Alexey etymology. The meaning of the name Alexey, character and fate. Name and character

Electrical 06.02.2022

Forms of the name Alexei

Alexius, Alexis, Alejo, Alessio, Alexios, Alexi, Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lyokha, Alyosha, Lyosha, Ali, Lyolya, Alya, Alyunya, Lyunya, Lekseyka, Lexa, Leksya, Lyoksa, Lyoksya, Alyonya, Lyonya, Alyoka, Alyoka, Leka, Leka, Alexy, Leksey, Lyaksey, Oleksey, Oleksa, Alexa, Ales, Oles, Les.

Name Alexey in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 阿列克謝 (Ā liè kè xiè). Japanese: アレクセイ (Arekusei). Arabic: أليكسي (Alikasei). Hindi: एलेक्सी (Ēlēksī). Ukrainian: Oleksiy. Thai: อเล็กซ์ (a-le-xander). English: Alexey (Alexey).

origin of the name Alexei

Characteristics of Alexei in the opinion of P. Rouge

Character (?): 86%

Radiation (?): 83%

Vibration(?): 75,000 oscillations / s

Color(?): blue.

Main traits: intuition - will - activity.

Type of: to understand men named Alexey, you need to remember that their totem animal is a crab that attacks with claws, backs up, drags its prey, and if the fight is unequal, it burrows into the sand.

Psyche: introverts, this means that they are more in-depth, run away from reality, hiding in the sands of their subconscious. They have a vivid imagination. Often they try to justify their actions and deeds in advance, especially when they are frightened or afraid of condemnation.

Will: at first glance, very strong, but in their determination there is some instability, shakiness.

Excitability: in their perseverance, some kind of anxiety is felt, which emphasizes some inconstancy of character.

Speed reactions: friendship is taken very seriously, and often passionate love degenerates into friendship, which not all women like. They experience fear, fear of failure, most often unreasonably.

Activity A: That's not their forte. Sometimes it seems that while working, they only dream of returning home, where they can do what they like ... or do nothing at all.

Intuition: female type.

Intelligence: synthetic type of thinking. They have a reliable memory and an active curiosity.

Susceptibility: it is difficult to understand them, they are very independent, although they strive to find a haven where they could find care and peace.

Moral: capable of dubious acts.

Health: average. Easily overtired, suffering from gastric diseases, therefore, they must take care of their digestion first of all.

Sexuality: is mostly speculative. Tend to dream of love instead of living it. There is something childish in their sensuality, with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

Field activities: they are not attracted by science, or rather, they study for themselves. This is a type of independent loners who do not tolerate the pedagogical process, they do not tolerate coercion. Artistic nature prevails. They can become talented actors, directors, entertainers, television workers. Among them are travelers, sailors, lawyers, people who have retired from the society they reject.

Sociability: often expect something impossible from communication and friendship. Luck, a happy accident helps them get out of unpleasant situations.

Additionally: many bearers of this name have been looking for support in a strong partner all their lives - be it a mother or a wife.

Name compatibility

Alexey will be happily married to women who bear the names , , , , , , , , , and. But marriages with,,, and are most likely doomed to failure.

Alexey and pets

By his nature, Alexei can find a common language with any breed of dog. He is not cruel, patient, can work as a dog trainer in a club. Most importantly, animals love it very much. He does not need to look for an approach to each dog, they themselves are looking for his location. However, Alexey most of all likes dogs of the Collie breed, German Shepherd, Boxer, Miniature Schnauzer.

Alexei will get along well with dogs named: Maximilian, Milan, Alvin, Ennis, Ferra, Alfa, Altai, Bland, Markel, Mirra, Belonna, Clark.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Alexei, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For 1000 newborn boys, this name was received (on average by periods, Moscow):
1900-1909: 75 (6th)
1924-1932: 29th (10th)
1950-1959: 44th (8th)
1978-1981: 94 (3rd)
2008: (not top ten)

