Red-eared turtles breeding. How turtles breed in captivity: the necessary conditions. Choosing a place for masonry

Walls, partitions 18.04.2021
Walls, partitions

In the article I will consider the conditions of keeping and breeding red-eared turtle. This is one of the most popular. I will list its main features: color, size, life span, types. I’ll tell you about how she is, whether she is friends with other animals, what are the features for caring for her and how the turtle is arranged. I will list the signs that a dwarf pet is going to hibernate. I will describe how and where to equip an aquaterrarium, how to wash it.

Characteristics of the aquatic red-eared turtle - the size to which it can grow, life expectancy

The homeland of the red-eared turtles is the southeastern part of America. From here they occupied the northern part of America, Europe, Asia and the southern region of Africa. The wide distribution is interpreted by unpretentiousness: they are omnivorous and easily adapt to living in artificial reservoirs.

Red-eared turtle in the natural environment

Sedentary. When full, lies on the shore under the sun. When hungry, it swims slowly, looking for food. The red-eared tortoise notices the danger 32-42 m from it and immediately hides.
Also called Yellowbelly. Refers to American freshwater turtles.

This animal got its name due to red or orange spots on the head in the area of ​​​​the ears and the yellow lower part of the shell with dark stains and spots.

The upper part of the shell is round and smooth with yellow and dark stripes that make up a peculiar pattern. In young, this part is bright green, but as they mature, it becomes dark yellow or pale green.

These are immobile animals.

The size of an adult is 24-31 cm. The cubs are about 3 cm long, after a year - 6-9 cm.

Determining the age of the carapace is inaccurate, since its dimensions may vary due to age and care: if properly maintained, the growth rate is higher.

V good conditions live 25-45 years, in captivity the life span is about 18 years.

You can determine the sex of the animal when its age exceeds a year, and the body length is 11 cm. The tail of females is shorter. The lower part of the male's shell is concave inward, the claws are larger and longer.

The vocal cords and hearing are poorly developed. In a dangerous situation, when excited, they can snort and hiss, squeak weakly. Sense of smell and vision are well developed. Red-eared turtles can distinguish colors and see at a distance of up to 40 m. These reptiles are subject to closely monitor changes in the behavior and appearance of the pet.

How many types of domestic decorative reptiles exist

The species is divided into 13 subspecies. Among them, the most common are:

These species are the most suitable for keeping at home. But the "yellow-bellied slider" is the most fastidious pet among its brethren.
Also, people who cannot afford to keep a large pet should look into the mini option. The size of such animals does not exceed 11-13 cm, so the aquarium for them is smaller than for ordinary ones. But in personal care, they are no less demanding than ordinary ones.

Conditions of detention, home care

An adult needs an aquarium with a capacity of more than 130 liters, in which there will be:

  • water heater;
  • lamp;
  • thermometer.

Change of water should occur 1 time in 6-8 days.

These are aquatic animals, but they cannot be constantly under water. They like to walk along the bottom, but due to the lack of gills, they need to constantly rise to the top in order to breathe. Therefore, the height of the water should not be much greater than the width of the shell (so that the animal swims freely and rolls over). The optimum level of water temperature is +23 degrees.

The terrarium should be spacious

Land in the aquarium should occupy a quarter total area. An incandescent lamp is installed above it (for warming up the air and the island), which should work daily for 9-11 hours.

Red-eared turtles do not need soil and stones on the bottom. But when choosing such a decor, you need to remember that they must be large so that the turtle does not eat them.

Feeding, nutritional features, what kind of food and food can a turtle

But you can't feed them.

  • pork;
  • lamb;
  • crab sticks;
  • vegetables (except carrots).

The diet should be varied

Carrots are allowed to feed 1 time in 25-30 days.

It is extremely rare to give fodder insects, flour worms, bloodworms.

Be sure to feed:

  • lean non-gutted fish (river) - give every 10-14 days;
  • beef liver;

The meat is given raw.

  • snails (except for ambers);
  • crickets;
  • fodder cockroaches;
  • earthworms;
  • aquarium fish (guppies, zebrafish);
  • plant foods (in older individuals should be 50% of the diet): aquarium plants, lettuce, dandelion leaves.

Red-eared sliders should have meat in their diet

Up to 12-13 months they are fed daily, older - once every two days.

Where does a small reptile spend the winter and can it hibernate in an aquarium

While maintaining the correct temperature regime The red-eared slider does not hibernate. But there are exceptions.
They carefully prepare for hibernation.

