Does a decoction of nettle roots help with oncology. The most powerful and effective herbs to help you fight cancer. Nettle treatment of cancer of various localization

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In the early stages of its development, it is almost impossible, since a headache is a common phenomenon, from which many are saved by painkillers, but some of them are not even aware of the development of the disease.

Patients, only with increasing headaches that do not stop even with the use of antispasmodics, go to the doctor, that is, at the stage of exacerbation of the disease and the transition from one to a more complex one (from primary to secondary).

Primary tumors are local in nature and do not affect other organs and tissues. Such a neoplasm grows slowly and, depending on the location, has one or another symptomatology.

Malignant, secondary foci can damage nearby vital tissues or organs.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

The main signs of the presence of neoplasms are:

  1. weakness;
  2. dizziness;
  3. vomit;
  4. nausea;
  5. headaches;
  6. violations of ocular and intracranial pressure, with deterioration in hearing and vision;
  7. memory impairment;
  8. confusion;
  9. drowsiness;
  10. hallucinations;
  11. disorientation in space (violation of the vestibular apparatus), and so on.

The symptoms depend on the location and degree of development of the brain tumor.

Folk therapy for headaches

Headache is considered an integral symptom and sign of brain cancer. Quite often, people suffering from this disease cannot cope with migraine with the help of specialized drugs and resort to traditional medicine. We will try to help as much as possible in solving this problem and select the most effective and affordable traditional medicine that will help get rid of pain or at least reduce pain to a minimum.

  • Quite a powerful remedy for migraine is Eleutherococcus tincture, which can be purchased at pharmacy kiosks. Reception should be carried out starting with 1 drop at the beginning of the day and 2 drops in the evening, thus, it is necessary to bring up to 14 drops. The next 10 days, you need to take 14 drops. Then take a break for 10 days and the course can be repeated;
  • mint is a herbal remedy that relieves headaches well. You just need to add fresh mint leaves to green tea, or to boiling water, then insist for 5-10 minutes. and accept;
  • propolis. Grind 20 grams of propolis and pour 100 ml. alcohol. It is necessary to take 40 drops;
  • it is known that copper helps relieve headaches. It is necessary to take a copper coin and attach it to the sore spot, after a while the pain should calm down.

Also, infusions and decoctions come to fight headaches in brain cancer.

  • St. John's wort. We take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry or fresh leaves of St. John's wort and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 5-10 minutes. and take ½ cup before each meal;
  • chamomile tongueless. To prepare the daily norm, you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry chamomile flowers with a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes, then insist for 20-30 minutes, drain and take throughout the day, after eating;
  • herbs: rustling clover, rattle 4 parts, white lilac flowers 2 parts. We mix the dry mixture and take 2 tbsp from the resulting mixture. spoons. Then pour 500 ml. steep boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Strain and take half a glass during the day;
  • take dry flower mix meadow pink cornflower and common lilac with thyme grass. Mix everything in equal proportions. Then we take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture and pour boiling water, insist for 60 minutes. This infusion is recommended to drink in two doses with a break of 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Clay for headaches

Clay- This is an ancient remedy for the treatment of ailments, which has many advantages. Clay helps to relieve pain, albeit not for a long time, but, nevertheless, the patient will feel better at least for a short time. Use it as a lotion on the sore spot of the head and other parts of the body (with the exception of ulcers and wounds).

  • 150 gr. clay is placed in an enamel bowl and pour 50 ml. warm water, stir until smooth. Then you need to take a gauze bandage, apply prepared clay 5 mm thick on it, and apply it to the place where it hurts. The duration of the compress should be 15-20 minutes. You can repeat the procedure every day before going to bed;
  • clay with mint. To prepare the mixture, we need 100 grams of clay, half a glass of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of peppermint and a napkin. The prepared mixture is applied to the sore spot for 15 minutes. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days. Also, the procedure can be carried out with lemon and lemon balm;
  • you can also make lotions of clay with menthol. In a clay slurry with a volume of 120-150 grams and a quarter cup of water, add 5-7 drops of menthol oil. Keep the napkin with the mixture for no more than 3-5 minutes.

It is known that honey is a miraculous effect from many diseases.

Folk remedies prepared on the basis of honey do an excellent job with pain in the head:

  • with severe headaches, it is necessary to eat 2 teaspoons of honey before meals;
  • honey with viburnum enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and also help to reduce headaches. The effectiveness of treatment is evaluated after 3-4 weeks;
  • honey and elderberry tincture in the proportion of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials per 250 ml. boiling water. Take ¼ cup before meals;
  • infusion of dry red wine and honey (2 parts each) + aloe juice (1 part). Take 1 teaspoon three times a day;
  • for severe pain, you can take honey with apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of each component. Before taking it must be diluted in a glass of boiled water.

There are a number of other measures for the treatment aimed at preventing headaches. Drink plenty of clean water throughout the day and limit caffeine intake. Keep a sleep schedule, eat a balanced diet, and avoid stressful situations. For headaches, use traditional medicine - proven by the experience of generations. But, do not forget that before you start taking medications, you should consult with your doctor.

In parallel with traditional methods, there are folk methods for the treatment of brain cancer. They should be used as an adjunct to the main therapy under the strict supervision of a physician.

There are the following folk methods of treating brain cancer:

Healthy foods for cancer

  • the use of foods rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium;
  • the use of seafood;
  • refusal of salt and salt-containing foods rich in a source of sodium;
  • refusal of hard-to-digest and gas-forming food: mushrooms, legumes, kvass, kefir;
  • bed rest;
  • calm environment;
  • head massages and foot baths that improve tissue blood circulation.

Traditional medicine for brain cancer is quite effective and gives good results.

For cancer patients, lotions are recommended on the temples and the back of the skull using various bases: from clay, vinegar, children's urine (up to 3 years old), herbal decoctions (sage, linden blossom). The use of tea based on raspberry leaves, rose hips, blueberries and mint is effective.

It is impossible to imagine folk methods without the use of tinctures. So, a tincture of fresh poisonous milestone roots promotes treatment in small doses, the volume of which depends on the physiological characteristics of a person. It is imperative to observe smooth transitions between doses of tinctures and periodic breaks in their treatment, so as not to provoke stress in the body and subsequent functional changes.

Pressure drops, slowing of breathing and other manifestations of a decrease in the activity of nerve impulses signal changes in the cerebral cortex. To prevent them, it is necessary to include seaweed, rich in minerals and valuable microelements, in the patient's diet, and to refuse to eat salty foods, to find an alternative to it.

Treatment of cancer with folk remedies is also effective in secondary neoplasms (malignant tumors), namely: the use of tincture of musk deer (deer) musk with the addition of mumiyo. Musk deer is famous for its speed and generally recognized healing properties: it relieves pain, normalizes blood pressure, improves heart rate, and activates hematopoietic stem cells. Insist it on vodka for about a month, stirring occasionally, in a ratio of 1:50, use 5-10 drops 3 times a day only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Musk deer

Another healing remedy is a tincture of hornbeam flowers, cooked in a water bath (2 tablespoons per 500 ml of boiling water). The course lasts 70 days with a daily intake of about 100 ml. tinctures. Hornbeam flowers are one of the rare components used in medicinal potions, which is directly related to the inaccessibility of their collection, since the height of the hornbeam is about 7-15m. They cleanse the blood vessels of the brain, thus improving cerebral circulation; accelerate the excretion of decay products of cancer-affected cells, mitigating the effects of tissue intoxication.

