How to get rid of pinworms in the anus. How to get rid of pinworms at home forever. Medicines and folk remedies for pinworms. We remove pinworms by folk methods

Plaster 20.06.2021

Enterobiosis in adults is not so common, but, nevertheless, it takes place. This helminthic invasion is provoked by pinworms and, if not treated in time, can lead to undesirable consequences for human health. Therefore, it is necessary to treat enterobiasis, although pinworms are far from the most terrible human worms. How to remove pinworms in adults?

In this white paper, we will look at two fundamental different methods treatment of enterobiasis in humans, we will analyze their pros and cons, and also talk about the key features of the treatment of enterobiasis in adults.

AT this case there is also a flaw. Some folk remedies for the treatment of enterobiasis are made on the basis of slightly poisonous plants (for example, tansy or wormwood) and have a negative effect on the body due to the content of toxic substances (in particular, thujone). Accordingly, the use of such funds is prohibited during pregnancy, as it can provoke a miscarriage, diseases gastrointestinal tract etc.

To make the right choice, you should first determine the degree of damage to the body by pinworms. In the case of a massive helminthic invasion, it is, to put it mildly, unreasonable to use folk remedies for the treatment of enterobiasis, since there is a high probability of incomplete elimination of pinworms from the body, which will subsequently cause the re-development of the disease. Also, having on hand information about the duration and massiveness of the invasion, the specialist will be able to prescribe the optimal therapeutic dose of the drug.

However, it is important to understand the following. In the treatment of enterobiasis, it is mandatory to follow some simple rules:

  • Carrying out a full wet cleaning using disinfectants and strong detergents. This item should be carried out at least 1 time in 3 days;
  • Thorough hand washing before eating and after defecation;
  • Wet cleaning from upholstered furniture using the above-mentioned products, as well as household appliances;
  • Hygiene procedures intimate areas should be done 2-3 times a day. First, we carry out hygiene procedures for the anus area with soap, after that we proceed to the hygiene of the genital organs;
  • Underwear must be changed daily;
  • Washing and subsequent ironing of underwear and bed linen;

These measures are aimed at reducing the likelihood of re-infection. Pinworms lay eggs on the skin tissues adjacent to the anus, which causes severe itching of the area irritated by this process. When hands touch the places where eggs are laid, the embryos fall on the fingers and under the feet, and subsequently spread throughout the living area to the sick.

How to remove pinworms at home? Next, we turn to the consideration of drugs and effective folk remedies.

  • Vermox (Mebendazole, Mebex, Telmox100 and other drugs based on mebendazole) is an effective drug for enterobiasis. For adults with pinworms, a single dose of 100 mg of the drug is provided;
  • Nemozol (Albendazole, Vormil, Zentel and other preparations based on albendazole). For adults with enterobiasis, a single dose of 400 mg of Nemozol is provided during meals or immediately after it;

Here we propose to consider a few effective recipes alternative medicine against pinworms. How to remove pinworms folk methods?

Recipe for pinworms based on garlic:

  • We need two peeled heads of garlic;
  • Finely chop the peeled root cloves and add warm boiled water;
  • We swallow the resulting product at a time, if necessary, drink it with additional water or carrot / beetroot natural juice. Best Choice- juice;
  • The therapeutic course is 3 days;

Note. Instead of garlic, onions can be used according to the above ratio (2 onions). Onions, like garlic, contain phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on pinworms.

Recipe for garlic enema:

  • We need 1 head of peeled garlic and 0.2 liters of milk;
  • Boil the garlic in milk, boil for 30 minutes;
  • Strain through cheesecloth, cool to room temperature;
  • An enema is given once a day, the therapeutic course is 7 days;

The recipe for water infusion on garlic:

  • We take a peeled head of garlic, the cloves can be cut into small slices;
  • Pour 0.25 liters of boiling water and let it brew for a certain period of time (10-12 hours). It is necessary to infuse the product in a tightly wrapped towel, closing the container with a lid. It is best to do this infusion in the evening;
  • In the morning, just before eating (on an empty stomach), for half an hour, we drink 1/3 of the received funds. During the day and in the evening, it is necessary to drink in equal shares of the remaining funds also before meals;
  • Duration of therapy - 5 days;

It is recommended to consume wormwood powder with a small amount of water, but the best option- natural carrot or beet juice.

