Is Lilya pregnant from home 2. Lilya Chetraru on a lie detector: “After losing a child, I can still give birth. You took psychotropic drugs

Concrete 05.07.2020

Lilia Chetraru came to the reality show "Dom-2" in January 2017 and has already managed to acquire numerous fans. The extraordinary participant turned her attention to Zakhar, who was already in a relationship with Maya.

Chetrar failed to win the heart of a young man, and she switched to Sergei Zakharyash.

For some time, viewers and project participants actively discussed the tangled story of Lilia's pregnancy: is it true or a deliberate lie? The topic was quickly hushed up, and now Lilia and Sergey have officially declared themselves a couple.

The popular participant was born in 1996 in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau. According to some reports, in Moscow, Lilia Chetraru lived with a wealthy man before the project, but six months later she left due to lack of confidence in love.

The brunette worked as a TV presenter, and then entered the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business in absentia. Lilia is fond of magic and, according to her statement, can easily bewitch a young man she likes.

Lilia behaves in a rather extraordinary way on the project: she quarrels emotionally with Sergei, throwing things out of the window and letting go of her hands.

What I want, I do with my body!

Lilia Chetraru before and after plastic surgery

Outwardly, Lily is a very tiny and slender girl weighing about 45 kilograms. Many celebrate her perfect figure with a lush chest and a thin waist, as well as black long hair.

The girl loves bright makeup and wears "smokey eyes" even during the day.

However, the lips of Lilia Chetrara caused an ambiguous reaction: fans of the show left negative comments, and the participants discussed the lips on the frontal spot.

And immediately the viewers and Internet users were divided into two camps: those who were satisfied with the transformation of the beauty and those who were indignant at the artificial appearance. Lilia does not deny plastic surgery, but she impulsively reacts to discussions of her appearance: "What I want, I do with my body!"

When comparing the photos of Lilia Chetraru before and after plastic surgery, experts noticed a difference: the girl had a less impressive bust, narrow lips and a wider nose.

Experts believe that the girl underwent mammoplasty, rhinoplasty and, no doubt, increased her lips with fillers.

Lily herself is silent about the reasons for the surgical intervention at such a young age: perhaps she decided to make herself even more attractive.

Photo of Lilia Chetrarudo and after plastic surgery are actively discussed on social networks and compared with those who have gone through plastic surgery. Fans criticize the girl, but their opinion does not affect her popularity with men: Lilia's unnatural beauty attracts and charms the project participants.

Photo sources: Yandex.Pictures,,

The ex-participant of "House-2" Lilia Chetraru has attracted the attention of viewers for several months with her stormy relationship with a young man and plastic surgery. Recently, information appeared on the Internet that one of the main brawlers of the project may be pregnant.

Lilia herself has not yet reacted in any way to these rumors around her person, but she spoke about other moments in her life related to pregnancies. In addition to pregnancy, for this it is not long time the popularity of the girl was even credited with an abortion and many plastic surgery.

Dom-2 Lilia Chetraru is pregnant or not, had an abortion: rumors about the pregnancy of Lily Chetraru

Now the ex-participant of the telestroke passed a lie detector test and told several interesting details from her busy life. It turned out that Chetrarts's first intimate experience was with a foreigner, with whom she was madly in love at the age of 18.

In addition, she said that the most traumatic event in her life was the death of a close friend. And it happened seven years ago. Then, according to her, she talked to him on the phone all evening, and literally a few hours later he passed away. This event shocks her to this day and Lilya admitted that after that she felt guilty about it for a long time.

The girl also made a shocking statement about the pregnancies. She is now only 21 years old, and even before the project she underwent two ectopic pregnancies... Of course, she could not bear the child with such a pathology, but she hastened to reassure everyone and said that they passed with practically no consequences for her health. Now Lilia claims that when the time comes, she can easily give birth and there will be no problems with this.

Dom-2 Lilia Chetraru is pregnant or not, had an abortion: Lilia Chetraru's personal life on the project

A young girl from Chisinau quickly became one of the favorites of the audience of "House-2". They especially sympathized with her when, in conflicts and quarrels with a young man, he allowed himself to raise his hand to her. Fragile 21-year-old Lilia threatened to leave Sergei many times, but in the end the couple reunited again.

