Energy diet side effects. Energy diet cocktail "banana" - "all the pros and cons of the energy diet. objectively. there are cheaper alternatives. How it works

Water supply 17.12.2021
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I am a mother with two small children. Childbirth, feeding, sitting at home alternately in two decrees did their job. There were extra pounds. Of course, the reflection in the mirror did not please me, and so I decided to take care of my figure.

I learned about the Energy Diet from a friend and decided to try it. She became a consultant herself, so you can receive bonuses and can come out cheaper.

A jar of Energy Diet is a dry cocktail that needs to be mixed in a blender with 200 ml of milk. Only 15 servings. And the jar itself costs no less than 2200 rubles. It turns out that a serving is 146 rubles. Plus milk. It seems to be nothing, if you calculate how much we spend on snacks on the run and in different canteens, but the price still bites.

What the manufacturer promises:

Just one serving of Energy Diet per day but regularly. What is the result?

  • In every serving - everything you need for correct operation organism: a balanced set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, fiber, 12 vitamins and 11 minerals.
  • Diet without hunger and nutritional deficiencies.
  • Proper eating habits overeating stops you eat less and still feel full.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Quick Recovery after physical activity.
  • Great health and energy boost.

A smoothie should not be your only source of nutrition. Eat regular meals at least once a day and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before drinking a cocktail.

Here is the composition of the banana smoothie. Not bad. There are vitamins, minerals, everything you need. Only per serving 211 kcal.

I have tried different flavors. I took mostly sweets. Liked banana, vanilla, melon (Smart Energy). From chocolate, at first I had sores in my mouth, then they disappeared. So be careful.

I didn’t try hearty flavors, I always wanted to take mushrooms (I’m a mushroom maniac. I can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner), but they turned out to be so scarce that I never got to try them.

For myself, I concluded that I would not systematically buy them. Too expensive.

And recently I found a cheaper one on iherb analogue such a meal replacement - worth everything 658 rubles . Only 43 rubles per serving versus 146 - is there a difference?. Chocolate Flavored - NovaForme, Soy Complete Protein Weight Loss Meal Replacement . Also 15 servings and 140 kcal in one serving. It also contains vitamins. In general, there are many such cocktails on herb. I already ordered. But then she stopped, fearing that the package does not say that there are no GMOs (be careful when choosing). It is definitely not in this cocktail, so I ordered it and a parcel will come to me soon. I'll write my review later.

In the market of healthy, sports and diet food Recently, a leader has appeared - Energy Diet, which is a carefully designed system based on the use of concentrates with different tastes. All products included in this line are functional and balanced.

The task of the technique is the normalization of metabolism, which leads to weight loss, which does not return in the future. These multi-colored jars differ from dubious dietary supplements for weight loss in that they have passed many scientific and laboratory tests and have received the approval of both specialists and ordinary people.

What it is

To decide to lose weight in such an unusual way, first you need to understand what the Energy Diet is:

  • a full-fledged, balanced from the point of view of JBU substitute for any meal in the form of dry concentrates, which, after dilution with milk, become a healthy and tasty dish;
  • "smart food", which itself finds problems inside the body and directs its power to eliminate them;
  • a program for maintaining health, energy, maintaining a slim figure without debilitating diets and their harmful effects on the body.

These products are manufactured in France and undergo the strictest quality control, having certificates of conformity to Russian and European standards.

Quality assurance. Energy diet products are labeled non-GMI. They have passed the state registration procedure, have undergone all kinds of research at the State Research Institute of Nutrition and at the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

How it works

How does weight loss happen? Diet based on the Energy Diet:

  • easily optimizes daily calorie content;
  • provides the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, fiber, trace elements;
  • diverse, not annoying and not disgusting, as it includes a large assortment of cocktails with different tastes that can be mixed with each other;
  • thanks to fiber and enzymes, promotes healthy digestion;
  • cleans the intestines from toxins;
  • removes toxins;
  • changes eating habits;
  • improves well-being;
  • due to a sufficient amount of protein and dietary fiber, gives a long feeling of satiety;
  • Helps control junk food cravings.

But the main function of energy diets is the normalization of metabolism, violations of which most often cause obesity. If you follow the weight loss program developed by the manufacturers, you can achieve good results and keep them in the future.