Notable people named Alexey

Alyosha Popovich (a collective collective image of a hero in the Russian epic epic. Alyosha Popovich, as the youngest, is the third in importance in the heroic trinity, along with Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. The character Oleksy Popovich is also found in Ukrainian thoughts.)
Alexei Mikhailovich ((1629 - 1676) the second Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty (1645 - 1676), son of Mikhail Fedorovich and his second wife Evdokia)
Alexy II ((1929 - 2008) in the world - Alexei Ridiger; Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; since June 7, 1990 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia)
Alexei Arakcheev ((1769 - 1834) Russian statesman and military leader, who enjoyed the great confidence of Alexander I, especially in the second half of his reign. Reformer of Russian artillery, artillery general (1807), chief head of military settlements (since 1817). The first owner of the palace -park ensemble in Georgia.)
Alexei Bestuzhev-Ryumin ((1693 - 1768) Russian statesman and diplomat, chancellor of the Russian Empire under Elizabeth Petrovna)
Alexei Tolstoy ((1882 - 1945) Russian Soviet writer and public figure, count. Author of socio-psychological, historical and science fiction novels, novels and short stories, journalistic works. Member of the commission to investigate the atrocities of the German invaders (1942). Laureate of three Stalin prizes of the first degree (1941, 1943, 1946, posthumously).)
Alexey Shchusev ((1873 - 1949) Russian and Soviet architect. Honored Architect of the USSR (1930). Academician of Architecture (1910). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943). Winner of four Stalin Prizes (1941, 1946, 1948, 1952 - posthumously).)
Alexey Peshkov, known as Maxim Gorky ((1868 - 1936) Russian writer, prose writer, playwright. One of the most popular authors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, famous for depicting a romanticized declassed character (“tramp”), author of works with a revolutionary tendency, personally close Social Democrats, who was in opposition to the tsarist regime, Gorky quickly gained world fame.Initially, Gorky was skeptical about the October Revolution.However, after several years of cultural work in Soviet Russia (in Petrograd he ran the publishing house "World Literature", interceded with the Bolsheviks for those arrested) and life abroad in the 1920s (Berlin, Marienbad, Sorrento), returned to the USSR, where in the last years of his life he received official recognition as a "petrel of the revolution" and "great proletarian writer", the founder of socialist realism.)
Alexey Savrasov ((1830 - 1897) an outstanding Russian landscape painter, one of the founding members of the Association of the Wanderers, teacher of Isaac Levitan)
Alexei Stakhanov ((1905/1906 - 1977) birth name - Andrey; Soviet miner, innovator of the coal industry, founder of the Stakhanov movement, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). A group of miner Stakhanov and two fasteners produced 14 times more coal in one shift than prescribed per person; later the record was broken twice more. However, the record shift was planned in advance (the condition of compressors and hammers was rechecked, coal removal was organized, mines) gradually led to an improvement in the organization of labor - and hence to an increase in overall productivity.)
Alexei Bobrinsky ((1852 - 1927) Russian archaeologist, statesman and public figure, great-great-grandson of Empress Catherine II and her favorite G.G. Orlov)
Alexei Yagudin ((born 1980) Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Olympic champion in 2002, four-time world champion (1998, 1999, 2000 and 2002), three-time European champion (1998, 1999, 2002), two-time winner of the finals Grand Prix in figure skating, in addition, two-time world champion among professionals.)
Alexey Abrikosov ((born 1928) Soviet and American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics (2003), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The main work was done in the field of condensed matter physics.)
Aleksey Abrikosov ((1824 - 1904) Russian entrepreneur, manufacturer, who founded the confectionery factory of the Association of A.I. His Imperial Majesty, Chairman of the Council of the Accounting Bank, Acting State Councilor.)
Alexey Koltsov ((1809 - 1842) Russian poet and merchant)
Alexei Smertin ((born 1975) Russian footballer, midfielder)
Alexei Belsky ((1726 - 1796) Russian artist, from the Belsky dynasty, famous Russian serf painters of the 18th century; academician of the Academy of Arts)
Alexey Zhemchuzhnikov ((1821 - 1908) Russian lyric poet, satirist and humorist)
Aleksey Balandin ((1898 - 1967) Soviet chemist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946), founder of the national scientific school in the field of catalysis)
Alexei Bakhrushin ((1865 - 1929) Russian merchant, philanthropist, collector of theatrical antiquities, creator of a private literary and theater museum. Cousin of the collector Alexei Petrovich Bakhrushin.)
Alexei Yermolov ((1777 - 1861) Russian military leader and statesman, participant in many major wars that the Russian Empire waged from the 1790s to 1820s. Commander-in-chief during the Caucasian War.)
Alexei Mishin ((born 1941) Soviet, Russian figure skating coach)
Alexey Novikov-Priboy ((1877 - 1944) real name - Novikov; Russian Soviet seascape writer)
Alexei von Yawlensky ((1864 - 1941) Russian expressionist artist who lived and worked in Germany. He was a member of the Blue Rider group of artists.)
Alexey Buldakov ((born 1951) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia (2009))
Alexei Petrovich ((1690 - 1718) son of Peter I and his first wife Evdokia Lopukhina)
Alexey Balabanov ((born 1959) Russian film director, screenwriter, producer and actor)
Alexey Kortnev ((born 1966) Russian musician, soloist of the group "Accident")
Alexey Arbuzov ((1908 - 1986) Russian playwright)
Alexei Venetsianov ((1780 - 1847) Russian painter, master of genre scenes from peasant life, teacher, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, founder of the so-called Venetian school)
Alexey Losev ((1893 - 1988) in monasticism - Andronik; Russian Soviet philosopher and philologist, professor (1923), Doctor of Philology (1943), secret monk of the Russian Orthodox Church)
Alexei Kurbanovsky ((born 1955) Doctor of Philosophy, art historian, critic, translator, chief researcher at the State Russian Museum, author of numerous articles on rock music. Since 1990 he has been working at the State Russian Museum. Petersburg (1998), published more than 140 articles on the history of Russian art and contemporary artistic life, author of the books "Art History as a Kind of Writing" (2000), "Sudden Darkness" (2007).In 2002 and 2003 he taught the history of Russian art at US universities .)
