What to do so that a lover wants to see each other more often. How to behave with a lover so that he is afraid of losing a woman? How to seduce and fall in love with yourself so that you don’t leave

Calculator 26.11.2021

Sometimes situations happen when a married woman has a lover or she herself enters into a relationship with a married man. Such a connection brings some piquancy and drive to life. However, it can also lead to problems in the lives of both partners. To avoid this, try to build relationships with your lover correctly, based on what exactly you expect from such a relationship.

If you have never had a lover before, and this is the first time you have had such a relationship, listen to our recommendations. In the case when you do not plan to marry your lover, create relationships that are easy, not binding to anything:

  • initially tune in to the fact that the connection will last exactly as long as it suits you personally;
  • talk less about your family and loved ones, do not tell the details of your life outside of your relationship with your lover;
  • do not be modest and do not refuse if a lover wants to please you with an expensive gift;
  • do not attach too much to yourself and try not to become attached yourself, your breakup in the future should be painless and not problematic;
  • do not let your lover tell you how to live, dress, whom to communicate with, etc.
  • do not be jealous and do not put any ultimatums;
  • do not saw a man, your meetings should bring mutual pleasure.

If you plan to tie the knot with this person in the future, the relationship strategy should be different:

  • Emphasize in every possible way that you and your lover have the same life values ​​and priorities. Share with him his hobbies and hobbies.
  • Plan for a common future. When buying a thing, consider the tastes and preferences of a man.
  • Create a common social circle in which you will be perceived solely as a couple.
  • Don't pressure him. A marriage proposal should come only from the gentleman.
  • Create the appearance of indifference to marriage.
  • Enjoy every minute spent with your man.
  • Carefully look after yourself - take care of your face and body, go in for sports, dress beautifully. In his eyes, you must be perfection itself.
  • Don't make him jealous. Do not create an image of a frivolous and accessible woman who is not suitable for marriage.

How to behave with a married lover?

In our time, according to statistics, about half of married men have a love affair on the side. Becoming the mistress of an unfree person, you must understand that you will have to be an eternal holiday for him, that is, a girl with whom he can relax and be distracted.

If this situation suits you, then follow certain rules of the game:

  • Try not to lose your head and not fall in love with this man. Remember that you are with him temporarily, and he is just a pleasant page in your life.
  • Meet with him rarely, so as not to get used to much.
  • Do not interfere in his married life, ask less about it. A man comes to you to take a break from his family.
  • Do not try to meet his wife, and even more so "open her eyes." If a man does not leave her, then he does not want to.
  • Live your life and take care of yourself. Find a hobby, chat with friends.
  • Be prepared to spend weekends and celebrate holidays without your lover, as on such days he is with his family. Don't make a scene about it.
  • Accept that his wife will always come first for him. Even if the love between them has already faded away, affection and obligations remain.
  • Do not give a man a lot of gifts. That way you won't tie him to you. So don't waste your money. You are your gift to him.

  • Do not become a second wife or mother for a lover. No need to iron his shirts, cook pickles. If you still decide to feed him, cook something gourmet and arrange a romantic dinner. No homemade meals! He has it at home.
  • Take an interest in his professional achievements. Men are proud of their careers and successes, and in the family there is often no time to talk about this, because the affairs of children, wives, etc. come first.
  • Always be in a good mood. A man comes to you first of all to distract himself from his problems, and he does not need yours.
  • Do not allow your lover to impose his rules in your home. Switching the TV, scattering his things, smoking in the room, he can only be at home.
  • Don't talk about a shared future. Don't ask him to leave his family and marry you.
  • Do not introduce your lover to your relatives. He may decide that you have far-reaching plans for him, and part with you. In addition, it is unlikely that your parents will like that you are dating a married man.
  • Be creative in intimacy. After all, first of all, in relationships on the side, a man is looking for sex. Therefore, master various techniques to be always desirable and interesting. And forget the words “headache”, “let’s not today”, “I don’t want something”. You should always be ready for sex with your lover. Because that's what he's after you.
  • Remember that you are a free person and are free to date other men. Let your lover know that after he leaves for his wife, you can walk wherever and with whom you want.
  • Don't advertise the relationship. Do not tell mutual friends about them, do not try to appear together in public. If the lover wants the relationship to be secret, accept it.
  • Don't be intrusive. Do not bother with phone calls and constant declarations of love. It tires any man.

And also think about whether it is worth spending your life on eternal waiting, secret meetings and holidays alone? Maybe it’s worth letting go of a man and building a relationship with a free man who will not need to be shared with anyone?

How to behave in bed with a lover?

It's no secret that love affairs on the side are based primarily on sexual relationships. Therefore, in bed with a lover, you can be free and not be shy about your desires (provided that your partner is also looking for new intimate sensations).

