What does the fetus look like at 11 weeks. Eleventh week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby, photo of the fetus, sensations. Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

doors 06.02.2022

11 obstetric weeks - this is 9 weeks from conception - the embryonic gestational age, as well as 11 weeks from the start of the last menstruation. The delay in menstruation is 7 weeks. Your baby continues to actively develop, and already at this time, boys begin to differ from girls, although it is not yet possible to accurately determine the gender of your future baby.

Fruit size

What happens to the fetus

The baby's body has already formed, up to the unique pattern on the fingertips and nails on the legs. The child is growing rapidly. The baby is about the size of your thumb.

But so far, it still doesn't look very proportionate. This week, the fetus begins to move in response to external stimuli - a loud sound, abrupt movements of the mother, mother's cough, shaking. The movements of the baby become more distinct. Now, if he suddenly touches the uterine wall with the soles of his feet, he will try to push off from it. He is able to quickly change the position of the body in the uterine cavity, helping himself with the movements of the legs. If the baby stretches, then his arms and legs can maintain a fixed position for several seconds. The baby has already learned to swallow, and now his intestines and kidneys are starting to function. The development of the baby's body is advancing in giant steps - his sense of smell is already being formed, he can even react differently to various smells. The food that the mother eats during this period becomes familiar to the child. If for some reason she changes her diet after giving birth, then the child may refuse breast milk, because it will have a completely different taste than the one he is used to.

Of the features of this period, the formation of the eyes ends, the iris is formed (this is the name of the part of the eyeball, looking at the color of which we usually determine the color of human eyes). It is also important that the fetal cardiovascular system is actively working, providing blood supply to organs and tissues. However, unlike the body of an adult, there is still no clear distinction between arterial and venous blood.

What does a child look like

The body of the embryo straightens during this period. He can already raise his head, his neck has become visible, and his spine has somewhat straightened. The neck is getting stronger as the baby is already trying to raise its head. The arms and legs are still short (and the arms are longer than the legs), but they already have formed fingers, this week they are already well developed and separated from each other. The palms also develop very actively, a grasping reaction appears. The baby's head is still very large in relation to the body - it makes up about half of the baby's entire body. The face has acquired human features, but still looks very strange: the eyes are large and widely spaced, covered with eyelids. It won't be long before he opens them. The fetus can already move, stretch, easily and quickly change its position. Of course, it is still too small for you to feel anything. The genitals do not yet allow you to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child, but boys are already different from girls.

By the end of 11 weeks of pregnancy, the length of the fetus will be almost 6-8 centimeters, its weight is about 12 grams.

Fetal development

Important things are happening this week:

  • The fetus begins to smell - amniotic fluid enters the nasal passages, and the baby can react to changes in your food composition, he already has taste preferences.

  • The diaphragm is formed, so the baby often hiccups. It is a pity that there is no way to feel it yet.

  • The digestive tract develops. The rectum is formed.

  • From the eleventh week of pregnancy, the kidneys begin to function in the child. The work of the kidneys began in the previous weeks of development, but in the eleventh week they will produce urine, which in turn will be excreted into the amniotic fluid.

  • This week, the baby will often swallow amniotic fluid.

  • The liver of the fetus at this time is very actively growing and occupies 10% of the entire body.

  • The heart of the child is reduced with a frequency of 120-160 beats per minute. He already has four chambers, but the hole between the left and right sections of the heart is still preserved. Because of this, venous and arterial blood mix with each other.

  • The number of blood vessels in the placenta is rapidly increasing. The baby's skin is still very thin and transparent, blood vessels are clearly visible through it.

  • The skeleton is strengthened, small joints begin to form. Therefore, mom should not neglect foods containing calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

  • The genital organs are beginning to form, but so far it is impossible to determine the sex of the unborn child. However, in some cases, boys at this stage are already beginning to differ from girls.

  • At the 11th week of pregnancy, the vocal cords are laid and begin to develop.

  • The formation of the eyes ends, the iris is formed. It determines the color of a person's eyes.

  • The fetal brain is formed by this week, two hemispheres and the cerebellum are clearly defined in it (it is responsible for coordinating movements).

  • Tactile receptors appear on the palms of the fetus, and he begins to feel the touch of amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, etc. Taste and olfactory receptors are formed.

  • Fetal blood is very different from adult blood. Its development occurs gradually: at the 8th week of pregnancy, red blood cells (erythrocytes) appear, at 14-18 weeks of pregnancy - white blood cells (leukocytes). At a period of 14 weeks of pregnancy, the hemoglobin content in the blood of the fetus is very low, but by the time of birth it rises.

  • The first lymphocytes, appearing in the blood, help develop immunity in the baby.

  • The fetus actively develops reflexes: sucking (manifested by movements of the lips) and grasping (marked by movements of tiny fingers).

What happens in a woman's body

Despite the fact that outwardly you still do not look like a pregnant woman, that is, your tummy is hardly very noticeable to others, however, you have already completely got used to your position and feel like a real pregnant woman! Although the uterus at this time has not yet left the limits of the small pelvis, depending on the constitution of the body, in some women at week 11 something similar to a “pregnant tummy” appears: the stomach begins to bulge slightly, as if “hinting” that after a few weeks it will grow much more. Some clothes may become tight.

You may notice that your hair and nails have changed for better or worse. Do not be upset and do not be seduced: in any case, this phenomenon is temporary and after childbirth it will gradually pass. But it cannot but rejoice that the fat content of the skin is gradually decreasing - the oily sheen disappears, the skin becomes dry, acne and pimples disappear, if any occurred a couple of weeks ago.

The eleventh week, as a rule, for those women who suffered from toxicosis, brings some relief. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to completely forget about this unpleasant phenomenon. Many will continue to suffer until the 14th week of pregnancy, and possibly even more. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about it, it remains only to endure.

You may experience constipation and heartburn. These are optional symptoms, but week 11 may be accompanied by similar ailments. This is again due to the influence of hormones.

May cause chest discomfort. By week 11, it will be at least 1 size larger and still very sensitive. There may be discharge from the nipples, these are also the norm, so nothing should be done about them. Do not squeeze anything out of your chest! If the discharge stains your underwear, then buy special breast pads at the pharmacy. Colostrum (namely, this is what these very secretions are called) is secreted during the entire pregnancy until childbirth.

The volume of circulating blood increases. Because of this, most women sweat profusely, experience internal heat, and drink a lot of fluids.

But urination is likely to return to normal. The uterus grows as the fetus grows, the enlarged uterus begins to rise into the abdominal cavity, ceasing to put pressure on the bladder. Thus, there are also changes in the frequency of urination: now the need to leave "a little" in the expectant mother occurs somewhat less frequently.

But the psycho-emotional state of the mother is gradually stabilizing. However, you will need the support and understanding of your spouse throughout the entire period.

At this stage of pregnancy, you may begin to "feel your back", especially if it was not all right before.

If you are expecting twins, then the uterus has already left the pelvis, and the tummy is clearly visible. She is now rising above the level of the pubis by 3-4 cm. Of course, it is still impossible to feel the movements. Those who are expecting twins have a slightly higher risk of interruption, for this reason, especially take care of yourself. Otherwise, your condition and feelings do not differ from what women feel when they are expecting one baby.

Good to know

The eleventh week is also very important because it is at this time that you will be told the exact duration of the pregnancy. It is important to know that after the 12th week, the accuracy of calculating the timing is greatly reduced.


As for external changes, they are still little noticeable. Although your baby is growing really fast, and the uterus occupies almost the entire pelvic area and can be easily felt. In some pregnant women, by this time, the tummies are already noticeably protruding, while in others, such changes are not yet particularly observed purely outwardly.

Monitor the condition of the oral cavity, as the possible development of an infection will negatively affect the normal development of the baby and can even cause any pathology. If you need to treat your teeth, tell the dentist about your situation - anesthesia has a very negative effect on the fetus. You should not resort to medication and anesthesia for the time being (for example, at a dentist's appointment). Because these activities are permissible only after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Watch your diet, try to exclude spicy, fatty, fried foods from the diet and eat right.

Do not eat or drink a lot of fluids at night - constipation and swelling can develop at any week of pregnancy.

With heartburn, give up fried, pickled, smoked, richly flavored with spices food. Also refrain from acidic fruits and drinks, do not drink sparkling water. Try not to lean forward for a while after eating. If you experience heartburn before bed, put another pillow under your head.

Foods containing calcium will help prevent back pain or relieve pain that has already arisen: dairy products, nuts, do not be afraid to spice up your meals with herbs. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can do a light back massage, do a special set of exercises for pregnant women daily. If you practiced yoga before pregnancy, then you can perform certain asanas during an “interesting position”, but only after consulting a doctor.