Wormwood powder is taken half an hour before a meal. The dosage is gradually increased. The scheme for increasing the dosage is as follows:

  • On the 1st and 2nd day, you need to consume a small pinch of powder every 2 hours (6-8 times a day);
  • On the 3rd day - 1/4 teaspoon - 6 times;
  • On the 4th day - 1/3 teaspoon - 6 times;
  • On the 5th day - 1/2 teaspoon - 5 times and so on;
  • The last 2 days of therapy, it is recommended to reduce the number of doses to 4 per day.
  • Therapy lasts for 7 days;

Tansy decoction recipe:

  • We need 2 tablespoons of crushed tansy inflorescences; it is better to use a saucepan as a container;
  • Pour boiling water (0.5 l) with the required amount of this plant, which was previously placed in an iron container;
  • Keep on low heat for 10-15 minutes, bringing to a boil;
  • Pour into a jar, close the lid, wrap in a blanket or towel and leave for another 1-2 hours;
  • Strain with gauze;
  • The resulting remedy must be drunk in a volume of 1/3 cup, half an hour before a meal. Therapeutic course - 5 days;

With enterobiasis, regardless of the recipe chosen, it is desirable to carry out cleansing enemas with an aqueous saline solution at the end of the day.

According to doctors, removing pinworms in adults can be somewhat difficult, since many people do not observe 100% hygiene. Infection can occur in the morning, when the invasive helminth eggs are not only on the hands of the patient, but also in the air. If adults still somehow try to observe the banal rules of personal hygiene, then children often completely forget about it.

Before you get rid of pinworms at home, you need to know what they look like and what symptoms they cause.

Pinworms are white worms, rounded, the length of which does not exceed 1 centimeter, while males are almost twice as small as females.

As a rule, if you can find pinworms in the feces, then it will be the female helminth, because after fertilization, the male dies and is excreted from the body along with the feces, it cannot be seen due to the damaged structure. But the females go outside on their own to lay their offspring.

Pinworm eggs are attached to the skin, and require a certain amount of humidity and heat to mature, and the human body is fully capable of necessary conditions for the development of pinworm eggs. In the presence of suitable conditions for development, the eggs become invasive after 4-6 hours.

Why do pinworms often cause itching near the anus?

This is due to the fact that in the process of laying eggs, females crawl out of the anus and attach the eggs to an adhesive base, which causes discomfort. As a result, a person begins to scratch this place, making it much easier for invasive eggs to get into the oral cavity of a person through fingers and nails. That is why it is recommended to always wash your hands after sleep and do not grow large nails.

Invasive pinworm eggs can be found not only on the skin. They can be on the bed, in underwear, on the floor, in the air, on any other surface in the house or on the street. The only reassuring thing is that invasive pinworm eggs cannot live longer than two weeks; in the absence of suitable conditions for development, they die and do not pose any danger to people.

How to determine the presence of pinworms?

The very first and main feature- itching near the anus. Initially, it is weak, but over time it can manifest itself very strongly, spreading to the perineum and beyond. In this case, the person is advised to immediately take a stool test and skin scraping to determine if you have enterobiasis. This will not take much time, but will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and quickly recover from pinworms at home, following the doctor's instructions.

What complications can cause pinworms?

It is believed that having pinworms is safe and they will go away on their own. In general, you can get rid of pinworms in the body without treatment if you follow the rules of hygiene, but this is very difficult to do.

