If often there are nervous breakdowns. What is a nervous breakdown and how to deal with it? Causes of a nervous breakdown

Boilers 22.10.2020

The modern rhythm of life makes us pay more and more attention to our health. Stressful situations, difficulties at work, financial instability, traffic jams in megacities, and, as a result, a nervous breakdown with its unpleasant consequences. This can be avoided if you do not put all these troubles in the foreground, devote more time to family, friends, hobbies and hobbies.

What is a nervous breakdown?

More and more people are faced with this concept. A nervous breakdown is a state of the body that is caused by a reaction to some irritating factor - changes in the usual rhythm of life, stress, problems. Such a diagnosis is called a mental disorder, or neurosis. It is believed that this is a kind of protective reaction on the part of the body, caused by the influence of single or prolonged loads on it. A person is not always able to control his emotions and actions during a neurosis, which can be unpleasant or dangerous for others.

Causes of a nervous breakdown

The reasons for such a state of a person can be all sorts of life situations, for example:

  • stress at work, its absence;
  • difficulties in the family or in personal life;
  • illness;
  • unjustified expectations from something, unfulfilled dreams;
  • dependence on alcohol, computer games, drugs.

Additional factors are the lack of a work and rest regimen, prolonged work at the computer, rare exposure to fresh air and a decrease in immunity. biological system, physical, emotional or mental overload. Frequent nervous breakdowns indicate a serious malfunction of the central nervous system and may be a reason to go to the doctor.

Nervous breakdown - symptoms

A person may sometimes not notice the symptoms of such an overstrain, but it is clearly visible to others. Signs of a nervous breakdown are as follows:

  • headache, ;
  • persistent dry mouth;
  • feeling tired, sleep disturbance;
  • work changes gastrointestinal tractliquid stool, constipation;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • lack of desire for social adaptation in society;
  • anxious thoughts, anxiety;
  • sudden mood swings, irritability and temper tantrums;
  • groundless tantrums;
  • thoughts and talk of suicide.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in women can manifest themselves in menstrual irregularities, which will lead to adverse consequences. For female body sometimes characteristic of postpartum depression, which occurs due to hormonal changes in the body, increased care for the baby and increased responsibility. Often it manifests itself in the form of irritability, tearfulness, apathy, which can lead to more serious consequences. These symptoms may be a sign of a developing psychological disorder. When they appear, you should contact a specialist.

Stages of a nervous breakdown

Depending on the identified symptoms, some stages of this disease are distinguished:

  1. At the first stage, the manifestations of a nervous breakdown may go unnoticed. A person has an increased interest in the world around him, he is full of ideas and energy for their implementation.
  2. The second stage is characterized by fatigue, drowsiness, some agitation, sometimes irritability or indifference.
  3. In the third stage, as a rule, there is indifference to everything that happens, apathy, anger and aggression.

How to deal with a nervous breakdown?

Regardless of the stage of the disease, treatment of a neurological disorder should be started as soon as possible. How to cope with a nervous breakdown, a competent doctor will tell you. The first step is to identify the source of the disease and eliminate it. An experienced psychotherapist selects an individual course of treatment. If the patient is not dangerous to others, then the treatment is carried out at home, with loved ones.

Nervous breakdown - treatment

To begin with, you should adjust your lifestyle - adjust the diet, rest and work:

  1. How to treat a nervous breakdown - spend more time in nature, make contact with people around you. You can do exercises, choose measured courses of yoga and Pilates, breathing exercises help well.
  2. It is necessary to exclude, as well as drinks containing caffeine.
  3. You should take care of yourself, visit friends and family more often, devote more time to your hobbies.
  4. It is worth avoiding stressful situations, or try to change your attitude towards them.
  5. Perhaps the appointment of immunomodulatory drugs or vitamins to raise the overall tone of the body.
  6. In some cases, treatment can be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor using stronger substances.
  7. Patients can be interviewed or trained with the participation of a psychologist.
  8. As medicines, decoctions from herbs of chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort and hawthorn are sometimes recommended, which have a calming effect and stop a single nervous breakdown.

Herbal infusion for nervous breakdown


  • thyme - 5 g;
  • chamomile - 5 g;
  • hawthorn - 5 g;
  • St. John's wort - 5 g;
  • boiling water - 400 ml.


