at the Department of Botany, because from the student's bench he became interested in another disease of Tobacco - the grouse, which often destroyed its crops in Moldova and Ukraine. Then Dmitry Iosifovich got the position of an assistant in the botanical laboratory of the Academy of Sciences in the capital, "switched" to the tobacco mosaic disease, got acquainted with the reports of the Dutch - and in 1892 published his assumption about its origin. ​

It is necessary to keep the sowing of cucumbers in a state clean from weeds. In greenhouses, the soil temperature should be at least 17C. It is necessary to disinfect the substrates with a 2% formalin solution, steam the soil in the greenhouse. Maintain the optimal regime of mineral nutrition of the soil and plants.​

Regular removal of weeds from the greenhouse and around it.

​Prevention and control measures for this disease are identical to those for tobacco mosaic virus control.​ FidelioF1; Tobacco mosaic.

Do not plant sweet peppers in the same place every year;

On fruits, this disease manifests itself in the form of small brown spots with a lighter border. Gradually, many small spots merge into larger ones, the diameter of which can be from 1 to 3 cm. 5. Please also note:​ An apple tree located close enough to the affected Pear, however, outwardly its presence on those plants often does not appear. ​

2) changing the shape of leaf blades;

For the first time, it was possible to see the virus alive only in 1939 - and with the help of not even a light microscope, but an electronic one. However, the year of the discovery of viruses is considered to be 1892, and the founder of virology is D.I. Ivanovsky.

Mosaic control and prevention measures.

Tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) is the causative agent of cucumber disease - viral necrosis. The virus is actively spreading among many representatives of plant families, it affects vegetable, industrial, fruit, berry, flower, and ornamental crops. With the spread of the virus and the disease, the crop is lost by 20-50%, because. plants die prematurely.

Destruction of insects that are carriers of viral diseases.

Do not plant pepper in places where in previous


Cucumber mosaic. Do not plant this plant after any representatives of the nightshade family (tomatoes, eggplant); Before proceeding with the removal of diseased plants, it is necessary to process healthy bushes in the greenhouse. To this end, healthy pepper bushes are sprayed in the morning with any copper-containing preparation, for example, copper sulfate or copper oxychloride.

​5a) the stability of the CMV virus is relatively low, and after 2 years of storage of seeds, it can completely lose its viability; 5b) on the contrary, VZKMO remains almost without loss for a year on equipment and clothes, in soil, in plant debris, on seeds, survives when dried, when frozen, when heated to 90 ° C; 5c) "White pouring", "Wine", "Liflyandskoye", "Autumn striped", "Renet gold" are more prone to mosaic disease than other varieties of Apple.

specifics for

3) their loss of juiciness; Here is a list (long, but still incomplete) of viral mosaics currently known to mankind: In the form of small brown-brown necrotic spots on the leaves, symptoms of the disease appear. Often the spots on the leaves are located along the veins of the leaf and cover almost the entire leaf, which eventually dies. Small light spots with a dark green border spread on the fruits, the fruits are very small and deformed. During the period of low light, symptoms appear much more often. ​The video materials below will show you how to properly pre-treat pepper seeds and foliar top dressing, as well as how to treat plants infected with a particular disease. ​3-4 years​

Diseases of cucumber seedlings Anti-aging pruning

Reading time: 4 min

Mosaic, hitting cucumbers, extends to other garden crops - cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, beans, lettuce ... How to save garden plants?

Cucumber mosaic viruses infect the plant at the cellular level, and their carriers are aphids. The mosaic virus is well adapted to our harsh winters. It is able to live safely in soil or plant debris for years. Under favorable conditions, the virus begins its destructive work. The disease can affect a plant at any stage of its development.

Seedlings affected by the mosaic grow very slowly, eventually becoming unsuitable for transplanting into the ground. If the disease arose at the stage of fruit ripening, then not only leaves, but also cucumbers will be affected by it. What the affected fruits look like can be seen in the photo.

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Cucumber mosaic is detected by the appearance of mottling on the leaves. Soon after the first signs appear - spots consisting of densely spaced dots, the leaves begin to curl up and then fade.

Types of cucumber mosaic

In our area, there are several types of this disease.

- tobacco mosaic. This disease has been studied by botanists for a long time. Most often, tobacco mosaic affects sweet peppers, tomatoes and tobacco. On cucumbers, it does not occur very often. Outwardly, the tobacco mosaic looks like a marble pattern with bright green and pale green streaks. yellow color. They appear on the leaves. In this case, the unaffected parts of the leaves swell, after which the leaf falls off.

- ordinary mosaic often occurs on greenhouse cucumbers, although in the south it also affects soil cucumber plantations. An ordinary cucumber mosaic manifests itself with small white spots on the leaves. Later they become more, they become larger. From this cucumber leaves become hard, wrinkled. Further, the edges of the affected leaves begin to wrap. Further development of the disease leads to a stop in the growth of the cucumber lash. At this time, flowers die, a new ovary does not occur, and tuberosity appears on ripening cucumbers. An ordinary mosaic can destroy a cucumber lash in 2 weeks.

- Green speckled mosaic. The virus of this variety develops immediately after planting seedlings in the ground. However, the disease may occur later. It manifests itself by swollen leaves and light yellow spots that appear between the veins of the leaf. The cucumber whip affected by the speckled mosaic stops growing, the leaves on it are deformed, and some of the flowers fall off. Spots appear on cucumbers. Then the fruits are deformed, acquire a bitter taste.

