What are they, male fish? Characteristics of the sign. Pisces guy - characteristic Different ladies - different couples

Drainage 13.12.2020

Is your boyfriend a Pisces? His characteristic: the guys who appeared under the sign of Pisces are given tremendous potential. They are able to declare themselves in art or in science, but at the same time they do nothing to achieve these successes.

The exact characteristics of the guy by the horoscope of Pisces

Of course, he dreams of living well, gaining fame, but all the time he expects that everything will happen by itself without any of his active work and any other participation.

Often there are cases that the intended goals and dreams of this sign clearly go beyond all boundaries of what is reasonable, permissible, thereby creating an image of a person out of this world for Pisces. The Pisces guy needs constant pushing from the outside, patronage and often at the same time finds the very person who will become his engine.

In order for such a guy to become successful, he needs two most important factors: to learn to ignore his own groundless dreams and to find certain abilities in himself as early as possible, in order to have time to get on his feet in time.

What is the character of the guy - Pisces

In the long term, a person who, under 25, has not managed to find a job to his liking, which would be very interesting and enjoyable to him, has very dubious prospects for success. Therefore, the Pisces guys need to decide at school with future profession and the work of a lifetime.

Guys of the zodiac sign Pisces are very susceptible, vulnerable, sensitive and touchy. They often get out of balance, upset, irritated, but quickly quick-witted and never hold evil in their hearts for many years.

Good qualities The guy possesses is, of course, attentiveness, mercy, kindness, a desire to help people, compassion.

Guy - Pisces in a relationship

They attract many friends with whom they maintain a warm, sincere relationship. The guy of the zodiac sign Pisces can often become a vest in which his loved ones cry, sharing the most intimate and at the same time not being afraid that their secrets will become public.

It should be noted that Pisces are quite tactful, modest, do not allow themselves to unceremoniously interfere in someone else's life.

After any such heart-to-heart conversations, Pisces needs a certain time to restore the spent strength and nervous system, need rest.

People close to him should not brazenly use the kindness of Pisces, constantly transferring their burden of problems to them. After talking with Pisces, they become much calmer, and the "vest" needs time to digest this conversation.

Although the Pisces guy is not weak in spirit, he still needs a devoted, understanding friend who could share all his experiences. The success of Pisces largely depends on their mood, and they have it wavy, like the sea.

Now you know the characteristics of a guy in the zodiac sign Pisces.

Pisces zodiac sign guys family relationships

Pisces men marry easily and early. But getting him to the registry office is not so easy. It will take the efforts of your friends to convince him that you are the one and only that will make his happiness. If your boyfriend is Pisces - how to behave? This question worries all the girls who got the chosen one - Pisces.

They easily trust people, they are easy to be fooled. Later they may find out about their mistake, but they will never want to admit it, even to themselves. Pisces are also a little cowardly, so it is difficult for them to change their lives.

If your boyfriend is a Pisces horoscope, you can be sure that he will always act as is customary in society. He will not even advertise the open betrayal of his beloved woman. The main thing is that outwardly everything should look decent, and he did not have to catch curious glances on himself.

At the same time, he himself will agree to a secret intimate relationship, although he is not a lover of superficial and light flirts and novels. This is the type of guy who likes to be close to their bosses, they strive for a career, are very ambitious, and often have a lot of self-importance.

Men of this sign are rather stingy. They prefer to spend the money they earn on their personal whims, but they won't be gigolos either. If you want to receive signs of attention from him, try to present it to him in such a way that it is his own need.

What not to do if your boyfriend is Pisces

Guys of the zodiac sign Pisces do not like to express their opinions and thoughts aloud. Such ones should be literally "pulled out of them with ticks", which they do not like terribly - so you should not go into their souls, it is better to gradually, slowly rub into their confidence.

If you want to impress the Pisces guy, make his friends admire yourself, so that it reaches his ears. Talk about your celebrity dating.

You can play on his pride, but without getting below his level, otherwise he will decide that you are simply unworthy of him. You should not belittle his dignity, otherwise he will decide that you should not continue the relationship. Fish are very vulnerable and vulnerable, they should only be stroked on the coat.

