How many ml of breast milk should a newborn eat. How much milk a newborn should eat per feeding: monthly data. Useful video: how much should a newborn eat

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The question of how much formula a newborn should eat sooner or later arises before the parents. For many young mothers, feeding a newborn remains a challenge. How much exactly should a baby eat for a meal, whether he is eating enough and whether the baby is sick, refusing to eat - all these questions arise before parents, regardless of whether the baby is naturally or artificially fed.

Any young mother is worried about how much a newborn should eat in the first months after birth.

On the first day after childbirth, a special liquid called "colostrum" begins to be produced from the mother's mammary glands. It has an extremely rich and unique composition, saturated with all vital vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Therefore, even minimal amount there is enough fluid: the baby is completely saturated and gets everything essential vitamins and nutrients for full growth and development.

Let's clarify how much a newborn should eat. In the early days, a small amount of colostrum is enough for a newborn. This is due to the fact that the baby does not yet have a sufficiently developed sucking instinct.

Mothers are interested in how many times it is recommended to feed a newborn with formula or breast milk. It should be remembered that during the first day after birth, the volume of the baby's ventricle is only 10 ml, and therefore the volume of food eaten in 24 hours should not exceed 100 ml. As a rule, 9-10 feedings a day are enough for a baby to feel comfortable.

How much should a baby eat depending on age

So, how much mixture should a newborn eat in the first days from the moment of birth. Already 3-4 days after birth, the dose for the baby is approximately doubled, and therefore the daily rate for the baby is already increased to 250 ml. Every parent who gives a baby a formula should remember that every day the amount of formula used can be increased by 10 ml. For example, on the third day after birth, a baby can already eat 30-40 ml at a time.

The next question of interest to moms is, in what volume should the mixture be given to a baby at 7 days, 14 days, then - by months. Many pediatricians advise giving the baby 50-70 ml of the mixture in the first week of life. There is a special table that tells parents how much formula or mother's milk a child needs in order to feel full and develop fully.

If parents are worried about the right nutrition , and whether the baby is gaining weight normally, you can find out using a special formula: multiply the baby's age in days by 10. The resulting mark indicates the norm of food consumed by the baby for one feeding.

As soon as the baby reaches 10 days of age, the scheme for calculating the food rate changes somewhat: the amount of formula or breast milk consumed should be equal to 20% of the total body weight of the baby.

Nutritional norms for artificial feeding

What mixture should a newborn baby choose, how much and often he should eat the mixture in order to fully develop, gain strength and energy to further explore the world. Artificial feeding, provided that the mixture is correctly selected, is not much inferior breastfeeding... As in the case of natural feeding, the baby can be fed 7-8 times a day.

But often a situation arises when the baby completely refuses several feedings, or eats an incomplete dose. In this case, the one-time portion of the mixture can be increased. This issue is resolved on an individual basis, since it is very undesirable to underfeed and overfeed the baby. This can negatively affect his development and health.

Now let's find out how much the baby eats the mixture, and what is his individual rate. It's simple: on each bottle for artificial feeding there are special marks showing how many milliliters of formula the child ate.

But if there are no special problems with the bottle, then how to understand if the baby is sucking enough breast milk. To do this, you can weigh the child on an electronic scale. You need to weigh it twice: before feeding and immediately after it. The resulting difference in weight will be the dose of breast milk sucked by the baby. It is enough to compare the figure obtained with the indicators presented in the table in order to understand whether the baby has enough breast milk.

Rules for artificial and breastfeeding

Every young mother, breastfeeding or dairy feeding, needs to know important rules feeding:

  • In no case should a newborn be fed exclusively "by the hour", but only on demand. The baby, with the help of crying, will let him know when he wants to eat. In most cases, the baby needs to be fed every 1.5-2 hours.

  • Approximately 9-10 days after giving birth, milk from a nursing mother gradually stops arriving. But do not be nervous, as a rule, the available amount of milk is enough for the child, and he will not be hungry.
  • If the newborn is breastfed, the number of meals is reduced to 8-9 times a day.
  • On the package with meals, there is always an instruction for preparing the rate of use of a dry mixture. But if the baby rarely eats, the rate recommended by the manufacturer can be slightly increased.
  • Artificial nutrition is digested much longer than breast milk, and therefore, for a longer time, the crumb remains full. Don't worry if your baby eats every 5-6 hours.
  • If a baby is crying, this does not mean that he is hungry. Colic in the tummy, caused by swallowing air with food, is a common cause of concern. It is necessary to hold the child in an upright position.

