White cabbage and radish salad. Green radish salad with carrots. Healthy salads: recipes. Cabbage and radish salad

Repair from ZERO online 08.04.2021
Repair from ZERO online

The recipe for the dish with a photo, see below.

Hello everyone! Lately I have been drawn to. Apparently the body has a presentiment of a long cold winter and a lack of vitamins in food. Therefore, he asks for vitamin food to strengthen the immune system. Moreover, it is autumn now, all the vegetables are still fresh and full of vitamins. You need to use this circumstance and eat as many healthy vegetables as possible. It is most delicious to make a variety of salads. Today I present my experimental recipe - white cabbage salad with radish and lingonberry.

I want to warn you right away that radish should be used with caution for people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis, etc. In such people, radish can cause an attack of nausea. To reduce the concentration of specific substances in the radish, we will soak it in cool water. But first things first.

So, for ours we need:

  • fresh white cabbage (1 small head of cabbage or half a large one);
  • 1 medium radish;
  • salt to taste;
  • olive oil for dressing;
  • 5 tablespoons fresh lingonberries.

It's no secret thatlingonberry contains many vitamins and helps fight colds, strengthens the immune system.Radish has a rich composition: minerals, enzymes, vitamins C, B1, B2, organic acids, fiber and essential oils. Radish has powerful antimicrobial properties, it is used to replenish the lack of vitamins and mineral salts in the body.contains starch, pectin substances and a large amount of acids: malic, citric, succinic, fumaric and oxalic. By the amount of vitamin C, cabbage overtakes oranges, for vitamins A, B B1 ;, K, PP and U is on a par with lemons, and there is even more calcium in it than in milk. Cabbage also contains a lot of riboflavin, niacin (nicotinic acid), vitamin PP, pantothenic acid (vitamin B3), phylloquinone (vitamin K). So our salad is just a treasure nutrients and vitamins!

To begin with, we chop the cabbage and remember it a little with our hands, so that it gives juice. Now mix it with salt and leave it there for half an hour.

In the meantime, let's take care of the radish. It needs to be peeled, washed and poured with cold boiled water. Leave it like this for twenty minutes.

Over time, carefully drain the water, and add the radish to the cabbage. We put lingonberries, fill with oil. You can add a dash of apple cider vinegar if you like. That's all. ready! The taste is unusual and spicy

Bon Appetit everyone!

Finally, I share an interesting reference. If your child has a birthday, then please him with unusual and delicious meals for kids. For example, such an original salad for children's party your baby will surely like it

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Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Salad with cabbage and radish, and carrots, the recipe with a photo of the preparation of which I propose is so simple that it can be quickly prepared for dinner or a family dinner. At the same time, it is healthy as well as delicious, which can become a daily snack in your diet.
In fact, the appetizer is quite simple, since its ingredients are available and always at hand in every kitchen, but in the pursuit of multicomponent dishes, hostesses often do not think about the combination of certain ingredients.
The dish always turns out to be tasty, fresh, spicy, crunchy and, which is important for serving, bright and beautiful. White cabbage goes well with juicy, sweet carrots and spicy, slightly spicy radish. In order to add a little more spice and aroma to the salad, the ingredients are poured with vinegar or lemon juice, and then mixed with mayonnaise. It is just as easy and quick to prepare, be sure to try it!

- cabbage (white cabbage) - 300 g,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- table vinegar (9% or lemon juice - 0.5-1 tsp,
- radish (black) - 1 pc.,
- sauce (mayonnaise) - 50 g,
- sugar (white) - 0.5 tsp,
- salt (finely ground) - a pinch.

How to cook from a photo step by step

We remove the top sheets from the cabbage fork (they, as a rule, contain the most harmful substances and mineral fertilizers). Then we cut the head of cabbage in half and finely chop the cabbage with a knife or on a shredder.
We put it in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and crush it with our hands so that it starts up the juice.

We also clean the carrots, rub on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage.

Grind the peeled radish on a grater.

Pour vinegar over vegetables, stir and sprinkle with sugar in order to equalize the flavor balance in the dish.

Then add mayonnaise to taste.

If you have time, let the salad with cabbage, radish and carrots brew (15 minutes), and then serve.

Bon Appetit!

I propose a wonderful recipe for a light vegetable salad, which, in addition to traditional cabbage with carrots, includes radish. This is a rather controversial product: someone adores radish with its rather specific taste with bitterness, while someone does not like it at all.

However, it has been proven that eating radishes can improve appetite and eliminate toxins from the body. By the way, radish is especially effective in this regard in combination with other vegetable crops - therefore, we will prepare just such a vegetable salad. In addition, dietitians recommend that patients consume radish dishes. diabetes mellitus- This plant is able to lower blood sugar levels.

I suggest filling this vegetable salad with sour cream and mayonnaise sauce (homemade) - it will turn out very tasty, I promise! And also add a little freshly ground black pepper and lemon juice, season everything with fresh parsley - in general, you will lick your fingers!


