Activated charcoal drug. Activated carbon. Combination of charcoal tablets and medicines

Bathroom 04.01.2021

Formula: Cn, chemical name Carbon
Pharmacological group: metabolic/detoxifying agents, including antidotes; adsorbents
Pharmachologic effect: adsorbent, detoxifying, antidiarrheal.

Pharmacological properties

Activated carbon is characterized by high surface activity, which determines the ability to bind substances that lower surface energy (without changing their chemical nature). It sorbs gases, toxins, alkaloids, glycosides, salts of heavy metals, salicylates, barbiturates and other compounds, reduces their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and promotes excretion from the body with feces. Active as a sorbent during hemoperfusion. Weakly adsorbs acids and alkalis (including iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol). Does not irritate mucous membranes. When applied topically in a patch, it increases the rate of healing of ulcers. For the development of the maximum effect, it is recommended to enter immediately after poisoning or during the first hours. In the treatment of intoxication, it is necessary to create an excess of coal in the stomach (before washing it) and in the intestines (after washing the stomach). The presence of food masses in the gastrointestinal tract requires the introduction of high doses, because. the contents of the gastrointestinal tract are sorbed by carbon and its activity is reduced. A decrease in the concentration of coal in the medium contributes to the desorption of the bound substance and its absorption (to prevent the resorption of the released substance, repeated gastric lavage and the appointment of coal are recommended). If the poisoning is caused by substances involved in the enterohepatic circulation (cardiac glycosides, indomethacin, morphine and other opiates), it is necessary to use coal for several days. It is especially effective as a sorbent for hemoperfusion in cases of acute poisoning with barbiturates, glutathimide, theophylline.


Dyspepsia; diseases accompanied by processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines (including flatulence); increased acidity and hypersecretion of gastric juice; diarrhea; acute poisoning (including alkaloids, glycosides, salts of heavy metals); diseases with toxic syndrome - food toxic infections, dysentery, salmonellosis, burn disease in the stage of toxemia and septicotoxemia, hyperazotemia (chronic renal failure), hyperbilirubinemia (chronic and acute viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis); allergic diseases; bronchial asthma; atopic dermatitis; preparation for x-ray and ultrasound examinations (to reduce gas formation in the intestines).

Method of application of activated carbon and doses

Take orally, in tablets or as an aqueous suspension (the required amount of the drug is mixed in 0.5 cups of water), 1 hour before meals and other medications. Adults on average 1.0-2.0 g 3-4 times a day, the maximum dose for adults is up to 8 g. Children are prescribed an average of 0.05 g / kg of body weight 3 times a day, the maximum single dose is up to 0.2 mg/kg body weight. The course of treatment for acute diseases is 3-5 days, for allergies and chronic diseases - up to 14 days. Repeated course - after 2 weeks on the recommendation of a doctor.
In acute poisoning - gastric lavage using a suspension of activated charcoal, then inside 20–30 g. In case of flatulence and dyspepsia - inside 1–2 g 3–4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-7 days.
The course of treatment for diseases accompanied by the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, increased secretion of gastric juice, lasts 1-2 weeks. Adults - 10 g 3 times a day between meals, children under 7 years old - 5 g each, 7–14 years old - 7 g per reception.
If you missed the next dose of medication, you can take activated charcoal as soon as you remember, but not earlier than one hour before eating or taking another medication. The time of the next medication should be shifted by the same interval.

Contraindications and restrictions for use

Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (including exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis), bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal atony, simultaneous administration of antitoxic substances, the effect of which develops after absorption (methionine, etc.), hypersensitivity, constipation. Long-term use of activated charcoal disrupts the normal activity of the stomach, which can lead to difficult and painful digestion.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is non-toxic and is not absorbed into the blood. In the recommended doses, the contraindications are the same.

Side effects of activated charcoal

Dyspepsia, constipation or diarrhea, black-colored stools; with prolonged use (more than 14 days), malabsorption of calcium, fats, proteins, vitamins, hormones, nutrients is possible; with hemoperfusion through activated charcoal, embolism, hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypothermia, and a decrease in blood pressure may develop.