So, how can you determine that the baby is fully eaten. The most important indicators of satiety are good, sound sleep, cheerful mood, lack of anxiety, and, of course, regular bowel movements. In addition, a well-fed baby should gain weight regularly.

The volume of breast milk or formula that a baby eats in one feeding is an indicator by which you can determine whether the baby is eating enough and whether he has a good appetite. Therefore, it is important for mothers to know the generally accepted norms, to be guided by them, but at the same time take into account the characteristics of their child.

The development of the baby, his physical and emotional comfort depends on proper and complete feeding. When the baby is just born, it is difficult for mom to determine how much he should eat to get enough. It is not easy to tell by the cry of a baby: he is hungry, annoyed, or his tummy hurts. In this case, the approximate norms for one feeding, which have been developed by pediatricians, help. Based on them, mothers, over time, develop their own feeding schedule and amount that is best for their baby.

How much does a baby eat in the first ten days

In the first days of life, the baby's stomach is very small. There is no need to worry that the baby will not receive enough milk and will be hungry. After childbirth, the mother's body produces nutritious colostrum - it contains many useful substances. Colostrum helps to form the child's immunity, the ability to resist disease. Even a small amount of colostrum is enough to keep the baby satisfied.

How much does a newborn baby eat, table:

In the first days, it is important for mothers to maintain internal calmness, not to worry: stress and anxiety affect lactation and the quality of breast milk.

Norms for the volume of milk per feeding with breastfeeding

If earlier it was recommended to feed babies every 3 hours, now pediatricians are talking more and more about feeding on demand. It is important to focus on your child, his health, physical condition, temperament. When the mother has a lot of milk, it is fatty - the baby can eat up quickly and for a long time. If the milk is low-fat, there is not much of it, the baby will be at the breast for a long time, and will often ask to eat. General norms of a single volume of milk for a breastfed baby have been developed.

Table of how much a newborn should eat on HB:

The norm of the mixture for one feeding for babies on artificial feeding

To calculate the amount of formula you need to give your baby per feeding, it is important to know the baby's weight. First, the daily rate of the milk mixture is calculated depending on the age.

Artificial feeding: how much a child should eat, table by month:

Then the resulting daily volume is divided into portions, depending on the number of feedings per day.

How much to give a mixture to a newborn, table:

How to tell if your baby has enough food

The kid can eat more or less of the general norms. It is important to pay attention to his health and condition in order to be sure that you are doing everything right. Signs by which you can understand that the child has enough food:

  • the baby is calm (he can be capricious and cry not because of hunger, but because of colic in the tummy);
  • the child's sleep is sound and long;
  • the baby pees regularly (from 12 times a day) and poops;
  • at the monthly visit to the pediatrician, the doctor notes a sufficient weight gain.

Each child is different, he may skip some feeding due to temporary malaise or bad mood. And another time, after active games, maybe, on the contrary, eat more than usual. Be careful, and over time you will understand which norm is right for your child.

How much should a baby eat at 1 month?

Nutrition for a baby's first year of life is an eternal topic, and it worries absolutely all mothers. And the most heated debates take place in the first six months. Often inexperienced parents do not know how much a baby should eat at 1 month old, and are afraid to overfeed or leave him hungry.

Babies who were born very large - more than 4500 grams, will need a little more food than a baby with average weight bodies at birth. And vice versa - if a child was born with a low weight, and even more so prematurely, then he will need less food than the average established figure for this age.

What are the nutritional standards?

Each child eats as much as he wants. Not only older children are divided into little ones and well-eaten children - all origins come from infancy. But doctors have calculated how much a baby should eat in 1 month.

So, a baby from birth to two months should receive liquid food 1/5 of its own body weight. That is, a child weighing 5 kilograms per month is supposed to drink 1 liter of milk or mixture. Of course, this is not a one-time, but a daily rate, which will need to be divided by the required number of meals.

How many times does a baby eat in 1 month?

Depending on the type of feeding, the number of feedings per day is also distinguished. Thus, children who receive the formula should eat every three and a half hours during the day, and at night they have a break of 5-6 hours. That is, it will be about 7-8 times a day.