(250 grams) (150 grams) (100 grams) (3 tablespoons) (1 tablespoon ) (0.5 bundle) (2 tablespoons ) (1 pinch) (1 pinch)

Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

To prepare a salad with cabbage and radish, we will prepare the following products: cabbage, carrots, radish, lemon juice, fresh parsley, salt, ground black pepper, sour cream and mayonnaise. We will cut the vegetables into thin long strips - this is not only beautiful, but also seems more spectacular and tastier.

The first step is to get rid of the specific bitterness that is characteristic of the radish. To do this, peel the radish and grate it in Korean. Then put in a bowl and pour cold water- Let it stand while we deal with the rest of the vegetables.

Carrots also need to be peeled, washed and grated in the same way. To make a long, thin straw, hold the carrots parallel to the grater, that is, rub them not across, but along.

Now the cabbage - we will cut it with a knife. You also need to shred so that you get a long narrow straw. Get the hang of it and the process will not take much time. You can take both juicy young and winter cabbage (I advise you to shake the latter a little with your hands after shredding, so it will become softer and juicier).

Our ancestors every day ate radish with kvass, meat, sunflower oil, sour cream, brown bread and never suffered from constipation, atherosclerosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. They retained strong muscles, strong teeth, and clear thinking until old age. And today, green radish salad is one of the favorite dishes of people who respect their health.

Do you want to get sick? Include in your daily diet a green, fresh radish, it has excellent amazing medicinal properties... Juicy, spicy, delicate taste. It never gets boring, thanks to the exceptional variety of products with which it combines wonderfully deliciously.

Green radish salads: medicinal properties

What benefits do we get from eating this juicy green vegetable? First of all, all its species, grown on ecologically clean land without chemical additives, contain a huge amount of a complex of vitamins, mineral elements, natural hormones, phytoncides - the main regulators of health. What does a green radish salad give us?

  1. Vitamins of group "A", responsible for visual acuity, eye health, growth of every cell of the body.
  2. Vitamin complexes "B" and "PP", stimulating the proper development of hormonal, nervous system, as well as suppressing the development of sclerosis, heart attacks, obesity and insanity.
  3. Potassium - regulates blood pressure, metabolism, contributes to a rapid increase in immunity.
  4. Phosphorus is the main element responsible for the excellent development of brain and thyroid cells, bone and muscle tissues.
  5. Iron - good hemoglobin, clean blood, excellent blood circulation.
  6. Calcium means sharp healthy teeth, strong bones and muscles.
  7. Phytoncides that kill infectious colonies of bacteria, viruses, wherever they settle.
  8. Fiber, essential oils, glycosides - stabilize the intestines, remove pathogenic microorganisms, protect against stagnation.

And a great many different natural biological active elements that protect the body from disease-causing "evil".

The combination of vegetables in salads with green radish allows you to completely saturate each cell with all the substances necessary for health, and a variety of food recipes will satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated gourmets.

The root vegetable is famous for its exquisite, tender, non-bitter and very juicy consistency, which is why it is considered the number 1 salad additive.

Average green radish weighs 200 - 250 gr., carrots 100 gr., crispy cucumber 100 - 120 gr., ripe tomato 150 - 180 gr., apple 150 gr.

  • It is better to peel any root vegetable in order to avoid eating nitrates unnecessary to the body.
  • Salad dressing can be any: radish goes well with sunflower, olive oil, sour cream, mayonnaise.
  • It is better to eat salads without salt, they already contain the required amount of mineral salts.
  • Salads can be lean, meat, spicy snack, sweet honey, the main thing is not to use too many ingredients, otherwise you will not get a delicacy dish, but crumbs of incomprehensible taste and smell.

Advice: "Freshly prepared dishes are better absorbed, more useful, since during storage most of the vitamins, minerals and other vital natural elements are lost."

Healthy Quick Green Radish Salad Recipes

  1. Recipe "Light": radish with sour cream, dill and cucumber
  2. Chop 1 cucumber into thin slices, mix with 1 radish, turned into strips, add green dill feathers, pour sour cream, leave for 5 minutes. The dish is ready, enjoy your meal!

    If such a salad is wrapped in pita bread with fried pieces of meat, you get an amazingly tasty shawarma, or shawarma, as anyone calls it.

  3. Summer salad recipe: with tomatoes and green onions
  4. Chop 1 ripe tomato on the floor, grind the rings, pass the radish through a coarse grater, add chopped onions, green heads of lettuce, mix everything, season with sunflower or olive oil.

    A wonderful meal for a country picnic on a hot sunny day, it will not go bad for long time feast.

  5. Vitaminka recipe: cucumber, radish, carrot and sour cream
  6. Take a cucumber grated into a straw, finely grated radish, carrots, mix, season with sour cream. Add a red southern apple straw if your family has a sweet tooth.

    This salad is very healthy and tastes good to younger schoolchildren and the elderly. It's easy to cook, it's just a pantry of health.

  7. Cleaner recipe: fresh beets, radish, apple, olive oil
  8. We put the raw beets in a fine grater, the radish, turn the apple into straw, add a little olive oil, fresh lemon juice, mix everything quickly, do not store for a long time.