Alexei I Komnenos ((1056/1057 - 1118) Byzantine emperor in 1081-1118. Being the nephew of Emperor Isaac I Komnenos, Alexei was able to seize the throne of Byzantium, and since then the Komnenos dynasty occupied the imperial throne for more than a hundred years. Having gained power over the weakened state, the borders of which were attacked by the Normans and Seljuks, Alexei was able to eliminate the external threat.During his reign, large-scale reforms were carried out, thanks to which the Comnenos revival of the Byzantine Empire began, marked by the growth of its military and economic power.At the same time, during the reign of Alexei I, there were also negative tendencies: the role of the Italian trading republics in the economic life of the empire increased, feudal relations began to develop, and the decline of small military powers did not stop by anyone. several states.)
Alexei II Komnenos ((1169 - 1183) Byzantine emperor (1180-1183), son of Manuel I Komnenos. By order of his uncle Andronicus Komnenos, he was strangled in 1183 with a bowstring, after which Andronicus briefly usurped power and married the young widow of his nephew. His an early death prompted the appearance of numerous impostors.)
Alexey Belov ((born 1951) blues musician (electric guitar) and teacher. Founder and permanent leader of the group "Successful Acquisition", performing blues and rock and roll. One of the brightest representatives of Russian blues.)
Alexei Yakimakh ((1805 - 1866) Russian artillery general, participant in the Crimean War. During his 45-year service, he had many orders up to the White Eagle inclusive.)
Alexis Hurginas ((1912 - 1997) Lithuanian poet and translator, Honored Cultural Worker of the Lithuanian SSR (1982))
Alexis Copello (Cuban athlete who specializes in the triple jump. He began his international sports career in 2006 when he became the silver medalist of the Central American and Caribbean Games. In 2008 he took part in the Beijing Olympics, but could not reach the final. In the same year, he took 3rd place at the games of Central America and the Caribbean.Bronze medalist of the World Championship in 2009.Two-time silver medalist of the IAAF Diamond League in 2010 and 2011.Champion of the Pan American Games in 2011.At the world championship in Daegu, he took 4th place with a score of 17.47 m.)
Alexis Alejandro Sanchez Sanchez ((born 1988) Chilean football player, striker)
Alexis Kivi ((1834 - 1872) real name - Stenwall; Finnish writer, founder of realistic literature in Finnish)
Alexis Andrew Nicholas Corner ((1928 - 1984) British rock musician, one of the leading performers and promoters of rhythm and blues of the 1960s, founder and leader of Blues Incorporated, a group whose members at various times were Charlie Watts, Jack Bruce, Ginger Baker, Long John Baldry, Graham Bond, Dick Hakstall-Smith Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Brian Jones, Rod Stewart, John Mayall, Jimmy Page got their first concert practice in the Korner band.In the 1960s, Alexis Korner made a career in television ("Five O'Clock Club"), was the host of several children's programs.He wrote a lot about the blues (in particular, he criticized the new generation of British bluesmen for reckless copying of the masters of the Chicago school).Korner "discovered" Robert Plant and even invited him to his place as a vocalist, from here he was "intercepted" by Jimmy Page, who in those days was recruiting the composition of The New Yardbirds, a group that soon became Led Zeppelin. In 1970, Korner founded C.C.S., a group in early 70s which had a hit: "Tap Turns on the Water" (1971).)
Alexi Claude Clairaut ((1713 - 1765) French mathematician and astronomer, foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1754), member of the Paris Academy (1731))
Alexis Jacques Marie Wafflar ((1787 - 1824) French comedian playwright. Wafflar's plays combine melancholy with sparkling dialogue. Most of them are written in collaboration.)
Alexis Axilet ((1860 - 1931) French artist. A student of Jean Leon Gerome and Ernest Hébert. In 1885 he was awarded the Rome Prize. He regularly exhibited at the Paris Salon, in 1892 he received a silver medal for the painting "Summer". Then he gained fame as a portrait painter: among his works are portraits of the sculptor
Alexander Falguiere, writer Maurice Barres, composer Fernand Corot and others. In the 1900s he began to lean towards impressionism, he painted a lot with pastels. He was one of the first who noticed the talent of Georges Braque. Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honor (1903).)
Alexis Ajinka ((born 1988) French professional basketball player, plays center)
Alexius Friedrich Christian of Anhalt-Bernburg ((1767 - 1834) German prince (since 1807 - Duke) of Anhalt-Bernburg from the Askani family)
Alexy Wakar ((1898 - 1966) Polish scientist in the field of economics, one of the founders and leaders during the Nazi occupation of the illegal Higher Trade School. Rector of the Academy of Political Sciences, professor at the Higher School of Planning and Statistics.)
Alexy Aleksishvili ((born 1974) Georgian politician, President of the National Bank of Georgia (since 2007), Minister of Finance of Georgia (2005 - 2007))
Alexey Perminov ((1975 - 2000) Russian rap artist, known as Grundig or Grundik, leader and founder of the Slavs of the Lamp hip-hop duo. He was a member of the underground rap group D.O.B. Community from 1996 to 2000. His songs and the poems were imbued with psychedelic themes related to drugs, the streets, the urban setting, and the unwillingness to live among people.)
Alexey Shtukin ((1904 - 1963) Russian philologist-orientalist, translator)
Alexei Utkin ((1891 - 1965) Soviet film artist. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1950). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1950).)
Alexey Smirnov ("Smirnyaga") ((born 1983) participant in the television projects Laughter Without Rules, Killer League, Comedy Club, Killer Night, KVN as part of the duet Cattle. Host of the TV program Laughter Without Rules "On TNT together with Anton Ivanov. Now he is a member of the television show" Bunker News ".)
Alexey Solosin ((born 1987) Russian football player, goalkeeper)
Alexey Uranov ((1901 - 1974) Soviet geobotanist, phytocenologist)
Aleksey Nikolaev ((1914 - 1987) Minister of Highways of the RSFSR (1969-1985), one of the organizers of major reforms in the road sector, such as transferring the construction and repair of roads to extra-budgetary financing through road tolls, separating the road sector into a separate national economic industry with the creation of the Ministry of Roads of the RSFSR, under which a developed network of roads was created, and the road industry was strengthened.)
Alexey Negrun ((born 1971) goalkeeper; master of sports of the USSR (1990) in bandy)
Alexey Obukhov ((born 1937) diplomat, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts)
Alexey Glazyrin ((1922 - 1971) Soviet theater and film actor)
Alexey Kretov ((born 1952) Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Director of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Computational Linguistics of VSU)
Alexey Kopeikin (born 1983) Russian hockey player, forward)

