All types of infertility. Infertility in women. What can cause the development of such a pathology

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Infertility is a problem that affects about 15% of married couples worldwide. Moreover, since the female reproductive system is more complex than the male, about 60% of all infertile marriages are due to a malfunction in the woman's body. In this case, they talk about the presence of female infertility, which can be associated with a variety of diseases or disorders in the woman's condition.

Types of female infertility: classification by the presence of previous pregnancies

Primary infertility

Primary infertility is a condition in which a woman who is sexually active has never had a pregnancy. Most often this is due to congenital disorders in the function or structure of the reproductive apparatus or genetic reasons, especially often - violations of the number or structure of chromosomes.

Secondary infertility

Secondary, i.e. "Acquired" infertility is infertility associated with the presence of pathological processes in the body of a woman or man: infections, endocrine diseases, somatic pathology, psychogenic disorders, exposure to harmful environmental factors.

Types of female infertility: classification by reasons of disorders in the reproductive system

1. Tubal infertility

Fallopian tube-related infertility in women is caused by a blockage in the tube that prevents the germ cells from being transported. Most often, overlap occurs due to the formation of adhesions inside or outside the fallopian tubes. The reasons for the formation of adhesions are inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, abortion, difficult childbirth or trauma, any gynecological surgery.

Endocrine infertility treatment >>>

3. Types of female infertility associated with gynecological diseases

Various gynecological pathologies can also cause infertility in women. Most often, after the disease is cured, the impaired fertility is restored. When diagnosing patients, it often turns out that endometriosis is the cause of female infertility. This pathology is characterized by the proliferation of endometrial cells, which should be located only on the inner surface of the uterus, in other organs, for example, on the ovaries, in the muscular layer of the uterus, in the tubes or in the abdominal cavity.

Diseases of the cervix can lead to the development of infertility: erosion, dysplasia, cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix), genital infections, etc. This may disrupt the amount or structure of mucus produced in the cervical canal. If the mucus becomes too dense or decreases in quantity, then the sperm will not be able to enter the fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg.

4. Early menopause

One of the common causes of infertility may be such a reason as premature ovarian depletion or early menopause. The usual age for a woman's menopause is 50-55 years, but in some women, the reserve of follicles (and eggs), for reasons not fully understood, is depleted earlier, menstruation stops at 40-45 years old and even earlier. In some cases, this condition can be overcome with the help of hormonal treatment.

5. Immunological infertility

The most poorly understood cause of infertility in women is the formation of antisperm antibodies in the cervical mucus, which destroy sperm.
With this type of infertility, the Baltic Institute of Human Reproduction often proposes an AI procedure, during which sperm cells are injected directly into the uterus without coming into contact with cervical mucus.

6. Psychological infertility

Physical disorders in the reproductive system are not always the cause of infertility in a woman. Stressful situations, anxiety, negative emotions can also reduce the likelihood of conception or completely eliminate it until the mental state returns to normal.

7. Absolute, genetic infertility

The cause of infertility in a woman of reproductive age is sometimes gross genetic abnormalities: the absence of the uterus, ovaries or tubes. If infertility (usually primary) is caused by genetic reasons, it is accompanied by a complete absence of egg maturation, for example, Turner syndrome, in which girls are born with underdeveloped ovaries, or with a complete absence (agenesis) of the ovaries or their severe underdevelopment (gonadal dysgenesis syndrome).

8. Idiopathic (unknown origin) infertility

Sometimes the cause of infertility cannot be identified - neither the woman nor the man show any changes in the genital area, and pregnancy does not occur. Obviously, in these cases, doctors have not yet learned how to identify disorders in the body that interfere with conception by existing methods. In such cases, they talk about idiopathic (unknown origin) infertility. Moreover, according to some estimates, this category includes up to 25% of cases of infertility.

Since the cause of infertility cannot be identified, it turns out to be difficult to build a treatment and modern methods of assisted reproduction come to the rescue: IVF, ICSI, AI.

The doctors of the Baltic Institute of Human Reproduction, depending on the causes of female infertility and the problems associated with them, select an individual reproduction program in which both the patients' own germ cells and donor material can be used.

Female infertility- manifested by the absence of pregnancy for 1.5 - 2 years or more in a woman living a regular sex life, without the use of contraceptives. Allocate absolute infertility associated with irreversible pathological conditions that exclude conception (anomalies in the development of the female genital area), and relative infertility, amenable to correction. They also distinguish between primary (if the woman has not had a single pregnancy) and secondary infertility (if there was a history of pregnancy). Female infertility is a severe psychological trauma for both men and women.

General information

Diagnosis " infertility»Is put to a woman on the basis that for 1 year or more with regular sexual intercourse without the use of methods of contraception, she does not become pregnant. They speak of absolute infertility if the patient has irreversible anatomical changes that make conception impossible (absence of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, serious anomalies in the development of the genital organs). In case of relative infertility, the reasons that caused it can be subject to medical correction.

Infertility due to endometriosis is diagnosed in about 30% of women with endometriosis. The mechanism of influence of endometriosis on infertility is completely unclear, however, it can be stated that areas of endometriosis in the tubes and ovaries impede normal ovulation and the movement of the egg.

The emergence of an immune form of infertility is associated with the presence of antisperm antibodies in a woman, that is, specific immunity developed against sperm or embryos. In more than half of cases, infertility is caused not by a single factor, but by a combination of 2-5 or more reasons. In some cases, the causes of infertility remain unknown, even after a complete examination of the patient and her partner. Infertility of unknown origin occurs in 15% of the surveyed couples.

Infertility diagnostics

Survey method in the diagnosis of infertility

To diagnose and identify the causes of infertility, a woman needs a consultation with a gynecologist. It is important to collect and evaluate information about the general and gynecological health of the patient. At the same time, it becomes clear:

  1. Complaints (health, duration of absence of pregnancy, pain syndrome, its localization and connection with menstruation, changes in body weight, the presence of secretions from the mammary glands and genital tract, psychological climate in the family).
  2. Family and hereditary factors (infectious and gynecological diseases in the mother and close relatives, the age of the mother and father at the birth of the patient, their state of health, the presence of bad habits, the number of pregnancies and childbirth in the mother and their course, the health and age of the husband).
  3. Diseases of the patient (past infections, including genital infections, operations, trauma, gynecological and concomitant pathology).
  4. The nature of the menstrual function (the age of the onset of the first menstruation, assessment of the regularity, duration, soreness of menstruation, the amount of blood lost during menstruation, the duration of existing violations).
  5. Assessment of sexual function (age at the onset of sexual activity, the number of sexual partners and marriages, the nature of sexual relations in marriage - libido, regularity, orgasm, discomfort during intercourse, previously used methods of contraception).
  6. Fertility (presence and number of pregnancies, peculiarities of their course, outcome, course of childbirth, the presence of complications during childbirth and after them).
  7. Methods of examination and treatment, if they were carried out earlier, and their results (laboratory, endoscopic, radiological, functional examination methods; drug, surgical, physiotherapy and other types of treatment and their tolerance).
Objective examination methods in the diagnosis of infertility

Objective examination methods are divided into general and special:

General examination methods in the diagnosis of infertility make it possible to assess the general condition of the patient. They include examination (determination of the body type, assessment of the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the nature of hair growth, the state and degree of development of the mammary glands), palpation of the thyroid gland, abdomen, measurement of body temperature, blood pressure.

The methods of special gynecological examination of patients with infertility are numerous and include laboratory, functional, instrumental and other tests. During a gynecological examination, hair growth, structural and developmental features of the external and internal genital organs, the ligamentous apparatus, and discharge from the genital tract are assessed. Of the functional tests, the most common in the diagnosis of infertility are the following:

  • construction and analysis of the temperature curve (based on the measurement data of the basal temperature) - allow you to assess the hormonal activity of the ovaries and the completion of ovulation;
  • determination of the cervical index - determination of the quality of cervical mucus in points, reflecting the degree of saturation of the body with estrogens;
  • postcoitus (postcoital) test - performed to study the activity of sperm in the secretion of the cervix and to determine the presence of antisperm bodies.

Of the diagnostic laboratory methods, studies of the content of hormones in the blood and urine are of the greatest importance in infertility. Hormonal tests should not be performed after gynecological and mammological examinations, sexual intercourse, immediately after waking up in the morning, since the level of some hormones, especially prolactin, may change. It is better to carry out hormonal tests several times to obtain a more reliable result. In case of infertility, the following types of hormonal studies are informative:

  • a study of the level of DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) and 17-ketosteroids in the urine - allows you to assess the function of the adrenal cortex;
  • study of the level of prolactin, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid hormones (TZ, T4, TSH) in the blood plasma on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle - to assess their effect on the follicular phase;
  • a study of the level of progesterone in the blood plasma on the 20-22 day of the menstrual cycle - to assess ovulation and the functioning of the corpus luteum;
  • study of the level of follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones, prolactin, estradiol, etc. in case of menstrual disorders (oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea).

In the diagnosis of infertility, hormonal tests are widely used, which make it possible to more accurately determine the state of individual links of the reproductive apparatus and their response to the intake of one or another hormone. Most often, in case of infertility, they carry out:

  • progesterone test (with norkolut) - in order to find out the level of saturation of the body with estrogens in amenorrhea and the reaction of the endometrium to the introduction of progesterone;
  • a cyclic or estrogen-gestagenic test with one of the hormonal drugs: gravistat, non-ovlon, marvelon, ovidone, femoden, selest, demulene, trizistone, tricvilar - to determine the endometrium's reception of steroid hormones;
  • clomiphene test (with clomiphene) - to assess the interaction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system;
  • test with metoclopramide - to determine the prolactinosecretory capacity of the pituitary gland;
  • test with dexamethasone - in patients with an increased content of male sex hormones to identify the source of their production (adrenal glands or ovaries).