The temperature in the place of hibernation is maintained at +1/+6 degrees.

Two months before the start, the reptile should be well fattened, increasing the frequency of feeding and expanding the diet. During the last week, you can not feed the animal.
The pet should get used to this temperature gradually.

Some individuals hibernate regardless of the conditions of detention

The place should be with high humidity. To do this, you can make a mixture of leaves that will let air through and moss that retains moisture.

Organization of hibernation at home - difficult process therefore it is important to provide sufficient care to avoid the need for it.

Signs that an aquarium water animal is hibernating

Regardless of the conditions of detention, there are individuals who are ready to hibernate. This tendency is not going anywhere. At the same time, it clogs into the corner of the aquarium and does not move. for a long time, there is a decrease in the activity of the animal.

How to make and equip a turtle in an aquaterrarium - breeding dwarf freshwater pets

Males become sexually mature at the age of four years, females - five.

First, the turtles must find a pair, both pets must be sexually mature

Mating takes place between February and March.

During the preparation of turtles for mating, it is not recommended to take them in your hands.

For offspring, suitable conditions are provided: air temperature (+25 degrees) and water. During the mating period, the male may not let the female go to the surface, so the water level is reduced to 10 cm.

Be sure to have a container with sand in which eggs will be laid. It is impossible to leave them there after deposition, they must be transferred to an incubator, the temperature in which will be + 25-30 degrees. Frequent monitoring is required.

The development of cubs occurs within 3-5 months.

At temperatures below +26 degrees, males appear, above +31 - females.

This species does not have a maternal instinct, therefore it is forbidden to keep a female with cubs. Turtles are kept from adults in a separate aquarium - turtle for at least 11-13 months.

Turtles are kept in a separate aquarium so that adults do not eat them.

In conclusion, it must be said that red-eared reptiles do not require special conditions. The main thing is to provide them with the optimal temperature of air and water, attributes that will make it possible to bring the conditions of detention a little closer to their natural habitat.

Lack of space leads to a violation of the development and growth of the animal, and without a lamp with ultraviolet light, calcium will not be absorbed, which will lead to the destruction of bones and shell.

In the article, I talked about how to care for a little turtle, where it prefers to live, about its life expectancy, to what size it can grow, what it prefers to eat (what food will help it grow quickly and live long), and why it can lie in hibernation. I considered what kind of decorative aquarium to do for the hibernation time and how long the animal will sleep like this (winter). How best to equip a water terrarium. On it you can make a sunken island of sushi for food.

The question of how turtles mate is of interest to many people. After all, even those who keep these animals as pets do not always know how to determine the sex of a reptile. What can we say about mating!

Brief description of the order of turtles

These animals belong to the order of reptiles. They live in captivity up to 50 years. But in the natural environment, they can exist about twice as much. Although there are legends that there are individuals who have reached 350 years or more. But only the fact of the life span of the Madagascar radiant tortoise Tui Malila is documented - 188 years. Today she is considered a long-lived winner.

A distinctive feature of all types of turtles is the presence of a shell. Perhaps, thanks to him, they managed to survive, despite the various cataclysms that took place on our planet. After all, these creatures are very ancient.

mating games

Turtles are not alien to demonstrative manifestations of sympathy. Males become very active during the mating season. Many people mistakenly consider turtles to be silent creatures. After all, males, caring for their chosen ones, often make sounds similar to yapping. Yes, and females have the right to express their opinion with their voice.

Usually males challenge rivals to fights. And during the period of "fights" weak animals can be injured and die. So it will be a huge mistake to consider turtles as calm and good-natured animals.

The male is not so loyal to his chosen one either. Seeing a female, he begins to shake his head up and down. But he does not intend to wait for her to reciprocate the boyfriend. Having performed a ritual dance-recognition, the male runs to the turtle and strongly beats its head into the shell. In addition, he bites the reptile's paws until it is eventually subdued.

Mating process in nature

First of all, it should be clarified that the genitals of turtles are located in the tail. Therefore, the male comes to the chosen one from behind, crawls onto her back with the front part of the body. He adapts his tail to her ponytail, directing the genital organ to the right place.

At the end of the action, the male emits a "victory cry". And let only his chosen one hear him, but this is the song of the winner who has reached his goal. The female also answers him with a "yelp". This is how turtles mate in nature.

Mating tortoises in captivity

This species of reptiles breeds both in nature and in captivity. Since tortoises mate in vivo only in the case when you have to fight for a female, then there must be at least two males in captivity in order to reveal the winner in the battle. Otherwise, interest in the female will simply be lost.