    This salad has a remarkable ability to cleanse the intestines, as well as lymphatic, blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Those with a sweet tooth can add 1/2 tablespoon of bee honey, it activates the metabolic process.

  9. Recipe "Salad - doctor": appetizer for a feast and after it
  10. Mix finely chopped sauerkraut (250 gr.), 1 green radish, 1 onion turnip, 2 tbsp. l. lingonberries (cranberries), 50 ml of sunflower oil. Berries can be replaced with lemon juice.

    Consuming salad at the same time as alcohol will help avoid alcohol poisoning, and if you eat it after the holiday, it will quickly relieve hangover syndrome.

  11. Recipe "Retro": hearty, spicy with meat, onions, mayonnaise
  12. Frequent, very tasty, guest on festive table in 60-80 years, the times of the USSR.

    Turn 2 radishes into strips. A piece of boiled or baked meat (any) 250 gr. - into small pieces. Chop 2 onions, fry until golden transparent.

    Mix all the ingredients with ½ cup mayonnaise, pepper (red, black, white, whatever) on the tip of a knife, put in the chill for 30 minutes.

    Treat grandmothers, grandfathers, get their happy grateful smiles. Green radish salad will also bring a lot of pleasure to the younger generation.

  13. Recipe "Excellent health": honey with green radish and walnuts
  14. knead the grated radish with 1 tbsp. l. not candied linden honey, 50 gr. crushed walnut kernels.

    Such a salad helps to increase immunity, normalizes metabolism, has an excellent preventive effect against acute respiratory infections during massive epidemics. Especially recommended for the mentally and physically sick: the earliest possible restoration of vital energy.

  15. Spicy hot recipe: radish, carrot, garlic, cheese in mayonnaise
  16. Skip 1 radish, 2 carrots in a fine grater. Turn a piece of cheese (100 gr.) Into strips on a grater. Grind 3-4 garlic cloves and mix with 150 ml. low-fat mayonnaise, fill it with vegetables. It is advisable to decorate the salad with small leaves of herbs: parsley, arugula, celery.

    It has a piquant taste and aroma, is easily absorbed by the body, and is perfect for feeding people who want to lose a little weight.

  17. Recipe for "Lose Weight" salad from early cabbage, radish, green onions, parsley
  18. Each portion should be prepared just before the meal. 1 grated green radish in straws. 150 g shred cabbage very finely into shavings. We put everything in a saucepan, add unrefined sunflower oil (50 ml.), A little sea salt, shake, leave for 10 minutes. put on a plate, decorate with green onions, parsley, you can start your meal.

    The salad contains a small number of calories, instantly "sweeps" all stagnant (stale) deposits from the intestines.

  19. Recipe "Beauty and Health": green radish, nuts, cottage cheese, sour cream

Chop the root vegetable into straws. Kernels of nuts (any) 50 gr. grind. A 150 gr. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream (2 tbsp. l.). Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan, add 1 tsp. honey.

If you eat it often, your hair will acquire a beautiful shine and splendor, your face skin will become smooth, soft, very even, your nails will be graceful, and your teeth will be white, sharp, strong. Great content calcium and vitamins in it also helps to normalize all metabolic processes, improve the immune-protective properties of the body.

There are many useful varieties of green radish salads. You can come up with fruit, vegetable, meat combinations yourself. Imagine, compose, cook, all of them are good for health and beauty. Every salad will no doubt be delicious if it contains your favorite foods.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber, step by step recipe which I want to offer you today belongs to the category of fast vegetable salads... Salads of this kind based on cabbage and radish become relevant closer to autumn. Cabbage and radish in the fall cost almost a penny, and after summer salads from tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, salads of a slightly different plan will be very useful. with radish and cucumber - a basic salad recipe. At your taste and discretion, you can supplement it with canned peas, corn, sausage or fresh herbs.


  • White cabbage - 200 gr.,
  • Radish - 1 pc.,
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.,
  • Green onion - 2-3 stalks,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Salt,
  • Ground black pepper - optional.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber - recipe

Having prepared all the products described above, you can start preparing cabbage salad with radish and cucumber.

Wash green onion feathers, cucumber and radish. Peel the radish. Chop it into thin strips or rub on a coarse grater.

Cut the cucumbers into quarters into rings. In this salad, slicing cucumbers, like radishes, into strips will also be appropriate.

Chop the green onion finely.

Put prepared vegetables - onion, radish and cucumber in a deep bowl.

Chop the white cabbage into thin strips with a sharp knife. Since the leaves of autumn cabbage are more dense than those of early spring cabbage, it is recommended to slightly mash the cabbage with your hands to make them juicier.

Slightly mashed cabbage can be sent to a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

The salad can now be stirred and seasoned.

As a dressing for this salad, as well as for mayonnaise. And if you stick to the rules healthy eating and do not use it, then replace it with an estimate or vegetable oil... Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber seasoned with sunflower oil will automatically become a lean and diet salad. So, add mayonnaise, a pinch of salt and, if desired, black pepper to the salad (you can do without it).

Salad with cabbage, radish and cucumber after stirring, place on a plate.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber. Photo

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