To diagnose immune forms of infertility, the content of antisperm antibodies (specific antibodies to sperm cells - ASAT) in the patient's blood plasma and cervical mucus is determined. Of particular importance in infertility is examination for genital infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, etc.), which affect the reproductive function of a woman. Informative diagnostic methods for infertility are radiography and colposcopy.

Patients with infertility due to intrauterine adhesions or adhesive obstruction of the tubes are shown to be examined for tuberculosis (X-ray of the lungs, tuberculin tests, hysterosalpingoscopy, endometrial examination). To exclude neuroendocrine pathology (lesions of the pituitary gland), an X-ray of the skull and Turkish saddle is performed in patients with disturbed menstrual rhythm. The complex of diagnostic measures for infertility necessarily includes a colposcopy to detect signs of erosion, endocervicitis and cervicitis, which are a manifestation of a chronic infectious process.

With the help of hysterosalpingography (x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes), abnormalities and tumors of the uterus, intrauterine adhesions, endometriosis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions, which are often the causes of infertility, are detected. An ultrasound scan allows you to investigate the patency of the coiled tubes. To clarify the state of the endometrium, diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity is performed. The resulting material is subjected to histological examination and assessment of the correspondence of changes in the endometrium to the day of the menstrual cycle.

Surgical methods for diagnosing infertility

Surgical methods for diagnosing infertility include hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic examination of the uterine cavity using an optical hysteroscope, inserted through the external uterine pharynx. In accordance with the recommendations of the WHO - World Health Organization, modern gynecology has introduced hysteroscopy into the mandatory diagnostic standard for patients with uterine infertility.

Indications for hysteroscopy are:

  • infertility, primary and secondary, habitual miscarriages;
  • suspicions of hyperplasia, endometrial polyps, intrauterine adhesions, abnormalities of the uterus, adenomyosis, etc.;
  • violation of the menstrual rhythm, heavy menstruation, acyclic bleeding from the uterine cavity;
  • myoma growing into the uterine cavity;
  • unsuccessful IVF attempts, etc.

Hysteroscopy allows you to consistently examine the inside of the cervical canal, the uterine cavity, its anterior, posterior and lateral surfaces, the right and left orifices of the fallopian tubes, assess the state of the endometrium and identify pathological formations. A hysteroscopic examination is usually performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. During hysteroscopy, the doctor can not only examine the inner surface of the uterus, but also remove some neoplasms or take a piece of endometrial tissue for histological analysis. After hysteroscopy, the discharge is made in the shortest possible time (from 1 to 3 days).

Laparoscopy is an endoscopic method of examining the organs and cavity of the small pelvis using optical equipment introduced through a micro-incision of the anterior abdominal wall. The accuracy of laparoscopic diagnostics is close to 100%. Like hysteroscopy, it can be performed for infertility for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting.

The main indications for laparoscopy in gynecology are:

  • infertility primary and secondary;
  • ectopic pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy, uterine perforation and other emergencies;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • cystic changes in the ovaries;
  • adhesive process in the small pelvis, etc.

The indisputable advantages of laparoscopy are the bloodlessness of the operation, the absence of severe pain and rough seams in the postoperative period, the minimum risk of developing an adhesive postoperative process. Usually, 2-3 days after the laparoscopy, the patient must be discharged from the hospital. Surgical endoscopic methods are low-traumatic, but highly effective both in the diagnosis of infertility and in its treatment, therefore, they are widely used to examine women of reproductive age.

Treatment of female infertility

The decision on the treatment of infertility is made after receiving and evaluating the results of all examinations and establishing the reasons that caused it. Usually, treatment begins with the elimination of the primary cause of infertility. Therapeutic techniques used for female infertility are aimed at: restoring the patient's reproductive function by conservative or surgical methods; the use of assisted reproductive technologies in cases where natural conception is impossible.

With the endocrine form of infertility, hormonal disorders are corrected and the ovaries are stimulated. Non-drug types of correction include the normalization of weight (for obesity) through diet therapy and increased physical activity, physiotherapy. The main type of medical treatment for endocrine infertility is hormonal therapy. The process of follicle maturation is controlled by ultrasound monitoring and the dynamics of hormone levels in the blood. With the correct selection and adherence to hormonal treatment, 70-80% of patients with this form of infertility will become pregnant.

In the case of tubo-peritoneal infertility, the goal of treatment is to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes using laparoscopy. The effectiveness of this method in the treatment of tuboperitoneal infertility is 30-40%. With long-term adhesive obstruction of the tubes or with ineffectiveness of a previously performed operation, artificial insemination is recommended. At the embryological stage, cryopreservation of embryos is possible for their possible use if repeated IVF is necessary.

In cases of uterine infertility - anatomical defects in its development - reconstructive plastic surgery is performed. The probability of pregnancy in these cases is 15-20%. If it is impossible to surgically correct uterine infertility (absence of a uterus, pronounced malformations of its development) and self-bearing pregnancy by a woman, they resort to surrogacy, when embryos are implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother who has undergone a special selection.

Infertility caused by endometriosis is treated with laparoscopic endocoagulation, during which lesions are removed. The result of laparoscopy is fixed by a course of drug therapy. The pregnancy rate is 30-40%.

In case of immunological infertility, artificial insemination is usually used by artificial insemination with the husband's sperm. This method allows you to bypass the immune barrier of the cervical canal and promotes pregnancy in 40% of cases of immune infertility. Treatment of unidentified forms of infertility is the most difficult problem. Most often, in these cases, they resort to the use of assisted methods of reproductive technologies. In addition, indications for artificial insemination are:


The effectiveness of infertility treatment is influenced by the age of both spouses, especially women (the likelihood of pregnancy decreases sharply after 37 years). Therefore, you should start treating infertility as early as possible. And you should never despair and lose hope. Many forms of infertility can be corrected by traditional or alternative methods of treatment.

One way or another, but, fortunately, the causes of infertility in women in most cases are treatable. That does not apply to absolute female infertility, absence or persistent obstruction of the fallopian tubes. But even in such a difficult case, a woman can have a child.

This is done by in vitro fertilization (IVF), then the embryo is transferred, "settled" in the mother's uterus. Infertility can also be primary or secondary. Primary infertility is diagnosed if a woman has never been pregnant. If a woman has had at least one pregnancy, this is secondary infertility, regardless of the further fate of the pregnancy: childbirth, miscarriage, abortion.

Unfortunately, the main cause of secondary infertility, according to experts, is the first abortion, meaning an abortion done before childbirth. The unprepared reproductive system of a young woman who has not yet given birth reacts to such an intervention more sharply in comparison with an abortion after childbirth. For this reason, inflammation of the uterus or appendages, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and endometrial disorders easily occur.

Infertility is a symptom of one or more diseases.

It is customary to distinguish between the following main forms of female infertility:

  • 1) tubal infertility due to the pathology of the fallopian tubes;
  • 2) endocrine infertility associated with disorders in the activity of the endocrine glands;
  • 3) infertility due primarily to anatomical disorders in the reproductive system;
  • 4) immunological infertility.
  • 1. Tubal infertility. This form of infertility is usually secondary and develops as a result of an inflammatory process, which leads to the closure of the lumen of the tubes due to infiltration of the walls, obliteration of the cavity of the tubes, bends caused by periturbar adhesions. Pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are the most common pathogens that cause the inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes: the most common are gonococcus, pathogenic staphylococcus, which often causes inflammation along with Escherichia coli, Proteus. Less common is the tuberculous etiology of salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes). A large role in the origin of tubal infertility belongs to functional disorders of the kinetics of the fallopian tubes, which may be caused by endocrine factors, inflammatory infiltration of the walls of the tubes, atrophy of the ciliated epithelium lining the inner surface of the fallopian tubes.
  • 2. Endocrine infertility.

All the numerous variants of endocrine disorders leading to infertility can be conditionally combined into separate clinical groups, which are characterized by the corresponding symptom complex:

Group I hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency. This includes pathological conditions defined as sexual infantilism and characterized by amenorrhea, hypomenstrual and, less commonly, hypermenstrual syndrome. In such patients, the content of FSH and LH (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing gonadotropins) in the blood is sharply reduced, the level of prolactin is not increased, the amount of estrogen is sharply reduced. The uterus in such patients is reduced, the tubes are elongated, thin, convoluted, the cervix is ​​conical, the vagina is narrow. Such anatomical changes on the part of the genital organs play a role in the origin of infertility, but the main importance belongs to the absence of ovulation.

Group II hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction. This group includes patients with menstrual disorders (insufficiency of the luteal phase, anovulatory cycles or amenorrhea), increased secretion of estrogen and low levels of prolactin and gonadotropin. This group also includes women with sclerocystic ovaries (many androgens are produced in the ovaries, ovulation is suppressed, hypertrichosis, obesity develops).

Group III ovarian failure. It is manifested by amenorrhea, a decrease in estrogen production, an increased amount of FSH and is often the result of various chromosomal abnormalities (Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, gopad dyspenesia, testicular feminization).

Group IV congenital and acquired disorders of the reproductive system. For patients in this group, amenorrhea is characteristic. It has a persistent character, this group includes patients with obliteration of the uterine cavity and the formation of synechiae after abortion.

