Why is the tongue brown in men? The reasons for the appearance of brown plaque on the tongue in adults: why do spots appear and what is the treatment? The reasons why there is a brown coating on the tongue - what diseases it indicates

Concrete 09.03.2021

Most people underestimate their language. Due to the presence of taste buds on the surface of the tongue, we can experience various tastes.

At the same time, the language has one more important function, which may or may not be this function, in the strict sense of the word, but it can be very useful.

The point is that the tongue is considered an indicator of the health of the whole organism. Changes in its shape, surface and color indicate the malfunctioning of any of the systems or individual organs. One of the symptoms that something is wrong in the body is a brown coating on the tongue; we will consider the reasons for this phenomenon in adults in this article.

Causes of brown plaque on the tongue

The factors leading to the appearance of brown plaque on the tongue are very diverse. This is the use of products that can stain the rough surface of the tongue, and the tar released by smoking, and some hidden diseases.

Here are the common reasons why plaque appears on the tongue Brown color :

  • smoking;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • excessive consumption of coffee or tea;
  • dehydration;
  • insufficient production of saliva;
  • hypocorticism or Addison's disease;
  • lack of niacin in the body - vitamin B3 (or PP);
  • advanced mycosis or candidiasis of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity;
  • taking medications that contain chemical bismuth (for example, Pepto-Bismol for diarrhea);
  • antibiotics (they can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the mouth;
  • regular use of mouthwashes that contain peroxide, witch hazel, or menthol.

To correctly determine the reason why brown plaque appears on the tongue in adults, you need to pay attention to its features, in particular to the location and thickness, saturation and the period of the day when plaque appears. If it manifests itself brighter in the morning and does not go away after brushing your teeth and tongue, then for sure it is caused by chronic diseases of the body.

Brown plaque is characterized by the following criteria:

  1. Chronic alcohol addiction, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, poisoning with chemicals and drugs can accompanied by a bloom of yellow-brown tint... If the color is light brown, this indicates a disease of the joints, upper respiratory tract, disorders of lymph outflow.
  2. Dark brown indicates diseases of the liver, gallbladder, severe organ damage gastrointestinal tract, about dehydration of the body or viral infections.
  3. Plaque localization... Plaque can be both diffuse and local. Diffuse plaque completely covers the tongue, and local plaque spreads in small areas on separate parts of the tongue.
  4. Plaque thickness. If it is thin, then, most likely, your diseases are just developing and are in the initial stage. Also, a thin layer of plaque is characteristic of inflammatory diseases of a viral nature. A thick layer of brown plaque is evidence of chronic diseases and infectious processes in the body.
  5. Consistency. Yellow and brown coating on the tongue can be oily, too dry, slightly moist. In most cases, the consistency indicates the nature of the course of the disease.
  6. Ease of removal from the tongue... If it is difficult to remove plaque, it means that internal diseases have worsened and, most likely, have passed into the chronic stage. If plaque is easily removed, then you probably have nothing to worry about.

If brown plaque persists for 4 days, an urgent need to consult a specialist, because serious intoxication is possible. In some cases, the lining of the tongue appears due to stomatitis. In this case, at first the film has a white tint, but after a few weeks it darkens and turns brown.

Gastrointestinal problems

The coated tongue, that is, the brown plaque detected in the morning, is a layer of dead epithelial cells, the smallest remnants of food, bacteria and microbes accumulated on its surface. Such plaque can be of different thickness, density and degree of mechanical stability, but in any case, its constant presence is considered clear sign diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Specialists in the field of gastroenterology identify the following causes of brown plaque on the tongue:

  • peptic for alcoholism;
  • enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestines);
  • granulomatous enteritis ();
  • (violation of the obligate intestinal microflora), including after the use of antibiotics;
  • corrosive gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to the ingress of alkaline or acidic solutions of high concentration or radioactive substances into its cavity);
  • fibrinous gastritis (observed with typhoid fever).

Yellow-brown, as well as dark brown plaque on the tongue can appear due to chronic inflammation of the duodenum (duodenitis) - when (throwing) bile into the stomach and esophagus; with insufficient motility () of the biliary tract; with hepatitis, as well as in the case of dehydration (dehydration) with prolonged vomiting or profuse diarrhea.


