Ruler of the 7th house on the ascendant. Seventh house in Vedic astrology. Combinations of sexual promiscuity

Sealing 26.11.2021

"If Fortune turns away from you, Themis may be interested in you." Such a "legal" introduction to the article was not chosen by chance. We associate the Seventh House with relationships, marriage, partnerships, but we often forget that courts and lawsuits are also in charge of this house. An infrequent occurrence within the framework of a consultation, when a client is interested in whether he will go to jail, whether he will be convicted, but such cases come across. And not always the motive is the fear of forfeiting freedom for their illegal actions, violation of the law. Quite often there are situations when a person was not to blame for anything, but it was he who was imprisoned. Modern Themis does not wear a blindfold, and the concept of impartiality is not familiar to her, unscrupulousness characterizes her much better. From the realization of this it becomes a little sad, and sometimes scary.

So, what can happen with the position of the Ruler of the Seventh House in the Twelfth? As one option, going to jail as a result of a guilty verdict by the court. That is, the sphere of the Seventh House (court, judgment) affects the area of ​​the Twelfth House (prison, imprisonment, isolation from society). Worst of all, when the Ruler of the Seventh House is not just in the Twelfth House, but is afflicted with aspects and / or is in the sign of his exile (and especially if this sign is fixed). If the Ruler of the Seventh is strong in both essential position and aspect, then the native may be under investigation, but the verdict of the court will be acquittal and the person will be released.

There are cases when the Seventh House is connected with the Ninth through a common ruler. For example, the Descendant is in Gemini and the ninth house cusp is in Virgo. If the Ruler of these houses - Mercury is located in the Twelfth house, then the danger of initiating a case against the native and getting into prison increases. The ninth house is connected with the law, and the Seventh directly with the administration of justice, and it turns out that the law in this case is not on the side of the native (and the prosecutor will be able to find an article in legal acts that will help him imprison the native), and the judge himself.

However, Mercury is not an evil planet, and only in the case of a very strong defeat, the situation can be like this. It is much worse when Saturn is in the twelfth house ruling the seventh and/or co-ruling the eighth and ninth houses. The symbolism of Saturn in itself indicates a restriction of freedom (plus everything, it is also a planet symbolizing great evil), and if there is also a connection between the Twelfth House and the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth, then this seriously enhances the negative.

The downside of this situation is also that Saturn moves much slower than other planets, including Mercury. This means that in transits, for example, on the first loop, the native can commit an offense, on the second loop, a case can be initiated against him and a lawsuit will begin, and on the third loop, the transit will culminate, and the native can be convicted.

But enough about the law. We will also discuss other interpretations of this situation. Of course, most often, the stay of the Ruler of the Seventh House in the Twelfth is played out through secret, incomprehensible, hidden relationships. Since the Twelfth House is responsible for the fears and complexes of a person, such a situation may indicate celibacy or difficulties in establishing relationships due to the internal complexes of the native himself.

The need to be in a relationship, meet, get married / get married causes a person to fear an inexplicable nature (this may be due, as an option, to a negative experience that a person received in a past life). It is possible that due to marriage, relationships, disappointment in a partner, the native will become depressed, that is, again, the Seventh House causes changes in the sphere of the Twelfth House.

The connection of the Seventh and Twelfth houses may indicate a relationship with a person engaged in secret activities, with certain mental disorders. It is possible that the partner will simply deceive the native, but the native can also hide something from the partner. In a word, such a situation does not promise a deep and emotional contact in a couple. Each one seems to be on his own.

I once had a client with the position of the Ruler of the Seventh House in the Twelfth, who was waiting for her loved one to finally get out of prison. This is also one of the typical interpretations of such a connection between houses. Indeed, a relationship can be with a person who was in prison, was treated in a psychiatric hospital. However, if a relationship began with a partner whom fate pardoned at the time of their acquaintance from a similar fate and he was neither in prison nor in the hospital, then it is not a fact that the situation will not change in the future. Still, starting a relationship, you need to remember that we fall under the influence of the natal partner, but he also falls under the influence of our radix.

But it is not all that bad. Sometimes such a situation only indicates that the partner will be related to work in closed institutions (prison, hospital). I had an interesting case when in the natal of a man the Ruler of the Seventh House - Mars was located in Virgo in the Twelfth House. And in the course of the consultation, the client admitted that everything is fine with his marriage, but his wife, a police major, works in prison.

The stay of the Ruler of the Seventh House in the Twelfth can also indicate the loss of a partner as a result of widowhood. Usually, the Eighth House is responsible for death, and specifically for widowhood, the connection of the Seventh and Eighth, but the Twelfth symbolizes longing, grief, therefore, the death of a partner is possible in this position.

Seventh house of the horoscope responsible for: wife, husband, sexual desires, intimate relationships, marriage, happiness in marriage, children, adopted son, stepsons and stepdaughters, family relations, second spouse, happiness, business partner, public relations, official and social status, masses, contacts, diplomacy, foreign travel, respect abroad, dealing with foreigners, professional ethics, trade, speculation, partnership business, property, theft, appearance of a thief, litigation, return of lost property, vitality, convalescence, death, hernia , sexual disorders.

Karaki: Venus (wife); Mars (sexual potency).

Significations: Surface level - partner. Subtle level - passion.

Saturn receives the force of direction here.

Relatives and other people represented by the house: wife, husband, enemies, stepsons and stepdaughters, second child, paternal grandfather, nephew, business partner, boss.

Parts of the body: uterus, bladder, ovaries, urethra, prostate, pineal gland, urogenital organs, anal region, groin, semen.

Drekkans: 1 - mouth, 2 - navel, 3 - legs.

Kalatra-bhava (wife), Kama-sthana (passion), Badhaka-sthana (for dual signs).

Results of various signs in the 7th house

Aries: conflicted, cruel and greedy spouse.

Taurus: a person marries a beautiful and fair-skinned girl from a wealthy and noble family who will be an excellent hostess.

Gemini: a smart and well-mannered wife, from a good family, but too materialistic, nervous and worried about trifles. Financially profitable marriage.

Cancer: early marriage, beautiful wife, but sickly and subject to frequent mood swings. Not the best combination for running an affiliate business.

Leo: good intellect and wit, which are used to achieve personal goals. A beautiful and quick-tempered wife, an independent and ambitious marriage partner who loves to experiment in sex.

Virgo: attractiveness, soft speech, a person is unhappy with children, relies on his spouse in everything) ’, the wife is smart and lucky. This position contributes to the development of partner business.

Libra: religiosity, charity, joy from children, beautiful wife with fair skin.

Scorpio: an educated wife, but strict, merciless and unlucky.

Sagittarius: the wife has a quarrelsome and tough character, caustic and sarcastic speech, she loves to be in male society.

Capricorn: quick-tempered, but faithful and reliable spouse, serious and solid business partner.

Aquarius: wife is strict, wayward, dominant and religious, business partner with leadership habits.

Pisces: A selfish, unreliable wife with a tough temper and a mediocre intellect, although a good housewife.

Lord of the 7th house in the houses of the horoscope

7th lord in 1st house (lagna): partner will dominate, although in general the couple seems to be made for each other, hidden sensual desires, pursues married women; smart, cowardly, complains of ailments caused by an imbalance of Vata dosha.

7th lord in 2nd house: bad temper of wife, spouse from wealthy family; marriage promotes prosperity. More than one marriage is possible when a planet is afflicted; a person prefers dubious ways of earning. Being in a dual sign makes a person imposing and voluptuous.

7th lord in 3rd house: self-confident, compassionate, capricious, marries a beautiful girl, has more girls in the family. There is a danger that a person's child will die at an early age.

7th lord in 4th house: truthful, pious, intelligent, suffering from bad teeth, happily married. The wife spends a lot of time at her parents' house.

Lord of the 7th house in the 5th house: marriage but love, carefree disposition, noble deeds, decency, prosperity, children attached to a partner.

7th lord in 6th house: Poor health, anger, spending too much on pleasure, favor of fortune after marriage, sickly and hostile wife, chance of divorce, joyless life.

7th lord in 7th house: successful marriage, wealthy wife from a good family, the person loves his spouse. In the absence of defeats, this position will neutralize all Putra, Mangala and Vishakanya doshas. If there are lesions, the person complains of an imbalance of Vata dosha and related diseases.

7th lord in 8th house: Late marriage, sickly partner, bad tempered spouse, widowhood (early if afflictions are present), person may not marry at all, relationships with women of bad repute, fits of anger.

7th lord in 9th house: kind and religious wife, prosperity after marriage, eminent and wealthy father of the bride, success abroad. A man has warm feelings for his wife, but can be carried away by other women.

7th lord in 10th house: Favor of fortune after marriage, a beautiful spouse who promotes the career and general reputation of the person. Girls are born in the family.

7th lord in 11th house: beautiful, kind and devoted wife, income from spouse, advantageous marriage, predominantly female children, income from women and foreigners. A person can have many novels.

7th lord in 12th house: prodigal wife, death in another country, spouse will die before man, illness and hospitalization of wife in dasha of 7th lord. Conjunction with Mars gives excessive demands and perverted sex.

Rulers of the houses of the horoscope in the 7th house

1st lord in 7th house: Good name and popularity, early marriage, lack of family affection, many public enemies, increased interest in the opposite sex. Such a person always craves what is not available to him. The defeat of the planet has a bad effect on the life expectancy of the spouse and finances.