If you start to sweat a lot, switch to clothes made from natural materials. In it, the skin "breathes", and sweating is reduced. If possible, take a shower 2-3 times a day, change underwear during the day, and, if necessary, clothes.

To avoid the development of varicose veins, eliminate heaviness in the legs, fatigue, it is recommended to do several times a day rubbing the shins with ice cubes, a contrast shower on the legs, followed by rubbing them with a hard towel. In this period of pregnancy, the expectant mother may notice swelling in her legs, which she should immediately tell her doctor. To avoid the retention of excess fluid in the body, to prevent edema in advance, a woman can drink lingonberry leaf tea or hibiscus tea several times a day.

The time has come to prevent the various consequences of pregnancy. For example, it's time to take care of your skin. Stretch marks on the skin can be prevented and prevent their appearance.

What are stretch marks and how to deal with them?

As you know, stretch marks appear when a person gains weight dramatically. During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and the abdominal wall stretches along with it. If the abdomen is growing rapidly, then with insufficiently elastic skin, stripes (striae) appear. Stretch marks appear from the fact that the connective and elastic elements of the skin are stretched. That is, the skin did not have time to prepare for the rapid growth of the uterus and significant weight gain. Outwardly, the skin does not tear, its inner layer is damaged, pink, red-purple scars with a bluish tint are visible through the epidermis. Stretch marks at the first stage for this reason have a pink or red tint. Further, when these “tears” heal, the blood endings in them die off, and the striae turn white. This is especially evident after sunburn.

To avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, you need to have elastic healthy skin. The quality of the skin is genetically determined, and if mom had a lot of stretch marks, then you will have to make every effort to prevent this phenomenon.

Video blog - how to deal with stretch marks

If the time when stretch marks form on the abdomen is still very far away, then the first signs of purple stripes may already appear on the significantly enlarged mammary glands. To avoid this trouble, to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the chest, and later on the stomach and hips, the expectant mother must be patient and have an arsenal of special cosmetics. Stretch marks appear when the skin has low elasticity, and under the action of stretching, it easily “diverges” in the inner layer, forming strips that are further tightened by the connective tissue.


There is still a threat of abortion, at 11 weeks hydatidiform mole can be diagnosed, hypotension of pregnant women, varicose veins can make themselves felt.

Good to know

You don't have to worry about any pain. You should not have any unpleasant sensations in addition to toxicosis; for any other discomfort, consult a doctor. Do not endure pain, which in no case should bother you, do not risk your health and the life of your baby.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, although the main threat of miscarriage is already behind, the woman should carefully monitor the discharge from the genitals. An immediate response requires the appearance of spotting brown or bloody discharge in a pregnant woman at week 11. Bloody discharge, even in small amounts, but accompanied by pain in the abdomen, indicates the threat of premature spontaneous abortion. Without medical assistance in such a situation, you can lose a child. You may even be put on "preservation".


If you are on this term, and still have not been to the doctor, it's time to register at the antenatal clinic or other clinic that offers pregnancy management. There you will be examined and, in addition to the screening ultrasound, a number of laboratory tests will be prescribed: a general blood and urine test, a clotting test, a biochemical study, etc. You can read it in the last weeks of our pregnancy calendar.

"Double test" () - an examination aimed at identifying fetal malformations. Blood is taken from a pregnant woman from a vein, and the amount of (hCG) and PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated protein) is determined. Based on the results of this test, one can only make an assumption about the presence of congenital malformations of the fetus; a more detailed examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis.


The period from 11 to 14 weeks is the best time to go for the first screening ultrasound. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, it does not make much sense to be examined earlier than this period; the procedure carried out before the onset of the 11th week is fully justified only if the expectant mother has signs of certain disorders, primarily abdominal pain and bloody discharge. But, if a woman successfully nurses up to 11 weeks without any complaints or cause for concern, at this time she, without fear of possible harm and without doubting the benefits of the procedure, will be able to observe her child for the first time.

What is this study assessing?

First of all, the size of the uterus and their correspondence to the term, as well as the presence of a fetus (or fetuses) in the uterus and its detailed, as far as possible, structure. With an ultrasound, the doctor determines the heartbeat and movements of the child, indicating that he is viable and everything is in order with him. Visible organs are also evaluated: the brain, bladder, intestines, etc. Of great importance is the measurement of the collar zone ("neck" of the fetus) and the determination of the size of the nasal bones, their changes may indicate the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the child.

In general, the first screening ultrasound does not provide all the information about the structure and development of the baby, but it successfully performs the tasks assigned to it:

  • diagnose pregnancy,

  • determine the gestational age

  • detect the first signs of developmental anomalies.

With an ultrasound at 11 weeks of gestation, you can still see the yolk sac. It may become larger, but it no longer performs the function of respiration and nutrition. In the ovaries, with ultrasound of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation, the corpus luteum is practically not determined, because. the placenta (chorion) took over the hormonal support of pregnancy. The uterus with ultrasound of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation is 10.5–12 cm long. Its upper edge now reaches the upper edge of the pubic symphysis.

How is an ultrasound performed at 11 weeks

At week 11, the uterus does not yet go beyond the small pelvis, so sometimes the study is done with a transabdominal sensor (through the skin of the abdomen), and sometimes transvaginally, depending on how the patient's uterus is located, to which wall the forming placenta is attached and, based on This is how well you can see the structure of the child's body.

In the first case, a conductive gel is applied to the lower abdomen of the woman and the sensor is moved over this area; sometimes, to prepare for such a study, it is recommended to pre-fill the bladder. Transvaginal ultrasound is performed differently, during which a special sensor is inserted into the vagina; such a sensor allows you to better examine the necessary formations, so this type of procedure may be preferred to transabdominal ultrasound.

In any case, ultrasound diagnostics lasts about 8-10 minutes, after which the woman is given a specialist opinion, which reflects everything that he saw.

What does a baby look like on an ultrasound?

The growth of the child for a period of 11 weeks (more precisely, not growth, but the coccygeal-parietal size) is 4.5-5 cm. The laying of the main organs is nearing completion, soon the likelihood of defects associated with a violation of this process will be reduced to a minimum.

The baby, basically, has all the necessary organs and body parts, and, looking through the screen of the ultrasound machine at his profile, the doctor and the expectant mother can quite clearly see the head, nose, lips, arms, legs and even fingers on them.

The main parameters examined on ultrasound

  • The size of the uterus at week 11 can vary from 10.5 to 12 centimeters.

  • The most important is the measurement of the coccyx-parietal size - KTR (the length of the fetus from the head to the tailbone, the legs are not taken into account, because they are still too small). A normal KTR is considered to be a size of 35 to 50 millimeters at the very beginning of the eleventh week and from 37 to 55 millimeters at the end.

  • The next very important parameter is the measurement of the thickness of the collar space (TVP). On the back surface of the baby's neck for a period of 11 weeks there is an accumulation of fluid that forms a fold, the thickness of which is measured by ultrasound (the norm is up to 2 mm). The thickening of this fold makes it possible to suspect the development of chromosomal abnormalities, in particular Down syndrome.

  • The heart rate of the fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy, determined by ultrasound, should be in the range of 140-160 beats per minute.

  • The dimensions of the baby at the eleventh week are visible in the photo and are determined by the following figures - height 55–57, weight up to 12 grams, BRG (biparietal head size) up to 19 mm, thigh length up to 8 mm, chest girth up to 19–20 mm.

It is very important to determine the KTR and TVP precisely at the 11th week of pregnancy, since, starting from the 13th week, the movements of the fetus become more active, which makes it difficult to determine the coccygeal-parietal size, and the fold on the neck begins to dissolve.

Possible pathologies on ultrasound

Signs of pathology can be reduced mobility and the baby's heart rate above or below normal, as well as reduced body size; these changes indicate that the child's interaction with the mother's body is disrupted, he receives insufficient nutrition and oxygen, and all this, perhaps, threatens the further normal course of pregnancy.

Such disorders can be caused by various reasons: detachment at the site of the forming placenta, thrombosis in its vessels, etc. In any case, signs of trouble on the part of the child should be the reason for the examination of the patient and the search for a possible treatment.

Pathological changes may also consist in the fact that the specialist detects gross changes in the structure of the baby's body, an increase in the size of the collar space, or other signs indicating the probable (with 100% accuracy, ultrasound cannot say about this) the presence of chromosomal disorders. In such cases, the patient goes for a consultation with a geneticist, and he determines the risk of having a baby with a hereditary disease.