How to behave if your boyfriend is Pisces

Try to be well spoken of by his friends in his presence.

Try to spend more time in public so that he sees your charm.

Tell us about your successes, achievements, even if invented.

Show off your acquaintances, among famous and necessary people.

Try to show that you love him, but nevertheless he must make an effort to become the first among many. This inspired rivalry, and the victory won, will tie him even more.

It is difficult to find a more complex type than the Pisces man. He is so unusual and complex that he rarely finds himself a large number of real friends. And many believe that Pisces is not of this world.

The Pisces man is controversial. This water sign is dreamy, inclined to build castles in the air and Napoleonic plans, and, moreover, has a lot of talents.

What is interesting about a man?

Yes, the fish man is not like everyone else, it's true. How often does this person come up with amazing projects and ideas, but never really move on to their implementation! Pisces is also talented - often this zodiac sign can do everything in the world, and it seems that any art is subject to him. But in order to reach real heights in a certain area, be it science or art, a man lacks activity, hard work and pressure.

For Pisces men, there should be an incentive, and better - a person nearby who will push, force, stimulate to action. He himself will not do active action and all the more to strain. In addition, this character often builds such incredible dreams that escapes reality - and then very few people understand it.

In addition, this guy is sensitive, vulnerable, touchy. He passes everything through himself, understands the pain of others and empathizes. it good friend- able to listen, not indifferent, sensitive. Another thing is that it is not easy for him to find friends - not everyone is able to truly understand him.

In love and couple

The characteristic of this sign is not simple, especially in the sphere of relations. The fact is that a Pisces man in love is often as lack of initiative as in other areas of his life.

He can fantasize and compose an incredible world, but in reality there will be no active actions and steps. A woman in this pair should softly, delicately, but confidently take the initiative herself.

If a man is in love, he will be sensitive and gentle with his chosen one, but he can upset her with his inattention. He may forget about an important date, not keep his word, but accidentally, out of his own confusion.

In bed, a woman with this gentleman should often praise him, and confirm the fact of his irresistibility, masculinity, exclusivity. A man is gentle and good to everyone, but he needs to be constantly reminded of this. In addition, if a woman dreams of such a partner who will lead, dominate and rule in bed, this is a bad choice for her.

Capturing Pisces down the aisle is not an easy task. Generally, in family life, relationships and even friendship, this man is passive and will not take the first step.

If the woman with whom he is in love already feels that the relationship is ready to develop and grow into a family, she herself must gently, unobtrusively give a sign, push him to the proposal. Yes, and he will not be the owner of the family - rather, there should be a firm and wise woman who will rule everything.

But that's not bad! In a family, a Pisces man can have harmony and happiness if a woman knows and understands how to treat him.

Different ladies are different couples

No two couples or families are alike, and among other features, the characteristic of relationships according to the signs of the zodiac is important. With representatives of different signs, the Pisces man behaves differently, unlike. And if there is good compatibility, then there is every chance of a happy, harmonious life together.

1. A good characteristic of the pair in which the Aries woman converges with the Pisces man. When such a guy falls in love with the lady Aries, he can be sure that she will become a friend for him, a support, an incentive for action.

One piece of advice is to give the girl in this pair: do not criticize him openly. And if you see that some of his dreams are too unrealistic - do not speak directly, he is vulnerable and susceptible.

2. Compatibility with a Taurus lady is no less high. This zodiac sign is ideal for Pisces, because the Taurus woman is both support and help for him, while she will listen, understand and take his side.

3. But the characteristics of the Pisces - Gemini pair are not so encouraging. They have little in common - most likely, it will be difficult to find mutual understanding. Everyone is in their dreams and illusions, both are far from reality.

4. Very good compatibility in Pisces with Cancer. Zhenina Cancer for him is an ideal option, this is what this man is looking for. This zodiac sign is distinguished by the same dreaminess and rich imagination as Pisces, but at the same time the Cancer lady is faithful, earthly, she will be able to build a strong hearth.

