Pharmacies are being challenged. Is "Liquid Chestnut" sold in pharmacies: reviews What products can be sold in a pharmacy

Drills and screwdrivers 24.11.2020
Drills and screwdrivers

We are used to coming to the pharmacy only in case of illness, but few people thought that here you can buy the funds that are necessary for a healthy person.

  1. - a universal remedy for disinfecting wounds. A 3% solution will help disinfect any item, and even cope with the fungus on the walls. (Price ∼ 10 rubles)
  2. Various essential oils easy to replace tablets. Insomnia all week does not allow you to fully relax? It is enough to drop a little lavender oil on a napkin and put it next to it. Need to cheer up quickly? Breathe in grapefruit oil. (Price ∼ 100 rubles)
  3. will become the best remedy to restore dry hair, you just need to apply the product to the ends and rinse after a couple of hours. (Price ∼ 50 rubles)
  4. A bodyagi mask (algae powder) is an ideal remedy for healing bruises and fighting black spots. (Price ∼ 100 rubles)
  5. Cosmetic clay is another source of beauty that can be purchased for a penny. Clay masks cleanse and tighten the skin, saturate it with moisture. (Price ∼ 50 rubles)
  6. Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic that allows you to clean your hands of bacteria in a minute, and by adding a product to the water for washing floors in an apartment, you can protect your family during the rampant colds. (Price ∼ 20 rubles)
  7. Tar soap is a remedy that enhances skin regeneration. It will help to quickly heal the wounds, as well as get rid of dandruff in a few days. (Price ∼ 100 rubles)
  8. - a source of vitamins that strengthens health and heals the skin. (Price from 100 rubles)
  9. Herbal preparations can solve almost any problem. They restore immunity, relieve spasms, headaches, and they can also be used for cooking cosmetic ice replacing tonics. (Price ∼ 70 rubles)
  10. Cotton swabs and cotton pads are accessories necessary in any apartment. With their help, you can treat, clean wounds and quickly fix makeup. (Price ∼ 50 rubles)
  11. Bandages and plasters are dressings that must be kept nearby. (Price ∼ 50 rubles)
  12. Bepanten is an ointment that quickly heals wounds and abrasions. It is especially needed if the house has Small child. (Price ∼ 400 rubles)
  13. - inexpensive remedy which allows you to smooth the skin in the shortest possible time. A good base for make-up. (Price ∼ 220 rubles)
  14. - one of the most effective means to maintain the beauty of the skin. It dries up pimples quickly. (Price ∼ 30 rubles)
  15. Vitamins A and E in capsules are a “life-giving remedy” for nourishing dry skin. (Price ∼150 RUB)
  16. Ointment with calendula is the main assistant in the fight against dry skin of the heels. (Price ∼ 80 rubles)
  17. Oil walnut- an inexpensive tool that allows you to get rid of wrinkles and remove bruises under the eyes in a few months. (Price ∼ 270 rubles)
  18. Glycerin is a universal remedy for softening the skin of the hands, especially in winter. (Price ∼ 30 rubles)
  19. Bath salt is something that will quickly get rid of spasms and muscle tension. (Price ∼ 200 rubles)
  20. Rose water - tonic, suitable for men and women as a means of combating dry skin. (Price ∼150 RUB)
  21. A nicotinic acid. An amazing hair growth product, available in ampoules. Apply to the roots and leave until the next wash. Be careful with the product from the Vial company: it has an unpleasant odor. (Price ∼ 120 rubles)
  22. . Such a product is a real find for those who want to get everything at once. It contains a shock dose of vitamins and proteins. By the way, just 1g accounts for a whole kg of vegetables! (Price ∼ 1000 rubles)
  23. Nasal drops. More precisely, the cheapest nose drops. An excellent option for pimples and redness. It will be good if you take a vasoconstrictor. (Price ∼ 20 rubles)
  24. Disposable examination gloves. Suitable for washing dishes, floors, working with paints, plants. They are thinner than household ones, which increases sensitivity. Of course, you can use more than once. (Price ∼ 300 rubles per 100 pcs)
  25. Pipettes and syringes. Pipettes are very convenient to apply oil on the skin (especially under the eyes), the body. Syringes can come in handy in the kitchen or for mixing oils and tonics. (Price ∼ 10 rubles)
  26. Glass spatulas and wooden spatulas. Excellent device for applying cream or paste: using a finger is not always hygienic and convenient. (Price ∼ 10 rubles for 10 pieces)
  27. Emla. A real salvation for those girls who epilate at home. The cream has analgesic effect, which allows you to work calmly with tweezers or an epilator. (Price ∼ 1200 rub)
  28. Lecithin. Want something sweet? Then try this remedy. Great if you are on a diet. (Price ∼ 200 rubles)