Traditional treatment of brain cancer is inherently associated with the use of alternative medicine alcohol tinctures from propolis (1 tsp. 3r / day), which by its nature has disinfectant, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory properties.

A decoction of chestnut flowers is known for its ability to prevent thrombosis, thereby improving vascular tone, has antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. A boiled mixture of dry and fresh chestnut flowers is consumed throughout the day in a volume of about 1 or 1.5 liters.

Another method of treating brain neoplasms is to insist on alcohol collection of herbs, such as: knotweed, horsetail, clover, mint, lemon balm, thyme, oregano, which perfectly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Medicinal alcohol tinctures from herbs

Mistletoe tincture (3 g of flowers per 200 ml of goat milk) will help to overcome brain cancer with folk remedies. However, any treatment with folk remedies must necessarily be accompanied by the advice of an experienced doctor, which will speed up the healing process. This is especially true in cases where a therapeutic agent with the presence of potent components (herbs and their preparations), an arbitrary dosage of which is life-threatening: Maryin root, sweet clover, birch mushroom,.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of folk remedies has no scientific confirmation, so these recipe options are given as general information.

Informative video: soda cancer treatment

Be healthy!

Folk ways and means of treating brain cancer in an article from the herbalist Khalisat Salimanova.

Before starting the article, lay out one letter that I received in the mail about brain cancer:

Good afternoon!
My mother (55 years old) was diagnosed with glioblastoma in the left temporal part of the head, grade 3. An operation was performed to remove the tumor on September 30, 2013, she underwent a course of radiation therapy and chemotherapy with temodal every 28 days. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy for the sixth time.
Sequelae of aphasia. Monthly check-ups of blood and urine. The doctor says that the tests are good, but in recent months, my mother began to confuse objects and pronounce sounds worse. Says he feels good. But we noticed that her face was swollen. The swelling subsides slowly. Panangin, diakarb, dexamethasone were prescribed from medications in courses. Essentiale forte, finlepsin. The last MRI was a week ago, no growth was found, but swelling is present.
Prompt what herbs can help her in this situation.
Thanks in advance for your reply!

In this situation, you need to take a collection of herbs, which facilitates chemotherapy, as well as prescribe a complex treatment with herbs and tinctures!The phytotherapeutist always approaches the treatment of the patient individually, since various concomitant diseases and so on!I highly recommend that before treatment with any drugs - consult a phytotherapeutist!If you need my advice - write to the contacts at the bottom of the article!

And now the article!

Treatment of brain cancer with herbs and tinctures.

Folk remedies for the treatment of brain cancer.

In this article I will describe the treatment of brain cancer. You understand that this is a complex disease, therefore the article will contain general phrases and the basics of treatment. You will ask why? I will answer: because in order to prescribe treatment for such a patient, it is necessary to know the tests, the patient's condition and how you were treated, only after that prescribe herbs and tinctures. Always happy to advise you on treatment.

I will describe the collection of herbs that I useas a folk remedy for brain cancer. Disclaimer: this is a general collection of herbs, since the collection may vary depending on the condition of the patient, on concomitant diseases and complications.

Arnica, heather, knotweed,

Cowberry, horsetail, mistletoe,

Clover, sweet clover, gingo biloba,

Thyme, mint, milisa,

Dioscorea, saphora, madder root,

Letter, oregano.

I repeat from the collection of medicinal herbs, herbs can be removed or added, depending on the diagnosis and concomitant diseases. To be treated with a collection of herbs, regardless of food intake, according to the scheme indicated below.

Treatment of brain cancer with herbs is done according to the following method: take all the herbs in one part (say 20 grams) and mix them well.

1 st. l. collection of medicinal herbs, pour 2 - 3 cups of boiling water, warm in a water bath or over low heat for 15-20 minutes, leave for 2-3 hours, then strain. Drink 3-4 times a day before meals or 15-20 minutes after meals for half a cup. Leave the last portion of the infusion overnight and drink two hours after eating. Drink the infusion warm, the temperature of the human body, in small sips.

Herbal infusion is used in complex treatmentwhen hemlock tincture, tincture of Jungar aconite or other poisonous tinctures are introduced into the treatment regimen.

I drink hemlock or aconite tincture for brain cancer using the slide method, starting with the 1st drop, increasing the dose by one drop every day and monitoring my condition. For hemlock tincture, the maximum dose with this technique is 40 drops, for aconite - 20 drops. Having reached the maximum, in taking the dose of the drug, we are going to decrease, that is, after 40 drops, we are already starting to take 39, 38, and so on. Watch for symptoms of intoxication in the body, as soon as they begin to appear, reduce the dose by 3-5 drops and drink until the symptoms pass. After that, we again continue to drink the tincture according to the chosen scheme.

Treating brain cancer with Jungar aconite is the same as hemlock, just use this drug carefully, as it is stronger than hemlock.When buying a tincture, ask for its concentration., since the concentration may be different for herbalists and herbalists.

Be Healthy and heal wisely!

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Leave your comments on the article. I will be glad to answer all your questions!


My mother has cancer. She was diagnosed with brain cancer 1.5 years ago. They cut out a tumor in the head, then they performed procedures with a cyber knife. As a result, they diagnosed that there are already metastases in the head.
She is currently suffering from seizures similar to epilepsy. The right leg and arm were taken away.
Badly talking and clouded consciousness. We want to treat brain cancer with folk remedies.

I am interested in the cost and delivery time of the tincture of Dzhunkarsky aconite. I also ask for advice on what folk remedies for the treatment of brain cancer can still be used for this type of oncology. Carry out treatment in my case by the method of slides or therapeutic.
How many vials are needed for each technique. Is it possible to treat the brain with a hemlock?
best regards, Artem [email protected]