The procedure also allows you to establish the pathology of the mother's body: the presence of fibroids in the uterine wall, inflammation in the ovaries, etc.

How to prepare for an ultrasound

If the baby's dad wants to keep the company of the future mother, do not refuse him. Being present at an ultrasound helps a man better understand the problems of a pregnant woman and feel a deeper connection with his child and get his photo. The first ultrasound, which is performed at the 11th week of pregnancy, takes from 10 to 15 minutes and preparation for it depends on the method of conducting the study.

If ultrasound diagnostics is carried out by the transvaginal method (by inserting a special probe into the vagina), no special preparation for the procedure is required. It is believed that it is better to conduct such a study with an empty rectum. Therefore, in the presence of constipation, it is necessary to take a mild laxative the day before the proposed procedure.

When conducting a study at 11 weeks, using a standard sensor, one has to put up with such an inconvenience as a filled bladder. A special gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen to increase conductivity. The ultrasonic sensor is carried out several times, while the image of the baby is visible on the monitor.

If the indicators of your crumbs are slightly different from the generally accepted norm, you should additionally consult with your doctor. You may need to undergo additional testing. If there are pronounced deviations, consultations of highly specialized specialists will be required to exclude the presence of chromosomal pathologies.

If you had your first screening at week 11, the next time you have a normal pregnancy, you will return to the ultrasound room at 20-24 weeks to take another look at your baby, get information about his condition and find out who you will have. - son or daughter.

Video - what can be seen on the first ultrasound

The 11th week of pregnancy has gone, which means that the first trimester is ending, the constant nausea associated with the “interesting position” is disappearing, and the woman is already beginning to feel the expanding uterus. The stomach at week 11 is still practically not noticeable, but by this time almost all women already have a clear understanding, awareness of what is happening and adaptation to their new status - mother. The fear of spontaneous abortion or simply miscarriage is gradually receding, and now the expectant mother feels emotionally more stable.

Although the main risks and dangers are behind, at a period of 11 weeks there may still be a threat in the form of bleeding or sharp pains in the lower abdomen. The probability of this is extremely small, but still there. To avoid this, pregnant women should protect themselves from stress, emotional upheaval, and in no case should they lift anything heavier than 3 kg.

11 obstetric week is the 3rd month of pregnancy, I trimester.

Feelings of a woman at 11 weeks pregnant

Most often, women at this stage are already beginning to get out of a state of painful toxicosis. But if this is not the case in someone's particular case, then there is no reason to worry. Yes, morning sickness can last up to 14 weeks or even longer, but its manifestation will probably be milder and will subside over time.

A new sign of pregnancy is heartburn, which is complemented by other troubles and digestive problems. Most often it is constipation and bloating. The reason for this is the work of hormones. However, many women do not complain of heartburn or constipation, so it is not necessary to prepare for such a development of events without fail. Each organism is individual.

The tummy at the 11th week of pregnancy is becoming more and more rounded, and the expectant mother can look at it in the mirror with pleasure. It looks like a small roundness in the lower abdomen, just above the pubic bone. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that your favorite jeans are hard to fasten, and wearing low-rise trousers has become not very comfortable. And although the uterus is still within the small pelvis, a woman can feel her growth. This is manifested by incomprehensible sensations in the abdomen of a pregnant woman, resembling light tingling or sipping.

At this time, there is still a small degree of danger for the state of pregnancy. Therefore, if the lower back hurts or the stomach pulls, it is best to play it safe and immediately consult a doctor who observes and advises the pregnant woman.

What is happening with the baby?

The development of the fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy occurs rapidly:

  • he is already raising his head;
  • developed a “grab” reaction;
  • the organs of the gastrointestinal tract develop;
  • the formation of the genital organs begins;
  • the child responds to stimuli from outside;
  • baby's movements are more expressive.

What does a baby look like at 11 weeks?

11 obstetric weeks corresponds to 9 weeks from conception. Active growth began. Over the past week, the embryo has grown by as much as 1.5-2 cm. Now the baby is the size of a kiwi. His height is 45-65 mm, and his weight is 8 grams.

What's going on with mom?

The beginning of the 11th week of pregnancy brings some peace to the emotional state of the expectant mother. Firstly, the risks and threats are gradually disappearing, secondly, the woman is getting used to her new and magical position, and thirdly, the body gets used to the increased amount of hormones, and sharp emotional swings occur less and less.

If the mood swings are still strong, there is no need to be afraid. Hormones are doing their job, so a carousel of emotions is not something unrealistic at this stage in the development of pregnancy.

But you should not attribute everything to hormones, you need to keep emotions under control, be tolerant and prudent. No need to work too hard and exhaust yourself, because this is a special stress for the body. We must learn to relax, relax, this ability can also be useful in the subsequent stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

Light melodic instrumental music will help you relax. It can be classical, folk, soul, jazz, country and so on. Mandala drawing and fine detail coloring are also very stress-relieving. If you like to sew, knit, embroider, this is the time to do it. Needlework always allows a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

External changes

For a period of 11-12 weeks, women may experience brittle nails and activation of hair loss. It is impossible to stop this, after childbirth everything always and necessarily returns to normal.

And sometimes everything happens quite the opposite: the hair thickens, gains shine, the hairstyle becomes lush, like from a shampoo advertisement, hair growth intensifies. This is the same example when a woman blossoms during pregnancy.

If the expectant mother has not yet taken care of purchasing oils against stretch marks (for example, olive oil) and has not started using them, then you should hurry. After another 2-3 weeks, the stomach will begin to grow rapidly, and the lack of proper skin care will lead to the formation of ugly stretch marks, which are then very difficult to get rid of.


At 10-11 weeks, there is an increase in vaginal discharge. There is no need to be afraid of this at all: such discharge will be the woman's companions throughout the pregnancy. Normal discharge is white in color with a slightly sour smell. A barely noticeable discharge from the chest - colostrum - is also a common occurrence, but there is no need to try to squeeze something out of there.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V .: 11 weeks I feel a stir. This is the second pregnancy, I also felt the first quite early at 16 weeks, as if there were fish in my stomach. Now the same feeling. When can you feel the first movements?

A: In general, the first movements are usually felt no earlier than 17-19 weeks in the first pregnancy and 15-18 weeks in the second pregnancy. Sensations in the abdomen can be caused by a bowel disorder. However, it is assumed that in very rare cases, a woman can actually feel fetal movements so early. It depends on the sensitivity and a huge number of other factors, because each organism is individual.

V .: The chest stopped hurting at 11 weeks and the toxin disappeared. Is it a frozen pregnancy? I'm very afraid.

A: At week 11, all the signs of pregnancy that were so vividly felt before can disappear. This is normal, as the body gets used to its new position by this time. However, there is still a risk of a missed pregnancy, and if you are tormented by doubts, it is better to consult a doctor with them.

Q: Can you find out the sex of the baby at 11 weeks?

A .: Yes, on ultrasound, the doctor can already tell what the sex of the child is supposed to be, but so far this is not accurate. The genital organs have not yet formed and one can only give a preliminary assessment of whether it is a boy or a girl. Experienced professionals, however, are not so often wrong.

Tests at 11 weeks pregnant

11-13 obstetric weeks - the time of the first screening. If the pregnancy proceeded normally and without complications, then this is the time of the first meeting with the baby.

Screening is ultrasound and a biochemical blood test. This analysis can reveal an abnormality in the development of the baby, so this analysis is mandatory. The screening procedure is not serious and does not affect the development of the child or the mother's health.

If during the examination some alarming factors were found, the doctor refers the pregnant woman to genetics. But the screening results are not the end, but only a bell to start more detailed and in-depth studies.

Screening done at the end of the first trimester is the ideal time to determine the exact fetal timing of the pregnancy. The purpose of ultrasound at 11 weeks is to assess the overall course of pregnancy, detect twins or triplets, measure the growth of the baby, and other important parameters (for example, the thickness of the collar space), and predict the sex of the child. Of course, this forecast has a low probability of coming true, because. the genitals of the baby have not yet had time to form.

Blood is given for biochemistry to determine the level of the most important hormones by which doctors judge how the fetus develops. The value of the hCG hormone during this period should be 35,000-185,000 mIU / ml. Now hCG is at its maximum, you can still expect its slight increase over the next week, after which it will begin to decline.

The main thing is food

A complete, balanced and harmonious menu - we follow this rule at week 11. The diet should be filled with cereals, nuts, a variety of dairy products, cheese, herbs, fruits and vegetables, veal and vegetable oils.