In the photos presented, you can see how plaque looks in the language of various shades of brown.


In order to find out exactly why a brown coating appeared on the tongue, you need to contact a therapist. Recommendations for examination:

  • do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • to make fluorography or a snapshot of the lungs;
  • to pass clinical tests and analysis for dysbiosis.

Diagnosis solely by brown plaque in the tongue is impossible, because the list of possible diseases is too long.

How to treat brown plaque on the tongue

In order to remove plaque on the tongue and prevent its further appearance, a person should consult a therapist or gastroenterologist.

First of all, you need to know exactly the cause of such manifestations; for this, the patient is prescribed a detailed study of blood tests, an endoscopic examination of the alimentary canal, and an analysis of feces. Based on the results obtained, the patient is prescribed adequate treatment.

The appearance of a brown or yellow plaque on the tongue is cause for concern, since such a plaque may indicate an asymptomatic course of diseases of the abdominal cavity, respiratory and digestive systems, etc. If you find it, try to remove it yourself with a toothpaste and a brush. If after a while it appears again or does not disappear at all, you cannot do without medical assistance.


There are general preventive measures to prevent the appearance of brown plaque and get rid of it, if it is not a consequence of the pathology of any organ or organ systems.

These include the following:

  • eat healthy foods;
  • maintain immunity;
  • include fiber in your diet;
  • do not drink coffee and black tea, replacing them with herbal teas;
  • carry out daily oral hygiene;
  • quit smoking tobacco;
  • take B vitamins;
  • support the intestinal microflora;
  • limit fried, salty, spicy foods and alcohol;
  • consume natural fermented milk products.

All these measures will help prevent the appearance of brown plaque on the tongue.

Even in ancient times, the language was considered the organ by the state of which one can judge the health of the whole organism. Any changes that occur to him, be it thickening, discoloration, the appearance of plaque, etc., suggests that there is some kind of internal problem or disease.

Brown bloom is also no exception. If this happened once and after the usual cleansing it did not happen again, then you should not worry... But the systematic formation of brown plaque on the surface of the tongue can already become a problem.

What is it and how is it formed?

The surface of the tongue is heterogeneous. On the underside, it is completely smooth, and on the upper side there are many small processes called papillae. They serve to perceive different tastes.

The entire surface, including the papillae, is covered with a layer of epithelium. Due to normal physiological processes, epithelial cells are gradually keratinized and die off. Some of them may not be washed off in time for some disturbances in the digestion process and form a plaque.

In addition, during the process of eating, small particles of it can get stuck between the papillae. They serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that are present in the oral cavity anyway.

During rapid growth and the multiplication of bacteria, as well as the deposition of their waste products and plaque is formed.

This is a very rough diagram of the appearance of such an unpleasant formation as plaque. However, not only the death of the epithelium and the activity of bacteria can cause it. There are many additional factors contributing to this.

Plaque color can vary from dark brown to yellowish... He may also have different characteristics- thickness, density, location, etc.

Reasons for the appearance

The reasons for the formation of plaque of this color on the upper side of the tongue can be divided into two large groups. The first includes those associated with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, digestion. And the second includes all the others.

Digestive system diseases

In the event of the appearance of any pathologies of this system, first of all, the very principle of transmission of nerve impulses in it will change. If all organs are healthy and functioning normally, then the signal travels from the taste receptors directly to these organs.

This starts the process of synthesis of enzymes necessary for digestion and digestion in general.

However, when diseases appear, the picture changes and the impulses pass in the opposite direction. Thus, the "large" organ reports, signals the problem.

The reaction of receptors to such a message is unambiguous - to provide “ own safety". But the physical result of this reaction will be a brown tint.

Here is a list of diseases that, according to gastroenterologists, provoke the appearance of this problem on the part of the digestive system.

Also, yellow-brown (as an option - dark with a shade of yellow) plaque can be a consequence of dehydration.

Causes not associated with pathologies of the digestive system

There is also a division of reasons into groups. The first includes those associated with internal diseases.

