Asel what does it mean. "Asel" - the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, mascot stones. Asel and health

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The name Asel is most common in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. There are several translation options, the most popular of which are "honey" and "sweet". There is also a version according to which the name Asel is translated as "gentle, quivering." In addition, it is assumed that this is a transformed Türkic word “evening, twilight”.

Despite the fact that the name Asel is of Arabic origin, it is not definitely Muslim, some imams consider it undesirable (although not forbidden) for a Muslim girl.

The name Asel is consonant with the fictitious name of the heroine of Alexander Green's novel "Scarlet Sails", whose name was Assol, which adds an additional romantic flair to him.

By naming their daughter that way, parents assume that she will be endowed with an attractive appearance, easily find friends and be liked by people.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Asel

At first glance, Asel makes a pleasant impression, she willingly makes contact, thanks to which she easily converges with new people and loves to travel very much. Little Asel is a universal favorite and an object of delight, she does not enter into conflicts and is rarely an object of aggression. Despite her intelligence and good memory, Asel does not always do well at school, as she is easily distracted and does not want to spend a lot of time cramming. She lacks persistence in achieving the goal, she prefers to dream of a wonderful future, but does little to make it really come.

Asel is a dreamer and a dreamer, but if she has real problems, she is able to concentrate and start acting. True, often she simply finds another savior, whom she gladly allows to take on the pleasant burden of the accumulated troubles.

At work, Asel is executive, but not too proactive, she prefers not to change her field of activity, but attains high professionalism in her chosen business. She likes to understand the details, find relationships and do detailed analysis of the work done. She is not afraid of complex reporting, she is not afraid of checks - a good memory allows her to indicate exactly when and what was done, and meticulousness will not allow making random mistakes.

Asel's romantic nature sometimes leads to the fact that she recklessly falls in love at first sight, and after looking at the object of her passion for the second time, she is somewhat disappointed. In everyday life, she is unpretentious, knows how to instantly create comfort in any home, her appearance in the company revives the conversation and cheers up those present.

Asel is a caring mother, but with grown-up children it is difficult for her because of her own infantilism. In family life, Asel can be hampered by too warm relations with her former lovers, since Asel never breaks off the connection completely on her own initiative.

In sports, she needs a good mentor who will lead the future star to victory with a firm hand. She is ready to train and give all her strength to work for the result, but it is difficult for her to plan classes herself.

The female name Asel has a beautiful sounding, but it is quite rare in our country. It has the greatest popularity among the peoples of the Muslim nationality. The most likely to meet a girl named Asel exists in countries such as Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

The history of the origin of the name

The name Asel is very ancient. It originated in the Turkic language and has three meanings:

  • "Honey" or "sweet";
  • "Evening", "twilight" or "black-eyed";
  • Smooth, soft, or gentle.

Which of these values ​​is the most accurate is not known.

The name Asel has several meanings

In Kazakhstan, you can also find the translation of the name Asel as "daisy".

Name forms

Abbreviated versions of the name Asel: Asya, Selya.

Affectionate addresses to Asel: Aselyushka, Aselechka, Aselenka, Asechka, Aselka, Asela, Asenka, Selenka.

There are no related names for the name Asel, as well as the church version.

Middle names most harmoniously combined with the name Asel: Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Dmitrievna, Egorovna, Igorevna, Romanovna, Sergeevna, Yurievna.

Transliteration of the name Asel - Asel

Passport writing: ASEL.

To write a poem for a girl named Asel, you can use the following rhymes: April, drops, model, tunnel, mademoiselle, briefcase, cello, Chanel, carousel.

Table: Asel's name in foreign languages

Name days and patron saints

The name Asel is of Turkic origin, therefore it is not contained in the Orthodox calendar. If you need to baptize a girl, you will have to choose a different name for the ceremony. Parents can independently decide on a name for baptism or ask for help from the ministers of the church.