And the recent departure of the guys from the project did come as a shock to their fans. Lilia Chetraru and Sergei Zakharyash declared themselves a couple a long time ago and despite all the twists and turns, the girl's scandalous disposition and sometimes the guy's inability to control himself, they live together even after leaving the project.

So far, the management of the reality show does not give any official confirmation of this fact, but some participants have already expressed their opinion about the reasons for such a sharp departure of two participants at once, even without a vote. The fact is that Zakharyash and Chetraru, despite the length of their relationship, did not want to take part in the "Million Dollar Wedding" competition and many are sure that this was one of the main conditions for their stay in the perimeter.

It is because of their disregard for agreements that cannot be violated that they went outside the gates of the project right from their New Year's vacation.

Close friends wished Sergey and Lilia to curse less and take care of each other. Now everything is fine in the couple's relationship and they even got a cat, Bar.

A participant in the scandalous TV show Lilia Chetraru attracted the attention of viewers to her person not with her wit and clear position, but with the fact that at the age of 21 she had already performed 6 operations. The reality TV star was born on August 7, 1996 in the capital of sunny Moldova - the city of Chisinau.

Lilia Chetraru before the project "Dom-2"

Chetraru did not talk about childhood and parents in any of the interviews. In fact, the biography of the participant in the TV project is one continuous White spot... It is only known for certain that the brunette graduated from grade 11, and before she left to conquer Moscow, she entered the local university at the Faculty of Economics (profile - business management) and managed to work as a news presenter.

Show "Dom-2"

The arrival of Lilia Chetraru on the reality show took place on January 14, 2017. A petite brunette with a height of 167 cm and weighing 48 kg, who arrived at the perimeter of "House-2" in a premium car, instantly became a reason for gossip. Initially, the girl showed sympathy for the cutest guy on the TV set -. It is noteworthy that at that moment the young man was already in a relationship with. The presence of a rival did not frighten Lilia.

Lilia Chetraru in the show "Dom-2"

Lilia took advantage of the situation, and intimacy occurred between her and Sergei. Chetraru naively believed that after the intimacy, the young man would declare them a couple, but this did not happen. Zakharyash openly stated that he slept with Lilia under the influence alcoholic beverages and the desire to fly to the island did not disappear. True, the organizers considered that it would be more promising for the show to leave the popular guy in the meadow.

Without thinking twice, Sergei began to look after. At this moment Lilya also became more active. The girl announced to Zakharyash about her possible pregnancy... For a couple of days, the participants and presenters tried to understand the situation. In the end, it turned out that the pregnancy was fictional. This information randomly surfaced during a live Internet broadcast in the Periscope application.

Between Chetraru and Frost unleashed real war for the heart of a man. In order to escalate the situation to the limit, the producers of "House-2" sent both Lilia and Leroux and Sergei to the Island of Love. There Zakharyash, feeling his impunity, went on dates with one during the day, and spent the night with the other. Frost was not happy that her boyfriend was paying attention to a girl who was trying to destroy their couple.

Lilia Chetraru in the show "Dom-2"

Young people swore all day and night. After another quarrel, Sergei, taking it on his chest, slept with Lilia. This incident put an end to their relationship with Leroy. Having won the victory, Chetrara, in order to consolidate her position, arranged dates for Zakharyasha every evening. At one of them, a brisk person made a marriage proposal to the chosen one, to which Sergei agreed.

Personal life

Upon returning to the clearing, the idyll that reigned in the relationship evaporated. True, this time Lilia was the culprit of the constantly arising scandals. The girl now and then made claims to Sergei. It is worth noting that Chetraru's discontent was not caused by the correspondence of Zakharyash with other women and not by his impartial statements in her direction, but by the fact that he did not accept and did not understand Lilia's dependence on plastic surgeries. According to the man, after Chetrara had breast augmentation and rhinoplasty, it was as if she had been replaced.

Increasingly, the topic of the lack of intimacy in a couple was discussed at the frontal place. The participants did not understand why Lilia, who conquered Zakharyash with the help of carnal pleasures, suddenly became frigid. The young lady was not interested in anything except her appearance. Tired of knocking on a closed door, the man more and more often disappeared on social networks. In communicating with the ladies, Zakharyash found ease, which he lacked in relations with Lilya.