  • A neglected form of candidiasis (mycosis) of the oral cavity. In this case, the shade of the plaque, initially whitish, gradually turns into light brown.
  • Various lung diseases.
  • Deficiency in the body of vitamin B3 or PP.
  • Autoimmune hereditary blood diseases. These include erythropoietic uroporphyria and hemolytic anemia. In both cases, the destruction of red blood cells from the inside (hemolysis) is observed.
  • Addison's disease or hypocorticism (chronic adrenal insufficiency).
  • HIV. In many cases, a brownish tinge on the surface of the tongue is seen in people who are HIV-positive.
  • Stomatitis (some of its forms in the absence of treatment).

The second group of reasons includes many external and internal factors.

If the tongue is coated with plaque due to excessive consumption of chocolate, coffee or tea, this is not a signal of the development of a serious problem. Plaque can be easily removed with thorough cleaning.

If this phenomenon brings great inconvenience, then you can simply limit the use of these products.

  • Antibiotics... The reception of these medicines quite often causes severe dysbiosis and, as a result, the appearance of a brownish bloom.
  • Medicines containing bismuth... Their metabolism involves staining the secretions in a dark color.
  • Narcotic substances... The appearance of this problem is also often observed with drug use.
  • Malavit and pharingosept... After you stop taking these medications and cleanse thoroughly, the problem goes away on its own.

If the plaque has formed as a result of the course of treatment with the above drugs, this should not be the reason for the cancellation and termination of treatment.

Significant characteristics

Characteristics or criteria for evaluating plaque will help you navigate the reasons for its appearance and roughly determine why it is formed.

Color characteristics

Photo: yellow-brown coating on the tongue

Brown plaque can have several of the most common shades that indicate different causes.

  • Light the shade can speak of diseases of the lungs, respiratory tract and some others.
  • Yellow- excessive alcohol consumption, chronic diseases of the digestive system, adverse effects of drugs.
  • Dark- exacerbations and advanced severe forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, acute viral infections (respiratory), dehydration, a catastrophic lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.


There are two types of tongue coating - local (occurring only in some areas) and diffuse (full).


Distinguish between dry, wet, lean and oily consistency. She speaks mainly about the nature and form of the causative disease.


A thick layer of plaque, which does not allow you to see the tongue itself, indicates severe infectious processes and complex chronic diseases.

Thin most often appears due to respiratory infections or in the early stages of some internal diseases.

Ease of removal

If you cannot remove it yourself, this indicates that the disease-cause has worsened.

The child has

In children, this problem is caused by the same list of diseases and other causes as in adults. From complete list only a few should be removed - smoking, alcohol, drug use.

The closest attention should be paid to localization, that is, the location of the plaque on the surface.

  • Center and root of the tongue- the most likely cause is considered diseases of the digestive system and the entire system.
  • Tip- probable deterioration of the condition of the lungs or bronchi.
  • Symmetrical spots- pneumonia is possible.

Emergence in the morning

After sleep, the appearance of a thin layer of plaque white or light brown is considered normal. It occurs due to the fact that during sleep, dead epithelium is not removed naturally - by food - or by cleaning.

However, if the layer is dense and the color is sufficiently saturated, then you should think about a visit to the doctor to find out the exact reason. Indeed, in most such cases, some kind of disease begins to develop in the body.

How to get rid of?

First of all, you should definitely contact a therapist for advice. Since it is necessary to eliminate the cause of plaque.

After the initial examination, if some diseases are detected, or there is a suspicion of their occurrence, the general practitioner will definitely give a referral to a specialist - a pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.

However, you can independently use several ways to combat an unpleasant plaque in the brown tongue.

  • Performing thorough oral hygiene... Moreover, you need to completely clean all surfaces, including teeth, gums, mucous membrane of the inner surfaces of the cheeks, and so on.
  • Antiseptic rinses... They should be carried out regularly, both after cleaning and in between, that is, 5-6 times a day.

Decoctions are most often used for rinsing. medicinal plants in medium concentration. Used: oak bark, chamomile, oregano, plantain, yarrow, linden.

A decoction made from flax seed, can fix minor problems with the digestive system.