Group V hyperprolactinemia in the presence of a tumor in the hypothalamic-pituitary region. Patients have persistent anovulation or insufficiency of the corpus luteum function.

Group VI hyperprolactinemia without damage in the hypothalamic-pituitary region. Pathology develops in connection with functional disorders in the hypothalamic region. The production of prolactin by the pituitary gland is increased, and ovulation is suppressed. Clinically, this is expressed by amenorrhea.

Group VII amenorrhea against the background of a tumor in the hypothalamic-pituitary region. In such patients, the production of releasing hormones and gonadotropins is reduced. The amount of estrogen is reduced, ovulation is reduced, amenorrhea develops with a normal level of prolactin (a similar picture happens with Simmonds disease).

  • 3. Infertility associated with anatomical disorders in the reproductive system (trauma, tumors, developmental abnormalities). Surgical removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries leads to the loss of a woman's reproductive function. Infertility often occurs with urogenital fistulas, with the formation of synechiae in the uterus as a result of trauma during curettage. With uterine myoma, endometriosis, ovarian tumors, pregnancy is possible, but the possibility of conception is usually reduced.
  • 4. Immunological infertility. It is characterized by the fact that a woman or a man develops a reaction of cellular and humoral immunity to sperm antigens.

It has been established that not only spermatozoa, but also seminal plasma have antigenic activity. The female egg also has antigenic properties. The following antisperm antibodies are produced in a woman's body:

  • 1) spermatoalglutinating;
  • 2) sperm-immobilizing;
  • 3) spermiocytotoxic.

The mechanism of immunological infertility is different depending on the place of development of immune reactions; it is possible to immobilize spermatozoa when they meet with antibodies present in the mucus of the cervical canal or in contact with an egg, when a zygote is implanted into the uterus. Corresponding immune antibodies arising in a woman's blood can have a harmful effect on sperm, zygote and fetus. Currently, it is known that immobilization of sperm in the cervical mucus due to the connection with antibodies, which leads to infertility, is of some importance.

In itself, infertility is a separate and large-scale topic, because it can occur with various symptoms and be the result of a variety of factors and causes. There is male infertility and female infertility, that is, non-occurrence of pregnancy can be caused by both actual problems of reproductive function in men and problems of reproductive function in women.

Infertility, as one can understand, consists in the inability of a mature organism to produce offspring. If pregnancy, under the condition of normal sexual activity and without the use of any contraceptives in it, does not occur within the next two years, then a diagnosis of "infertility" is made. And although this, in principle, is not a disease, but a condition caused by certain factors, in order to get rid of infertility it is often necessary to make a lot of efforts, or even to face the need to use alternative, not entirely traditional forms of conception. Also, infertility is a diagnosis for the general picture of anamnesis (medical history) in such a variant when repeated miscarriages have taken place in it, that is, we are talking about such a pathology as miscarriage.

Female infertility: causes

Female infertility, which we will focus on in this article, can be caused by a variety of factors. Upon closer examination, the reader will be able to understand that the reproductive system of a woman is actually very fragile in relation to any impact, as, indeed, the female body itself, therefore the parting word "take care of yourself", if you think about it, has a very, very deep meaning. So, let's consider what the main causes of female infertility may be.

  • Inflammatory processes and pathologies directly related to the genitals ... In particular, this refers to the relevance of pathological inflammatory processes with damage to the fallopian tubes and / and ovaries. It is a well-known fact that inflammatory processes develop not only on the basis of usual hypothermia, but also on the basis of the influence of certain forms of genital infections. What is noteworthy is that about 75% of the fairer sex periodically experience the "charms" of such inflammations, and often no less significant part of them lets everything go by itself, believing that the treatment of inflammation of the organs of the female reproductive system can be excluded as such, that is, we are talking about the principle "everything will pass by itself." Nevertheless, this is not just an erroneous assumption, but also a very risky one, because a neglected form of inflammation or chronization of the process (its transition to a chronic form with alternating exacerbations / remissions) is the first, if not the main factor of subsequent infertility.
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion), miscarriage (i.e. spontaneous abortion, miscarriage), trauma to the uterus and various types of intervention (diagnostic curettage, the establishment of a contraceptive coil, etc.). The listed reasons for infertility on this point, in general, are known to many, especially when it comes to abortion, but this kind of knowledge does not always become a factor that excludes abortion. Naturally, such a "shot" is not suitable for situations in which an abortion is a forced and necessary measure (the presence of medical indications, certain life situations, etc.). In any case, it is important to consider that any abortion can cause irreversible consequences for the body, being the basis for the development of the syndrome of miscarriage and, in general, for infertility.
  • Hormonal disorders ... In the presence of certain disruptions in the menstrual cycle (they can be very different, including amenorrhea, that is, the absence of menstruation for a period of six months or more), we can say that conception can be comparable with certain difficulties in achieving the desired result. If the hormonal background has changed, which can happen due to a number of various circumstances, from heredity to the peculiarities of the ecology in the area in which the woman lives, then the functions performed by the ovaries are subject to violation. In addition, the maturation of oocytes is also subject to disruption, and therefore infertility often develops. It should be added that the relevance of hormonal disruptions also becomes the reason for the early development of menopause in a woman.
  • Cysts, tumors affecting the ovaries and uterus. This reason is also not uncommon today in considering the influencing factors that cause female infertility. These include ovarian cysts, polycystic, uterine fibroids, etc.
  • Metabolic disorders. On average, this reason accounts for about 12% of cases of infertility detection. As a confirmation of this trend, it can be added that it is a well-known fact that pregnancy is somewhat more difficult for overweight women.
  • The relevance of congenital defects of the genital organs. The reasons for this type of pathology can be very different, in addition, this type of defects can be both congenital and acquired. Among them are the underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes, the absence of ovaries, the "baby" uterus, etc.
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This pathology, on average, in 20% of cases becomes the cause of female infertility. Such obstruction can be partial or complete, it develops against the background of the previous transfer of inflammatory processes in the environment in question, after surgical interventions in the pelvic organs, due to abortions, etc.

These are all basic causes of infertility, and the most common causes when considering this type of reproductive disorder. In a more concise form, the causes are often denoted as three of them, such as problems with ovulation, endometriosis and obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Separately, age can be designated among the factors of infertility - the ability to conceive in women after 35 years is almost halved, while the most optimal age is considered to be from 20 to 30 years. You can also add stress, combined with constant overwork, lack of sleep and an overly active (or, conversely, passive) rhythm of life, which, as can be understood from considering other diseases, can lead not only to infertility, but also to a whole "bouquet" of other diseases ... And, finally, among the most common causes of infertility, there are reasons that have not found an appropriate medical justification for the impossibility of pregnancy. In this case, we can even talk about any purely psychological "blockages" due to which pregnancy does not occur even in the normal state of health of both potential parents.

A special role is assigned among the factors of infertility of the "sexual revolution", due to which, in particular, the prevalence of infectious diseases has increased, and the postponement of the first pregnancy by young women is no less significant. What is noteworthy is that male infertility becomes an actual reason for a woman's non-occurrence of pregnancy in about a third of cases, another third is female infertility, and the remainder is families in which, for one reason or another, both partners were infertile at the same time. The causes of male infertility are mainly reduced to pathological changes in sperm, decreased sperm activity, and insufficient volume of sperm secreted.

Types of infertility

Infertility, depending on the specific reason that provoked the inability to conceive a child and to give birth, can be hormonal (there is a violation in the process of egg maturation and its release due to hormonal disruptions), as well as tubal (violation of the patency of the tubes) and uterine (actual hereditary or acquired developmental disorder of the uterus). A separate place is occupied by the already noted infertility, the reasons for which cannot be explained from a medical point of view, where, most likely, we are talking about any psychological "blocks" and "attitudes" that exclude conception.

So, even an excessive desire to get pregnant can become an obstacle in this regard, not to mention the unwillingness to have children, although, of course, deviations are allowed on these points - there are a lot of examples with the appearance of "unwanted" children in life, therefore, in any case, even the inexplicable infertility is all strictly individual.

They also distinguish absolute infertility and relative infertility. The points discussed above fall under relative infertility, and in these cases it is curable, that is, pregnancy still occurs. As for such a form as absolute infertility, it, unfortunately, indicates the impossibility of pregnancy due to the relevance of certain physiological characteristics of the female body and the reproductive system in particular (for example, the absence of ovaries, uterus, etc.).

In addition, infertility can be primary or secondary. Primary infertility consists in the inability to become pregnant under the condition of the previous absence of attempts to become pregnant, that is, pregnancy, as such, has never occurred at all. If pregnancy has already occurred, regardless of the results of its outcome (full bearing and childbirth, miscarriage, artificial termination of pregnancy, etc.), and within the framework of the particular period under consideration, it is impossible to become pregnant, then this is secondary infertility.

