Download skyrim mods for familiar faces. Ba! All familiar faces! What will not be saved

doors 01.12.2021

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Familiar Faces

Game platform: TES V: Skyrim Legendary Edition
English title: Familiar Faces
Russian name: Familiar faces
Current version: 1.1.5
Mod language: Russian
The size: 23.5 MB


The modification provides the player with the opportunity to create a monument to himself, to his beloved and to recruit a team of associates, consisting entirely of himself. You can make yourself your opponent and kill yourself. You can take yourself as a companion and as a wife.
To do this, you need to visit the "Sanctuary of Heroes", where you will find your incarnations from other playthroughs of the game, from other saves.
The mod is highly recommended for people with mental disabilities.​


Registration Manager:

  • Replaces the former "Location" item with a system for managing the placement of your heroes when they are imported.
  • The character will be listed where they used the Portal Stone (remembered in their save file), and will appear there (by default) when they are imported into another game.
  • All imported registrations are available for viewing through the MCM menu. Any character can be assigned any residence and, in most cases, one residence can be assigned to several characters at the same time. In other words, the modification gives you the opportunity to create your own - in the full sense of the word - army.
  • Additional user registrations can be created by simply traveling to the desired location and reusing the Portal Stone at the destination. This will add the current location as a residence.
  • Characters can also be assigned to travel from city to city rather than live in one place.
  • Registrations are stored in their own file and are common to all your saved games.

NPC behavior:

  • Characters will use IdleMarkers, which will provide them with more appropriate behavior depending on their place of residence.
  • Villages or cities. The character will go from store to store, visit neighbors when their doors are open, visit an inn or temple if there is one in his place of residence, and sleep if he can find a free bed.
  • Guild houses. Characters with a residence within or near guild houses will behave like members of that guild, eating and sleeping there if there is room. Characteristically, the characters will try to do this even in cases where the guild in the current passage is not open to you or is hostile to you.
  • Dungeons. Friendly characters will be waiting outside the entrance to the dungeon. They will also be able to attempt to advance deeper into the dungeon (if they were originally saved there), but will not be able to get through locked doors that they cannot open or unlock (such as those closed by puzzles or dragon claws).
  • Travelers. Characters can travel from city to city. By default, this will be done by those characters that were not assigned a registration during import.
  • presets. Some preset locations have specially customized AI packs that extend the behavior of imported characters according to the location. For example, a character registered in the College of Winterhold will spend some time practicing magic in the Hall of Elements or reading books in the Arcaneum. These advanced presets will only apply to the first character in a given registration, the rest will use the general AI package described above. Due to the time it takes to create these presets, the number of locations with extended presets is limited.

Armor repaint:

  • Full support for recoloring armor from the latest versions of RaceMenu/NIOverride. Requires RaceMenu 2.9.1 or higher.

Character abilities:

  • Companion character auto-leveling can be disabled, which allows your character to keep the same stats that he had at the time of import.
  • You can take yourself as a companion. To do this, check the "Summon" box next to your character's name on the "Shrine" page in the MCM menu.
  • It is possible to assign to the characters the equipment that he had when importing: he will not wear anything else.


  • All spells are stored in the character's data. Spell filtering is carried out at the time of loading.
  • A separate global option has been introduced for characters to use self-healing spells and magical armor, if they know them, regardless of the use of spells of other schools and types of magic.
  • Added an option to load spells from third party mods in the MCM menu. The "Select Mods" option will load spells from certain compatible mods or use spells explicitly listed as compatible by the mod's author ( see spell compatibility section below). The "All Mods" option will attempt to load all of the character's spells at the time of saving. This option is not recommended for general use, since many mods introduce "conditional" magical abilities that are only needed to implement their own functionality or complete quests, and, as a result, are intended only for use by the main character.


  • Added a global option to automatically turn off screams when your characters are in town. It really helps to save the life of your Dragonborn.
  • You can limit the use of shouts by your characters only to the list that your Dovahkiin knows.
  • Shouts "Summon Storm" and "Incarnation of the Dragon" can be completely disabled for all imported characters.

MCM menu:

  • An overview of what mods are required to properly recreate a character can be seen on their page in the MCM menu.
  • The "Sanctuary of Heroes" page allows you to call your character from the "Sanctuary" without visiting it. This can also be used to create a doppelgänger of your Dragonborn.
  • Resetting individual Alcoves can be done on the "Sanctuary of Heroes" page by scrolling the list of characters to the end. This can be used to clear a blocked Alcove.
  • Tracking can now be turned on or off for all characters at once.
  • Added pages "Registers", global options and debugging.


