What to water with iodine in the garden. Iodine: use in the garden and in the garden. How to get rid of moles - summer tricks and tips

Drywall 11.08.2020

Iodine in the garden

An ordinary vial of iodine can provide a gardener with more than one great service. Since we all know from childhood that iodine is an excellent antiseptic, it is a sin not to use this property in the prevention of plant diseases, especially all kinds of rot. A solution of 5-10 drops of iodine in ten liters of water is recommended to spray strawberries and strawberries before flowering. This simple procedure relieve it of gray rot and activate vitality. Spraying is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of ten days. With a solution of one drop of iodine per three liters of water, tomato seedlings are watered once in order to increase the productivity and future size of the fruit. After planting seedlings in the ground, you can carry out iodine feeding again by adding three drops of iodine to a bucket of water. Watering rate: a liter under a bush. If you mix 40 drops of iodine with a liter of serum and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 10 liters of water, you will get an excellent tool to combat the hated late blight. By adding a liter of non-fat milk and 10-12 drops of iodine to 9 liters of water, a solution is obtained that destroys downy mildew on cucumbers. In addition, iodine is part of the means that prevent yellowing of leaves in cucumbers and promote rejuvenation of lashes.

Zelenka in the garden

Brilliant green solution is no less famous than iodine, it can also be used in the dacha, no doubt. Zelenka can lubricate the wounds of plants with small pruning or accidental damage instead of garden pitch. 40 drops of brilliant green dissolved in a bucket of water will help rid tomatoes of phytophthora, and cucumbers from powdery mildew. In order not to measure a drop each time, you can dilute a vial of brilliant green in a liter of water, and then add a little bit to the eye for spraying. Spraying cherries with a weak solution of brilliant green helps to better set fruits.

Trichopolum in the garden

"Trichopol" is used as prophylactic against phytophthora. For this purpose, 1 tablet of "Trichopolum" is dissolved in 1 liter of water and tomatoes are sprayed every two weeks.

Aspirin in the garden

Aspirin is part of one of the means of combating powdery mildew of gooseberries and currants.

Potassium permanganate in the garden

Potassium permanganate is well known to any gardener and is used everywhere. First of all, in a pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 grams per 100 ml), it is recommended to treat the seeds before planting in order to destroy possible pathogens that hibernate on the seeds. To this end, the seeds are soaked in the solution for 20 minutes and then dried. If in a bucket of a pink solution of potassium permanganate (3 grams per 10 liters) add boric acid on the tip of a knife, then a good early spring dressing for strawberries, raspberries, currants and gooseberries will come out. This fertilizing option is especially good in areas with sandy soils. 2 teaspoons of potassium permanganate, dissolved in 10 liters of water, will save strawberries from gray rot, if you do not forget to spray the berry after flowering. Potatoes are soaked in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate before planting, as well as seed tubers before being stored. Neither the wireworm nor pathogenic fungi like this treatment. In addition, potassium permanganate dissolved in water is used to shed soil for seedlings, wash boxes, cups and pots in which seedlings are planned to be grown or forcing greens, and greenhouses and greenhouses are treated inside and out to prevent plant diseases. The only thing to keep in mind when using potassium permanganate is that everything is good in moderation. You should not get too carried away with watering "rose water". An excess of manganese in the soil can adversely affect the development of crops.

Glucose and vitamin B1 in the garden

These vitamins are used to feed flowers. Five times with an interval of two weeks, the plants are fed with the following solution: 5 ml. glucose and 1 ml. vitamin B1 per 5 liters of water. Abundant and long flowering guaranteed!

Boric acid in the garden

Boric acid is the best helper for poor fruit set. A solution of boric acid (2 grams diluted in half a liter of water, and then bring the water to 10 liters) can be sprayed on all plants to stimulate the ovary. As we wrote earlier, some gardeners add boric acid to the tip of a knife in a bucket of water with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, mix everything thoroughly and use it to feed strawberries and raspberries in early spring. Such top dressing not only helps to increase the yield, it also improves the taste of the berries. In addition to the above, boric acid is used as a component of a complex nutrient solution for soaking seeds before planting. Two handfuls of onion peels are poured with a liter of boiling water and mixed with a pre-prepared ash solution in a ratio of 1: 1. For 1 liter of such a solution, add 1 gram of manganese, 0.1-0.3 grams of boric acid and 5 grams of baking soda.

Hydrogen peroxide in the garden

Hydrogen peroxide can successfully replace traditional potassium permanganate at the seed dressing stage. To disinfect the seeds, they are soaked in a 10% peroxide solution for 20 minutes, and then washed with water and dried. If you are sure that there are no pathogenic organisms on your seeds, then you can use hydrogen peroxide as a growth stimulator. In this case, the seeds must be soaked for 12 hours (and difficult-to-germinate seeds like parsley, carrots or beets - 24 hours) in a 0.4% peroxide solution. Then rinse and dry to a loose state as well. This treatment promotes rapid germination, increased yields and increased plant immunity. Peroxide can also help in the fight against late blight. A tablespoon of peroxide in a bucket of water with the addition of forty drops of iodine (or without it) is a ready-made solution for preventive spraying of tomatoes.

crushed analgin acts on ants
garlic-onion yellowing, shed metranidazole .. 4-5 tab per bucket.
From slugs it is very good to sprinkle the ground with mustard or pepper, the slugs burn.
I’ve been fighting the wireworm for more than a year. Chalk, lime, flour - they don’t work against the wireworm, they just deoxidize the soil, and this is not enough to destroy the wireworm. About tar - a pharmacy vial on a bucket of sand, mix and spoon into the hole. Potatoes do not smell of tar

Willow blossoms - plants resistant to short-term frosts can be sown in the exhaust gas: lettuce, radish, parsley, dill ....
Aspen blossoms - you can sow carrots, parsnips ...
Birch, poplar are blooming, bird cherry has blossomed - it's time to plant potatoes, spring garlic, onion sets.
Lilac blossomed - it's time to plant / sow in open ground heat-loving plants: cucumbers, pumpkins, beans and other crops. (under temporary shelters from a film / non-woven fabric)
Rose hips have bloomed, mountain ash - it's time to plant tomato seedlings in a permanent place (open ground).
The elderflower blossomed - the time has come to plant late cabbage.
The beginning of spring is fuzzy in time, so you need to carefully follow the clues of nature. "Red day" of the gardener's calendar - when the coltsfoot will bloom. On average, this is April 7th. From this day, our ancestors counted the dates of spring work. The beginning of plowing (preparation of beds for sowing) was timed to coincide with the 14th day. On the 11th day of flowering, hives were set up, fruit trees were planted, strawberries were cleaned from dry leaves, and the earth was loosened. On the 23rd day, early vegetables were sown - onions, beets, turnips, parsley, dill, carrots, peas, radishes, radishes. Birch and poplar bloom 30 days after coltsfoot. This is the signal to plant early potatoes. IF MOTHER STEPMOM FLOWED in the first days of April, or even earlier, it is better to postpone planting potatoes until bird cherry blossoms. Cherry, pear, plum bloom on the 29th day, and the apple tree - on the 32nd after coltsfoot.
spraying with urea 700g + 100g vitriol. instead of bardos. early spring or late autumn.

Then they mixed the usual baby cream with vanilla powder - vanilla somehow repels mosquitoes. And there is another way:
Dilute a sachet of vanillin in 100 g of warm water and spray gently on open areas and on the face and hair through the pulverizer. NOT A SINGLE CREATURE WILL FLY UP AND WILL NOT BITE!

1. One hundred grams of camphor or valerian, evaporated over a burner, will save even very large rooms from flies and mosquitoes.
2. Finely chop fresh leaves of bird cherry or mountain ash and rub the exposed skin.
3. Essential oils cloves, basil, anise, eucalyptus:
Lubricate exposed areas of the skin (5-10 drops per glass of water), or on a fire source - in a fireplace, a fire, a candle or a heated pan. Moisten a cotton wool with the oil of these plants and put it on the windowsill.
4. Put fresh elderberry branches in the room, they repel mosquitoes in the same way as the smell of tomato leaves.
5. If you decide to sit in nature - throw juniper twigs into the fire.
6. The smell of cedar oil repels not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.
7. Not a single insect will touch your face if you wash yourself with a decoction of wormwood roots (pour a handful of chopped roots with 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, leave for 20-30 minutes).

The composition of the spray solution
Four ten-gram vials of brilliant green.
One five percent, five gram vial of iodine.
A barrel of water for two hundred liters.
Pour the bubbles into a barrel of water, stir and two hundred liters of spray liquid to protect all types of plants from diseases at your fingertips.
You can fight insects with infusion (two days for half a bucket and add water to the top) Celandine (spray). Any eggs die. Pts. good action. on aphids

Pour one third of the nettle, a bucket of mullein, 2 shovels of ash, 2 kg of yeast, 3 liters of whey into the barrel. Infused for two weeks. Then you need to water under the root - and the tomatoes grow by leaps and bounds.
The infusion is being prepared. In a 200-liter container (barrel) is placed:
- a shovel of wood or grass ash;
- half a bucket of manure or litter;
- a bucket of rotten straw or leaf litter;
- a shovel of humus, compost or just garden soil;
- sand shovel;
- a liter of whey or curdled milk;
- 3 liters of mash!

