How much breast milk should a newborn baby eat. How much does a newborn eat per feeding? Breastfeeding

Children's 24.11.2020

The most important question for young parents is the health of their child. One of the main aspects on which it depends is proper and rationed nutrition.

But sometimes, for one reason or another, it is necessary to give the newborn artificial nutrition. In this case, parents face a difficult task - to figure out how much to eat. Small child with artificial feeding.

Almost always, milk is noticeably formed in young mothers on the fourth day after childbirth. But the baby asks for food already on the second day. Most parents who have not previously been engaged in feeding children, in this case, begin to worry about whether there will be enough milk.

In this case, there is no need to worry because:

  • in newborns, the sucking reflex is still almost not developed, so they do not drink much milk; at birth, the first feeding usually takes a few minutes; when the baby learns to properly suck on his mother's breast, he will already have enough milk;
  • in the first days, the mother does not secrete milk, but colostrum, which has a high fat content and nutrients. A small portion is enough to make the newborn feel good;
  • colostrum is formed quickly, but in a small amount - for ten feedings within twenty-four hours, the baby will be able to receive a daily volume of milk of 100 milliliters;
  • newly born children do not need much food;
  • begins to appear already on the first day, even if after the birth of the baby there was not even a hint of it.

Important! anxiety can lead to stress, which, on the contrary, will negatively affect its appearance.

A woman should not worry that colostrum will negatively affect the baby. Scientists have proven that the substance is mandatory for a newborn. It strengthens the immunity of the baby, and also allows him to grow healthy and strong.

Norms of feeding in the first ten days

The first ten days are the most important for the formation of the baby's body. Proper nutrition helps to avoid many diseases and problems in the future. To calculate how much mixture a newborn should eat, special formulas have been created. They are calculated from the fact that the baby is growing and developing rapidly, and the volume of the stomach of the newborn is increasing.

The dose should be increased every day:

  • on the day of his birth, the baby needs at least 100 milliliters of milk;
  • on the second day - not less than 200 and not more than 240 milliliters;
  • on the third day - not less than 300 and not more than 340 milliliters.

The next forty-eight hours, the dose of one feeding is 20 milliliters. Every day it needs to be increased by 10 milliliters.

The exact volume can be calculated using 2 formulas:

  • multiply the number of days of the baby's age by 10;
  • subtract a certain number from his body weight depending on age.

Table: nutritional norms up to a year with artificial feeding

If the newborn is fed in a standard way, the rate is calculated in a different way. Not real milk or a mixture differs from the mother's in the composition and concentration of nutrients. There is no clear formula that would allow you to calculate how much mixture babies need. The daily volume is calculated depending on the age and weight of the baby.

AgeMix volume
Up to 1.5 months20% by weight
1.5 to 4 months16.5% by weight
4 to 6 months14.2% by weight
6 to 8 months12.5% ​​by weight
8 to 1 year11.1% by weight

Babies are very picky about feeding and should eat at least 8 times in 24 hours. If the frequency of feeding is lower, the amount of single feeding should be increased.

By one and a half months, the baby's sucking reflex will already be developed to easily cope with the nipple. The baby can eat, but still does not feel the norm. Parents should ensure that he does not overeat. On the finished mixture sold in stores, it is indicated how much is needed for a certain age.

Features of nutrition with artificial feeding

Artificial mixtures partially or completely replace breast milk. For a baby, changing his diet is stressful, so it requires caution on the part of parents.

Three types of mixtures are produced:

  • adapted;
  • partially adapted;
  • unadapted.

For the manufacture of mixtures of the first type, cow's milk is used. They have a composition as close as possible to mother's breast milk. Such mixtures are intended for infants of the youngest age.

Mixtures of the second type are made according to the same principle, but have more differences from breast milk. They are intended for children whose age is from six months. These mixtures can be combined with

The third type of mixtures is introduced into the diet of children whose age has exceeded 8 months. They are almost entirely composed of kefir or cow's milk.

