On the origin of some numerical superstitions. Superstitions Associated with Lucky Numbers and Superstitions Associated with Them

Systems 26.11.2021

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NUMBERS RULE THE WORLD Signs and superstitions associated with numbers Completed: student 5 "v" class MBOU ZSOSH # 1 Elizaveta Vaigandt Supervisor: mathematics teacher Bagan Sergey Vasilievich

Purpose of work: to find out how belief in numerical superstitions changes with age. Problem: adults and children are subject to numerical superstitions Hypothesis: I think the older and more educated a person is, the less he believes in omens

Objectives: 1. To get acquainted with the literature on the origin of numerical superstitions. 2. Draw up questionnaires, conduct a survey and process the data obtained. 3. Draw up tables and diagrams to confirm my hypothesis. Subject of research: students' opinion Object of research: students of 5 "c" class, 9 "d" class ", 11" c "class, school teachers, parents of 5" c "class and 11" c "class. Research methods: survey, questioning.

Since ancient times and in our time, many people have believed and believe in lucky and unlucky numbers. For example, they are afraid of the number 13 and believe in the luck of the number 7. Many other mystical numbers are known. The essence of numerical superstitions and numerical mysticism is that a mystical, supernatural, mysterious meaning is attributed to individual numbers. The inspirers of all superstitions, without exception, are the ministers of different religions, since the basis of superstitions is the belief in the existence of mysterious, inaccessible people, connections between things and phenomena.

The belief in lucky and unlucky numbers dates back to the days when counting just arose. "All things can be represented in the form of numbers," said the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagoras. Thus, he made it clear that the world is ruled by numbers and there is a mystery behind each number. It follows from the teachings of Pythagoras that all numbers are combined together and act on a person in a special way. It is the numbers that can predetermine the fate of a person, guide his life, bring him good luck or misfortune. The Pythagorean system had a huge impact on the culture of the Greek people. The Greeks believed that all the numbers around them influence the events that take place, and attached great importance to the numbers-talismans.

The unit is a symbol of glory and power, action and ambition. As the number of the name, one means a person full of energy and desire to act. Confidence in one's strengths and capabilities is associated with this number. The number three is sacred for many nations. Three is not exactly a happy number, but a self-sufficient number. It instills confidence. The mysterious number seven! Whatever they consider him: sacred, divine, magical, and happy. This is how the British, French, Italians, Russians relate to him, Hindus, Arabs, Turks and other peoples worship him. It was revered for many centuries BC, in the Middle Ages, and it is still revered today. The number seven plays an important role in religions and beliefs of people, in art and language, in science and technology ...

There are so many prejudices that it is difficult to list them. In Europe, for example, they published the "Encyclopedia of Superstitions", which consists of 10 volumes. Most of the superstitions came from time immemorial, when our ancestors faced the mysterious, unknown world around them, tried to learn and master it.

The number 13 is considered unlucky all over the world. The combination of this figure with Friday generally threatens with serious shocks. Where did this fear of the number 13 come from? Friday was "guilty" of the fact that, according to legend, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were expelled from paradise on that very day. Oddly enough, there is no single generally accepted explanation for the origin of the superstition associated with the number 13, there are many different opinions on this matter. Another oddity of the number 13 is that it was considered lucky in ancient China and Egypt.

Unhappy four. Aren't you worried about getting a four in school? Well, of course, the "five" is nicer, but still not scary, right? And among the peoples of the Far East, the number 4 is considered to be bringing misfortune! Perhaps that is why in Chinese it rhymes with the word “death”. Naturally, there is no apartment under number 4 or a house under this number in eastern cities. In Japan, for example, you won't find a single four-piece set on sale - just three or five. The nuclear power plant in Korea has four reactors, and they are numbered 1, 2, 13 and 14.

Public Opinion Research My Research: First, I compiled a questionnaire and conducted a survey. My classmates helped me. Do you think your date of birth influences your character and destiny? Do you have a lucky number? When traveling by bus, are you looking for a lucky ticket? Do you believe in any signs associated with numbers? Gender Husband Wives Your profession

The answers of the students of our school surprised me. According to my data, my hypothesis was not confirmed

I built diagrams and again was surprised at the results. I decided to continue my research and interview our teachers and parents in two grades, fifths and elevenths. The received data entered into the table

It turned out that our parents are much more superstitious than our teachers. Once again I analyzed the questionnaires and saw a big difference in the answers by gender.

Conclusion My hypothesis was not confirmed. It turns out that the older a person is, the more he is subject to numerical superstitions. This is very clearly seen when comparing the responses of fifth graders, ninth graders, and eleventh graders. However, if we compare the answers of teachers and parents, then our parents are much more superstitious than our teachers. I think it depends on the level of education. Women are more superstitious than men.

Literature http://mitia13.narod.ru/ortodox/ort13.html Numerology 2.http: //inf.3dn.ru/index/0-35 3.http: //portfolio.1september.ru/work.php? id = 559295 4. P.A. Trevogin. Numerical superstitions 5. O. Shetikhin Magic Number SEVEN 6. Behind the pages of a textbook mathematician. AND I. Depman, N. Ya. Vilenkin; M. "Education", 1989

Thank you for your attention. Don't believe in omens. Trust in yourself.

The origin of numerical superstitions Pupil 7 "a" class Gostry Ruslan

Since ancient times, people have attributed magical properties to numbers - some numbers were considered happy others - on the contrary, unlucky. Moreover, both that, and another - without any reason. These superstitions have happily survived to this day. The belief in lucky and unlucky numbers dates back to the days when counting just arose. People did not have common numbers for all objects, but there were different designations for each number, depending on what they believed: one count was for stones, another for fish, etc. This led to the fact that a magical meaning was attributed to the number, it was represented in the form of some kind of mysterious spirit that can bring happiness or unhappiness. "All things can be represented in the form of numbers" Pythagoras

Number 3 The Pythagoreans considered the number 3 perfect because it has a beginning, a middle and an end, and depicted it as a triangle. Among the Russian people, the number 3 was considered miraculous and possessing magical powers. It is no coincidence that 3 wishes, 3 heroes, the thirtieth kingdom, 3 days and 3 years are constantly mentioned in fairy tales. The number 3 entered the Christian religion, believers represent God in the form of a trinity: father - son - holy spirit. The number 3 was considered not only as happy ("God loves the trinity"), but also as unlucky ("damned"). The Greeks did not like the number 3. It was believed that this number can bring sorrow. The number 3 played an important role in magical rites. All conspiracies to give them greater strength had to be pronounced three times. From the evil eye, they spit three times over the left shoulder and knock on wood three times. Legends, too, have not escaped the number 3. For example, the legend that the Earth is supported by three whales.

