Children how to take regular tenoten. Reviews of doctors and parents about the homeopathic remedy tenoten for children. Release form, composition and packaging

Drills and screwdrivers 04.01.2021
Drills and screwdrivers

Instructions for use

Tenoten children's instructions for use

Dosage form

Flat-cylindrical tablets, with a risk and a chamfer, from white to almost white. MATERIA MEDICA is printed on the flat side with a notch, and TENOTEN KID is printed on the other flat side.


Active ingredients:

Antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 affinity purified - 0.003 g *

Excipients: lactose monohydrate 0.267 g, microcrystalline cellulose 0.03 g, magnesium stearate 0.003 g.

* are applied to lactose monohydrate in the form of a water-alcohol mixture with a content of not more than 10-16 ng/g active form active substance.


The drug has a calming, anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effect, without causing unwanted hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Improves the tolerance of psycho-emotional stress. It has a stress-protective, nootropic, antiamnestic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant effect.

Under conditions of intoxication, hypoxia, in conditions after acute cerebrovascular accident, it has a neuroprotective effect, limits the damage zone, and normalizes learning and memory processes in the central nervous system (CNS).

Inhibits the processes of lipid peroxidation.

Side effects

Possible reactions of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Selling Features

Released without a prescription

Special conditions

The composition of the drug includes lactose monohydrate, and therefore it is not recommended to prescribe it to patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or with congenital lactase deficiency.

Due to the presence of activating properties of Tenoten for children, the last dose should be taken no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Influence on the ability to control vehicles.

The negative effect of Tenoten for children on the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms has not been identified.


Neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, accompanied by increased excitability, irritability, anxiety, impaired behavior and attention, autonomic disorders.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 3 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation

The safety of Tenoten for children in pregnant women and during lactation has not been studied. If necessary, the risk / benefit ratio should be taken into account.

drug interaction

Cases of incompatibility with other drugs have not yet been registered.

Prices for Tenoten for children in other cities

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Mode of application



At one time - 1 - 2 tablets (keep in the mouth until completely dissolved - not during meals).

If necessary, the tablet can be dissolved in a small amount of boiled water at room temperature.

Neurotic and neurosis-like disorders.

Take 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day, the course of treatment is 1 to 3 months.

If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended up to 6 months or repeated after 1 - 2 months.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Take 2 tablets 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 1-3 months.

In the absence of a persistent improvement in the condition within 3-4 weeks after the start of treatment, you should consult a doctor.


In case of accidental overdose, dyspeptic symptoms are possible due to the excipients that make up the drug.

Often, excessive activity and restlessness harm the development of the baby. Medicines come to the rescue to help relieve excitability and calm the child. One of these medicines is the drug for children "Tenoten".

Description of the drug

There are two forms of the drug, which differ only in the dosage of the active ingredient. The drug "Tenoten" is available for adults and children in tablet form. Tablets are intended for dissolution in the oral cavity.

Tablets of both dosages are whitish in color. They have a cylindrical impression and flattened surface edges with a dividing strip. On one side of the children's tablet, the designation MATERIA MEDICA is embossed, and on the other, KID TENOTEN.


The active role of the drug is due to proteins-antibodies to the brain-specific protein type S100, which are affinity purified. Their physical form is a water-alcohol mixture that provides stability and bond strength.

The protein structure S-100, located only in the brain, transmits signals between departments, protects brain cells from damaging effects and reduces the negative effects of stressful conditions. Such a protein is of a brain-specific type.

The drug for children "Tenoten" contains a non-protein molecule, it contains antibodies that are obtained using biotechnology. To isolate the desired particles, their affinity is used. It determines the strength of the connection between an antibody molecule and an antigenic protein molecule. The finished fraction is introduced into the water-alcohol medium. In the pediatric form of the drug, the concentration of the active ingredient is equal to 10 -16 nanograms per 1 gram.

Inactive components in the form of lactose molecules, cellulose microcrystals and magnesium stearate are added to the finished liquid, which form the structure. Each tablet contains 3 mg of diluted antibodies.

How it works

The drug for children "Tenoten" refers to anxiolytics with a nootropic effect. The tool exhibits a sedative, anti-anxiety efficacy without unnecessary hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Under the influence of tablets, mental and emotional overloads are better tolerated.

Provides the drug with stress-protective, nootropic, antiamnestic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant activity.

With intoxication, lack of oxygen, with an acute change in the blood circulation of the brain, the drug contributes to a neuroprotective effect, reduces the area in case of damage, and normalizes the development of the information accumulation function.

Under the influence of tablets, peroxide transformations of lipid molecules are inhibited, the role of S 100 protein particles is modified, creating a synaptic and metabolic relationship in brain regions.

When taking the drug, mimetic and neurotrophic effects appear on GABA-receptor formations, which increases the activation of the stress-inhibiting system and restores the processes associated with neuronal plasticity.

What is being treated

About the drug "Tenoten" reviews for children, the instructions report the following. Usually it is used for neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, which are accompanied by high arousal, irritable and anxious background, disturbed behavioral process.

Tablets treat vascular-vegetative dystonia in combination with other drugs.

Used for children from 3 years to 18- summer age.

How to use

The tablet should be sucked in the mouth under the tongue until it dissolves, as advised by the instructions for use for children attached to the Tenoten medication. Reviews show that not all children are able to do this. In this case, it is allowed to dissolve the tablet in a small volume of a warm, necessarily boiled aqueous medium. After preparing the solution, the child should drink the liquid.

The medication is taken a quarter of an hour before eating, it is also possible after. Children with neurosis and neurosis-like conditions are given medicine 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day for 30-90 days.

If necessary, therapy is extended up to six months. It is allowed to conduct repeated courses of treatment with observance of the interval, the duration of which is from 30 to 60 days.

The syndrome of lack of attention and increased activity of the child requires the use of 2 tablets for children ("Tenoten") 2 times for 30-90 days. The remaining diseases should be treated with a daily dosage of 1 tablet of the drug 1 or 3 times until a stable improvement in well-being appears, anxiety, depression, irritability, hysterical seizures are not stopped.

The medicine is canceled after memory and attention are normalized. With continuous use for about a month, positive dynamics should appear. If this does not happen, then the use of the medication is stopped and they turn to a neurologist.

Features of treatment

A characteristic feature of therapy with this remedy is the activation of the child's nervous system. That is why the last use of the medicine is carried out not late in the evening, so that more than two hours remain before going to bed.

When is contraindicated

Not everyone can be given Tenoten for Children (tablets). Reviews indicate the impossibility of taking the drug by children who have a congenital form of galactosemia, glucose or galactose molecules, congenital deficiency of the lactase enzyme. This feature is explained by the presence of milk sugar in the composition of the drug.

Use in toddlers

Officially, the instruction allows you to take the drug, starting from three years. If the child is under 3 years old, the use of the children's form of the drug is contraindicated.

However, something needs to be treated for babies, so neurologists practice prescribing Tenoten for children up to three years old.

Usually the doctor prescribes half or a quarter of a tablet for a single dose, thinking that lowering the dosage makes the drug acceptable and safe. In fact, the contraindication is related to the level of development of the child's brain, the formation of which occurs at that age, and any intervention can only do harm.

The active ingredient of the drug has a positive activity only on the baby's brain cells after 36 months. This is due to the formation of numerous neural connections and nerve pathways for the transfer of impulses between departments.

You can find on the drug "Tenoten" reviews for children 2 years old. It is noted that they behave uneasily, constantly cry, sleep poorly. Exhausted parents of such babies go to neurologists and ask them to somehow help their child. Doctors prescribe drugs, including Tenoten tablets. For some children, the last medicine helps to fall asleep faster in the evening, the night crying stops, the kids begin to behave more calmly.

