Rosehip cinnamon (May rosehip). Rosehip cinnamon useful, medicinal properties, application, treatment Rosehip cinnamon Latin name

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Rosehip cinnamon (cinnamon rose) - Rosa cinnamomea L.

May rosehip (cinnamon rosehip, cinnamon rose) - Rosa
majalis Herrm. (R. cinnamomea L.)

About 90 species grow on the territory of our country.
wild rose. There are shrubs with black fruits, spherical
and even spindle-shaped. But usually they are no larger than the forest
walnut and have an oval shape.

Rosaceae family - Rosaceae

Common names: wild rose, rose

Botanical characteristic

Perennial shrub up to 2 m high, with red-brown
branches covered with thin straight thorns. Leaf-bearing
shoots also have thin straight spines. Flowers solitary,
pink; fruits - hypanthia - spherical, orange-red,
soft, sweet and sour. For cinnamon rose hips are characteristic
entire, upwardly directed sepals remaining
fruits. What we call rose hips, in fact
in fact, false fruits, and real ones are small hard nuts
yellowish-brown color - are inside, surrounded
many thin coarse hairs. Therefore, before
eat rose hips, they are cleaned of grains and especially
carefully - from prickly hairs.

Blooms from mid-May to July.

The fruits ripen in August-September.


The plant is widespread in all areas.
Occurs in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part
Russia (except the Far North), in Western and Eastern
Siberia, in the Southern Urals. Grows along forest edges, in floodplains
rivers, beams, ravines.

Medicinal raw materials

Medicinal raw materials are false fruits, seeds, in
traditional medicine branches and roots (15 cm from the surface
earth), leaves collected during flowering.

Fruits and seeds are harvested in August-September; flowers and
leaves - during flowering; roots - in autumn and early spring.

Mature fruits are used when they are orange in color.
turns bright red. During this period they contain
the maximum amount of ascorbic acid. Gather them
manually, carefully, as the fruits are rumpled and
damaged easily develops mold. Should not be removed
sepals, because without them, the fruits quickly deteriorate and

It is possible to distinguish low-vitamin species from high-vitamin species without
resorting to chemical analysis, and according to the sepals, which
remain at the upper end of false fruits, up to their
maturation. In high-vitamin sepals stand erect, and
in low-vitamin ones - lowered down, pressed against the walls

Thick gloves are worn to protect against thorns. Not to
damage the fruits, they are poured into baskets covered with
cloth. Collection must be done before the onset of frost. touched
Frost fruits during thawing very quickly lose vitamins.
Immediately after harvest, the fruits are dried in ovens or dryers at
temperature 80-100 C and stored in a dry place.

Shelf life 2 years.

Chemical composition

Berries: sugar (up to 18%); vitamins C (5-20%), B2, P, K, E,
carotene (12-18 mg%); organic acids - malic and
lemon; pectin substances (3.7%); flavone glycosides;
essential oil; pentosan, anthocyanins; tannins
(4.5%); dyes, potassium mineral salts (a lot),
iron, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum,
cobalt, chromium, copper; kaempferol and quercetin.

Seeds: fatty oils; vitamin E, carotene.

Flowers: essential oil (0.04% in fresh petals); tannins

Leaves: vitamin C (135.4 mg% - in young, 254.1 mg% - in
fruiting period) ellagic acid; tannins

Roots: tannins.

Pharmacological properties

Rosehip is a multivitamin plant. basic biological
its activity is determined by ascorbic acid, which
together with dihydroascorbic acid, formed during
its oxidation, participates in oxidative deamination
aromatic amino acids, activates a number of enzymatic
systems, stimulates the body's resistance to harmful
environmental influences, etc. It has been established that
P-vitamin activity of rose hips depends on the presence of
flavone and anthocyanin compounds. They also cause
antioxidant and volatile properties of the plant.

In addition to vitamin activity, rose hips have
anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic
properties. They also enhance tissue regeneration, synthesis
hormones, favorably affect carbohydrate metabolism and
vascular permeability. Simultaneously increase
acidity of gastric juice. Provides antimicrobial,
antiatherosclerotic, sedative, antiscorbutic,
hemostatic, astringent, immunomodulating action.


As a multivitamin plant, rosehip recommends mainly
with a lack of vitamins C and P in the body, as
general tonic for depletion of the body,
anemia and other diseases. experimental
it has been proven that an extract from rose hips enhances
secretion of bile and therefore is indicated in complex therapy
diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Rosehip preparations are used for acute and
chronic infections, atherosclerosis, diseases
intestines, peptic ulcer, pneumonia and bronchopneumonia and

Dosage forms

Ascorbic acid (Acidum ascorbicum).
Available in tablets.

