Secrets of Grandma Lukerya. Lukerya Holy lukerya what they pray for

Calculator 06.02.2022

Secrets of Grandma Lukerya

"Honor your father and your mother, good

you will be and may you be long-lived on earth.

(Eph. 6:2-3)

I was late for Lukerya Alekseevna for her one hundred and fifteenth (!) birthday, I arrived the next day, when the guests had left, and the long-liver was bored alone. She carefully examined me with a youthful look. “What should I say to her in honor of the name day?” - was spinning in my head. I know when her fellow countrymen wish someone health and longevity, they say: “To live for you, like grandmother Lukerya” ... but what should she wish for herself?

My interlocutor, despite her advanced age, is, as they say, in her right mind and memory. With amazing accuracy, he names numbers and names of the past and even the century before last. To my request to tell about herself, she modestly answered: “What should I write about me? I live like everyone else, I chew bread "...

Little by little, we got into a conversation, and I was able to fully appreciate Grandma Lukerya's excellent sense of humor. So, taking out a birth certificate from the chest, she lamented: “Here, if I could lose thirty or forty years old” ... Otherwise, the date is stuporous, her peers in the cemetery have been renewed more than once by their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Despite her reluctance to talk about herself, she still managed to find out that she was from an ordinary family. My father and mother were self-employed, that is, they worked for themselves. They died early. And since in her youth Lukerya was a prominent and hard-working girl - the latter was especially appreciated - there was no end to the suitors. She got married early, but family happiness was short-lived - she lived with her husband for less than a month. During the Civil War, her husband was arrested and taken to the Yalutorovsk prison. He remembers in detail as if it happened yesterday:

There was a loud knock on the window at night. I open it and three people come in. One has a revolver, two have sort of like guns over their shoulders, tied with straps. They said: "Well, master, get dressed, your hour has come!" I rushed to roar, and he got dressed, went out. Under the window, she was already waiting for a cart, the horses snorted ...

Days and nights dragged on, there was no news from her husband. In the second year of waiting, Lukerya got married to another. And she, thinking, thinking, agreed. Of the second husband he says:

- He was a really good guy. We lived with him for more than half a century. I fell in love with him for the mere fact that I had nothing to do with any power. Neither white nor red. When a man is in power, then power is like a wife. And I just wanted happiness, the usual. Times were troubled then. The Reds will come to the village, shoot, scare the women and children. Will leave business and satisfied. Whites come next. They shoot, they scare women and kids and leave ... well, where is this good for? It is more pleasant to live a quiet life: grind flour, beat butter, take care of cattle, but here ... we need a calm life. We used to be with Seliverst Stepanovich, my husband, we would tighten the curtains more tightly and sit, waiting for the robbers to leave the village. Well we lived. There were no special holidays, no parties were held - it was necessary to work. But if there was free time, they sang. Seliverst Stepanovich had a very pleasant voice, the children followed him. As soon as I tighten something, the owner says to me: “For such singing, you need to take it to the police.” And when I gave birth to a boy, my first husband returned, right from the threshold he said: “I came for you.” I answer him: "It's too late, my dear." He got offended and gave me a divorce…

Before the war, people began to live well, to arrange different evenings, everyone sings, and I click the seeds. Teeth something were healthy, all as one. Everything grew in the gardens, all the fields were plowed.

And the men were taken to the Patriotic War unexpectedly. Without warning. Representatives came right to the field and took away. He, the poor one, will turn around and say: "Well, babonki, do not remember dashingly, if something is wrong." And then they take him away on horseback, and we sit down, roaring ... My son died in the war. He was so smart... well-read. A lot of people then left. Who were killed in the war, who died of grief.

I remember when the damn thing ended. I mean, I'm walking across the field. I drag a piece of iron on me, sort of like a spare part from a tractor. Then they brought us such tractors, although they were new, but they fell apart right in the fields, so we had to collect them so as not to plow on ourselves. I approached the village, and then there was noise, someone was screaming, someone was crying ... I threw a piece of iron and ran across the field like a plague ... It was hard for me, victory was victory, but my bear was gone. He began to dream of me, calling. I woke up in the morning sobbing. Even when I saw him off, I thought what a smart guy I have, okay, he studied at the school, not what a tramp. Later, my husband and I took an orphan from an orphanage so that the family would be more complete. So we have six relatives. And where there are six and seven, that there is an extra mouth. I wanted to do something useful in my life. I keep thinking, maybe the Lord extended our days for the orphanage Sasha, he seems to be from the priesthood, but only his parents died.