- white mosaic on cucumbers in the initial stage of development almost does not manifest itself. Only a very experienced gardener will be able to notice the tiny pale yellow dots on the leaves. Then they begin to increase and change their color to white, and the spots look like rings or angular circles. If you do not take saving measures, then soon the entire surface of the leaves will turn white, they will soon fall off.

Favorable conditions for the development of the disease

Cucumber mosaic viruses can live on cucumbers for a very long time without showing themselves in any way. In this case, the cucumber lash develops normally. However, under certain conditions, the virus begins to actively multiply, which causes the disease.

Favorable for the development of the disease are the following conditions:

  • sudden changes in ambient temperature during the day and at night;
  • lowering the ambient temperature to 13 degrees;
  • increase in ambient temperature to 32 degrees and above;
  • poor watering from which the plant does not receive enough useful substances and unable to resist the disease;
  • excessive watering, from which the plant does not receive enough oxygen and also weakens;
  • underdevelopment of the root system of the plant;
  • improper feeding or its absence.

Where can a viral infection come from?

Alas, even if all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, a mosaic on cucumbers can still appear. This applies to both ground and greenhouse plants. Cucumber mosaic viruses can enter plants through working equipment. They can also be delivered by insects or birds. One of the reasons may be careless weeding of the plantation. Viruses thrive in weeds. Finally, viruses can get onto cucumber seedlings through untreated seeds.

Often, the cause of the appearance of cucumber mosaic is the careless disinfection of the soil on which plants with mosaics previously grew. That is, in such a situation, the infection does not reappear, but continues after the winter break.

How can cucumbers be cured

Treatment of cucumber mosaic should begin with the restoration of favorable conditions for the growth of cucumbers. It is these conditions that are not comfortable for the virus. If you grow cucumbers in greenhouses, then immediately bring the temperature back to normal and ventilate the greenhouse regularly.

Stop watering diseased ground cucumbers for two or three days, and spray instead. If the weather is dry, then place several buckets of water on the site. This will help to get enough moisture in the air.

Be sure to disinfect all the working tools with which you work in the garden. They can be treated with boiling water, a cool solution of potassium permanganate or industrial alcohol.

Remove any weeds that have appeared between the cucumber lashes.

Severely affected cucumber lashes must be uprooted and burned. Sprinkle the resulting holes with wood ash.

All these control measures are not a cure, but are designed to stop the development of the disease. It can be completely eliminated only with the use of special tools.


Cucumber mosaic virus instantly adapts to chemicals. Of course, some microorganisms die under their influence, but a considerable part survives and acquires immunity against them. Worse, this immunity is inherited.

Folk remedies

An excellent result is the processing of cucumbers with a solution of whey. With this simple remedy, cucumbers can be sprayed repeatedly, until they are completely cured. Such a solution is good for early disease of cucumbers. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of iodine.

Infusions of dandelion, fragrant tobacco, garlic or onion peel have a detrimental effect on cucumber mosaic viruses.

Preventive protection measures

To drastically reduce the threat of infection of cucumbers with a mosaic, the following actions should be performed:

  • after weeding, do not leave weeds on the site;
  • do not plant cucumbers two years in a row in one place:
  • in late autumn, burn all plant debris in the garden;
  • do not plant cucumbers too densely:
  • do not use old ropes for garter cucumber lashes;
  • systematically disinfect work equipment;
  • monitor the microclimate in the greenhouse and do not allow it to deviate from the norm:
  • strictly follow the rules for watering and feeding cucumbers;
  • annually renew the top layer of soil in greenhouses to a depth of at least 10 cm;
  • spray the seedlings planted in the ground with Farmiod's solution.

Grow varieties of cucumbers that are more resistant to mosaic. Before you buy seeds, ask the seller about it.

Causes of diseases on cucumbers

  • plant remains from the previous year. It is necessary to observe crop rotation or steam the soil of the greenhouse;
  • wild weeds that are vectors. They must be destroyed;
  • infection inside and on the surface of seeds. It is necessary to warm the seeds and treat with fungicides before sowing;
  • rains containing spores of a pathogenic disease, therefore it is better to grow in a film or glass greenhouse;
  • nearby infected seedlings. They must be removed immediately and the soil disinfected.

Having studied the causes of diseases, let's move on to their description and control measures.

Virus diseases of cucumbers

A feature of these diseases is the presence of a living host-carrier. Viruses do not live very long outdoors, but they are easily transferred during harvest or juicing. It differs from other diseases in that the color of the leaves of individual sections changes in the form of a mosaic. At the same time, the leaf is deformed, wrinkled, and the manifestation is asymmetrical, which distinguishes them from signs of an overabundance of the use of growth stimulants, which appear almost the same, but symmetrically. Consider the manifestation of the most common viral diseases.

Viral diseases are often seed-borne. The virus can be neutralized by heating dry seeds before sowing at a temperature of + 50 degrees for three days, and then a day at +70 degrees. If a plant with a virus is noticed, then it is immediately uprooted, and the soil is watered with boiling water. To exclude infection from weeds, they are destroyed around the cucumber planting at a distance of at least 10 m.