The male name Alexei in Greek means "to protect". The meaning of the name Alexei has a very favorable effect on the character and fate of its owner. In his youth, Alexey is distinguished by a calm disposition and curiosity. In his childhood fantasies, he often sees himself as a protector of the weak and disadvantaged. In real life, he tries to match the created image as much as possible.

Lyosha is a kind, flexible child. He respects elders, is always ready to help, and at the same time he is characterized by boyish mischief and curiosity. He loves animals very much and enjoys taking care of pets. The meaning of the name Alexey for a child is openness and good nature. The boy is open to knowledge, enthusiastically learns the world around him and is drawn to new knowledge.

During his school years, he is no different from most of his peers. Studying is not so interesting for him that he sits over textbooks. Nevertheless, it can sometimes surprise teachers with unexpectedly bright answers and solutions to complex problems. The meaning of the name Alexey for a boy in these years acquires new characteristics: independence, seriousness, perseverance. By the senior classes, our hero already knows where he will go to study further, he shows diligence in his studies.

Adult Aleksey has clear goals, constantly strives for self-education and achieves a lot in life. The fate of a man develops successfully, thanks to perseverance and faith in himself. The interpretation of the name will be incomplete without revealing the meaning in love, family and career.


Love for Alexei opens no earlier than in his student years. First love is always bright, leaves an indelible mark on the soul of a young man. He marries closer to thirty years, when he has the material base to provide for his family. Love means a lot to him. It is an essential part of a man's marriage. Before marriage, Lyosha usually has little experience in love relationships.