Good afternoon. You have a complex type of cancer. Treatment of folk remedies for brain cancer should be carried out as poisonous tinctures, as you wrote, or aconite or hemlock. In this case, we can say which poison is better only after tests and anamnesis of the disease. In my practice, there was a case of treating brain cancer with hemlock, not even a cure, but hemlock stopped the growth of the tumor and at that time the person was looking for other ways to treat oncology. Describe in detail the condition of your mother by mail [email protected]
Be healthy! Good evening. Folk remedies in the treatment of brain cancer in your case can only alleviate the patient's condition and, with the help of God, prolong life. Is the patient anesthetized? Nausea, vomiting? Lost coordination? Losing vision? Good evening. What medications do you take? If intracranial pressure? Vasoconstriction of the brain? Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine? If the narrowing of the vessels of the brain? Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine? Presence of intracranial pressure? Good evening. Write to the mail: the diagnosis, how old the patient is, how you feel, what you are taking. Good afternoon. Treatment of a brain tumor with folk remedies is very difficult. Send me an accurate diagnosis by email [email protected] how old is your dad? how does it feel? What and how are you treated? Good afternoon. Write to the mail, I will write you a prescription for treatment, just write the exact diagnosis ... Good afternoon. Write what and how are you currently treated? What are the tests? What is the exact diagnosis? How many years?
Send me an email and I'll tell you the treatment. Good afternoon. What do doctors tell you? What is the status and tests? What and how are you treated? write to mail. Good afternoon. Send me an email and I'll give you prescriptions.
Sibiryakovam 16 Jun 2015 reply
Good afternoon! My son was operated on a year ago, the diagnosis was astrocytoma of the brain. Only part of the tumor was removed. After the operation, radiation therapy was performed almost immediately. He recovered quickly. Now he feels good. Sometimes headaches and decreased peripheral vision. Drinks Oleksin and herbal preparations. We have not yet decided on hemlocks. Question about celandine: I read that it causes convulsions, and before the operation there were epileptic seizures provoked by a tumor. Will the intake of celandine cause convulsions, epileptic seizures? good afternoon I need help I need aperilivi 2 years ago now again again the doctors do not goront anything his left arm and leg are broken I need your help Is it possible to find out how to facilitate or slow down the growth of the oohali. metastases in the brain - 2. from the left and right. sorry for the bugs. Good afternoon. ok, i will answer you
lyuba_kaleva 11 Nov 2015 reply
Good evening! Help, a 54-year-old mother, in August 2014, a tumor of an astrocytoma of the brain was removed, underwent radiation therapy, in May 2015 she had a relapse, in June she had an operation again, but she began to feel worse and worse, she does not remember much, she talks, she shakes. mg per day, drinks Korsan, Panangin, Omez, Trifas 10 mg, Preductal and vitamins, and painkillers! The last hope is for you, for your herbs! I will be very grateful for the answer! I have a pituitary adenoma that can help What herbs, look for rinsing Prutnyak can help but it's hard to get And what other herbs are there to lower prolactin I also know bed bugs with Pituitary Adenoma Good afternoon! My mom had a giant brain tumor (meningioma) removed a few years ago. This tumor damaged the optic nerves of the mother, who is visually disabled, today the MRI showed a new tumor, she was not operable, we were told. Help please, how can I stop the growth of the tumor? Thanks in advance!!! Good evening! my husband is 68 years old, he is from Chernobyl, in February he had an incoming stroke, went to the hospital, had an MRI of the head and was diagnosed with signs of a mass formation in the right frontal region (fibrillary astrocytoma), atrophy of the cerebral cortex in the fronto-parietal regions, a mucosal cyst left maxillary sinus (20*8*10mm). The doctors said that we urgently need to have an operation, but I am very afraid for my husband, for the consequences that may be after the operation, please help us, maybe you can heal with herbs or tinctures, please tell me, thank you very much in advance. Hello! In mid-April, my daughter underwent surgery to remove a tumor of the thalamus on the left side of the brain (tumor size 3.2 * 2.1 cm). Only two-thirds of the tumors were removed. Grade 4 glioblastoma. She is 30 years old. Now she is undergoing the first course of chemotherapy (Temozolomide). She is taking dexamethasone. There are no pains, the right arm does not work well and the right leg drags, there is no lateral vision on the right. She has no chronic illnesses. I ask you to answer how it is possible to stop tumor growth? What folk remedies and herbs can be used with such a diagnosis? Really looking forward to your reply. Thank you! reply Email me My husband is 61 years old. A month ago, she was diagnosed with volumetric formations of the left temporal, occipital lobes (mts Ca-prostate?). Angiopathy of the retina according to hypertonic type 2 tbsp. OU. Hypertension 2 tbsp., Risk 4. Diabetes mellitus type 2. Chronic gastritis, type B, without exacerbation. Steatosis of the liver. Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon.
Moderate severity, memory loss. Next week, one tumor will be removed to alleviate the condition. Drinks hemlock according to the scheme 3-39-21-39-3 2 times a day.
Please advise what else to take. Email me if possible please email me [email protected]

brain tumors appear rarely (about 2%), relative to other primary tumors. It is necessary to distinguish between primary (arising in the brain itself) and secondary (metastases to the brain) brain tumors. Primary tumors are almost always diagnosed late, because blood tests are almost always good, and periodic headaches are well eliminated by taking various pills.

And only the occurrence of constant, severe headaches begins to cause anxiety. Metastasis to the brain, most commonly from lung cancer, less commonly breast cancer, renal cell carcinoma, melanoma, prostate tumor, and lymphoma. Knowing the patterns of metastasis from these tumors, patients with these diseases should pay more attention to headaches, as well as enlarged supraclavicular and subclavian lymph nodes.

Secondary brain tumors are easier to diagnose but harder to treat. There is a wide variety of brain tumors, among which meningiomas are more often detected - tumors of the meninges (up to 30%) and astrocytomas (up to 70%) - tumors arising from astrocytes that perform mainly a supporting function. Of particular note is glioblastoma, the most malignant variant of astrocytoma, more often occurring in men of mature and advanced age.

The degree of malignancy of the tumor is determined by such indicators as invasiveness (the ability to penetrate into adjacent tissues), a tendency to necrosis (destruction of the internal tissues of the tumor), cell homogeneity (different or the same structure of the tumor cell), mitotic activity (activity to divide the tumor), etc. e. Recently, even the study of tumor cells for histology (structure) does not always give a complete picture of the tumor, since mixed tumors often develop.

In addition, one type of tumor with progression can pass into another. Very often, after irradiation of a low-grade tumor, patients get a very aggressive high-grade tumor. But, by and large, histology, the location of the tumor, are very important for official medicine, surgery, radiation.

For the patient, the appearance of a headache, possibly vomiting, dizziness, epileptic seizures, disorder of coordination, speech, memory is important. The simplest examination option is to conduct magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, to determine the size and location of the tumor, the presence of fluid around the tumor.

Increased intracranial pressure occurs as a result of an increase in the volume of the brain, a violation of the circulation of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (fluid that fills the cavities of the spinal cord and brain), and as a result of the occurrence of cerebral edema. cerebral edema, ischemia(lack of blood supply), impaired oxygen circulation, cause not only a metabolic disorder in the nervous tissue and the death of nerve cells, but also compression, displacement of healthy brain tissues, which means a violation of speech, movement coordination, etc.

The same picture is observed in both benign tumors and malignant tumors - intracranial pressure also increases, cerebral edema appears, compression of healthy tissues, therefore, an untreated benign tumor leads to the same consequences as an untreated malignant one. In addition, as noted above, tumors can degenerate into malignant ones.

Official medicine insists on surgical treatment followed by irradiation of the tumor site. The operation is effective in cases of a benign or low-grade tumor, i.e. when there is a possibility of complete removal of the tumor. In cases of aggressive tumors such as anaplastic astrocytoma, lymphoma, anaplastic ependyoma or glioblastoma, radical removal of the tumor is never possible, due to deep penetration of the tumor into adjacent tissues.