Infertility: treatment

To cure infertility, it is extremely important to determine what exactly is causing it. Equally important is the mutual examination of the couple, that is, the examination of both women and men. Based on the results obtained, the doctor subsequently either prescribes additional diagnostics or, if the cause of infertility was identified during the main examination, determines which treatment will be most appropriate in this case. The following options can be offered:

  • Planned sexual intercourse. In case of satisfactory results of examinations and analyzes, in which no physiological abnormalities were also revealed, limiting the possibility of fertilization, the couple is offered the simplest option, called "planned conception". As the reason why, even under such a condition, pregnancy does not occur, there is reason to consider such an option, which consists in the incorrect calculation of ovulation, and it is this calculation that is the basis of this method. As an assistant, you can use a special test sold in a pharmacy, an analogue of a pregnancy test - an ovulation test, it is used according to the same principle. Again, we can talk about the presence of any psychological barriers, which requires referral to a psychotherapist. There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary - this specialist will be able to detect some "pitfalls" that cause the problem of non-pregnancy at the psychological level.
  • Treatment with hormonal drugs. This method of treatment is used in cases of hormonal infertility. Due to such drugs, the hormonal background of the patient is corrected in a certain way, the normalization of ovarian functions is ensured, and the processes of egg production are stimulated. This method increases the likelihood of achieving the result, the actual pregnancy, several times after the completion of the course of treatment. Remarkably, such a method as hormone treatment is more than popular today, the reason for this is the frequency of diagnosing thyroid diseases and periodic disruptions in the cycle. However, in this method of treatment, as you probably know, there are some negative aspects, and these are weight gain, changes in the conditions of the vagina (for example, excessive dryness), hot flashes, etc. A separate nuance can be the effect on the emotional state of a woman , therefore, the influence of hormones can even cause depression due to the peculiarities of the large-scale load exerted on the body as a whole.
  • Artificial insemination. This method is applicable in the case of the relevance of certain hormonal changes in the body of a woman planning to become a mother. Before carrying out artificial insemination, a preliminary examination, then proceed to hormonal stimulation of the ovaries. Due to the ultrasound method, it is possible to track the process of follicle maturation, after which, when determining the most favorable moment for conception, the spouse's sperm is injected into the uterus. This procedure is completely painless; the probability of successful fertilization when using it is about 30%.
  • ECO. You can learn about everything related to IVF from the fully dedicated topic. Here we note that this method is one of the most effective. The essence of "growing a child in a test tube" is simple: under anesthesia, a woman's eggs are removed (manipulation within 5 minutes), after which the egg is artificially fertilized using the sperm of a spouse or a donor. Further, after 72 hours, the embryos are "implanted" into the uterus, which is completely painless. After 1-2 weeks, an ultrasound scan is done, which allows you to determine whether a woman has become pregnant. IVF is one of the most effective methods among the possible solutions, implemented in the case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes in a woman. Pregnancy does not always occur from the first time IVF is performed. However, in addition to a number of other specific features of IVF, it should be added that many clinics return money in the event of a three-time absence of a fertilization result, which in a certain way can compensate for the costs in an unsuccessful struggle for motherhood.
  • Donation. Here it can be considered both traditional surrogacy, in which a donor carries an embryo in a couple with infertility for a certain amount, and the use of donor eggs in the event that a woman does not produce her own eggs or has a certain disease that affects their production and excludes the possibility get pregnant naturally. In the latter case, a woman can carry a child on her own.

The diagnosis of infertility is made to a married couple if no conception occurs during the year, provided that they have a regular sex life without the use of contraception.

Specialists in female infertility say that the inability to conceive a child in equal half can be diagnosed in both women and men, only in 20% of cases infertility is combined.

What types of infertility are there?

The classification of female infertility and male infertility includes several types of pathology.

There are several types of infertility, these are:

  • Female;
  • Male;
  • Combined;
  • Explained by incompatibility in a pair;
  • Due to endometriosis;
  • Of unclear etiology or idiopathic.

Various types of female infertility are distinguished by their clinical presentation. In many cases, drug therapy is an effective solution, in others - IVF. One way or another, it is possible to draw conclusions about the possibility of natural fertilization after passing the examination. In order to carry out the treatment of pathology, it is worth understanding the causes of female and male infertility.

What are the types of male infertility?

The types of male infertility differ in functional and anatomical characteristics.

Types and causes of infertility

  • Secretory infertility occurs against the background of insufficient production and poor maturation of sperm. This condition can be temporary or permanent. Temporary disturbances include: an increase in body temperature, the influence of negative environmental factors and toxic substances. Permanent disturbances are attributed to the presence of genetic and congenital abnormalities. It will help in the reproductive plans of IVF with male infertility of this type.
  • The diagnosis of excretory infertility is made due to the difficult passage of sperm through the vas deferens. This condition may be due to adhesions formed in the tubules of the epididymis. Predisposing factors are: inflammation, trauma, STDs, as well as neoplasms.
  • Immune form of infertility. An autoimmune type of infertility is detected if the natural barrier between the vessels and the vas deferens is violated, this can happen with injuries. In this case, antisperm antibodies will affect the motility of the sperm, which eventually die completely.
  • With combined infertility, the process of maturation of male germ cells is disrupted, which may be accompanied by erectile dysfunction.
  • With relative infertility, there are no noticeable reasons, that is, the results of the spermogram are normal and the sex life is regular. In frequent cases, the reason is non-observance of sexual hygiene.

To make an accurate diagnosis, a man will have to pass some types of tests to determine male infertility.

There is female infertility in the ICD 10. N97 - Female infertility

The MCB also accommodates male infertility. It is designated generally by N46.

Types of infertility in women - subdivision for reasons of impairment

There are several types of infertility in women, each of which is different in the cause of the violation of the reproductive system. To understand whether there is a chance of conceiving a child, you can first find out the nature of the origin of the problem. And then to provide assistance with female infertility.

Female infertility: types

  • The diagnosis of tubal infertility is made against the background of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, through which mature eggs are normally transported. The main reason is the presence of adhesions formed due to the development of inflammatory diseases, difficult childbirth, trauma or surgery.
  • Endocrine infertility is considered the most common. Its development is associated with disruption of the hormonal system. Against the background of this state, the process of egg formation becomes unstable. Pregnancy can occur if there are problems with insufficient functioning of the ovaries, adrenal glands and thyroid gland.
  • In rare cases, a woman may be diagnosed with immunological infertility, in which antisperm antibodies are formed in the cervical mucus, destroying healthy sperm.
  • Not always different types of infertility in women are explained by physical changes in the reproductive system. There is such a thing as psychological infertility, in which the situation is influenced by stressful situations, anxiety and even negative emotions.
  • Absolute or congenital infertility can be diagnosed if there are genetic abnormalities, such as a missing uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes.
  • The diagnosis of idiopathic infertility is made if no changes in the functioning of the reproductive system are found, while pregnancy does not occur. Such situations happen in 25% of cases. Sometimes the only solution is IVF or ICSI.

Types of female infertility and methods of its treatment can be associated with various gynecological diseases. After undergoing treatment, the woman's fertility can be restored.

Other forms of infertility in women

Female and male infertility is a complex medical and social problem. Until today, some questions regarding the development of one form or another of infertility in men and women remain controversial.

There are several options for infertility, based on different reasons for their formation. Let's pay attention to the most common reasons.

Infertility - forms of pathologies

  • Anatomical disorders of the organs of the reproductive system. This form of pathology is placed if there are abnormalities in the development of the genital organs, as well as in the presence of tumor formations, injuries and consequences after surgery.
  • Almost every third diagnosis of infertility is made against the background of obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Usually, this condition develops due to the presence of inflammatory diseases that occur in the uterus, appendages or other organs of the small pelvis. The reasons for making such a diagnosis also include other forms of infertility in women, caused by the consequences of induced abortion. Due to curettage of the uterus, the mouths of the fallopian tubes are damaged, which is a provoking factor. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes often develops if a tumor of the uterus or ovaries is detected. This form of infertility can be diagnosed as a result of the formation of endometriosis.
  • Endocrine infertility occurs in about 30% of cases. As a result of this phenomenon, the ovulation process is disrupted. The reasons for this pathology include disruption of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. For this reason, other forms of female infertility are not found. Women planning pregnancy after 33-35 years old should understand that with age, the ovulation process worsens, and neuroendocrine problems begin to develop.
  • The most unexplored problem is infertility of unknown etiology or immunological infertility. Most often, in such a situation, male reproductive cells do not enter the uterus due to a lack of cervical mucus. Sometimes, antisperm antibodies are produced in the vagina, near the cervix, or in the fallopian tubes, which destroy healthy sperm. In other words, the female body perceives male reproductive cells as a foreign body. These antibodies begin to be produced due to autoimmune lesions of the body, genital infections, as well as after surgical operations, which include artificial abortion, curettage and other interventions. All this, of course, affects the possibility of conceiving a child.

You can also distinguish between primary and secondary infertility.

As practice shows, it is very difficult to eliminate immunological infertility, and sometimes it is even impossible, therefore, in order to conceive a child, a married couple is offered to use ART methods.

The forms of male infertility are of a different nature, although some of the causes of their occurrence are similar. In particular, this applies to changes in hormonal levels, anatomical disorders, congenital anomalies, as well as infertility of unknown etiology.

The degree of infertility in women and men

Infertility can be female, male and combined. The third form of pathology is most often explained by the immunological incompatibility of the wallpaper of the spouses, who are relatively healthy.

In the female body, antibodies are produced that destroy sperm, as a result of which fertilization does not occur. In this case, the male germ cells are perceived by the female body as foreign bodies. Even if fertilization does occur, subsequent gestation becomes impossible, and the result of this phenomenon is a miscarriage. There are degrees of female infertility.

The degree of infertility in women and men is the same.

The diagnosis of infertility is divided into types, these are:

  • What is grade 1 infertility? First degree - the couple is planning a pregnancy for the first time, while attempts are unsuccessful within one year, primary infertility in women.
  • The second degree is characterized by a different clinical picture. The man or woman has already had children or attempts to conceive a child have been successful. However, there are cases of IVF with infertility of the 2nd degree.

How to get pregnant with infertility of the 2nd degree? It all depends on the cause of such a pathology, after the establishment of which therapy is prescribed.

