Mistakes of a virgin man in marriage with a lioness. Compatibility: Male-Virgo and Female-Leo. Virgo woman - lion man compatibility - pros

Cement 26.11.2021


Leo women and Virgo men have too many differences to be comfortable together. They look at almost everything differently - sex, everyday life, leisure, money, and it will be extremely difficult for them to find understanding.

Compatibility of the signs Leo woman and Virgo man

The Virgo man is a bright and strong representative of the elements of the earth, just like the Leo woman is the elements of fire. Virgo is firmly on her feet, appreciates stability, rationality and logic. Leo needs bright emotions, admiration at the limit with worship, noise and fun. Neither the Leo woman nor the Virgo man will get what they want from each other.

Leo woman and Virgo man: love in a relationship

Virgo makes Leo forget about their regal greatness and do the tedious daily work, do what the family and its well-being need. Of course, Leo doesn't like this at all. In addition, Virgo-man may seem somewhat detached and cold to Leo-woman, it seems to her that all his attention is occupied exclusively with earthly interests. And indeed, in this union, Virgos can be especially active in showing their classic qualities, but only because they need to call the slack Lions to order. There can be a lot more sensual attraction in this marriage than common interests or mutual understanding. Virgo man will constantly be jealous of Leo woman, because he will constantly feel that she is too good for him. On the other hand, in order to keep Leo, Virgos need to make especially a lot of efforts to maintain comfort and well-being in the house. When the Leo woman returns home in the evening, a carefully prepared dinner is indeed waiting for them, but at the same time it is accompanied by a family scene. But the last Lioness will definitely not tolerate it, and it is unlikely that the first will be able to compensate for it.

Leo woman and Virgo man: compatibility in sex (in bed)

In the absence of intellectual and emotional harmony, it is difficult to expect that a couple of Leo woman and Virgo man will find harmony in the bedroom. The temperament of the Virgo man cannot always satisfy the spontaneous needs of the Leo woman, and, feeling this, he will only become even more timid and insecure. Virgos are constantly subconsciously afraid of being rejected by Lionesses, and this greatly interferes with them in bed. Meanwhile, if they just allowed themselves a little more freedom, they could understand that sexual intimacy is just as necessary for their partner. On the other hand, Leo women also need to remember that passion is not always expressed in growls, sometimes it looks more like a shy whisper.

Leo woman and Virgo man business compatibility

Virgo is not disposed to meaningless and unfounded fantasies, she is practical, unexpected innovations come to her not at all to her taste. An ardent Leo in such a business alliance feels like he is constantly being snapped on the nose. If the female lion is the leader, then things may not turn out so badly. Provided that the Virgo man unconditionally recognizes his moral or intellectual superiority. In this case, the Leo plays the role of an impulse, while the pedantic and diligent Virgo becomes a workhorse that can translate his dreams into real life. The same goes for business partnerships, unless Virgos are overly skeptical about the dizzying projects that Leos are proposing.

Leo woman and Virgo man: married (conjugal union)

Virgo man is simply not able to exist normally if chaos reigns around. He is extremely practical and conservative, Virgo, like air, needs to own the circumstances and control what is happening around him. Virgo does not attach too much importance to the amount of money, but unnecessary unnecessary spending is not for him. Sometimes you, Leo woman, may think that he is worried for a completely trifling reason, especially when it comes to his health. When the usual state of affairs collapses, Virgo man easily panics and can even become seriously ill. Representatives of this sign are very sensitive, as a rule, they are introverts and deeply experience their own humiliation or what they consider to be so.

Compatibility of Leo woman and Virgo man: chances for the future

First of all, you Virgo, you need to remember well that this woman does not tolerate criticism at all. The lioness reacts to her extremely painfully, and since Virgos often like to criticize a partner, in this case, you can run into a rather harsh reaction. A Leo woman will react all the more violently if this criticism comes from a beloved man, whose opinion is truly valuable to her. Let your friend think that she is truly flawless in your eyes, let her keep this illusion, but if you want to change something in her behavior, carefully hint, but just do not let her doubt that you still admire her ...

Leo-Virgo sign compatibility: how to keep love in a relationship

If Virgo man really falls in love with Leo woman and wants to spend the rest of his life with her, he will make every effort to be able to conquer her. Of course, he will not like everything, for example, the Leo woman's habit of royally spending money, but even this Virgo man can put up with. And in order to provide for the family - just get a second job. Leo woman, for her part, will definitely appreciate such dedication and, no matter what, the couple can live in happiness and prosperity for many years.

How Leo is compatible with a woman in a relationship in love and marriage

When Leo meets Virgo, he is seized with a strong desire to protect this sweet, graceful creature from rough and sad experiences with all the strength of his huge loving heart.

But after a while, he begins to feel a little out of place.

Looking in the mirror, he understands: it's time to get a haircut. Then he notices a few spots on his best jacket that he hasn't seen before, and rushes to have it cleaned.

His shoes suddenly seem shamefully loose to him, and he decides to buy some new pairs.

In the store, he will be struck by the thought that perhaps he needs a pair of new shirts in calmer colors than he usually wears (or maybe more lively). Gradually, he will have a vague suspicion that his speech may not be an example of perfection (in which he still believed piously), and at times he will become silent (Leo - be silent?).

He will start looking in the dictionary when he’s sure she’s not seeing it, to make sure that the word he’s using right now means exactly what he always thought.

You see, it's not that she says something like that.

She's too polite to criticize him directly (at least until she gets to know him better), but she looks at him that way ...

