Skyrim: “Global satellite improvement. Skyrim: "Global improvement of satellites Download mods Skyrim best partners

Metals and metal products 01.12.2021
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This modification is a collection of various changes and improvements aimed primarily at the player's companions. Thanks to this mod, the player will be able to better and more efficiently control them, and the simple mechanism of settings can be intuitively understood even without reading the ReadMe file.

Mod features

Now the player will have full access to the inventory of his partners. And finally, it will be possible to replace Lydia's already tired vanilla armor. The number of companions has also significantly increased, now the player can hire 15 partners at once.

Now you can view the characteristics of each satellite. These data will tell the player what kind of weapon the partner is perfect, what kind of armor it is more effective to wear, learn about the main parameters - the level of health, strength, magic, endurance, etc.

All partners increase their level at the same time as the player. Who can remember, in the original Skyrim the companion level was static, it remained the same as it was at the time of the meeting with the player. Companions have acquired the ability to fight with two blades. There are no restrictions on the level of partners. The female companions have become more like women, there is no male animation. The weapon is exposed directly only in battle, and any partner can be made immortal. To do this, at the time of hiring, you need to start a dialogue with the phrase "You know ...", further in the text.

If the companions have a horse, they can use it. For this, 8 horses were specially added to the stables of large cities. Moreover, these horses can also be used for fast travel. If the player fires any of the companions, then his horse will go back to the stable. The player should take into account that while the partner is on horseback, he will not interfere in the battle, but when attacking him, he will defend himself.

In addition to riding horses, companions can learn various spells. To do this, you need to give him a book and order him to learn. However, the player has the ability to make the partner forget the learned spells.

If a player is a tan of at least one of the main cities, he can take guards with him on the road.

Art partners have mastered the skill of stealth - a partner will attack only if found.

Installation of modification:

You need a version of Skyrim at least 1.9.32. When installing the collection of mods, you should use the original launcher. Start the game, part with all your partners and type playerfollowercount in the console. The game should return zero, you should save and exit. It is recommended that you disable and remove all other modifications that affect partners. Then enter the game, save and exit. Install this mod by placing the UFO.esp file at the very end of the list. Start the game and play.

Download mod "Global improvement of satellites"

Various Skyrim mods for satellites, as a rule, only expand the selection of available companions. At the same time, the system of interaction with partners has a number of disadvantages. Ultimate Follower Overhaul helps fix this by giving players the ability to customize any companion to their liking.


1. Companions' inventory is fully open and accessible.

2. The level of satellites is growing, like that of Dovahkiin. To match the skills, ask your companion to practice.

3. A view of the characteristics of a partner is available: you can find out in which martial arts he excelled, and find out his main parameters.

4. The player can make the companion immortal. This option is available through dialogue with the character.

5. Thanks to the mod, Skyrim companions can ride a horse if they have a horse. Eight horses have been added to different stables specifically for companions. Fast travel works.

The mod does not support horses added by other plugins.

6. Companions draw their weapons only in combat mode.

7. Added ability of companions to learn spells. You need to give the character a volume of spells and tell him to read it. In this case, the book does not disappear, so you can train different satellites using it many times.

If you don't like the way the character casts spells, you can also make him forget them.

8. If the partner is mortal, he can restore health through rest.

9. Friendly fire settings: the player himself chooses how partners relate to random damage from Dovahkiin. Depending on the settings, the characters may not pay attention to random attacks or immediately attack the protagonist.

10. Partners will no longer give out the hero in stealth mode: now they attack only when spotted by the enemy.

Additionally, the ability to give orders to satellites has been introduced without opening a dialogue. The function is implemented in the form of shouts. To study them, you need to read a special book (located in the House of Warm Winds).

To cancel the order, you need to repeat the shout.

Available orders

1. Rest: The partner will go about his business. He will eat, drink, read, and perform normal NPC activities.

2. Wait: normal waiting, no different from the original.

3. Flee: gives an order for a general retreat if Dovahkiin's comrades are faced with a too dangerous or numerous enemy.

4. Stop the fight: the companion will lay down its arms.

Of course, the main opportunity that the mod gives Skyrim is many satellites, all of the listed abilities act on them. Dovahkiin is now able to put together a real gang by hiring up to fifteen companions at a time! Even half of this number, and even on horseback, is capable of beating the most formidable enemy.

