Tone and slang for seducing girls. Guys tips: how to get girls' attention. Improve your communication skills

Systems 26.11.2021

More recently, young people met quite by accident on the street, at a party, but today, thanks to the Internet, you can meet a pretty girl without leaving your home.

Social networks literally burst into our lives, so why not take advantage of them and charm the lovely young lady VKontakte? To please your interlocutor and arouse her genuine interest, you should adhere to certain rules and not use standard phrases that are boring to everyone.

Advice from psychologists and experienced pick-up artists will help you figure out how to get a girl interested in a social network.

Before you write to the beauty you like, you need to carefully study your own VK page for possible compromising evidence and just not the most pleasant things. For example, a girl is difficult to seduce:

  • photographs where you are presented in an unfavorable light - drunk, in an embrace with depraved girls, they just came out unsuccessfully, etc.;
  • pictures in which, in addition to a person, you can see garbage in the background, a slovenly made bed;
  • obscene or indecent statuses, especially in which you speak badly about female representatives (for example, after breaking up with an ex-girlfriend);
  • being in groups that unequivocally talk about your intentions, for example, "A pickup for dummies", "How to seduce in 5 minutes", "How to bob on VK" or "How to breed her for quick sex."

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about uniform requirements for filling out your profile on VK or in other social networks, but some principles can still be voiced.

A guy's profile should differ from a girl's page by restraint and conciseness, that is, there should not be much information, but it should be intriguing.

In order to interest a girl, it is important to understand what, first of all, her attention is drawn to. So, lovely young ladies sitting in contact or on a dating site are interested in:

  1. By the age of a potential chosen one... So indicate your real data, so that later you do not cause rejection in a personal meeting;
  2. Marital status. If you are in a serious relationship (especially married), it is better to indicate this. A girl looking for certain acquaintances will answer in any case, and hiding this detail from a decent young lady, you risk ruining her life, because she may fall in love;
  3. High-quality photographs. Not all guys will be able to seduce a girl with a naked torso, so it's better to publish your own photos dressed and without sunglasses. It is also necessary to refuse other people's pictures.

The more pictures in your profile, the more favorable impression you will make on the young lady.

How to hook a girl with your page? Upload photos in which you:

  • are in a family circle;
  • cuddle with pets (young ladies love cats and dogs);
  • captured at performances or concerts;
  • are engaged in physical exercise or sports (cycling, football).

However, it is necessary not to cross that fine line, after which the girl will begin to perceive you as an inveterate egoist, concerned only with her appearance.

Many young people are worried about intriguing a potential interlocutor, attracting her attention and prolonging the communication as long as possible.

The only sure way to get a pen-girl interested is to avoid templates, do not use hackneyed phrases and questions: "How are you?", "What are you doing?"

To intrigue a young lady, who is already bathed in the rays of popularity, can only be done with politeness, an extraordinary approach and sincere attention.

Examples of win-win options are given below:

  1. "Hello. I met your page in the community (group name). I decided to write to you, because I am also fond of these issues. " This is how you show that there is something in common between you.
  2. "Greetings! I saw you in real life yesterday, you are even prettier in life than in the photographs. " Two good points can be distinguished here: firstly, you, and secondly, the girl will begin to figure out where you could see. That is, a conversation ensues and questions about how to interest a girl are no longer so acute.
  3. “Imagine, only yesterday I saw you in a dream, and today I noticed VKontakte. Do you believe in such accidents? " This is the so-called pickup truck. But if you are not sick of this way of seducing a girl, bombard her with similar questions.

Giving numerous examples and templates for correspondence on the Internet is a thankless task, since only in your own words can you convey your admiration for the girl's appearance and character. The main thing is that they should be free of vulgarity, blatant flattery and sexual innuendo.

10 rules for attracting attention

How to interest a girl by communicating with her on VK? Of course, it all depends on your specific goals: a serious relationship, idle chatter on the Internet, a pickup truck. However, there are several basic principles that will help seduce a young lady, intrigue her and encourage her to continue the correspondence.