Number 4 In ancient times, 4 was considered a symbol of stability and strength. After all, it is represented by a square, 4 sides of which mean 4 cardinal points, 4 seasons, 4 elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water. "Fear the number four!" - at least, this is how ancient Chinese superstitions, linking the number "4" with the symbol of trouble, say from ancient times to the present day. The word "four" in Classical Chinese sounds like "si" and "shi" in Japanese. At the same time, in both languages ​​the word “four” is practically identical in sound to the word “trouble.” That is why superstitious Chinese and Japanese try not to number hotel rooms and hospital rooms with “four”. In the Chinese army, you will not find an airplane, helicopter or other piece of military equipment with the serial number "4".

Number 7 The number 7 is associated with most of all the ancient superstitions that exist among different peoples to this day: 7 wonders of the world, 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 weeks of fasting, 7 deadly sins. Russian proverbs and sayings with the number 7 have instructive meaning: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye”, “Measure seven times, cut once”, “Seven do not wait for one”, “Seven troubles, one answer”, “Seven Fridays for weeks” ... In all these sayings, the number seven means "a lot." 7 is a symbol of the power of the spirit and is present in many manifestations of our life. First of all, God himself, after six days of labor to create the Earth, appointed the seventh day as a time for rest.

The Greeks associated poise, calmness and stability with the number 8. 8 has long been considered the talisman of newborns, she protected them from the evil eye and evil spells. Maybe it's her symbol that is to blame, because it represents infinity, having no beginning or end. It was on the 8th birthday that close relatives were allowed to look at the newborn for the first time. In Denmark, there was a belief that it was necessary not to extinguish the fire in the hearth for the first 8 days of a baby's life in order for the child to be healthy. Number 8

Number 13 Everyone burns that 13 is an unlucky number. Why? The number 12 was considered the end of a dozen and was associated with the perfect and harmonious end of the world, and adding something to it called into question this superiority. In addition, the number 13 goes beyond a dozen, and thus, a transition is made into the unknown, which in ancient times corresponded to death. In the Middle Ages, the legend of the Sabbath of 12 witches and Satan was born. The thirteenth person sitting at the table with Jesus Christ was the apostle who later betrayed him. 13 is of great concern in many countries. There is no 13th floor in the hotel, 13th flight, 13th row on the plane, and so on. In France, it is considered a big misfortune to have 13 employees or to host 13 guests, in which case one more person is usually added or a doll is seated at the table. There is a rather interesting old superstition that a person whose name and surname add up to 13 has the fate of the devil. But the inhabitants of ancient Egypt considered this number lucky in connection with the afterlife. 13 can be called the greatest superstition of all that exists in the modern world.

The number-related superstitions are endless. And here it is not the superstitions themselves that are important, but our attitude towards them. No unlucky numbers can harm a person who believes in himself and his abilities! The choice is ours: believe it or not! Many athletes are superstitious people. And they are very careful about the choice of the number under which they play ...

Thank you for the attention.

The number 13 is considered unlucky almost everywhere. Even our ancestors used the term "damn dozen" when referring to it. If the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday, many people prefer to stay at home that day so as not to get into trouble. Many superstitions are also associated with the so-called "Devil's number" - 666. You might be surprised to learn that there are many other numbers (and numbers) in the world that people, to put it mildly, dislike.


In Afghanistan, the number 39 is considered to be the cause of many ills

The alleged "Curse 39" is forcing the people of Afghanistan, especially its capital, Kabul, to avoid this number in every possible way. There is a version that dislike for him is associated with the ancient calculus of abjad. Unfortunately, there is not enough reliable information that could explain the origin of this superstition.

Afghans avoid the presence of the number 39 on car numbers, mobile and home phone numbers, and even building addresses. A car that costs 12 thousand dollars can be sold to you for 7 thousand dollars only because the number 39 is in its number. eight.

This is interesting: If a resident of Kabul has the number 39 in his phone number, he must take care to put an anti-caller ID number, otherwise no one will answer his calls.

Finally, people who are 39 years old try not to mention it. When asked about their age, they answer that they are almost 40.

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The phone number 0888 888 888 has recently been out of service in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, the phone number 0888888888 is not served by the mobile company Mobitel due to superstition. The fact is that three of its ex-owners died one after another. The first to go to the other world was Vladimir Grashnov, the former head of Mobitel. It happened in 2001. According to the official version, cancer was the cause of Grashnov's death. But there were rumors in Bulgaria that he was poisoned by competitors.

Then the number 0888888888 was transferred to the drug lord Konstantin Dimitrov. Dimitrov died in Holland, where he went to inspect his possessions. The murder was blamed on rival Russian mafia clans.

The third owner of the unlucky number was also the drug dealer Konstantin Dishliev. A man officially engaged in real estate business died outside a popular restaurant in Sofia. A few days earlier, police found drugs worth 130 million euros in his home.

After that the Mobitel company stopped serving the "damned" number.


The tragedy of September 11 is inextricably linked with the number 11

Thanks to the accepted system of calculus, we can, albeit quite rarely, become witnesses of moments when the date and time are recorded in one digit (for example, 11/11/11, 11:11) or one number (12/12/12, 12: 12). This fact, in fact, does not have any special meaning, but many people attribute supernatural properties to such combinations.

Since the time 11:11, for obvious reasons, attracts our eyes much more often (in comparison with other combinations), some people think that they often look at the clock exactly at 11:11. The moment of coincidence of date and time even managed to become the subject of the movie "11/11/11", which was released in November 2011.

Conspiracy theorists like to mention the number 11 when talking about the assassination of John F. Kennedy or the tragic events of 9/11.

This is interesting: the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center stood close to each other and resembled a huge number 11. Planes controlled by terrorists crashed into them on September 11 (the ninth month of the year). Summing up two ones and nine, we get, again, 11. But that's not all. September 11 is the 254th day of the year, and the numbers 2, 5 and 4 add up to 11. The first plane to crash into the towers was Flight 11. It contained 11 crew members, as well as 92 passengers (9 + 2 = 11). Finally, in the English-language names of the city of New York and the country of Afghanistan, as you might guess, there are exactly 11 letters each.


Italians really do not like the number 17, because from it, written in Roman numerals, you can add the word VIXI

Italians consider the number 17 to be unlucky. In their opinion, it symbolizes death, for it is written in Roman numerals like XVII. "What's wrong with that?" - you ask. The fact is that such a sequence can easily be transformed into the word "VIXI", which means "I lived." It was it that was often knocked out on the graves of the ancient Romans. In addition, the number 17 is considered unlucky because February 17 is the day of the beginning of the flood (this is one of the rare events accurately dated in the Bible). We will also mention that in one of the number systems used to interpret dreams, 17 means failure.

Some Italian hotels do not have 17 rooms, and planes do not. If the 17th day of the month falls on Friday, Italians consider it unlucky, as we do - "Friday the 13th." And if November 17 (this month in Italy celebrates the Day of the Dead) falls on Friday, the inhabitants of the Apennines call the whole of November the "Month of the Dead".


