What do you feel at 11 weeks pregnant. Eleventh week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby, photo of the fetus, sensations. week of pregnancy: what happens

Aviary 06.02.2022

11 obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the third month. At this time, many women feel pleasant changes in the body. The article will focus on the features of the 11th week - the recommendations of doctors and answers to the most common questions about pregnancy.

What changes occur at this stage in the body of the mother and her child?

11 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo, how does the baby develop and feel?

At 11 weeks, the baby weighs 8-10 g, its size 45-60 mm. In terms of volume, it can be compared with an apricot.

He is actively moving, but the movements are not yet coordinated.

At this time, the child begins to move his head, trying to keep it in one position.

The baby opens his mouth and wrinkles his lips, his nose and ears are already clearly visible.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the baby look like in obstetric 11 weeks?

By this time, the child had two reflexes:

  • Swallowing- he is able to swallow a small amount of amniotic fluid.
  • Prehensile- already now the baby can hold on to the umbilical cord.

The skeleton still has a cartilaginous structure, but begins to gradually harden, turning into bone tissue. Therefore, it is now very important for mom to provide the body with calcium.

Good news for moms. In the unborn child, the genitals begin to form. High-end equipment can already determine gender.

But these data may be wrong. More precise information will be available in a few weeks.

The baby is developing a diaphragm, in connection with this, hiccups may appear.

hiccup- rhythmic contraction of the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity (diaphragm). A baby in the womb may experience hiccups after swallowing amniotic fluid.

There is evidence that a baby in the third month can taste food. Having swallowed the amniotic fluid, into which something bitter has fallen, he begins to frown and stick out his tongue. If sweet glucose enters the liquid, the baby's swallowing movements are accelerated.

Studies have also been conducted confirming that the child after birth prefers exactly those foods that the mother consumed during pregnancy.

Video: 11 weeks pregnant

What can be seen on the ultrasound at 11 weeks of obstetric period?

At this time, you can already quite clearly see the outlines of the unborn child. His figure is still out of proportion - the head is much larger than the body. But there are already clear outlines of the torso, arms, legs and neck. If the baby is active during the ultrasound procedure, the mother will be able to see his movements. At 11 weeks, he often moves his arms and is already trying to turn his head.

A very important point! All pregnant women who have not undergone an ultrasound before this period must definitely do this at week 11. During this period, the diagnosis of chromosomal pathology (Down syndrome) is carried out.

If serious violations and obvious malformations are revealed, the woman will be asked to terminate the pregnancy.

Video: 11 weeks pregnant

Fetal heart rate at 11 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

Since the heart of the unborn child has long formed a four-chamber structure, it actively works and carries blood throughout the body. The beat frequency is 120-160 per minute.

What happens in a woman's body at the 11th week of pregnancy?

Changes in a woman's body at 11 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

In general, this period of pregnancy is characterized by a general decrease in the manifestations of toxicosis. It is replaced by a constant feeling of stuffiness and heat. This is due to the fact that at week 11 the metabolic process is significantly accelerated. As a result, a pregnant woman feels constant thirst, profuse sweating and increased appetite.

The emotional state of a woman at week 11 begins to stabilize. But constant mood swings will continue throughout pregnancy.

Digestive problems may appear. In order to normalize his work, you need to consult a doctor about a special diet.

It is worth paying attention to the condition of nails, hair and teeth. Their brittleness and dryness may indicate the need to add calcium-rich foods to your diet. Or start taking it in supplement form.

Breast and belly of a woman at 11 weeks pregnant

The breast at this time will definitely be enlarged. In addition, darkening can be seen in the area around the nipples. Such pigmentation is not dangerous and disappears on its own after childbirth.

Small papillomas may also appear on the chest. They look like slightly pointed growths. This is also completely normal.

The size of the tummy has already changed, but these changes are still very small.

Some women may develop a dark line on their abdomen. Hormones are to blame. After the baby is born, this phenomenon will disappear.

The main thing that a future mother needs to remember is that clothes should not hamper movement. If your favorite jeans have become tight, it's time to update your wardrobe. Moreover, a little more - and the tummy will become larger.

What can and cannot be a woman at 11 weeks pregnant?

All pregnant women, regardless of the period, must adhere to certain rules.
Of course, these rules should be justified, and not contrary to common sense.

There is a list of what absolutely can not be done during pregnancy:

  1. Take medications without consulting your doctor. Some of them can cause irreparable harm to the child.
  2. Exhaust yourself with exercise. Lift heavy objects, lead an overly active lifestyle. Sharp falls can be especially dangerous.
  3. Contact with harmful chemicals. This includes household chemicals, nicotine, narcotic substances, as well as harmful impurities contained in food. So that there is no temptation to eat tasty, but unhealthy food, mom needs to remember that now her child, like a sponge, absorbs everything that enters her body. What a mother eats during pregnancy forms the future foundation of the baby's health.
  4. In the event that the pregnancy passes with complications, long trips and climate change should be avoided in the first trimester.
  5. Beware of prolonged hot baths, steam rooms, saunas. Do not sunbathe under the scorching sun.
  6. You can't neglect your own well-being. If a woman feels excessive fatigue, irritability, apathy, you should definitely consult a doctor about this. It is possible that this is due to a lack of vitamins.
  7. Constant stress has a bad effect on the course of pregnancy. Of course, spending 9 months in absolute peace will not work. The main thing is not to dwell on the negative, but to try to protect yourself from communicating with unpleasant people.

What is useful for a future mother?