What problems can be indicated by the bloom of other colors in the language - we learn from the following video:

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For a long time, the tongue has been an indicator of human health. A change in its thickness and color, the appearance of various spots and brown plaque on it - all this suggests that unfavorable changes occur in the body, even if the person feels absolutely healthy. And in modern world doctors consider the tongue an amazing multifunctional organ, which is a unique means not only for communication between people, for determining the taste of food, but also for diagnosing a wide variety of diseases that are asymptomatic early stages... Therefore, if a change in the color of the tongue is detected, when it acquires a brown tint, immediately consult a doctor, because only with a professional medical examination there is a possibility of determining the cause of this phenomenon, establishing the disease that provoked it.

Like any other human organ, the tongue is covered with a layer of epithelium that has a different structure depending on its location. The upper side of the tongue is rough, as it contains tiny papillae that allow a person to distinguish the taste of food. In contrast, the inner side of the tongue is smooth without any roughness. Language healthy person has a pink color, and the papillae on it have a grayish tint. So why does it take on a brown tint? What is the reason for this phenomenon, and what disease does it indicate?

The factors that provoked the onset of this phenomenon can be varied: from the consumption of coloring foods to various diseases that occur in a latent form. For example, a thin layer of brown plaque may indicate that a person is abusing black tea and coffee, as well as chocolate and other foods that contain excess chemical dyes. Smoking is also the main reason for the appearance of brownish plaque on the tongue. What's more, reprots often have brown spots on their fingertips and teeth.

In order to correctly determine the cause of such a plaque, pay attention to its characteristics: location, thickness, shade and time at which it appears. If plaque is most pronounced in the morning, it does not disappear on its own, regardless of food intake, then most likely this means chronic diseases.

Brown plaque on the tongue is characterized by the following criteria :

    • Plaque shade. In establishing the cause of this phenomenon, it is also of great importance. Light brown plaque indicates conditions such as inflammation in the joints, impaired lymph outflow, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A yellow-brown tinge of plaque on the tongue indicates such possible problems with health, such as chronic alcohol dependence, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, intoxication drugs and other chemicals. If you have dark brown plaque on the tongue - most likely, the reasons for its occurrence lie in severe forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute respiratory viral diseases, dehydration, kidney and liver diseases, and gallbladder disorders. Dark bloom also indicates a lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet.
    • Plaque thickness. A thin coating on the tongue, as a rule, means about the initial stages of the disease, as well as about possible acute respiratory viral infection... A thick layer of plaque does not allow the color of the tongue to be seen. A similar thickness of plaque is characteristic of chronic diseases and severe infectious processes in the human body.

  • Plaque localization. Plaque can be both diffuse and local. Diffuse plaque completely covers the tongue, and local plaque spreads in small areas on separate parts of the tongue.
  • Plaque consistency. Brown plaque on the tongue can be wet or dry, oily or scanty. As a rule, the consistency indicates the nature of the course of the disease.
  • Ease of separation from the tongue. If the plaque is difficult to separate from the tongue, it indicates an aggravation of the severity of the disease. A mild morning bloom that you can remove yourself shouldn't be a cause for concern.

Remember that if the brown plaque on the tongue does not disappear within three days, you should urgently consult a doctor, as it may be based on intoxication or intestinal dysbiosis. The cause of the appearance of brown plaque on the tongue may be stomatitis. In this condition, a white plaque initially appears on the tongue, and if the patient does not consult a doctor for a long time and the disease progresses, the white plaque darkens and takes on a brown tint. In this case, it is very important to see a doctor and start treating stomatitis as early as possible.

Another factor that provokes the appearance of brown plaque is a deficiency of vitamins from group B. A similar color of the tongue is a sign of diseases such as pellagra - a rare disease that is caused by insufficient intake of nicotinic acid in the body, as well as Addison's disease, diabetic coma, etc. ... In this situation, only a medical specialist can correctly diagnose the disease on the basis of a special examination.

How to remove brown plaque?

If you find a brown plaque on the tongue - see a doctor immediately! Remember that this unpleasant phenomenon can be eliminated only by identifying its cause, as well as getting rid of the accompanying symptoms. To do this, you need to regularly and correctly clean the gums, teeth, as well as the surface of the tongue and cheeks with a toothpaste and a brush. If plaque does not disappear for a long time, supplement the main treatment with recipes traditional medicine... Rinse your mouth with a decoction of calendula or chamomile flowers. Do not forget that as soon as the cause that provoked the appearance of such a plaque is eliminated, it will disappear on its own in the near future.