Brazhka is prepared as follows: for 3 liters of non-chlorinated water, 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar and a pinch of yeast. It ferments for 2-3 days, then it is added to the common tank. Before use, you need to store the mash in the refrigerator - it is valuable until it sour.
In the general tank, the whole bodyaga is infused for a week. Sometimes it needs to be stirred. When used, the infusion is diluted at least twice.
(Yu.I. Slashchinin)

2. In a 200 liter barrel I put weed grass 2/3 of the barrel. (you can add ash 2 shovels). I fill it with water, cover with a film on top. Infused for two weeks. When using infusion, I dilute 1 to 10.

3. In a 200 liter barrel I put fresh manure, 1/3 of the barrel. I fill it with water. Infused for two weeks. When using infusion, I dilute 1 to 10.

4. In a 200 liter barrel I put chicken manure, 1/3 of the barrel. I fill it with water. Infused for two weeks. When using infusion, I dilute 1 to 20.


  1. Yeast for fertilizing flowers and not only...

    As you know, ordinary baker's yeast is an excellent growth stimulant.
    The composition of yeast is rich in minerals, organic iron and trace elements. When yeast is dissolved in water, substances are released that accelerate root formation.
    Plants watered with such a solution become stronger, seedlings tolerate picking better and stretch less.
    In a word, yeast improves plant nutrition and enhances the activity of soil microorganisms. But there is also a limitation on their use - it is useless to introduce them into cold soil. They need heat to develop, and they work only in warm soil.

    A noticeable effect will be in the spring, during picking or transplanting seedlings, or in the fall, during the rooting of strawberry rosettes. Yeast absorbs a lot of calcium during its activity. In the South, this is not a problem, but in the Middle lane it is better to bring in ash with them.

    Traditional Yeast Recipe:
    ordinary - diluted in water in a ratio of 1 kg of yeast per 5 liters of water. The resulting composition before use is further diluted in 50 liters of water;
    dry - diluted in water in a ratio of 10 g per 10 l warm water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
    They let it brew for about two hours, then it is also diluted in 50 liters of water and used.

    You can take natural yeast to feed plants - a starter obtained, for example, from hops or wheat grains.

    Wheat Grain Sourdough Recipe:
    soak a glass of wheat and set to germinate (for about one day);
    grind into porridge; add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and flour to the consistency of thick porridge;
    mix and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes; put in a warm place until it turns sour (bubbles appear) for about a day.
    The starter is ready.

    Hop sourdough recipe:
    hop cones (dry or fresh) put in a saucepan and pour hot water, boil one hour;
    cool and strain;
    add sugar and flour to the broth (twice as much flour as sugar);
    mix and put in a warm place for 1.5 days;
    add mashed boiled potatoes to the mass (until the density of porridge);
    mix and leave for another day.
    The starter is ready.

    Onion peel is also an excellent top dressing.
    In order for the plants to be healthy and bloom luxuriantly, they must be fed with a decoction of onion peel. The decoction is prepared as follows. Put four handfuls of onion peel in a bucket. Fill a bucket to the top with water, bring to a boil and let it brew. Insist for a day. Then, to feed on a bucket of water, take 1.5 liters of broth and water your pets. The effect is fantastic. A lot has been written, but to do it very quickly, try

  2. 10 garden secrets

    1. "Salt" onion
    Before planting onions, it is recommended to soak them for 3-4 hours in salt water - 100 g of salt per 5 liters of water.

    2. Cucumbers with milk and honey
    If cucumber seeds are preliminarily (before planting in the ground) soaked in milk, then the fruits will be tastier and more tender, and if in honey water - sweeter.

    3. Cut the leaves
    2-3 days before planting tomatoes in the ground, 2-3 lower leaves are cut off from seedlings.

    4. Do not water
    The first 12-14 days after planting, it is advisable not to water the plants: the root system will develop into the ground and they will suffer less from dry periods.

    5. We stimulate
    Before planting in the ground, it is useful to spray the seedlings with a solution of epin (growth biostimulator), repeat the spraying after a week.

    6. Nasturtium from the whitefly
    To scare off whiteflies from tomatoes, plant Alaska nasturtium between the bushes.

    7. To make the garlic large
    Plant it in peat-rich soil with a little sand added. For 1 m2 - 2 buckets of peat and 0.5 buckets of sand.

    8. Balm for tomatoes
    Pour nettles into a barrel by 1/3, add a bucket of mullein, 2 shovels of ash, 2 kg of yeast, 3 liters of whey. The solution is infused for two weeks. Then pour the root mixture - the tomatoes will grow just before our eyes.

    9. Greens for fertilizer
    For 10 l hot water chop 1 kg of green grass, leave to infuse for a day. Then strain and water, spending 3-4 liters per 1 m2.

    10 Snail Rescue
    Cut a few bars of laundry soap into 3 parts and place on the bottom of containers made from 1.5-liter plastic bottles.
    Add some water. Arrange soap jars throughout the area. Every morning snails will gather in them, which should be collected and lowered into a bucket of salt.

  3. If onions or garlic begin to turn yellow, you need to pour them with a solution of metronidazole: dissolve four tablets of metronidazole (250 mg) in 10 liters of water. Soapy water with potassium permanganate used by many does not give an effect.

    Currants and gooseberries will bear fruit abundantly if potato peelings are often buried under the bushes, and garlic is planted on the sides.

    To prevent raspberries from growing, plant garlic around the perimeter. Raspberry will not cross this line.

    Potatoes will not damage the wireworm if, when planting, a handful of onion peels are placed in each hole, which must be stored from the winter.

    There is a case when tobacco does not harm health, but on the contrary, it helps: if you spray the young leaves with tobacco infusion before and after the flowering of the garden, you will be able to avoid the use of chemicals. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 400 g of tobacco into 10 liters of hot water, leave for two days, strain and add 40 g of grated laundry soap.

    In order to keep apples on a branch until the cold weather and be with the harvest every year, it is necessary to prune knots annually in the spring, which prevent other branches from growing. In addition, it is good to feed the apple tree with stale, moldy bread, which must be buried under the tree. This is a nutritional complex for apple trees. And you should not “coward” the tree, it is better to use a special net for picking apples. Apple trees don't like to be shaken.

    It is better to overlay a cucumber bed with slate, as it does not dampen like a tree, and serves for many years. Install the posts on the sides and stretch the spall. And when the cucumbers grow up to 10 cm, they must be tied to the spall. All summer there will be no slugs or aphids, and cucumber lashes are healthy, green, abundant flowering. In the fall, dig up this bed and put all the waste on it: the tops of vegetables, dried flowers ... Sprinkle everything with ashes and sprinkle with earth for the winter. In spring, the bed breathes warmth.

    If insects have overcome the garden, you need to mix ground black pepper with flour and sprinkle around the plants. Insects rush to get away

  4. 7 useful tips for growing plants.

    1. Iodine for cabbage
    Add 40 drops of iodine to a bucket of water. When a head of cabbage begins to form, water the cabbage under the plant 1 liter each.

    2. Sprouting acceleration
    To make the seeds germinate faster, they are soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
    (4%) for 12 hours (cabbage), and tomato and beet seeds for 24 hours.
    For disinfection of seeds (instead of potassium permanganate), they are treated with 10%
    hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes. The ratio of solution and seeds is 1:1. Then
    seeds are washed and dried.

    3. Onion tea
    Dry the tea leaves and store for planting onions. Apply under each bulb at planting. Luke is not sick.

    4. After the rain
    Potato harvest will be three times more if potato seedlings (10-12
    cm) spud immediately after rain or heavy watering. Then
    additional trunks, on which tubers will appear after a while.

    5. Banana fertilizer
    Take banana peels, fill them with water (for example, in a three-liter jar),
    wait until bubbles form on the surface: water indoor
    flowers. Derivative proportions. You can pour water into old crusts by adding

    6. Flowers by leaps and bounds
    Dissolve 100 g of raw yeast in 10 liters of water. Water all plants, including
    including indoor flowers, once a month. The result is excellent growth.

    7. Prevention with garlic
    Garlic infusion strengthens the immunity of plants. Pour 4-5 cloves
    garlic 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. The resulting solution
    add to water for irrigation 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water - for any

  5. Memo gardener-gardener

    - Before planting: pour 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water for 3 hours.
    - After salt: a dark solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours. Be sure to rinse.
    - From an onion fly: 1. The first leaf appeared 1) Spill with water. 2) Watering 2 tablespoons of ammonia on a bucket of water (3 watering cans per 6p.m. beds) 3) Spill with water. 2. After 10-14 days. According to the same scheme, watering 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water 3. After 10 days. According to the same scheme, watering with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
    - Top dressing: Likes yeast infusion: 100g. yeast per 1 bucket for 1 hour insist, shed, feed, shed.
    - Thin out shallots, don't be sorry.
    - Finish watering, rake the land.
    - Roast in the sun in the garden, do not drag it to the attic.