How the name Asel affects a person's character

Asel is endowed with prudence, kindness and tact. She becomes a support and support for everyone around her, knows how to give the right advice, and is always respected among colleagues and comrades. The girl is inclined to be categorical, she will not forgive mistakes or weakness either to herself or to those around her. She is a kind of peacemaker who is always ready to listen to everyone, resolve the dispute and find a compromise. However, with age, a woman runs the risk of becoming a bore, who always teaches everyone and tries to guide everyone on the right path.

Asel is a kind and compassionate girl

Asel knows how to adapt to any circumstances. She is generous, merciful and responsive to people. Has a hanged working capacity. The girl dreams of surrounding herself with a world in which there will be no deception, falsehood and conflict. However, there is also a significant disadvantage in a woman - excessive curiosity and a desire for instruction, which force her to get into someone else's life without asking. It seems as if she does not understand that others also have their own opinions and some experience that allows them to make their own decisions.

Asel in childhood and adolescence

As a child, Asel is a modest and shy girl. She becomes an ideal child for her parents: she respects her elders, obeys mom and dad, and fulfills all their requests. This is a capable little girl who is embarrassed to show her talents. She is very vulnerable and fair, any insult and unpleasant situation cause strong feelings in the girl. She has few companions, since Asel is more comfortable spending time alone with herself. She has softness, complaisance and good nature. She will always help a person or an animal, but you should not force her to fulfill any assignment. This will not lead to the desired result.

Young Asel often goes in for swimming, gymnastics or dancing

The girl studies well, in the lower grades she only gets A's. In adolescence, he shows commitment and curiosity. Tries to succeed in all areas of school life, reads a lot, is engaged in self-education... Asel has an excellent memory and natural acumen. Young Asel tries to express herself vividly, so she often goes in for dancing, gymnastics or synchronized swimming. In any of these activities, she will be very successful. However, the girl still has few friends, because she is more interested in spending time with a book or in dreams of a bright future. She always stands up for justice, does not perceive deceitful and hypocritical people.

Hobbies and talents

As a child, Asel is fond of sports. She can be successful in dancing, gymnastics or swimming. Team views do not appeal to her at all. As an adult, the girl also goes in for sports, but not professionally, but for her own pleasure and health.

Asel loves to read and spend time outdoors

She also loves to have picnics, go hiking, relax in nature.... Her love of reading remains with her throughout her life.

Profession and career

Perseverance, hard work and excellent intellectual abilities help Asel build a serious career. The girl will never go over the heads for the sake of her own ambitions, she will achieve everything with her own skills and assertiveness. For such a woman, the most suitable professions would be the positions of a psychologist, teacher and social worker.

Asel is perfect for the profession of a psychologist

Asel's character is not conducive to doing business. She is too kind and merciful. The girl is unlikely to be able to earn a lot of money, her chosen one becomes the main earner in the Asel family.


Asel is a healthy and energetic girl. In childhood, she is distinguished by excessive thinness and diminutiveness, which remains with her in adulthood. However, she does not have any serious health problems, perhaps all this is due to her love of sports and frequent walks in the fresh air.

Love, marriage and family

Asel chooses a partner very responsibly. She is suspicious, afraid of serious decisions. It is important for her that the man is faithful, frank and close to the girl in spirit. A modest and bashful character often does not allow a woman to fully reveal herself, so her chosen one may not be satisfied with their intimate life. Asel understands him perfectly, but is unable to change anything.

Asel is looking for a faithful and reliable companion

A woman meets her future spouse after the age of thirty. She is ready to dissolve in the family, sacrifice friendship, career and hobbies. Asel becomes a faithful and devoted wife who supports her man in all his endeavors. The girl has a good relationship with the children, but she brings them up in severity. She cares and takes care of her child too much, even when he becomes an adult. Therefore, Asel is often unable to establish contact with her teenage child. And when a woman's son or daughter begins to arrange her personal life, she turns into not the best mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

Table: Name Compatibility

Interpretation of the meanings of letters in the name Asel

The letters that make up a person's name add additional characteristics to his personality:

  • A - a person takes the role of a leader in any relationship, tries to be active, strives for new beginnings;
  • C - the girl has a sound mind, strives for material well-being;
  • E is a persistent personality, looking for her place in life and trying to make all her dreams come true;
  • L - a woman is distinguished by changeability and inconstancy, she is talented, artistic, tries to find her vocation so as not to waste years of her life;
  • B - soft, slightly insecure nature, able to smooth out conflicts and find compromises.