This cold look from her clear beautiful eyes, the slightest disapproval reflected on her calm, restrained face ...

Not exactly disgust, but too close to him for his vanity to remain calm.

Leo is on the verge of submission.

And she doesn't even carry a whip or a pistol with blank cartridges.

They say that wild animals are conquered by music.

The soft music of the Virgo's refined nature, insight and a keen sense of beauty, together with her noble manners and exquisite ability to show her respect and admiration for his merits, can turn the most egocentric growling Leo into an obedient playful Cat, purring quite and enthusiastically chasing a ball.

If she is careful, she will be able to work miracles with him.

He will adore her for the fact that she reveres him so much, not suspecting that through her efforts he is gradually changing his lifestyle.

After a while, his anxiety will pass and he will feel freer, more content with his new image, and more confident than ever.

There is no doubt that by persuading Leo to become better and at the same time not diminishing his self-esteem, but increasing it, Virgo achieves rare and valuable success thanks to her graceful head.

But as soon as she gets carried away by success and takes on more serious criticism, she crosses the line of safety. This is a thin line, and it is difficult to define it, but since Virgos know a lot about drawing and defining fine lines, using common sense (which she has in abundance), she can always step back in time and switch to praise, noting all those wonderful new changes that he committed.

He is so introspective and has such incredible self-discipline! Simply amazing!

Yes, it’s amazing how you can turn something that could so easily provoke his anger into another reason to say how strong and delicious he is.

Lady Virgo, you are amazing!

But please don't spoil anything now. Curb your criticism once and for all, believing that your Leo is something similar to your ideal of male perfection. Let him keep individual flaws, and then he remains human. Otherwise, he will soon figure out what you have done and then you risk being left alone.

Better to let him make mistakes sometimes, wear a gaudy sports shirt from time to time, and overestimate his bank balance.

Better to smile when he talks too long about a trifle, to believe that he is as good a driver as he thinks, and never remind him that he sometimes takes the wrong path, finding himself without a map ...

And all that jazz.

Why tell him that the cooking that he gets when he fiddles in the kitchen is always too salty and that he sings out of tune in the shower?

What will you achieve by this?

But you have a lot to lose.

Him, for example.

In a favorable case, this couple will have a very calm, wonderful relationship. Despite the tendency of the Virgo woman to overly criticize others (and even more herself), the vibrations that arise between Virgo and Leo allow her to be extremely soft and tolerant in judging this person.

Her sympathy for his views, no matter how alien they are to her, comes from the karmic memory of the soul about the recently experienced Lviv impulses (Leo represents the twelfth house of Karma for Virgo). True, there is always a possibility (especially if there is a negative relationship between the Sun and the Moon in the birth charts of both) that from time to time she will break down and cut him a little, but he will endure all this quite calmly.

If she steps too hard on the sensitive Lion's Tail, it will let out a roar of warning, but not too loudly, and she will sweetly apologize.

Yet the slightest misunderstanding can easily destroy their harmony.

In any case, Leo will always go his own way.

She can make subtle hints, and sometimes he will allow himself to agree with her, but only if these proposals suit him. He decides everything himself. He is an indisputable authority, and his wise word should be the last in all serious matters.

The good thing about their relationship is that since she mostly submits softly and willingly, he will feel free and in return will not regret the sunny warmth of a lion's nature, treating this intelligent, polite, clear-eyed woman with almost palpable benevolence.

More than any other woman, she will recognize the true nobility and generosity of Leo, and then her obvious admiration for him will come from the very heart.

All Leos in the world "love love", and this quality makes the typical Leo the consummate lover.

He is undeniably sensual, but equally sentimental.

There is something very cozy and comfortable about the sexual behavior of a Leo man.

He knows how to turn a physical expression of love into a gesture of tenderness, creating a feeling of emotional security, which makes sex both an expression of passion and something warm and calm.

On a subconscious level, this calls out to everything virgin and pure in the nature of the Virgo, and she responds with enthusiasm and strict faith in his nobility.

Leo has an open mind and an open heart, which is why he is so cute and arouses love (and for some reason, it is so easy to forgive him for unbearable pride and arrogance).

In turn, the attractive simplicity of her relationship with sex awakens in him the best side of his love talents, which are quite significant.

The only thing that can shake their physical harmony is the always existing possibility that she can interrupt his romantic dreams with a sudden conversation about some little things.

Then, casting an offended glance at her. The lion can even take a pillow and a blanket and retire to sleep on the sofa in the living room, where alone he will sulk like an exiled monarch.

But in the morning, when his feet are cold, he will return.

His romantic mood too.

They both like to sleep a lot. They both have a metabolism that requires more than eight hours of sleep (if they are typical representatives of their Sun signs).

They will usually go to bed early and wake up early. Leo needs a whole night of sleep to replenish her extraordinary physical strength, she needs even more to replenish the mental energy she spends in such large quantities, worrying all day and trying not to show it.

Leo can even lie down during the day, which makes Virgo seem at first to be lazy. But the Leo man, like the jungle lion, only seems lazy.

Soon he yawns, languidly stretches like a cat, and engages in vigorous activity, nailing, stern, altering something, excitedly offering a trip or some other adventure - in short, he will get down to business.

The Virgo woman will absolutely admire her Leo man's ability to mend anything that's broken (even the little cracks in her heart when she's offended) and that he usually won't calm down while there is something that needs his attention.

And he admires her legibility, neatness with the restrained attractive look with which she invariably appears in public. Leos love when they can present their ladies (as well as their achievements) with pride.

