With frequent constipation, what to take. Constipation: how to get rid of an unpleasant symptom? What happens if constipation is not treated

Electricity 26.08.2020

Diseases gastrointestinal tract people of all ages and lifestyles are affected. Poor quality or stale foods, low levels of physical activity, stress, or any external factors can cause constipation. Do not delay the treatment of this disease, because it can have quite serious consequences.

Why constipation occurs

The modern rhythm of life sometimes does not leave us time to cook healthy and wholesome food. Frozen meat and vegetables, sausages, sausages, semi-finished products - all this is part of the average diet of almost every person. We do not always drink enough water, which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body. Snack at work - more often tea with cookies or sweets than fresh fruits rich in fiber ... All this leads to a violation of the motor-evacuation function of the intestine. And what do we get? Unhealthy complexion, lack of appetite (and sometimes nausea), in the worst cases - pain in the left lower abdomen. These are all symptoms of constipation.

Anyone can experience this disease, but there are those who are especially prone to the onset of the disease. In infants, constipation occurs as a result of underfeeding or malabsorption of nutrients. During pregnancy, constipation can occur due to squeezing of the intestines by an enlarged uterus or changes in hormonal levels. Due to the weakening of the muscles of the intestines and changes in the functioning of the endocrine glands, elderly people often suffer from constipation.

Depending on the cause, there are several types of constipation:

  • atonic constipation occurs due to malnutrition;
  • spastic constipation is associated with disruption of the autonomic system;
  • neurogenic constipation - due to the habit of enduring;
  • hypodynamic constipation is associated with low physical activity;
  • proctogenic constipation is associated with other diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, fissures, etc.);
  • mechanical constipation occurs in patients with an intestinal tumor, in the event of scarring on the rectum or its squeezing from the outside;
  • toxic constipation is caused by poisoning;
  • there is constipation due to heart or kidney failure;
  • endocrine constipation occurs due to disruption of the thyroid gland and other parts of the endocrine system;
  • medication constipation can cause drugs containing iron, anesthetics, antidepressants, etc.

If the patient himself can identify the cause of the disease, then, quite possibly, he will be able to solve the problem without the help of specialists.

What to do with constipation: urgent measures

If the patient is ready to endure the symptoms for a few more hours, then he can be helped by folk methods. Prepare a decoction of hay leaves, rhubarb root, or buckthorn. It is enough just to boil 15 grams of the plant in 200 ml of water for 20 minutes, dilute the broth with water and let the patient drink. After 8-10 hours, the remedy will work.

Dandelion helps with constipation by stimulating intestinal motility. Two tablespoons of roots or leaves should be poured with 400 ml of boiling water and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, in several doses, you need to drink the whole broth half an hour before breakfast, and after a few hours the problem will be solved. A decoction of chamomile can also help relieve constipation, as it relieves spasms in the rectum.

If the patient needs faster treatment, then it is better to turn to medication. Herbal preparations, such as Senade, Gerbion Laxana, Regulax, will help get rid of constipation. These funds will work in about 6 hours. But often you should not take such drugs, they can be addictive, harm the liver and intestinal mucosa.

Medicines that affect only the colon, such as Regulax or Laxigal, are also taken for constipation, but they can be overdone and cause diarrhea. In addition, their actions will have to wait longer - from 10 to 12 hours.

The most extreme measure is a mini oil enema. You can also use plain water enema, but then you need a larger volume, and this can cause discomfort, especially for children. The drug "Mikrolaks", produced in the form of microclysters, will work in about 10 minutes, but you should not abuse it, it can cause a burning sensation.

Do not self-medicate, because even a harmless decoction can cause a severe allergic reaction. Before using certain folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor at least by phone and read the list of contraindications for your chosen method of therapy.

When is it time to see a doctor?

Not always self-treatment of constipation is effective. If the patient has changed the diet and diet, regularly goes in for sports, is not exposed to stress and poisoning, and the disease has not receded and lasts for 2-3 weeks, then it's time to go to the doctor. Blood discharge, unreasonable weight loss, immunity to laxatives are also reasons to turn to specialists.

Treatment of constipation is best started with a visit to a gastroenterologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, if necessary, prescribe hardware diagnostics, tests, or refer you to another specialist. Seeing a doctor in time is very important, because persistent constipation can be the result of more serious gastrointestinal diseases. They can also indicate problems of the nervous or endocrine systems. The most terrible consequence of an untimely visit to the doctor is colon cancer, which can develop due to stagnation of harmful substances in the body.

constipation treatment

Main principle treatment of constipation - the establishment of intestinal motility, the normalization of the functioning of its muscles. In order to eliminate the causes and consequences of the disease, the following methods are usually used.

Correction of nutrition and lifestyle

Most effective method getting rid of constipation is a change in lifestyle and eating habits. It is worth limiting the use of the following products: strong coffee and tea, cocoa and fruit jelly, hot sauces, fatty poultry, fish and meat, smoked meats and canned food, flour products. But freshly squeezed fruit, berry and vegetable juices should be made an integral part of the diet. It is better for the patient to consume more liquid, this will speed up the digestive processes. Sparse cereals, light broths, wholemeal bread, sour cream and cottage cheese will also be useful, and, of course, best friend healthy digestion - kefir.

It is better to eat at the same time, this recommendation applies to healthy people. Another measure against digestive problems is an active lifestyle. Cycling and hiking, yoga, swimming, exercising before breakfast will not only help the digestive system, but also strengthen the body.

Whole milk, as well as high-fat fermented milk products, can be consumed in limited quantities for constipation so as not to provoke diarrhea.


If the problem turned out to be quite serious, the doctor may prescribe medication. Laxatives are divided into several groups:

  • irritating - stimulate the intestinal muscles ("Bisacodyl" and its analogues, "Guttalax", "Senade", castor oil). Long-term use of these drugs can cause pain and spasms;
  • prebiotics - normalize the microflora ("Duphalac", "Prelaks", "Importal N"). These drugs are the safest, you can take them up to three months, but their effectiveness is lower;
  • fillers - help the removal of feces by increasing their volume (wheat bran, flax seeds, Ispagol). Will not help those who suffer from chronic constipation;
  • means that increase osmotic pressure ("Lavacol", "Relaxan", Epsom salt). Usually this group of drugs is used before medical intervention for quick bowel cleansing;
  • phytopreparations - various fees, active additives ("Phytolax", "Kafiol"). When taking these drugs, you need to pay attention to such side effects as the likelihood of allergies;
  • candles - Bisacodyl (contraindicated for children under two years old), Glycelax. They act very quickly, but it is not recommended to use them too often.