How to behave in bed with a lover so that your relationship brings you both pleasure and lasts as long as you want?

  • Let the man be in charge in your bed. However, this does not mean that you should be passive. No, participate in the process, and sometimes take the initiative yourself.
  • Try to diversify your sex life: offer new positions, use sex toys. Avoid boredom and routine in the intimate sphere.
  • Don't be selfish in bed. Learn all the erogenous zones of your man. Seeing how you try to please him, he will appreciate every moment with you.

  • Always look sexy and seductive: beautiful lingerie, stockings, high heels, subtle perfume. Do not be afraid that it will look too provocative and "cinematic". Men love these things. Ordinary sex is boring.
  • Do not skimp on compliments in bed. Tell your lover that sex with him is simply divine, and he is the best and strongest.
  • Ask your lover about his erotic fantasies and make them come true. Let him try with you what he did not dare to tell other women.

How to deal with an ex-lover?

Relationships between ex-lovers can be different. Some women manage to maintain friendship with a former lover, while others keep resentment or hostility in their souls all their lives.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to give advice on how to behave with a former lover. You need to consider the circumstances under which you broke up. In any case, there are general rules:

  • Do not sort things out and do not stir up the past. Do not show that you are upset, suffering or regretting anything.
  • If your relationship has gradually faded away, do not look for the guilty, but accept it as a common occurrence. You should not cling to this connection or seek a meeting with an ex-lover. Don't call or text him.
  • Be friendly when meeting. But be natural, do not portray excessive joy.

When friendship has been preserved between former lovers, and they sometimes intersect, then often one of the meetings can end in intimacy. Psychologists advise not to do this. As a rule, for a man this is just sex, and a woman has new hopes.

Don't be tempted. If, nevertheless, you could not resist and spent the night of love, treat it as a small easy adventure. Do not go back to the old and make this meeting the last one.

The situation can be very delicate if the former lover is a work colleague. You may even want to quit. However, this should not be done if the work suits you. Get over yourself. Observe subordination both in the team and outside the office. Communicate only on business matters.

  • Don't retaliate no matter how much you want to. Don't gossip about your ex. Revenge never brings positive results and does not paint a woman.
  • Having married or entered into a new relationship, do not dedicate your half to the details of the former relationship. Never introduce your current husband to a former lover, even if you broke up a long time ago.
  • If meeting with a former lover is painful or unpleasant for you, stop seeing him. Turn the page and move on.

How to behave with a young lover?

Often, mature ladies start dating men who are much younger than her. Such a novel brings a lot of advantages:

  • hot sex
  • return of lost romance
  • lack of any obligations
  • rejuvenated appearance

However, a woman who has plunged into such a love whirlwind is often covered by various fears and worries. She is afraid that her young lover can easily find himself a young peer.

To prevent this from happening, take note of the following:

  • Tune in to the fact that a relationship with a young lover is a rather painstaking work on yourself. You need to be the best for the young man and not pay attention to gossip behind your back.
  • If you are overcome by complexes about the age difference, do not share them with your chosen one. Is he satisfied with everything? So let it be. Do not compare yourself with young girls and do not be jealous.
  • Be yourself. After all, he liked you, such as you are - mature and experienced. Do not try to imitate young girls: in the manner of dressing, behavior. An overly youthful lady always looks funny.
  • Admire your young lover constantly. Immature men love praise because it gives them self-confidence.
  • Try to always look good. You may be older, but you are stunning!
  • In those cases when you go out with him, then choose a similar style of clothing. If he prefers youth fashion, then you dress more democratically.
  • Do not become a teacher for him: in sex, in business, in relationships. He can run away from your moralizing. On the contrary, let him teach you what you do not know how: surfing, roller skating, computer games, fashionable dancing.
  • Treat him like a mature man. Do not take his judgment condescendingly, do not give him gifts, do not make him an "errand boy". Give him a chance to show his worth.

How to behave for the first time with a lover?

Any woman on the first love date is always worried. First of all, understand that you do not owe anything to anyone. Enter into an intimate relationship with your lover when you yourself are ready for this.

So that the first sex with a new gentleman does not bring disappointment, follow the advice of sexologists:

  • Think in advance where your first date will be. If in your apartment - do not bother with cooking dinner. Better go to a cafe. And at home, let you have cognac or wine, sweets, fruits.
  • Don't expect your first sex with your man to be memorable and amazing. Experts say that the third or fourth date is more successful.
  • Awkward situations at the first intimacy are inevitable. Do not be embarrassed by this, accept all embarrassment with a smile.
  • Do not complex about the shortcomings of your figure. At the moment of arousal, a man does not look at cellulite or wrinkles at the waist.