Table: matches for the name Asel

How the season in which Asel was born affects her personality

Asel, born in winter, has a strong character. The girl does not depend on anyone, has the qualities of a leader... She lives according to her own plan, which necessarily leads her to well-being. Winter Asel is emotionally restrained, does not react to minor troubles, always defends her opinion. She is often not understood by others, so she does not have many friends. The inability to express their emotions often leaves a woman without a pair for many years.

Spring develops in Asel such qualities as a good reaction, increased energy, as well as a desire for constant development. The girl is prone to selfishness, strives for everyone's attention and respect. However, she is also capable of good deeds - she will always help someone in need, she will not refuse a friend's request. She knows how to establish contacts with people, but she is harsh in expressions. A woman is constantly on the move, looking for new opportunities for self-realization.

The name Asel is most suitable for girls born in the spring months.

Leto rewards Asel with energy, impetuosity, business acumen and self-confidence. She knows how to wait, always thinks out a plan of action that she follows. The girl will never miss the right moment to get what she wants. Always listens to the mind and does not follow the lead and feelings. Summer Asel is prone to selfishness, but will never go to deception or betrayal. It is difficult for her to start relationships with men, as she seeks to take a dominant position in everything.

The autumn months develop thoughtfulness, responsibility, some absent-mindedness and a tendency towards pessimism in Aseli. The girl will easily take risks for her own benefit. Often the autumn Asel is realized in the field of arts. She lives according to a clear plan, where every future step is planned. A woman has few friends, it is more comfortable for her to be alone. It is important for her to feel harmony and stability in her life.

Table: horoscope for the name Asel

Zodiac signCharacter of the girl
AriesUnder the auspices of the sign of Aries, Asel comes into the world, endowed with a cheerful, sociable and friendly disposition. The girl loves new acquaintances, quickly makes friendships. She always comes to the rescue if someone close to her needs support.
TaurusThis girl has a persistent, firm, sometimes even tough character. Asel-Taurus is able to stand up for herself, always defends her opinion. It is important for a woman to realize herself in work, all her thoughts are often focused only on work.
TwinsThe Gemini sign rewards Asel with sociability, friendliness, naivety and frivolity. The girl will always help her relatives and friends, but often she does not remember the promises she made.
CancerThe person is reliable, responsive and friendly. Asel-Cancer can be indecisive and unsure of her own strengths, she needs constant support and compliments. The girl is very dependent on other people's opinions, she needs to learn to be more independent.
a lionAsel-Lev is used to taking, but not giving. The girl is the owner of charm and charm, which attracts the attention of the male sex. She is prone to quick temper and aggressiveness, does not know how to control her emotions.
VirgoA versatile personality, interested in many things: literature, painting, science and music. Asel-Virgo often does not bring her undertakings to completion, as she is used to taking on several things at once.
scalesThe influence of the Libra sign rewards Asel with delicacy, tact and sophistication. The girl does not visit clubs and noisy parties, she likes a quiet rest in the company of close comrades. Such a woman is interested in theaters, exhibitions and other cultural events.
ScorpionA woman has a difficult character, difficult for others to understand. Asel-Scorpio is used to saying and doing what she pleases, believing that she is allowed to do everything. The girl does not listen to other people's opinions, as a result of which she commits a lot of erroneous actions.
SagittariusUnder the sign of Sagittarius, Asel is born, trying to hide her vulnerable temper under the guise of firmness and practicality. This requires constant support from a strong personality, but the girl will never admit this. Her dream is to have a close friend or loved one who will be loyal and devoted to her.
CapricornAmbitiousness, self-confidence and dedication are the main qualities of Asel-Capricorn. The meaning of her life is building a career, although the girl is prone to romance. She rarely falls in love, but if this happens, then the feelings are sincere and long-lasting.
AquariusAsel, born under the sign of Aquarius, loves adventure, both in a large company and together with the closest person. The girl strives for new and unusual places, tries to get more impressions, to meet extraordinary people.
FishesThe personality is modest, uncommunicative and distrustful. Asel-Pisces is afraid of new acquaintances, tries to hide her inner world from strangers, does not tell anyone about her experiences.