In the presence of enterobiasis for several months, severe complications are possible, especially in children. As for adults, various pathologies can also occur here. For example, most women with enterobiasis may experience serious inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. We list only a part of the diseases that cause pinworms:

  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, most often it concerns women. Diseases can reach the point that in the future a woman will not be able to give birth.
  • Inflammation of appendicitis, if present, because pinworms can accumulate in this process of the intestine and cause suppuration.
  • Inflammation of the intestines and, as a result, enterocolitis with all disorders of the organ.
  • Peritonitis, in case the pinworms manage to damage the walls of the intestine and get into abdominal cavity, which can cause death.
  • Severe skin irritation can cause pinworms to cause a person to scratch skin covering bringing dirt and infection into the wounds.

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Drug treatment for pinworms at home

The process of treatment for pinworms takes place at home, during which the doctor prescribes a course of treatment using anthelmintic drugs. You can get rid of pinworms at home in two weeks if you follow the advice of a doctor and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

It is worth remembering that if a person has been diagnosed with pinworms, it is highly likely that other family members will also have these helminths. Therefore, doctors recommend undergoing a joint course of treatment, otherwise there is a risk of re-infection.

Medicines and pills

For the treatment of enterobiasis and getting rid of pinworms at home, the following drugs are used:

  • Pyrantel is a well-known remedy that helps with most helminthic infestations. Pirantel is approved for the treatment of pinworms in children, but the dose of the drug in this case will be minimal. The drug is highly effective in the fight against enterobiasis, according to the doctor's decision, a second dose of the drug can be prescribed after 2-3 weeks.
  • Vermox is another drug against enterobiasis, the tablet is washed down with a small amount of water. It is believed that this drug is very effective and safe not only for adults, but also for children, since the active substance is not absorbed by the intestines and only affects pinworms.
  • Nemosol can also be used at home. The drug is mainly prescribed for the treatment of pinworms in adults, for children it is better to use the two previous medicines.


In addition to the pills listed above, there are other drugs that will quickly get rid of pinworms. Suppositories are considered to be effective, since they have the maximum effect on pinworms, and not on the human body.

Candles from worms are introduced into the anus and effectively fight helminths, in addition, they have anti-inflammatory properties, reducing toxicity from pinworms in the body. To date, such suppositories are used even during pregnancy and lactation, when taking most anthelmintic drugs is contraindicated. Most candles for getting rid of pinworms consist entirely of natural ingredients.

The most effective suppositories for the treatment of pinworms at home in our market are considered to be:

  • Prostada - a preparation containing echinacea, propolis and sea buckthorn
  • Gelmavitol - contains garlic, tansy, buckthorn and other herbs to kill pinworms
  • Candy contains tea tree and cocoa extracts, as well as sea buckthorn and tansy
  • Nigella Sativa consists of black cumin oil, which actively fights pinworms in adults.

Creams and ointments

Many do not want to take pills that are toxic to the body, but they also refuse to put candles. In this case, you can get rid of pinworms with the help of special ointments. They can also be used at home.

Traditional medicine from pinworms for treatment at home

In addition to drugs, folk remedies for pinworms can also be used for home treatment, but they are more effective when used in conjunction with anthelmintic drugs.

If you are wondering how to get rid of pinworms at home effectively and safely - use folk remedies in combination with suppositories or ointments. Folk remedies can be designed for both children and adults.

Traditional medicine for children

For the treatment of enterobiasis in children, you can use blueberries, in combination with elecampane root and a couple of tablespoons of honey. You need to take the remedy early in the morning, without breakfast.

Pinworm life cycle

Pinworms are quite small and hard to see. Female representatives can reach one and a half centimeters, but males do not outgrow 5 mm. They reproduce by laying eggs.

Causes of infection

A month later, a fully mature female can bring offspring by laying eggs, crawling out of the anus. In one clutch, there can be up to fifteen thousand eggs.

With her movement, the female causes discomfort, provoking severe itching in the anus. Often, patients, especially young children, try to scratch the itchy place, as a result, the eggs clog under the nails and remain on the skin. Grabbing towels, door handles, money, clothes of other people, a person reluctantly spreads the larvae of this helminth.

It is especially difficult not to get infected if there is a patient in the immediate environment. This applies not only to the family, but to the children's team, where children communicate especially actively, exchanging various subjects and going to a shared toilet. Therefore, if there is one sick person, it is recommended that tests be taken by those who had close contact with him.