General information. For sale ED in the territory different countries products must comply with their laws. For example, in France guarana is allowed in cocktails, while in Russia it is not. So this component is absent in the games for the Russian Federation. But in French concentrates, its amount is minimal, and this does not change the taste of the product itself, so no differences are felt.


These concentrates are functional nutrition that fully meets the requirements of proper and healthy food. By using these products, losing weight receives the optimal amount of amino acids, BJU, vitamins, dietary fiber, micronutrients, and biologically active substances. The composition of the cocktail includes many useful components.

  • Squirrels

There are animal proteins (from milk) and vegetable proteins (from soy and peas). Each cocktail contains 18 amino acids that are not synthesized human body on their own, and get into it only from food.

  • Fats

Fats in energy diet cocktails are represented by soybean oil, which contains about 30 trace elements. Among them are linoleic acid and vitamin E1, which inhibit the growth cancer cells. But there are no animal fats in them, so there is no need to be afraid of bad cholesterol.

  • Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are represented by glucose, which is quickly absorbed; maltodextrin and starch, saturating the body on long time. Their number is strictly balanced. Their main task is to provide the muscles and brain with nutrition, which prevents fatigue and decreased performance during weight loss.

  • Cellulose

To cleanse the intestines and maintain the normal microflora of the stomach, fiber is present in cocktails. It is represented by gum and chicory inulin.

  • royal jelly

This is the literal translation of the ED ingredient, although the name “royal jelly” is more familiar to our ears. The bees feed their larvae with it. As part of cocktails, it stabilizes the emotional state, strengthens the immune system, and increases resistance to adverse external factors. Thanks to him, the tissues receive more oxygen.

In addition to these ingredients, energy diet products contain minerals, vitamins (nourish and optimize metabolism); Caribbean cherry (acerol), which saturates the body with ascorbic acid; a complex of High Digestibility enzymes, which contributes to the rapid and complete absorption of proteins.

However, the composition of each product may differ slightly from this general list. Therefore, study the packaging, where all this is prescribed in more detail.

On a note. In 1 bank of ED there are the same:

  • calciferol, as in 3 liters of milk;
  • calcium, as in half a liter of kefir;
  • ascorbic acid, as in 300 grams of apples / 500 grams of eggplant;
  • tocopherol, as in 800 grams of cottage cheese;
  • niacin, like 2.5 kg of apples / 1 kg of rose hips / 120 g of beef;
  • protein, as in 2 eggs / 500 ml milk / 70 g beef / 50 g cheese;
  • iron, as in 700 grams of peas / 2 liters of apple juice / 200 grams of raisins / 600 grams of onions / 300 grams of chicken.


Energy diet cocktails have a rather powerful effect on the body, which must be constantly kept under control. This is not a dietary supplement that you drank when you wanted, and you are waiting for weight loss. The nutrition system requires strict adherence to the program. And if you ignore it, the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

The products of this line have a lot of warnings - contraindications that should be previously studied. These include:

  • impaired synthesis of enzymes;
  • enteritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • heart failure;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, pancreas;
  • acute gastritis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • allergy to cocktail components;
  • insomnia;
  • metabolic syndrome.

For various Energy Diet products, these contraindications may be extended. For example, Cappuccino and Coffee cocktails contain caffeine, which will harm the bodies of children, the elderly, people with increased nervous excitability, and hypertensive patients. So this weight loss system is still designed for those who do not have any health problems.

In the presence of any diseases (acute and chronic), permission to use these concentrates must be obtained from a doctor. Otherwise, there may be side effects, among which are most often observed:

  • tachycardia;
  • weight gain, not weight loss;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • increase in pressure;
  • nausea;
  • shortness of breath, etc.

Such troubles are possible if you use cocktails haphazardly, ignoring the instructions for their use and contraindications.

Pros and cons

Like any weight loss system, Energy Diet has both positive and negative properties. They must be taken into account even before buying, so as not to waste money in vain.


  • It is a complete replacement for 1 meal;
  • can be used constantly without addiction;
  • variety of programs;
  • a wide range of flavors;
  • an ideal balance of substances, including a combination of vegetable and animal proteins;
  • easy absorption;
  • availability of all kinds of quality certificates and confirmation of effectiveness;
  • calorie control;
  • the formation of proper eating habits;
  • replenishment of energy;
  • weight loss without hunger.