Photo gallery: famous personalities named Asel

Asel Omar - Kazakh writer Asel Sagatova - Kazakh actress Asel Dalieva - Kazakh athlete Asel Sadvakasova - Kazakh singer

Asel is a strong, purposeful woman, ready for difficulties. She always strives forward, a pause can make a girl doubt the correctness of her actions. This is a kind and merciful person who does not refuse anyone help or advice. Sometimes the character of a woman creates certain difficulties for her, but Asel will never complain or refuse responsibility for her actions.

The Arabic female name Asel from the ancient Turkic language is translated as “sweet”, “honey”, “gentle”, “evening”, “smooth”. The name is so ancient that it is difficult to say which of these translations is correct.

The diminutive form of the name: Asechka, Selya, Aselechka.

In the Orthodox faith, the name Asel is not celebrated due to the absence of a saint with this name. Girls are baptized under a different, consonant name.

Has a talent for gaining the trust of others. Reasonable, loves philosophy, Honest, optimistic, kind, perceived by others as a peacemaker. He knows how to adapt to the most difficult situations in life, to see the beauty in the world around him. Asel has practically no negative character traits, only there is suspiciousness, which spoils the impression of her.


Girl Asel grows up kind and sympathetic, ready to help. He loves to look after animals, to pick up defenseless puppies and kittens. At school, Asel does not give teachers any trouble, studies diligently, gets good grades, and knows how to be friends with classmates. He does not refuse to participate in school competitions, at performances, in olympiads.

He does not like extreme sports, preferring beautiful ones to them - dancing, swimming, gymnastics, in which he achieves success. She knows how to behave tactfully, listen to the interlocutor and keep the secrets entrusted to her, always tries to reconcile the warring parties, which she usually succeeds. He takes promises very responsibly, always keeps them. She never complains about fate, accepting everything as it is.

In adulthood, Asel becomes more restrained, no longer tries to help everyone, realizing that not everyone deserves it. He learns to understand people, begins to lie to them a little in order to protect himself. Asel is always surrounded by friends, among whom there are definitely a couple of close friends whom she can trust.


She grows up as a strong girl, gets sick less often than other children, and quickly recovers from an illness. All her life she will have a lot of energy, which will protect the body from many diseases.


Asel already in childhood knows who will work when she grows up. And most often this work will be associated with communication, which Asel does best: a social worker, journalist, TV presenter, administrative worker, consultant. It is important for her to ensure that colleagues and superiors respect and value her.

Before reaching the required goal, Asel will draw up a plan and follow it. The financial side of work for Asel is in second place after the spiritual. If the job is highly paid, but very nervous, then Asel will easily leave her for a low-paid, but favorite job. Loves to be praised, without praise will not try.


She is loving, but will only let a man with whom she feels calm, relaxed, who will not humiliate her either physically or psychologically.

A family

Before marrying a chosen one, she will check him for years, look closely at him. For her husband, Asel will become a faithful and reliable wife, prompting him to find a way out of difficult situations. For children, she will become the best mother in the world. For the sake of the family, he will quit even the most beloved job. Despite her soft and compliant nature, her mother-in-law or mother-in-law will turn out to be hostile, because she will not be able to come to terms with the idea that the children have already grown up and they have their own life, separate from their parents.

Today, girls and women with the name Asel can most often be found in Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan. In translation "Asel" means - "sweet", "honey".

The name Asel endows its owner with a unique ability to adapt to life's circumstances and get whatever she wants from life. This girl will have to learn to overcome changes in life, to adapt to life's circumstances, to listen to other people's opinions. In Kazakhstan, this name is also translated as "daisy".