But babies who are fed on demand receive more ml of milk than artificial ones. But this does not mean that you can feed such babies as much as you like, it is advisable to make the interval between feedings at least two and a half hours. About 10-12 attachments to the chest come out per day.

How long is there a baby at 1 month?

And again, it all depends on whether the baby is breastfeeding or artificial. In the first case, the baby can spend 40 minutes at his mother's side, while in the second option, the children drink the mixture in about 5-10 minutes.

How to determine how much a baby eats at 1 month in ml?

To begin with, we need an accurate baby scale. The baby is laid out on them before feeding and immediately after, in the same clothes. This method is considered the most accurate. There is also an old method to check how much milk or formula a baby is eating at 1 month. This is a test for wet diapers, and during the day their number should be at least 12 pieces. If there are fewer of them, then the baby is clearly lacking food.

One month baby regimen

The long-awaited months of waiting are over - a child has been born. To make it easier for him to adapt to a new extrauterine life, the child's regimen should be observed at 1 month. During this period of life, the baby needs special care, which includes standard procedures. And if the same actions are repeated from day to day at the same time, the child will know what to expect. It will also make it easier for parents to plan their day.

One month baby's day regimen

We, adults, live according to a well-planned schedule: getting up, going to work, lunch, returning home, dinner, sleep ... And again everything in a circle, from Monday to Friday. Such a mode of life helps not to forget anything, to be in time for everything and allows you to always know in advance what to expect. So it is with a newborn child: in order for everything to go on as usual, you need to plan the day according to a specific schedule. What does the daily regimen of 1 month old baby consist of?

The main stages of the regimen for a baby at 1 month are:

  • Feeding;
  • Wakefulness;
  • Hygiene procedures;
  • Walking.

It takes about 18-20 hours to sleep in the first month of a child's life. Feeding takes place on demand, or approximately 6-8 times a day and 1-2 times a night. By simple mathematical calculations you can guess that the child is awake very little - 4-6 hours a day. During this time, you need to have time to communicate with the baby, wash him. Walking is usually combined with a nap.

Morning begins ...

Usually the morning for mom and baby starts at 6 o'clock. The child should be washed after a night's sleep. Wipe his face with a cotton pad moistened with warm water... Rinse the eyes from the outer corner to the inner corner and the auricles without going inside. If necessary, clean the nose with a turunda.

Then at 6:30 you need to feed the baby and go to bed by 7:00. The child sleeps for about 2-3 hours. Then (about 9-10 hours) wakefulness sets in. It lasts about half an hour - at this time you can play with the baby, talk, sing a song. Then comes feeding and sleep again - and so on all day.

At first, the baby will live according to his own regime. But the routine of a 1 month old baby needs to be gradually brought into the system. For the sake of this, you should not specifically wake up the baby when it's time to eat, or wait for the feeding period. Mom needs to be flexible, listen to the baby, but try to stick to the schedule.

How much and when should a child eat at 1 month of age

Children's doctors advise to organize the diet of the child on demand. In the first week after the birth of a baby, many young mothers hear the following phrase from pediatricians: "The baby should be at the mother's breast 24 hours a day." You should not take these words literally - the baby should sleep in his crib, but the rest of the time you need to feed the baby when he wants it. This phrase sounds especially relevant for primiparous women who should be breastfeeding.

25-30 years ago, women fed their children on a strict schedule. Whether the child was crying, whether he was throwing tantrums - they waited for the right hour to feed. Many mothers still practice this approach to feeding. However, on-demand feeding is valuable in that the mother's body adjusts to the baby's needs for milk and produces as much of it as needed. This "setting" occurs in the first months breastfeeding.

Before feeding, the baby is briefly spread on the tummy. It should be remembered that during feeding, not only milk, but also air enters the baby's stomach. In order for it to come out, it is necessary to hold the baby in an upright position after eating until burping. This is necessary to prevent colic.

Sun, air and water - walking and swimming

Walking is extremely important for the baby, so they should definitely be present in the 1 month baby routine. At a minimum, you need to walk with your child once a day. In summer, the walk can be from 20 minutes to several hours. In winter, depending on the weather, - no more than an hour, but no less than 10 minutes.