Important! If for some reason the mother of the newborn does not have milk, highly adapted mixtures are used. They are also known as starting and initial. They can be given to an infant in the first week of life, including day 1.

The norm of feeding a child with mixtures of different manufacturers

The market for formulas for young children is diverse and represented by a large number of manufacturers. On sale there are conventional mixtures, and specialized ones designed for sick babies.

Hipp and Similac

Hipp and - one of the most common mixtures for newborns. They are intended for babies up to 6 months old. These mixtures are as close as possible to mother's milk. They have an almost identical composition, so their rate for the baby is calculated the same way.

AgeNumber of mealsThe ratio of the mixture to water
Up to 14 daysUp to 81: 6
From 14 days to 1 monthUp to 71: 9
1 to 2 monthsUp to 71: 12
2 to 4 monthsUp to 51: 18
From 4 months to six monthsUp to 51: 16
From six monthsUntil 31: 20

Additional Information! Instructions for preparation are written on the package with the mixture. If there is a case with a premature baby, a special variety called "Similak Neoshur" is required.


This product is in the ranking of the best mixtures. Their goal is to strengthen the baby's immunity, reduce the risk of colic, bloating, and ensure normal growth of the body. As in the previous case, the mixtures have an almost identical composition, and differ only in the manufacturer.

The rate for the listed mixtures is calculated as follows:

AgeCooking methodNumber of meals
Up to 14 days3 tablespoons per 90 milliliters of waterAt least 6
From 14 days to 1 month4 tablespoons per 120 milliliters of waterAt least 5
1 to 2 months5 tablespoons per 150 milliliters of waterAt least 6
2 to 4 months6 tablespoons per 180 milliliters of waterAt least 5
From 4 months to six monthsAt least 4
From six months7 tablespoons per 210 milliliters of waterUntil 3

Important! For cooking, you need a measuring spoon with a volume of 4.4 grams. Water must be strictly boiled. The bottle from which the baby will drink, and other devices need to be sterilized. For young children, the mixture should be given every three hours, as indicated in the table.

How to determine that the child is full?

Undernutrition or overeating for a newborn child is fraught with negative consequences in the form of health problems. Therefore, the question of how to determine that the child is full is one of the most important for young parents.

You can understand this by the following signs:

  • the baby is happy and smiling;
  • he has a healthy long sleep;
  • urination occurs more than ten times in 24 hours;
  • the baby empties the intestines after almost always after he was given a meal;
  • feces are dark yellow and mushy;
  • the baby's skin is pinkish and elastic;
  • his body proportionally grows and weight increases;
  • when the baby is not sleeping, he behaves actively.

Note! Overeating also has negative consequences. As with malnutrition, it impairs sleep. The baby can rapidly recover, and refuse food. If the child does not want to eat, although the portions are small, you should consult a doctor. If the baby has eaten a rationed portion, but asks for more, you do not need to overfeed him.

How to understand that the child is hungry

The most obvious sign that a child is malnourished is occasional crying. Especially if it occurs shortly after eating. The baby becomes inhibited, less active.

He goes to the toilet less often and starts sucking on his fingers or other objects. The baby should get better every month by at least half a kilo. If the rate of weight gain is lower, then he is not full.

Most clear signs that the baby is hungry are:

  • the baby becomes more mobile, periodically opens his mouth, and turns around in search of his mother;
  • the baby tries to gnaw on things and other objects that come across to him;
  • the child becomes overexcited and his skin turns red.

Feeding children with artificial foods is not an easy task, but doable if you follow the rules and regulations. The main thing is not to worry and not to panic, even if. If necessary, you can consult with specialists who will tell you how to properly feed your child with artificial mixtures.

Many mothers whose babies are on breastfeeding, often worry about the lack of milk. In 95% of cases, fears are in vain. In order to dispel fears, it is enough to get acquainted with several methods for determining the amount of milk that a baby receives during feedings.