Sometimes physiotherapy is prescribed for constipation. This may be treatment with sulfate waters, thermal procedures, ultraviolet irradiation. Usually the method is chosen depending on the cause of constipation. For spastic constipation, the doctor may prescribe electrophoresis of a magnesium sulfate solution, and atonic constipation is treated with electrophoresis of a potassium chloride solution. The procedures must be done 12-15 times, the duration of one is about half an hour.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe applications of peat or paraffin or treatment with dynamic currents.


A fairly safe method of treating constipation is phytotherapy. In the treatment, in addition to the herbal infusions mentioned by us, beet juice, carrot juice mixed with prunes, and Jerusalem artichoke juice are used. Good help infusion of prunes. Berries should be left overnight in a glass cold water, and in the morning drink the infusion before meals, during breakfast it is useful to eat the prunes themselves.

Red rowan syrup has a laxative effect, but its preparation is quite laborious: it takes 3-4 weeks to keep the berries in sugar. Much faster you can prepare an infusion of flax seeds or wheat bran. To do this, flax is poured with a glass of boiled water for 12 hours, then taken three times a day before meals, one tablespoon. Or two tablespoons of wheat bran should be placed in a glass of hot milk, wrapped and left for 30-40 minutes, in the morning before breakfast, eat half a glass.

You can also take seaweed powder with water.

exercise therapy

For those who do not want to take medicine, whether it be decoctions and infusions or tablets, physiotherapy. There are some simple exercises you can do at home.

  • Lie on your back and “roll the bike”: this will help stretch your muscles. Then bend your knees alternately and press your hips to your stomach.
  • Get on your knees, put your hands on the floor and alternately squat on your hips. From the same position, straighten your legs back, also alternately, arch your back.

These exercises stimulate the work of the intestines and outflow of blood, strengthen the pelvic muscles, and improve well-being.

There are many treatments for constipation. different methods, all have their advantages and disadvantages. Medical treatment can harm other organs, folk remedies are sometimes not effective enough and relieve, rather, of the consequences than of the causes of constipation, and balanced diet and physical activity helps only when a person adheres to the recommendations constantly and does not give himself indulgences. But there is an alternative solution to this problem - Tibetan medicine.

Constipation may have various reasons occurrence - some of them are harmless and easily eliminated at home, others are quite dangerous and require additional examination of the intestines and medical care.

Constipation is a disorder in the functioning of the intestines, during which the movement of feces stops or it becomes impossible to release them. Fecal masses can become rough, hard.

With constipation, there is a strong pain in the abdomen, may be accompanied by nausea, transient short-term pain in the intestines. With constipation, the intestinal walls are stretched by fecal masses, which also causes pain. Prolonged retention of feces leads to intoxication of the body and inflammation of the abdominal cavity.


The causes of constipation can be independent, or they can act as chronic diseases with a complication in the form of constipation. Independent reasons:

  • Violation of the usual daily routine;
  • depression, stress;
  • Shocks, disruption of the central nervous system;
  • Heavy food;
  • Lack of fiber
  • Low physical activity.

Unfamiliar foods for the diet can also cause constipation. Of the chronic diseases, constipation accompanies disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system and ureters.


The first symptom is the inability to empty the bowels for two days. Defecation can occur every day, but causes difficulty, pain. It takes effort to empty the bowels. Severe constipation is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, mainly in the large intestine.

The stool has a dense texture, dry, and even after emptying, there is an overflow of the intestines, heaviness in the stomach. If the violation is caused by a spasm in the intestines, additional symptoms are bloating, flatulence, and sharp cramps in the lower abdomen.

Constipation associated with spasm can become chronic, in this case, patients suffer from constipation, accompanied by heartburn, lack of appetite, insomnia, and pain.

What Not to Do

The first thing to do with constipation is not to eat coarse food. It will only aggravate the patient's condition, and constipation can develop up to rectal bleeding. Avoid the following:

  • Active massages of the abdominal area;
  • heating of the abdomen;
  • Eating fatty, rough, heavy foods;
  • Alcohol use.

To simplify the movement of feces, there are special physical exercises, which are associated with minimal impact on the intestinal area.

First aid

A drug solution that helps with constipation is laxatives. Among these are:

  • Duphalac;
  • Gutalax;
  • Lactulose;
  • Phytomycil;

They help soften feces and activate intestinal motility, but their use can cause colic, swelling and pain during bowel movements, so this is a recommendation on what to do with severe constipation, when help is needed immediately.

Help with constipation that lasts for several days, but does not cause a critical condition of the patient:

  • Taking a tablespoon vegetable oil on an empty stomach;
  • Colon douching - enema;
  • mild laxatives;
  • Dissolving two teaspoons of honey in water - a glass of such water should be drunk in one gulp.

Physical exercises

Special exercises that activate the work of the intestines can become the first aid for constipation. To do this, you need to lean forward, rest your hands on your hips and inhale deeply with your stomach, and not with your diaphragm, so that your stomach inflates when you inhale and deflates when you exhale. Then gradually you need to bend down, resting your palms on your shins and continue to breathe with your stomach.

Performing these exercises for 15-20 minutes can cause the urge to defecate in the near future. It is worth noting that such exercises should be done only when there is no acute pain syndrome, no nausea, and no urge to vomit.

Therapeutic exercises are also useful for chronic constipation. Doing exercises daily allows you to normalize the stool and solve the problem of constipation for a long time.

When to ask for help

Very severe constipation can provoke serious mechanical damage to the intestines with excess feces, and end with volvulus and other dangerous consequences.

Constipation is dangerous, which is accompanied by:

  • Sharp pains;
  • Bloody streaks in the feces;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • Strong gas formation;

With such constipation, what to do urgently:

  • Ensure the position of the body in which the pressure on the intestines will be minimal - recumbent or standing
  • Seek immediate medical attention
  • You can take an anesthetic, but not an antispasmodic, for example, Ketorol.

Help should be provided as soon as possible, while laxatives and enemas in this case are contraindicated, as they will prevent the doctor from making an accurate diagnosis, they can cause complications and exhaust the patient. It is also worth consulting a doctor in those cases when only gases and mucus come out instead of feces.


Help with constipation at home are cleansing enemas. They are prescribed in cases of intoxication, stone belly syndrome, when hardness and swelling are felt during palpation of the lower peritoneum.

An enema can be:

  • Saline;
  • Oily;
  • Water.