  • so that you eat little and often. This is the only way to avoid problems with the intestines, which are so common in pregnant women.
  • It is very important to drink plenty of fluids now. This is useful for both the baby and the condition of the woman's skin.
  • Fresh air in large quantities is of great benefit to the baby. If living conditions do not allow frequent walks, you should try to improve the quality of oxygen in the living room. To do this, you can use green plants and a humidifier. Alternatively, you can purchase an aquarium. In addition to moisturizing the air, it will give positive emotions and relieve stress.

11 weeks pregnant - how to understand that everything is fine?

Due to hormonal changes in the body and excessive emotionality, the vast majority of mothers from time to time begin to worry too much about their baby.

To dispel all worries, you need:

  • Register as soon as possible.
  • Pass all the necessary tests, go for an ultrasound.
  • Stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Signs that the baby is fine:

  • The presence of symptoms accompanying pregnancy - heartburn, nausea.
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands.
  • Absence of bleeding.
  • Permanent weight gain.

It often happens that in the first months, due to toxicosis, a woman practically does not gain weight. However, by the end of 3 months, there must be an increase in weight.

To keep the pregnancy under control, you can start a special diary (paper or electronic), where all the symptoms will be entered weekly. Using this method, a woman will be able to pay attention to changes in time - and in this way prevent various problems.

Popular questions about pregnancy at week 11 - answers a specialist

11 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic period - what is the difference?

In medical practice, two types of calculation of the gestational age have long been used:

  • Embryonic, which begins immediately after conception. To determine the exact embryonic period is possible only with the help of ultrasound.
  • Obstetric. It is convenient for gynecologists to consider the start of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. That is, the beginning of the obstetric term is the real term plus two weeks.

Allocations at the 11th week of pregnancy - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

By the nature of the discharge, you can determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. Translucent moderate discharge is considered normal. During pregnancy, the amount of natural secretions increases slightly. But they should be without a strong odor and impurities of blood.

Bloody discharge almost always indicates that something is wrong. At the first suspicious discharge, you should consult a doctor. Especially if, along with the discharge, there is pain in the abdomen and lower back.

Brown, green or yellow discharge may indicate that an infection has entered the reproductive system. This is also quite dangerous.

If at the 11th week of pregnancy, the heartbeat of the fetus is not heard ...

If during the ultrasound examination no heartbeat was recorded, in all likelihood, the fetus has ceased its vital activity.

To confirm a missed pregnancy, you will need to repeat the ultrasound several times.

If at 11 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen ...

The cause of pulling pain in the abdomen can be a banal stretching of muscles and ligaments.

But you need to listen to your body. Sharp, pulling, cramping pain is the first sign of a threatened abortion.

Ovaries hurt at week 11 - causes?

Pain in the ovarian region is a common occurrence during pregnancy. Its appearance is associated with stretching of the muscle ligaments.

Another reason could be indigestion. In this case, pain can be felt in different areas of the abdominal cavity.

If the pain is sharp, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the ovaries, or an ectopic pregnancy.

11 weeks of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

This week, an ultrasound is necessarily performed in order to exclude anomalies in the development of the child.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at week 11, or does it rarely freeze during this period?

A missed pregnancy can be identified by several signs. This is the sudden disappearance of all symptoms of pregnancy.

If a woman does not give due attention to this, dark discharge will appear over time. In this case, you need to immediately undergo an examination.

In the first trimester, fetal fading occurs more often than in later periods.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

Many women at this time say goodbye to toxicosis.

This is due to the fact that the function of the corpus luteum withers. Now the placenta will produce progesterone. For this reason, the woman begins to feel much better.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 11th week of pregnancy, it stopped feeling sick, I don’t feel pregnant, there was blood?

All these symptoms clearly indicate the fading of pregnancy. If the uterus is not cleaned in time, this can lead to intoxication and infection of the body.

Are SARS, flu and other diseases dangerous at 11 weeks of gestation?

Throughout pregnancy, it is undesirable for a woman to get sick, since any disease can affect the child to some extent. A common cold can pass without a trace, but serious infectious diseases can affect the development of a child.

From that moment on, the appearance of a woman will begin to change. Changes can affect all areas of life. Against the backdrop of all the changes, the most important thing a woman needs to concentrate on is motherhood.

This period of pregnancy is characterized by intensive growth of the fetus, as well as a subsidence of the symptoms of toxicosis (if the woman had one). The emotional state of the expectant mother comes to normal, since the thought of her new position is no longer so frightening and causes more positive emotions than negative ones.

The general condition is improving. And the time comes for the first screening prenatal study, when using various medical methods, including ultrasound, different data on the size of the fetus, its condition, as well as the level of the future mother's hormonal background are noted and recorded.

The most important thing at 11 weeks pregnant

The size of the child at 11 weeks of gestation reaches the following figures:

  • Height: between 44 and 60 mm;
  • Weight: up to 8 g;
  • Pulse: the rate of the fetal heart rate from the current week of pregnancy until the very birth is in the range of 140-160 beats per minute;
  • KTP (coccygeal-parietal size): this indicator from the beginning to the end of the week grows from 40 mm to 51 mm;
  • TVP (collar space thickness): this indicator is all week in such numbers on the following figures: 5 percentile is 0.8 mm, 50 percentile is 1.6 mm, and accordingly 95 percentile is 2.2 mm.


If earlier a woman studied with intense toxicosis, then at the 11th week of pregnancy, its manifestations will subside. And if the symptoms of toxicosis were already weak, then most likely this week of pregnancy will be the last for him.

But, there is also not very good news - often toxicosis is replaced by such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn, and with it heavy stools, constipation. The reason for this change in symptoms is all the same hormones, or rather their vigorous activity. Of course, this is not a binding law for every woman; some have never complained about such symptoms and manifestations throughout their entire pregnancy. But, in case of their occurrence, you should not worry.