The appearance of a brown or yellow plaque on the tongue is cause for concern, since such a plaque may indicate an asymptomatic course of diseases of the abdominal cavity, respiratory and digestive systems, etc. If you find it, try to remove it yourself with a toothpaste and a brush. If after a while it appears again or does not disappear at all, you cannot do without medical assistance.

Why a dark coating on the tongue may appear, and what spots on the tongue of different colors can talk about, you can find out in this video:

Brown plaque on the tongue is often a symptom of various diseases of the internal organs. Chronic pathologies are formed in the body because a person did not notice or ignored the symptoms of the disease in time. Therefore, it is necessary to timely and correctly recognize the disease.

The tongue is one of the main parts of the body, which indicates even the smallest changes in the body. A striking sign will be the formation of plaque and a change in the structure of the organ.

A healthy person has a tongue color pink with slightly prominent papillae and may be covered with a thin layer white bloom that can be easily removed without soreness or bleeding. If the formation in the mouth acquires a denser consistency, changes its shade, for example, to brown, then this means that pathological changes have begun in the body and they need to be diagnosed and treated.


The appearance of a brown coating on the tongue is facilitated by many various reasons... Often this manifestation occurs in people due to improper diet. When using dark coloring products, the tongue can also acquire this color. A brown tint also indicates possible abuse of black tea, coffee and chocolate. Smoking can also cause unpleasant symptoms.

Another factor that can cause this phenomenon is a lack of vitamin B. An unpleasant color may indicate the development of pellagra, Addison's disease, diabetic coma, etc.

A symptom can also develop from stomatitis. If for several days the plaque does not pass and is not removed with a brush, then it is worth contacting a doctor.

Plaque can occur at different times. Brown plaque on the tongue in adults in the morning signals the accumulation of dead cells, the accumulation of pieces of food, or the presence of pathogenic bacteria. If the formation is not eliminated at all, then this indicates obvious violations in the gastrointestinal tract. The sign informs the patient that there are problems with excretory, suction or motor function. Gastroenterologists have identified the following reasons for the appearance of plaque:

  • corrosive or fibrinous gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer with alcoholism;
  • enterocolitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Yellow-brown and dark brown plaque on the tongue appears with exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the duodenum, with biliary dyskinesia, as well as with dehydration. The doctors also determined that such a symptom can manifest itself with enterocolitis, frequent constipation without an inflammatory process in the intestines.

The causes of the onset of the disease lie not only in the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, but also in such ailments:

  • mycosis or candidiasis of the oral cavity;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • autoimmune processes.

Brown plaque on the tongue in a child and an adult can also occur from taking pills. Most often, this symptom manifests itself after the use of antibiotics and drugs that stain the surface of the tongue, for example, iron preparations.

In infants, the appearance of a brown color may be a reaction to the addition of complementary foods to the diet.


The most important indicator to determine when detecting brown plaque is its shade. Clinicians have identified several types of education:

  • with yellowness;
  • dark brown;
  • light brown.

A yellowish tint of plaque manifests itself in fungal diseases, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system, frequent use of drugs, alcohol and chemicals. At chronic diseases airways, a person may notice a thickening of plaque, which signals the onset of an exacerbation.

The dark brown tint of the plaque is characteristic of dehydration, lack of vitamins, kidney, gallbladder and liver diseases, as well as in the early days of ARVI. But the formation of a light color informs about problems with the joints.


Plaque on a brown tongue can be recognized by its location, thickness, shade, time of appearance, consistency and ease of removal.

When detecting deviations from the norm, a person must definitely consult a doctor. After the first examination, the doctor can make a presumptive diagnosis, which is determined by the location of the plaque. After that, the patient is directed to conduct a more accurate study by various laboratory and instrumental methods:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • coprogram;
  • endoscopic examination methods;
  • X-ray examination;
  • MRI and CT.


If a brownish tint of plaque appears from the use of certain foods or from medications, then the patient needs to better monitor oral hygiene. To do this, doctors advise to better clean the surface of the teeth, tongue and gums with a toothbrush, paste and rinse. After a while, the unpleasant symptom will begin to disappear. You can finally get rid of the symptom by changing the diet.

It is advisable to rinse the mouth after each meal. This can be done not only with pharmacy products, but also with folk decoctions of chamomile and calendula.