In particular, he will be proud of her subtle mind. Many Leo men seek to marry women who are not superior or equal to them intellectually, so that the King has an enthusiastic subject who can be instructed, taught and led.

But the happiest of Lions is the one whose girlfriend or wife throws him a stimulating intellectual challenge.

The Virgo woman will certainly provide him with this.

His personality is ruled by the powerful Sun itself, and therefore it is often so warm in his presence (sometimes even hot).

Her personality is formed by two planets - her temporary ruler Mercury and her real ruler Vulcan.

Mercury gives her mental agility, alertness, versatility and almost constant activity.

On a deeper level, the thunderous Vulcan almost awakened strange music in her heart, promising to free her spirit from old restrictions, hinting that one day she will become as brave and daring, as independent as Leo himself.

The anticipation of such a transformation (and, perhaps, soon) is an intoxicating thought, and this may be the song of Tomorrow's bottom to his solar "ego", the promise of that Future, when together they will rise to even higher peaks!

But in the meantime, in a comfortable Present, he is grateful to her for her calm presence, for her practical thoughts and is pleased when she rewards him with a cold affectionateness and a charming mixture of Earth and Heaven, the blessing of her laugh, similar to the ringing of silver bells.

His gift every new morning, when they wake up in each other's arms, is a piece of sunshine intertwined with golden ribbons of his indestructible optimism, and his confidence that the day will be beautiful.

As always, he is right, loosely so?

Whatever the weather, the day will be wonderful, because even soft and clear rain is a blessing, sparkling cold snow is a miracle when you love and know that you are loved.

Virgo and Leo

A Leo woman and a Virgo man can create a strong and harmonious couple if they can agree with each other. They have a chance to get along in everyday life, although at times they do not hear and do not understand each other. The Virgo man has a calm and loyal character. He is sympathetic to all the antics of his beloved and is ready to forgive her excessive narcissism.

At the same time, the lion woman admires the appearance and neatness of her chosen one. She brings light and comfort to his life, and he forgives her slight negligence. In this union, a woman inspires her man to achieve career heights, commit serious deeds, earn money, and he, in turn, grants her the right to be herself.

The excessive attention to detail that is inherent in most male Virgo periodically infuriates the female lion. She is accustomed to outdoor activities and entertainment, so the order in the house worries her least of all. At the same time, a man is annoyed by constant walks, receiving guests and secular evenings, in which he is forced to accompany his chosen one with sadness and longing for home.

Despite their differences, the two can form a vibrant alliance if they learn to make concessions. About such a couple, we can safely say that opposites attract.

Pros of the union: Man-Virgo and Woman-Leo

This is a very unusual combination of the two zodiac signs. The stars will not be able to promise them a cloudless existence, but in such a relationship you can always find positive sides. The elements of fire and earth can be called friendly with a big stretch, but if at least one of the partners is not a typical representative of their sign, these two will definitely find a common language. A man will appreciate in his woman her care, support, courage and faith in his strength. A woman will like the efficiency, good manners and hard work of the chosen one.

Virgos are romantics at heart, albeit shy and timid. It is difficult for them to show their feelings in principle, and in public you will not get it from them.

  • both signs do not like serious changes;
  • partners strive for financial well-being and prosperity;
  • do not interfere with each other to develop and build a career;
  • value long-term relationships, attach importance to marriage ties;
  • in a couple there is a small number of quarrels and conflicts, since both signs do not like to sort things out;
  • they are faithful and devoted to each other;
  • both are well educated, well-read, they know how to behave in high society;
  • value freedom and independence;
  • a man will become a support and reliable rear for his chosen one;
  • a woman will support and inspire her lover to develop and improve.

Minuses of the union: Man-Virgo and Woman-Leo

Relationships between partners have their own difficulties, the main ones of which lie in the differences in characters. So, a woman is more open and sociable, while a man prefers to be in the shadows and silently think about his thoughts. She easily gains the attention of others, has many friends and business contacts.

Virgo can envy and be jealous of her chosen one for such popularity, although it will be difficult for him to hide these feelings. As a result, Leo will be lost in conjecture, seeing the coldness and detachment of the chosen one, because she expected admiration and adoration.

Such a woman needs compliments and attention, and from a partner she receives only barbs and remarks. If she endures his behavior for a long time, self-esteem will decrease, and the fire in her eyes will go out. Virgo will also be unhappy, because the lack of love and warmth from the partner will make him dull and even more withdrawn.

  • different attitude to money;
  • differences in characters and temperaments;
  • possible envy and jealousy on the part of a virgin man;
  • differences in hobbies, entertainment, leisure activities;
  • unwillingness to compromise;
  • the signs do not have the same expectations of their life together;
  • the impulsiveness and emotionality of women who scare Virgo;
  • excessive pedantry and captiousness of a man;
  • stubbornness of both partners;
  • selfishness and fixation of signs on their own persons.

How to find a common language in a pair: Man-Virgo and Woman-Leo

There is a large psychological gap between a Virgo man and a Leo woman. It is incredibly difficult for them to understand each other, since everyone is used to being in their familiar world and does not want to change. Fortunately, relationships are built not only on the compatibility of characters, but also on emotional feelings, mutual affection, and rationality. To achieve harmony, these signs need to drive away from themselves thoughts about the imperfection of a partner, paying attention only to the merits and positive traits.

At some point, the lion woman will get tired of pulling everything on herself and being in charge. Then you should think about whether she wants to obey another person or whether it is more comfortable for her to take a leading position, because with Virgo it is easy and pleasant. In addition, a man of this sign will be able to protect his chosen one from everyday issues that she does not like - and this is a huge advantage for the always busy lion woman.

