Presentation on the topic of the chemical organization of nature. Presentation for a lesson in biology on the topic: "Chemical organization of the cell." Groups of chemical elements

Overlappings 06.12.2020

Mineral salts Na K Cl Ensure the permeability of cell membranes. Conduction of an impulse along a nerve fiber. CaP Participate in the formation of bone tissue. Give strength to bones. Ca Affects blood clotting. Fe Included in the blood hemoglobin. Mg Included in chlorophyll in plants.

Functions of proteins Building - are part of the cell organelles; Catalytic - accelerate chemical reactions occurring in the cell; Motor - provided by special contractile proteins; Protective - antibodies are proteins; Transport - there are special proteins - carriers for different substances; Energy - disintegrate with the release of energy.

The structure of nucleic acids DNARNA structure Double helix Different for different RNA Number of chains Two One Nitrogenous bases Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine Adenine, Uracil Guanine, Cytosine Monosaccharides in nucleotides Deoxyribose Ribose Functions Storage and transmission of hereditary information Participates in protein synthesis

The main provisions of the topic The composition of the molecules of living matter includes almost all chemical elements, but most of all C, H, O, N, S, P. Water as a polar solvent serves as a medium where all biochemical transformations take place. Irregular linear biopolymers - proteins perform many functions, among which the most important are catalytic and plastic.

Carbohydrates: monosaccharides and polysaccharides are a source of energy for the processes occurring in the body. Fats are the basis of all biological cell membranes. Source of energy for organisms. DNA is a biopolymer whose monomer is a nucleotide. DNA is the storehouse of hereditary information. With the participation of RNA, the implementation of genetic information is carried out.

The phrase "globe" has entered our lives since kindergarten. And in fact, our planet is a ball, only slightly flattened near the poles, which is the result of its rotation around its axis. The Lithuanian poet E. Mezhelaitis has figurative lines: “And in a moment of sadness, the Earth gave me a ball of a head, so similar to the Earth and the Sun.”

Chemical organization of inanimate nature. Both the Sun, and the Earth, and other celestial bodies, as well as man and the entire animate and inanimate world around him, are built from the same chemical elements presented in the table of D. I. Mendeleev.

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The sun is half hydrogen

So, a star named the Sun is more than half hydrogen (Fig. 5), and a giant planet solar system Jupiter (Fig. 6) is almost entirely built from this chemical element. Because of low temperatures and gigantic pressures, hydrogen on this planet is in a solid state. In general, the universe is dominated by two chemical elements: hydrogen and helium. It is believed that hydrogen accounts for about 75%, and about 23% for helium.

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The globe has a complex structure. At the center of the planet is a solid inner core with a radius of about 1200 km, which consists of iron and nickel, which are under high pressure. Therefore, despite the high temperature, this part of the core is solid. It is surrounded by a molten outer core with a radius of about 2300 km. Little is known about the structure of the outer core. It, like the inner core, is composed of molten iron and nickel, and possibly some other elements. The temperature of substances in the core reaches 5000-6500 °C.

The core is covered by a mantle (from the Greek mantion - cover, cloak) with a thickness of about 2800 km. The mantle is composed of minerals built primarily of silicon, magnesium and iron. It has a temperature of about 2000-2500 °C. The substances of the mantle are under high pressure, magma is formed in it at different depths (from the Greek magma - thick ointment) - a molten viscous-liquid mass that comes to the surface during a volcanic eruption in the form of lava. Magma substances are already represented by a large number of chemical elements: oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium. During eruptions, volatile substances are released: water, hydrogen sulfide, carbon and sulfur oxides, etc.

The mantle is followed by the earth's crust - the lithosphere. The earth's crust is made up of a relatively small number of elements (Fig. 7). About half of the mass of the earth's crust is oxygen, more than 1/4 - silicon. A total of 18 elements - O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg, H, Ti, C, Cl, P, S, N, Mn, F, Ba - make up 99.8% of the mass of the earth's crust.

Chemical elements in the cells of living organisms. More than 70 elements have been found in the composition of substances that form the cells of all living organisms (humans, animals, plants). These elements are usually divided into two groups: macroelements and microelements.

Macronutrients are found in cells in large quantities. First of all, these are carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. Their total content in the cell is 98%. In addition to these elements, macronutrients also include magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine. Their total content is 1.9%. Thus, the share of other chemical elements accounts for about 0.1%. These are micronutrients. These include iron, zinc, manganese, boron, copper, iodine, cobalt, bromine, fluorine, aluminum, etc.

23 trace elements were found in the milk of mammals: lithium, rubidium, copper, silver, barium, strontium, titanium, arsenic, vanadium, chromium, molybdenum, iodine, fluorine, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, etc.