The number 250 in China is pronounced the same as the word 'feeble-minded'

For the Chinese, the number 250 is offensive. The fact is that in their language it is pronounced like "er bai wu", this phrase is translated into Russian as "feeble-minded."

The ancient inhabitants of the Celestial Empire probably began to use these numbers as an insult. Interestingly, when copper coins were still common in the country, the amount of 1000 coins was considered an established measure of value. If the product cost 2 times less (500 coins), it was clear that it was inferior in quality. The price of 250 coins was set for the lowest quality goods.

With the 250 being shunned by humans in China, bosses at Gulfstream Aerospace have renamed the Gulfstream G250 (business jet) to the Gulfstream G280. The director of the company said that this step is explained by the fact that such a serial number is considered more acceptable in Chinese culture.


Cricket fans fear 87 points in Australia

It would seem that the harmless number 87 is called the "devilish cricket number" in Australian cricket. Fans of the sport believe that the pitcher is likely to be removed from the game after scoring 87 points. Consider the fact that after 87 points, there is still 13 to 100 points left - an outstanding indicator for any batsman (player hitting the ball).

The roots of the superstition date back to 1929, when a 10-year-old boy, Keith Miller, watched a game with Donald Bradman, considered the "best bat" of the day. In that game, Donald scored just 87 points, after which he was removed from the game. 15 years later, when Miller also became a professional cricketer, his team-mate Ian Johnson once also dropped out with exactly 87 points. Miller at that moment remembered the incident with Bradman in his childhood and concluded that the number 87 was unfortunate for cricket players.

It may seem that superstition arose out of ordinary chance, but in fact it is even more stupid. Many years later, Miller decided to study the same match of 1929 in detail again. To his surprise, he found out that Donald Bradman then scored 89 points, and not 87 at all.


Superstition may have helped South African cricket team beat Australia in 2011

But the number 111 is considered unlucky for cricketers all over the world. He is often called "Nelson" after the famous English admiral. It is believed that it symbolizes at the same time 3 shortcomings of this naval commander: the absence of an eye, an arm and a leg. Others claim the number represents Nelson's 3 most important naval victories near Copenhagen, the Nile and Cape Trafalgar. There is another opinion that the number 111 is unlucky because it looks like an empty gate.

According to superstition, if a team earns 111 runs, all players should raise their legs at the same time. Otherwise, they will lose the next draw. It's funny that this myth was started not by one of the players, but by the judge David Shepard.

Interesting: In October 2011, a cricket match was held between Australia and South Africa. At exactly 11 hours 11 minutes, the South African team needed to score 111 runs to win. Then the organizers of the meeting asked all the fans to raise their legs for one minute. Apparently, this step worked, because the South African team won that meeting.


Malaysian liner MH17 was shot down at 17 hours 17 minutes

In many cultures, seven is considered a lucky number, but in China it is called a symbol of anger and death. The seventh month in the Chinese calendar is called "Ghost Month". Residents of the Celestial Empire believe that at this time ghosts are activated and begin to interfere with people.

Some people consider the 7 unlucky for another reason - due to the connection with the plane crashes. In 2014, for seven days, starting from the 17th of the seventh month (July), planes crashed on the territory of Ukraine, Mali and Taiwan. Malaysian flight MH17 was shot down at 1717 hours in the east of Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the Boeing 777 was operated for exactly 17 years (from July 17, 1997 to July 17, 2014).

In the same month, an Indian military helicopter, flying over Taiwan, crashed at 17 hours 7 minutes, 7 passengers were killed in the accident. A little earlier, on July 7, 2014, a Mi-171 helicopter used by the Vietnamese military crashed at 07:37.


Many disasters in India happened on the 26th day of the month

26 is an unlucky number in India. The devastating earthquake in Gujarat, which killed 20 thousand people, is dated January 26, 2001. On December 26, 2004, a powerful tsunami killed almost 230 thousand people. On May 26, 2007, powerful bombs exploded in the north-east of India, in the city of Guwahati. On July 26, 2008, a bomb was detonated in Ahmedabad. Finally, exactly 5 months later, on November 26 of the same year, a series of bloody terrorist attacks followed in India.

When the numbers 2 and 6 are added together, it turns out 8. In numerology, the eight symbolizes devastation, difficulties, and failures. Experts warn that it is better not to appoint weddings and other solemn ceremonies on the 8th day of the month.

This is interesting: Other numerologies claim that the eight can bring a person success and prosperity, but only if he will work hard to achieve his goals.


All 273 people on board were killed

While most of the imaginary connections between numbers and tragic events seem far-fetched, some are truly creepy. Since the sixties of the last century, 5 different aircraft with flight number 191 have crashed.

In 1967, the X-15 aircraft crashed in America, which was making the 191st experimental flight. Surprisingly, this plane crash was the only one in the history of using the X-15.

Flight 191 Prin crashed at Mercedita Airport, Puerto Rico in April 1972. In 1985, tragedy overtook the Delta Airlines Flight, which also made its 191st flight. He crashed while landing in Dallas. Then 137 people died.

In 1979, in the United States of America, barely taking off from Chicago O'Hare airport, a passenger liner crashed. All 273 people on board were killed. His flight number is 191.

Finally, in 2012, 191 JetBlue Airways had to make an emergency landing. One of the pilots suddenly began to behave inappropriately during the flight. The passengers with difficulty restrained him while the co-pilot landed the liner.

Interesting: The major airlines Delta Airlines Flight and American Airlines have recently stopped operating flights with the unlucky 191.

Each of us has our own opinion about the "unlucky" numbers. Someone does not believe in the superstitions associated with them, while someone tries with all his might to avoid, for example, settling in 13 rooms in a hotel or buying a book with 666 pages. It's good that the numbers listed above are considered unsuccessful only in certain countries, and not all over the world at the same time. In this case, superstitious people would have a much more difficult life!

Superstition is a very subtle thing, almost everyone believes and no one wants to admit it. Many airlines and hotels refuse to explain any of their actions associated with superstitions, such as the absence of the 13th row and much more.

Continental Airlines planes do not have row 13 seats, nor do Air France, Air Tran and Iberia. Is the fact that the seat row numbering jumps from 12 to 14 just a coincidence? Of course not. In fact, airlines are a breeding ground for superstition.

“Probably someone quite a long time ago (we don't even know exactly when) made the decision that there should not be 13 rows of seats on board the aircraft,” says Martin DeLeon, representative of Continental Airlines. “For a long time, however, we stuck to the old numbering, if only simply because we did not want to go through the procedure of renumbering the side seats of more than 600 aircraft.”

“Most people just refuse to sit in such places,” says Judy Graham-Weaver of Air Tran. "It doesn't matter whether we believe in such superstitions or not, we must admit that half of the world's population is afraid of them and we simply have to put up with it."