Interaction of activated carbon with other substances

Activated charcoal reduces the absorption and effectiveness of drugs taken orally at the same time as it; reduces the activity of intragastrically active substances (for example, ipecac).
It is recommended to store in a dry place, away from substances that release gases or vapors into the atmosphere. Storage in air (especially in a humid environment) reduces the sorption capacity.


Data on a possible overdose of activated charcoal have not been reported.

Surely everyone has heard such a phrase as activated carbon. And about everyone uses it for the formation of gases in the intestines or poisoning. And it is right. But today we will tell you what activated carbon actually is and where else you can use it.

Activated charcoal is a charcoal of vegetable or animal origin. It is produced either from certain types of wood, or from animal bones, coal and petroleum coke. The substance has many pores and this is its main advantage and increases its specific surface. As a result, all harmful substances accumulate and are retained by activated carbon until they are removed. Coal is used not only as a medicine, but also for filtering water or other liquids.

When is charcoal used?

Our today's story is about coal as a medicine. It is used for various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, flatulence, increased acidity of gastric juice. Coal is very effective in case of poisoning with food products such as mushrooms, sausages and fish, in case of poisoning with strychnine, morphine, salts of heavy metals, alcohol, drugs.

Rules of use

Taking this substance, not everyone knows how to use activated charcoal correctly, the dosage should correspond to each case of illness or poisoning. Otherwise positive effect may not come. So, in what dosage to drink coal:

  • for mild poisoning - 20-30 gm, diluting tablets or powder with water. After taking the tablets, the stomach should be washed out and a laxative should be drunk;
  • in severe cases of poisoning - prepare a mixture consisting of 50% coal and 25% magnesium oxide and theanine. 2 tablespoons of the finished mixture are diluted in a glass of warm water;
  • with diarrhea and flatulence - drink 3 tablets 3 times a day with water;
  • at hyperacidity- 2 grams of activated charcoal 3 times a day, diluting the tablets in water.

When taking tablets, it should be borne in mind that activated charcoal reduces healing effect medicines, therefore, a time interval must be observed between taking coal and other medicines.

Activated charcoal for children

In the first-aid kit of each family, there is probably such a drug, but not all parents know for sure whether it is possible to give activated charcoal to children. Thanks to their unique properties(high absorption), activated charcoal is widely used in pediatrics. And they prescribe it not only for diarrhea and flatulence, but also for:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • salmonellosis;
  • dysentery;
  • various forms of hepatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • intoxication after chemotherapy;
  • metabolic disorders, etc.

It can be very difficult to give a pill to a child, and even more so activated charcoal, so this drug should be used only as directed by a doctor. There are some contraindications in which the use of coal is not recommended. This is gastric bleeding, stomach and duodenal ulcers, individual intolerance.
Activated charcoal is used, like any drug, strictly according to the instructions. And even when the doctor explained to you the method of use, before giving activated charcoal to children, the instructions will help you learn in detail everything about the medicine, dosage and methods of treatment.

You can give activated charcoal to children from any age: up to a year - up to 2 tablets per day in the form of a suspension in water; up to 3 years - 4 tablets per day; up to 6 years - 6 tablets; after 6 - up to 12 tablets.

There are some peculiarities in the use of this medicinal product. It should be remembered that you need to take it on an empty stomach, 1-2 hours before or after a meal. Since due to its high absorption capacity, entering the stomach useful material, can be deactivated. The same thing happens with the simultaneous use of other drugs with coal.

You can take the drug for no more than 3-4 days, otherwise not only harmful, but also useful substances will be removed from the body. Feces turn black during treatment, you should not be afraid - this is normal.

It is very important to ensure that activated charcoal does not come into contact with other drugs or chemicals during storage. And we already understand why. It can absorb these substances into itself and, upon subsequent use, cause irreparable harm. Pay attention to the dosage of the drug indicated on the package, it may be different from the one you are used to.