  1. Be positive. No online beauty can resist a cool guy, so try to show your positive attitude as often as possible. Intriguing jokes, moderately humorous stories, the use of funny emoticons will help simplify communication and cheer up the girl.
  2. Don't brag. Self-promotion is, of course, good, but knowing when to stop is even better. It is unlikely that the young lady will positively perceive a guy who constantly brags, talks about how great he is in any area. Let her make a conclusion herself, your task is to please and intrigue her.
  3. Show a variety of interests. Again, do not brag, but show how unusual and versatile you are. For example, you appeared before her in the role of a shirt-guy, and then send her touching poems of your own composition. This will definitely help seduce the unapproachable charming lady.
  4. Give ease of communication. To hook up a young lady, create a relaxed communication situation. Identify questions that are pleasing to both of you. This can be literature, travel and recreation, general hobby for sports or pets. This is another answer to how to get a girl interested.
  5. Leave intrigue. A pickup truck is an effective method of attracting female attention, no matter how they treat it. Try to stay closer and further away from the interlocutor. For example, communicate with her for several days, and then disappear from VK for a couple of days. The "reason" can be very different: he helped a sick grandmother, nursed his niece.
  6. Send media files. Writing a message is too boring for social networks with their truly limitless possibilities. In a contact, you can send pictures, music files, video clips, gifs, etc. to your interlocutor. This will help, if not hook her up, then definitely interest her.
  7. Don't push yourself. If you want to know if a girl can pay attention to you, try just writing a message with a similar question. This will show that you value her time and respect her opinion. Otherwise, she will begin to get annoyed, which means that you will definitely not be able to seduce her later.
  8. Be polite. How to attract a girl with the very first questions and messages? Show your politeness and good manners. We repeat once again - give up swearing, especially since obscene words in writing look much more repulsive than in oral speech. In addition, refer to the girl by her first name, this will favorably distinguish you from the crowd of fans.
  9. Don't ask about your personal life. Asking a woman about a previous relationship is not a good idea. Perhaps she dreams of forgetting her ex, does not want to talk to a stranger about such personal topics at all. By asking such questions, you will only alienate the interlocutor.
  10. Go to SMS. If you managed to hook up a girl and she gave you her phone number, be sure to use this, because with the help of SMS you can

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

Not sure how to get the attention of a girl you like?

Attention girls!
Men who saw you drunk, naked, in tears and without makeup - you cannot leave alive!

How to prepare for a dialogue with a girl?

Alas, not all men have chic external data. And if inwardly a person can be ideal, then his untidy and dirty appearance will definitely repel.

Items to be revised:

  • Purity... Clean, washed hair, a pleasantly smelling body will definitely attract. If there is a beard, or mustache, then they must be well-groomed, without specks and other dust.
  • clothing... An ironed shirt and unwrinkled trousers are immediately striking. In addition, these wardrobe items tell all the information about the owner. If the jacket or trousers are slightly wrinkled, this is natural for the fabric. Crumpled, dirty and smelly items of clothing will not only repel, but scare away.

    You can also judge the qualities of a person by clothes. Is he hardworking, caring for himself and how he manages the household.

  • Perfumery... Fresh, pleasant smell from the mouth and aromatic perfumery will very quickly attract female representatives.

What should you do to make the girl notice you for sure?

  • Always be in sight. Over time, the girl will definitely pay attention to you, and then turn on the charm and skillfully support the dialogue.
  • Have a friendly conversation... Ask something from the company or directly from the girl. The subject matter of a question may vary by location, time of year, or news.
  • Action, good deed... Do something unusual, maybe an acrobatic combination. If sports skills do not allow, then you can do a good deed: Remove the kitten from the tree or help to cross the road, hold the door, carry the bag.
  • Hobby... It is worth demonstrating your skills in any area. Girls love purposeful people who have certain hobbies.
  • Present... Having gone broke a little, a man will have to purchase a chic bouquet of roses or inexpensive jewelry and distribute small surprises to the ladies on the street or in a certain place where the subject of adoration will be. A girl will definitely remember such an eccentric!