Players are no longer limited in their choice of partners, and let the enemies tremble.

This mod is a collection of various improvements that allow you to better control your companions. Everything is implemented as simply and clearly as possible, so that even without reading the readme, the player can easily adjust the companions to their preferences.


1. Fully accessible inventory - now you can take away the boring vanilla armor from Lydia!

2. Ability to hire up to 15 satellites at the same time.

3. Viewing the parameters of the companion - now you can find out which weapon your companion is best at, and what it is best to wear, as well as find out its resistance to various types of damage and the main parameters - health, magic, endurance.

4. Now the companion increases the level with you (in the original, the game remembered the level of the companion at the time of your meeting). Now the level is no longer static. In order for the skills to correspond to the current level, you need to ask the companion to practice.

5. From now on companions can fight with two blades.

6. Now Lydia doesn't go to the House of Warm Winds if you haven't bought it yet.

7. No level restrictions.
8. Now your companions will be more feminine - no male animation!

9. Improving Housecarl Responsibilities - Housecarls are now doing housework.

10. Any of the companions can be called to the temple of Mary.

11. Now companions get their weapons only in battle.

12. You can make any companion mortal or immortal. Hire him and select the line of dialogue "You know ..." - and then everything is clear.

13. All companions can ride if they have a horse. Eight companion horses have been added to the stables in large cities. Added horses can be used for fast travel. Horses from other mods are not supported.

Companion horses will follow the player's horse

Fast travel on horseback - when you and your companions are riding horses, use the fast travel, then wait 1 hour (T). Riders and horses cannot move indoors.

If you let go of the companions, their horses will return to the stables.

When the companions are on horseback, they do not intervene in conflicts, but will protect themselves or the player.

If you become a Thane, you can hire Whiterun's Guard if the Huscarl is with you.

Cicero and other members of the Dark Brotherhood use slightly different mechanics than regular companions, so you still cannot change their clothes. Perhaps the author implements this in a later version.


1. Compatible with any mods that do not affect quests and dialogues related to companions.

2. Companions from mods can get dialogs from. However, satellites of unusual races may not be affected.

3. The mod is compatible with:

Followers can Relax

Follower Trap Safety

Spouse can live everywhere

4. Mods that are compatible with UFO if found AFTER UFO in boot order:

All mods that change the appearance of satellites.

Specialized followers

Essential Followers

Horse branding

Better Followers (don't use dialogue.esp and remove C01QuestScript.pex from data / scripts folder)

Mods created in the NPC Editor

5. Mods compatible with UFOs when ABOVE UFO in boot order:

Gabby the Cute Pastry Chef Companion

Horses for Followers


Recruit More Blades- SkyhavenTempleEnhanced

Any mods that change the number of hired companions.


1. Update the version of Skyrim (not lower than 1.5)

2. Use the original game launcher or SKSE

3. Start Skyrim, load the game, fire all companions, type in the console "playerfollowercount" without quotes and, if it displays a zero, save and exit.

4. Disable all mods affecting companions and remove them.

5. Run, load the save file, save again, exit.

6. Install UFO, put UFO.esp at the end of the mod list, or use BOSS.

7) Launch Skyrim and play for fun.


1. If you ALWAYS want to unsubscribe from UFO.

Fire all companions and move to Riverwood. On the island, talk to Tina Firefly. Yes, she's a firefly. When you get to the stage of the dialog "Everything is ready, exit the game and delete the UFO files", you can save and delete the plugin.

WHY? Because if you turn off the mod without talking to Tina, all your companions will be naked. Alas, this is the only way to make uninstallation of a mod safe to use in the same save for other mods that change companions.

2. ALWAYS fire all companions before talking to Tina and removing the mod. Otherwise, very unpleasant mistakes can happen.

3. If you don't know how to find Tina Firefly:

Open your console and type "help Tina 4" without quotes,

The console will display a line like "ACTI: (xxxx)" Tina The Firefly "

Dial player.placeatme xxxx (xxxx is the number from the item above)

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