Although activated charcoal is considered completely harmless, it is a medicine and, if taken uncontrolled, can harm the patient. Like other drugs, it requires an attentive attitude and consultation with a doctor.

activated carbon

International non-proprietary name

Dosage form

Capsules 200.00 mg


One capsule contains

active substance- activated charcoal 200 mg,

excipients (capsule shell): gelatin, titanium dioxide (E 171), iron oxide black (E 172).


Size 1 hard gelatin capsules with black body and cap. The contents of the capsules are black or dark gray powder.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Intestinal adsorbents. Preparations of coal. Activated carbon.

ATX code A07BA01

Pharmacological properties


Activated charcoal is not absorbed when taken orally. The average transit time of activated charcoal through the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) is about 25 hours.

Activated charcoal is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, so there is no distribution period or any metabolism. It is displayed unchanged. As they pass through the intestine, the associated components do not undergo desorption and do not change the pH of the medium.


Activated carbon is characterized by high surface activity, which determines the ability to bind substances that lower surface energy (without changing their chemical nature). Sorbs gases, toxins, alkaloids, glycosides, salts of heavy metals, salicylates, barbiturates, etc., reducing their absorption in gastrointestinal tract and facilitating excretion from the body with faeces. Active as a sorbent during hemoperfusion. Actively absorbing the gas formed during indigestion, it prevents overstretching of the intestinal walls, thereby preventing and relieving pain. At infectious diseases such as acute dysentery, salmonellosis, viral hepatitis, typhoid fever, leptospirosis, hemorrhagic fevers, ornithosis absorbs pathogenic strains and their toxins. The drug reduces the level of toxins and eliminates the symptoms of intoxication with lead, alcohol and drug exotoxicosis, burn and radiation sickness; chronic intoxication in hazardous production . Weakly adsorbs acids and alkalis (including iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol).

Indications for use

As part of combination therapy for the following diseases:

food poisoning

Dysentery, salmonellosis

Enterocolitis, cholecystopancreatitis

Diarrhea, flatulence, processes of putrefaction, fermentation, hypersecretion of mucus, hydrochloric

Poisoning chemical compounds and medicines (incl.

organophosphorus and organochlorine compounds, psychotropic


Poisoning with alkaloids, salts of heavy metals

Burn disease in the stage of toxemia and septicotoxemia

Withdrawal alcohol syndrome

Preparation for x-ray studies (to reduce gas formation).

Dosage and administration

Assign inside. The capsules should be taken with water.

Adults: 3-6 capsules, 3-4 times a day, 1-2 hours before or after food or medicines.

The maximum single dose is 8 capsules, the maximum daily dose is 24 capsules.

For children from 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed depending on body weight, on average, at the rate of 0.05 g / kg of body weight 3 times a day, the maximum single dose is up to 0.2 g / kg of body weight.

The duration of treatment for acute poisoning is 3-5 days. With chronic intoxication from 10 to 14 days.

With flatulence, 3-6 capsules of the drug are prescribed orally 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-7 days.

Side effects

With prolonged use (more than 14 days), malabsorption of calcium, vitamins


Hypersensitivity to activated charcoal or any component


Gastrointestinal obstruction and suspected intestinal


Acute abdominal pain, ulcerative colitis, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract

Children's age up to 6 years

Drug Interactions

Activated charcoal, due to adsorption on its surface, reduces the effectiveness of all drugs taken orally at the same time as it. The drug increases the rate of elimination of drugs with a long half-life (carbamazepine, phenobarbital and diphenylsulfone). Oral administration of activated charcoal increases the clearance of digoxin by 5 times.

Activated charcoal reduces the effectiveness of oral medications designed to increase blood pressure and antirheumatic drugs.

Simultaneous intake of activated charcoal and oral contraceptives may cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the latter. In such cases, it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception.

special instructions

When taking the drug, staining of feces in a dark color occurs.

If diarrhea persists after three days of treatment, additional clinical and biochemical studies should be carried out to identify the cause of the disease.

Activated charcoal should be taken at least 1-2 hours before or after taking other medicines.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of activated charcoal is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Does not affect


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting and constipation.

Treatment: stop the drug, prescribe laxatives.