Treatment of schoolchildren

Parents of first-graders always worry about their child, especially if their son or daughter has problems of a nervous nature, suffers from headaches, is shy and secretive.

Going to first grade puts a lot of stress on the child's psyche, as you need to adapt to the new environment, teacher, and responsibilities.
For such children, psychologists and doctors advise using the children's form of the Tenoten medicine. Reviews for school-age children indicate its effectiveness, which manifests itself after a few weeks of treatment. First-graders become calm, stress and vegetative disorders are removed, perseverance and concentration appear when doing homework.

A positive feature of these tablets is the absence of side effects in the form of a drowsy state and inhibition of thinking. After course use, children sleep better, there is an interest in school.

Parent feedback

Many hyperactive babies are prescribed Tenoten medication in children's form for a course of treatment twice a year. In kindergarten, such children do not obey the teachers, cry or, on the contrary, indulge.

The drug "Tenoten for children" reviews of parents collects positive. Its action has a cumulative effect. There will be no result from several injections, only after a week of use the child's behavior will change.

In positive reviews, you can hear information about the normalization of the state of the child, less excitability, reducing the number of tantrums, crying, attacks of an aggressive nature, whims. After a course of treatment, the kids sleep better and wake up less often, the persecution of the mother, father or other relatives disappears or decreases.

Reviews for children on Tenoten tablets prove the effectiveness of a medicine that can improve a child's abilities during training, which makes it easier and faster to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Positive recommendations are left by parents about the medicine, whose babies were prescribed a drug to restore the psyche after strong emotional upheavals. It is noted that the pills helped to normalize the state of health, reduce attacks of fear, relieve terrible nightmares.

Mothers of hyperactive children complain that their children cannot overcome their negative and aggressive emotions on their own. Such babies are distinguished by frequent tantrums for no reason, bad dream, fluctuations in well-being.

After a week of using the drug "Tenoten" reviews (for children this drug is prescribed for this reason quite often) report information about noticeable improvements. The child begins to sleep normally, his behavior becomes calmer, there is no lethargy, sharp mood swings disappear.

Many children shortly before entering kindergarten neurologists prescribe therapy with this remedy to reduce a stressful situation. It is enough to take 1 tablet twice a day, dissolving them in the mouth.

After the drug, the kids become more balanced and attentive, calmly react to the parent's refusal to buy something new. Speech skills improve, children begin to pronounce words more slowly, but legibly. Tablets do not cause side effects in the form of drowsiness, and after discontinuation of treatment, positive results persist.


The use of many drugs is prohibited until the patient reaches the age of 18 years. Aggressive chemical compounds can negatively affect the growing organism. Tenoten Children's is one of the few exceptions. This is a homeopathic remedy with the properties of a nootropic, anxiolytic, sedative. It will help with functional and organic disorders in the brain, mental and emotional overload. If you strictly follow the instructions for use for children's Tenoten, the benefits will be obvious, and the potential risks are minimal.

Description of the dosage form, composition

The main active ingredient of the drug is antibodies to a specific S-100 protein. They are present in the product in the form of a water-alcohol extract from components that have undergone affinity purification. Also, the composition of the drug includes lactose monohydrate, cellulose, magnesium stearate, which give the product the desired physical characteristics.

Tablets "Tenoten" for resorption - the only dosage form of the drug. These are flat-cylindrical elements of a white or almost white shade with a chamfer and a risk on one of the sides. On the surface with a risk there is an inscription MATERIA MEDICA. On the opposite side, TENOTEN (from 18 years old) or TENOTEN KID (under 18 years old) is applied. With the help of this Tenoten difference, it is always possible to understand for which age group the medicine is intended.

When reading the instructions for both types of medication, you can see that each of them contains 3 mg of the active substance. At the same time, few people pay attention to an important footnote indicating the concentration of the component. If we compare the data for the two preparations, it becomes clear that the adult medicine contains 10 times more antibodies than the children's product.

Parents who are sure that there are no differences between children and adults are at risk of developing negative consequences in the baby. Despite no reported cases side effects and overdose with Tenoten, it is forbidden to give children a standard product.

Therapeutic effects, pharmacokinetics

With a course of taking Tenoten for Children, it affects the functional parameters of the S-100 protein. This substance takes part in the metabolic and information processes occurring in the brain. The speed of signal transmission between tissues and the activity of brain structures change, which causes a sedative, nootropic, anti-anxiety effect.

If you take Tenoten for children, you can count on the following results:

  • increased activity of the cerebral cortex, stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • improving the resistance of neurons to negative effects on the background of stress;
  • prevention of tissue ischemia provoked by oxygen deficiency in certain areas;
  • memory stimulation;
  • elimination of signs of depression, improvement of mood;
  • potentiation of the child's vitality, stimulation of his activity;
  • decrease in the severity of nervous or emotional overstrain;
  • relief of anxiety, unreasonable fear, irritability, capriciousness.

After dissolving the tablet in the oral cavity, the active substance quickly enters the bloodstream, spreading through the tissues of the body. Having penetrated the blood-brain barrier, the component reaches the desired parts of the central nervous system, where it is included in chemical processes. The therapeutic effect of the composition is not accompanied by a hypnotic effect, does not relax the muscles. This feature minimizes the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Indications for use

"Tenoten for Children", depending on the goals set for it, is used as monotherapy or introduced into the combined approach. In any case, the decision to assign it to a child should be made by a pediatric neurologist, based on clinical picture, the age of the baby, the characteristics of the situation.

"Tenoten for Children" can be used for:

  • neuroses, neurotic disorders;
  • organic and functional lesions of the nervous system, which manifest themselves in increased excitability, irritability, inexplicable anxiety;
  • disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system;
  • nervous tics;
  • behavioral disorders, including in adolescence;
  • hyperactivity;
  • attention deficit disorder.

There are cases of successful use of Tenoten for stuttering in children. different ages. With the permission of the doctor, the product is used to combat signs of mental and emotional overstrain. The drug helps students cope with stress, prepare for exams, important events.

Contraindications for use

According to the instructions, "Tenoten for Children" should not be used to treat patients under 3 years of age. Also, the medication will have to be abandoned with increased sensitivity of the body to its components.

In practice, you can find cases of using Tenoten for Children in the treatment of infants and children under 3 years of age. Parents are sure that if they give the baby half or a quarter of a tablet, the desired effect will be achieved without risks to the patient's health. In fact, the dosage does not play any role here, the very effect of the active substance on the central nervous system is important. The brain of such young children does not have enough neural connections through which impulses pass. Schemes and ways of transmitting information are only being formed, any intervention in the processes threatens to malfunction in the brain.

Terms of use, dosage

The best option for taking a tablet is to place it under the tongue or on the cheek until completely dissolved or resorbed. Some babies at 3 years old cannot yet hold medicine in their mouths without health risks. In their case, it is allowed to dilute the therapeutic dose in a small amount of clean water and drink. Regardless of the method, the medicine is recommended to be taken 15 minutes before or the same time after a meal.

The use of the drug "Tenoten for Children" depending on the diagnosis:

  • neuroses, neurosis-like states - one tablet up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-3 months, depending on the severity of positive dynamics. IN difficult cases it is extended to six months. If necessary, approaches are repeated regularly with a break of 2 months;
  • hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder - 2 tablets twice a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months;
  • nervous tic, stuttering, irritability, anxiety, performance problems - one tablet up to 3 times a day until a stable positive result is obtained and the alarm signs disappear completely.

In some cases, children select individual dosages, taking into account the specifics of the situation. Regardless of the scheme, in the absence of signs of positive dynamics after 3-4 weeks from the start of the course, the therapy is stopped and the doctor is consulted for a new consultation.