  • Behave naturally. You can ask: “Do you like it?”, “How would you like it?”. And do not forget to encourage and guide your lover with the words: "you do everything this way", "let's try differently." Remember that for a man the first sex with a new partner is also very responsible and exciting.
  • Don't hold back your emotions if you feel good. Talk about how you like his figure, hair, smell.
  • Do not experiment too much and do not try to impress your lover with difficult poses. Save it for later dates when you reach a certain level of trust with your partner.
  • Don't fuss after sex. Don't rush to get dressed and start making phone calls, checking emails, or other things right away. Give your lover a massage, soak up the hugs.
  • Don't forget about safety. Even if passion has covered you with your head, always remember the methods of contraception.

How to behave with a married lover?

It happens that a married woman, being in principle satisfied with her marriage, experiences attraction or passion for a man on the side. In most cases, ladies are not looking for sexual novelty, but for romance and attention, which they lack in their relationship with their husband.

If your lover is also married, then such a relationship, as a rule, does not bring problems, since both of you are not free and will not make scenes for each other and cause inconvenience. It is more difficult when the lover of a married woman is single. In this situation, you need to be careful:

  • Do not allow your lover to interfere in your family life. Eliminate the possibility of suspicion from the spouse: no nightly SMS and calls, unexpected meetings.
  • Do not share news of your family life. And never discuss your spouse with your lover.
  • Love dates should not take place in your apartment, even if the husband went on a business trip. Neighbors can see you

  • Don't let your lover keep your intimate photos. It happens that after a break in relations, the ex-lover begins blackmail.
  • Keep in mind that a bachelor lover considers himself absolutely free and can date other women. Therefore, you will need to subdue your jealousy.
  • Perhaps a man is dating you because he has not yet met his only one. And when he meets and marries, be prepared to leave his life.

How to behave with a lover-boss?

Office romance with the boss has its pros and cons. Therefore, a woman should think and weigh everything before agreeing to such a relationship. Having decided on such a relationship, be prepared for difficult situations that may arise:

  • Surely colleagues will gossip behind your back, and you will have fewer friends at work. Take it calmly and with restraint. On the other hand, you will be afraid and will not be burdened with additional work.
  • Put aside excessive modesty. Don't turn down bonuses or promotions. Usually everyone agrees to an affair with the boss for this very reason.
  • Accept that the boss can call you for love pleasures in his office at any time. And the secretary and colleagues will be aware of what is happening.
  • Observe the chain of command, and never call him by his first name or any pet nickname in front of his subordinates.
  • Get ready for the fact that the chef-lover will lead everywhere and in everything. The place of rest, the time of meetings will be chosen only by him.
  • Try to make the most of these relationships. It's not so much about the material benefits that you can get, but about the opportunity to learn professional skills from a lover, the ability to do business, and make the necessary acquaintances.
  • Keep in mind that you will not be dating anyone other than your boss. He will come to you any time he wants. And you should always be ready for his arrival.

In the event of a break in relations, you may have difficulties at work, especially if the boss is a vindictive person. He can find fault with you, fill up with additional work.

There are several options for how to behave in such a situation:

  • Work flawlessly and, if possible, talk to him in front of witnesses
  • Transfer to another department
  • Complain to higher management
  • If none of the above suits you, change jobs

How to behave with an older lover?

Relationships in which the lover is significantly older than the girl often cause public condemnation. Indeed, as a rule, an adult man spoils his young mistress with gifts or helps financially.

If the connection suits both of you, do not be afraid of gossip and listen to the advice of psychologists:

  • Keep in mind that you may have different needs and interests due to age differences. He may not like movies and books that you like, or he may prefer a quiet evening at home to dancing in a nightclub.
  • Do not talk about age and do not compare your lover with your young beau. He is already worried about the passing of his youth, do not aggravate the situation.
  • Trust him in everything and don't question his judgment. After all, he has much more life experience than you.
  • Think about what qualities a man chose you for, and maintain this image further.
  • Be a skilled lover, and also get ready for the fact that with you he will strive to realize what he lacked the courage to do in his youth.

  • Ask your lover for advice in many aspects, but you should not pretend to be a silly fool from yourself either. You should be interesting. But an adult man will be pleased to teach and see how you develop under his guidance.
  • Let yourself be taken care of. Do not show your independence. After all, often a man in such a relationship wants to show paternal care.
  • Do not beg for expensive gifts, otherwise your relationship will be “money-services”. And the attitude towards you will be appropriate.
  • Don't try to change it. He is already who he is. And change, even for your sake, will not. Respect the experience and wisdom of your lover.

Before you start a lover, think carefully and look at your life. Is the time spent with another man worth it? If you have a good family, then you should not risk it for the sake of a fleeting romance.

Video: " Bioenergetics - is it worth having lovers? Relationship or sex?