Release form and packaging

10 capsules in a blister pack made of PVC film and printed lacquered aluminum foil.

It is high doses of the drug that make the modern consumer doubt the appropriateness of its use in medicinal purposes. Doctors also reinforce doubts by offering other medicines that require lower dosages for administration, but are many times more expensive. Does coal really lose to them in terms of adsorbing abilities?

Features of the drug

Activated carbon is a porous hydrocarbon compound whose hexagonal atomic structures form irregularly offset layers. For example, the structure of another hydrocarbon compound - graphite - involves parallel layers of atoms, which is why its adsorption capacity is not comparable to those of coal. Its discrepancies between the layers form pores of different sizes. Scientists identify:

  • micropores;
  • mesopores;
  • macropores.

It is the variety of sizes of porous holes that provides universal adsorption - coal is able to accumulate particles up to a nanometer in size, as well as macromolecules of organic compounds. In addition, the branching of the holes and high surface activity provide a huge area of ​​contact with gaseous and liquid media, as a result, the latter are cleaned of almost any impurities.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the characteristic of the indifference of coal:

  • inert - a substance does not react with molecules of an organic or chemical nature;
  • not selective to the state- equally actively interacts with both liquids and gases;
  • no further interaction- binds substances without converting them, preventing the appearance of more toxic forms;
  • safe for fabrics- does not have irritating properties, therefore it does not damage the mucous membranes.

These properties of the drug make it ideal for detoxification of the human body.

Classic charcoal tablets can be used to treat adults and children from three years of age.

Raw material activation

The adsorption qualities of any substance depend on the area of ​​contact of its molecules with the medium being cleaned. Charcoal has quite a few internal passages, which are large in size, and total area contact is limited by closed external pores and an insufficient number of micropores.

To increase the adsorption capacity, ordinary charcoal is activated - treated with water vapor at the highest temperature regime reaching 1000 °C in the absence of oxygen. Thanks to this processing, the raw materials undergo special changes:

  • pores appear surface openings and the number of macro-holes increase, and a huge number of micropores appear;
  • the total area increases- adsorption surface increases up to 1000-2000 m² per 1 g of the obtained substance.

Activated charcoal powder has the most active adsorption, so it is recommended to crush the tablets before ingestion. The rate of absorption of harmful substances by a whole tablet is significantly lower, since it will take time for it to disintegrate in a liquid medium.


The drug is able to absorb a huge amount of substances:

  • endogenous toxins;
  • gaseous products of decay and fermentation processes;
  • alkaloid compounds;
  • any kind of glycosides;
  • heavy metals in the form of salts;
  • salts of salicylic acid;
  • barbiturates;
  • organic compounds.

It acts only in the intestines, is not absorbed into the blood, is excreted unchanged by the body during defecation for 24-48 hours after ingestion.

In this regard, activated charcoal is taken to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of a number of pathological conditions.

  • Gastritis. Especially if irritation of the mucous membrane provokes increased secretion of hydrochloric acid.
  • Flatulence. Often, flatulence manifests itself with overeating, improper diet, violations of the intestinal microflora, as well as enzymatic insufficiency of digestive processes. Taking the drug alleviates the condition as it enters the intestines - the less food is eaten before taking, the faster the increased gas formation will be eliminated.
  • Diarrhea. The etiology does not matter in this case, since the drug will be appropriate both for poisoning and for increased water content in the intestines, provoked by the use of laxatives.
  • Food poisoning. These include dysentery, salmonellosis.
  • Chemical poisoning. For example, salts of heavy metals, alcohol, nitrogen-containing compounds. It is important to know that the concentration of toxic substances in the blood plasma decreases only after several doses of high doses of coal. And even if the remedy is taken for a hangover, a single dose will not be enough.
  • Burns. Severe burns, with a large area of ​​damage, require the use of adsorbents to eliminate toxemia and septicotoxemia - poisoning with toxins of endogenous origin.
  • Hepatitis. Hepatitis of viral, medicinal, alcoholic origin, as well as cirrhosis of the liver are often accompanied by hyperbilirubinemia.
  • Allergy. The tool is used to bind and remove possible provocateurs of an allergic reaction, if there is a suspicion that allergens come with food. It is used for complex therapy of atopic dermatitis, urticaria of unknown cause, bronchial asthma.