  • All mod configuration files are now stored in the My Games/Skyrim folder instead of Data/vMYC.
  • Loading spells, perks, shouts, and unequipped character ammo has been delayed until they are directly loaded into the world. This greatly reduces the boot time and reduces the occurrence of problems in the "Sanctuary".
  • Character files now contain lists of mods and outfits needed to work correctly. Any missing mods will be shown in the character's MCM panel. If the required mods are installed later, the information will be updated.
  • The mod checks for write access to the Data/vMYC folder before trying to run.
  • The player will be notified if the character's .slot, .dds, or .nif files are missing; the corresponding character will be automatically deleted.
  • When choosing a character as a companion, tracking will be automatically disabled.
  • Decreased character glow duration in Heroes' Sanctuary to better match trophies.

Beginning of work:

  • After starting the game or loading it, you should get the "Portal Stone" in your inventory ( Important! The Portal Stone, as well as saving a character in the Sanctuary of Heroes, is possible only for characters with a written name in Latin). You can use this stone from the inventory (in the "Other" section, in the same place where the dragon bones and other various materials are located) to be transported to the "Sanctuary of Heroes". Activate the Dragonborn Tome in front of the empty Alcove to save your character. The save process will take some time, the duration of the process depends on how many skills, perks and values ​​your character has. The save time should never exceed a minute of real time and most often takes no more than 30 seconds.
  • After saving your character, a statue of your character will appear in the Alcove, possibly surrounded by various rewards and banners. They reflect your achievements and the paths you have chosen in your adventures in Skyrim.

Meeting your character:

  • Load a saved game with a different character. As before, use the Portal Stone (there may be some delay in its appearance in your inventory, just wait). The first time you visit the Temple, all of your previously saved characters will be loaded. This process may also take some time, depending on the number of characters and their "bulkness". Opening the Dragonborn Tomes of previously saved characters will send them out into the world as NPCs. They will all have their own registration by default, which can be changed in the MCM menu.
  • After finding and talking to the imported character, you will have the option to take him as a companion. You can also marry him or make him your opponent using the MCM menu.

Configuration / MCM menu:

  • All configuration and setup is done through the MCM menu. Not all options are applied instantly, some require you to refresh your character, causing it to flicker, sometimes multiple times. This is normal.

Character options:

  • In the MCM menu, you can change some aspects of the behavior of your characters, as well as adjust their level growth. First select the character you want to edit. This will load their saved information and display the following options:
    • Follow this character. This creates a quest marker in the Miscellaneous section that you can switch to to find your characters once they are imported into the world
    • Voice type. Changes your character's voice type. This is more important than you might think: the type of voice affects whether you can take him as a companion, marry him, or adopt children for an imported character. If you want to companion your character, you must give him the voice type " Companion". If you are using the EFF mod or another companion management mod, you can switch the voice type in FF back to their original value after joining. Otherwise, you must leave the voice type at " Companion" to access various commands for the companion character via dialogue. Users of the AFT mod: There are reports of some issues with AFT and the voice type settings. Some say that you must change the voice type, then go to another room before the changes take effect At the moment, if your companion mod allows you to switch the voice type, then it is better to use its capabilities instead of the FF settings
    • Class. Changing a character's class determines how a character's skill points are distributed as they level up. By default, imported characters will try to match their original skill set as closely as possible within the limits of their current level. This can lead to strange or unacceptable settings (for example, favoring blacksmithing and enchanting at the expense of combat skills, etc.). Classes are the same as used in the original game with the same effect on combat style and weapon preferences. In general, if your GG is not very close in level to the imported one, you can use one of these presets. Experiment to find the class that best suits your GG
    • Registration. Controls where your character will appear in the world, as well as where he will go if he is released from the companions. At the bottom of the list are custom locations ( see below section on their usage)
    • Magic. By default, the mod only imports spells for which the saved character had perks taken. This may not be exactly what you want, for example, many warriors hate magic, but use flash heals in extreme cases! Here you can disable the default behavior and manually select which schools of magic the character will have access to. Notably, this actually adds and removes spells from the character list, and will likely overwrite spells added from other mods. This point will be corrected as soon as possible. If you want to completely disable magic for your character, simply disable all options in this category.

Sanctuary of Heroes:

  • Here you can change the order in which the characters appear in the Heroes' Shrine. You can also use it to clear individual Shrines if you have more than 12 saved characters. Remember that characters are not deleted when their Sanctuary is cleared, so it's possible to have more than 12 saved characters. But only 12 of them can be present in the world at the same time. New: Since version 1.1.2, you can summon your characters (equivalent to opening their Tom) without visiting the Sanctuary! You can also reset a malfunctioning Alcove by scrolling down the list of characters and selecting "Reset".

Residence permits:

  • Registrations are used to determine where your character is registered. Registrations are created when characters are saved, based on where they used the Portal Stone. You can also create a new residence at any time by moving to the desired location and using the Portal Stone again.
  • Some registrations have presets that can provide extended character behavior. Otherwise, the general AI package will try to give the character realistic behavior based on the destination. Up to 12 characters can share the same preset, but the special behavior provided by the advanced presets will only apply to the first one. The rest will do whatever is possible in the default AI package. Please note that assigning the same residence to a large number of characters can lead to some "crowding" and slight delays in loading this area.
  • If the character is not assigned a residence, he becomes a wanderer. The wanderers follow to a random settlement, spend the night in a tavern, and the next day they head to another random place.

