The name is yuri which metal stone mascot is suitable. How to recognize your gem by date of birth and name. How to recognize your stone - Aries

House projects 31.01.2021
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People have used stones as amulets for a long time. It was believed that they protected a person from various misfortunes and troubles. Many people are not serious about choosing their talisman. By choosing the right stone by your date of birth, it will become a real talisman for you.

Date of birth talismans are able to protect their owner from many troubles. Stones can have a positive effect on the energy of the person who wears them.

There are many different types stones. Stones - talismans are selected according to the following selection criteria:

  1. According to your zodiac sign;
  2. By the color of your eyes;
  3. By your date of birth,

Having decided which of the above criteria suits you best, or by comparing them with each other, you can choose the "right" stone.

How to choose a stone based on your zodiac sign

To choose a talisman, therefore, you need to find out in which decade you were born, and only after that apply the stone as your talisman.


Hot-tempered and impulsive Aries are well suited for stones such as sapphires, tiger's eye, garnet and rhinestone. They will help strengthen the positive aspects of Aries and smooth out the rough edges from its negative qualities.

Tiger's Eye Garnet Garnet Rhinestone Rhinestone Rhinestone


Taurus will feel great with emeralds, turquoise, rose quartz and aventurine. They will push the representative of this zodiac sign to change their personal life in better side, will add romance and thrill to it.

Emerald Emerald Rose quartz Rose quartz Aventurine Aventurine


Gemini will be well supported by alexandrite stone. It will help moderate the aggression and cruelty that is so inherent in this sign. Same way good friends for representatives of such a sign are jade, malachite and obsidian.

Alexandrite Nephritis Nephritis Malachite Malachite Obsidian Obsidian


Cancers, resentful by nature, will cope with their negative quality with pearls and jasper. These stones will heal all sore cancer wounds. Rubies, moonstones and carnelians.

Pearl Jasper Jasper Ruby Ruby Moonstone Cornelian Cornelian

a lion

Leos are suitable for those stones that have red shades in their range. Minerals such as topaz, sardonyx, cat's eyes, and amber are great options. Diamonds, alexandrites and aquamarines can be used to soften the complex character of the lion.

Topaz Topaz Sardonyx Sardonyx Cat's Eye Tiger's Eye Amber Amber Diamond Diamond Diamond Alexandrite Aquamarine Aquamarine


A warm family hearth, love and understanding - that's what Virgo needs. The following stones will do the job perfectly: carnelians, topaz, lapis lazuli and, of course, chrysolites. A pendant with jasper, natural pearl beads and jade earrings will also do the trick.

Cornelian Cornelian Cornelian Topaz Topaz Lapis lazuli Lapis lazuli Chrysolite Jasper Jasper Pearls Jade Nephritis


Libra is a zodiac sign that contradicts itself. Thus, he creates a whole bunch of problems for himself. Lapis lazuli and opals are perfect for him. Libra will feel much more confident under their influence. But topaz and aquamarine will restore the energy field to Libra and attract success to them.

Lapis Lazuli Opal Opal Topaz Topaz Aquamarine Aquamarine


The most difficult thing is the choice of a stone - a talisman is the case with Scorpions. Possessing a very powerful energy, they sometimes affect themselves in a negative way. To help them fight off excessive energy, you can use carnelian, coral beads or bracelet, or the mineral hematite.


Naturally inclined, gullible Sagittarius should definitely use turquoise, sapphires and chrysolites. They will fill the life of a representative of such a sign with positive, and protect against negativity. But using obsidian or amethyst, luck will accompany them in all their career endeavors and not only.

Chrysolite Obsidian Obsidian Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst


The most the best choice the talisman for Capricorns will be opal. He will attract to them a sea of ​​luck, success and fill life with warmth and comfort.

Opal opal


Garnets and sapphires will help increase the life potential of Aquarius. They will saturate the life of Aquarius with energy and repel boredom and despondency from him. Mineral amethyst and aquamarine will balance life and help to cope with personal selfishness.