When problems arise in the reproductive system in a man, the main question arises in his mind, what to buy in a pharmacy for potency, which remedy is the most effective in practice. It is allowed to use tablets, drops, capsules and other forms of release of medical preparations, but it is first indicated to consult with your doctor. You can buy funds for potency at any pharmacy or order in an online store, but in both cases, such an acquisition should not be the result of superficial self-treatment.

What is potency

This concept is rather collective, since it characterizes the reproductive ability of a man, his sexual capabilities and desire to have sexual intimacy. If sexual intercourse ended as soon as it began, or the representative of the stronger sex has a steadily reduced libido, we are talking about impotence. To feel male power, you need to buy a medicine to increase potency, take it strictly according to the instructions. In this way, you can quickly return the joy of sex, but understand that medications eliminate symptoms more than treat the root cause.

Means for the potency of men in pharmacies

To enhance a man's sexual desire, it is recommended to go to the pharmacy and buy the well-known Viagra. Subject to daily doses, the effect of the drug is long and stable, however, the attending physician draws the patient's attention to other, no less reliable means in a given direction. In reality, there are many analogues, and they are presented in several forms of release at once. Some act like Viagra, others, on the contrary, eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of impotence after identifying and eliminating the main provoking factor from the body.


This is the most reliable and proven option, in addition, a convenient form of release allows you to discreetly take oral medication as soon as necessary. Tablets in chemical composition contain special synthetic substances that send a message to the cerebral cortex to successfully combat erectile dysfunction and unpleasant symptoms impotence.

For example, the drug Cialis has proven itself well (see photo below), which can be bought for 1,000 rubles, acts in the male body for about 36 hours. This is a budget version of the classic Viagra, which, depending on the manufacturer in a pharmacy, can cost up to 1,000 rubles per pill. Continuing to study the group of stimulants, it is important not to forget about the high effectiveness of the medical drug Levitra, the price of which starts from 800 rubles. You can choose and buy many other medicines that act in the male body on the same principle.

Chinese pills

Pharmacological products of Chinese manufacturers are considered not only the most effective in practice, but also the safest for the patient's health due to their herbal, natural composition. When developing innovative means to increase potency, the latest technologies are used, and the desired effect is not long in coming. Natural extracts of plants and extracts of animal origin in the composition provide systemic action in the body, so that by fighting impotence, you can noticeably improve your body and increase immunity.

It is difficult to buy Chinese drugs for potency for men in pharmacies in free sale, but it is quite possible to buy in an online store by placing an order on the official website from the manufacturer. Prices are affordable, besides, certification of purchased products is provided. Here good options for every day, if the male force suddenly left the body:

  1. Gift of the Himalayas has a plant composition, increases the duration of sex and the severity of sensations during sexual contact.
  2. chongcao reinforces sex drive, increases erection, significantly improves the sensitivity and saturation of orgasm.
  3. Hui Zhong Dan contains active ingredient ginseng root and a minimum of side effects in the instructions, while the drug itself increases male strength without harm to health.
  4. Fujinbao, due to its natural composition, has a minimal list of contraindications, acts purposefully, prolongs sexual intercourse and improves sperm quality.


This progressive drug is prescribed not only to ensure a stable erection, but also in the case of pulmonary hypertension. Available in the form of tablets for oral administration, it is not so much an erection activator as in an efficient way eliminate her physiological disorders. A single dose of a characteristic medication is 50 mg, which is indicated to be taken orally 1 hour before sexual contact. Erectile function increases after 20-30 minutes, remains stable for several hours. Such potency enhancers can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription.