A rich brown coating on the tongue in children is a sign of anxiety. If the plaque does not disappear over a long period of time, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Such an education in the tongue often manifests itself from a violation of the intestinal microflora or a deterioration in immunity. In such a case, doctors recommend restoring the state of the body, adhering to the following rules:

  • eat foods high in fiber;
  • exclude fatty foods;
  • drink the daily rate of water;
  • consume dairy products;
  • take vitamins;
  • refuse to take alcohol, coffee and tea;
  • eat in small portions at least 4 times a day;
  • drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.

In the case of diagnosing diseases of the digestive system or respiratory system, the doctor prescribes treatment for the etiological disease.


To avoid the multiplication of bacteria in the oral cavity and the formation of brown plaque, doctors recommend taking simple daily measures:

  • balance nutrition;
  • replace black tea with green or herbal tea;
  • drink a glass of water in the morning and eat 4 times throughout the day;
  • exercise.

If an unpleasant phenomenon occurs, immediately get rid of it by cleaning the tongue with a brush and regularly rinsing with herbal tinctures or pharmacy products.

Similar materials

Plaque on the tongue is discomfort, which, moreover, can be accompanied by an unpleasant odor and has a different shade. In the overwhelming majority of cases, such a manifestation is a signal that a person has some pathological process associated with any internal organ, in particular the digestive system. According to the state of the oral cavity and the type of plaque, the doctor may make an assumption regarding the presence of a particular disease.

If you carefully examine a person's language, you can get a lot of information about the state of his digestive tract. The appearance of its mucous membrane indicates the functions of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

If there are changes in the state of any of the organs involved in the digestion of food, this is reflected in the color and structure of the surface of the tongue. The tongue of a healthy person may also not be completely clean - sometimes a small translucent plaque forms on it. This is due to the fact that food elements are retained on the papillae of the tongue, in which they subsequently quickly multiply bacteria ... However, if yellowness appears on the tongue or its surface is painted in a different color, it is likely that we are talking about serious reasons requiring a visit to a doctor.

Causes of plaque in the yellow tongue

The surface of the tongue is covered with a mucous membrane with taste buds. Sometimes the epithelium of the mucous membrane grows, thickens and sloughs off, and, as a result, the tongue is coated with plaque. This process is facilitated by the following factors:

  • inflammatory processes on the surface of the tongue;
  • exposure to high temperatures on the surface, as well as the influence of mechanical or chemical factors;
  • inflammation of the underlying gastrointestinal tract.

Yellow plaque on the tongue: causes and treatment

Sometimes the answer to the question of why a yellow coating on the tongue suddenly appeared is as simple as possible. If the causes of the tongue with a yellow coating in adults are associated with food staining, then it is easy to understand what caused this. A yellow-brown, yellow-green, or other color plaque appears after a person has eaten. It is easily cleaned off with a brush and does not appear anymore if the person no longer eats coloring products.

Liver dysfunction

Most often, the answer to the question why the tongue is yellow is associated with pathologies of the liver, as well as intrahepatic bile ducts. In such a situation, the exchange of bile pigments is disrupted. As a result, the soft tissues of the body, including the mucous membrane of the tongue, turn yellow. If something like this happened, it is most likely about hepatic or parenchymal jaundice ... The following diseases can provoke this condition:

  • Hepatitis - an inflammatory process of the liver, which has a toxic viral or alcoholic origin. In this state, liver cells are damaged in the body, as a result of which direct binding is disrupted. It is toxic to the body. Penetrating into the blood, the yellow pigment colors the urine in the characteristic shade of beer. Hepatitis can be suspected if the tongue turns yellow, a person has yellow pupils, skin, he is worried about weakness, weakness, pain in the right hypochondrium due to stretching of the capsule of an enlarged liver. In this state, the yellowness has a lemon tint.
  • When liver cells die, and nodes are formed in it. Restoration of the structure of the liver tissue in cirrhosis occurs incorrectly, the nodes squeeze the bile ducts in the liver, and as a result, both bile production and its outflow are disrupted. There is also a violation of the detoxification function of the liver. The products of protein metabolism enter the bloodstream directly. In this state, the patient has an enlarged liver (in the later stages it is reduced), he is worried about dull pain in the right hypochondrium, itching of the skin. Memory, sleep is impaired. Jaundice also develops. In this case, both the skin and the tongue are painted in a dark yellow tint. Therefore, if a person shows these signs and a dark yellow tongue, which disease this indicates, you need to find out immediately.
  • Primary liver cell cancer is relatively rare. As a rule, liver damage occurs with tumors of the pancreas, breast, rectum, lungs.