Failures in relationships with women in our hero are due to self-doubt. For him, trust in the chosen one is of great importance, the man himself is honest and open in relationships. In the absence of sincerity on the part of a woman, he becomes withdrawn, suspicious and jealous. Alexey is capable of real, deep feelings and can make his chosen one happy.

In marriage, he is faithful to his wife. If Lyosha goes for treason, then he does it rather from insoluble problems in marriage. In this case, he does not intend to live in constant deceit and cheat on his wife all his life, the man honestly admits to cheating and demands a divorce. Honesty and mutual trust are essential to our hero.

A family

Alexei's family life as a whole is developing favorably. He marries closer to thirty or even thirty years. Creating a family is a deliberate, meaningful step. Lyosha needs time to get to know his future wife better, so marriage is preceded by several years of relationship with the chosen one.

He attaches great importance to the material well-being of loved ones, which means his constant desire to give his relatives all the best. The father of the family is responsible for his duties. He prefers to do all the male work in the house on his own. There is nothing superfluous in his dwelling. Our hero appreciates quality and durability, so he prefers expensive furniture and appliances.

It has a lot to do with raising children. He spends all his free time with children, he is ready to read books to them for hours or play games. The owner of this name is a wonderful, caring father who does not have a soul in his kids. For a man, planning a vacation with his family is of no small importance. Recreation for him is the time spent in nature, by the sea. He organizes any trip in advance and carefully prepares for it.

Business and career

For Alexey, the right choice of the sphere of his future activity is important. In the case of a correctly chosen profession, he will have great success and recognition. The work should captivate our hero, be creative and promise prospects for further development. Sometimes, after working in a certain area, Lyosha goes to retrain in another profession.

Usually the field of activity of a man is connected with foreign languages, management, design, marketing. In the team, he is not particularly sociable, but he finds a common language with everyone and is characterized by a pleasant and conflict-free person. He always performs his work accurately and diligently, which means that he often achieves what he wants.

Not a careerist, but once in the chair of a leader, he knows how to create all the conditions for the successful and efficient work of the team. The ideal occupation for him is the creation of a small business where he could understand all the processes and manage them. The owner of this name tries to get to the bottom of everything, strives for constant self-education and feels dissatisfaction with routine and monotony.

origin of the name Alexei

The origin of the name Alexei originates from the ancient Greek word ἀλέξω - "to protect". The etymology is also associated with Byzantium. In ancient Byzantium, where the name came from, from the 11th to the 14th centuries. so the emperors were called. The history of the name has its continuation in Russia. Many representatives of the royal family of the Romanovs were called in this way. The most famous, the second Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty is Alexei Mikhailovich.

The mystery of the name is also associated with Christianity. The patron saint of men so named is Saint Alexis, the man of God, whose name is commemorated in both the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Characteristics of the name Alexei

The characterization of the name Alexei has its pros and cons. By nature, our hero is a calm and balanced person. Among the positive traits of character, one can especially highlight responsibility, decency and honesty. You can completely rely on a man in the most difficult situations. He will do everything in his power and donate his personal time to someone in need of help. However, he does not like to ask for help and tries to do everything by his own efforts.

The negative aspects of character include: forgetfulness, harshness, touchiness. Being a person without conflict, he is still capable of harshness and inadequate reaction in response to even the most insignificant offense. He can speak out sharply or flare up, thereby inflating “out of molehills”. A man carries grievances for a long time and cannot forgive the person who offended.

Listening carefully to the interlocutor, he can later say that there was no conversation. But this does not mean that the owner of this name is a deceiver. The downside of nature is distraction and forgetfulness. Listening to the interlocutor, he can go so deep into his thoughts that he will not even be able to remember what the conversation was about. Of no small importance for Alexei is to learn to listen and be attentive in dialogue.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: lapis lazuli.
  • Name days: February 17, 20, 25, 28, March 8, 22, 28, 30, April 6, 18, May 4, 7, June 2, 5, 20, 22, 23, July 4, 6, 14, 17, 2, 4, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30 August, 4, 7, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29 September, 1, 2, 4, 18, 29 October, 3, 6 , 13, 20 November, 3, 5, 6, 11, 17, 26 December.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign: Aquarius, Aries.

Famous people

  • Alexei Makarov - Russian theater and film actor;
  • Alexey Guskov - Soviet, Russian actor, producer, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation;
  • Alexey Chadov is a Russian theater and film actor.