Coal is also taken before the examination. The drug is used in advance to eliminate increased gas formation in the intestine, which interferes with obtaining adequate results of ultrasound, magnetic resonance and x-ray studies.

Despite the general indication of "dyspeptic disorders", taking coal for constipation is inappropriate.

Application rules

Activated charcoal is considered one of the safest drugs on the entire pharmaceutical market. Naturally, to confirm this characteristic, its correct application is necessary.

  • During pregnancy. Reception is not contraindicated during periods of childbearing and lactation, but requires prior approval from the doctor.
  • In childhood. Due to the fine dispersion of activated charcoal, there is a risk of asphyxia when taken by children. Therefore, the child should be given a powder dissolved in a small amount of water.
  • Contraindications. The drug should not be taken orally if the patient is diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis or intestinal atony.
  • Adverse reactions. Charcoal turns feces black. It can also provoke constipation, so during therapy it is necessary to take care of the optimal drinking regimen and a balanced diet.

Uncontrolled and improper use of the drug can lead to health problems.

  • Small doses. If the drug is taken in insufficient doses on top of a large meal, there is a risk of desorption of toxins. They leave the coal pores and again penetrate the mucous membranes. That is why, in case of acute poisoning, it is recommended that the primary gastric lavage with charcoal, after which its internal use to create an effective concentration inside the intestine.
  • Long term intake. Often accompanied by different methods for losing weight. It is important to understand that coal absorbs not only harmful substances, but also useful, necessary ones. In addition to metal salts and toxins of bacterial origin, the substance adsorbs vitamins, minerals, amino acids, which is fraught with the development of beriberi, disorders of the immune system, and the occurrence of anemia.
  • Irrational reception. Any doses of coal are taken two hours before or two hours after meals, taking medications, vitamin and mineral complexes. If this recommendation is ignored, the effectiveness of other drugs is reduced, and the absorbed food is deprived of a large amount of useful substances.

Given the fact that activated charcoal is excreted unchanged by the body, the risk of overdose is excluded.

Dosage and method of taking the drug

How many grams in one tablet and is there a lethal dose? The dosage depends on the purpose of taking the drug, as well as the age of the patient.


On average, the dose of coal for a child is usually calculated from the norm - 0.05 g per 1 kg of body weight. That is, one tablet is designed for 5 kg of a child's weight. The medicine should be taken with a glass of clean water (at least).

  • Children from three to seven years old. The usual dose (for flatulence, allergies, gastritis) is two to four tablets three or four times a day. With diarrhea, the dose can be increased to five tablets four times a day. In case of acute poisoning, children from three to seven years old are supposed to take 15 g of the drug per day - three times 5 g, that is, 20 tablets of 250 mg.
  • Children from seven to 14 years old. The standard dose is four tablets four times a day. With diarrhea - five to six tablets four times a day. In case of poisoning - 7 g of powder three times a day.


The most common misconception is the opinion that it is enough for an adult to take one tablet of coal per 10 kg of body weight.

  • Usual dose. Six tablets four times a day. It is used for allergies, to eliminate flatulence, in preparation for research.
  • Increased dose. It is prescribed for gastritis and high acidity. It is 2 g of activated charcoal for a four-time intake per day. That is, eight tablets, four times - a total of 32 tablets.
  • Maximum dose. In case of poisoning, they drink 20-30 g of the drug (from 80 to 120 tablets). Crushed into powder, diluted with a glass of water and taken orally or used for gastric lavage. After its complete cleansing, the same dose of the drug should be repeated.

The minimum duration of treatment for an adult is three days, the maximum is 15 days.

Release form

The most affordable in terms of price is the usual activated carbon in tablet form, which contains 250 mg of pure active ingredient and auxiliary components. The inconvenience of taking tablets is due to the need to pre-crush them. The suspension can be difficult to drink, so pharmaceutical manufacturers have created encapsulated forms.