To increase the duration of sexual intercourse and increase the acuity of sensations, you can use another, no less effective drug. Viravit belongs to the pharmacological group of dietary supplements, is available in the form of capsules for oral administration. 1 pill is indicated to be consumed during a meal, you can drink plenty of water. Such a regular dose stimulates an erection, increases the sexual activity of a man for several hours. The drug has a beneficial effect on the whole body, relaxes nervous system activates the immune system.


This is a liquid in vials, which includes only natural ingredients. Alternatively, honey, pumpkin seed oil, dioica nettle, propolis oil, medicinal ginger, ginseng, and echinacea. To be treated with Potentianorm balm is required full course- 20 days. A single dose of dietary supplement is 1 tbsp. l., which must first be diluted in a glass of water. Take twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after meals. Repeated course after 10 days break. This is the best option for the price and quality of the product when solving the problem of what to buy in a pharmacy for potency.


The second name of this medicine is the Hammer of Thor, it has a herbal composition, it helps to get rid of problems with potency in the shortest possible time. Active substances - northern moss extract to provide cells with blood and oxygen, monkfish extract as a source of zinc required to increase testosterone, Antarctic krill extract to normalize hormonal levels. Medical contraindication - individual intolerance by the body of natural components, childhood. Apply inside 3-5 drops for 2 weeks.

Cream to increase potency in pharmacies

Not all patients are ready to drink dubious pills to increase libido; they call the use of special creams externally a more gentle and safe method. The mechanism of action is fast and targeted: active ingredients after contact with the flesh, they activate nerve endings, increase systemic blood flow, and provide a surge of strength. Positive effect in the body is almost instantaneous, the blood flows at an accelerated pace, a man begins a period of sexual activity. Here are the most effective drugs of this form of release - MaxoDerm, Eromax, Himkolin.

Supplements for men

The catalogs of online stores contain not so much cheap pills for potency as effective and time-tested dietary supplements, which are difficult to buy in the city's pharmacies. As part of plant substances, which, according to the principle of action, provide a productive treatment of prostatitis, relieve unpleasant inflammation, increase blood flow to the genitals, an exciting effect with a long erection.

It is possible to normalize sexual function already during the course of the first treatment course, and these pills are shown to be taken 1 piece an hour before the upcoming sexual intercourse, you can drink plenty of water. AT this case we are talking about such innovative herbal remedies as Thor's Hammer, M-16, Red Root, Emperor's Secret, Yohimbe Forte, Ali Caps. In this way, you can ensure full sex, a long period of ejaculation, get rid of an inferiority complex.

Preparations in the form of powders and drops

If the patient is interested in the question of what to buy effective in a pharmacy for potency, you can pay attention to drops and other medications produced in powder form. In both cases, the medicines are intended for oral administration, however, you first need to dilute a single dose in a glass of water, then take it immediately before sexual contact. The help of Maral Power and Peruvian Maca for potency has proven itself well. It is not possible to buy dietary supplements in a pharmacy, however, their range appeared on the websites from the manufacturer.

What pills for potency are the most effective

If there are problems with potency, pathological processes occur in the male body, an inferiority complex matures. The doctor first recommends undergoing an examination, and then, based on the general condition of the clinical patient, proceed to immediate therapy at home. There are several examples of effective medications that prolong erections and increase libido. Here are some medicines and what properties they have:

  1. Impaza. The medicine is available in the form of tablets, intended for resorption under the tongue immediately before sexual intercourse. The medicine is allowed to be used for prostatitis and heart disease, does not harm the health of the digestive tract.
  2. Zidena. You can buy tablets in a pharmacy, take them orally. The effect of the drug is noticeable already half an hour after taking a single dose, lasts for several hours, increases sexual desire.
  3. - a worthy competitor of the above drug, also causes sexual desire, but its pharmacological action removes the symptoms, while not eliminating the root cause of the problematic figure.

Is it possible to buy Viagra in a regular pharmacy

You can find the indicated type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor in a pharmacy, but this drug cannot be purchased without a prescription. Age restrictions are also introduced - patients under 18 years old. This well-known drug, similar to narcotic drugs, requires a prescription to ensure that the pharmacist is sure that the characteristic drug is purchased for medical reasons, and not for fun. If you have a referral, you can buy Viagra at every pharmacy.