  1. Pour boiling water over all ingredients.
  2. Let it brew for half an hour.
  3. Strain and take 50 ml before meals twice a day.

How to strengthen the nerves after a nervous breakdown?

After eliminating the source of the disease, it is possible to use complex therapy. Treatment after a nervous breakdown is to prevent neurological disorders. In some cases, a change of scenery, a trip to the sea and the rejection of bad habits will be useful. Helps to strengthen the nerves physical exercises, being outdoors, following the daily routine, good nutrition and sleep, communication with loved ones, the use of natural vitamins - fruits or vegetables. To rule out health problems, you need to know how to avoid a nervous breakdown.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

Problems with the nervous system can affect a person’s future career - it becomes difficult to concentrate, make a decision and process information. In addition to the brain, the kidneys and the cardiovascular system suffer - the risk of arrhythmia and atherosclerosis increases, and blood pressure rises. As a result of the aggression that has appeared, relations in the family can deteriorate. The consequences of a nervous breakdown in women are much more serious than in men - there are problems with the reproductive system. During pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Nervous breakdown and depression

A nervous breakdown can be a sign of depression, or vice versa. This condition is characterized by irritability, aggression, lack of desire to communicate and do anything. Often this syndrome is protracted. He is being treated by a psychotherapist. If necessary, he prescribes various drugs and antidepressants for a nervous breakdown. No matter how difficult life situations occur, it is important to find strength and not push yourself to the limit.

From destruction.

A nervous breakdown appears as a result of accumulated negative emotions in the process of frequent neuropsychic stress, constant stress and traumatic events, depression, excessive anxiety and neuroses.

Prevention of nervous breakdowns

To avoid nervous breakdowns in your life, you need to take simple preventive measures - first of all - learn not to accumulate negative energy in your psyche and, if something has already accumulated, then learn to work out these negatives on your own and in time.

Simple rules for the prevention of nervous breakdowns:

  • Avoid, if possible, stressful (conflict) situations, or change your attitude towards them;
  • In order not to accumulate negative energy, do mental hygiene: use relaxation techniques and work off the accumulated negatives;
  • Trite to monitor your physical health and nutrition;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle: get rid of bad habits;
  • Raise your self-esteem, raise your life “I”-position and simply love yourself;
  • Correctly structure your time: do not bring yourself to "emotional burnout" at work and psychophysical overstrain at home - take time to rest (sleep).
  • Get rid, if any, of neuroses and depressive disorders;
  • Get rid of excessive anxiety and suspiciousness - change thinking
  • visit periodically

A nervous breakdown is an acute period of stress in which the nervous system is maximally excited and a person can literally lose control over himself and his actions. Subsequently, this can be a serious violation of the body and lifestyle of a person.

On the this moment nervous exhaustion is one of the acute manifestations of a stressful situation and neurosis.

With a nervous breakdown, a person loses control of himself, due to feelings of fear, anxiety, resentment or pain, emotions take precedence over common sense. Often in such situations, a person can commit a rash act or harm himself.

Literally, nervous exhaustion is a response or defensive reaction to severe or prolonged stress. In this case, not only the nervous system can suffer, but also other systems and organs of a person, primarily the immune and cardiovascular. It is known that people who often experience stress, are in an excited nervous state, are more prone to infectious diseases and are at risk of heart attack or stroke.

A nervous breakdown can be called a kind of leverage that appears when the nervous strain in the body reaches its peak. If for nervous system this is an opportunity to get rid of accumulated energy, through screaming, tears, etc., then it can be dangerous for other body systems and human life.

During nervous exhaustion, a person can harm himself, it is at this moment that thoughts of suicide appear, the desire to change his life, to do something, most often not positive. Due to frequent nervous breakdowns, a person can develop phobias, neurosis, depression and psychological disorders.

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The causes of a nervous breakdown can be varied. For each person, they are usually different, but can be based on the same factors.

It is known that the body's resistance to stress, neuroses and nervous breakdowns quite strongly depends on the nature of the person. Vulnerable and impressionable people with an unstable psyche are most susceptible to this. Stress occurs more often than others in respectable, punctual and responsible people, especially those with low self-esteem.

Factors in the development of a nervous breakdown can be:

  • personality traits that developed in childhood, especially if the child was under the total control of parents, high results were required of him;
  • the presence in the pedigree of people with an unstable psyche, mental and neurological diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • infectious diseases of the brain;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • insufficient rest, sleep disturbance;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • taking alcohol and drugs.