The man also needs to consider how much joy and optimism this woman has brought to his life. Without her, he would not have been able to rapidly develop a career, and at the first failure, he dropped his hands and retreated from his plan. Such a woman for a virgin man is a muse, inspiring and pushing to new heights.

If both signs turn a blind eye to each other's minor and major flaws, and focus only on similarities and positives, they will be able to maintain their relationship for many years.

Compatibility of couples in bed: Male-Virgo and Female-Leo

In an intimate sense, the couple may have misunderstandings and problems. A sensual, emotional and active Leo woman will lack the attention and tenderness of her partner. And the Virgo man is subconsciously afraid of being rejected, so doubts and the pressure of his beloved make him vulnerable. He hides his weakness and timidity behind a mask of coldness and indifference.

In addition, Virgo is quite traditional in their views, and this applies primarily to the intimate sphere. The Leo woman quickly gets used to everyday life and routine, so she needs bright emotions, innovations and experiments. It will be difficult for a man to satisfy the desires of such a temperamental lady to the fullest.

In such a union, Leo needs to be more careful to show their ardor and emotionality, and Virgo needs to be more open to everything new. They can achieve harmony if they honestly discuss their relationship and develop together.

Compatibility of couples in a marriage: Man-Virgo and Woman-Leo

Both signs are fixed, so they try to avoid major changes in life. If they once enter into a legal relationship, most likely such a marriage will exist for a long time. The Virgo man will do everything possible for the sake of his beloved. He is even ready to take responsibility for the family and children, which he is so afraid of.

In turn, the lion woman will be an excellent housewife, faithful wife, reliable partner and caring mother. Their union will be built on loyalty, devotion, respect and love.

There are also negative aspects in their marriage - character differences: Virgo is used to order, and Leo prefers to live in creative chaos; the man is thrifty, modest and calm, and the woman loves to waste money, is very sociable and emotional. To achieve well-being, they need to compromise and learn to yield. Then there will be a minimum of sharp corners in their relationship.

Compatibility of couples in friendship: Man-Virgo and Woman-Leo

Representatives of these signs have very different interests and circles of communication. Leo leads a rich and vibrant life, while Virgo prefers silence and regularity. Nevertheless, even Leo sometimes needs a secluded place with a book in his hands, and Virgo sometimes wants to show off her knowledge and gallantry in society. Therefore, a friendly relationship between these two signs is possible.

Such friends may be extremely rare, but they always find common themes and interests. A woman is able to charge a man with her optimism and energy, and a man, in turn, will listen to her and help with advice.

If both have partners, their lovers have nothing to worry about. The Leo woman is too proud and devoted to cheating on her chosen one, and the Virgo man is too constant and predictable.

Compatibility of couples in business: Man-Virgo and Woman-Leo

In work, it is necessary to share the psychological compatibility of the two signs and the benefits that they can bring together. Psychologically and emotionally, it is difficult for them to find a common language, but if responsibilities are correctly assigned, the common work will be done in the best possible way.

If you consider Leo and Virgo as colleagues or partners, the union will be more successful. A woman will need to take a leading position, give orders, generate new ideas, while Virgo happily takes up small details, methodical and routine work.

When a Leo woman acts as a leader, and a Virgo man acts as a subordinate, such an alliance is very successful. The boss is not afraid to take on big and daring projects, she is smart, collected and can clearly set tasks for her employees. Virgo will be in his usual calm place to systematically and collectedly perform his work, and receive generous praise from the leadership.

If a Virgo man is a leader and a Leo woman is a subordinate, this is one of the worst options. Virgo will be forever unhappy, he will begin to annoy everyone with his quibbles, requirements, deadlines, details. In addition, the boss will come out of him so-so, because he is afraid to set global goals, cannot take responsibility and does not trust others, preferring to do everything on his own. A Leo woman who is used to shining and does not know how to obey will become a real nightmare for an insecure Virgo. Although at work, where there are no prospects, she most likely will not stay for long.

What a Leo Woman needs to know about a Virgo Man

A Virgo man cannot live peacefully if chaos reigns around him or at least something is not going according to plan. He is very practical and conservative, like air he needs to keep everything under control and control the situation. This helps to get rid of fears for the future and oppressive doubts.

Representatives of the earth element do not attach much importance to money, although they always have it with interest. However, such men will not tolerate rash spending, even if they liked the purchase deep in their hearts.

From the outside, it may seem that Virgo is very worried about trifles and trifles, especially when it comes to his health, but this opinion is wrong. These men need stability, so even the slightest changes can take him out of his usual rhythm of life. You need to be very careful with representatives of the sign, because deep down they are extremely sensitive and vulnerable. Even an offensive word or sidelong glance can hurt them.

What a Virgo Man needs to know about a Leo Woman

First of all, you need to remember as a mantra: women of the fire sign, and especially Leo, categorically do not tolerate criticism and reproaches. This is due to the fact that they have a fine mental organization, but at the same time they try to seem strong and independent. They find it difficult to bear that someone is experiencing other feelings than admiration and adoration in their presence. And women-lions endure criticism and nagging from a loved one especially painfully. Usually, they are very positive, so they are used to getting rid of boring and rude people. In another case, the offender may run into an angry reaction and a major scandal.

If you want to change something in the behavior of your beloved lion woman, try to gently hint at her flaws, but do not forget to show all your artistry and perseverance to assure her of your sincere immense feelings.