Garnet Garnet Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst Aquamarine Aquamarine


The following stones will serve as excellent positive properties for Pisces: moonstones, opals, amethysts and, of course, pearls. They will add more confidence, strength and energy to Pisces, which they lack.

Moonstone Opal Opal Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst Pearl

Flower - mascot

According to your day, on which you were born, you can find yourself not only a stone - a talisman, but a flower - a talisman.

  • If you were born 1st,10th,19th or 28th day of the month, your mascot is Sunflower.

Such people are always highly valued in the circle of friends, they are loved by others and relatives. They are the authority for many people. They are irreplaceable and unique, even in a hopeless situation they will make the right decision. "Sunflowers" are gifted with the ability to self-actualize.

  • People are peonies, were born 2nd,11th,20th or On the 29th numbers.

They are loyal, persistent and persistent. Sometimes for the people around them, they look a little stubborn. From the "peonies" breathes warmth and comfort. Such people are very reliable and succeed in many areas of their lives.

  • 3rd, 12th,On the 21st and 30th people are born as a flower talisman, which is sweet peas.

Such people are very sociable and curious. It's not difficult for them to get carried away with something new. Despondency and sadness are not inherent to them. They are charming, very dynamic and active. There are few people with whom it is difficult for them to find a common language. Gambling is inherent in them, so you should beware of this.

  • "Cornflowers" are born 4th,13th,22nd and 31st day of the month.

They are reliable, straightforward and simple-minded people. Very loyal and hospitable friends. From the outside, they sometimes look eccentric. "Cornflowers" do not like to participate in dubious experiments.

  • "Lilies" are born 5th,14th and 23rd day of each month

They are sophisticated and aesthetic, sophisticated and romantic. Such people love extreme in life. They are often offended and afraid to take risks. “Lilies” definitely need to develop modesty and restraint in themselves, as well as take less offense at others.

  • "Red poppies" are born in 6th,15th and 24th numbers.

Poppies make good healers, they are able to predict the feelings and emotions of other people. They are often disappointed in people, as they accept hasty conclusions.

  • "Orchids" are those people who are born according to 7th,16th and 25th numbers

Such people are very friendly and sensitive. The most important values ​​in the life of "orchids" are home, comfort and stylish clothes. They value cultural events highly.

  • "Daisies" are born 8th,17th and 26th the numbers

They are humble, courageous and impatient. Having caught fire with a new idea, they are able to seriously get carried away with it. Their friendly circle is often limited to a certain number. Stability in everything - that's the motto of "daisies".

  • "Roses" are born after 9th,18th and 27th days

Such people are often romantics, they are noble and often do not live their own lives. Having set a goal for themselves, they often succeed. For the sake of love, they are capable of many reckless acts.

Having chosen the right talisman for yourself, believe in its miraculous power, and it will certainly thank you with care, protect you from enemies and give you more confidence.

Since ancient times, people have used the power of precious stones to help in life. They were used to make amulets, talismans, ornaments, which were designed to protect a person from everything negative, as well as attract good luck and prosperity. It is important to identify exactly those stones by date of birth that are ideal as amulets.

Previously, the selection of a talisman took place on an intuitive level, a person chose what he liked best. In such cases, mistakes of choice often occurred, and the stone not only did not protect its owner, but also harmed him. Minerals, like humans, have their own characteristics and character, so making friends with them is extremely important.

Selecting a talisman stone by date of birth is the most correct approach.

Time of birth

However, the choice of the amulet stone by date of birth does not yet guarantee the accuracy of the match. The time at which a person was born is very important for the selection of an amulet.

At night - they are considered hours from ten in the evening to five in the morning local time - are born creative personalities with extraordinary abilities. Such people are patronized by the Moon and Venus, they are very attached to their family and loved ones, easy-going and lucky:

  • Moonstone, opal, zirconium, turquoise and garnet are well suited for women at night;
  • Men will be helped by a tiger's eye, peridont, ruby, jade;
  • Chrysolite and diamond will bring trouble to everyone born at night.