The sex of a reptile can be difficult to determine. But upon closer examination and comparison of heterosexual individuals, it is clear that there are still differences. For example, the claws on the limbs of the male are longer and harder than those of the females. The ventral side of the shell of the "guy" is concave, the femoral spurs are massive. The tail is longer, rounded and wider at the base, because it contains the genitals. The shell covers it with itself.

When the competitor is defeated, the time of the mating ritual begins. The male tries to show himself in front of the female in all its glory. He catches up with the chosen one, stretches out his paws and tail, shakes his head. The male then tries to pull the turtle under him. And sometimes a particularly zealous boyfriend does it with such force that it can damage the shell. That is why experts advise putting the “groom” to the “bride”, and not keeping them together: “away” the male has less decisiveness and aggression is not as pronounced as on his own territory.

Mating process in red-eared turtles

This is a freshwater animal. Red-eared turtles live in nature in dirty swampy reservoirs and ponds. And the males are smaller than the females.

There are two answers to the question at what age they mate. Readiness for the mating season of individuals of both sexes in nature is achieved by six years. But at home, females mature at the age of five. Males become sexually mature by the age of four.

Reproduction in natural conditions lasts all spring, starting from the end of February. Directly in the water, the "groom" settles down in front of the head of the "bride", and they swim in parallel. Only he periodically makes a backward movement, touching the chin of the individual he likes with claws. For laying eggs, the female chooses land, where she digs a nest.

How do red-eared turtles mate in captivity? They also do it in the water.

For the breeding process, you need to have several females. They only need one male. At marriage time, the future daddy becomes very active. With his shell, he touches the back of the chosen turtle, tickles it with his paws.

The chosen one and the hero are placed in a separate vessel. The act lasts a quarter of an hour. Comfortable water temperature at the same time +25 degrees. It should be poured no higher than 12 centimeters, as the "bride" will need to breathe.

Then both are returned to the common aquarium. After some time, the male begins to court another female, and the process repeats.

This is how tortoises and red-eared tortoises mate.

Often, pet turtle owners are so addicted to keeping their pet (read more about how to care for a pet turtle) that they even begin to think about why they shouldn’t breed such animals at home. Firstly, the turtle will be more fun in the company, and secondly, you will have an additional source of income, since such exotic creatures are very popular today as pets. Whatever your main motive is - you have a goal - to breed turtles, and our publication is ready to tell you in detail about all the nuances that you will have to face ...

Features of breeding turtles at home

By the way, few people know, but the first person who achieved a successful result in breeding freshwater turtles at home was not a scientist at all, but a simple amateur who simply loved turtles and devoted all his free time to studying the features of the life of these creatures. So, if something doesn’t work out for you right away, the first time, don’t despair. With proper and caring care and care for your turtle pets, you will definitely succeed. If not tomorrow, then certainly in a month ...

How to determine the sex of a turtle

Well, after such a small inspiring introduction, we suggest that you move specifically to practical points. So, in order for you to be able to breed turtles, you need a male and female turtle. Accordingly, you must be sure that the turtles you purchased are really heterosexual. Since expecting offspring from same-sex creatures is a useless undertaking. Therefore, when purchasing turtles for breeding, or buying a pair for your male or female, make no mistake. You can find out how to determine the sex of a turtle.

By the way, we have a couple of tips for you to help you determine the sex of the turtle. So,

in male turtles, the tail is usually longer than the tail of females, and on their plastron there is a special recess, which contributes to the tighter fixation of the male on the female turtle. Also, in some species of turtles, the iris of the eyes in males is colored reddish, and in females it is yellowish. As for the size of the turtles themselves, do not think that the females here are smaller than the males - rather the opposite. It is the males that are smaller in size than the females.

However, to determine the sex of a turtle, we would recommend that you be guided by not only one sign, but at least several, then you will have a better chance that you will not be mistaken.

How many turtles do you need to breed

Once you have decided on the sex of the turtles, do not rush to acquire one male and female. In this case, if only one pair lives in your terrarium, your chances of success are greatly reduced. Cohabitation of several males and one female will be much more productive. In this case, the turtles must be of the same species (learn about the types of turtles). As for how well they will get along with each other, as practice shows, turtles are not conflict creatures, so they will react calmly even to such a family model.

How to stimulate reproductive processes in turtles

It is not uncommon to hear from turtle owners, especially those who have only a female and a male in a terrarium, that their turtles do not want to breed. In this case, it is recommended to use one of the methods of stimulating such processes.