Enema instantly causes bowel movements, softens feces and helps in cases where emergency emptying is required. Magnesia or saline solutions are used only when there are no bloody streaks in the feces and intestinal tissues are not disturbed. Otherwise, such solutions will cause burning pain and severe inflammation of the damaged areas of the intestines.

Oil enemas are given using vegetable or sea ​​buckthorn oil. They gently cleanse the intestines and soften the stool. Usage olive oil not only cleanse the intestines, but also alleviate pain.

Small children and pregnant women are given microclysters with sorbitol and medicinal salts. For the treatment of constipation in an adult, a water enema is given with warm water. Correctly put an enema like this:

  • Lie on your left side, put your left hand under your head;
  • Bend your legs a little at the knees;
  • Lubricate the edge of the syringe with oil or petroleum jelly to prevent pain;
  • Slowly inject the solution.

After administration, slight nausea may be felt. The patient should stand up and walk slowly, stroking his stomach counterclockwise with his hand.


Constipation (constipation) in pregnant women, children and the elderly is often treated with rectal suppositories. These are soft laxative suppositories, divided into three types:

  • Suppositories based on glycerin - improve intestinal motility and soften feces. You can even put glycerin suppositories on newborns.
  • Bisacodylic - cause irritation of the nerve endings of the intestine, thus stimulating peristalsis. The action may be accompanied by itching and pain.
  • Based on papaverine - restore intestinal motility and stool regulation.


The prescription of medications should be carried out by a doctor after examination and identification of additional symptoms, since douching and a suppository are sufficient at home. There are 4 groups of drugs:

  • Irritating - take them only if there is no damage to the intestines. They act on the nerve endings of the intestinal lining, activating peristalsis. Self-administration of such drugs is not recommended. The group includes Phytomycil and Gutalax.
  • Osmotic - soften the stool and can make defecation painless. The group includes Duphalac, Portalac and Lactulose. The drug must be taken in accordance with the instructions and, without taking a horizontal position, walk around, stroking the intestinal area.

  • Vegetable - contain figs, plums, and other plants with a laxative effect. The drug taken will be safe for pregnant women, the elderly and infants. Can be taken on its own.
  • Lubricants - soften feces and facilitate their passage. The group includes Flit, Zimenol. Adults can take it on their own.

Over-the-counter medications should work within a few hours. Otherwise, specialist assistance is required.


The treatment of constipation is accompanied by a diet rich in fiber and easily digestible food. To improve the condition, you need to eat several types of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. In winter it can be normal White cabbage, carrot. Plums, mountain ash, zucchini, vinaigrettes and fruit salads help to soften the stool.

For better absorption and emptying, you can drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil on an empty stomach and drink freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice. The diet should contain fermented milk and dairy products - sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, mild cheese. Biokefirs help soften feces and improve the state of microflora.

For lunch, you can eat soup on low-fat or secondary broth, as well as viscous mucous porridges - oatmeal, buckwheat or wheat. Bread should be made from rye flour, as eating wheat bread will immediately lead to fermentation processes.


Drinking regimen is an important component in the treatment of chronic constipation and softening of feces. The following rules will help cleanse the intestines and improve its motor function:

  • With the manifestation of constipation, the volume of liquid drunk daily should be doubled;
  • First courses and coffee do not count in this volume, but juices, purified water and teas will benefit;
  • Half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of warm water;
  • Tea or juice can be drunk at least one hour after a meal.

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Constipation (constipation) is the most well-known and common pathology, manifested by slow, difficult, or insufficient bowel movements.

The processes of defecation are individual for each person and such a concept as constipation is purely arbitrary, since in some patients the absence of defecation for more than 4 days is the norm, while in others, the absence of a bowel movement for two days can manifest itself as unpleasant signs of constipation in the form :

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • distension of the intestines;
  • gas accumulations;
  • perspiration, pain and weakness.

Before you begin to quickly treat constipation at home, you need to understand the reasons for its formation.

What is the cause of constipation in adults?

The cause of the so-called "habitual constipation" are functional disorders of the intestine, manifested as a result of various disorders:

  • Nutritional (alimentary) and dyskinetic;
  • Endocrine, toxic and reflex origin;
  • Due to pathologies of the central nervous system, organic, psychoneurological and occupational diseases.

The general genesis is due to improper and unsystematized nutrition, lack of mobility and age factor, stress and diseases provoking signs of constipation.

The development of primary constipation may be due to the slow movement of feces through the intestines.

Secondary processes of constipation are caused by pathological processes in the liver (cholelithiasis), large and small intestines.

Chronic bowel problems in the elderly are due to:

  • slow digestion caused by age-related changes;
  • decreased contractility of the abdominal muscles;
  • irregular and unhealthy meals;
  • insufficient water regime;
  • anxiety and stress;
  • side effects of medications taken.

Sometimes, in the elderly category of patients, diabetes and hemorrhoids, Parkinson's disease, or functional intestinal disorders (RK syndrome) can serve as the cause of defecation dysfunction. Drug treatment in this category of people is indicated only with severely difficult defecation or, if a disease is detected that provoked defecation difficulties. It is better for them to start treatment with folk methods and with a change in life positions.

Fast home remedies for constipation

heaviness and pain in the abdomen with constipation

There are many ways to solve such a delicate problem - from medications, special exercises and massages, up to folk treatment time-tested. In any case, you should not endure such a state, but develop for yourself a certain tactic to eliminate it. It would be nice, of course, before starting to use it, for sure, to know the cause of the violation of the act of defecation.

At home, the easiest way to quickly treat constipation is with a laxative. Today there is a wide variety of laxative drugs. They affect the intestines in different ways, but they fulfill their main function - they facilitate bowel movements. Of the many drugs, you can certainly choose the one that will be effective in this case.

  • The most in demand drugs that enhance intestinal emptying based on lactose - "Lactulose" and "Duphalac".
  • To stimulate intestinal motility, you can take a tablet of "Forlax" ("Macrogol"), relax, sit a little "in thought" and the problem will be resolved for a quarter of an hour.
  • Various laxatives of the contact group, which have a stimulating effect on the intestinal mucosa, contribute to the accelerated movement of feces - senna-based products: Gerbion, Regulax, Laxana, Antrasennin, Senade, Glaksenna.
  • To soften the feces - "Norgalax".
  • Well stimulates digestive functions and intestinal peristalsis, the herbal preparation "Kaskara"
  • Strengthen intestinal motility: "Itopride" and "Neostigmine".

In fact, there are a lot of laxatives for constipation in adults and children. Their correct selection, in each case, can only be done by a doctor. Each of the drugs has its own characteristics and a certain time period of action. Treatment with drugs is well suited for the manifestation of chronic "discomfort".