5. With a woman under the sign of Leo, this man is unlikely to get close - such couples are extremely rare. Leo is a proud, solid, expressive zodiac sign, such a woman is completely earthly, she will not share the dreams of a partner, and will press on him.

If he is in love with this bright nature, then not for long, most likely. At the first criticism, a man will withdraw into himself. Rare girls of this sign will be able to understand the partner of Pisces, and remaking him is useless!

6. Controversial compatibility of a couple with Virgo. The Virgo woman is an ideal friend and partner for this man, but in love she lacks sensuality and lyricism, those qualities that he so seeks and appreciates.

They can become friends, but if suddenly this friendship develops into love - it is the Virgo who needs to work on herself, accept the partner completely, love his strangeness and peculiarities.

7. A complex characteristic of the relationship between Pisces and Libra. The Libra girl is practical, loves everything that is clear and accurate, but she will get a partner that is not at all like that. What sacrifices both will have to make in order to build a harmonious, friendly union! This can be done, but only with a big and sincere, conscious desire to be around.

8. The success of the Pisces - Scorpio couple can be ensured at least by the fact that they have perfect sexual compatibility. Together they feel so good that whatever problems there are in the relationship, they will be solved.

Both partners are sensitive. Lady Scorpio is more often the leader of the couple, and if she moderates her aggressiveness and does not press too much, then the couple will turn out to be bright and happy.

9. Sagittarius is not the most suitable passion for this person. They are too opposite - she is active, active and does not tolerate a number of those who speak in vain, plan - and do not. A Sagittarius woman needs a fast and strong leader just like her. So build strong family it won't be easy.

10. Lady Capricorn is not an easy choice for this dreamer. She is pragmatic, very conservative and not inclined to fantasize in vain.

However, the Capricorn woman is wise enough, patient and reasonable, and often it is thanks to her that such couples become happy families... Everything can turn out very well if you understand the soul of your partner and love him sincerely, for who he is.

11. But a couple with Aquarius is just a fairy tale. People around you admire and consider such a union ideal - and there is a reason! Lady Aquarius is the same subtle, feeling and dreamy nature, and when their dreams intersect, miracles begin.

True, in real life it will not be easy for them - these two do not know how to overcome difficulties and achieve their goal. But in all difficulties they will be together, understand and support each other, and this is so important!

12. With his own kind, that is, with a Pisces woman, it will be easy and pleasant for a man. After all, he meets his reflection, a kindred spirit - the same soft, vulnerable and dreamy.

The Pisces girl is probably the only sign with whom a man of this sign can be courageous and strong. Almost always, such unions become strong and grow into families.

According to the eastern horoscope ...

All men are different zodiac horoscope helps only in general terms to find out the character and inclinations of a person, but if you delve deeper and look at the characteristics of the sign in accordance with eastern horoscope, then the picture is more complete and accurate.

  • Fish and rat are a great combination. It is the rat that gives his character activity and firmness - something that this sign lacks so much. The rat is able to benefit from different situations, she is reasonable and pragmatic. Of course, in combination with the sign of Pisces, these qualities weaken, but still such a person is not too hopeless in his dreams and fantasies, he can achieve something.
  • A bull, or a buffalo, is an energetic nature, unhurried, and achieves its goal. This harmonizes the character of the fish, although it makes the nature more mysterious and extraordinary. This man is kind, caring, unhurried, and also talented in the arts.
  • The qualities of a tiger in this man are very relaxed. This is a tame tiger, soft, kind, timid and shy. But he has a lot of inner energy and great potential.
  • A cat is a soft nature, mysterious and vulnerable, so such a man is a particularly sensitive nature. He is poetic, sublime, very attractive - but not at all practical and does not know how to resist the storms of life.
  • The dragon is very unusual - especially in combination with the "fishy" qualities. This person is deeply intuitive, has a subtle instinct, receptive and emotional.
  • A snake with a "fishy" nature is a slightly shy person, kind and sociable, perceptive and wise.