    - Watering only with warm water in the evening.
    - Top dressing: love yeast, 100g. yeast for 1 bucket, insist 1 hour, shed, feed 1 glass of infusion per bush, shed. The best feed: nettles with ashes, so put it in the greenhouse.
    - Make a frame for the whips on top.
    - Do not loosen, pour the earth.
    - Put a bucket of slurry or grass.
    - Spraying against the disease 1 liter of skimmed milk + 20 drops of iodine per bucket of water. As a preventive measure, once every two weeks, you can add green soap .. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    - Before sowing for 5-6 days, spill the earth with hot water and 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate in a bucket of water, cover with a film.
    - Plant: in the greenhouse and on the bed of nasturtium - from the whitefly, basil - from the disease and just loves the neighborhood, smear Vaseline on a yellow piece of paper.
    - Keep the greenhouse open, don't close it.
    - Mulch when the ground warms up with grass, hay.
    - Watering under the mulch.
    - Do a couple of steaming: close the greenhouse for half a day, then ventilate well.
    - Spraying against the disease 1 liter of skimmed milk + 20 drops of iodine per bucket of water. As a prophylaxis once every two weeks, you can add green soap. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    - Pierce the trunks with copper wire or a toothpick.
    - Chop the tops, fill in the ground.
    - Prevention of late blight: five days after planting seedlings 1g. CuSO4 in 4 liters of rain soft water - spray. Five days after the first treatment from a watering can: 40g. pour dry horsetail with water, boil for 15 minutes, drain the broth and save. Pour the precipitate and boil for 10 minutes. Combine decoctions, bring to 5 liters.
    - Five days after the previous treatment. 0.5 liters of skimmed milk + 50 drops of iodine per 5 liters of water.
    - 7-10 days after the previous treatment 1 ml. Epin for 5 liters of water.

    - Do not untie the raspberries until you have finished processing.
    - Draw large-fruited and yellow. For a week in wet moss in a barn, for 1-3 days on a veranda, then sit in cups under a film.
    - First treatment - Bordeaux liquid with a broom.
    - The second in a week - 3 handfuls of urea per bucket of water from a watering can.
    - From the raspberry beetle and weevil on the buds - actellik, fufanon, karbofos. Remember, at +13 degrees, he has already gone hunting. Try to spray a couple of times at the end of May to the buds so that the shoots do not bend.
    - Folk remedy from the weevil 1 tablespoon of mustard per 1 liter of warm water, also for buds, a decoction of wormwood. Spread the wormwood under the raspberries and over the strawberries.
    - Water, water and water again.
    - Weed, cut, bend.

    - Cover with black foil to warm up.
    Top dressing:
    - 2 sheets - 1 tbsp urea + 1.5 tbsp potassium sulfate per bucket of water per 1m2, spray with zircon to form roots.
    - 3-4 leaves - the same + foliar top dressing with microfertilizer + 2g. (a little less than half a teaspoon) of boric acid in a bucket of water.
    - 5-6 leaves -1 tbsp. spoons of urea + 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate + 0.5 tablespoons of superphosphate.
    - Ejection of the peduncle - 2st. spoons of nitrophoska + 2g. (slightly less than half a teaspoon) of boric acid in a bucket of water.
    - After flowering 1.5 st. spoon of superphosphate + 1.5 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate. At the same time, 0.5 teaspoon of KMnO4 per bucket of water over the leaves. Stop feeding in September.
    - Feed better when watering 1 time per week.
    - From diseases and pests: 100 grams of garlic per 10 liters of water, 30-40 grams. HOM on a bucket of water, phytosporin, Aktellik, fufanon, karbofos, phytoverm.
    - Remember, trises are updated every ten days and get used to the fungicide, change and process.
    - Mulch with pine needles, take your time, add little by little, let the earth warm up.
    - Plant nasturtium and velvet along the beds.
    - I dug, washed, karbofos (decis), after 4-5 days Maxim and a month or two (until it dries out) at the stove (20-25 degrees) in one layer.

    Top dressing:

    In early spring - fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, respectively;
    - during the period of bud formation - fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 3, respectively;
    - a month after flowering - top dressing of phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1: 1.

    - Do not loosen the plants, but sprinkle with humus, since the roots are located close to the surface.
    - Fertilizers - complex mineral fertilizer in early spring, in autumn - superphosphate, potassium sulfate, ash.
    - Protect from cats.
    - The bulk of the roots of the plant is in the surface layer of the soil. Therefore, daily watering is required in the heat. It is better to spend them in the late afternoon, irrigating the crown and the near-trunk circle.
    - Do not try to cut it in the spring - it will pay off, it will not recover.
    - In the fall, after the end of the growing season, cut out broken, underdeveloped and thickening branches. All annual shoots are cut to 50-70 cm, since all the fruit buds of the plant are located within this length. Keep in mind that actinidia cannot be cut in the spring. Otherwise, she will “cry” bitterly, that is, juice will flow from the wounds.

  6. People's secrets about gardening


    On a bucket of water 1 liter of whey (you can use kefir) 10 drops of iodine, spray at least every week

    From phytophthora, mustard powder helps: a bag of 100g. pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist (to swell, steam up) When it cools down, add 4 liters cold water, and can already be processed

    Can be sprayed with serum in the proportion of 1 liter: 10 liters of water

    Antifungal drug from the pharmacy Trichopolum (expensive) or metronidazole (its cheap analogue): 10 tablets per bucket of water .. I don’t know who decided ... but the recipe is tenacious ...

    Against late blight of tomatoes - spray plants with 10% aqueous infusion of garlic during fruit set on the second brush. repeat spraying every 15-18 days (up to 5 times), as fruit clusters and leaves grow under them.



    For tying tomatoes 1 teaspoon of boric acid (powder) with a small tubercle per 10 liters of water, and spray the tomatoes.

    Time of flowering and fruit set high temperature tomatoes do not set fruit, as a means of combating this phenomenon, treat tomatoes with a weak solution of boric acid - 5 g per bucket of water, about 1 time in 7-10 days, and it turned out that as soon as they bloomed - we started spraying them with boric acid, up to 5 processing per season. This treatment is also a prophylaxis against phytophthora.


    FEED as soon as the currants bloom. To do this, dissolve 3 matchboxes of urea (without a slide) in 10 liters. water. And pour - for each bush you need 5 liters of solution.

    To get a rich harvest of cucumbers, you need to feed them regularly! Bread sourdough is perfect for this. It's easy to prepare! FILL A BUCKET 2/3 WITH Sliced ​​BLACK BREAD CRUSTS, FILL WITH WATER and press down with something heavy. Otherwise, the crusts will float when the bread starts to turn sour. Put the bucket in a warm place for a week. Then dilute the sourdough 2l. water. And pour cucumbers under the root with this bread remedy. Such top dressing can be carried out once a week FROM THE BEGINNING OF FLOWERING AND BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF WILTING.

    Leaves turn yellow - not enough potassium. it is good to spray with infusion of ash (2 tablespoons of ash per liter of boiling water and leave for two days), such an infusion will also help with powdery mildew on gooseberries (it is better to do this during bud break and after flowering) or like this: Feed them with onion infusion. To do this, add 1 st. to a metal bucket of warm water (30g.). onion peel. Put the bucket on the fire, bring to a boil and let it brew for 2 hours. Then, from a watering can, pour infusion over the leaves of cucumbers

    Spray with powdery mildew sour milk(1:1), straining of course before that (in order not to bother with straining, you can take a spray with a broom). Everything will be removed as if by hand, although there are a lot of drugs against the American sphere library (a hybrid with the local one), but this is the only simple and effective way and also safe. You will have to braze 1 per week for sure. biomethod costs

    From powdery mildew, a solution of baking soda 50 g per 10 liters of water + 50 g of soap will help. and spray generously.
    * * *
    During the period of flowering and fruit set, I was advised to pour milk, I bought 1.5 liters for a bucket of water, after watering with plain water, I walked over the cucumbers with "milk water", I'll tell you honestly - effectively! Milk, though I didn’t buy it in a store, but from a private trader, natural! Such water can still make rain from a watering can.

    It is necessary to water cucumbers with banana broth. It has a lot of potassium!

    For better setting of cucumbers, I spray with a solution of honey and soak the seeds in honey water.

    When mulching cucumbers, avoid touching the mulch to the root neck - the stem rots

    About Trichopolum: last summer, when there were 5-6 leaves on the cucumbers, the plants suddenly began to disappear, turn yellow, no matter how they watered and sprinkled, a new green leaf appears, grows and turns yellow, I already wanted to pull everything out and transplant. A neighbor suggested to me - 2 tablets of Trichopolum per bucket of water. I dissolved 5 tab. Hurray, I saved everything. What hurt, what kind of virus was it?


    Before flowering, strawberries can be sprayed with iodine, 10 drops per 10 liters, to protect against diseases.

    In the second half of summer, apply an increased dose of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers under strawberries, spray with a solution of lye (4 kg x 10 l of water) or superphosphate (100 g x 10 l of water), or a mixture of potassium permanganate (3 g) + potassium nitrate (50 g) per bucket water

    From the weevil, an infusion of garlic helped me. I ground the garlic in a blender and poured it with water - 1 cup of garlic per 2 liters of water. Insist. Strain the infusion and pour 1 glass of infusion into a 1.5 l bottle, add water and spray.