Galascorbin (Galascorbinum).
A complex compound of potassium salts of gallic and
ascorbic acids. Yellow powder, good
soluble in water, highly hygroscopic. Galascorbin
used for burns, cracks, as an anti-inflammatory
agent in a 0.5-1% solution for wetting napkins and
irrigation. Stored in hermetically sealed bottles
cool, dark place.

Syrup prepared on condensed water extract of fruits
rose hips and sugar. Thick, syrupy
dark brown liquid with sweet and sour taste,
kind of smell. Prescribed for cholecystitis, hepatitis
1 tsp at the reception 2-3 times a day, children 1/4
tsp at the reception 2-3 times a day. Stored in dry
cool place. Produced in bottles of 250 ml.

Infusion of rose hips.
1 st. l. unpeeled rose hips
crushed so that the particles are no more than 0.5 mm, placed in
porcelain or enamel vessel, pour 2
cups of boiling water, cover with a lid and put on
boiling water bath for 15 minutes, stirring frequently. Then
removed from the bath and left to stand for 24
hours, then filter, drink 1/4-1/2 cup 2 times a day.

Infusion of peeled rose hips
prepared in the same way, with the only difference that they boil in
for 10 minutes, insist for 2-3
hours. The dose of the drug is also 1/2-1/4 cup.
For children, rosehip infusion is prepared in the same ratio as
as mentioned above, and sugar is added to improve the taste
or syrup.

Rosehip syrup.
The official preparation of rose hips produced by
medical industry with a vitamin C content of 5 mg per
1 ml

Rosehip tablets.
Official preparation from rose hips,
standardized for vitamin C content 20 mg each

Dry rose hips are part of various vitamin
fees. So, vitamin tea number 1 consists of equal parts
rose hips and currant berries; No. 2 - from fruits
wild rose and rowan berries, taken equally.

infusion of rosehip leaves has antimicrobial and
analgesic properties and is used in
gastrointestinal diseases.

From rosehip seeds
oil is obtained, which is applied externally as
wound healing remedy for stomatitis, bedsores,
dermatoses, etc.

Cut fresh, ripe fruits, remove seeds, dry in
shade or in a well-ventilated warm room. Good
grind dried fruits in a coffee grinder or grind in
powder. Mix equal parts of fruits and vegetable oil.
Put the dishes in a boiling water bath for 3 hours and
stir the contents periodically. Then strain the mass
through double cheesecloth and store in a bottle in a cool dark
place. This rosehip oil is an effective remedy for
treatment of nipple cracks in a nursing mother, cervical erosion
(douching, applying an oil-soaked tampon),
stomatitis, cracks in the oral mucosa.

Other types

Rose hips (R. acicularis Lindl.)

Differs from cinnamon in very thin, straight or slightly
curved spines, often 2 at the base
leaves. The fruits are oval, 1.5-2.5 cm long.
ascorbic acid is up to 4.29% absolutely dry
fruit weight or 2.3-5.4% dry weight of fruit pulp.

Daurian rosehip (R. davurica Pall.)

Unlike cinnamon, it is covered with brown or black-purple
bark and has narrow, finely serrated and glandular along the edge,
mostly slightly pubescent, often reddish
stipules. The fruits are spherical, 1-1.5 cm in diameter.
Distributed in southern Siberia, Primorye and the Amur region. Fruit
contain about 2.8% ascorbic acid.

Rosehip wrinkled (R. rugosa Thunb.)

Differs in numerous, unequal in length and
strength, usually thin, pubescent spikes with an admixture
needle-shaped spines or setae, dark crimson
petals, strongly wrinkled leaves and large (up to
2.5 cm in diameter) globular or oblate globular
bright red fruits. Growing in the Far East.
The content of ascorbic acid in fruits ranges from 1.33
up to 6.33% in terms of the dry weight of the pulp.

Rosehip Begger (R. beggerana Schrenk)

It has almost erect, slender, bluish branches, white
flowers and very small (0.5-1.4 cm long), mostly
spherical red fruits, which after ripening
the sepals and disk fall off, and in the upper part a
a wide opening that allows you to see the achenes. grows in
Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Contains about 8.75%
ascorbic acid in terms of the mass of dry fruits.