Superstitions differ in every culture. Many Japanese people avoid anything that has anything to do with the number four because the name of the number four in Japanese sounds like death, and the number nine sounds like torture. That is why the Japanese airline Nippon Airways avoids rows 4, 9 on board, and for the company of numbers 13, although the Japanese themselves have nothing against the number 13 - this is a kind of tribute to the Europeans and their fear of the ill-fated figure that came from Christian folklore and legends about the Vikings.

The number 17 is considered unlucky in Italy. Why is that? The point is that if you write down this number in Roman numerals, you get VIXI, and if you look at Roman numerals as letters of the alphabet, then in Italian you get the phrase “I lived”. The Lufthansa company also abandoned rows No. 13 and 17. It would seem that it would be quite logical to expect the absence of row No. 17 from the Italian airline Alitalia. In addition, the Boeing 777 aircraft of this airline also have 13 rows of seats.

Many airlines also refuse flights with number 13. In this regard, the Koreans went even further, at the Seoul airport there are no exits with numbers 14, 13 and 44.

However, superstition can be more than negative, for example, US airlines offer "lucky flights" 777 and 711. While 7 and 11 are considered lucky numbers in Western culture, in China the number 8 is considered lucky, because in Chinese the sound of this number resembles the word "get rich. ". The Continental Airlines company has been very successful here: flight number 88 flies from Beijing to Newark, the cost of which is 888 dollars.

The number 7 turned out to be unlucky for the passengers on the Korean Airlines flight 007, which was shot down by a Russian fighter in 1983 after accidentally entering Russian airspace. Sadly, the flight numbers of the planes that crashed into the towers of the mall on September 11 were 77 and 11.

Well, how can you not believe that flight number 191 is unlucky, when several airlines have already lost the planes following this flight. Most companies film unsuccessful flights after accidents as a tribute to families who have lost loved ones.

There is no less superstition in the hotel business. The hotels in Acapulco, San Jose, Quebec and Vancouver do not have a 13th floor. In Asian countries, many hotels do not have 4 floors, in addition, there are often no rooms with numbers 666 and 1313. And in some hotels the situation with such numbers reached ridiculous, the administration regularly changed the number plates on the doors of the "unlucky rooms", since the guests had the habit of unscrewing them for yourself, as a keepsake.

There are many ghost stories associated with superstition in hotels. One such story tells of the Château Frontenac in Quebec, which takes its name from Louis de Buad, Comte de Frontenac. Before his death, de Buade wished that immediately after his death his heart was sent to the bride in Europe, but the bride sent the heart back to Quebec. Since then, people believe that the count walks around the hotel at night in search of his beloved.

According to the stories, several ghosts live in London Heathrow airport. One of them is Dick Turpin, a robber who was hanged in the 18th century and is often seen riding a black stallion somewhere near the airport. A man who died in a Belgian plane crash in 1948 is often seen running down the runway looking for his bag. Well, another well-known character is a hairy and somewhat anxious businessman who periodically appears anywhere in the airport.

After the crash of American Airlines Flight 191 near Chicago's O Hara airport in 1979, many residents began to talk about strange white lights appearing near the crash site. those living very close to the field tell of strange nocturnal visitors who knock on their door and ask if they have found lost suitcases or ask permission to use the phone, after which mysterious shadows disappear into the darkness.

Well, one of the most incredible stories is the story of the 1971 crash of Eastern Airlines Flight 401. Among the wreckage of the L1011 were many intact parts that were later used as spare parts for other aircraft of the company. After that, the passengers and the crew of the aircraft, on which the parts of the deceased liner were installed, unanimously declare that they saw Captain Bob Doft and engineer Dane Ripo.

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Philosophy and medicine made man the wisest of animals, fortune-telling and astrology - the craziest, superstition and despotism - the most unfortunate.

There are quite a few new scientific discoveries and technical inventions in the twenty-first century. Progress does not stand still. And it would seem that at this time it is no longer easy to surprise a person with anything. In general, the following was noted that regardless of social status, rank, prosperity, people continue to believe in mysticism, including those associated with numbers.

For a European person, cognition will take on superstitions and does not at all have any special practical significance, but in the Russian Federation the opposite is true. Russian people are quite superstitious and we inherited this inheritance from our pagan forefathers. Why is a person inclined to believe this?

Rationale for the problem: Numbers accompany us all our lives. People have believed in the magical properties of numbers since antiquity. So I was intrigued by the question of what is the role of number in life? Should you be afraid of numbers? Do they affect the fate of a person?

The urgency of the problem: increasing the number of young people who believe in the magic of numbers.

Objective of the project: to show that in the age of scientific and technological progress, when science is developing successfully, for example, mathematics and computer science, there is less room for numerical superstitions and mysticism, but nevertheless it still does not lose popularity.

To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks:

1. Study the literature in order to obtain information about the emergence of numerical superstitions;

2. Convince peers that belief in numerical superstitions is an echo of ancient ideas about the mystical power of numbers;

3. Conduct a study of the attitude of people of different ages to superstitions associated with numbers;

4. Find the answer to the question: what to do to avoid the negative influence of numerical superstitions.

Hypothesis: if a person believes in the adverse effects of numbers, then it is quite possible that he makes a forecast for himself about misfortune, failure.

Research methods: Analysis of the literature, a survey of teachers and school students, a sample survey of random passers-by, the processing of acquired data, analysis, comparison and generalization of the acquired results.

Field of study: numbers and numbers: magic and superstitions associated with numbers.

An object: numerical signs and superstitions.

Item: A study of the impact of numerical superstition and prejudice on the life of the progressive person.

When working on the topic, we used Internet resources, television, dictionaries, literature on the selected issue.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the research results can be used both in the lessons of the history of world art culture, social studies, literature, and in mathematics lessons, as a historical reference.

It should be noted that the issue of not only numerical superstitions and signs, but also superstitions in general, is considered not fully understood. In our research, we relied on the opinions of people around us, as well as on the data of the literature we used.

Chapter I. Signs and superstitions are part of a person's life

    1. Definition of the concepts of folk signs and superstitions.

Concepts: folk signs and superstition are extremely closely connected with each other. But do not forget that they have different meanings.

Superstition is an erroneous, false belief in something; belief in cause and effect, where there is no relationship (according to the dictionary of V. Dahl). And these false beliefs in magic have firmly entered the daily life of people.

The word "superstition" is formed using the adverb "sue", or "in vain" - "in vain, for nothing, in vain, in vain." There is a narrower, ecclesiastical definition: sue - "the opposite of our permanent good, spiritual life." We say about a person "vain", about life - "continuous vanity."

Superstition is an individual prejudice, which is a belief in the possibility of foretelling the future and influencing it through the use of some otherworldly forces. Superstition manifests itself at the behavioral level in ritual forms: the use of talismans, tattoos, magical gestures, etc. Signs take a special place.