Side effects

"Tenoten Children's" is well tolerated by kids of any age. Cases of a negative reaction of the body were not recorded. If a patient has a negative response to therapy, it turns out to be an allergic reaction to the drug. Side effects arising from the background integrated approach, also cannot be provoked by the product. In this situation, all components of the scheme should be analyzed, but it is not necessary to refuse a homeopathic remedy.


By ignoring the recommended way of using the medicine, and giving the product to the child during meals, parents reduce the effectiveness of the treatment, but do not threaten the baby in any way. An accidental one-time or daily excess of the therapeutic volumes of the product also does not pose a danger to the patient. An overdose of a homeopathic composition does not lead to signs of poisoning or intoxication of the body. In the most serious case, it is accompanied by abdominal discomfort in the victim, dyspeptic manifestations. But even such consequences are provoked not by the active substance of the drug, but by its auxiliary components.

special instructions

Therapy based on the children's preparation "Tenoten" should be carried out only with the permission of the doctor, regardless of the patient's age and the goals of the course. Even a one-time intake of the composition is better to coordinate with a neurologist or pediatrician.

Before starting treatment, you should read the instructions - specific instructions are mandatory. If a child has a congenital problem with carbohydrate processing, other drug options should be considered or potential risks should be assessed. Any negative response of the body in this case will be an indication to refuse the product.

It is not recommended to give a pill to a child later than a couple of hours before going to bed. The stimulating effect of the drug can cause problems with falling asleep, superficial night sleep. The use of an adult medicine for a patient under 18 years of age or a child product for a child under 3 years of age is strictly prohibited, regardless of the indication. The use of an expired product or one that has been stored under unfavorable conditions can cause poisoning. If the smell or appearance of the tablets has changed, you should refrain from using them.

"Tenoten Children's": analogues

In most cases, Tenoten for children is ideal for treating the stated indications. If it is not possible to purchase it or the product causes allergies, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will select an equivalent replacement, taking into account the specifics of the situation and wishes. Being engaged in an independent search for a suitable remedy, you can do more harm to the patient than good. It is important to note that not all preparations based on antibodies to the S-100 protein are approved in childhood.

An analogue of "Tenoten" drops "Valerianahel" can be used for children over 2 years old. Products such as Edas-306 syrup and Candinorm resorption granules are allowed for babies from a year old. In childhood, drops of "Nott" are also acceptable. In some ways, these products are superior to Tenoten. The analogs presented by the given dosage forms are easier to use in childhood.

Storage rules

Tenoten Children's tablets should be kept in original packaging. They need a dark and dry place, out of the reach of children, with a temperature no higher than 25℃. Under such conditions, the shelf life of the product will be 36 months.

"Tenoten for Children": price

The cost of a homeopathic remedy ranges from 200 to 300 rubles, depending on the type of pharmacy and region.

There is not a single person in the world who has not experienced stress. Life brings not only good surprises but also bad ones. Children, unfortunately, are no exception. A child experiences a nervous shock more difficult than an adult: there is a loss of appetite, unwillingness to learn, sleep is disturbed.

If you notice at least one sign of stress in your baby, take care of the problem. Best Option for a child - taking Tenoten for children. The drug is designed specifically to eliminate nervousness, has a mild effect, is absolutely safe for children from three years old.

  • Pharmacological properties
  • Composition and form of release
  • Indications for use
  • Contraindications
  • Possible side effects
  • Storage conditions and cost
  • Effective analogues
  • Parent feedback

Pharmacological properties

Tenoten for children has a calming, anti-anxiety property, has established itself as an excellent antidepressant. The drug helps to cope with nervous shocks, does not cause undesirable effects.

With intoxication of the child's body, hypoxia, circulatory disorders in the brain, the drug limits the area of ​​damage, normalizes memory processes in the nervous system, learning. The drug has a positive effect on the nervous system, stimulates memory, increases the resistance of the child's body to intoxication, hypoxia. Tenoten is not a sedative, it does not have a sedative effect on the child.

The drug regulates the functional activity of the S-100 protein. It is thanks to this process that metabolic metabolism is normalized, the mechanisms of activation and inhibition of the central nervous system return to normal.

Composition and form of release

Tenoten for children is a homeopathic remedy produced by Materia Medica. The drug is produced in the form of pills having a cylindrical shape. The color varies from white to cream or grey. Tablets are flat, on one side in the middle there is a strip dividing the pill in half. Each package contains twenty tablets.

The basis of the drug are antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100, they cope with the task. Tenoten acts selectively, does not depress, does not inhibit the nervous system, unlike many antidepressants. The medicine stabilizes the physiological tasks of the nervous system, improves the process of transmission of nerve impulses. According to the results of clinical studies, the drug improves the quality of life: sharply negative emotions disappear, experiences pass.

What do elevated lymphocytes in the blood of a child indicate? Learn about test results.

Read more about preventing iron deficiency anemia in children here.

Indications for use

The medicinal product for children is designed to restore cerebral circulation after oxygen starvation or serious intoxication. The drug protects neurons, helps reduce damage to brain cells. According to the instructions, Tenoten has a positive effect on the learning process, stimulates an increase in concentration, and sharpens memory. The medication is prescribed in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases in children provoked by nervous strain, prolonged stress;
  • elimination of neuroses or neurosis-like conditions;
  • recommended to normalize the condition of a small patient with an anxiety syndrome, accompanied by sweating, insomnia, palpitations;
  • the drug is effective against nervous tension;
  • Tenoten is indicated for taking with an unstable emotional background, increased irritability of the child, and a decrease in cognitive functions;
  • the medicine is used for circulatory disorders after a traumatic brain injury, the drug is taken throughout the entire rehabilitation period;
  • the medication can be used as an additional remedy for memory impairment, apathy, and a decrease in concentration in a baby.

Note to parents! It is allowed to give Tenoten to a child only after consulting a pediatrician, carefully read the instructions before use, do not exceed the dosage.

Tenoten is used during such periods of a child's life:

  • crisis years (three, seven, fourteen years). At this time, the baby is most sensitive, often cries and is naughty, the transition period is a very difficult stage in the life of a teenager. The process is natural, every person goes through it. Doctors believe that during this period the baby's psyche is extremely sensitive to stress and needs additional protection;
  • during the adaptation period. The first week in kindergarten, school, moving to a new place of residence is a huge stress for a child. The kid needs help, Tenoten for children is great for normalizing the condition of the crumbs;
  • period of high stress. Control, an important test - stress for the child, the drug copes with emotions, improves mental abilities, has a beneficial effect on memory;
  • during the course of another illness. Taking pills, injections, bed rest spoil the child's mood. It is easier to survive the illness, the reception of Tenoten helps to recover faster.


Tenoten for children is forbidden to use in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance or high sensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • children's drug should not be given to children under three years of age;
  • Because the tablets contain lactose, they should not be given to babies who are lactose intolerant.

Nursing mothers should consult a doctor, research on the penetration of the drug into breast milk I haven't done it, but it's better not to risk it.

Possible side effects

In most cases, Tenoten is well tolerated, sometimes allergic reactions, insomnia occur (if the medication was taken immediately before bedtime). Other undesirable effects are extremely rare. If any undesirable effects are detected, stop taking the medication, consult a doctor.

Instructions for use and dosage

It is better for children to give a Tenoten tablet dissolved in water. Older children should dissolve the pill in their mouth until completely dissolved. Take 1-3 tablets daily, not with meals. The course of treatment is one month, advanced cases require its extension to 3-6 months. If necessary, make a two-month break, repeat treatment manipulations.

If there is no improvement within three weeks, consult a doctor. The doctor will take care of the problem independently replace Tenoten with other drugs, it is forbidden to stop taking it. There were no cases of overdose.

Storage conditions and cost

Children's Tenoten is good for three years, store it in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. After the expiration date, violation of the integrity of the packaging, the product is prohibited to be taken.