Bathing the baby is best done in the evening, taking advantage of the next interval of his wakefulness. Monthly babies are bathed in a special bath in boiled water. You can add a little dissolved potassium permanganate or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, string) to it. Water temperature + 37 ° С.

The mother's affectionate attitude and kindness in every action will help the baby learn to trust. Thus, each procedure will only bring joy to the child. And the habit of the regime will allow you to guess what will happen next. Let every day begin with a smile and be filled with happiness!

How much should a baby eat at 1 month

With the appearance of a newborn in the house, a young mother has many questions: how to bathe the baby correctly, how to feed it, how long does it take to walk with him? At the same time, the topic of nutrition for babies is always the subject of discussion on social networks and on forums where newly-made parents gather. The most common question asked by women who are breastfeeding is how much should a baby eat if it is developing correctly. Let's find out.

Modern pediatricians have developed a special table with indicators of the norms of the amount of food for a month-old baby. However, these figures for each individual baby are purely individual. Therefore, according to them, one can only look at the state of health of the baby. If the indicators are very different from the figures presented in the table, then it makes sense to adjust the nutrition of the crumbs. But let's deal with everything in order.

To begin with, the baby must gain a certain body weight after birth. If according to the weighing indicators between the first and second months of life, the baby gained about 20% in weight, then everything is in order with him, and there are no deviations in development. In addition, it is important to understand that newborn babies cannot eat a strictly defined amount of food every day. So if the deviations from the norm are insignificant, then there should be no reason for concern among young parents.

Modern pediatricians strongly recommend not to force-feed your children. Apply the baby to your chest when it asks for it. The fact that you will forcibly shove food into it "on schedule" will be of no use. Practice shows that this only leads to unnecessary hassle of the mother and to the stressful state of the baby.

Babies who eat artificial formula are much easier to control in terms of the amount eaten, down to every milligram. But even with natural breastfeeding, it is important to understand that the baby should eat as much as he wants. If the baby suckles for more than an hour, while literally sleeping with her in his mouth, then this is not an indicator of quality feeding. Typically, for quality breastfeeding, a baby must suckle milk for 15-20 minutes.

Norms of the volume of food for a month-old baby

According to pediatricians, a baby at the age of one month should eat 600 ml of milk per day. With each subsequent week, you can add another 50 ml of food. Recall that for each child, the daily milk consumption rate will be different. Therefore, if 400 ml of food is enough for your baby, then you should not forcibly shove another 200 ml of the mixture into it, which are prescribed for him according to the standards.

You can calculate the food intake for your child by finding out his relative weight. To do this, the baby's body weight in grams is divided by its height, taken in centimeters, and multiplied by 7. The resulting figures are the approximate daily milk requirement for your baby.

You should pay attention to one more nuance: if your baby feels normal, is active, observes the daily regimen, then you should not worry about how much he should eat. Such questions may arise only for those parents whose children eat too little or too much. In addition, do not forget that the baby may refuse to eat due to colic in the intestines, hypothermia, stuffiness in the room and for other reasons. Human body so arranged that during feeling unwell loss of appetite. And newborn crumbs are no exception to the rule.


We found out that when breastfeeding one month old baby he himself determines how much milk he needs to fully saturate the body. However, if you want to make sure that your baby is really full, then carry out a check weighing before feeding and after eating. The difference between these indicators will be the amount of milk you drink.

You should be worried about the nutrition of the crumbs only in those cases when he eats too little milk and does not gain weight well. In such situations, the child should be shown to the pediatrician. If the above problems with the nutrition of the baby are not there, then there should be no reason for concern among young parents.

Let your little ones grow healthy for everyone's delight.

Young mothers are always worried about whether their baby is full. Most women believe that their baby does not have enough milk. Some say that the baby suckles for hours. Others worry about short but frequent attachments. Although both options are considered acceptable. Many people ask doctors how much breast milk a newborn should eat in one feeding, demanding an exact figure.

Old-school pediatricians can really tell the volume in milliliters and the exact number of applications during the day. Breastfeeding consultants and modern pediatric doctors have a different opinion on this matter.

Is it necessary to know how much a baby eats in one feeding?

Lactation is a process that is regulated by mom and baby. A baby knows better than anyone else when he needs to attach to his mother’s breast and how long to suck it. Milk consumption norms are not rigid, and the boundaries are very wide. Therefore, a baby can drink several milliliters or several hundred milliliters in one feeding.