Reliable ways to determine the lack of milk while breastfeeding

During the first days after the baby does not get better, but rather loses weight. Its decrease by 5-8% of the initial value in the first 4-5 days is a physiological norm and should not cause concern to parents.

2 weeks after birth, the weight of the crumbs should correspond to the initial value, that is, be no less than at birth.

Only from now on you need to wait for the weight gain in the child.

Average rates of normal weight gain

Age, months

Increase per month, grams

Gain for the period, grams


600 600













5-6 650


There are several ways to reliably determine how much milk a child consumes.

  • Control weighing

This method has been practiced since Soviet times. Previously, the baby was weighed before and after feeding in the clinic, today mothers do it at home.

To know exactly how much milk the baby ate at a time, it is better to purchase scales for home use.

Choose models with the smallest measurement error. When determining the amount of milk that a child received in one feeding, every gram plays a role. In the distribution network there are models with an error of 20, 10 or 5 grams. It is clear that it is better to choose more accurate models.

Many mothers use Beurer JBY 80 scales made in Germany. They are easy to use, affordable and accurate in measurements (error - 5 grams). The scales have the "Tare" function, which allows you to reset the weight of the diaper before weighing, which is laid on the scales before weighing.

Slightly more expensive model B. Well Kids WK-160 UK production. Measurement error - 5 grams. The model is equipped with a memory function of the previous reading, which is convenient when weighing before and after feeding.

To determine how much milk a baby consumes per day, weighing should be carried out before and after all feedings. . However, when feeding on demand, this is not only difficult, but also unnecessary. The procedure will not benefit the child and tire the mother.

Pediatricians advise weighing the baby once a day, at about the same time. And you should also compare the indicators every week, tracking the positive (or negative) dynamics.

  • Wet diaper method

You can determine how much milk a child consumes per day by the amount of urine. It is 44-62% of the amount of milk drunk per day (only if the baby is not fed with water or tea).

If the baby is gaining weight too slowly, using the method, you can easily determine the amount of milk that he drinks per day.

The average rate of urination in a newborn child should be at least 10 times a day (from 8 to 12). You can calculate the number of piss by giving up diapers for at least a day. Not all mothers are ready for this, so they use the method of weighing wet diapers.

The table shows the norms for the consumption of milk by newborns and, accordingly, the amount of urine excreted per day (the average is 50% of the volume of milk)

Age of the baby

The volume of milk for 1 feeding, ml. The volume of milk per day, ml. Daily rate urination, ml.

3 to 4 days

20-60 200-300


First week

50-80 400


Second week

60-90 Up to 20% of the child's weight

Up to 10% weight

1 month

100-110 600


2 months

120-150 800


3 months

150-180 1/6 of body weight

1/3 of body weight

4 months

180-210 1/6 of body weight

1/3 of body weight

Up to 6 months 210-240 1/7 weight (up to 1000 ml)


To determine the amount of urine per day, all diapers used during this time are weighed and the weight of dry diapers is subtracted. To prevent moisture from evaporating, wet diapers are stored in an airtight bag or weighed and recorded at each diaper change.

Volume Bladder in a monthly crumb is about 30 ml. That is how much fluid is excreted from him for 1 piss. We divide the total amount of urine per day (300 ml) by 30, we get 10 urination, which is quite consistent with the norm.

  • Milk quantity and baby's stool

It is possible to determine whether the baby has enough breast milk by the amount of feces. 3 days after birth, the baby's stool becomes more frequent. At the same time, its volume also increases. After a week, he should poop at least 3 times a day, and breastfed babies can empty their intestines after each feeding.

If on the 4-5th day after birth, the baby still has meconium, which consists of perinatal hair processed by the child's body, bile, amniotic fluid and other substances that are in the child's body while still in the womb, there is a reason to see a doctor.

With sufficient nutrition, the baby's stool returns to normal on the 5th-6th day after birth. If the baby poops rarely and little, this indicates a lack of milk from the mother.