You should not eat too much, otherwise heartburn and constipation will become inevitable "friends". It is better to eat in small portions with an interval of 3-4 hours. Spicy, fried, fatty or smoked foods are taboo for a pregnant woman. From drinks, ordinary water, fresh juices and unsweetened compotes are preferred.

Well, just a short spurt and the difficult, full of excitement, first trimester will be left behind. For a period of eleven obstetric weeks, the baby has already turned nine and the most important stage of its development is coming to an end. The laying of all organs will be completed and the turn of their growth and improvement will come. Of course, what happens at the 11th week of pregnancy with the fetus and with her own body is of interest to any woman. Therefore, we will not argue for a long time, but immediately move on to the facts.

fetus at 11 weeks pregnant

Inside the belly, the baby is growing every second. He already reacts to external stimuli and, although this is not felt, in adverse conditions he begins to worry and move more actively. The child has learned to swallow amniotic fluid and already recognizes their taste, because everything that you have eaten now forms his taste preferences.

Size and weight

Now in the stomach lives a little man the size of a children's toy from Kinder Surprise.

His body from the crown to the heels is approximately 6 cm, but at this time some deviations from this norm in one direction or another are already possible.

This is characterized by a physiological feature of the structure of the body and directly the unborn child itself.

What develops in the eleventh week?

All systems in a small organism continue their development.

  1. Of particular importance at this stage is the liver, the weight of which is as much as 10% of the baby's body weight. It already performs its functions, but additionally participates in the process of hematopoiesis. This is due to the imperfection of the child's heart - it is already four-chambered, but the valves are not yet developed.
  2. The digestive system is not fully formed, but the process continues. The 11th obstetric week of pregnancy is marked by the first contractions of the intestines.
  3. The skeleton is getting stronger and the baby is already trying to raise his head, making grasping movements with his hands.
  4. Teeth and hair follicles are formed.
  5. The skin is still so thin that veins can be seen through it.
  6. Now the iris is being formed, which means that the future eye color is being determined.
  7. The spinal cord is already functional and networks of nerve fibers stretch from it, which still continue their branching.
  8. The number of blood vessels is growing, including in the placenta, which after a month will function at 100%.

What does the baby look like?

Outwardly, the baby looks exactly like a little man, only his ears are still slightly lower than necessary. The proportions of the body are somewhat unusual for our perception - the head is very large, the arms are long and stronger than the legs. This is the norm, which is due to the need for nutrition and blood supply to the upper body: the head, lungs, heart, upper limbs.

The legs will soon begin to grow faster, but even after childbirth they will still retain these proportions. The head will seem large, and the handles raised up will barely reach the top of the head. Short legs, constantly bent at the knees, still have time to stretch out and surprise you. Rompers will have to be changed to a larger size almost once a week!

In the meantime, the child smoothly moves all the limbs, but the movements are imperceptible to the mother. He behaves very actively, turns over, and when he touches the walls of the bladder with his heels, he pushes away from them. The kid has learned to clench his fists and does it all the time. It may be possible to see this on an ultrasound.


Feelings at the 11th week of pregnancy are less and less like manifestations of the disease. Every day the body presents new surprises. You run to the toilet more often for small needs, you notice the first discharge from your chest, periodically you want some fried nails. But the toxicosis slowly recedes, and the baby will soon give you the joy of the first shocks.

Physiological changes in a woman

Along with the growth of the little man, the body of the expectant mother changes. By this time, a woman is gaining from 500 grams to one and a half kilograms. While weight gain is associated with breast growth and an increase in the amount of circulating blood. It happens that due to severe toxicosis, a woman, on the contrary, loses weight. But she will get it, as soon as normal digestion is restored. The pregnant woman's metabolism has accelerated and now the metabolism is 25% faster.

How does the uterus react at the eleventh week?

The uterus is stretched, and this process will continue until the very birth. Before the appearance of the baby, its size will be hundreds of times larger before the pregnant state. And she will return to him a couple of days after giving birth. In the meantime, this muscular organ with a valuable load inside is increasingly loading the ligaments on which it rests, which can provoke pulling pains on the sides of the abdomen.

Now the uterus has occupied almost the entire internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pelvis, but is still within it.

Usually, at this time, the position is still imperceptible to the naked eye, but it happens that the stomach at the 11th week of pregnancy is already rounded.

Wearing your favorite jeans becomes uncomfortable. Perhaps it's time to put them in the closet and buy something more free.

The uterus periodically contracts or comes into tone. This is not scary, because she is a muscle and it is impossible to force her to constantly be at rest. During the ultrasound, when you are worried, having sex or sports, she does not remain "indifferent" to what is happening. So far, you do not feel it, but after a few weeks, you will clearly understand when this happens. The danger is fraught with cramping regular pains that do not depend on your actions.

Breast at 11 weeks pregnant

The female breast at this time enters a new functional phase for her. At the eleventh obstetric week, you can notice the first discharge from the nipples. This is normal and only indicates that the mammary glands are preparing for breastfeeding. The discharge is translucent or whitish, odorless.

This phenomenon is not mandatory, therefore the absence of colostrum should not cause concern. On the contrary, you need to worry if:

  • discharge is observed for a long time only from one breast;
  • this process is accompanied by pain;
  • the color of the liquid is dirty gray, purulent, greenish.

It is normal for nipples to become more sensitive. Many women now touch their breasts in earnest annoy. Feel free to tell your spouse about it. And in general, leave the breast alone, because by stimulating the nipples, you provoke uterine contractions.

Nauseous at 11 weeks

Nausea at this time worries the expectant mother less and less. Toxicosis slowly recedes and, finally, you can feel the joy of morning awakening and a full breakfast. It is considered normal if nausea has not subsided at the time under discussion, but this should happen in the near future.

If you were not worried about toxicosis, then now its manifestations should no longer occur. Therefore, sudden nausea, most likely, signals problems with digestion. So poisoning, activation of Helicobacter bacteria, disturbances in the work of the stomach or reflux can occur. If you are not inclined to associate an unpleasant symptom with toxicosis, inform your doctor about your condition.

Discharge at 11 weeks pregnant

Ordinary leucorrhea is observed constantly and the eleventh week is no exception. They do not bring inconvenience, and daily pads are enough to absorb them. At this time or a little later, it is possible to increase such secretions, which does not require any therapy.

Any discharge with an unpleasant odor or an unusual consistency is not normal. Discomfort in the perineum, itching, burning, pain when urinating should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Features of IVF pregnancy

Women who get pregnant through IVF can finally breathe out. Although the danger of relapse still exists, the critical period has already passed. Now IVF pregnancy is developing as usual, and the baby is growing in the same way.

Features of multiple pregnancy

The fact that the pregnant woman is expecting twins could have already been reported to her at previous ultrasounds. But if a woman is just now registered, then scheduled screening will surprise her.

Usually, women who are carrying twins suffer more from all the "charms" of their condition. At a period of 11 obstetric (9 true) weeks, they get tired faster, tolerate toxicosis more difficult and may already have a small tummy. There are no special recommendations for such a pregnancy. You should follow a rational diet, move, have a good rest.

Problems in the eleventh week of pregnancy

Every day, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage decreases and the expectant mother can already relax a little. But some unpleasant consequences of pregnancy still remain or even worsen.


If this exhausting state has not yet left the woman, then, perhaps, she has already loosened her grip and will soon disappear altogether. It remains to be patient a little - all the symptoms of toxicosis will pass by the 12-13th week, when the 11th week of pregnancy begins from conception.

Diarrhea and constipation

The uterus is gradually growing and by the 11th obstetric (9th true) week it is already significantly pressing on the intestines. This often causes constipation. Stool retention can be triggered by hormonal changes that reduce the activity of peristalsis. Both causes are absolutely physiological and do not require treatment.

Laxatives should not be taken to alleviate the condition, as they cause uterine contractions. Dufalac is safe in solving the current problem, but it should also be taken after consulting a doctor.

Diarrhea in pregnant women is not so common, and when it occurs, it is important to exclude poisoning and intestinal infections. Do not self-medicate if this unpleasant symptom is accompanied by fever or vomiting.

Sometimes diarrhea becomes a consequence of stress. Try to protect yourself from negativity, or at least change your attitude to problems - you now have new priorities.


This unpleasant condition can occur at any month of pregnancy. Until the end of the second trimester, it is usually not associated with an interesting position and therefore it is easy to “seize” it with something neutral. Ideal for this is a light grated soup or vegetable broth. If there is nothing similar in the refrigerator, eat something that is neither spicy nor spicy. Boil liquid porridge in water, pasta is also suitable.