The average price of Tenoten for children is 210 rubles per pack. The cost may vary from the city of purchase, a specific pharmacy chain.

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On the page, read about the benefits and harms of walkers for children.

Effective analogues

Tenoten is not the only homeopathic remedy available for children. The pharmacological industry produces a lot of drugs that have a sedative effect. Before buying an analogue, be sure to consult a doctor, the doctor will select the necessary medication. Tenoten's analogues for children:

  • Kindinorm. It is intended for the treatment of young patients suffering from increased excitability, impaired concentration, sleep disorders, weakness of the child's body, which negatively affects the behavior of the child;
  • Valerian. It is used to eliminate stress, nervous tension, minor sleep disorders, functioning of cardio-vascular system. The drug is approved for admission from the age of two, nursing mothers;
  • Kissel Sleepy Leovit. It is a dietary supplement to normalize a child's sleep, with overwork, migraine;
  • Biopass. Produced in the form of a syrup, it copes with fatigue, fears, insomnia, headache.

Before taking any medication, carefully read the instructions, clearly follow the dosage.

Parent feedback

A few thoughts from parents:

  • Marina, 34 years old. I want to note right away that the drug is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. After three years, my baby began to have unreasonable outbursts of anger, a sharp change in mood, and constant tantrums. Troubles bothered not only me and my husband, but also brought discomfort to the crumbs. The pediatrician recommended using Tenoten, two weeks later she began to notice that her daughter became calmer, she had a desire to study, to go to kindergarten. An important aspect is that she has become more cheerful, the smile does not leave her face. I recommend using the drug to anyone who is faced with a similar problem.
  • Katerina Alekseevna, 44 years old. A late child, besides a hyperactive one, causes a lot of trouble. From the moment of his birth, constant screams and crying were heard. Parents who have gone through a similar situation can understand me. My husband and I were tired of this state of affairs, we turned to a neurologist. The doctor advised giving Tenoten to his son. I didn’t have high hopes for the medicine, but after a short period of time, the capricious child turned into an adequate, cheerful baby. I regularly give Tenoten to my son, I take breaks. I was pleased with the result, there is a small minus - after a long reception, urticaria appears. The side effect disappears immediately after the drug is discontinued. An important plus is that the baby is not inhibited, just a little calmer.

Tenoten for children is a universal remedy that copes with many problems of the nervous system. The medicinal product effectively eliminates nervous tension, helps young parents, moms and dads of teenagers to calmly survive the difficult age of their children.

Before use, be sure to consult a doctor, adhere to the dosage. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medication to a capricious baby on your own.

“Each little child has two hundred grams of explosives” - we have learned this simple truth since the time of Soviet cartoons. But what to do if the child is hyperactive and very excitable? Does this indicate a serious illness, and how to deal with such a problem? Help comes homeopathic remedy Tenoten for children over 3 years old. How it affects the body and whether it is safe for babies, our review will help you figure it out.

Tenoten relieves unreasonable anxiety, has a slight sedative effect.

Description of the drug

Children's Tenoten (Tenoten Kid) - sedative and nootropic (improving brain function and mental abilities) drug. It consists of ultra-low homeopathic doses of antibodies to a specific protein of the nervous system called S-100 (we will talk about the mechanism of action below).

The product is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Materia Media Holding NPF. Standard carton - yellow color with pattern. It contains 2 blisters of 20 white lozenges for resorption at a dosage of 0.003 g and instructions for use (download instructions in pdf format). The average price of a pack of 40 tablets, which is enough for 2 weeks of regular use, is 200 rubles.

In addition to the children's form of the drug, there are also Tenoten tablets for adults. It is impossible to give them to children, even if they are divided in half: despite the slight difference in the nanoconcentrations of the active active substance, the medicinal effect of “adult” tablets may be excessive for children.

The child is calm - he is set to develop.

Mechanism of Action: Secrets of the Human Brain

To understand how Tenoten works, let's talk more about the functions of the nervous system protein S-100 and touch a little on the mysteries of the human brain.

So, S-100 is a difficult substance. It is part of most nerve cells and:

  • participates in the transmission of impulses from one neuron to another;
  • regulates the work of the GABAergic system (it is responsible for the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain);
  • is responsible for the activity of the autonomic nervous system (the one that makes the palms sweat and the cheeks redden).

The diagnosis of "hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder", which neurologists so often expose children to, suggests that there is too much protein: the nerve impulse is transmitted so quickly that in the presence of several stimuli at once (mother called for dinner, a film is shown on TV, and for a dog runs by the window) the brain of a small person is not able to process them normally.

The drug increases concentration and memory.

In the nervous system of a child, several processes simultaneously occur, which are regulated by the main boss - the cerebral cortex. If for some reason the "boss" does not work well, the "subordinates" - the brain structures responsible for memory, attention, perception of information and mood - will each start to do their own thing.

  • attention deficit(not parental, meaning keeping the child's attention on something) - the baby just sat down at the paints and paper and immediately jumped up to play with the ball;
  • hyperactivity and sleep disturbance- how to sit still here;
  • irritability- it is difficult for a child to cope with the chaos that is going on in his head;
  • temper tantrums and aggressive behavior like a cry for help.

The medicine improves the behavior of the child.

When ingested, Tenoten binds to part of the S100 protein and reduces its amount. Normal transmission of signals between nerve cells is restored.


  • baby becomes calmer(but not inhibited and lethargic, as when taking serious psychotropic drugs);
  • the tantrums stop;
  • the level of anxiety is reduced: if such uncontrolled behavior of the child was the result of serious stress, the drug will help the nervous system to cope with it and adapt to new conditions;

Doctors prescribe a drug to normalize the condition of a small patient with an anxiety syndrome.

  • observed nootropic effect- the nutrition of nerve cells improves, the mind becomes "clearer";
  • according to parents, doctors and teachers, cognitive (cognitive) functions improve- memory, attention, learning ability.

When can a doctor prescribe Tenoten

Tenoten tablets can be prescribed by a neurologist for:

  • hyperactivity;

Children are restless, and hyperactivity often interferes with their development.

  • impaired attention and memory;
  • hard experienced stresses (adaptation in kindergarten, school, moving, divorce of parents, etc.);
  • neuroses and neurosis-like states;
  • organic lesions of the brain, accompanied by anxiety and irritability.

Margarita (daughter Mila, 5 years old):

“When the daughter went to kindergarten, a quiet horror began. Or rather, loud, because Mila constantly yelled in a voice that was not her own, did not want to let me go to work, was capricious and fought with other children. Later, I found out that the first days, or even months in kindergarten, the child adapts to new conditions, and the baby himself experiences serious stress.

I endured for a week, then I could not stand it and took the child to the pediatrician. The doctor listened to us carefully, said that we were not alone in our problem, advised us to buy a light sedative drug Tenoten and give one tablet 3 times a day.

At first I was a little scared, but after reading reviews on the Internet about this homeopathic remedy decided to try. The tablets themselves are of the usual size, sweet, and pretty quickly Mila learned to dissolve them. A week later, when I came to the kindergarten for the child, I could not believe my eyes - my daughter was sitting calmly with the rest of the children and drawing!

In general, we drank Tenoten for two months, I did not notice any side effects or addiction in the child. I can safely recommend the medicine to restless and hyperactive children.

How to use: instructions for moms

Tenoten can be given to children over 3 years of age. Follow the rules for using the drug indicated in the instructions:

  • The frequency and duration of admission should be determined by the doctor. Usually pediatricians prescribe 1 tablet three times a day with a course of treatment of 1-3 months.

The tablet should remain in the mouth until completely dissolved.