  • High cost (2,200-2,300 rubles per can);
  • the menu, despite all the variety, quickly becomes boring;
  • the complexity of the acquisition;
  • mandatory physical activity;
  • intrusive marketing;
  • chemical additives;
  • duration of weight loss (minimum - 3 months).

For all its disadvantages, energy diets - perfect solution problems of excess weight in conditions of lack of time and a busy schedule, when there is no time to eat. A portion of the concentrate can be taken to work and on the road to keep the stomach healthy.

Rules of use

  1. It is better to dilute concentrates with 1.5% milk.
  2. Its temperature should not exceed 60 °C.
  3. To prepare a sweet cocktail, it is better to take cold milk. Leave warm for soups, mashed potatoes, cereals.
  4. 1 measuring spoon = 30 gr = 1 serving diluted in a glass of liquid.
  5. Without physical activity, food will not work. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you have to seriously go in for sports (start with).
  6. Protein energy shakes for weight loss are recommended to drink within 2 hours after sports activities. A balanced mixture will form muscles, not fat folds.
  7. ED can replace 1 or more meals a day, but not all. In addition to these dry concentrates, vegetables, fruits, fish, etc. must be present on the menu.
  8. If you drink a glass of water after consuming the Energy Diet (15 minutes later), the effect of saturation will last longer.
  9. Drink at least 1.2, and preferably 2 liters of water per day.
  10. Prepare immediately before taking, use at a time.
  11. Concentrates are stored at a temperature not lower than 5 °С and not higher than 25 °С.
  12. The contents of an opened can remain edible for no more than 2 months.

Manufacturers clearly spelled out instructions for use. But this is only ideally it must be diluted with milk. Try different options and fill the concentrate with other liquids: soy milk, vegetable broth,. This is not prohibited.

Product lines

Energy diets are striking in their diversity. There are sugary-sweet and very salty flavors, hot soups, cereals, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, bread and many other products. The most popular are vanilla, banana, coffee, chocolate, cappuccino, chicken, mushrooms. Plus, this food system does not prohibit mixing different foods - mushrooms with chicken, strawberries with vanilla, etc.

Here is what you can choose from their rich assortment.

Energy Diet Smart Shakes:

  • Strawberry;
  • banana;
  • vanilla;
  • cappuccino;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • raspberry;
  • red fruits.
  • tomato;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables;
  • chicken;
  • pea with smoked meats.

Other concentrates:

  • puree (spring sea, sunny burgundy);
  • pasta (forest berries and tomato-vegetable);
  • bread;
  • omelette;
  • dessert (creme brulee with caramel).

Sports bars:

  • nut;
  • vanilla;
  • caramel;
  • a pineapple;
  • lemon;
  • fruit cactus;
  • mango and papaya.

The most popular energy shakes are energy smart diets, but this brand has one more drink in its assortment - Enerwood Tea tea (13 flavors). it health-improving complexes from Altai herbs.

weight loss program

To lose weight with energy diet products, you will have to go through three phases of the program in sequence: Start - Consolidation - Control.


The Start program is the first stage that gives the body an impetus to lose weight. Changes in eating habits will trigger fat burning. Lasts 3 days, if you need to lose up to 10 kg; 5 - if more. Assumes consumption of no more than 1,500 calories per day.

Recommended meal plan: 5 meals a day + 400 grams of vegetables: broccoli, lettuce, pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini, onion, tomato, soy, green beans, radish, turnip, radish, bell pepper. They can be eaten raw, boiled or stewed, prepared from them salads. Chopped greens can be added to dishes.


The second phase increases the daily calorie content of food, but do not worry: the weight will continue to decrease. New products are being added to the menu. This is a 25 day weight loss program. If at the end of it the weight still remains in excess, you should return to the Start phase again. By the third stage, the weight should be normal.

Approximate nutrition program: the use of mixtures of energy diets - 2 times a day. The rest of the meals are regular meals. Are added protein products. It is allowed to eat one thing from the list 1 time per day in certain quantities:

  • 2 egg whites (boiled);
  • lean meat (100 gr);
  • bird without skin (150 gr);
  • low fat cheese (100 gr);
  • fat-free cottage cheese (150 gr);
  • boiled low-fat fish / seafood (150 gr).