To keep the fire of love alive for many years - often compliment and praise your beloved, she will appreciate your efforts.

Compatibility of the Leo Woman with other signs

Compatibility of the Virgo Man with other signs

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Maybe you think that bowing to the Lioness when she languidly lies in bed is too much of a requirement for her lover-friend-husband of the sign of Virgo? (In a good marriage, all three words are applicable and interchangeable, in any case, she will never consider this excessive). I feel that some of you are smiling incredulously, while others are grinning ironically.

Nothing, the last word, as always, will remain with astrology. For men of any Sun signs, who are married to Lionesses and who read these words, I very, very much advise you to try to do one experiment tomorrow morning.

Just don't scare your wife with suddenness.

Start with breakfast in bed.

Your Lioness may express surprise by raising an eyebrow slightly, but she will thank you sweetly. At this very minute, kneel down with a half-joking, half-serious look, take her hand, put it on your cheek and tenderly say: "This is the only way I can show how much you mean to me."

No matter how theatrical this scene may seem to you, if your wife is a Lioness (well, unless she was adopted, hiding her date of birth, and in fact she is a Capricorn, then she will decide that you have moved), this lady will smile with her sunniest smile , her eyes will sparkle, and she will look at you with such love that you will be stunned and instantly forget about your stupid situation.

Try it and you will see.

There is not a single Lioness who would be embarrassed by such a scene. It is truly amazing how casually and gracefully Leos accept any expression of veneration as completely natural and deserved.

Some Leos demand it, everyone wants it, and not one will refuse it.

Now imagine a woman with such an irresistible need for adoration, in love with a Virgo man who also loves her, for whom it is incredibly difficult to choose a sentimental card for her birthday; who is too bashful to look at her in front of strangers, let alone take her by the hand or by the arm: who confesses his love to her only once a year; who constantly nags her for extravagance, insisting that she count every check on the calculator when she just stands bravely in front of him, too proud to cry, in a new sweater, with a new hairstyle and lipstick in a new shade on her lips, begging his eyes in vain to say that she looks great.

Have you presented?

Well, how did you feel sad? Wait.

There will be one more picture, tie a knot as a keepsake.

A Virgo man can really suffer from dizziness and high blood pressure if he has to live in the midst of chaos and confusion. He must be in control of his life and circumstances, or his nervous system cannot stand it.

Practical and conservative by nature (unless his Moon or Ascendant is in the sign of Fire or Air), he hates wasting money. He worries about his health, worries about trifles, and when his usual frames are broken, even if not for long, he just gets sick.

He panics when his private property is lost or destroyed.

He is very gentle, introverted and sensitive, and therefore, when something humiliates him, he is on the verge of fainting and even wants to die.

Now imagine such a man in love with a Lioness who also loves him, but at the same time stubbornly spends twice as much money as they earn together, buying every little thing she likes, periodically rearranges everything on his desktop and throws out favorite socks and suspenders if she suddenly didn't like their color without bothering to tell him about it.

Add a couple more strokes.

Imagine this warm and loving Lioness who carelessly leaves her makeup in the bathroom, thoughtlessly scatters the laundry in the bedroom, as if waiting for the servants to carefully collect and fold everything, and is angry with her Virgo man if he slightly offends her dignity, or scolds him in the presence of a plumber or a parrot.

Can you imagine the feelings of this thin-skinned male creature as she tells him bedtime stories about her old friends, right before they go to bed?

And he stands in front of her, tame, dressed in pajamas, which she ruined with bleach, with a huge hole in his side (he tried to sew it up himself, as a result of which one leg was shorter than the other by four inches), thinking anxiously as she recalls her past. novels that the alarm clock is broken, which means you can sleep for work tomorrow.

At the same time, he tries to forget that during the day she broke the headlight and did not pay for the car insurance for the last month, because she was passionate about rebuilding the house, for which she had to give a second mortgage on the house ...

You don't need to have a rich imagination to figure out what happens after this scene when the lights go out. The lioness will be offended because her husband will fall asleep immediately (as people fall asleep with complete nervous exhaustion), without even kissing her goodnight.

Perhaps she will be even more offended in the morning, because the poor man talked all night in a dream, and she did not rest at all.

"It's all your fault!" - she will tell him, looking in the mirror and examining the dark circles under the eyes.

Yes, all these are extreme options for behavior, but it is useful to know about them when it is necessary to warn a man and a woman so that they are more careful, knowing each other's sore spots, if they want the love that they felt, barely meeting, not to extinguish.

The self-centeredness, vanity and pride of the Lioness magically turn into exquisite treatment and spiritual generosity when she receives enough admiration and admiration, when her feelings are respected, even honored. And the petty pickiness and cold detachment of the Virgo man turn into tender caring, calmer and at the same time more friendly free behavior, when he is treated kindly and sincerely appreciated him more often than annoyed.

If he wants their relationship not to end, he must first of all realize that he will have to curb, and it is better to completely overcome his natural inclination to critical.

To criticize this woman is to run into certain troubles.

Her lion's pride makes even the slightest criticism more painful than he can imagine (or she will ever show).

In addition, when a man who cares for her finds flaws in something she does or says, in her appearance or character, it hurts her even more than the disapproval of friends. The only way to change the Lioness is with subtle hints, expressed with the utmost tact, and by no means direct criticism and, of course, not nit-picking.

You have to allow her to maintain the illusion that she is almost flawless.

The monarch is not told that he is wrong, but very carefully they propose another plan, a better one. Such suppression of critical tendencies may at first irritate the Virgo man, but he just needs to get out of the habit of it or realize that otherwise the Lioness, whom he managed to catch, will run away from him to wander free again. One out of two.