  • The drug can be drunk without binding to food intake, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • The tablet must be dissolved under the tongue. Tenoten has a sweet taste, so many children take it willingly. If the child is too small and swallows or chews the medicine, it is allowed to dissolve the tablet in a small amount. warm water(up to 15 ml).

Children from 3 to 18 years of age are prescribed children's Tenoten, adolescents over 18 switch to adult tablets.

Victoria (son Egor, 3 years 6 months)

“Tenotin was prescribed to the child after an examination, during which the son did not sit still for a minute and did not want to answer questions. The neurologist suggested hyperactivity syndrome. Since we were preparing to go to kindergarten, the doctor recommended taking a course of these pills so that Yegor would become calmer.

Tasteless, maybe a little sweetish tablets, the son gnawed, and did not dissolve, so I dissolved them in a teaspoon of water. During treatment, there were no problems with sleep and appetite. In general, Yegor behaved the same way as usual, he was a lot of mischief and hooligans, but I began to manage to captivate him with some interesting activity for 15-20 minutes.

Side effects and contraindications

Undesirable effects while taking Tenoten are rare. May occur:

  • allergic reaction (rash, itching, angioedema and anaphylactic shock);
  • dry mouth;
  • bloating;
  • increased sweating.

If you are allergic to the drug, you should immediately stop giving it to your child. and apply for medical care. The rest of the side effects usually go away on their own and do not even require discontinuation of the pills.

Ekaterina (daughter Veronica, 11 years old)

“The pediatrician appointed daughter Tenoten when she moved from a regular school to a gymnasium with in-depth study of languages ​​and long time could not get used to the new loads. As soon as she started taking the pills, I immediately noticed a change in mood: my schoolgirl began to smile more often, self-confidence appeared. I can say that after a month of admission, it became much easier for her, and Veronika again began to bring only fives from school.

Tenoten is contraindicated only in two cases:

  • with individual intolerance to any component of the drug (in particular, lactose);
  • children under 3 years of age.


Tenoten analogues are presented in the table below.

Pros and cons of Tenoten

Tenoten has a mild effect on the nervous system of the baby and is not psychotropic drug. The benefits of the drug include:

  • Affordable price.
  • Efficiency - improving the mood of the child: from a capricious crybaby, he turns into a cheerful and cheerful baby.
  • Extremely low chance of side effects.

Tenoten - for a restful sleep of children and parents!

Cons of the tool:

  • The effect can be seen only with prolonged use of the drug.
  • Tenoten will help only if there is indeed an excess of S100 protein in the child's body. The problem is that it is difficult to confirm this in the laboratory.

If serious changes are coming in your life - entering a kindergarten or school, moving, divorce, etc., Tenoten will help your child cope with stress. However, neurologists note that, despite the safety of the drug, it is better to use it only as directed by a doctor. The tool really strengthens the nervous system of children with increased excitability: confirmation of this is the positive feedback from many parents.

Often, excessive activity and restlessness harm the development of the baby. Medicines come to the rescue to help relieve excitability and calm the child. One of these medicines is the drug for children "Tenoten".

Description of the drug

There are two forms of the drug, which differ only in the dosage of the active ingredient. The drug "Tenoten" is available for adults and children in tablet form. Tablets are intended for dissolution in the oral cavity.

Tablets of both dosages are whitish in color. They have a cylindrical impression and flattened surface edges with a dividing strip. On one side of the children's tablet, the designation MATERIA MEDICA is embossed, and on the other, KID TENOTEN.


The active role of the drug is due to proteins-antibodies to the brain-specific protein type S100, which are affinity purified. Their physical form is a water-alcohol mixture that provides stability and bond strength.

The protein structure S-100, located only in the brain, transmits signals between departments, protects brain cells from damaging effects and reduces the negative effects of stressful conditions. Such a protein is of a brain-specific type.

The drug for children "Tenoten" contains a non-protein molecule, it contains antibodies that are obtained using biotechnology. To isolate the desired particles, their affinity is used. It determines the strength of the connection between an antibody molecule and an antigenic protein molecule. The finished fraction is introduced into the water-alcohol medium. In the pediatric form of the drug, the concentration of the active ingredient is equal to 10-16 nanograms per 1 gram.

Inactive components in the form of lactose molecules, cellulose microcrystals and magnesium stearate are added to the finished liquid, which form the structure. Each tablet contains 3 mg of diluted antibodies.

How it works

The drug for children "Tenoten" refers to anxiolytics with a nootropic effect. The tool exhibits a sedative, anti-anxiety efficacy without unnecessary hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Under the influence of tablets, mental and emotional overloads are better tolerated.

Provides the drug with stress-protective, nootropic, antiamnestic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant activity.

With intoxication, lack of oxygen, with an acute change in the blood circulation of the brain, the drug contributes to a neuroprotective effect, reduces the area in case of damage, and normalizes the development of the information accumulation function.

Under the influence of tablets, peroxide transformations of lipid molecules are inhibited, the role of S 100 protein particles is modified, creating a synaptic and metabolic relationship in brain regions.

When taking the drug, mimetic and neurotrophic effects appear on GABA-receptor formations, which increases the activation of the stress-inhibiting system and restores the processes associated with neuronal plasticity.

What is being treated

About the drug "Tenoten" reviews for children, the instructions report the following. Usually it is used for neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, which are accompanied by high arousal, irritable and anxious background, disturbed behavioral process.

Tablets treat vascular-vegetative dystonia in combination with other drugs.

The remedy is used for children from 3 years to 18 years of age.

How to use

The tablet should be sucked in the mouth under the tongue until it dissolves, as advised by the instructions for use for children attached to the Tenoten medication. Reviews show that not all children are able to do this. In this case, it is allowed to dissolve the tablet in a small volume of a warm, necessarily boiled aqueous medium. After preparing the solution, the child should drink the liquid.

The medication is taken a quarter of an hour before eating, it is also possible after. Children with neurosis and neurosis-like conditions are given medicine 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day for 30–90 days.

If necessary, therapy is extended up to six months. It is allowed to conduct repeated courses of treatment with observance of the interval, the duration of which is from 30 to 60 days.

The syndrome of lack of attention and increased activity of the child requires the use of 2 tablets for children ("Tenoten") 2 times for 30-90 days. The remaining diseases should be treated with a daily dosage of 1 tablet of the drug 1 or 3 times until a stable improvement in well-being appears, anxiety, depression, irritability, hysterical seizures are not stopped.

The medicine is canceled after memory and attention are normalized. With continuous use for about a month, positive dynamics should appear. If this does not happen, then the use of the medication is stopped and they turn to a neurologist.

Features of treatment

A characteristic feature of therapy with this remedy is the activation of the child's nervous system. That is why the last use of the medicine is carried out not late in the evening, so that more than two hours remain before going to bed.

When is contraindicated

Not everyone can be given Tenoten for Children (tablets). Reviews indicate the impossibility of taking the medicine by children who have a congenital form of galactosemia, a syndrome of malabsorption of glucose or galactose molecules, and a congenital deficiency of the lactase enzyme. This feature is explained by the presence of milk sugar in the composition of the drug.

Use in toddlers

Officially, the instruction allows you to take the drug, starting from three years. If the child is under 3 years old, the use of the children's form of the drug is contraindicated.

However, something needs to be treated for babies, so neurologists practice prescribing Tenoten for children up to three years old.

Usually the doctor prescribes half or a quarter of a tablet for a single dose, thinking that lowering the dosage makes the drug acceptable and safe. In fact, the contraindication is related to the level of development of the child's brain, the formation of which occurs at that age, and any intervention can only do harm.

The active ingredient of the drug has a positive activity only on the baby's brain cells after 36 months. This is due to the formation of numerous neural connections and nerve pathways for the transfer of impulses between departments.