At a later date, when the baby drove the stomach higher with his heels, heartburn can no longer be dealt with in this way. But it's too early to think about it. And if heartburn suddenly began to torment regularly, visit a gastroenterologist.

It hurts and pulls the stomach

A woman feels pains of various localization, nature and intensity from the first to the last month of pregnancy. And usually they do not bode well. To understand whether it is worth sounding the alarm, try to identify your feelings.

  1. If the stomach pulls from time to time, then most likely there is no reason to worry. The uterus is growing and this causes some discomfort.
  2. Pain on the sides of the abdomen is the "suffering" of the ligaments that hold the uterus.
  3. If sudden pain arose on the right side, then inflammation of appendicitis cannot be ruled out. An unfortunate accident, but pregnant women are not immune to this problem.
  4. Pain in the intestines is localized slightly above the uterus, because discomfort in the lower abdomen is usually not associated with them.

You need to worry if the pain does not go away for a long time or occurs with a certain frequency, regardless of your actions. If the pain is accompanied by bleeding of any intensity, then this is exactly the case when a visit to the hospital cannot be postponed even for a minute.

Bleeding at 11 weeks

Any bleeding during this period is not normal. Although the likelihood of a relapse is decreasing every week, it still cannot be ruled out.

A slight “blood smearing” after sex or an admixture of blood in the whites may indicate the presence of pathologies or microtraumas in the vagina. This, of course, is not so dangerous, but you still have to visit a gynecologist.

In rare cases, a woman is accompanied by "menstruation" - monthly bleeding during a healthy pregnancy. This is called fetal washing. This condition is abnormal and requires medical supervision, but usually does not harm the child.

Ectopic pregnancy

A woman learns about an ectopic pregnancy at the first ultrasound and it is unlikely that this condition was not diagnosed until the 11th obstetric week. Alas, at this time the embryo is already so large that it is almost certainly about to burst the pipe. This usually happens even earlier, in the 10th week.

Threat of miscarriage at 11 weeks pregnant

A little more and the danger of spontaneous abortion will come to naught, but it's not time to relax completely. The most dangerous stages have been passed. Behind the period of implantation, which often ends in failure. All systems are already in place and the risk of miscarriage due to malformations is also rapidly decreasing. It's all about mom. Compliance with a healthy regimen, respect for oneself, positive emotions will help bring the baby to the very birth.

Frozen pregnancy at 11 weeks

The reasons for the sudden death of the fetus are also becoming less and less. The 8th week already passed, which accounts for the largest number of missed pregnancies, is considered the most dangerous. But even in the period under discussion, such a possibility still exists.

There may be several reasons:

  • infections;
  • pathology of development;
  • taking medications;
  • drinking alcohol or smoking;
  • stress, physical impact (hit, fall, weight lifting);
  • hormonal disbalance.

Usually, a frozen pregnancy ends with an independent rejection of the fetus - cramping pains and bleeding begin. Sometimes the dead fetus is in the uterus for some more time, but the symptoms of an interesting situation immediately begin to subside. If toxicosis suddenly disappeared, the chest stopped hurting at the 11th week of pregnancy, then this may not mean anything at all, or it may signal the death of the baby. Do not panic, but still visit a doctor.

Termination of pregnancy at 11 weeks

Until the 12th week, pregnancy is allowed to be terminated at the request of the woman. After this, weighty arguments will be required (developmental pathologies, the age of the pregnant woman, the state of health, etc.).

Medical abortion is no longer possible, but vacuum aspiration is acceptable. The process is the removal of the contents of the uterus using a vacuum and is less traumatic than cleaning at a later date.

Flu, cold, SARS. Temperature. Are antibiotics allowed?

Of course, it is better for a pregnant woman to refrain from contact with sick people and not to appear in public places at least in the early stages. In reality, this is not always possible. If you have already caught a cold, do not self-medicate, and even more so do not let the disease take its course, because it is often more dangerous than the therapy itself. Folk remedies in severe cases are not effective enough, so sometimes you still have to turn to medical treatment.

Today, there are antibiotics that are safe during pregnancy, but this category of drugs is completely useless in the treatment of viral diseases. To alleviate the condition with ARVI and influenza, there are also relatively harmless remedies, but a doctor should prescribe them.

Some pregnant women are worried about subfebrile temperature. If it does not rise to the mark of 38 and is not accompanied by catarrhal or other manifestations, then there is no reason for concern.

Food poisoning. How to be?

Poisoning is an extremely unpleasant condition, but relatively safe. Other than mushrooms, other foods are not so toxic as to harm the fetus. But the expectant mother will still need specific treatment.

  1. It is advisable to drink warm salted water to provoke vomiting.
  2. After cleansing the stomach, it is important to take the sorbent and rest.
  3. If vomiting or diarrhea is exhausting, then replenish lost fluids, as dehydration is dangerous for mom and baby.
  4. When the attacks subside, stand for half a day or a day and start eating a little. Starvation in your position is unacceptable.

If you cannot stop vomiting on your own, then call an ambulance.

Toxoplasmosis at 11 weeks pregnant

The presence of antibodies to toxoplasmosis must be determined even when registering. For this, an analysis is given for TORCH infection - this is a group of viral diseases that are extremely dangerous for the fetus.

If in childhood or already at a conscious age you had a cat, then you absolutely definitely already had toxoplasmosis. And this means that you have developed lifelong immunity and now there is nothing to worry about. But if you have never lived with cats, then be extremely careful! During pregnancy, they become your enemies, and contact with them is prohibited! This is not a joke or an exaggeration, so take this question seriously.

Toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy, as it provokes serious birth defects. In case of infection of the mother before 24 weeks, it is usually recommended to terminate the pregnancy. If it is decided to leave the child, then some therapy is possible, the effectiveness of which is individual.

If infection occurred later, then the risk of congenital anomalies is lower, the longer the period. It is possible that the child will be born completely healthy.

Analyzes and examinations

If you have not yet registered, then postponing this event is simply indecent. At this stage, planned studies are already shown, which are highly undesirable to miss. This is a screening and two blood tests, called a double test. In addition to them, at the first visit, you will be sent for an examination to specialized specialists, various blood tests, and body parameters will be measured.

Ultrasound at 11 weeks pregnant

Now the baby is already clearly visible on the monitor, and you can easily recognize the little man in it. You will even be lucky enough to see a beating heart, and an experienced specialist with his successful posture will be able to tell the gender.

At this time, screening is planned. The main thing that the doctor will pay attention to is the size of the collar zone.

If it is above the norm, then this may indicate the possibility (only the possibility!) of the existence of pathologies. In this case, the pregnant woman will be referred for a consultation with a geneticist and additional tests.

Please note that screening is prescribed either according to indications, or at a certain time, like everyone else. Do not neglect the doctor's recommendation, even if you do not have time. A planned visit to the ultrasound room is due to the most informative screening at this stage, and not the whim of the medical staff. Therefore, if it is said to undergo an ultrasound scan at 11-12 obstetric weeks, do not run to the hospital earlier and do not postpone the trip until later.

HCG at 11 weeks pregnant

Defining this indicator for the current week is mandatory. This is one of the analyzes of the double test, which most objectively assesses the risks of developing pathologies. Now the level of the hormone is still at its peak or is gradually decreasing. The second component of the double test is a blood test for plasma protein.

Norm of progesterone

The level of progesterone increases from conception to childbirth, but at this time and later, its concentration without related data is of no interest. This indicator is informative only in combination with others (ultrasound, hCG, etc.). At the time under discussion, screening will tell much more about the condition of the fetus.

Your condition should not be a reason for significant lifestyle changes. This does not apply unless bad habits and work in potentially dangerous conditions. Otherwise, a healthy pregnancy allows the expectant mother to live a full life with some adjustments.

Mom's beauty and health: skin, hair, nails care

The first thing to really worry about is your teeth. It is best to put the oral cavity in order at the planning stage. But if this happened and you found caries during pregnancy, then do not start this process. If the situation tolerates, then it is better to postpone treatment for the second trimester. When the pain is taken by surprise, do not be afraid and go to the dentist. Be sure to tell the doctor about your situation and he will use drugs that will not harm the baby.

With regard to hair among pregnant women, it is widely believed that they cannot be cut and dyed. There is no scientific evidence for these claims. With regard to staining, give preference to ammonia-free products.

In general, the change in the appearance of a pregnant woman depends mostly on hormones. Someone is lucky and the skin begins to shine from the inside, and the hair becomes thicker. Others, even cry, can not cope with acne and tufts of hair on the comb. Any cosmetics will not bring significant results. The only reassurance is that after pregnancy everything will return to normal. Including the suddenly prettier mothers.