The composition of the blood of mammals includes 24 microelements, and the composition of the human brain - 18 microelements.

The elemental composition of the human body is shown in Figure 8.

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Chemical elements in the human body

As you can see, there are no special elements in the cell that are characteristic only of living nature, that is, at the atomic level there are no differences between living and inanimate nature. These differences are found only at the level complex substances- at the molecular level. So, along with inorganic substances (water and mineral salts), the cells of living organisms contain substances characteristic only for them - organic substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, vitamins, hormones, etc.). These substances are built mainly from carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, i.e. from macroelements. Trace elements are contained in these substances in small quantities, however, their role in the normal life of organisms is enormous. For example, compounds of boron, manganese, zinc, cobalt dramatically increase the yield of individual agricultural plants and increase their resistance to various diseases.

Man and animals receive the trace elements they need for normal life with food. If there is not enough manganese in the food, then growth retardation, a slowdown in the onset of puberty, and a violation of mineral metabolism during the formation of the skeleton are possible. The addition of fractions of a milligram of manganese salts to the daily diet of animals eliminates these diseases.

Cobalt is part of vitamin B12, which is necessary for the normal functioning of hematopoietic organs. The lack of cobalt in food causes a serious disease, leading to exhaustion and even death of the body.

The importance of trace elements for humans was first revealed in the study of endemic goiter - a disease of the thyroid gland, which is caused by a lack of iodine in water and food. The addition of iodine to food in small quantities prevents this disease. For prophylactic purposes, iodized table salt is carried out, to which 0.001-0.01% of potassium iodide is added (Fig. 9).

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iodized salt

The composition of most biological catalysts - enzymes include zinc, molybdenum and some other metals. These elements, contained in the cells of living organisms in very small quantities, ensure the normal operation of the finest biochemical mechanisms, are active participants in life processes.

Many vitamins contain trace elements. Vitamins are organic substances of various chemical nature that enter the body with food in small doses and have a great impact on the metabolism and overall vital activity of the body. Unlike enzymes, vitamins are not produced in the cells of the human body. Most of them come from food (Fig. 10), and some are synthesized by the intestinal microflora. The sources of many vitamins are plants: citrus fruits, rose hips, parsley, onions, garlic and many others. Some vitamins enter the human body with animal food. Vitamins A, B 1 , B 2 , K are obtained synthetically. Vitamins got their name from two words: vita - "life" and amine - "containing nitrogen."

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Vitamins in food

Trace elements are also part of some hormones (from the Greek harmao - I win) - biologically active substances that regulate the work of organs and systems of human and animal organs. Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands and enter the blood, which carries them throughout the body.

New words and concepts

  1. The structure of the earth.
  2. The chemical composition of the core, mantle and earth's crust.
  3. macronutrients and micronutrients.
  4. The role of trace elements in the life of plants, animals and humans.
  5. Organic matter: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
  6. Enzymes.
  7. Vitamins.
  8. Hormones.

Tasks for independent work

  1. At what level of forms of existence of a chemical element does the difference between animate and inanimate nature begin?
  2. Name the substances that are not found in inanimate nature.
  3. Why are individual macronutrients also called biogenic? List them.
  4. Why is one of the diseases of the thyroid gland called endemic goiter? What are endemics? Name some endemic plants and endemic animals.
  5. What is the difference between vitamins and enzymes? What do they have in common?
  6. Recall from the anatomy course some of the hormones produced by the endocrine glands, and indicate their biological significance.

A chemical view of nature, origins and state of the art Chemical view of nature, origins and current state Chemistry is a very ancient science. There are several explanations for the word "chemistry". According to one of the available theories, it comes from the ancient name of Egypt, Kham, and therefore must mean "Egyptian art." Chemistry is a very ancient science. There are several explanations for the word "chemistry". According to one of the available theories, it comes from the ancient name of Egypt, Kham, and therefore must mean "Egyptian art."

According to another theory, the word "chemistry" comes from the Greek word cumoz (plant juice) and means "the art of extracting juices." This juice may be molten metal, so that with such an extended interpretation of the term, the art of metallurgy must also be included in it. According to another theory, the word "chemistry" comes from the Greek word cumoz (plant juice) and means "the art of extracting juices." This juice may be molten metal, so that with such an extended interpretation of the term, the art of metallurgy must also be included in it.

The elements of the elements of ancient Greek natural philosophy, the atomistics of Leucippus and Democritus are closely connected with chemistry. But, of course, the Egyptians made the greatest contribution to the development of this science. The name of the first chemist who has come down to us is Bolos from Menda, who lived in the Nile Delta at the turn of the 3rd and 2nd centuries. BC. By 300 AD The Egyptian Zosima wrote an encyclopedia that covered all the knowledge in chemistry that had been collected by that time.