  • A fish in combination with a horse is a cheerful and carefree creature. The horse is playful and full of energy - a good addition to this sign.
  • The goat is very sensitive and vulnerable, and the sign of Pisces also aggravates this quality. You need to be careful and courteous with them - they take offense, take everything painfully, do not know how to fight and worry a lot.
  • The monkey is a sign with a lively mind, so this combination creates a person with exceptional intuition and insight. it creative personalities, people of the mind, they know and remember, it seems, absolutely everything.
  • If this is a rooster, then in combination with the "fishy" qualities, a person is energetic, but insecure, tense, nervous. However, this man is kind, sociable and interesting.
  • The dog loves to doubt itself - it is kind, loyal, but indecisive. For Pisces, this is an unfortunate combination - such a man is very indecisive, he is not a leader. But a wonderful friend, parent and husband.
  • A pig (boar) is a wonderful sign, and in combination with the qualities of Pisces, it is a kind and hospitable person, good-natured, companionable and generous.

To understand a person's soul, it is not enough to read a horoscope. The horoscope should help you see what is hidden, but only in live, sincere communication, only by listening and listening, you can recognize a person and become closer to him. Author: Vasilina Serova

A fish-man for his comfortable life must find a niche, a kind of reservoir in which he can calmly trust the current. But it is important not to miss the turn in the right direction, which often happens with Pisces because of their incorrigible dreaminess. You just need to collect all your strength and use them only to achieve the goal, concentrating exclusively on it. But what exactly to spend energy on, the highly developed intuition of Pisces will tell.

A constant fantasy life for Pisces is as important as reality. Therefore, it seems that the man is weak and cannot make a firm decision. Until the age of 25, they just need to find their trickle, otherwise problems may arise in all areas of life that Pisces men are not always able to overcome. If a man did not manage to do this before the age of 25, he must definitely prepare soft soil by the age of 36. After this age, finding yourself will not be easy.

Pisces are great friends. They know how and love to listen to their interlocutors without interrupting, and if it comes to secrets, they will keep them to themselves, not revealing to anyone.

Pisces men - characteristics of love relationships

For such a sweet and romantic creature like the Pisces man, you need a strong, restrained woman who knows how to take care not only of him, but also of herself. From your beloved you will receive all the most wonderful that money cannot buy: romance, love, care, attention, all the stars from the night sky, poems dedicated to you personally. But you have to take care of the material part of the relationship yourself. If the spiritual component is more important to you, then Pisces is the ideal option for you. If not, then quit this venture - you cannot change Pisces.

If your man belongs to those who have already managed to find their vein and calmly floats with the flow, then you are in luck: he will spend a considerable part of his income on you. According to the horoscope, the Pisces man is quite wasteful. Be mindful of your family's finances.

Pisces men - characteristics of appearance

Pisces have an oval, elongated face, a pronounced but harmonious nose, a smooth lip line, big sad eyes - it seems that these people think about all the troubles of the planet at once. Often a light complexion, sometimes with a slight tan. If a man follows the figure, then he may well maintain a slender shape, but more often

Pisces still tend to be slightly overweight. Young guys are very attractive, but in the future they will still have to resort to the help of gyms or do jogging, gymnastics or even yoga on their own, because diets will not give the desired result.

Pisces men - characteristics the best way earnings

Men are best suited for work related to cars (for example, selling or repairing). They will also be quite comfortable in the role of military personnel. They make excellent coaches and teachers, according to the horoscope. A fish woman will feel most comfortable as a poet, writer or journalist.

Pisces men - a characteristic of family life

Pisces are men who need to be guided in the right direction. If your husband is Pisces, you will have to manage the household wisely and cost-effectively, otherwise your spouse will not be able to make up for the losses, or even understand your actions. It is important for him that his beloved woman believes in him, and does not nag for excessive daydreaming and sluggishness. In this case, he will achieve a lot in his life.

Wounded and dreamy Pisces man ( February 19 - March 20) is ready to be content with little ordinary life but very demanding in love. The sign is full of talents and hidden abilities, but he needs a person who will help make Pisces' bright dreams come true.