The amount of milk that the baby will drink depends on several factors:

  • Times of Day. In the early morning, the production of prolactin rises in a woman's body. Therefore, milk comes at this time, and a sleepy baby can receive a large portion of food.
  • The age of the baby. A newborn eats only a few ml of colostrum in one feeding. In the early days, the baby is just learning to suck and get food, and the volume of his stomach does not exceed 10 ml. At the same time, the colostrum that the mother has is enough for him. With age, the volume of food increases.
  • The baby's well-being. During illness, the baby may have a decrease in appetite. Other children, on the other hand, begin to "hang" on their chests. Therefore, the well-being of the child also affects the amount of milk drunk.
  • Mom's breast capacity. This indicator is very individual and may even differ for the right and left breast of the same woman. The larger the container, the more milk accumulates in it. Consequently, the baby is able to suck more. With a small capacity, the baby is applied more often and each time receives a modest portion of food.

It is impossible to calculate how much a child eats in one feeding. This is a pointless waste of time and energy for mom. Control weighing before and after feeding, which is recommended by pediatrics of the 20th century, is not indicative. Therefore, a mother does not need to know how much milk a newborn should eat. There is no exact norm.

Approximate norms

With artificial feeding, a woman needs to accurately calculate the milk norms for a newborn baby. As they grow older, they increase.

It's much easier with breastfeeding. No need to perform complex calculations and find a middle ground. You just have to breastfeed your baby on demand and enjoy it.

Many experts have tried to deduce the milk norm for a newborn. Common calculation methods suggested:

  • Finkelstein. The daily milk requirement depends on the birth weight of the baby. With a weight of up to 3.2 kg, the number of days must be multiplied by 70, and with a weight of more than 3.2 - by 80. For example, on day 3 for infants up to 3.2 kg, the norm will be 3 * 70 = 210 ml of milk per day.
  • Filatov-Zaitseva. Milk volume is calculated by calculating 2% of body weight and then multiplying by age in days. For example, a 5-day-old baby weighing 4 kg should eat: (4000 * 2%) * 5 = 400 grams of milk.
  • Shabalov. Provides a calculation of the amount of milk a baby should drink in one feeding. To calculate, you need to take the child's age (n), his birth weight (m) in kilograms and multiply their product by a coefficient 3. If the baby was born with a body weight of 3000 and now he is 4 days old, then the child will eat in one feeding: 3 * 3 * 4 = 36 ml.

Numerous attempts to calculate how much an infant should eat at a time have led to the following figures:

  • in the first days - up to 60 ml;
  • in 2 weeks - up to 90 ml;
  • at 4 months - up to 210 ml;
  • at 5 months - up to 240 ml.

To calculate nutrition for mixed feeding, mothers can use this table.

With HB it is impossible to calculate with an accuracy of one milliliter how much a child should eat at 3 months or any other age. The amount of milk you drink per application is very individual. It depends on external and internal factors, environment, baby's appetite and his emotional state.

Young mothers of one-month-old baby can hear from the pediatrician at the first visit that they need to regularly weigh the baby and analyze whether he has enough food. However, this evaluative criterion is no longer considered indicative. Breastfeeding counselors and modern doctors use other methods.

Is the baby eaten

The rate of breast milk for a newborn cannot be calculated. Most often it makes no sense to do this, since a small percentage of women have real problems with milk production.

Usually, young mothers themselves inspire themselves that the baby does not have enough food. The feeling that there is a lot or little milk in the breast is not an indicator.

If the mammary glands are soft, then this does not mean poor milk production. It's just that the woman has already matured lactation.

Indicators that the baby is eating:

  • The child is gaining weight well. During breastfeeding, the ranges for weight gain are very wide. In one month, a baby can gain 0.5-2 kg. In the first days after birth, on the other hand, there is a natural loss of body weight.
  • The kid is cheerful and cheerful, in a good mood. If the baby's mother's nutrition is not enough, he will be capricious and show it with all his might. But this is an indirect criterion. Increased tearfulness and anxiety of the baby can occur due to other reasons.
  • Adequate wet diapers. The analysis is carried out within a day. Weekly toddlers and older children urinate at least 12 times. A newborn baby may have less urination and is usually the same as his or her age in days.