For the most part, pregnant women in the current period begin to notice that low-waisted clothes become uncomfortable to wear, their favorite trousers are no longer fastened, and the lower abdomen has slightly increased. Yes, these are characteristics of this period. Despite the fact that the uterus is still within the small pelvis, it is normal to feel a growing belly.

The 11th week of bearing a baby remains at risk of abortion, and therefore, in cases where the stomach hurts, especially at the bottom or pulls and aches the lower back, vaginal discharge of a dark shade has appeared - it is important to immediately consult a doctor for advice.

Physiological changes

Amniotic fluid is an important component of the normal and healthy development of the fetus. This amniotic or amniotic fluid is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, hormones, sugar and fats. All this nourishes the child until his birth. Initially, nutrition occurs through the skin of the fetus, at which time a certain percentage of fluid is absorbed.

Already with the advent of taste buds on the baby's tongue, a swallowing reflex appears, and the child begins to swallow the amniotic fluid through the mouth. Approximately 20 ml of liquid is consumed per hour to feed a child.

In order for the amniotic fluid to be periodically updated, a woman needs to drink fluids (pure water without gas) 1.5-2 liters per day.

What happens in a woman's body?

At this stage of pregnancy in the female body, an increase in blood volume occurs, the metabolic process intensifies in its intensity, and calories are actively burned. The uterus, although located within the small pelvis, still reaches its size when it fills all its space. The uterus begins to be palpated without difficulty. If the belly exceeds the prescribed size, most likely, this indicates a multiple pregnancy. When carrying one baby, the belly is not yet greatly enlarged.

The sensations of the mother at the 11th week of pregnancy in the abdomen can be easily confused with the movement of the baby. But these are still only active contractions of the intestine. The first movements can be "heard" only by the 20th week.

The uterus at this stage of the gestation period already presses on the bladder with less force, which leads to a significant reduction in the number of urges to urinate per day.

The corpus luteum at week 11 begins to gradually disappear, while the placenta actively develops and thereby strengthens the protection of the fetus.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

At the current stage of pregnancy, the child continues to improve, both in structure and in functioning, all already formed organs and systems.

Here is what happens inside his body:

  • formation of red blood cells in the spinal cord;
  • in the liver, which currently makes up one tenth of the entire body of the child, proteins began to be produced that are “sent” to build the body as a whole;
  • bile production has already begun in the gallbladder;
  • the pituitary gland in the baby's head has already begun to produce hormones;
  • at this time, the bonds between muscles and bones are strengthened;
  • the child's movements become more energetic;
  • at week 11, fingers and toes begin to appear;
  • the formation of the cartilaginous auricle begins;
  • all the main brain regions are formed;
  • several thousand nerve cells are formed every second in the nervous system;
  • the number of connections between nerve cells and muscles increases significantly, and the nervous system begins to coordinate the work of the muscular system;
  • the baby continues to improve his sense of touch, almost the entire surface of his body already at this time has sensitivity to touch;
  • at this time, the rudiments of milk teeth become visible;
  • also on the face of the baby his features become visible - eyebrows, cilia;
  • the placental-umbilical cord continues to develop intensively, and at this stage it is already merging with the circulatory system of the mother's body.

Weight gain

During 11 weeks of pregnancy, the allowable weight gain for the expectant mother is 300 g. The total weight gain for the period from the beginning of pregnancy to the current period can range from 0.9 to 1.9 kg.

Deviations from the norms in weight gain are not a threat to the health of the child or mother, since they depend on purely individual indicators - metabolism, the degree of intensity of toxicosis, and other factors.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 11th week of pregnancy, a woman is scheduled for an examination. This means passing a full comprehensive examination, the results of which will help to give an objective assessment of the degree of development of the child and timely identify various deviations from the norm or abnormalities in the functioning of the organs and systems of the female body.

This includes:

  1. Ultrasonography;
  2. Double test for the determination of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated protein A-plasma (PAPP-A);
  3. Analysis of biochemical urine, blood.

Additional laboratory tests are scheduled as needed.

objective data

At the current stage of pregnancy, the uterus reaches the size of the upper border of the bony pelvic ring. Its location is determined by the lower edge of the pubic joint.

Since the uterus gradually fills the pelvic space, this can cause some compression of the intestine, which leads to.

It is not yet possible to measure and fix the height of the uterus, since the woman's stomach has not yet been enlarged.

Blood pressure should remain within the normal range.

Ultrasound examination

The results of ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy are:

  • accurate determination of the placental location in the future. The placenta can be located on the back or front wall of the uterus, or on its bottom, located on top;
  • the level of motor activity of the baby;
  • heart rate.

So far, it is not possible to determine the gender of the child on an ultrasound examination. Presumable errors often occur, since the large labia of the female fetus are mistaken by doctors for male genital organs.

HCG at 11 weeks pregnant

A person at this time should be within the normal range, which is 20900-291000 mIU / ml.

Factors affecting the fetus

Factors affecting the development of the fetus remain the same for this period as in previous weeks: nicotine, medicinal chemicals, especially tetracycline antibacterials and anabolic steroids, chemicals, especially airborne suspensions, ionizing radiation.

In addition, infectious diseases of the mother and viral respiratory diseases can cause irreparable harm to the child. Negative emotional background can also harm the development of the fetus.

In this regard, the expectant mother is advised to refrain from visiting crowded public places and institutions where the risk of infection is too high, as well as from watching films with a negative emotional connotation (thrillers, horrors, disasters, etc.), reading books of a similar nature, listening to rock music, and other things that lower mood and can lead to depression.