Qualities that attract girls

  1. Overconfidence... A person who is confident in himself and his actions has always attracted girls. You shouldn't be 100% sure of everything. All that is needed is a dialogue, with the help of which a girl will be able to make sure of the reliability of a man, to understand that he has a plan for life and clear goals. You need to show that you are a purposeful person. It is important not to mumble or stutter, so the girl will mistake you for a friend or boyfriend.
  2. Naturalness... You should not compare yourself with others during a dialogue. The best thing is to be yourself. If a girl notices the unnaturalness of the image, then you should not even count on further relationships. No need to hide behind a deceitful mask. If a person is a lover of parties, games and any entertaining shows, then there is no need to hide under the guise of a calm, homely boy.
  3. Sincerity... You can have an unobtrusive conversation by sharing your concerns or problems with the girl. You shouldn't come to tears and lamentations, at the end it is better to add: “It's okay. I can solve everything ”or a phrase like that. Girls love to be spoken to sincerely. And yet it is worth a friend to fully pour out his soul.
  4. Expanded horizons combined with humor... An interesting interlocutor always attracts with his conversation. Do not be abstruse and boring, try to insert jokes or funny facts between phrases. You will always have something to talk about. Therefore, it is worth visiting a library or the vastness of the Internet.
  5. Individuality... You need to find your own flavor to stand out from the crowd, to amaze with your own characteristics. No need to dye your hair all the colors of the rainbow or make obscene gestures. You can slightly change the hairstyle, wardrobe elements, add an accessory. A great option is to be creative. This trait will become your calling card.
  6. A wide range of ideological preferences. After talking, you need to try to find common hobbies, hobbies, activities or musical preferences. After that, speculate on this topic. Such a dialogue can become exciting for both the lady and the man.


You don't have to be a popular actor or superhero to get the attention of a girl you like. It is enough to be an empathetic and sociable person.

Dating girls for one night is a fun option if the situation suits both of you. If you're feeling bold, flirt with the girls you meet in real life to scout out the situation right away. You can also meet in mobile applications and flirt with several girls at once. If you managed to get the girl interested, offer to meet her in private to spend the night together.


How to flirt with girls in person

    Make eye contact and smile to get attention. If you like a girl, look into her eyes and hold your gaze for 2-3 seconds. When doing this, smile to show your interest.

    • If the girl also smiled at you, walk up to her and speak.
    • If the girl turned away or frowned, then it is better to give your attention to another girl.
  1. Say hello to start a conversation. All you have to do to start a conversation is to say “Hello”. If you get the answer, start small talk and ask the girl the most general questions. Just keep talking while she shows interest in the conversation.

    • You can say “Hi, I just couldn't take my eyes off you”, “Hi! Can you advise what you can order here? " or “Hi, I'm Borya. How are you?".
    • If a girl does not look at you and does not show interest in the conversation, then she is unlikely to agree to your proposal. It is better to continue looking for a more suitable candidate.
  2. Touch her arm, shoulder, or back gently as you talk. Touching is a great way to flirt. As you speak, gently touch the girl's forearm or shoulder. Repeat the action if she is not dissatisfied. So you show your interest in her without further ado.

    • If a girl has pulled back, then she is unlikely to be interested in casual sex. Everything is fine! Say: "I was glad to meet you, but I have to go back to my friend" or "Nice to meet you, have a nice evening." Keep looking for the right girl.
  3. Notice signs of reciprocal interest. Pay attention to the girl's frequent smile or flustered body language - she may fidget, shift from one foot to the other, or play with her hair. Also consider the frequency of touching you if the girl strokes your hand or rests on your shoulder. In case of sympathy, she will probably unsteadily stand on her feet and find a reason to touch you.

    • If she is nervous and frowning, then it is more likely that she is not interested in you. In such a situation, it is better to leave the girl alone and start looking for another candidate.
  4. Be yourself during the conversation. Now you want to impress a girl, so your desire to use bait phrases or pretend to be another person is understandable. But this behavior will turn off most girls. If you want to find a girl to have sex for one night, then it is best to be sincere. Just tell her about your interests, hobbies and affairs.