Separately, pay attention to the composition of cosmetics, especially for problem skin. They may contain substances that are not recommended for use by pregnant women.

Sex at 11 weeks

Sex to be! Unless the doctor thinks otherwise, and there is no threat of interruption. Choose comfortable positions and enjoy intimacy. It's about traditional sex. If you practice some options "with peppercorns", then do not hesitate to ask your gynecologist if this is acceptable in your position.

Sports at 11 weeks pregnant

Now we will not talk about extreme sports, since the expectant mother should have abandoned such a risk at the very beginning of pregnancy. When it comes to fitness, it's not worth starting training now if you haven't done it before. Perhaps professional yoga can wait another 6-7 months. At this time, give preference to the pool and hiking, and a little later sign up for courses for expectant mothers.

If you really want to start playing sports right now, then find groups specifically for pregnant women or pay for individual classes.

If you have been doing fitness for a long time, then you do not need to cancel training. Review the loads and report your position to the coach. Eliminate exercises for the press, give up jumping on a fitball and step exercises. For knowledgeable yogis, the advice is basically the same: avoid crunches and balance exercises.

Travel: travel and flights

The desire for a change of scenery is sometimes irresistible. But if you are planning a vacation, try to move it to the second trimester. There are no significant contraindications to comfortable travel in the 11th week (we are not talking about a trip over rough terrain). But some risks still exist.

Find out in advance where you can get medical help in case of danger along the way. If you plan to travel abroad, then choose countries with a similar climate, and refuse exotic and unknown dishes on the spot. Even if you feel great, take your pregnancy card with you.

Diet at the eleventh week of pregnancy

Until the very birth, nutrition should be simply rational, preferably fractional and varied. Specifically, the 11th, 22nd, or any other week in itself does not require a revision of the diet.

  1. You don't have to eat for two. Excess weight will be very inappropriate closer to childbirth, and after that it will become an additional reason for depression.
  2. At the same time, it is categorically impossible to arrange unloading or hungry days, go on diets.
  3. Be sure to drink enough liquid.

What can't be eaten

Do not smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy. In terms of nutrition, almost everything is possible. Only some products will not bring benefits, except for moral satisfaction. This, for example, fast food, smoked meats, pastries. If you eat a piece of cake or a burger in a trusted place, nothing bad will happen, but you should not lean on such products.

There are also potentially dangerous products, such as:

  • sushi with raw fish;
  • smoked, not fried fish or meat;
  • soft cheeses;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned food.

Their use may not affect health, but in rare cases it can lead to poisoning or disease. It is unreasonable to hope that it will carry over, because it can really “sweep through”. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to abandon these products.

Separately, it is worth talking about sea fish. It is not recommended to consume it more than once a week, because mercury accumulates in its meat.

As for tea and coffee, you can drink them, but without fanaticism. If you can’t wake up in the morning without a cup of coffee, then stop suffering and start the day the way you used to. Make friends with chicory.

What can you eat

We have already found out that you can eat almost everything. But what will bring more benefits?

  1. Try to make the basis of your menu cereals. This is the main source of energy and fiber, which normalizes digestion.
  2. At least a third of a healthy diet is made up of plant-based foods. Ideal raw. Vegetables can also be stewed or steamed. Choose fruits and vegetables that are in season.
  3. Do not forget about protein, it should also be enough in the diet. It is best to get this substance from lean meat - chicken, veal. Eat eggs (only not raw), in an organic amount of fish.
  4. Dairy products should also be on the table daily.
  5. Sweets cannot be excluded from the menu, but their use should be limited. Give preference to marmalade, bitter chocolate (a little), Turkish delight, marshmallows.

Supplements, vitamins

Women in position, especially those who have a pregnancy without problems, are very eager to do something "just in case." For prevention. And taking vitamins is the most striking example of this. In general, without any serious indications, the intake of an additional volume of vitamins is not required for pregnant women. And even more than that, there is no reliable evidence that their intake favorably affects the development of the baby.

  1. The only thing that is indisputably necessary during pregnancy and even at the stage of its planning is folic acid.
  2. Also, Iodomarin will not be superfluous.
  3. Sometimes there is a need for vitamin D, but the decision to take it should be made by a doctor.

Uncontrolled intake of vitamins can cause the baby to gain weight too quickly.

It even sounds tempting - the hero will grow up! But in fact, with a large mass of the child, a caesarean section is usually indicated. In natural childbirth, a woman may not be able to push such a baby, which will lead him to oxygen starvation.

Normalize nutrition, pay attention to vegetables and fruits, the use of dairy products. This will be enough for both you and your child. The issue of taking vitamins is relevant only in winter if it is impossible to eat varied and full.

Is alcohol allowed?

A pregnant woman should forget about the use of alcohol in any quantity and type until the very meeting with the long-awaited baby. And if breastfeeding is planned, then it will be possible to celebrate its completion with alcohol. Alcohol is a poison that destroys cells, and now, through the umbilical cord, it is able to have a direct detrimental effect on a growing organism. There will be many more reasons to drink, and the crumbs have one health. The harm caused by alcohol cannot be repaired, and birth defects are usually not treatable.

The baby is growing, your body is changing, and with it, the worldview is being rebuilt. You still have many discoveries and new sensations, because even less than a third of the entire path has been covered. Enjoy your condition and now get used to the idea that you will soon become a mother.

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From the moment when two cherished strips appeared on the test, a woman begins to feel more responsible not only for her health, but also for the health of her unborn baby. The first 4 - 10 weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult for the expectant mother, since it is during this period that a woman suffers from toxicosis, there is a risk of termination of the pregnancy itself. In obstetrics, this period is called the initial embryonic, when hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, the placenta and the fetus itself are formed. Starting at 11 weeks, the next stage takes place - the fetal stage, at which the rapid formation of the fetus, all its organs and systems is noted. The 11th week of pregnancy is an important stage in the development of the fetus, allowing the expectant mother to experience the first unforgettable sensations. So the 11th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby is interesting to all pregnant women, which is probably why the first scheduled ultrasound examination is scheduled during this period, which allows you to assess the development of the fetus, see the parents of the first movements of the baby, and possibly determine the sex of the unborn child. Many mothers are interested in what happens at 11 weeks of pregnancy, and some even notice that their tummy begins to grow, which indicates that the uterus is rising up, and the fetus itself is actively developing.

How does the fetus develop at 11 weeks of gestation

The eleventh week of pregnancy is considered the stage of active preparation of the baby for a full intrauterine life. The risk of all kinds of complications is significantly reduced, and the expectant mother's condition improves significantly, since by this period there is practically no toxicosis. This period is called the vulnerable fetal period, since most of the organs of the fetus have already been formed, and the baby itself developing in the womb is not considered by medicine as an embryo, but begins to be called a fetus.

  • For a period of 11 weeks, the fetus usually weighs 7-8 grams, but from that moment it begins to grow rapidly and after 2 weeks, its size will double.
  • At a period of 11 weeks, the child's heart is fully formed, the formation of blood vessels ends. At the same time, not only in the body of the fetus, but also in the placenta itself, which becomes much denser.
  • The liver does not occupy 10% of the entire body.
  • The intestines of the fetus are not yet fully formed, but are already beginning to contract.
  • During the period of 11 weeks, the formation of the genital organs occurs.
  • The arms of the fetus are the length of the legs, but the fingers are well formed, which are separated from each other.
  • The fetus develops a grasping reflex.
  • Feet develop, the fetus can be repelled from the walls of the natka, but since its growth is small, the woman will not feel such movements.
  • Despite the short period, the fetus at 11 weeks begins to react to irritants, various smells and tastes, which, together with the amniotic fluid, enter the fetal nose.
  • The gastrointestinal tract develops, the rectum is formed. The intestines of the fetus are functioning, but part of this process takes place through the umbilical cord.
  • At 11 weeks pregnant, the fetal heart beats 129 - 160 beats per minute.
  • Only erythrocytes are present in the blood.
  • At this time, the fetus begins to form immunity.
  • The skin of the fetus is too thin, because of which the vessels are visible through it.
  • The skeleton is actively developing.
  • The diaphragm is fully formed.
  • The division of the hemispheres takes place in the brain.
  • The fetus has a sense of smell.

In addition to the active growth and development of the fetus, week 11 allows the little one to roll over, and the baby can also cover its face or genitals with handles. 11 weeks of pregnancy - the development of the fetus is quite fast, therefore, in order not to miss important points in its development, women are assigned the first scheduled ultrasound examination.