Folk omens are specific clues - warnings that prudent people noticed, recorded in their minds and passed on from generation to generation. This is the observation of the behavior of animals in front of a "sudden element", and certain, repetitive changes in nature, which predetermined, for example, what winter will be like.

At the moment, these issues are dealt with by the science of meteorology. In ancient times, nothing was known about such a science. Therefore, increased attention to natural phenomena could help to survive and prevent starvation as a result of drought, flood, etc. Thus, there is nothing mystical in folk signs.

Such an approach to the definition of concepts and superstitions can be called scientific, but what are the prerequisites for the appearance of these phenomena?

    1. The story of the origin of superstition

The history of the origin of superstition is rooted in the time of the emergence of civilization. After examining the literature on this issue, it is quite possible to state that it is almost impossible to explain exactly how they came about. The bulk of superstition is born of horror. It is believed that the root cause is hidden in the phenomena of nature. Directly they frightened people from ancient times with their unknown. As another reason, it is quite possible to single out actions, most likely unexplored, which were frightening, which means that their offensive must be avoided. Therefore, with the help of any mystical properties of the phenomenon, people begin to believe that they are ready, with the help of a certain sequence of actions, to control their occurrence.

For a long time, celestial bodies were endowed with special fantastic qualities. Comets, like some mysterious aliens, were of particular concern. The moon is also endowed with mysterious qualities. In ancient times, it was believed that if you look at her for a long time, it is quite possible that she would lose her mind.

Apart from celestial bodies, ancient people did not have the opportunity to explain the behavior of animals. Therefore, such superstitions as a black cat that crossed the road (misfortune), the cry of an owl (report a quick death), etc. appeared.

But human life is inextricably linked with numbers. As a result, there is a need to endow them with some fantastic qualities. Hence the appearance of "lucky" numbers and those that bring trouble.

All the superstitions surrounding a progressive person are the prejudices of our ancient forefathers about the unusual power of numbers. Then that which defied counting was beyond the limits of the human mind, therefore it was mysterious, sacred. Therefore, ministers of various religions are considered the inspirers of all superstitions without exception.

Western researcher Kurt Hazel puts forward the following version of the reasons:

    The main thing is ignorance of the laws of nature and phenomena.

    Striving to keep any environment under control.

    Fear of the future.


    The desire to get answers to almost all questions that are considered vital and haunt.

    Simple curiosity from "nothing to do".

The bulk of the superstitions associated with numbers are tied to fortune telling by numbers. Superstitions and omens, at their core, can have different origins, but all of them, to begin with, are generated by ignorance and fear.

    1. Number is a talisman

Everyone has favorite and least favorite numbers. Some bring success, and others - danger.

As it turned out, any person, according to numerology, has a number - a talisman. How to calculate it? Take the person's date of birth, the date of birth of his mom and dad. For example, suppose you appeared on January 15, 1990. Your mother was born on March 23, 1970, and your dad was born on July 12, 1965. Now you need to add up all the numbers that are in your birthdays. Then we have: 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 82. We do not take zeros, we assign a serial number to the months. Divide the number obtained from the addition by 3: 82: 3 = 27.3. Received is not an integer. According to the rules of rounding, we get 27. This means that the number - the talisman will be equal to 27. That is, wherever a person sees this number, success will certainly await him.

This talisman number cannot bring bad luck. When you spot him on the way, be sure that your day will be great. Every 27th of every month, among other things, will be lucky. In case you decide to get married on the 27th, then you will certainly be happy in your marriage. It is important that your talisman number does not turn out to be the number of the enemy of your half. There are also such numbers.

Thus, any event that happens to you on a happy day will be constantly successful. In order to enhance the effect of the talisman number, it is important that you always have it with you. The easiest way is to write it down and carry it with you. Students who know their mascot number often write it on the record book. And it was noticed that then they simply do not have unsuccessful exams. Everything constantly surrenders with ease and exceptionally excellent marks.

    1. Number is the enemy

Each number of the talisman has an enemy number. It is able to spoil the life of its own owner. When you think about what kind of enemy it is, then the first association is the number 13. But this is not so. For some, this is a lucky number.

To determine such a number, you need to write your own surname, patronymic and first name. Under each vowel, put the number 1, under the consonant - 2. For example, you are Valery Dmitrievich Sidorov. We put down the numbers and find their sum: 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 38. Finally, the number of enemies for Valery Dmitrievich is 38.

How can such a number do something wrong in life? In case you are going to do something important at the present time and have met your enemy along the way, then be convinced that nothing will come of it at the present time.

You can't get away from such a number, everyone has it, but the higher it is, the much better. Every year that falls on this number becomes unhappy for a person. In our case, Sidorov will need to be especially careful when he turns 38 and 76. But it was noted that in such “unhappy” years people often break their legs and arms, lose their jobs and have no opportunity to find a new one for a long time. The most reliable solution, if you wish not to receive the blows of fate, and met your unlucky number - transfer all the main things to another day, carry with you, written, even on paper, your talisman, and do not enter into any incidents at all.

Numerology has existed for a very long time. Very wise philosophers have been engaged in such calculations all their lives. They watched the fate of other people, reacted to how the number can affect a person's life. And all these sages did not doubt that numbers play an extremely great role in our life. And, as a rule, those people who observe their own favorable and unfavorable numbers and listen to them live much calmer and happier. And it's up to you how to treat this.

Chapter II. Practical part

2.1. Floorboards and sayings related to numbers

I became curious to find as many proverbs, sayings and catchphrases associated with numbers and numbers as possible.

Proverbs are short folk sayings with instructive content, folk aphorisms.

Sayings are short, stable expressions, preferably figurative, not constituting, in contrast to proverbs, complete statements.

Winged words are figurative, apt expressions, sayings that have fallen into general use.

There is a huge number of proverbs and sayings. It's hard to say from what time proverbs and sayings began to circulate. These clever little sayings have been created and accumulated over many years of history. They reflect the life of the people, working conditions, culture. A proverb is always instructive. It constantly contains a conclusion that is useful for everyone to keep in mind.

V. Dal, in his Explanatory Dictionary, wrote that the proverb "is the color of the people's mind, this is the everyday people's truth." Mikhail Sholokhov called the proverb "lumps of reason", "winged wisdom".

In our own speech, we use not only proverbs and sayings, but also winged expressions that are very similar to them: short quotes, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures that have got into our speech from literary sources.

There are countless proverbs, sayings and catchphrases, consider only those in which there are numbers. (cm. Annex 1)

2.2. What is the place of faith and superstition in our lives

The answer to this question can be obtained by studying the results of a sociological survey of public opinion at the railway station. Kudrinskaya (the survey was conducted on the street with passers-by).

Purpose of the survey: find out how people around you relate to numerical superstitions.

A questionnaire was compiled, consisting of 4 questions. (cm. Appendix 2)

108 people took part in the survey:

    passers-by at the railway station Kudrinskaya;

    students in grades 5-11 of the school;

    school teachers;

    school administration

The survey was conducted anonymously.