During this phase, you must learn not to overeat and choose food only healthy foods. Duration - 1 month for each kilogram lost. Concentrates are used once a day - in the evening. Added:

  • carbohydrates: pasta, beans, lentils, grain bread, brown rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • 300 grams of fruit per day: kiwi, apricots, bananas, citrus fruits, pears, watermelon, peaches, pineapples;
  • 300 gr of berries as an alternative to fruit.


For each concentrate of energy diets, there are similar, but still different recipes in nuances. Try to follow the general scheme of their preparation in order not only to enjoy their taste, but also to achieve maximum results.

  • Energy cocktail

Pour a measuring spoon of the concentrate with a glass of warm milk, shake vigorously in a shaker.

Option 1. Pour a measuring spoon of the concentrate with a glass of hot milk, shake vigorously in a shaker.

Option 2. Pour a measuring spoon of the concentrate with a glass of cold milk, shake vigorously in a shaker. Warm up in the microwave for 1.5 minutes.

  • Omelette

Option 1. Pour a measuring spoon of the concentrate with a glass of cold milk, shake vigorously in a shaker. Warm up in the microwave for 2 min.

Option 2. Pour a measuring spoon of the concentrate with a glass of cold milk, shake vigorously in a shaker. Pour into skillet, cook until tender.

  • Bread

Mix 7 scoops of dry mix with 5 scoops of clean water. Knead, form a bun. Put in a deep bowl, place in the microwave with a glass half filled with water. Set to 750 W, cook for 5 minutes. If you want crispy bread, toast it in a toaster.

  • Paste

Pour 3 scoops cold water into a cup. Slowly pour 1 sachet of energy diet paste into it, stirring thoroughly. Eat with bread.

  • Dessert

Pour a measuring spoon of the powder with a glass of warm milk, shake vigorously, pour into a plate. Put it in the microwave at 200 W and 2 minutes. Leave in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Remove before use, sprinkle with caramel.

  • Puree

Pour the contents of 1 sachet of puree with cold milk, beat vigorously until smooth. Warm up in the microwave for 2.5 minutes. Mix well, let stand 2 minutes.

  • Porridge

Option 1. Pour the contents of 1 sachet of porridge with 150 ml of milk at room temperature, carefully break up the resulting lumps. Warm up in the microwave for 3 minutes. Mix well, let stand 3 minutes.

Option 2. Mix 1 sachet of concentrate with 150 ml of almost boiling milk in a shaker. Break the lumps well, mix the mixture thoroughly. Let it brew for a couple of minutes.

Questions and answers

  • How to use?

Accurately follow the developed weight loss program of 3 phases.

  • Which is better: herbalife or energy diets?

According to experts, there is no need to compare these two product lines at all. Herbalife cocktails cannot replace food, because it is a pure protein mixture without biologically active substances, and even with genetically modified components.

  • How to breed a cocktail?

The measuring spoon that is in each jar is 30 grams of product = 1 serving. In order to dilute the cocktail, you need to mix a measuring spoon of dry concentrate with a glass of milk, shake vigorously in a closed container (a shaker is ideal for this).

  • What can be replaced?

Approximate analogues of Energy Diet: Oats & Whey Protein Powder Drink Mix from Optimum Nutrition, Prana Food, Herbalife, Natural Balance from Oriflame, Syntha-6 drink from BSN, Total Soy protein mixture from Naturade.

  • Does it help to lose weight?

If the problem of excess weight really exists, yes, strict adherence to the program allows you to get rid of unnecessary ballast. But if you continue to drink beer while eating chips, Energy Diet will not help.

  • Can it be diluted with water?

Yes, but the taste may disappoint you. Milk is the ideal liquid to dilute the concentrate.

  • What are the results of losing weight?

For some, the first results are visible within a week after starting to use these products. In advanced cases, it takes 3 months. So everything is very individual. On average, you can lose 3-4 kg per week.

  • What is the calorie content of one serving?
  • How does it work?

Regular use of energy diet cocktails optimizes the calorie content of food, supplies the body with vitamins and other beneficial substances, improves digestion, removes toxins and toxins, improves well-being, quickly saturates, discourages cravings for harmful products.

  • How long do cans of Energy Diet last?

One jar contains 450 g of concentrate, which is enough for 15 meals. If you start with the Start program for 5 days, 1 pack will not be enough for this period. To lose weight on this system, you will have to fork out for 3-8 cans of different tastes.