But the chemistry presented in this work was not yet a science in the full sense of the word, but remained closely connected with the ancient Egyptian religion and did not go beyond the formation of the phenomenological level in its development. In chemistry, properties were revealed, patterns were established between them, while the essence of phenomena was replaced by their mystical interpretation.

Chemistry (chemists) was uprooted and persecuted by ancient Roman emperors, fanatics of Christianity: scientists were expelled, their books were burned, science itself was forbidden. Some feared, for example, that chemists were engaged in obtaining gold; the second persecuted scientists for the close connection of chemistry with the ancient Egyptian religion, which, from the point of view of Christianity, was paganism.

Starting from the last centuries of the 1st millennium BC. Chemistry developed rapidly in the Arab world, and in the first half of this millennium it became widespread in Western Europe. On the one hand, the development of chemistry during this period followed the development of technology, but, on the other hand, it remained closely connected with religious and philosophical thought. In that period, chemistry existed mainly as alchemy.

In chemistry, it should be noted, first of all, the existence of a special "chemical view" of nature, which cannot be reduced to a physical one, despite all the successes physical chemistry in the present century. That is, the qualities of a certain special type were discovered long ago in chemistry.

In chemistry, primarily in physical chemistry, numerous independent scientific disciplines appear (chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, radiation chemistry, photochemistry, plasma chemistry, laser chemistry). In chemistry, primarily in physical chemistry, numerous independent scientific disciplines appear (chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, radiation chemistry, photochemistry, plasma chemistry, laser chemistry).

VI Vernadsky Chemistry is actively integrated with other sciences, resulting in the emergence of biochemistry, molecular biology, cosmochemistry, geochemistry, and biogeochemistry. Chemistry is actively integrated with other sciences, resulting in the emergence of biochemistry, molecular biology, cosmochemistry, geochemistry, biogeochemistry. The former study chemical processes in living organisms, geochemistry, and the patterns of behavior of chemical elements in the earth's crust. Biogeochemistry is the science of the processes of movement, distribution, dispersion and concentration of chemical elements in the biosphere with the participation of organisms. Biogeochemistry is the science of the processes of movement, distribution, dispersion and concentration of chemical elements in the biosphere with the participation of organisms. The founder of biogeochemistry is V. I. Vernadsky. Cosmochemistry studies chemical composition matter in the Universe, its abundance and distribution among individual cosmic bodies.

Fundamentally new methods of research appear in chemistry (structural x-ray analysis, mass spectroscopy, radiospectroscopy, etc.). Fundamentally new methods of research appear in chemistry (structural x-ray analysis, mass spectroscopy, radio spectroscopy, etc.).

The place of chemistry among the natural sciences. The value of chemistry for understanding the scientific picture of the world The place of chemistry among the sciences of nature. The value of chemistry for understanding the scientific picture of the world The main sciences of nature are physics, chemistry, biology. The subject of study of these sciences is matter, that is, the entire material world with all the diversity of its existence and transformations. The main sciences about nature are physics, chemistry, biology. The subject of study of these sciences is matter, that is, the entire material world with all the diversity of its existence and transformations.

Matter exists in space and time and is in continuous motion. The forms of motion of matter are extremely varied. They are interconnected and can change into each other. Matter exists in space and time and is in continuous motion. The forms of motion of matter are extremely varied. They are interconnected and can change into each other.

Science studies a specific form of motion of matter. Physics studies mechanical motion and physical processes. Chemistry studies the chemical form of the movement of matter - chemical reactions that include the physical form of movement (for example, the transition of electrons from atoms of one element to atoms of other elements). Each of the natural sciences studies a specific form of motion of matter. Physics studies mechanical motion and physical processes. Chemistry studies the chemical form of the movement of matter - chemical reactions that include the physical form of movement (for example, the transition of electrons from atoms of one element to atoms of other elements).

In addition, chemical reactions are accompanied by physical processes: heating, absorption of heat, light, electricity, etc. Biology studies the organic form of the movement of matter - life, which is impossible without mechanical and chemical forms of movement, but is not limited to them. In addition, chemical reactions are accompanied by physical processes: heating, absorption of heat, light, electricity, etc. Biology studies the organic form of the movement of matter - life, which is impossible without mechanical and chemical forms of movement, but is not limited to them.

