When the lily has a name day. When is Lilia's name day according to the church calendar? Angel Lily Day. Abbreviated name Lily

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Ceramics, fireclay

Calendar when, according to the church calendar, the name day of Lily

This is not an Orthodox name, therefore, when Lilia is baptized, they receive a different name from the calendar. Usually this is the name Susanna in honor of one of the myrrh-bearing wives. Saints named Lilia (Susanna) are venerated 2 times.

  • June 19 - Susanna Salernskaya;
  • August 24 - Roman Susanna.

Characteristics of the birthday girl Lilia:

From the Latin language - the name of the flower "lilium" - lily. A similar sounding name is found in the Hebrew language - Lilith, Lilu, Lily, where it was believed that Lily not only corrupts women in childbirth, but also makes women sterile.

According to one of the pre-Christian apocryphal legends, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, and very obstinate, as a result of which Adam left her (the first divorce on Earth).

Birthday greetings to Lilia:

Do not forget to celebrate Lilia's name day and congratulate Lilia on the day of the angel.

You have the name of the flower from birth,

People call Lilia.

You often change your mood

Believing, they will forgive and understand.

That everything is allowed to be gentle, beautiful,

Full of enthusiasm, fire,

Even capricious, but not spiteful.

You can't stand a quarrel not a day!

Let's have patience for you

If only to be next to you!

May you be in a different mood every hour

It's hard not to love you!

No matter how much oil we pour,

We sang sweet odds to her,

On our Lily's birthday

No smarter, younger, sweeter!

Always be a bright flower

In a good way of life,

One big gift for us

Shine louder than the sun!

Lily's Angel Day

At the magic lily

Hunger was satisfied with thirst,

The meaning and characteristics of the name Lily

Translated from Latin, the name Lilia means "white flower". There is a legend that a similar sounding name - Lilith - was the name of Adam's first wife, with whom he divorced due to the woman's excessive obstinacy.

In childhood, Lilia is often overly spoiled - her parents and other close relatives allow her too much extra. This makes the girl's innate moody nature even more difficult.

In the company of unfamiliar people, Lilia behaves calmly and obediently, however, surrounded by loved ones, she becomes stubborn, uncontrollable and complacent.

Growing up, the owner of the name in question does not lose her characteristic qualities and habits, but she tries to control her behavior. She gladly makes new acquaintances, in any company she is reputed to be a cheerful and sociable girl.

Lilia is liked by men due to her bright appearance and cheerfulness, flirtatiousness and the ability to communicate beautifully.

Often, a girl herself falls in love - and, moreover, this can happen suddenly, after which - just as unexpectedly end. But, having got married, Lilia will try to keep the family and make her happy.

Birthday greetings for Lilia in verse

Dear Lilia, Happy Holidays!
Blossom, beautiful, and always dream!
Let love be a snow-white lily
With the purity and tenderness of festive flowers!

Happy birthday, dear Lilia, I wish you abundance!
So that life was like a vivid dream, the coins made a ringing!
Look forward confidently, and do not be sad in vain!
Better yet, smile more, then you will live longer!

Congratulations, Lilia, let everything be fine!
Let health do not fail, and everything is given easily!
Be beautiful and successful, be always young,
I wish you joy and happiness on your holiday!

SMS congratulations to Lilia on her birthday

Lilia is beautiful, like a fairy tale, I wish to be always like that!
So that life is bright as colors, and your mood is wonderful!

The whole world is one beautiful garden, a miraculous idyll,
What is not a flower is a real treasure, but the most precious one is Lily!

It is almost impossible to meet parents who would not dream of a cloudless future for their kids, and they do everything so that dreams come true at least partially. Since ancient times, one wonderful tradition has been preserved that allows you to help a child avoid undesirable events, and for this you just need to make a little effort to choose a promising name for the baby. Lily, the meaning of the name, character and fate - is information about these features capable of influencing the future?

The meaning of the name Lily for a girl is brief

In the ancient literature that has survived to this day, you can find a lot of information that confirms the importance given to choosing a name for your offspring. Ancient sources indicate that parents should carefully study everything that may be associated with it, because even the slightest omission can lead to fatal consequences for the child. There are many stories about how it was thanks to the wrong name chosen by adults that unpleasant events occurred that could have been stopped even during baptism.