Different languages

The translation of the name Alexei from Greek is “to protect”. How the name is translated into Japanese according to its meaning: 助け (Tasuke).
Consider how the name is written and sounds in Japanese, Chinese and other languages:

  • Japanese: アレクセイ (are-ku-sei).
  • Chinese: 阿列克塞 (a-le-ke-sai).
  • Arabic: أليكسي (ali-ka-say).
  • HindiHindi: एलेक्सी (e-le-xi).

Name Forms

  • Full name - Alexey;
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Lyosha, Lyokha, Lyoshik, Lyoshenka, Alex, Alyosha, Alyokha, Lyoshka;
  • Declension of the name - Alexei, Alexei;
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Alexy.

The name Alexey does not have rough, "growling" sounds. It is smooth and melodious. A person with this name is quite good-natured, soft, not conflict. He is certainly very sociable and versatile.

Translated from Greek, Alexei means "protector".

origin of the name Alexei:

The name comes from the Greek word "alesios" - "to protect". In Russia, it has gained great popularity because of its euphony and ease of pronunciation.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alexei:

Alyosha is very attached to his mother and outwardly similar to her, but such an important character trait as meekness is not inherited from them. From early childhood, he is a protector for his mother, and, having matured, for his entire family too. In the company of friends, he does not show leadership qualities, but they always turn to him for advice.

Alexei, by nature, are kind people. Not verbose, they are men of action. Their word is the law, "said - done." Given these business qualities, Alexei achieve a high position in society. They are always calm, hardworking and conscientious. But they are very vulnerable and often take offense over trifles. Easily mastered in a team. Sometimes, a highly developed ambition interferes with them, but, most often, it still helps in achieving their goal. The fact is that a calm and balanced character makes the owner of this name invisible. Therefore, it is important for Alexei to somehow stand out from the crowd. It is hard to persuade Alyosha to your side. He does not like pressure and violence. He lives by his own mind, has his own opinion, therefore he stays away from conflict situations.

Alexei loves painstaking work, they treat their work with responsibility. Whatever they do, they bring it to perfection. In any field, they excel others and know the specifics of their work better than anyone else. In production, Alexey is an excellent master, in studies he is an experienced mentor, in the sports field he is a patient coach, in business he is a reliable partner. They have creative abilities, thanks to which people with this name make good artists, writers and actors. The exact sciences are also easily given to them. They can achieve good results in the field of physics, surgery, forensics.

Alyosha often gets along well with his mother-in-law, due to his complaisance. He is ready to give in to his wife in small things, but in serious matters, Alexei shows perseverance, such that even relatives cannot convince him. They love clean women. If his wife appears in front of him in a dirty bathrobe, he will be silent, but by his behavior he will make it clear that he is not pleased. If a wife argues with someone, she will always take her side, even if she is not right. Not jealous, sometimes the wife provokes him to jealousy, but this is to no avail. Aleksey is monogamous, but rather because of a feeling of disgust than because of polygamy. Cares about children more than anyone else. Until old age, he retains the memory, love and affection for his parents.

Usually, only a calm, quiet, self-confident woman can call a boy that name. This name carries positive energy. It reliably protects its wearer from any trouble.

For Alexei, for a good family life, women with the names Alena, Nina, Svetlana, Tatyana, Olga and Evgenia are perfect. He will not develop relationships with Inna, Rimma, Angelica and Victoria.

Most of the names came to us from the Greek language, the origin of the name Alexei is no exception. This name gained immense popularity in the 70s of the last century, and currently does not lose its relevance.

Translated from Greek, Alexei means protection, amulet. In Russia, this name began to enjoy the love of parents after the baptism of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. It sounds like a church Alexy. There are many saints with this name, the most famous is Alexy of Constantinople, who suffered because of the icon.

This educated man, a native of the nobility, did not allow the miraculous icon of the Savior to be torn off the Copper Gate, in connection with which the emperor became angry with him and ordered him to be put in prison, where he was tortured for 8 months. Then he was martyred, and after 139 years his relics remained incorruptible. There are many days of honoring this great man, name days are chosen depending on the date of birth.

Except Alexei of Constantinople, the patrons of the name are Alexey Pechorsky, Saint Alexy, Prince Alexy Nevsky. Among those who came from the common people, it was the Monk Alexy who, according to legend, devoted himself to worship, lived as a hermit in prayers, was most revered. His relics helped people heal from many diseases.

The meaning of the name Alexei is largely determined by his talismans. The Aquarius zodiac sign patronizes him, boys born under this sign are always lucky, which means that all their affairs are going well, and their plans are easily implemented. The patron planet is Neptune, the favorable season is winter, and important decisions are best made on Saturdays.