Lesions of the biliary tract

The answer to the question why a person's tongue turns yellow may be a disease associated with damage to the gallbladder: this, inflammatory processes , tumors ... The lumen of the biliary tract, along which it is transported, narrows, and the outflow of bile becomes less active. As a result, the mucous membranes, sclera, and skin become greenish-yellow. On the tongue, the coating is also greenish-yellow. People suffering from such ailments periodically experience bitterness in the mouth, pain, vomiting and nausea. Temperature rise is possible. Strong pain other unpleasant symptoms often appear after the consumption of fatty foods, physical exertion, strong shaking.

Suprahepatic jaundice

If the tongue is yellow, what does it mean? The exact answer can be obtained from the test results. The cause of this phenomenon may be adrenal jaundice, which manifests itself as a consequence of excess bilirubin , which the body does not have time to excrete.

The answer to the question of what yellowish bloom means can be the following conditions:

  • Too much decay in the bloodstream if the person has acquired or congenital hemolytic anemia (also sickle cell anemia , microspherocytic thalassemia ).
  • Inadequate synthesis of red blood cells (deficiency, erythropoietic uroporphyria ).
  • Poisoning with trinitrotoluene, hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, arsenic, phosphorus.
  • Extensive bruising, both internal and external, heart attacks of internal organs.
  • Treatment with sulfonamides, their overdose.

Other reasons

Acute intestinal infections

A white-yellow coating on the tongue appears if a person is sick gastroenterocolitis Yersinia , salmonella , paratyphoid , dysentery ... In this case, the tongue is coated, there is pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, nausea, frequent and loose stools... The same symptoms are noted with staphylococcal toxicoinfection , with which the causes of yellow plaque in the tongue of a child and an adult may also be associated. The influence of staphylococcus toxins also causes a rise in temperature. Moreover, the more often vomiting appears, the more pronounced the dehydration of the body, and the tongue becomes drier, and the plaque thicker. How to overcome dehydration, Dr. Komarovsky and other pediatricians tell in detail. Therefore, parents must correctly determine why the child has yellow tongue and other symptoms, and take appropriate action.

Acute respiratory illness

At ARI , among other symptoms, a yellow coating appears on the tongue in infants and older children. If the baby has a sore throat, he has a fever, cough worries and a stuffy nose, we are talking about acute respiratory infections. At high temperature signs of dehydration are noted, plaque becomes thicker, appears even on the child's teeth, becomes darker.

Diseases of the stomach

The color of the tongue changes when bile is thrown into the stomach.

In addition, patients feel sucking pain in the epigastric region, manifested on an empty stomach, they are worried about nausea, periodic vomiting, sour eructations, bad breath.

Hypomotor biliary dyskinesia

In this state, the bile ducts or the gallbladder are sluggish and cannot evacuate bile at the required speed. Consequently, the patient's tongue turns yellow, which is most pronounced if the person has broken the diet and ate the food that activates the production of bile. These are, first of all, very fatty foods, alcohol.

Duodeno-gastric reflux

It is about throwing the contents of the duodenum into the stomach due to insufficiency of the obturator muscle of the outlet of the stomach. This condition, in which the tongue turns yellow, occurs with chronic duodenite , hernias , tumors (due to mechanical compression), injuries. During reflux, it manifests itself as a consequence of compression by the fetus. This also happens when a person takes muscle relaxants or antispasmodics that lower the tone of the obturator muscle, or after surgery, when the pylorus was dissected. In addition to the yellowness of the tongue, in this condition, nausea, periodic vomiting of bile, and dull pain in the right hypochondrium are noted.

Acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of the chronic inflammatory process of the pancreas

In this state, a reactive process in the biliary tract can start. Sometimes, with such diseases, there is a primary violation of the outflow of bile. The patient is worried about pain in the epigastrium, radiating to the back, vomiting, nausea. Plaque in this state also appears.