Suddenly Lukerya Alekseevna fell silent. I thought. And I, in order to distract her from bitter thoughts, ask the first question that came to my mind:

Do you have any secret to longevity?

Grandma Lukerya says: - No, girl, there are no secrets. I never drank wine, never smoked cigarettes. She worked from dawn to dusk.

Later I learned from my daughter that Grandma Lukerya is a believer and zealously observes all fasts. And on Wednesdays and Fridays, he doesn't eat at all. Only drinks water. And so it was always, even when breastfeeding children. And now, despite her advanced age, during Great Lent she cannot be forced to drink even a spoonful of milk - a sin.

As a true Christian, Lukerya Alekseevna knows prayers and has never had an abortion. She lived in peace and harmony not only with her husband, but also with his parents. Respected them and never contradicted them.

“And life is life,” my interlocutor continues, “it quickly flew by. Sometimes I sit, I think, it turns out that I didn’t seem to live. She raised children, went after her parents when they became weak. My master, like a ninety-year-old clicked, left. In the evening he lay down, complained on his right side, but I don’t know what pill to give, we never welcomed them.

Again I try to distract Grandma Lukerya from sad thoughts, I say something about fate, and she tells me:

- You, here's a literate girl, write about it: that's when the owner, and then I turned eighty, we were given an addition to the pension. And then there were no more special additives. I thought, when there will be ninety or one hundred, they will seriously add, but there it was. Dude, this is what I got. There is a congratulation from the district leadership, some souvenirs, a one-time handout in a crumpled envelope - that's all. And my pensions are like dirt under the fingernail, before we worked on the collective farm not for money, but for workdays, then, when the accounting department began to count them, and my experience was hoo, but it still turned out one zilch. What kind of deception is this? It's good that at least I don't spend money on drugs ...

- Excuse me, but how are you being treated, say, for the flu?

- Onion, what else? Finely crumble and eat, when with water, when with honey, or even just one.

- You have a beautiful figure in all the photos, even after giving birth, did you do something on purpose?

- I also do arithmetic. A glass of well water on an empty stomach - and you will have the same, or even better.

- I can’t help but ask, you went to the dentist for the first time in sixty years. Haven't your teeth bothered you before?

- Worried. At the age of thirty, the owner tore the upper back of me, hit the jamb, split, began to hurt. This one, on the side below, whatever it is, I knocked it out at the age of eighteen, when I fell on a barrel in the cellar. And the rest were in the places where they should be. After all, every evening I rinsed them with vegetable oil until it thickened. Everyone did it. Ask anyone.

– Oil? What?

- What was at hand. Sunflower, rapeseed, lampada…

... We say goodbye. I ask again about happiness.

She answers:

- Happiness when everyone is alive and well.

- Lukerya Alekseevna, do you have a cherished desire?

- I really wish that the sun would come out at least for a little while, otherwise there are only clouds in the morning, there is no need for rain now. You ... this ... you will pass by, come in.

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The national holiday Lukerja Komarnica is celebrated on May 26, 2020 (old style - May 13). In the Orthodox church calendar, this is the date of honoring the memory of two saints named Glykeria: the martyr Glykeria the virgin and the righteous Glykeria of Novgorod, the virgin. The name of the holiday "Komarnitsa" appeared in connection with the many signs of this day that are associated with mosquitoes.


Martyr Glykeria lived in the 2nd century in Troyanopolis during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Antoninus. Early became an orphan. I found solace in a Christian church, where I went every day. On the day of the feast of the deity Zeus, she drew a cross on her forehead and entered the pagan temple. When God heard Glyceria's prayer, he sent lightning into the statue of the idol, and it shattered into small stones.

The local ruler Savin ordered the girl to be beaten with stones and locked in a dungeon. In captivity, angels came to Glyceria, healed her wounds and brought food and water. When Savin went to Heraclius, he took the martyr with him. There, Glyceria was subjected to new torments: they threw it into the oven, tore off the skin from the head, undressed and locked in a dungeon. But the angels healed her again. In the morning, a lioness was set on Glyceria, but she meekly lay down at the feet of the martyr. Then the girl herself asked God to call her to him. A second lioness ran into the cage and killed Glyceria. It happened around the year 177.

The second saint to whom this day is dedicated is Glykeria from Novgorod. She died young. Half a century after the death of the girl, in 1572, her untouched body was removed from the earth. After the solemn position of the remains in the church of Saints Flora and Laurus, miraculous healings began next to them on the same day. This was the reason for the canonization of the saint.