Relative or indirect signs indicating a lack of milk

Many mothers begin to panic about the lack of milk when a particular situation arises. Most of the time, their fears are unfounded.

Moms' worries are caused by different signs

What worries mom


The baby is often attached to the breast

Most often, the child constantly asks for breasts not because of hunger. The baby just needs physical contact with his mother, to which he is accustomed, being in her womb . The need for physiological and psychological comfort encourages the child to ask for a breast not only at the time when he is hungry.

In addition, frequent application is associated with the volume of the baby's stomach, the volume of which in the first 1-2 months is only 30 ml. After 15 minutes, the milk enters, where it is quickly absorbed.

Frequent baby crying

  • Frequent, unreasonable crying of a child may indicate temporal stage of development of an organism , which passes by 6 months.
  • In the end, the child may be crybaby by nature .
  • Formula-fed babies, whose dietary intake is very easy to control, can also cry for no reason .

The baby sucks the breast for a very long time

There is no exact indicator of how long a baby should breastfeed. It all depends on the physiology of the baby. Mother's breast is the most calm and comfortable place for a child. . Therefore, the baby is in no hurry to leave a cozy and calm place.

The duration of feeding may depend on improper attachment to the breast. The baby is simply uncomfortable to suck and he spends more strength and energy to get enough.

Between feedings, milk does not leak or drip from the breast

Rapid breast filling is felt by a woman only the first time after childbirth. After the feeding process is established, milk is produced not under the influence of hormones, but at the request of the baby. It comes gradually, but constantly. The feeling of breast fullness occurs only with long breaks between feedings. .

Not expressing milk

When feeding crumbs on demand, the mother produces as much milk as the baby needs, so there is no need to pump. The amount of milk that the mother can hardly express does not match the amount of liquid that the baby has sucked out. No pump or manual pump will be able to express enough milk. Only a properly attached breast baby copes with the task .

Bad experiences with breastfeeding

Breastfeeding of the first and subsequent children is not related . Lack of milk when feeding the first child is not inherited with repeated feeding.

Expressed milk is not correct

The appearance of mother's milk does not affect the saturation of the baby. Any mother's milk is perfect for her baby . Its composition can change even during one feeding ( we are talking not about foremilk and hindmilk).

Premature or large baby

  • premature baby can suckle breast with breaks of 4-5 minutes. This does not mean that the mother does not have enough milk and the baby has nothing to suck. Just because of prematurity, the baby gives himself a rest, and then again gets to work.
  • Birth of a big baby does not mean that he has the same "large" appetite. He may well have enough of the milk that his mother has. If the baby likes to eat, then he will regulate the amount of mother's milk. After all, the more he sucks it, the more it is produced.

If you feed your baby formula, he sleeps better

The baby's body digests milk formula longer than breast milk. Therefore, while this process is taking place, the baby sleeps peacefully. Breast milk is absorbed faster, so the baby wakes up more often. But this, again, is not a sign of a lack of milk. .

If the baby, who is exclusively breastfed, is gaining weight for his age, then the mother has enough milk and you should not worry.

When the weight of the child does not reach the norm, you need to see a doctor. After all, the reason for the lag can be not only a lack of mother's milk, but also other serious reasons.

Timely elimination of problems will help the baby grow up healthy and strong.

How to determine that the baby does not have enough breast milk on video

When establishing breastfeeding or artificial feeding, parents should definitely keep in mind how much a newborn should eat at a time and per day. These data will help to organize the process correctly and will have the most beneficial effect on the physical development of the child.

In the first month of his life, it is very important to prevent both overfeeding and starvation. Special formulas and tables will allow you to calculate the necessary dosages of baby food in each individual case, taking into account the weight and age of the baby.

If a mother is determined to breastfeed, she just needs to know how much milk a newborn should eat, starting from the first days of life. This will allow her to remain calm and not be nervous in vain (after all, experiences will subsequently affect the volume and quality of lactation). What indicators to rely on in this matter?