If, after the first month of life, the baby has gained weight, often urinates and feels good, you should not find out how much the baby should eat at 2 months. With all sorts of calculations and unreasonable anxiety, young mothers only harass themselves, increasing the stress hormone in the body. It suppresses prolactin levels and is bad for lactation.

How to organize feedings correctly

There are several norms for feeding newborns who are breastfed. Doctors differ on this issue. Soviet-era pediatricians recommend feeding children at regular intervals no longer than 15 minutes and strictly observe the interval. Modern doctors have a different point of view and advise young mothers to breastfeed on demand. Only a woman can choose which option suits her best.

  • attach the baby to the breast in the first half hour after birth;
  • to be with the baby after childbirth;
  • to apply to the breast correctly - this allows the baby to fully suck out the milk;
  • feed the baby with breast milk for 6 months without supplementation and supplementation;
  • maintain feedings at night and in the morning - this ensures sufficient production of prolactin;
  • choose a joint dream;
  • do not express before and after attachments, if this is not required by the state of health;
  • apply to the breast at the slightest demand even before the baby starts screaming heart-rendingly;
  • give the baby the opportunity not only to get enough with the help of the mother, but also to calm down;
  • stop constantly weighing the baby and trying to count how much breast milk he ate in one feeding.

The correct development of the baby is determined by the quality and quantity of milk eaten. To ensure the first indicator, certain conditions are needed - correct menu mothers, good sleep and rest. And to calculate how many grams a baby should eat per day, standard rules apply.

In contact with

Norm for a newborn

After delivery, the woman's body is rebuilt to a new rhythm. The hormonal background changes, the increased production of prolactin, the hormone of lactation, begins. Rebuilding takes how many days during this period the woman, the value of which is irreplaceable for the newborn. The composition of the liquid is nutritious, soft for the unprepared system of the baby's digestive tract, and is easily absorbed.

Colostrum is produced as much as a newborn should eat per day - 40-60 ml, in one feeding it sucks out 9-11 ml. But the high calorie content of this food provides full saturation with the necessary substances.

During, therefore, first you need breastfeeding a newborn 9-12 times... The gland's response to the sucking reflex stimulates quality lactation.

The calculation algorithm that calculates how much milk a newborn should eat in one feeding at the very beginning of life looks like this:

Norm = K * 10, where K is the number of days of his age.

Considering that in the first 2-3 days, the child is applied to the breast 9-12 times, then, on the tenth day, 7-9 times, the norms of how much a newborn should eat at the very beginning of life, are summarized in a single table:

Age At a time, ml Per day, ml.
1 day 10 90–120
2nd day 20 180–240
Day 3 30 270–360
4th day 40 280–360
Day 5 50 350–450
6th day 60 420–540
Day 7 70 490–630
Day 8 80 560–720
Day 9 90 630–810
Day 10 100 700–900

Mom cannot find out how many milliliters the baby ate while sucking, so the weighing method is used on the advice of pediatricians. Before giving breast, you need to use the scales, write down the numbers that they showed, after the meal do the same. Subtract the first from the second indicator: the difference will show how much the newborn ate in one feeding.

How many times to feed the baby

The baby's organs in the first days from birth are very small in volume, including the stomach, it processes only 0.1 liters of food. With age, the capabilities of the gastrointestinal tract increase, a newborn can consume 0.3–0.35 liters of milk per day from the 3rd day in one feeding, he asks for breast less often. Child under the age of one month eats 6-8 times a day.

How much should a child eat at 1 month with proper development, depends on the prevailing habits, physiological characteristics, but certain conditions must be observed.

  • feed for no more than 20 minutes with each breast;
  • no need to add water;
  • the nipple should be clasped along with the areola;
  • apply a pose from under the arm;
  • the first milliliters must be drained before feeding.

It is preferable to breastfeed the baby on demand. This will preserve lactation and fully saturate the baby. When discussing how much a newborn should eat, pediatricians advise not... It is at night that the maximum prolactin is produced, which contributes to the preservation of lactation. Together with night meals, 11–12 applications per day will satisfy the child's need for milk by 100%.