Judging by the results of the studies carried out and the huge number of positive feedback, the system really works, unlike miraculous "pills" of dubious quality. But at the same time, to reduce weight, it is necessary to take into account all the disadvantages, contraindications and cost of such products. Only strict adherence to the program can guarantee results.

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Energy diet what is it Strong immunity, healthy digestion, body cleansing, daily caloric content, energy boost, weight loss, metabolism acceleration - and this is only a small part of what Energy Diet gives you. Start consuming it now and you will notice changes in your body. You can order Energy Diet on the website:

See also:

What is included in the Energy Diet?

Cocktails contain active biological substances, with the use of which the human body takes only the necessary and useful, getting rid of the harmful. Proteins and fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber and fiber, as well as biologically active substances - all this is in the optimal amount in the 1st Energy bank. All useful elements accumulate in the body, and as a result, improve its functioning, prevent the occurrence of diseases. Like any other product, Energy Diet has contraindications:
If you suffer from allergies, in order to avoid problems, carefully study the composition. The tastes of ED are different, if a cocktail contains a product that is forbidden to you, this does not mean that another type of drink will also be contraindicated for you. Since the composition of cocktails varies, depending on the type. Choose for yourself one that will not cause you an allergic reaction if you are allergic. Choose ED correctly and good condition, you are guaranteed!

What is the basis of the Energy Diet?
A special program has already been created for you, following which you will get the desired result. The creators of the product have developed programs that promote weight loss, gain muscle mass or just maintaining weight. All you need is complete compliance with the program. At the same time, do not use harmful products that will aggravate your situation. Do you want to be strong and healthy? to be possessors slim figure? Start using the Energy Diet.

If you are taking ED, it is not worth giving up regular food completely. You can also eat healthy, rich in vitamins and amino acids: fish, meat, vegetables, fruits. Refrain from harmful products, they will only worsen your condition and push back the desired result.

The simplest, most efficient delicious product, replacing full reception food!

Energy Diet (ED) is a functional diet designed mainly for women who want to achieve harmony at the cost of their own wallet, and not physical activity and a revision of food addictions.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Weight Loss

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been dealing with weight loss issues for many years. Women often come to me with tears in their eyes, who have tried everything, but either there is no result, or the weight is constantly returning. I used to advise them to calm down, go back on a diet and engage in grueling workouts in gym. Today there is a better way out - X-Slim. You can simply take it as a nutritional supplement and lose up to 15 kg per month in a completely natural way without diets and physical. loads. This is a completely natural remedy that is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age or health condition. AT this moment The Ministry of Health is holding a campaign "Let's save the people of Russia from obesity" and every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive 1 package of the drug IS FREE

Learn more>>

ENERGY DIET is distributed by NL International through network marketing. Real reviews of the concentrate are mostly negative, as buyers meet with some inconsistency between the claimed effects of drinking a cocktail and the results obtained.

Composition ENERGY DIET

100 g of supplement contains:

  • up to 6.6 g of fiber;
  • 37% protein;
  • 44% carbohydrates;
  • 9.3 g fat.

Consider the composition of ED in more detail:

  • The composition of the cocktail includes cheap pea and soy proteins. They do not contain all the necessary amino acid set. They are often used as additives to animal feed. Milk proteins have a higher quality amino acid composition and therefore are of great value, but they occupy the 3rd position in terms of quantity.
  • Simple sugars, once in the blood, cause a rapid secretion of insulin and their subsequent transformation into body fat. Fast carbohydrates are enemy number 1 and are incompatible with true weight loss. The manufacturer also includes them in a cocktail designed for weight loss. Most likely to avoid feeling tired.
  • A useful ingredient is chicory inulin or fiber, a polysaccharide that is not digested in digestive system of a person, but passes through it in “transit”, while managing to increase in size due to absorbed water and cleanse the intestinal walls, as well as have a beneficial effect on the composition of the microflora of the lower intestines.
  • Soybean oil is a cheap component of little value, although it is credited with antioxidant properties. Contains vitamin E.
  • 11 trace elements and 12 vitamins.