Rosehip Fedchenko (R. fedtschenkoana Regel)

Differs from cinnamon in large (up to 8 cm in diameter)
white, rarely pink flowers and very large (length 5
cm), almost always bristly fruits. grows on
Tien Shan and Pamir. Fruit pulp contains 6.22-9.84%
ascorbic acid (in terms of dry weight).

You should avoid blanks as a high-vitamin
Raw dog rose hips (R. canina L.),

Most similar to cinnamon. Young shoots it strong
curved, with greenish or reddish-brown bark without bluish
raid. Sepals pinnately dissected, after flowering
bend down and fall off long before fruit ripening,
therefore, the fruits do not have a hole at the top. growing
usually in sparse forests, on the edges, clearings,
shrubby and grassy slopes, along the banks of rivers and
streams. Begins to bear fruit at 3 years of age
the yield of wild-growing thickets is subject to significant
fluctuations and depends on the weather conditions of the year, features
habitat, age of thickets and is 0.1-1.6 t/ha.
Dog rose hips are conventionally referred to as southern
low-vitamin species due to their low content
ascorbic acid. It is prepared separately from others.
types of rose hips. It is used in the form of the drug holosas.


Care must be taken in the use
ascorbic acid in some conditions of the body.
There are indications that long-term use of large
doses of ascorbic acid can lead to depression
insulin-producing function of the pancreas.
Therefore, it is recommended to control the sugar content in
blood, especially when prescribing massive doses or prolonged
the use of ascorbic acid.

It is also necessary to take into account the ability of ascorbic acid
stimulate adrenal function and promote
overproduction of corticosteroids, which
under certain conditions can cause dysfunction

Contraindications for the use of ascorbic acid
are thrombophlebitis and other diseases,
accompanied by a tendency to form blood clots.

Latin name: Rosa cinnamonea L.

Family: Rosaceae.

Other names: Rose cinnamon.

The birthplace of Cinnamon Rosehip is the European part of Russia, Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. Under natural conditions, it grows in forests, among shrubs, near fields and in ravines. It is practically not grown in culture, because. from the point of view of decorative use is not attractive.

The height of the medicinal plant can reach two meters. The branches are densely covered with thorns, which protect it from being eaten by herbivores. Young branches are green, old ones are brown-brown. Flowers appear only on biennial shoots, flowering time is May-August.

Rosehip cinnamon is able to form impenetrable thickets due to the abundant development of the root system. Leaves consist of 5-7 pairs of leaflets. The perianth is formed by five large pink petals, the flowers have a delicate pleasant smell. Bright fruits are fleshy, elliptical or round, are false. Rosehip is perfect as a rootstock for cultivated roses.

Medicinal use: In folk medicine, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and roots of a medicinal plant are used. Leaves and flowers must be collected during flowering, roots - in autumn or early spring, fruits - during ripening.

This species has a very high content of vitamin C, and it also contains sugars, tannins and pectin, citric and malic acids, vitamins B and K, and many other useful substances.

As a prophylactic against colds and a source of vitamins, an infusion of cinnamon rose hips is used. Fruits on the content of vitamins far surpass all other plants. Water infusion not only increases the body's resistance to various infections, but also has a restorative and tonic effect.

An aqueous infusion of fruits also stimulates the function of the gonads, weakens the development of arteriosclerosis, increases the secretion of bile, weakens and stops bleeding, reduces the fragility of blood capillaries, enhances the regeneration of bone and soft tissues, increases urination, and has a slight laxative effect.

Cinnamon rosehip seeds have a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect. An aqueous infusion of the leaves has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect, and is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. A decoction of the roots has an antiseptic, astringent and choleretic effect.

A decoction of the roots is used in nephrolithiasis as a stone-dissolving agent. In Tibetan medicine, the medicinal plant is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, neurasthenia and arteriosclerosis. In scientific medicine, fruit infusion is used for uterine bleeding, arteriosclerosis, frostbite, burns and various wounds.

Outwardly, a decoction of the roots is used for various kinds of paralysis. A decoction of the fruit is used externally for rheumatism.

Rosehip cinnamon Rosa cinnamomea L. Other names: Wild Rose, Thorn Color, Svoborina, Chiporas, Rosehip, Forest Shipok, Terpiguzka, Sverbiguzka.

There are many types of rose hips. More than 40 species grow only in the South of Ukraine. In many ways, they are similar, therefore, generalizing material will be presented here, which is based on the description of Cinnamon Rosehip (Rosa cinnamomea L.).