Lily, the meaning of the name, character and fate - which of this combination is the most important for further events in the girl's life? Parents should remember that the first place among this information is invariably the meaning of the name - it must be studied in advance. Only then can one begin to study other features that may be associated with the name.

The meaning of the name Lily for a girl can be briefly found out by studying Latin sources. It is in them that this name is most often mentioned. It has several interpretations - "immortal", "innocent", "pure". Often, these values ​​alone may be enough to understand some of the baby's character traits. She will definitely be pure in her thoughts and innocent in some life situations.

What does the name Lily mean for a girl according to the church calendar

There are two sources in Orthodox literature, they just need to be studied by parents who, from the birth of a child, are going to provide him with the best. The Church Calendar is one of the most popular books among young parents, because here you can find everything you need when choosing a name. The Orthodox source provides information about what the name means, where it came from, who were its first owners. You can study the calendar for the same purpose - in addition to the basic information, they will tell in detail about the saints who bear this name, the dates of their veneration, the good deeds, thanks to which they became famous during their lifetime and were not forgotten after death.

Lily, the meaning of the name, character and fate - should we study the information provided in Orthodox literature in order to try to change fate from childhood? If we turn to old books, they will certainly give the only answer - only here you can find the most truthful and reliable data. Using detailed information, adults can, from childhood, try to cope with the child's shortcomings, increase their abilities, and apply correct upbringing.

What does the name Lily mean for a girl according to the church calendar? The meaning differs from Latin, in Orthodoxy this name has one interpretation - "God's mercy". Family crumbs can be sure - they give their baby under reliable and powerful care.

The mystery of the name Lilia, the date of the name day

How is the secret of the name Lily deciphered correctly and is there anything unusual in it? Parents should be aware that first of all it is necessary to get acquainted with the information about which saints will walk through life with their child and protect them from troubles. There are many troubles on the way of each person, and adults are not always able to prevent them. That is why one should not give up the opportunity to correct the future with the help of the saints.

Lilia will be able to celebrate the name day once a year - on August 20. Usually, relatives rush to the little birthday girl with congratulations and gifts, forgetting that more important on this holiday will be an appeal to the saint, on whom so much can depend in the life of the baby. It is imperative to ask for holy patronage together with the baby - she must remember from childhood that there is always a defender next to her, capable of protecting her from all the troubles that arise on the path of life.

The origin of the name Lilia and its meaning for children

Is the origin of the name Lilia and its meaning for children capable of influencing the events that await the girl in the near future? It is not necessary to study the many sources that can provide information on the origin - it does not matter. You only need to know the meaning and features associated with it. Usually, character traits and events for which fate will be generous are enough to help the child in the future. Most often, general information about the country from which the name spread is necessary simply in order to satisfy the curiosity of the baby. She will certainly ask why the parents chose this name.

Finding out the meaning of the name is simply necessary for many reasons. One of them is that the character of the baby may depend on this feature. If you understand in advance the shortcomings that appear thanks to the name, you can try to stop them at an early age. Usually, with the help of relatives, the child forgets about his negative character trait, which will certainly be useful in adult life.

The character of a girl named Lilia

Will the character of a girl named Lilia be able to upset with her shortcomings? Adults will certainly be pleased that, thanks to the name, she will receive many advantages that they will notice even in childhood. Among the positive qualities are usually distinguished:

  1. benevolence;
  2. decency;
  3. integrity;
  4. good breeding;
  5. quick wits;
  6. activity;
  7. wit;
  8. hard work.

The negative traits include the girl's slowness. She will do what her parents, teachers, and her superiors demand of her, but this process is so slow and lengthy that everyone gets tired of waiting. They try to do most of the work in her place. Parents do not need to put up with this disadvantage - it can be eradicated as early as childhood.

The fate of a girl named Lilia

Will the fate of a girl named Lilia be favorable to the baby? If she chooses the right specialty, then even this may be enough for most of the problems and difficulties to disappear on their own. You need to choose among the following professions:

  1. medic;
  2. manager;
  3. consultant;
  4. teacher;
  5. musician.

Lilia is good at doing business in business, but it is better not to trust her with large sums of money - her intuition, which may be the most important in investing, is lame. That is why it is better for her to confine herself to simple positions that do not require handling money.

At first, Lilia's family life may not go well - she can hardly get used to the fact that she is no longer alone - not to get enough sleep and not to do personal affairs at the time when it is necessary to cook or clean. Despite this, the young woman quickly gets used to the role of a spouse and copes with it with dignity.