The ED line is not only about cocktails. The standard set consists of 17 types of concentrated nutrition, which includes:

Our readers write

Topic: Lost 18kg without dieting

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: administrations

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to get rid of excess weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since I was a child, I was a pretty fat girl, I was teased all the time at school, even the teachers called me a pomp... it was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they completely stopped paying attention to me, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat nerd. I tried everything to lose weight ... And diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocoslim. I don’t even remember now, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage ...

Everything changed when I accidentally stumbled upon an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article has changed my life. No, do not think, there is no top-secret method of losing weight, which is full of the entire Internet. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. In total for 2 months for 18 kg! There was energy and a desire to live, I signed up for a gym to pump up my ass. And yes, finally I found a young man who has now become my husband, loves me madly and I love him too. Sorry for writing so chaotically, I just remember everything on emotions :)

Girls, for those I tried a bunch of all sorts of diets and weight loss techniques, but I still couldn’t get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you won't regret it!

Go to article>>>

  • omelette;
  • desserts;
  • 5 types of soups;
  • oatmeal;
  • set of enzymes.

The manufacturer claims that weight loss is due to the low calorie content of the daily diet. Instead of 2700 kcal, a person receives 1500 kcal. To make up for the missing 1200 kcal, the body has to oxidize fats from the reserve, which actually leads to weight loss. To release 1300 kcal cells burn up to 200 g of fat. In addition to losing weight, NL International has developed 2 more areas: for muscle growth and good nutrition.

If the decision to use Energy Diet for weight correction is nevertheless made, then first you need to decide on the taste of the drink, the composition can be sweet or salty, liquid or thick in consistency.

How to cook ED meals

Any concentrate, be it an omelet or a soup, comes with instructions that describe everything in detail: the composition, how to cook and take the dish. Cocktails are usually diluted with low-fat (1.5%) milk. The calorie content of a portion of the finished dish takes into account the energy value of the solvent, that is, milk.

Other options are possible, for example, in kefir or vegetable soup dilute with 30 g or a measuring spoon of dry or liquid concentrate. To dilute, you need a shaker, in which the cocktail is actually whipped.

As for the soup, it can be cooked on the stove, in the microwave or in a shaker. In the latter case, the milk is heated to 60 ° C and, as usual, whipped in a shaker. A mixture of cold milk and a dry product is heated on a stove to a certain temperature. To cook in the microwave, for example, an omelette - shake a cocktail in a shaker, pour it onto a plate and bake for several minutes. Omelet can be fried in a pan.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


The problem of excess weight causes a lot of trouble for women and men. Energy diets (ED) are specially designed food products (cocktails) that help to say goodbye to extra pounds without much effort. The ED system is designed for athletes and people leading a less active lifestyle. it balanced diet, cleansing the body of toxins and saturating it with vitamins and trace elements. The process of losing weight is slow, the skin has time to shrink without sagging and without adding new wrinkles.

How do Energy Diet slimming cocktails work?

Where to buy Energy Diet

What is included

Energy Diet is a high-tech product designed to provide an adult healthy person all the necessary elements. The components that make up the ED products:

  • - animals (milk protein concentrate), vegetable (soy, pea proteins). Each cocktail contains 18 essential amino acids, which the human body does not synthesize on its own, but can only get from food.
  • Fats. ED cocktails contain soybean oil, which contains more than 30 trace elements, including vitamin E1 and linoleic acid, which inhibits the development of cancer cells. The product does not contain animal fats, which means that it does not contain cholesterol.
  • Carbohydrates in cocktails they are balanced and represented by glucose, which is instantly absorbed, maltodextrin with starch, thanks to which the body is provided with carbohydrates for a long period. Providing the muscles and brain with the right amount of carbohydrates prevents the feeling of fatigue.
  • Cellulose in the form of gum, as well as chicory inulin. These cocktail ingredients provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety, help maintain normal microflora, and cleanse the intestines.
  • 11 minerals, 12 vitamins in the product help to optimize the body's metabolism.
  • Acerol (Caribbean cherry). This is a record-breaking vitamin C product.
  • royal jelly- the milk that bees secrete to feed their larvae. Thanks to this ingredient in cocktails, body tissues absorb oxygen better, resistance to adverse external conditions increases, and the emotional state stabilizes.
  • Complex of enzymes, which are part of the cocktails, contributes to the rapid, complete absorption of vegetable and animal proteins. The activity of enzymes produced by the body is preserved.