Appearance and health

The representative of this zodiac sign takes care of his appearance. This is largely due to the dependence on the opinions of others. Often the Pisces man looks weak and sickly, and sometimes even effeminate. He does not like formal clothes, often chooses non-standard hairstyles. The physique is most often lean, without pronounced muscles. When strongly influenced by Jupiter, Pisces can tend to be overweight.

The man of this zodiac sign has a rounded face, white skin and large deep eyes. Facial features, gait and posture speak of softness of character, some mental confusion and psychological immaturity.

The characteristic of the physical potential of Pisces depends on the date of birth. The most powerful and hardy people, according to astrologers, are born in the third decade of the sign. The most sickly and weakened Pisces were born in the last days this astrological period. Men of this zodiac sign need to pay more attention to the prevention of colds, monitor the state of the digestive and nervous systems, take care of the heart, legs and circulatory organs. Pisces are susceptible to neuroses, stress, mental illness in varying degrees of severity.

Main character traits

The Pisces man has tremendous potential, but often does not even try to realize it. He needs to be constantly stimulated, nudged, and encouraged. Astrological characteristics of this sign includes the following features:

  • kindness and gentleness;
  • helplessness in unusual situations;
  • sensitivity and compassion;
  • resentment;
  • unexplained mood swings;
  • developed intuition.

The sign, like a fish, is used to going with the flow in anticipation of a successful coincidence. It's hard for him to accept independent decisions especially in the face of time pressure. A man of this zodiac period dreams a lot, plans and fantasizes, but does very little to achieve a real result.

The characteristic of a person strange and unadapted to life is often assigned to the Pisces man from a young age. He needs guardianship and moral support, which the sign receives first from the parents, and then, if he is lucky, from his wife. With wise and tactful leadership, Pisces can achieve significant success..

The disadvantages of the Pisces man include impracticality. He does not know how to quickly respond to changed circumstances, seeks to avoid any stressful or conflict situations. The described zodiac sign is easily offended, reacts violently to minor remarks. But Pisces quickly calms down and does not get angry with the offenders.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to come to the rescue of a friend, acquaintance and even a stranger. If this is not real help, then at least moral support and sympathy. The Pisces man keeps the secrets entrusted to him, is tactful and restrained in communication. He often suffers from his own responsiveness. Unable to refuse someone, the sign takes on other people's problems, taking the emotions and feelings of others to heart.

Career, profession, business

The professional characteristics of the Pisces man suggests that it is difficult for him to build a career in a large team. Despite the sociability and knowledge of human psychology, the sign is not able to become a winner. He lacks the determination, arrogance and lack of principle, sometimes just necessary to become a leader in a team.

This sign of the zodiac does not like hard work and dreams of all the benefits falling on his head. Because of this, he misses many good opportunities, not wanting to strain too much. If the Pisces man does not achieve something in the profession before the age of 25, then in the future he will be content with any work, even with a minimum income.

Pisces have a wide variety of creative talents, but it is difficult for them to achieve recognition and material results from their works. If a man of this zodiac sign is lucky enough to meet a persistent and believing woman, then together they can not only become famous, but also provide a comfortable life. Good choice for Pisces, the professions of a jeweler, tailor, shoemaker, watchmaker, designer will become.

The Pisces man can become an artist, musician, actor, singer or writer. Compassion and attention to other people's problems make the representative of this zodiac sign a good social worker, teacher, doctor, psychologist or preacher. Pisces love everything new and adore secrets, so they can go to work in the police or science.

In business, the Pisces man rarely achieves great success. He tends to make cunning plans, according to which money will float into their hands. This leads to the fact that the sign gets involved in dubious scams, missing out on legitimate chances to make money. Easy money lingers with Pisces for a short time, the sign is too careless about them. A man can be content with little, so he does not overwork.