    By the way, 40 ml per 10 liters of water saved my strawberries from the May beetle larvae. Shed 1 time in the spring.

    In order for the onion to grow by leaps and bounds, you need to water it with yeast dissolved in water - 100g pressed per 10 liters of water. Once every 2 weeks

    About cabbage

    Pickling cabbage seeds - grind 26g of garlic, mix with 100g of cabbage seeds, for 10 minutes. shake in a tightly closed jar.

    When planting cabbage, I put a handful of onion peel, I once read it in a newspaper, someone shared their experience. When the cabbage begins to grow, some worm eats it up and it disappears. After such an application of the husk, not a single bush fell

    Very often, young cabbages are attacked by hungry caterpillars, and begin to devour cabbage leaves. So, if you sprinkle cabbage with saline, then the caterpillars leave. Don't forget soap as an adhesive.

    I read in the backyard about 10 years ago, so that caterpillars do not eat cabbage, dilute a tablespoon of 70% vinegar essence or 1 cup of 9% vinegar in a bucket of water and spray the cabbage. + soap

    When I plant cabbage, I say "Grow big, but round" Later, the leaves in a bunch and turn slightly clockwise, also saying "grow big, but round! When I sow the seeds, I loosen them and during the first hilling. I read the advice in the book" Folk omens for gardeners gardeners "The words" Grow big, but round" are magical.

    There was also advice in the book - in order to tie the swings, you need to pinch the upper leaves with a clothespin (so that the head was inside with cabbage leaves. Then it begins to form low and round off).

    I used to have a problem, the cabbage was stretched out and not tied into bobbins. The problem is gone - I turn the head of the cabbage a little ... And one more folk wisdom - "Sit in the mud - you will be a prince!" - also verified.

    In order to prevent cracking, it is necessary to constantly maintain soil moisture sufficient for the growth of heads of cabbage, to prevent it from drying out, even for a couple of days. But, if this has already happened, and the cabbage has not been watered for a week and a half, it is worth finishing the watering.

    When you find one or two cracked heads, you need to do the following: take measures to reduce the moisture consumption of the remaining heads of cabbage from the soil. To do this, you need to cut off small roots by slightly lifting the head of cabbage up or turning it 45-50 degrees in both directions. And, of course, stop further watering.

  7. Ferovit bred according to the instructions.
    If there is no remedy at hand, you can prepare Iron Chelate.
    You need 7.5 g of iron sulfate and 12 g of citric acid.
    Dilute in 3 liters. boiled or settled water, first vitriol, then a separate lemon. Mix. You should get a light yellow solution. Water under the root, on moist soil.
    How to measure -1 tsp - about 5 gr., but it is better not to add.


    • a" style="margin: 0px; padding: 10px 10px 0px; overflow: hidden; zoom: 1; border-radius: 5px border: none font-size: 13px; line-height: 11.0067px; background: transparent;">
    from chlorosis. Foliar iron chelate (ferrovit). After a couple of days - magnesium sulfate. (we buy in a pharmacy, approx. 6 ml per 1 liter).
  8. maybe put the pack of pills in the freezer for disinfection?
    Maybe in the microwave...
    Colleagues, here I am again about our long-suffering calcium nitrate and other fertilizers. Briefly speaking, razvodilovo:
    Preparation of solutions
    The number of solution (gr) is multiplied (x) by 100 and divided) here is the division sign, not the smiley!) By the volume (V) in ml in which you want to dissolve this quantity:
    Solution (gr) x 100: V (ml)
    30g in 200ml = 15% solution (calcium nitrate - 1 tbsp without a slide - approx. 15 gr).
    250gr - in 1 l = 25% solution
    250g - 2.5l = 10% solution.
    How to prepare a solution from a solution of known concentration:
    Multiply the amount desired by the desired volume and divide by the amount of the original:
    Quantity (needed) x V (needed) : K (outgoing):
    For example: You need to prepare 1 liter:
    - 1% solution of calcium nitrate from 25% solution: 0.1 x 1000: 25 = 4 ml (up to 1 liter of water)
    - 0.1% solution from 10% solution: 0.1 x 1000: 10 = 1 ml (up to 1 liter of water)
    - 0.15% solution from 15% solution: 10 ml to 1 liter of water or 5 ml to 500 ml of water.
    - 0.2% solution from 25% solution: 8 ml to 1 liter of water.
    - 2% solution from 10%: 2 x 1000: 10 = 200 ml to 1 liter of water.
    - 2% solution from 25%: 80 ml to 1 liter of water.
    - 1.5% solution from 15% solution: 100 ml to 1 liter of water.

    Dolomica effectively deoxidizes the soil. Just like ash, for example, or slaked lime, or chalk.
    Calcium nitrate does not deoxidize it AT ALL, and even slightly acidifies it.
    It's not the presence of the calcium ion, but the acid residue. Dolomite flour is a mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium (salts of carbonic acid). Saltpeter is calcium nitrate (a salt of nitric acid). Nitric acid strong. During the hydrolysis of its salts, the reaction of the medium is usually acidic.
    Carbonic acid is weak. During hydrolysis, the reaction of the environment of its salts is usually alkaline

  9. We measure fertilizers "BY EYE"

    Maybe I will not open America with my topic, but since, as I understand, we also have novice summer residents, I will tell them about garden "arithmetic".
    In any recommendations for the use of fertilizers, they write: take 12 grams of fluffy lime, 18 grams of potassium chloride, and so on. In general, pharmacy scales under the arm - and to the garden!
    Don't be scared, things can be much simpler. the gardener has his own, and very accurate measurements.

    The first one is a matchbox. It contains:

    19 g ammonium sulfate,
    17 g ammonium nitrate,
    13 g urea,
    22 g of simple granular superphosphate,
    20 g of double superphosphate,
    35 g of phosphate rock,
    19 g of potassium chloride,
    22 g potassium salt,
    26 g potassium sulfate,
    34 g dolomite flour,
    30 g limestone flour
    12 g slaked lime
    10 g wood ash,
    8 g peat ash,
    20 g nitrophoska.

    One tablespoon is

    14 g ammonium sulfate,
    12 g ammonium nitrate,
    10 g urea,
    17 g of simple granular superphosphate,
    15 g of double superphosphate,
    26 g of phosphate rock,
    14 g of potassium chloride,
    17 g potassium salt,
    20 g potassium sulfate,
    25 g dorlomite flour,
    22 g limestone flour
    9 g of slaked lime,
    8 g wood or
    6 g peat ash,
    15 g of nitrophoska.

    Not tired? Then about a teaspoon.

    This is 4 g of ammonium nitrate,
    3 g of urea, 5 g of nitrophoska,
    5 g of simple granular superphosphate,
    5 g double superphosphate,
    5 g of potassium chloride,
    5 g ammonium sulfate,
    5 g potassium salt,
    9 g of phosphate rock,
    6 g potassium sulfate,
    8 g dolomite
    8 g limestone flour
    3 g of slaked lime,
    2.5 g wood ash,
    2 g of peat ash.

    It happens that more "voluminous" measurements are needed, especially when feeding trees.

    So, one glass (200 ml) is
    200 g of nitrophoska and double superphosphate,
    186 g ammonium sulfate,
    165 g ammonium nitrate,
    130 g urea,
    220 g potassium salt
    220 g of simple granular superphosphate,
    350 g of phosphate rock,
    190 g of potassium chloride,
    260 g potassium sulfate,
    340 g dolomite flour,
    300 g limestone flour
    120 g of slaked lime,
    100 g wood and
    80 g of peat ash.
    And one standard bucket with a capacity of 10 liters is
    8 kg of fresh horse manure,
    5 kg of horse manure, but on a bed of sawdust,
    9 kg fresh mullein,
    5 kg - dry peat,
    5 kg wood ash
    5 kg of bird droppings,
    8 kg of humus,
    12 kg of turf land,
    10 kg of old greenhouse or compost soil.

    Superphosphate is poorly soluble in water, so superphosphate extract is used. It is prepared as follows: 200 g of superphosphate (double 100 g) is poured into 1 liter of hot water and left for 1-1.5 hours, stirring constantly. Then 0.2 l of the extract is diluted in 10 l of water. This amount is equivalent to 40 g of dry matter

  10. From a flea

    But not ash? Helps me very well
    We have a dog-cat flea shampoo that works great on a flea. We take the cheapest one. 2-3 tablespoons per bucket. We've been doing this for many years now. The bubble is enough for three (understand correctly) for 2-3 years.

  11. Last year, I poured 0.5 liters of Baikal solution into a 300-liter bath. A solution is what is obtained from a concentrate. The proportions are the same - 1 to 10 for watering. With Baikal, stink is cooked faster, and after using it and adding water / grass, even faster. Grass (silage) can also be used, and earlier than water. Spread the silage between the plants and pour plain water on top. I liked it a lot last year. I used the stinker itself only where there was not enough silage.
  12. A seller in a flower shop once persuaded me to buy succinic acid: they say that this remedy surprisingly stimulates plant growth and it is impossible to overdo it.
    At home, I diluted 1 g of powder into 5 liters. water, watered and sprayed with a solution of all house plants.