So, in particular, you can resettle the female and the male, and connect them only for the mating period - your pets will need time to miss each other.

You can reconsider the climatic conditions of keeping - change the indicators of temperature, humidity and daylight hours - it is possible that the atmosphere in the terrarium was not conducive to the breeding instincts of the turtles. To do this, you can first lower the temperature indicator (within reason, of course) and increase the humidity indicator, while at the same time reducing the daylight hours in the terrarium. Thus, you will put the inhabitants of the terrarium into sleep mode for a while. And, after that, you will carry out the reverse changes and in the reverse order - first extend the daylight hours, then lower the humidity indicator and, finally, increase the temperature indicator.

To stimulate reproduction, you can also arrange wintering for turtles. To do this, place the animals one at a time in small (tortoise-sized) linen bags and lay them on a layer of sphagnum, covering them with another layer of sphagnum on top. In order to avoid dehydration of turtles, it is recommended that the litter itself be moistened daily by spraying from a spray bottle. Such artificial wintering can last for 4 weeks. After that, you will need to smoothly bring the turtles out of the state of sleep; for this, their wintering boxes will need to be moved to a warm room, and then the sleeping beauties and beauties will be transferred to the terrarium. In a few days it will be possible to turn on the heating lamp in the terrarium, and increase the duration of daylight hours - at least 16 hours a day. Don't forget to adjust the humidity as well.

After such winter holiday when the turtles are fully awake, they will remember their breeding instincts and will definitely please you with offspring.

Features of breeding freshwater turtles

If you are a happy owner of freshwater turtles, then in order for your pets to actively breed, you also need to provide them with the most comfortable living conditions, a balanced diet (find out here), give the animals the opportunity to rest during hibernation, and then, create a favorable habitat and give them the freedom (relative) of their movements around the terrarium. Immediately before mating begins, several individuals of the same species - 2 males and 1 female can be placed in one terrarium or in a corral in a large terrarium.

Why not vice versa, take 2 females and 1 male? The fact is that only the correct sex ratio contributes to the manifestation of the reproductive instinct in turtles.

For breeding, it is better to choose sexually mature, but not old turtles, which are first recommended to be shown to the veterinarian. If the animals are sick or weakened, you should not expect to get healthy and viable offspring from them.. It will not happen. Learn about turtle diseases.

A group of turtles is worth watching, and if you notice that appropriate relationships have been established between individuals of different sexes, the third extra male should be transplanted into another terrarium. As for the behavior of turtles in such a mating season, the males are trying in every possible way to attract

When a pair of turtles is finally formed, it is worth starting to add vitamin E to the diet of animals - it promotes reproduction in these reptiles. It is necessary to create a calm and quiet environment for the couple, not to disturb the turtles, and touch them as little as possible, and also make sure that no extraneous noises frighten the animals.

The mating process of turtles can take place both in water and on land.

In order for the process of laying eggs by the female to begin, the water temperature in the terrarium or aquarium must be at least 22-26 degrees. On land, it is worth preparing a cozy nest where the turtle can lay its eggs - to do this, dig a small hole in the ground or sand and place in it a small container covered with sphagnum moss so that its edges are flush with the land.

7 Turtle Breeding

Turtles rarely breed in captivity. Breeding turtles is a painstaking and responsible work that only experienced specialists can do.

In order for turtles kept at home to start breeding, you need to provide them with the proper conditions: proper nutrition, suitable habitat and relative freedom of movement.

For successful breeding, in addition to observing all conditions of detention, it is advisable to place several individuals of the same species in one pen or terrarium. When forming a group, the correct ratio of the number of females and males is important, which contributes to the manifestation of elements of mating behavior in these animals. In freshwater turtles, this ratio is approximately 2:1.

Only with the right content, red-eared sliders can give birth in captivity.

In addition, when choosing animals, their age must be taken into account - sexually mature, but not old individuals should be selected, which should first be checked by a veterinarian. The most suitable age for mating red-ear turtles is 5 years. Despite the fact that puberty occurs in them a little earlier, fertilization in too young individuals may not occur. Sick or weakened animals are also most likely not to produce offspring.

You can distinguish the sex of red-eared turtles by the length of the tail (in the male it is longer). In addition, the male has a depression on the plastron.

A group of selected turtles should be carefully observed for some time to determine how ready they are for mating and breeding. If a relationship has been established between individuals of different sexes, the rest of the turtles must be moved to another place.