A woman named Asel will be very happy with the role of such a peacemaker, because she has the gift of understanding and empathy, great patience. Such qualities help her not only to understand the conflict situation, but also to reconcile the warring parties, push them to a compromise. Love always reigns in a woman's life. And she herself can teach to love all the people around her. The meaning of the name Asel personifies justice. Close people for a girl are of great importance, she will always find time for them, support and be there in difficult times.

By nature, the girl named Asel is very gentle and friendly. She is always ready to help, not only people, but also animals.... Since childhood, Asel has shown love for nature and all living things. This girl can often be seen surrounded by kittens, dogs, birds, flowers. During her school years, she manifests herself as a diligent student, is absolutely not conflicted, she likes to take part in various school events - concerts, competitions, Olympiads.

The owners of the Asel name are very fond of peace and harmony in relationships, in the family, and simply in the world around them. They are especially zealous in protecting the peace in their family. I must say that keeping the hearth for Asel is a paramount task, this woman will always try to fill her home with happiness.


For those who are interested in what the name Asel means, I must say that in the girls named so, a sense of beauty is very well developed. They are disinterested, but they always strive to teach other people something, guided by their knowledge and experience. A lady named Asel expresses her commitment to great art through the manifestation of her bright creative abilities. The girl's house often resembles a small museum, because it contains various things that personify a wide range of interests of this woman.

The name Asel endows a woman with the burden of unpleasant obligations that she will have to fulfill in life. At the same time, she will not have the desire to complain about her fate. She will try to make the maximum amount of effort in order to solve all the tasks assigned to her.

The girls who were given the name Asel by their parents have few flaws. Sometimes they are suspicious, extravagant or intrusive. The meaning of the name Asel suggests that a woman will often interfere in the lives of loved ones and friends, advise them, and sometimes just impose her own opinion. The lady loves to point out to others about their mistakes, which, of course, no one likes. The name Asel also endows its owner with such an unpleasant quality as unwillingness to forgive people for weaknesses (unless the same is inherent in her).

The girls named after Asel in their youth and in more mature years prefer bright ways of self-expression. They can often be found in gymnastics classes, synchronized swimming and dancing. The girl will prefer long hikes or outdoor recreation to collective sports.

Aseli's girls are naturally born psychologists, they have a well-developed intuition. And for this reason, many acquaintances trust them with their innermost secrets. A girl with that name is endowed with tact, and therefore she manages to successfully resolve the most difficult conflicts.

Family life

As a rule, Asel begins to build a family at a later age, since she has been looking closely at her chosen one for a long time. In married life, Asel manifests herself as a faithful wife and caring mother. She will always help her husband with advice and suggest the correct way to resolve the problem.

In communication with her own children, Asel realizes her creative potential and desire for communication. She will love kids very much. Asel is not afraid of difficulties, she always has time not only for her main work, but also for an interesting activity, a hobby.

As for the profession, the women named after Asel do not see any difficulties in her choice, and are in no hurry in this matter. Usually their activities are related to the sphere of communication, and therefore such women can often be found in the administrative and social spheres. Asel is not devoid of ambition, and therefore her activities may be related to journalism or writing books. Often women named Asel can be found in the sports field, although in fact, building a career is not a priority for such a lady. It is extremely important for Asel to be loved, understood, shared her opinion, and trusted.

A good quality of girls named Asel is that they value honesty and decency. They prefer not to make empty promises, and always keep what they promised. The same is required of other people.

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to replenish your vocabulary. You should always look "comme il faut", this is your certificate of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel "at ease", and then you can show good nature, friendliness, easily go to any contact.

Asel name compatibility, manifestation of love

Asel, self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “basic necessity”. You are extremely choosy about any kind of relationship, be it friendship or more intimate relationships. In either case, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you nevertheless find a person who fits the "bar" you set, then you give yourself up to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for a partner who has been misled by your external closeness and alienation.


You are a closed person. All aspirations and desires are focused on their own personality. Therefore, making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this "shell" becomes thicker and thicker, and the possibility of "coming out" becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the most durable shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, in spite of all your outstanding abilities, you will be defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intellect nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of "interpenetration", without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is "worth a lot," but the disposition of others is not a trifle either.

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