All these factors may not affect the health of the nervous system, unless a kind of “lever” appears. Various factors can act as a lever in a nervous breakdown:

  1. Nervous tension. It occurs with prolonged nervous strain due to the occurrence of a prolonged stressful state. A person's stock of possible resistance to stress is depleted and he "breaks down". Signs of nervous exhaustion can be both noticeable to others (unstable mood, frequent tears for no reason, breakdown on loved ones), and hidden in a person (self-aggression).
  2. Problems in personal life. Separation, divorce, betrayal are among the most common causes of a nervous breakdown.
  3. Difficulties in the family. prolonged illness loved one or his death, difficulty in communicating with loved ones and children, dissatisfaction with his spouse, parents, financial difficulties can adversely affect a person’s mental health.
  4. working or study conditions. A person may have a nervous breakdown due to high demands to him, ridicule or frequent remarks, with an uncomfortable and difficult work schedule, with an unloved job.
  5. A state of anxiety and fear. At the same time, a strong feeling of fear or anxiety can lead to a nervous breakdown. It can occur if a person has been attacked by an animal or another person, constant physical or psychological violence.

In the acute phase, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in a person can be detected very clearly. This is crying, a strong tantrum, loss of control over your words and actions. But this may not always be the case. In most cases, a nervous breakdown develops rather slowly, and only during a period of cerebral overexcitation can emotions come out.

Signs of exhaustion of the nervous system can manifest themselves at three levels.

Psychological level. With a nervous breakdown, a person becomes very irritable and vulnerable. Even the slightest discomfort can cause an emotional upset. It can be a bright light or a certain noise, sound. The actions of another person or the slightest independent mistake can cause violent negative emotions.

During a nervous breakdown, a person quickly gets tired, he is absent-minded, unable to concentrate even on the slightest action, but at the same time he is fussy and impatient. In actions, there is indecision and fear of making a mistake. The mood becomes very unstable, its changes are sometimes incomprehensible even to the person himself, control over emotions can be completely lost. The score falls sharply, but in some cases a person may overestimate his capabilities.

physical level. They are based on disruption of the nervous and, in some cases, the immune system. A person with a nervous breakdown may experience pressure surges and headaches up to a migraine. There are inexplicable pains in the abdomen, chest, heart. Due to pressure surges, “flies” may appear before the eyes, and vision may fall. A person begins to take great care of his health or, conversely, refuse treatment.

With nervous exhaustion, serious violations of sexual and sexual health are observed. In women, the cycle can go astray or menstruation completely disappears, and men begin to suffer from impotence.

During the acute phase of a nervous breakdown, the temperature may rise, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation may begin. Significantly increased blood pressure and heart rate. There is a threat of a heart attack.

behavioral level. A nervous breakdown in a person can negatively affect his loved ones and, especially, his family. During a nervous breakdown, a person loses his temper, can be rude, whiny, hysterical, in some cases use physical force. Anger can be replaced by hysteria and self-flagellation attempts. A person cannot normally explain his behavior and cope with emotions.

Before treating nervous exhaustion, it is necessary to find the causes and risk factors for a nervous breakdown. This is necessary in order to avoid repeated stressful situations in the future.

With frequent nervous breakdowns or a violation due to some serious stress (divorce, death of a loved one, a sharp change in living conditions), a person needs the help of a specialist. In these cases, a psychiatrist should treat the patient. In most cases, the help of a psychologist is sufficient. It helps to identify the problem and get rid of it on a verbal level, protecting yourself from further consequences.

With constant stress and frequent nervous breakdowns, you can add variety to your life. Preparations for the treatment of nervous exhaustion can be replaced by the following rules:

  • follow the daily routine and have good rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • eat properly and nutritiously;
  • if necessary, change jobs or take a long vacation with a mandatory change of scenery;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes, in no case use any drugs;
  • reduce the consumption of coffee and strong tea;
  • try to avoid stressful situations.

Psychologists recommend that with frequent neuroses, try to find time for your favorite hobby and spend more time with friends and family. For mental health, any activity that allows a person to relax will be beneficial. One of the most popular therapies today is drawing. It helps a person to be distracted and concentrate on something else.