So, chemistry among the sciences of nature occupies a place between physics and biology. Chemical knowledge is largely formed on the basis of physical knowledge and, in turn, form the basis for the formation of biological knowledge. Taken together, these interrelated types of knowledge make it possible to understand scientific picture peace. So, chemistry among the sciences of nature occupies a place between physics and biology. Chemical knowledge is largely formed on the basis of physical knowledge and, in turn, form the basis for the formation of biological knowledge. Together, these interrelated types of knowledge make it possible to understand the scientific picture of the world.

However, in some plants, chemical protection has not a direct, but an indirect effect according to the principle "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." However, in some plants, chemical protection has not a direct, but an indirect effect according to the principle "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." In this case, the released volatiles attract predators, which regulate the number of herbivores and thus contribute to the survival of the plant.

What mosquito repellent do South American capuchin monkeys use? South American mourning capuchin monkeys know how to use natural mosquito repellents. They find centipedes in the bark of trees, which secrete protective chemicals from the benzoquinone class, and rub them on the skin. They find centipedes in the bark of trees, which secrete protective chemicals from the benzoquinone class, and rub them on the skin.

Why is the bashful mimosa called that? The bashful mimosa plant is known for the fact that its leaves fold when someone touches it, and after a while they straighten again. This mechanism is due to the fact that specific areas on the plant stem, when externally stimulated, release chemicals, including potassium ions. They act on the cells of the leaves, from which the outflow of water begins. Because of this, the internal pressure in the cells drops, and, as a result, the petiole and petals on the leaves curl up, and this effect can be transmitted along the chain to other leaves. They act on the cells of the leaves, from which the outflow of water begins. Because of this, the internal pressure in the cells drops, and, as a result, the petiole and petals on the leaves curl up, and this effect can be transmitted along the chain to other leaves.

If we compare the degree of knowledge in individual scientific fields, we can state that from the point of view of modern views, the greatest results have been achieved in the field of nuclear physics, molecular sciences about the structure of matter (chemistry) and astronomy. Compared with these sciences, knowledge about molecular changes in living matter, that is, in the field belonging to modern biology, is practically insignificant. The fact is that the processes occurring in a living organism are incomparably more complex than the reactions and processes in vitro, i.e., in a test tube. If we compare the degree of knowledge in individual scientific fields, we can state that from the point of view of modern views, the greatest results have been achieved in the field of nuclear physics, molecular sciences about the structure of matter (chemistry) and astronomy. Compared with these sciences, knowledge about molecular changes in living matter, that is, in the field belonging to modern biology, is practically insignificant. The fact is that the processes occurring in a living organism are incomparably more complex than the reactions and processes in vitro, i.e., in a test tube.

That is why research in this scientific branch is considered an extremely difficult problem, the solution of which is possible only with the help of other branches of the natural sciences. Such a task of an interdisciplinary approach is extremely important in biological research, because natural actions also have an interdisciplinary character and it is often difficult to determine in what form we should consider them - as physical, chemical, or biological actions. That is why research in this scientific branch is considered an extremely difficult problem, the solution of which is possible only with the help of other branches of the natural sciences. Such a task of an interdisciplinary approach is extremely important in biological research, because natural actions also have an interdisciplinary character and it is often difficult to determine in what form we should consider them - as physical, chemical, or biological actions.

When striving for the knowledge of natural processes, one should be guided by the principle of complexity and look for dependencies between them. When striving for the knowledge of natural processes, one should be guided by the principle of complexity and look for dependencies between them. Nature is a complex phenomenon in its essence, and a person as an individual and biological species is a part of this complex complex.

Modern technology is at such a level of development that it is possible to obtain fantastic compounds and make amazing materials from them, but how to solve the problems that subsequently arise in connection with their production? Modern technology is at such a level of development that it is possible to obtain fantastic compounds and make amazing materials from them, but how to solve the problems that subsequently arise in connection with their production? As you can see, there are two different points of view on scientific and technological progress, and first of all it concerns chemistry.

The general public rightly notes the danger of air pollution with chemical emissions, pollution of rivers, soil, food, abuse of drugs of chemical origin, substance abuse, i.e., attention is focused on issues that have arisen before humanity in the course of its activities to preserve the living environment .

The simplest of chemical compounds contained in the body in large quantities, it is water. The total water content varies among different groups of organisms. Thus, in the inhabitants of the aquatic environment, water is up to 98% of body weight, in terrestrial animals up to 70%. In plants, the water content ranges from 80 to 95%. Hydrogen bonds between neighboring water molecules Water molecules - dipole

Inclusion of salt crystals Mineral salts. Most not organic matter found in the cells of organisms in the form of salts. Salts of sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrochloric and other acids can be contained in cells both in a solid state and in a dissolved form. In the solid state, mineral salts can be observed under a microscope in the cells of some plants. Thus, inclusions of calcium carbonates are found in figs. In fig leaf cells In onion scale cells

Starch and glycogen are easily broken down into monosaccharides. For example, in the human body, starch is already exposed to the action of digestive enzymes in the oral cavity. Cellulose, on the other hand, is very difficult to digest. The enzyme that activates this reaction is more common in bacteria. Bacteria of the large intestine, the so-called bacterial flora, animals and humans in the course of their life activity break down coarse plant fiber, which is almost not amenable to the action of digestive juices.