You can find on the drug "Tenoten" reviews for children 2 years old. It is noted that they behave uneasily, constantly cry, sleep poorly. Exhausted parents of such babies go to neurologists and ask them to somehow help their child. Doctors prescribe drugs, including Tenoten tablets. For some children, the last medicine helps to fall asleep faster in the evening, the night crying stops, the kids begin to behave more calmly.

Treatment of schoolchildren

Parents of first-graders always worry about their child, especially if their son or daughter has problems of a nervous nature, suffers from headaches, is shy and secretive.

Going to first grade puts a lot of stress on the child's psyche, as you need to adapt to the new environment, teacher, and responsibilities.
For such children, psychologists and doctors advise using the children's form of the Tenoten medicine. Reviews for school-age children indicate its effectiveness, which manifests itself after a few weeks of treatment. First-graders become calm, stress and vegetative disorders are removed, perseverance and concentration appear when doing homework.

A positive feature of these tablets is the absence of side effects in the form of a drowsy state and inhibition of thinking. After course use, children sleep better, there is an interest in school.

Parent feedback

Many hyperactive babies are prescribed Tenoten medication in children's form for a course of treatment twice a year. In kindergarten, such children do not obey the teachers, cry or, on the contrary, indulge.

The drug "Tenoten for children" reviews of parents collects positive. Its action has a cumulative effect. There will be no result from several injections, only after a week of use the child's behavior will change.

In positive reviews, you can hear information about the normalization of the state of the child, less excitability, reducing the number of tantrums, crying, attacks of an aggressive nature, whims. After a course of treatment, the kids sleep more soundly and wake up less often, the obsession with persecuting the mother, father or other relatives disappears or decreases.

Reviews for children on Tenoten tablets prove the effectiveness of a medicine that can improve a child's abilities during training, which makes it easier and faster to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Positive recommendations are left by parents about the medicine, whose babies were prescribed a drug to restore the psyche after strong emotional upheavals. It is noted that the pills helped to normalize the state of health, reduce attacks of fear, relieve terrible nightmares.

Mothers of hyperactive children complain that their children cannot overcome their negative and aggressive emotions on their own. Such babies are distinguished by frequent tantrums for no reason, poor sleep, fluctuations in well-being.

After a week of using the drug "Tenoten" reviews (for children this drug is prescribed for this reason quite often) report information about noticeable improvements. The child begins to sleep normally, his behavior becomes calmer, there is no lethargy, sharp mood swings disappear.

For many children, shortly before entering kindergarten, neurologists prescribe therapy with this remedy in order to reduce the stressful situation. It is enough to take 1 tablet twice a day, dissolving them in the mouth.

After the drug, the kids become more balanced and attentive, calmly react to the parent's refusal to buy something new. Speech skills improve, children begin to pronounce words more slowly, but legibly. Tablets do not cause side effects in the form of drowsiness, and after discontinuation of treatment, positive results persist.

Reviews of doctors

The opinions of physicians regarding this remedy differ. Some doctors who believe in evidence-based medicine consider it a useless medicine. If the drug has not been proven to be effective, then it resembles a “dummy”. However, many drugs for symptomatic therapy have not undergone such studies.

Often, based on the results of treatment of patients, data are built on the tablets "Tenoten for Children" reviews of doctors. Taking into account the well-being of patients, observing the dynamics of changes in their behavior, many neurologists and pediatricians note positive changes in the therapy of toddlers and schoolchildren.

Similar funds

Medicines similar in indications include tablet preparations Adaptol, Proproten 100, Dormiplant, Amizil, Afobazol, Valdispert, Mebikar, Persen, Fezanef, Anvifen capsule preparations , "Noofen", "Stresam", solutions in the form of drops "Valemidin", "Melissa Doppelgerts", "Novo-Passit", "Notta", syrup "Passifit".

The drug "Tenoten for children" has a sedative and anti-anxiety effect. Reviews analogues receive different. If compared with Afobazole tablets, then the latter drug has only anti-anxiety activity, which indicates a lower effect.

The drug "Proproten 100" is an analogue of the active substance, their effectiveness is similar.

When comparing Tenoten tablets with Adaptol, the latter drug has a large spectrum of action.

Tenoten is a homeopathic preparation intended for the treatment of neurosis and neurosis-like conditions. The drug has a sedative, anti-anxiety effect on the human body, helping to reduce psycho-emotional stress and resist stress. Tenoten acts gently and gently, its safety has been clinically proven. There is no drug dependence and addiction to the drug, so it is used both in adult patients and in children.

The use of Tenoten improves the quality of life, as a person is gradually freed from unreasonable fears, anxiety, depressive states. Patients note an improvement in working capacity, concentration, return Have a good mood and optimistic attitude.

At the same time, Tenoten acts as a daytime tranquilizer, having a stimulating and sedative effect, but without causing drowsiness, decreased activity, or lethargy. Let's find out for what pathologies Tenoten is prescribed, what is its therapeutic effect and how to use this drug correctly.

Tenoten for children and adults - description of the drug

Tenoten from the line of nootropic drugs with anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) activity. active ingredient drugs are antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100.

The medication has the following effect:

  • sedative
  • Anti-anxiety
  • Antihypoxic
  • Antidepressant
  • neuroprotective

The neuroprotective effect of Tenoten after cerebrovascular accidents, intoxication, hypoxia is to limit the affected area and normalize metabolic processes. As a result, the nervous system is strengthened, memory and learning ability are restored.

The drug is used not only for rehabilitation, it is perfect healthy people as a means of prevention. In stressful situations, Tenoten relieves psycho-emotional stress and irritability, has a calming and stabilizing effect.

Tenoten differs from similar drugs in increased safety. Due to the unique composition, the drug does not cause sedation and has a minimum of side effects, which makes it possible to use it in pediatrics. According to some reviews, Tenoten is able, in addition to all its positive properties, to relieve cravings for alcohol and drugs.

Tenoten does not have a depressant effect on the nervous system, does not cause drowsiness and lethargy. Positive effect from the use of the drug is noted after a few days, and a noticeable improvement in concentration, stabilization of the emotional state and increased efficiency is achieved by the second week of admission.

The drug regulates the processes of inhibition-excitation in the structures of the brain, facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses and activates metabolic processes. As a result of such an impact, negative emotions disappear, inexplicable anxiety, emotional instability disappear, and the quality of life of patients improves significantly.

Release forms

The composition of Tenoten is unique, it is based on highly diluted antibodies to the S-100 protein. The drug is produced in two versions: Tenoten for adults and Tenoten for children.

Composition of Tenoten: 1 tablet contains 3 mg of affinity purified antibodies + magnesium stearate, lactose, cellulose. Ploskotsilindrichesky white tablets with risk and a facet are intended for resorption. On one side they have the inscription "MATERIA MEDICA", on the other - "TENOTEN". Are packed on 20 pieces in planimetric cell blisters. Cardboard packs with the drug contain one or two blisters.

The composition of children's Tenoten: 1 tablet - 3 mg of the active substance and the same additional components as in the preparation for adults. In appearance, tablets for children differ only in the inscription. One of the sides should have "TENOTEN KID" written on it. The preparation of 20 pieces is packed in cell blisters and cardboard packs. One pack may contain 1,2 or five blisters. In its composition, Tenoten for children does not differ from an adult, but contains a lower concentration of active ingredients.


Instructions for use Tenoten says that the drug is recommended for patients with neurotic disorders and vegetative disorders. The drug stops neurosis-like conditions and helps the body cope with chronic stress. The drug is often used as part of complex therapy for organic brain damage caused by circulatory disorders or trauma. Thus, adult Tenoten helps to cope with the following pathologies:

  • neurotic states
  • Psychosomatic diseases
  • Stressful situations that provoke nervous tension, irritability and are accompanied by autonomic disorders and anxiety.
  • Moderate organic lesions of the central nervous system, manifested by emotional instability, decreased memory and learning ability, mood swings, fears and depression.