The love triangle involving spouses and the “other woman” can be treated differently, but the fact of its existence cannot be denied. In this painful psychological-geometric figure there is always a sufferer, and at the heart of the conflict lies the lack of opportunity for everyone to get what he wants. The wife needs to save the marriage, the husband needs to feel desired, and the separation woman is most concerned about how to behave with her lover so that he is afraid of losing you: psychology in this context says that all participants in the conflict have their own truth.

In a mistress, a man sees the romance that he had before marriage and lost in it. This woman - a stranger, forbidden - embodies everything that for a man symbolizes freedom, looseness, vulgarity and lust, that is, those aspects of desires that often cannot be realized with a wife. The faithful position themselves as morally pure beings who rarely think about sex, and even think about being afraid of its oral and role-playing manifestations. And then the one who subconsciously and physically feels how to behave with her lover so that he is afraid of losing her enters the arena: psychology often puts the behavioral model of a lover higher than the wife’s model in terms of performance, but who and under what development of the situation will win - that’s still question!

A rare wife can embody all the incarnations of a woman: a beauty, a mother, a lover, a nun and a loose girl, a cook, a dressmaker, a cleaner, a psychotherapist ... Men allow themselves intimacy with others not because the entire male sex is so cynical about fidelity and the institution of marriage . They do this because of the inability to choose priorities, asking themselves what to give preference to: carnal desires or moral principles and socially approved norms of behavior in relationships? How to act and behave with someone else's husband - a lover, so that he, this very worthy, in the opinion of a woman, representative of his sex was afraid to lose you? Psychology provides an answer to this vital question.

Given the male perception of the "ideal woman", his illegal lover should build his behavior in this way:

  • do not interrupt and listen carefully to everything that he decides to tell;
  • do not fall under the “hot hand”: do not pester with questions and claims if the man is not in a good mood;
  • do not give ultimatums;
  • do not give reasons for jealousy;
  • not build insidious plans code-named "unexpected pregnancy";
  • do not try to destroy the man's family;
  • endure one's position, clenching one's teeth, if it is profitable and if this way a woman lives better and easier than one.

To understand how to behave with a lover, so that he is afraid of losing you, psychology in its pure - theoretical - form will not help. You need to be attentive and sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in his mood. You should get to know a man well, penetrate into his thoughts and understand what he lacks. When a representative of the stronger sex gets what he craves, without additional reminding or voicing the essence of his desire, he is still impressed by the insight and care of the woman who was able to give him this feeling "on a silver platter" for a long time.

If a man, in the heat of passion, told about some unsightly character traits and oddities in his wife's behavior, the mistress should listen and do the opposite. Having become the complete opposite of the missus, she will interest a man even more than she does with the beauty of her body and skill in bed. To avoid failure in the implementation of a well-thought-out tactic, one must be careful that changes are not conspicuous.

Although men tend to think in a straightforward way, and not in metaphors, they will smell the deception right away. How then to behave further with a lover, so that he is afraid of losing you? Practical psychology knows a lot of examples showing that a lie has a powerful effect on someone who wants to be deceived. After revealing the truth, no sexual frills will save a relationship in which trust has been lost. Men like to manipulate their wife, children, friends, business partners and even parents, but they themselves will not allow anyone to pull off such fraudulent schemes with them.

Are there really some rules of good manners in relation to a lover? It seems like a no brainer that such a romance is ugly in itself - secret betrayals in skerries-burrows, it’s not up to manners, the most important thing is not to be caught during a passionate “crime”.

But it's not all about manners. A lover for a woman is not just a device for having sex, like many mistresses for men. There is something more here - the attachment of the soul. Therefore, in order to keep the beloved man next to you longer, you need to learn how to behave with him correctly.

If the lover is married

There are some undeniable rules that a woman must adhere to when secretly dating a married man. What are they?

Know your place

It's a shame, right? You, too, like any woman, want to be happy - you are ready to cook borscht for your beloved and fall asleep in his arms. But the married lover honestly admitted that he did not want to change anything: the family is sacred, and for him you are just a woman dear to her heart, with whom it is pleasant to spend time.

Some mistresses on the sly try to break up the family, quarrel with his lover and his wife and take the unfaithful to her. What can come of this - you will learn from the article. Usually, a woman's insidious plans are crumbling before her eyes.

Therefore, if you are ready to endure the status of a mistress because of a special passion for a married man, then here are some tips for you:

    Stop talking about your future. If you are really afraid of losing him, then live in the present. All your attempts to marry him to yourself annoy him - he already understands that he is guilty before you, not giving him the opportunity for his personal life, but he does not want to change anything.