Signs of the disease

Most clear sign, if small white worms, those very pinworms, were seen in the feces. Males leave the body dead, they die immediately after mating, but due to their small size they are very difficult to see. Females come out alive and, if desired, they can be seen by stirring.

  • The most obvious sign is a violation of the stool for no apparent reason, which can cause both prolonged diarrhea and constipation;
  • With a prolonged illness with enterobiasis, immunity is weakened, the likelihood of contracting various kinds of colds increases several times;
  • Quite often the patient loses his appetite, experiences nausea;
  • Against the background of the disease, fever may occur;
  • With special sensitivity to this type of helminths, a rash of spots is likely on the skin, the anus area turns red due to constant irritation;
  • Itching may be so severe that the patient may lose sleep, whereby fatigue during the day increases;
  • frequent severe pain lower abdomen;
  • Against the background of the disease, weakness and dizziness occur.

In a girl, in addition to all the listed signs, symptoms of inflammation of the genital tract, up to purulent discharge, may appear. This happens because pinworms crawl into the vagina, transferring intestinal infections there.


Diagnosis of feces for the presence of pinworms

Self-diagnosis of enterobiasis is extremely difficult. This procedure is carried out through clinical trials. Moreover, the traditional collection of feces for eggs is not able to reflect the true picture, because pinworms lay eggs not in the intestines, but outside. Therefore, scraping is done with a cotton swab or with adhesive tape.

And even this analysis does not guarantee one hundred percent detection of the disease. Because pinworms don't lay eggs every day. To get a complete picture, scraping is carried out several times with an interval of several weeks.


How to get rid of pinworms at home

If you have suspicions of enterobiasis, it is better to immediately go to the doctor and diagnose the body for the likelihood of infection with pinworms. But even if the diagnosis is confirmed, not in every case you should immediately go to the pharmacy, buy anti-invasive drugs and immediately start taking them. There are situations when pharmacy medicines are contraindicated.

  • Pregnancy after 15 weeks;
  • Breast-feeding;
  • Disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver.

Due to the fact that it is impossible to start enterobiosis, treatment should still be carried out for these diseases, but for safety it is better to consider analogues from traditional medicine.

Folk remedies against pinworms

Most herbal preparations and infusions used to treat enterobiasis are completely harmless to the body and are allowed to be taken by pregnant women at any time. Childhood also not a contraindication for treatment with them. Many of these recipes have been tested for centuries and their effectiveness is undeniable.

However, it should be taken into account that herbal substances can have quite a strong effect on the body, and they may also have contraindications and limitations.

It is unlikely that there will be at least one house where this representative of the vegetable culture will not be. In order for it to turn into a remedy for this type of nematode, it should be insisted on alcohol. To do this, rub a large onion head on a fine grater and pour 100 ml of vodka. Keep the mixture warm. We keep at least seven days. Drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach three times a day. Within four days, the disease should recede. Otherwise, not all pinworms may die, and after a while the disease may develop with new force. For obvious reasons, this infusion is best not given to children.

Wormwood tincture is no less effective in the fight against enterobiasis. For cooking, you will need 100 g of wormwood leaves and pumpkin seeds, for convenience, all the ingredients need to be crushed. Pour half a liter of vodka into the dry mixture. Keep warm for 10 days. After drinking 50 ml twice a day half an hour before meals. Do not drink water or dilute. Within a week, the disease will completely recede.

The combination of cognac and fish oil

This is enough easy way, which does not require long infusion and complex preparations. If you are planning to treat an adult, then you need to take 50 g of a good skate (from 4 stars) and 50 g of castor oil. Mix both components and take. The very next day, pinworms should leave the body. If this does not happen, the drug should be repeated, but not more than four times.

Cognac Fish oil

The mechanism of this mixture is simple. From cognac, the worms become partially paralyzed and lose the ability to actively move in the intestines. Castor oil deprives them of their last opportunity to linger on the smooth fatty walls of the intestines, and they are excreted away.