Possible complications of pregnancy

At this time, or termination of pregnancy can only be triggered by pathologies in fetal development that are not compatible with life.

Rickets in a child can develop in cases where a vitamin D deficiency is diagnosed in the mother's body.

A delay in the development of the child's nervous system can occur when the mother has a lack of folic acid in the body.

A woman may develop hemorrhoids or its exacerbation and develop varicose veins in cases of intensive leaching of calcium from their body, in particular from the walls of venous vessels.

What can be the selection?

Normal vaginal discharge is whitish or slightly yellowish. They may be more abundant, but this is not a reason for fear. In addition, at the current stage of pregnancy, discharge from the nipples of the mammary glands may already appear. This begins the secretion of colostrum, preceding the normal form of breast milk.

No need to try to squeeze out colostrum yourself. You can only lightly massage the chest, with light movements. In this case, it is necessary to wear a bra exclusively from natural fabrics, and put natural napkins under the nipples.

In connection with certain changes during the development of the fetus in the female body at the level of physiology, both the recommendations and the appointments for it change somewhat.


From the 11th week of pregnancy, some changes need to be made to the diet. First of all, it is necessary to include foods with a high level of methionine in them, an amino acid that is necessary for building liver cells. These products include cottage cheese and sour cream.

To eliminate constipation, kefir should become a regular product. Approximately 2-3 glasses per knock will help to cope with the problem of heavy stool without complications.

An important point: kefir has laxative properties only on the first day of its preparation, older kefir, on the contrary, begins to strengthen the intestines.

With the threat of developing an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to completely exclude the use of white bread and pastries from the diet. Conversely, include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Otherwise, it is necessary, as before, to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.


In the first place among vitamins remains, and. The remaining vitamins can and should be taken as prescribed by a doctor and only in recommended dosages.

Foods for pregnant women rich in iodine


Intimate life at this time is not recommended only in case of a continuing threat of miscarriage or in case of multiple pregnancy. Otherwise, with mutual desire and the choice of safe positions, intimate relationships are even encouraged.


A woman should not exclude physical activity from her life. But, if she has a threat of termination of pregnancy, she needs to rest more, and in a prone position.

Classes in the pool, special gymnastics for pregnant women, and walks in the fresh air will benefit.

Medicines and medical procedures

In the case of ARVI, in no case should you prescribe medications on your own. This should only be done by a doctor who knows about your situation.

Drinking plenty of pure warm water, berry fruit drinks, fruit juices (preferably warm and diluted with water, for better absorption and liver function) will help alleviate the condition of a cold.

In no case should you take antibiotics and other medicinal pharmacological preparations on your own. This can lead to negative and irreversible processes in the development of the fetus.

11 weeks pregnant with IVF

At this stage of pregnancy, in vitro fertilization still has a high risk of miscarriage. Therefore, you should carefully follow all the rules and follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

Otherwise, this period during IVF proceeds without any special differences from a normal pregnancy.

Features of multiple pregnancy

At this stage, a thorough diagnosis is made - multiple pregnancy. The ultrasound specialist pays special attention to monitoring the correct placental development, as well as the timely identification of prerequisites for possible pregnancy complications.

For this period, with multiple pregnancy, the woman's immunity suffers a significant weakening. In this regard, she needs to eat right and take vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor.

  1. The first useful tip for the 11th week of pregnancy is the prevention of hemorrhoid exacerbation. It consists in one exercise that can be done in any position of the body (sitting, standing, lying down). The exercise is as follows: it is necessary to draw in the rectum and keep the sphincter in tone (tension) for several seconds, each time the sphincter tone time must be increased. Breathing during this exercise is arbitrary;
  2. We must not forget about our position and reduced immunity, and therefore try not to appear in busy crowded places where the risk of infection with infectious and viral diseases is too high;
  3. Constantly remind your loved ones that you really need their support and attention;
  4. At work, with high physical exertion, inform your superiors about your situation so that these loads are reduced to a minimum for you;
  5. Don't forget to have your first screening this week.

Photo of tummies

Photo ultrasound scans

Video about 11 weeks pregnant

By week 11, a quarter of the way to the long-awaited baby has already been passed, the stomach is already beginning to round and pregnancy is becoming noticeable. In anticipation of the future baby, mothers try to settle all matters, gradually getting used to their new position. The phenomena of even protracted toxicosis subside, the woman begins to enjoy the new state, as the hormonal background becomes stable.

At 11 weeks, the size of the fetus is already about 6 cm, and the weight is 8-9 grams. All the main organs and systems of the baby are formed, but are at the stage of functional maturation, and resemble a miniature copy of an adult.

Behavior of the baby in the womb at 11 weeks

The fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy acquires greater mobility, begins to yawn, actively swallow amniotic fluid. In addition, at this time, the fetus will first get acquainted with smells, and when swallowing the amniotic fluid, it will be able to distinguish changes in its composition by smell. Yes, right now he will be able to express his attitude to the food you have eaten, starting from the wall of the uterus, tumbling, moving his arms and legs. However, during your first pregnancy, you probably won't feel it move yet. With ultrasound, it is clearly defined - at week 11, his heart beats at a frequency of 140-160 beats per minute. The kid actively bends already clearly formed fingers - this is how a grasping reflex is formed.

The 11th week of pregnancy is the best time for registration in the antenatal clinic, since it is during this period that the first ultrasound falls - to determine possible deviations in the development of the fetus. Fetal development at 11 weeks on ultrasound will be assessed in terms of coccygeal-parietal size, biparietal size, hip length, and abdominal circumference.