How to choose funds for male potency

Each pharmacy sells a lot of potency products, so the patient is lost in choosing an effective medication for such a piquant health problem. You need to buy a time-tested medicine that will help restore male power and solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. The main criteria for choosing a worthy pharmacy favorite for potency are presented below:

  1. Manufacturer. It is better to trust domestic products, since they are better adapted to the general condition of the clinical patient, and help to quickly cope with problematic impotence.
  2. active components. It is desirable that the active substances are of natural or vegetable origin. In this case, there are fewer contraindications and side effects, the main thing is that allergies do not occur.
  3. Price. Each pharmacy has a wide range of prices, and you can buy a medicine for potency according to your financial capabilities.

The price of drugs to improve potency for men

The cost of funds to increase potency is different, therapeutic effectiveness too. Before making a typical purchase, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Superficial self-treatment is unacceptable, it is possible drug interaction with representatives of other pharmacological groups. If no medical restrictions are found, below is a list of medicines in pharmacies in Moscow, which are especially valuable for improving erectile function.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Pills for potency in pharmacies - a list of the most effective drugs for men

Samvel Grigoryan on the importance of attention to “insignificant” pharmacy issues

Samvel Grigoryan

Moscow city

Graduated with honors from the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Moscow Medical Academy (now the First Moscow State Medical University) named after I.I. I. M. Sechenov. More than ten years of experience in the industry media.

Discussing important industry topics - about the list of Vital and Essential Drugs, checks, the impact of unstable currency markets on drug prices, import substitution, etc. - we sometimes forget about the “trifles of pharmacy life”, which are often no less important for the head clerk or the head of the pharmacy than called "big" problems. For example, does the pharmacy organization have the right to sell packages? Under what conditions can she employ students of pharmaceutical universities? How to help the first-timer protect himself during the epidemic? In fact, these questions are not so trifles.

"Front-line soldier" - pervostolnik

Almost every cold season, in January-February, information feeds are full of messages about the flu epidemic. Last winter, its especially dangerous "pork" strain was distributed. Pharmacies lacked protective masks, and the supply of various preventive, antiviral, hygienic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs increased significantly. During such periods, pharmacy halls are filled not only healthy people hurrying to take precautions, but also already sick, coughing and sneezing.

It is easy to get infected from visitors, especially if the first-timer has not been vaccinated against the flu (the reasons may be different, including contraindications to vaccination). And working at the first table increases the chances of getting infected.

Every day, several dozen sick people can come to the pharmacy table / window. They often lean towards the window, trying to pronounce the phrase louder so that the pharmacist can hear. Many have a habit of lingering at the first table/window for a long time to discuss in detail not only the issues of treatment, but life in general. Also, visitors often give prescriptions or papers on which the names of medicines are written to the primate, these items can be infected and infect the primate, especially if after receiving each visitor, as doctors do, he does not go to wash his hands (which is not provided for by any sanitary instructions and , probably impossible).

A familiar pharmacist told the following story. One of the pharmacy visitors, very respectable in age, and in appearance a lady who could not herself name the medicines she needed, at the height of the flu epidemic, tried to pass her mobile phone to the pharmacist through the window so that she could hear these names from the person on the other end of the connection. The reasons why the lady herself could not provide the names of the required medicines could well be valid. However, the method of communication proposed by her is, of course, not included in the duties of pharmacists and pharmacists. A mobile phone, due to the obvious features of its use, can certainly be attributed to items related to personal hygiene.

Of course, any pervostolnik is obliged to listen and advise the visitor on medicinal issues. But it would be unprofessional if he agreed to speak mobile phone every visitor who offers it to him. I think the inadmissibility of such actions - both in the midst of the epidemic and in other seasons - is so obvious that it does not require further explanation. Therefore, such requests from visitors should be politely declined, motivating them (if motivation is needed at all) with sanitary and hygienic reasons.

To not pay twice

Pharmacists and pharmacists are daily at risk, at the forefront of the fight against the "epidemic front". Risk of infection viral infection for the first-timer is significantly higher than for representatives of most other specialties. It's one thing to work in an office where almost no one comes or a limited number of clients and partners come; and another thing - in a pharmacy, where people with flu go for medicines.

It is important to emphasize that, unlike other categories of citizens, pharmacists and pharmacists are exposed to this increased risk in the performance of their duties due to work for the pharmacy organization and the healthcare system. Therefore, it is logical that this organization and system should take care to protect its “front-line soldiers”.