Traditions and rituals

On this national holiday, the first buckwheat is planted, popularly known as “Mayivka”. It rarely brings a good harvest. Its benefit is in color, which is necessary for bees and birds.

Men work in the fields from early dawn until late at night. Women bring them lunches in baskets.


A lot of mosquitoes - good weather.

Clouds of mosquitoes - there will be a lot of oats and grass.

Few mosquitoes - May will pass without rain.

The folk-Christian holiday Lukerja Komarnica is celebrated on May 26 (May 13 according to the old style) every year. In the Orthodox church calendar, this is the day of honoring the memory of two holy virgins named Glykeria: the martyr Glykeria and the righteous Glykeria of Novgorod.

Other holiday names: Glyceria, Day of Lukeria Komarnitsa, Glyceria, Lukeria, Lushka, Buckwheat, Buckwheat, Lukoshnitsa.

The name of the holiday "Komarnitsa" appeared in connection with the many signs of this day that are associated with mosquitoes.
On this national holiday, the first buckwheat is planted, popularly known as “Mayivka”. It rarely brings a good harvest. Its benefit is in the color that bees and birds need.


Martyr Glykeria lived in the 2nd century in Troyanopolis during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Antoninus. Early became an orphan. I found solace in a Christian church, where I went every day. On the day of the feast of the deity Zeus, she drew a cross on her forehead and entered the pagan temple. When God heard Glyceria's prayer, he sent lightning into the statue of the idol, and it shattered into small stones.

The local ruler Savin ordered the girl to be beaten with stones and locked in a dungeon. In captivity, angels came to Glyceria, healed her wounds and brought food and water. When Savin went to Heraclius, he took the martyr with him. There, Glyceria was subjected to new torments: they threw it into the oven, tore off the skin from the head, undressed and locked in a dungeon. But the angels healed her again. In the morning, a lioness was set on Glyceria, but she meekly lay down at the feet of the martyr. Then the girl herself asked God to call her to him. A second lioness ran into the cage and killed Glyceria. It happened around the year 177.

The second saint to whom this day is dedicated is Glykeria from Novgorod. She died young. Half a century after the death of the girl, in 1572, her untouched body was removed from the earth. After the solemn position of the remains in the church of Saints Flora and Laurus, miraculous healings began next to them on the same day. This was the reason for the canonization of the saint.

Traditions and rituals

- Mosquitoes appear on Lukerya. The people believed that these insects were brought by a warm wind in spring, and in autumn a cold wind carried them to the southern seas. There were also special signs associated with mosquitoes. They said: “If there are a lot of mosquitoes on Lukerya, cook boxes for berries; if there are a lot of midges, cook baskets for mushrooms. It was believed that if you kill a mosquito between that day and the summer solstice, a dozen of them will be added, and if you kill after this time, the mosquito tribe will decrease by a dozen.

- The appearance of the first mosquitoes foreshadowed warming, and if the mosquitoes suddenly began to ring especially loudly and piercingly, they waited for the imminent rain: "Mosquitoes squealed - stock up on raincoats." Yes, and the mosquito people could tell the farmers about the types of harvest: “There are many mosquitoes - to be strong oats, and rich harvest, and if there are few mosquitoes, don’t expect either oats or grass, they still won’t be born.”

- It is worth noting that, despite such outstanding qualities, mosquitoes in Russia have never been loved. And not only because they bit mercilessly, but with their plaintive singing they did not let me sleep. According to legend, the mosquitoes of the Savior himself, crucified on the cross, did not spare him, for which they are still paying to this day. Therefore, probably, it is believed that by killing a mosquito, anyone from himself forty sins is fulfilled.

- In the southern regions, Lukerya was called Grechkoseyka, because at that time the first sowing of buckwheat was carried out, popularly known as "maevka". True, she was rarely productive for grain, but was sown "for color, for the profit of bees, for the bird of God." Another nickname for the saint is Lukoshnitsa. At this time, the men spent all day from morning to evening in the fields, where women brought them meals in baskets.

Signs and sayings

  • Few mosquitoes - May will pass without rain.
  • A lot of mosquitoes - good weather.
  • Clouds of mosquitoes - there will be a lot of oats and grass.
  • After the appearance of mosquitoes, rye should be sown.
  • And mosquitoes eat horses. The midge is a baby, but it drinks human blood.
  • If on this day swallows and swifts fly across the sky in large numbers - warm days will come soon and you can start collecting medicinal herbs - they will have healing power.
  • Those born on May 26 are caustic and sharp-tongued. They should wear pearls.

Name day May 26

Alexander, Sergey, George, Yuri, Vasily, Irina, Efim, Makar.