2nd lord in 7th house: Profitable marriage, sickly spouse, addictions of the partner in marriage, loose morals, spending money on sensual pleasures, income from women and from other countries.

3rd lord in 7th house: Difficult childhood, unsuccessful marriage, thieving tendencies, tensions with authorities. Unfavorable position for an independent profession or business.

4th lord in 7th house: charismatic, attractive, affluent, marries early, leads a successful and happy life, handles business or service well, deprived of paternal possessions, unable to fully realize himself. Maternal grandmother is a long-liver.

Lord of the 5th house in the 7th house: tall, steadfast, truth-seeker, honest in business, respected, sympathetic, pious, has good children.

The owner of the 6th house in the 7th house: wealthy, generous, respected, famous, desperate, adventurer, constant trouble with servants and subordinates, does not find mutual understanding with relatives and in society, is indifferent to the problems of other people. Unhappy marriage, putra dosha, poor health of the wife in the dasha of the 6th lord.

8th lord in 7th house: Misery of spouse, lack of sexual pleasure, discord in family, two marriages, unprofitable trips.

9th lord in 7th house: Virtue, fame, happy marriage, success in all endeavors. Bad position for ascending Cancers.

10th lord in 7th house: high intelligence, decency, gift of eloquence, truthfulness, religiosity, harmonious marriage.

11th lord in 7th house: Dominant wife, income from spouse or her relatives, increased sensuality, two marriages, prosperity abroad, broad outlook, losses due to enemies. A person can run a private clinic.

12th lord in 7th house: Uneducated, lacking inner strength, not very happy in marriage, wife from a poor family, losses due to women, poor health, imbalance of Kapha dosha, asceticism in adulthood. Marriage is possible with a girl living in distant lands or in another country; a man spends a lot on his wife.

Mutual exchange between houses

7th and 1st - greedy for women, works for his father or for his wife's brother.

7th and 2nd - dominant partner, quiet family life, material benefits from wife's parents, profitable partnership business;

7th and 3rd - Khala yoga. The wife is squeamish, but courageous, temporary separation from his wife;

7th and 4th - comfortable and happy married life, family iddiliy, personal transport;

7th and 5th - this combination has bad consequences for the life expectancy of a partner and for family life in general, forced separation from his wife and children, adultery.

7th and 6th - the life path resembles a roller coaster; machinations of enemies, disapproving attitude towards marriage.

7th and 8th - Dur yoga, widowhood, unhappy seminal life due to wife's illness.

7th and 9th - happy marriage, success in trade and business, the man and his wife believe in God.

7th and 10th - profitable profession or business, wife and partners help to run the business.

7th and 11th - income from business partners and marriage, business abroad. With such a combination in the map, it is better to have your own business than to be in submission.

7th and 12th - Dur yoga, loss of spouse, chance of partner going out of business, foreign travel, marriage abroad, expenses related to wife.

Observations regarding the seventh house and its lord

Combinations of sexual promiscuity

  • Afflicted Sun in 7th house.
  • Position of Ketu in the 9th house from Karakamsha.
  • 9th lord in 12th, 12th lord in 2nd and position of an inauspicious planet in 3rd house.
  • The defeat of Mars and Venus, which are in conjunction.
  • Weakened and amazed owner of the 9th bhava.
  • The ruler of the 7th house is in bad condition in the 2nd or 12th house.
  • Venus falls in the navamsha of Mars or Saturn, or in the 7th house under the aspect of Mars or Saturn.
  • Moon conjunct Saturn and Mars in the 7th house.
  • The 7th house from Venus will tell you about the key characteristics of a wife.
  • The conjunction of Mars and Rahu in the 7th suggests that the spouse of a person suffers from constant discharge.
  • In the female chart, the position of Mars and Rahu in the 4th house disturbs family harmony.

Indicators of marital fidelity

  • Lagna or Moon in the sign of Saturn and Trimshamsha of Jupiter;
  • Lagna or Moon in the sign of Mercury and Trimshamsha of Jupiter.

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The seventh house is the house of partnership (kalatra bhava). In the male horoscope, it denotes the wife, and in the female, the husband. This is the main indicator of marriage and relationships with members of the opposite sex. Located opposite the ascendant, symbolizing our "I", the seventh house (descendant) represents our opposite or addition - a collective image of the "other".

The seventh house is the house of love and passion. The planets that fall into it acquire a pronounced sexual coloration. However, the seventh house characterizes not so much romantic hobbies (which are best judged by the fifth house), but strong and long-term personal relationships. The seventh house denotes partnership in the most general sense of the word, and not only on a personal, but also on an impersonal level.

As an indicator of the relationship between self and other, the seventh house is associated with our social consciousness and the ability to influence people. It can indicate political power or dominance over other people, especially if there are pests in it - whether Saturn or Mars. The same malefic planets can cause anxiety in the field of sexual relations to the owner of the horoscope.

In general, any planets in the seventh house, even beneficent ones, do not contribute to harmony in personal relationships. Mercury here makes relationships too brief or superficial. Mars gives rise to conflicts, although it gives the owner of the horoscope personal power over people. Saturn indicates separation, alienation and selfishness, but also empowers a person. The sun means non-equality in relationships: one of the partners will dominate the other or subordinate him to his will. Venus strengthens the attraction between partners, but can give rise to too strong desires. And even Jupiter is not safe here: under its influence, a person becomes unrestrained and inclined to impose his society on people.

The material of the book Astrology of the seers. David Frawley

SEVENTH HOUSE: Jaya bhava - the house of the wife

The 7th house corresponds to the sign of air and is therefore called the house of kama (desire).

Married life, spouse, sexual passions, partnerships in all areas of life, veins and lower back, residence in foreign countries, courts are all indicators of the 7th house.

The 7th house is mainly the house of marriage and partnership. He talks about the quality of married life and the character of the spouse. He also manages residence in foreign countries.

The 7th house, being a kendra (angular house), is considered generally auspicious, and therefore its ruler brings good to the house in which it is located.

The karaka or indicator of the 7th house is Venus.

The lord of the 7th house is

In the 1st house. Health, strength, respect, happy family life, handsome or wealthy spouse, successful partnerships, strong desires or passions, good sex life, possible marriage to a person loved since childhood or someone who has been close for many years . 7th house affairs are especially prosperous as the 7th lord aspects his own house from this position.

In the 2nd house. Obtaining wealth from a spouse, the spouse earns well, has good oratory skills, is intelligent, well educated and has a creative imagination. Business partnership income, happy family life.

In the 3rd house. The owner of the house of kama in another house of kama creates nature with strong desires that are fulfilled. Wealthy or significant relatives, a brave and courageous spouse. The spouse may work in the fields of music, dance, drama or literature. Basically, this is an unfavorable position for marriage.

In the 4th house. Happy marriage, comfort, happiness. Perhaps own land, houses and vehicles. High educational level.

In the 5th house. Handsome, wealthy or devoted spouse. Help from the spouse's family, intelligence, happiness from children, successful business partnerships, happy love affairs, good marital karma due to the efforts of a previous life.

In the 6th house. Marital disagreements, divorce, sick spouse, failed partnerships.

In the 7th house. Planet in svakshetra (one's own house). The person will be strong, handsome and respected. Handsome, significant or gifted spouse. If the lord of the 7th house is a benefic planet, marriage is a source of joy; if it is harmful, there will be problems in marriage and a divorce is quite likely, despite the fact that the planet is in its own sign.

In the 8th house. Divorce, possible death of a marriage partner, misfortune from a spouse, income from insurance companies or wills, segments of a happy life are short.

In the 9th house. The husband is rich, handsome and devoted. Help from a spouse or his family, a religious or spiritual marriage partner, luck, happiness from a father, help from a Guru or elders, living in a foreign country is possible.

In the 10th house. Significant or career-oriented spouse, spouse helps in career, successful career, profession is related to travel.

In the 11th house. The owner of the house of kama in another house of kama fulfills all desires and gives nature with strong desires. Benefits from a partner, a happy marriage, financial income come after marriage.

In the 12th house. Divorce, spouse may die early, marriage partner does not bring happiness, unsuccessful or unsuccessful partnerships, good sex life. It is possible that a person will have a strong sexual nature, as the 7th house governs passions, and the 12th governs sexual pleasures.

7th house is the house of kama, corresponds to desires.

Spouse, married life, partnership, sexual passions, courts, veins and waist, representations in foreign countries.

Book material Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Bracha


7th lord in 1st house

These people will travel a lot. They will treat their marriage partners as the most important thing in their lives. They get a permanent job in any enterprise. They are loyal, brave and healthy.

7th lord in 2nd house

They are gifted with much more than their life partner. They often talk about money and sex. They are able to manage money well; they shorten their lives by being overly fond of, abusing something.

7th lord in 3rd house

7th lord in 4th house

This is the sign of an educated person; a person with a happy marriage partner. These people have considerable property; engaged in humanitarian activities. They meet famous people.

7th lord in 5th house

Perhaps they will be lucky enough to have a good wife, or a good husband. Ability in the field of entertainment; the ability to give birth to many children; they have a high financial status.

Lord of the 7th house in the 6th house

A person born with this yoga is likely to have periods when he yearns for love; probably having a painful marriage partner; susceptibility to sexual diseases.