  • "Sorbex". One capsule of the drug contains 250 mg of activated charcoal in granular form. Due to this, not only the area of ​​the adsorbing surface increases, but also the activity of the drug is prolonged. This is justified by the additional disintegration of the granules inside the body. The standard dosage for an adult is two to three capsules per dose. The drug exhibits more active detoxifying properties compared to charcoal tablets.
  • "Extrasorb". Activated charcoal capsules available in various dosages: 110 mg, 220 mg, 250 mg per capsule.
  • "Ultra-Adsorb". Capsulated form with a dosage of 200 mg. The standard dose for an adult is two to three capsules per dose.
  • "Carbopekt". The dose of activated charcoal in one capsule is 110 mg, so four to eight capsules for an adult are recommended for a single dose. The maximum single dose is 32 capsules of the drug.
  • "Carbolong". Produced in the form of activated carbon powder, packaged in bags of 5 g. The most convenient dosage form for the elimination of acute intoxications. The recommended dose for an adult is one to two packets three times a day. Children from seven years old can take one packet three times a day. The powder should be diluted in half a glass of water.

Encapsulated forms of activated charcoal are positioned as fast-acting. This is due to the increased rate of absorption of toxins after the capsule enters the body and dissolves its gelatin shell.

Additional features of the sorbent

In addition to medical purposes, the drug is also used for household purposes.

  • To eliminate unpleasant odors. Activated charcoal will help get rid of musty, damp and moldy smells in the room, refrigerator, near the trash cans. To do this, fill a flat container with coal powder and place it in necessary place. It is recommended to replace the contents of the dishes every three days until the odors are completely eliminated or dry the used coal in the oven at a temperature of 200 ºС.
  • To absorb moisture. With insufficient ventilation in the room, moisture quickly accumulates, causing the development of mold fungi. It is recommended to place containers with coal in damp rooms. It is advisable to put them in the corners, under the windowsills, near the clothes dryer if you have to dry it in the house.
  • For cleaning shoes. There are special insoles with a layer of activated carbon. They provide good ventilation of the foot, prevent sweating and unpleasant odor. Also, to eliminate an unpleasant odor or prevent its occurrence, you can put a linen bag filled with coal in your shoes at night. The same manipulation will help to dry a wet boot faster.

Activated charcoal is also actively used for beauty. It is used for weight loss, taking three times a day before meals. Compliance with the recommendations for taking on an empty stomach is mandatory, since the drug absorbs vitamins and nutrients from food. Also, with the help of coal, homemade masks for the face and scalp are made to eliminate their increased fat content.

When using activated charcoal for the treatment of disorders or other purposes, one should not forget that it is a drug and, despite its safety, requires strict adherence to the recommendations of the instructions. Before using the product in children, it is important to consult a pediatrician.

A group of sorbent preparations is used when it is necessary to quickly remove toxic substances and their decay products, food allergens, pathogenic microorganisms, and accumulated toxins from the intestines. Charcoal tablets are among the most affordable and versatile remedies. Consumers need to know how to take activated charcoal and follow the instructions exactly, because the drug has its own characteristics and contraindications.

Transformation in the intestines into a porous black powder increases the area of ​​​​contact with the contents. It has been calculated that one gram of charcoal mass can bind 300 mg sleeping pills based on barbiturates, 700-800 mg of drugs of the morphine group, 300-400 ml of alcohol residues. Therefore, the tool is strongly recommended for emergency care with poisoning. A timely decrease in the concentration of harmful substances in the intestines allows the body to prevent effects on the brain, protect the liver and other organs.

How to take activated charcoal?

The properties of activated carbon are manifested only when it is used correctly. The drug is able to adsorb on the surface:

  • gaseous substances;
  • natural and synthetic alkaloids;
  • plant and bacterial toxins;
  • poisons (hydrocyanic acid);
  • heavy metal salts;
  • medicines hypnotic action, cardiac glycosides, sulfonamides;
  • some drugs;
  • phenols.

Less blocking effect is observed in relation to acids, alkalis.