Tall (1.5-3 m), perennial shrub of the Rosaceae family (Rosaceae).

The root system is powerful. Vertical thick roots go to a depth of 2-3 m, horizontal - highly branched are in the soil layer from 5 to 40 cm.

The stems are vertical, often arcuate, curved, in the lower part covered with needle sickle-shaped spines. The thorns of the main shoots are rare, on the flower-bearing ones they are plentiful. The branches are woody, green or red-brown.

The leaves are spiral, pinnate with stipules adhering to the petiole, glabrous, sometimes with sparse hairs, green or bluish, 8-10 cm long.

The flowers are regular, collected in paniculate or corymbose inflorescences, sometimes solitary, bisexual. Petals 5 - white-pink, white or bright pink. Sepals up to 20-25 mm, broadly lanceolate, falling early, with dense feathery appendages, glabrous above, below with dense short hairs, pressed against the lower part of the fruit after flowering.

The fruit is a hypanthium, orange-red, broadly oval, less often spherical or elongated oval, formed due to the growth of the receptacle. The inner walls of the fruit are densely dotted with short, hard hairs, among which are numerous hard fruitlets.

It blooms from late May to July, the fruits ripen in September-October.

Rosehip grows in the steppe part along the slopes of beams, in river basins, on the banks of streams, near reservoirs. Most often found on various slopes, in sparse forests, clearings, edges, mountain meadows, among shrubs. Often forms small clumps. In Crimea, the most significant thickets are located in the foothill and mountain zones; it is found on Tarkhankut and coastal areas of the Kerch Peninsula.

Rosehip is one of the main plants for the production of multivitamins and other drugs of great importance for health care. However, even large harvests do not satisfy the needs of medicine, especially since the stocks of wild growth are gradually declining. Therefore, there was a need to grow varietal rose hips in an industrial way.

Rosehip is a heat-loving and light-loving plant, tolerates drought well, grows on almost all types of soil. However, a high fruit yield can only be obtained with good moisture supply on nutrient-rich soils. It grows poorly on waterlogged, saline and highly carbonate soils with a CaCO3 content of 56-60% in the upper horizon.

Observations show that plants live and bear fruit for more than 25 years, form numerous root offspring, therefore, in the wild, clump growth is characteristic. Rosehip annually forms new branches and is easily restored after mowing or death of the aerial part.

Intensified growth of branches is noted in the first 2 years, abundant fruiting - at 3-6 years of life, then the yield decreases, by 7-8 years the stems of the branches die off and must be removed.

Rosehip propagates by seeds, root offspring and rooted cuttings. Due to the fact that this is a monocotyledonous plant cross-pollinated by insects, splitting occurs during seed propagation. Plants grow diverse in morphological and other characteristics. Therefore, varietal rose hips are propagated only by vegetative means.

Many people have known about the beneficial properties of rose hips since childhood. However, not every one of us has heard about the use of infusions and decoctions from it for the treatment of a number of diseases. We offer you to find out what useful properties the May rosehip has and in what cases it is better to refuse to use it.

Rosehip cinnamon - chemical composition

May rosehip is a shrub of the Rosaceae family and reaches three meters in height. It is often used as a medicine. In its composition, cinnamon rosehip contains:

  • Sahara;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty oil;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • tocopherols;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • iron salts.

Rosehip cinnamon - medicinal properties

May rosehip has medicinal properties that make it a popular raw material for the treatment of many diseases with the help of folk remedies.

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • diuretics;
  • choleretic.

Rosehip cinnamon - application

It is known that wild rose or cinnamon is widely used in medicine. And it is no coincidence, since it increases immunity in infectious diseases and during long-term treatment of fractures. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on rheumatism, gout, muscle weakness, paralysis. Rose hips are used for depletion of the body. Often it is used during uterine bleeding and kidney stones.

May rose hips

Rose hips are medicinal plant raw materials. They contain a lot of vitamin C. During the period of full maturation, they contain the greatest amount of healing substances. Depending on the variety, it is recommended to collect rose hips from August to October and it is better to pluck the fruits with the stalks and the remains of the calyx. When they are easily separated after drying, they are removed.

After drying, the sepals must be removed from the fruits, be sure to rub them in your hand. Then they should be poured into a wooden box or a cardboard box and kept there for 2-3 days. After that, the fruits must be transferred to permanent storage in tin or glass jars. For air circulation, it is better not to use a lid, but to tie it with gauze. So, you can store fruits for up to three years.