In this case, the true size of the tumor significantly exceeds the visible one. It is believed that the removal of the main mass of the tumor by the surgeon creates favorable conditions for subsequent auxiliary treatment - irradiation. In fact, when the tumor is dissected, the subsequent rapid growth of the non-removed part of the tumor is noted, sometimes there is a hemorrhage in the tumor bed, which immediately makes the patient disabled. Irradiation is used only on operated tumors of a high degree of malignancy, which are more sensitive to this type of treatment.

The prognosis of such treatment of high-grade tumors is not encouraging: a fifth of patients live for about a year. Chemotherapy is more effective for secondary tumors, but even here the prospects are not encouraging.

ethnoscience offers treat brain tumors and improve the condition of patients in the treatment of official medicine. The key to proper treatment is to reduce swelling, intracranial pressure and headaches, reduce the size of the tumor and its complete disappearance. The selection of medicinal herbs should be approached carefully - what is successfully used in the treatment of other tumors may be a contraindication for the treatment of brain tumors.

For example, the drug immunal (based on Echinacea purpurea juice) reduces the contractility of the lymph nodes, which leads to increased stagnation in the lymph and the brain. Valerian. in such patients, it causes sleep disturbance, heavy dreams, and even an exciting effect instead of a calming one. Jungar aconite tincture. often used in advanced cancers, it can cause severe cerebral edema here. Pantocrine and lemongrass are not suitable for treatment. a apilac (royal jelly) can cause rapid growth of the tumor itself. Cow's milk. not commonly used in the treatment of cancer, it has been successfully used in brain therapy.

  • It is necessary to completely abandon table salt and any sources of sodium, using potassium, calcium and magnesium supplements instead. It must be remembered that a lack of potassium and calcium in food enhances the effect of an excess of sodium, and a lack of magnesium increases the permeability of cell membranes. To maintain the mineral balance, it is recommended to take any seaweed, preferably washed seaweed or brown seaweed. Salt substitutes, hyposol or sanasol can be used. It is not recommended to eat cheeses, sauerkraut, celery, mustard, dried fruits - foods high in sodium.
  • In nutrition, you need to abandon any hard-to-digest foods, as well as foods that cause flatulence: red meat, legumes (soy, peas, beans), kefir, kvass.
  • With any problems of the head, you can’t think, scream - all this increases the swelling of the brain. It is necessary to listen to pleasant, calm music, it is better with closed eyes, to walk in pleasant weather, and with an exacerbation of headaches, complete rest and sleep are shown.
  • For headaches. especially at night, a hot foot bath or continuous massage rubbing of the legs helps, until the pain or sleep of the patient decreases. Massage should deliver only pleasant sensations.
  • It is good to increase the outflow of fluid from the brain with various therapeutic dressings and lotions on the frontal region with the capture of the temples and on the occipital region with spread to the neck. Dilute any clay (there are worse reviews about blue clay) on table vinegar and apply a layer of one centimeter to the indicated places for 2 hours, do not cover with anything, after which the clay is buried in the ground.
    A faster and stronger therapeutic effect is provided by red clay diluted in children's urine (a child under three years old). You can make a bandage from steamed herbs, wrapping them in 1 - 2 layers of gauze and in the form of a roll dressed on your head. The bandage should not disrupt blood circulation, squeeze the head. For dressing, use the following herbs: violet, linden blossom, sage, yarrow, needles and crushed cones of common juniper have a very good effect. In good condition, a hat of herbs can be left for 6 to 8 hours.
  • As immunomodulators it is better to use thymalin injections 10 mg. intramuscularly at night, 10 days in a row. You can also use t-activin according to the instructions. You can not increase the standard dose, swelling is possible. Of the plant adaptogens, a decoction of saffron with a golden root has proven itself well. Pour two teaspoons of saffron stigmas with a glass of hot milk. Insist in a thermos for two hours. Take 1-2 tablespoons of warm milk infusion with 20 drops of radiola rosea tincture 3-4 times a day. The recipe well strengthens the wall of blood vessels, strengthens memory, renews brain cells.
  • Convulsions, epileptic seizures, as well as strengthening the walls of the vessels of the brain is used mistletoe infusion. One tablespoon of chopped mistletoe branches pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place. Take 50 - 100 ml. 3 times a day. Can be taken for a long time, in the absence of intoxication.
  • Significantly improves the condition of the constant intake of infusion from raspberry, rose hip, mint and blueberry leaves. Fruit can be used in place of blueberry leaves. Leaves of raspberry and wild rose cannot be changed for fruits. Brew the leaves in an arbitrary concentration, you can add honey to taste. A pleasant-tasting infusion is successfully used to treat brain tumors in children, in whom such tumors develop much more often and faster.
  • Tincture of the root milestone poisonous. To prepare the tincture, use a ratio of 20 gr. dry root (preferably 50 grams fresh) per 1 liter of vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks, strain. Start taking the first time in small doses. For example, the first 2-3 days, 1 drop 1 hour before breakfast and lunch with ¼ glass of water. Better drip drip the tincture into the infusion of mint or violet. which is insisted in the ratio of a tablespoon of herbs to a glass of boiling water. For the next 2-3 days, take 2 drops of milestone tincture 2 times a day.
    In a satisfactory condition, you can reach 5 or even 7 drops 2 times a day. Then reduce the dosage to 1 drop, 2 times a day and take a break. During the evening reception, it is better to give a tincture of wolf bast fruits, prepared at the rate of 500 ml. 70% alcohol per 15 gr. mature dry fruits. Insist 2-3 weeks.
    Accept wolf tincture similarly to tincture milestone. i.e. 2-3 days for 1 drop, 2-3 days for 2 drops, etc. You can raise the dosage to 10 drops per dose only if you are in a stable good condition. Children usually tolerate plant poisons very well, but the dosage for them, even with very good treatment, is best not to exceed 3 drops per dose. Tinctures of milestone and wolfberry can be taken for about 1 year. You can try to give inside instead of milestone and tincture of mottled hemlock. as practice shows, when using it, there are attacks of epilepsy, pain, impaired consciousness much more often.

2. With benign tumors and tumors with a low degree of malignancy.

  • horsetail extract on 60% alcohol, in a ratio of 1:5, is a strong antioxidant for the brain. Apply no more than two weeks.
  • Tinctures of astragalus membranous and atractylodis egghead with citrus peel. Astragalus and atractylodis tincture is prepared from crushed roots in 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Peel from citrus fruits (preferably from tangerines), pour boiling water for 2 hours, at the rate of 2 tablespoons of peel per glass of boiling water. Strain.
    Take 1/3 cup of infusion with 15 drops of astragalus tincture and 15 drops of atractylodes tincture 3 times a day. You can take 2 - 3 months. The prescription works quickly on benign, low grade tumors, but it cannot be used on high grade tumors, especially when the tumor is larger than 2 centimeters.
  • A decoction of flowering branches of Kuril tea in milk. at the rate of a tablespoon per glass, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, take on an empty stomach with a small amount of honey ½ cup 2-3 times a day. The recipe is well suited for people with dysbacteriosis, liver dysfunction, and the elderly. This delicious decoction can be taken for 2-3 months.