Denaturation, for example, undergoes a protein that makes up the secret of the spider's arachnoid gland. The spider secretes a drop of secret, as a result of mechanical tension, the structure of the protein is broken: from a soluble form, it passes into an insoluble one, a web thread is formed.

In all these examples, the violation of the structure and properties of the protein molecule is irreversible. But sometimes a protein under certain conditions can restore its former spatial structure. This process is called renaturation. One of the functions of proteins, enzymatic carried out by enzymes. Enzymes (from lat. fermentum fermentation, sourdough) are proteins-catalysts that speed up chemical reactions. The action of any enzyme is strictly directed and coordinated with the work of other enzymes: each has its own "object of attention" of the molecules of substances, the transformations of which it activates. Thus, the urease enzyme regulates the breakdown of urea, the starch amylase enzyme, and protein protease enzymes.

Interesting! It is known that stains containing protein from sweat, blood, egg yolk or other food residues are removed with great difficulty. At the beginning of the XX century. they tried adding a powder obtained from the pancreas of domestic animals to an ordinary detergent. This powder proved to be an effective dietary supplement, as it contained pancreatic proteases that break down proteins into amino acids. As a result, a remarkable effect was obtained. The stains from the laundry were easily washed.

In many plants, under the influence of low temperatures, special cold shock proteins are synthesized that protect the cell from destruction by ice crystals. Being located on the surface of ice crystals, cold shock proteins inhibit their formation in cells and intercellular spaces and thus prevent plant death during the cold season.

Thus, the functions performed by proteins are quite numerous and underlie the diversity of life manifestations. It is interesting, for example, that firefly beetles have special cells filled with a special protein, luciferin. Thanks to "its" enzyme, it is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, a light flash occurs. With such a flickering light, the insect attracts the female.

Lipids (from the Greek lipos fat) are organic compounds, the main component of which are fatty acids. JB Unlike proteins, polysaccharides, DNA and RNA, lipids are not classified as macromolecules. They are sparingly soluble in water, but readily soluble in ether, gasoline, chloroform, and some other solvents. This largely explains the fact that drug addicts who sniff solvents soon develop destruction (destruction) of the brain tissue, the cells of which contain many lipids.

French chemist A. Lavoisier back in the 18th century. carried out a series of experiments, on the basis of which he concluded that the combustion process is carried out in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. During combustion, oxygen combines with carbon in the fuel to form carbon dioxide. Lavoisier suggested that in the body of animals and humans, the food eaten is oxidized, resulting in the release of heat and energy in general. In experiments, Lavoisier found that after eating or during physical work a person consumes more oxygen than in a hungry state. The scientist made a brilliant conclusion: oxygen is necessary for the oxidation of food and the restoration of expended energy. However, the mechanism of energy generation in the cell could only be discovered much later, in the middle of the 20th century, by the efforts of researchers different countries, including the Russian biochemist V. A. Engelhardt. Interesting

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The Unity of Living and Inanimate Nature Russian scientist V.I. He assumed that all the elements of the periodic system found in the inanimate nature of the Earth would someday be found in a living organism. Indeed, to date, the presence of about 70 elements of the periodic system has been reliably established in the human body.

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Macroelements a) H, O, C, N - 98% + S, P - bioelements, form organic compounds. b) K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cl - about 2% K, Na, Cl - permeability of cell membranes, nerve impulse conduction. P, Ca - bone tissue formation, bone strength. Ca - provides blood clotting. Fe - is part of hemoglobin. Mg - is part of chlorophyll in plants, in the composition of enzymes in animals.

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Trace elements The content of about 0.02% Zn is part of insulin - a hormone of the pancreas, enhances the activity of the gonads. Cu provides tissue growth, is part of enzymes. I is part of thyroxine, a thyroid hormone. Zn is part of insulin, a pancreatic hormone. F is part of the enamel of the teeth. Co is a part of vitamin B12 Mn provides metabolism. B is responsible for the growth process. Mo is responsible for the use of iron, for the retention of fluoride in the body.

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Ultramacroelements Ultramicroelements make up less than 0.0000001% in the organisms of living beings, they include gold, silver have a bactericidal effect, mercury inhibits the reabsorption of water in the renal tubules, affecting enzymes. Platinum and cesium are also referred to ultramicroelements. Some also include selenium in this group; with its deficiency, they develop cancer diseases. The functions of ultramicroelements are still little understood.