Calculation by month

For the first 30 days, feeding continues on demand, and special algorithms are used to calculate how much the newborn should eat under these conditions. According to one of them, it is proposed to give 0.25 of the baby's body weight per day from the 11th day, gradually adding volume, to 1.5 months to 0.2 of the weight per day (with a normal set). For example, if a child at the age of 30 days gained 4.0 kg in weight, then there should be 800 ml of food per day. Indicators have an error due to differences in individual physiology.

Not a single pediatrician will say with 100% accuracy what is the monthly feeding rate of an infant for a particular age, they advise using the rules for calculating averages.

Calculation table by month

Step by step you need to increase the intervals between feedings by 25–35 minutes. By age 6 months, meal intervals increase to four and a half hours, sleep time - up to 8 hours. The popular pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky advises not to give the baby a breast as soon as he cries, the reason is not always hunger - colic, teething, etc.

Important! The wet diaper test helps determine the child's satisfaction with the food. Diapers are excluded for one day, the baby pees on a fabric sheet during this time. If the baby is full, more than 12 changeable diapers are used, and vice versa.

Wet diaper test

When mixed meals are required

If the wet diaper test shows it is necessary to introduce supplementary food... How many grams of artificial milk a newborn should eat depends on the amount of dry diapers remaining.

For a single urination of a child up to 3 months, 60 ml of milk is spent. That is, if 4 diapers are not enough to 12, then you need to add 4 * 60 = 240 ml of supplementary feed per day. The older the child, the more indicator processed milk into urine. For example, at 5 months, one diaper = 80 ml of milk.

Supplementary feeding rules:

  1. Start with half a teaspoon.
  2. Track the reaction in a day.
  3. In the absence of allergies and pronounced colic, add supplements.
  4. The volume for each feeding is calculated from the total requirement divided equally by the number of meals.
  5. Feed the formula after breastfeeding.
  6. You can completely change one-time feeding for artificial nutrition, without dividing it for a day.

When a baby at 4 months old lacks 160 ml of milk, you can replace your meal with a bottle of formula in the morning or add 20-25 ml during the day.

Each mother can individually choose how much artificial formula the baby should eat at one time when feeding. If the missing amount is divided into 2 doses - in the morning feeding and in the evening, and the child tolerates the mixed food normally, then this is an individual norm.

Mixed food: complementary foods

Artificial feeding

Natural mother's milk is able to adapt to the development of the newborn's body - the quantitative and nutritional composition changes every month, the spectrum of useful elements expands. The mixture will not be adjusted this way, so the human factor turns on, the mother must calculate and draw up a menu so as not to overload the baby's digestive tract with excess carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Methods for calculating the rate

Artificial feeding of newborns is used in 20% of cases immediately after childbirth... You can calculate the rate using the volume per day indicators mentioned above. But, since the mixture is absorbed in the stomach longer, the number of breastfeeding and the volume of the mixture at a time will decrease.

  1. Volume... It is calculated as natural nutrition, but since the requirements will be less, you can increase the one-time intake by 20 grams. You need to monitor the weight gain monthly: if the norm is exceeded, stop adding volume.
  2. High-calorie... To calculate how much mixture the baby should eat, the calorie content of the product is taken into account. For one kilogram, normal nutrition should provide a child with 120 calories for up to six months. For example, with an indicator of 700 kcal / l for a child weighing 4 kg, 120 * 4 = 480 kcal is needed. Then (480 * 1000/700 = 685 ml of the mixture is needed per day.
  3. Age... The calculation was proposed by one of the first pediatricians in Russia, Shkarin A.N. The starting point is the age of 2 months, and the norm of this age is 0.8 liters. For each of the first 8 weeks, the norm is 0.05 liters less than 800 ml, and for each subsequent month after two - 0.05 liters more.
  4. For chubby babies... In the first 30 days, give 800 ml (the maximum allowable volume), each next add 0.05 liters per day, by six months a day the rate will approach 1 liter (the minimum required).
  5. Height and weight... The calculation was proposed by the professor of pediatrics Reich at the beginning of the 20th century.

S = (V / R) * 7, where:

S is the daily rate;

V - weight, grams;

R - height, see

Artificial feeding of newborns should be completely exclude "grandmother's" advice on eating goat or cow's milk from the first days. There is so much calcium and phosphorus in the composition of such products that children's kidneys cannot cope with the elimination of these elements from the body. The result is complications in the development of the skeletal system, genitourinary, vascular.