And what can help with constipation that occurs periodically, and what can be done at home? The first thing to do is to help the body restore the correct reflexes to defecate.

This is facilitated, first of all, by the correct posture during defecation. The best option is to squat down on your haunches in the pose of an eagle. There is nothing shameful in this. This position promotes additional pressure on the abdomen with the hips and legs and the correct position of the large intestine, which improves its emptying.

Folk remedies for constipation for the home - honey, oil, etc.

If the difficulties in bowel movements are one-time, quickly get rid of constipation at home will help drinking water with honey on an empty stomach (40 grams of honey per glass of cool water) and breathing exercises. After drinking the solution, you should bend over slightly and put your hands on your hips, breathing deeply not with your diaphragm, but with your stomach. After a few breaths, do the same, bending down and wrapping your arms around your shins, and then your feet.

If such bending is difficult, you can squat down. At the same time, you should make sure that there is no discomfort in the form of muscle pain, signs of vertigo, etc. Soon, the urge to defecate will appear.

Their appearance should not be urged, no need to push, the body can cope with its functions on its own.

With difficulty with emptying, drinking plenty of water can help the intestines. It can be various fermented milk products, a cup of not strong broth, carrot juice or compote (from dried fruits or fresh fruits). Everyone should know what to do at home to urgently eliminate constipation - the first thing is not to panic, but drink 30 - 50 gr. any oil - vegetable, olive, or castor.

For intermittent constipation in adults, it is useful to take mild laxative preparations at bedtime, in the form of herbal remedies, with a tablet with two glasses of liquid. This is also facilitated by a solution of magnesia (50 ml of water + 30 g of a liquid agent). For normal functioning, the body needs a regimen.

  • You should establish for yourself a certain mode of bowel movement.

The best time for this process is in the morning. Try to accustom yourself to do this along with a “little need”, without forcing the intestines with violent attempts. If this doesn't happen the first time, don't despair. The time will come and the body will definitely cope with the problem. He just needs help.

Try to replace evening TV programs with evening walks, at least for half an hour. Remember school exercises and do them in the morning. And soon, the state of health will noticeably improve and the problem of constipation will be resolved on its own.

How to deal with chronic constipation?

The problem of chronic constipation is solved in a complex way - at home, this is, first of all, a diet correction. The diet should be adjusted and divided into 4-5 doses in small portions. Up to 3 times a day, liquid dishes should be present in the menu, they should be served warm. Daily fluid intake - up to 2 liters, in addition to liquid dishes.

About what can be done at home, with severe constipation, is not a problem - this will help solve proper diet, including a diet useful for intestinal motility, consisting of:

  • from juices - daily consumption of carrot juice gives an excellent effect;
  • fruit, herbal and berry drinks, herbal teas;(
  • drinks from fermented milk products;
  • from greens and vegetables, fresh and boiled;
  • fresh and boiled vegetable and fruit salads;
  • dishes from oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • the use of vegetable oils;
  • liquid first courses - preferably borscht or pickle;
  • biscuit cookies, and dried wholemeal bread.

Another contributing factor is the stimulation of intestinal activity. For this purpose, walking and cycling, morning gymnastic exercises are good.

The "golden shield" of the body is a press that supports and ensures the anatomical position and normal functioning of the internal organs.

It is not necessary to go to extremes to maintain muscle tone - you just need to accustom yourself to pump the press for 3-5 minutes every day or do gymnastic exercises with a heavy hoop. Very soon there is a noticeable improvement in the functioning of the intestines and other organs.

Constipation - what can not be done?

In the absence of serious diseases, constipation problems can be managed simple methods, which are able to normalize intestinal functions, and contribute to the improvement of the body. But sometimes patients themselves provoke an aggravation of the problem. What is it connected with?

  • For example, with prolonged constipation with signs of dehydration, solid feces form in the intestines.

Auxiliary measures in this case are not very effective and a quick solution to the problem of constipation is carried out with the help of enemas. They may consist of the introduction of 300 ml of cool water, 100 ml. oil or cleaning solution. Such procedures quickly relieve constipation at home, but are good only as a one-time procedure, as an emergency measure.

What you should not do is to use them on a regular basis, which can lead to addiction and stop the bowels. Patients should be warned against using warm solutions for enemas. Warm water can cause the opposite effect. May cause deterioration of the condition, as it is rapidly absorbed by the intestines and leads to cerebral edema.

A frivolous attitude to the problem of constipation is also capable of playing a cruel joke, turning periodic violations of intestinal release into a form of chronic course.

If the manifestation of the urge to defecate appears suddenly and at the wrong time, no matter how you want, you should not suppress them. You can always devote a couple of minutes to the administration of natural needs, postponing all the affairs for a while. Otherwise, the body will develop a habit of retaining feces, their excessive absorption and intoxication poisoning of the body.

When should you seek medical attention?

Signs of impaired intestinal emptying (constipation) can be an independent pathology, but also portend more serious diseases: intestinal dyskinesia, the development of neoplasms in the colon and other organs. It is necessary to consult a doctor at an advanced stage of the disease, when acute processes of prolonged lack of emptying are accompanied by:

  1. Fever and intoxication symptoms in the form of nausea and weakness;
  2. Lack of appetite and weight loss;
  3. Change in the natural configuration of outgoing feces (in the form of balls, tubes, ribbons);
  4. Cramps and pain in the abdomen;
  5. Secretions of mucous and liquid consistency, instead of feces;
  6. Rectal hemorrhages (bleeding).

And with signs of flatulence (bloating) and the absence of discharge, accumulated gases, accompanied by acute pain symptoms, you should urgently call for emergency care.

The consequences of prolonged constipation and impaired bowel cleansing can be the saddest. Long-term chronic constipation contributes to the development of a secondary form of colitis, diseases of the liver, bile ducts, inflammatory reactions in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, oncological processes in the colon.

Constipation, both in adults and children, occurs most often due to a lack of fluid in the body and an unhealthy diet. It also occurs in other circumstances, such as in diseases of the stomach, liver and digestive system.

Treating persistent constipation is quite difficult, since it most often requires consultation with a specialist and undergoing a full examination.

After that, the doctor, having collected all the test results and looked at the results of the examinations, will be able to give directions for treatment and prescriptions for the necessary medicines.

Most often, constipation is only a consequence of any causes of illness in the body, and not the disease itself. So that it is necessary to treat not constipation, but to eliminate the cause that caused it.

Of course, for immediate relief of discomfort, it may be necessary to perform some procedures for cleaning the lower intestines. For this, an enema is usually given. You can also use medicines.