Weight loss program from Energy Diet - three stages

Energy diets - concentrates for fast food omelettes, soups and cocktails. Due to the balanced composition, the body receives all the necessary elements with a limited calorie content. Product manufacturers promise comfortable weight loss without hunger, depression and lethargy. The weight loss program is divided into three phases. During any period, you must comply - drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Start for 3-5 days

The first stage is designed to start the process of losing weight. The main goal is to change nutrition, providing the body with elements that are deficient for it, and restore metabolism. The daily calorie content of products is limited to 1200-1500 calories. This stage lasts: with excess weight up to 10 kg - 3 days, with an excess of more than 10 kg - 5 days. The daily diet consists of 4-5 servings of energy diet cocktail and 1-2 servings of allowed foods. To enhance the feeling of fullness, diet developers recommend drinking a glass of water immediately after drinking a serving of a cocktail.

Vegetables allowed by the Energy Diet program, the amount of which should not exceed 400 g, are recommended to be consumed boiled, raw or stewed. For dressing salads, it is permissible to use a small amount vegetable oil, lemon juice, spices, Apple vinegar. ED soup products can be enriched with finely chopped dill or parsley. Foods allowed in the diet:

  • eggplant;
  • bell pepper;
  • broccoli;
  • mushrooms;
  • green radish;
  • zucchini;
  • leaf lettuce;
  • hardwood beets;
  • onions (green and onion);
  • sea ​​kale;
  • cucumbers;
  • soy shoots;
  • tomatoes;
  • radish;
  • turnip;
  • asparagus;
  • green bean pods;
  • pumpkin;
  • dill, parsley, sorrel, celery greens;
  • colored and White cabbage;
  • spinach.

All drinks should be drunk without sugar, it is acceptable to use low-calorie sugar substitutes in limited quantities. Drinks allowed while on a diet:

  • decaffeinated or lightly brewed coffee;
  • still water;
  • herbal tea;
  • green, red or black teas.

Consolidation of the result

At this stage, the process of losing weight is already in place. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended goal and not return to the old way of life. The creators of the diet call this period the transitional stage. Energy diet cocktails should be consumed 1-2 times a day (required for dinner). The list of foods allowed in the diet is expanding. To it are added:

  • boiled fish or seafood - 150g;
  • turkey - 150g;
  • rabbit 150g;
  • low-fat cheese - 100g;
  • lean beef 100g;
  • liver 100g;
  • veal 100g;
  • fat-free cottage cheese 150 g;
  • chicken 150 g;
  • eggs (without yolks) 2 pcs.

If in the evening you feel hungry, then no later than 2 hours before bedtime you are allowed to eat 0.5 servings of a cocktail. The duration of this period is from 3 to 4 weeks. If the body weight is more than normal by 15 kg or more, and the result is not achieved by the end of the stage, the developers of the weight loss program recommend that you start taking cocktails again, as in the first period of the diet.

Nutrition and weight control

To consolidate the result, you will have to monitor the quantity and quality of the absorbed products. The main thing is to finally displace the psychological dependence on food, learn how to correctly assess the needs of the body and satisfy them. The creators recommend at this time to use a cocktail once a day for dinner.

At this stage of the diet, dishes containing carbohydrates are added to previously allowed foods, the amount of which should still be limited:

  • buckwheat;
  • green pea;
  • cereal bread;
  • Red beans;
  • wholemeal pasta;
  • unpolished rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • dry beans;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • lentils.

During the passage of the stage of control over nutrition and weight, it is allowed to consume 1 serving of fruits, in the amount of 80 g:

  • fresh apricot 3 pcs.;
  • orange 1 pc.;
  • fresh pineapple 1 large piece;
  • watermelon 1 large piece;
  • fresh banana 1pc;
  • grapefruit 0.5 pcs.;
  • pear 1 pc.;
  • kiwi 2pcs;
  • fresh strawberries 7 pcs.;
  • fresh raspberries 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • peach 1 pc.;
  • plum 2 pcs.;
  • fresh blueberries 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh blackcurrant 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • apple 1 pc.

The duration of the stage is easy to calculate by the formula: the number of kilograms lost is equal to the number of months. If eight kilograms are lost during the entire diet, then the stage will last eight months. This is how you reinforce your eating habits so that the weight does not start to grow again. Always remember: the amount of water you drink is two liters per day!

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