Do you remember the milk that was given to workers in hazardous industries, including prescription and production departments of pharmacies? This norm in one form or another has existed in domestic legislation since 1922. Part 10 of Appendix 1 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated February 16, 2009 No. 45n made it possible to replace the issuance of milk and other products due to such workers with compensation payments (if there is a written application from the employee).

So, in the spirit of this legal norm, why would all pharmacy organizations of the country - both municipal, state and private - without any orders take for a voluntary ethical standard at least a little compensation for the “front-line” epidemiological conditions. So that pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacists can, without cutting their own budget, create a stock of preventive and therapeutic agents against seasonal respiratory infections.

It may be objected to me that some pharmacy organizations make such compensation payments, and in some industry enterprises there are programs of voluntary medical insurance (VHI). But these are precisely “separate” and “some”, but by no means all, but rather a minority. I think even the most modest amount (the degree of its modesty depends on the capabilities of the organization) allocated to the employee for protective masks, sprays and ointments to protect the nasal mucosa, disposable handkerchiefs, nasal drops, drugs for sore throats, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, antiviral agents , perhaps also vitamins, etc., would not only be a positive act of social responsibility of the pharmacy organization, but also a prudent economic measure that would bring benefits in the form of a reduction in “absenteeism” due to illness.

The more protected the employee, the less and less often he gets sick, absent from work. The heads of pharmacy organizations know how difficult it is to find a replacement for a first-timer who has gone on sick leave, especially in the dead of winter, when several employees can fall ill at the same time. This leads to a loss of revenue, turns into a threat of violation of the routine pharmacy order, which in the event of a sudden check, which may well come to the pharmacy on peak days, is also fraught with thousands of punitive losses.

What to pack? What can be sold in a pharmacy other than drugs

Another "trifle" of pharmacy life is the topic of packaging. Not the primary or secondary packaging of the medicinal product, but the packaging of a pharmacy purchase. More than half of pharmacy buyers purchase two or more items of goods, and many of them are not in the singular.

Thus, a pharmacy purchase is often very voluminous, and if syrups, potions, solutions, mineral water, some medical devices, etc. - still heavy. In a word, an elementary service requires the presence in the pharmacy of bags of different sizes and strengths for packaging.

It would seem that the question is from the category of trifling. In super- and hypermarkets, ordinary grocery stores, consumers are accustomed to buying bags - more often plastic, less often paper. The legislation does not restrict grocery retailers in the right to sell them.

However, in pharmaceutical retail, everything is exactly the opposite. This topic is regulated by paragraph 7 of article 55 federal law dated April 12, 2010 No. 61-FZ “On the circulation medicines". According to this paragraph, pharmacy organizations and individual entrepreneurs licensed for pharmaceutical activities, along with medicines, have the right to purchase and sell the following categories of goods:

  • medical products;
  • disinfectants;
  • items and means of personal hygiene;
  • utensils for medical purposes;
  • items and means intended for the care of the sick, newborns and children under the age of three years;
  • spectacle optics and care products;
  • mineral waters;
  • products of medical, children's and dietary food;
  • biologically active additives;
  • perfumery and cosmetics;
  • medical and health education publications designed to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Package offer - is it possible to sell packages in a pharmacy?

Everything that does not fall under these categories of goods - including packaging bags - is not allowed to be sold in pharmacies and drugstores. Of course, the primates are not forbidden to let them go free of charge. However, not every pharmacy organization, based on its economic indicators, can afford such a gesture. After all, even if the giants of food retail, which have huge turnover, do not give away, but sell packaging, then it would be even more expensive for much more modest pharmaceutical retail enterprises.

Actually, the pharmacy organization has little choice: either to completely abandon plastic (not to mention more expensive paper) bags for packaging, or to decide on additional service losses. This begs the question: why is there such inequality, why is pharmaceutical retail worse than grocery retail, why are super- and hypermarkets allowed to sell packages, but pharmacies are not?

It is unlikely that such a situation has developed intentionally. Perhaps, when they compiled a list of goods allowed for sale in pharmacy organizations, they simply forgot about the “package issue” as “insignificant”. But after all, if you wish, you can amend paragraph 7 of Art. 55 of the Law "On the Circulation of Medicines" and correct the inequality in this matter.