There are drugs for constipation in adults that are different in effect and speed of exposure.

At home, without consulting a doctor, it is better not to resort to heavy drugs,
they can cause even more discomfort. For example, vomiting or diarrhea.

There are various drugs for constipation in adults in terms of effect and speed of exposure. Their list can be very long. We consider the most effective, inexpensive and natural preparations.

Remember that before taking medications and starting treatment, it is recommended to undergo a complete examination and pass the appropriate tests.

constipation symptoms

The first signs of constipation can be identified by the following symptoms:

  1. Going to the toilet less than three times a week.
  2. Feces in the form of small dry balls.
  3. Small amount of withdrawals.
  4. The emptying process is very difficult.
  5. The following unpleasant sensations are present: bloating, seething, pain, spasms.

If constipation has not yet acquired the character of a constant and painful problem, then it is possible to use herbal remedies for constipation in adults with one-time manifestations.

Their list has been known since ancient times and is taken from folk herbalists:

  • plantain seeds,
  • licorice root, powder,
  • sea ​​kale and preparations based on it,
  • rhubarb root,
  • coriander fruit,
  • buckthorn fruit,
  • yarrow and medicinal fees based on it,
  • anise and senna leaves,
  • fennel extracts,
  • steel tincture,
  • Fiberlex, a synthetic herbal drug.

Effective cures for constipation

There are various medications for constipation used to treat adults.

Fast-acting medicines - work within a few hours after taking, can have side effects, because they cause an active reaction of the body with a strong and direct effect.

Breaks down feces by excreting fluid from them. It is tested and the safest remedy. His admission is allowed for children and pregnant women.

Reception is carried out rectally, with the help of microclysters, for children and adults over three years old, insert the tip to its full length, for newborns and children under three years of age halfway (see the mark on the microclyster). The only drawback of the drug is its high cost, it can be from 300 rubles for one tube of 5 ml.


Medicine in the form of tablets. It has a laxative effect, due to synosides, which have a direct effect on mucous receptors inside the colon.

A distinctive, characteristic feature is the design of a normal stool, without the desire for diarrhea during defecation. The action occurs ten hours after taking the drug. Contraindicated in children under six years of age and pregnant women. Not suitable for permanent use.

The course of treatment is two weeks, after which you should stop taking the drug. If symptoms of constipation continue, you should consult a doctor. Has side effects. The cost is from 450 rubles for a package of 500 tablets.

It is a suppository for rectal use. Differs in fast action due to active components: escin and glyceride. The effect appears 15 minutes after taking Rektaktiva.

The drug has been tested and approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. It has contraindications for use for people with kidney problems, peritonitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids and other diseases internal organs. There are side effects. Before use, you should consult with your doctor. The drug costs from 300 rubles.

Delayed action (probiotics) - these drugs act gently on the body, do not directly affect the activity of the rectum and internal organs. They have a cumulative effect. After taking it, it may take several weeks to achieve a visible result.

Improve the activity of the digestive system, restore the intestinal microflora. At their core, they contain Lactulose, a disaccharide consisting of different types sugars, mainly from milk (lactose) and fruit (sucrose). Ideal for children due to the mild and safe effect and pleasant taste.

These are drugs such as:

  • linolax,
  • lactulose,
  • lactitol,
  • Dufalac,
  • Linex.

All these drugs, due to the complex method of their production, cannot have a low cost.

If you don't have the money for expensive drugs, much cheaper drugs for constipation in adults may come in handy.

Bisacodyl (price from 50 rubles)

The drug can be in the form of tablets, 5 mg dragees or suppositories. Pack of 30 The composition of the active ingredients has chemical compound directed action. Children are allowed to use from the age of three, pregnant women with caution.

It is forbidden to use during breastfeeding, with renal failure and a number of other diseases. There are contraindications and side effects. Before use, you should consult with your doctor.

Defenorm (Price from 100 rubles)

It is in the form of capsules, 30 pcs. packaged. It is forbidden to use the elderly, pregnant women, during breastfeeding, children under 12 years old. It has side effects and contraindications. The composition contains active, chemical components that act directly on intestinal motility.

Usually prescribed 1-2 capsules per day, before meals, for half an hour. When taking the drug, you should drink more fluids, and you should also consult with your doctor.

Picolax (price from 150 rubles)

Has the form of a liquid. It contains sodium picosulfate, which acts directly on mucus
the lining of the intestine, irritating it, thus stimulating defecation.

Applied as drops, inside. Contraindicated for children and pregnant women during breastfeeding.

Carefully! These drugs have side effects such as diarrhea and nausea. May cause vomiting and allergic reactions. Not recommended for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

Pros and cons of drugs from a pharmacy to treat constipation

Usually, safe, expertly tested and tested medicines are expensive, and this, in theory, can be a disadvantage. However, cheap analogues of drugs can be hazardous to health, cause allergies or skin irritation, rashes.

They can also cause nausea and vomiting. The advantages of pharmaceutical drugs include active action components, quick effect, the safety of some high-quality drugs.

Note! Before going to a pharmacy with a list of drugs for constipation in adults, you should consult with your doctor, study the composition of the drug, its side effects and instructions for use.

Some undesirable effects may occur with an overdose of the drug, as well as with its long-term use.

If constipation bothers you constantly, it is important to treat the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and not regularly use drugs that also affect health.

Drinking plenty of fluids is one of the best ways to deal with constipation.

Don't forget that during treatment, all available methods of dealing with constipation should be used. such as high fluid intake, active physical activity, medicines for constipation in adults from the list of herbal, natural preparations.

Such a complex effect will allow you to get rid of constipation much faster and more efficiently. If symptoms of constipation are present long time, you should stop taking ineffective drugs and consult a doctor. He will appoint individually, more effective remedy safe for you.

If help is needed quickly

In this case, best to use an enema. This is the most fast way rectal cleansing. The option to use adult constipation medications from the quick release list above is also welcome. Don't forget about folk methods getting rid of constipation.

Taking infusions, drinking plenty of fluids, especially coffee and green tea, will help prevent the problem, or cope with its presence.

Taking infusions, drinking plenty of fluids, especially coffee and green tea, will help prevent the problem, or cope with its presence. Kefir for the night or prunes compote is also well suited.

Causes of constipation

Constipation can have many causes, such as insufficient fluid intake, impaired metabolism, diseases of the internal organs, poor physical activity, sedentary work. Let's consider these reasons in more detail.

food features

Fatty and dry foods can cause stool retention. Regular consumption of large amounts of flour products should be avoided.: pasta, bread, fresh rolls.