Birthday Lilies
Women named Lilia celebrate their name day on March 22. The patron saint is the martyr Lilia.
The meaning of the name Lily
Lily means "white flower" (translation of the name Lily from Latin).
The origin of the name Lilia
Analysis of the mystery of the name Lily makes sense to start with its origin. The history of the name Lilia has ancient Greek roots and comes from the Latin name for the flower "lilium" - lily.
What does the name Lilia mean by P. Rouge
In accordance with the interpretation of the name Lily by P. Rouge, the main features of women bearing such a name are will, intelligence, intuition and sociability.
Type: Lilia has a lot of self-importance and is great at adapting to circumstances. Even in the most desperate situations, the girls bearing this name do not lose their presence of mind.
Psyche: the nature of the name Lily can be attributed to the introverted. Very often he does not say what he thinks, and often does not do what he says. Lily is very balanced and almost never gives in to someone else's influence.
Will: Pretty strong and very well organized. For the sake of her interests, Lilia can pretend that she does not understand what you are talking about or will say that she is not able to do something.
Reaction speed: a little slow, but nevertheless, when required, Lily is able to make lightning decisions.
Field of activity: Lily always needs to know what she is working for. And if she thinks that the work is not meaningless, then she will definitely bring the matter to the end. Lily can make a wonderful TV or radio reporter. But deep down he dreams of becoming an investigator or even an intelligence officer.
Intuition: thanks to her well-developed intuition, Lilia is able to choose her environment.
Susceptibility: often wants to surrender to his feelings, but tries to always keep himself in hand.
Activity: Lily will stop at nothing in order to achieve her goal. In life, she is often accompanied by good luck and success.
Sociability: Has the gift of getting to know people quickly.
Characteristics of the name Lilia according to B. Khigir
According to the description of the name Lilia by Boris Khigir, women with this name are most often pretty and fragile. They seem calm and unassuming, but in fact they are full of stubbornness and uncontrollability.
Lilia tries to pay the most attention to herself, especially during an illness. Then the whole world should revolve around her and Lily will do everything to make him revolve. She loves to be sympathized with and regretted, even when there is no reason for this.
Lilia's husband must unquestioningly fulfill all her desires and requirements. On his shoulders are often the responsibilities of washing dishes and cleaning the house. And at this time, without hesitation, she can spend money right and left, first of all on herself.
Derivatives of the name Lilia
Variants of the name Lily: Lily, Liliana.
Diminutive names of Lilia: Lilyunya, Lilyusya, Lilyukha, Lilyusha, Lilechka.
The name Lily in different languages
Lily's name in English: Lily (Lily).
Lily's name in German: Lilia (Lily).
Lily's name in Italian: Giglia (Giglia).
Famous Lilies:

Lilia Vaygina-Efremova is a biathlete.

Lilia Tolmacheva - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, director, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Lilia Skala is an Austro-American actress.
Lilia Gildeeva is a Russian TV journalist.
Lilia Cabral is a Brazilian actress.
Lilia Kornilova is a Russian theater actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Lilya Brik is the "muse" of Vladimir Mayakovsky. And this is me ... not a celebrity yet !!! But also a muse ...

Lilia's birthday is the day when a saint with this name is honored. When they are celebrated, what does the name mean, who was the first owner? All these questions will be answered in this article.

When a girl is born, her parents call her a beautiful name that reminds of a beautiful lily flower. What awaits in the lives of the girls who were given the name Lilia? There is a lot of information about this.

Lilies, whose name day the Orthodox Church celebrates several times a year, are distinguished by aristocracy and emotional flexibility, rich in imagination and a penchant for inventions. The origin of the name is beyond doubt. This is the Latin translation for "white flower".

Birthday greetings to Lilia

Lily, you are the color of our life! May you live sweetly and without troubles, you will be illuminated by the sun's light, young, beautiful, in love!

On the day of your wonderful name-day, ultramarines are poured from heaven, toasts are said in your honor, and there are countless holiday gifts.

Kind, sympathetic Lilya, may your whole life be happy! Never give up adversity! Rejoice, dance and smile!

Angel days

When the parents gave the newborn baby this luxurious flower name, they naturally begin to be interested in the question of what days to celebrate the daughter's angel day.