In May 2017, twin sisters Aida and Saida Babayev came to the project. Aida expressed sympathy, and Saida expressed sympathy for Sergei Zakharyash. It should be noted that this arrival was not spontaneous. The girl provided a correspondence in which Seryozha called her to "Dom-2" and said that he had a common project story with Chetraru.

The brunette decided to repay the young man with a bargaining chip. In June 2017, the Internet spread the news that a former TV show participant fell in love with Lilya Chetrara. For a couple of months, Strawberry has attacked the social networks of a charming brunette: he commented on her photos on Instagram, left notes under microblogs and periodically wrote to the young lady in Direct. Also on his VKontakte page, the musician published a post in which he called Lilya a “bomb woman”.

The producers invited the would-be gentleman to the talk show "Dom-2 - debriefing" to find out what really connects a girl in a relationship with a divorced 29-year-old rapper. As it turned out, Gleb and Lilya corresponded for a long time. According to both statements, there was nothing reprehensible in her. After this incident, a serious conversation took place between Seryozha and Lilia. The young man said that he would no longer communicate on social networks with the opposite sex, and Chetrara, in turn, was blocked by Zhemchugov.

It seemed that the young people decided all the questions, but in August of this year something happened that the brunette was so afraid of. Her old friend Arina Ramazanova came to the studio of the show "Dom-2 - debriefing". Arina said that she came to the program to tell the country who Lilia Chetraru is. The young lady began the story with the fact that her ex-girlfriend did not and never had either a car or a living space. Until Lilia left for the project, they rented an apartment together on Paveletskaya and worked as strippers in a club.

Arina also mentioned that ex-boyfriend Chetraru was married and, in addition to her, was in a relationship with a couple of other persons. This circumstance became the reason for their break. Moreover, according to Ramzanova, Lilia could not part beautifully: she literally tracked down the passions of her young man and repeatedly arranged fights with them in public places. As a result, Lilia had breakdown and she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Upon returning from a medical institution, they together came up with a legend, with which Chetraru went to the TV set.

Returning to the clearing, Lilia fainted and seriously frightened the participants, who thought that the girl had an epileptic seizure. The next day, Zakharyash, to the surprise of many, said that he was ready to give Lilia another chance and start everything from scratch. However, they failed to do this. The organizers decided to check the relationship between Sergey and Lilia by distance and sent Chetrara to the Island of Love, while Zakharyash was left in Moscow.

Lilia Chetraru now

As soon as the girl flew to the Seychelles, Seryozha went all out and, under the influence of alcohol, slept with Maria Filippova. Chetrara learned about the betrayal on her birthday. On this moment Lilia is on the Island of Love and willingly accepts courtship from Phil Kostrubov, and Zakharyash publishes posts on social networks in which he begs Lilia to forgive him.

The DOM-2 participant honestly answered all the questions of the polygraph examiner. Lilia Chetraru did not avoid a single topic that was raised in the course of a conversation with a specialist.

Lilia Chetraru
Photo: Mark Romanov

Autumn radically changed the life of the 21-year-old participant - just a month ago Lilya said “yes” to her beloved Sergei Zakharyash on the shores of the Indian Ocean. The couple planned an official celebration for December, but soon broke off relations with a scandal. The man managed to change the ex-lover, but then realized his mistake and began to court Chetrara again. The lovers settled in and now live together, but day after day their conflicts take on new dimensions. The girl told about this and many other things to the magazine "DOM-2" during a polygraph test.

Is it true that you borrowed a large sum of money from your parents?

Lilya: No

Detector: Truth

Were you born in Balti?

Lilya: No

Detector: Lie

Polygraph examiner Dmitry Kuzovkov advised the girl to undergo a full medical examination

Did you have sex as a minor?

Lilya: No

Detector: Lie

Lily's comment: I was almost 18 years old, I lived with a guy, he was not from Russia. The first sex happened two months later. At first there was a beautiful dinner, a prelude ... We loved each other, so everything happened with pleasure.

Before the test, Lilya assessed her condition at "2" on a five-point scale

Have you buried people close to you?

Lilya: Yes

Detector: Truth

Lily's comment: I lost best friend about seven years ago. Before his death, we were going to go to a friend's birthday party, but I did not go, he also decided to stay. They chatted all evening, and at night he hanged himself ... He did not leave any note. I was tormented by a feeling of guilt, suddenly I could change something.

Have you taken psychotropic drugs?

Lilya: No

Detector: Truth

Have you been beaten as a child or teenager?