In severe mental disorders, after a nervous breakdown, it is necessary drug treatment. It can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Self-medication can be hazardous to health. In the treatment of neurosis, a wide range of sedatives, vitamin complex, antipsychotics and antidepressants. In serious situations, when depression and phobias occur, tranquilizers, nootropics and inpatient treatment can be used.

In a child, a nervous breakdown can happen quite often, in some cases even more often than in an adult. Any nervous tension kindergarten or school can cause a child to develop mentally threatening symptoms.

Children have the following symptoms of nervous exhaustion:

  1. Hysterics. The younger the child, the more excitable and vulnerable his nervous system. At a young age, the child is able to be excited by any irritating factor. In children, hysteria can manifest itself in different ways: one child may cry or scream, the other simply “loses his temper”, begins to be rude, scatter toys, start a fight, often even with adults, beat his head against the walls or floor (often this happens with small children). children).
  2. Quiet hysteria. This is a rather dangerous condition for the psyche of the child. If in the first case he splashes his emotions out through screams and tears, then during a period of quiet hysteria, the child hides his emotions. It can calm down, stop, literally “turn to stone”. The consequences of a quiet tantrum can turn into auto-aggression: the child begins to bite his nails hard, tear his hair, pinch and inflict other damage on himself.
  3. Violations of the body.

After nervous exhaustion or during its period, the child may experience the following symptoms of disruption of the body:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • redness of the skin;
  • pressure rise;
  • temperature rise;
  • chills;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • loss or increase in appetite, etc.

When the first signs of a nervous breakdown appear in a child, parents should take calming measures and help the child recover.

When any conflict appears, it is necessary to switch the child's attention to another object or problem, to interest him in some business, to divert attention. In no case should you provoke a child into an even greater conflict.

If nervous exhaustion could not be avoided, it is necessary to minimize the harmful effects of hysteria on the child and calm him down. One of the most effective methods is the method of mirror aggression. An adult needs to “pretend to be” a child and literally repeat all his actions after him: cry, scatter toys, call names, roll on the floor or hide in a corner. Firstly, it surprises the child, and secondly, he sees himself from the outside.

If the tantrum has reached its peak and the child simply cannot calm down on his own, it is enough to splash cold water in his face.

Water washes away negative energy and makes it possible to normalize pressure and body temperature. If possible, it is necessary to protect the child from all things that he can harm or harm himself with.

After the child calms down, it is necessary to drink warm sweet tea with a few drops of a sedative. If nervous breakdowns or tantrums are repeated in the baby quite often, you should consult a doctor and take a course of sedatives or herbal teas.

The benefits of proper nutrition

Scientists conducted an experiment that proved that the state of the nervous system and the tendency to stress and nervous breakdowns can directly depend on human nutrition. An insufficient amount nutrients and a monotonous diet reduces the level of immunity and disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, which can lead to nervous overexcitation, especially in women during diets.

A deficiency in the body of B vitamins and trace elements of zinc and magnesium can provoke the appearance of stress. Flavorings and preservatives, as well as various artificial fillers and dyes, also have a negative effect on a person's peace of mind. For example, it has been observed that the dye contained in packaged orange juice can leach zinc from the body in large quantities, which makes a person less resistant to stress.

If a person is allergic, he is not recommended to consume allergenic foods in large quantities. Eggs, some types of fish, seafood, citrus fruits, red fruits, honey, mangoes, etc. can provoke the release of the hormone serotonin into the blood. Serotonin can increase arousal during a nervous breakdown, so it is contraindicated in people prone to stress. But dark chocolate, which is also an allergen, is allowed in small quantities.

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With nervous exhaustion, one should not consume large amounts of coffee and strong tea, any carbonated and artificial drinks. It is better to replace them with compotes, freshly squeezed juices and teas with soothing herbs.

In case of nervous breakdowns, it is recommended to use foods that contain large amounts of B vitamins and a large number of trace elements. It can be hard cheeses, red meat, greens, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Especially useful during this period folic acid, which is found in large quantities in green plants.


An acute temporary disorder with symptoms of depression and loss of control over actions is a nervous breakdown. At risk are excitable, sensitive people. More often, nervous breakdowns occur in women due to their emotional weakness. Such disorders are dangerous for the development of not only psychological abnormalities, but also some diseases.