    The result was awesome! And it became noticeable after a week:

    Marantaceae have released new leaves and shoots.
    - I liked the top dressing and begonias: ever-flowering, for example, immediately gave 4 powerful side shoots, flowering intensified.
    - The pandanus has new leaves not only at the top, but also from under the leaves of the first, second and third row.
    - Aglaonems have released new leaves, some have given babies.
    - A good increase in leaves was given by mandarin cuttings, ficuses, chlorophytums, peperomia, alocasia, syngoniums, oleanders.
    - prickly pear
    At first she was covered with thorns, and then she released 12 lateral segments.
    - A stalk of African purslane that has not rooted for a long time has released 2 lateral shoots.
    - The Decembrist, agave, Aih-rizon liked the “treat”, the growth of leaves in fat women and crossworts noticeably quickened.

    Separately, I want to talk about the use of succinic acid for cacti and succulents. I did not expect rapid growth from them, but I was very surprised when a month later Havortia released 10 children at once.
    - The cacti were also happy.

    However, I do not advise you to reapply succinic acid to cacti and succulents: a reverse reaction may occur.
    Fertilizer should be applied once or repeated no more than once every 2 years.

    Properties of succinic acid for plants

    Due to the excellent natural utilization of succinic acid in nature, it does not pollute environment. Therefore (and not only) it is often used for plants.
    It is an excellent plant growth regulator, improves the absorption of substances from the soil, and also helps plants cope with various kinds of stress.
    Succinic acid normalizes the natural microflora of the soil, the vital activity of microorganisms in it.
    Treatment of plants with acid increases resistance to adverse environmental influences.
    Its use in relation to certain parts of plants, respectively, stimulates growth: root treatment - the growth of roots, young shoots - the growth of new shoots.
    Succinic acid is an excellent resuscitator for plants.
    It is treated with seeds and cuttings of various plants before planting to improve germination and increase resistance.

    Dosage of succinic acid

    To prepare working solutions suitable for spraying and soaking, 1 g of succinic acid must be dissolved in a small amount of warm water. We make a strong solution of succinic acid. The volume of the solution was then made up to 1 liter with cold water. That is, it turned out to be a solution of 1 g per 1 liter - a one percent solution.
    Further, to obtain a 0.02% solution of succinic acid, dilute 200 ml of 1% cold water to 1 liter.
    To obtain a 0.05% solution - 500 ml of a strong solution is brought to a liter with cold water.

    Succinic acid is also useful for people.

    Succinic acid stabilizes nervous system, work of kidneys, intestines improves. It is used for stress, as well as an anti-inflammatory and antitoxic agent.
    Also for the treatment of anemia, sciatica, chronic heart disease, blood vessels, atherosclerosis and after a heart attack.
    It also perfectly neutralizes alcohol in the blood. Just in the morning after a feast, take a glass of water with half a teaspoon of succinic acid diluted in it and you will immediately feel relief.

  13. I use coniferous concentrate (2 caps per 10 liters of water). If it is possible to use spruce needles - even better. Infuse a half-liter jar for 10-12 hours, filter it into a 10-liter sprayer. The scent is amazing and so is the result. This year, when spraying apricots, I added Fitosporin
  14. crop rotation

    Tips for summer residents and gardeners!

    Crop rotation
    1st year - cabbage, swede, radish, radish;
    2nd year - pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini;
    3rd year - beets, carrots, parsley, onions, garlic;
    4th year - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, legumes, corn.

    Precursor vegetables
    for cabbage - potatoes, cucumbers, onions, peas, tomatoes are also acceptable;
    for tomatoes, peppers - cucumbers, onions, legumes, cabbage is acceptable;
    for cucumbers - peas, legumes, potatoes, tomatoes;
    for onions - potatoes, tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, and also cabbage;
    for beets, carrots - cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, onions are acceptable.

    Vegetables are good neighbors
    for cucumbers - beans, garlic, cabbage, onions;
    for garlic - cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes;
    for carrots - cabbage, radishes, beets, tomatoes, but onions are best;
    for tomatoes - garlic, cabbage, onion, radish.

    Vegetables are bad neighbors
    for cucumbers - radishes, tomatoes;
    for garlic - beans, peas, cabbage; Potassium monophosphate is highly soluble and contains phosphorus in addition to potassium (as the name implies), but it is much more expensive than other potash fertilizers. Therefore, it is usually used for foliar dressings sparingly. That is, during the summer.
    As already mentioned above, not all plants "like" chlorine, for such it is better to choose potassium sulfate, not chloride. Especially for blueberries, hydrangeas, rhododendrons - the sulfate ion also acidifies the soil, which is desirable for them. True, this does not mean that after fertilizing with potassium chloride, everything will immediately bend. And when to pour - it does not matter. It is believed that potassium is mainly fed in the second half of summer, but plants also need it in spring. For example, it is also present in complex granular "spring" fertilizers. But in what form - chloride or sulfate, they, unfortunately, are not always written on (if you really want to, you can trace the composition of a particular brand on pesticides.ru or manufacturer's websites). Which, however, only indicates that this is not important.

  15. Very soon the hottest time for gardeners will begin. That's why we will talk about the garden and the cottage.

    When the plants begin to gain color, you need to have time to spray everything right on the flowers while it blooms: flowers, apple trees, cherries, tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants, with a weak solution of boron (you can buy it at a pharmacy) 2-3 grams per 10 liters of water. This is enough to literally cover the entire garden.

    It works very effectively, something like "Ovary", but it is much cheaper.

    The effect is really amazing, tested on our own experience, there are much more ovaries and dropping fruits on early stages almost not. The flowers in the flower beds are larger, and such as gladioli do not bend and stand straight and staunchly, like true gladiators!


    1. Beetroot loves sprinkling and frequent, but careful loosening.
    2. After the second thinning, the beets are fed with mineral fertilizers.
    3. Best of all, beets grow in narrow beds, 3 rows wide with a maximum of 15-17 cm between plants.
    4. Until the carrots have sprouts, they are watered regularly. When shoots appear, it is better not to water them for 12-15 days, except for dry days. This allows the roots to go as deep as possible into
    5. If mustard is sown next to peas, its yield will be 2 times higher.
    6. Dill is best sown in the sun, as in the shade it reduces the aroma of leaves. Do not add ash and lime under dill
    7. Clematis is watered with lime milk in spring - 100-150 grams per 10 liters of water.
    8. In mid-July, the earth is carefully raked from the fruits of celery and wiped with a cloth. After 15-50 minutes, spud again. Watering is carried out only after 2-3 days.
    9. To stimulate the pouring of pumpkin fruits, its whips are pinned to the ground and rooted.
    10. Seedlings of pumpkin crops, such as cucumber, squash, zucchini, can be
    grow in this way: cut the sod into cubes 10 * 12 cm,
    turn the roots down, make a depression and plant a seed in it.
    11. In order for rhubarb petioles to grow thick, the soil under the plants is fertilized every year.
    12. Do not feed beans, peas, onions, garlic, beans with nettle infusion.
    13. Apple and pear need more potassium, and cherry needs more nitrogen.
    14. If you stroke the tops of the seedlings every day for 1-2 minutes, she
    will not stretch. When touched, ethylene is released, which inhibits
    this process.
    15. Nettle increases the resistance of nearby plants to diseases.
    That is why it is useful to mulch the aisles with chopped nettles.
    16. Mustard green manures enrich the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, and also cleanse it of the bear and wireworm.
    17. Onions will grow better if mustard grew in this place.
    18. Repellent plants: lupine, celandine, nastrutium, calendula, marigolds, onion, kanufer, tansy, wormwood.
    19. It is useful to mulch strawberries with coniferous litter. This will improve the taste of the berries, and
    also help to cope with gray mold, weevil, tick,
    wireworm. And mulching with ferns will help strawberries cope
    with nematodes and gray mold.
    20. After a sharp cold snap, the plants are sprayed with immunocytophyte or
    zircon. And you can use an infusion of onion peel. Pour 10 liters
    water 0.5 liter jar of husks, boil, leave for 12 hours,
    strain. When spraying, dilute with water in a ratio of 2/10.
    21. When it gets cold, buckets of hot water are brought into the greenhouse, heated bricks are laid out on metal sheets.
    22. To increase the yield on the site, it is necessary to attract
    pollinating insects. For this, pink and white clover are sown,
    fescue, bluegrass. Insects are also attracted by the flowers of white mustard and
    23. In order for remontant strawberry varieties to have more abundant fruiting in the second half of summer, flower stalks are broken out in spring.
    24. good companion for cucumber is dill.
    25. Beets sown along potatoes and tomatoes help them cope with late blight.
    26. If you stick a nettle stalk next to each planted cabbage plant, then the cabbage will take root better.
    27. From cabbage butterflies and aphids, dill is sown in the aisles of cabbage,
    coriander, celery, marigolds, calendula, and also lay out branches
    28. When planting potatoes, a handful of ash is poured into the hole - it is a fertilizer and helps from the wireworm.
    29. To increase yield and improve taste in the first half of June
    garlic is watered first with salt water - 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water, and
    then normal.
    30. With poor growth of carrots, the beds with this crop are watered with a salt solution - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water.
    31. Cucumber is demanding on moisture, especially during flowering and
    fruiting. However, at the beginning of flowering, it is better to reduce watering, and then
    reinforce again. This contributes to the faster formation of fruits.
    32. In hot weather, cucumbers, along with abundant watering, combine frequent spraying.
    33. Cucumber pollen dies at t>30ºC Therefore, at this time, containers with water should be placed in the greenhouse.
    34. Low temperatures and sudden changes in day and night temperatures
    are the reasons for the deterioration of the taste of cucumber. Also cucumbers
    do not tolerate drafts at all.
    35. The increased content of carbon dioxide in the air accelerates ripening
    fruit and increase yield. Therefore, it is useful to put a container with
    mullein and stir from time to time.
    36. If at the beginning of summer several fruits set on pepper plants, and
    flowering has stopped, then these fruits must be plucked. Plants after that
    will begin to bloom with renewed vigor and by the end of the season will give a high
    37. To bring fresh air to the pepper roots, loosen the soil more often and prevent the formation of a soil crust.