Bacterial diseases of cucumbers

Angular leaf spot. It is caused by bacteria that penetrate through the stomata of the leaves or damage to the integumentary tissues. Other plants of the pumpkin family are also affected, which can be reserves of infection. The main source of infection are seeds, in which bacteria can survive for about 2 years, and they quickly die in the soil. The incubation period is up to 10 days. Bacteria are carried by air masses and hands, when caring for the beds. The manifestation of the disease begins with the lower leaves, angular brown spots are formed on the leaves of cucumbers from the upper part and an oily yellowish coating from the lower part of the leaf. Affected fruits have small round sores. The leaves gradually dry out, the planting completely dies.

To combat a bacterial disease, the use of antibiotics is necessary, but there are no drugs developed specifically for this. Perhaps a single use of penicillin at a concentration of 1 million units. per 10 liters of water when the first signs of the disease appear.

Gray rot. Caused by bacteria, under cool conditions. All aerial parts are affected, brown areas and a thick gray coating appear on cucumbers. The disease will spread quite quickly. The period from infection to the onset of symptoms is 3-5 days.

To cope with the disease, stop watering, ventilate the greenhouse well, lubricate the affected parts with a pasty mass prepared from Rovral or Euparen multi.

Fungal diseases of cucumbers and their treatment

The most common and harmful diseases are caused by spore-bearing imperfect fungi. Cucumber has very delicate integumentary tissues, therefore it is easily affected by various types of this infection. To prevent infection from plant residues, cucumber should not be grown two years in a row in the same place.

root rot. Cause fungi that are everywhere in the soil, feeding on inanimate plant debris, healthy seedlings are not affected. They arise only at the moment of weakening of plants, mainly due to low soil temperatures below +16 degrees. The root loses living root hairs, becomes covered brown coating leaves and stem wither.

When buying seeds, you can see that some of them have already been processed and painted in a bright signal color. This is done to kill some of the infection on the surface of the seeds, and give a noticeable color, which makes it easier to sow, as they become more visible. Usually coated with the fungicide thiram, which inhibits fungi that cause root rot.

If the disease began to appear, then it is necessary to increase the temperature of the soil by watering warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate to a slightly pink color. The stems, lowering from the support, are laid on the ground and sprinkled with soil to form additional roots.

White rot or sclerotinia. A highly infectious dangerous disease that manifests itself in the form of white flakes with black dots on all parts of the plant. Mucous soft spots appear on them. Above-ground parts wither and die within 3-5 days. Effective drugs currently does not exist. When this disease of cucumbers appears in the greenhouse, it is closed for quarantine with the destruction of all plant residues and the treatment of the soil with steam or its replacement.

Anthracnose. Ascochitosis. Cladosporiosis. These fungal diseases have similar symptoms, mainly brown spots appear on cucumbers. The affected leaf tissue crumbles and holes appear. The affected areas of brown color appear on the fruits. The plant eventually loses leaves and dies. The spores of these fungi overwinter on plant debris and are carried from infected plants to healthy ones by the wind. These diseases have an incubation period and begin to appear on the 3-7th day from the moment of infection.

To combat diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with one of the copper preparations: 1% Bordeaux mixture, abiga-peak, copper oxychloride. Stop using these fungicides 30 days before harvest.

True powdery mildew. A fungal disease that manifests itself at high humidity, often after prolonged precipitation. The disease manifests itself 3-5 days after infection with spores. Appears white coating on cucumbers only on the top of the leaves. They gradually shrivel and then dry out, the seedlings stop growing and die.

To combat this disease, drugs containing sulfur are used, for example, Quadris or Colloidal sulfur. Processing is carried out prophylactically every 2 weeks and stopped 14 days before harvest.

Peronosporosis or downy mildew of cucumbers. The most harmful disease, since the defeat is lightning fast and there are no sufficiently effective means of control. The spores of this fungus have flagella that pierce even thin aluminum foil. For infection, drip-liquid moisture is needed. Optimal infection conditions +18 degrees and 100% relative humidity. Cucumber downy mildew appears as a whitish bloom with a purple tint on both sides of the leaf, which is a hallmark of powdery mildew. The fruits become incompletely colored and tasteless. Leaves turn brown quickly, crops die completely.

Until recently, it was only possible to grow early-ripening cucumbers. Currently, the cultivation of resistant or tolerant varieties allows you to get a crop even in open ground. In greenhouses, cucumbers are less susceptible to disease during preventive treatment with copper preparations and alternation of preparations of various chemical groups, for example, Strobi, Ridomil gold, Bravo. Processing stops 30 days before harvest.

We hope that the information presented in the article will help to avoid many diseases of cucumbers and get a high yield.

Save cucumbers: diseases and their treatment

Many cultivated plants are susceptible to various diseases, including cucumbers. Diseases (and their treatment in the future) are best prevented. Otherwise, you can lose, if not the entire crop, then most of it. To prevent this from happening, you must take preventive measures and, at the first symptoms, take immediate measures to eliminate them, then the fight against cucumber diseases will be effective.