Global options:

  • This page in the MCM menu allows you to select default values ​​for various options and general settings for all characters. From here, you can turn off certain shouts and spells, as well as change settings regarding the display of warnings and other messages. If the function of a particular item is not clear, hover over it to get an explanation displayed at the bottom of the MCM menu page.


  • Here you can reset various parts of the mod if you are having serious problems with it, change some performance settings, or even prepare the mod for its complete removal. Resetting is an extreme case, it only makes sense to use it when you have really serious problems. Most often this is not required (and Talos will help you so that you do not have to use anything posted on this page).

What the mod does:

  • Familiar Faces allows you to create permanent copies of your character that exist independently of their saves. You can visit these copies from any of your saved games, send them out into the world to interact with them, take them as companions, marry them, or kill them.

What the mod does not do:

  • Familiar Faces is not a companion management manager. It is intended to be used in conjunction with other companion mods such as EFF, AFT, UFO.
  • Familiar Faces is not a companion generator, although it can be used to do so. The development of the mod will be aimed at improving the playability and accuracy of character duplication, and not about creating companions faster, easier or more diverse.
  • Familiar Faces is not a way to transfer items between saves. Again, he can be used for this (by pickpocketing or trading with imported characters), but this will never be a priority. The author plans to add some kind of common container that will allow you to transfer additional items between saves.

What will be saved:

  • Character appearance. The imported character will look exactly like its original. All morphs, skins and replacers supported by RaceMenu are supported by this mod because they use the same system. This includes custom colors, body tattoos, glowing signs, and other overlay features.
  • All uniforms, including its name and settings, if any, and all custom weapons, both equipped and in inventory. Weapons and armor provided by other mods are also retained. Quest items cannot be copied. Important. Saving a character in a cell is possible only if your Persian name is written in Latin..
  • All ammo in inventory, including crossbow bolts and ammo provided by other mods.
  • most of my list of spells provided that these are spells from the original game or official DLC. The list of spells can be limited through the MCM menu.
  • Imported characters will be saved and used all the screams they know, although the list has been slightly adjusted for compatibility purposes. New: Summon Storm and Avatar of the Dragon can be disabled on the general MCM menu page.
  • Imported characters will be saved all the perks they took. Some perks may have effects disabled for compatibility purposes, but most will function properly.

What will not be saved:

  • Gold, potions, scrolls, etc. Support for potions (even custom ones) is possible, planned in future versions. Most other inventory items can be traded (technically speaking), but there are good reasons not to. Full inventory transfer may become available as an option if there is demand.
  • Some Perks and Shouts are either ignored or disabled for compatibility reasons. So far they include: Slow Time, Blessing of Kynareth, and Dragon Summoning Shouts. Perks that increase decapitation chance are disabled when importing a character as an enemy, as decapitating a player causes the game to crash. Perks that are player-specific, such as Slow Time, are imported but ignored by the game.
  • Most spells added by unofficial DLC or mods. This is necessary since a huge number of non-vanilla spells are for player use only or are added for "internal use" by the mods themselves. Adding them to NPCs would cause a huge amount of problems. New. There is now support for adding safe spells from third party mods to the global compatibility list (either by me or other mod authors). See Spell Compatibility Lists for more information on this.

Technical part


  • Skyrim version
  • Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLCs are supported but not required.
  • 1.07.02 and up. If you do not have this plugin, then the mod will detect its absence and will be closed.
  • JContainers or higher is required! (already available and sewn into the mod itself).
  • 4.1 or higher. Required for MCM menus and settings.
  • 3.0 and above.
  • (see below) or

Full Compatibility:

  • Dawnguard and Dragonborn are supported but not required.
  • Extensible Follower Framework.
  • Mods that add NIOverride overlays (body tattoos, scars, glowing face tattoos, etc.) to the RaceMenu are fully supported, with the exception of the fact that overlays don't always appear on statues in the Sanctuary of Heroes. But they will appear on your character as soon as he is sent to the world.
  • Some ENB settings may interact with ImageSpaceOverrides resulting in incorrect animation effects. This can only cause cosmetic problems and only while saving the animation in the "Sanctuary of Heroes".
  • Sound and visual effects mods.
  • Mods that add weapons and armor, including craftable ones. The mod must be installed in order for the items to appear on the imported character. If it is removed, the items it adds will be removed as normal and ignored by FF.
  • Body replayers like CBBE, UNP, ADEC, 7B etc are compatible as long as they are compatible with RaceMenu.
  • Follower Commentary Overhaul if you assign a "Voice Type" to a follower via the MCM menu.