3. With aggressive tumors with a high degree of malignancy.

In aggressive types of brain cancer, an aqueous extract of herbs of low concentration, tropic for brain tumors, is added to the treatment, the so-called anti-cancer conductor. The drug can be used both externally and internally. The results are already visible after 3 months, for example, a person who hardly spoke or spoke incoherent speech begins to speak quite clearly. The conductor helps to conduct active substances into the tumor and easily penetrates there, destroying the DNA of the cancer.

In the process of tumor growth, the increased excitability of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex is replaced by a state of inhibition both in the cortex and in the hypothalamus. Violation of the transmission of nerve impulses leads to a drop in blood pressure, a slowdown in the rhythm of breathing and is accompanied by intensive tumor growth. In fairness, we note that sodium, against which we are so actively fighting, improves the conduction of nerve impulses. But if you eat seaweed or salt substitutes(see above), then the required amount of sodium in the body will be present. Support the work of the nervous system, arterial and especially venous pressure will help tincture of musk deer musk with mummy.

This recipe begins to act literally in 5 - 10 seconds from the moment it is taken. Musk musk deer not only enhances the effect of all the herbs taken, but also has its own healing effect. Musk tincture is prepared at the rate of 5 grams of musk bladder of musk deer, finely chopped, per 250 ml. vodka, insist with regular shaking for at least 1 month. Store in a dark place.

The dosage of musk can vary significantly depending on the condition of the patient. For those who are taking the tincture for the first time, it is better to start with a lower dosage, for example, with 5 drops 2-3 times a day after taking herbs or after meals. The usual dosage is 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day. The tincture is dripped into 20 ml. water, in which previously dissolved 0.2 g. mummy.

Keep the indicated solution in small portions in the mouth for faster absorption. Can be instilled into the nose. Typically, the prescription is used during the period of exacerbation of headaches or in a neglected state for a long time.

  • Decoction of Siberian cones prepared at the rate of 30 gr. leaves and flowers per 200 ml. boiling water, insist on a water bath for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup per dose, up to 5 times a day. Can be taken for a long time.
  • Tincture (or oil) periwinkle small. To prepare a strong preparation, only fresh flowering grass is needed, which is poured with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, infused for 7-10 days. In the preparation of periwinkle oil, refined olive oil is used, which is mixed with fresh raw materials also in a 1: 1 ratio, infused for 1 month in a dark, cool place, periodically mixed.
    The tincture is taken very carefully, as is the tincture of the milestone root. You can go up to 20 drops 3 times a day and this dosage can be taken for 2-3 months.

With a decrease in blood pressure, you need to reduce the dosage to 5 - 10 drops per dose. You can rub a few drops of tincture or oil into the occipital region or temples. Oil can also be taken by dripping it inside on bread, kept in the mouth a little, then swallowed. Dosage, depending on the pressure.

The oil acts on the head stronger and longer. The completeness of absorption and the rate of spread of active substances from herbs throughout the body and most importantly through the brain is provided by many components:

1. Constant intake of these herbs inside and out. When the state changes, you need to change the dosage, but do not cancel or abruptly start taking new drugs. Fast and complete penetration of herbs into the brain provides a medical inhaler for drugs, which does not heat the herbs, but simply creates an inhalation with a cold solution.

It is good to spray vegetable poisons into the nose, especially hemlock tincture, because it contains a volatile alkaloid - horse meat. Musk tincture with mumiyo (see below), a decoction of juniper branches, white mistletoe, shiksha (see below) also helps a lot.

2. To penetrate the herbs into the brain through the blood-brain barrier (protective barrier) and reduce tissue swelling, be sure to use a significant amount in the diet. protein products. For example, fatty sea fish (trout, salmon), squid, shrimp, 5% cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and honey, boiled chicken breast without skin, etc.

3. The presence of a large amount of bile in the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. ensuring good liver function with a choleretic effect, which is best provided by the following herbs. Burdock juice (you can decoction of the root) ¼ cup 3 times a day, ensures the water-salt balance of the body. Dandelion root decoction(a tablespoon of roots in a glass of boiling water) "dries the body."

Take 1 glass during the day fractionally. Juniper branches in the form of a decoction. at the rate of 2 tablespoons of branches per 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup of decoction 3 times a day.

Juniper "dries the brain." The needles expand and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and the stems of the branches have anti-cancer activity. Abkhaz hellebore root powder. contains anti-cancer fats that are quickly absorbed by the brain. Apply 1 - 2 match heads 2 - 3 times a day.

You need to know that root powders are only valid for 1 year, in addition, you need to store hellebore root powder in a tight plastic bag, in a dark, cool place.

4. It is better not to use sleeping pills or herbs with a strong sedative effect, they can significantly reduce blood and lymph circulation in the vessels, increase blood clots. The ideal herb, especially for the easily excitable, is shiksha - "dear grass". Great for healing and relaxation.

A decoction is prepared in the ratio of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup at any time.

5. It is better not to take diuretics, such as furasemide. The therapeutic effect of strong diuretics lasts exactly 3 days, then there is a deterioration in circulation in the tissues. Better to use mild diuretics(for example, veroshpiron. it reduces the effect of a hormone that causes swelling) or herbs that do not irritate the kidneys. Good for brain tumors branches and fruits of honeysuckle. which are prepared and taken similarly to shiksha. Add cucumbers, quince to food.

Anti-cancer conductors this is a new word in the treatment of cancer by phytotherapy, including brain cancer. Positive results can appear within 2-3 months even with advanced stages of brain cancer.

Even more important is the subsequent fate of substances in the body, the rate of neutralization and excretion. This is especially true of a closed space - the brain. Be sure not only to have a regular chair, but even diarrhea! Yes, loose stools dry out tissues and reduce headaches. Of course, you should not get carried away, but during severe headaches, all means are good.

We recommend not only Abkhaz hellebore powder. but also Palasa milkweed root powder. having anti-cancer properties. With an increase in the dose, usually up to 3-5 match heads, the stool loosens. Note that agents that irritate the intestinal mucosa should be taken with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, you need to take regularly onion, wild garlic, garlic These are invaluable helpers for brain problems. Do not forget about antioxidants, and the simplest of them are vitamins A, E, C. Vitamins D and P have a positive effect on the brain.

Fight and you will succeed.

Nettle and its beneficial properties

We often come across various tips and recipes that include nettles.

This plant is indeed rich in beneficial properties, however, like any herb, it should be consumed wisely without risking harm to your health.

That is why we offer this article, where we consider the beneficial properties, as well as its use in maintaining male and female health.

Many people know that nettle has many healing properties.

It has been known as a medicinal herb since ancient times and to this day it is used, both in traditional medicine and in pharmacology.

A little information about the plant

Nettle is a herbaceous plant that grows everywhere in our latitudes.

It has branched rhizomes and a powerful root.

It grows from sixty to two hundred centimeters.

The plant is dotted with burning hairs along its entire length.

The stem of these plants is elongated.

Full, herbaceous stem.

The two most common types are stinging nettle and stinging nettle.