Classification of diseases

All diseases of cucumbers (you can see the photo here) are divided into three groups:

  1. Fungal.
  2. Viral.
  3. Bacterial.

fungal diseases

1. Powdery mildew is the most common disease in this group. It looks like this: white spots appear on the leaves, which eventually affect the entire leaf and move to neighboring ones. This fungus takes all the nutrients from the plant, thereby reducing the yield. The disease can appear if the air humidity is too high or the rate of application of nitrogen fertilizers is exceeded. For prevention and treatment:

  • change the cucumber planting site annually;
  • in the greenhouse the temperature should be 23-25 ​​degrees;
  • water the plant with warm water;
  • monitor the soil moisture (so that it is not very wet, but not dry), every 10 days after the first signs of the disease appear, spray the plant with infusion of mullein or colloidal sulfur;
  • in case of severe damage, cut off diseased leaves.

2. Olive blotch appears as round spots on olive-colored leaves and fruits. Because of these spots, the appearance and taste of cucumbers deteriorate. The source of infection is fungus spores left over from last year. For prevention and treatment, ventilate the greenhouse and treat the sores with foundationazole.

Among fungal diseases, there are also brown olive spot, white rot, gray rot, root rot and others that infect cucumbers. Diseases (and their treatment) can drag on for for a long time, therefore it is better not to allow them, for this, observe the regime of temperature and watering.

Viral diseases

In this group, diseases that affect the cucumbers themselves are most common, and their treatment consists in replacing the earth infected with viruses.

1. Green speckled mosaic is characterized by yellowing of the leaves and the appearance of mosaic warts on the fruit. It is necessary to disinfect the seeds before sowing with potassium permanganate or subject to heat treatment.

2. White mosaic appears as white or yellow spots on the leaves and the same stripes on the cucumbers themselves. Control measures are the same as with the previous disease.

Bacterial diseases

Bacteriosis is the most common and most dangerous disease of this group. Curves with brown ulcers are observed fruits, leaves with holes, and their treatment is carried out with a solution of lime and copper sulphate. If the disease is running, then it is better to remove diseased leaves and fruits and bury them. Bacteria are spread by insects or plant debris.

Other diseases that affect cucumbers are also known, and their treatment is also complicated by pests, which not only spread the infection, but also cause considerable damage to the crop. Most ailments can be prevented, because many of them are associated with improper watering, temperature changes and contaminated soil.

Powdery mildew on cucumbers

Signs of powdery mildew on cucumbers (see photo) are small brown spots covered with white bloom (also called mycelium). At first, a small area is affected, but over time, the disease captures the entire leaf. It gradually becomes dull and dries completely. Cucumber seedlings affected by this disease do not develop, and educated young shoots no longer grow.

How to deal with powdery mildew on cucumbers? Protection is carried out by preparing a solution of weeds. To do this, you need the following material: plantain, coltsfoot, nettle, dandelion, wood lice, Ivan tea. All plants are crushed, placed in a bucket (usually the capacity is 10 liters) and filled with hot water. Next, add one teaspoon of urea, manganese powder, liquid soap and mix everything. And if the question arises - how to treat cucumbers from powdery mildew and other diseases, then the resulting solution is the best option plant protection.

In addition to a natural herbal cocktail for powdery mildew on cucumbers, folk remedies are used - whey and a mixture of mullein and urea in a proportion of 10 liters. water / 1 kg of cow manure with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of urea.

As a prevention of powdery mildew on cucumbers, fine sulfur powder is used (the soil is pollinated through a three-layer gauze and covered with a film for 3 hours). Also, in the fight against powdery mildew on cucumbers, a decoction of horsetail is used.

Preparation of tincture: 100 gr. dried or 1 kg of fresh horsetail is infused for about a day in 10 liters of water, then boiled for about 2 hours. After boiling, the broth should be cooled and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

Thus, it is possible to significantly improve the process of growing cucumbers. Diseases are eradicated, and the soil becomes quite suitable for the safe growth and fruiting of plants.

Advice! In order to prevent the disease, diseased leaves and shoots should be burned immediately. Throwing them to the edge of the garden or garden is not recommended.

How to deal with downy mildew (downy mildew)?

The main sign of downy mildew on cucumbers (see photo) are yellow-green spots that cover most of the leaf. They are also mistaken for traces of acid rain. A purple-gray coating appears from the bottom of the leaf, as a result of which it dries completely and crumbles. Downy mildew of cucumbers affects plants regardless of age. It is typical in most cases when growing cucumbers in open ground.

Prerequisites for the emergence and development of peronosporosis are high humidity and air temperature up to 16-180C. The disease develops from small droplets on a leaf.

Spores are able to maintain their dangerous activity in the soil for a long time, so it is very difficult to deal with them. If peronosporosis or downy mildew appears on cucumbers, then control measures should include the use of certain preparations containing copper (Bordeaux liquid, Ridomil Gold, Oxyhom). These funds are effective as a prophylactic agent.

If cucumbers are affected by downy mildew, then the treatment is carried out with the drug "Rizoplan". It is based on living cells of some bacteria. They are absolutely harmless to humans, but fatal to downy mildew spores. The drug also does not accumulate in the soil, but decomposes immediately.

In addition to traditional preparations, you can apply from downy mildew on cucumbers and a folk remedy - whey. Leaves are sprayed with it.

How does olive blotch (cladosporiosis) appear on cucumbers?

The occurrence of olive spotting of cucumbers (see photo) should be observed in the second half of summer, when the cucumbers have already fully formed a bush. Olive blotch appears on fruits in the form of olive (brown) color spots with bloom. The disease spreads rapidly and if not treated, you can lose the entire crop.

This type of disease is more typical for greenhouse conditions. Cladosporiosis spores are resistant to the microclimate of the greenhouse, so the fight against this disease should be started immediately.