Important! The drug does not pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. It is transported along with the contents of the intestine to the anus, does not affect peristalsis. The stools turn black.

Indications and contraindications for taking the sorbent

Activated charcoal is mistakenly called an "antidote" by some. By its nature of action, it does not show opposite qualities, therefore it cannot serve as an antidote. The functions are reduced to cleansing the body in an unfavorable state in the digestive system, the impossibility of self-combating toxic substances.

Coal as a medical preparation is indicated in complex treatment:

  • food poisoning (milk, meat, mushrooms, stale foods);
  • when using toxic alkaloids (morphine, strychnine, nicotine, high doses of coffee);
  • elimination of symptoms and consequences intestinal infections(salmonellosis, pathogenic Escherichia coli, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera), helminthic invasion;
  • digestive disorders caused by a malfunction of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas (diarrhea, bloating);
  • skin allergic reactions, dermatitis;
  • signs of overdose and negative properties of drugs taken orally;
  • complications of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The sorbent is needed in preparation for diagnostic x-ray, ultrasound and colonoscopy studies of the digestive tract to remove gases.

Activated charcoal is contraindicated in patients with the following conditions:

  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • intestinal diseases with damage to the mucous membrane (colitis, Crohn's disease, gastroenteritis);
  • chronic atonic constipation;
  • bleeding from the stomach and intestines.

Important! Patients who are forced to constantly take medications, vitamin-mineral complexes, should take into account that when using coal, their absorption will be delayed or completely stopped. Powder particles adsorb medicines on their surface as foreign substances and prevent them from entering the bloodstream.

Absorption decreases with increasing dosage of coal.

Rules and schemes for receiving activated carbon

How to drink activated charcoal in a particular case, the doctor will tell you. We will give clarifications and additions to the instructions, caused by vital needs and situations. Schemes of use are developed and confirmed by practice.

In case of food poisoning, the best effect will occur if you use the tablets in the first 12 hours after eating the suspicious product. During this period, patients usually experience nausea, vomiting, frequent diarrhea, stomach pain, fever, and weakness. In the absence of vomiting, it is more convenient to immediately consume 3-4 tablets for an adult, chew and swallow them, drink at least a glass of water with water.

When vomiting began, it is impossible to take pills. It is necessary to crush or grind them to a state of powder, dilute in a liter of boiled water and apply the suspension to wash the stomach. The tool will begin to act in 20 minutes. Then, according to the effectiveness, you can calculate the subsequent dosage for the day.

With a hangover - before the start of the feast, a person who tends to forget about the norms of alcohol and his own abilities is recommended to drink 6-7 tablets of coal (with a weight of 70 kg) in a few hours for the purpose of prevention. Before you sit down at the table, you must additionally take 2 more tablets.

If a hangover syndrome has developed in the morning, then on an empty stomach it is better to drink a suspension of 6-8 tablets per day. warm water. The effect will come faster.

Expecting a result, you need to take into account the amount of heavy meat and fatty foods eaten the day before. It delays the excretion of toxins and makes it difficult for the liver to break down ethanol. Therefore, in the absence of diarrhea, it is recommended to make a cleansing enema.

Attention! The use of other drugs (for headaches, hepatoprotectors) simultaneously with activated charcoal to eliminate the symptoms of a hangover will significantly reduce their effect.

For the same reason, it does not make sense to add other sorbents to any treatment regimen (Polysorb, Enterosgel). If a person needs to take a drug, then the interval with the use of activated charcoal should be at least two hours.

For the treatment of food and drug allergies, charcoal is prescribed 2-4 tablets three times a day before meals for a course of 2 weeks.

The drug does not work with an allergic reaction and an overdose of a drug administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

In cases of diarrhea, the drug is prescribed depending on the cause, severity of the condition, age and weight of the patient. Adults and children over 10 years of age can use up to 32 tablets per day, evenly distributing them every 2 hours. Younger children are allowed to take 1 tablet per 15 kg of weight, with breaks for daytime and nighttime sleep.