First feeding

The most exciting days for nursing women are the first three after the birth of the baby. After all, milk begins to arrive only on the fourth. So far, only colostrum comes out of the chest. And anxiety begins that in such a situation the newborn will remain hungry. In fact, you do not need to be afraid of this for the following reasons:

  1. The kid himself will not eat much, because at this stage he is very poorly developed, he will only learn this.
  2. Yes, and his stomach is very small (volume - only 10 ml) and cannot contain too much food.
  3. Colostrum produced in the early days female body, differs in fat content and nutritional value. Therefore, it has everything you need to ensure the full life of the newborn.
  4. On the fourth day, the amount of milk in the breast will increase naturally, so all these worries about its lack are at first only harmful and completely unfounded.

There is a very simple formula how to calculate how much a newborn should eat in the first days of his life. The volume of his stomach = 10 ml. It is believed that at this stage he will need about 10 feedings over 24 hours. Accordingly, the daily dose = 100 ml. However, all these figures will change significantly over the next week.

4-10 days

During this period, several other factors will influence how much the newborn will eat:

  • the mammary glands of the mother will begin to produce much more milk;
  • the volume of the stomach in the crumbs will change, as it will grow by leaps and bounds, and accordingly, the amount of fluid consumed will increase.

For the first 10 days of a newborn's life, there is a special formula for calculating how much milk a newborn should eat in one feeding:

  • N (how many days the baby is) x 10 = the volume of what the newborn ate, in ml at a time.

The problem with breastfeeding is that it is difficult to know how much milk a newborn has eaten. The artificers can clearly see everything: there was so much mixture in the bottle - so much is left. It's easy to calculate.

For infants, there is only one way to determine the amount of liquid they have drunk. To do this, you will need medical scales that are particularly accurate. The newborn needs to be weighed on them before and after feeding. The difference between the readings and will be the desired parameter.

1 month

After the tenth day, the mother, on an intuitive level or based on the data received from regular weighings, will know how much her baby eats at a time. Does it comply with the regulations? We calculate again using a special formula:

  • N (baby weight): 5 = volume eaten in ml per day;
  • V (volume in ml per day) : P (number of feedings per day) = volume eaten in ml per 1 time.

The number of feedings is a very individual indicator. For artificial babies, it is much more convenient to schedule by the hour, because there is no breast milk flow factor to control, but there is a recommended interval between feedings (at least 3 hours).

But for infants, pediatricians consider the best option for meals on demand. This will not allow milk to stagnate, will not lead to mastitis, and the baby will be cheerful and calm, because he will always receive the necessary amount of food.

One more important advice parents of a baby: do not calculate how much he ate by the amount of time he spent suckling. On average, it is from 15 to 30 minutes. But one child absorbs the required norm in 15 minutes, and the other in only half an hour. For some, even 40 minutes is not enough, because the intensity of sucking is different for everyone. Do not rush the baby, but do not let him stay at the breast for more than an hour. And how to calculate dosages for artificial people?

According to research. As observations have shown, the last 5-10 minutes the newborn sucks at the breast not in order to squeeze milk out of it. By this time, he is usually full. The reason is in the psychological comfort that the baby feels in these moments.

Artificial feeding

One of them will be exactly the same as for babies. The second is somewhat different. For the daily amount, the same formula is used:

  • N (weight of the baby): 5 = volume of the mixture that the newborn ate, in ml per day.

This is quite understandable, because, regardless of the type of nutrition that the baby receives in the first month of his life, it must be complete and the same in volume. But in terms of the number of meals, the formula will be slightly changed. Pediatricians advise to make intervals between them for artificial people at least 3 hours. At night, the stomach must rest.

And no matter how much mothers would like to feed their baby at his first request, more or less than 7 times a day, in these rigid frameworks, it will not work. Accordingly, the equation takes the following form:

  • V (mixture volume in ml per day): 7 = volume in ml for 1 time.