He will have to choose.

Although it is always difficult for a Virgo man to kindly lavish compliments, he must learn to satisfy his lady's hunger and thirst for admiration.

He will master this art faster when he sees that sincere compliments can soften her disposition, that they turn her angry growl or puffed up silence into a contented purr.

A couple of gentle words spoken at the right moment will show her sunny personality in all its splendor.

A lioness is a noble creature, and when her Sun-ruled qualities are encouraged, and not buried under the tons of earthly conservatism of the Virgo, she can become an eternally gushing fountain of hope and happiness and will be able to create exactly that harmonious atmosphere that this man needs. She only becomes lazy and careless when she is annoyed and not appreciated.

Naturally, she will have to leave her throne to meet him somewhere halfway.

She will not argue with him over food when he chews his lentils and beans, because negative emotions cause severe indigestion.

If she manages to understand how much he feels obliged to solve every (big and small) problem that stands in his way, because she believes that if absolutely everything is not accurate and perfect, his world will collapse, then her generous heart will prompt a way to smooth out wrinkles on his forehead and relieve him of many worries.

She might remind him that perfection itself is not perfect, because it takes away life from the charm of delightful combinations of light and shadow and leaves only a smooth surface, dull and uninteresting.

But she must explain it to him gently and not arrogantly, respecting his opinion and really listening to what he says.

If there is no mental and emotional connection between them, they cannot expect much from a sexual union. Sometimes their lovemaking will not satisfy her more spontaneous desires, and then her obvious disapproval will add humiliation and timidity to him.

Her icy frankness can overwhelm his sexuality, and his quiet criticism in this case is clearly inappropriate.

He should allow himself a lot of freedom and enthusiasm in sexual self-expression in order to understand that lovemaking is equally necessary for two, and he should not be afraid of being rejected. If he does not restrain his feelings, he will understand that the incomparable experience of the physical union of a man and a woman is more than just a controlled exchange of affection. And she should realize that passion can sometimes be as quiet as a whisper. Often all it takes to bring them to full satisfaction is a change in attitude and a little extra effort to understand each other's deepest needs, which are not as different as they might seem.

He can somehow personify material or emotional security for her, and she will feel that there are still many lessons of happiness that she will receive from this smart and conscientious man. He's bound to become more tolerant of her independent and impulsive temperament as they get to know each other better.

If she is patient, she will notice that he is quietly proud of her beauty and achievements.

The love of Leo and Virgo is like a flame that slowly but surely flares up more and more brighter every year if it is carefully guarded and sheltered, like from the wind, from gusts of selfishness.

He is a strange quiet person, sometimes extremely sensitive, and sometimes completely insensitive, with strictly balanced emotions.

But his spirit lives in a graceful silence. In the cold marble halls of his reflections, her own spirit can rest ...

When there is a threat that their joint life will become too measured, the Lioness must suddenly open the windows, let in the sunlight and help their love find a second wind.

I wonder what happens if she surprises him by bringing him breakfast in bed one morning? Better to do this very early, at dawn, for it will take him a long time to come up with a special way to thank her.

In addition, she must be sure that he will not be late for work because of this.

The Leo man is self-sufficient, self-confident.

Painfully tolerates criticism and challenge of his leadership. Charming, generous, sensual, knows how to look after beautifully.

The Virgo woman combines intelligence, grace, beauty, devotion and romance. Practical since childhood, she soberly evaluates herself and those around her.

He is perfect, and she is perfect. Their relationship can be harmonious and long, but Virgo is often unhappy with the chosen one, and Leo is oppressed by the realization that in the family he does not find support and recognition of his efforts and merits. Their relationship is like a roller coaster - either there is idyll and harmony in them, and Leo has already bought the coveted ring, then everything collapses in an instant, and the couple once again part forever.

How a Virgo woman can conquer a Leo man

Leo is sensitive to criticism and comments regarding his appearance and character. And Virgo is constantly developing and considers it normal to push others to self-improvement. Leo men are attracted to Virgos, because they are feminine, smart, sensual, but their constant criticism can extinguish the most ardent feelings of a man. Therefore, it is important to be more tolerant and softer towards Leo, not only during dating, but also in ongoing relationships.

Virgo needs to be careful, try to avoid open conflicts, not put pressure on Leo.

Friendship is a good start to a relationship.

Leo himself will take the initiative, and the task of a woman is to show her strengths. Having won interest, the Virgo woman should let Leo conquer her.

How can a Leo man conquer a Virgo woman

To conquer a Virgo, you need to be a decent, attractive and well-groomed man. Even a fan's dirty shoes can annoy her. Leo knows how to present himself, he is courageous and confident in himself, which bribes a woman. She may doubt, and not immediately reciprocate the courtship of Leo, but from the second or third attempt, the man will be able not only to attract attention, but also to conquer the feminine Virgo.

The Virgo woman behaves with restraint at the beginning of the acquaintance, hugs and kisses are unacceptable for her, so Leo should not rush. Untidiness, rudeness, obscene language, which is usually unusual for Leo, can push Virgo away. A man's mistake can be excessive chic in courtship - expensive gifts, restaurants. Virgo can take this for wastefulness, moreover, for her, the person himself, his personal qualities are more important.