How does the expectant mother feel at 11 weeks pregnant

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult for the expectant mother, since toxicosis suffers during this period, there is also a risk of abortion, and the woman herself begins to slowly get used to the role of the expectant mother, change her habitual lifestyle, and eat right. 11 weeks of pregnancy - a woman's feelings are called turning points, because during this period the well-being of the expectant mother improves significantly, toxicosis practically recedes, and the risk of miscarriage decreases. In some women, morning sickness is still present at 11 weeks, weakness may be noted, but the sensations are already much weaker than at 4 to 8 weeks.

At this stage, the risk of miscarriage is considered, as well as the development of any malformations in the development of the fetus. Many women admit that with the retreat of toxicosis, they begin to feel the first maternal feelings, feel pleasant changes in their health, which is much better than during the period of toxicosis. In addition to the psycho-emotional state experienced by the expectant mother, changes also occur in her body:

  • Metabolic processes are accelerated. A woman at 11 weeks becomes more slender.
  • The volume of blood increases. As a result, the expectant mother may sweat a lot, feel an increased sense of thirst.
  • Due to hormonal changes, a woman often has a change in mood. Pregnant women become more impulsive, can cry, and after a while have fun.
  • Some still have toxicosis and can last up to 14 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Increased vaginal discharge. This also happens due to hormonal changes. Allocations may be present until the end of pregnancy. It is very important to monitor the nature of the discharge. If they are bloody, plentiful, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. In cases where the discharge is transparent, does not have an unpleasant odor, you should not worry.
  • Sensation of breast enlargement. Some pregnant women experience chest pain, which can increase by 1 size. Often there may be a discharge of colostrum from the breast, which is considered the norm, since during this period the mammary glands begin to prepare for future breastfeeding.
  • Frequent constipation and heartburn are a faithful companion of week 11. The reason for their appearance are all the same hormones.
  • The internal organs of a woman at this stage of pregnancy work in a dual mode, so she needs to be extremely attentive to her health, especially when there is a history of chronic diseases of the internal organs.
  • For some, increased fragility of nails is noted, acne may appear on the skin, and hair may lose shine. This condition is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is a deficiency of a vitamin, in particular collagen.

The stomach at 11 weeks is imperceptible, but clothes that strongly squeeze the stomach should be abandoned: tight trousers made of dense materials, wide belts, it is also recommended to abandon high heels. It should be remembered that up to 12 weeks, as well as throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother should refuse to take any medications or take them only after consulting a doctor.

Changes in the appearance of a woman at 11 weeks of pregnancy are insignificant, but the results of laboratory tests that need to be taken every 2 weeks will “tell” the internal state of health and the development of the fetus. In addition to tests, at 11 weeks, every woman should undergo a routine ultrasound examination.

What tests are prescribed for 11 weeks of pregnancy

From the first days, when a woman registers at a gynecological clinic, she is prescribed regular urine and blood tests. At 11 weeks, in addition to donating blood and urine, you need to undergo an ultrasound examination. If necessary, a woman can be prescribed a hormone test that will determine the course of pregnancy. Important and mandatory at the 11th week of pregnancy is the analysis of hCG, which allows you to control the production of hormones by the ovaries: progesterone, estradiol and estriol. By the end of the 10th week of pregnancy, these hormones begin to be produced by the placenta, and their level decreases significantly, which is the norm for 11 weeks. If necessary, other examinations may be prescribed to a pregnant woman, but it all depends on the course of pregnancy, the state of health of the expectant mother.

Ultrasound at 11 weeks pregnant

The first ultrasound at 11 weeks of pregnancy will help the expectant mother get to know the baby and its intrauterine life. Some women are quite critical of ultrasound, but at the moment it has been proven that this research method is the safest for the woman and the fetus and is able to determine the possible risks and development of the fetus at any stage of pregnancy. Ultrasound can be performed earlier, but it is at the 11th week of pregnancy that you can get the most reliable results in the development of the fetus, as well as get the first photo of the fetus.

  • Determines the exact gestational age and the approximate date of delivery.
  • Determines the place of attachment of the fetus.
  • Measures the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • Determines the thickness of the collar space.
  • Fruit size.
  • The size of the uterus.
  • The state of work and possible deviations in the internal organs: heart, intestines, liver, kidneys.
  • The number of vessels in the umbilical cord.
  • Bladder size.
  • Number of umbilical arteries.

Ultrasound examination allows you to determine other important points in the development of the fetus, as well as to identify the slightest deviations from the norm, which may indicate the development of various fetal anomalies. For example, if the bladder is enlarged at 11 weeks, this may indicate a risk of Down syndrome. When only one artery is present in the umbilical cord, instead of 2, this is a sign of the development of chromosomal abnormalities. In other words, an ultrasound at 11 weeks will confirm or refute the normal course of pregnancy. In addition to the fact that this type of examination will determine the development and growth of the fetus, an ultrasound scan of the 11th week of pregnancy will help to obtain a photo of the unborn child. If you conduct ultrasound on modern equipment, you can get not only a photo, but also record the movement of the unborn child on video. 11th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus, the ultrasound photo is quite clear and often allows future parents to realize that they will soon be replenished.

For a doctor, ultrasound at the 11th week of pregnancy is extremely important, because thanks to him you can make sure that the fetus is developing correctly and there is no reason to worry about its development. If you're lucky, you can find out the gender of the baby. In cases where ultrasound detects any intrauterine disorders, the question of hospitalization of the woman and further preservation or termination of pregnancy is raised. Pregnant women should not ignore ultrasound at 11 weeks of gestation, since starting from 13 weeks, the information content of screenings decreases.

Possible risks of 11 weeks of pregnancy

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the risks of its termination are much less than at the beginning of the first trimester, but despite this, the danger is still present. One of the most dangerous conditions is bleeding. If the discharge at the 11th week of pregnancy is abundant, bloody, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, since there is most likely a risk of miscarriage. In addition to the discharge itself, the presence of pain in the abdomen, lower back, which can have different intensity, can be dangerous.

A woman should also be alerted by curdled discharge, which is accompanied by burning, itching in the vaginal area. Such discharge may be a sign of candidiasis or trichomoniasis. White discharge is considered normal during pregnancy, but it should not have an unpleasant odor.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, including the 11th week, there is a risk of catching ARVI, since during this period the expectant mother's immunity is significantly reduced. Treatment should be carried out only after consulting a doctor and only with those means that will not harm the fetus.

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, as well as throughout all three trimesters, a woman should monitor her health and lifestyle. The nutrition of the expectant mother is considered important, which should include the intake of only healthy and fortified foods. It is important to avoid fried, spicy and salty foods, it is also strictly forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages, stop smoking. In addition, you need to avoid eating those foods that can be sources of infection: raw fish, raw meat, poorly processed vegetables, fruits.

All food present in a woman's diet should be healthy, high quality and tasty. It is important to remember that everything that the expectant mother eats passes through the placenta to the fetus. If a pregnant woman is not able to eat properly, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins for pregnant women: Pregnavit, Elevit, Prenatal and others, which in their composition contain a daily dose of all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In the diet of a woman, foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and magnesium should be present: cottage cheese, dairy products, kiwi, persimmon, seafood, dried fruits and other healthy foods. At the 11th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is recommended to do pregnancy exercises, which will help prepare the woman for childbirth. If possible, you need to visit the "school for expectant mothers."

The gestational age of 11 weeks at conception or 13 obstetric is the first step that the expectant mother crosses. This week marks the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. The second trimester will be much more interesting and easier. Very soon, the babies will begin to move, and the tummies of the mothers will become visible to others.

Sensations and feelings of the expectant mother at 11 weeks

Some mothers develop colostrum - a sticky, clear or yellowish discharge from the nipples. Some doctors, having heard such a complaint from their patient, send her to be tested for prolactin, which turns out to be elevated and she is prescribed to take Bromocriptine. In fact, prolactin is normally elevated in expectant mothers and should not give up on them at all. And of course, you should not take any pills to reduce it. The presence or absence of colostrum is an individual phenomenon. No need to press on your nipples, waiting to see him. By the way, it is the sensations during nipple stimulation at 11 gestational weeks of pregnancy that can provoke the appearance of colostrum even ... in non-pregnant women.

Future mothers notice that their ability to work has increased, nausea has stopped, and in general, life has become easier and more pleasant. This is the second trimester of pregnancy, usually cloudless. Toxicosis recedes. Up to 20-24 weeks is the most comfortable time until the tummy has grown.

It becomes easier and in terms of frequent visits to the toilet. I mean, they don't become as common. The relief is, however, temporary. After a few weeks, the fetus will grow and begin to put pressure on the bladder, which will again begin nightly trips to the toilet.