7th lord in 7th house

This is a good citizen and an active, courageous person. He is well qualified in his field; knows how to convince people of the correctness of his ideas. There will also be sexual pleasures in his life. Widespread fame.

7th lord in 8th house

This person will suffer due to the death or imprisonment of his marriage partner, or will experience anxiety related to sex. They will have losses in business, some interest in the doctrine of reincarnation; death will take place in a foreign land.

7th lord in 9th house

The wife will be religious; there will be good luck in a foreign land, favorable opportunities will be provided for visiting famous places and large temples. If these people are skilled in something, it will be trade or diplomacy. There will be an ambitious desire for power.

Seventh house in Vedic astrology

This is the first house that is not directly related to the personality of a person. "I" from the first house becomes "you" in the seventh house. Aries begins to understand that he is not alone in this world. The seventh house is one of the corner houses, it is the house of face-to-face and the two of us. Libra is the symbolic sign and Venus is the symbolic ruler of the seventh house. Libra and Venus are said to be of a social nature, which is why the seventh house is the house of your relationships with others. It describes how you feel about your marriage partner, co-workers, etc., and the lawyers and defense attorneys you hire.

To describe the properties of this house as a corner house, it is customary to say that it manifests itself clearly and through the public sphere. Traditionally, it is considered the home of outright enemies, the home of society and your relationship with it. This house is called the house of enemies, as it is in opposition with the Ascendant, personifying your personality. This house shows what you are looking for in others and the qualities you need to make up for your weaknesses and bring out your strengths.

Ruler of the 7th house in the sign:

  • Aries: spiritual ups and downs are associated with unions, marriage or love affairs.
  • Corpuscle: alliances are strong and lasting.
  • Twins: too often one's own point of view is revised, too many fantasies, partnerships and married life are unstable.
  • Crayfish: marriage deeply implants generally accepted family values ​​​​into the subconscious.
  • A lion: desire for a brilliant, spectacular marriage union.
  • Virgo: a rather closed married life away from prying eyes.
  • Scales: marriage and other unions with people occupy an important place in life.
  • Scorpion: individualism, often incompatible with harmonious marital and family relations.
  • Sagittarius: a person seeks to escape from the persecution of an imaginary partner. Marriage with a foreigner.
  • Capricorn: the marriage union and other unions, first of all, serve to satisfy vanity. There is often a difference in the age of partners (moral or physical).
  • Aquarius: the search for an ideal spouse, easily giving birth to utopias and unrealizable fantasies.
  • Fish: unstable, chaotic married life. Devotion to spouse.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 1st house. Possessive feelings in relation to the spouse, a tendency to egocentrism in relationships.

You are a person who needs to fully merge, identify with your partner, group or society in order for you to feel and act as a whole and complete person. If in this situation Venus, the Moon or Neptune does not act as a ruler, you will be a leader in cases where you have to show others how and what to do in areas where you feel confident. Usually these are outstanding teachers and educators. You are also able to excel in areas such as show business, trade and politics. Mahatma Gandhi was the spiritual and political leader of India. He has Aries in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Mars in the first house in Scorpio, his Mars is included in a large T-square, being in conjunction with Venus in opposition to Jupiter and Pluto in the seventh house and in square with the Moon in Leo in the tenth. Trine with Uranus in the ninth house gave him the energy he needed and made it easy to use the full energy associated with the T-square manifestation. That is why Gandhi was able to solve national problems by peaceful means, without resorting to violence, and as a leader enjoy the love and respect of his people. This constellation often occurs in the horoscopes of movie stars.
Elke Sommer has Pisces in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune in Virgo in the first house in trine with the Moon, which explains her rapid rise to fame and the great popularity that she enjoys with the public. Merle Oberon has Leo in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and the Sun in the first house, just like Kim Novak. Carroll Landis, a Finnish movie star of the forties with a tragic fate, has Gemini at the top of the seventh house in the horoscope, and Mercury without aspects is in the first house in Sagittarius.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships and negotiations serve to create the image of the "I", the person, the formation of demeanor, image and appearance. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - answer: "Study yourself, develop your personality, improve your behavior, image, appearance, change your views on the world and on yourself." Choose a partner who will enhance your appearance and enhance your self-image. You want your partner to love you for your appearance. Your open enemies influence the formation of your image of "I". Interaction with the enemy leads you to the need to change your ideas about the world and about yourself, develop your personality, make your perception more subtle. You create an image of yourself to repel an enemy attack or evade an enemy. You project the qualities of your personality onto a partner and an enemy, onto another significant person. The way you cooperate or conflict is the first thing other people notice about you. Your dependence on a relationship with another person is the first thing other people notice about you. Business partners, spouse and open enemies influence the mask you wear. Negotiations and contracts determine your appearance and approach to life. Partners have a huge impact on your attitude towards life. You have a diplomatic approach to life. You act as a lawyer and judge.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 2nd house. Marriage promises significant material benefits and opportunities for fruitful cooperation.

Such a constellation is often associated with people who marry for money or position in society. Of course, your partner should have the same value system as you. This situation may indicate that you will earn money in the field of law or through direct competition with others, as in the case of Olympic weightlifting champion Max Baer, ​​in whose horoscope Aries is on top of the seventh house, and Mars is in the second house in Sagittarius in opposition to Pluto. Such people often earn a lot of money by achieving success with the public. You can earn money together with a partner, as was the case with actor Paul Newman, whose horoscope has Cancer at the top of the seventh house, and the Moon in the second house in Pisces. He worked alongside his wife Joan Budward. Another suitable example here would be Joe Nemeth who has Sagittarius on top of the seventh house and Cancer in the second house. If the ruler is well placed in the horoscope, then, as a rule, such people marry someone who earns well or knows how to count money, and there is always a chance that your partner will be a rich heir, since your second house is his eighth.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships and negotiations serve your financial stability, acquisition of property and personal values, self-esteem. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - answer: "Deal with your system of values, shift the accents in it, reconsider your self-esteem, your attitude to private property." You need a partner who will provide you with financial security. Look for a partner among those who know how to earn money on their own and whose value system is consonant with yours. Marriage partners influence what you own. Choose a partner that improves your financial situation, that gives you the opportunity to earn money on your own and manage money on your own, spend money on your own. Choose a partner who contributes to your personal income. Partners help build your personal wealth and serve your personal income. A partner needs to adapt to your spending and earning habits, you need to fit into your value system, your attitude to private property, to the world of physical things. Partners must adjust to your self-respect and self-esteem. You use your meaningful relationships to build financial security and enter into business relationships to increase your income. You sign contracts that bring in money. You sign property and property contracts. Business partners should not argue with you about the way you earn and spend money. Marriage and business partners must agree with your need to have material things that are of value to you. You are married to your money or your things. Open enemies affect your self-esteem and self-respect. Open enemies affect your income. You can earn on open enemies and lawsuits. Your abilities for diplomacy and negotiations can serve as a source of income for you. You use your diplomatic skills to provide yourself with everything you need for life.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 3rd house. Frequent traveling spouse.

In this case, a person may marry someone they loved as a child, perhaps even a distant relative or someone they met through a brother or sister. You believe that there should be a good understanding between you and your partner, and the aspects of the ruler will show to what extent you will suit each other. An example is Paul McCartney, who wrote the most beautiful music with his friend from the Beatles, John Lennon. He has Virgo in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Mercury in Gemini in the third house. Charles Lindbergh, famous for flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean, later flew across America with his wife in an airplane, photographing patches of land in order to use the photographs to make land-use maps. He flew the plane, and his wife took pictures. Charles Lindbergh has Mercury in Pisces in the third house, and he rules the seventh house, and we see that traveling with his wife was useful to him. His wife Anna Morrow Lindbergh was a writer (third house). A similar case was with Robert Browning. His wife, Elizabeth Berett Browning, has Pisces in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune in Sagittarius in the third. They wrote both with each other and, when necessary, for each other. These examples show how the need to interact with one's partner is realized, which, as it turns out, is provided by the situation under consideration.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnership and negotiation serve as a subject for reflection, communication and a source of information. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - answer: “Study the partner and the problem in the relationship. Seek advice from a specialist. Talk to your partner, sort things out, explain to him how you understand his behavior, his words. Choose a partner with whom you can communicate and who listens to you. You want your partner to have a lively mind and be inclined to communicate. You want a partner who will listen to what you have to say and who will be interested in your daily life. The partner will have to get used to (adapt) to your style of communication and training. The partner is forced to merge into your usual life situation, to accept your everyday environment: brothers / sisters, neighbors, circle of acquaintances. How you cooperate or conflict affects how you communicate. You use your ability to lead and negotiate (diplomacy) using writing, speaking, teaching and other forms of communication. Explicit enemies affect your ability to think. Negotiations and contracts are concluded in your environment, among friends and siblings. Important relationships affect your writing style. You blog about relationships. In daily conversation, you bring up an important person for you. Business relationships revolve around communication, learning or writing. Your spouse influences what you have to say. Business partners are forced to agree with your way of communicating and interacting with other people. Partners encourage you to communicate. Probably marriage with a close relative.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 4th house. The partner easily fits into the framework of family life.