Compatibility with reservations:

  • AFT compatibility has been greatly improved, but most FF character control features will be disabled if AFT is detected.
  • This mod now excludes SkyRE perks that don't affect combat or can't be used by NPCs. This should fix a lot of compatibility issues with SkyRE. Improving SkyRE compatibility is an ongoing task.
  • Enhanced Character Edit now has experimental support. This requires RaceMenu 2.9.1 or higher to be installed along with ECE. It may be necessary to perform a Quicksave/QuickLoad to update the appearance of the character's head.
  • Dual Sheath Redux seems to work well, but sheathed swords are glitching on saved characters. This looks fixable - the author's hope and plans for the future.
  • Custom races work fine, but mods for the race itself and the skeleton for it must also be installed. In other words, races built on XPMS require XPMS to be installed, and so on. The Ningheim race has been tested as a working race, as have the Drakian race and a number of others.
  • Face changers should work if they are compatible with RaceMenu, but the characters will probably not show up properly if the mod that changed the face is removed. Which can lead to the appearance of terrifying monsters.
  • HDT body mods should work but have not been tested.


  • HDT hair physics may not work, but it may work, player feedback is contradictory, but generally negative. At least one tester reports that HDT hair physics works on the character, but not at the same time as the GG.

The mod will not be installed using NMM / MO managers, you only need to manually.​

  1. Place the Data folder from the archive in the Data folder of your game (not Data in Data, but on top of it).
  2. Confirm the merging of folders and files if required.
  3. Connect the mod in the launcher.


  • Make sure all companions provided by the FF mod are released before uninstalling the mod.
  • If you plan to reinstall the mod, leave the My Games/Skyrim/JCUser/vMYC folder intact, or at least back it up. It contains all saved character data. Otherwise...
  • If you are going to uninstall the mod correctly, use the "Shutdown" option on the Debug page in the MCM, save your game, exit and follow the instructions.
  • If you used an NMM manager during installation, uninstalling through it will work, but may leave files in Data/vYMC. If you used MO, the same files may remain in your Overwrite folder.
  • Find and delete all files and folders in Skyrim/Data using the patterns "vMYC*.*" and/or "ffutils.*" (without quotes).

Fashion quirks are inevitable, not errors:

  • The game will freeze when entering the Sanctuary of Heroes. This is a side effect of loading CharGen data and cannot be prevented. This can only happen when character models are being loaded or when changing a character class via the MCM menu.
  • Characters will disappear for a second when changing their class through the MCM menu. This is normal.
  • Saved FF characters will quickly disappear and reappear after loading their save. Before disappearing, they may be headless or have distorted faces. This is not normal, but with FF enabled it can happen.
  • Some characters in shrines may be in mannequin poses, others may not. This is due to the way Skyrim manages model loading and is hard to fix.
  • It can take almost a minute for the Portal Stone to appear in your inventory. This is normal and depends on how many characters you have saved in the Heroes Sanctuary.

Called "Project Beauty" (Project Beauty) and does just the opposite - it changes familiar faces to unfamiliar ones. Or rather, not even so ... He improves and details the familiar so much that you do not recognize them. The mod replaces almost all NPC faces with new, more sane and interesting ones. The author approached this matter very seriously and not only detailed the textures, but supplemented them with characteristic features for each character individually.

For example, Pauly Cantelli, which so much lacked drug addicted bruises and unhealthy skin:

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

I made a couple of changes to Paulie Cantelli. When I first played the game, I thought he looked too healthy and decent for a junkie. After all the conversations with him, you really feel that he is a real junkie. And I made a few changes to make him look like one.

Or, for example, Daniel Littlehorn.

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

As you can guess, I played as a negative character and picked up the "Contract Killer" perk. This perk gives you the ability to work for Mr. Daniel Littlehorn. He bash you for the cut off ears of good people. In the game, I immediately did not like the "design" of Daniel. I think for dark dealings, he looked too friendly. Even in GEK, he is labeled as a "positive character" (okay, huh?). In short, I've made a few changes to reflect his line of work.

It should be noted that all females have become especially fapable, for example May Wong:

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

To date, the faces of more than 340 NPCs(!) and updates to the mod come out almost daily. Of the key characters, the faces of the following have been updated:


Alejandra Torres

Milicent in Tenpenny

Daniel Littlehorn

Scribe Rothchild

Michael Hawthorne

Here are some more screenshots for comparison. On some it is not marked where the new version is, and where the original is, I think you yourself will distinguish:

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Ba! All familiar faces!