Stages of development of emotional stress

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in a person do not appear all at once. This disorder is characterized by gradual development. The main stages of development of emotional stress:

What is the danger of a nervous breakdown

Digestive and heart problems, pressure surges, headache are typical symptoms of a nervous breakdown. They do not pass without a trace for physical health. Its connection with the emotional sphere has been proven by research. One indicator is white coat syndrome, in which a person's blood pressure rises when they see a doctor.

Consequences can occur after a different amount of time. It all depends on the course of the disorder itself. It goes through the following stages:

  1. Accumulation of fatigue and stress. A person takes on too much, but does not cope. When in this state long time(from a few days to a couple of years) a second stage may develop.
  2. Directly breakdown, when there is a surge of emotions. The condition lasts from a couple of minutes to several hours.
  3. Fatigue, in which a person can neither think nor even move. He may not respond to external stimuli. The consequences develop either immediately after the breakdown, or after a few days, weeks or even months.

At the physiological level

Nervous breakdown affects the hormonal background, heart, digestion, genitals

With a strong depletion of the body, the following pathologies can develop:

  • anorexia, bulimia;
  • severe form of gastritis;
  • drug or alcohol addiction;
  • pressure surges;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • headache.

On the psychological

Less significant violations are observed on the part of the psyche. To possible consequences disruption in this group of complications include:

  • disorders in the sexual sphere;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • development of various phobias;
  • affective insanity;
  • severe anxiety;
  • aggression, attacks on loved ones;
  • mental disorders.

The consequences of a nervous breakdown for certain categories of persons

Most people with a nervous breakdown without treatment develop emotional exhaustion. Some categories of patients are particularly susceptible to the development of such disorders and their complications. These patients include:

  • Children. They are especially prone to nervous disorders due to an incompletely formed psyche. Besides, in childhood her parents strongly influence her.
  • Teenagers. The immature psyche is affected by hormonal changes.
  • Pregnant women. The psyche is affected by hormonal changes, as well as relationships with the father of the child.

For kids

Children older than 3 years are more susceptible to such disruptions. Even a simple move or a quarrel in the family can cause mental problems. The consequences of a breakdown can be:

  • stuttering;
  • lag in physical and mental development;
  • the formation of phobias;
  • development of persistent neuroses.

For teenagers

Adolescence begins a transitional period when puberty. It also affects nervous activity: the processes of excitation begin to predominate over inhibition. Mental imbalance due to experiences and increased emotionality increase the risk of nervous breakdowns. They can cause the following effects:

  • suicidal tendencies;
  • family problems;
  • aggressiveness, irritability;
  • neuropsychic exhaustion;
  • decrease in academic performance;
  • deterioration of contacts with society;
  • the acquisition of bad habits;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • insomnia;
  • weight problems.

Nervous breakdowns: symptoms, consequences and how to protect yourself from them

Any mechanism has its own tensile strength, and the nervous system is no exception. Even the strongest in spirit sometimes can not withstand the constant pressure of stress. When tension becomes unbearable, the body defends itself: this condition is called a nervous breakdown.

What causes a nervous breakdown

Oddly enough, a nervous breakdown is a defensive reaction to emotional or mental overload. However, a nervous breakdown is a colloquial designation for a phenomenon that doctors call an exacerbation of neurosis.

The causes of a nervous breakdown are different. It can be caused by both long-term exposure to a stressful situation, and some unexpected traumatic event. Most often, a nervous breakdown is caused by:

  • Constant mental or physical overwork - at work or while studying.
  • Loss of loved ones.
  • Failures in personal life, long-term traumatic relationships, quarrels in the family.
  • The rupture of friendship, family or love relationships.
  • Unfavorable psychological situation in the house or team.
  • Serious financial problems.
  • Dismissal.
  • Unbearable responsibility.

All of these reasons are negative, but a nervous breakdown can also be the result of such changes that, it seems, should please - a wedding or the birth of a child, a long-awaited promotion, a move.

Of course, everyone has a different level of stress tolerance. Some endure the collapse of life plans easily, while others are literally knocked down by failures. This is no coincidence and, as a rule, has nothing to do with willpower or the ability to think positively. There are risk factors:

  • Cases of mental illness in the family (especially schizophrenia).
  • Previously diagnosed depression.
  • Anxious personality type.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Cardiovascular diseases, including VSD.
  • Use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Lack of certain vitamins and minerals - primarily vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and some amino acids.