    Set aside all household chores for the duration of your dates. Home life is annoying. If you meet on your side, then no laundry and cleaning at this time. You can, of course, entrust him with some male business, for example, fix a leaking tap. But do not try to strain him constantly - men are rarely business executives.

    Don't show your bad mood. Men go to their mistresses for sex and to calm their nerves. If at home he and his wife are in trouble, then a mistress is like an outlet for a walker. If you will hysteria and refuse sex, then what is the point of him going on dates with you?

Everything that happens in his family, and for what reason he periodically runs to you - everything should be exactly the opposite. Do not try to become his second wife with all the resulting everyday life, you are a holiday for him, that's why you are valuable to him.

Sometimes mistresses complain about their low status, but think for yourself - he is not running away from you, but from his wife. He has his own reasons for keeping that family (children, family ties, finances), but his true love is always around you.

Don't let yourself be dominated

Any man, even secretly meeting with a woman, begins to consider her completely his own. At first he suspects her of cheating (there is an article on this topic), then phrases appear in his lexicon:

  • "You must (must)!"
  • "Listen to what I say and do it!"
  • "I do not like it!"
  • “I do not approve and do not allow!”

And if only it was a jocular tone! So no, he says it angrily, like a commander! This cannot be allowed. Good is not humility in such a relationship, but complaisance is good. Again - you can’t throw tantrums, but you have to explain that you are, in general, a free woman, well, something like this:

Honey, I understand your nervousness, but understand me too: apart from rare meetings with you, I still have the right to privacy, and here you can’t do anything. I will not obey your orders, I can only agree with your gentle proposals. It's already difficult for me to live in semi-freedom, so let's not complicate anything anymore. I love you without any conditions, so I think that destroying our relationship with your stubbornness is absolutely useless.

That is why you should not bother him with the topic of gifts and financial offerings. He gives gifts from the heart for the holidays or flowers for dates - and let it be. This is his personal impulse, accept, but do not dare to demand them. Especially money. Otherwise, your freedom is in doubt - he supports you, which means he has the right to command.

Independent mistresses are especially attractive to men. They are like fish in an aquarium - it seems close, and you can grab the tail, but it's not so easy to do it. And such a “goldfish” quickly becomes a faceless sprat, if it allows you to make yourself a slave. But piranhas, which devour male nerves from the inside, are also worthless.

It is best when the mistress is completely independent - she is satisfied with her own prosperity, for which she herself earns, she is not demanding and not capricious. It is this that will be difficult to crush under you and scary to lose.

intrigue him

Nothing depresses a person so much as boring monotony. If this everyday longing drags on in family life, then the man tries to find time to take a sip of his own freedom:

    One man goes fishing all weekend or to the garage. He doesn’t really need this fishing trophy and the car is not so broken as it is possible to sit with friends over a bottle and talk about their problems.

    Another is happy to get a job where there are business trips. Hiding behind deeds and duties, a man does not need to report to his wife with his long absence. He does not even need a mistress, but communication outside the family is necessary.

    The third one gets a girlfriend on the side. He wants to see in her a pleasant fishing partner, and a lustful sexy in bed, and a psychologist adviser, and a good hostess on his days of "business trips", without nitpicking and buzzing.

If a woman can be interested in her behavior and appearance from the first day of meeting, then a man will expect the same from her in subsequent communication.

But even cooler if the mistress does not cease to amaze him on every date:

    She perfects her appearance without fear of change. No, this is not about pumped up lips and buttocks, but about sparing changes: hairstyles, makeup, clothes and other things. Either she arranges a romantic dinner in a luxurious evening dress, or she meets a man from the threshold in chic lace underwear, pulling him by the tie from the corridor straight into the bedroom.

    She is unpredictable in bed and does such tricks! Yesterday she was a shy and touching girl, and today she is an insatiable tigress, ready to tear her lover apart. You can read about this in the article.

    She does not stifle her love. There are women who are "many". They constantly whine about their unfortunate situation, that she does not have enough attention, and demand men "to the leg." But that's what freedom is given to the mistress, which goes to beauty, sports and meetings with girlfriends.

If a woman ceases to intrigue, then she becomes boring. And it's stressful. Therefore, do not be afraid to refuse a date if you have your own plans. You are booked for cosmetic procedures - go there so that after the change of the meeting time you can appear before him in a different way. It turns on!

If you are married

In principle, the fact that you already have a lover indicates that you are in demand and did everything right. Well, of course - there is a husband, and a guy on the side. The difficulty is that this guy, especially a young lover, can threaten your family peace if his feelings are great.

Therefore, you should be able to set a clear boundary for him: they say, I also love you, I can’t, but be a man, don’t whine. Explain how important it is for you to stay with your family and keep the father to the children.