1 question

2 question

3 question

4 question

Over 60 years old

According to the results of the survey, the following conclusions can be drawn: almost 60% of those surveyed by us are to some extent superstitious. (cm. Appendix 3)

In addition, we have interviewed.

Purpose: Find out how people around you relate to numerical superstitions.

20 adults were interviewed:


  • school administration.

Conclusion: not all of them believe in numerical signs, believing that a person is the creator of his own destiny. And if, nevertheless, the signs come true, then this is due to the fact that people subconsciously tune themselves.


Superstitions came to us from antiquity, are considered relics of the pagan world, and are condemned by both science and the Orthodox Church. Basically, these are the components of rituals that at one time accompanied agricultural, communal, home holidays and sorrowful events.

Numerical signs and superstitions were noticed many millennia ago. Ancient people tried to explain the world as they saw it. This served as the basis for the emergence of multiple superstitions and beliefs. And, despite the fact that the bulk of them actually do not contain the truth, people continue to believe them. A person does not have the opportunity to know everything, which means that he will continue to make assumptions and put forward hypotheses about how the world works. We are all a little superstitious. This is inherent in us by nature.

Our unwillingness to delve into the mathematical side of the action of numerical superstitions, our readiness to succumb to the hypnotic power of number betrays our mathematical illiteracy. The zeal to calculate some fateful number (the end of the world, for example) was widespread in ancient times, and at the moment "feeds" astrology and numerology. Particular importance is attached to the mystery of the birthday and the mystery of the name, where a specific number corresponds to any letter of the name and birthday.

We believe that almost all the actions that take place in our life, and which we associate with "good" and "bad" numbers, are just coincidences. We came to the conclusion that neither horoscopes, nor the secrets of the birthday and name, nor the unfortunate numbers have the ability to influence the fate, disposition and work of a person who believes in his own capabilities. In one case, they add energy and strength to him, give him considerable confidence in achieving his goal, evoke some kind of satisfaction, but in another, they destroy the will, cause a feeling of fear, timidity, uncertainty and the futility of fighting life's adversities. Wide advertising of astrological forecasts, services of all kinds of wizards, sorcerers, fortune-tellers allows you to create fertile soil for the "cultivation" of superstitions. But we - progressive youth are obliged to be confident in ourselves and not at all succumb to the hypnotic tricks of numerical superstitions.

The research carried out achieved the goal: we tested the attitude towards numerical superstitions of the people around and the students of our school.

How not to be a slave to superstition? The only cure for superstition is knowledge. This means that it is necessary to investigate the laws of nature and phenomena. Advice to those who are superstitious: study the laws and phenomena of nature, believe in your own strengths and your clear future, fill your own soul with necessary and unsullied thoughts, but not empty useless nonsense. Therefore, be serene and do not forget the phrase of the South American film actor Groucho Marx: "13 people at the table can be an unlucky number only when you cook only 12 cutlets."


    Dorokhov A. About truth and inventions. Children's literature. Moscow, 1977

    Magazine "Mathematics in School" No. 2 1999. Moscow

    Stepanova M.G. Numerical superstitions. Samara, 1978

    Ganchev I. et al. Mathematical folklore. Moscow, 1987

    Glazer G.I. History of mathematics at school. Moscow, 1983

    Depman, I. From the history of mathematics. Moscow, 1960

    Zhitomirsky V., Shevrin L. Mathematical alphabet. Pedagogy,

    Depman I. Ya., Vilenkin N. Ya. Behind the pages of a mathematics textbook. Moscow. Enlightenment, 1989

    B.A. Kordemsky, A.A. Akhadov The amazing world of numbers. Moscow. Enlightenment, 1986

    Rybnikov K.A. The emergence and development of mathematical science. Moscow. Enlightenment, 1987



Annex 1

Proverbs and sayings related to numbers.

Number 1.

One spring in the homeland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land. One bee will bring some honey. If you cut down one tree, plant ten. You can't clap your hands with one hand. One truth in the world lives on. Once does not count. There is safety in numbers. Alone at sea is not a fisherman. One hand does not knit a knot. One head on the shoulders. One leg is here, the other is there. One wise head is worth a hundred heads. One bee is better than a swarm of flies. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. In one place, and the stone is overgrown with moss. One today is better than two tomorrow. You can't tie a knot with one hand. From one word to a quarrel forever. The hedgehog has one strength - thorns. One ride - and the road is long. Once he lied, he became a liar forever. Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand. The coward dies a hundred times, and the hero dies once. One beaten two unbeaten is worth. Break one pancake in half. One in the harrow, and all to the side. One is in sin, but everyone is responsible. One in business - one in a twist. Alone in the sea is not a fisherman, and without an artel, not a sailor. One is in Moscow, the other is in Vologda, and both are hungry. One warrior leads a thousand. One wolf drives sheep regiment. One wolf, and even the one in the bush howls hungry. One thief is ruin to the whole world. One eye is on us, and the other is on Arzamas. One talks about peas, and the other about pods. One says about Taras, and the other: a hundred and fifty devils. One grieves, and the artel is at war. One is not a decree to another. One is a fool and the other is not intelligent. One fool will throw a stone into the water - ten smart ones will not get it. One fool said, another listened (... repeated). One ruff fish soup pot. One for all and all for one. You’ll bend one by the porridge. One, like a month in the sky. One is like a tree stump and the other is like a deck. You can't go to the wall alone. One wears, the other asks, the third line is waiting. One finger is not a fist. One is plowing, and seven are waving their hands. You cannot eat one pie, and porridge alone is not worth it. One about Thomas, the other about Eremu. One drinks - seven vomits moshna. Once a candle, another time a candle, perhaps, and a fur coat from the shoulder. One time you lie, they won't believe the other. One mouth fights. One chops, and the other blows a tune. One ruble - one mind, two rubles - two minds. One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon. One boot is stolen, the other is thieves'. One collects, the other yawns. One goes blind from hunger, the other from gold. One died of fear, the other came to life. One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son. One is a secret, two are half-secrets, three - there is no secret. Miron has one son, and even that Mironovich. One mind is good and two is better. One smart ten crazy drives. One bread has arrived. One walks in cloth and silk, while the other has teeth on the shelf.