Thanks to this mod, you will be able to combine all your characters together. Visit the temple of heroes, where you can meet your characters from previous playthroughs of the game, create a monument to your achievements and take one of the characters with you as a true ally ... or a worthy opponent!
The Familiar Faces mod allows you to create copies of your character that will exist regardless of the save game. You can then visit copies of the characters from any save; send them out into the open world to interact, take them as companions, marry them, or kill them.
Character copies. The copies will look the same as the original hero, all models, skins and replayers supported by RaceMenu are supported by this mod. This includes: custom colors, tattoos, etc.
A copy of the hero will keep all the equipment that he is wearing, as well as the names and settings, if any, as well as all the armor and weapons that are in the inventory. Including items from other mods.
The copy will have almost all the spells of the original: only if they are from the original game or official DLC.
Also, the copy will have all your shouts, some of them do not work very correctly, but this is due to the fact that the satellite uses them.
The copy will keep all the perks you had.
What will not be saved:
Gold, potions and scrolls. The author will add potions in the next update, but the rest is too cheating and can only appear as an extra. option.
Some perks and shouts, due to compatibility reasons: for example, time dilation, etc.
What the Familiar Faces mod doesn't do:
It will not add new dialogues and will not improve interaction with companions
The modification is not a generator of custom satellites, although it can be used in this vein
The mod was not created in order to transfer items between saves, although it allows you to do this. In the future, perhaps the author will add something like a shared save chest.
How to use the mod?
After installation, you will have a teleportation stone - use it to teleport to the temple of heroes. there you will be able to write your story into books, which will result in the creation of a copy of your character. You can then access the copy from any save.
Attention! if you wrote down your story in a book, and then played again, changed your inventory, completed quests - then sign up again, adding to the story so that information about you is updated!
More flexible interaction with satellites
Installation: Unzip the archive into the Data folder.

File Description
Thanks to this mod, you will be able to combine all your characters together. Visit the temple of heroes, where you can meet your characters from previous playthroughs of the game, create a monument to your achievements and take one of the characters with you as a true ally ... or a worthy opponent!
The Familiar Faces mod allows you to create copies of your character that will exist regardless of the save game. You can then visit copies of the characters from any save; send them out into the open world to interact, take them as companions, marry them, or kill them.

Character copies. The copies will look the same as the original hero, all models, skins and replayers supported by RaceMenu are supported by this mod. This includes: custom colors, tattoos, etc.
A copy of the hero will keep all the equipment that he is wearing, as well as the names and settings, if any, as well as all the armor and weapons that are in the inventory. Including items from other mods.
The copy will have almost all the spells of the original: only if they are from the original game or official DLC.
Also, the copy will have all your shouts, some of them do not work very correctly, but this is due to the fact that the satellite uses them.
The copy will keep all the perks you had.

What will not be saved:

Gold, potions and scrolls. The author will add potions in the next update, but the rest is too cheating and can only appear as an extra. option.
Some perks and shouts, due to compatibility reasons: for example, time dilation, etc.

What the Familiar Faces mod doesn't do:

It will not add new dialogues and will not improve interaction with companions
The modification is not a generator of custom satellites, although it can be used in this vein
The mod was not created in order to transfer items between saves, although it allows you to do this. In the future, perhaps the author will add something like a shared save chest.

How to use the mod?
After installation, you will have a teleportation stone - use it to teleport to the temple of heroes. there you will be able to write your story into books, which will result in the creation of a copy of your character. You can then access the copy from any save.
Attention! if you wrote down your story in a book, and then played again, changed your inventory, completed quests - then sign up again, adding to the story so that information about you is updated!
More flexible interaction with satellites
How to install? Unpack the archive into the Data folder.

Complete update of the translation of the mod for k קaso√®

Unite all your characters together! Visit the "Sanctuary of Heroes" where you can meet your Dragonborn from other playthroughs, from other saved games of Skyrim, create a monument to their achievements, and even bring them into your world as loyal allies... or worthy opponents! Whether you're an RPG trying to tie your Skyrim stories together, or you just think it would be great to use your other characters as companions, this Familiar Faces (FF) mod is the only way to do it! You will be able to take your hero as a faithful companion who will protect you of your valuable life, you will be able to make a spouse out of your hero, and finally, make a hero out of your worst enemy in real life and teach a deadly lesson.

- Now only requires RaceMenu version 3.0 and up!
- Made the necessary changes and checks for the new version of RaceMenu 3.0 and higher
- Fixed many and various bugs related to zoom level, character growth, at least everything has been reworked more thoroughly
- Fixed a bug where trophies sometimes did not appear after saving or moving a character to the "Sanctuary of Heroes"
- Fixed a bug where the "Portal Stone" sometimes did not appear in the inventory
- Fixed a bug where imported characters would sometimes not respond or react at all when you talk to them
- Fixed a bug where notification scripts fired and didn't close, filling the screen with notifications
- Fixed a bug where the character sometimes appeared in armor, but without weapons
- From myself: I had to roll back the translation of some scripts back into English, because when translated into Russian, they did not work and were not initialized in the game, hence various conflicts and incorrect work of the mod arose, the rollback was mainly done in scripts in which there are various notifications, and so everything is completely in Russian and in the MSM menu the translation of the status of your GG had to be rolled back as well, these parameters are only visual, I think that such terms as stamina, health, level in the MSM menu will be clear to everyone, sorry, but this is a forced step ( only in MSM settings), it took a long time to find out exactly which translated scripts did not start the mod, there are a lot of them, it’s difficult to guess which scripts need to be translated and which ones don’t, so ... But everything else is completely in Russian. I checked everything in the game, the mod starts up perfectly, everything is set up in MSM, I created a Persian, assigned a residence permit, ran to the place of residence, the Persian is in place, creating a Persian in an alcove works perfectly.