Tenoten for children is recommended for use from 3 years of age. It is prescribed for neuroses of a functional nature, which are manifested by increased excitability and behavioral disorder (up to unmotivated aggression). Such conditions in children are accompanied by fears, anxiety, the appearance of panic attacks. At school age, small patients suffer from insufficient concentration of attention, memory impairment, and a decrease in learning ability.

Children's Tenoten reduces neurosis-like disorders that occur against the background of organic lesions of the brain, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, and improves the supply of oxygen to the brain. The drug has a mild sedative effect and helps the child cope with various stressful situations and quickly adapt to the team. The medicine improves memory, eliminates excessive excitability, hyperactivity and emotional lability.

chronic diseases internal organs in children are often accompanied by exhaustion of the nervous system, which is manifested by emotional susceptibility, tearfulness, weakness (asthenia), apathy, decreased activity. The use of Tenoten in such patients helps to improve the condition.

During the period of adaptation to new conditions and children's groups (in kindergarten, school), the child may complain of nausea, weakness, insomnia, migraine, pain in the heart and abdomen. Often, such symptoms are not associated with a disease, but with autonomic disorders that provoke a stress factor. In such cases, Tenoten effectively copes with adverse symptoms, calms and normalizes the activity of the nervous system.

Instructions for use

Tenoten tablets are taken sublingually, that is, they should not be swallowed, but dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved, without chewing or crushing. The drug is used regardless of the meal, but it is better not to take the tablets during meals and less than two hours before bedtime. For young children who cannot keep the tablet in the mouth for a long time, the required dose of the drug is dissolved in a small amount of cool boiled water and the child is given a drink.

The optimal regimen, dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. Adults are usually prescribed 1-2 tablets twice a day. If necessary, enhance the effect, the doctor may prescribe the drug up to 4 times a day. On average, the course of treatment is 1-3 months, it can be repeated after a month break. In some cases, the course of treatment can be extended up to 6 months.

If within a month it is not possible to achieve improvement, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor. You may need to undergo a thorough examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Instructions for use for children Tenoten prescribes to give the child 1 tablet at a time. The frequency of admission is determined by the attending physician, usually the drug is taken from one to three times a day. Treatment continues from 1 to 3 months, in some cases - up to six months. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 1-2 months.

If within a month after the start of taking the drug, there is no stable improvement, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.


Tenoten is distinguished by high safety, it does not have an adverse effect on the body and has a minimum of contraindications. The drug is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • With individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components
  • Tenoten adult is not used until the age of 18
  • Children's Tenoten is prescribed only after 3 years

Tenoten contains lactose, so the drug should not be used in persons suffering from malabsorption syndrome of glucose or galactose, lactase deficiency. With extreme caution, the drug is used in pregnant women and during lactation, since no studies have been conducted on the effect of Tenoten on the developing fetus and the degree of its penetration into breast milk.

Side effects

Tenoten, like the vast majority of homeopathic medicines, causes practically no adverse reactions and is well tolerated by patients. In some cases, with increased sensitivity to the drug, the development of allergic reactions (rashes, redness, itching) is possible. If such symptoms appear, the medication should be stopped and consult a specialist.

When taking the drug at bedtime, insomnia may develop due to the presence of an activating effect on the nervous system. Therefore, the last dose of Tenoten is recommended to be taken no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Many patients are interested in whether there is a possibility of developing an overdose with long-term use of Tenoten? Experts say that the drug contains minimal amount active antibodies, so even with prolonged use, the likelihood of an overdose does not arise.

Tenoten during pregnancy and lactation

The safety of Tenoten during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. Therefore, if necessary, the use of the drug should take into account the ratio of benefit to the mother / risk to the fetus and use the medicine only as directed by a doctor.

Tenoten and alcohol

You should not combine taking Tenoten with alcohol. The instructions for the drug do not describe compatibility with alcohol, but some patient reviews indicate that the drug alleviates withdrawal symptoms and is able to reduce alcohol cravings.

At the same time, the simultaneous use of the drug with alcohol can lead to the development of unwanted complications and chronic diseases.

Analogues and price

Tenoten has no structural analogues for the active substance. But there are many nootropic drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect. We list some of them:

  • Aminalon
  • Afobazole
  • Bilobil
  • Gammalon
  • Ginkoum
  • Glycine
  • Delecite
  • Nootropil
  • Mexipridol
  • Pirabene
  • Piracetam
  • Phenotropil
  • Cebrilysin
  • Cerebrolysin

Each of the above drugs has its own characteristics in the composition, differences in indications and may have unwanted side effects. For example, consider what is the difference between Tenoten and such popular drugs as Glycine and Afobazol.

Glycine, like Tenoten, has a sedative effect on the nervous system and is prescribed for similar pathologies, but has a completely different composition. The basis of the drug is an amino acid. Glycine has a milder effect, it can be prescribed to children from birth, while Tenoten - only from 3 years of age. The drug reduces nervous excitability, restores sleep and improves memory, but with more serious disorders it is not effective enough. In such cases, it is better to give preference to Tenoten.

Afobazole is used for neurasthenia and anxiety. It has some differences in indications, more side effects and contraindications. Active substance- fabomotizol, works as a tranquilizer. Afobazole is not prescribed in childhood and is used only from the age of 18.

Therefore, the attending physician should decide on the choice of the most suitable drug. You should not self-medicate and independently replace the recommended drug with analogues. This will help avoid unwanted complications.

The price of the drug in the pharmacy network depends on the form of release and the manufacturer. Here are the average prices for Tenoten:

  1. Tenoten for children (20pcs) - from 98 rubles
  2. Tenoten for children (40pcs) - from 180 rubles
  3. Tenoten (40pcs) - from 230 rubles
The description is up to date 14.05.2014
  • Latin name: tenoten
  • ATX code: N05BX
  • Active substance: Antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100
  • Manufacturer: Materia Medica Holding NPF OOO (Russia)

Composition of Tenoten

Composition Tenotena Next: One tablet contains 3 mg (a mixture of C30, C12 and C200 dilutions), as well as additional components, including - lactose .

Composition children's drug Tenoten next: 3 mg affinity-purified antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 (a mixture of C30, C12 and C50 dilutions), as well as additional components, including - lactose .

Release form

Lozenges are packaged in blisters, each pack contains 20 tablets. One or two such packages are enclosed in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Tenoten tablets are homeopathic medicine which affects the human body antidepressant , anti-anxiety And anti-asthenic impact.

The drug Tenoten effectively strengthens the central nervous system, improves memory and concentration. The drug promotes learning. In addition, the drug increases the level of resistance of the human body, which is in a state of stress, intoxication, hypoxia. Tenoten is not a sedative, it does not have a sedative effect on the body.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug regulates the functional activity of the S-100 protein. As a result, metabolic processes in the body are normalized, and the mechanisms of activation and inhibition of the central nervous system return to normal.

The drug also inhibits lipid peroxidation.

In case of hypoxia, intoxication, as well as in patients who have suffered an acute circulatory disorder in the brain, the drug produces a neuroprotective effect, helps to limit the area of ​​damage.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug has not been studied to date.

Indications for use Tenoten

Indications for the use of Tenoten are as follows. The drug for adults is used in the treatment of patients subject to constant stress, those who have a strong irritability , neurotic states , psychosomatic disorders , feeling of unreasonable anxiety .

Adult Tenoten is also prescribed for people who suffer organic lesions of the CNS provoked by injuries or disorders of the cerebral blood flow.

Tenoten for children is used in the treatment of patients who have moderately pronounced functional and organic lesions of the central nervous system, accompanied by anxiety, anxiety, irritability, impaired concentration and memory. Also applicable for or CNS hyperactivity.