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The lack of macro- and microelements leads to various diseases. And to prevent them, you need to eat certain foods. With a lack of calcium, osteoporosis develops (softness, porosity of the bones), slowing down the growth of the skeleton. Dairy products must be consumed. With a lack of magnesium, muscle cramps, loss of fluid by the body. Products: vegetables, beans, nuts, milk, fruits. With a lack of chlorine, dry skin. Products: water, table salt. With a lack of sodium - headache, poor memory, loss of appetite. Products: tomatoes, apricots, peas, salt. With a lack of potassium - arrhythmia of heart contractions, sudden death with increasing loads. Products - bananas, dried fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini. Phosphorus - external signs deficiencies are unknown. Found in fish, dairy products, walnuts, buckwheat. Iron deficiency causes anemia. It is necessary to eat liver, meat, green leaves of vegetables. With a lack of fluoride - tooth decay. Products - fish, water. With a lack of zinc - damage to the skin. Products - meat, seafood. With a lack of iodine, a goiter develops. It is necessary to use persimmon, seafood, iodized salt.

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Water Water plays a unique role as a substance that determines the possibility of existence and the very life of all creatures on Earth. It acts as a universal solvent in which the main biochemical processes of living organisms take place. The uniqueness of water lies in the fact that it dissolves both organic and inorganic substances quite well, providing a high flow rate. chemical reactions and at the same time - sufficient complexity of the resulting complex compounds. Thanks to hydrogen bonding, water remains liquid over a wide range of temperatures, and it is precisely in the one that is widely represented on planet Earth at the present time.

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Mineral salts In addition to water, among the inorganic substances that make up the cell, it is necessary to name salts, which are ionic compounds. AT aqueous solution they dissociate to form a metal cation and an acid residue anion. For the life processes of the cell, the most important cations are: K, Na, Ca, Mg. Anions: H2PO4, Cl, HCO3.

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Significance of salts The concentration of ions on the outer surface of the cell differs from their concentration on the inner surface. The outer surface of the cell membrane has a very high concentration of sodium ions, while the inner surface has a high concentration of potassium ions. As a result, a potential difference is formed between the inner and outer surface of the cell membrane, which causes the transmission of excitation along the nerve or muscle. Calcium and magnesium ions are activators of many enzymes.

1. Presentation in chemistry for grade 9 "Metals in nature"

2. Presentation in chemistry for grade 9 "Calcium and its compounds"

3. Presentation in chemistry for grade 9 "Subject organic chemistry. organic matter"

4. Presentation in chemistry for grade 9 "Sulfur"

5. Chemistry presentation for grade 9 "Ammonia"



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Metals in nature. General methods for obtaining metals. Chemistry lesson in grade 9 Lesson objectives: Acquaintance with natural metal compounds and native metals Give the concept of ores and metallurgy Consider methods for obtaining metals in metallurgy

Prevalence of metals in nature Many metals are widely distributed in nature. The content of some metal elements in the earth's crust: Aluminum-8.2% Iron-5.0% Calcium-4.1% Sodium-2.3% Magnesium-2.3% Potassium-2.1%

Minerals and rocks containing metals or their compounds and suitable for the industrial production of metals are called ores.

Metallurgy The branch of industry that extracts metals from ores. Metallurgy (from Greek metallurgéo - I mine ore, process metals, from métallon - mine, metal and érgon - work) The science of industrial methods for obtaining metals from ores. The art of extracting metals from ores Fig. 1. Metal smelting in Ancient Egypt (the blast is supplied by furs sewn from animal skins).

Native metals gold silver copper platinum

MgCO 3 Carbonates Malachite Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3 Magnesite Magnesium carbonate Marble CaCO 3

KCL Chlorides Rock salt NaCl Carnallite KCl * MgCl 2 * 6H 2 O Sylvine Potassium chloride

Galena PbS Pyrite FeS 2 Copper luster Copper(II) sulfide CuS Sulfides

Fe 2 O 3 Oxides Magnetite Fe 3 O 4 Limonite 2 Fe 2 O 3 * 3H 2 O Hematite Iron (III) oxide Kaolin Al 2 O 3 * 2SiO 2 * 2H 2 O

Methods for producing metals Pyro metallurgy Hydro metallurgy Electro metallurgy (electrolysis)

Pyrometallurgy is the recovery of metals from ores at high temperatures with the help of reducing agents (C, CO, H 2, metals) CuO + H 2 AL + Fe 2 O 3 FeO + C 4. ZnO + CO Task. Make the equations for the reactions of obtaining metals. Specify the conditions for their occurrence. Make up electronic balance. BEKETOV Nikolai Nikolaevich (1827-1911) t 0 t 0 t 0 t 0