    • For example, you don't have to say, "I can give you incredible pleasure." She probably won't like this approach. Better to say something about yourself like “They don't know about you, but I really need to unwind. Is it really only Tuesday today? "
  5. Strive to get to know the girl. You may not be interested in a serious relationship with a girl, but she is more likely to agree to an affair with you if she feels interested and cared for. Ask the girl about her preferences and listen carefully to the answer. You don't need to know the entire life story of your new friend, but get to know at least one side of it.

    • Ask "What do you usually do in your free time?", "What are your professional goals?" or "What bands are you listening to now?"
  6. Compliment her looks to boost her self-esteem. Girls are much more interested in sex if they are confident in their appearance. Compliments will also show her your interest. Highlight one or two aspects of your girl's appearance that you particularly like to make her feel special.

    • Say "You have an incredible smile" or "You look stunning in this dress."

    A warning: Better to limit yourself to a couple of compliments. Throwing compliments on your new friend can make her feel uncomfortable and estranged from you.

    Don't rush to talk about sex until the girl is comfortable with you. You probably started it all for the sake of sex, but for now, it's better not to talk about it. Raising this topic too early can alienate the girl. Have a casual conversation until she feels light and comfortable.

    • In doing so, she will maintain eye contact, smile, laugh, touch you, and share personal details about herself.
  7. Be honest about your intentions. It's unfair to cheat on a girl and make her believe that you are interested in a relationship if you just want to sleep with her. Make it clear that you don't want anything serious right now. Explain that your goal is to meet someone who wants to have a good time with you. It is important that you and your girlfriend see the situation from the same angle.

    • If she is not interested in casual sex, thank her for the company and move on. So, you can say: “I understand everything. Thank you for keeping me company. "
  8. Don't push if the girl doesn't agree. Resist the temptation to keep flirting and try to convince her. Respect her wishes. If she pulled back, said that she was not interested in dating for one night, or demanded to leave her alone, then there is no need to chase the girl. Switch your attention to someone else, otherwise she may perceive your actions as harassment.

    • Do not try to convince the girl in case of refusal. She has the right to determine her own boundaries of what is permissible.
  9. Tell her that you would like to be alone with her. If you are sure that everything is going well, invite the girl to retire. Offer to go where no one will bother you. This will demonstrate to the girl that you desire physical intimacy with her. If she is interested, she will agree to retire with you.

    • Can you say, "Let's continue the conversation in a more secluded place?" or "Can we have another glass at my place?"

    A warning: Her consent to be alone with you is not an agreement to have sex with you. Note that she may not mind kissing and touching, but she may not agree to sex. Also, a girl can change her mind at any time.

    How to meet in applications

    1. Create an account with the popular app. In today's world, apps are often the easiest way to find a partner. They also allow you to chat with several girls at once. Create accounts with different dating sites to increase your chances of success. Application examples:

      • Badoo
      • Mamba
    2. Add 3-5 of your photos so the girls can see what you look like. Choose good shots that show you unadorned. Upload a close-up, full-length, and 1-3 laid-back shots that showcase your personality. This will increase the chances of getting the girls' attention.

      • Photos with your pet, while doing your favorite things or traveling, will be great casual shots.
      • Don't use photos with other girls. You might think that they show you as a very attractive guy who is in demand, but such photos will alienate girls.
      • Don't try to distort your appearance to please girls. If a deception is revealed during a personal meeting, then the girl will immediately lose interest in you.
    3. Write a brief description of yourself. It might seem like you don't need to fill out a field with information about yourself for dating for one night, but girls are unlikely to want to spend an evening with a guy without information in the personal information column. Give 2-3 facts about yourself so that the girls have a general idea of ​​you. This will make it easier for you to bond and find a partner for one-off sex without obligation.

      • You can write “I love dogs and spend a lot of time at the computer. Right now, I want to quench my thirst for adventure "or" When I don't fix cars, I cook all sorts of goodies. I love animals and will be happy to look at the photos of your pets. "
    4. Be clear that you are interested in a meeting without obligation. If the relationship is important to a girl, then she may think that you, too, strive for consistency. Be honest about your search goals before your conversation gets too far. Explain the situation so the girl knows what to expect.

      • Say, "I'm not ready for a relationship right now and just want to have fun."
    5. Ask the girl what she expects from the meeting. It is very important to be clear about your intentions before the meeting. Most likely you will drop out girls with similar goals. However, you will likely come across those who are focused on relationships. Focus on girls who share your views.