In children, this recipe is used in a different way. You should wake up the child in the middle of the night, preferably a couple of hours after midnight, and offer to drink sweet tea, first you need to pour a couple of tablespoons of cognac into it. After 25 minutes, give a spoonful of castor oil. The latter is selected according to age, which can be read in the instructions, it will work as a laxative. This procedure is best done on the eve of the weekend.

In the East, this recipe is quite popular. Take 10 g of chamomile, 25 g of tansy flowers, 40 g of wormwood herb and 25 g of buckthorn bark. Pinworms do not like wormwood very much, it is from it that they die. Buckthorn works as a laxative. The remaining herbs soften the effect of wormwood on the body. Pour the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water, soak for a couple of minutes, no longer. Take 250 ml of infusion daily for 4 days. It should be taken into account that this method is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Enema of tansy and chamomile

Pyzhma Chamomile

Popretsky's method

A fairly well-known Polish healer recommends using the following method of getting rid of pinworms. 200 g of wormwood, 200 g of licorice root, 50 g of anise. Grind everything and take a spoon every morning on an empty stomach. For an adult, this is a tablespoon, for a child - a teaspoon. It is better to drink this mixture of herbs not with water, but with a decoction of prunes. In 2-3 weeks, there will be a complete recovery.

The method of getting rid of pinworms according to Dr. Ivanov

Cucumber pickle

Often used to cleanse the child's body of pinworms. Drink twice a day in a glass after meals. Instead of cucumber, pickle from sauerkraut can act. It should be borne in mind that this method is effective against adults, it is powerless against eggs. Therefore, in order to prevent relapse, the course should be repeated in a week.

The huge advantage of this recipe is that it does not require complex manipulations, and even children can drink the resulting drink, while cleansing occurs quite gently and without side discomfort.

herbs for enema

A properly prepared enema can be very effective way pinworm cleansing. So, Father Gregory, a famous healer and herbalist, advises using the following method. Mix 50 g of celandine, wormwood, tansy (before use, carefully study the properties of all herbs in order to exclude possible contraindications in a timely manner). Mix the herbal composition and pour 4-5 tablespoons of the resulting volume with half a liter of boiling water. Let it brew a little, literally 2-3 minutes and then boil for another 10 minutes.

Another method widely used in practice by the same healer. It will take 100 g of blueberry leaves, cumin seeds, wormwood grass, 50 g of sage leaves, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, hop cones. Since this composition is very rich in all kinds of components, before using it, it will not be superfluous to make sure that the patient has no contraindications to taking any of them. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with each other. You should take 4 small spoons and fill them with 0.5-1 liter of water.

Blueberry leaves Cumin seeds Wormwood Sage leaves
Chamomile leaves Yarrow leaves St. John's wort leaves Hop cones

The resulting mixture must be boiled for a couple of minutes, then cover with a lid and leave for another 10 minutes. Before use, the broth must be passed through a strainer, freeing from sediment. You need to take half a glass twice a day 0 in the morning and in the evening. The indicated dosage is effective for the child's body, if you plan to give it to an adult, the concentration should be doubled.

Fresh garlic with milk

Fresh garlic with milk

This explosive mixture is almost the most affordable tool that you can use at any time. The ingredients are simple and can be found in almost every home. To prepare the medicine, grind a couple of cloves of garlic, you can do this with a knife, but it is better to pass through a garlic press. Shake the resulting slurry in 100 g of milk. No additional manipulations are required. The resulting drink is taken several times a day.

Infection with pinworms may initially be asymptomatic, however, over time, the child or adult becomes restless, begins to fidget when sitting or during sleep, and his appetite is disturbed. In the stool, you can see thin worms that look like white threads. All these symptoms are a signal to fight pinworms.

Infection with pinworms is called enterobiasis and mainly affects children from 5 to 10 years old, but there are cases of the disease in adults. This type of helminthic invasion is the easiest to treat. Sometimes a pinworm infection can be dealt with without professional remedies, only with the help of home methods.