If olive spotting of cucumbers is observed, then control measures should include thorough wiping of all surfaces of the greenhouse with a disinfectant that does not contain chlorine. In no case do not water the cucumbers with cold water, and at the first detection of the disease, you should generally stop watering the plant for 3-4 days.

Treatment of cucumber disease in the open field is carried out through the use of solutions that contain copper - Bordeaux liquid with the addition of liquid soap.

In order to prevent the occurrence of olive blotch, a change of crops in the affected areas should be carried out.

What is an ordinary cucumber field mosaic?

Ordinary cucumber mosaic (see photo) most often develops in open soil. Signs of the disease are yellow-green spots in the form of a mosaic. With the development of the disease, the leaves of cucumbers curl, fade, dry out and crumble. The fruits become very pimply. Under the influence of the disease, the immunity of the plant is so weakened that with a sharp decrease in air temperature, the bush simply stops growing and soon dies.

The danger of this disease lies in its resistance to cold. Spores of an ordinary field mosaic easily survive winter and cold in the root systems of reserve plants (thistle, quinoa, wood lice, bindweed, wheatgrass). These are hard-to-remove weeds, so it is very difficult to fight this virus. You can apply the method of growing cucumbers in plastic bottles. It is absolutely not complicated and plants are not affected by field mosaic in 94% of cases.

How to spray cucumbers from the disease? With an ordinary cucumber mosaic, the treatment consists in spraying the bushes with whey. In especially severe cases, this is done with a concentrated substance, and in preventive measures and in the initial stages of the disease, the serum should be diluted with water in proportions of 1: 2. Treatment of cucumbers from diseases folk remedies very often gives a positive and stable result.

Green and white mottled mosaic

Green and white cucumber mosaic (speckled) is one of the most common infections. Signs of the disease are wrinkled leaves with blown out places, and areas with a green or white color also appear. Spots become white in a progressive stage. In this case, it is very difficult to fight the disease.

At the advanced stage, cucumber bushes dull their growth. Leaves weaken and begin to fade in places. The fruits, accordingly, become very soft, and their taste qualities deteriorate. An outbreak of the disease can be provoked by a sharp increase in temperature from 220C to 300C.

This dangerous viral disease is transmitted through an untreated tool, plant remains, and simply persists in the soil. To combat this disease, summer residents choose varieties that are resistant to the disease (mainly hybrids for open or closed ground).

The best measure to get rid of this disease of cucumbers is care. It is necessary to remove the affected shoots and leaves in time and burn them immediately. Also, for prevention, you can spray the bushes with a light solution of whey.

How to deal with gray cucumber rot?

Gray rot on cucumbers (see photo) is a type of viral disease that manifests itself during their active fruiting. A gray coating may appear on leaves, stems and fruits, especially in internodes. The most favorable environment for its development is a densely planted area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden or garden.

The fact is that cucumbers that grow in close proximity to each other begin to rot due to the inability to develop in close quarters.

How to deal with gray mold on cucumbers? The therapeutic measure is the timely removal of diseased leaves and entire sections of the stem. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the entire hive. The fight against gray rot on cucumbers also consists in applying to the wounds of the removed sheets of a specially prepared substance (chalk with potassium permanganate). The consistency of such a remedy should be viscous and have a light pink tone.

Root rot of cucumbers

The danger of cucumber root rot (see photo) is that the signs of the disease are not immediately visible, since it affects the root system of the plant. The first sign of this disease is a sharp wilting of the bushes. In this case, you can not start watering the plant, this will harm it even more.

How to save cucumbers from root rot? On the early stages manifestations of the disease should slightly expose the root system (for this you need to slightly loosen the soil around it). Treatment of root rot of cucumbers consists in sprinkling the affected parts with a specially prepared composition (charcoal, chalk and ash). A solution of copper sulfate and copper oxychloride can also help with root rot of cucumbers.

After therapeutic measures, the roots and part of the stem should be sprinkled with clean, dry and unaffected soil. Watering can be started at the first sign of improvement in plant growth.

Diseases of cucumbers and their treatment

When the time comes for planting, we all dream about the future harvest. We imagine a variety of appetizing and delicious vegetables with which we provide ourselves and all relatives. Alas, sometimes plans fall apart, and our plants begin to suffer from some kind of disease. But if you quickly notice signs of trouble and understand what kind of attack the cucumbers have overcome, you can help them. We will tell you about all the common diseases of cucumbers and their treatment.

Why are cucumbers sick?

As you know, healthy plants that have everything they need are rarely affected by fungi or microbes. Insect pests also prefer weakened plants. In what cases do cucumbers weaken so much that they can get sick? There are three main reasons:

  • Since cucumbers are among the heat-loving species, they do not like cold weather. And sharp fluctuations in temperature at night and during the day are even more detrimental.
  • For the same reason, it is highly recommended not to water cucumbers with cold water. First you need to let it warm up in a sunny place.
  • Sometimes vegetables suffer from a lack of the nutrients they need. Do not forget about top dressing, and it is better if they are suitable organic fertilizers.

There are other important factors that we will look at next.