Student and pharmacy

The possibility of working in a pharmacy for students is also not one of the least significant issues. For pharmacy organizations, this is an additional potential of the “labor force”, if not experienced, but young and promising. For students, this is an invaluable practical experience that cannot be obtained “at a desk”.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation developed and submitted for public discussion new order admission of persons who have not completed educational programs of higher pharmaceutical education to work as middle pharmaceutical personnel. The summary of this draft order is as follows:

The right to work in a pharmacy arises for a student after completing four courses higher education in the specialty "Pharmacy";

A certificate of study / period of study is required;

The student must also successfully pass the exam for admission to pharmaceutical activities in the positions of middle pharmaceutical staff.

I think it's obvious that the third point is the most important one. According to one of the points of the order, commissions for taking the exam should be created under the educational institutions, that is, probably in the same university where the student is studying. The commission, in addition to teachers, will also include representatives of territorial bodies that carry out functions in the field of healthcare. The exam will consist of an interview, a test control of knowledge and an assessment of practical skills.

In words, everything looks very dignified, but in reality it all depends on how “bureaucratic” or, conversely, how optimal the above procedure will be. An exam, a test, exactingness is one thing, but “thorns” are quite another. I would like to see more young people in the profession. And it's certainly not a trifle!

What girls don’t come up with to lose such hated extra pounds! Torturing their health, they use mono-diets, the dangers of which are already screaming nutritionists. Some actively train in gyms, bringing themselves to physical exhaustion. But in any case there must be a measure: if you exercise, then in moderation, if you reduce the amount of food, then without harm to the body.

Many resort to the help of such means as dietary supplements. They are not registered as medicines, but they have some effect on the body, helping to speed up the metabolism and dulling the feeling of hunger. One such remedy is Liquid Chestnut. Is it possible to buy Liquid Chestnut at a pharmacy and how effective is it?

Use of this supplement

We often hear about this miraculous remedy that helps to quickly and effectively lose weight. What kind of drug is this and is Liquid Chestnut sold in pharmacies?

This tool is not a drug and refers to biologically active substances. It is not the first year that it has been used as a power engineer in sports practice. It is believed that the substance helps to lose weight in record time and at the same time remain energetic and full of strength.

What does it consist of?

In addition to the question of whether Liquid Chestnut is sold in pharmacies, many are interested in what this remedy consists of. The main component of "Liquid chestnut" is not at all the chestnut that can be found on our streets, but its distant relative from the Amazon - guarana. It is an evergreen shrub plant. It contains a substance similar to caffeine, but much stronger.

In addition to this component, the preparation contains substances such as theophylline, theobromine, minerals and vitamins. Theobromine is an alkaloid of the purine series, it is, in fact, processed cocoa. This substance has an exciting effect on the heart muscle. It also has a diuretic effect. Theophylline also acts as an antispasmodic, bronchodilator, diuretic, anti-asthmatic, cardiotonic.

Its beneficial properties

Everyone who is interested in whether Liquid Chestnut is sold in pharmacies wants to know about the beneficial properties of the drug. It has been proven to be a powerful energizer, excellent for helping you stay alert, even after intense workouts and during a strict diet.

And quells hunger. The person who takes it becomes incredibly efficient. The volume of adipose tissue is significantly reduced, the metabolism is accelerated and the work of all organs and systems of the body is improved. The substance normalizes the stool and has a mild laxative effect. A moderate diuretic effect helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body.

Contraindications for use

Before wondering if Liquid Chestnut is sold in pharmacies, you need to consult a doctor about the correctness of its use and possible risks. This tool, like many others, has not only beneficial features, but you can't use your own:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • up to eighteen years of age;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with violations of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • weakened, emaciated people;
  • with epilepsy;
  • if there are disorders of a nervous and mental nature;
  • with insomnia.

Method of application of the drug

Before thinking about whether it is possible to buy "Liquid Chestnut" at the pharmacy, it is important to know how to use the drug correctly, because its effectiveness depends on it.

There is a powder form of the drug, which should be taken in ½ teaspoon, dissolving the substance in ordinary water, juice, yogurt or tea. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended dose. This is fraught with sleep disturbance, overexcitation.