- Read all changes and fixes from previous versions in the readme in the archive

New opportunities:

Registration Manager:
- It replaces the old unfinished item "Location" with a system for managing the registration of your heroes when they are imported
- The character will be registered where he used the Portal Stone (remembered in his save file), and will appear in the same place (by default) when importing him into another game
- All imported registrations are available for viewing through the MCM menu. Any character can be assigned any of the residences, and in most cases, multiple characters can be assigned the same residence. In other words, those of you who wish to build your army will now be able to do so.
- Additional custom residences can be created by simply traveling to the desired location and using the Portal Stone there again. This will add the current location as a prop
- Characters can also be assigned to travel from city to city rather than live in one place
- Registrations are stored in their own file and are common to all your saved games

Best NPC Behavior:
- Characters will use IdleMarkers, which will provide them with more appropriate behavior depending on their place of residence
- Villages or cities. The character will go from store to store, visit neighbors when their doors are open, visit a tavern or temple, if there are any in the place of registration, and sleep if he can find a free bed
- Guild houses. Characters with a residence within or near guild houses will behave most like members of that guild, eating and sleeping there if space is available. Note that they will try to do this even if the guild is not opened by you or is hostile to you in the current playthrough.
- Dungeons. Characters that are friendly to you will be waiting outside the dungeon entrance. They will also be able to attempt to advance deeper into the dungeon (if they were originally saved there), but will not be able to get through locked doors that they cannot open or unlock (such as those closed by puzzles or dragon claws)
- Travelers. Characters can also travel from city to city. This will be done by default by characters that were not assigned a propiska during import.
- Presets. Some preset locations have specially customized AI packages that will expand the behavior of imported characters, according to the place of residence. For example, a character registered in the college of Winterhold will spend some time practicing magic in the Hall of the Elements, or reading in the Arcanium. These advanced presets will only apply to the first character in a given registration, the rest will use the general AI package described above. Due to the time consuming creation of these presets, the number of locations with extended presets is limited.

Armor repaint:
- Armor repainting from latest versions of RaceMenu/NIOverride is now fully supported. This requires RaceMenu 2.9.1 or higher!

Character abilities:
- Companion character auto-leveling can be disabled. This allows your character to keep the same stats that he had at the time of import, regardless of the increase in the GG level.
- Now you can take yourself as a companion. To do this, simply check the "Summon" box next to your character's name on the Shrine page of the MCM.
- You can pin character outfits so they don't use anything other than the original items they were wearing when they were imported

- Absolutely all spells are now saved in the character data. Spell filtering is now done at load time
- Introduced a separate global option for characters to use healing spells (themselves) and magical armor if they know them, regardless of the use of spells of other magics
- Added option to load spell from third party mods in MCM menu. The "Select Mods" option will load spells from certain compatible mods or use spells explicitly listed as compatible by the mod's author (see the spell compatibility section below). The "All Mods" option will attempt to load all of the character's spells at the time of saving. This option is not recommended for general use, as many mods introduce "conditional" magical abilities that are only needed to implement their own functionality or complete quests, and as a result, are intended only for use by the GG

- A global option has been added to automatically turn off screams when your characters are in the city. It really helps to keep your GG alive
- Now you can limit the use of shouts by your characters only to the list that your GG knows
- Shouts "Summon Storm" and "Incarnation of the Dragon" can now be completely disabled for all imported characters

MCM menu:
- A report on which mods are needed to properly recreate a character can be seen on their page in the MCM menu
- The "Sanctuary of Heroes" page now allows you to summon your character from the Sanctuary without visiting it. This can also be used to get a twin of GG
- Resetting individual Alcoves can be done on the "Sanctuary of Heroes" page by scrolling the list of characters to the end. This can be used to clear a blocked Alcove
- Tracking can now be turned on or off for all characters at once
- Added pages "Registers", global options and debugging

- All mod config files are now stored in My Games/Skyrim folder instead of Data/vMYC
- Accelerated initial loading of character files
- Loading of spells, perks, shouts and unequipped character equipment is now delayed until they are directly loaded into the world. This greatly reduces the bootstrapping time and reduces the occurrence of problems in the Sanctuary.
- Character files now contain lists of mods and outfits needed to work correctly. Any missing mods will be shown in the character's MCM panel. If the required mods are installed later, the information will be updated.
- The mod now checks for write access to the Data/vMYC folder before trying to run
- The player will be notified if there are no .slot, .dds or .nif character files, the corresponding character will be automatically deleted
- When choosing a character as a companion, its tracking will be automatically disabled
- Reduced character glow duration in Heroes Sanctuary to better match trophies