Many pregnant women are concerned about age spots, the so-called chloasma. The skin is pigmented in the abdomen, on the arms, in the armpits, on the face. This is especially noticeable in white women. All this will pass gradually, within a few months after childbirth. Hormonally caused phenomenon. It's OK. But so that the pigmentation is not too bright, do not often go out into the open sun with unprotected skin while the sun's rays are direct, that is, from 10 to 16 hours. And try to use sunscreen. The nipples are also noticeably pigmented. They become dark brown, the areolas increase. The pigmentation of the nipples will remain for some time after childbirth, and then they will turn pink again.

Sometimes there are pains on the sides of the uterus. They are dull, aching, but not strong. This is the uterus pressing on the ligaments that support it, and they are stretched. However, if at the same time the stomach becomes stony, then this is already called hypertonicity. If there is hypertension and pain, you should consult a doctor. Usually, with such symptoms, Magnelis or Magne B6 tablets are prescribed. They are good for relaxing the uterus. And to calm mommy, you can already drink valerian. Only not in the form of a tincture, since it is based on alcohol, but a decoction (brew bags in water). If it is not pleasant to drink it, you do not like the taste and smell, you can take valerian in the form of tablets inside.

Occasionally there is dizziness, pre-fainting. This is due to low blood pressure and low blood sugar. This is normal for pregnancy. But in order to prevent accidental falls, injuries, and generally improve your well-being, try to eat often, but little by little, not to be hungry. Always carry a small bottle of water and a chocolate bar with you.

The problem is a violation of the microflora of the vagina

During pregnancy, a woman gives smears from the vagina 2-3 times. Analyzes are taken in the antenatal clinic and upon admission to the hospital. It often turns out that the smear is "not very good." There are many leukocytes, which indicates an inflammatory process, but the woman herself does not complain about anything. In this case, doctors prefer to play it safe and prescribe some broad-spectrum antibacterial agent that kills most harmful microorganisms. For example, chlorhexidine in the form of vaginal suppositories.

It should be noted that simply abundant vaginal discharge is not a pathology, even if it is whitish. This is not a milkmaid. With vaginal candidiasis, severe itching is felt, the mucous membrane of the labia turns red. And the smear always shows inflammation. Trying to "treat" the discharge is not worth it.

Bad urinalysis - why and what to do?

By this time, many mothers already visit the gynecologist once every 2 weeks and take urine tests according to the same schedule. But it happens that nothing bothers, but the analysis comes unsatisfactory - bacteria and protein are found in the urine. Why is this happening?

Often due to violations of collection rules. If vaginal discharge or a vaginal suppository (for example, Utrozhestan) got into a jar of urine, then such a result can be expected. The only advice is to wash yourself thoroughly before collecting urine and be sure to close the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab.

By the way, women who are treated with "Utrozhestan", and this is a long time, sometimes until the end of pregnancy, in the evening, a few hours before the test, you do not need to insert the capsule vaginally, but take it orally. This medicine can be used both vaginally and orally. The first option is preferable, but the effectiveness of the drug will not decrease from one oral dose. By the way, the "quality" of urine can be determined even by eye - it must be completely transparent, without flakes and sediment.

If the retake of the analysis did not give anything, the urine is still bad, most likely, mom will be sent to a urologist. Without the recommendations of this doctor, you can only drink Canephron or cranberry and lingonberry juice. At 11 weeks or a little longer, at 12 weeks of gestation, protein in the urine does not yet mean the development of preeclampsia - late toxicosis of pregnancy. He only talks about the infection. By the way, asymptomatic bacteriuria is typical for pregnant women. But it requires antibiotic treatment. You should not be afraid of antibacterial agents, the inflammatory process for mother and child is much more dangerous.

Poor screening result - invasive and non-invasive methods for determining the fetal karyotype

Last week, many expectant mothers underwent ultrasound and biochemical screening. And on this one, some of them got bad results - a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities. With these screening results, gynecologists refer women to geneticists. Those, in turn, some of them are advised to analyze the fetal karyotype. This can be done in three ways.

1. Chorionic biopsy. If the placenta is located on the front wall of the uterus, the doctor makes a puncture in the abdominal wall and penetrates the chorion through the wall of the uterus. From there, he takes cells for analysis.

If the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus, then you will have to insert a needle through the cervix. This is not painful, but bullet forceps will have to be applied to the neck, which can potentially lead to injuries to it.

The whole procedure is performed under ultrasound control, because there is no risk that the doctor will "miss" and fall into the fetus.

2. Amniocentesis. It is optimal at 14-16 weeks from conception and is safer than chorionbiopsy. In very rare cases, women who have undergone this procedure have premature water breaks or infection of the membranes.

3. Non-invasive test. Fetal DNA is obtained from the blood of the expectant mother. Absolutely safe procedure. True, dear. It will cost at least 30 thousand Russian rubles. You can do the test already at this time. By the way, in addition to information about whether your child has chromosomal abnormalities, you will also know his gender with 100% accuracy.

What happens to the fetus at eleven weeks

The baby is growing rapidly and its size can already be compared with a small peach. Many physicians consider this size to be ideal for a first screening. The child has become a little larger and you can better examine it from all sides, even not on the most modern ultrasound machine.

But screening should not be delayed any longer, because if the fetus has severe malformations, it is now much easier and safer to terminate the pregnancy, both physically and psychologically. Fortunately, their detection (defects) at this stage of pregnancy is not too high. Most sick children stop developing even at the stage of the embryo.

In the gallbladder of the fetus, bile is already being formed with might and main, and the pancreas produces insulin.

All milk teeth are already formed and are still in the gums. True, sometimes there are cases when babies are born with erupted teeth. But this is rare.

The fetus produces red and white blood cells. White, that is, leukocytes, is produced by the bone marrow. And red blood cells, bone marrow, liver and spleen. In addition, the yolk sac may still be involved in this process, which is about to be reduced (disappeared).

The baby has hair growing on the head, very light, yet devoid of pigment. And yet, sometimes on ultrasound you can see how the baby hugs himself with his arms or sucks his thumb.

The head of the fetus remains very large. She will be big at birth. Will make order? torso.

The baby continues to periodically make respiratory movements, but so far they are not clearly visible on ultrasound. And in the later stages of pregnancy, an assessment of the “breathing” of the fetus will definitely be carried out by an ultrasound diagnostics doctor.

The baby's intestines work, or rather, stop. And although the baby still does not eat anything, fecal masses are already beginning to form in it. They will come out naturally after birth. This original feces is called meconium. By the way, if he starts to depart ahead of time, during childbirth, green amniotic fluid will become a sign of this, then this will become an indicator of a dangerous complication - fetal hypoxia. The reason for this may be a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord, compression of the umbilical cord, knots on it, entanglement of the neck of the fetus, etc.

An increase and decrease in the volume of the fetal abdomen by more than 1.5 times is a bad symptom. An increase occurs with chromosomal pathology and intrauterine infection of the child. The child's tummy is too large due to the expansion of the intestinal loops, the enlargement of the spleen or liver, the existing fluid in the abdominal cavity. And too small with developmental delay. And if for a long time this can be explained by fetoplacental insufficiency, then for small ones it is one of the markers of chromosomal abnormalities.

Week 11, screening for the first trimester of pregnancy (video):

11 weeks pregnant

11 weeks first trimester screening


In addition to the intestines, the kidneys also work. They produce urine resulting from the ingestion of amniotic fluid by the baby. Amniotic fluid changes daily.

What happens to the fetus at eleven weeks of gestation and later can be called “finishing”. The baby's organs are all formed, but will continue to improve until the 26th week of embryonic development.

The child's brain is also developing. And the pituitary gland is especially active, which already produces almost all hormones in such a relatively short period of time.

It is known that the second trimester of pregnancy, which is about to begin, is the safest and most comfortable. If a woman does not have isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix, she is not threatened with a miscarriage. Women lose their pregnancy usually in the first trimester. This is how nature itself decides - sick and non-viable embryos die. And the strongest remain and continue to develop.

Can mommy now afford to continue her intimate life? Yes, if the woman does not have a decidual cervical polyp (which bleeds at the slightest touch), vaginal bleeding of an unknown nature, no symptoms of colpitis or vaginitis, and the chorion (placenta) is not too close to the internal os.

As for low placentation, this is a very common problem. But as the uterus grows, the placenta usually rises as well. Especially soon this process passes if the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus. A little slower in the back.

In general, if there are no problems, then sex life is not prohibited at any stage of pregnancy. Sex does not lead to miscarriages and does not provoke premature birth.

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