Most often, people suffer from nervous breakdowns between the ages of 30 and 40 - this is the most intense and productive period of life.

When the secret becomes clear: signs of an approaching exacerbation

For others, a nervous breakdown often seems sudden and unexpected. However, in fact, it does not arise “out of the blue”. There are signs that suggest the approach of a nervous breakdown.

A nervous breakdown is not a moment, but a process that is divided into several stages.

First stage characterized by some feverish revival - a person suddenly becomes optimistic (sometimes unreasonably), working capacity and endurance increase, but at the same time anxiety and anxiety do not disappear anywhere - on the contrary, they also increase. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by insomnia, a slight increase in body temperature, and a slight tremor.

Second stage- this is the expected nervous and physical exhaustion, which leads to violent activity in the first stage. If at first it seemed to a person that one had only to try - and all problems would be solved, now disappointment and irritation come. A person breaks down over trifles, suffers from sleep disorders (insomnia or frequent nocturnal awakenings), the second stage of a breakdown is characterized by attacks of accelerated heartbeat, headaches, nervousness, spleen and melancholy, memory impairment, panic attacks are possible.

Third stage- this is the peak of experiences. The person comes to the conclusion that all efforts are useless. Self-esteem falls, the ability to enjoy life is lost, apathy and depression are possible. For the third stage, cardiovascular symptoms are typical - dizziness, heart palpitations, increased pressure, as well as gastrointestinal disorders - loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Sexual desire disappears, women lose their menstrual cycle.

If you listen to yourself, it is quite possible to "catch" a nervous breakdown long before it happens and take action. It is necessary to do this, since a nervous breakdown never goes unnoticed.

Consequences are more dangerous than you think

The whole process of developing nervous exhaustion can take several weeks or months. However, its consequences make themselves felt much longer - full rehabilitation sometimes stretches for years.

People who have experienced at least one nervous breakdown are more likely to suffer from panic attacks, phobias, intrusive thoughts. The physical condition also suffers: hypertension, persistent headaches, chronic insomnia, heart rhythm and metabolism disorders develop.

A nervous breakdown is a severe test not only for the one on whom he fell, but also for his loved ones. In a state of breakdown, people often commit rash and unreasonable actions. A nervous breakdown has destroyed many careers and families, it can scare away friends and acquaintances - after all, relatives do not always understand why a calm and friendly person suddenly became aggressive, picky and indifferent to everything, they tend to take it personally.

Can breakdowns be avoided?

Since a nervous breakdown is the result of a long stay in a stressful situation, in order to avoid it, you need to get out of this situation. Of course, it is easier to give such advice than to follow it, but this is the only guaranteed way to avoid a breakdown. If you feel that tension is steadily growing, do not put off a visit to a specialist - a course of psychotherapy will help you tune in to change and start transforming your life.

Lifestyle also plays a significant role in reducing the risk of a nervous breakdown. To avoid this situation, try:

  • Stick to the regime - eat small meals several times a day and go to bed at the same time.
  • Do not drink alcohol, do not take drugs and do not smoke, drink less coffee and energy drinks.
  • Take anti-stress vitamin complexes that contain all the substances necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Learn to relax. Allocate at least an hour of rest a day and do only what brings you pleasure - turn off the phone and lie in the bath, go for a walk, watch your favorite movie, do yoga.
  • Listen to yourself. Don't confuse this with introspection. To prevent a breakdown, you need to be aware of your feelings, do not convince yourself that everything is in order if you understand that the atmosphere is heating up, and do not delay to the last with the treatment of nervous strain.

How to reduce the risk of exacerbation of stressful conditions and nervous disorders

The good news is that overstretched nerves can be treated, and the sooner you start therapy, the lower the risk of a breakdown. The therapy includes medical preparations, and lifestyle changes, and these approaches are not interchangeable - you will need a comprehensive treatment, the only way to be sure of its success.

Non-drug approach

Physical exercise. They improve performance of cardio-vascular system, saturate the muscles and the brain with oxygen, as a result, cognitive functions improve - memory, performance, ability to concentrate. Sports or fitness activities relieve muscle tension that always accompanies nervous overload, and contribute to the production of neurotransmitters responsible for a good mood.

Relaxation. With the help of relaxation techniques, you can switch attention, get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxieties. These techniques include yoga and meditation, aromatherapy, massage, color therapy. Warm relaxing baths can also help.