Children born early in the morning - from five to eleven local time - will show themselves punctual and business people in the future. They are extremely responsible, accurate and even somewhat pedantic, very purposeful and know what they want out of life:

  • For women born in the morning, corals, sapphire, opal, cat's eye and emerald are suitable;
  • Chrysolite, turquoise, pomegranate, amethyst and amber will help men achieve their goals;
  • Malachite and pearls are absolutely not suitable for morning birds.

Those born in the middle of the day - from eleven to four o'clock local time - are more likely to become activists. These are positive people who are the soul of the company and have pronounced leadership qualities. It's hard to get them astray and upset they believe in themselves and their strength:

People who came to this world in the evening - from four to ten in the evening local time - are very calm and balanced. They are peacemakers, have a sober view of life and problems. It is difficult to shake the calmness of such people and make them nervous.:

  • Peridont, amethyst, crystal, topaz will help women born in the evening.
  • Garnet, zircon, spinel, amber and malachite are good for men.
  • For those born in the evening, it is better not to use moonstone and opal as a talisman.

Date of Birth

In order to understand which stone is suitable for the date of birth, you should know that not only the specific day of the month is decisive here, but also whether this number is even or not.

People who were born in an even number, have additional heavenly protection. They are more balanced and firm in their decisions, carefully consider all actions and events, trying to avoid mistakes. A good helper for such people will be amber, topaz, amethyst, tiger's eye, pomegranate, carnelian.

Those who is born under an odd number, feelings are more important than worldly problems. They are attentive to their friends, family and friends and easily donate material goods for the well-being of others. For such people, emerald, malachite, coral, zirconium, moonstone, hyacinth, tourmaline will be an excellent amulet.

The number 13 is considered magical, and people born on this day have non-standard, mystical abilities. The patrons of these people will be hematite, sodalite, malachite. Better not to use turquoise, lazorite and carnelian.

Month of birth

The month of birth of a person plays an important role in his fate and the formation of his character. It should be remembered how to find out your stone by date of birth, taking into account the month. The mascot is counted according to the old style, that is, plus 14 days to the date:

Each stone has its own character and strength. When choosing a talisman, you need to rely on intuition and inner feelings. It is important not only to understand how to recognize your talisman by date of birth, but also how to handle it. You can not redid or throw away stones that served as a talisman.

If suddenly it is damaged or broken, you should bury the stone where no one walks. The power of stones will help every person, you just need to be able to see and find it.

The tradition of endowing precious stones with magical properties goes back centuries. A properly selected stone will become a reliable talisman, give strength and protect against all adversity and misfortune. Despite the lack of clarity and unambiguity among the many different lists of stones, one thing is clear - precious stones have a hidden meaning and clearly affect the fate of a person. We present a list of correspondences of precious and semiprecious stones by months of birth and zodiac signs, which will help you make the choice of your stone and choose the right gift for your loved one.

Stones by Zodiac Signs

The influence of stones on the health and fate of a person is determined by the position of the planets and the signs of the zodiac. Astrologers have found that the most favorable for a person are those stones that are associated with the sign of the Zodiac under which he was born. The corresponding stones of the signs of the zodiac become for their owner a talisman, amulet and talisman for life.


Birth month stones are of particular interest to gem lovers, and the association of certain stones with the month of the year has been known for centuries. There is different ways choosing your stone, and one of them is stones by month. Traditionally, a certain stone is associated with each month of the year.

The article talks about how to recognize your stone. Modern world is not calm, and many people seek, sometimes unconsciously, magical protection. But if you choose the wrong jewelry, then the wayward mineral can do harm. When choosing a talisman, you need to check all the stop factors. For example, a gem matches the sign of the zodiac, but does not match the name at all. Then a conflict will arise and, at best, the amulet will not work. At worst, it will seriously harm your health.