Eating a large amount of flour products is one of the causes of constipation


Lack of fluid in the body can also lead to constipation. This happens when you eat the wrong food. The body cannot properly digest food and absorb it. In this case, the process slows down and constipation occurs.


Constipation is not uncommon during pregnancy. This is because the weight of the child presses on the internal organs, and all processes are disturbed, including the process of assimilation of food. There is an increased load on the liver, and if it does not cope with its tasks, many diseases can occur, including constipation.

Usually this happens only in late pregnancy in the third trimester. Pregnant women are prescribed enemas, herbal tinctures, as well as drugs that are safe for the child and the expectant mother.

Diseases of various genesis

Diseases of the kidneys, liver, spleen and other internal organs, including the small pelvis, most often lead to constipation.

Anxiety, stress

When you worry, your body releases the stress hormone adrenaline, which in turn speeds up the right processes in the body and slows down unnecessary. The process of defecation in a stressful situation, the body accepts as unnecessary and postpones it.

Anxiety, stress also lead to constipation

In a state of strong excitement, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, even if nothing threatens your life, the body will release adrenaline and slow down some processes that are natural under normal conditions.


With little mobility, there may also be problems with constipation. This is due to the fact that when the pelvis is in a state of constant rest, everything inside stagnates and constipation forms.

That's why with constipation, it is recommended to move more and lead a mobile lifestyle. Even if you have a sedentary job, you can get up and walk around during your break. Or do a little warm-up, it helps a lot and, in addition, it is useful for the general condition of the body, improves metabolism and general condition.

It is especially useful if it is outdoor walks. For example, you can take daily walks in the morning - run or just walk the dog.

Help folk recipes

In case of constipation, it is necessary not only to use medicines from the pharmacy, but can also be useful folk medicines from constipation in adults. A list of them, with a regular occurrence of a problem, can be kept in a prominent place in the kitchen, because any housewife can find all these products.

Coffee in the morning in a small amount is very useful. But they shouldn't be abused.

In case of constipation, it is necessary not only to use medicines from a pharmacy, but also folk medicines for constipation in adults can be useful.

In order not to experience heaviness in the stomach and other symptoms of constipation during the day, pay attention to the following facts:

Why you can't leave the problem unattended

It's important to know! Constipation can be signs of severe diseases of the internal organs, tumors and even cancers. Take care of your body and do not neglect your health.

This is especially true if constipation is persistent and has been going on for a long time. In this case, taking pills every day and doing enemas is not at all a suitable option.

Other medicines for constipation in adults can also be used., from the list of less known, but no less effective: drugs:

Prevention of constipation

For the prevention of constipation it is enough to drink herbal infusions from time to time or take appropriate drugs. It can be a tincture of string, plum compotes, or prunes.

Choose the right recipe and consume in small amounts every day for two weeks. It can be both herbal preparations and medicines bought at a pharmacy. The use of both types of treatment in combination is strongly recommended.

Also remember to drink plenty of fluids and stay active. Avoid long sitting positions. Regularly examined by doctors and take tests at least once a year.

Note! With constipation, your attitude towards them plays an important role. It is very important to treat this phenomenon correctly and understand that regular constipation is not a disease, but a sign indicating it. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, pass all the tests and undergo an examination.

It is advisable not to self-medicate, this can lead to serious consequences.

How to get rid of constipation, see this video:

E. Malysheva dedicated a program to the topic of constipation. See how to get rid of it here:

Effective pills for constipation in the transfer with S. Sadalsky:

In any pharmacy today, there is a huge assortment of various laxatives for constipation, and almost everyone has certain contraindications or disadvantages. The most basic "minus" of any laxative is that they are not drugs that treat, they do not have a serious therapeutic effect, but only help to solve the problem of stagnation of feces in the intestine at a time, drank a laxative - cleared, but the problem is not solved. In addition, all constipation tablets, solutions, syrups, herbal preparations, powders should be distinguished by their effect on the intestines.

What is the best, strongest, most effective, quick laxative, which is natural and safe? Is it possible to develop addiction to a particular drug? People who suffer from constipation have many questions, but first of all, you should find out the cause of problems with normal bowel movements. Most often, chronic constipation is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the entire digestive system, which should not be eliminated with the help of laxatives. Before using any means, try to try to change the situation with the following simple rules that promote natural bowel movement:

  • The most effective - in the morning, as soon as you wake up, drink 1-2 glasses of not cold, but room temperature water, it is better mineral water without gas 30-40 minutes before breakfast, this clears the stomach and starts the digestion process.
  • Massage of the abdomen helps very well, honey and coffee have a laxative effect.
  • A healthy diet, an active lifestyle, the presence of beets, cabbage, prunes, apricots, any raw vegetables and fruits in the diet improve intestinal motility and do not provoke constipation.
  • The most effective, quick remedy for constipation is the correct determination of the causes of its occurrence and their elimination.
  • Fresh kefir is very useful before going to bed.
  • Castor oil is a fast acting laxative.

All drugs for constipation are usually divided according to the nature of the impact on: means of osmotic action, irritant effect, prebiotics-laxatives, filler preparations. Therefore, when choosing a remedy for constipation, you should decide which class of drugs is indicated and necessary for you, take into account all contraindications and possible side effects.

  • When buying tablets, suppositories in a pharmacy, find out active substance one or another drug, carefully read the instructions.
  • Do not use irritant laxatives for a long time.
  • You should choose a safe, good, laxative, especially for chronic constipation, the best of all are prebiotic preparations, they both stimulate intestinal activity and restore microflora, with their help you can achieve a stable, long-term therapeutic effect.
  • To achieve a faster effect, you can use, but rather an oily microclyster.

Irritant constipation tablets

These are perhaps the most effective, quick laxatives for constipation, their largest variety, they are prescribed for atony or sluggish intestinal motility. These include drops, syrups, tablets, such as Sodium picosulfate, Bisacodyl, etc., and herbal remedies, such as: senna leaves, castor oil, rhubarb root, joster fruit, buckthorn bark. The advantage of such drugs is a quick effect, the evening intake of irritating tablets for constipation in the morning leads to stool.

  • Action

The laxative effect of irritants is due to chemical irritation of colonic receptors, which stimulates peristalsis. As a rule, such stimulation of the colon leads to a single bowel movement approximately 6 to 10 hours after taking the drug.