You are a person who tries to achieve security through various relationships with other people. Such people often marry late or remain single at all, because they are satisfied and happy in the parental home. They may feel that the intended partner may not be suitable for their parents. However, if the planetary energies are not used correctly, you may miss the opportunity to marry because of a sense of duty and obligation to one of your parents, who is completely dependent on you. You can also hope that your marriage partner will play a role in your life similar to that of one of your parents. Your marriage may turn out to be happy, but your activity in the public arena does not give you the opportunity to be with your partner all the time, and he will take care of the house in your absence. A good example here would be General George Patton. In his horoscope, Sagittarius is at the top of the seventh house, and Jupiter is in Virgo in the fourth house. While he fought in foreign countries, his devoted wife took care of the house and raised the children. Often this situation indicates a partner who, as it were, is in the shadows and provides the comfort, stability and heavenly life that a spouse needs, who is actively involved in social activities.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships and negotiation contribute to meeting your need for emotional security, building a foundation of the psyche, family relationships, roots and heritage. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - Answer: “Deal with your fundamental life positions, with parental patterns of behavior. Pay more attention to home, family, harmonize relations with parents. Choose a partner who will fit in with your family, with whom you can create a home and start a family. Your partner contributes to your feeling of home comfort. The partner must adapt to your culture and heritage, to your relationship to family, home and roots. The way you cooperate or conflict can affect family relationships. Your ability to negotiate and diplomacy serve your family or culture. You have family law. Partners should adjust to your need to have personal time. Open enemies are in your house. You are open enemies with people from your family. Significant others help you feel your roots. Tact and diplomacy are part of your being. Meaningful relationships provide your stability in life. You find business partners in your family. You choose a partner from those whom you feel like your own blood. Partners encourage your need to "put down roots".

Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house. Deep mutual understanding with a partner in games and pleasures. Family life brings rich fruits.

Such a constellation can often be found in the horoscopes of many truly romantic people. People with the ruler of the 7th house, symbolizing marriage, in the fifth house, symbolizing creativity, romance, play and pleasure, usually marry for love, although marriage can create problems for them, as was the case with Robert Browning, in whose horoscope Mercury was in Taurus in the fifth house and ruled the seventh house in Gemini. Despite his relatives, he was persistent in his desire to marry Elizabeth Berett, and, in the end, they were married, and were a very happy couple.
On the other hand, you can be a bright personality, like Elizabeth Taylor, in the horoscope of which Aries is at the top of the seventh house, and Mars is in Pisces in the fifth house. She married seven times and all seven times - for love. There seems to be no point in emphasizing that since her Mars is in opposition to Neptune and square to Jupiter, it took her very little time to use the planetary energies in a constructive way. At different levels, you can use your creative energy (fifth house) to succeed with the public (seventh house), or perhaps your creativity will manifest itself when interacting with a partner in the service or in the field of art.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships, and negotiation are the foundation of creativity, personal expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance, and interactions with children. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” Answer: Develop your creativity. Enjoy life, dress up, flirt, play, frolic, spend time with children, do hobbies, art, dance, create. Choose a playful and romantic partner who acts like a child; be with someone who amuses you and gives you pleasure. Partners support your self-expression. Partners help you with your creative projects. You want marriage because you want to have children. The business partnership revolves around the arts, music, dance, sports, and theatre. Business partners become lovers. Business partners are creative and expressive. You sign contracts and negotiate related to art, music, dance, theater and sports. The partner should adjust to your need to have hobbies and pleasures. The partner should fit into your attitude towards novels and children. The way you cooperate or conflict can affect your relationship with your own children. Your ability to negotiate and diplomacy helps or hinders your creativity. Open enemies affect your creative expression. You find exposed enemies as you create. Partners encourage you to play and take risks. You negotiate on the topics of art and conclude musical contracts. You are married for love.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 6th house. Spouses have common work and common concerns.

Such people often meet a life partner at work or in some connection with it. It is also possible that they first get married, and then plunge into work together. Such a situation may be for those who work with people, for example, as a psychologist or lawyer. Sigmund Freud has Taurus at the top of the seventh house in the horoscope, and Venus is in Aries in the sixth. He was the founder of psychoanalysis, the meaning of which is to help a person get rid of his psychological problems, using free associations of ideas as a technique. Two of our clients, a young couple, have the seventh house ruler in the sixth house in their horoscopes. They met at work and after that founded their own and very successful company, where they spent ten hours together every day. In severe aspects, this situation may indicate that you will be attracted to a partner who has physical or mental health problems, which will serve as an excuse for you to help and be useful. Your attitude towards others can be expressed by the words “friendship is friendship, and service is service,” especially if the ruler is Saturn.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships and negotiations serve to satisfy your need to be healthy, be helpful, have a job, and interact with animals. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - Answer: “Pay attention to your health, habits, daily routine work, life, employment, pets, servants and work tools. Put things in order in this area. Bring harmony into it. Choose a partner who will fit into your daily routine and activity, who does the same work as you. Choose a partner among those who have similar interests in the field of wildlife. Choose a partner who has the same interests as you in health, diet and fitness. Choose a partner who loves schedules and work. Partnership affects your health. Negotiations and contracts revolve around animals, work, employment, employees and employees. Business partners are related to pets, diet, fitness and everyday work. Marriage partners become your employees or employees. Partners must adjust to your relationship with animals. The way in which you cooperate or conflict can affect your relationships while doing your daily work. You are married to your work.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 7th house. Very favorable conditions for harmonious family relationships.

By giving everything to your partner, you identify yourself very strongly with your partner and hope for a long and lasting relationship that has some deep meaning. But if you fail to use the planetary energies properly, it may turn out that you will be fickle and will often change partners, the number of which cannot replace their quality for you. This situation indicates a need for sympathy or support, including from society. As a leader, you will often find yourself at the center of the public interest. Both Adolf Hitler and John F. Kennedy had Aries in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Mars was in Taurus in the seventh. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis also had Taurus in the seventh house and Venus in Gemini, also in the seventh house. Since her Venus was in opposition to Saturn, it is understandable why she did not strive to shine on stage. She came into the focus of public attention due to the peculiarities of her partner. When the ruler of the seventh house is the Sun, Uranus or Pluto, you will strive to find a strong and dominant partner who can take responsibility, but if the ruler has many disharmonious aspects, your rivalry with a partner will never end. If the Moon, Neptune or Venus is the ruler of the seventh house, you are more attracted to the submissive type of people with whom you will feel comfortable. If Saturn turns out to be the ruler, you strive for reliability and often choose a mature partner, even if you know him for a short time. If the seventh house is ruled by Jupiter or Mercury, while being in it, then you will be attracted to people who adhere to the same philosophy as you, and with whom it is therefore easy for you to establish contact.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships, and negotiation are what you need in and of themselves. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - the answer is: "Build your relationships consciously." Choose partners with whom you can do business. Marriage partners are your business partners, and business partners are your marriage partners. You want to be together with a cooperative partner. You want a partner who is a good negotiator. Partners become open enemies if you fail to find ways of cooperation. You openly fight with your partner. You have a strong position on the arranged form of marriage. Marriage for you is nothing more than a contract, like a note on a piece of paper. Marriage is required. Relationships are not real until there is marriage. Business partners must sign a contract. You love contracts because they are fair and objective. You treat marriage like a negotiation. You treat significant others like business partners. The partner needs voluntary negotiations and cooperation with you. Marrying a lawyer or lawyer. You become a legitimate partner. You are negotiating with open enemies.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 8th house. The likelihood of premature widowhood.

Such a constellation often occurs in the horoscopes of politicians, whose ideas in the field of finance and morality are popular and supported. Joseph Stalin in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house is Cancer, and the Moon is in Virgo in the eighth. His wife committed suicide, he became a widower. The same constellation with Ted Kennedy. They both achieved a high social position due to the fact that they enjoyed the support of society. You expect help and financial support from your partners, and whether you achieve it or not is determined by the aspects of the ruler. Sometimes your marriage may be based on a good sexual relationship, but otherwise you may have little in common with your partner. This constellation seems to provide strong sexual attraction to public figures. In the horoscope of artist Clint Eastwood, Venus is in Cancer in the eighth house and rules the seventh house. Singer Linda Ronstat has Mercury in Leo in the eighth house and rules the seventh. Both have strong publicity and strong sexuality. This constellation also provides the ability to manage other people's finances, and you can work as a bank manager and almost always hold the family budget in your hands. We had a client with Gemini on top of the seventh house and Mercury in Cancer in the eighth house conjunct Pluto and trine Uranus. He was a psychologist who worked with people who had sexual problems.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships, and negotiation serve to satisfy your need to experience deep, dramatic moments, satisfy your interest in life and death, access other people's resources, sex, and desire for deep exploration. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - the answer: “Penetrate the very essence of your relationship. Do psychoanalysis with a partner. Reveal the depths of your psyche. Discover hidden sexual desires and satisfy them. Let you and your partner have common financial programs.” Choose a partner who causes you emotional conflict and emotional ups and downs. Choose a strong partner. Choose a partner who is interested in taboo topics in sexual practice. Choose a partner for sex. You want to be with someone who can deal with your emotional baggage. Partners must adjust to your debts. Partners either add financial debt to you, or include you in their financial affairs, provide you with financial and spiritual support. You want to get married in order to have access to your partner's finances. A business partnership revolves around shared resources, taxes, property, inheritance, insurance, and death. Intensive business partnership. Marriage partners should fit in with your need to explore the occult and taboo topics. Contracts and negotiations are related to death, taxes, real estate, common resources and inheritance. The way you cooperate or conflict affects your potential legacy. The way you work together determines how much you owe. Open enemies on the basis of your inheritance and your debts.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 9th house. Marriage abroad or marriage with a foreigner.