Of course, each situation is purely individual. If a formula-fed baby has to give a mixture more often (less often, it’s definitely impossible at that age) to give a mixture, then the formula for babies works:

  • V (volume of mixture in ml per day) : P (number of feedings per day) = volume of food in ml per 1 time.

And in the end you will get a figure of how much a newborn should eat in one feeding, if everything is in order with him, he does not get sick and corresponds in development to his age.

It is very important not to deviate from the norm here, because it is very easy to overfeed with a mixture. After all, sucking from a bottle is easier than from a breast, and if the hole in the nipple is also large, you can do nothing at all: a trickle of life-giving liquid will flow into your mouth by itself.

So, dear mothers, prepare only such an amount of the mixture that the little hero is supposed to eat at a time. To help - several tables with indicators of the norm in accordance with age.

Useful advice. Never force a newborn to finish drinking the norm for 1 feeding that is due to him. Perhaps he will "get" this amount next time. Pay much more attention to how much he ate per day.


Those values ​​​​that you calculate by the formulas, how much a newborn child should eat at a time and per day of milk or mixture, must be compared with the norm. This will determine if he is developing according to his age.

They are contained in a special table in which daily and single dosages are scheduled by months up to 1 year.

This is done so that parents see the dynamics of changes and understand that with an increase in the weight of the baby, the amount he eats will increase proportionally. Starting from 5 months, complementary foods will be added (with which porridge is it better to start feeding a child, read) and the dynamics will stop.

According to this table, it is easy to determine how many milliliters of the mixture a newborn should eat at a time and per day. It is clear that the breadth of indicators for 1 feeding is due to the fact that their number per day will vary. But the too rigid and completely non-mobile parameters of the last column cause concern among those parents whose children do not fit into the standards of height and weight.

What to do for those whose child weighs 6 kg instead of 7 at 1 month? And if a very tiny girl was born, who has such a heredity, and by the first month of her life she weighs only 3.5 kg?

These cases are not pathological, but they do occur. That happens. How to determine the amount of formula or milk needed for such unusual babies? The second table will help - more universal and convenient for such non-standard situations.

The superiority of this table over the previous one can be seen with the naked eye, although many parents whose children develop quite standardly do not want to engage in complex calculations and use the data from the first one.

The last question that may arise in the calculations: in all tables, the norm indicators are given in milliliters. Is this unit of measurement the same as grams? The formula is simple:

  • 1 milliliter = 1.03 grams.

The difference is negligible, so don't worry about it. And finally, it is worth giving a few useful tips about dosages of baby food for the smallest.

On a note! The norms given in the last column of the first table are very conditional, not only because of the possible significant difference in weight, but also because of the gender of the child. Still, girls are usually not as big as boys - accordingly, they eat less food.

Formulas, tables, calculations, norms, tolerances, how much a newborn should eat at a time and per day - this should worry parents at the following points:

  • in the first days of a baby's life;
  • if the mother is inexperienced and does not know how much mixture or milk to give to the baby;
  • if the child was born prematurely;
  • if he has serious health problems.

These are situations that require special control over the nutrition of the newborn by doctors and parents. And it is absolutely not necessary every day, after each feeding, to weigh the baby, worry about fluctuations in weight and look into these tables every minute. The fact that he eats can be understood by a number of factors:

  • he is calm, cries little and almost does not act up;
  • he has a good sleep;
  • no problems with weight gain;
  • he goes to the toilet regularly.

You yourself will guess about overeating by the loose body, diathesis plump cheeks, and at the next examination of the pediatrician you will hear that it would be necessary to reduce the amount of mixture or milk with which you indulge your hero.

In the first month of a baby's life, it is advisable to track how much he eats formula or milk, and compare these indicators with the norm. If the amount of food absorbed per day is much less than the approximate figures, you need to find out the reasons.

It's one thing if the baby weighs little and needs much less food than their peers. And another thing - if the problem is in some disease that makes itself felt in this way. If portions of what you eat exceed the norm, you should also think about obesity in the future, which is fraught with dangerous consequences for such a crumb.