  • Side effects

Such stimulating pills for constipation for sluggish intestines cannot be systematically used, this leads to depletion of the receptors of the large intestine, a pronounced decrease in its tone. With prolonged, regular (over 10 days) intake of such laxatives, the risk of laxative disease or intestinal atony, degeneration of the nervous tissue and electrolyte imbalance in the blood increases. To such drugs addiction quickly develops, the initial dose soon does not lead to a significant effect, and it is not desirable to increase it. The disadvantage and side effect of irritant drugs is intense pain in the intestines, due to which most patients refuse to use them.

  • Contraindications and indications

Such drugs are indicated for acute, occasional constipation, not for chronic stage. They are contraindicated for long-term use, as well as lactating and pregnant women, infants. You can not use such laxatives for constipation with: abdominal pain of unclear etiology, acute, with exacerbation of anal fissures, with intestinal, gastric, with acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs, with intestinal obstruction, with, peritonitis, with perforation of the intestine or stomach, in violation of water-salt metabolism.

The list of laxatives is presented in the table. It is worth recalling that before using any medication, you should consult with your doctor.

Bisacodyl - Laxacodyl, Laxatin, Dulcolax, Bisadil, Laxbene, Pirilax, Stadalax.

Indications for use: bowel preparation for endoscopic examination, constipation after surgery, with diet food, idiopathic constipation.
Mode of application: Take 1 tablet before bedtime, if there is no effect, 2-3 tablets, for children after 6 years of age, half a tablet.
Side effects: pain and bloating, nausea, intestinal colic, a feeling of heaviness in the intestines, rarely the appearance of blood, mucus after stool. With prolonged use - loss of electrolytes, intestinal atony.

Sennosides A and B are Regulax, Senade, Antrasennin, Herbion Laxana, Senadexin, Tisasen, Senalex, Ex-Lax, Senna chewable lozenges with chocolate and vanilla flavor, Senna holly leaves.

This is a large group of drugs for constipation, which include the amount of anthraglycosides found in the leaves of holly and narrow-leaved senna. This popular herbal laxative results in rapid bowel movements, is non-addictive, and works 6-12 hours after ingestion.
Indications: regulation of stool in hemorrhoids, constipation due to sluggish peristalsis of the colon, atonic and spastic constipation of various origins. The dosage is determined depending on the form medicinal product preferably at night.
Contraindications and side effects are similar to Bisacodyl.

Sodium picosulfate is Guttalax, Guttasil, Laxigal, Regulax Picosulfate, Slabikap, Slabilen

This group of drugs, acting exclusively at the level of the colon, enhances intestinal motility, reduces the absorption of water and electrolytes.

Indications: similar to Bisacodyl and Sennosides
The action occurs within 10-12 hours after ingestion.
Side effects: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dehydration, convulsions, weakness, low blood pressure, water and electrolyte imbalance.
Contraindications: childhood up to 4 years, 1 trimester of pregnancy, the rest is similar to other irritants.

Glycerol - candles Glycerin, Glycelax

Laxative for constipation, which lubricates hard fecal matter, softens and facilitates their passage through the intestines, has a reflex stimulation and irritant effect on the intestinal mucosa.

Indications: prevention of constipation for people who should not strain during bowel movements - after a heart attack, with hemorrhoids, cracks anus, anorectal stenosis, constipation during pregnancy and lactation.
Contraindications: tumors of the rectum, hypersensitivity, exacerbation of proctitis, hemorrhoids. In renal failure, use with caution.
Dosage: 1 suppository rectally, 20 minutes after breakfast.
Side effect: itching, burning of the skin, allergic reactions. With prolonged use, the physiological process of defecation is weakened.

Delayed laxatives - prebiotics

Laxatives - prebiotics are the safest means in the fight against constipation, so they can be used after childbirth and during lactation. This group of drugs are food ingredients, carbohydrates that cannot be digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, they reach the colon unchanged, where they act as growth stimulators of beneficial intestinal microflora. These agents include: inulin, lactulose and fructooligosaccharides. They can't be named strong means for constipation, however, they act slowly and safely, give a more stable therapeutic effect than saline and irritant laxatives.

  • Mechanism of action

Prebiotics are the best laxative, in addition to stimulating the growth of beneficial microflora, they gradually restore intestinal function, acting both as osmotic laxatives and as mild irritants, since the organic acids produced during the fermentation of prebiotics have a stimulating effect on the intestinal muscles. The most popular and effective prebiotic is Lactulose, the laxative effect at a high dosage of 40-50 ml is achieved after 1.5-2 hours.

  • Side effects

Has practically no side effects, with the exception of which passes 3 days after the start of taking the prebiotic. And also not a very quick effect on constipation, since it is necessary that the drug passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract, so the chair occurs 2-3 days after the usual dosage.

  • Indications, contraindications and benefits

Prebiotics are indicated for both acute and chronic constipation. They are often used for stool retention, constipation. In addition to the laxative effect and the normalization of microflora, prebiotics also have detoxifying properties, removing toxic nitrogen-containing substances, they are also indicated for hepatic encephalopathy. Prebiotics improve the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, inhibit the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora in the intestine.

Lactulose - Normaze, Portalak syrup, Goodluck, Duphalac, Lactulose Poly, Lactulose Stada, Livoluk-PB, Romfalak

An osmotic mild laxative for constipation, hepatic encephalopathy, and is also used before diagnostic procedures on the gastrointestinal tract (see).
Lactulose has a hyperosmotic effect, promotes the excretion of ammonium ions and better absorption of calcium and phosphorus, stimulates intestinal motility. Lactulose thins the stool, increases its volume, increases the secretion of bile in the small intestine.

Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, galactosemia, sensitivity to lactose, fructose, with caution in diabetes mellitus.

The dosage is determined individually according to the doctor's prescription. This is the best, good laxative for children.

Lactitol - Exportal, Importal N - powder for solution

Lactitol is used as a sugar substitute in diabetic products, as well as a prebiotic for the treatment and prevention of constipation and diseases of the large intestine. It helps soften stool, increases osmotic pressure, facilitates the act of defecation, the effect is achieved 24 hours after ingestion.
Usage: It is taken orally along with drinks 1 r / day with meals. After the onset of a stable effect, the dose is reduced.

Among side effects there is only flatulence, discomfort in the abdomen.

Osmotic laxatives

In chronic constipation caused by any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, saline osmotic laxatives are not recommended. Most often they are prescribed for a one-time bowel cleansing in case of acute stool retention, in case of food or drug poisoning, as well as for diagnostic procedures on the gastrointestinal tract. They are safe laxatives, unlike irritating drugs, osmotic agents for constipation do not form lazy bowel syndrome, they can be used for a long time (Forlax) up to 3 months, but like other laxatives, they do not eliminate the cause of constipation, but only provide symptomatic action.