Such people often gravitate towards a partner from a different social, ethnic or religious background. You can meet a partner somewhere in another country. If the ruler has good aspects and has a positive influence on other elements of the horoscope, you will have a good relationship with your partner's relatives. Otherwise, your sentimental relationship with a partner who comes from such a social environment unlike yours can lead to complications and troubles. Barbara Hutton, a wealthy heiress who has been married many times, has Libra in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Venus is in Sagittarius in the ninth house in opposition to Pluto and quincunx to Neptune, which very well explains the difficulties in dealing with foreign partners, whom she married. If the ruler is well placed in the horoscope, then you will be successful as a lawyer in court or as a professor who entertains and inspires his listeners with stories full of lofty ideas. You can also spend time with a travel partner, or, as was the case with one of our clients, run a travel agency with your spouse.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships and negotiations serve to expand your horizons, travel and explore other cultures and philosophies. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - answer: "Expand the boundaries of your picture of the world: get a higher education, go on a long journey, study philosophy, a foreign culture, religion, deal with issues of worldview, law, teach, write and publish books." Choose a partner who will travel with you. Looking for your significant partner abroad. Your partner must fit into your culture and ideology. You want to be with someone who enjoys philosophical discussions. You want to be with someone who will support your travel needs. A partner helps you expand your horizons. Marriage is an adventure. Business relationships revolve around the topics of travel, publishing, journalism, religion, philosophy, belief systems and culture. Marriage and business partners are very gifted philosophically and think broadly. You sign contracts and negotiate on the topics of publications, higher education and travel. Higher education in negotiation, diplomacy abroad. Religious law. Laws in the sphere of culture. Marriage philosophy. Relationship Guru. You marry a foreign diplomat. You marry a journalist. Your open enemies are people from other cultural and religious areas. You have open enemies among foreigners.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 10th house. Marriage is conducive to career and social advancement.

You will have the opportunity and ability to achieve public recognition in politics, show business, art and wherever you can get your voice heard. A partner can help you in your career by supporting and inspiring you in your progress. If Saturn is involved in the situation, then everything can change dramatically, and you will have to prove that you can achieve your goals without the help of a partner. The famous filmmakers Walt Disney and Vittorio de Sica have Pisces in their horoscopes at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune in the tenth house, which was reflected in the fact that they created an entire illusory world for the public. Helen Hayes, an outstanding artist, also has Pisces and Neptune at the top of the seventh house in the horoscope - also in the tenth house, and everyone knows what support her husband, journalist Charlie MacArthur (Neptune sextile Venus) provided to her. You are ambitious and want your marriage to be successful and you treat your partner with respect. It is also possible that you will be looking for a successful or famous partner. Depending on the aspects of the ruler and the way in which you will use his energy, your desires will be fulfilled or not.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships and negotiations serve to satisfy your need to build a reputation for yourself, be recognized by society for your accomplishments, and find your calling. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - answer: "Find your calling and achieve a high position in society, make a career." Choose a partner who will help you with your career and reputation. Choose a powerful and established partner. Marry someone handsome or young who will emphasize your social status. You need a partner who will improve your public image. You need a partner who has ambition. You need a partner to help you find your place in the world. Partners support your professional goals. Partners help you achieve status. You desire marriage in order to achieve a meaningful relationship. You want your marriage or business partnership to be on everyone's lips. You create business relationships with other professionals. Business relationships help you achieve credibility. The partner must fit into your professional life. The way in which you cooperate or conflict affects your social status and reputation. Your ability to negotiate and diplomacy helps or hinders your achievements in the world. You are married to your reputation.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 11th house. Deep mutual understanding between the spouses, uniting by a common idea and plans for the future.

The most important thing you expect from a partner is friendship. You are a person who both gives and receives, but you will always try to remain yourself in relationships with others. You may also be attracted to a partner who has children you could take care of. This position may also indicate that you will be working with a friend or friends. Some aspects of the ruler may indicate whether you will be a loner who does not feel any need to tie the knot, or not. You will feel completely independent, as was the case with the famous pianist Liberacci, in whose horoscope Cancer is at the top of the seventh house, and the Moon is in Sagittarius in the eleventh. This very pleasant and amiable person is quite satisfied with his independent life and is only concerned with expressing his individuality. In contrast, you can point to a woman who had several marriages and who felt inferior without a partner. "Striving to achieve love," the eleventh house is never fully satisfied. For Zaza Gabor, who married six times, in the horoscope Neptune ruled the seventh house and was in Leo, and for Mickey Runni, who married eight times by the time this book was published, Mercury was in the eleventh house in Libra and ruled the seventh house, being square Pluto and trine the Moon, which partly explains his success with women, as well as his impatience to get what he wants.

Olga Ivanets: Cooperation, conflict, important relationships and negotiations serve your interaction with people who share the same opinion as you in relation to social reforms, dream the same as you. Your partnerships lead to the fact that you gain friends and admirers. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - answer: “Your partner relationship will be good if you and your partner have a common abstract idea, common hopes for the future, common far-reaching plans, common friends, if both of you and your partner will be interested in spending time in a club, if you work in the same collective". Choose a partner who is also your friend. Who shares your passion for social reform. Which would support your ideas, goals and dreams of an ideal life. You can find a partner that is important to you in the clubs and groups you belong to. You can find a marriage partner on the Internet. Your partner must fit into your circle of friends. You would be approached by a partner who likes to be with a circle of friends, like-minded people, live a collective life, and at the same time respects your independence, makes you feel free. The partner must support your goals. He may be your most devoted fan. Your marriage is more like a friendship than a love relationship. Your business relationships revolve around clubs, groups that you belong to, based on common interests. Business partners are also your fans and share your interests. Business partners are your friends. Your diplomatic abilities are most appropriate in the area that represents your friends, groups of your work and communication, clubs, collectives.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 12th house. Marriage can be a source of suffering and loneliness.

No matter how successful your marriage has turned out to be, you always need to have a time and place that you can use only for your own personal purposes. If the aspects of the ruler are disharmonious, you will always have doubts or suspicions related to the behavior and needs of the partner. When you learn to mentally solve such problems, you will be able to build your relationships with partners in such a way that love is mutual, but if, nevertheless, you are not able to eliminate doubts, they will destroy these relationships. You are among the people who support their partners. You are often a confidant of your friends and like-minded people who, one way or another, depend on you. Rosalynn Carter has Pisces in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune is in Leo in the twelfth house. She was always where Jim needed most, and he himself admitted that he often counted on her advice. Camellia Wallace has Pisces in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune is in Virgo in the twelfth house. When she and George were married, he was able to use her excellent knowledge of political circumstances, received in childhood, when she was on the lap of her uncle, the great Jim Folson, often visited the government chamber.

Olga Ivanets: Collaboration, conflict, meaningful partnerships and negotiations serve to satisfy your need to get rid of grief and grief, your need to be in solitude, overcome your fears, engage in hidden things and show mercy, charity. Your connections with other significant people - partners and enemies - can be the cause of your self-destruction. Because of partnership or open hostility, you may develop bad habits. To the question: “How can I improve partnerships?” - answer: “You need to subtly understand the psychology of your partner; try to see the subtle meaning of what is behind certain phenomena of the external behavior of another significant person. You need to increase your level of inner honesty. You should not deceive your partner, intrigue, create false positions. You need to strictly keep the secrets that the other person has entrusted to you. Choose a partner who will develop your ability to understand subtle things, such as art, psychology, the occult. Choose a partner who can point out your unrealistic claims to the world, help you deal with your fears, confusing issues of the past, show you your ignorant self-destruction, help you cope with chronic illness and deprivation. Choose a partner who respects your need for privacy, your secrecy and modesty.

March 27, 2011

Ruler of 7th house in 1st house

You are a person who needs to fully merge, identify with your partner, group or society in order for you to feel and act as a whole and complete person. If in this situation Venus, the Moon or Neptune does not act as a ruler, you will be a leader in cases where you have to show others how and what to do in areas where you feel confident. Usually these are outstanding teachers and educators.

You are also able to excel in areas such as show business, trade and politics. Mahatma Gandhi was the spiritual and political leader of India. He has Aries in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Mars in the first house in Scorpio, his Mars is included in a large T-square, being in conjunction with Venus in opposition to Jupiter and Pluto in the seventh house and in square with the Moon in Leo in the tenth. Trine with Uranus in the ninth house gave him the energy he needed and made it easy to use the full energy associated with the T-square manifestation. That is why Gandhi was able to solve national problems by peaceful means, without resorting to violence, and as a leader enjoy the love and respect of his people.

This constellation often occurs in the horoscopes of movie stars.
Elke Sommer has Pisces in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune in Virgo in the first house in trine with the Moon, which explains her rapid rise to fame and the great popularity that she enjoys with the public. Merle Oberon has Leo in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and the Sun in the first house, just like Kim Novak. Carroll Landis, a Finnish movie star of the forties with a tragic fate, has Gemini at the top of the seventh house in the horoscope, and Mercury without aspects is in the first house in Sagittarius.