What diseases most often affect cucumbers

Diseases of cucumbers are spread due to fungal pathogens, bacteria or viruses. These pathogens usually pose a threat to other vegetables as well. Consider the most common diseases of cucumbers and their treatment.

powdery mildew

This is one of the most common cucumber diseases. It is caused by a widespread fungus that winters well on abandoned tops, fruit bushes and weeds. And in spring and summer, we notice brown spots with a white coating on young leaves (this is a mycelium). As a result, the leaf dries completely. The shoots of the affected plant develop poorly. If fruits have appeared, they may also be affected. The disease is most pronounced during cold snaps with rain. With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, greens grow, which are especially susceptible to powdery mildew.

If no action is taken, then the diseased vegetable may well die. Therefore, you need to fight the disease as soon as you notice it. Leaves with signs of powdery mildew should be removed immediately to prevent the fungus from spreading. Do not throw them in the compost, it is better to burn them. The store will offer drugs "Jet", "Topaz" and "Kvadris" to fight the fungus. Against him, some of the folk remedies are excellent help.

  • Spray all cucumber leaves with whey on both sides. If there is not enough serum, it can be diluted with water.
  • Garlic helps fight many diseases, including powdery mildew. It is enough to chop 50 g of garlic and stir in a liter of water. After a day, pour the contents of the jar into a bucket of water and spray the plants.
  • Moisten the leaves and shoots of cucumbers, then powder them with ash through cheesecloth.

Peronosporosis, or downy mildew

Peronosporosis occurs even more often than the previously described disease. With it, the foliage is covered with greenish-yellow spots and dries. The plant looks like it has been exposed to acid rain. The fungus is very tenacious and aggressive. It remains in the soil for more than 5 years and can appear even on young shoots. But more often the disease becomes noticeable only in August, when the fruits are already ripening. Outbreaks occur after cold water hits cucumbers. This can happen during cold rain, cold water irrigation, or dew due to a strong temperature difference.

Controlling downy mildew is not easy. Therefore, effective measures should be taken at the first signs of the disease or even for prevention. Most often, copper-based products are used. This is the well-known Bordeaux liquid, Oxyhom, Ridomil Gold, Kuprosat and much more. Whey also helps, but it is better to add copper sulfate to it. A teaspoon of poison and three liters of serum per bucket of solution is enough. After such treatments, you can harvest no earlier than two to three weeks later.

In order not to water vegetables with chemicals, it is better to try to avoid the spread of the disease. To do this, choose peronosporosis-resistant varieties. Suitable varieties with early term maturation. From them you will have time to harvest before the main outbreak in August. There is also a safe one, but effective remedy- biological product "Rizoplan". It well suppresses the pathogenic fungus, and after it you can eat cucumbers in two days.

Ordinary, or field mosaic

This is a viral disease that affects many other crops besides cucumbers. With it, the leaves and even the fruits are covered with spots of light green, dark green and yellow, while becoming corrugated. In the end, such leaves dry up, and the plant dies. Sometimes the disease manifests itself even at the seedling stage. Such seedlings, of course, cannot be used. The disease usually develops with a cold snap.
The mosaic virus, fortunately, is not one of the most tenacious. In the compost heap, it dies within two months, and it is usually not transmitted through seeds. The pathogen overwinters on the roots of many common weeds. These are quinoa, bindweed, sow thistle and others. The mosaic is also carried by aphids. Accordingly, to prevent the disease, it is necessary to fight weeds, prevent the appearance of aphids and use only well-rotted compost. There are varieties of cucumbers that are resistant to the mosaic virus.
If you notice signs of damage, then use whey. In this case, it also helps a lot. There are also special tools. These are, for example, "Aktara" and "Aktelikt".

White and green mosaic

These are different strains of the same virus, which is dangerous only for cucumbers and some other vegetables of the pumpkin family. When the disease leaves become wrinkled and covered with spots of different shades of green. If the spots gradually lighten to white, this indicates the transition of the disease to a more severe stage. Fruits are tied less often and are strongly bent. These diseases, unlike ordinary mosaic, are spread by elevated temperature(more than 30º C).
The white and green mosaic virus persists in soil and plant debris. It is easily transmitted through seeds, on which it remains active for up to two years. Therefore, new seeds for prevention must be disinfected. Damaged parts of diseased vegetables should be removed and burned. Treat diseased plants themselves with whey or ash solution.

Cladosporiosis, or olive spot

This viral disease affects the fruits of cucumbers. They become covered with olive ulcers and change their color. Of course, you can't eat them anymore. Leaves with shoots may also be affected. The causative agent is stored in the soil, on the remains of plants and various surfaces such as greenhouse film. Represents a threat for three years. The disease spreads quickly, so it can destroy an entire crop in just a week.
The main causes of cladosporiosis are the same as with downy mildew. This is a cold snap, drops of cold water on plants, drafts. At the first sign of this disease, it is necessary to stop watering and dry the plants. To do this, on a warm day, they must be well ventilated if cucumbers grow in a greenhouse. In cold weather, on the contrary, the plants must be covered. Of the drugs, copper-based products are effective (Bordeaux liquid, etc.). Try to grow varieties that are resistant to olive blotch.

root rot

An unpleasant feature of this disease is that the reasons for the withering of cucumbers are not visible. If the plants have managed to develop and set fruits, not everyone will guess to check their roots. Moreover, the main feature is the wilted top and foliage. In some cases, it is noticeable that the base of the roots has turned yellow and cracked. The leaves closest to the base of the stem are covered with spots. The disease can appear due to cold, overheated or saline soil. Cold watering and planting too deep can also lead to such consequences. Root rot is caused by various microbes and fungi. They accumulate in the soil and are transmitted with seeds.
If you notice the cause of the disease at an early stage, then you can try to save the cucumbers. To do this, the upper part of the roots must be bare and dried. Next, the root should be powdered with ash or crushed coal. Drugs such as Hom and the safer Fitosporin-M help. You can try pinning the bottom of the cucumber stem to the ground so that the adventitious roots grow. If the disease has developed so much that all the roots have become rotten, then the plants must be destroyed, and the bed should be disinfected with copper sulfate.