  • Feed a nipple with a small hole to develop the sucking reflex, to prevent overeating.
  • Buy a hypoallergenic adapted mixture.
  • Do not focus on sterilizing the bottle, rinse well with hot water.
  • Do not give vitamin D, it is sufficient in the mixture.
  • Drink water between feedings, 50 ml each.
  • Preference is given to feeding by the hour.
  • Break 3-4 hours;
  • No need to wake up your baby to eat.

Important! If there is a chance to stimulate breast milk, then it is not necessary to include artificial feeding of newborns before the age of six months, says E.O. Komarovsky. Despite the high quality of modern adapted mixtures, immunoglobulins and enzymes of natural milk cannot be replaced.

Useful video: how much should a newborn eat

In what way and in what quantity to feed her child, each woman decides for herself. The main thing, as noted by the leading pediatricians of the country, is a positive attitude and quality rest of the mother. Only then will the baby receive all the necessary useful material, which will be properly assimilated and will help him in development.

In contact with

If breastfeeding is possible in the first days after childbirth, the baby will receive colostrum from the breast - a thick yellowish liquid saturated with a huge amount of useful and necessary substances for the crumb. Milk will begin to arrive at about 4-5 days. The rate of milk or formula eaten by a child will constantly change as he grows and matures. Let's find out how much milk a baby should eat by month.

First day

100 ml of colostrum - approximately the same amount of food the baby will receive on the first day. About 10-12 feedings, 7-10 ml at a time. Colostrum is quite fatty, nutritious and healthy, so the mother should not worry that the baby will not be full. If you have to feed the baby with a mixture, then feedings will have to be done every 3-3.5 hours, and the baby will eat 10-15 ml at a time.

First 10 days

With each new day, the baby grows, and, accordingly, his stomach. On the second day, the rate of colostrum increases to 200-240 ml per day, about 20 ml per feeding. On the third day, the volume will already be 300-340 ml, about 30 ml per feeding. At one week old, a baby will eat approximately 500 ml per day, about 50-60 ml per feeding.

How much should a child eat up to a year - a table by months


Artificially fed:

Is the child eating enough?

If the baby sleeps well, behaves calmly, gains weight within normal limits, pees more than 12 times a day, then everything is fine with the amount of his food.

Crying a baby during feeding or after will not necessarily indicate hunger and lack of milk. Most likely, the baby is crying because of colic and gas in the tummy.


From 6 months, complementary foods are usually introduced, milk or mixture gradually ceases to be the main food of the baby. When introducing complementary foods, it is necessary to supplement with milk after meals, while reducing the portions of milk. Gradually, complementary foods become the main food, and the child eats breast milk or formula before bedtime and at night. Meals become five times a day, a menu is drawn up, which should include vegetables, fruits, kefir, cottage cheese, yolk, meat, fish, butter... Read more about complementary foods in our article "Introducing complementary foods."

Any complementary foods should be introduced in 1 tsp. for the first time, increasing by 2 times every day. Gradually, the portion increases to 120-150 g, for example, when introducing mashed zucchini, on the first day, give 1 tsp. and watch the baby. If everything is in order, there is no allergy, the stool does not become sharply liquid and there is no constipation, then on the second day you already give 2-3 tsp. Again you observe the child and, if everything is in order, on the third day you give already 5-6 tsp. Thus, increase the portion to 120-150g. After meals, you can supplement with milk or formula.

Below is a table that indicates how much complementary foods to give to a child under one year old.

Complementary feeding table for children under one year old

Product From what age Serving per serving
Vegetables From 4.5 to 6 months 120-150 g

(from 9 months increase to 200 g)

Fruits From 4.5 to 6 months 60-80 g

(from 9 months increase to 100 g)

Kefir From 6 to 7 months 200 ml
Cottage cheese From 6 to 7 months 30g

(from 8 months - 50 g)

Yolk From 9 months Half yolk
Butter From 4.5 to 6 months 4 g

(by the year increase to 6 g)

Meat From 8 months 30-50 g

(by the year increase to 70-80 g)

A fish From 8 months 30 g

(by the year increase to 60 g)

Milk cereals From 6 months 150 g

(by the year increase to 200 g)

Fruit juice From 4.5 to 6 months 60-70 g

(by the year increase to 100 g)

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