But, despite the fact that enterobiosis can be easily cured, you should not let such a disease take its course. If you do not pay attention to it, then infection with pinworms can provoke a number of complications that are dangerous to humans.

Enemas against helminths

At the first signs of infection with helminths, you can make an enema with ordinary boiled water. In more advanced cases, other enemas help:

Based on tansy

Dried tansy inflorescences in the amount of one tablespoon are poured with two glasses of boiling water and infused for half an hour. After that, filter, cool and make an enema with the resulting decoction. In the same way, a solution for an enema is prepared from wormwood.

Tansy, wormwood and celandine

It is necessary to take 50 grams of tansy flowers, herbs of wormwood and celandine. Mix and pour 0.5 liters of water. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Then turn off the fire and leave for 15 minutes. They put an enema after visiting the toilet, while the broth should be warm. The procedure must be carried out for two weeks.


It is better to combine treatment with enemas with the ingestion of decoctions of antihelminthic herbs. The most effective are:

Water infusion of pumpkin seeds

Crushed pumpkin seeds are boiled for about 2 hours, filtered and cooled. Use a tablespoon every 25 minutes. Only 4 doses. When the last dose is taken, you should eat a serving of oatmeal. An adult serving of seeds is 300 grams, a children's serving is 5 grams.

From wormwood

A tablespoon of wormwood is poured with two glasses of boiling water. The broth is insisted, cooled. Finished product use a tablespoon 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

Decoction of three herbs

Tansy, cumin, centaury are mixed in the same proportion. 10 grams of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour. Take three times a day for a tablespoon.

from thyme

Alcohol tinctures

These include:


Dry wormwood grass and crushed pumpkin seeds are mixed in equal amounts. All are poured with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 2. Cleaned in a dark place to infuse for a week and consumed at bedtime, 50 ml. Wormwood contains santonin, thujone, isotujone. These active substances can damage the cell membranes of the worm, so wormwood is one of the strongest anthelmintics.


A large onion is crushed into gruel, poured with vodka or alcohol in equal amounts. Cleaned for insisting for a week in a dark and warm place. Then filter and take twice a day for a tablespoon before meals. The course is 3 days.

Other effective remedies

Old and proven folk remedies against pinworms are made on the basis of vegetables.


The most proven remedy is garlic. Grind a few cloves of garlic, pour them vegetable oil, insist a couple of hours and take such a remedy a few tablespoons before meals. You can simply chop a clove of garlic, mix with a glass of water. Drink the remedy at night, if necessary, drinking water in the right amount. The course of therapy is 3 days.

pumpkin seeds

100 grams of pumpkin seeds pour half a glass of olive oil. All stir and leave overnight. In the morning, take a few tablespoons of an antihelminthic before breakfast.

Zinc ointment

Lubricate the anus before going to bed with zinc ointment. In the morning, everything is thoroughly washed off with warm water and antibacterial soap. The ointment prevents the female from laying eggs, it sticks to the skin. This treatment of pinworms is carried out for two weeks. Then they take a break for a week and, as a preventive measure, conduct another course.

Cognac and castor oil

In the morning on an empty stomach they drink 50 ml of good cognac, washed down with sweet tea. After 20 minutes, take 50 ml of castor oil. This remedy is a strong laxative. You can use it only if you do not need to leave the house anywhere on that day.

Milk and garlic

Pour a couple of crushed cloves 0.5 cups of milk. This remedy is recommended to use two or three times a day.

Olive oil and onion

Grind a large onion, salt it, add olive oil to make a liquid oily slurry. It is consumed every day before bedtime for 4 days.

Anthelmintics for babies

For young patients, all the same remedies are suitable as for adults, except for alcohol, only in children the dose should be half as much. For kids, you can use more delicious products.

Freshly squeezed carrot juice

It is a good helper against pinworms. It is taken according to the scheme: half a cup in the morning and so 4 more times every half hour. Then do not eat or drink anything for two hours. Before going to bed, give the child a cleansing enema.