Gray rot

With this disease, a wet gray coating appears on the stems and at the base of the leaves. Gray rot can appear due to a cold snap or improper watering, but the most common reason is an overly dense planting of a cucumber. When thickened, this plant forms many barren flowers. When they die, they rot and can infect the stem. Therefore, vegetables should not be planted too closely, and it is better to remove wilted male flowers by hand.
For treatment, damaged areas must be cleaned and sprinkled with ashes. A slurry of chalk and a pink solution of potassium permanganate also helps well. Another option for a healing mixture: mix chalk and ash (one glass each) and add a teaspoon of copper sulfate.

Sclerotinia, or white rot

With this disease, cucumber foliage is covered with whitish flakes, and then with black dots. The leaves rot and after a while the leaves die off. The plant usually dies when the stem is damaged and rots. To prevent disease, do not allow vegetables to become cold and water them properly. Remove dry plant parts immediately. If the disease manifests itself, the same remedies will help as with root rot. These are ash, crushed coal, preparations "Khom" and "Fitosporin-M".

Anthracnose, or copperhead

With this fungal disease, the leaves and fruits of cucumbers are covered with blurry brown and brownish spots. As they spread, the foliage dries up, and the fruits become unfit for food. The causative agent of the disease is well preserved in the soil, on the remains of plants, on the materials of the greenhouse. Copperhead is also transmitted through seeds. Therefore, for prevention, they must be disinfected, and in the beds, observe crop rotation and remove tops. Affected plants are treated with Hom, Colloidal Sulfur, Quadris or Bordeaux mixture.

  1. Always observe crop rotation, otherwise pathogens will accumulate in the soil with each season.
  2. If crop rotation is not possible in the greenhouse, then replace the soil layer and disinfect. It is necessary to process not only the soil, but also all materials.
  3. Try to notice diseases of cucumbers as early as possible, and do not postpone their treatment for later. In the early stages, most infections are easily overcome. And if nothing is done, you can lose the entire crop and infect other vegetables.
  4. Cucumbers should be protected from the cold and watered with warm water only. Moreover, it is desirable to avoid excessive wetting of the stems and leaves.
  5. Always decontaminate purchased seeds. With them, a variety of diseases can get into your garden. Processing before planting will not take time and save you a lot of trouble in the future.
  6. Do not plant cucumbers too closely, they should be ventilated.
  7. Keep weeds out of the way as many of them spread viruses and flex.

And the last tip: noticing the disease on vegetables, do not despair. In the early stages of cucumber disease and their treatment is not so terrible. The main thing is to understand the cause of their appearance and eliminate it as soon as possible. Then in the future you will have healthy cucumbers that will bring an excellent harvest!

It's a shame to lose crops due to unexpected diseases. Cucumber mosaic destroys plants entirely (with severe infection) or stops the formation of ovaries. Gardeners are waiting for the fruits, but they are not. They plant new seedlings: everything repeats.

Why is this happening? Necessary measures were not taken, time was lost. The summer resident should be familiar with the signs of the disease. To know the enemy by sight is half the victory.

What is this disease

The reason for the failure is the cucumber mosaic virus. An inexperienced gardener misses the onset of plant damage. The infection may already be present on suburban area. It requires a combination of several factors to induce it.

Conditions for the development of the disease

The virus needs favorable conditions to activate. It starts working when:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • warming above 25 ⁰С;
  • night cold.

The dormant virus wakes up. The disease affects cucumbers. Spread the infection:

  • weeds;
  • contaminated soil;
  • dirty equipment and gardener's gloves;
  • seeds of a diseased plant (when using your own material);
  • aphids and sap-sucking insects;
  • wind carrying the remains of diseased plants.

The timely disposal of cucumber lashes, leaves, disinfection of the soil and equipment will help reduce the risk of infection.

Plant leaves should be inspected regularly. There are several types of mosaics. A common feature: greenhouse plantings get sick, cucumbers in the open field are sometimes damaged.

tobacco mosaic

This virus (TMV) is the most common. It affects nightshade, cucumbers - rarely. Recognizing the threat is easy: you should carefully examine the plants. Signs:

  • beige stains appear on the leaves of cucumbers;
  • green parts blister;
  • plates dry out and die;
  • fruits become ugly, change color.

The ties fall off. The number of fruits is decreasing. VTM lives in the ground for 5 years. Before opening, completely destroy the plantings of tobacco plantations. Today, a gardener can protect cucumber beds.

The insidious CMV virus

CMV leads to common mosaic disease. It affects young greenhouse plants. The symptoms are easy to spot. The condition of the leaves should be assessed:

  • plates become marble in places;
  • the color of the affected leaf successively changes to light green, dark green, yellowish;
  • edges roll down;
  • the distance between the plates decreases;
  • leaves become smaller;
  • the plant slows down growth;
  • the stem of the plant cracks along (in severe cases).