Relationships, love, family

The characteristic of the behavior of a Pisces man in love suggests that only a wise and Strong woman... The sign sees an ideal in his beloved, and she needs to meet all expectations. The main thing that a Pisces needs in love is stability and security, so you should not make him jealous or make scandals out of the blue.

The sign is a good lover due to its sensitivity and ability to understand a woman. The Pisces man is remembered not for sexual technique, but for romance and tenderness. Very often he concedes the role of leader in love and bed to his chosen one.

A man of this astrological period does not like to be pressured or openly criticized. A woman who wants to improve the character of Pisces should act gently and unobtrusively. The sign is not eager to marry, so the girl herself will have to take the first step. Pisces needs a sense of need and love, although they are often cold to loved ones.

The wife of a Pisces man will need a lot of patience and love to withstand the impracticality and some irresponsibility of her husband. He will gladly give her the right to make all important and not very decisions. Often the wife earns more than the husband, and he takes care of the house and children. In order to maintain love and a pleasant atmosphere in marriage, it is desirable for spouses to have common interests outside of the family.

In raising children, a man of this zodiac sign is too compliant, which does not always give a good result. In the Pisces family, mom will have to be a “bad cop”. Daddy Pisces will become a faithful friend, an amazing storyteller and a kind mentor for his child.

Famous Pisces men

The Pisces man is passionate, emotional, sensitive, impressionable, changeable and unstable. He is unusually sensitive to everyone around him, he has the gift of attracting people. He is receptive, often sees people not as they are, but as he would like to see them. He is attracted to people by being different from everyone else. He is a dreamer, and all his dreams are unreal. His character is very contradictory, only those who know and love him can understand him. He is rarely arrogant and self-centered. It is impossible to forget such a man, but to describe all his qualities is no less difficult task, since he is elusive, mysterious and enigmatic.

Love for a Pisces man should be not only romance, but also a guarantee of stability. Even if he brings his heart to your feet, do not count on too much affection. He is too sensitive and easily influenced. He doesn't make much of a distinction between love, affection, and romance. He is not afraid to show his love and friendship in public, however, sometimes he becomes cold as ice. Don't be alarmed. The impressionable Pisces man easily succumbs to mood swings. He is an incorrigible idealist who dreams of devotion and absolute fidelity. The worst thing for him is to be rejected by those who truly loved him.

Marriage for a Pisces man is a decisive step in life, and often, he is not ready to dare to this act. But, once in the "nets", in marriage, he becomes submissive, quickly gets used to bondage and is strongly attached to his wife. A wonderful spouse will come out of him, very loyal and devoted, on whom you can rely both in joy and in sorrow. In it you will find a friend, partner, family member who will always make your life special. He is capable of great sacrifices for the sake of his family and beloved woman. The Pisces man will never forgive infidelity, he will leave you without hesitation. For children, the Fish-Father will be a reviving book of fairy tales, it will be a lot of fun with him.

The Pisces man is sexy, erotic, sensual, but gets tired quickly. Therefore, he is extremely rare in bed, preferring to remain passive and driven. Sex at an uncomfortable stop, hastily - not his style. He needs comfort and an appropriate atmosphere. Sex for him is an intimate affair that encompasses the whole world. The best partner for him is the one who can actually fulfill his fantasies. Indifferent to sexual restrictions, he wants an experienced partner. He loves it when a woman undresses him slowly and delightedly. He likes to have sex sitting on a chair with her astride facing him. Quite often, he prefers group sex. Background music, romantic atmosphere are important components of a successful intimate date. Deep down, he is not very confident in his masculine qualities, moreover, he does not want to completely shoulder the responsibility for the satisfaction of his partner. Tantric sex is the hobby of a man born under the sign of Pisces.

The ideal of a woman
The Pisces man needs a person who is more rational and sober in actions than himself. He needs a partner who understands his outlook on life. Of great importance for him is the fact whether those around him will accept the girl (spouse) or not. In a relationship, mutual support is important for him, he loves to take care of his beloved woman himself, but in return he wants to receive no less care and affection. If you intuitively understand each other, this is already half the success in a relationship with a Pisces man.

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