Stinging nettle reaches its largest size.

Most often, it grows near dwellings, in wastelands, in forest belts and on the banks of rivers.

The leaves of the plant, saturated green, with long petioles, equilateral, entire-opposite.

Nettle is stinging in appearance, the same as dioecious, but on the leaves of this nettle there are small hairs.

The hair of this plant consists of small cells.

On the surface of the leaf it is visible to the naked eye.

At the thin upper end, the hair contains silicon salts.

At the tip of the hair, the sheath is very thin.

When touched, the head breaks off, and then thin cells pierce the skin and all the contents are poured into the wound.

Her burn is unpleasant, though not dangerous.

True, there are tropical species of nettle, the burn of which is life-threatening.

About fifty species of this plant are found throughout the world.

They choose for themselves the more temperate zones of the Northern or Southern hemispheres.

It can also grow on soils with poor fertilizer and in alder forests, under fences and near roads.

Most often, she chooses soil that is rich in organic fertilizers.

Beneficial features

The real leader in the number of medicinal properties that are universally recognized is nettle.

This burning herb is a real find of nature, because its benefits are unique.

However, you need to use it with caution, because it has the ability to greatly thicken the blood.

This plant should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure.

Despite this, nettle, after all, is a storehouse of useful qualities that are so necessary for people's lives.

Since ancient times, nettle dioecious has been used in herbal medicine, as it had extremely beneficial properties for the human body.

It has a huge chemical set of trace elements.

For example, vitamin K - it has a very good effect on blood clotting, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Also in this plant, there is a lot of calcium in the form of carbonate, it does not have a negative effect on the kidneys, even if it is consumed in large quantities.

It contains very useful formic acid, some flavonoids and tannins.

Nettle also has the glory of a substance that quickly removes toxins from the human body.

This is due to the content of cellulose, polysaccharides, lignins and vitamins B, C, E and K.

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Diet tilapia, what could be easier! Read the article about this wonderfully tasty fish.

Read here: article which foods contain zinc.

This plant contains beta-carotene, which has a positive effect on vision and strengthening the body from the inside.

For people suffering from chronic diseases, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis - it is very useful.

If a person has reduced immunity, then this useful plant stimulates the metabolism and carbohydrates in the body.

It effectively treats problems associated with digestion, increased gas formation, and nausea.

Nettle has a beneficial effect on mucous surfaces.

So it is used in the treatment of throat, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, bleeding from the nose and pain in the mouth.

Useful qualities of leaves

The main properties of nettle leaves are their richness in vitamins and the ability to improve blood circulation.

There are some vitamins of group B, E, iron salts, flavonoids, coumarins, chlorophyll.

For allergies, asthma, urticaria and other allergic dermatitis, the leaves of this plant have been used as a therapeutic and homeopathic remedy to relieve irritation.

Nettle for men

Nettle has long been known to have beneficial properties for maintaining male strength.

For this purpose, the seeds of this plant are used.

They need to be brewed and drunk as tea in the morning and evening, but only half an hour before meals.

You can also use dry nettle leaf tea for prostate adenoma, which has beneficial properties, but only in the first and second stages.

Dry leaves should be taken in two tablespoons and you can still use the roots of this plant, which also have beneficial properties.

You need to take this drink in the morning and in the evening from one and a half to two months.

Nettle benefits for hair

Nettle is one of the most popular plants for hair today, as it has beneficial properties.

The use of this plant is the best way to strengthen them, as well as protect them from hair loss and other diseases.

There are many ways to use nettle for hair.

If you apply it correctly, then you can get rid of hair loss, oiliness, dandruff and brittle hair.

It has good antiseptic, firming and anti-inflammatory properties.

It contains a lot of nutrients that can give our hair strength and shine.

It can be used in any form, these are masks, and shampoos, and you can also take it inside.

If it is dried, it will not lose its medicinal properties.

Thanks to this, nettles can be used all year round.

If you often use decoctions and masks from this useful plant, we can improve and restore damaged hair, improve their color.

Nettle contains many useful elements and minerals that are very necessary for our hair.

Our grandmothers always used nettle, and their hair was long, thick and healthy.

They can only be envied.

You can use it in decoctions and tinctures, as our grandmothers did, or in shampoos and masks.

An excellent adjuvant for better hair growth is nettle oil.

It can be used both as a balm and as a mask.

Now there are a very large number of masks from this wonderful plant that will help us get rid of many hair diseases.

People who are prone to folk remedies believe that if you rinse your hair with nettles from childhood, then you can not be afraid of dandruff, excessive brittleness and severe hair loss.

Most of us can no longer use this chance, but it's never too late to start.

Rinsing your hair with nettle is not a difficult job, and it is available to everyone.

After this procedure, the hair looks well-groomed and combs better.

The use of nettle in gynecology

The beneficial properties of nettle in gynecology have been used since ancient times for menstruation, because this plant reduces bleeding and also normalizes the cycle.

The main element for blood clotting is vitamin K, which is also responsible for these processes during the cycle.

It is prescribed for painful and prolonged periods, it is advised to use decoctions based on this plant.

After all, it increases the level of hemoglobin and platelets in the blood.

This tool has another advantage - it perfectly cleanses the blood.

You can also use its juice diluted with water to stimulate lactation.

Contraindications to the use of this plant

Like any drug or substance, nettle has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

It is not worth taking this plant for patients who have thick blood, as well as thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, as this can subsequently lead to blood clots.

You can not use nettle-based preparations if you have kidney problems, as well as if you suffer from atherosclerosis or hypertension.

Nettle has many useful properties, but its contraindications must also be taken into account.

Before taking decoctions from this plant, you need to be diagnosed by a doctor.

It is forbidden to take it during pregnancy, because it can stimulate the uterus to premature birth.

It is also forbidden to use it for tumors.

Before you decide to take nettle or nettle decoctions, be sure to talk with your doctor and herbalist.

Any remedy can have its own contraindications, no matter whether it is nettle or another medicinal plant.

Remember that any medicine can be poison.

Nettle is a universal herbal remedy that is used in various fields of human activity, from pharmacology to cosmetology and herbal medicine.

However, it should be used with caution, using the best properties of the plant.

Reviews about this plant

A few reviews from our readers about the beneficial properties of nettle:

In the country, I always wash my hair with nettles

Larisa, Moscow

I start collecting nettles at the beginning of summer, they are still young. I also use it as a hair conditioner.

Hope, Samara

In this video, you will be told and shown why nettle is so valuable

Treatment with nettle

With immunodeficiency

People often face a deficiency of immunity, as a result of which they often get sick, in this case, nettle juice will help strengthen the body.

They drink nettle juice along with juices of carrots, cranberries, lingonberries, birches. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of the juice mixture in 50 ml of boiled or filtered water, drink 3-5 times a day.

nettle juice recipe

In order to make juice from nettles, you need to choose only young, flowering shoots 30 cm or 40 cm long. Nettles need to be washed, finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder. Then strain through cheesecloth. You can prepare juice for the future (200 g of vodka is added to 1 liter of juice). You can store nettle juice in this form for a year in a cool place (from 0 to + 5 ° C).