The question is whether you yourself can keep calm and whether your love will turn your brain. A woman rarely thinks of them when amorous affairs are spinning. Therefore, when starting an affair on the side, do not think about how to behave towards your lover - and you already know how to do everything, but think about what this novel can lead to.

They say it exists somewhere. And how to know him?

We very often write something like this: “In order to, if not become an ideal lover, then at least get closer to her, you must. ". What follows is a list of exactly what you need. Such a long list. Detailed. How to make up, dress, laugh, move and what to say. You read this and think - I, perhaps, would rather go to Shao-Lin. And I will become a Buddha. Everything is not so difficult. In general, in order to achieve tender fairness, we decided to draw up a list of requirements for our elected representatives. Under the slogan "For every perfect lover, an ideal lover". And that's what happened.

1. He uses such achievements of civilization as a shower, deodorant and a toothbrush.
Twice a day at least. And he does not share the point of view of the majority of his gender brethren, that you can pour half a bottle of eau de parfum on yourself without further ado.

2. He knows how to say all sorts of beautiful things. About amazing stars (snowfall) or about the fact that you have eyes like bottomless wells. He doesn't talk about politics. And about the price of gasoline is silent, like a partisan. And he won’t even hint about sports, because he intuitively understands that you will misunderstand the word “handball”. In addition, the ideal lover knows how to improvise. If the romantic “breathing in spirits and mists” fits the situation, then he will not recite the patriotic “Major Deev had comrade Major Petrov.”

3. The ideal lover is unlikely to pull you into bed on the very first evening of your acquaintance. Because he is a foodie. More intrigue - more fun. This option does not work only if you, for example, are fellow travelers on a train that is not very long distance. But there's nothing you can do about it - where to put it off?

4. He knows exactly where your clitoris is.

5. He clearly understands the meaning of the word "gently." This, by the way, is much more important than the previous point. Many people know the location. But most of them want to kill for it. You can’t take the expression “so that sparks fall” so literally!

6. He does not focus on his dignity. Even if it really deserves special attention. And none for you - “Look, what a handsome man!”, “Really, big?”, “Look - face, profile, exterior.” At such moments, it always tempts me to ask if he took the main prize at the last show and if I can ask for a puppy.

7. He will not twist you into intricate knots in order to demonstrate his virtuosity and sophistication. Unless you, during the romantic dinner preceding these events, sat in a transverse twine and smiled cheerfully. The ideal lover understands that, unfortunately, not all women have a rank in rhythmic gymnastics, and the “forty-four doves flying backwards” position is far from convenient for each of us.

8. He does not ask stupid questions at the most crucial moment.
The ideal lover knows for sure - to the sacramental "Are you already?" there is a universal answer: "I'm going to go home, perhaps." Because even the sudden arrival of his mother will not knock you off the rhythm any more.

9. He continues to talk prettiness after sex. Of course he wants to sleep. But he still speaks. Because it's perfect.

10. Morning defines last night. Morning ends your sentence. Either an ellipsis, or a question mark, or an exclamation mark, or (alas) a dot. An ideal lover will never leave a joint morning without careful attention. He won’t blurt out something like: “Dear Masha, is your name Masha? “I will definitely call you back.” He will make sure that the joint morning will be cozy. And it doesn't matter if you stay in bed, go to the shower or go to the kitchen. The main thing is that there will not be the slightest feeling of awkwardness.

Of course, counting on the fact that a person who fully meets the above requirements will fall into your networks is a waste of time. The ideal lover is like Bigfoot. Or - like big money. It seems that someone saw it, someone even has it, but anyway - in the vast majority of cases, these are just rumors. Or self-promotion. But if you really got one, then don't tell anyone! And don't let him out on the street. Because they will be taken to the clinic for experiments. And then they will dry it on a scarecrow and put it in the museum of local lore under the sign "Homo idealus, XXI century."

The most important point

One of the most important points stands apart - it would not be bad if the Ideal Lover really loved you. And if you love him too, then you will have a real paradise right on Earth.

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10 signs of a good lover
10 signs of a good lover

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Maybe this topic will cause a storm of condemnation among some readers of our site, but, nevertheless, today we want to tell you about how to behave with a lover.

How to be the perfect lover

How to behave with a lover

How to behave with a young lover

How to deal with an ex lover

How to be the perfect lover for your husband

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Maybe this topic will cause a storm of condemnation among some readers of our site, but, nevertheless, today we want to tell you about how to behave with a lover. In one of our previous articles, we already talked about why men cheat, but let's be honest with ourselves that we, women, can sometimes sin by becoming a mistress, not always a single man, but in most cases married. Let's leave the moral and philosophical reasoning on this subject and return directly to ...

What to talk about with men on the phone?

don't communicate. bored themselves will call. you are not a wife to be interested in whether he has inflamed hemorrhoids.