The use of a number of drugs

Yellow or orange color may appear after treatment with drugs:, Akrikhin , as well as drugs that contain digitalis (cardiac glycosides). When cardiac glycosides are used, the patient's perception of colors also changes.

Inflammation of the tongue

With fungal or bacterial origin, the color of the tongue may also change. A pronounced white-yellow bloom appears. In this case, the occurrence of ulcers is likely (aphthous ), erosion, strong desquamation of the epithelium ( desquamation glossitis ).

Brown tongue

Often parents are interested in why a brown plaque appears on the child's tongue, and what is the reason. As a rule, the causes of a brown tongue are associated with too active desquamation of the epithelium of the tongue, which is colored with a variety of pigments.

  • Sometimes the appearance of this color is associated with the usual staining of foods or drinks. So, the causes of plaque in the brown tongue in a child may be associated with the consumption of cola, in an adult - with drinking coffee or tea. These drinks contain tannin , which gives a dark color to the epithelium of the tongue.
  • A dark tongue, as a rule, also in those who smoke a lot. Top layer of tongue cover smoking man impregnated with the resins contained in cigarettes - this is the reason for the dark plaque on the tongue.
  • Smokers often develop the so-called hypertrophic glossitis , in which the taste buds on the posterior third of the tongue increase to the size of the villi. This condition is called “hairy tongue,” and it also causes a dark coating on the tongue.
  • With severe dehydration, as well as with severe , manifested as a result of infectious diseases, poisoning, may develop hyperplasia filiform papillae, which is characterized by brown and sometimes even black coating on the tongue. The reasons for black plaque in the language in this case can be associated with.
  • The answer to the question of why a black bloom or brown color appears may be the use of a number of medicines. The surface darkens when using preparations with iodine -,. Also, darkening can be provoked by the use of individual, potassium permanganate, malavite, a number of cytostatics. The reason for the black language may be due to reception.
  • Darkening can occur when pellagra , diabetic coma and also for Addison crisis - due to a lack of iron and the development of hemolysis.
  • The reasons for the black tongue in humans can be associated with chromogenic fungal infection .

If a black plaque appears on a child's teeth, parents initially need to figure out what exactly the baby ate. Indeed, sometimes the reasons for a black tongue in a child are associated with the consumption of products that color him - blueberries, mulberries, sweets.

Yellow tongue in a child

If the tongue and palate in the mouth are yellow in a child, the causes of this phenomenon are most likely associated with the same problems as in adults. After all, babies also develop diseases of the digestive system, metabolic disorders. But if a small child's tongue turns yellow, initially parents need to exclude those reasons that are related to food or everyday life.

When a baby is introduced to complementary foods from vegetables or cereals, after consuming new food for him, a layer of plaque may remain on the tongue. If there are a lot of carrots in the baby's menu, carotene will color in yellow not only language but also skin, sclera. Likewise, the consumption of apricots, pumpkin, persimmon, curry can also affect.

An inquisitive kid can lick yellow paint, a felt-tip pen, which will cause staining. Of course, in this case, parents can be frightened not only by yellow, but also by a green tongue and coloring in other colors.

The answer to the question of why there is a green coating on the tongue may be the consumption of soda, chewing gum, caramels, which contain the appropriate dyes.

Therefore, it is initially necessary to exclude just everyday causes in the language of green plaque or plaque of a different color.

If we are talking about pathological causes of yellowing, then in children of the first year of life, this is most often associated with hemolytic disease of the newborn ... This disease is a consequence of the breakdown in the bloodstream of the child. It can begin even when the fetus develops in the womb, as a result of Rh-conflict or group conflict with the mother's blood. In this case, the baby manifests jaundice , the level of bilirubin in the blood rises, the liver enlarges.

Due to the toxicity of unbound bilirubin for nervous system possible manifestation of damage to the cortex ( kernicterus ). In this case, it is very important to make a timely diagnosis, because only a pediatrician can distinguish hemolytic disease of newborns from hemolytic disease.

In older children, yellow plaque may indicate hypomotor dyskinesias biliary tract. It is very important to conduct a timely examination by a gastroenterologist, to make sure that the child observes correct diet and adhered to an adequate drinking regimen.

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