It is advisable to take the remedy in the morning and afternoon. Reception in the evening, especially in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, can cause insomnia. It is better to use the drug before physical activity, training or immediately after them in order to recover faster and gain strength.

Features of use

How to use "Liquid chestnut" for weight loss? Reviews and contraindications suggest that the results of its use are rather contradictory.

To avoid any unnecessary sensations and consequences, you should strictly follow the instructions. It is important to remember that the drug already has an effect similar to caffeine, so you should not combine its intake with coffee and other caffeinated substances.

The substance should not be used uncontrollably, but in small courses, 3-4 weeks each, taking a break of at least two weeks.

"Liquid chestnut" for weight loss: sale

In some settlements far from all medicines, vitamins and desired dietary supplements are sold. Therefore, most people who want to lose weight are interested in how Liquid Chestnut is sold in a pharmacy, and what is the price of the drug. The tool is not cheap - on average, the cost exceeds twenty dollars, but a prescription is not needed for it.

Before placing an order, you need to ask about the certificate for the product, in order to avoid acquiring a fake. You can buy the remedy in a regular pharmacy.

The opinion of dietitians

So, in order to purchase "Liquid chestnut" for weight loss in pharmacies, there are no barriers. That is, you do not need any prescriptions or medical consultations (although this does not hurt). But what do experts really think about the tool, you need to know.

Some nutritionists do not consider the remedy to be something dangerous to health. Especially useful, in their opinion, "Liquid chestnut" for those who are exhausted by a breakdown and chronic fatigue. They believe that this drug is a strong energy drink that will increase the effectiveness of diet and exercise.

There is a group of nutritionists who have debunked some of the myths about Liquid Chestnut. They believe that the tool can not be considered an immunostimulant. All its action is equated to the action of caffeine, that is, it is almost the same as the effect of the use of coffee. Coffee invigorates, removes fluid, moderately loosens stools, but it is never prescribed for colds and a weakened immune system.

The drug itself does not contribute to weight loss, these experts believe, and will not lead to weight loss, but will increase the effectiveness of the diet and exercise. It is also wrong to say, doctors say, that while taking the remedy, the number of fat cells decreases. It remains the same, only the volume of body fat can decrease.

According to conservative nutritionists, the remedy is ineffective, even harmful, and its manufacturers are none other than scammers. They conducted studies on the effectiveness of the use of the remedy for obesity, but made sure that it was not subjected to serious checks and was not even registered as a dietary supplement in any country in the world. Based on this, these experts argue that "Liquid chestnut" is not only not useful, but also harmful to health.

Endocrinologists argue that the means of harm can be more than good. But they do not deny that the substance will make a person more vigorous and energetic, increase the efficiency of physical exertion.

As we can see, certified doctors speak about the drug not too flattering. But if their reviews did not dissuade you and you still want to know if Liquid Chestnut is on sale in pharmacies, then you still need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. It is also important to remember that the drug itself will not lead to weight loss, but will only help speed up the process of weight loss with an appropriate diet and exercise.

"Liquid chestnut" in pharmacies - price, customer reviews

This tool has recently been popular with those who want to say goodbye to overweight. It is available to a wide range of customers, because "Liquid chestnut" for weight loss in pharmacies is sold at prices ranging from 990 to 1300 rubles.

Medicines should be sold not only in pharmacies, but also in supermarkets. First Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov was instructed to work out this issue, his proposal was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. As a result, medicines may rise in price, the expert believes.

Igor Shuvalov (Photo: Mikhail Japaridze / TASS)

Medicines on the shelves

The government returned to discussing the possibility of selling drugs in grocery retail chains, a source told RBC. On August 31, this topic was raised at a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, the interlocutor of RBC indicated, Shuvalov's representative and the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade confirmed. The Deputy Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Health to work out the issue of selling medicines in supermarkets, a source in the government said and confirmed Shuvalov's representative.

The meeting, which raised the issue of the sale of medicines in supermarkets, was devoted to another topic - the labeling of goods, RBC's interlocutor clarifies. During the discussion, the meeting participants recalled the topic of selling medicines in retail chains, and Shuvalov noted that he did not consider the topic closed. He again asked the Ministry of Health to prepare a bill on the sale of medicines in supermarkets.