So the amount of formula or milk consumed by a child per day plays an important role in its development and formation. Parents should pay sufficient attention to this aspect at first, but not to fanaticism.

Artificial feeding involves the complete replacement of breast milk with special mixtures. This mode of feeding the baby is not justified in any case.

Refusal of natural nutrition is necessary if a woman had difficulty enduring pregnancy, there were complicated births, as a result of which she takes medications recovery. Also, artificial feeding is recommended if the child does not have enough mother's milk for full development.

If you can breastfeed your baby, then formula should be avoided. Even despite the fact that most mixtures are considered adapted. they still cannot fully replace all the benefits of mother's milk.

Tables that determine the rate of nutrition of a child

Let us consider in detail, using the tables, how many grams of the mixture for one feeding a newborn and a child on artificial feeding at the age of 1, 2 or more months should eat.

Newborns up to 10 days per feeding in ml

To calculate the approximate amount of the mixture during artificial feeding according to the Filatov formula, the number of days of a child's life up to a month is multiplied by ten.

So the volume of the mixture in milliliters for one complementary food:

For example, a child is 8 days old, feeding seven times a day. 8 * 10 = 80 ml/feeding. Daily ration = 80 * 7 = 560 ml / day.

Children under one year by month

All calculation formulas show an approximate value, but it is important to ensure that the baby does not eat more than 1200 ml per day. The table shows how much mixture in ml should be given to a newborn baby or older babies at a time per feeding.

The norm of the amount of food, taking into account the weight of the baby

For example, a 5-month-old child with a body weight of 6200 g with 6 meals a day needs:

  • 6200 / 7 = 886 ml of the mixture / day;
  • 886 / 6 = 148 ml/feeding.

There are various calculation methods that can take a long time to learn. To simplify this process you can use the calculation online calculator , it also takes into account the weight and age of the newborn or older child.

How to calculate the daily volume of consumption?

There are alternative calculation methods, which we will discuss below. Volumetric calculation is used if the baby's body weight corresponds to the average norm for his age:

The norms of growth and weight of children, their dynamics are developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Calorie calculation is optimally suited for premature babies and infants with low weight. Average child needs:

This method takes into account the weight of the child and the calorie content of such food. For example, a baby at 3 months weighs 5200 g, a mixture of 680 kcal. Calculation of the daily norm: 115 * 5.2 = 598 kcal / day. (598*1000) / 680 = 879 ml/day.

For large children with high rates of physical development, the following calculation method is used: in the first month of life, the baby should eat 700-800 ml, and the next 50 ml should be added every month:

The calculation for weight and height is determined by the following formula: weight / height * 7.

Weekly consumption rates, namely, how many ml of the mixture a newborn or older baby should eat per feeding, based on the calculation, can be seen in the table:

How often should a baby be fed per day?

Formula-fed diet is easier to establish than breastfeeding. This is due to the longer digestion of the milk mixture. This allows you to teach your baby to eat at certain hours. It is recommended to feed the newborn every 3 hours, i.e. 7-8 times a day, taking into account the needs of the child.

Also the baby should be allowed to drink water in the amount of one feeding with the mixture per day. Children 3-4 months old can reduce the number of feedings up to 6 times. After the first feeding at 4 months - up to 5 times a day. It is important to ensure that the child does not overeat and exclude the possibility of obesity.

Whether the child has enough nutrition is determined by the pediatrician by weight and height. The rate of development should correspond to the norm for each month of the baby's life.

There is another criterion - the frequency of urination. The norm of feeding is considered if in the first three days the baby goes to the toilet three times a day, in the second half of the week - 4-8 times, from the second week the norm is 12 or more times a day. If the child pees less than the specified norm, then the food is not enough, and vice versa.

How many cans will you need to buy?

Parents who formula feed their baby are often concerned about the amount required cans. After all, food is not cheap, and with the growth of the baby, the need for it will only increase. An average 400 gram jar contains approximately 93 scoops of powder. 24 of which will be required for feeding per day.