Synonyms are primary infertility and secondary

Does infertility in women have degrees: causes of primary infertility in women

The first degree of infertility in women can be diagnosed for the following reasons:

  • Violation of ovulation;
  • Absence of ovaries or impairment of their functioning;
  • Gynecological diseases.

To start effective treatment, you need to identify the cause of female infertility, which is easy to do with timely medical attention.

The first degree of infertility in women - treatment methods

Treatment begins by finding out the cause of the problem. This usually does not take long. After diagnostic measures, a course of effective therapy is prescribed.

Fertility treatments:

The procedure for treating infertility of the first degree:

  • First, the focus of inflammation is eliminated;
  • Stabilize a woman's menstrual cycle;
  • Restore the work of the ovaries;
  • If necessary, the work of the thyroid gland is restored;
  • Undergoing physiotherapy procedures in order to eliminate external problems that interfere with getting pregnant.

There are many treatments for female infertility. With a timely visit to a doctor, you can solve all the problems that prevent you from getting pregnant.

For a successful and quick cure, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations and undergo a full examination.

The causes of the second degree of infertility in women

The most common reasons for the appearance of this degree of pathology include:

  • Disruption of the hormonal system organs;
  • The consequences of a mishandled abortion;
  • Artificially induced childbirth;
  • Pregnancy that develops outside the uterus;
  • Malnutrition.

The second and third degrees of infertility are difficult to treat. The forum is filled with various tips and tricks, but not all of them are proven methods. You should only trust your health to qualified specialists.

Secondary infertility statistics are on the rise. If you follow all the instructions of the doctor, you can cure such infertility, you just need to be ready for a long therapeutic course.

Treatment begins with diagnostic measures that are necessary to identify the true causes of the second degree of infertility. The list of diagnostic procedures includes:

  • Collection of information by the doctor;
  • Research of hormonal levels;
  • For men - sperm analysis;
  • For women - checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.

This list can be supplemented by a doctor if necessary.

Usually, for the purpose of treatment, patients are prescribed antibacterial and antiviral drugs, as well as immunomodulators. In addition, treatment for other chronic and inflammatory diseases is prescribed.

What are the degrees of infertility in men?

The first degree of infertility in men can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Pathological structure of the genital organs;
  • Trauma;
  • Genetic diseases;
  • Decrease in the body's defenses;
  • Incorrect work of internal organs.

There are several treatments for this degree of infertility. The doctors' comments focus on the division of this degree into two types:

  • In obstructive infertility, obstruction of the vas deferens is diagnosed;
  • With pathology of the secretory type, hormonal disorders occur, which are accompanied by insufficient production of spermatozoa;
  • In case of immunological infertility, antibodies are produced that cover the male germ cells. Accordingly, such sperm cannot fertilize an egg.

If this degree of infertility is found, the forum and discussions in it will contain recommendations for leading a healthy lifestyle, and rightly so. It is necessary to eliminate the habit of heavy smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

Methods for treating first-degree infertility in men

As with women, treatment begins with identifying the true cause of the disease. After diagnostic measures, the doctor may prescribe one or another therapeutic method:

  • Minor surgery may be required to correct genital development problems;
  • Complete rejection of bad habits, an active lifestyle and a healthy diet;
  • Taking antibiotics to treat an infectious disease;
  • Restoration of the hormonal system and normalization of hormone indicators;
  • Improving the quality and increasing the amount of sperm.

If a complex type of infertility is identified, IVF will help to effectively solve the problem. In other cases, the chance for a successful recovery is preserved with timely referral to an experienced specialist.

The provoking factors are practically the same as in the case of the first degree of infertility, these are:

  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Varicocele;
  • Diseases of the internal organs of an infectious and chronic nature;
  • Serious head injuries;
  • Diabetes;
  • The use of narcotic and anabolic drugs.

The diagnosis of infertility of the third degree is made by women and men in the presence of concomitant diseases, which include varicocele of the last degree and a chronic form of endometriosis.

If genetic diseases complicate the types of infertility, IVF would be the optimal solution for such couples.

First degree infertility - what does it mean, can it be cured?

Can be diagnosed with infertility of 1 degree in women and men. Most often it is detected at the stage of pregnancy planning, when a couple cannot conceive a child.

If for one year it is not possible to become pregnant with regular sexual activity and non-use of contraception, then a diagnosis of infertility of the first degree is made. The treatment of this pathology will depend on the reasons that caused it.

Having heard this diagnosis, many are afraid that they will not be able to get pregnant at all, but this is far from the case. If the cause is identified in a timely manner and effective treatment is started, then it is possible to get rid of the primary degree of infertility. With the help of modern diagnostic procedures and treatment methods, good results can be achieved in a short time.

What does infertility of the 1st degree mean and what are the reasons for its occurrence?

Often, such a pathology is diagnosed against the background of congenital or acquired diseases of the organs of the reproductive system. Congenital pathologies include:

  • Wrong location of the uterus;
  • Inadequate development of the genitals;
  • Disruption of the hormonal system.

Acquired diseases appear under the influence of certain factors. Most often, a woman is faced with the following problems:

  • Latent infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • The formation of adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • Arbitrary or artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Myoma;
  • Cysts;
  • Polyps in the cervical canal.

The above conditions are usually asymptomatic, so it is difficult to detect the disease at an early stage of its development. For example, a cervical cyst can be detected with an ultrasound scan. In some cases, grade 1 infertility in women is caused by polycystic ovary disease. With such a pathological process, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and uterine bleeding periodically occurs.

What does infertility of the 1st degree mean in men?

Just like women, men can have problems conceiving due to certain factors. For this reason, both spouses should be examined when planning a pregnancy.

In frequent cases, grade 1 infertility in men is diagnosed against the background of:

  • congenital malformations of the genitals;
  • poor patency of the vas deferens;
  • the production of antibodies that affect the fertilizing ability of sperm.

Such a diagnosis can also be made to a man after suffering infectious or viral diseases.

Is infertility of the 1st degree curable? What is complex therapy?

Sometimes the simplest and most effective fertility treatment is a change of scenery and mental relaxation. If a married couple cannot conceive a child, while there are no gross health problems, then it is recommended to go on vacation, for example, to the sea. It is on the sea coast that you can take a break from emotional and physical fatigue. When a person is psychologically exhausted, his body is not ready to reproduce a new life.

If problems with conception are due to the presence of certain pathologies, then, based on the situation, the doctor may prescribe the following treatment methods:

  • hormone therapy;
  • antibacterial treatment;
  • laparoscopy;
  • treatment with homeopathic remedies;
  • treatment with folk remedies.

To enhance and consolidate the result after effective treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed, for example, apitherapy, acupuncture or hirudotherapy.

To cure first-degree infertility with folk methods - what does this mean?

The methods of traditional medicine include the use of herbal decoctions, which are most often prepared on the basis of plantain seeds, borax uterus, knotweed and other plants. For the purpose of treating infertility of the first degree, fresh beekeeping products are often used, this is drone and royal jelly.

Let's draw conclusions

If a married couple is diagnosed with primary infertility, then it should not be perceived as an absolute inability to conceive and give birth to a child naturally.

Such a pathology only indicates the presence of certain health problems that interfere with getting pregnant. Many of them are quickly eliminated during the passage of effective treatment, which will be prescribed by a doctor after diagnostic measures.

In order not to harm yourself and not aggravate the course of the pathology, you should not self-medicate. Only an experienced doctor knows what is best to take in a particular case. If he deems it necessary, he will prescribe treatment with traditional medicine as an additional therapy.

Type 1 infertility - what is it?

Primary infertility is a diagnosis that can be made to a woman if she has not become pregnant for one year, provided that she has a regular sex life without the use of contraceptives.

First type infertility - is it serious?

Usually this pathology is diagnosed against the background of congenital or acquired diseases of the organs of the reproductive system.

In fact, this diagnosis is not a verdict for a married couple. With the timely provision of qualified medical care, you can get rid of it.

The reasons for the development of primary infertility

Many people think, type 1 infertility - what is it and what factors influence the appearance of this problem? Let's pay attention to the most common reasons:

  • Genital pathologies, as well as diseases such as fibroids, cervical erosion, cysts, polyps of the cervical canal. Often such diseases are asymptomatic, therefore, it is not always possible to identify the problem at an early stage of its development;
  • For example, a woman is unlikely to feel the symptoms of a cervical cyst. It can be discovered by accident by going through an ultrasound scan;
  • If a woman's endometrioid cyst grows, then symptoms such as aching pain in the lower abdomen, violation of the menstrual cycle may appear. Also, alarms of a suspicious nature should be alerted;
  • In 30% of cases, the cause of female infertility is a malfunction of the ovaries. The most common diseases include polycystic and ovarian dysfunction. Against the background of these pathological processes, an insufficient amount of hormones is produced, which are necessary for the successful conception and bearing of a child. Significant manifestations include significant delays in the monthly cycle and prolonged uterine bleeding.

With such a diagnosis as type 1 infertility, treatment is prescribed based on the cause of the development of the pathology. In most cases, doctors prefer complex drug treatment with antibacterial agents and antibiotics.

Second degree infertility - what does it mean?

Not everyone knows what grade 2 infertility in women means, since few people have come across such a diagnosis. With secondary infertility, the woman had previously tried to get pregnant, and some of them turned out to be successful and ended in childbirth. In other words, past pregnancies are taken into account when making a diagnosis, and it does not matter what the outcome of the pregnancy was.