Plants need iodine as a trace element for proper growth. To do this, you can use iodine-containing additives or use a pharmacy alcohol infusion. This method of feeding vegetable and ornamental crops is already considered popular, as it has long been used in agriculture.

In garden plants, to maintain immunity, there should be about 0.01% of the substance. With such an amount, vegetable crops feel good and do not get sick. With a decrease in the amount in the soil, its amount in the soil also decreases.

Interesting! In regions where there are few iodine compounds in the soil and it is not added during top dressing, there is an increase in the incidence of the thyroid gland among the population.

Some plants accumulate the substance in large quantities. These are seaweeds, the tissues of which contain 100 times more iodine than garden crops and 2 times more than sea water. In the dry matter of iodine ions up to 1%.

Medicinal herbs- tansy, marshmallow, cinquefoil, hawthorn, buckthorn - also tend to accumulate the substance in the leaves and roots. Therefore, they are taken to maintain health and treat thyroid diseases.

The benefits of iodine-containing plant nutrition

Iodine for plants is used not only to maintain immunity. Fertilizing with iodine is used to disinfect the soil, since the substance is an antiseptic and destroys bacteria and fungi.

Treatment of plants with iodine is carried out in the form of a solution. Foliar top dressing is the main way. In horticulture and horticulture, they use:

  • for cabbage;
  • strawberries;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • for seedlings;
  • decorative garden flowers;
  • indoor flowers.

The norms of the substance are different - it depends on the age of the plants, the goals and the amount of the trace element in the soil.

Iodine for cabbage - top dressing to increase yield

Cabbage with improper care is often exposed to fungal diseases - keel, white and gray rot, black leg and others. It is difficult to resist the fungus, as the spores are carried by the wind, birds, and insects. The only way to save the plant and prevent crop failure is to use non-aggressive control methods. For example - water the soil with iodine solution to destroy the fungus.

How to feed cabbage with iodine:

  • Prevention is done at the stage of growing seedlings - the roots are immersed in an iodine solution for 5 - 7 minutes. 10 drops in a bucket of water.
  • After planting in open ground watered with a solution 40 drops per 10 liters of water.

Iodine in the cruciferous garden is a safe way to deal with clubroot that damages the root system.

Iodine for cucumbers and tomatoes as a fertilizer

Iodine for tomatoes and cucumbers is a growth stimulant. The most useful additives on podzolic and peat soils, where there is a deficiency of this microelement. Start using at the very beginning of the process of growing vegetables:

  • when germinating seeds;
  • with powdery mildew disease;
  • to rejuvenate shoots in order to harvest longer in the fall;
  • for fertilizing on soils where there is a trace element deficiency.

Video: Iodine is a super tool for the garden

Iodine for vegetable plants is used in the following dosages:

  • For seed germination - 1 drop per 1 liter of warm rainwater. Soak for 6-7 hours.
  • For watering seedlings of tomatoes by the root method - 1 drop per 3 liters of water. This increases the productivity of the crop, allows all plants to rise and bloom. After transplanting into open ground after two weeks you can water more concentrated solution - 3 drops per 10 liters of water.
  • For cucumbers, apply the root and foliar method. Water the seedlings for soil disinfection with a solution of 1 drop / bucket. Adult plants - 3 drops / bucket. With late blight - 1 liter of milk, 40 drops of potassium iodide, 15 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 10 liters of water. From powdery mildew - 1 liter of milk, 15 drops of potassium iodide, 10 liters of water.

Fertilizing plants with iodine is carried out in combination with other trace elements - boron, manganese, brilliant green, ammonia.

If you combine ammonia and iodine, you can get a good harvest that is not damaged by garden insects. A lack of nitrogen has a bad effect on plants - they turn pale, weaken, stop growing, pests and fungus start on them.

You need to mix 40 ml of ammonia, 3 drops of iodine and 10 liters of water. Water the solution under the root 3 times per season. The method helps to get rid of nematodes, beetles, aphids, fungal infections.

Important! The use of iodine in the garden heals the soil for the next season

For strawberries

The use of iodine in the garden and vegetable garden is not limited to vegetable crops. Spraying with a solution of berry bushes helps - they protect plants from a fungus that multiplies especially strongly in cool rainy weather on weakened bushes.

Iodine as a fertilizer for strawberries is useful for spring stimulation of bushes that wake up and prepare for fruiting. The first watering can be done with a solution 1 drop per bucket. The second is more concentrated. third feeding needs to be done foliar to destroy possible pests and spores of the fungus before setting the berries.

If the berries are not on a special agrofibre, but are in contact with the ground, this can cause massive infection of strawberries with fungal spores. In this case a solution is made 5 drops/bucket of water and the soil is spilled under the strawberry bushes at the rate 1 liter per plant.

A common pest of strawberries is the weevil.

It settles in flowers and gradually destroys the entire crop. You can cope by diluting ammonia and potassium iodide:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of ammonia;
  • 3 drops of potassium iodide.

This top dressing is a good nitrogen supplement and, in addition, protects against insects.

Iodine for flowers

Iodine for indoor plants as a top dressing is used when watering or spraying. The lack of trace elements can be eliminated by combining simple pharmacy antiseptic preparations - brilliant green, manganese, iodine.

For indoor flowers that are constantly indoors, with a lack of sunlight, you can use a solution to protect the leaves from the invasion of aphids and other pests.

What indoor flowers can be fertilized with iodine:

  • ficuses;
  • dieffenbachia;
  • geranium;
  • indoor roses;
  • pelargonium;
  • violets;
  • gloxinia;
  • orchids.

How to water indoor flowers with iodine:

  • do not allow the solution to get on the roots, make sure that water flows to the walls of the pot;
  • do not exceed the concentration - for 3 liters of water you need 1 - 2 drops;
  • the soil is first watered with plain water, then with an iodine solution.

To combat the fungus, flowers are fed with iodine with a more concentrated composition - 30 drops per liter of water.


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Hello, dear readers! I am the creator of the Fertilizers.NET project. Glad to see each of you on its pages. I hope the information in the article was helpful. Always open for communication - comments, suggestions, what else you want to see on the site, and even criticism, you can write to me on VKontakte, Instagram or Facebook (round icons below). All peace and happiness! 🙂

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Iodine is a universal antiseptic and bactericidal agent. And in the summer cottage, iodine not only saves broken knees, but is able to save plants from late blight and powdery mildew, protect against root and fruit rot, feed seedlings ... Don't you believe it? Let's prove it!

First, let's figure out why plants need iodine at all, and then consider the most popular folk ways to use it in the country.

What plants benefit from iodine

Of course, everyone! After all, this microelement plays an important role in the life of plants, the normal course of their physiological processes. He takes part in the synthesis of individual amino acids and proteins (included in their composition); is a natural antiseptic; participates in respiration and photosynthesis; as well as in nitrogen and water exchanges. Also, this microelement is active against most fungi, viruses and bacteria - it is especially effective in the fight against late blight, various rots and powdery mildew. And iodine is also necessary for plants for normal development, budding and fruit set.

Best of all "respond" to feeding with iodine:

  • flower crops,
  • strawberries (garden strawberries),
  • potato,
  • tomatoes,
  • eggplant,
  • cucumbers,
  • beet,
  • cabbage,
  • corn,
  • sunflowers,
  • herbs and greens.

An iodine solution is used in early spring to germinate and stimulate seed material, at the seedling stage to increase its immunity, during the growing season to treat certain diseases, lay more ovaries and fruits.

Signs of iodine deficiency in plants

Lack of iodine in plants can lead to a decrease in their immunity to various diseases. The cause of iodine deficiency is usually an insufficient amount of this element in the soil (this is especially true for peat and podzolic soils, light sandy loam, as well as substrates with a deficiency of organic matter). Excessively acidic soils are also unfavorable for iodine - in them iodine instantly goes to the lower layers, becoming inaccessible to plants. Most natural iodine is in fertile black earth soils, in lowlands and, especially, in coastal areas.

Take a close look at your plants. Signs of iodine deficiency may include:

  • poor fruit set, ovary rotting;
  • red and yellow fruits plants (tomatoes, peppers, etc.) are not bright enough and large;
  • lack of starch in fruits;
  • lack and pallor of the vegetative mass;
  • delay in growth, flowering, fruit and seed formation;
  • decrease in resistance to nematodes, wireworm, fungal diseases.