For wounds that do not heal for a long time

The most famous property of nettle since ancient times is its ability to heal wounds, burns and ulcers well. To do this, you need to grind the collected fresh nettle leaves and sprinkle them on ulcerated or injured skin several times a day (usually the procedure is carried out 3 times a day), applying a light bandage on top, or without it.

With bleeding

Of course, any kind of bleeding requires immediate medical attention. The hemostatic effect of nettle is associated with the presence of vitamin K in the leaves, the latter has a stimulating effect on the liver and it begins to produce prothrombin, which is responsible for blood clotting. As a hemostatic agent, fresh nettle is used for: nasal, uterine, pulmonary, intestinal, hemorrhoidal bleeding. Brew fresh nettle leaves at the rate of: 100 g per half liter of boiling water and after 30 minutes the infusion can be drunk 100 ml from 3 to 5 times a day between meals.

But herbal preparations with nettle are more effective, with the addition of burnet, shepherd's purse, yarrow, plantain, horsetail. Since the use of nettle infusion makes the blood more viscous, then people with "thick blood" need to use it carefully and here you can not do without consulting a doctor.

In dry form, nettle loses vitamin K and therefore already acts in a different way - it slows down the process of blood clotting.

With oncology

Nettle is successfully used during cancer treatment both before surgery and during chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as during recovery after a hospital. Nettle is included in the collections and its percentage in them is quite high - at least 20-30%.

Women's diseases

Nettle - a folk remedy, known in the treatment of female diseases: menstrual disorders, inflammation of the appendages, menopause, fibrocystic mastopathy, endometriosis, infertility. In gynecological collections, the share of nettle is from 5 to 15%. It should be remembered that with bleeding uterine polyps and fibromyoma, nettle in its pure form is contraindicated, it is only possible to use it with the composition of the fees after prior consultation with the doctor.

Drinking nettle tea is a well-known remedy for increasing milk lactation. In addition, this will protect the child from infections, strengthen his immunity, and reduce nervous excitability. To brew nettle tea, you need to take 2 tablespoons (dry nettle leaf) per half liter of boiling water, leave for at least half an hour, drink such tea throughout the day, regardless of meals. Nettle tea is useful for everyone to drink as a strengthening and tonic drink, you can add a little honey to it. It has been proven that this tea protects much better from various diseases than Ceylon, Indian and Chinese teas, you can drink one or two cups 2-3 times a day.

In winter, you can brew and drink this healing drink from dry leaves and nettle roots. To do this, pour 2 heaping tablespoons of the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water and soak for 20 minutes on the smallest fire, cool and drink in between meals.

For stomach cancer

In case of stomach cancer with low acidity and severe anemia, the following collection is brewed: take elecampane root, calamus, wormwood, yarrow - one tablespoon each, nettle leaf - 3 tablespoons, celandine - 0.5 tablespoon. Take 1 tablespoon of herbal collection and pour 300 ml of water, put on fire, sweat under the lid on low heat for 5-7 minutes, and leave to infuse for an hour. Then strain, divide into three parts and drink with honey and nettle juice, adding them 1 tablespoon twice a day - an hour before a meal and once not long before bedtime. Drink in courses of 1.5 or 2 months. A month later, the composition of the blood improves. To obtain the result, it is necessary to conduct 2-3 similar courses per year.

With prostate adenoma

Nettle roots are treated - 300 ml of hot water, pour 1 tablespoon of nettle roots and simmer for 10 minutes on low heat, then turn off the fire and let it brew for half an hour. Divide into three parts and drink before the meal. The course of treatment is from a couple of weeks to 2 months. In addition, according to this recipe, they treat a prolonged cough, get rid of edema and ascites.

With impotence and infertility in men

Nettle seeds - apply 3-5 times a day before meals, 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment is one and a half to two months. During treatment, it is good to combine flower bee pollen - take 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals.

For hair loss

Good results are obtained by rinsing with a decoction of nettle hair when it falls out. Sometimes, due to stressful situations, during menopause, after taking hormones, hair begins to fall out, a decoction of nettle will help stop this. Take 150 g of dry leaves, brew 0.5 liters of hot water and then simmer on the lowest heat for half an hour. Then add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the filtered broth and you can rinse your hair with it, the procedure can be repeated 2 or 3 times a week (then do not rinse your hair with water). It is better to conduct a whole treatment course that takes 3-4 months. This recipe is also suitable for those undergoing radiation therapy.

With epilepsy

Good results in the treatment of epilepsy date infusion with the collection of nettles, which includes such antiepileptic herbs as: valerian, sandman, hawthorn, lemon balm, oregano, blue cyanosis, calendula, hops, sage. This collection of herbs, in which the proportion of nettle is 10-20%, reduces the occurrence of seizures and the severity of seizures. Long-term treatment - from two to three or more months against the background of taking antiepileptic drugs. Brew 1 tablespoon of a mixture of dry herbs with 400 ml of water, as it boils - reduce and simmer over reduced heat for 5-8 minutes. Leave to infuse for an hour, then strain and add a tablespoon of motherwort, colza, celandine, or calendula juice to the infusion - to choose from, drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before a meal.

For colds, bronchitis, pneumonia

In pulmonology, nettle, which is included in various herbal collections, is used for: laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, colds, and whooping cough.

For treatment, nettles are taken - 2 parts and 1 part each: plantain, pine buds, eucalyptus, sweet clover, thyme, echinacea, elecampane, coltsfoot and veronica.1 tbsp. brew a spoonful of the collection with 400 ml of hot water, as it boils, reduce the heat and simmer for another 5-8 minutes. Leave to cool for an hour, then strain, and add a tablespoon of plantain, elderberry, duckweed, sweet clover, elecampane juice to the infusion - to choose from. Drink half an hour before a meal, 100 ml a day three times. Treatment until recovery, on average, is a month and a half.

With diabetes

They drink a collection of medicinal herbs with nettles: nettle (3 parts), goat's rue (3 parts), bean leaves (2 parts), dandelion (2 parts), blueberry shoots (2 parts), licorice (1 part), walnut leaf (1 part). Take 1 tablespoon of herbs, pour 400 ml of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes. After insisting an hour, take one quarter cup four times a day a quarter of an hour after eating. At the same time, you can drink nettle juice (1-2 tablespoons a day). Courses of one and a half to two weeks, and in between, take nettle seeds (1 teaspoon) after each meal.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

An infusion of nettle leaves is good for liver diseases, bile duct problems, dysbacteriosis, constipation, dysentery. Brew 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials with 300 ml of boiling water and, after insisting for an hour in a warm place, take it, dividing the portion into three times, before meals.

With gout and urolithiasis

Nettle is able to remove urate salts, it is used both as part of fees (30%) and separately: pour 3 tablespoons with half a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink a course of one and a half to two months, 4 or 5 times a day in an amount of 100 ml at a time.

Fresh nettle preparations increase blood clotting This means that there are limitations in their use for patients with thrombophlebitis, people with high blood prothrombin. And it is the doctor who will help you choose the right dosage of nettle infusions, in some cases he will recommend taking nettle in combination with other plants.