      • Ask "Do you want to find a serious relationship or just have a good time?" or “I'm looking for no-obligation options. And you?".
      • If a girl answers that she wants to find a relationship, and you continue to pursue her, then almost certainly she will think that you are also interested in a relationship with her. It is better to end your correspondence immediately to avoid misunderstandings and problems.
    6. Start your conversation with a fact that you noticed in the girl's profile. Many people find it difficult to come up with the first phrase, so try to start by mentioning information from the girl's profile. So, you can write what interested you in her photos or ask a question about what is written in the information about yourself.

      • You can write “I see you have a cocker spaniel. In your youth, your favorite cartoon was Lady and the tramp? " or “Looks like you travel a lot. In which country do you like to rest the most? "

      The options are: Submit a gif to grab her attention. Girls almost always respond to funny animations.

      Exchange at least 10-15 messages so that the girl is comfortable communicating with you. Meeting in person after meeting in the app is always a little scary. Share information about yourself and ask the girl questions to create a comfortable environment. Make sure you exchange at least a dozen messages before offering to meet.

      • Ideally, it's best to go to WhatsApp or another messaging app first before making an appointment in person. Typically, this approach allows both of you to feel comfortable and communicate more relaxed.

      Advice: If the girl responds to messages for a long time, then it is better to consider other candidates.

      Offer to meet. After a little chatting, it's time to ask the girl out on a date. Say that you would like to continue the conversation in person. Then suggest a time and place. If necessary, agree to choose a time that suits the girl more.

      • Write "Can we go to a bar today?" or "Why don't we meet for coffee tomorrow after work?"
      • Keep in mind that a girl may want to just get to know you at first to see if she is happy with everything.

    How to get close to a girl

    1. Invite her to a safe place where no one will disturb you. Ask the girl where she will feel comfortable. Choose the option that suits you best, like your home or hotel room. Make sure that you are alone and that no one will disturb you during intimacy.

      • For example, you can invite a girl to your place or offer to go to her house. If this option is not available, you can rent a hotel room or ask a friend to provide you with an apartment.
    2. Make sure the girl agrees to be intimate. You need to get her consent. Do not assume that she wants to have sex with you simply because the girl agreed to be alone with you. Pay attention to her words and body language. When in doubt, it is best to ask a direct question.

      • Signs of agreement include smiling, taking initiative in kissing and touching, asking to fondle the girl, and being in close proximity.
      • If a girl has pulled back, turned away, or changed the subject, then she is not ready to have sex with you.
      • You can ask "Would you like to have sex?" or "Shall we move to the bedroom?"


      Dating coach

      Connell Barrett is a Relationship Specialist, Founder and Lead Coach of Dating Transformation, his own relationship consulting firm near New York City, founded in 2017. Consults clients based on his A.C.E. dating system: authenticity, clarity and expressiveness. He is also a dating coach for the mobile online service The League. His work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Oprah Magazine and Today.

A lot of guys want to know how attract a girl and is it possible to do this without beautiful words and gestures, since not everyone possesses such knowledge and skills. Each guy can attract a girl and her attention, if he wants, if he does not just read useful information, but apply it in practice and analyze mistakes, correcting them.

In this article, you will learn how attract a girl into her life, her attention, without words, gestures and special knowledge. After all, in fact, you need to know only elementary things, applying which every girl will turn her attention to you and even want to get to know you herself and invite you to meet.

How to attract a girl

Monitor your appearance

They are met by clothes, which means that in order to attract a girl, you need to take care of your own appearance. After all, we love girls to look beautiful, just as they want to be close to a handsome and attractive guy.

You don't have to become a model and the prettiest guy, you just have to keep an eye on your hygiene, cleanliness and smell. Choose your own hairstyle, dress and gait. Choose for yourself the clothes in which you feel more confident with the girl.

How to attract a girl to you


You can't attract a girl if you don't know what kind of girls you want. Decide specifically on the appearance and character of the girl you want to find and attract. After that, you need to compose a specific image of this girl and find her where such girls are most often found.