Infertility in men of the 2nd degree is diagnosed if he has already become a father in the past or there have been situations of conceiving a child, but today this opportunity has been lost.

What does grade 2 infertility mean in women and why does it happen?

Considering the above information, we can assume that secondary infertility is acquired. This situation can happen for some very important reasons:

  • The age factor plays an important role, since the woman's age depends on her ability to conceive and bear a child. If at the age of 25 it is still possible to get pregnant without problems, then at the age of 35 this chance is significantly reduced.
  • For men, their age also has an impact on fertility. During the aging process of the body, the production of testosterone decreases, on which the quality of the seed depends. Despite this, a man's fertile age is longer than that of a woman;
  • Violation of the functionality of the thyroid gland affects the production of sex hormones. Often, against the background of hypothyroidism, women are diagnosed with second-degree infertility. If the thyroid gland produces an insufficient amount of hormones, then more male sex hormone will be produced, as a result of which the ovulation process is suppressed. The diagnosis of infertility of the 2nd degree is not only a violation of ovulation, but also external changes inherent in the male sex. In most cases, the thyroid gland is malfunctioning due to iodine deficiency;
  • Deficiency of progesterone - the main hormone of pregnancy. If the process of producing this hormone is disrupted, the risk of miscarriage is high, since the chances of successful attachment of the ovum to the walls of the uterus are very small. It is difficult to suspect such a deviation in the menstrual cycle. An effective method of determination is the measurement of basal temperature;
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitals can cause complications such as obstruction of the fallopian tubes, deterioration of the quality of cervical mucus. Complications of such processes also include gynecological diseases, namely uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperplasia, endometriosis and polyp formation. In this case, a woman should clearly understand that infertility of the 2nd degree and treatment with folk remedies are two incompatible concepts;
  • The reasons for the development of such a diagnosis also include previous abortions. It is because of them that the consequences appear in the form of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • The psychological condition can also become the reason for the development of the diagnosis of second degree infertility. What does it mean? In fact, the work of the organs of the endocrine system is influenced by the psychological mood of a woman. From a medical point of view, such concepts as stress and examination amenorrhea are considered, in which experiences and worries affect the work of the reproductive system.

Infertility of the 2nd degree - is it possible to get pregnant and what kind of treatment is required?

The method of treatment will be selected by the doctor, based on the cause of the development of such a pathology. To identify the true cause, you should undergo an examination:

  • Both spouses must be tested to detect urogenital infections;
  • They also take a blood test for hormonal research;
  • A woman undergoes a gynecological examination and an ultrasound scan using a transvaginal probe;
  • A man takes a spermogram.

If, after such a study, it was not possible to identify the cause of secondary infertility, then a blood test may be prescribed to detect antisperm antibodies.

If there is a suspicion of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, then the woman should undergo laparoscopy.

If the cause of the problem is a deficiency of progesterone, then hormone therapy and taking vitamins cannot be dispensed with. A prerequisite in this situation will be nutritional adjustment. The diet should include foods such as fish, meat, beans, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits.

If a man was diagnosed with grade 2 infertility, "what is it and what method will be used to treat it?" become an important issue for him. As a rule, the choice of a therapeutic method will depend on the results of the spermogram, which should show how much the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the sperm have decreased.

If there are urinary infectious diseases, the doctor will prescribe etiotropic drugs, as well as immunostimulants and pain relievers. The type of this or that medicine will be selected in accordance with the identified causative agent of the disease. In addition, antiseptic agents can be prescribed for external use.

If a woman has a lack of iodine, then she will be prescribed medicinal complexes that replenish the iodine reserves in the body.

In normal cases, an effective treatment for grade 2 infertility is carried out. IVF can be recommended in exceptional cases.

What does infertility of the 2nd degree mean, how to get pregnant - important tips

With this diagnosis, you can increase fertility by observing the following rules:

  • You need to adhere to a regular sex life, sex should be twice a week;
  • Dramatic weight loss or weight gain is not the best solution;
  • Correct and balanced nutrition and intake of vitamin complexes;
  • Elimination of bad habits;
  • Moderate physical activity;
  • Try to avoid stressful situations;
  • Drink plenty of water;
  • Track ovulation using special pharmacy tests;
  • Do not take pain relievers during ovulation.

Besides, a prerequisite is a healthy sleep and good rest.

Type 2 infertility - what is it and how to deal with it?

Women who cannot get pregnant due to previous pregnancies may be diagnosed with type 2 infertility. There are several reasons for this particular degree.

The causes of secondary infertility

The main factors affecting the development of grade 2 infertility include:

  • Decreased fertility. Usually this problem occurs in women after 40 years. A woman who plans a late pregnancy should be aware that after 35 years of age, the risk of developing infertility increases;
  • Gynecological diseases, inflammation in the cervix, in the vagina, ovaries and fallopian tubes - all this affects the possibility of getting pregnant;
  • Injury to the genitals or undergone surgical operations can also cause the development of secondary infertility in a woman;
  • Type 2 infertility is a consequence of both spontaneous and induced abortions. Due to gynecological curettage, significant damage to the endometrium is caused;
  • Problems with conceiving a child can be diagnosed as a result of poor nutrition. Excessive weight gain or lack of it affects the body's work.

Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of secondary infertility after receiving the examination results. If effective treatment is started on time, then the chances of recovery and successful conception of a child will be great.

Other causes of infertility include:

  • Age-related changes in which fertility decreases;
  • Previous ectopic pregnancies;
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • The presence of uterine fibroids;
  • Development of polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Previously suffered difficult childbirth;
  • Ovarian depletion;
  • The presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • Transferring stress.

A pathological condition such as type 2 infertility is also found in men. It develops for the following reasons:

  • Genital trauma and infection;
  • Chemical or radioactive exposure;
  • Taking antibiotics and hormones of a certain group;
  • Alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse;
  • Unsatisfactory environmental conditions;
  • Inadequate nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle;
  • Constant stress and depression experience.

Infertility type 2 - treatment

Before starting the treatment of secondary infertility, you need to identify the true cause of its occurrence. First you need to be tested and treated. The doctor will tell you about the state of the reproductive system and hormonal levels after receiving the results of the study.

If infertility of 2 unknown genesis is detected, then the doctor will recommend more rest, eat right and try not to get nervous.

In case of hormonal imbalance, the administration of drugs that restore hormonal levels is prescribed.

Procedures such as IVF and ICSI are indicated in case of poor spermogram results, as well as if a woman is allergic to semen and obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

If there are serious hereditary diseases, it will be recommended to use donor biological materials.

Why is treatment needed?

Few people know about such a diagnosis as type 2 infertility. What it is and why you need treatment you have to find out at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Infertility treatment can be carried out in two main ways:

  • Restoration of fertility in a conservative or surgical manner. This can be diet therapy, hormone therapy, physical therapy, or laparoscopy;
  • The use of assisted reproductive technologies. This method is preferred if natural conception is not possible.

The last method of treatment involves the implementation of IVF, ICSI, surrogacy and so on.

Infertility of the 3rd degree - what is it?

Few have heard of such a diagnosis as grade 3 infertility. What is it and what are the methods for solving the problem?

In other words, this pathology is called absolute infertility. There are actually not many reasons for this diagnosis. Most often, doctors are faced with the absence of certain genital organs or their abnormal development.

A diagnosis of grade 3 infertility in women and men indicates a complete loss of the ability to conceive a child. In women, against the background of such a pathology, concomitant diseases appear, for example, chronic endometriosis.

Causes leading to absolute infertility

The main reasons for absolute infertility are:

  • Pathological work of the ovaries;
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • Abnormalities in the development of the uterus;
  • Severe hormonal imbalance;
  • Immunological incompatibility in a married couple;
  • Pathological changes occurring in the oocytes, provoking their death.

Can absolute infertility be cured?

In such situations, IVF would be the most effective solution, especially in cases in which a woman does not have fallopian tubes or has problems with their patency.

If a woman does not have the opportunity to carry her child on her own, then surrogacy will be shown.

Infertility factors - what are they?

When making a diagnosis, doctors take into account the factors of infertility. What is it and what can they be?

Under the influence of many factors, one may encounter one degree or another of infertility. The reproductive system is considered the most complex, and if at least one process is violated, serious consequences can arise. To a large extent, the occurrence of the problem is influenced by poor ecology and constant stressful situations.

Infertility factors - doctors' reviews

  • Irregular or absent menstrual periods can cause infertility. This indicates that pregnancy may not occur due to a violation of one or another process in the body.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases are a predisposing factor. They can cause severe inflammation of the mucous membranes, including the fallopian tubes.
  • Colds and viral diseases in the future can provoke the development of infertility, since the risk of serious complications is high.
  • Due to a disease such as endometriosis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes may occur, which indicates infertility.

Other factors of infertility in women include congenital structural features of the genitals or their mechanical damage, obtained, for example, during an unskilled abortion.

In addition, excess or lack of body weight has a negative effect.

Factors of infertility - what should men worry about?

If the spermogram showed a large number of sedentary sperm, then you should be wary of diagnosing infertility. Only a doctor can assess the severity of the problem, paying attention to the most important indicators of the analysis. If you follow all the prescriptions and recommendations regarding treatment, you can eliminate this problem.

Factors of male infertility can also include excessive physical activity, improper dietary culture, excess weight and the presence of bad habits.

Factors of infertility in women

The most common reasons for the impossibility of conceiving a child include the following factors of infertility in women:

  • Complete or partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • Violation of the process of follicle maturation and ovulation;
  • Development of endometriosis.