Negative: Grumpy life partner, constantly degrading. Such a person is a “scapegoat”, to whom others attribute the most negative traits and actions. He is constantly in front of others and can not hide his life from them.

Positive: it is difficult for such a person to feel well in the absence of a life partner. Spouses are very similar to each other and consider themselves a single entity. They live with the problems of a loved one, up to complete identification with him. Life in the public eye, constantly attracting the attention of others and arguing with neighbors, good knowledge of the laws and the ability to adapt to them, victory in courts and a successful course of business while under investigation.

Such a person needs to fully merge with the group and identify with the opinion of the partner and the assessments of society. Only in this way can he feel himself a full-fledged person and act as an integral nature. Such people often turn out to be leaders, especially if they have to demonstrate to others the necessary course of action in an area in which they themselves feel confident. Perhaps the formation of outstanding pedagogical abilities. Such people often manifest themselves in show business, trade and politics.

Possessive feelings in relation to the spouse, a tendency to egocentrism in relationships. Open enemies, alliances, partnerships, women's love and success with them. Has to do with litigation.

Human life is impossible without a partner. The life of an individual is impossible without public opinion. Its development can only take place in society. A person feels the need to constantly oppose himself to others.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 2nd house

Such a constellation is often associated with people who marry for money or position in society. Of course, your partner should have the same value system as you. This situation may indicate that you will earn money in the field of law or through direct competition with others, as in the case of Olympic weightlifting champion Max Baer, ​​in whose horoscope Aries is on top of the seventh house, and Mars is in the second house in Sagittarius in opposition to Pluto.

Such people often earn a lot of money by achieving success with the public. You can earn money together with a partner, as was the case with actor Paul Newman, whose horoscope has Cancer at the top of the seventh house, and the Moon in the second house in Pisces. He worked alongside his wife Joan Budward. Another suitable example here would be Joe Nemeth who has Sagittarius on top of the seventh house and Cancer in the second house. If the ruler is well placed in the horoscope, then, as a rule, such people marry someone who earns well or knows how to count money, and there is always a chance that your partner will be a rich heir, since your second house is his eighth.

Negative: a drop in prestige and stability in marriage, the danger of divorce and lawsuits with a life partner. Often such a person outlives his partner. Marriage tends to be seen as a hindrance, in part because it deprives him of his livelihood.
Positive: a rich and profitable marriage, a secure life partner, strengthening well-being during marriage. The work of such a person turns out to be a very profitable place if he is busy with mediation or litigation. Shows considerable talent in financial transactions and knows how to benefit from relations with opponents.

Often such people marry for money or to strengthen their position in society. Their partner should have the same value system as they do. Making money is especially successful in the field of law or in direct competition with others. Such people often earn a lot of money, thanks to which they achieve success with the public. Often they earn money through cooperation with a partner. They strive to enter into marriage relations with those who earn well and know the value of money. It is possible that their partner will be a rich heir.

Marriage promises significant material benefits and opportunities for fruitful cooperation.

Profit through marriage. Damaged: Loss of money through alliances, partnerships, contracts, lawsuits, open enemies. Loss due to women; death of a partner and open (public) enemies.

This situation of the horoscope often “bestows” a person with a marriage of convenience or gives him a lasting, permanent marriage and wealth. If Almuten is in the 3rd third of the 2nd house, then a lawsuit is possible due to money or property.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 3rd house

In this case, a person may marry someone they loved as a child, perhaps even a distant relative or someone they met through a brother or sister. You believe that there should be a good understanding between you and your partner, and the aspects of the ruler will show to what extent you will suit each other.

An example is Paul McCartney, who wrote the most beautiful music with his friend from the Beatles, John Lennon. He has Virgo in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Mercury in Gemini in the third house. Charles Lindbergh, famous for flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean, later flew across America with his wife in an airplane, photographing patches of land in order to use the photographs to make land-use maps. He flew the plane, and his wife took pictures. Charles Lindbergh has Mercury in Pisces in the third house, and he rules the seventh house, and we see that traveling with his wife was useful to him. His wife Anna Morrow Lindbergh was a writer (third house).

A similar case was with Robert Browning. His wife, Elizabeth Berett Browning, has Pisces in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune in Sagittarius in the third. They wrote both with each other and, when necessary, for each other. These examples show how the need to interact with one's partner is realized, which, as it turns out, is provided by the situation under consideration.

Negative: unstable relationship with a capricious life partner, lawsuits with friends and relatives, interference of relatives in family problems. Marriage is subject to gossip, courts and publicity.
Positive: marriage with a distant relative is possible, a life partner is considered as a friend and comrade. Successful business relations with neighbors and immediate environment. Such people skillfully use public opinion, profitably use casual acquaintances and are associated with journalists and reporters.

Often such a person marries someone whom he loved in early childhood. Perhaps a brother or sister introduces him to his life partner. I am convinced that full mutual understanding is necessary in partnership. There is a real need to interact with a partner on the condition of complete mutual frankness and sincere trust.

Frequent traveling spouse.

Enmity with one of the brothers or neighbors; marriage with someone from relatives or a neighbor; difficulties through letters or contracts. Legal or religious disputes, restlessness (anxiety) on short journeys.

Indicates marriage with a relative or with a person with whom they were brought up and grew up together. If Almuten is in the 2nd third of the 3rd house, then this indicates open opponents among neighbors and those who live nearby. Sometimes such a person does not have peace from neighbors. When Almuten is in bad aspects, such a situation haunts a person all his life.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 4th house

You are a person who tries to achieve security through various relationships with other people. Such people often marry late or remain single at all, because they are satisfied and happy in the parental home. They may feel that the intended partner may not be suitable for their parents. However, if the planetary energies are not used correctly, you may miss the opportunity to marry because of a sense of duty and obligation to one of your parents, who is completely dependent on you.

You can also hope that your marriage partner will play a role in your life similar to that of one of your parents. Your marriage may turn out to be happy, but your activity in the public arena does not give you the opportunity to be with your partner all the time, and he will take care of the house in your absence. A good example here would be General George Patton. In his horoscope, Sagittarius is at the top of the seventh house, and Jupiter is in Virgo in the fourth house. While he fought in foreign countries, his devoted wife took care of the house and raised the children. Often this situation indicates a partner who, as it were, is in the shadows and provides the comfort, stability and heavenly life that a spouse needs, who is actively involved in social activities.

Negative: life partner and parents are considered as enemies, serious litigation and quarrels with loved ones over home and property are possible. Family life is full of serious strife, the internal affairs of the house are constantly discussed by the public, scandalous fame and accusations of betrayal of the motherland are possible.
Positive: marriage is entered into with parental blessing. Spouses are sometimes destined for each other since childhood. They are proud of the fame of the family and the popularity of their parents. It is not money that gives strength and stability to marriage, but property. Both spouses are excellent hosts.

Such a person seeks to achieve security, using a variety of relationships with other people. He enters into marriage late, or remains alone for the rest of his life due to the fact that the parental home brings satisfaction and happiness. Such a person fears that the intended partner may not be suitable for his parents. With the wrong use of planetary energy, he may miss a suitable opportunity to marry due to an exaggerated sense of duty and imaginary obligations towards parents who are completely dependent on him.

The life partner will play in his existence a role close to the functions and image of one of the parents. The marriage may turn out to be happy, but social activity does not give such a person the opportunity to be with his partner all the time. In his absence, the partner must take care of the house himself. Often this aspect indicates a life partner, as if in the shade and providing the comfort, stability and paradise life needed by a spouse who is actively involved in social activities.

The partner easily fits into the framework of family life.

Property through marriage; a chaste partner and a happy course of married life. Damaged: Litigation over property, theft of household goods.

Often indicates a marriage concluded in a narrow circle, or a long choice of a marriage partner, a long courtship. Usually a marriage is strong and permanent: a person does not change a marriage partner. The closer to the border of the 4th house (in the 1st third of the 4th house) Almuten is located, the more clearly in marriage a man’s maternal complex will manifest itself in relation to a woman (that is, he will perceive his wife to some extent as a mother ), and a woman to a man has a paternal complex: only in this case such a marriage will be happy. In addition, Almuten can be an indicator of an unhappy marriage or even celibacy.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house

Such a constellation can often be found in the horoscopes of many truly romantic people. People with the ruler of the 7th house, symbolizing marriage, in the fifth house, symbolizing creativity, romance, play and pleasure, usually marry for love, although marriage can create problems for them, as was the case with Robert Browning, in whose horoscope Mercury was in Taurus in the fifth house and ruled the seventh house in Gemini. Despite his relatives, he was persistent in his desire to marry Elizabeth Berett, and, in the end, they were married, and were a very happy couple.

On the other hand, you can be a bright personality, like Elizabeth Taylor, in the horoscope of which Aries is at the top of the seventh house, and Mars is in Pisces in the fifth house. She married seven times and all seven times - for love. There seems to be no point in emphasizing that since her Mars is in opposition to Neptune and square to Jupiter, it took her very little time to use the planetary energies in a constructive way. At different levels, you can use your creative energy (fifth house) to succeed with the public (seventh house), or perhaps your creativity will manifest itself when interacting with a partner in the service or in the field of art.

Negative: a marriage can be destroyed due to the flirting of a spouse, the relationship of partners attracts public attention, joint scams, bluffs and speculations are possible.
Positive: marriage for love, matrimony with an interesting and talented person. Relationships full of warm emotions and sincere love, creative life is connected with social activities. A lot of public speaking, having many children and equality in relations with children.