With 8 meals a day for an infant up to two weeks, the jar will last for 3.5 days. month old baby- for 5 days. It turns out that for a month you will need to purchase six cans. The child's appetite will gradually increase, and, accordingly, with each subsequent month, the mixture will need more.


With a variety of methods for calculating the required amount, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each child, his appetite, weight, development dynamics, well-being and time of day. You should focus on the daily rate, and not for one complementary food. Starting at 4 months, you can start complementary foods and reduce your formula intake.

With the possibility of breastfeeding in the first days after childbirth, the baby will receive colostrum from the breast - a thick yellowish liquid, saturated with a huge amount of useful and necessary substances for the baby. Milk will begin to arrive in about 4-5 days. The norms of milk or mixture eaten by a child will constantly change with his growth and maturation. Let's find out how much milk a baby should eat by month.

First day

100 ml of colostrum - approximately the same amount of food a baby will receive on the first day. About 10-12 feedings of 7-10 ml at a time. Colostrum is quite fatty, nutritious and healthy, so mom should not worry that the baby will not eat up. If you have to feed the baby with a mixture, then feeding will have to be done every 3-3.5 hours, and at a time the baby will eat 10-15 ml.

First 10 days

With each new day, the baby grows, and, accordingly, his stomach. On the second day, the norm of colostrum increases to 200-240 ml per day, about 20 ml per feeding. On the third day, the volume will already be 300-340 ml, about 30 ml per feeding. At the age of one week, the baby will eat approximately 500 ml per day, about 50-60 ml per feeding.

How much should a child up to a year eat - table by month

On breastfeeding:

On artificial feeding:

Is the child eating?

If the baby sleeps well, behaves calmly, gains weight within the normal range, pees more than 12 times a day, then everything is fine with the amount of his food.

The crying of a child during feeding or after it will not necessarily speak of hunger and lack of milk. Most likely, the baby is crying because of colic and gas, formed in the tummy.


From 6 months, complementary foods are usually introduced, milk or mixture gradually cease to be the main food of the baby. With the introduction of complementary foods, it is necessary to supplement with milk after meals, while reducing portions of milk. Gradually, complementary foods become the main food, and the child eats breast milk or formula before bedtime and at night. Food becomes five meals a day, a menu is drawn up, which should include vegetables, fruits, kefir, cottage cheese, yolk, meat, fish, butter. Read more about complementary foods in our article "Introducing Complementary Feeding".

Any complementary foods are introduced in 1 tsp. for the first time, increasing by 2 times every day. Gradually, the portion increases to 120-150 g, for example, with the introduction of zucchini puree, on the first day you give 1 tsp. and watch the baby. If everything is in order, there is no allergy, the stool does not become sharply liquid and there is no constipation, then on the second day you already give 2-3 tsp. Watch the child again and, if everything is in order, on the third day you give 5-6 tsp. Thus, increase the portion to 120-150g. After meals, you can supplement with milk or formula.

Below is a table that indicates how much complementary foods to give a child up to a year.

Table of complementary foods for children up to a year

Product From what age Serving Per Feed
Vegetables From 4.5 - 6 months 120-150 g

(from 9 months increase to 200 g)

Fruit From 4.5 - 6 months 60-80 g

(from 9 months increase to 100 g)

Kefir From 6 - 7 months 200 ml
Cottage cheese From 6 - 7 months 30g

(from 8 months - 50 g)

Yolk From 9 months Half yolk
Butter From 4.5 - 6 months 4 g

(by the year increase to 6 g)

Meat From 8 months 30-50 g

(by the year increase to 70-80 g)

A fish From 8 months 30 g

(by the year increase to 60 g)

Milk cereal porridge From 6 months 150 g

(by the year increase to 200 g)

Fruit juice From 4.5 - 6 months 60-70 g

(by the year increase to 100 g)

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