One goose will not trample the field. The torment is lonely, but the hands are not alone. Lonely lay down - curled up, got up - roused himself. Lonely home everywhere. Lonely where bread is, there is a corner. One misfortune is coming, another is leading. One trouble rolls, the other looks into the gateway. One trouble is not a problem, only it wouldn’t come again. One misfortune did not go away, the other caught fire. One misfortune does not come: misfortune will give birth to misfortune. One head is not poor, but poor, so one. One head it's good, but two better. One firebrand does not burn even in the oven, but two burns even in the field. One smut goes out in the oven, and two smokes in the field. One door is locked and the other is wide open. One woman is a woman, two women are a bazaar, and three are a fair. One penny - and that edge. One swallow does not make spring. One fox will lead seven wolves. One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey. May dew alone is better than oats for horses. A fly alone will not eat up a belly. One torment, but not only handles baked. One leg is in a bast shoe, the other is in a boot. One foot is shod, the other is shod, and if the third was, I don’t know how it would have gone. One garment - for the world, for the feast, and for the backyard. One piece of clothing - and in dry, and in moth, and in a good feast. One black sheep will spoil the whole flock. One shirt - and that wash. One hand in honey, the other in molasses. One side is always wrong. The crane has one road - to warm waters. One luck goes, another leads.

One truth in the world lives on. One head on the shoulders. One leg is here, the other is there. One wise head a hundred heads a hundred. One spring in the homeland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land. One wise head is worth a hundred heads. One gate: either into the courtyard or from the courtyard. Some eyes cry and laugh. Some are crying, while others are jumping. Kill two birds with one stone. Sleep with one eye and guard with the other. You can kill many pots with one stone. One horse cannot cross the entire field. You cannot jump the entire path in one fell swoop. You cannot go round the field in one fell swoop. Once does not count. Alone at sea is not a fisherman. There is safety in numbers. One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon. One veche, but different speeches. One grief is not grief, no matter how two. Do one thing, and don't spoil the other.

If you cut down one tree, plant ten. One grain gives a handful. One grain of pood brings. One today is better than two tomorrow. One eye, let it see far away. One word aches the bone, the other splices. One today is better than two tomorrow

One ear is deaf. One is beaten, and the other is given hints. You can't put one sparrow into twelve dishes. Birds of a feather. Death paints one cancer. One brave man and a thousand cowards will not replace. Do not rejoice at one swallow. Life with one hand, and this one with the other. You can't tie a knot with one hand. Blink one eye, push the other with a club. One ride - and the road to debt. It's not a hand to ride alone: ​​the road is far away. One to live - the heart is cold, but in people and death is red. It's boring to go alone and drown. One and porridge does not argue. He nodded to one, blinked at the other, and the third would guess himself. One beginning is not two ends. One is not afraid, but two are more cheerful. Submit to one, sacrifice to the other. One is fun, the other is not laughing. One with his wife grief, the other twice. Joy to one with his wife, grief to the other. One came true, and the other failed.

One with his wife grief, the other twice. One beginning is not two ends. One grief is not grief, no matter how two. Kill two birds with one stone. One woman is a woman, two women are a bazaar, and three are a fair. One head it's good, but two better. One mind is good and two is better. One is a secret, two are half-secrets, three - there is no secret. One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son. One ruble - one mind, two rubles - two minds. One beaten two unbeaten is worth.

Chasing two birds with one stone - not one to catch. Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home. Two brands smoke in the field, and one goes out in the oven.

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

There is safety in numbers.

A thousand days of chatter is not worth one heroic deed.

There is one soul, but a thousand desires.

What food is to one is poison to another. In one place, and the stone is overgrown with moss. From one word to a quarrel forever. The hedgehog has one strength - thorns. Once he lied, he became a liar forever.

Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand. The coward dies a hundred times, and the hero dies once.

Number 2

You can't put on two pairs of sandals right away. There are no two truths. Grief for two is half a mountain, joy for two is two joys. Two of a Kind. I got ready for two hours, washed my face for two hours, cleaned for an hour, dressed for a day. As two drops of water. Whoever helped soon helped twice. The bummer works twice. Between two fires. Two words. On two fronts. Can't connect two words. Not two, not one and a half. One head it's good, but two better. A double-edged sword. Sit between two chairs. Miser pays twice. Kill two birds with one stone. Tuck into both cheeks. Limp on both feet. Give the fool free rein, and he will take two. Two brothers - for a bear, and two brothers-in-law - for jelly. Not to live for two centuries, and not to grieve for a century. Two centuries cannot be lived out, two youths cannot be crossed. Two griefs together, the third in half. Two pennies - a lot is good. Two Demids, but both do not see. Two friends - frost and blizzard. Two fools, each with two fists. Two fools about one mind. Two cats in one bag will not stay. Two bears do not live in the same den. Two to one - a host. Don't die twice. Two pair of boots, and both on the left foot. Two lanterns on an empty watchtower (beautiful eyes, but an empty head). Two devils don't live in a swamp. Two teals are the same duckling. There is no summer twice a year. Not being young twice. Two lamb heads do not fit into one cauldron. Two brands smoke in the field, and one goes out in the oven. Two small dogs are eating a big one. Two shirts are getting wet in the tub, and two pants are drying on the grip. Two dogs are fighting - don't bother the third. Two little lilies are the same sheep. Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home. Two are fighting, the third is not poking your nose. Two are plowing, and seven are waving their hands. Two bald ones are fighting for the comb. Two - love, the third do not poke your nose. Two deaths cannot happen, and one cannot be avoided. Chasing two birds with one stone - not one to catch.

Grief for two is half a mountain, joy for two is two joys. Two of a Kind. I got ready for two hours, washed my face for two hours, cleaned for an hour, dressed for a day. As two drops of water. Whoever helped soon helped twice. The bummer works twice. Between two fires. Two words. On two fronts. Can't connect two words. Not two, not one and a half. One head it's good, but two better. Two inches from the pot. Sit between two chairs. Miser pays twice.

Grandma said in two. In two (simple) - indefinitely, with the ability to understand one way or another. It is unknown if what is supposed to come true; it remains to be seen how it will be: one way or another. They say when they doubt the implementation of what they suggest.

Second wind. Sometimes on long distances unbearable fatigue comes to the athlete: the legs refuse to run, there is not enough breath. The inexperienced one stops, but the master continues to run through force, and - lo and behold! - after a few seconds, fatigue disappears, strength is restored, the chest breathes easily again. The second wind has come.

Two-faced Janus. In Roman mythology, the god of time, depicted with two faces facing opposite directions: the past and the future. This is where this expression came from in the meaning of "two-faced man".

Two deaths cannot happen, and one cannot be avoided. The inevitable will happen anyway, whether you risk it or not. It speaks of the determination to do something connected with risk, danger, and at the same time with the hope that the danger will still be avoided.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one. It is said when someone takes on several (as a rule, profitable for themselves) cases at once and therefore cannot do a single one well or complete them.

For one beaten two unbeaten give. For one scientist, two non-scientists are given. They say when they understand that punishment for mistakes is beneficial to a person, because this is how he gains experience.

Choose the lesser of two evils... This expression, which has become winged, belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. It is found in Cicero, many famous philosophers, writers of antiquity and modernity.

An old friend is better than two new ones. It is said when they want to emphasize the loyalty, devotion and irreplaceability of an old friend.

Mind is good, but two is better. It is said when, when solving a problem, they turn to someone for advice, when they decide a case together.