It’s good if the baby eats carrots every day, drinks juice from it for a week every month, and then the problem with helminths will be eradicated in the bud.

Fragrant strawberries - recognized fighters with pinworms

Honey pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin seeds are ground and mixed with honey. This porridge should be given to the child in the morning on an empty stomach. After 2 hours, make a cleansing enema. Before you get rid of the worms with this drug, the child should be fed only vegetables for two days.

Blueberries and elecampane

Five grams of blueberries, and a similar amount of crushed elecampane root are mixed well and a spoonful of honey is added to the mixture. The drug is used on an empty stomach in the morning. For adults, the dose is doubled.

Cowberry tea with valerian

Brew 10 grams of each herbal remedy in a glass of boiling water, insist and strain. Consume half an hour before meals.


There are a number of specific rules that should be followed when treating helminth infestations:

  • If there is a person in the family infected with pinworms, it is necessary to wash and iron all linen and clothes, vacuum all carpets and rugs. Immediately empty the dust container and wash the vacuum cleaner. Floors should be wiped and dusted daily. Wash hands after using the toilet and visiting the street, change clothes more often.
  • During treatment, you should avoid the use of rich bakery products and sugar. With such food, helminths feel very comfortable in the intestines.
  • If the presence of helminths causes nausea, then it can be easily removed with a salt water solution. A teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm boiled water.
  • More pepper and spices, onions, garlic should be added to dishes.

Nervousness, sleep and appetite disorders, immune disorders, intestinal dysbacteriosis and stomach pain... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

Quickly get rid of pinworms, every person who has become infected wants. Pinworms are excreted from the body with the help of enemas, decoctions, pills and diet. Methods can be combined with each other or used separately.

You can get rid of worms at home

How to permanently get rid of pinworms?

Tablets from enterobiasis

Main disadvantage: side effects. For the powerful effect of drugs, you have to pay with headache, nausea, vomiting, rashes and dizziness. The intensity of the consequences depends on the specific case.

You will need: onion and garlic in equal proportions, half a tablespoon of lemon juice and 50 ml of boiled water. From these ingredients you need to prepare a mixture, pour boiling water over it, and then let it brew for 1 hour. The solution is used for enema, the course of treatment is 1 week. This method is more suitable for adults, as children will feel severe discomfort due to the burning of the components.

Onions - an effective remedy for the fight against worms

Garlic, onion peel and milk against pinworms

To prepare the second enema you will need:

  • 3-4 minced garlic cloves;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of onion peel;
  • 1 glass of milk.

Mix the ingredients and pour in the liquid, then bring to a boil over low heat. When the mixture is ready, it should be filtered and cooled. The enema is applied a few hours before bedtime for a week. This method of treatment is recommended for children.

Garlic will cleanse your body of worms

How to deal with pinworms folk remedies?

Decoction of garlic and milk

For the manufacture of a medicinal product, it is necessary to prepare:

  • 4 medium garlic cloves;
  • 200 ml of milk.

Grind the garlic first, then pour in the liquid and bring to a boil. You need to drink a decoction 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon: first on an empty stomach, and then before meals throughout the day. The course of treatment lasts from 5 days to 2 weeks.

Garlic and milk - a killer combination for worms

Means based on pumpkin seeds, honey and water

You will need:

  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • a glass of purified water;
  • 300 gr chopped (raw).

Mix the ingredients thoroughly with each other, then leave for 2 hours in a cool, dry place. The mixture should be taken every day on an empty stomach (1 sip is enough) for 3-4 days.

Pumpkin seeds can fight worms

Walnut peel, wormwood and cloves for helminths

Prepare components in equal proportions: Peel walnut very effective against worms

Features of treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, most antihelminthic drugs are prohibited. This is due to the fact that they have a high rate of toxicity. Pregnant women are advised to use medicines on a natural basis, folk methods. Also, women who become infected with pinworms must follow a diet and monitor hygiene.


. The patient feels itching precisely because of the process of egg deposition.

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