Talismans, charms, amulets: how to distinguish

How to choose a stone by date of birth and find exactly your talisman depends on the goals pursued. For example, a talisman has a protective function. It protects a person and his house from negativity. A horseshoe over the door, salt, a dream catcher, bast shoes - all this is a shield from evil for the family. Therefore, you need to answer the question "What kind of stone am I according to the horoscope."

Amulets, like charms, perform a protective function, but are designed for a specific person. You can buy them or make them yourself. They are worn openly in the form of beads, rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches or pendants.

It is not accepted to show mascots. They have more extensive functions. They lure money, bring good luck, bestow love, add health.

All magic things are united by only one thing: they must be made from natural stones suitable for a person.

Calculation algorithm

Many in Everyday life encounter the magic of numbers, not understanding what they are saying. Numerology proves that all this is not an accident. This is the universe's way of talking, warning about danger, influencing fate.

The number encrypted in the date of birth helps to choose the right talisman.

Determining the stone that is a talisman for you by date of birth, write down the data on a piece of paper in the format - day / month / year, For example, 06/18/1987. Now add the values ​​to get a single-digit number: 1 + 8 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 40; 4 + 0 = 4.

It turns out that the number of your talisman is 4. What it says, we will tell below in the decryption.

Decryption of calculations

Having carried out the calculations according to the above algorithm, you can determine which stone talisman is destined for you by date of birth.

If you get the number "1", then your talisman is a sapphire. It will give the owner energy and determination. Will bring good luck in love.

Getting "2" in the calculations means that sapphires and citrines are right for you. Minerals will help get everything out of your head. Become a guiding star on life path.

The number "3" means that corals, bloodstones and obsidians are suitable for you. They will teach you calmness and help you regain your health.

If you get "4", then your defender is an emerald. He will create a barrier that protects from the evil eye and negativity from the outside.

The number "5" indicates that you should choose turquoise. Mineral will make you softer, which helps to build friendly relations with others.

The number "6" is accompanied by carnelian. This stone will unleash the creativity of the wearer. It will help to be realized in professional field.

The number "7" is matched by a diamond. It attracts good luck that accompanies all spheres of life: love, health, work.

For those who received "8" in the calculation, a ruby ​​is suitable. The stone helps to build harmonious friendly and working interpersonal ties.

Having received "9" in the calculations, choose rhinestone. He will help to get rid of the "rubbish" from the head and deal with pressing problems.

Stones and zodiac sign

To determine which stone is suitable for a person, a number is not always necessary. They use talismans that match the sign of the zodiac. Below we have given a table where it is written in detail which stones you can choose, and which ones will bring danger.

So, a person born on June 18 is accompanied by the sign of Gemini. Jasper suits them, and diamond and opal can do harm. Topaz is contraindicated for Libra and Cancer. And for Aries and Capricorn, he is perfect.

Day of the week and season of birth as an indicator of choice

It is not necessary to choose stones by date of birth. A mineral may simply not be liked by a person. Sometimes, despite the predisposition of the stars, the connection simply does not appear. Then you should resort to other methods of calculating your amulet.

You can find out which stone is right for you by birth on the day of the week:

  • Monday: all white minerals;
  • Tuesday: crystals of blue, red and dark colors;
  • Wednesday: blue gems and their shades;
  • Thursday: crystals purple;
  • Friday: any gems that have something green (color, shine, blotches, overflow);
  • Saturday: all dark minerals;
  • Sunday: only warm stones, sunny tones.

You can also determine which talismans to wear by the season. Cold crystals are suitable for "winter" people: white, blue, blue. Green stones are suitable for those born in spring. For those who were born in the spring, it is better to choose gems of warm deep tones. Blue, yellow and red colors of minerals are suitable for people "autumn".

Women and their "protectors"

Any name has its own unique symbol: flower, tree, number. Also, the amulet stone will be special for people with different names. For example:

  • malachite, aventurine, chrysolite, alexandrite, garnet - for Alexandra;
  • malachite, zircon, chrysoprase - for Anastasia;
  • lapis lazuli and harlequin - for Victoria;
  • pearls, coral and mother-of-pearl - for Irina;
  • sapphire, carnelian, diamond - for Mary.