KTR or coccyx-parietal size at 11 weeks is 3.6-3.8 cm. Biparietal size will be 18 mm, thigh length - 7 mm, abdominal circumference - up to 20 mm. The diameter of the yolk sac is approximately 5.5 mm3. The size of the embryo at 11 weeks can vary significantly - from 6 to 9 cm in length, the weight of the fetus can range from 7 to 11 grams.

The norm of TVP at 11 weeks is 1-2 mm, but even with large values ​​​​you should not panic - the thickness of the collar space plays the greatest value at 12-13 weeks of gestation, when there is a significant and intensive growth of the fetus.

How does a woman feel at 11 weeks pregnant?

11th week of pregnancy: the size of the uterus already reaches rather large values, which does not allow it to fit in the small pelvis, and the pregnancy becomes noticeable to others. Moreover, it is during this period that pregnant women become especially attractive - due to changes in hormonal levels, an increase in the amount of circulating blood, and an improvement in the condition of nails and hair. The condition of the skin can fail - due to the restructuring of the body's fat metabolism, acne may appear. This phenomenon is temporary, and will pass at the end of pregnancy. The main thing is to exclude fatty creams during such troubles, to wash the skin more often, use alcohol lotions, masks with white clay, herbal decoctions.

Nutrition for the expectant mother at 11 weeks of age

Regarding the nutrition of the expectant mother in this period, preference should be given to dairy products, vegetables and fruits (with the exception of a large number of citrus fruits), but sweets, eggs and chocolate are recommended to be reduced or excluded altogether - they are strong food allergens for the baby, which can serve cause of diathesis in the future.

The age of the fetus is 11 weeks and before the start of the 12th experienced doctor of the ultrasound room will determine with an accuracy of several days. It is at this point that you will be able to accurately and age your baby. It is advisable not to delay the visit to the doctor, since at the 12th week the accuracy of the determination decreases sharply due to the intensive growth of the fetus. But with the determination of the sex of the child, you will have to suffer a little more - the formation of the genital organs in the baby is in full swing, but the definition on ultrasound is not yet available - so you have to wait until 16-20 weeks.

At the stage of its completion, the first trimester, toxicosis manifests itself less and less, and the woman's uterus is increasing in size. This is the 11th week of pregnancy. Outwardly, this period manifests itself weakly, and internally the woman's body has already practically adapted to its new position. The fears associated with the onset of pregnancy are left behind, the woman becomes more emotionally stable.

New sensations of mild discomfort in the abdomen appear with the onset of the 11th week of pregnancy. This is evidence of an enlarged uterus. It is uncomfortable for a pregnant woman to lie on her stomach due to the feeling that something is in the way. The fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy is growing rapidly and the uterus can already be easily felt. In some women, the stomach at the 11th week of pregnancy is still slightly distinguished, while in others, a noticeable tubercle already appears by this time.

In the calendar of a gynecologist, 11 obstetric weeks of pregnancy is the 9th week from conception, which means that the third month is coming to an end. In this case, the countdown starts from the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, the age of the embryo in the mother's belly is 9 weeks.

The fetus begins to move more clearly and actively. Touching the uterine wall, he tries to push off. At this “age”, the baby already reacts to the mother’s cough, sudden movements and jumps. When amniotic fluid enters the baby's nasal passages, he perceives smells and changes in the mother's diet. Vessels are visible through its thin and transparent skin. Handles and palms develop at an active pace - the fingers are formed and separated. The digestive system is almost improved, the rectum has appeared. At the 11th week, the baby begins to yawn and swallows the amniotic fluid in which it is located more often. The frequency of contractions of a small heart is from 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Medical examination at the 11th week of pregnancy

By the beginning of this period, the woman should already be registered with her gynecologist. And in the future, if there are complaints of general malaise, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist.

The list of tests that a pregnant woman must pass in the 11th week of the first trimester:

  1. Prenatal and biochemical screening, which will identify possible malformations in the development of the fetus. These are mandatory tests, the doctor gives a referral for their delivery, starting from the 11th week of pregnancy. At this time, the collar zone of the child is clearly visible. According to its thickness, the doctor determines the risks for the development of Down syndrome. Having received certain indicators during the study, they are compared with the standards, determining the level of risk. Exceeding the established norm is not necessarily a deviation in the child; in some cases, this may indicate a tendency to illness. Screening analysis is ultrasonic and biochemical.
  2. Blood is taken from a vein to determine the amount of chorion hormone (hCG) and PAPP-A protein in it. During the first trimester, this analysis must be taken almost every week. This hormone is produced by the woman's body on the 8th day after conception, and it is synthesized by the chorion (the shell of the embryo). Hence the name - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Its task is to control the activity of the corpus luteum, under the influence of which the mother's body produces other important hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

To get the correct indicators, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein in the morning and always on an empty stomach. This method for determining the level of gonadotropin in the blood serum is more reliable than a urinalysis.

For 11 weeks of pregnancy, the norm of hCG is from 20,900 to 291,000 mIU / ml. If your indicator exceeds the permissible standards, then this may indicate possible deviations in the development of the fetus, Down syndrome, and so on. However, this is not a pattern, do not worry prematurely. Elevated hCG can also be an indicator of twins or triplets, diabetes in a pregnant woman, and additional hormone intake.

On the contrary, a low content of hCG indicates a threat of miscarriage, pathologies of the placenta, intrauterine death of the fetus, as well as its growth retardation.

In cases where this hormone was not detected at all at the 11th week of pregnancy, this may be evidence of an ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Examination on the ultrasound machine.