In general, it is quite difficult to visually determine the lack of this microelement in plants, since the signs of its shortage are rather conditional, and some coincide with the signs various diseases, the actions of pests, freezing of plants, etc.

Iodine instead of potassium permanganate

Pre-sowing treatment of seeds and tubers with iodine solution is one of the most effective methods of using this drug. In this regard, iodine perfectly replaces the usual potassium permanganate, which gardeners most often use to disinfect seed. In addition, iodine contributes to the early emergence of seeds. Check it out yourself!

Preparing an iodine solution is easy. For seeds, a 5% alcohol solution of iodine (pharmaceutical preparation) is diluted in a ratio of 1 drop per 1 liter of water. In this solution, seeds are soaked for 2-4 hours immediately before sowing. Then, without washing, they are slightly dried and sown.

To disinfect potatoes, dilute the pharmaceutical preparation of iodine at the rate of 2 ml per 10 liters of water and spray the tubers abundantly with it, having previously laid them out on a film in one layer. When one side of the tubers dries, they are turned over and the procedure is repeated. Immediately after this, potatoes can be planted - the tubers will germinate faster, give more lush bushes and be more resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Iodine for seedlings

Watering the seedlings with iodine helps it grow faster and more amicably, and also accelerates growth. In the early stages of development, the use of this microelement also serves as a guarantee of the formation of high resistance to adverse environmental factors and various diseases.

Top dressing with iodine solution is indicated for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, cabbage.

To create a working solution, 1 drop of iodine is diluted in 3 liters of water. After mixing thoroughly, seedlings are watered under the root with a solution. To enrich the seedlings with iodine, such a single watering will be enough.

An alcohol solution, even in such a low concentration, can burn a plant, especially a young one. Therefore, with all manipulations with iodine preparations, carefully monitor that the solution does not fall on the stems and leaves. If this is spraying, carefully observe the dosage of iodine preparations.

Later, during the transplantation of young seedlings into closed or open ground, the prepared soil can be shed with iodine solution at the rate of 3 drops of iodine preparation per 10 liters of water.

Iodine against late blight

For grown seedlings, it will be useful to prevent fungal diseases and stimulate further growth by spraying with the same iodine solution. This is especially true for plants prone to late blight - tomatoes, eggplant, peppers.

About three weeks after emergence, gently spray the young plants with a solution of 15 drops of iodine, 10 liters of water and 1 liter of skim milk. This treatment can be repeated 2-3 more times with an interval between sprayings of at least two weeks.

Iodine solution is successfully used not only for the prevention of diseases, but also for the treatment of plants in the initial stage of infection.

There is another folk way processing tomatoes and potatoes iodine from phytophthora. 4 drops of an iodine preparation are diluted in 10 liters of water and plants are watered under the root with this solution at the rate of no more than 2 liters of solution per bush.

To combat phytophthora, instead of an alcohol solution of iodine, you can also use a 0.02% solution of potassium iodide at the rate of 2 g per 10 liters of water, as well as water-soluble iodine preparations (for example, Iodopyrone) according to the instructions.

Iodine against powdery mildew

These cultures should be sprayed liberally with a solution of 1 ml of iodine and 1 liter of skimmed milk or whey in 9 liters of water (1 tablespoon of liquid soap can be added to the solution). Spraying can be repeated every two weeks until the disease disappears completely.

A "side" effect of such treatments with iodine will also be a bright green vegetative mass and increased fruiting, so that even without the presence of powdery mildew, it is possible to spray cucumbers and zucchini with the above solution after the first wave of fruiting with an interval of 10-14 days.

Helps iodine fight powdery mildew and ornamental shrubs. True, in this case, the concentration of the solution should be increased and 5 ml of iodine should be taken for 10 liters of water.

Iodine against plant rot

Plants treated with iodine solution also successfully fight against various types rot.

Yes, everything berry crops(and especially strawberries and grapes) will be grateful to you for your help in resisting gray rot. To do this, with a solution of 10 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water, plants are sprayed in the spring, during the formation of the ovary and buds. The treatment is repeated twice more, with an interval of 10 days.

Iodine will also help in the prevention of root rot in cucumbers and keels cabbage. The composition of the solution and the spraying schedule are the same as described above.

For fruit trees iodine is an excellent prevention of apical and fruit rot. 10 ml of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water and the trees are abundantly sprayed with this solution about a month before the expected harvest (if we are talking about young seedlings, such spraying is carried out in the spring). The procedure can be repeated again after 3-4 days.

And a solution of 10 ml of iodine in 10 liters of milk is an excellent remedy for aphids on fruit trees.

Iodine as top dressing and fertilizer for plants

Iodine is successfully used for plants not only as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent, but also as an additional universal top dressing. They gratefully respond to such top dressing cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, garden strawberries.

For top dressing tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers iodine (both in the greenhouse and in the open field) use a solution of 40 drops of the drug per 10 liters of water. 0.5 l of this solution is applied under each plant after the appearance of the first flowers. Top dressing with iodine is repeated no earlier than after three to four weeks.

Watered with the same solution cabbage during the very beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage at the rate of 1 liter for each plant (top dressing is carried out after abundant watering).

For foliar feeding strawberries iodine solution is made less concentrated - 10 drops per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out three times per season, with an interval of 10 days.

To prevent rotting of young ovaries in zucchini and pumpkin also use the above iodine solution. They feed the plants two weeks after planting, as well as during the formation of fruits.

Iodine for indoor flowers

Is it possible to use iodine not only for vegetables and herbs, but also for indoor plants? Of course!

Weakened plants and those who do not have enough strength to bloom will especially enjoy such top dressing. Watering flowers with iodine is carried out only on moist soil and, preferably, along the wall of the pot, so as not to burn the roots of the plant.

The composition of the iodine solution depends on the type of indoor flowers. For example, geranium (pelargonium) it is very sympathetic to iodine, for it you can make a solution at the rate of 1 drop of the drug per 1 liter of water. violets more capricious, here you have to dilute 1 drop of iodine already in 3 liters of water. With this solution, the flowers are watered 2-4 times with an interval of 10 days.

It is highly desirable to use only rain or settled water for watering indoor plants with iodine solution.

By the way, iodine is not the only remedy in the first aid kit that will be useful in the garden. Read about it in our material.

As you can see, in reasonable dosages, iodine is useful not only for humans, but also for indoor and garden plants. This medical product has proven itself both as a fertilizer and as a preventive and therapeutic agent. It is only important not to exceed the dosage and follow the rules for its use.

Iodine- a useful and indispensable drug for gardeners and gardeners. This medical preparation is not only a top dressing for plants, but it helps well in the fight against pests and diseases.

Let's take a closer look: how to use iodine in the garden and garden, in what proportions, and for which plants, against which pests and with which diseases it helps to cope.

Iodinemedicinal product 5 or 10% alcohol solution, which is used to treat wounds in human treatment. You can buy at any pharmacy.

In agricultural technology, root and foliar top dressing with iodine is used.

lack of iodine affects the growth and development of all plants. Iodine has a good effect on yield, weight, color and taste of fruits. Promotes better absorption of nitrogen compounds.

Also, iodine is used to increase the immunity of home flowers, pouring 3 drops of iodine into 3 liters of water with a solution. Water with this solution 3 times during the summer with the same interval between waterings.

Plants will be healthy, beautiful and flowering. Do not increase the proportion, this will lead to yellowing of the leaves and flowers - an excess of iodine.

Iodine application in the garden

Iodine is very useful for all garden crops. To increase the immunity of vegetable crops and prevent the appearance of pests and various diseases, 2 types of iodine solutions are used.

Solution #1

This solution should be applied before the formation of ovaries on plants. 20 drops of iodine are added to 10 liters of water, you can use this solution once every 2 weeks.

Solution #2

This solution is used during the formation of ovaries. For 10 liters of water add 20 drops of iodine, 15 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide 3%, 1 liter whey. Can be used once every 3 days.

Thanks to such solutions, the plants will be healthy, harmful microorganisms will die, and the plants will produce a good harvest.

Iodine for tomatoes

When growing seedlings of vegetable crops before transplanting into the ground, irrigate with a solution: 1 drop of iodine per 3 liters of water.

When watering tomato seedlings in this way, flower brushes develop faster and are more branched, with a large number of ovaries. Fruits are formed larger and ripen several days earlier.

When forming a head of cabbage, you need to prepare the following solution: 40 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water. Water cabbage under the root - 1 liter of iodine solution per plant. To spray cabbage, mix 10 liters of water and 5 drops of iodine - aphid prevention and rot control.

If the young ovaries of zucchini begin to rot, there is a lack of iodine in the soil. Dilute 10 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water and water the bushes.

Video - Iodine for the garden

Iodine use against diseases

Powdery mildew that appears on cucumbers can lead to the death of plants. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat the cucumbers with a solution of iodine. Add 1 drop of iodine to 1 liter of milk. With this solution, we spray the leaves of cucumbers 1 time in 7 days.

For prevention phytophthora and to get rid of vertex rot, use a solution: 10 ml of iodine per 10 liters of water. Spray tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.

Iodine application against pests

Pests such as weevil and Maybug larvae are afraid of treatment with iodine solution.