In many countries, cinnamon rose hips are used:

  1. In Bulgaria as a remedy containing a large amount of vitamins.
  2. In Tibetan medicine, wild rose is used for the purpose of neurasthenia and pulmonary tuberculosis.
  3. In Russia, the May rose is used as a general tonic for kidney stones, liver, gastritis and colitis, anemia, women's diseases, malaria.

Apple tincture to strengthen the body


  • plant fruits - 500 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • vodka - 1 liter.

Preparation and application

  1. Finely chop the apple and put in a jar of rose hips.
  2. All pour 500 ml. vodka.
  3. Infuse for a month in a dark place.
  4. Pour the tincture into containers and drink for five years.

General strengthening infusion of rose hips


  • raw materials - 10 g;
  • hot boiled water - 200 ml.

Preparation and application

  1. The raw material is placed in an enameled container, filled with water and covered with a lid.
  2. Heated in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool at room temperature for 45 minutes.
  4. The remaining raw material is squeezed out.
  5. The resulting infusion is poured with boiled water and brought to 200 ml.
  6. The prepared infusion is stored for 2 days.
  7. It is recommended to take the infusion 2-3 times a day after meals, 1/2 cup.

Cinnamon Rosehip Root

Cinnamon preparations prepared on the basis of the rose hip root can have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Because wild rose cinnamon May is often used for:

  • dysentery;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the bladder;
  • kidney stones;
  • joint diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • nail fungus.

Such infusions and decoctions help to increase mental activity, strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, May rosehip contributes. Sometimes traditional healers recommend such remedies during metabolic disorders. The beneficial effects of baths with the addition of decoction to people who have had a stroke are known.

Infusion for nail fungus

Name: Rosehip cinnamon.

Other names: May rosehip, wild rose, dog rose, thorn.

Latin name: Rosa majalis Herrm.

Family: Rosaceae.

Kinds: Currently, more than 400 species of wild rose have been described in the world. And although rose hips are the brother of roses, roses keep their own special account by species and varieties - there are more than 10 thousand of them in the world.

plant type: Deciduous shrub.

Trunk (stem): Stems ascending or slightly drooping, brownish-red, covered, as a rule, with paired crescent-curved, rarely almost straight spines, on young shoots only near the leaves, sometimes with an admixture of bristle-like spines.

branches: The branches are brownish, densely covered with thin, straight thorns, which reach full development on two- to three-year-old branches. Annual shoots are equipped with thin and soft spines.

Height: Up to 2 meters.

Leaves: The leaves are pinnately compound, with oval leaflets, finely serrated along the edge.

Flowers, inflorescences: Pink, large, solitary, but sometimes can be collected in a paniculate inflorescence.

flowering time: May June.

Fruit: An overgrown goblet-shaped receptacle, inside of which numerous real fruits are sitting - hairy nuts. The fruits usually remain on the bushes until winter.

ripening time: Aug. Sept.

collection time: Leaves, flowers, harvested during flowering, roots in autumn. The best time for harvesting fruits is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. On the bushes there are berries of various colors - red, orange, dark purple, brown. It is believed that berries of red and orange color contain the greatest amount of vitamins and they need to be collected when the berries turn red, but still hard.

Features of collection, drying and storage: The fruits are harvested by hand in canvas gloves. The berries are dried in an oven or oven at a temperature of 70-100ºС. Spread out in a thin layer, they usually dry out in 3-4 hours. The yield of dry raw materials is 50%. Properly dried, the berry has a reddish or orange color, as it happens fresh. If, after drying, the berry is maroon or brown, it was dried incorrectly and the vitamins in it collapsed. True, useful acids have been preserved in it, but it is better to preserve both. Ready raw materials are stored in dry cool rooms. Shelf life - 2 years.

plant history: Greeks and Romans, Egyptians and Persians share the championship in breeding this plant. The ancient Greeks associated the wild rose with the goddess of beauty and love charm, Aphrodite. There is a legend that at the moment when Aphrodite, having learned about the death of her lover, rushed to him through the bushes, dense thickets of rose hips, the thorns injured the tender skin of the goddess, and drops of blood stained the greens and red roses grew from them.
Rosehip has been cultivated since ancient times in the Middle East and Southern Europe, China and India, Central Asia and Iran. In Russia, according to the decrees of Ivan the Terrible, special pickers were sent for rose hips.