If no ultrasound has been done before week 11, now is the time to do it. During the examination, the doctor finds out the correspondence of the development and size of the fetus to the current period, assesses the state of its organs, determines the place of fixation of the future placenta (chorion).

When a woman is tested for Down's syndrome, she should first be asked to undergo an ultrasound examination to determine the gestational age and have more accurate numbers about the expected date of delivery.

In addition, ultrasound helps to establish the baby's heart rate, and when measuring the collar space, it gives more real indicators. An ultrasound gives the doctor an idea of ​​​​how the 11th week of pregnancy in a woman proceeds, and what happens to the baby. The specialist determines whether this is a multiple pregnancy or a singleton, because if a woman decides to determine Down syndrome with twins, then the indicators will not be accurate.

When you have your first ultrasound examination at 11 weeks pregnant, you will see the first photo of your baby.

Many women look forward to this procedure because of the opportunity to look at their baby. And even though at this stage it looks only the size of a date, however, this is your future child, who already has a small heart beating.

After an ultrasound examination with an ultrasound machine, the 11th week of pregnancy in the photo of the fetus looks like this:

The baby, surrounded by amniotic fluid, lies on its back. The head is still large compared to the body, its size is about 18 mm. The baby's face is already outlined, you can see the eyes, lips, nose and mouth. The dark spot in the picture is a heart that is contracting at a frequency of 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Signs of the 11th week of pregnancy

The third month of pregnancy should no longer cause doubts in a woman about her position. In addition to internal restructuring, outwardly the 11th week of pregnancy also makes itself felt, and in the photo you can see obvious changes.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, only a doctor can reliably know what is happening to the expectant mother and whether these signs are characteristic of the first trimester. Among the main manifestations that accompany a woman at this time, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The metabolism is accelerated by more than 20%, due to this, the consumed calories are burned more intensively.
  2. Blood begins to circulate faster, as a result of which the woman sweats profusely and feels thirsty.
  3. Sudden change of mood. The emotional background is also unstable. A woman can be irritable, restless and whiny. During this period, moral support is important for a pregnant woman, she cannot be left alone for a long time, however, if psychological problems cannot be eliminated, you need to seek the help of a professional psychologist.

11 weeks pregnant: feeling pregnant

Pregnancy at the stage of the 11th week already brings significant relief, the sensations become more pleasant. The main manifestations of pregnancy at the 11th week:

  1. Some women may still have toxicosis in the morning, but this is rather an exception.
  2. Any discomfort should be alarming and a reason to see a doctor. In no case do not endure pain, otherwise you risk the health of your baby.
  3. Vaginal discharge of white color with a sour smell is the norm.
  4. By the end of the first trimester, the breast increases by 1 size. She is still very sensitive and there may be discharge from her nipples. These are called colostrum and will appear just before birth.
  5. It is at the 11th week of pregnancy that constipation and heartburn can occur as a result of hormonal changes.
  6. A woman may complain of absent-mindedness and memory lapses. And this is also not excluded, because constant thoughts about the child, the anticipation of his birth can contribute to forgetfulness and lack of concentration.

Fetal development at the 11th week of pregnancy

The child grows by leaps and bounds. Limbs and internal organs develop rapidly, by the 11th week of pregnancy, the size of the baby is approximately 6-8 cm. The weight of the fetus can vary from 10 to 15 g.

During this period, the following processes take place:

  1. The spine straightened, the neck appeared. Thanks to this, the child can raise his head.
  2. On the legs and arms, the fingers are formed and separated, while the arms are still longer than the legs.
  3. The baby is learning to move more and more actively, now he is already lightly pushing off the wall of the uterus.
  4. Red blood cells have already begun to form in the spinal cord.
  5. At the stage of its formation, the baby's liver. It forms the proteins necessary for the construction of a small organism.
  6. Bile is produced in the gallbladder and hormones are produced by the pituitary gland.
  7. The main parts of the brain have already appeared and new nerve cells are being formed every minute.
  8. The work of the muscles begins to be coordinated by the nervous system.
  9. The rudiments of milk teeth begin to appear, and cilia and eyebrows are visible in the picture.
  10. The genitals are at the stage of formation, it is still impossible to clearly determine the sex of the baby. However, experienced obstetricians with their professional eye can distinguish between boys and girls in the early stages.

  1. If you notice brown discharge or bleeding, contact your doctor immediately.
  2. Protect yourself from the possibility of contracting any cold infection.
  3. As the fetus grows, your weight will increase, so it will not be superfluous to purchase anti-varicose tights to reduce the load on the legs. After each walk, it is advisable to lie down and relax your legs.
  4. Avoid anesthesia and anesthesia. This also applies to dental treatment with pain medication.
  5. When having sex, avoid positions with deep penetration, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable.
  6. For constipation, eat fruits, beets, radishes, turnips. Drink fruit drinks and compotes from natural products.
  7. If heartburn is tormented, exclude fried, pickled and smoked foods with spices. Acidic foods and drinks should also be limited.
  8. Bloating can provoke fresh soft bread, sweets, grapes, cabbage. If symptoms persist after stopping these foods, see your doctor.
  9. If you sweat profusely, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural materials. When the skin begins to breathe, then sweating will decrease.
  10. For any discomfort during urination, consult a doctor, as these may be symptoms of cystitis.