A list of common names and suitable minerals is given in the table:

It is more convenient for women to wear amulets inserted into jewelry. The main thing is that the cut or metal of the chain does not take up all the energy. If you did not find your name in the list, then opt for one of the universal stones. More on that later.

Men and their "helpers"

Choosing a talisman for a man is a more serious step. In life, the stronger sex relies less on amulets and amulets than women. Therefore, it is important to choose the right mineral so that you can appreciate the natural strength of precious and non-precious stones. Note that:

  • corundum and lapis lazuli - for Alexey;
  • sapphire and diopside - for Denis;
  • opal and quartz - for Constantine;
  • malachite, lapis lazuli, jasper - for Mikhail;
  • aventurine - for Sergei.

For the rest of the names, see the table:

If you can't find a name in the list, the section on universal stones will help you. In addition, the above recommendations will help, telling how to choose a talisman by date of birth or zodiac sign.

Gems that affect health

Above, we talked about the fact that the talisman affects different areas life. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose stones for your birthday in order to pick up a mineral that can improve your health. For those with a cold, cat's eye, amber, agate and aquamarine will help.

Sapphires, rubies, lapis lazuli, corals, diamonds, topaz, as well as pearls, cat's eye and amber will help to cope with schizophrenia and despondency. Pearls and malachites relieve melancholy. For hypochondriacs, emeralds are suitable. Ruby and jasper can stop epileptic seizures. To deal with seizures, choose either emerald.

Certain minerals help heal wounds and ulcers. For example, malachites, lapis lazuli, onyx and corals. People with hearing impairments should wear jade, onyx and amber. Diamonds, malachites, rubies, topaz and moonstones help to cope with increased fatigue (asthenia).

Amber, tiger's and cat's eyes, carnelian, lapis lazuli, topaz, malachite help with rheumatism. Garnet, aventurine and ruby ​​have a revitalizing effect on the wearer. Amethyst stabilizes hormones.

Universal gems

It so happens that the selected stone by date of birth does not fit. It is simple to define it: when you take it in your hands, you do not feel an internal connection with the mineral.

Seeing the stone you like (even on the road), be sure to pick it up. If it suits you, there will be inexplicable warmth, joy.

If you can't find an amulet, choose universal gems.

Moonstones are common amulets. They protect a person, prevent outside influences, help in family matters.

Rock crystal helps to establish inner harmony. Accumulates, and then gives the owner positive energy.

The tiger's eye amulet helps in matters of finance. Able to attract money and warn of impending crises.

Turquoise is an indicator. It shows if there are conflicts in communication. Signals about health problems.

Secrets of harmony: how to understand that the crystal is chosen correctly

Many people thoughtlessly choose a stone amulet not by date of birth, which leads to disappointment. Talismans don't work, amulets don't help. This happens because the energy of the host and the mineral does not interact.

If the amulet is chosen correctly, you will feel the reaction of the stone. It can be inexplicable warmth, joy, a sense of satisfaction. Find your amulet - how to see loved one after a long absence. Remember, everyone's feelings are different.

Each person can find for himself the talisman that suits him. Sometimes it is enough just to hold the gem in your hands to understand: this is what you need. Sometimes, in order to select a talisman suitable for a horoscope, you have to seriously delve into numerology and astrology, take into account not only the number when you were born, but also the month and year, and even your name.

So choosing the right talisman is not that simple task as it might seem. There are many conflicting recommendations in which advice is given for the same stones: how to wear it strongly without taking it off, and bypass the tenth road. How to be and who to believe? What to choose for yourself? Let's try to answer the questions posed in this article.

Exists three main ways pick a stone mascot by date of birth:

  • by month;
  • by the date of the month of birth;
  • by full date, including day, month, and year.

Month = sign?