Psychotherapy. Perhaps the most effective non-drug method of dealing with stress. Contrary to a common misconception, the psychotherapist does not tell the patient what to do - he only helps to discover hidden resources, get rid of fears and doubts, determine his true attitude to the problem and change it.

Pharmacological approach

Symptomatic drugs with mild sedation. To improve concentration and memory, it is recommended to take glycine - this amino acid is necessary for correct operation nervous system. Heart attacks are well relieved by Corvalol, which also has a slight sedative effect.

Herbal anti-stress preparations. Soothing herbal extracts act gently but reliably. Therefore, in difficult periods of life, it is worth keeping on hand valerian or medicines that contain motherwort, lemon balm, chamomile or sage. It is also useful to drink a soothing herbal tea in the evenings instead of the classic tea with tonins.

Vitamins and minerals. There are many vitamin complexes specifically for such cases. They contain high doses of B vitamins, as well as vitamin E, calcium, potassium and magnesium. All these substances increase stress resistance and the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, plant extracts with a sedative effect are sometimes added to such complexes.

Homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements. The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies is debatable, but even opponents of this method admit that they can help with nervous disorders. Perhaps there is a placebo effect here, but any doctor will confirm: if the patient believes in the effectiveness of the pill, the effect is actually more pronounced.

Prescription drugs. If the situation is neglected and a nervous breakdown has already occurred, the doctor may prescribe potent drugs - antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers. There are many such funds. side effects and strict contraindications, and they can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor who, based on the results of the tests, will adjust the dose. These drugs are prescribed only when we are talking about a direct danger to the psyche, for example, with severe depression.

OTC drugs with a complex therapeutic effect. An alternative to prescription drugs are products designed specifically to relieve stress and improve mood. They are more effective than herbal remedies, but do not have those side effects and contraindications that are typical for heavy drugs. They have a complex effect - they improve sleep, memory, performance and mood, relieve anxiety. These drugs include "Afobazol" and some other drugs. They are more effective than herbal remedies, but do not have those side effects and contraindications that are typical for heavy drugs. They have a complex effect - they improve sleep, memory, performance and mood, relieve anxiety. These drugs include "Afobazol" and some other drugs.

A frivolous attitude to one's health is unacceptable, everyone understands this. A person goes to the doctor if he tingles in his side, but at the same time he believes that such symptoms of stress as irritability, tearfulness, constant fatigue, insomnia and anxiety will “dissolve” by themselves. At best, people drink painkillers for migraines, sleeping pills for insomnia, and relaxing herbal teas for blues. But for a long time there have been drugs for a comprehensive fight against all manifestations of stress - they not only relieve symptoms, but also “repair” the affected nerve endings, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and prevent the occurrence of nervous breakdowns in the future.

These drugs include, in particular, "Afobazol" - a medicine for the normalization of the nervous system. "Afobazol" helps not only those who suffer from nervous breakdowns. It is indicated for sleep disorders, irritability, anxiety, low mood, irritability. "Afobazole" facilitates the course of menopause and PMS (reduces psychological symptoms), supports physical and nervous overload, is used in the complex treatment of neurosis and depression. The effectiveness of Afobazol has been confirmed by more than 80 studies involving about 4,500 patients.

Being an anti-anxiety drug, it does not cause drowsiness and lethargy, it can be taken even if you drive a car or work with complex machinery. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to take Afobazole in courses of 2-4 weeks. Before starting the course, you should consult with your doctor.

Scheme of dealing with disruptions

At the very first stage of a nervous breakdown, you can get by with small measures - try to establish a daily routine, give yourself time for relaxation, start taking herbal medicines. sedatives- valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, as well as vitamins.

At the second stage, over-the-counter anti-stress drugs and glycine should be added to these funds to support the nervous system. It would be useful to make an appointment with a psychotherapist or psychologist.

At the third stage, psychotherapy is no longer just desirable, but necessary. You may need more serious prescription drugs.

Undoubtedly, in order to develop a treatment regimen, you need to consult a doctor - a psychiatrist, neurologist or psychoneurologist. However, most people believe that stress is a common thing, and you should not go to the clinic with such problems. Such an approach is a direct road to a nervous breakdown and long, difficult and expensive treatment.

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