Usually hobbyists who breed red-eared turtles in captivity keep males and females separately, and plant them next to each other only for the mating period. In this case, the male is best left in his usual territory, and the female is placed next to him.

It is interesting to watch the mating games of turtles both in natural conditions and at home. Aquatic turtles often manifest themselves in a completely different way during the breeding season than in ordinary life. So, males often fight among themselves, seeking the favor of the female they have chosen.

Only healthy turtles that have reached puberty can give offspring.

If you want a turtle to give birth, include foods containing vitamin E in its diet. It has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

Turtles, like other reptiles, after building a nest and laying eggs, do not care about their offspring at all, and little turtles appear completely ready for independent life.

When preparing for breeding, it is important to correctly compose the diet of turtles. Many experts recommend adding foods containing vitamin E to animal feed (greens, vegetable oil). Vitamin preparations are also suitable.

During pregnancy, the diet of turtles must contain foods high in calcium and phosphorus.

During the breeding season, red-eared turtles need to create comfortable conditions: do not disturb them, exclude all extraneous noise and vibration, try to touch animals as little as possible. In addition, you need to take care of the place where the eggs will be located in advance. Red-eared turtles dig a nest in the ground, so a small container filled with clean sand or peat should be placed in the terrarium in advance (it should be filled with a layer of about 5 cm). Also, females can lay eggs directly on a land plot arranged in a terrarium, and sometimes in water. In the latter case, it is recommended to immediately remove the masonry from the water.

Turtle lays eggs

In order for freshwater turtles to start mating games, the water temperature in the terrarium or aquarium must be 22-26 ° C. Also, increasing the length of daylight hours and the intensity of lighting helps to stimulate mating.

After the female lays eggs, it is recommended to remove the container with them and place them in the incubator. The temperature in the incubator should be maintained at 28-30°C.

If you don't have an incubator, you can use an ordinary glass jar or an aquarium filled with sand, which should be regularly moistened. You can heat such an incubator with a conventional incandescent lamp. You can put the incubator next to the central heating battery.

Turtle eggs, unlike bird eggs, should never be turned over, so they should be transferred to the incubator very carefully.

The appearance of a baby turtle from an egg

Eggs laid by turtles are not always fertilized. In order not to keep empty eggs in the incubator for several months, they need to be checked. To do this, you can build a primitive ovoscope: put a small electric light bulb in a small cardboard box, you can use a flashlight, and cover the box with a lid in which an egg-shaped hole is cut, but a little smaller. To check the egg, you need to put it, without turning it over, on the hole and turn on the light. In the middle of a fertilized egg, a darkening will be noticeable, and an empty one will transmit light evenly. When checking, it should be remembered that the longer the egg ripening period, the more accurate the result will be.

Newborn baby turtles, like other reptiles, have the remnants of the yolk sac, which disappear a few days after birth, as well as a special egg tooth, with which they cut the shell. In addition, in the first days after hatching from eggs, turtles can see a transverse fold on the plastron - a consequence of the bent position of the cub inside the egg.

After the female lays her eggs, she should be kept separate from other animals for some time. The nutrition of the female for several weeks should be enhanced, since during this period the immunity of the turtles is weakened and they are more susceptible to various diseases.

If the turtle has babies, you need to try to save them all. In no case should they be placed in the same enclosure or terrarium with adult turtles, as these reptiles do not have a maternal instinct and they can harm the cubs. It is best to prepare a small separate terrarium, specially equipped for their maintenance.

Little turtles need special care.

Little turtles eat almost the same as adult turtles, with the exception of plant foods. They are suitable as a special ready-made food, as well as finely chopped raw fish or pieces of seafood.

For normal development, baby red-eared turtles need ultraviolet radiation. The irradiation time should be increased gradually, starting from 1-2 minutes, and soft-emitting lamps should be used for procedures.

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Turtles mature late, for example, females of Central Asian turtles are over the age of ten years, males - at five or six years. Other species become sexually mature at about the same or later age. Information available in the literature on this issue is very scarce. Males of all species have a more or less noticeable "dent" on the plastron to help them perform their matrimonial duties, and in many species also hip spurs. In males of many species, the tail is longer than that of females, and the anus is located almost at the very end of it.