How can you attract a girl

To attract a girl into your life, you need to mentally imagine it next to you and scroll this idea for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening. Imagine that you have found your ideal girlfriend. The brighter your and her image you imagine in your imagination, the more effective and faster the effect will be.

How to attract a girl with a look

To attract a girl with your gaze, you need to develop this gaze at home in front of a mirror. Train to develop a look that will seduce and attract any girl you like. After all, it is the look that is the signal to the girl that you like her, and if you are afraid to look at her and turn away, then she will think that you are afraid or you do not like her.

When will you start attract girls with your eyes, you will notice that almost the most beautiful girls do not have boyfriends, since most are simply afraid to meet and seduce the most beautiful girls. Therefore, act immediately, as girls cannot wait so long until you decide to approach her.

How to attract a girl you like

Become bold and confident

To attract a girl, it is enough to be and look like a confident and courageous guy, since by nature girls unconsciously only like strong guys. It was then that they were looking for the strongest men who could protect them, provide and continue offspring. Therefore, show your strength to the girl, become confident, then the girl will know for sure that you are a healthy, intelligent guy with whom she will live safely and happily together.

psyh- olog. ru

Many representatives of the stronger sex make a lot of efforts to attract the girl's attention, but not everyone, unfortunately, knows how to properly draw attention to themselves. Attracting the attention of a girl you like, you should become an ideal for her, with whom she would have a desire to meet. And if they paid attention to you, try to act as quickly as possible.

More often men turn their gaze to girls, but if the lady herself paid attention to the guy, this is a sign that she liked you. Some guys can easily win the girl's attention. But what are the humble, shy and shy guys to do?

It is not difficult to attract the attention of a girl, but in order to evoke positive emotions and a desire to meet you, you must adhere to some rules. The tips below will help you not only attract attention, but also win the heart of your chosen one:

  • Appearance - none of the beautiful girls will pay attention to an unkempt and unkempt guy. During the first meeting, the girl does not yet know about the positive traits of your character, about your kindness and, let's say, a great sense of humor. First of all, the chosen one evaluates the young guy outwardly. And if the appearance leaves much to be desired, then there will be little chances to make an acquaintance and attract girlish attention to yourself. A neat appearance means not only fresh and ironed clothes, but also clean, styled hair, trimmed nails and, of course, clean shoes. Many women pay attention to men's shoes, which should fit the image of a guy and be, of course, always clean. Therefore, you need to start with personal hygiene, and then move on to choosing the most suitable clothes and shoes.
  • Smile - to be liked, you need to rejoice and smile yourself. Enjoy life, every moment that comes and appreciate everything that surrounds you. In this case, the lady will understand that you are happy and will want to receive a piece of your happiness as a gift. Guys with a sullen face are less likely to make a pleasant acquaintance, since displeasure or displeased facial expressions are not welcoming and do not dispose of acquaintance.
  • Posture - it is necessary to keep your back straight, which will speak of your health, strength, confidence and readiness to stand up at any moment, both for yourself and for your companion. If a man is tall, but walks without proper posture, it will be difficult for him to interest the lady he likes.
  • Walking - some of the guys walk unsteadily, withdrawn. In order to interest the opposite sex, you need to develop inner confidence, which will be reflected in your gait in the future. Girls approach self-confident men themselves in order to get to know each other.
  • Favorite business, hobby - if a man does his own business and looks like a busy and respectable person, attention to him increases. It is advisable to show that you are a worthy young man and value yourself. You need to find something that you will be happy to do and achieve success in this matter, since the time wasted looking for love cannot be returned. Representatives of the fairer sex find successful people themselves.
  • Flowers as a gift - in order to attract the attention of even a girl you don't know, you can simply give her a bouquet of flowers. This will interest her, and she wishes to thank you for the pleasant surprise. And let this gratitude be in a smile, but it is worth remembering that the positive emotions she received will not be quickly forgotten. Of course, if this is not the case when the girl is so popular that she receives bouquets every day.
  • Self-confidence - Guys are often afraid that the girl will see them watching her. In fact, if you look at a girl and turn away sharply, look away when she notices you, this indicates your fears and the girl sees and understands them. You cannot look away, you need, on the contrary, to smile. You will most likely get a smile in return. Do not hesitate to turn your attention to the stranger you are interested in.
  • Courage and courage - every woman is looking for a strong and courageous man. Therefore, it is necessary to develop, since not only physically developed people enjoy success, but also smart, psychologically stable, successful representatives of the stronger sex. Such people have much more opportunities to make acquaintances. Girls appreciate guys who have achieved success and wealth through their own labor and applied knowledge.
  • Ignoring - a beautiful and popular lady will really not like your indifference, but the main thing is to stop on time and not overdo it. After all, soon she will stop thinking about you and turn her attention to another young man. Therefore, taking advantage of her bewilderment, you need to start showing all kinds of signs of attention. Such an act will have a positive effect on the background of the previous indifference.
  • Be yourself - sometimes, for acquaintance, guys pretend to be those who are not in reality. You need to always remain yourself, only in this case the ladies will find you themselves and will try to attract your attention in order to get to know you. And there is no need to waste your time, you need to achieve success, live and enjoy life.