In general, people are brought together by emotional intimacy, not by books :)
Usually, they just discuss, talk about the life of another, another.

You can read the writings of Nietzsche or Castaneda and amaze lovers not only with well-groomed genitals and skillful blowjobs, but also with amazing knowledge in the field of philosophy.

well, why the hell are you talking to them - they are not your husbands. met, had sex and goodbye. still call them.
I usually ask in a conversation what is new with you, how the day went, what you are going to do tomorrow, what happened interesting, how the mood. well, etc.
It was still not enough to talk with them about Blok's poetry - to spend money.))))

To Victorian, why the hell are you talking to them - they are not your husbands. met, had sex and goodbye. still call them.
I usually ask in a conversation what is new with you, how the day went, what you are going to do tomorrow, what happened interesting, how the mood. well, etc.
It was still not enough to talk with them about Blok's poetry - to spend money.))))
This is understandable, but every day, like a parrot: "How are you?" I want to answer "Until she died." About other people, I’m not a gossip in this matter, I don’t want to work about work myself, it’s already double in my eyes.
So it turns out that about Blok. And it looks stupid, and I don't want to look stupid.

The question is not about "met", but about conversations when I'm out of town, and I'm often on the road. By the way, husbands are indistinguishable in this, or if I wrote “husband”, would you find a topic for me to talk about? Is that everyday questions, but this is also from the series how are you. husband or not husband, he is a man in the first place, with whom I communicate. And not only I raise children or sleep. Man, if you will.

Don't want to look stupid? Don't talk to them.

how to entertain them at a distance, you left two men. Bring them together, let them drink beer together in your absence.

Perhaps men are different people. They are not women chirping on the phone for hours. I can't talk to my husband either. Also, how are you and for now, we'll talk at home. there is nothing wrong with that - they are different from us.

What to talk about with men on the phone?

I have two lovers.

I talked with my beloved for 1.5 years, every day on the phone. He called me always (in those days that we were not together). About everything, that's it - was it a difficult day, what are you doing now, about plans for the coming days, about when we will meet and what we will do. like about everyday life, and sometimes we chatted for an hour, we are both funny, we can joke. They were very close spiritually and emotionally. The calls were not to exchange information, but to understand that we are together.
Now he hasn’t called for 2 days, it’s my fault, I ran into something wrong. She said not to call, and that we had to leave. The feeling is that the soul was taken out. I live with a phone in my hand, but it does not ring.

Do you still have a business trip? Do you want to have a third lover there? Two or more lovers is not just immoral, it is unscrupulous.

I have two lovers. I’ll make a reservation right away that these are very smart and erudite people and there is something to talk about with them.

Do you still have a business trip? Do you want to have a third lover there? Two or more lovers is not just immoral, it is unscrupulous.

I’m sitting here and I can’t connect these two points “these are very smart and erudite people” and “one does not read books”. how. according to videos from YouTube or what?

If the conversation does not stick. but you need to keep the “brand”, then it’s better not to talk. turn off the phone or don't pick up the phone

And I do not like empty chatter on the phone. Nafig call up every day, I do not understand. Once every 3 days is enough, I think. Especially with lovers, and not with my husband) I remember, I had a boyfriend a year and a half ago, sang, honestly. He liked to call every day 2 times and weave all sorts of crap. He called me once, grit, I'm walking from friends, go still far, entertain me, tell me something exciting. I'm sorry, I can't help. And he dug in. Well, I was just baking pancakes. Here's the grue: Right now, I have pancakes baked here. oooh just about, one browned, oooh. here is the second one! You have no idea how breathtaking it is!
In general, I hung out with this guy for a couple of weeks and dumped)) I never even allowed to kiss myself, he pissed me off so much. But idle talk was not his only drawback, if cho :)))

And what men are interested in: booze, women and football. That's what you're talking about

But I didn’t understand why you should entertain them with idle talk, and they don’t care about how to be interesting, intriguing, extraordinary for you. You have two of them, and they obviously have a few more “telephone operators” like you. And you know how hard it is about the same thing, so as not to confuse with whom you spoke about what.

Another option is to tell one lover how you spent the night with another and vice versa.

I have two lovers. I’ll make a reservation right away that these are very smart and erudite people and there is something to talk about with them. But in person. On the phone, our conversations are reduced to “How are you?” and "What's the news?" In general, this was not a problem until I went on a business trip to another city. Spending money on such banality, like it is not necessary to call every day. To hear a voice and all sorts of musyupusyu, so I can’t imagine how you can whisper something for hours, because men are serious and I, it seems, have come out of the age of a bird and a fish. Discuss books and so on - one does not read books, and the other such that I do not read. As a result, all conversations and my attempts to ask something gently and affectionately turn into a psycho on their part. And two men who are nervous and angry at you, when you are in another city, it is fraught. I racked my brains and came up with nothing, and I still have a business trip to another country.