During the breeding season (in nature, it usually happens in the spring), turtles become more active. Males make yapping sounds (in a number of species, females also have the “right” to vote) and enter into fights with rivals, sometimes ending in injury and death of weak animals. The mating period usually lasts from one to three weeks. Two or three months after it, females lay from one or two (Egyptian tortoise) to 30 (panther and spur-bearing tortoises) eggs. Before this, the turtle digs a hole in the ground, having previously abundantly irrigated the place where the eggs are laid with the liquid accumulated in bladder and two anal vesicles. After some time, the female can re-lay eggs. Then the female buries the hole and compacts the soil, rising on outstretched legs and descending with force.

Turtle owners are often interested in: is it possible to breed land turtles at home? Female turtles in captivity often lay eggs. But often (as in birds) eggs are unfertilized (fatty). And if your pet, living with you alone, laid eggs, then there is no point in incubating them. You will have nothing but disappointment.

If you have several turtles, and you are sure that there are both males and females in the “herd”, and even more so mating is noted, then it makes sense to start incubating the laid eggs. In captivity, turtles can mate and lay eggs year-round. To stimulate mating, many species need the presence of several males: without fights, they show no interest in females. During the period of "pregnancy" females need to increase the amount of given vitamins D and E, as well as feed and top dressing with a high content of calcium. We must not forget about the exposure of animals to ultraviolet light. Stimulates sexual activity and increased lighting.

Turtles can even lay their eggs on the floor, but it is advisable to make a special nest box for this purpose. It must be of sufficient size so that the animal can choose a place in it to dig a hole. For large species (red-legged and other turtles), it should have dimensions of 1.2 1.2-0.6 m. hole in the floor of the terrarium. For smaller or larger animals, the dimensions of the nest box must be changed. The necessary substrate is laid in the nest box almost to the top: for desert species - sand, for forest species - a mixture of sphagnum, peat and sand. The substrate must be kept moist.

Laid eggs should be transferred to the incubator as soon as possible. Unlike bird eggs, turtle eggs, like all reptiles, cannot be turned over. In order not to confuse the orientation of the eggs, carefully draw a line, a cross, or a number on the top side of the egg using a soft pencil or felt-tip pen.

In the simplest case, an aquarium can be used as an incubator or a foam box can be adapted. The incubator is equipped with a lid with ventilation holes (in the foam version - a transparent plexiglass door). Ventilation is essential - stale moist air can lead to mold. But it is important not to overdry the eggs; for this, containers with periodically topped up water are placed in the incubator. Do not spray eggs with a spray bottle! Condensation formed on the lid of the incubator should also not fall on the incubated eggs.

Regardless of the device of the incubator, it must have a heater (in extreme cases, an ordinary incandescent bulb) and a thermostat. The power of the heater should be in the range of 15-40 watts. It depends on the temperature in the room where the incubator is installed, and on its size. The incubation temperature for most species should be between 28-30 ˚C. With more high temperature in newborn turtles, various deformities may occur. In a number of species, the sex of the born animal depends on the incubation temperature. So, at a high temperature, only females are hatched, and at a lower temperature, males. The humidity in the incubator should be 80-100%. The incubator must be ventilated at least once a week.

Rice. The device of the simplest incubator: 1 - a container with water for air humidification; 2 - ventilation holes; 3 - body of the incubator; 4 - thermometer; 5 - incandescent lamp; 6 - thermostat; 7 - eggs; 8 - cuvette with substrate

The development time of the embryo depends on temperature and lasts from two to fourteen months (in the Central Asian tortoise - about two months). If the incubator contains eggs from different clutches or from various kinds animals, they are best placed in separate plastic containers with a lid. So that air does not stagnate in them, a large number of holes must be made in the walls of the containers, and when airing the incubator, remove the lids from the containers for a short time.

The baby turtle makes a hole in the shell before hatching. For about a day (sometimes longer) it stays in the egg, feeding on the contents of the yolk sac. Under no circumstances should you take the baby out of there! Let him leave his cradle by himself. So that the babies, leaving the shell, do not accidentally damage the remnants of the yolk sac, some American breeders recommend gently washing the sack with a solution of betadine (pharmaceutical preparation) and carefully bandaging it with a soft cloth to the turtle shell. Remove the napkin after complete resorption of the bag. Newborn turtles are kept at the same temperature as adult animals. At the bottom of a small aquarium or terrarium, you need to pour a wet mixture of peat and sand. Slightly damp paper towels can also be used. Babies of forest species do not tolerate dry air!

In nature, newborn turtles of some species usually stay in the nest until the next spring, but in captivity they are usually not put into wintering. Feed babies a variety of plant foods. It is important that it is sufficiently soft and nutritious.

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