Beginning of work:
- Shortly after starting the game or loading it, you should get the "Portal Stone" in your inventory ( IMPORTANT!!! The Portal Stone, as well as saving a character in the Sanctuary of Heroes, is possible only for characters with an English name (the name of the Persian must be written in Latin letters). You can use this stone from the inventory (in the Other section, in the same place where the dragon bones and other various materials are located) to be transported to the "Sanctuary of Heroes". Activate the Dragonborn Tome in front of the empty Alcove to save your character. The save process will take some time, the duration depends on how many skills, perks and values ​​your character has. The save time should never exceed a minute of real time and most often takes no more than 30 seconds.
- Once your character has been saved in the Alcove, a statue of your character will appear, possibly surrounded by various awards and banners. They reflect your achievements and the paths you have chosen in your adventures in Skyrim. List of available trophies

Meeting your character:
- Now the fun part! Load a saved game with a different character. As before, use the Portal Stone (there may be some delay in its appearance in your inventory, just wait). The first time you visit the Temple, all of your previously saved characters will be loaded. This process may also take some time, depending on the number of characters and their "bulkness". Opening the Dragonborn Tomes of previously saved characters will send them out into the world as NPCs. They will all have their own registration by default, which can be changed in the MCM menu
- After finding and talking to the imported character, you will be able to take him as a companion. You can also marry him or make him your worst enemy using the MCM menu

Configuration/MCM menu:
- All configuration and setup is done through the MCM menu. Not all options are applied instantly, some require you to refresh your character, causing it to flicker, sometimes multiple times. This is normal

Character options:
- In the MCM menu, you can change some aspects of the behavior of your characters, as well as adjust their level growth. First select the character you want to edit. This will load their saved information and display the following options:
- Track this character. This creates a quest marker in the Miscellaneous section that you can switch to to find your characters once they are imported into the world
- Type of voice. Changes your character's voice type. This is more important than you might think: the type of voice affects whether you can take him as a companion, marry him, or adopt children for an imported character.
- If you want to take your character as a companion, you must give him the voice type "Companion". If you are using the EFF mod or another companion management mod, you can switch the voice type in FF back to their original value after joining. Otherwise, you must leave the voice type set to "Companion" in order to access various commands to the companion character through dialogue. AFT mod users: I have information about some issues with AFT and voice type settings. Some people say that you have to change the voice type, then go to another room before the change takes effect. I'm not sure and this is subject to further testing. At the moment, if your companion mod allows you to switch the voice type, then it is better to use its capabilities instead of the FF settings
- Class. Changing a character's class determines how a character's skill points are distributed as they level up. By default, imported characters will try to match their original skill set as closely as possible within the limits of their current level. This can lead to strange or unacceptable settings (for example, favoring blacksmithing and enchanting at the expense of combat skills, etc.). Classes are the same as used in the original game with the same effect on combat style and weapon preferences. In general, if your GG is not very close in level to the imported one, you can use one of these presets. Experiment to find the class that works best for your GG.
- Residence permits. Controls where your character will appear in the world, as well as where he will go if he is released from the companions. At the bottom of the list are custom locations. See below for a section on how to use them.
- Magic. By default, the mod only imports spells for which the saved character had perks taken. This may not be exactly what you want, for example, many magic-hating warriors still use flash heals in extreme cases! Here you can disable the default behavior and manually select which schools of magic the character will have access to. Note that this actually adds and removes spells from the character list, and will likely overwrite spells added from other mods. This point will be corrected as soon as possible. If you want to completely disable magic for your character, simply disable all options in this category.

Sanctuary of Heroes:
- Here you can change the order in which the characters appear in the Sanctuary of Heroes. You can also use it to clear individual Shrines if you have more than 12 saved characters. Remember that characters are not deleted when their Sanctuary is cleared, so it's possible to have more than 12 saved characters. But only 12 of them can be present in the world at the same time. New: Since version 1.1.2, you can summon your characters (equivalent to opening their Tom) without visiting the Sanctuary! You can also reset a malfunctioning Alcove by scrolling down the list of characters and selecting "Reset"

Residence permits:
- Registrations - used to determine where your character is registered! Registrations are created when characters are saved, based on where they used the Portal Stone. You can also create a new residence at any time by simply moving to the desired location and using the Portal Stone again
- Some registrations have presets that can provide extended character behavior. Otherwise, the general AI package will try to give the character realistic behavior based on the destination. Up to 12 characters can share the same preset, but the special behavior provided by the advanced presets will only apply to the first one. The rest will do whatever is possible in the default AI package. Please note that assigning the same residence to a large number of characters can lead to some "crowding" and slight delays in loading this area.
- If the character is not assigned a residence, he becomes a wanderer. The wanderers follow to a random settlement, spend the night in a tavern, and the next day they head to another random place

Global options:
- This page in the MCM menu allows you to select default values ​​for various options and general settings for all characters. From here, you can turn off certain shouts and spells, as well as change settings regarding the display of warnings and other messages. If the function of a particular item is not clear, hover over it to get an explanation displayed at the bottom of the MCM menu page

- Here you can reset various parts of the mod if there are serious problems with it, change some performance settings or even prepare the mod for its complete removal. Resetting is an extreme case, it only makes sense to use it when you have really serious problems. Under normal conditions, this is usually not required (and Talos will help you so that you do not have to use anything posted on this page) ...