There is information about the help of activated charcoal in losing weight. Endocrinologists consider it ineffective. We will provide diagrams for inquisitive readers. There are 3 options to “lose weight with charcoal”:

  • 1 - within a month, drink a single dose before lunch or dinner (for example, a person weighing 90 kg needs to drink 9 tablets at once);
  • 2 - daily for a whole month in the morning, before sitting down to eat, drink 2 tablets, drink a glass of water;
  • 3 - daily dosage of 10 tablets divided into 3 doses one hour before meals.

Followers of the methodology argue the role of activated charcoal by complicity in improving digestion, disturbed by obesity.

Calculation of activated carbon per kg of weight

For the correct calculation of the drug, you should know how much the patient weighs (in kilograms), the age of the child, and whether the woman planning to take charcoal tablets is pregnant.

The medicine is odorless and tasteless, therefore, if necessary, allows maximum dosing.

Calculate by weight for patients older than ten years of age should be according to the rule - 1 tablet (250 mg) per 10 kg. With a body weight expressed as an intermediate number (for example, 73 kg), 1 tablet is added.

For children, the scheme looks different: the daily dosage is calculated at 250 mg for every 15 kg of weight. For additional kilograms, half a tablet is taken.

Activated charcoal is not contraindicated for pregnant women. But it requires caution to use. The mass of the fetus, amniotic fluid is excluded from the total weight. It is necessary from the II trimester and during the prenatal period to provide for the possibility of increased constipation due to excess dosage.

Maximum daily dose

The maximum number of tablets for an adult is 32 pieces, which is equal to a mass of 8 g with a weight of one tablet of 0.25 g. The daily dose should be divided into 3-4 doses.

A child under two years of age cannot swallow pills. They prepare a suspension of powder for him (rub 2 tablets for the whole day). At three years, 3 tablets are allowed, at 6 years the dosage increases to six. Water acidified with lemon is suitable for drinking. If you do not take enough water, then there is a threat of dehydration, since coal, along with slag, removes liquid.

In case of poisoning, adults are prescribed up to 100 tablets per day, deliberately exceeding the maximum dosage.

The maximum number of tablets that can be taken at a time

The average dosage of activated angle includes 4-8 g / day, in terms of the number of tablets, this is 16-32. The entire daily dose is allowed to be taken once. In case of poisoning, the dosage is increased by 3-4 times.

The doctor prescribes the necessary dosage of activated charcoal. You can drink it on your own 1-2 times before the doctor's examination.

Food addiction: before or after food?

Coal is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening - on an empty stomach. It is recommended to drink an hour and a half to an hour before meals or 40-60 minutes after. Plentiful drink should be added to food.

How long can you use activated charcoal without a break?

It does not make sense to use coal for a long time, since it is not a therapeutic, but a symptomatic drug. Four days is enough to make a diagnosis and prescribe a full-fledged therapy.

Proponents of the method of losing weight with coal note the need for additional use of enemas and laxatives.

What threatens the uncontrolled use of activated charcoal? The doctor answers

Doctors have to deal with the consequences of overdose, misuse, and rarely allergic manifestations.

Passion for weight loss advertising brings patients to persistent atonic constipation, partial intestinal obstruction. Doctors are categorically against this direction. Some people are confident in the complete cleansing of the body with charcoal, take it during and after SARS, influenza. There is no "purification" involved. The state of a person in the recovery period requires vitamins, immunomodulators. And coal retains in the intestines and does not allow absorption useful drugs and substances from food.

There are many symptomatic remedies to relieve bloating, charcoal tablets are outdated and inconvenient to use. Their use should be recommended as first aid for poisoning. The advantage is considered to be a long period, suitable simple conditions for storage, inclusion in a home first-aid kit.

If activated charcoal is needed, then the optimal dosage is selected. It is not suitable for everyone due to the large number of tablets. The drug is suitable for emergency treatment of poisoning. With unclear vomiting, diarrhea, a more correct decision is to consult a doctor and find out the cause. No one has been able to cure the disease with coal yet. Fat people need serious dietary restrictions and physical activity, and not the pursuit of advertising.


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