The virtues of the union

They can quarrel, part, but they are drawn to each other. Relationships will become torment if, instead of working on themselves, Virgo and Leo try to remake their partner. Loyalty, respect and love will help, because there are many advantages in this union:
  • Complementing each other. In many ways, they are opposite, for example: Virgo knows how to save, and Leo prefers to spend, a woman knows how to give, empathize, and a man prefers to take. Each has its own role in the union, but as long as Virgo remains a true woman, she will not try to bend Leo for herself and her needs, there will be harmony in the relationship.

  • Mutual respect. Leo is anxious about his partner, he is ready to throw the whole world at her feet. Virgo's love is just as selfless and strong - she will move with her beloved to another city or country, refuse a good job. The position of a woman delights in a man, and she is grateful to him for his patronage and care.

  • Financial stability. This couple rarely experiences serious financial difficulties. If this happens, then Virgo finds a way to bring the family budget out of the crisis, and Leo spares no effort to succeed at work or in his own business. Both are smart, pragmatic, and if they direct their energy and strength to a common cause, and not against each other, then victories are guaranteed.

Disadvantages of the union

Relationship problems occur in all Virgo-Leo couples. Too different characters, life positions, but strong feelings and compromises help to build an alliance, in which there are many shortcomings:
  • Excessive criticism. No matter how ideal Leo is, Virgo will find flaws in him and try to make him even better. She constantly works on herself and sincerely believes that expressing her opinion helps the chosen one. This causes quarrels. Leo knows about his shortcomings and works on them, but it is important for him to feel himself the best and ideal in the eyes of his beloved - this is the source of his strength. In addition, usually the chosen ones of a woman are such representatives of Lions who, with their frivolity, boasting and a tendency to constantly flirt with everyone in a row, irritate Virgo.

  • Different attitudes towards finance. Both know how to make money and successfully pursue a career. But Leo easily part with prey, he loves to live beautifully and on a grand scale. And Virgo is thrifty, she would prefer to invest her savings in her own business, rather than skip them at parties.

  • Misunderstanding. It arises from a difference in character. Virgos are sociable, but in no hurry to open up to everyone, they are careful in choosing friends, they can even be reserved. Leo always shines in society. It can be a circle of like-minded people, colleagues, in which a man enjoys undeniable authority.

Intimate life

Leo does not even imagine how much passion and thirst for experimentation is hidden in the modest and restrained Virgo. When a man manages to win the favor of his beloved, to convince her that he is the same man, she will become relaxed and gentle.

Intimate life for a Virgo is inextricably linked with her relationship to a man. If she has doubts, resentments or distrust, then in bed she will be passive and cold. The woman has many complexes, but Leo will be able to convince her that she is the most desirable for him. Virgo painfully tolerates quarrels and flirting of a man with other women. And because of this, it moves away. Leo, not feeling admiration from the partner, begins to doubt the correctness of the choice and may begin to look for attention on the side. There is often a lot of passion at the beginning of a relationship that dies down over time. If there are feelings, then Leo and Virgo will learn to live in harmony, and together with harmony, attraction to each other will return.

What will be the parents

Virgo is the mistress of the house, and her position in raising children will be dominant. She is ready to give up leadership on all other issues, but children and home order are only the zone of her responsibility and influence. Both love the child. Leo, pampering, softens the severity and criticism of the mother, and Virgo makes every effort to keep the children happy and decent.

Virgo mom is demanding of the child, she tries to get used to order, neat appearance from childhood, and is attentive to the little things. She spends a lot of time and effort to ensure that the baby's living conditions are ideal.

Dad Leo unconditionally accepts his child with all his shortcomings, most of which do not even notice. It is difficult for him to adequately assess his children - they are the best, intelligent, talented and loved ones.

What will their children be like

In her striving for order, Virgo should not reach fanaticism and put pressure on the child, her personal example is the best motivation. Otherwise, the child will have a disgust for order, and, leaving the house, he will deliberately spoil his hair or unbutton his buttons. In adolescence, comments about a child's friends or hobbies can lead to serious conflict.

The father's patronage will help the children of this couple take the best qualities from their parents.

Their children will not necessarily be the tidiest, but they will definitely be smart and talented.

Leo does not spare money and time for the early development of children, and Virgo knows how to find an approach to a child, understand the reasons for his grief, and help him learn what is bad.

Is a Virgo woman prone to cheating?

Virgo has a philosophical attitude towards physical intimacy - she would rather be alone than with just anyone. Changes rarely. He loves first with his mind, then with his heart, therefore, if betrayal happens, it is not because of an outburst of passion, but as a result of a conscious decision. She will hide her lover - after all, the truth about treason will destroy her image of a reasonable and decent woman.

In a relationship with Leo, the reason may be his betrayal, flirting, or lack of attention. Betrayal can occur during the next breakup with a man. Virgo will disdain casual relationships, her new partner will be a well-known person who has long sought her favor.

Is the Leo man inclined to cheating?

Leo has many fans, he can flirt, but he will decide on treason only if it has become unbearable in personal relations with Virgo. A woman criticizes, hurts her pride, is cold, makes high demands - in such conditions Leo cannot feel like a leader and begins to look for a place where he will be in charge. Family for the sake of a mistress rarely leaves, will hide the connection with another.

In a harmonious union, a man worships his Virgo and does not even look at other women.

Mutual fidelity is one of the strengths and conditions for a happy marriage of representatives of these zodiac signs.

What are they afraid of in a relationship?

Even in their fears, Leo and Virgo are opposites - he is not afraid of anything, not recognizing phobias, and in Virgo there are many complexes and fears with which she constantly fights:
  • Change in the usual way of life. Leo will not be able to live without exciting travels, noisy companies - jealousy and claims of a woman can work, but only for a while. Virgo is horrified by the chaos that Leo brings to her house and life - scattered things, disorder after friends leave. Each of them has their own world, so it is important not to violate boundaries and not impose your vision of ideal rest or order at home.