What this mod does:
- FF allows you to create permanent copies of your character that exist independently of their saves. You can visit these copies from any of your saved games, send them out into the world to interact with them, take them as companions, marry them, or kill them.

What will be saved:
- Appearance of the character. The imported character will look exactly like their original. All morphs, skins and repeaters supported by RaceMenu are supported by this mod because they use the same system. This includes custom colors, body tattoos, glow marks and other overlay features.
- All outfits, including their names and settings, if any, as well as all custom weapons, both equipped and in inventory. Weapons and armor provided by other mods are also retained. Quest items cannot be copied. IMPORTANT!!! Saving a character in a cell is possible only if your Persian name is written in English!!!
- All ammo in inventory, including crossbow bolts and ammo provided by other mods
- Imported characters will retain most of their spell roster, provided they are spells from the original game or official DLC. Spell list can be limited via MCM menu
- Imported characters will keep and use all the Shouts they know, although the list has been slightly adjusted for compatibility. New: Summon Storm and Avatar of the Dragon can be disabled on the general MCM menu page.
- Imported characters will retain all the perks they have taken. Some perks may have effects disabled for compatibility purposes, but most will function properly

What will not be saved:
- Gold and other items such as potions and scrolls. Support for potions (even custom ones) is possible, planned in future versions. Most other inventory items can be traded (technically speaking), but there are good reasons not to. Full inventory transfer may become available as an option if there is demand.
- Some perks and shouts are either ignored or disabled for compatibility reasons. So far they include: Slow Time, Blessing of Kynareth, and Dragon Summoning Shouts. Perks that increase decapitation chance are disabled when importing a character as an enemy, as decapitating a player causes the game to crash. Perks that are player-specific, such as Slow Time, are imported but ignored by the game.
- Most spells added by unofficial DLC/mods. Unfortunately, as a spellwriter and collector, this is frustrating for me, but necessary. A huge number of non-vanilla spells are for player use only or are added for "internal use" by the mods themselves. Adding them to NPCs would cause a huge amount of problems. New. There is now support for adding safe spells from third party mods to the global compatibility list (either by me or other mod authors). See Spell Compatibility Lists for more information on this!

What the mod does not do:
- FF is not a companion management manager. It is intended to be used in conjunction with other companion management mods such as EFF, AFT, UFO.
- FF is not a companion generator, although it can be used for that. The development of the mod will focus on improving the playability and accuracy of character duplication, and not on creating companions faster, easier or more diverse.
- FF is not a way to transfer items between saves. Again, he can be used for this (by pickpocketing or trading with imported characters), but this will never be a priority. I am, however, planning to add some sort of shared container that will allow additional items to be passed between saves.

- FF should work better with AFT. Note. This is achieved by disabling the management of almost all stats, spells, and perks provided in this FF mod. In this case, the capabilities of the AFT mod must be used to manage them.
- FF now works with latest EFF beta and should update names in UI panels much faster
- Mods that add spells to the game can now tell FF if those spells can be safely loaded when importing characters. Spell Compatibility List is below

- Latest version of Skyrim
- DLC Dawnguard and Dragonborn are supported but not required
- and above, if you do not have SKSE, then the mod will detect the absence of SKSE and will be closed
- JContainers or higher is required! (already available and sewn into the mod itself)
- or higher. Required for MCM menus and settings
- and higher

Question: I am getting a warning about SKSE/JContainers/CHARGEN!
- Answer: Please see the requirements list above and make sure you have the latest versions of all required mods/extensions installed.

Spell Compatibility Lists:
- If you are a mod author and want this mod to load (or ignore) spells from your mod when importing characters, you can add those spells to the following Formlists:
- vMYC_ModCompatibility_SpellList_Unsafe (0x02024c6c): Spells added to this list will never be loaded, even if the character knows them and "Allow All Mods" is enabled. This list overwrites all others.
- vMYC_ModCompatibility_SpellList_Safe (0x02024c6b): Spells added to this list will be loaded if the character knows them and "Allow Selected Mods" or "Allow All Mods" are enabled.
- vMYC_ModCompatibility_SpellList_Healing (0x02024c6d): Only self-healing spells that can be safely used by NPCs should be added to this list. They will be loaded if the character knows them and "Always allow healing" is enabled.
- vMYC_ModCompatibility_SpellList_Armor (0x02024c6e): Only magic armor spells that apply on self and can be safely used by NPCs should be added to this list. They will be loaded if the character knows them and "Always allow magical armor spells" is enabled.

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