By the way, dried nettle infusions do not affect blood clotting.

It is known that the use of fresh nettle infusion contributes to an increase in the number of platelets and hemoglobin in the blood of cancer patients during chemotherapy. Such treatment has a beneficial effect on the activity of the liver, which suffers greatly during chemotherapy. However, studies have shown that large doses of stinging nettle stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, scientists have established the optimal safe dose of nettle preparations for cancer patients. It is 1.5 tablespoons of chopped fresh nettle leaf per 200-300 ml of boiling water per day.

Nettle is known to have pronounced hemostatic properties. This is due to the presence of vitamin K in the leaves of the plant. And it stimulates the production in the liver of one of the most important blood coagulation factors - prothrombin. Therefore, the use of fresh nettles (infusions, salads, juices) increases blood clotting and fluidity.

In the same time drying nettles destroys vitamin K. It has been experimentally proven that the use of dry nettle infusion (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water) reduces blood clotting and fluidity. If prothrombin is lowered, that is, blood coagulates poorly, I advise you to use nettle with radish - in the form of salads or juice. In addition, it is not bad to prepare juices in a combination of nettle with other plants - yarrow, burnet, plantain, horsetail.

Oncology: before surgery, during chemotherapy and radiation therapy, for follow-up treatment after a hospital, nettle should be included in the fees and make up at least 20-30% of them. The duration of application is not limited. We recommend combining with the intake of juice, pollen, plant poisons of hemlock, aconite.

Meanwhile, folk medicine knows cases when patients were cured of cancer just by adding nettle to all dishes of their daily diet. Nettle salad is very popular, which is recommended for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

nettle salad for cancer treatment
To prepare the salad, you will need young stinging or dioecious nettles, which are preferably picked at sunrise. Hold the plucked grass for 1 hour in cold water, then cut and grind in a wooden or porcelain mortar. Combine the crushed nettle with ground garlic (to taste), add chopped spinach, sorrel (proportion with nettle 1: 1), a little parsley, dill, a couple of boiled eggs. Season the resulting mass with any vegetable oil, lemon juice.

Stinging and dioecious nettle - an indispensable cure for cancer and other diseases
Stinging and dioica nettles have been used since ancient times to treat many different ailments. The notorious Ibn Sina wrote about this many centuries ago, pointing out that “a medicinal dressing made from a mixture of nettle and vinegar contributes to the maturation and opening of abscesses.” And "its seeds in the form of a medicinal bandage help against cancer." Similar information about the treatment of cancer with the help of fresh leaves and ashes of the nettle can also be found in the notes of Avicenna. The antitumor effect of stinging or dioecious nettle is achieved due to the content of chlorophyll in the herb (up to 8%), which has a tonic, stimulating, wound-healing effect, and also improves metabolism, stimulates skin healing. An interesting fact is that nettle chlorophyll is not destroyed during boiling, which cannot be said about vitamins A, C, E. Therefore, some scientists believe that nettle and the chlorophyll contained in it in the fight for human health (as well as in the treatment of cancer) will play even greater role than these antioxidant vitamins. Researchers believe that chlorophyll is concentrated solar energy, a kind of "blood" of plants.
In addition, young leaves of stinging and dioecious nettles contain 2 times more ascorbic acid than black currant fruits, and more carotene than sorrel leaves, sea buckthorn berries, carrot roots. Due to its rich composition, fire-grass has unique properties: hemostatic, expectorant, diuretic, antidiarrheal, choleretic, wound healing, antitumor. It is able to increase hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in the blood. And, of course, stinging and dioecious nettle contains a huge amount of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, which have a general strengthening, healing effect, allows you to quickly restore strength during or after a serious illness (for example, after cancer treatment).

Nettle and treatment of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, prostate cancer
The German Public Health Service made an official statement that for prostatitis, prostate cancer, prostate adenoma in stages I and II, it is recommended to drink tea from the leaves and rhizomes of stinging or dioecious nettle. It is an ideal diuretic for such diseases with severe urinary retention. To prepare a drink, take 2 tsp. leaves or rhizomes of the plant and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Boil 5 minutes, then strain. Drink nettle tea for cancer treatment warm, 1 cup in small sips in the morning and evening for 5-6 weeks.
It is not recommended to use tea from stinging nettle with stagnation, accumulation of water as a result of acute heart or kidney failure.

Nettle and kidney cancer treatment
In folk medicine, severe kidney diseases (wrinkling, pyonephrosis), equivalent to kidney cancer, are often treated with herbal tea, where nettle takes pride of place. The composition of this herbal mixture includes: golden rod (common goldenrod), deaf nettle, real bedstraw (equal proportions). To prepare the infusion, take 4 tsp. with the top of chopped grass, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave to brew, strain. During the day, it is recommended to drink 4 glasses of warm infusion.

Nettle and breast cancer treatment
In the treatment of breast cancer (breast cancer), fresh stinging nettle should be finely chopped and mixed with honey. The resulting mass in the form of a medicinal bandage should be applied to the sore spot. To purulent wounds, you can apply clean fresh leaves of nettle or stinging nettle to cleanse them of pus. Also, ulcers can be sprinkled with dry nettle powder.

Nettle and Stomach Cancer Treatment
For the treatment of stomach cancer in case of severe anemia and low acidity, you can use the drug collection in the following proportions: 3 tsp. stinging nettle, 1 tsp calamus root, 1 tsp elecampane, 1 tsp yarrow, 1 tsp wormwood, 0.5 tsp celandine. Plants must be crushed, then 1 tbsp. throw the herbal mixture into 0.4 liters of cold water, boil, leave under the lid over low heat for 7 minutes. Leave the broth ready for an hour, then strain, add 1-2 tbsp. nettle juice, 1 tbsp. honey. Drink 100ml 3r. a day an hour before meals and 1r. before bedtime. The course of treatment for stomach cancer is 1.5 months.

Nettle and treatment of skin cancer (melanoma)
Non-healing wounds in skin cancer are treated in the same way as in breast cancer, sprinkling them with crushed dry leaves of nettle dioica. In addition, a special ointment can be prepared to treat skin cancer. To do this, you need a powder of nettle and drop caps (taken in 1 tbsp.), 20 g of beeswax, 20 g of pine resin, 1 tsp. aloe juice, a little burnt alum (literally on the tip of a knife). Throw all the listed ingredients into boiling chicken fat, put in a water bath. Boil 1.5 hours. Treatment of skin cancer with a prepared ointment is as follows: a thick layer of ointment should be applied to a clean gauze napkin and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin for 2 hours. Repeat procedure 2p. in a day.

Contraindications for the treatment of cancer with nettle
Since nettle contains a huge amount of unique vitamin K, which helps to increase blood clotting, it is better not to abuse it for the elderly, as well as for those who suffer from increased blood clotting, hypertension, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and burning grass. With atherosclerosis, bleeding caused by polyps, cysts or other tumors of the uterus and its appendages, it is also worth refusing treatment with stinging nettle.
When using folk remedies for treating cancer with stinging or dioica nettles, do not forget to inform your oncologist.

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