Number 3

The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three.

It takes three years to learn to be industrious; to learn laziness - only three days. Three money a day - wherever you want, there and day. He ground it for three days, and ate it for a day and a half. He had three wives, but endured from all. Forgive me three times, and the fourth addiction. Three sons, and he himself is strong. Three times the priest sings, and on the fourth he gives amen. Two - love, the third do not poke your nose. Two are fighting - the third is not poking your nose. Two dogs are fighting - don't bother the third. Two griefs together, the third in half. One foot is shod, the other is shod, and if the third was, I don’t know how it would have gone. One woman is a woman, two women are a bazaar, and three are a fair. One is a secret, two are half-secrets, three - there is no secret. One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son. One wears, the other asks, the third line is waiting.

Three people know - all thirty will recognize.

Get lost in three pines. Not being able to figure out something simple, uncomplicated, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

From third mouth , from third parties. Through intermediaries, not from eyewitnesses, not directly (learn, receive, hear).

Three inches from the pot. Very short, short, small.

With three boxes. A lot (say, promise, lie, etc.).

Day three. The day before yesterday.

The promised three years are waiting... They speak jokingly when they do not believe in the speedy fulfillment of promises by someone, or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed indefinitely.

Cry in three streams... That is, it is very bitter to cry.

Three Graces... The ancient Romans had three goddesses who personified youth, charm, fun. They are depicted as three beautiful women. Sometimes used with irony.

Three whales... Earlier, the ancients believed that the Earth stands on three whales. The expression is used in the sense of the basis of the basics.

Ride for three years - you can't go to any state... These words, which became winged, belong to the mayor from the comedy N.V. Gogol's "The Inspector General". It is a question of a deaf, forgotten, abandoned place.

Number 4

The hut cannot be cut without four corners.

The horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.

Forgive me three times, and the fourth addiction. Chelom - four, and the fifth - God help. Four floors, and the sides are bare.

On all four sides... Anywhere, wherever you want (go, get out, drive away, let go).

Live within four walls... Not communicating with anyone, being alone. Without leaving home.

Number 5

Like the back of my hand. Know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

The fifth wheel in the cart. Superfluous, unnecessary person in any business.

Number 7

Seven times measure cut once. Seven Fridays a week. Onion for seven ailments. Over the seven seas. In one fell swoop, seven kills. I don't fight myself, I'm not afraid of seven. Seven corporals and one private. Seven is not one, we will not give offense. Seven raise one straw. Seven for hares, but no skin. Seven with a spoon and one with a bipod. Seven troubles - one answer. Seven miles to heaven, and everything is in the forest. Seven miles is not a hook (... not the outskirts). Seven cases are not taken in one hand. Seven villages, but one horse. The poppy did not give birth for seven years, but there was no hunger. For seven years he was silent, at the eighth he cried out. For seven years we have not seen each other, but got together - and there is nothing to say. Seven changes, and everything is radish: tricha radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with kvass, radish with oil, radish in pieces, radish in cubes and whole radish. Seven times in your opinion, but once in my opinion. She drained seven rivers, did not wet the canvas. Seven axes lie together and two spinning wheels apart. Seven Thursdays and all on Friday. One fox will lead seven wolves. One drinks - seven vomits moshna. One is plowing, and seven are waving their hands.

Seven Fridays a week. Seven deaths - not to happen, and one cannot be avoided. Seven in the shops. Seven miles to heaven and all by the forest. Seven nannies have a child without an eye. We ate seven times, but did not sit at the table. Seven gates and all to the garden. Behind seven seals. Seven sages are cheaper than one experienced person. Seven feet under the keel. One sheep has seven shepherds. Onion - from seven ailments. One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon. Seventh water on jelly. Seven spans in the forehead. Seven minutes to four and three flew away. The nose grew for seven - and one got it. For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a suburb. The secret is sealed with seven seals. The town is not big, but there are seven governors. Seven sat down, one ox, and even that goal, and ten police officers. Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides. Seven sweats are gone. And you, the seventh, wait at the gate. Sip jelly for seven miles. One sheep has seven shepherds. Seven don't wait for one. The town is not big, but there are seven governors. For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle. Three women are a bazaar, and seven are a fair

Up to the seventh knee... Until the most distant generations.

On the seventh sky. An expression that came to us from the Greek philosopher Aristotle. It means at the present time the highest degree of joy, happiness.

Seven deadly sins. Biblical expression. Over time, it gained the meaning of any bad, unforgivable transgressions.

Seven don't wait for one. So they say when they start some business without someone who is late, or with a reproach to someone who makes many (not necessarily seven) wait for themselves.

Seven troubles - one answer... Let's risk it again, and if we have to answer - so for everything at once, at the same time. It is about the determination to do something more risky, dangerous in addition to what has already been done.

Try on (measure) seven times, cut once... Before you do anything serious, think it over carefully, foresee everything. It is said as an advice to consider all possible options for action before starting any business.

Too many cooks spoil the broth... Eyeless (outdated) - unattended, unsupervised. The job is done poorly, unsatisfactorily, when several people are responsible for it at once. It is said when several people (or even organizations) responsible for the case rely on each other and each individually treats his duties in bad faith.

Seven wonders of the world. In ancient times, the seven wonders of the world were called seven structures, striking in their grandeur. In figurative (colloquial) speech, something wonderful, magnificent is called one of the seven wonders of the world.

Number 8

Eight hryvnia to the ruble is not enough. For seven years he was silent, at the eighth he cried out.

Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the hostess is nine, which divides exactly. Spring and autumn - there are eight weather per day. There are two friends, eight enemies. Without counting, don't say eight.

Number 9

A bull is worth ninety rubles, an arrogant person is not worth nine kopecks. Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the hostess is nine, which divides exactly. Nine mice pulled together - the lid from the tub was pulled off. Nine people is like a dozen. Of the ten nuns, nine are harlots, and one is out of her mind. A brave man has ten valor: one is courage, nine is agility. Having lost once, you will win nine times.

Number 10

Ten - people - ten shades.

Tenth water on jelly. Cut ten times, cut once. If you cut down one tree, plant ten. One smart ten crazy drives. One fool will throw a stone into the water - ten smart ones will not get it.

Get rid of one vice - ten virtues will grow. One speaks - ten listen. One smart ten crazy drives. Until you get to the chief, you will stumble ten times. Nine people is like a dozen. Ten knowledgeable people are not worth the one who does the job. Expensive - five, but straight ten. There are ten beaters per shooter. One year, ten years stuck. Seven sat down, one ox, and even that goal, and ten police officers. The clever one will hear it once, but guess it ten times. What you do not do one, do ten. A brave man has ten valor: one is courage, nine is agility. Of the ten nuns, nine are harlots, and one is out of her mind.

Appendix 2

Questionnaire "Do you believe?"

Appendix 3

Diagram "Results of a sociological survey"

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