Their advantage is that they do not weaken muscle tone and are not addictive. The means of this group include the following salt preparations: citrate, magnesium hydroxide, sodium and magnesium sulfate, Karlovy Vary salt, polyethylene glycol.

  • Action

Osmotic laxatives hold water in the intestinal lumen, thereby softening the feces and increasing their volume. They increase osmotic pressure by also attracting water from adipose tissue and blood plasma, resulting in a laxative effect.

  • Side effects

In chronic constipation, the use of saline laxatives is more appropriate and physiological, but if they are used for several months, there is a loss of electrolytes, sodium, potassium salts, which disrupts the water-salt balance, causes dehydration, which is unacceptable for a growing child's body and elderly people with heart failure, therefore, the use of such drugs for more than 3 months is not recommended. Also, the disadvantage is the occurrence of pain in the abdomen during bowel movements.

  • Contraindications and indications

The most basic indication for their use is food and drug poisoning, acute constipation. Polyethylene glycol can be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

Carlsbad salt artificial

It is a substitute for natural geyser Karlovy Vary salt, it is a saline laxative that has a choleretic effect.

Indications: chronic cholecystitis, food poisoning, constipation.

Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity, acute febrile syndrome.

Side effects: diarrhea, atony of the large intestine, impaired water and electrolyte metabolism.

Dosage and administration: as a laxative, it is used inside on an empty stomach, for children from 2 years old, a teaspoon, spreading in 1/2 glass of water, for adults, a tablespoon in a glass of water 40 minutes before meals.

Macrogol - analogues of Lavacol, Osmogol, Fortrans, Realaxan, Tranzipeg, Forlax, Forteza Rompharm.

This is a fairly effective remedy for constipation, which can be taken up to 3 months, which should help to normalize bowel function in the future, supporting its work with diet and physical activity.
This drug is not absorbed, not metabolized, and has an effect regardless of the composition of the intestinal microflora. Its use is not accompanied by flatulence, burning sensation and pain in the anus, it does not increase fermentation, its action is aimed at increasing the fluid content in the feces, it softens them, facilitates defecation. Also, its advantage is that it prevents the loss of electrolytes with faeces, and Macrogol does not disrupt lipid metabolism.
Efficiency is manifested after 1-2 days after administration. Macrogol should be taken with breakfast as a drinking solution.

Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate - analogues bitter salt, Epsom salt, magnesia, epsom salt.

Indications for use: gallbladder dyskinesia, constipation, bowel cleansing before diagnostic procedures, cholecystitis, heavy metal salt poisoning. Renders
choleretic and laxative action.
Dosage - dissolve the contents of the package in 100 ml of water.

Solution for rectal administration - combination drug, which has both an irritant effect and a liquefaction of feces.

Microlax is a microclyster, the main advantages of which are the rapid onset of action (after 15 minutes) and the small volume of the injected solution - only 5 ml (one tube) is enough to achieve the effect. It is important that these drugs do not have systemic action and do not affect the work of the intestines as a whole, not allowing addiction to develop.

Sodium citrate, which is part of Microlax, is a peptizer that displaces bound water in the feces.
Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate has a thinning effect. Sorbitol stimulates the flow of water into the intestines, which enhances the laxative effect of the drug.
Indications: Constipation and preparation for the study of the gastrointestinal tract. Children over 3 years of age and adults are prescribed one microclyster by inserting the tip to the full length into the rectum.

Intestinal fillers

Bulk intestinal fillers are preparations of both synthetic (modified polysaccharides) and natural origin, they are difficult to digest, not absorbed, increase the volume of feces and help to accelerate the act of defecation. However, many patients with chronic constipation refuse to use them, since such remedies do not always help in the fight against constipation, they often cause bloating, rumbling, pain, but do not improve intestinal motility. The main representatives of this group of constipation remedies are: Flax seed, Agar-agar, Wheat bran, Sterculia, Methylcellulose, Fleaworth seeds, ovoid or oval plantain seed husks.

  • Action

The action of bulk laxatives is based on the fact that they swell, absorb water, and due to the increase in volume, they contribute to the stretching of the intestinal walls. Therefore, defecation is accelerated due to the reflex reaction from the contractile wave; with a sluggish intestine, such agents may not be effective. To achieve the desired effect, the ability of the colon to swell must be maintained, in addition, when using them, you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Filler laxatives are considered mild delayed-acting drugs, with Agra-Agra the effect occurs after 12 hours, after taking Fleaworth seeds, stool evacuation occurs after 24 hours, and the use of methylcellulose leads to defecation after 1-3 days.

  • Side effects

Stretching of the walls leads to flatulence, rumbling, bloating, and such an abundant fluid intake is not always possible, since urination becomes more frequent and, with some concomitant diseases, excessive fluid intake is not desirable.

  • Contraindications

Such remedies for constipation during pregnancy are contraindicated due to the threat of miscarriage, also with irritable bowel syndrome, since this further increases flatulence. It is not advisable to increase the amount of feces in the patient's bed rest, with intestinal obstruction and neurological disorders.

Laxative herbal remedies

Among the laxatives of herbal origin, the following most popular drugs can be distinguished:

  • Buckthorn fruits - as well as Buckthorn bark, syrup, extract, Ramnil, Jostera fruits
  • Kafiol is a combined preparation, which includes fruits and leaves of senna, fig fruits
  • Laxative Phytolax is a dietary supplement, which includes common apricot fruits, large plantain leaves, garden dill fruits, senna leaves and extract.
  • Laminaria thallus (seaweed) is granules, tablets, extract, FitoTranzit, Mamoclam Laminaria thallus
  • Plantain oval seed shell - preparations Mucofalk, Naturolax, Fiberlex are herbal laxatives
  • Proctophytol (Antihemorrhoidal collection) - the composition of the collection includes Senna holly leaves, Coriander fruits, Licorice roots, Buckthorn alder bark, Yarrow herb
  • Rhubarb palmate roots - tablets, extract, syrup
  • Licorice root powder - a combined preparation, which includes Licorice roots, Senna leaf, Fennel fruit extract, Sulfur
  • Stalnik tincture - roots of harrow, tincture has a laxative, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect
  • Laxative collection No. 1 - which includes Yarrow herb, Alder buckthorn bark, Dioecious nettle leaves
  • Laxative collection No. 2 - as part of Buckthorn bark, Senna leaf, Anise fruit, Licorice root, Buckthorn fruit.

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