Hydrometallurgy - obtaining metals in 2 stages: 1) obtaining a solution of a metal salt, 2) restoring a given metal with a more active one from a solution. Exercise. Carry out transformation chains. 1. CuO CuSO 4 Cu 2. ZnO ZnCL 2 Zn 3. PbO Pb(NO 3) 2 Pb 4. Ag 2 O Ag 2 SO 4 Ag

Electrometallurgy - a method of obtaining metals using electric current (electrolysis) Sodium Potassium Magnesium Calcium Barium (Humphry Davy) Humphry Davy (1778-1829) el. current CuCL 2 = Cu+CL 2


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The purpose of the lesson: The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with the most important compounds Ca and Mg, finding them in nature and their application.

Where are calcium and magnesium compounds found in nature and in everyday life? Ca CHALK LIMESTONE

Mg Mg 2+ ions are involved in the formation of chlorophyll Birch sap contains a set of mineral elements


Mg Tourmaline Garnet

Mg Sea salt contains magnesium compounds

Ca The element Ca is included in the composition of toothpaste and cosmetic products.

Ca Scale contains calcium carbonate Plasterer works with lime

Ca Karst caves and valleys

Ca Valleys with limestone deposits

Ca Vegetables and fruits contain calcium Food products are enriched with calcium, which contributes to the growth of the body

Compounds Ca and Mg, representatives of the elements of group II of the main subgroup

CaS 0 4 ∙2 H 2 0 - gypsum; MgC 0 3 ∙ CaC 0 3 - dolomite; MgC 0 3 - magnesite, MgS 0 4 - bitter or Epsom salt, found in sea water;

Ca → CaO → Ca (OH) 2 → CaCl 2 → CaCO 3 CaO Ca (OH) 2 CaCl 2 CaCO 3

Formation of stalactites and stalagmites

Where are calcium and magnesium compounds used?

Summing up the lesson Today in the lesson you learned the composition and chemical formulas of the most important compounds of calcium and magnesium, their presence in nature and the use of these compounds in various areas of human life. You improved your skills in compiling equations of chemical reactions and implementing chains of transformations.


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The subject of organic chemistry. organic matter.

The emergence and development of organic chemistry The first classifications (by origin) IX - X centuries. Arab alchemist Abu Bakr ar-Razi (865-925): Substances (studied separately) Mineral Plant Animals

The emergence of organic chemistry as a science Jens Jacobs Berzelius - 1807 “Substances derived from organisms (of plant and animal origin) are ORGANIC, the science that studies them is ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.” According to Berzelius, organic substances cannot be obtained in the laboratory, like inorganic ones. They are created by organisms under the influence of "life force" The doctrine of "life force" is a vitalistic doctrine (from Latin vita - life)

Development of organic chemistry 1824 - oxalic acid was synthesized (F. Wöhler); 1828 - urea (F. Wöhler); 1842 - aniline (N.N. Zinin); 1845 - acetic acid (A. Kolbe); 1847 - carboxylic acids (A. Kolbe); 1854 - fats (M. Bertlot); 1861 - sugary substances (A. Butlerov)

“Organic chemistry is the chemistry of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, i.e. products formed when hydrogen is replaced by other atoms or groups of atoms ”K. Schorlemmer This is a classic definition that was given more than 130 years ago.


Classification of substances Substances ORGANIC INORGANIC Along with other elements always contain carbon There is no such chemical element that would be present in all substances Exceptions: CO , CO 2 , CaC 2 , H 2 CO 3

Features of organic substances: There are 20,000,000 organic substances (inorganic - 100,000); All organic substances contain carbon and hydrogen, so most of them burn to form carbon dioxide and water; They have a more complex molecular structure and a huge molecular weight

Organic substances can be arranged in rows similar in composition, structure and properties - homologues; Insoluble in water Flammable and decompose when heated Organic substances are characterized by isomerism

Structure Non-molecular Molecular Molecular weight Small Usually very high Boiling point High Low Flammability Mostly low High Known amount A little over 100 thousand About 20 million Comparison of properties of organic and inorganic substances Comparison criterion Inorganic substances Organic substances?


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The position of oxygen and sulfur in PSCE, the structure of simple substances. Allotropy.

“In ancient magic I am present at the birth of fire, they have long called me gray”

The position of sulfur and oxygen in periodic system chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev?