Lilia's birthday is celebrated several times a year:

  • on the second, nineteenth and twentieth day of June;
  • on the twenty-fourth day of August;
  • on the tenth day of September;
  • on the twenty-eighth day of December.

Therefore, you can choose the date that is closer to the day on which the baby was born. The birthday of Lilia, as can be seen from the above list, is celebrated in summer, autumn and winter.

For girls named Lilia, a shade of brown is considered a happy color, which contributes to the development of patience of character. When choosing a stone that will become Lily's talisman, it will be successful if you give preference to jasper. This stone will be able to protect girls and bring them happiness.

The patron saint of this name is Susanna of Salerno and Roman. The birthday of the latter is celebrated on 24 August.

First name

Lily in ancient times was called Leah. The Hebrew translation meant "sheep." The first known Leah, according to the biblical text, is the wife of Jacob from the Old Testament.

To date, very little information has been preserved about the life of the Old Testament Leah. She is mentioned in Genesis as the wife of the patriarch. The acquaintance with the girl took place at the house of the mother's brother of the future patriarch. There he met his two daughters: Leah and Rachel. Leah had poor eyesight, Rachel's beauty overshadowed everything.

It is quite natural that Jacob liked the beauty, and he asked her father for Rachel's hand, promising that he would serve him for seven years. After this time, the father threw a feast and at the end of the celebration gave Jacob the eldest daughter, Leah. Only in the morning did Jacob realize that he had been deceived. But the father motivated his behavior by the fact that the tradition prohibits the marriage of the youngest of his daughters while the eldest is still free.

An enterprising father offered Jacob to serve him for another seven years in order to get a second daughter as his wife. And he agreed, never falling in love with Leah, despite the fact that the spouses had six children over the years. After seven years of service, the loser groom got what he wanted, but he and Rachel did not have offspring for a long time.

Leah was righteous and devoted to her husband. She knew that Jacob was destined to become the father of twelve sons, so that their descendants would become the founders of the people of Israel. Therefore, the woman prayed to the Lord that Rachel would have sons. Consequently, this patriarch, revered by the Christian church, had two wives, who bore him twelve sons.

For her nobility, Leah is called the holy foremother. Her resting place after her death was Hebron, where the Cave of the Patriarchs is located.

The day of remembrance of the foremother of the people of Israel is considered to be seven and fourteen days before Christmas. This is the day of the angel Lily.

Name and destiny

Each name can influence the character and fate of its bearer. It is considered special and unique, providing its owner with certain features. The mystery of women's names has always been of great interest.

According to the church calendar, Lily's birthday is celebrated several times a year. The girl, despite the tenderness of the sound of her name, by nature, can become a tyrant for the family. She tends to show all the delights of her character. A beautiful, sweet appearance hides a complex character with whims and mood swings from lively laughter to sudden tears. To achieve their own goals, such ladies are ready for a lot. She confidently manipulates adults, knowing her own worth.

From an early age, Lilies are distinguished by their femininity, neatness and development beyond their age. Such girls are very demanding of their appearance, good students, persistent and purposeful. They demand constant replenishment of their wardrobe from their parents, as they love outfits and can spend hours spinning in front of the mirror.


For friends, Lily can seem like a bore, the reason for which is the prudence of the girl. A young beauty, as a rule, has many admirers. Having successfully married, Lilies bloom even more, acquiring the best outfits and expensive jewelry.

It is interesting to communicate with Lilies on various topics, they have good taste and know how to behave. She not only does a great housekeeping, but also manages to look great at the same time. Both the children and the husband are not without her attention. The character of a woman is easy-going, she does not harbor resentment. Constant friends appear with Lilia, as a rule, closer to maturity. Some timidity and slowness can be considered negative manifestations of character, but this is more than offset by a host of advantages.

Let's summarize

The female name Lilia means "white flower" in the ancient Greek interpretation. In the Hebrew language, there is the name Leah, which was given to one of the spouses of the Patriarch Jacob, who bore him sons - the founders of the Israelite people.

Name days are celebrated several times a year, including on 24 August. If the parents gave the baby such a name, this date can be considered the day of the child's angel. It was then that the name day of Lilia is celebrated in Orthodoxy.

Lilies are very purposeful and persistent in nature, which requires a lot of patience from their environment. But these girls know what they want out of life. In the future, they become wonderful wives and housewives, who manage to keep the house in order and take care of their appearance.

Choosing a beautiful name Lilia is a great option for a newborn girl.

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