Owners of the name Lesha are suitable colors - green, blue, red. Animal totems are elk and crab. Elk personifies calmness and balance, gives greatness to the name, helps to deal with problems and find the right solution, gives hope. The crab is an indecisive animal, and therefore, Alekseys often try not to cope with problems, but to get away from them.

The best plants for Lesha are mistletoe and lilac. Mistletoe is an amazing plant that cannot be attributed to either a tree or a shrub. So the character of Alexei is often similar to plasticine, does not have clear-cut features. Lilac gives the character sensitivity, responsiveness, Alyosha is always friendly. However, this plant gives loneliness and disappointment in love.

Among the stones, lapis lazuli and alexandrite become mascots. Lapis lazuli is the embodiment of sincerity, love, friendliness, it gives harmony in life, peace, happiness, helps in the realization of desires. Alexandrite is an unusual stone that expresses a seal. It has the ability to change color, which is a warning of impending troubles.

The full name sounds Alexey, the abbreviated name is Lesha, Alyosha. Affectionately boys can be called Alyoshenka, Leshka, Leshik, Alyoshka, Alyoshechka, Alik, Leshenka, Leshechka, Alex.

Meaning of the name

The character of Alexei is soft, which means that there is no place for conflicts in his life. This person has great patience, and seeks happiness, both in family life and at work.


A man named Lena surprisingly combines such wonderful qualities as fortitude and complaisance, patience and compliance, reliability and good nature. This allows him to become an ideal person, with whom it is always easy and interesting. But great accomplishments are not for him, you should not expect exploits and bright deeds from Leshenka.

The characteristics of the name also include such negative qualities as laziness, absent-mindedness, high emotionality. Lesha is not able to turn his or someone else's life around. Infantilism makes him go with the flow, ambition, as a rule, is not developed. In some cases, there is stubbornness, and then he tries to attract attention by any means.

Fair, does not tolerate deceit and lies, knows how to be sincere, bring harmony and peace to the world. Any enmity is unpleasant for him, he does not accept violence, but he can show himself if necessary. Softness of character does not mean that everyone can impose their will on a person., there is enough hardness in Lesha to resist this.

Family, parents mean a lot to Leshenka, he honors family traditions, helps and protects his loved ones. Inactive, does not like a lot of movement, works with the feeling that he is ready to give up everything and return home. A dreamer, spends a lot of time in his inner world, knows how to fantasize.

Lesha's mindset is rather female. He pays a lot of attention to trifles, has an excellent memory and curiosity. Sociability and goodwill allow him to easily inspire confidence in people, he is a nice person and an interesting conversationalist.

Failures are hard to bear, trying to find an excuse for them. He does not tolerate criticism, it offends him very much. In general, all the character traits of Alexei can be called unfinished, they are not clearly expressed, and it is definitely not possible to say that this person is such and such. It reflects honesty bordering on straightforwardness, regularity, a heightened sense of justice, devotion and sociability.


The fate of an adult Alyosha largely depends on factors such as family and upbringing. If you develop the strengths of this person from childhood, he can achieve a lot. But it should be understood that a complex incomprehensible character does not guarantee a quiet life. He will always be accompanied by difficult moments, but thanks to his well-developed intuition and efficiency, he will be able to get out of difficult situations quite easily.

Non-conflict allows Lesha to avoid trouble. But at the same time, his stubbornness plays against him, because it is not easy to convince this person of something.

He will never agree to accept someone else's opinion if it runs counter to his understanding. In general, the fate of Alexei, as a rule, though not easy, but happy, despite all these nuances.


Alyosha has a natural gift of charm, he is courteous with women, which allows him to easily win their hearts. In the fair sex, she appreciates not only such qualities as devotion and sincerity, but also appearance. He will not meet a girl who does not take care of herself, Lesha is quite squeamish.

By nature - monogamous, despite the fact that he is always surrounded by beautiful ladies who are ready for a relationship with him. Flirting and changing partners does not like. For life, he chooses a woman a little older than himself, with experience. It is important for him that she knows how to be affectionate and caring, while also being delicate.

As a rule, Alexei is ready for marriage by the age of thirty, he makes a choice in favor of an economic and kind woman, the main thing for Leshenka in marriage is trust and honesty. Only with such a lady can he become a real head of the family, protector and father of the family. He will never forgive betrayal, and he himself will not even look in the direction of other women.

Lesha is attached to his parents, and even in adulthood, the opinion of his relatives is important to him. Despite the difficult nature, Alexey will be complaisant in the family. For him, this is a quiet marina, which should not contain squabbles and scandals. In trifles, he listens to the opinion of his wife, but he makes all important decisions on his own.