About boredom without sex

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Not every woman would like to be a mistress. The unenviable role of a young lady, waiting from time to time for her not free gentleman, who now and then leaves her for the sake of another - the one that she will never leave - the ultimate dream of only an insecure girl. Dreams of a family nest, the birth of offspring are usually equated to zero. In addition, secret meetings fade over time, leaving behind only pleasant memories in each other's lives.

How to behave so that a mistress remains a mistress

When meeting with married men, women accept their position in advance, realizing what they can claim and what will always remain inaccessible to them. But polygamous males should also think about how they should behave better with their mistress. Having awarded this status to a girl with whom it is fun to spend time, experiencing vivid sensations, plunging headlong into mind-blowing sex, at least it would be treat her unfairly in a way she doesn't deserve.

You can look at this moment from the other side. Regardless of the reasons why married men have relationships "on the side", the wife, children, common life for most of them remain the top priority. Tired of the routine, gray and fading feelings for their spouse, they go in search of thrills. More often than not, married cheaters plan to lay back for a while, reboot, return home with new thoughts and a reassessment of family values.

But things don't always work out the way they would like. Knowing how to behave properly with a mistress, an outlet and a temporary "savior" of marital ties will never turn into a merciless vindictive destroyer of other people's families.

In simple words, we can say this: the task of a married lover is to bring the relationship “on the side” to a level that is beneficial only to him. Of course, everyone can regularly shake an engagement ring at the eyes of a partner and shout that he will never leave his wife, besides, yes, this will give its results. But it is unlikely that such a romance will last long. Communication with a mistress should be built in such a way that she herself knows how to behave. Regardless of the advice from friends, relatives and other “interested” well-wishers, the main thing is that the passion understands that there will never be a trip to the registry office, and unwillingness to protect yourself in bed is not a hint of procreation.

The main rules on how to behave with your mistress

So, what needs to be done to ensure that relations with the "third half" are as harmonious as possible, but at the same time non-binding for a married man. How to behave with young mistresses, whose ambitions sometimes become immense and uncontrollable? Avoid the mistakes that unfaithful spouses make in seeking happiness outside the family home, The following tips will help:

  1. Sex- this is the original purpose of the mistress. There must be a lot of it. The first months of a relationship should be based solely on continuous sexual intercourse, in any position, in the most original places, so that the sensations are brighter, simply overshadowing the mind. Meanwhile, cultural leisure activities such as going to the cinema, theater and museum should be postponed indefinitely.
  2. Conversations after sex can only be about sex. No matter how trite it may sound, it is not worth delving into experiences, digging out some memories from distant childhood in your soul. A mistress definitely needs to know how to behave with a partner if she values ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship. If a man clearly defines his position and outlines the scope of their joint, exclusively sexual activity from the first days, the passion will not be able to count on a trusting close relationship.
  3. Don't linger, hurrying to the faithful wife. No matter how passionately the secret intimate evening unfolds, the mistress should know that her partner will leave anyway and in any case will not stay for the night, no matter how hard she tries to persuade him. Before leaving, the family man needs to take a shower: this rule cannot be ignored. Passion must also learn this.
  4. It is important to say a firm “no!” domestic or business matters. No matter how a man behaves at home, feeling guilty upon returning to his family after his mistress - he would try to fix all the taps, repair the old TV or refrigerator - in no case should you do the same with your illegitimate seductress. This will be an unforgivable mistake that will lead to inevitable problems.
  5. Choose gifts for your lover wisely. You should not worry about how she will evaluate her taste preferences, but all presentations should have the same qualities: be useless, pretentious, defiant and, of course, not refined. By presenting a diamond ring or a heart-shaped gold pendant, it can be assumed that the passion will regard the gift as a hint of a likely development of relations leading directly to the registry office.

A few words about the relationship with his mistress in conclusion

When deciding on a place where you want to take your mistress to have fun, you should choose an institution with visitors, the majority of whom are not married couples. The ideal place for "frivolous" relationships is a nightclub, a noisy restaurant or, at worst, a karaoke bar. By the way, you can visit one of these places even with friends. It is important that these are trusted people who are not capable of denouncing their spouse about having fun.

If a mistress knows how she should behave with a married man so as not to do stupid things that most representatives of this status are prone to, the development of their relationship can go in the most unforeseen way. But the guy should understand that to become a legal wife or change the position of a secret girlfriend to an official one, his passion may not want to. Relationships that suited only him at first, over time, can force a woman to reconsider her attitude to life.

Lack of responsibilities, complete freedom, material allowance and regular sex many mistresses will never change for a stamp in the passport, in isolated cases, not continuing with the routine of family troubles.

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