The position of the Deputy Prime Minister is supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The department believes that the sale medicines in stores will increase their availability to consumers and increase competition in the retail pharmaceutical market. “When the customer comes to the grocery store, he can buy, for example, vitamins or cold medicines. At the initial stage, we propose to include over-the-counter drugs that do not require special storage conditions as drugs sold in retail chains, ”Viktor Yevtukhov, State Secretary of the Deputy Ministry of Industry and Trade, told RBC.

The Ministry of Health has historically opposed the sale of medicines in supermarkets. In early 2016, Shuvalov already instructed the Ministry of Health to prepare a bill that would allow the sale of medicines in retail chains. In February of that year, the Ministry of Health published a notice on the development of such a bill on the website of the disclosure of legal information for public discussion, but only 11 people supported the initiative, and 2488 opposed it. Based on the results of the vote, the department asked Shuvalov to cancel his order.

Officially, at the time of writing, the ministry did not respond to RBC's request for its position on Shuvalov's initiative. Unofficially, a source in the Ministry of Health explained that the opinion of the department has not changed: the implementation of Shuvalov's order should be abandoned. The Ministry of Health is against the sale of medicines in places without a special pharmaceutical license, which, unlike supermarkets, pharmacies have, another interlocutor of RBC in the Ministry of Health clarified. “Having a license guarantees proper storage medicines and qualified advice from a pharmacist or pharmacist when they are sold, ”the interlocutor explained the position of the department.

Earlier, in 2014, Shuvalov instructed the Ministry of Health to create a list of medicines that could be sold in grocery stores. The Ministry of Health has included in the list of over-the-counter topical antiseptics for the treatment of sore throats, sprays and drops against the common cold, Activated carbon, antiviral and antiallergic creams and ointments. The list has not yet been approved by the government.

The drugs included in the list offered for sale in supermarkets occupy 2.5% of the commercial pharmaceutical market in monetary terms, Nikolay Bespalov, development director of the analytical company RNC Pharma, calculated. The volume of the entire commercial pharmaceutical market by the end of 2017 will be about 945 billion rubles, predicts Bespalov.

If supermarkets are allowed to sell medicines, this does not mean that pharmacies will immediately lose 2.5% of the market. “The level of trust in pharmacies is much higher. Even if we imagine that 30-50% of consumers still choose a supermarket rather than a pharmacy, the latter will lose about 1.3% of the market. This is approximately 12.3 billion rubles,” Bespalov believes.

Pharmacies and manufacturers against

If Shuvalov's initiative turns into a bill and is approved, drug prices may jump, Elena Nevolina, executive director of the National Pharmaceutical Chamber, told RBC. “Pharmacists earn on the segment of medicines that is proposed to be transferred to supermarkets. If it is not, they will have to raise the price of other drugs, for example for the treatment of chronic diseases, to cover the losses, ”she explained.

There is no need to sell medicines in supermarkets, says Dmitry Tselousov, executive director of the Soyuzpharma Association of Pharmacy Institutions. “Now there are a sufficient number of pharmacy organizations that successfully cope with the needs of the population. Many grocery chains have their own checkout pharmacies. In addition, large Internet players Ozon and Yandex.Market are going to sell medicines, and they are ready to do this in compliance with all licensing requirements,” he said. Medicines are the kind of goods that cannot be dispensed without consulting a pharmacist or pharmacist, Tselousov is sure.

The press service of the 36.6 pharmacy chain RBC also pointed out the unwillingness of retail chains to dispense medicines. “Pharmacy-educated people work in pharmacies. And who will dispense drugs in grocery chains?” — told RBC in the company.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers also speak out against Shuvalov's initiative. “Market conditions should be the same for everyone. And if the pharmacy receives a special license in order to operate, and fulfills its conditions, why should supermarkets be special and operate under privileged conditions? Ivan Glushkov, Deputy General Director of the pharmaceutical company Stada CIS, told RBC.

The Dixy retail chain told RBC that they support Shuvalov's initiative. If we are talking about over-the-counter drugs that do not require a pharmacist on the trading floor, their sale in regular stores would be convenient for buyers. “It would be possible to make purchases of food and medical goods at one checkout,” a Dixy representative told RBC.

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