Lilya: Yes

Detector: Truth

Lily's comment: When I was in the 7th grade, I got into a big fight with a girl because of a boy. She was twice as large, so she won the fight, but in the end, this guy did not get to anyone.

Is it true that you had vaginal sex with Gleb Strawberry?

Lilya: No

Detector: Lie

Lily's comment: Lately, they constantly talk about Gleb and me, it annoys me. We met only two times: one - in the city, and the other when he came to Polyana.

Is it true that you received professional psychological assistance?

Lilya: Yes

Detector: Truth

Lily's comment: A year ago, after the betrayal, I had a nervous breakdown, so they took me to the clinic and put on an IV.

After the participant's answer, polygraph examiner Dmitry Kuzovkov unexpectedly interrupted testing. “Sorry, but according to the rules, I have to stop checking,” said the specialist. "Lilia, let me take the sensors off you." Despite the lack of a detector, Chetraru promised to continue to answer questions honestly.

Have you had vaginal sex with Phil?

Lilya: Yes

Lily's comment: There was sex with Phil. Maybe I'm sorry, because it didn't lead to anything good. I slept in the hope that it would become easier, and was fully aware of my actions. Then she felt hatred for Seryozha and wanted to forget him, to succumb to new feelings. After all, we had a relationship with Kostrubov, even if it lasted a week, but after sex we did not run away, we just realized that we were not on our way. Thank God, it didn't work out that I was stupidly used.

Lilya admitted that she will still have "magic" with Phil
Photo: "Instagram"

Does your mom hate Seryozha?

Member Name: Lilia Chetraru

Age (birthday): 7.08.1996

City: Chisinau

Found an inaccuracy? Correct the profile

With this article read:

On January 14, 2017, a girl with an interesting surname Lilia Chetraru came to the project, who was remembered by viewers from the very beginning of her stay on the project. Lilia was born on August 7, 1996 in Chisinau.

About my past life the girl says practically nothing. It is only known that now she is receiving an economic education in a correspondence course and previously worked as a presenter on one of the TV channels in her hometown.

Later, the girl moves to Moscow, where she lives for 2 years with a wealthy man who supports her. After parting with him, the girl is left with an apartment and a car.

Lilia "gave a response" to these statements, pointing out those who make fun of her, that they themselves have unadorned and oily hair roots, an ugly body, etc.

Lilia Chetraru is not shy about her plastic surgery.

Lilia came to the project to Zakhar Salenko, who at that time was paired with Maya Dontsova, but this did not stop the girl, because in winning the heart of Zakhar, Maya's mother helped her in everything.

In the end, the conquest of Zakhar's heart soon bored the girl and she turned her attention to. The couple's magic happened quickly enough. This served as a quick check-in in the VIP room.

The couple did not even think about security in magic. Being in a relationship Lilia's lover began to show attention to, and in order not to lose the young man, Lilia announced her pregnancy.

Many began to condemn the girl's behavior., the fact that she behaved indecently from the very beginning of being on the project. The guy decided to support the girl, and in every possible way defended her and convinced her of the sincerity of his attitude towards her.

But, nevertheless, misunderstandings between the couple arose immediately, and Sergey asked Lilia for specifics regarding pregnancy, because many participants began to argue that the dates did not coincide, and Lera had already come to the pregnant project.

All this served as parting with the girl, and the guy resumed relations with Valeria Frost. After that, Lilia discovered the truth about her false pregnancy.

As the girl said: "In love and war, all means are good!".

House 2 participants condemned Lilia's act, noting that it is impossible to joke with such things and there is nothing sacred in her after this act, and Valeria Frost wished to remain sterile for the girl.

In any case, after that, Lilia disowned Zakharyash in every possible way, justifying that she finally saw his true face and did not want to know him at all.

Now the organizers of the TV project have sent all the "participants in the triangle" to the Seychelles to check their relations there. And now Lilia again wins the heart of Zakharyash, while he broke up with Leroy because of treason. But while the guys were flying to the island, they quarreled again because of Lera. Also on the island, the girl had already managed to fight with, tearing out a lock of hair from that.

On the island, the relationship between Lilia and Sergey continued, but the guys continue to constantly conflict. Despite everything, even after returning from the island, the guys did not part.

Lilia Photos

Lilia is a bright brunette of short stature.

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