Children are very fond of, and will take care of them constantly, even when they grow up. Household chores do not burden him, he will be happy to help his wife with the housework, play with the children, and, in addition, provide for the family financially. Alexey can become an ideal father and husband, with whom it will always be good.

A favorable marriage will develop in Alexei with women named Anna, Anastasia, Larisa, Galina, Lyubov, Svetlana, Barbara, Nadezhda. You should not tempt fate and associate life with the fair sex named Vera, Oksana, Tamara, Alina, Tatiana, Elena, Julia, Veronica.

Business and career

The right choice of profession for Alexei is very important. His success in the professional field depends on this. If he likes the work, natural laziness will not prevent Lesha from reaching heights. He can be an excellent teacher because he can get along with people and loves children. Alyosha does not give in to other people's influence, has his own opinion and easily compromises.

Alexei pronounced creative inclinations, these people make excellent writers, artists, designers, artists. The exact sciences are also a good choice; the owner of this name can achieve success in forensic science, engineering, physics or medicine. But monotonous work does not attract him, although Alexei will perform such work responsibly. He cannot afford to work carelessly, which management will definitely appreciate.

Lesha cannot be called a careerist, but he needs a job with the possibility of professional growth. A good option for this person is to open their own business. He will understand everything to the smallest detail, and lead with a firm hand. Here he will find an opportunity to constantly grow and develop, since monotonous and routine work does not give such a chance.

Origin: the name Alexei has ancient Greek roots, in translation it means “protecting”, “preventing”, “protector” or “reflect”, “protect”. The Orthodox, church form of the name is Alexy.

Short form of the name Alexei: Alyosha, Lesha, Lekha, Alekseyka, Lenya, Alek, Lelya, Alyunya, Lyunya.

Foreign forms of the name Alexei: Oleksy or Oleksa (Ukraine), Alexis (England and USA), Alyaksey (Belarus), Alex (Germany).

Name day of Alexei: February 17, 20, 25 and 28, March 8, 22, 28 and 30, April 6 and 18, May 4 and 7, June 2, 5, 22 and 23, August 22, September 1 and 2, October 11 and 18 , December 6, July 6.

Positive traits of the name. Alexey fully justifies the meaning of his name, he is really a real defender, always ready to help not only his relatives, but just acquaintances. Alexei cannot stand conflicts and quarrels, he is very peaceful, he cannot stand squabbles and bloodshed. The only thing that can piss off a calm and very friendly Alexei is injustice towards someone. In the team, Alexei immediately becomes one of the most respected employees, causing universal sympathy. He is an independent person, rarely turns to anyone for advice, preferring to live by his own mind. At the same time, he will not allow anyone to sit on his head, he does not use violence against his relatives, acting more like a carrot than a whip.

Negative traits of the name. Aleksey's peacefulness can often result in excessive softness, weak will. He can concede only because of the fear of not becoming the first, to lose. In addition, if Alexey is devoid of ambition, he does not seek to make a career, being content with a calm and not prestigious place with a low salary. And if ambition is present in the character of Alexei, it can take hypertrophied forms - to become the first, the best and achieve outstanding success in the chosen field becomes the main goal of his life.

Choosing a profession by name. Alexey is very balanced, diligent and hardworking, so he can become an excellent doctor, diplomat, entrepreneur. In addition, Alexei is very responsible in his chosen profession, does not do anything “in a slipshod manner”, so he is usually very successful in any activity. The desire for justice often pushes Alexei to choose the field of law, he will make an excellent lawyer or judge. Another area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity where Alexei usually succeeds is politics.

The impact of the name on business. Alexei is often considered richer than he really is. He is economical with money, but he cannot refuse to ask his friends to lend money, and as a result, he himself may be left without funds. Alexey will be able to earn more money if he is engaged in intellectual activities or his own business.

The impact of the name on health. Alexei's physical health often depends on his mental state. If he is depressed, some additional diseases may occur. Harmony and tranquility are a guarantee that Alexei will rarely get sick. In addition, without work, he is too bored and Alexei can turn into a real hypochondriac, looking for diseases where they do not exist. Inaction is contraindicated for him.

Psychology. With Alexei, even when he is still very young, you cannot speak in an orderly tone. He strives to live in peace with others, cannot stand vulgarity, rudeness and abuse, therefore peace and quiet always reign in his house. Alexey is a wonderful conversationalist, listener and adviser, a great friend.

Name compatibility. Often Aleksey puts forward too serious demands on his life partner, hopes to meet the love of his life, but, unfortunately, he does not always remain satisfied. Successful relationships and strong marital ties usually add up with,

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