The instructions for use by children must be carefully studied. Reviews of those who used the drug for treatment should not be a guide to the use of the drug without first prescribing a doctor.


Contraindications for admission Tenotena And Children's tenoten the following:

  • individual intolerance and high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • galactosemia , lactase deficiency , glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome ;
  • Tenoten is not prescribed for children under 18;
  • Tenoten for children is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age.

Side effects

Sometimes when using drugs, the following side effects are noted:

  • allergic reactions;
  • if the drug was taken immediately before bedtime.

Other side effects practically do not develop.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Before using the drug, the patient should read the annotation in detail to determine what the pills are from and whether there is a need to carry out such a course of treatment.

Tenoten for children taken sublingually, regardless of the period of the meal. The tablet must be held in the mouth until it has completely dissolved. You do not need to chew or crush the tablet before taking it. If Tenoten is prescribed to young children, you can dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water - no more than 15 ml.

As a rule, the instructions for the use of Tenoten are as follows: children are prescribed one tablet three times a day. The instruction for children's Tenoten provides that the course of treatment with the drug lasts from one to three months. How to take a children's drug, you should consult a pediatrician, since in each individual case the dosage and duration of therapy is prescribed exclusively by the doctor.

If there is such a need, the medicine is taken for a longer period, or after a while the pills are prescribed to the child again. It is advisable to take the drug no later than two hours before bedtime.

How to take Tenoten for adults, you should also first ask your doctor. The remedy is also taken sublingually, regardless of the meal period.

Basically, 1-2 tablets are prescribed no more than 4 times a day. Treatment can last from 1 to 3 months. If, after completion of treatment, the patient's condition has not improved, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, possibly, repeat the course of therapy with the drug. More details about the treatment with Tenoten can be found on the website


An overdose of the drug is not described, the symptoms of drug poisoning were also not observed. In case of an overdose of the drug, the symptoms described in the section on side effects may occur.


Tenoten is combined with other medications.

Terms of sale

It is released in pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Tenoten should be stored in a dry, dark place, the temperature should not exceed 25°C. The product should be kept away from children.

Best before date

Shelf life - 3 years. After the expiration of this period, the drug can not be taken.

special instructions

Wikipedia indicates that the composition of the tool includes lactose so that patients suffering from galactosemia , lactase deficiency or a syndrome of malabsorption of galactose or glucose, the drug is undesirable.

The remedy should not be consumed later than two hours before bedtime.


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Tenoten's analogues are drugs, , Nervocheel , Tripsidan , . All these drugs have a similar effect on the body. The price of analogues may differ in one direction or another.

Tenoten or Afobazol - which is better?

Both drugs have similar indications, but Tenoten has a more pronounced effect, and the effect of taking Afobazole is noticeable after the course of treatment. In addition, the reviews note that after Afobazole, patients tend to sleep more pronounced. The drugs have a different manufacturer, in addition, Tenoten is a more expensive drug.

Which is better: Glycine or Tenoten?

Both drugs have a similar effect on the body. Glycine - a less expensive drug, it has a sedative effect, and also has a number of other indications. Glycine should be taken, and also given to children, only as directed by a doctor.


Used to treat children Tenoten for children.

With alcohol

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug is not recommended for women during pregnancy. Not only pregnancy, but also lactation is an undesirable period for taking Tenoten. If it becomes necessary to carry out such treatment with breastfeeding, the feeding stops.

Reviews about Tenoten

Reviews about the children's Tenoten and the drug for adults are often found on thematic forums. The tool is widely used in the treatment of diseases associated with anxiety and nervous disorders. One category of patients, entering the forum, writes that sedative pills worked almost after the first dose. However, there are reviews of adults and that the drug has a short-term and rather weak effect on the body. There is also a manifestation of the effect of habituation. People who have undergone one or more courses of treatment note that over time, the effect of the remedy becomes less pronounced.

Reviews of doctors on Tenoten for children indicate that the remedy has a mild effect on the body. However, both children and adults need to take it strictly according to the instructions. As side effects in the reviews, the manifestation is sometimes noted headache .

Tenoten price, where to buy

Buy in Moscow, in St. Petersburg tenoten tablets can be at a price of 150-180 rubles. for 40 pcs. Price children's Tenoten- 150-200 rubles. per pack 40 pcs. The cost of Tenoten varies depending on the place of sale. You can find out exactly how much a children's drug costs and how much an adult version costs on the websites of pharmacy chains.

  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
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    Tenoten children's tab. d/rassas n40LLC Materia Medica

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    Tenoten tablets №40 (for children)

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    Tenoten tablets n40OOO NPF Materia Medica Holding

    Tenoten children's tablets 40 pcs.LLC Materia Medica

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    Tenoten N40 tabletsZAT Santonika, Lithuania

    Tenoten children's N40 tabletsZAT Santonika, Lithuania


    Tenoten children's tablets Tenoten tab. children's #40Russia, Materia Medica

    Tenoten tablets Tenoten tablets #40Russia, Materia Medica

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Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.


Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before use medicinal product Tenoten be sure to consult with your doctor.


Tenoten bought for a friend - she divorced her husband and depression swallowed her completely. Life was on autopilot. We decided that she should take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. A month later, at least she began to take the initiative to meet, to walk in the fresh air, to go to salons again - to put herself in order. But the instructions say that you can safely drink for 3 months. Now she has finished taking the drug, but she says her mood is consistently good. So tenoten helped pull out a friend.

Bought for myself multiple times. With age, the nerves began to play pranks. There was some kind of nervous excitement. I’m not a goer for doctors, it’s good now we have the Internet, and that’s where I found out about him. I read a lot positive feedback and bought. Now I'm going through a second course, about a month already. It has become much easier and easier for me to deal with problems. Gently acts, I began to sleep better, less irritated, anxiety and nervous tension went away. In general, I feel much better. I will take up to 3 months 1 tab 3 times a day.

I have had bouts of depression before, when I simply did not want to get out of bed, and even more so to go somewhere and do something. The worst thing was that I could start to break down on loved ones when it became especially hard on my soul, which, of course, I had to regret later. I thought that without the help of a doctor, I myself could not solve the problems with my condition. Well, a friend at the pharmacy advised me to take tenoten. It turns out that it just helps with such conditions as mine. I began to take it according to the instructions, and after five days it became easier in terms of my condition. Slowly she perked up and began to solve the problems that had arisen. Now I continue to take tenoten, I hope that I will completely return to normal.

I have been using tenoten for several years now, I take it for a three-month course, then I take a break and again the course, as the doctor prescribed for me from my nervousness. There are no side effects, it does not interact with other drugs, I have no individual intolerance to it. The tablets taste neither bitter nor sweet, one can say none, I dissolve them without drinking water, which makes it convenient to take even if I don’t have drinking water. They dissolve quickly and help well, nervousness and irritability go away, drowsiness does not appear.

When another emergency happened at work, I realized that I myself could not cope with my condition. A colleague in the same situation took tenoten, said that it helps her. I decided to try it too. The scheme of reception there is simple, the main thing is not to forget about your pills. Somewhere on the second or third day, I already felt that it was easier to look at the next working problem, I understand that it can be solved. Sleep also gradually returned to normal, in the morning I get up rested and full of energy. And most importantly, there are no side effects, which I also feared at first.

Good product, works as directed. I took it for the second course. The first was last year when a relative died, and the second time this year from insomnia. Personally, it starts to help me somewhere after the 4-5th day after the start of the intake, but the effect does not stop after the end of the course. For me, this is a good indicator.

Excellent sedative. It seems to me that tenoten is best for students. Because it simultaneously calms the nerves and improves the performance of the brain. What else do you need before taking the exams? So that the head works and the person is calm)

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