Possible problems in the 11th week of pregnancy

A pregnant woman may experience the following problems:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Pain in the 11th week of pregnancy can sometimes indicate an enlarged uterus, but pain, together with brown discharge, is a threat of miscarriage. In this case, you must urgently seek the help of a doctor who should refer you to an ultrasound and determine the nature of the problem.
  2. In addition to brown and bloody discharge, gray and greenish discharges are also considered pathological. They may be accompanied by swelling, redness, itching and burning. A sign of candidiasis is curdled and unpleasantly smelling discharge.
  3. At the final stage of the first trimester, the body temperature of the pregnant woman rises. Normal indicators for this week are 37-37.2 degrees, you don’t need to bring down such a temperature, you can only lower it with a plentiful warm drink.
  4. Infection. Despite the fact that the placenta performs its functions and protects the baby from all kinds of infections, the risk of harming the baby is still great. At this stage of pregnancy, a woman should be wary of rubella, which causes pathologies in the development of the fetus. Medicines, antibiotics and strong antipyretics should not be used, which means that you should not catch a cold. Do not stay in crowded places for a long time, wash your hands and follow all hygiene rules. If the disease has overcome you, resort to treatment with folk remedies: inhalation, brewed herbs, washing the nose and mouth.

11th week of pregnancy: diet of a pregnant woman

The key to good health of the mother and the full development of the baby is proper nutrition. For a period of 11 weeks, a woman's diet should consist of high-calorie and high-protein foods that satisfy the body's needs for calcium, iron and other vitamins. It is useful to use beef, cottage cheese, vegetable oil, any cereals, vegetables, fruits.

Get used to fractional meals, as this will help avoid constipation. Do not get involved in fried foods, spicy and fatty. The main components of your diet at week 11 should be cereals, lean meats, greens, nuts, vegetables, fruits and plenty of water. The liquid is especially needed now by your body, as it is involved in the process of updating the amniotic fluid in which the baby is located.

The following foods should be avoided:

  • raw fish (stroganina, sushi);
  • cottage cheese from the market;
  • medium rare meat;
  • raw eggs;
  • alcohol.

What to avoid in the 11th week of pregnancy

Any adequate woman should be aware that during pregnancy she must protect herself and her child with all her might from negative influences, which are very numerous in the environment.

So, the list of negative factors includes the following:

  • x-ray radiation;
  • narcotic drugs;
  • radioactive radiation;
  • active and passive smoking;
  • antibiotics, hormonal drugs;
  • taking hot baths;
  • contact with cat urine and feces (due to the fact that cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis);
  • jumping, push-ups, pull-ups on the crossbar;
  • watching negative films, horror, bloody scenes. Books with scenes of violence;
  • constipation.

Try to completely eliminate:

  • stress;
  • physical exercise;
  • loud and annoying music;
  • vibrations affecting the body;
  • coffee, black tea;
  • contact with sick and infected people;
  • contacts with chemistry (perfumes, detergents and laundry detergents);
  • inhalation of odors of paint, varnish and other chemicals;
  • Refined sugar intake should be kept to a minimum.

Beauty and health at the 11th week of pregnancy

Try to relax more often and disconnect from all worries. You can, because you will soon become a mother, and now a new life is being formed inside you. Start to please yourself with small amenities, for which you will soon not have time, after the birth of the baby.

Go shopping with your friends, go to an art gallery or watch a positive movie. Spa treatments are also not prohibited, so feel free to sign up for the next session.

Swimming is considered especially useful for pregnant women. Water procedures help to strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, the cardiovascular system. The load on the ligaments and joints is reduced, and therefore in the water you can relax and unwind well.

At the same time, do not forget that in your position, rest is recommended every 2-3 hours.

11 weeks pregnant: exercise and side effects

Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial in that it allows you to maintain muscle tone and flexibility of the body. Sports can treat many of the ailments that occur during pregnancy. Light tilts, stretching of the legs and arms are always useful, but you can’t overdo it either and you should always listen to your body.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • swelling of the arms and legs is stronger than usual;
  • pain in the calf muscles;
  • blurred vision and double vision;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • bleeding.

11 weeks pregnant. Video

The 11th week of pregnancy has gone, which means that the first trimester is ending, the constant nausea associated with the “interesting position” is disappearing, and the woman is already beginning to feel the expanding uterus. The stomach at week 11 is still practically not noticeable, but by this time almost all women already have a clear understanding, awareness of what is happening and adaptation to their new status - mother. The fear of spontaneous abortion or simply miscarriage is gradually receding, and now the expectant mother feels emotionally more stable.

Although the main risks and dangers are behind, at a period of 11 weeks there may still be a threat in the form of bleeding or sharp pains in the lower abdomen. The probability of this is extremely small, but still there. To avoid this, pregnant women should protect themselves from stress, emotional upheaval, and in no case should they lift anything heavier than 3 kg.

11 obstetric week is the 3rd month of pregnancy, I trimester.

Feelings of a woman at 11 weeks pregnant

Most often, women at this stage are already beginning to get out of a state of painful toxicosis. But if this is not the case in someone's particular case, then there is no reason to worry. Yes, morning sickness can last up to 14 weeks or even longer, but its manifestation will probably be milder and will subside over time.

A new sign of pregnancy is heartburn, which is complemented by other troubles and digestive problems. Most often it is constipation and bloating. The reason for this is the work of hormones. However, many women do not complain of heartburn or constipation, so it is not necessary to prepare for such a development of events without fail. Each organism is individual.

The tummy at the 11th week of pregnancy is becoming more and more rounded, and the expectant mother can look at it in the mirror with pleasure. It looks like a small roundness in the lower abdomen, just above the pubic bone. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that your favorite jeans are hard to fasten, and wearing low-rise trousers has become not very comfortable. And although the uterus is still within the small pelvis, a woman can feel her growth. This is manifested by incomprehensible sensations in the abdomen of a pregnant woman, resembling light tingling or sipping.