How to attract a girl to you

Looking good is not enough to be attractive. It also matters how you treat the girl and what is your behavior towards her. You need to monitor your words and your actions, as well as adhere to some rules:

  • You need to speak yourself and be able to listen to your lady. Inquire about her family, childhood, religious views and preferences. Do not criticize the received answers to your questions in a rude manner. Respect her beliefs, opinions and ideas. Girls love when communication is on an equal footing. To be liked, you have to start with respect. A great way to start a dialogue is to ask about a hobby, where she was born, raised, and more.
  • Find things that can unite you: ask about your favorite movies, music, and activities in your free time. Find something in common that will help you get closer to each other in the future.
  • Being a friend is not a guarantee that over time, friendship can grow into more. But the best way to grab attention is to be friends first. Show the lady that she can be happy with you. Support in difficult days, help with problems that arise, be there when you need help and be able to listen and support.
  • You don’t need to behave strangely, for example, to stare or look away sharply, fearing eye contact, and you don’t need to turn around silently around her. You should not openly consider specific parts of the female body, even if you really want to, not make strange hints containing a sexual overtones. This will only scare the girl and, possibly, push her away from you.
  • Don't compare yourself to someone else. Do not imitate anyone, do not copy others. The girl will notice that your behavior is unnatural and she will not like it. If you start to portray a bully, being raised as a boy from a good family, you will be mistaken in thinking that she will not notice it. Always be yourself and happy with your personality.
  • Sports activities help to attract the interest of the fairer sex, as girls like athletic guys who keep their shape. You need to find the sport you like and start doing it.

Important rules for maintaining a long-term relationship

With the above methods, you can attract the girl's attention, but this is only the initial stage of the relationship. In order to maintain and strengthen your bond with your chosen one, never forget about such important points as:

  1. Nice compliments will help the girl to feel more confident being in your company;
  2. Understanding - will give ease in subsequent communication;
  3. Respect for the feelings of the companion;
  4. Show of attentiveness and kindness;
  5. Respect for the interlocutor during a conversation (do not play on the phone, do not look at passers-by, etc.). Your attention should belong only to the interlocutor;
  6. A good sense of humor is always highly regarded, but don't go too far. Humor shouldn't turn into teasing or taunting. Also pay attention to how your chosen one in general relates to humor. Some people like it when the conversation is in a playful form, others do not. Do not make abusive and cruel jokes about yourself;
  7. Make an effort to make her smile;
  8. Respect the opinions and views of your interlocutor.

What young people shouldn't do

If you managed to win female attention, then it's time to remember some points that should be avoided in order to maintain a relationship:

  • Don't be intrusive;
  • Do not put the girl you like in an uncomfortable position, showing sympathy in public places;
  • Earn favor with expensive gifts;
  • To humiliate others by demonstrating their strength;
  • Violate personal space and arrange surveillance;
  • Collect information about the girl you like;
  • Get drunk to be braver when you meet.

Girls like guy leaders who are role models. Strong, confident and smart guys can easily attract the attention of not one girl, but many of the fairer sex from his environment.

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