The lesion has a mosaic structure. The scale of the disease depends on the resistance of the variety or hybrid, climatic conditions (humidity and temperature in the greenhouse), and the degree of neglect. There is no cure for mosaic on cucumbers. The gardener should prevent infection when planting.

English misfortune

The disease is caused by the CGMMT virus. This enemy is capable of destroying half the crop. Green mosaic affects young and old bushes. Outdoor plants rarely suffer. Signs of infection:

  • leaf color remains green in the first days;
  • the shape and texture of the plate changes (tubercles form);
  • light streaks appear;
  • plant growth is inhibited;
  • fruits change taste (become bitter);
  • cucumbers are shortened, covered with spots;
  • seeds do not develop.

The disease will manifest itself a month after planting young cucumbers. Prevention, compliance with the rules of care will help to avoid plant diseases. Biologists call the green mosaic English.

Concomitant disease

Often, along with green, cucumbers have a white mosaic. It is caused by the CV2A virus. It is activated in hot greenhouses and dense plantings. Signs of the disease:

  • blurry white-yellow spots appear in the region of the veins;
  • then they merge, change color to white-green;
  • the leaf plate becomes white or yellow;
  • plant development stops.

The virus persists in plant debris, soil, seeds. The resistance of seedlings to damage increases with the observance of the rules of cultivation.

How to deal with a formidable enemy

Viral infections of cucumbers should not be treated with chemicals. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is required:

  • remove the affected plant entirely or only the leaf;
  • lower the temperature in the greenhouse< 30 ⁰С;
  • increase humidity (arrange containers with water, spray paths);
  • disinfect the instrument;
  • sprinkle the soil with ash or water with a light pink solution of manganese;
  • remove weeds around.

Additionally, you should inspect the site and eliminate anthills. This will stop aphids from spreading. It transmits the infection to healthy plants. Some gardeners, along with the affected bush, take out the soil. It is replaced with healthy soil. Sick plants should be burned.

It should be remembered: the English mosaic virus is resistant to changes in external conditions. It remains viable when the temperature rises to 90 ⁰С, freezing, drying.

Restoring favorable conditions in the greenhouse will slow the spread of the disease. To fix the result, it is required to treat the plantings with serum (1 part per 10 parts of water).

Prevention of infection development

A competent gardener knows: it is easier to prevent than to treat them later. To save the harvest of cucumbers, save your own time and effort, you must follow simple tips agronomists:

  • Monitor the condition of the soil in the greenhouse. Remove dead plant parts. They accumulate the virus.
  • Mosaic is a disease of cucumbers, but the virus overwinters well on the roots of harmful plants. Weeds need to be pulled out regularly. The infection nests in the underground part of sow thistle, couch grass, wood lice.

  • Plant plants according to the norm (the seed manufacturer indicates the scheme on the bag). Remove side shoots (if the type of fruiting on side lashes is not indicated).
  • Apply top dressing according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Do not abuse fresh organic matter (nitrogen).
  • Cucumbers do not tolerate drafts. To cool the air in the heat, you should whitewash the greenhouse or cover the plantings with white non-woven material.
  • Avoid sudden changes in daily temperatures. To do this, it is enough to place several basins of water in the greenhouse. During the day, the liquid cools the air, at night it warms.
  • Monitor air humidity. Basins with water will help, spraying the tracks.

  • Observe the rules for the circulation of vegetable crops. Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons are bad predecessors for cucumbers. Solanaceae (tomato, pepper), cruciferous (radish, turnip), legumes (peas, beans) are good.
  • Manure the soil regularly. Planting oats, rye, vetch, mustard will improve the top layer of soil. Seedlings must be buried in the ground when digging.
  • Inspect the site in the spring. Destroy the discovered anthills: ants settle aphids. Blood-sucking insects carry the virus.
  • Spray the plants with a solution of green aphid soap. Garlic infusion helps well (pour 1 grated clove with a glass of boiling water, leave, dilute with 2 liters of water).
  • Factory seeds do not require processing. Be sure to warm up your own for 3 days at a temperature of 50 ⁰С (or a day at 60 ⁰С).

  • Hygiene is also needed in the garden. Wipe the tool regularly with vodka, alcohol, red manganese solution. Wash gardening gloves often.
  • Plant only healthy seedlings. Twisted stems, unusual leaves are suspicious. Such seedlings are rejected. Sick plants should be destroyed immediately. Decontaminate the soil with a solution of copper sulfate or ignite it on fire.
  • Planting gourds should not be placed next to the greenhouse. Insects during pollination can transfer infected pollen to healthy plants.
  • Cucumbers rejoice in the introduction of compost. Only fully mature organics (3-year-old) should be applied to the ridges.

Most importantly: choose virus-resistant varieties and hybrids. The seed manufacturer must provide information about this on the label.

Gardeners treated plantings at the initial stage of the mosaic with a disinfectant solution: mix 1 liter of whey in 10 liters of water, add 15 drops of iodine. Cucumbers were sprayed on the leaf. The spread of the disease stopped. But it was not possible to save the affected plants.

Mosaic is a terrible disease. In a few days leads to crop loss. There is no 100% method of getting rid of adversity. To protect cucumbers, gardeners should carry out simple prevention.

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