  • Financial insolvency. She oppresses Leo and becomes a reason for Virgo's displeasure. Both devote a lot of time and effort to creating coziness in the house. It is important for a man that the family does not need anything, and for a woman it is desirable that there is also a bank account.

  • Betrayal of a partner. This fear prevents Virgos from building new relationships, especially if the past ended unsuccessfully. Their coldness, unfounded criticism is a defensive reaction, a way to protect themselves from new mistakes. Leo will not forgive betrayal - it will hurt pride. Both have a negative attitude to the betrayal of a loved one, but they themselves are not averse to having an affair on the side if there are problems in a permanent relationship.

What to work on

Leo has many fans, he actively works and rests, but his home life depresses him. He would prefer to bask in bed or watch a movie, rather than cleaning the apartment to a shine. Virgo is pedantic, she organizes everything she touches. She is annoyed by the lateness and the word not kept by the man. Both need to work on themselves in order to maintain magical feelings and trust in a couple:
  • Less criticism. There are no ideal people, and Virgo's attempts to remake a proud Leo do not help the couple to develop, but only destroy it. A man loves compliments, recognition of his achievements, especially when gratitude is expressed in public. He will fulfill all the whims of the Virgo, if she encourages him, and not nag. Leos also love to teach life, which annoys Virgo, because she is constantly evolving.

  • Acceptance of a partner as a formed personality. Virgo will be able to manipulate and influence the young Leo. For a while, he will be in her power, but quarrels and attempts by the man to regain his leadership will soon follow. A mature, held Leo cannot be driven "under the heel", if a woman is interested in an alliance, then she needs to make concessions.

  • Respect. This is the basis for a successful union of Leo and Virgo. Both are sensitive to rudeness, insults. The words spoken in a quarrel will not forgive either themselves or a loved one. Virgo is vindictive, and on occasion will reproach Leo for a bad deed or harsh statements.

How a Leo man behaves when parting

Leo's relationship with Virgo is often uneven - they have a feeling of flight and unearthly love, and after that, disappointment and a desire to part follow. Leo often initiates a break with Virgo, unable to withstand her criticism, coldness and numerous nagging. He does the impossible for his beloved, but she still demands more. Then the man decides to leave, but if both have feelings, then after a short period of time they try to be together again.

The reason for a real separation can be the Virgo's betrayal or her neglect of her man. It remains to be seen what is worse for a proud Leo. If Virgo does not give a reason for the breakup, but the man's feelings have faded away, he can just take and leave, putting Virgo with a fact.

Met with Leo for a year. One day he just disappeared. No explanation. He just disappeared. A month later he returned: "Sorry, it happened, I am to blame, but you too." Before that it was very painful, and then it cut off. No more Lions. Daria, 25 years old.

How a Virgo woman behaves when parting

Virgo painfully endures quarrels and partings. He looks for the reason in himself, tries to analyze the situation. After reconciliation, he will not calm down until he discusses the reasons for their problems with Leo. She will point out her own and his shortcomings, which the man will not really like. Re-winning Virgo's trust is difficult - Leo must be patient and persistent in order for the relationship to resume. A woman does not forget grievances and can take revenge.

If Virgo realizes the futility of the union, then she will be able to pacify her feelings and part with Leo. She is annoyed by the irresponsibility, communication of a man with other women, his overestimated self-esteem. She is easily disappointed in the chosen one, but she will not be ready for a new relationship soon. After each parting with a man, she becomes more suspicious and inaccessible. Therefore, the older Virgos become, the more difficult it is for them to find their ideal man.

Is friendship possible between them

Virgo and Leo can become true friends. It doesn't bother them that their friend is of the opposite sex. For a man, this is an additional reason to feel attractive, and a woman appreciates a person's personal qualities. In a friendly relationship, Virgo helps Leo to understand himself and cope with difficulties, and a man finds a kindred spirit. They have common interests, they may have the same favorite films and hobbies.

The mutual respect between Virgo and Leo contributes to the formation of friendly relations. Both are smart, reasonable, decent. They are pleased to be in each other's company, they know for sure that a friend will not betray, will not build intrigues behind their backs. They are united by the same understanding of morality, principles and honor.

Work compatibility

One of the most successful combinations in working together is Virgo and Leo. They perfectly understand and complement each other, are able to think big and set distant goals, which they can easily achieve. Their tandem is always successful, they are smart, purposeful, quickly solve assigned tasks.

Virgo woman and Leo man - colleagues

They are happy to work together, they can handle the most difficult and risky projects. Virgo is attentive to little things, and Leo knows how to achieve goals and take responsibility for work. Both are careerists, but their rivalry is more friendly and always honest. The novels of the unfree Leo and Virgo are rare, both value their partner and family.

Virgo woman and Leo man - bosses

Virgo is demanding, and Leo loves flattery - this is the only thing that can cause them a misunderstanding. Otherwise, they converge and collaborate very well. Their projects are promising, and problems are temporary and quickly resolved.

Virgo woman and Leo man - subordinate and boss

The Virgo woman leader appreciates her Leo employee. He recognizes her leadership, but carries himself with dignity. Performing a large amount of work, a man can overlook minor trifles, which upsets the scrupulous boss.

The Leo man leader is in perfect harmony with the subordinate Virgo - she is executive, smart and will always support the leader.

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