These are truly romantic people, they strive to marry for love, even if it threatens them with many problems, they are bright personalities. Several marriages are possible. Creative energy is successfully used to achieve success with the public. Perhaps creativity will manifest itself when interacting with a partner in the service or in the field of art.

Deep understanding in games and pleasures. Family life brings rich fruits.

Marries someone who is younger than him, and takes a lot of pleasure in this regard, but there is anxiety and enmity with children. Losses through speculation or gambling.

It is a frequent indicator that a person marries more than once, that he will have a need for freedom in marriage. A person develops intolerance to any coercion and develops a love to patronize someone. Almuten at the end of the 3rd third of the 5th house “promises” a man a large family. If Almuten is Uranus or Almuten is in bad aspects to Uranus, then the person will have more than one family. And all families will have many children.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 6th house

Such people often meet a life partner at work or in some connection with it. It is also possible that they first get married, and then plunge into work together. Such a situation may be for those who work with people, for example, as a psychologist or lawyer. Sigmund Freud has Taurus at the top of the seventh house in the horoscope, and Venus is in Aries in the sixth. He was the founder of psychoanalysis, the meaning of which is to help a person get rid of his psychological problems, using free associations of ideas as a technique.

Two of our clients, a young couple, have the seventh house ruler in the sixth house in their horoscopes. They met at work and after that founded their own and very successful company, where they spent ten hours together every day. In severe aspects, this situation may indicate that you will be attracted to a partner who has physical or mental health problems, which will serve as an excuse for you to help and be useful. Your attitude towards others can be expressed by the words “friendship is friendship, and service is service,” especially if the ruler is Saturn.

Negative: marriage is seen as a source of suffering, partnerships require a lot of patience, there is no contact with colleagues, you have to adapt to constant conflicts at work, often such people are crushed by everyday problems.
Positive: a person is stable and patient in marriage, a life partner successfully manages the household and does not leave home for a long time, often a marriage is concluded with a colleague.

Sometimes after marriage, such people are jointly accepted for a common cause, especially if they work as psychologists or lawyers. Sometimes such people are attracted to a partner whose health is significantly impaired (bodily or mentally), which serves as an excuse to help him and be useful. Attitude towards others can be expressed by the words - "Friendship is friendship, and service is service."

Spouses have a common job.

Marries someone who is mentally and socially inferior to him, has a sick wife and evil-minded employees. Anxiety about small animals.

In the presence of such a situation in the horoscope, a person often forms a business relationship with a marriage partner. Sometimes his marriage will be a debt marriage. He will be very obligatory towards his family. If Almuten is on the border with the 5th house, then this promises a very painful marriage partner.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 7th house

By giving everything to your partner, you identify yourself very strongly with your partner and hope for a long and lasting relationship that has some deep meaning. But if you fail to use the planetary energies properly, it may turn out that you will be fickle and will often change partners, the number of which cannot replace their quality for you. This situation indicates a need for sympathy or support, including from society. As a leader, you will often find yourself at the center of the public interest.

Both Adolf Hitler and John F. Kennedy had Aries in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Mars was in Taurus in the seventh. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis also had Taurus in the seventh house and Venus in Gemini, also in the seventh house. Since her Venus was in opposition to Saturn, it is understandable why she did not strive to shine on stage. She came into the focus of public attention due to the peculiarities of her partner. When the ruler of the seventh house is the Sun, Uranus or Pluto, you will strive to find a strong and dominant partner who can take responsibility, but if the ruler has many disharmonious aspects, your rivalry with a partner will never end. If the Moon, Neptune or Venus is the ruler of the seventh house, you are more attracted to the submissive type of people with whom you will feel comfortable.

If Saturn turns out to be the ruler, you strive for reliability and often choose a mature partner, even if you know him for a short time. If the seventh house is ruled by Jupiter or Mercury, while being in it, then you will be attracted to people who adhere to the same philosophy as you, and with whom it is therefore easy for you to establish contact.

This is a good citizen and an active, courageous person. He is well qualified in his field; knows how to convince people of the correctness of his ideas. There will also be many sexual pleasures in his life. They are going to be widely known.

Negative: conflicts and disagreements with a life partner, litigation and lawsuits, involvement in social battles, notoriety, clash with the judiciary and incessant conflicts.
Positive: marriage is full of drama and tension, partner life is seething and dynamic. A person is engaged in active social activities, willingly opposes himself to others, is able to objectively look at social processes. In addition to his own will, he takes part in active life conflicts and is involved in social dramas, deriving benefits for himself in this.

Giving everything. such a person is deeply identified with a partner and hopes for a long and strong relationship that has a deep meaning. With the wrong use of energies, he is notable for inconstancy and often changes partners, the number of which, however, cannot replace their qualities. There is a great need for sympathy and support from both the partner in life and from society as a whole. As a leader, such a person constantly finds himself at the center of public interests. He strives to find a strong and bright partner who is able to take responsibility for pair relationships, which does not at all exclude active rivalry with him. Generally speaking, a partner is extremely important to him. There is a tendency to identify deeply with him and take all his troubles and problems as his own.

Very favorable conditions for harmonious family relationships.

Success in lawsuits, marriage to a person from a good family; a pleasant partner, but probably cold, untruthful, or even hostile.

Promises the disclosure of problems of the 7th house. Indicates the strengthening of the influence of society on a person who will live in public interests, his thoughts will be absorbed by the ongoing social and social processes. If Almuten is in good aspects, then this person will be bright and noticeable in the public circle. If Almuten is in bad aspects, then this promises a person constant conflicts and quarrels in society, a break in relations in the public circle, battles with the enemy.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 8th house

Such a constellation often occurs in the horoscopes of politicians, whose ideas in the field of finance and morality are popular and supported. Joseph Stalin in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house is Cancer, and the Moon is in Virgo in the eighth. His wife committed suicide, he became a widower. The same constellation with Ted Kennedy. They both achieved a high social position due to the fact that they enjoyed the support of society. You expect help and financial support from your partners, and whether you achieve it or not is determined by the aspects of the ruler.

Sometimes your marriage may be based on a good sexual relationship, but otherwise you may have little in common with your partner. This constellation seems to provide strong sexual attraction to public figures. In the horoscope of artist Clint Eastwood, Venus is in Cancer in the eighth house and rules the seventh house. Singer Linda Ronstat has Mercury in Leo in the eighth house and rules the seventh. Both have strong publicity and strong sexuality. This constellation also provides the ability to manage other people's finances, and you can work as a bank manager and almost always hold the family budget in your hands. We had a client with Gemini on top of the seventh house and Mercury in Cancer in the eighth house conjunct Pluto and trine Uranus. He was a psychologist who worked with people who had sexual problems.

Negative: a life partner is able to exert a magical influence on a person with the help of his emotions and thoughts. Perhaps he has a heavy, gloomy and oppressive character. Opponents are open and fight until complete extermination. Revenge from enemies and persecution from envious people is possible. Lawsuits are lost, property may be lost, celibacy is highly likely.
Positive: marriage is associated with a large dowry, the possibility of a life partner receiving a large inheritance is not ruled out. The aspect is good for cooperation with an occult group. The reasons for marriage are magical and deep, strange, mysterious relationships with a partner are possible.

This aspect is often found in the horoscopes of major politicians, whose ideas in the field of finance and morality are popular and supported by the masses. Such a person expects help and financial support from his partners, but he achieves them only with the correct use of energies. Marriage is characterized by excellent sexual relations, which can become the main bonding factor between spouses. A public figure of this kind is distinguished by a strong sexual attractiveness, thanks to which he is irresistible in influencing the public. The ability to manage the movement of other people's finances is noted, it is possible to work as a bank manager. Such a person seeks to keep the family budget in his own hands. Often such people work as psychologists who analyze the sexual problems of clients.

The likelihood of premature widowhood.

Money or property through marriage; death of a partner; some inheritance, but difficulties because of it. Damaged: loss of money through marriage and partnership.

If Almuten is in the middle of the 8th house, then this indicates that the person will outlive his marriage partner. Almuteg can be a bad indicator for marriage, as he sometimes forms difficult relationships in the family, constant discord with its members. In addition, he can “bestow” a person with evil, fiercely hating opponents, contributing to the consolidation of the forces of evil around him (this is especially evident when Almuten is in the 2nd third of the 8th house). A person will receive heavy blows of fate in various forms, depending on the planets in the 8th house.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 9th house

Such people often gravitate towards a partner from a different social, ethnic or religious background. You can meet a partner somewhere in another country. If the ruler has good aspects and has a positive influence on other elements of the horoscope, you will have a good relationship with your partner's relatives. Otherwise, your sentimental relationship with a partner who comes from such a social environment unlike yours can lead to complications and troubles. Barbara Hutton, a wealthy heiress who has been married many times, has Libra in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Venus is in Sagittarius in the ninth house in opposition to Pluto and quincunx to Neptune, which very well explains the difficulties in relations with foreign partners, whom she married.

If the ruler is well placed in the horoscope, then you will be successful as a lawyer in court or as a professor who entertains and inspires his listeners with stories full of lofty ideas. You can also spend time with a travel partner, or, as was the case with one of our clients, run a travel agency with your spouse.