HOLY GLYCERIA came from a noble family, her father was the mayor of Rome, later he moved to the Thracian city of Troyanopol. Glyceria lost her parents early. Having become close to Christians, she turned to the true faith and visited the temple of God daily. The ruler of Troyanopol Savin, having received a decree from Emperor Antoninus (138-161) on forcing Christians to sacrifice to idols, appointed a day for the inhabitants of the city to worship the idol Zeus. On the day of the feast, Glyceria, having drawn the sign of the Cross on her forehead, appeared in the temple; standing on a dais, she removed the veil from her head and showed everyone the holy Cross. During her prayer for the admonition of the pagans and the crushing of idols, thunder was heard, the statue of Zeus collapsed to the floor and broke into small pieces. Enraged, Savin and the priests ordered the people to stone Glyceria, but the thrown stones did not touch her. The girl was thrown into prison. In the morning, when the tortures began, suddenly an Angel appeared among the torturers, and everyone fell to the ground, seized with horror. When the vision disappeared, then by order of Savin, who had barely found the gift of speech, the saint was again taken to the dungeon, the door of which was tightly locked and sealed with the personal ring of the ruler. During the imprisonment, the angels of God brought food and drink to the virgin. Entering the dungeon after many days, Savin was amazed to see her alive and well. Glyceria was taken to the city of Heraclius, where they plunged into a fiery furnace, but the fire in it immediately went out. Then the ruler, in a mad rage, ordered the holy skin to be torn from his head. Then the naked martyr was thrown into prison on sharp stones; at midnight an angel healed her wounds. Look like this - the same topic and a good calendar, where all church holidays are distributed by month. It is convenient to watch all May and other months of the year.

The prison guard, who came in the morning for the saint, did not recognize her at first, thinking that the martyr had disappeared, and wanted to kill himself, fearing punishment, but Glyceria stopped him. Struck by a miracle, he believed in Christ, announced this to the ruler and was beheaded with a sword. And Glyceria was given to the beasts to be torn to pieces. But the lioness released on the saint crawled up to her and, caressing, licked her feet. Finally, the maiden prayed to the Lord to take her to him. At this time, another lioness was released on Glyceria, who rushed at the martyr and killed her, but did not tear her to pieces. Having suffered for Christ, she was honorably buried by Christians around the year 177.

Characteristics and meaning of a female name


The name Lukerya (Glykeria) is of ancient Greek origin and means "sweet".

According to the Orthodox calendar, Lukerya celebrates name days:

Lukerya is a serious, persistent, solid person who is well versed in this world, clearly imagines life goals and is slowly but steadily moving towards them.

She does not waste her resources in vain, concentrating only on what is of interest to her, she seeks to avoid unpleasant things. At the same time, the owner of such a name is prone to understating goals and self-esteem, but she can raise the bar facing her if she receives the approval and praise of people whose opinion she values.

Those around her are drawn to her, feeling that she is not capable of evil, envy, revenge, intrigue. This is a kind, flexible person, but she does not recognize authorities.

Lukerya is very patient, can swallow insults one after another, take painful blows to pride, but only for the time being. At one fine moment (usually the most inopportune one), the awakened volcano of indignation and anger breaks out.

For the owner of the name Lukerya, a sense of duty and responsibility, which she realizes through work, are of great importance. Managing people, leadership is not for her, she is more comfortable being a simple performer, but she will treat this role very conscientiously.

She is very well suited for work that implies methodicalness and accuracy of analysis, here she can declare herself as a brilliant employee.

She can make a wonderful accountant, librarian, secretary, restorer, as well as a teacher and a doctor, since Lukerya is a big lover of teaching life and giving advice.

This woman is thrifty, she definitely saves money, and something extraordinary must happen so that she does not do this, having received another amount in her hands. She was not destined to become a rich person.

A girl or woman with that name does not know men well, so often her love relationships end in separation and disappointment. With all my heart striving for constancy, Lukerya marries and becomes a devoted wife, for whom a sense of duty is above all. It will be good if the husband will deal with material issues in their family. Lukerya will take care of the rest. She is generally ready to take responsibility for everything, if only the rest would see and appreciate it.

For all household members, she is ready to become a reliable, attentive and caring friend, helps them develop, make progress, most often sacrificing their own goals and plans. But a woman does not feel deprived at all - moreover, she sees the meaning of her existence and the source of happiness in the support of others. The main thing is that they do not forget to praise her: she never asks for compliments, kind words, but they are of great importance to her, they give strength to live and love everyone further.

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