SIGNS OF COMPARISON OXYGEN Option 1 SULFUR Option 2 POSITION IN PSCE 2 period VI group main (A) subgroup 3 period VI group main (A) subgroup ATOM STRUCTURE O + 8) 2) 6 S + 16) 2) 8)6 2, 0 , -1, +1, +2 - 2 , 0, +2, +4, +6

Valence States of the Sulfur Atom S oxidation - 2 3 s 3p 3 d Valence IV, Art. oxidation + 4 Valence VI, Art. oxidation + 6 H 2 S S O 2 H 2 S O 4

Finding sulfur in nature Native sulfur Sulfate sulfur Sulfide sulfur Rhombic sulfur S 8 Hydrogen sulfide H2S, cinnabar HgS, lead sheen PbS, pyrite FeS2, copper sheen Cu2S, zinc blende ZnS Gypsum CaSO4 2H2O, Glauber's salt Na2SO4 10H2O, bitter salt MgSO4 7H2O Proteins

Physical properties of sulfur Yellow crystalline solid, insoluble in water, not wetted by water (sulfur powder does not sink in water and floats on the surface of water)

Allotropic modifications of sulfur Rhombic Monoclinic Plastic

Rhombic sulfur Rhombic (α - with era) - S 8, yellow, t ° pl. = 113 °C; The most stable version.

Monoclinic sulfur Monoclinic (β-sulfur) - S 8, dark yellow needles, t° pl. = 119 °C; stable at temperatures over 96 ° C; under normal conditions turns into a rhombic

Plastic sulfur Plastic sulfur is a brown rubber-like (amorphous) mass. It is unstable and after a while becomes brittle, acquires yellow, i.e. turns into rhombic sulfur.

Chemical properties of sulfur Interaction of sulfur with simple substances Sulfur reacts: A) with metals, forming sulfides Hg + S → HgS B) with non-metals (hydrogen, oxygen, fluorine ...) 1) H 2 + S → H 2 S 2) S + O 2 → SO2

Sulfur applications Medicine Sulfuric acid production Agriculture Match production Rubber production Production explosives Dyes

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: Describe the position of sulfur in the periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev.

Choose the correct answer: In what compound does sulfur exhibit an oxidation state of +4? A) H 2 S B) H 2 SO 3 C) H 2 SO 4

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: In what form is sulfur found in nature?

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: Describe physical properties sulfur.

Choose the correct answer: What substance does sulfur react with to form sulfide: A) water B) hydrogen C) sodium


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Composition of the substance Structure Properties Application Ammonia production

H Structure N H H It is possible to form a donor-acceptor bond The molecule is formed by a covalent polar bond N H H H + H + N H H H H + DONOR ACCEPTOR Composition NH 3

Physical properties Structure Gas, with a characteristic odour. Lighter than air Very soluble in water H 2 O NH 3 NH 3 Molecular crystal lattice

Obtaining Application In the laboratory 2NH 4 Cl + Ca (OH) 2 \u003d CaCl 2 + 2NH 3 + 2H 2 O + t NH 4 Cl Ca (OH) 2 NH 3 NH 3

In industry N 2 + 3H 2 ↔ 2NH 3 Fe, t, p Production Application NH 3 Mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen turbocharger catalyst heat exchanger refrigerator NH 3 separator

Chemical properties Structure NH 3 Reductant Base (since st.oc. -3) (since there is a lone pair e) + O 2 N 2 + H 2 O + O 2 N O + H 2 O catalyst + Cu О N 2 + Cu + Н 2 О Complete the reaction equations, draw up an electronic balance, indicate the oxidizing agent and reducing agent. + HCl NH 4 Cl + H 2 O NH 4 OH ammonium hydroxide ammonium chloride

Application Properties of NH 3 Calculate the mass fraction of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate Write down the reaction equation for the decomposition of ammonium bicarbonate Calculate the volume of ammonia to prepare 50 g of 5% ammonia (at n.o.) How to carry out transformations? NH 3 → NO → NO 2 HNO 3 Write a redox reaction between ammonium chloride and copper oxide. What volume under normal conditions will take 1 kg of liquid ammonia. Ammonia contains a valuable element for plants - nitrogen. Ammonia is a gas. Ammonia has a pungent odor. interacts with oxygen. Ammonia is a good reducing agent When liquid ammonia evaporates, a large amount of heat is absorbed.

NH 3 Test of knowledge Ammonia is characterized by properties: Ammonia interacts with Litmus color in ammonia solution: Ammonia is a reducing agent in the reaction Correct! Error Error Error 1 acids salts base oxides 2 Error Correct! Error Error Alkalis Acids Metals Nonmetals 3 Error Correct! Error Error Error Error Error Correct! violet colorless red blue With acids With metal oxides With non-metals With metals 4

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