As prevention of the fight against larvae of the cockchafer prepare a solution: 20 ml of iodine per 10 liters of water, pour 1 liter under each bush (when watering, for example, strawberries, perennial flowers).

If the larvae harm young currant bushes, pour 5 liters of the same solution under the bush. Water with this solution 2 times a season in spring and autumn (August).

If you see that the plant is dying, fading - pour 3 times with an interval of 5 days with a solution of iodine: 20 ml per 10 liters of water. Water in the evening, trying not to fall on the leaves.

Prevention against the appearance weevil- processing a plot of strawberries in early spring (when the soil is still covered with snow) with a solution of 1 tsp. iodine per 10 liters of water.

Video - The use of iodine in the fight against the larva of the cockchafer

Iodine application in the garden

Iodine is also used for feeding and treatment of pests and diseases of fruit trees and shrubs.

To combat fruit rot, a solution will help: 10 ml of 5% iodine per 10 liters of water. Spray trees a month before harvesting, repeat spraying after 3 days.

Strawberries are treated with an iodine solution after flowering to fight against the weevil and Maybug larvae, the appearance of rot on plants.

Prepare a solution 10 ml of iodine per 10 liters of water, for sticking add 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap. We stir and spray the bushes and berries, and also water under the plants.

With the same solution, as a preventive measure, you can water the plot of land where strawberries grow in early spring.

To get rid of aphids on the leaves of bushes and trees, use this solution: 1 ml of iodine per 1 liter of milk, spray once every 10 days.

Video - IODINE - the best friend for plant IMMUNITY!

Did you find out about useful properties iodine, how and when it can be used in the garden and in the garden against diseases and pests, how to increase the immunity of plants.

One of the most accessible and effective means iodine is recognized from a home first-aid kit with antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant effects. People use this microelement as a universal remedy for treatment. However, few people know: iodine for plants, indoor and garden, is very useful. Medicine in the form of an alcohol solution, it is used for root and foliar feeding of plants in the garden and at home. It is able to effectively fight powdery mildew and late blight, stimulate growth and prepare seeds for sowing. This important element is worth knowing and actively using.

Iodine for indoor green pets

Home floriculture is a whole science in which a person not only grows indoor plants, but also masters the techniques of caring for them. The plants used for landscaping the living space are grown in small containers, which leads to a limited amount of soil mixture and a lack of natural nutrients. In order for pets to grow actively, delight with bright greenery and flowers, it is necessary to eliminate the deficiency of the necessary substances, that is, take care of their systematic and proper feeding. Iodine, as a valuable trace element, can become an excellent activator of vitality and processes for almost all green pets.

Industrial mineral fertilizers and nutrient complexes, which include iodine, are capable of helping indoor plants. Such substances are effective at the stage of processing plants and seeds before planting or in the process of foliar top dressing. But not all flower growers are supporters of artificial fertilizers. In this case, funds from the first-aid kit come to their aid.

Iodine is an excellent fertilizer suitable for any kind of pet. Top dressing is carried out throughout the summer season, with approximately equal time intervals.

Watering plants with iodine is recommended to be carried out with a solution created on the basis of 2 liters of water and 1-2 drops of iodine alcohol tincture. Thanks to the fertilizer, the flowers noticeably increase in growth, delight with abundant flowering and excellent immunity. However, the process itself must be carried out with caution. The solution is applied along the perimeter of the container, avoiding fertilizer getting on the root collar. It is also necessary to observe the volumes of the applied liquid: no more than 50 ml of fertilizer is required for each plant.

Help for roses

Taking into account the love of a person for the queen of flowers - the rose, it is worth dwelling separately on this representative of the home and garden flora. Rose bushes respond well to top dressing and spraying carried out with an iodine solution.

If the rose is weakened, it is worth preparing an almost magical restorative remedy from properly diluted sodium humate and 7 drops of alcoholic iodine tincture. At least 3 liters of fertilizer is poured under a weakened bush.

To fight with, which is called gray rot, helps abundant spraying of the bushes with a mixture created from 1 table. metronidazole, diluted in 1 liter of water, and 1 drop of potassium iodide. Another fertilizer option is created on the basis of 1 tbsp. magnesia and 3 liters of water with the addition of just one drop of iodine alcohol tincture.

Features of feeding geraniums

Unpretentious geranium is able to give a lot positive emotions. In order for the flowering of the plant to be plentiful and long, it is worth using a fertilizer based on iodine. To create it, take 1-3 drops of alcohol tincture per liter of water. A large concentration of the substance is necessary for a weakened flower. A healthy plant can be maintained with a minimum dose of fertilizer.

The subtleties of fertilizing violets

Capricious violet subtly feels the lack of nutrients, reacting to their lack of decorativeness and, ultimately, death. Along with traditional complex fertilizers for violets, a weak solution of a pharmaceutical preparation is created. Only one drop of the substance is taken per 3 liters. Experts recommend top dressing up to 4 times with an interval of one and a half weeks three months after transplantation.

It is necessary to monitor the dosage and frequency of use of fertilizer: an excess of the substance will lead not only to very rapid growth pets, but to a possible change in the color of foliage and flower ovaries.

Iodine in the garden: application

The use of iodine on household and summer cottages due to the desire of a person to receive high yields and protect plantings from traditional diseases. Feeding plants with iodine is required in a small dosage, taking into account the deficiency this compound in peaty and podzolic soils.

Proper use of eco-substrate leads to:

  • growth, in a number of horticultural crops, vitamin C content;
  • improvement of taste, color and volume characteristics.

Foliar top dressing with iodine solution has a beneficial effect on:

  • strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • tomatoes;
  • blue;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage.

Foliar top dressing: preparing solutions

Spraying plants with iodine must be carried out taking into account the ultimate goal of the event:

  1. In order for the seeds to give friendly shoots, it is worth preparing useful composition from water and potassium iodide. Substances are taken in the amount of 1 drop per 1 liter of liquid. The resulting solution is intended for soaking the seeds. The duration of the procedure is 6-8 hours.
  2. To grow strong seedlings of vegetables, you will need to prepare a mixture of 3 liters of rainwater and 1 drop of iodine alcohol tincture, and water the young plants only once. Seedlings transplanted into open ground are watered again with an aqueous solution created by 10 liters of liquid and 3 drops of tincture.
  3. The rapid growth of seedlings and sweet peppers, as well as an increase in the size of the fruit, can be provided by iodine supplementation at the rate of 100 g. for one seedling. The volume of root watering for adult plants should be 1 liter.
  4. A solution created from whey and water in a ratio of 1:10, as well as 40 drops of iodine and 15 ml of hydrogen peroxide, helps to get rid of late blight. Plants affected by the disease are processed in the evening up to 3 times with a frequency of one and a half weeks.
  5. It is recommended to pay attention to another way to deal with To create an effective medicine, take 8 liters of water, bring it to a boil. In boiling water, add, in a volume of 2 liters, a solution of ash powder. All mix and leave to cool completely. 10 ml of alcohol tincture of iodine and 10 g of boric acid are introduced into the cooled mixture. The mixture is infused for 12 hours. Then 1 liter of medicine is added to 10 liters of settled water. It is with this solution that each bush of a diseased tomato is watered under the root.
  6. Iodine is indispensable for cucumbers. Help for plants affected by powdery mildew can be provided by creating a mixture of water and milk, taken in a volume of 9 and 1 liter, as well as 10 drops of iodine tincture. The resulting mixture is abundantly sprayed with plants and the soil under them.
  7. Achieve a bountiful harvest water solution iodine, for which a bucket of water and 40 drops of alcohol tincture are taken. For watering heads that have just begun to form, it is required to take a liter of solution and pour it directly under the root.
  8. Iodine for strawberries and strawberries is an activator of the growth of overwintered berry bushes. 10 drops of tincture, diluted in 10 liters of settled liquid, can protect plants from gray rot. Berry plantations should be watered with a solution three times with a break of one and a half weeks.

Irreplaceable assistant gardeners - iodine. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it perfectly plays the role of an effective fertilizer, safe and beneficial for the earth. Distinctive feature- excellent immunostimulating effect. After using an iodine solution on vegetable beds and flower beds, not only an increase in yield and improvement of green mass is observed, but an increase in the temporary shelf life of fruits.

Spring iodine top dressing can benefit absolutely all plants. However, seedlings planted outdoors may not tolerate such a powerful fertilizer immediately after transplanting. Seedlings need a period of adaptation. Only mature seedlings should be fertilized. However, an aqueous solution of a pharmaceutical substance can be used immediately before planting: 2-3 days before transplanting, the earth is shed, due to which land plot going through the disinfection process.

Another important advice- it is worth applying fertilizer based on an iodine solution for plants only after thoroughly moistening the soil.

During the dormant period of the plant, such top dressing is excluded, otherwise a burn of the root system is possible.

The mechanisms of the effect of iodine solution on the processes of growth, development, flowering and fruiting have not yet been fully studied. Assumptions are made, and they are based on the probability of participation of the substance in the coordination of the work of enzyme systems. Whether this is true or just an assumption is difficult to judge. But we can say with confidence that iodine supplementation is useful for both home and garden plants.

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