Sometimes the exact cause of infertility cannot be established, which is why the doctor is forced to diagnose “unexplained infertility”.

Let's pay attention to each factor separately

  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes can occur when an infection, such as chlamydia, gets in. A woman may not even suspect that she has a chlamydial infection.
  • Abnormal ovulation indicates an irregular menstrual cycle, as well as the fact that the egg is maturing every month. Even if there are no problems with the monthly cycle, ovulation can be irregular. In such situations, in practice, they use a term such as anovulation. Ovulation may also be absent due to polycystic ovary disease.
  • The proliferation of the endometrium or endometriosis is considered a pathological process in which there is a rapid increase in the inner layer of the uterus. This growth can also affect the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Treatment of such a pathology is most often carried out surgically.

The list of factors of infertility in women also includes infertility of unknown etiology. In this case, it may appear due to a psychosomatic illness, which complicates the patient's treatment process.

Factors of infertility in men.

There are a number of factors under the influence of which a man develops infertility. Depending on the stage of the pathology, certain effective methods of treatment are used. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, treatment can be difficult.

There are such factors of infertility in men:

  • Immunological pathologies;
  • Poor spermatogenesis;
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Infectious diseases with serious consequences;
  • Poor environmental conditions, in particular, it concerns air pollution and radioactive impact;
  • Excessive physical activity.

In addition, infertility can be triggered by external influences such as hypothermia or overheating.

IVF factor infertility

IVF is an effective treatment for any form of infertility. Basically, this method is applicable if other therapeutic methods have not helped to solve the problem.

The IVF procedure is successful the first time only in 30% of cases, so you should not hope for a quick 100% result.

What are the factors of infertility? IVF under compulsory medical insurance

An in vitro fertilization procedure can be prescribed if, according to the results of the spermogram, an insufficient volume of sperm is detected, or when there are practically no living sperm in the sample or their pathological structure is noted.

The factors influencing the implementation of IVF under the compulsory medical insurance also include congenital anomalies of the genital organs. If it is not possible to obtain sperm for artificial insemination by the method of masturbation, then for this purpose the doctor makes a puncture. If there is at least one healthy sperm in the sample taken, then the chances of a successful conception will be.

Factors of infertility are taken into account for IVF according to the compulsory medical insurance not only for men, but also for women. To get this opportunity, you need to collect a lot of information and test results.

What conditions must be met in order to authorize IVF under compulsory medical insurance?

Applicants for free IVF have special requirements, namely:

  • The couple does not have to be married, but the man and women must be citizens of the country;
  • You need to issue an OMS policy in advance;
  • The couple or one of the spouses must not have children;
  • The factors of infertility according to the compulsory medical insurance must be proven from a medical point of view;
  • It is necessary to formally prove the ineffectiveness of past therapeutic methods;
  • The woman's age must be at least 39 years old;
  • There should be no contraindications for carrying a pregnancy;
  • It is necessary to confirm the absence of drug and alcohol addiction in both spouses.

If all these requirements are met, then you can prepare for IVF under compulsory medical insurance.

Psychological factor of infertility - treatment is possible?

The most common reasons for the inability to conceive a child include the psychological factor of infertility. Treatment of such a phenomenon is difficult, but if all recommendations are followed, it is possible.

When planning a pregnancy, young married couples do not even think about the possible presence of a problem with conception. When, after several attempts, nothing comes of it, the parents-to-be start looking for factors of infertility. The spouses read the forum and other Internet resources every day, visit all doctors and pass endless tests. In the best case, a problem is discovered and an expensive treatment begins, after which nothing happens again. In such situations, experienced doctors diagnose psychological infertility.

Why does this condition develop?

Long and unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, as well as the immune factor of infertility, cause the appearance of such feelings as:

  • Depression;
  • Insolvency;
  • Inadequacy.

In addition, the desire for self-realization disappears.

All these manifestations are psychological problems of infertility. The woman's psyche is even more depressed if, after expensive treatment, pregnancy does not occur. It is the feeling of oppression that is the barrier to conception.

With a strong overstrain of the nervous system, its automatic protection occurs, manifested as a blockage of reproductive function. Based on this, it is worth arguing that the problem is not biological, but psychological.

Many married couples face this problem, and in most cases they manage to overcome psychological infertility. This requires qualified help from psychologists.

The opinion of psychologists

Experts identify several main reasons for psychological infertility:

  • A traumatic situation for the psyche. Perhaps in the past there was sexual abuse or childhood in a dysfunctional family;
  • Uncertainty in the future. This applies to situations when a woman has not yet figured out what is more important for her - a child or, for example, a career.

Autoimmune factor of infertility - what is it?

The autoimmune factor of infertility is characterized by an unclear etiology. With such a pathology, the work of defense mechanisms is significantly impaired. Sperm in the female body are perceived as foreign bodies, therefore they are neutralized by antisperm cells. This condition can be eliminated if you seek qualified medical help in a timely manner.

When exposed to an autoimmune factor, not only the possibility of conception decreases, but miscarriages occur in early pregnancy.

This factor of infertility can also occur in men. Often the pathology develops after injury to the groin. A man's immunity perceives his sperm cells as foreign cells.

Genetic factors of infertility - what is the impact?

Genetic factors of infertility are a serious problem of genetic infertility. The reason for this severity lies in the mutation of the chromosomes.

Making this diagnosis is based on a change in the number of chromosomes and a violation of their structure. Since pathological chromosomes are not pronounced in the body, both spouses must pass the appropriate analysis.

Modern medicine does not have the possibility of total correction of genetic changes, but if the diagnosis was made correctly, then with the help of correct treatment it is possible to conceive and give birth to a child.

Even if you manage to get pregnant naturally, genetic abnormalities can lead to miscarriage in early pregnancy.

Causes of infertility in women

Many experienced gynecologists believe that infertility is not a disease and can occur in relatively healthy people. Despite this statement, infertility is still treated, and sometimes this treatment lasts for years. In order for the actions to eliminate the problem to be effective, it is necessary to accurately identify the causes of infertility in women.

What can cause the development of such a pathology?

Based on what types of infertility are, the causes and principles of infertility treatment may differ:

  • If the hormonal background is disturbed, on the work of which ovulation and follicle rupture depend, then the release of the egg is not carried out;
  • If there are no fallopian tubes or their patency is impaired, then tubal infertility will be diagnosed;
  • With anatomical changes in the uterus, whether congenital or acquired abnormalities, infertility can also be diagnosed. Often this problem has to be solved by means of ART.

Causes of infertility in men

If a married couple cannot have children, then the reason will not necessarily be in the woman. A lot also depends on the quality of a man's sperm. The doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis only after passing the spermogram.

The performance of this analysis may be unsatisfactory for the following reasons:

  • Development of prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland);
  • Infection;
  • Genetic abnormalities.

Sperm motility can be impaired due to the presence of adhesions or scar formed after surgery. Due to the presence of prostate adenoma, the vas deferens can be narrowed, which also affects the fertilizing ability of a man.

For other reasons, infertility may also be diagnosed. The types and causes of this pathology can be caused by testicular trauma and the presence of congenital anomalies.

A common diagnosis is immune infertility, which also occurs in women. Against the background of this condition, the man develops antibodies that affect the quality of the sperm. Over time, male reproductive cells simply self-destruct.

It's nobody's fault!

Infertility of unknown etiology can occur in both spouses. Such a diagnosis is made by doctors if, after a comprehensive examination, no reasons are found for the impossibility of conceiving a child. In such situations, such a concept as psychological infertility is appropriate. Only experienced psychotherapists can help solve this problem.

What are the symptoms of infertility?

In fact, the symptoms of infertility in women and men do not appear in any way. Doctors make this diagnosis on the basis of anamnesis, examination results, as well as various kinds of studies. Signs of infertility are indicated by certain diseases or pathological conditions of the organs of the reproductive system.

Infertility symptoms

In girls, signs of infertility may appear for the following reasons:

  • Late onset of the menstrual cycle;
  • Its instability;
  • Prolonged monthly cycle;
  • Low-volume menstrual flow;
  • Underweight due to deliberate malnutrition or dieting;
  • Diseases of a congenital or acquired nature;
  • Abortion at a young age.

What are the signs of female infertility?

According to certain signs, you can understand whether there are symptoms of infertility:

  • Amenorrhea;
  • Wobbly nervous system;
  • Depleted or polycystic ovaries
  • Pathology in the ovaries of a chromosomal nature;
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • Hormonal disruptions;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • The presence of adhesions;
  • STDs;
  • Abortion.

If you find yourself with several symptoms from this list, you do not need to diagnose yourself. Perhaps the reason is the development of another disease. Only after a comprehensive examination can final conclusions be drawn.

Signs Indicating Male Infertility Symptoms

Lack of fertilizing ability throughout the year, subject to regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives.

  • Lack of sperm or lack of it;
  • STDs;
  • Other serious illnesses such as diabetes mellitus
  • Swelling in the chest area;
  • Failure of the hormonal system;
  • Genetic diseases;
  • Decreased or absent libido;
  • Atrophic condition of the testicles.

Signs of infertility in women

Signs of infertility in women can develop even during puberty. They usually manifest in this way:

  • The work of the organs of the reproductive system is disrupted;
  • Menstruation begins after age 16;
  • Menstrual flow is scanty;
  • The monthly cycle lasts longer than normal;
  • Menstrual bleeding is irregular;
  • The presence of chronic diseases;
  • Transfer of infectious diseases;
  • Unstable nervous system.