If we analyze information from various sources, it seems that the most common way is to choose a talisman according to the number of the month, however, this is not entirely true.

Most often, recommendations are given for the whole month, but this is not so obvious: each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a certain period, which, although it does not quite coincide with the month, largely overlaps it. For example, Leos are advised to wear amber, and the same gem is advised to people born in August. But this is essentially the same thing - Leo "lay down" for most of August! So if you want to pick up a stone by month, first of all, you need to pay attention to the talismans recommended for your horoscope.

And yet there is a certain time gap that does not allow us to unequivocally put an equal sign between the stones for the zodiac sign and for the month. The same Lions climbed a little in the last week of July, leaving a small piece of August for Virgo. Therefore, if you want to fully reveal the magical potential of a jewel for your horoscope, you need to pay attention not only to your zodiac sign, but also to the month.

How to choose a stone by the month of your birth

So which gem is right for the month you were born? Or maybe you are choosing a gift for your loved one, and you want it to bring not only joy, but also contribute to the overall improvement of life? By the way, the jewel donated a loving person, has tremendous power in comparison with a trinket simply bought for itself in a store. By giving your beloved a talisman, you will save him (or her) from many troubles. When doing this, pay attention to the following correspondences of stones and months:

  • January: For people born in January, rhinestone, hyacinth and morion work well.
  • February: Those born in the last month of winter should wear jewelry with sapphires, blue amethysts and apatites.
  • March: Those born in March should look closely at jasper, coral and hematite (bloodstone).
  • April: For those born in April, carnelian, chrysolite and olivite work well.
  • May: if you were born in May, the right choice there will be agate, blue topaz and tourmaline.
  • June: Those born in June can choose jewelry with emeralds, opals or malachite.
  • July: Those born in July should look out for ruby, onyx and garnet.
  • August: For those born in August, amber, diamond and yellow topaz are great.
  • September: September people are better off choosing jewelry with cat's eye, alexandrite and emerald.
  • October: If you were born in October, beryl, aquamarine and tourmaline will work for you.
  • November: For those born in November, you can look at Labradorite, Charoite or Opal.
  • December: People born in December should pay attention to moonstone, mother of pearl and agate.

How to choose a stone by the day of the month

Numerologists have long said that numbers play a huge role in people's lives. And perhaps the most important date for a person is the day of the month in which he was born. More precisely, not the number itself, but its essence - a figure from one to nine, which is obtained by adding up the numbers that make up the day of the month. For example, if you were born on the 11th, 20th or 29th, your number will be two. 1 + 1 - it is clear, two, with 20 questions also do not arise, with 29 it is a little more difficult: you need to add the digits of the number, and then the digits of the resulting sum: 2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2.

With a little practice of arithmetic, you can easily calculate your figure-essence, after which you can choose the correct gem based on the result:

How to choose a stone by full date of birth

It is known that the more accurate the input data, the better the result. This also applies to the horoscope: if you choose a talisman, the best way to do this is by taking into account the day, month and year. The principle as a whole is similar to the one with which stones are chosen by birthday: you need to add up all the digits of the full date of birth and then add the numbers of the resulting sums until it works out a number from one to nine... For example, if you were born on November 27, 1989 (11/27/1989), the calculations would be: 2 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 38, then 3 + 8 = 11, and finally 1 + 1 = 2. Thus, your number will be two.

Choosing stones by date of birth, they even the hour and sometimes the minute are taken into account your arrival in this world, and when detailed analysis day and time can give advice not only on suitable gems, but also on precious metals, in the frame of which they will most fully reveal their magical potential. In addition, according to the number when the child is supposed to be born, you can choose the right name that will save him from injuries and illnesses, provide him with good luck in love and a good life filled with bright days.

By the way, it is not forbidden to wear different stones suitable for your zodiac sign, month and birthday - of course, if they do not dissonant with each other in aesthetic and magical properties. Variety is always great, wear more stones, good and different, and they will definitely give you happiness and prosperity!

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