Spreading: In Russia, cinnamon rosehip is found in the European part, in the Caucasus, in Western (except for the Far North) and Eastern (Yenisei and Angara-Sayan regions) Siberia; in Ukraine - in the northern regions.

habitats: As a light-loving plant, it grows on the edges of forests, among shrubs, in cemeteries, in roadside ditches and ravines, along rivers and lakes, on rocky slopes.

Interesting Facts: Rosehip - a signaling device and the time of day: the flowers open from 4 to 4 hours 30 minutes in the morning and so precisely that you can check the clock on them.

Signs, proverbs, legends: I know among the people: the wild rose has blossomed - meet the summer, the fruits blush with bright beads on the branches - see off the summer.

medicinal parts: Leaves, flowers, fruits and roots.

Useful content: Rosehip cinnamon is the most valuable vitamin-bearing plant in the earth's flora. As a cultivated rose stands out among flowers, so is its wild counterpart rosehip among medicinal plants. By the way, it is possible to distinguish high-vitamin plant species from low-vitamin ones without resorting to chemical analysis - by the sepals remaining at the upper ends of false fruits, until they ripen. In high-vitamin plant species, the sepals stand erect, while in low-vitamin species, they are lowered down, pressed against the walls of the fruit.
The fruits contain sugars, organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, P, PP, K, E, carotene, tannins, flavonoids, salts of iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. The roots contain tannins, flavonoids and catechins. Essential oils, tannins and flavonoids were found in the flowers.
The content of vitamin C in rose hips is 10 times more than in black currants and 100 times more than in apples! Even lemon contains 50 times less vitamin C. 1-3 fruits provide an adult's need for vitamin C.
According to the content of carotene, which ensures the normal function of the eyes, the condition of the mucous membranes and affects the growth and development of the skeleton of children, rosehip is the leader among plants (more than 10 mg%). The fruits contain a lot of vascular-strengthening vitamin P (over 9000 mg%), as well as vitamin K, which normalizes blood clotting, and vitamins B1 and B2, which play an important role in regulating the functions of the nervous system, the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes.
The high content of vitamin C (100 grams of fruit contains 17-20 daily doses of an adult) improves metabolic processes, increases the rate of enzymatic reactions, the rate of wound healing and the degree of protective properties of the body against various diseases.
It is hard to imagine a product that would be so rich in pectins (up to 14%), and it is pectins that normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
"A rich selection of vital elements - iron, potassium, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, molybdenum, zinc - makes rosehip the most effective medicine among the plants around us." V. Orekhov. Green Pharmacy. Simferopol, 2003, p. 380.

Actions: Rose hips have antiscorbutic, antisclerotic and anti-inflammatory effects, activate enzyme systems and redox processes in the body. Favorably affect carbohydrate metabolism, enhance hormone synthesis and tissue regeneration, stimulate the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, increase bile secretion, increase diuresis.
Rose hips are used for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis C and P, for acute and chronic infections, atherosclerosis, nephritis, acute and chronic diseases of the liver, intestines, peptic ulcer, hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia, bleeding (pulmonary, uterine), with an overdose of anticoagulants, hyperthyroidism and adrenal insufficiency, traumatic shock.
A good therapeutic effect is obtained with pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, bronchiectalases, in the case of bronchial asthma, in the treatment of eye diseases (hemorrhagic retinitis, chorioditis, vitreous hemorrhage). As a choleretic agent, rose hips are used to treat chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, and cholangitis.
Rose hips are part of vitamin collections. A syrup from an aqueous condensed fruit extract is prescribed for cholecystitis and hepatitis. Rosehip seeds are used to produce oil used as an external agent for the treatment of wounds, in dental practice (gingivitis, stomatitis), for cracked nipples, bedsores, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, dermatoses, and in the form of microclysters for nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
Dragee of dry rosehip extract is considered to be a universal tonic and prophylactic agent. It is used as a biologically active food supplement, as a means of preventing beriberi and hypovitaminosis C, to increase the body's resistance to infectious and colds, during the rehabilitation period after influenza, acute respiratory infections and other diseases, in the treatment of antibiotics as a supplement, in complex therapy in the treatment diseases of the kidneys and bladder (including urolithiasis), heart, low acidity of the stomach and headache.


Healing recipes:

Infusion of fruits . Crush 2 tablespoons of dry fruits in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder, pour 2 cups of hot water, put in a dark place for 4-5 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, add 10 grams of sugar. Drink 0.5 cup before meals.

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