Other manifestations that indicate a problem

Despite the fact that menstrual irregularities are the first possible sign of infertility, it is also worth paying attention to external manifestations:

  • The skin becomes very oily, acne appears;
  • Hair grows on the face, along the abdomen, on the thighs, forearms and other places;
  • Little hair in the pubic area and in the armpits;
  • The production of prolactin. Milk can be excreted even if the woman is not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Signs of infertility in men manifest themselves in a different way. First of all, attention is paid to the indicators of the spermogram.

If there are several signs, the gynecologist can only make assumptions about the presence of a diagnosis of infertility. It can be confirmed only after passing the examination.

Diagnosis of infertility in women and men

The diagnosis of infertility in women begins with the collection of information about the patient by the gynecologist. During the conversation, the doctor determines the following points:

  • When did the first menstruation begin;
  • With what frequency did they pass;
  • What is the duration of the menstrual cycle;
  • Is there any pain during menstruation;
  • Is there any discharge from the mammary glands.

After collecting general information, the doctor asks if there were pregnancies in the past and how they ended. In this case, we mean abortions, childbirth, miscarriages and missed pregnancies.>

Without fail, the doctor will ask if there are hereditary diseases or sexually transmitted diseases.

If a woman goes to the doctor for the first time, then she will need to pass a urine test. According to its results, you can assess the concentration of sex hormones and understand whether there are genital infections.

Methods for determining infertility

There are special methods for determining infertility, these are:

  • Revealing the concentration of estrogen;
  • Control of body temperature by rectal measurement. With the help of this diagnostic method, it is possible to understand whether there is a malfunction of the ovaries and whether ovulation occurs;
  • Test to determine the presence of antisperm bodies. A similar test is also performed if a diagnosis of infertility in men is needed.

If there are adhesions in the internal genital organs of a woman, then colposcopy is used for diagnosis.

If, after the study, endometriosis was detected, then the doctor may prescribe curettage of the inner layer of the uterus with a sample taken for laboratory analysis.

How is male infertility diagnosed?

Diagnostics is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Doctor's consultation and examination;
  • Delivery of spermogram and ultrasound;
  • Delivery of tests for hormones;
  • Identification of urogenital diseases;
  • Screening for the presence of genetic diseases.

Infertility treatment

Treatment of infertility in women and men is conservative and surgical. The choice of one or another therapeutic method depends on the severity of the particular situation.

Drug treatment

  • If hormonal infertility is diagnosed, while there are no adhesions in the fallopian tubes, then drug treatment is used. Using certain medications, you can eliminate disruptions in the hormonal system.
  • Infertility against the background of the development of inflammatory processes is mainly treated by taking antibiotics, for example, ofloxacin, metrogil, metronidazole, etc.
  • When diagnosing immunological infertility, you cannot do without taking corticosteroids and antihistamines.

Infertility treatment - types of surgical interventions

Particularly popular in the field of reproductive surgery are minimally invasive technologies, which include hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. These procedures provide easy access to the abdominal organs and HTA.

  • Laparoscopy is a low-traumatic operation. It is recommended if a woman has adhesions in the fallopian tubes and in the ovarian region. Also, laparoscopy is applicable in the presence of hydrosalpinxes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cysts in the ovaries and other pathologies.
  • Hysteroscopy is prescribed if it becomes necessary to examine the internal uterine walls. The compact device is inserted through the vagina and enables surgical tasks to be performed. With the help of a hysteroscope, tissue samples can be taken for analysis and intrauterine growths removed. In particular, this applies to endometrial polyps and synechia.

Fertility treatments for men

With a combination of classical and modern methods of treatment, an effective result can be achieved.

Based on the indications, the following treatment for infertility in men can be prescribed:

  • If the test results showed a low level of sex hormones, then the treatment will be aimed at increasing the concentration of testosterone. That is, drug treatment will be carried out;
  • With retrograde ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, IVF or ICSI may be required;
  • If the permeability of sperm through the vas deferens is impaired, then microsurgery under ultrasound control is recommended;
  • If the spermogram showed poor activity of germ cells and their non-viability, then the doctor will suggest intracytoplasmic fertilization of the egg.

These are not all fertility treatments. After passing the examination and making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will determine the course of further treatment using certain therapeutic techniques.

Solving infertility problems in a married couple

The solution to the problems of female infertility is necessary in the presence of such forms of pathology:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Tubal obstruction;
  • Disorders of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • Malformations of the uterus and other genital organs;
  • Pathological condition of the endometrium.

Best diagnostic method

In addition to laboratory tests, other diagnostic manipulations are carried out. The most informative method is ultrasound diagnostics. Using a special sensor, you can detect the state of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and, of course, the uterus. You can also see if the follicle ruptured on the day of ovulation.

Infertility is a common problem for spouses

In almost 50% of cases, the cause of infertility is the presence of diseases in both sexual partners. For this reason, it is important to be examined together and preferably in the same period, for a man - by an andrologist, and a woman - by a gynecologist.

The solution to the problems of infertility in the family will depend on the results of tests and examinations. In frequent cases, complex therapy is not complete.

What is the prevention of infertility?

Prevention of infertility in women and men has minor differences, but they are still there.

Diagnosis prevention for women

  • Do not take questionable medications. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then if it is necessary to undergo treatment, you need to consult a doctor about the selection of medicines.
  • In order to prevent infertility, it is worth eating right. If a woman's body suffers from a deficiency of a certain group of vitamins and minerals, then this will certainly affect the reproductive function.
  • When planning a pregnancy, do not take non-prescribed dietary supplements.
  • A woman's body should not be deficient in vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin E and iron.

Prevention of infertility in men

So that a man does not have difficulties with conception, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • It is worth paying attention to proper nutrition. It is necessary to reduce the amount of consumption of such products as beer, beans, dairy products, meat, peas;
  • You can't take hot baths often;
  • Bad habits and stressful situations should be excluded;
  • Physical activity should be moderate;
  • The workplace must be safe in terms of physical activity and chemical exposure;
  • It is necessary to take L-carnitine in order to increase the number of active and fast sperm.

Infertility and IVF - when is this procedure indicated?

In vitro fertilization is a reproductive method by which couples diagnosed with infertility can have children. In frequent cases, this decision is made due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, due to problems with ovulation. It is also recommended to do IVF if the woman is over 45 years old.

If infertility is diagnosed and IVF is the only way to solve the problem, then you need to know how this procedure is performed. Since conception is carried out outside the female body, the first thing that is done is to extract the egg for further fertilization with sperm. After laboratory manipulations, the embryos are implanted into the uterine cavity. For several days, the woman is under medical supervision.

IVF for the treatment of male infertility

If men are diagnosed with serious types of infertility, IVF will be an effective method of treatment.

Indications for IVF:

  • Congenital abnormalities, such as absence of the vas deferens
  • Poor sperm quality and ineffectiveness of treatment to improve its performance;
  • Genetic abnormalities;
  • No sperm in the semen sample.

In many cases, it becomes necessary to use donor sperm for fertilization.>

Infertility and surrogacy, when is it appropriate?

If a woman is diagnosed with infertility, and surrogacy is the only solution to the problem, then you should know in advance what this method is.

The process of surrogacy involves the transfer of embryos obtained by IVF into the woman's uterus, which is not genetically related to them.

There are specific indications for this method of fertility treatment:

  • Congenital or acquired absence of the uterus;
  • Deformation of the uterus or cervix;
  • Incurable intrauterine synechiae;
  • Diseases of the organs of the reproductive system that interfere with the normal bearing of pregnancy;
  • Several unsuccessful IVF attempts.

Permanent infertility - what does it mean?

Permanent infertility is a condition in which the reasons for the impossibility of conceiving a child cannot be eliminated. This diagnosis can be made for both women and men.

Female permanent infertility is often explained by the absence of fallopian tubes through which a mature egg moves from the ovary into the uterine cavity. There may also be other pathologies that make it impossible to conceive and bear a child, for example, a congenital absence of the uterus.

In a man, permanent infertility may be due to the absence of testicles or vas deferens. If you cannot solve the problem even with a surgical method, then you should think about IVF or surrogacy.

Temporary infertility is a fixable diagnosis

Temporary infertility is a condition attributable to transient causes. This concept is also appropriate for women who are breastfeeding and for girls in early puberty.

Based on the name of this form of infertility, it is clear that it remains possible to eliminate the reasons for the impossibility of having children.

Temporary infertility in women and men

For women, this diagnosis can be made as a result of a malfunction of the hormonal system, which entails an irregularity in the menstrual cycle.

In men, the presence of such a pathology can be explained by spermogram indicators, which worsen due to the influence of such external factors:

  • Experiencing constant stress;
  • Lack of protein in the body;
  • Vitamin deficiency;
  • Excessive addiction to alcohol and smoking;
  • Cycling;
  • Strength training, in which a man uses anabolic drugs. In such cases, temporary infertility from testosterone is not uncommon;
  • Work in harmful environmental conditions;
  • Wrong way of eating;
  • Wearing tight clothing, in particular underwear;
  • Frequent heat exposure.

If temporary infertility is identified for one or more of these reasons, then the situation can be corrected by eliminating the necessary influence factor.

What is physiological infertility?

There is such a thing as physiological infertility. Normally, this condition is diagnosed before puberty and after the onset of menopause. Despite this, it should be noted that such physiological infertility is not absolute. Medicine knows cases when girls became pregnant before the start of the first menstruation, and women after several years of extinction of ovarian function.

Physiological infertility is also called the period during which a woman is carrying a child and breastfeeding. But even with breastfeeding, you can get pregnant, although the chances are much less.

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