At this time, there is still a small degree of danger for the state of pregnancy. Therefore, if the lower back hurts or the stomach pulls, it is best to play it safe and immediately consult a doctor who observes and advises the pregnant woman.

What is happening with the baby?

The development of the fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy occurs rapidly:

  • he is already raising his head;
  • developed a “grab” reaction;
  • the organs of the gastrointestinal tract develop;
  • the formation of the genital organs begins;
  • the child responds to stimuli from outside;
  • baby's movements are more expressive.

What does a baby look like at 11 weeks?

11 obstetric weeks corresponds to 9 weeks from conception. Active growth began. Over the past week, the embryo has grown by as much as 1.5-2 cm. Now the baby is the size of a kiwi. His height is 45-65 mm, and his weight is 8 grams.

What's going on with mom?

The beginning of the 11th week of pregnancy brings some peace to the emotional state of the expectant mother. Firstly, the risks and threats are gradually disappearing, secondly, the woman is getting used to her new and magical position, and thirdly, the body gets used to the increased amount of hormones, and sharp emotional swings occur less and less.

If the mood swings are still strong, there is no need to be afraid. Hormones are doing their job, so a carousel of emotions is not something unrealistic at this stage in the development of pregnancy.

But you should not attribute everything to hormones, you need to keep emotions under control, be tolerant and prudent. No need to work too hard and exhaust yourself, because this is a special stress for the body. We must learn to relax, relax, this ability can also be useful in the subsequent stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

Light melodic instrumental music will help you relax. It can be classical, folk, soul, jazz, country and so on. Mandala drawing and fine detail coloring are also very stress-relieving. If you like to sew, knit, embroider, this is the time to do it. Needlework always allows a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

External changes

For a period of 11-12 weeks, women may experience brittle nails and activation of hair loss. It is impossible to stop this, after childbirth everything always and necessarily returns to normal.

And sometimes everything happens quite the opposite: the hair thickens, gains shine, the hairstyle becomes lush, like from a shampoo advertisement, hair growth intensifies. This is the same example when a woman blossoms during pregnancy.

If the expectant mother has not yet taken care of purchasing oils against stretch marks (for example, olive oil) and has not started using them, then you should hurry. After another 2-3 weeks, the stomach will begin to grow rapidly, and the lack of proper skin care will lead to the formation of ugly stretch marks, which are then very difficult to get rid of.


At 10-11 weeks, there is an increase in vaginal discharge. There is no need to be afraid of this at all: such discharge will be the woman's companions throughout the pregnancy. Normal discharge is white in color with a slightly sour smell. A barely noticeable discharge from the chest - colostrum - is also a common occurrence, but there is no need to try to squeeze something out of there.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V .: 11 weeks I feel a stir. This is the second pregnancy, I also felt the first quite early at 16 weeks, as if there were fish in my stomach. Now the same feeling. When can you feel the first movements?

A: In general, the first movements are usually felt no earlier than 17-19 weeks in the first pregnancy and 15-18 weeks in the second pregnancy. Sensations in the abdomen can be caused by a bowel disorder. However, it is assumed that in very rare cases, a woman can actually feel fetal movements so early. It depends on the sensitivity and a huge number of other factors, because each organism is individual.

V .: The chest stopped hurting at 11 weeks and the toxin disappeared. Is it a frozen pregnancy? I'm very afraid.

A: At week 11, all the signs of pregnancy that were so vividly felt before can disappear. This is normal, as the body gets used to its new position by this time. However, there is still a risk of a missed pregnancy, and if you are tormented by doubts, it is better to consult a doctor with them.

Q: Can you find out the sex of the baby at 11 weeks?

A .: Yes, on ultrasound, the doctor can already tell what the sex of the child is supposed to be, but so far this is not accurate. The genital organs have not yet formed and one can only give a preliminary assessment of whether it is a boy or a girl. Experienced professionals, however, are not so often wrong.

Tests at 11 weeks pregnant

11-13 obstetric weeks - the time of the first screening. If the pregnancy proceeded normally and without complications, then this is the time for the first meeting with the baby.

Screening is ultrasound and a biochemical blood test. This analysis can reveal an abnormality in the development of the baby, so this analysis is mandatory. The screening procedure is not serious and does not affect the formation of the child or the mother's health.

If during the examination some alarming factors were found, the doctor refers the pregnant woman to genetics. But the screening results are not the end, but only a wake-up call to start more detailed and in-depth studies.

Screening done at the end of the first trimester is the ideal time to determine the exact fetal timing of the pregnancy. The purpose of ultrasound at 11 weeks is to assess the overall course of pregnancy, detect twins or triplets, measure the growth of the baby, and other important parameters (for example, the thickness of the collar space), and predict the sex of the child. Of course, this forecast has a low probability of coming true, because. the genitals of the baby have not yet had time to form.

Blood for biochemistry is donated to determine the level of the most important hormones by which doctors judge how the fetus develops. The value of the hCG hormone during this period should be 35,000-185,000 mIU / ml. Now hCG is at its maximum, you can still expect its slight increase over the next week, after which it will begin to decline.

The main thing is food

A complete, balanced and harmonious menu - we follow this rule in the 11th week. The diet should be filled with cereals, nuts, a variety of dairy products, cheese, herbs, fruits and vegetables, veal and vegetable oils.

You should not eat too much, otherwise heartburn and constipation will become inevitable "friends". It is better to eat in small portions with an interval of 3-4 hours. Spicy, fried, fatty or smoked foods are taboo for a pregnant woman. From drinks, ordinary water, fresh juices and unsweetened compotes are preferred.

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