The wife will be religious; there will be good fortune in a foreign land, and there will be favorable opportunities to visit famous places and great temples. If these people are skilled in something, it will be trade or diplomacy. There will be an ambitious desire for power. (Vedic Astrology)

Negative: life partner is distant in outlook and alien in spirit. Constant ideological disputes and ideological intransigence are possible. Likely enmity with people from another area and adherence to the ideas of chauvinistic nationalism. Such a person himself can arouse racial hatred towards himself.
Positive: Marriage promotes an active life, it enhances prestige, allows you to travel and gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons. The social activity of such a person is very wide, he is quite popular away from home. Inclined to distant business contacts.

There is an attraction to a partner from a different social, ethnic or religious environment. Acquaintance with a future life partner may occur in another area. With the correct use of energies, good relations are formed with the partner's relatives. Otherwise, an emotional connection with a life partner who comes from a different social environment can lead to complications and troubles. Such a person is successful as a defender in court, or as a professor who entertains and inspires listeners with stories full of lofty ideas. Such people often spend time with a travel partner, or run a travel agency with a partner.

Marriage abroad or marriage to a foreigner.

Marriage with a foreigner from afar; profit through partner's relatives. The partner is traveling abroad. Damaged: quarrel with religious or learned people.

Staying Almuten in the 3rd third of the 9th house indicates a marriage with a foreigner. If he is in the 1st third of the house, then this promises enemies from afar, promises litigation with people from afar, and also because of long trips and long-distance connections.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 10th house

You will have the opportunity and ability to achieve public recognition in politics, show business, art and wherever you can get your voice heard. A partner can help you in your career by supporting and inspiring you in your progress. If Saturn is involved in the situation, then everything can change dramatically, and you will have to prove that you can achieve your goals without the help of a partner.

The famous filmmakers Walt Disney and Vittorio de Sica have Pisces in their horoscopes at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune in the tenth house, which was reflected in the fact that they created an entire illusory world for the public. Helen Hayes, an outstanding artist, also has Pisces and Neptune at the top of the seventh house in the horoscope - also in the tenth house, and everyone knows what support her husband, journalist Charlie MacArthur (Neptune in sextile with Venus) provided to her. You are ambitious and want your marriage to be successful and you treat your partner with respect. It is also possible that you will be looking for a successful or famous partner. Depending on the aspects of the ruler and the way in which you will use his energy, your desires will be fulfilled or not.

This person's business may include travel. He will have many useful partners. You can expect success in sports, law, or anything that involves competition. He is married to a respected man. (Vedic Astrology)

Negative: breakup of relationships with loved ones due to an unsuccessful marriage. Danger of falling prestige. As you move up, such a person acquires many enemies who willingly cooperate to fight him.
Positive: a prestigious marriage with a leader, a marriage of convenience in the hope of career growth of a life partner. A marriage with a famous person is possible, a business marriage for the sake of strengthening prestige is not excluded. Aspect is good for public popularity, because it is an indicator. fame, fame and great career growth.

Such a person has the opportunity and ability to achieve public recognition in the field of politics, . show business or art. He is successful wherever he manages to get heard. The partner provides him with assistance in his career, supporting and inspiring him on the way to advancement. Marriage is inextricably linked with professional growth (the form of the relationship is determined by the nature of the signs, planets and their aspects). Such a person is very ambitious, he wants his marriage to be successful, and he treats his partner with respect and courtesy. In his youth, he is often looking for a successful or famous partner. Depending on the ability to use planetary energies, the results of actions will correspond to desires and intentions.

Marriage is conducive to career and social advancement.

A respected partner who has a beneficial effect on a career. Corrupted: Anxiety due to rivals in some service, privilege, or occupation. Public disgrace or scandal through alliance or enemy.

Indicates a marriage of convenience with a high-ranking person or with the daughter of a person holding a high position. In marriage there will be some coldness of relations, marriage will not attract a person. If Almuten is in the 3rd third of the 10th house, then the person will have influential opponents who will interfere with his career advancement, and public opinion will be opposed to him. If Almuten is in good aspects, then this will give the person notoriety and notoriety such as the glory of Herostratus.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 11th house

The most important thing you expect from a partner is friendship. You are a person who both gives and receives, but you will always try to remain yourself in relationships with others. You may also be attracted to a partner who has children you could take care of. This position may also indicate that you will be working with a friend or friends. Some aspects of the ruler may indicate whether you will be a loner who does not feel any need to tie the knot, or not. You will feel completely independent, as was the case with the famous pianist Liberacci, in whose horoscope Cancer is at the top of the seventh house, and the Moon is in Sagittarius in the eleventh.

This very pleasant and amiable person is quite satisfied with his independent life and is only concerned with expressing his individuality. In contrast, you can point to a woman who had several marriages and who felt inferior without a partner. "Striving to achieve love," the eleventh house is never fully satisfied. For Zaza Gabor, who married six times, in the horoscope Neptune ruled the seventh house and was in Leo, and for Mickey Runni, who married eight times by the time this book was published, Mercury was in the eleventh house in Libra and ruled the seventh house, being square Pluto and trine the Moon, which partly explains his success with women, as well as his impatience to get what he wants.

Negative: life partner is capricious and unreliable, friends often become open opponents, marriage life is full of changes, social activities are unstable, its results are problematic.
Positive: propensity to enter into a free (civil) marriage on a friendly basis. Spouses do not climb into each other's souls and do not try to understand each other's affairs, the atmosphere is saturated with a sense of freedom and respect for rights. Friends are independent and free-thinking, a changeable or bohemian life is possible, behavior is free and independent, a steady desire to join a free creative community.

Such a person in a partner longs to see a friend, he gives everything and receives a lot, while in relations with others he manages to remain himself. He may be attracted to a partner who already has children he could take care of. Often you have to work with friends. Sometimes such people become loners who do not feel any need to tie themselves in marriage. They feel completely independent and self-sufficient. This pleasant and amiable person is quite satisfied with his free life and is only concerned with expressing his individuality. This aspect can lead a person to enter into several marriages, as he feels inferior without a partner. The desire to achieve love in this case is never fully satisfied, because addiction is followed by the awakening of a thirst for change and renewal.

Deep understanding between spouses.

Friends become open opponents or enemies. Marriage with. a widow or widower with children, but a tendency to worry through them.

It enhances the public popularity of a person: he will be recognized in the public circle, public opinion will be favorable towards him. If Almuten is at the beginning of the 11th house (in the 1st third), then this “promises” a wife who will be a friend and who can be relied upon.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 12th house

No matter how successful your marriage has turned out to be, you always need to have a time and place that you can use only for your own personal purposes. If the aspects of the ruler are disharmonious, you will always have doubts or suspicions related to the behavior and needs of the partner. When you learn to mentally solve such problems, you will be able to build your relationships with partners in such a way that love is mutual, but if, nevertheless, you are not able to eliminate doubts, they will destroy these relationships.

You are among the people who support their partners. You are often a confidant of your friends and like-minded people who, one way or another, depend on you. Rosalynn Carter has Pisces in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune is in Leo in the twelfth house. She was always where Jim needed most, and he himself admitted that he often counted on her advice. Camellia Wallace has Pisces in the horoscope at the top of the seventh house, and Neptune is in Virgo in the twelfth house. When she and George were married, he was able to use her excellent knowledge of political circumstances, received in childhood, when she was on the lap of her uncle, the great Jim Folson, often visited the government chamber.

Unstable married life: their spouses may leave them quickly or die early. Bad business ideas leading to wasted time. Death may come along the way. They may be inept at establishing relationships with other people. Many sexual dreams or fantasies. (Vedic Astrology)

Negative: celibacy, complete identification with the partner's life, attraction to fictitious marriages, cohabitation with the mentally ill, propensity for covert criminal activity, frequent accusations of dishonesty. Justified fear of imprisonment.
Positive: secret marriage, many secrets are hidden from a life partner. Partners, companions and colleagues are hidden from human eyes and interact secretly. Such a person is a talented spy, he is able to secretly influence social processes without drawing attention to himself.

Regardless of the success of the marriage, such a person always needs a time and a place that he could use only for his own personal purposes. He often has doubts and suspicions related to the behavior and needs of his partner. When he learns to mentally solve such problems, he will be able to build his relationship with a partner so that love is mutual. If doubts are not removed, the relationship will steadily deteriorate. Such people strive to support their partners, whose confidants they often feel themselves to be. On the contrary, partners are often deeply dependent on them, one way or another they are connected by strong bonds and their contact is difficult to break.

Marriage can be a source of suffering and loneliness.

Unhappy marriage, secret grief, jealousy, trouble, illness. Partner or opponents - the reason for the conclusion or fear of him. The danger of death is in the hands of enemies, if the ruler of the eighth house is harmful.

This situation of the horoscope indicates active, but secretly operating opponents of a person who inflict invisible blows (especially if Almuten is in the 2nd third of the house). Almuten in the 1st third of the house, he is one of the indicators of a secret (possibly fictitious) marriage. If Almuten is not in the 1st third of the house, if it is connected by aspects with Uranus, located at the border of the 7th house (mandatory), then this is an indicator of the evil forces of fate that act secretly. It can be lawsuits (Almuten in the 3rd third of the house) and, as a result of them, a long imprisonment (if Almuten VII is a strong planet). Moreover, the closer Almuten of the seventh house is to the ASC point, the longer the term of imprisonment will be.

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